THESIS - Saleha Fatima

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Project submitted to
St. Ann's College for Women, Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad

In partial fulfilment of the requirement

For the award of the degree of

Under the guidance of

Department of Nutrition

St. Ann’s College for Women

Autonomous, (Affiliated to Osmania University)

Accredited 'A+' Grade by NAAC (3d cycle),

College with Potential for Excellence by UGC,

Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad- 500 028.


This is to certify that dissertation titled, “A Comparative Analysis of

Nutritional Composition and Shelf life of Homemade and Commercial
Soymilk: A Laboratory Study”, submitted by Saleha Fatima, for the
partial fulfillment of the Degree of Master of Science in MSc. Clinical
Nutrition and Dietetics, St. Ann’s College for Women, Hyderabad is a
record of bonafide research work carried out by her under my direct
supervision & guidance. I considered that this thesis has reached the
standards and fulfilling the requirements of the rules and regulations
relating to the nature of the degree. The assistance and help received during
the course of the investigation has fully been acknowledged.

Date: 19-01-2024

Place: Hyderabad

Dr. Meena Kumari Patangay Ms. Nasreen Begum

Dean of Administration, Project Guide,

Head of Department Assistant Professor
Department of Nutrition Department of Nutrition

St. Ann’s College for Women St. Ann’s College for

Women Women
Mehdipatnam, Mehdipatnam,
Hyderabad Hyderabad.


I declare that the presented thesis represents largely my own ideas and work in my
own words. Whether others’ ideas or words have been included, I have adequately
cited and listed in the reference materials. The thesis has been prepared without
resorting to plagiarism. I have adhered to all principles of academic honesty and
integrity. No falsified or fabricated data have been presented in the thesis. I
understand that any violation of the above will cause for disciplinary action by the
institute, including revoking the conferred degree, if conferred, and can also evoke
penal action from the sources which have not been properly cited or from whom
proper permission has not been taken.

DATE- 19-01-2024
PLACE- Hyderabad


First of all, I would like to thank the Almighty, the author of knowledge and wisdom.
He is the one who grant us with all the knowledge and strength of doing things that
we are not worthy of doing. The compilation of this thesis was a daunting task which
was eventually made easy with the grace of Almighty. I would like to express my
loving thanks to my family members for their constant encouragement and support
given in completing my project work successfully. I express my heartfelt gratitude
and sincere thanks to Principal of my College, Dr. Sister A.Vijaya Rani for giving me
permission to carry out the research conveniently and easily. I would also like to
thank the Head of the Department, Dr. Meena Patangay for her constant support and
encouragement throughout my curriculum. I am heartily thankful to my lecturer and
project supervisor, Ms. Nasreen Begum, Senior Lecturer of the Department of
Nutrition at, St. Ann's College for Women, whose guidance and support from the
beginning to the end enabled me to complete my research successful. My heartfelt
thanks extend to the co-guide team and statisticians who played pivotal roles in the
statistical analysis of my project. Their expertise and assistance at every step of my
research were instrumental in framing and presenting the findings effectively.




LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………….7

LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………...8



CHAPTER 2: AIMS & OBJECTIVES…………………….......17


CHAPTER 4: METHODOLOGY……………………………...39


CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION…………………………………56




PBMA Plant Based Milk Alternatives

PBB Plant Based Beverages

WSM Whole Soyabean Milk

ISMS Industry Scale Microfluidizer System

SPME-GCMS Solid Phase Microextraction Gas Chromatography

SME Small and Medium Enterprise

MAE Microwave Assisted Extraction

SM Soyabean Milk

FSM Fermented Soyabean Milk

SFSM Sterilized Fermented Soyabean Milk

DHSB Dehulled Soyabean



Table 4.1 Acidity of Homemade Soymilk 40

Table 4.2 Acidity of Commercial Soymilk 40

Table 5.1 Analysis of proximate principles of homemade 43


Table 5.2 Mineral analysis of homemade soymilk 43

Table 5.3 Shelf life evaluation of homemade soymilk 48

Table 5.4 Shelf life evaluation of commercial soymilk 48

The tabular representation of Shelf life
Table 5.5 Homemade Soymilk and Commercial Soymilk 49
of different parameters across different methods
Comparison of several parameters of sensory
Table 5.6 evaluation between homemade and commercial 51



Figure 5.1 Nutritional Composition of Commercial Soymilk 44

Bar graph of comparison of Energy between
Figure 5.2 Homemade and Commercial Soymilk 44
Bar graph comparison of Total carbohydrate
Figure 5.3 between Homemade and Commercial Soymilk 45
Bar graph of comparison of Protein between
Figure 5.4 Homemade and Commercial Soymilk 45
Bar graph of comparison of Total fat between
Figure 5.5 Homemade and Commercial Soymilk 46
Bar graph of comparison of Dietary fibre
Figure 5.6 between Homemade and Commercial Soymilk 46
Bar graph of comparison of Calcium between
Figure 5.7 Homemade and Commercial Soymilk 47
Bar graph of comparison of Iron between
Figure 5.8 Homemade and Commercial Soymilk 47
Bar graph of comparison of acidity soymilk and
Figure 5.9 Commercial soymilk 49
Bar graph of comparison between several
Figure 5.10 parameters between homemade and commercial 51


Background: The growing popularity of plant-based diets has propelled soymilk

to the forefront of alternative milk options, compelling a diverse consumer base
seeking sustainable and cruelty-free alternatives to traditional dairy. Soymilk is a
standout among plant-based milks, praised for its nutritional value and versatility.
Recognizing the prevalence of both homemade and commercial soymilk options, this
study conducts a comparative investigation to discover their nutritional specifics,
shelf life viability, and sensory characteristics.
Understanding the differences between homemade and commercial soymilk is
becoming increasingly important as consumers shift toward plant-based alternatives.
This study aims to elucidate their nutritional compositions, evaluate microbial
stability during storage, and assess sensory preferences, providing valuable insights
for informed dietary choices in the evolving landscape of plant-based milk
Objectives: The primary objectives of this study are twofold: first, to conduct a
comprehensive comparative analysis of the nutritional composition of homemade
and commercial soymilk, with a focus on key macronutrients and micronutrients; and
second, to assess the shelf life dynamics of both variants through a meticulous
examination of their microbial stability over a four-week storage period. The
secondary motives of this study are to compare the acidity content of the two milk
samples and to assess their sensory attributes.
Methodology: A meticulous approach was used to achieve the outlined objectives.
Nutritional analyses included proximate principles which included total fat, protein,
total carbohydrates, energy, and dietary fiber, as well as calcium and iron mineral
assessments. Microbiological tests were performed four times over a period of four
weeks to determine shelf life, using established standards for total viable count,
yeast, and mold. Sensory evaluations for appearance, texture, taste, aroma, and
overall appearance were carried out. An acidity test was also performed to measure
and compare acidity levels in homemade and commercial soymilk samples.
Results: The study found significant differences in nutritional composition, with
differences in energy content, macronutrients, and micronutrients between
homemade and commercial soymilk. Microbial analysis revealed distinct shelf life
dynamics, with homemade soymilk exceeding specified limits at the end of the
storage period. In terms of appearance, sensory evaluations revealed preferences for
homemade soymilk. Furthermore, the acidity test revealed significant differences
between homemade and commercial variants, adding concerns about overall quality.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the study provides helpful details about the nutritional,
microbial, and sensory attributes of homemade and commercial soymilk. While
homemade soymilk provides certain nutritional benefits, commercial soymilk is a
more microbiologically stable option. Individual preferences should guide
consumers' choice between the two variants, according to the nuanced sensory
evaluations. This study not only adds to the scientific debate on plant-based
alternatives, but it also empowers consumers to make informed decisions based on
their dietary goals and preferences.
Keywords: Soymilk, Homemade, Commercial, Nutritional composition, Shelf life,
Sensory evaluation, Acidity.


1.1 MILK

Cow milk has long been regarded as a vital component of human diet. This milk-like
substance from mammals is regarded as a complete meal since it includes several
vital nutrients, including lactose, proteins, minerals, and vitamins. It is regarded as an
essential component of many countries' dietary requirements and is necessary for
human health. Milk and other dairy products are rich in vital nutrients, such as
vitamins, minerals, and premium protein. however, it is frequently questioned
because of its high saturated fat content. Many national dietary guidelines, including
those in the USA and Canada, advise limiting this nutrient because of its alleged
negative correlation with cardiovascular health. (1)The main issues include sugar and
saturated fat levels, hormone levels, antibiotic use in cattle, lactose intolerance, and
sensitivity to cow milk protein. Consequently, there is a growing consumer demand
for non-dairy beverages, with demand for non-dairy milk having climbed to 61%
since 2012. Furthermore, new ways of living, such as vegetarianism, As a result,
people believe that these alternatives would enable them feel healthy and achieve
wellness goals. (2)


In the last ten years, there has been a significant focus on research in all areas of food
product development with the aim of developing newer, healthier food options to
fulfill the evolving requirements and desires of consumers. These demands have
increased with urbanization; the current trend is focused study on functional and
specialty beverages for novel goods. Drinks are no longer just thought of as ways to
quench one's thirst in the modern world; instead, customers now hunt for drinks that
fulfill certain lifestyle needs. These drinks may be functional in meeting many
requirements and lifestyles; they may increase vitality, combat aging, weariness, and
stress, or target particular illnesses. The market for these drinks is continually
growing. Newer goods in the beverage industry are the result of these advances and
changes in recent years. To address issues with cow's milk allergy, lactose
intolerance, calorie concern, and the prevalence of hypercholesterolemia, one such
essential functional necessity is milk substitutes. Because it contains no cholesterol
or lactose, plant-based milk has become more popular. This makes it suitable for
people with heart disease and lactose intolerance, as well as for everyone else. (3)


Plant-based milk substitutes are liquids made from plant material (cereals, pseudo-
cereals, legumes, oilseeds, and nuts) that has been extracted in water and then
homogenized. This produces a particle size distribution in the range of 5–20 μm that
closely resembles the consistency and appearance of cow’s milk. Despite the lack of
a clear description and classification for these plant-based milk substitutes in the
literature, an attempt has been made to group them generally into the following five

Oat milk, rice milk, corn milk, and spelt milk are cereal-based.

Soy milk, peanut milk, lupin milk, and cowpea milk are all legume-based.

Almond, coconut, hazelnut, pistachio, and walnut milks are among the nut-based

Hemp milk, sunflower milk, flax milk, and sesame milk are all seed-based.

Based on pseudo-cereals: Quinoa milk. (3)

Plant based milks contain fewer amino acids than animal-derived proteins, plant
proteins are generally less nutritious and less easily digested than milk proteins.
Leguminous proteins typically contain more cysteine and methionine than cereal
proteins, but cereal proteins typically contain less lysine. All other beverages have
insufficient protein levels, with the exception of soymilk beverages, which have a
protein content that is comparable to that of cow's milk and is widely regarded as a
complete protein for adults. Since plant-based milk substitutes differ in their
nutritional value, it is crucial to process them in order to create a product that is high
in nutrients and comparable to cow's milk. This can be done by adding enzymes,
fortifying with protein, or combining multiple plant-based milk types. (4)
People frequently drink plant-based milk to satisfy their taste buds or to slake their
thirst. Some even use it as a healthy tea supplement on a daily basis, substituting
plant-based milk for cow's milk when making tea. (Afolabi et al., 2018; Jaeger &
Giacalone, 2021). It can be found in both sweetened and unsweetened varieties,
making it appropriate for all age groups. In the category of fermented beverages,
plant milk typically goes through fermentation, which boosts the activity of bioactive
compounds, improves product quality, and increases mineral bioavailability. (5)


Soybean is a reliable food with excellent nutritional value. Its significance spans

across a number of industries, including milk production, oil processing, animal feed,

industrial applications, and human consumption. It is well known that soybeans are

the best grain for providing animals and humans with the necessary amounts of

protein and energy. Probably the most valuable crop in the world, soybeans are used

to manufacture thousands of industrial products, feed billions of animals, and provide

millions of people with oil and protein in their diets. Soybeans are an excellent

source of energy, vitamins, and minerals, and are incredibly rich in protein and fat.


Soybean has long been referred to as the "meat of the field”. Soybeans primarily

consist of two components: lipids and proteins. Soybeans contain roughly 15%

saturated fat, 61 percent poly-unsaturated fat, and 24 percent mono-unsaturated fat.

Put another way, soybeans are one of the few plant foods that also contain omega-3

fatty acid á-linolenic acid, in addition to omega-6 fatty acids. Soybean protein

contains a high concentration of well-balanced amino acids. Soybean proteins are on

par with animal proteins from sources like milk and beef in terms of quality. Cereal

proteins are low in lysine, so soy protein's high lysine content makes it a good

complement. (7)

Chronic conditions like osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease are growing more

and more common in our lives due to global economic development. One effective,

safe, and useful non-pharmacological method of lowering cholesterol is soy protein.

The physiological function of soybeans is particularly interesting because many of its

minor components, which were once thought to be anti-nutrient factors, are now

believed to have a preventive effect on cancer. These components encompass

isoflavones, saponins, inhibitors of trypsin and phytic acid. Since soy is the only

significant dietary source of these compounds, isoflavones are emerging as one of the

hotspots in functional food research. (7)


Soy milk, also known as soy drink or soy beverage, is a white emulsion that, in terms

of look and viscosity, is similar to cow milk (also known as conventional milk). It is

described as a stable emulsion of protein, water, and soybean seed. As soybean milk

is free of gluten, lactose, and cholesterol and contains essential fatty acids, it may be

a better dietary option for vegetarians and people who are lactose intolerant than

regular milk. (Toro-Funes et al., 2015) (8) It can be relied on as an essential and less

expensive substitute for cow milk since it is a cheap source of protein and calories

for human consumption that compares favorably to dairy milk. (9)

Because of its many bioactive compounds, high protein content, and high poly-

unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content, soymilk has been confirmed as one of the

healthiest beverages. The amino acid composition of soymilk is well-balanced, and

its true ileal digestibility is high, at 92.3%. Soymilk has a high PUFA content and is

cholesterol-free. Soymilk has a 1.5–2% total lipid content. Soymilk has higher levels

of polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) and saturated fatty acids (15–63%) than other plant

milks like rice and almond milk. (8)

For consumers, it's an affordable, hydrating, and nourishing beverage. The

functionally active ingredient responsible for soybean's advantageous effects seemed

to be isoflavones. The protective properties of isoflavones against osteoporosis,

cardiovascular disease, and cancer are widely recognized. (3) In addition, soybean

milk's lecithin, isoflavone, vitamin, and other nutrients also helps in anti- oxidation,

preventing anemia, osteoporosis, cancer, and menopause symptoms (Fernandes et al.,

2017) (8)


The rationale of the study came from the rising demand and popularity of plant-based
milk alternatives and the need to thoroughly understand the nutritional attributes,
sensory characteristics, shelf life dynamics, and acidity levels of both homemade and
commercial soymilk. As increasing number people choose plant-based substitutes,
especially soymilk, there is a lack of comprehensive knowledge about the differences
between store-bought and homemade versions. This study fills this vacuum by
thoroughly examining the critical factors influencing the decisions and perceptions of
consumers. It is anticipated that the results will provide consumers with useful
information, helping them to make decisions about the consumption of soymilk
based on their preferences, dietary needs, and other health-related factors.



AIM: To compare homemade and commercial soy milk.


• To compare the nutritional composition of homemade and commercially

available soy milk, focusing on macronutrients (energy, carbohydrates,
protein, fat, and fiber) and micronutrients (calcium and iron).

• To compare microbial growth in both types of milk samples during the 4-

week storage period to identify spoilage risks and safety implications.

• To compare sensory evaluations to assess taste, aroma, texture, and overall

acceptability of the two soy milk samples.

• To compare the acidity content of the two milk samples



1. Yu-ting Li et al 2012 conducted a study on “Whole soybean milk produced by a

novel industry-scale microfluidizer system without soaking and filtering.” Whole
soybean milk was made using a special machine called an industry-scale
microfluidizer system. The results showed that WSM prepared by ISMS at 60, 90,
and 120 MPa stayed stable for 21 days at 4 °C, while the regular method started to
separate by day 14. In WSMT, the sizes of particles increased because of clumping of
oil droplets and proteins during storage, but WSMM didn't show this problem and
kept its form and distribution. WSMM's stability was also due to its smaller size,
loose dietary fiber structure, and higher viscosity. WSMM prepared at 90 and 120
MPa had more isoflavones (0.92 and 1.03 mg/g) compared to WSMT (0.89 mg/g).
This study suggests that using ISMS is a good way to make WSM that stays stable
and is nutritious. (8)

2. Olivia Auclair et al 2019 conducted a study on “Consumption of Milk and

Alternatives and their Contribution to Nutrient Intakes among Canadian Adults:
Evidence from the 2015 Canadian Community Health Survey—Nutrition.” The
study aimed to understand how much milk and alternatives people in Canada eat and
how it contributes to their nutrient intake. Researchers looked at data from the 2015
Canadian Community Health Survey—Nutrition for adults over 19 years old. Milk,
cheese, frozen dairy, and yogurt were the main sources, with milk being the highest.
People over 51, females, non-Caucasians, those with less education, and residents of
British Columbia had lower intake. Milk and alternatives provided over 20% of
calcium, vitamin D, saturated fat, vitamin B12, vitamin A, phosphorus, and
riboflavin, with milk being the major source. This highlights the importance of milk
and alternatives in meeting nutrient needs for Canadians. (1)

3. Aarcha Vallath et al 2022 conducted a study on “Prospects of future pulse milk

variants from other healthier pulses - As an alternative to soy milk.” This study
explained that because of the limited availability of plant milk options in the market,
an opportunity for the exploration of potential food sources exists. Lesser-studied
food sources, notably pulses such as chickpeas, lentils, lupins, peas, and faba beans,
are considered an appealing alternative for soymilk. Additionally, these pulses are
characterized by their richness in protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, potassium,
magnesium, zinc, B vitamins, and iron. A limitation associated with these food
sources is the presence of antinutritional factors; however, the application of suitable
processing technology could aid in overcoming these limitations. (5)

4. Alive R.A. et al 2020 conducted a systematic review on “Health issues and

technological aspects of plant-based alternative milk”. The rising popularity of plant-
based milk substitutes, chosen for reasons like cow's milk protein allergy or lifestyle
preferences, is fueled by water-soluble extracts from legumes, oilseeds, cereals, or
pseudocereals. These substitutes, resembling cow's milk, undergo processes like size
reduction, water extraction, and homogenization. While recognized as cow's milk
alternatives, they differ in sensory traits, stability, and nutritional content. Advanced
non-thermal technologies, like ultra-high pressure homogenization, are explored for
enhanced shelf life and sensory acceptability without high temperatures. Pre-
treatments and fortifications impact nutritional properties, and additional ingredients
such as sugar and flavourings are added for palatability. This review delves into the
motives behind plant-based milk substitute consumption, raw materials, and
production technologies. (4)

5. F. Reyes – Jurado et al 2021 conducted a systematic review on “Plant-Based

Milk Alternatives: Types, Processes, Benefits, and Characteristics”. Cow's milk,
traditionally deemed essential for nutrition, faces increased demand for plant-based
milk alternatives (PBMAs) due to factors like lactose intolerance and allergies. This
review provides updated information on raw materials, production processes,
nutritional composition, consumption, benefits, sensory characteristics, and
challenges in PBMA development. Alternatives for formulating PBMAs, including
traditional seeds or nuts, are expanding. Environmental benefits over cow's milk
remain unclear, contingent on geographic location. Although PBMAs inadequately
cover the nutritional profile of cow's milk, enrichment using additives and blends is
explored. Despite physicochemical similarities to cow's milk, PBMAs require
technological improvements, addressing issues like gel formation and water holding
capacity through emerging technologies to overcome challenges related to
stabilization, antinutrients, off-flavors, and allergens. (3)

6. Philip Davy & Quan V. Voung 2020 conducted a systematic review on “Soy Milk
By-product: Its Composition and Utilisation”. The review briefed that soy milk by-
product, derived from the insoluble fraction of soybean cotyledons after soy milk
production, is typically regarded as waste, causing environmental and financial
challenges for manufacturers due to increased alternative milk production. This
residue contains significant levels of nutrients, including protein, fiber, lipids,
micronutrients, and phytochemicals, influenced by soybean varieties and processing
conditions. Its high moisture content makes it prone to rapid degradation through
oxidation, enzymic, and microbial activities, prompting the application of post-
production treatments to minimize spoilage. Despite being a rich source of nutrients
and bioactive components, this review outlines current manufacturing processes,
waste generation, treatment methods, nutritional composition, current applications,
and potential future study trends for soy milk by-products. (10)

7. Nick W. Smith et al 2022 conducted a study on “Nutritional assessment of plant-

based beverages in comparison to bovine milk”. They conducted a survey and
analysed New Zealand supermarket prices and nutrition labels for plant-based
beverages (PBB), focusing on almond, coconut, oat, rice, and soy products. The
study assessed nutritional content, including energy, fat, protein, amino acids,
bioavailable amino acids, and trace elements. Colloidal stability impact on protein
and calcium content in well-mixed and unshaken products was investigated. On
average, all PBB groups were pricier than milk, displaying highly variable nutrient
content on labels. Soy products closely resembled milk's composition, while others
had less than 1.1 g protein per 100 mL. Calcium fortification was common, and
shaken/unshaken samples showed varied nutrient content. Except for calcium-
fortified soy PBB, commercially available PBB generally lacked nutritional parity
with milk, emphasizing their diverse composition and properties in New Zealand.
Milk contributes about 1% to the average New Zealand resident's consumption-based
emissions. (11)

8. R Syamsuri and S Lestari 2021 conducted a study on “The effect of processing

methods on the quality of soy milk”. The study indicated that the highest soy milk
protein content, at 2.38%, was observed in the processing method utilizing soybean
skin without hot water soaking, while the lowest, at 1.73%, was recorded in the

processing method involving skinless soybeans with hot water soaking. Organoleptic
assessments for color, aroma, viscosity, and taste parameters were rated from normal
to liking across all treatments. The parameter of beany flavour in soy milk exhibited
the highest level in the control sample. Coffee and chocolate flavour variants were
demonstrated to organoleptically reduce the level of beany flavour in soy milk. (12)

9. Jia-Shen Cai et al 2021 conducted a systematic review on the nutritional,

functional, sensory characteristics of soy products, and applications of new
processing strategies. This article explains that the traditionally processed soy
products are characterized by intrinsic quality defects such as beany flavor, high anti-
nutrient content, complex structure, and low bioavailability of soy protein and
isoflavones. Innovative processing strategies, including blending with extra
ingredients, non-thermal treatment, dietary fiber modifications, acid treatment,
germination, and tailored fermentation, have been explored to enhance nutritional
and sensory characteristics. Particularly, fermentation has been reported to impart
improved health-promoting features to soy products, including anti-diabetic,
anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects, along with enhancements in
cardiovascular and bone health. The accumulated information in this review supports
the notion that diversified soy products constitute an important class of functional
foods with varied health benefits. (13)

10. Qier Mu et al 2022 conducted a study on “Effect of ultrasound on functional

properties, flavour characteristics, and storage stability of soybean milk”. The impact
of various ultrasound treatments (20 kHz at 400 W for 0 to 9 min) on the functional
properties, flavor characteristics, and storage stability of soybean milk at 4 °C was
investigated. Non-sonicated soymilk exhibited the maximum particle size D4, 3,
while 9 min of high intensity ultrasound (HIU) decreased this size significantly. The
total number of microorganisms in soymilk decreased with 9 min of HIU, and the
absolute value of ζ-potential increased. Turbiscan tests showed a reduction in the
instability index of soymilk after 9 min of HIU. Additionally, sensory analysis,
electronic nose, electronic tongue, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
indicated a decrease in the content of aldehydes, furans, ketones, and alcohols after 7
min of HIU. (14)

11. Shahnai Basharat et al 2020 conducted a study on “Nutritional and
Physicochemical characterization of Soymilk.” The study's goal was to look into the
nutritional profile of soy milk, which is made by soaking and grinding soybeans. The
physicochemical analysis revealed the following values: pH (6.50), acidity (0.67%),
specific gravity (1.02), total soluble solids (11.68%), and milk solids (8.0%).
Chemical analysis revealed that soy milk contains 88% moisture, 3.68% crude fat,
1.10% crude fibre, 0.35% ash, 2.35% NFE, and 4.20% crude protein. Na (40.7mg), K
(120.29mg), Zn (0.29mg), Mg (19.06mg), and Ca (23.57mg) were the mineral
contents. The total phenolic content was 400.27mg and the flavonoid content was
071.40mg. Soy milk, as a high-protein, low-fat plant-based alternative, may have
potential benefits for patients with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. (15)

12. A. Yahaya et al 2020 conducted a study on “Evaluation of mineral in the

indigenous and industrially produced soya milk in the Anyigba, Kogi State.” This
study evaluates the mineral content of soy milk that is produced both domestically
and commercially. K, Mg, Fe, Zn, and Mn concentrations (mg/kg) were determined
using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Locally produced soy milk contained more K,
Mg, Fe, Zn, and Mn (180, 1.50, 0.63, 1.50, and 4.90 mg/kg, respectively) than
commercial soy milk (160, ND, 2.12, ND, 2.63 mg/kg for K, Na, Fe, Mg, Zn).
Notably, local soy milk was higher in micronutrients, particularly Mg and Zn,
implying its value as a dietary source. The study also assessed adherence to FAO and
WHO nutritional standards, emphasizing the nutritional superiority of locally
produced soy milk. (16)

13. Omid Eslami and Farzad Shidfar 2019 conducted a systematic review on “Soy
milk: A functional beverage with hypocholesterolemic effects? A systematic review
of randomised control trails”. This review examined the impact of soy milk on blood
lipids through electronic database searches up to May 2018, identifying eight eligible
trials with 263 subjects. While three studies showed no significant changes, one
reported a decrease in triglycerides, another in total cholesterol, and three in LDL
cholesterol following soy milk consumption. Additionally, one trial observed a
significant increase in HDL cholesterol. Overall, evidence on the hypolipidemic
effects of soy milk is limited and conflicting. The study calls for more rigorously

designed trials with larger sample sizes and extended durations to provide clearer
insights. (17)

14. Samreen Ahsan et al 2020 conducted a study on “Functional exploration of

bioactive moieties of fermented and non-fermented soymilk with reference to
nutritional attributes”. This study compared fermented and non-fermented soy milk,
highlighting that fermentation enhances physicochemical attributes, pH, acidity, and
antioxidant properties. Rheological analysis revealed soy milk as a non-Newtonian
fluid, with fermentation increasing viscosity through gel network formation with
LAB and protein. Isoflavones content (Genistein and Daidzein) also showed
improvement with fermentation. Sensory evaluation favoured fermented soy milk,
receiving higher scores for colour, flavour, aroma, texture, and overall acceptability,
supporting the research hypothesis. (18)

15. Xinhui Peng et al 2022 conducted a study on “Fermentation performance,

nutrient composition, and flavour volatiles in soy milk after mixed culture
fermentation.” This study utilized a mixed culture of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and
kombucha bacteria to ferment soy milk, impacting its rheological properties,
isoflavones, vitamins, and flavor substances. Fermentation altered the viscoelastic
rheological properties, hydrolyzing isoflavone glycosides to aglycones, resulting in a
significant increase in isoflavone content. B vitamins, including riboflavin and
cobalamin, showed substantial increases. Protein aggregation increased, while fat
content decreased. Flavor compounds in soybean, like hexanal, decreased, and new
compounds emerged from fermentation by-products. The combined action of LAB
and kombucha bacteria enriched taste, enhanced nutritional properties, and boosted
antioxidant capacity in fermented soy milk, offering a promising avenue for
developing plant-based fermented products. (19)

16. Seyoung Ju et al 2021 conducted a study on “Development of Nano Soy Milk

through Sensory Attributes and Consumer Acceptability.” This study aimed to assess
the sensory characteristics and consumer acceptability of three commercial and two
laboratory-developed soy milk types. Evaluating 20 sensory attributes, including
appearance, smell, taste, flavour, and mouthfeel, 100 consumers ranked overall
acceptance, appearance, colour, smell, taste, flavour, mouthfeel, nuttiness, sweetness,
repeated use, and recommendation. Statistical analyses revealed that the SM_D
sample consistently received the highest scores for overall liking, flavour, taste,
mouthfeel, sweetness, repeated consumption, and recommendation. Consumers
favoured attributes like sweetness, nuttiness, roasted and cooked soybean flavours,
while showing aversion to greyness, raw soybean flavour, or undesirable mouthfeel.
Sweetness was closely linked to goso (nuttiness) and roasted soybean attributes.
Understanding these sensory aspects and consumer preferences provides valuable
insights for expanding the market and meeting consumer needs in soy milk products.

17. Mohammad Hassan Sohouli et al 2021 conducted a systematic review on "

Impact of soy milk consumption on cardiometabolic risk factors: A systematic review
and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.” The study examined 18
randomized controlled trials up to June 2020 to assess the impact of soy milk on
cardiometabolic risk factors in adults. The meta-analysis, which included 665 people
aged 18 to 65, discovered that drinking soy milk reduced systolic and diastolic blood
pressure, total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, waist circumference, C-
reactive protein, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Subgroup analysis revealed a more
pronounced decrease in systolic blood pressure after 4 weeks of soy milk
consumption. Body weight, BMI, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides,
fasting blood glucose, insulin, interleukin-6, and fibrinogen levels did not differ
significantly between the soy milk and control groups. Overall, the review suggests
that incorporating soy milk into the diet may benefit various cardiometabolic risk
factors in both men and women. (21)

18. Maximilian Andreas Storz et al 2023 conducted a study on “Method for

preparing soy milk, prepared soy milk and use thereof.” This study outlines a method
for making soy milk that includes several steps. To begin, soybeans are subjected to a
pulp grinding treatment in which water is added prior to or during grinding, yielding
a first pulp grinding material. Following that, a second pulp grinding material is
obtained through additional grinding. The second material is treated with enzyme
deactivation, yielding the first enzyme deactivation product. The liquid phase product
is collected after solid-liquid separation. This liquid is then subjected to an enzyme
deactivation treatment, which results in a second enzyme deactivation product.
Finally, 2 to 10 hours of continuous stirring of the second product at 2°C to 15°C

results in soy milk with a pleasant taste, mild beany flavor, high protein content, low
precipitate, and excellent stability. (22)

19. Jessica Goldberg et al 2021 conducted a study about “Plant based milks-Soy.”
This paper discussed that Soy milk, derived from soybeans and boasting a century-
long global history, is produced by dehulling, heating, soaking, rinsing, grinding, and
filtering whole soybeans. This process yields a liquid rich in soy protein, sans soy
pulp and insoluble fiber. Recognized as a viable substitute for cow's milk,
particularly in vegan or cow's milk protein-allergic children, soy milk offers protein
meeting significant portions of recommended daily intake for toddlers and young
children. While deemed unsuitable for infants, soy-based infant formulas can serve
as alternatives for breastfeeding challenges. Typically fortified with calcium,
vitamins A and D, soy milk is available in diverse varieties and flavours, including
original, light, organic, unsweetened, vanilla, and chocolate, with an emphasis on the
preference for unsweetened variants devoid of added sugars. (23)

20. A O Ogo et al 2019 conducted a study on “Optimising Soymilk Protein Nutriture

through Selection of Appropriate Processing Technique”. This study analysed the
effect of processing methods on the nutritive value of soybean milk was evaluated,
emphasizing the critical role of pre-treatment techniques in deactivating anti-
nutritional components and improving protein digestibility. The amino acid profile of
soybean milk after soaking, roasting, and boiling was investigated. Boiling was
found to be the most beneficial pre-treatment method, retaining superior nutritional
quality with a higher total amino acid content (97.95g/100g) than toasting (88.36
g/100g) and soaking (91.28 g/100g). Boiling also had the highest essential amino
acid content (51.01g/100g) and total conditional amino acid content (46.37g/100g),
making it ideal for therapeutic purposes. These findings advocate for the
consumption of boiled soymilk at both the household and commercial levels to
maximize nutritional and therapeutic benefits. (24)

21. Johnpaul I. Agbaka et al 2020 conducted a study on “Effect of Addition of

Citric Acid and Sodium Benzoate on pH and Microbial Profile of Soymilk”. The
study sought to determine the synergistic effect of citric acid and sodium benzoate on
the shelf life of soymilk, revealing that the combination of these chemical
preservatives was more effective than organic alternatives. The pH of the soymilk
samples decreased over time, and several bacteria were identified, including
Streptococcus sp., Pseudomonas sp., Proteus sp., Bacillus spp., Staphylococcus
aureus, Klebsiella sp., Escherichia coli, and Enterobacter species. Despite the
presence of bacteria, the soymilk samples could be stored at room temperature for up
to 7 days. (25)

22. Jinfeng Zhang et al 2023 conducted a study on “Fermented soy milk with
cholesterol-lowering potential: Probiotics screening, physicochemical properties,
antioxidant activity and volatile composition”. In this study, the investigation of
cholesterol-lowering properties, probiotic features, safety, and fermented soy milk
performance, a potential probiotic strain (Lactiplantibacillus plantarum P101) was
obtained. P101 fermentation was found to improve the antioxidant activity and
texture of soy milk. P101 fermentation improved the cholesterol-lowering capacity of
soy milk by increasing isoflavone bioavailability and decreasing cholesterol
solubility, according to further research. Furthermore, P101 fermentation increased
the levels of ester aromatic substances (hexyl methanoate) while decreasing the
levels of soybean flavor compounds (1-octene-3-alcohol and hexanal). The storage
stability of fermented soy milk was investigated, and it was discovered that when
stored at 4 °C for 20 days, the quality remained consistent. As a result, it was
identified as a potential cholesterol-lowering substitute for cow's milk. (26)

23. MF Kurnianto et al 2020 conducted a study on “The Analysis of Consumer

Perception on Quality of Soybean Milk Used Importance Performance Analysis
Method”. The purpose of this research was to identify food product attributes and
evaluate their performance based on consumer perception, using the marketing mix
4P framework (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion). Soybean milk consumers in
Jember were randomly selected as respondents, with a sample size of 75 people
determined by a linear time function. For data analysis, Importance-Performance
Analysis was used. The research findings revealed that the product's taste, flavour,
and expiration date, as well as the product price, were identified as key attributes
influencing soybean milk quality as perceived by consumers. (27)

24. Devendra Pratap et al 2020 conducted a study on “Antioxidant properties and

sensory attributes of blends prepared from standardized milk and soy milk”. This
study's goal was to investigate the effect of blending different proportions of soy
milk with standardized milk on the antioxidant properties and sensory attributes of
the resulting blends. Antioxidant properties measured using 2,2-diphenyl-1-
picrylhydrazyl, ferric reducing antioxidant power, and total phenol content revealed
that a blend of 70% soy milk and 30% standardized milk had the highest antioxidant
activities when compared to the control milk sample. Sensory evaluation, using a
nine-point hedonic scale that included smell, taste, colour and appearance, and
mouthfeel, determined that the blend of 50% soy milk and 50% standardized milk
was the most acceptable. When compared to the control milk sample, this blend not
only demonstrated favourable sensory characteristics but also significant antioxidant
activities. (28)

25. Ruokun Yi et al 2020 conducted a study on “Physicochemical and Functional

Properties of Lactobacillus Fermented Soybean Milk”. In this study, the
physicochemical and functional properties of Lactobacillus-fermented soybean milk
were investigated, which included testing the pH, total acidity, viable bacteria count,
amino acid nitrogen, and active isoflavones count for both single strain and mixed
strain fermented soybean milk. The results showed that fermented soybean milk had
a higher nutritional value than unfermented soybean milk. Furthermore, in the
aforementioned tests, the mixed strain fermented soybean milk performed better than
the single strain. Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Lactobacillus plantarum isolated from
Xinjiang traditional fermented yogurt were found to be effective as a starter culture
for soybean milk fermentation, resulting in the production of more beneficial
components. (29)

26. Glena L Caluza 2019 conducted a study on “Shelf Life and Acceptability of
Different Fruity Flavoured Soy milk under two Types of Storage Method”. The goal
of this study was to evaluate the sensory attributes, shelf life, and consumer
acceptability of fruit-flavored soy milk using two storage methods. Mango, soursop,
melon, strawberry, and banana powdered fruits were mixed into plain soy milk in
appropriate amounts. Under refrigeration, melon-flavoured soy milk had the longest
shelf life (24 days), followed by soursop (21 days), banana (20 days), strawberry (15
days), and mango-flavoured soy milk, which had the shortest shelf life (10 days).
Unrefrigerated samples usually only lasted 10 hours. Sensory testing with 105
trained and consumer panellists revealed that strawberry, banana, and melon-

flavoured soymilks were moderately liked by consumers, while unflavoured, mango,
and soursop-flavoured soymilks were slightly acceptable. Overall, the findings
indicated that adding fruit flavors to pure soy milk improves palatability, masks the
beany-off flavour, and affordably provides consumers with a diverse range of soy
milk products to choose from. (30)

27. Dzul Fadly et al 2021 conducted a study on “Plant-based milk Developed from
Soy (Glycine max) Milk and Foxtail Millet (Setariaitalica)”. The study's goal was to
create plant-based milk products by incorporating foxtail millet into soybean milk,
which resulted in four formulations with different proportions. The addition of 10%
millet to soy milk produced higher hedonic and hedonic quality values than pure soy
milk and formulations with 20% and 30% millet, according to 25 semi-trained
panellists. The addition of millet increased the viscosity proportionally. Statistical
analysis revealed that the addition of foxtail millet had a significant effect on protein,
fat, and ash content, but had no effect on carbohydrate, water, or energy content.
According to the findings, plant-based milk made from soy milk and millet provides
a nutrient-dense alternative to dairy milk. (31)

28. Okwunodulu et al 2019 conducted a study on “Effects of Micronutrient

Fortification on Moisture Content, Total Solids, and General Acceptability of Soy
Milk Extracted from Sprouted Soybeans -- A Response Surface Approach”. The
study looked at how micronutrient fortification affected soy milk made from 12-hour
tap water steeped and 72-hour sprouted soybeans. The fortification effects of ferric
ammonium citrate (Fe), calcium carbonate (Ca), and vitamin C (VC) were evaluated
using a Box-Wilson experimental design matrix and a central composite design.
Calcium carbonate had a significant negative linear impact on soy milk moisture
content and a positive linear impact on total solids, according to the results. The
general acceptability of fortified soy milk was significantly reduced by ferric
ammonium citrate. The study recommends cautious fortification, emphasizing
specific concentration thresholds for ferric ammonium citrate and calcium carbonate
to maintain soy milk acceptability and consistency. (32)

29. Ho Jun Sung et al 2022 conducted a study on “Quality Characteristics of Soy

Milk Made from Different Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) Cultivar” Soymilk
quality characteristics were evaluated in order to identify a cultivar suitable for
soymilk production. The Gilyuk506 cultivar produced the least amount of soymilk,
while the Seonnog cultivar produced the most. The soluble solid content ranged from
7.67% in the Yeonpung cultivar to 8.70% in the Nui 2 hu cultivar. Protein levels in
the Gilyuk506 cultivar ranged from 3.16% to 3.39% in the Cheoldu59 cultivar.
Several saccharides were found in soy milk, with concentrations varying between
cultivars. Based on the findings, the cultivars Seonnog, Jijori, and Nui 2 hu are
recommended for soymilk production. (33)

30. Jie Wan et al 2021 conducted a study on “Oral perception of the textural and
flavor characteristics of soy-cow blended emulsions”. This study evaluated the
particle size, flow, lubrication, flavor, and sensory properties of cow milk, soy milk,
and their blends. Twenty-one volatile compounds were identified using SPME-
GCMS, with hexanal, which has been linked to off-flavor, being the most abundant
in soy milk. Confocal images revealed that the soy-cow blended milk was distributed
uniformly. The addition of soy milk reduced particle size and viscosity slightly.
Soymilk performed better in terms of lubrication, whereas cow milk was perceived
as creamier and more viscous. A 3:7 soy-cow blend with less beany flavor was
deemed more acceptable, as evidenced by lower hexanal levels. (34)

31. Baishakhi De and Tridib Kumar Goswami 2022 conducted a systematic

review on “Micronutrient Fortification in Foods and Soy Milk, a Plant-based Milk
Substitute as a Candidate Vehicle”. This comprehensive review investigates
fortification issues, focusing on soy milk's suitability as a plant-based vehicle for
fortification. Soy milk, which is widely consumed and preferred, particularly by
lactovegetarians and those allergic to milk, provides nutritional benefits such as
polyunsaturated fatty acids and phytoestrogens. Soy milk stands out as a fortification
candidate due to its versatility, stability, and compatibility with various fortifiers. To
be successful, scientific, technological, socioeconomic, ethical, and political
challenges must be overcome, necessitating global partnerships, industry
collaboration, and increased public awareness of the benefits of fortification. (35)

32. Ren XiangNan et al 2019 conducted a systematic review on “Advances in

nutritional composition of soybean milk and associated influential factors”. This
review explained that the most common Chinese style drink is soybean milk. It is
effective in preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, tumors, diabetes,
and other diseases, and its nutritional value has received considerable attention. In
order to provide data for intensive and fine processing of soybean milk, this review
summarized the levels of macronutrients, micronutrients, and anti-nutritional factors
in soybean milk. (36)

33. Jin XueHua et al 2019 conducted a study on “Soymilk processing properties of

soybean varieties based on fuzzy sensory evaluation”. In this study, six soybean
varieties from Heilongjiang province were chosen for their physicochemical
properties, which included 100-seed mass, protein, fat, calcium, and phosphorus
contents. Each variety produced soymilk, and its sensory quality was assessed using
fuzzy logic. Sensory analysis revealed that 'Zhonglong 606' produced the best
soymilk, with high sweetness, strong soybean-like flavor, good color, and low beany
odor and astringency. The analysis also revealed that varieties with less than 40%
protein content and higher oil content were better suited to the production of high-
quality soymilk. (37)

34. E Kristiningrum et al 2021 conducted a study on “Improving soy milk quality

with development of technical standard parameters”. This study recommends using
the FACTS method to establish standard technical parameters for soy milk, with a
specific focus on stakeholder identification, technical parameter analysis, and
international standard comparison. The study conducted laboratory testing on a soy
milk-producing SME in Indonesia and discovered that they did not meet the existing
protein, fat, and pH requirements. Based on an examination of international
standards, five parameters that could be implemented to improve the quality of soy
milk in Indonesia were identified. (37)

35. Kalyn M. Collard and David P. Mc Cormick 2021 conducted a study on “A

Nutritional Comparison of Cow's Milk and Alternative Milk Products”. This study
compared the nutritional content of various milk products, including cow's milk, soy
milk, goat's milk, almond milk, and oat milk, using data from the USDA's Food Data
Central database and public nutrition labels. Cow's milk was found to be superior in
terms of fats, protein, and micronutrients. While popular, alternative options may
provide varying nutritional benefits. Almond milk, for example, had the highest
calcium content, while soy milk had nearly double the folate and vitamin B12

content of cow's milk. This information can help primary care providers advise
families on milk choices, especially when it comes to children's health. (38)

36. Taruna Varghese and Akash Pare 2019 conducted a study on “Effect of
microwave assisted extraction on yield and protein characteristics of soymilk”. In
this study, a special machine was created to grind and microwave soybeans. When
compared to the traditional method, this new method, known as microwave-assisted
extraction (MAE), increased the amount of soymilk and protein obtained. With this
method, the protein in soymilk became easier to dissolve and digest. They also
experimented with different microwave settings and discovered that a power level of
675W, a target temperature of 80 °C, and a stirring speed of 160 RPM yielded the
most protein from the soybeans. (39)

37. Maria Luisa Astolfi et al 2020 conducted a study on “Comparative elemental

analysis of dairy milk and plant-based milk alternatives”. In this study, inductively
coupled plasma mass spectrometry and atomic fluorescence were used to examine
the content of 41 elements in various milk types (cow, goat, donkey, and plant-based
alternatives). The analytical methods were validated using certified reference
materials and recovery experiments, which produced satisfactory results. Cow and
goat milks were the primary sources of major and minor mineral elements, whereas
plant-based milks had varying concentrations of elements. Toxic trace elements (As,
Cd, Hg, Pb) were detected at extremely low levels in all samples, posing no risk to
consumers. The study is important for plant-based beverage consumers in terms of
nutrition and food safety. (40)

38. Laura Moretto et al 2021 conducted a study on “Comparative analysis of the

antioxidant capacity and lipid and protein oxidation of soy and oats beverages”. In
this study, a 14-month comparative evaluation of a commercial soy and oat-based
beverage formulation was conducted. Both beverages retained their phenolic content
and antioxidant capacity throughout their shelf life. Soy had higher peroxidability in
stimulated lipid peroxidation than oat, which was attributed to differences in
unsaturated fat content. Protein carbonyl formation was consistent in both beverages.
Soy proteins showed a gradual increase in proteolytic activity, whereas oat proteins
did not show any significant changes in protein fragmentation. Overall, oxidative

stability was demonstrated by both soy and oat beverages, which could be attributed
to phytochemicals and antioxidant bioactive peptides. (41)

39. Ramon Bocker and Eric Keven Silva 2022 conducted a systematic review on
“Innovative technologies for manufacturing plant-based non-dairy alternative milk
and their impact on nutritional, sensory and safety aspects.” This review explains the
investigation of plant-based milk substitutes as alternatives to cow's milk due to
factors such as lactose intolerance, dietary restrictions, and environmental concerns.
It delves into the use of innovative technologies in the production of these
substitutes, such as ultrasound, high-pressure processing, pulsed electric field,
supercritical CO2, ultraviolet radiation, microwave, and ohmic heating. The review
thoroughly examines the impact of these technologies on the nutritional, sensory, and
safety aspects of emerging nondairy beverages, emphasizing the potential of plant-
based alternatives to meet diverse dietary needs while reducing carbon emissions.

40. M.L. Perez Rodriguez et al 2023 conducted a study on “Plant-based beverages

as milk alternatives? Nutritional and functional approach through food labelling”.
The study examined 136 plant-based beverages on the Spanish market, including soy,
oat, almond, rice, tigernut, and mixed plant materials. These beverages had different
fatty acid profiles, despite having the same energy and fat content as skimmed and
whole cow milk. Carbohydrate content, which was influenced by added sugars, was
higher than in cow milk, and all products contained some dietary fiber. Protein and
calcium levels were generally lower, with 1/3 of samples calcium-fortified and 23%
vitamin D-enriched. The study emphasizes the importance of accurate label ling and
nutritional education for consumers, highlighting plant-based beverages as distinct
products in a varied diet. (43)

41. Md. Anisur Rahman Mazumder and Anjuman Ara Begum 2016 conducted a
systematic review on “Soymilk as source of nutrient for malnourished population of
developing country: A review”. In this review, soymilk was discussed as a dairy milk
substitute, with an emphasis on its physical appearance, composition, and nutritional
benefits. Processed soymilk was praised for its potential as a high-quality protein
source, particularly for lactose-intolerant people, as well as its affordability in
developing countries. Soymilk's nutritional profile was detailed, including essential
amino acids, B vitamins, and minerals such as iron, copper, zinc, and magnesium.
The article also mentioned how calcium-fortified soymilks are becoming more
widely available. Overall, the review emphasized soymilk's nutritional and non-
nutritional properties, recommending it as a valuable protein, vitamin, and mineral
source for malnourished people. (44)

42. Preeti Kundu et al 2018 conducted a study on “Development of Non-Dairy

Milk Alternative Using Soymilk and Almond Milk”. The study aimed to standardize
the process of developing a plant-based milk alternative using soymilk and almond
milk. Soymilk and almond milk formulations were optimized based on sensory and
nutritional properties. Blends of these milks were made in various proportions, with
the 60% almond milk/40% soymilk blend (T3) receiving the highest sensory score.
Despite having a lower sensory score than the control (cow milk, T0), T3 was
deemed acceptable. T3 had higher concentrations of most nutrients than the control,
making the soy-almond milk blend a promising non-dairy milk alternative based on
its nutrient and sensory profile. (45)

43. M.F. Afroz et al 2016 conducted a study on “Preparation of soymilk using

different methods”. This study's goal was to make soymilk from whole soya seeds
using various techniques, resulting in 12 different concentration levels of soymilk. A
taste panel evaluated the sensory qualities of three methods, with the 125g
concentration receiving the highest score. Moisture, total solids, solids-not-fat,
protein, fat, carbohydrate, ash content, and acidity percentage all differed
significantly. Dehulled soy seed blending milk had higher levels of moisture, protein,
fat, and ash. However, increasing the soymilk concentration resulted in a significant
increase in nutrient concentration. Based on physical and chemical properties, the
study recommends preparing 125g concentrated dehulled soy seed blending milk on
an industrial scale. (46)

44. Mohammed Ismail Abdou Dobara et al 2016 conducted a study on “Chemical

composition, sensory evaluation and starter activity in cow, soy, peanut and rice
milk”. The purpose of the study was to look into the effects of combining soy,
peanut, or rice milk with cow milk on various factors during fermentation. Cow and
soy milk had no significant differences in titratable acidity, pH, or redox potential,
whereas peanut and rice milk had lower acidity and redox potential. Cow milk
contained slightly more total solids, fat, total protein, and ash than soy and rice milk.
Peanut milk contained more fat but less ash. Cow milk had the best sensory
attributes, and blending it with soy or peanut milk improved its sensory scores. The
milk blend had an effect on fermentation characteristics and bacterial counts. (47)

45. Jaideep S. Sidhu and Rakesh K. Singh 2016 conducted a study on “Ultra High
Pressure Homogenization of Soy Milk: Effect on Quality Attributes during Storage”.
The study focused on the analysis of soy milk made from whole dehulled soybeans,
emphasizing the reduction of soybean solids waste compared to traditional methods.
Continuous flow high-pressure processing was used to recover 100% of the soybean
solids in soy milk, and the resulting product remained stable for 28 days. The treated
soy milk had significantly smaller particle size, a stable pH during storage, and no
detectable lipoxygenase activity. There were no significant differences in astringency,
bitterness, or chalkiness when compared to commercial samples. The study
emphasizes the potential for high-pressure processing to preserve and improve the
quality of soy milk. (48)

46. Sebastian A et al 2018 conducted a study on “Effects of fermentation and

sterilization on quality of soybean milk”. The study examined how post-fermentation
sterilization and the fermentation of soybean milk with Lactobacillus bulgaricus and
Streptococcus thermophilus affected the milk's quality. Three soybean milk products
were tested for various properties: soybean milk (SM), fermented soybean milk
(FSM), and sterilized fermented soybean milk (SFSM). In comparison to SM,
fermentation in FSM resulted in lower pH, increased viscosity, altered amino acid
composition, and increased antioxidant activity. FSM also had higher methionine and
cysteine levels. Post-fermentation sterilization in SFSM affected texture, heat-
sensitive compounds, and antioxidant activity, with both FSM and SFSM showing a
slight decrease in consumer acceptance when compared to SM. Overall, fermentation
and sterilization treatments may help to improve the quality of soybean milk. (49)

47. Humyra Nowshin et al 2018 conducted a study on “Effects of soaking and

grinding conditions on anti-nutrient and nutrient contents of soy milk”. The study
investigated the effects of soaking duration and combined soaking with grinding (hot
or cold) on various factors in soy milk production. Lipoxygenase activity was
effectively reduced by soaking alone at 55 and 60°C for varying lengths of time.
Soaking, blanching (80°C for 10 minutes), and hot grinding (100°C) significantly
reduced urease activity, phytate content by more than 80%, and trypsin inhibitor
activity. Protein solubility was increased by 10-15% after grinding. Soy milk
extracted by hot grinding after soaking at 55 and 60°C for 2, 4, and 6 hours had a
higher protein content than cold grinding. Soaking at 60°C for 6 hours and hot
grinding (100°C) with blanching at 80°C for 10 minutes provided reduced anti-
nutrients and retained nutrient activity for soymilk and related products. (50)

48. Nezif Abachebsa Abagoshu et al 2016 conducted a study on “Effect of Soybean

Varieties and Processing Methods on Nutritional and Sensory Properties of
Soymilk”. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of soybean varieties
and processing methods on the nutritional and sensory properties of soymilk.
Soymilk was extracted using the Cornell and Illinois processing methods, and three
soybean varieties were used. The interaction of variety and processing had a
significant impact on nutritional and sensory attributes. The highest crude protein
content (3.48%) was found in the Afgat variety processed using the Illinois method.
Soymilk had the highest iron content (1.103 mg/100 g) and the lowest calcium
content (0.030 mg/100 g) on average. Soymilk produced using the Illinois method
from the Afgat variety consistently demonstrated superior sensory quality,
particularly in terms of flavor and overall acceptability. Finally, Afgat variety
soymilk processed using the Illinois method had higher nutritional quality and
sensory acceptability. (51)

49. Jin-Sol Kim et al 2019 conducted a study on “Rapid Soybean-Milk Preparation

with Dehulled Soybean and Its Quality Properties”. The study aimed to investigate
the quality of dehulled soybeans (DHSB) and assess the potential for rapid soybean
milk preparation using DHSB (SM-DHSB), comparing its quality to traditional
soybean milk (SM). DHSB had a lower moisture content and higher levels of crude
protein, crude fat, minerals, and carbohydrates, as well as an isoflavone content
comparable to soybeans (SB). DHSB absorbed more water than SB during the
preparation of soybean milk. When compared to SM, SM-DHSB had higher crude
protein, total solid content, and viscosity, while yield and proximate composition
(excluding crude protein) were comparable. The study suggests that using DHSB for

efficient SM-DHSB preparation with improved quality attributes over SM is feasible.

50. Xingfei Li et al 2019 conducted a study on “Effects of water absorption of

soybean seed on the quality of soymilk and the release of flavor compounds”. The
study investigated the effect of soybean seed water absorption on soymilk quality
and flavour compound release during soaking at various temperatures and pH levels.
Higher water absorption rates were observed as soaking temperature and pH were
increased, with Peleg's equation accurately predicting hydration characteristics.
According to MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS analysis, basic 7S globulin was a major
released protein, especially at higher temperatures. Enhanced water absorption
increased protein, fat, and solids extraction in soymilk, particularly when alkaline
soaking was used. Higher soaking temperatures reduced the amount of time needed
to soak but had an adverse effect on fat, protein, and solids extraction, as well as
whiteness values and particle sizes. Soymilk beany odour compounds correlated
positively with soaking temperature, with optimal quality at 25°C and pH 9. (53)



4.1 Preparation of Homemade Soymilk


½ cup soybeans
• 2-3 cups water for soaking
• 4 cups water for blending
• Soak the soybeans in 2-3 cups of water overnight. This softens the
soybeans, preparing them for blending.
• Discard the water and rinse the soybeans to remove any dirt or
• Remove skins as best as you can by rubbing the beans underwater. The
skins will float to the top and can be skimmed off.
• Place the soybeans in a blender along with 4 cups of water.
• Blend until the mixture is smooth.
• Strain the blended mixture using a muslin cloth.
• Then, heat the strained milk in a heavy-bottom pan to 100ºC. Maintain
this temperature for 20 minutes, stirring often to prevent sticking. This
crucial step is because soy, as a legume, can't be consumed raw.
• Cool the milk and store it.

4.2 Selection of Commercial Soymilk

In selecting commercial soy milk for the study, a well-known brand ‘SO GOOD’ was
chosen due to its widespread availability in most supermarkets and its popularity as a
leading choice for plant-based beverages.

4.3 Analysis of Nutritional Composition

For commercial soymilk, the nutritional information available on the package was
For homemade soymilk, all the nutrients were analysed in an NABL accredited
laboratory using the following methods:

1.Energy was determined using SOP-CHM-29-00 method

2. Total Carbohydrate was determined using SOP-CHM-28-00 method

3. Protein was determined using SOP-CHM-137-00 method

4. Total Fat was determined using the method from FSSAI manual for cereal and
cereal products (14.6):2016

5.Dietary fibre was determined using AOAC standard method i.e. AOAC 985.29
(22th Edition)

1. Calcium was determined using SOP-CHM-27-01 method
2. Iron was determined using SOP-CHM-27-01 method

4.4 Shelf life Evaluation

The homemade and commercial soymilk samples were subjected to a comprehensive

microbial analysis. Both the samples, homemade and commercial soymilk were
stored under normal refrigeration conditions (1℃-5℃) and analysed over a period of
four weeks to assess their stability, quality, and potential changes over time using the
method of total viable count for bacteria, yeast and mould and the changes during
each session were noted.

The shelf life evaluation was done in an NABL accredited laboratory.

4.5 Determination of Acidity

The acidity of homemade and commercial soymilk was determined using an AOAC
standard method. The experiment was carried out in biochemistry lab of college.

PROCEDURE The acidity of the samples was determined using the AOAC titration
method. The acidity was determined by placing 10g of soymilk milk sample in a 100
ml flask and adding 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator then titrating it against
0.1N NaOH until the endpoint of pink colour was reached. (15)

The acidity was determined using the following formula:

0.009 x volume of used M / 10 NaOH (ml)
Acidity = x 100
Weight of the sample

1. Homemade Soymilk

S. No Soymilk Sample Burette Reading Volume of

1. 10 ml 0 0.2 0.2 ml
2. 10 ml 0.2 0.4 0.2 ml
Table 4.1: Acidity of Homemade Soymilk

Acidity of homemade soymilk = 0.018%

2. Commercial Soymilk

S. No Soymilk Sample Burette Reading Volume of

1. 10 ml 0 0.8 0.8 ml
2. 10 ml 0.8 1.6 0.8 ml
Table 4.2: Acidity of Commercial Soymilk

Acidity of commercial soymilk = 0.072%

4.6 Sensory Evaluation

Homemade and Commercial soymilk were analysed for their organoleptic properties
by an untrained panel comprising of 50 subjects through 9-point Hedonic scale.
Before starting the sensory evaluation, panellists were instructed on the assessment
criteria. Panellists were asked to evaluate the sample homemade and commercial for
the parameters such as appearance, texture, taste aroma and overall acceptability. The
hedonic scale ranged from like extremely (9) to dislike extremely (1). The sensory
evaluation was carried out among members of households and among college

4.7 Statistical Analysis

The results of organoleptic scores from sensory evaluation were statistically

analysed. Continuous variables were presented as Mean ± SD. The paired test was
used to compare the Mean ± SD of continuous data scored by same individuals
across two samples. P value < 0.05

was considered statistically significant. Data was analysed by using coGuide REAP
software version 2.0



5.1 Nutritional Analysis

Several significant differences were discovered when the nutritional compositions of

homemade and commercial soy milk were compared. Homemade soy milk had a
higher energy content of 47.09 kcals per 100 ml, compared to 39 kcals per 100 ml in
the commercial variant. The total carbohydrate content of homemade soy milk was
significantly higher at 4.02 gm per 100 ml, whereas the commercial counterpart had
a lower content of 1.3 gm per 100 ml. The protein content was found to be slightly
lower at 3.91 gm per 100 ml compared to 4.2 gm per 100 ml in the commercial
variant. The fat content was measured, with homemade soy milk revealing a total fat
content of 1.71 gm per 100 ml, while commercial soy milk revealed a total fat
content of 1.8 gm per 100 ml. Notably, homemade soy milk had a higher dietary
fiber content of 0.71 gm per 100 ml, whereas commercial soy milk had a lower value
of 0.3 gm per 100 ml.

In terms of mineral content, homemade soy milk had a high calcium content of 27.56
mg per 100 mL. The commercial variant, on the other hand, had a lower calcium
concentration of 22 mg per 100 ml. Similarly, the iron content of homemade soy
milk was determined to be 0.4 mg per 100 mL, whereas commercial soy milk iron

Sr. Parameters Units Methods Results of Analysis

1 Total Fat g/100ml FSSAI Manual For Cereal And Cereal 1.71

2 Protein g/100ml SOP-CHM-137-00 3.91

3 Total Carbohydrate g/100ml SOP-CHM-28-00 4.02

4 Energy Kcal/100ml SOP-CHM-29-00 47.09

5 Dietary Fiber g/100ml AOAC 985.29 (22th Edition) 0.71

was found to be absent.

Table 5.1 Analysis of proximate principles of homemade soymilk

Table 5.2 Mineral analysis of homemade soymilk

Sr. No. Parameters Units Methods Results of Analysis

1 Calcium mg / 100g SOP-CHM-27-01 A 27.56
2 Iron mg / 100g SOP-CHM-27-01 A 0.4

Figure 5.1: Nutritional information of commercial soymilk

Figure 5.2: Bar graph of comparison of Energy between Homemade

soymilk and Commercial Soymilk

Figure 5.3: Bar graph of comparison of Total carbohydrate between
Homemade soymilk and Commercial Soymilk

Figure 5.4: Bar graph of comparison of Protein Homemade soymilk

and Commercial Soymilk

Figure 5.5: Bar graph of comparison of Total fat soymilk and
Commercial Soymilk

Figure 5.6: Bar graph of comparison of Dietary fibre soymilk and

Commercial Soymilk

Figure 5.7: Bar graph of comparison of Calcium soymilk and
Commercial Soymilk

Figure 5.8: Bar graph of comparison of Iron soymilk and

Commercial Soymilk

5.2 Shelf life Evaluation

The results of shelf life evaluation are given in table 3 and table 4

Table 5.3: Shelf life evaluation of homemade soymilk

Date of analysis 5-Dec-23 8-Dec-23 15-Dec-23 22-Dec-23

A B C D Specified Limits
Test Phase Units
s Real-time 0 day Real-time 7 days Real-time 14 days Real-time 21 days

Total viable count cfu/ml 9.6 x 105 7.1 x 105 2.6 x 107 4.7 x 107 Max 102

Yeast cfu/ml 2.6 x 103 4.4 x 104 8.2 x 104 9.2 x 104

Max 102
<1 <1 <1 <1
Mold cfu/ml

Result - Fail Fail Fail Fail Pass/Fail

Shelf Life Obtained Days - - - - -

Date of analysis 5-Dec-23 8-Dec-23 15-Dec-23 22-Dec-23

A B C D Specified Limits
Test Phase Units
s Real-time 0 day Real-time 7 days Real-time 14 days Real-time 21 days

Total viable count cfu/ml <1 <1 2.8 x 102 1.4 x 103 Max 102

Yeast cfu/ml <1 <1 <1 <1

Max 102
Mold cfu/ml <1 <1 <1 <1

Result - Pass Pass Fail Fail Pass/Fail

Shelf Life Obtained Days 4 7 7 7 -

Table 5.4: Shelf life evaluation of commercial soymilk

In comparing the microbiological results of homemade and commercial soy milk,

distinct patterns emerge in their microbial counts over the designated time points. For
homemade soy milk, the analysis conducted at 0, 7, 14, and 21 days revealed
counts—total viable, yeast, and mold—that remained consistently below specified
limits initially. However, on the final assessment at 21 days, the total viable count
exceeded the permissible limit, indicating a deviation from established standards. In
contrast, commercial soy milk exhibited microbial counts well below the defined
limits at all time points (0, 7, 14, and 21 days), showcasing a consistent adherence to
microbiological standards. From these results, it is evident that commercial soy milk,
with microbial counts consistently below specified limits, suggests a more robust and
stable microbiological profile. This implies that commercial soy milk may have a

better shelf life, demonstrating sustained microbial quality throughout the testing
period, which is crucial for ensuring prolonged shelf life and overall product safety.

Table 5.5: The tabular representation of Shelf life of Homemade soymilk and
Commercial Soymilk of different parameters across different methods

Type of Soymilk
Homemade soymilk Commercial soymilk
Paramete (Real- (Real- (Real- (Real-
(Real- (Real- (Real- (Real-
r time time time time
time 0 time 7 time 0 time 7
14 21 14 21
day) days) day) days)
days) days) days) days)
viable 96000 71000 26000 47000
<1 <1 280 1400
count 0 0 000 000
Yeast 2600 44000 82000 92000 <1 <1 <1 <1
Mold <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1

5.3 Acidity

The acidity levels in the soy milk samples were measured and calculated, revealing
significant differences between homemade and commercial variants. The acidity of
homemade soy milk was 0.018%, indicating a low acidic content. Commercial soy
milk, on the other hand, had a higher acidity level of 0.072%.

Figure 5.9: Bar graph of comparison of acidity soymilk and

Commercial soymilk

5.4 Sensory Evaluation

Statistical analysis was applied to the data collected through sensory evaluation of
homemade and commercial soymilk. Continuous variables were presented as Mean ±
SD. The paired test was used to compare the Mean ± SD of continuous data scored
by same individuals across two samples. P value < 0.05 was considered statistically
significant. In the sensory evaluation of homemade and commercial soymilk, various
attributes were assessed, including appearance, texture, taste, aroma, and overall
appearance. The results are summarized below.

Table 5.6: Comparison of several parameters of sensory evaluation between

homemade and commercial soymilk
Homemade Commercial P-
soymilk soymilk value
Mean ±
Appearance 8.2 ±0.8 7.5 ±1.3 0.001
Mean ±
Texture 7.8 ±1 7.8 ±0.8 0.913
Mean ±
Taste 7.5 ±1.2 7.1 ±1.4 0.134
Mean ±
Aroma 7.4 ±1.4 7.1 ±1.3 0.301
Overall Mean ±
8 ±0.8 7.8 ±0.8 0.156
appearance SD

Appearance: Homemade soymilk exhibited a significantly higher mean score of 8.2

± 0.8 compared to commercial soymilk with a mean score of 7.5 ± 1.3 (p=0.001),
indicating a visually more appealing quality in the homemade variant.

Texture: No significant difference was observed between homemade (7.8 ± 1) and

commercial (7.8 ± 0.8) soymilk in terms of texture (p=0.913), suggesting a similar
textural experience for both.

Taste: Homemade soymilk obtained a slightly higher mean score of 7.5 ± 1.2
compared to commercial soymilk's score of 7.1 ± 1.4, though this difference was not
statistically significant (p=0.134).

Aroma: There was no significant difference between homemade (7.4 ± 1.4) and
commercial (7.1 ± 1.3) soymilk in terms of aroma (p=0.301).

Overall Appearance: Both variants received high scores for overall appearance,
with homemade soymilk at 8 ± 0.8 and commercial soymilk at 7.8 ± 0.8, showing no
statistically significant difference (p=0.156)

Figure 5.10: Bar graph of comparison between several parameters

between homemade and commercial soymilk


The results of this study provide useful insights on comparing the nutritional
composition, microbial growth and sensory properties of homemade soy milk and
commercial soy milk. As outlined in the objectives, the aim was to analyse these key
factors to evaluate whether there are any advantages or disadvantages in making soy
milk at home versus purchasing it commercially.

In the investigation conducted by Shahnai Basharat et al. (2020), the primary focus
was on unraveling the nutritional and physicochemical intricacies of soymilk derived
from ground and soaked soybeans. The study unveiled crucial parameters such as
pH, acidity, and mineral content, shedding light on its potential benefits for
individuals grappling with diabetes, obesity, or cardiovascular disease. In stark
contrast, the present study delved into a comprehensive comparison of the nutritional
compositions, shelf life dynamics, sensory attributes, and acidity levels between
commercially available and homemade soymilk. The findings from this investigation
echoed the notion that soymilk stands out as a health-conscious alternative due to its
low-fat, high-protein profile, aligning with the observations made by Shahnai
Basharat et al.

Similarly, Seyoung Ju et al. (2021) contributed to the discourse by scrutinizing the

sensory attributes and consumer acceptability of various soy milk types,
encompassing both commercially produced and lab-developed variants. Notably,
their findings highlighted the significance of understanding consumer preferences,
showcasing variations in attributes such as taste, texture, aroma, and overall
appearance. While the parameters investigated in this current soymilk study aligned
with the sensory attributes explored by Seyoung Ju et al., the outcomes exhibited
significant differences. This underscores the nuanced nature of sensory preferences
across studies and situations, offering valuable insights into the multifaceted realm of
consumer perceptions.

Drawing parallels with M.F. Afroz et al. (2016), whose study centered on the
"Preparation of soymilk using different methods," the current investigation shared
similar objectives, exploring the properties of soymilk. Afroz et al. delved into

parameters like moisture, total solids, protein, fat, carbohydrate, ash content, and
acidity percentage across varying concentrations of soymilk. Intriguingly, both
studies emphasized the critical importance of comprehending the physical and
chemical characteristics of soymilk. Furthermore, Afroz et al. recommended the
production of 125g concentrated dehulled soy seed blend on an industrial scale,
aligning with considerations pertinent to consumer preference and product
development elucidated in the present study. These collective findings underscore the
intricate nature of soymilk characteristics and their implications for consumer
choices and product development strategies.



The comparison of homemade and commercial soy milk provides a nuanced

perspective on various aspects, including nutritional composition, shelf life, acidity,
and sensory characteristics. This comprehensive understanding enables consumers to
make sophisticated decisions based on what is important to them

This study provides useful information for consumers looking to make informed
decisions between homemade and commercial soy milk. Individuals can align their
preferences with specific health goals owing to the detailed nutritional analysis,
which reveals distinctions in energy content, macronutrients, and micronutrients. For
those seeking more energy, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber, calcium and low fat
options homemade soy milk emerges as a viable option. Commercial soy milk, on
the other hand, provides convenience, stability, and an extended shelf life, making it
ideal for people with hectic schedules. The study emphasizes the significance of taste
preferences and provides consumers with the knowledge they need to align their
choices with individual dietary needs, taste preferences, and lifestyle considerations
by providing a comprehensive comparison. It also encourages the exploration of
alternative plant-based milk options and provides individuals with insights into the
DIY process for people who seek to control the components themselves.
Additionally, after the study concluded, it was found that homemade soymilk was
more cost-effective than soymilk that was sold in stores, making it a more affordable
and economical choice.


- The study's holistic approach, which incorporates nutritional, microbiological,

chemical, and sensory analyses, strengthens the findings.

- Methodological rigor, achieved through the use of standardized testing methods,

improves the results' reliability.

- The results are presented visually through tables and figures, allowing for easy
interpretation and understanding by both experts and non-experts.


- The study's focus on a single homemade and commercial soy milk variant may
limit generalizability.

- The inherent subjectivity in sensory evaluation introduces potential variability in

interpreting consumer preferences.

- The study's geographic focus on a specific region or locale may introduce regional
biases, and the findings may not be universally applicable to diverse cultural and
geographical contexts. Extending the study to include participants from different
regions could provide a more nuanced understanding of the preferences and
variations in soy milk consumption practices.

Further Recommendations:

- Future research endeavours should consider a more diversified sampling approach,

encompassing a broader range of homemade and commercial soy milk variants.

- Exploration of factors influencing microbial stability and shelf life would contribute
to improved product development and quality control.

- Consumer surveys could provide valuable insights into preferences and factors
influencing the acceptance of homemade versus commercial soy milk.

- Investigating packaging innovations could address microbial growth concerns and

contribute to extending the shelf life of homemade soy milk.



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