Technology For Teaching and Learning II

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Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name:Aljay O. Patricio Date Started: 05/03/24

Course & Section:BTLEd 3-B Date Submitted:05/06/24
Activity No. : 2 Rating:

Cascading of Intended Learning Outcomes

Instruction: Complete the table below by providing data for the program and course
intended learning outcomes.

Note: Provide a short discussion on your answer.


Institutional Intended Program Intended Course Intended Learning

Learning Outcome Learning Outcome Outcome
Apply advanced research Analyzing market trends and
Produce high-impact methodologies to identify user needs to identify
technologies from research and analyze emerging trends opportunities for innovation
and innovations. in technology in various industries.

Intensify human capability Demonstrate enhanced skills Design a development plans

development for research in critical thinking, problem- to enhance the skills,
and innovation. solving, and decision-making knowledge, and
to effectively contribute to competencies of research and
research and innovation innovation professionals
Demonstrate the ability to
Develop and sustain a culture Evaluating the impact of conduct independent
of research and innovation. research and innovation research by formulating
initiatives on organizational research questions, designing
growth and sustainability. methodologies, and
interpreting and presenting
findings effectively.

Short Discussion:

In creating a program and course intended learning outcomes is a crucial step in designing an
effective educational curriculum. Intended learning outcomes define what students are
expected to achieve by the end of the program or course. Course and program intended learning
outcomes play a crucial role in guiding teaching and learning processes, fostering student
success, and maintaining educational quality. By clearly defining what students are expected to
achieve, educators can create meaningful learning experiences that empower students to reach
their full potential and become successful professionals in the field. Like for example on my
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

answers which it shows that it has aligned on what is the intended learning outcomes of each
course and program. Outcomes should be clear, specific, and measurable. They should clearly
articulate what students will be able to do, know, or demonstrate after completing the program
or course. As well as, learning outcomes should be relevant to real-world situations and
applicable to future careers or further academic pursuits. By carefully crafting program and
course intended learning outcomes, educators can ensure that their curriculum is purposeful,
impact, and conducive to student success. Effective learning outcomes set clear expectations,
guide instruction and assessment, and ultimately enhance the educational experience.

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