Documento Sin Título
Documento Sin Título
Documento Sin Título
Will the materials clean the water?
I suppose that the water will purify and go clean because of the materials
that we put in the bottle, because they could have properties that make
the water clean and purified
-Empty Litre Bottle
-Dirty Water
First we cut the bottle into half, then we place the bottle upside down
with the other piece and we put cotton, next we put sand where we put
cotton, then we put charcoal on top of the sand, then we take the gravel
or pebbles and put them on top of the charcoal and our experiment is
ready. We pour some water on the filter and the water will be of a
different color, it will be transparent, but not ready to drink, if we want to
drink it we’ll have to boil it first.
The operation of the home water purifier is based on the entry of water
with impurities through the upper part, which passes through the various
layers of the system, arriving clean and free of impurities at the lower
part of the system.
The operation of the home water purifier is based on the entry of water
with impurities through the upper part, which passes through the various
layers of the system, arriving clean and free of impurities at the lower
part of the system. Gravel and pebbles filter out larger sediments. Sand
to filter out fine impurities. Charcoal removes contaminants and
impurities by adsorption
The results were much as expected, the water came out clean thanks to
the materials we put in the bottle, the cotton retained the small pieces of
rocks that were on the dirt water and the rest made sure to clean it
Water is an important thing in our life, this experiment is really helpful on
a survival case or an emergency situation. Having the knowledge about
how to do a filter and getting the correct materials will save your life .
What I learned was that no matter how dirty the water is, it can still
be purified and cleaned with the right elements, although the
elements might not be seen as something that would clean and
purify the water, they actually do thanks to their properties and
interaction with the water.