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Adductor Longus Activation During Common Hip Exercises

Article in Journal of Sport Rehabilitation · May 2014

DOI: 10.1123/JSR.2012-0046 · Source: PubMed

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3 authors, including:

Kevin Laudner Michael Torry

University of Colorado Colorado Springs Illinois State University


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Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 2014, 23, 79-87
http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/JSR.2012-0046 www.JSR-Journal.com
© 2014 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Adductor Longus Activation During Common

Hip Exercises
Robert J. Delmore, Kevin G. Laudner, and Michael R. Torry

Context: Hip-adductor strains are among the most common lower-extremity injuries sustained in athletics.
Treatment of these injuries involves a variety of exercises used to target the hip adductors. Objective: To
identify the varying activation levels of the adductor longus during common hip-adductor exercises. Design:
Descriptive study. Setting: Laboratory. Participants: 24 physically active, college-age students. Intervention:
None. Main Measurement Outcomes: Peak and average electromyographic (EMG) activity of the adductor
longus muscle during the following 6 hip-adductor rehabilitation exercises: side-lying hip adduction, ball
squeezes, rotational squats, sumo squats, standing hip adduction on a Swiss ball, and side lunges. Results:
The side-lying hip-adduction exercise produced more peak and average activation than any other exercise (P
< .001). Ball squeezes produced more peak and average activation than rotational squats, sumo squats, and
standing adduction on a Swiss ball (P < .001). Ball squeezes had more average activation than side lunges (P
= .001). All other variables for peak activation during the exercises were not statistically significant (P > .08).
These results allowed the authors to provide an overall ranking system (highest to lowest muscle activation):
side-lying hip adduction, ball squeezes, side lunges, standing adduction on a Swiss ball, rotational squats, and
sumo squats. Conclusion: The study provides a ranking system on the activation levels of the adductor longus
muscle for 6 common hip-adductor rehabilitation exercises, with the side-lying hip-adduction and ball-squeeze
exercises displaying the highest overall activation.

Keywords: therapeutic, rehabilitation, adductor strains

Adductor strains are among the most common Soccer athletes also frequently sustain hip-adductor
lower-extremity injuries seen in athletics.1–3 A common muscle injuries, with 12% to 18% of all soccer-related
mechanism of this injury is when the adductors attempt injuries being diagnosed as adductor strains.5,6 Sixty
to decelerate an extending, abducting leg by using an percent of these injuries are due to overuse, while the
eccentric contraction to adduct and flex the hip.4 With other 40% are caused by acute trauma.5 Experience level
the forceful eccentric contraction, the adductors may has also been shown to increase the incidence of adduc-
not be strong enough to withstand the force, and injury tor strains in soccer, with athletes in higher experience
can occur. The injury may also occur during a forceful levels reporting more adductor strains.6 In the adductor
concentric contraction of the muscle. Lower-extremity muscle group, the adductor longus has been shown to be
athletes such as ice hockey and soccer players are natu- most susceptible to injury when the leg is transitioning
rally more prone to this pathology due to the importance from hip extension to hip flexion during a soccer kick.7
of the hip adductors in lower-extremity performance.4 This is a common action not only in soccer but also in
Research has reported that 10% of all ice hockey any sport requiring forceful hip flexion and extension.
injuries sustained are hip-adductor strains. 1 Other Hockey players perform a similar motion while skating,
research has found that 43% of all muscle strains over the making the mechanism of hip-adductor injury common
course of a hockey season are diagnosed as hip-adductor in both soccer and hockey.
strains.2 Another investigation looking solely at adductor/ The adductor longus muscle has been found to be the
abdominal-strain incidence in all U.S. National Hockey most frequently injured of the adductor group, with 62%
League teams over 6 competitive seasons reported that of adductor injuries occurring to the musculotendinous
out of 7050 ice hockey players, 617 adductor/abdominal junction of the adductor longus.8 With adductor strains
strains were reported, with adductor strains being the being such a common injury among different athletes,
most common compared with abdominal strains.3 understanding how the adductor longus muscle specifi-
cally functions during different exercises becomes a key
component in the prevention and treatment of such inju-
ries. With the occurrence of hip-adductor strains being
The authors are with the School of Kinesiology and Recreation, 17 times more likely when hip-adductor strength is 80%
Illinois State University, Normal, IL. or less than the strength of the abductors,9 this makes

80  Delmore, Laudner, and Torry

adductor strength a vital component in the prevention of test electrode was applied to the adductor longus at the
this pathology. Past studies have used an array of adduc- center of the muscle belly parallel to the muscle fibers.
tor exercises while looking at adductor-injury-prevention The adductor longus belly was found midway between
programs, as well as for postinjury rehabilitation proto- the origin at the pubic tubercle and the insertion at the
col.10,11 At the heart of these techniques are activities that medial linea aspera of the femur.14 To ensure electrode
specifically target adductor strength and stabilization. placement, the test leg was passively abducted and the
While these methods have been suggested to help treat adductor longus muscle belly was palpated just distal to
adductor pathologies, the amount of specific muscle the muscle’s tendon, traced from the pubic tubercle on the
activation during individual exercises has yet to be exam- medial side of the leg. The participant was then asked to
ined. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify actively adduct the leg against resistance to confirm that
the amount of activation of the adductor longus muscle motor-unit activation was recorded by appropriate place-
during common hip-adductor-strengthening and -stabi- ment of the electrode. A ground electrode was placed on
lization exercises. By obtaining these data, clinicians the anteromedial tibia of the test leg.
may be able to choose specific exercises to reach desired Once prepared, the participants first performed
activation levels of the hip adductors, thereby assisting in a 5-second maximal voluntary isometric contraction
the prevention and rehabilitation of such injuries. (MVIC) of the adductor longus to gain a baseline mea-
surement. MVICs were taken with the participant side-
lying on the test side, with the contralateral leg flexed so
Methods that the foot rested on the table in front of the participant.
The test leg was kept straight and was lying flat against
Participants the table. The researcher then provided manual resistance
Twenty-four male participants (age 21.5 ± 2.0 y, height against the leg as the participant attempted to adduct
180.5 ± 6.3 cm, mass 86.9 ± 10.8 kg) volunteered to par- toward the ceiling (Figure 1). The test leg was kept flat
ticipate in this study. Exclusion criteria included previous on the table during each MVIC to ensure an isometric
history of lower-extremity injury within the past 6 months contraction. The participant was asked to provide a maxi-
and any previous history of hip surgery. Participants were mal effort for 5 seconds for a total of 5 trials.
required to be active for a minimum of 3 times per week, The participants performed each of the following
for at least 30 minutes per session. Each participant was 6 hip-adductor exercises: side-lying hip adduction,
informed of the experimental risks of the study and signed ball squeezes, rotational squats, sumo squats, standing
an informed-consent form as approved by the university hip adduction on a Swiss ball, and side lunges. The
review board before data collection. exercises were chosen based on previous research10,15
and our 12 years of therapeutic exercise experience.
Stabilization exercises were defined as exercises that
Instrumentation incorporated adductor longus activation to maintain
Muscle-activity data were obtained using surface elec- an exercise pattern or stance. Strength exercises were
tromyography (EMG; Bagnoli EMG system, Delsys Inc, defined as exercises that incorporated adductor longus
Boston, MA). Signals were amplified from a test electrode activation to sustain activation against resistance. All
(Delsys DE-2.1 differential EMG sensor, Delsys Inc, exercises were completed at the pace of a metronome set
Boston, MA) and a disposable pregelled adhesive ground at 1 beat/s to maintain compliance with the variable of
electrode with a circular contact diameter of 5 cm. EMG time. The researcher also provided a verbal cadence to
data were collected at a frequency of 2000 Hz per channel. the beat of the metronome to ensure that the participant
Each EMG signal exhibited a bandwidth of 3 dB at 10 to maintained the correct rhythm during the exercise. The
500 Hz. The lower cutoff filter was a first-order, high-pass verbal cadence consisted of the researcher counting out
design. The upper cutoff filter was a fourth-order But- the seconds during each repetition of the exercise. The
terworth low-pass design. The differential amplifier had researcher providing the verbal cadence was also in
a fixed gain of 1000, an input impedance of >10 Ω, and charge of striking the force platform at the beginning
a common rejection ratio of 130 dB. Surface EMG has and end of each repetition. The force-platform data in
been proven to be reliable in past studies that examined conjunction with the muscle-activation data allowed us
the use of the technology with other hip muscles such to separate each repetition and look at it individually to
as the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteus medius.12,13 avoid processing for the short rest period between repeti-
All EMG data were processed using ProEMG software tions. Participants were shown each exercise and allowed
(Prophysics AG, Zurich, Switzerland) integrated with a to practice it before data collection began to familiarize
Vicon Nexus system (Vicon Inc, Los Angeles, CA). themselves with the movements. Practice of each exercise
did not exceed 5 repetitions. The order of the exercises
Procedures was randomized across participants, and all exercises
were performed for 5 repetitions, with each repetition
Each participant’s dominant leg (the leg preferred to lasting 5 seconds (2.5 s for the concentric contraction
kick a ball) was used for testing. Electrodes were applied and 2.5 s for the eccentric contraction).
to the skin of the test leg after the areas were shaved, The side-lying hip-adduction exercise was performed
abraded, and cleansed with 70% isopropyl alcohol. The in the side-lying position with the test side on a standard
Adductor Longus Activation During Exercises  81

treatment table. The nontest hip and knee were flexed test-side anterosuperior iliac spine down the test-side
to 90° and rotated so that the foot was flat on the table tibia. This length was standardized to ensure that the
in front of the test leg. The test leg was kept straight lever arm during the exercise would be the same for all
throughout the exercise. A 5-lb (~2.3-kg) ankle weight participants. The participant was asked to slowly adduct
was placed around the ankle of the test leg to provide the test leg (lift the leg off the table) and then slowly lower
resistance (Figure 2). The ankle weight was used to help it back down to the starting position.
simulate the resistance used in the other exercises, as Ball squeezes were performed supine with the
well as test the exercise as it is commonly performed. participant’s knees flexed to 45° and a 45-cm Swiss
The placement of the ankle weight was 79 cm from the ball (TheraBand, Akron, OH) held between the medial

Figure 1 — Position for maximal voluntary isometric contraction. White arrow indicates direction of force of the researcher; black
arrow indicates direction of force of the participant.

Figure 2 — Side-lying hip adduction. Black arrow indicates direction of force of the participant.
82  Delmore, Laudner, and Torry

aspects of both knees (Figure 3). The participant was Rotational squats were performed by having the
asked to adduct his hips, thereby squeezing the ball, and participant stand with his feet shoulder width apart and
then return to the starting position. The participant was knees slightly flexed. A circular resistance band (Thera-
instructed to squeeze the ball at submaximal intensity, Band, red: medium resistance, 28 in) was placed around
enough to indent the ball slightly. both knees, just proximal to the joint (Figure 4). The

Figure 3 — Ball squeeze.

Figure 4 — Rotational squat. Black arrow indicates direction of force of the participant.
Adductor Longus Activation During Exercises  83

participant was asked to rotate his trunk approximately

80° to 90° while externally rotating the hip 80° to 90°
away from the midline of the body, so the test foot was
pointing at a 90° angle from the nontest foot. While turn-
ing, the participant was asked to simultaneously squat by
flexing at the knees and then extend to return to the start
position with both feet facing forward.
Sumo squats began with the feet shoulder width
apart and rotated away from the midline of the body at
approximately a 45° angle. In this position, the participant
was then asked to flex at the hips and knees into a squat-
ting position (to approximately 90°) and then return to
the starting position by extending both legs (Figure 5).
Standing hip adduction on a Swiss ball began with
the test knee flexed and resting on a 75-cm Swiss ball
(TheraBand, Akron, OH). The participant was then asked
to move the test leg away from the midline of the body
by rolling the Swiss ball out and then bring the test leg
back toward the midline of the body to the starting posi-
tion (Figure 6).
Side lunges were performed by having the participant
step to the side while facing forward, allowing both knees
to flex to 90° and keeping the back straight (Figure 7). The
step was double the length of the distance between the
feet when they are shoulder width apart. The participants
Figure 6 — Standing hip adduction on a Swiss ball. Black
alternated stepping to the right and then to the left to keep arrow indicates direction of force of the participant.
close proximity to the EMG equipment.

Figure 5 — Sumo squat. Black arrow indicates direction of Figure 7 — Side lunge. Black arrow indicates direction of
force of the participant. force of the participant.
84  Delmore, Laudner, and Torry

Statistical Methods = .001), side lunges (33.4%, P = .001), standing adduc-

tion on a Swiss ball (42.8%, P = .001), rotational squats
The MVIC raw signal was full-wave rectified and pro- (44.3%, P = .001), and sumo squats (46.4%, P = .001).
cessed using a root-mean-square of 100 milliseconds. For Ball squeezes produced more peak %MVIC activation
the MVICs, the average of the highest peak activation of than standing adduction on a Swiss ball (18.7%, P =
3 of 5 trials was used for trial data normalization. Trial .001), rotational squats (20.2%, P = .001), and sumo
data were processed for peak and average activation. squats (22.3%, P = .001). All other variables for peak
After the raw signal was rectified and smoothed, it was %MVIC activation during the exercises were not statisti-
divided by the respective MVIC value to yield percentage cally significant (P > .08).
activation values. Peak %MVIC activation trials were Side-lying hip adduction produced more average
processed by taking the highest value in each repetition %MVIC activation than ball squeezes (8.1%, P = .001),
of each exercise. Average %MVIC activation trials were side lunges (13.9%, P = .001), rotational squats (15.3%,
processed by averaging all the activity for each repetition P = .001), standing adduction on a Swiss ball (16.0%,
for each exercise. P = .001), and sumo squats (16.4%, P = .001). Ball
Using PASW version 18 (PASW Inc, Chicago, IL), a squeezes produced more average %MVIC activation than
1-way repeated-measures analyses of variance (ANOVA) side lunges (5.8%, P = .001), rotational squats (7.2%, P
was conducted to compare average and peak EMG-signal = .001), standing adduction on a Swiss ball (7.9%, P =
amplitude between the exercises. A Bonferroni correction .001), and sumo squats (8.3%, P = .001). The percentages
was used to protect against type I error caused by mul- in the parentheses represent the difference in percentage
tiple tests (P < .05/6, or P < .008). To ensure that EMG activation between exercises. All other variables for
values were consistent within each exercise and during the average %MVIC activation during the exercises were
MVICs, reliability analyses were also conducted using not statistically significant (P > .42). Peak and average
intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC3,1). The rank of %MVIC activation of adductor longus across all exercises
the exercises was determined by rank of highest peak are displayed in Table 1.
and average amplitude and then viewed as an overall Reliability analysis revealed ICC3,1 values of .98
rank. When a discrepancy existed between exercises in to .99 when assessing all 5 repetitions of each exercise.
regard to the order of peak rank and average rank, the When we assessed reliability between the 3 MVIC repeti-
sum of the peak and average rank was determined and tions, the ICC value was found to be .93. These values
used to determine the placement of the exercise within are displayed in Table 2 and suggest there was strong
the ranking system. reliability within subjects throughout each exercise and
the MVIC trials. The means and standard deviations for
Results all normalized peak and average amplitude data can be
viewed in Table 1. Based on these data each exercise
The side-lying hip-adduction exercise produced more was ranked from highest to lowest muscle activity of the
peak %MVIC activation than ball squeezes (24.1%, P adductor longus (Table 3).

Table 1 Peak and Average EMG Amplitudes (as %MVIC) of Adductor Longus Across 6 Exercises
Exercise % peak amplitude MVIC (SD) % average amplitude MVIC (SD)
Side-lying hip adduction 60.1 (16.2)* 22.4 (5.5)†
Ball squeezes 36.0 (18.0)+ 14.3 (6.0)‡
Rotational squats 15.8 (10.7) 7.1 (4.3)
Sumo squats 13.7 (7.6) 6.0 (3.0)
Standing hip adduction on Swiss ball 17.3 (9.7) 6.4 (3.1)
Side lunges 26.7 (13.1) 8.5 (3.9)
Abbreviations: EMG, electromyography; MVIC, maximum voluntary isometric contraction. Significance was set at P = .001, with a symbol indi-
cating significance.
*Side-lying hip adduction produced more peak activation than ball squeezes, rotational squats, sumo squats, standing adduction on Swiss ball, and
side lunges.
+Ball squeezes produced more peak activation than rotational squats, sumo squats, and standing adduction on Swiss ball.
†Side-lying hip adduction produced more average activation than ball squeezes, rotational squats, sumo squats, standing adduction on Swiss ball,
and side lunges.
‡Ball squeezes produced more average activation than rotational squats, sumo squats, standing adduction on Swiss ball, and side lunges.
Adductor Longus Activation During Exercises  85

Table 2 Within-Subject Reliability for Each results support previous literature by Kendall et al,20 who
Exercise and MVICs recommended the side-lying position for strength testing
of the hip adductors.
Exercise ICC Delahunt et al15 examined the optimal position
Maximum voluntary isometric contraction .93 for the supine adductor squeeze test, a common test to
Side-lying hip adduction .98 evaluate the strength of the hip adductors. Their results
indicated that 45° of knee flexion (while supine) is the
Ball squeezes .98 best position of the patient to generate maximum muscle
Rotational squats .99 activation of the adductor muscles. In the current study,
Sumo squats .99 although the side-lying position produced more mean
Standing hip adduction on Swiss ball .99
and peak %MVIC activation than the ball squeeze, the
ball squeeze ranked the second highest among the 6
Side lunges .98 exercises and produced significantly higher average and
peak %MVIC activation than the rotational squats, sumo
squats, and standing adduction on a Swiss ball, as well
Table 3 Rank Order for Adductor Longus as more average %MVIC activation than the side lunges.
With ball squeezes ranking second in terms of activation,
Muscle Activation
it supports the position found in the results of the Dela-
Overall rank Exercise %PA %AA hunt et al15 study that it is effective in generating adductor
1 Side-lying hip ADD 1 1 activation but might not be optimal when compared with
the side-lying position used in our study.
2 Ball squeezes 2 2 The current study supports the findings of Delahunt
3 Side lunges 3 3 et al,15 but differences in the methods make them difficult
4 Standing hip ADD to compare. Unlike our study, Delahunt et al investigated
on Swiss ball 4 5 the activity levels of the hip-adductor muscles at maxi-
5 Rotational squats 5 4
mum strength, compared with our submaximal strength
measures, and only investigated variations of the ball-
6 Sumo squats 6 6 squeeze exercise, compared with our multiple exercises.
Abbreviations: ADD, adduction; %PA, percent peak amplitude of Other hip adductors such as the adductor magnus, adduc-
maximum voluntary isometric contraction; %AA, percent average tor brevis, gracilis, and pectineus were also focused on
amplitude of maximum voluntary isometric contraction. in Delahunt et al’s results, as opposed to only looking at
the adductor longus. This difference could make for an
interpretation of higher activation of the adductors as a
Discussion whole when compared with adductor longus activation
in isolation found in the current study. It should also be
Various athletes, such as hockey and soccer players, com- noted that the activation levels in current study may have
monly sustain injuries to the hip-adductor muscles.7,16–19 occurred due to some internal rotation of the hip during
It is critical to understand what exercises produce the the exercise, which the adductor longus is responsible
largest amount of activation. Our study is the first to show for producing. Regardless, our results provide clinically
significant differences between common hip-adductor useful information when determining which exercises
exercises and to specifically rank these therapeutic exer- should be used in the rehabilitation of various pathologies
cises based on mean and peak %MVIC activation of the associated with adductor longus weakness.
adductor longus. More specifically, our results show that Side lunges ranked third in the continuum. Tyler et
the side-lying hip-adduction exercise produced more al10 used this exercise in the warm-up portion of their
activity than any other adduction exercise, followed by rehabilitation protocol for adductor strains, which our
the isometric ball-squeeze exercise. results would support due to moderate activation levels.
The side-lying hip-adduction exercise was found to However, sumo squats were also used during the warm-
generate the highest activation levels, for both peak and up of the Tyler et al10 study but ranked last according to
average %MVIC activation, when compared with all our data. Although our results do not suggest that sumo
other exercises. In the side-lying position the pelvis is squats are unnecessary, they do support the idea that other
stabilized from laterally tilting by the table. Therefore, exercises, which appear to produce higher amounts of
the adductor longus may have been better isolated, with- both average and peak %MVIC activation of the adduc-
out any contribution from supplementary hip muscles, tor longus, may be more beneficial for a warm-up before
compared with the other exercises. Our findings suggest adductor-related rehabilitation.
that this side-lying method not only is beneficial for Standing hip adduction on a Swiss ball and rotational
therapeutic exercises but could also be considered when squats ranked fourth and fifth, respectively, in the rank-
testing the strength of the adductor longus during evalu- ing system. However, unlike the other 4 exercises, these
ations and during MVICs used for EMG studies. Our ranks were not consistent between peak and average
86  Delmore, Laudner, and Torry

%MVIC activation. These results may be due to other Finally, we only used asymptomatic participants, which
muscles’ being recruited during both exercises. Stand- may make our results difficult to compare with the activa-
ing hip adduction on a Swiss ball was determined to be tion levels of an injured population. Injured participants
a higher overall rank by summing the peak and average may exhibit a change in muscle activation due to the
amplitude of both exercises to determine the placement muscle’s recent damage. Our data could provide norma-
of the exercise within the ranking system. tive baselines for future research to make comparisons
When examining the overall ranking of the exercises between healthy and symptomatic individuals.
based on activation levels, some speculation can be made
about why each exercise produced the activation that it
did. It appears that as the exercises became more complex Conclusion
and began to use joints other than the iliofemoral joint,
less activation of the adductor longus muscle occurred. The side-lying exercise produced significantly more
This is plausible because as more joints are recruited for activity than any other exercise, while the ball squeeze
an exercise, so are more muscles to make those joints produced more activity than the rotational squats, sumo
mobile. Increased muscle recruitment from subsequent squats, standing adduction on a Swiss ball, and the side
muscles may consequently allow the adductor longus lunges. However, it should be emphasized that although
muscle to activate less but still complete the desired we ranked the 6 exercises based on the amount of peak
exercise. Gravity independence and knee flexion during and average %MVIC activation, the only exercises with
the exercises may have also played a role in lower activa- statistically larger amounts of activation levels were for
tion levels in more complex exercises. As the knee flexes, side-lying hip adduction and ball squeeze. The other 4
other muscles are recruited to complete the motion, allow- exercises may be considered interchangeable based on
ing the adductor longus to activate less. Although more the closeness of their activation levels determined in this
complex motions should also be incorporated into various study. The side-lying hip-adduction exercise produced the
hip-rehabilitation programs due to their functionality, the most activation of the muscle, followed by ball squeezes,
side-lying and ball-squeeze exercises should be consid- side lunges, standing hip adduction on a Swiss ball,
ered when more of an emphasis is desired for isolation rotational squats, and sumo squats. These results may be
of the adductor longus. beneficial not only in the prevention and rehabilitation
As with any study, there are several limitations of our of various pathologies associated with adductor longus
study worth noting. One was the use of surface EMG to weakness but also in manual muscle testing during clini-
detect muscle-activation levels. While surface EMG has cal evaluations. Future research should examine activa-
been proven to be reliable12,13 when examining the hip tion levels when comparing male and female subject,
musculature, its validity is often questioned. Noise can injured populations, and across various resistance levels
occur, with other electronics in the vicinity of the system for the exercises.
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