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Analytica Chimica Acta 1163 (2021) 338520

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Deep multiblock predictive modelling using parallel input

convolutional neural networks
Puneet Mishra a, *, Da
rio Passos b
Wageningen Food and Biobased Research, Bornse Weilanden 9, P.O. Box 17, 6700AA, Wageningen, the Netherlands
CEOT, Universidade Do Algarve, Campus de Gambelas, 8005-189, Faro, Portugal

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 A deep multi-block data modelling

method is presented.
 An example of fusing two blocks, i.e.,
visible, and near-infrared data, is
 Proposed method outperformed
classical multi-block chemometric

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the domain of chemometrics, multiblock data analysis is widely performed for exploring or fusing data
Received 1 February 2021 from multiple sources. Commonly used methods for multiblock predictive analysis are the extensions of
Received in revised form latent space modelling approaches. However, recently, deep learning (DL) approaches such as con-
27 March 2021
volutional neural networks (CNNs) have outperformed the single block traditional latent space modelling
Accepted 13 April 2021
Available online 16 April 2021
chemometric approaches such as partial least-square (PLS) regression. The CNNs based DL modelling can
also be performed to simultaneously deal with the multiblock data but was never explored until this
study. Hence, this study for the first time presents the concept of parallel input CNNs based DL modelling
Data fusion
for multiblock predictive chemometric analysis. The parallel input CNNs based DL modelling utilizes
Artificial intelligence individual convolutional layers for each data block to extract key features that are later combined and
Spectroscopy passed to a regression module composed of fully connected layers. The method was tested on a real
Chemistry visible and near-infrared (Vis-NIR) large data set related to dry matter prediction in mango fruit. To have
the multiblock data, the visible (Vis) and near-infrared (NIR) parts were treated as two separate blocks.
The performance of the parallel input CNN was compared with the traditional single block CNNs based
DL modelling, as well as with a commonly used multiblock chemometric approach called sequentially
orthogonalized partial least-square (SO-PLS) regression. The results showed that the proposed parallel
input CNNs based deep multiblock analysis outperformed the single block CNNs based DL modelling and
the SO-PLS regression analysis. The root means squared errors of prediction obtained with deep mul-
tiblock analysis was 0.818%, relatively lower by 4 and 20% than single block CNNs and SO-PLS regression,
respectively. Furthermore, the deep multiblock approach attained ~3% lower RMSE compared to the best
known on the mango data set used for this study. The deep multiblock analysis approach based on
parallel input CNNs could be considered as a useful tool for fusing data from multiple sources.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Puneet Mishra).

0003-2670/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Puneet Mishra and D. Passos Analytica Chimica Acta 1163 (2021) 338520

1. Introduction combined using pooling layers or simply concatenated and passed

through to a dense (a.k.a fully connected, FC) layers block to attain a
Data from multiple sources is widely encountered in the che- suitable mapping with the property of interest. To the best of our
mometrics domain [1,2]. For example, measurements performed on chemometrics literature search [1,2,18], an implementation of
a single sample with multiple spectroscopic sensors [3,4], data parallel input CNNs for multiblock predictive modelling has never
measured on multiple batches [5], and same data pre-processed been done and this work is the first to implement and demonstrate
with several pre-processing techniques [6e8]. The traditional sin- its potential on a real-life spectroscopy data set.
gle block latent variables based chemometric approaches such as The objective of this study is to implement the concept of par-
principal component analysis (PCA) [9] and partial least-square allel input CNNs based DL modelling for multiblock predictive
regression (PLS) [10,11] analysis are widely used but they are not analysis. The method was tested on a real, large Vis-NIR data set
the optimal analysis solution when comes to multiblock data [2]. related to dry matter prediction in mango fruit. The multiblock data
Single-block chemometric techniques are inefficient in jointly was crafted by treating the visible and near-infrared spectral bands
modelling data from multiple sources and particularly when the of the original data set as two separate blocks. The performance of
data is in different scales [12e14]. Hence to deal with multi-source the parallel CNNs is compared with the traditional single block
data, especial techniques called multiblock data analysis techniques CNNs based DL modelling [27] and with the commonly used mul-
exist in the domain of chemometrics [1,2,5,12e18]. tiblock chemometric approach called sequentially orthogonalized
Multiblock data analysis techniques exist for both data explo- partial least-squares (SO-PLS) regression [17]. Finally, the results
ration [2,12,13] and predictive modelling [2,15e17]. Furthermore, from the deep multiblock modelling approach were compared with
novel applications of multiblock analysis even allow tasks such as the best reported results on the mango data set [32] using only the
calibration transfer [19] and optimal pre-processing selection and NIR part of the spectra [33,34].
fusion [7,8]. The main aim of multiblock analysis for data explora-
tion is to allow enhanced visualization of hidden patterns which is
otherwise unachievable with the analysis made on data from a 2. Materials and method
single source [5,12,13,20], while for predictive modelling the main
aim of multiblock methods is to achieve a precise prediction of the 2.1. Data set
property of interest by combining information from multiple
sources [16,17,21]. Commonly used methods for multiblock pre- The data set used in this study was a visible and near-infrared
dictive analysis are the extensions of latent space modelling ap- spectroscopy data related to dry matter (DM) prediction in
proaches such as PLS regression [10,11] and principal covariates mango fruit (publicly available at [32]). The data in total have 11,691
regression [22]. For example, some akin methods are multiblock Vis-NIR spectra (350e1200 nm in 3 nm sampling) and reference
partial least-square regression [23], response optimized sequential DM measurements performed on mango fruit across 4 harvest
alteration [24], sequential orthogonalized partial least-square seasons 2015e2018. According to the description of the data
regression and parallel orthogonalized partial least-square regres- [33,34], the spectral measurements were performed with F750
sion [16,17]. Additionally, several feature selection methods are Produce Quality Meter (Felix Instruments, Camas, USA), while DM
available such as the sparse covariate regression [25] and sequen- (%) was measured with oven drying (UltraFD1000, Ezidri, Beverley,
tial orthogonalized covariate selection [21] that, while maintaining Australia). The spectra, at the source repository, comes pre-
the predictive accuracy of models, allows extracting key hidden partitioned into training and test sets, in order to be able to make
features from the multi-source data. a fair comparison with the results previously reported on the data
Recently, in the domain of chemometrics, a huge interest is set [33,34]. Out of 11,691 spectra, 10,243 training spectra are from
emerging related to the use of deep learning frameworks for the first three harvest seasons (2015e2017), while the remaining
modelling multivariate signals such as spectral data [26e29]. Ap- 1448 spectra (from 2018) are the independent test set. The original
proaches such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) [27,28] and spectral range 350e1200 nm presented extreme noise at the
autoencoders [30,31] are being increasingly applied to the field and beginning and end of the spectra. These noisy sections were
have, in several occasions, shown to outperformed classical ap- removed, and the spectral range was reduced to (450e1030 nm).
proaches such as PLS regression in terms of achieving high accuracy The original training set was pre-filtered using the Hotelling’s T2 or
models. However, most of the CNNs DL models that currently exist Q statistics obtained with PLS data decomposition that removed
in the chemometric literature are limited to deal with a single block several outliers. A key point to note is that the outliers from the test
of data. The CNNs based DL modelling can also be engineered to set were not removed to enable a fair comparison of results with
simultaneously deal with multiblock data. Multiblock modelling previous studies performed on the same data set [33,34]. The final
with CNNs can be performed by implementing a neural network training set, after outlier removal, comprised of 9914 samples. The
architecture with several parallel convolutional layers blocks training set was further partition into calibration (66.66% of
whose receptive fields are data coming from different sources. Each training set) and validation set (33.33% of training set) for model
block then extracts complementary information from the different training. To support the development of this multiblock analysis
input data sources separately. The parallel conv. layers blocks are technique, the original spectra were partitioned into two blocks,
required as the data from each source may have different features, visible (450e697 nm) and near-infrared (700e1030 nm) bands.
for example, if the data comes from near-infrared (NIR) spectros- Such a partition was performed as the fruit outer colour
copy and mass-spectroscopy (MS) domains, where the NIR data has (450e697 nm) and the chemical absorption (700e1030 nm) related
broad spectral peaks while the MS data has sharp peaks, then, using to OH and CH bond overtones are highly correlated to fruit prop-
the same type of convolutional filters on two such data may not be erties such as DM. In previous works though, authors have only
an ideal solution. In such a case, the size of the convolutional filters used mostly the NIR part of the spectra [33,34], but in this study the
should be optimized individually to benefit the most from the aim was to demonstrate how combining Vis and NIR information
complementary information present in the multi-source data. After with deep multiblock analysis can provide a better accuracy model
the input parallel conv. layers block, extracted features can be compared to the model developed on only NIR data.

Puneet Mishra and D. Passos Analytica Chimica Acta 1163 (2021) 338520

2.2. Parallel CNNs based deep learning Since the main objective of this work is the introduction of a
proof-of-concept architecture, for the sake of simplicity we chose to
The DL model architecture used in this study was an extension optimize only a limited number of models hyperparameters, i.e.,
of the 1-dimensional convolutional neural network (1D-CNN) ar- the filter sizes for both conv. blocks 1 and 2, the size of the training
chitecture presented in [27] and implemented in [35e37]. The 1D- mini-batch and the strength of the L2 regularization, b. A grid
CNN architecture used in [27] was introduced to deal with a single search was implemented that probed 1260 models with “filter
block of data. For multiblock analysis, the 1D-CNN architecture sizes” 1 and 2 in the interval [5,10,15,20,25,30], batch size in [32, 64,
must be modified to accept multiple sources of data. An intuitive 128, 256, 512] and b in [0.001, 0.003, 0.008, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.03].
solution to solve this problem is to implement an architecture with The training set was further partitioned into calibration (66.66%)
input parallel layers that can simultaneously extract the features and validation (33.33%) using the ‘test_train_split’ function from
from multiple sources of data. Hence, the solution proposed in this sklearn (https://scikit-learn.org/stable/).
study is to use parallel convolution layers to process different data The optimisation strategy used first checks the effect of different
types that were later concatenated and flatten before being fed to a b on the minima root mean squared errors (RMSE) of calibration
dense layers block. A summary of the architecture proposed in this and validation sets and identifies an “optimal” b as the one
study for deep multiblock analysis is shown in Fig. 1. For an easier achieving lowest difference between the calibration and validation
explanation of the concept, we opted to implement a simple CNN sets RMSE. A low difference in these RMSEs was a signal of less
architecture with only two receptive fields composed by 2 convo- overfitting of the model on the training set. The optimal batch size
lution layers with 1 filter each and stride ¼ 1 followed by a flatten was chosen based on the same criteria. Once the optimal b and
layer that is connected to 3 fully FC layers with 36, 18 and 12 batch size were set, the kernel sizes for each block were identified
neurons, respectively and a final output layer with one neuron. The by searching for common minima in the calibration and the vali-
number of units (or neurons) in the FC layers follows the pre- dation in filter-1-size vs filter-2-size RMSE contour plots. The
scription of the original architecture in [25]. After each layer, the models with optimal hyperparameters were used for predicting the
data flows through an exponential linear unit (eLU) activation test set. The parallel input CNN was implemented using the Python
function, except for the last output layer where a linear activation (3.6) language and the deep learning framework Tensorflow (2.4)
function was used. The mean squared error (MSE) was used as the with the tf.Keras API on a workstation equipped with a NVidia GPU
loss function and layer regularization was implemented by adding (GeForce RTX 2080 Ti), an Intel® Core™ i7-4770k @3.5 GHz
an L2 penalty (b) on the model weighs (and added to the loss and 64 GB RAM, running Microsoft Windows 10 OS. The chemo-
function). We rely on the Adaptive moment estimation (Adam [32]) metric analysis related to outlier removal was performed in MAT-
optimizer with the back-propagation algorithm to train the model LAB 2018b, MathWorks, Natick, USA using the freely available MBA-
weights. Adam was initiated with an initial learning rate (LR) given GUI [1].
by 0.01  (batch size)/256 and to increase the chances of conver-
gence toward a global minimum, the LR was iteratively decreased 2.3. Benchmark analysis
by a factor of 2 when the validation loss wasn’t improved by 105
after 25 epochs (using the tf.keras.ReduceLROnPlateau() in func- The performance of the deep multiblock analysis based on
tion). The maximum number of epochs allocated for the training parallel input CNN modelling was compared with two benchmark
was 700 but that value was almost never reached due to the use of models. The first was the single block CNNs presented in Ref. [27],
the Early Stopping technique (tf.keras.EarlyStopping() function). where the two data blocks were concatenated (to their original
This technique helps avoid overfitting by stopping the training form) in the variable domain to make it a single block data [27]. This
process if the validation metrics don’t improve after a certain single block CNN was also optimized using a grid search approach
consecutive number of epochs. for filter size in the convolutional layer, batch size and b over the
same hyperparameter intervals previously defined in section 3.2.
Optimal values were chosen based on the same criteria as pre-
sented in 3.2 with the difference that the final step involves a search
for minima in “batch size” vs “filter size” contour plot.
The multiblock CNN analysis method was also compared in
terms of accuracy with a popular multiblock predictive modelling
technique called sequential orthogonalized partial least-square
(SO-PLS) regression [17]. The SO-PLS at first builds a PLS regres-
sion with the first block of data to extract the scores related to the
property of interest. Later, the scores were used to orthogonalize
the data matrix from the second block and the response variable to
remove the already explained part of the property of interest. The
orthogonalized second block data was later used to build a new PLS
model. At last, all the scores from the two different blocks were
concatenated and used to build the final model. The SO-PLS
regression was implemented with the freely available codes from
MBA-GUI [1]. A key parameter to optimize in the SO-PLS was the
number of latent variables (LVs) for each data block. The used
approach was to try all possible combinations of LVs from all blocks
and later choose the one carrying the lowest error [3,8]. However,
in this work, to achieve a faster optimisation of the number of LVs, a
sequential optimisation was performed. In sequential optimisation,
at first, the total number of LVs for the first block were identified by
Fig. 1. A summary of the parallel CNNs architecture used for deep multiblock pre- increasing the LVs from 1 to 40 and monitoring the performance of
dictive modelling. the model on the validation set. The optimal number of LVs for the
Puneet Mishra and D. Passos Analytica Chimica Acta 1163 (2021) 338520

first block was selected as the elbow point in the error plot. The closer to each other. Around b ¼ 0:01 the difference between the
scores of the first block were then used to orthogonalize the second RMSE of the calibration and validation was minimal and it was
block and the property on interest. Later, the optimal number of LVs considered a good compromise point between model performance
for the 2nd block was found by varying the LVs from 1 to 40 and (low validation RMSE) and low overfitting (the smaller difference
monitoring the performance of the model on the orthogonalized between RMSEs). For b < 0:01, the validation RMSE was lower but
validation set. Once again, the optimal LVs for the 2nd block was the higher difference to calibration RMSE indicates that the model
selected as the elbow point of the error plot. Finally, the multiblock was overfitting more, hence, losing its capacity of generalizing well
SO-PLS model with optimal LVs was built and tested on the inde- when applied to the test set.
pendent test set. In all cases, the performance of the models was After choosing b ¼ 0:01, the optimal filter and batch sizes were
judged based on the RMSE. identified by identifying common minima for the RMSE on cali-
bration (Fig. 4A) and validation (Fig. 4B) set. Kernel filter size ¼ 25
and batch size ¼ 64 were identified as optimal, as highlighted in
3. Results and discussion
Fig. 4B. The model based on these optimal parameters was tested
on the independent test set and RMSE ¼ 0.855% was obtained
3.1. Spectra and reference data
(Fig. 5).
The results of the benchmark SO-PLS modelling are shown in
The mean spectra for two blocks i.e., Vis and NIR for mango fruit
Fig. 6. It can be noted that the SO-PLS identified 15 (Figs. 6A) and 8
are shown in Fig. 2. Further, the reference dried matter distribu-
(Fig. 6B) LVs in the Vis and NIR data blocks, respectively. Finally, the
tions for calibration (red), validation (blue) and test (green) sets are
model based on the optimal LVs was tested on the independent test
shown in Fig. 2C. In the Vis spectra (Fig. 2A), some key peaks at
set and RMSE ¼ 1.03% was reached. The performance of the SO-PLS
500 nm and 670 nm can be noted. These peaks are related to the
was poorer compared to the single block CNN modelling performed
colour of the outer peel which can range from green to yellow to
on the concatenated data. However, the performance of the SO-PLS
red depending on the fruit cultivar and the maturity stage. During
was better compared to the single block PLS analysis (on NIR data)
ripening the green colour of the outer peel changes toward red
presented on the same data set in earlier studies [33,34,36]. Hence,
tones due to chlorophyll degradation. Hence, indirectly, the colour
the SO-PLS analysis demonstrates that combining the Vis infor-
of the outer peel correlates with the maturity stage of the fruit, and
mation with the NIR could improve the model performance.
thus, also to the DM (%) in the fruit. In the NIR spectra (Fig. 2B), the
main peak at 960 nm related to the 3rd overtone of the OH bond
related to H2O can be noted. The overtone related to the OH is due
to the high moisture in the fruit and is inversely related to the dried
mater in the fruit (dried matter ¼ 1 - moisture). With the distri-
bution of reference DM (Fig. 2C), it can be noted that DM range for
the test set was higher compared to the training and validation set.
The data in the Vis range has different width peak such as the peak
near 670 nm (Fig. 2A) is much thinner compared to the broad peak
at 960 nm (Fig. 2B). Hence, in practical term for this study case,
utilising the same convolutional filter size for Vis and NIR data may
not be an optimal solution and exploration toward optimal con-
volutional filter size was required for different data blocks.

3.2. Benchmark single block deep learning and sequential

orthogonalized partial least-square regression analysis

At first, the results of the benchmark analysis are presented.

Fig. 3 shows the evolution of the lowest RMSE for both calibration
and validation set for different b. As the L2 regularization strength Fig. 3. An evolution of root mean squared error for calibration and validation set with
increases, both RMSEs increase, but at the same time, they get increasing L2 b.

Fig. 2. Mean spectra mango for calibration, validation and test set. (A) Visible, and (B) near-infrared. (C) The histogram of reference dry matter (DM %) for calibration, validation and
test set.

Puneet Mishra and D. Passos Analytica Chimica Acta 1163 (2021) 338520

3.3. Deep multiblock analysis

A comparison between the models tested so far shows that the

single block CNN (on concatenated data) performed better than the
SO-PLS analysis. The better performance of the single block CNN
model could be due to the non-linearity captured by CNN compared
to the linear character of the SO-PLS model. The non-linearity could
be an effect of both scattering and absorption features present in the
spectra of the fruit [38,39]. Scattering effects occur mainly due to the
changes in refractive indexes between cell walls and organelles and
depend on the physical structure of fruit flesh and peel [38,40]. On
the other hand, absorption is due to the interaction between light
and the chemical components that constitute the fruit [40]. One
limitation in the single block CNN model was that it forced the same
convolutional filter size for the Vis and NIR data. In Fig. 2, the peaks
for the NIR data were broader compared to the Vis spectra, hence, an
optimal solution may only be found if we allow for different filter
sizes for different blocks. The alternative scenario of using multiple
filters in the conv. layer does not guaranty that each filter will be
optimized to specific parts of the full block of data. The solution then
is to use different filters sizes in parallel conv. layers, hence creating a
deep multiblock CNN. This ensures that each filter size is optimized
for the type of data input to that block.
In Fig. 7, the evolution of RMSE for two values of the L2 layer
regularization strengths b, on the calibration and the validation set Fig. 5. Prediction for test set based on the optimal deep learning model for the single
block analysis case.
for varying batch size is shown. In this study, b, kernel width, and
batch size were explored jointly, and it was found that b had the combinations were further tested on the independent test set and
most effect on the overfitting of models and in lowering the vali- the results are shown in Fig. 9. The lowest RMSE i.e. 0.818% was
dation set RMSE, hence, we at first selected the optimal b and later attained with the model made with b ¼ 0:003, batch size ¼ 32 and
kernel width and batch size. For figure clarity, only two b are pre- the filter width for visible ¼ 5 and near-infrared ¼ 30. The RMSE
sented as other b showed higher RMSE differences. The difference attained with the deep multiblock modelling was the lowest
between the RMSE of calibration and validation sets was high for compared to both the benchmark approaches presented in earlier
b ¼ 0:001, but smaller for b ¼ 0:003. Such a higher difference for sections. The RMSE ¼ 0.818% was also lower compared to the best
b ¼ 0:001 indicates that the model was overfitting more, hence, the known RMSE ¼ 0.84% obtained in previous works using only the
optimal b was chosen as b ¼ 0:003. Furthermore, the increased NIR data [33,34]. However, a key point to note is that, in total, three
batch size showed a slight increase in the difference between the models were identified according to the criteria used in this study
RMSE of the calibration and validation set, hence, batch size ¼ 32 i.e., common minima in RMSE for calibration and validation set. Out
was chosen as the optimal in this case. With b ¼ 0:003and batch of these three, only one model performed better than the
size ¼ 32, the filters widths for Vis and NIR data blocks were RMSE ¼ 0.84% obtained in previous works [33,34]. The other two
explored and the summary is shown in Fig. 8. Based on the criteria models performed slightly poorer. Hence, the question remains
of common minima between the calibration and validation RMSE, related to automatically identifying a single model that can be used
three filter widths combinations for Vis and NIR i.e. (5, 30), (15, 25), in practice. The other solution could be the use of an ensemble of
(25, 15) were identified as marked in Fig. 8B. The three models three models and average out the output from three models for
based on b ¼ 0:003 and batch size ¼ 32, and the three filter width increased robustness.

Fig. 4. A summary of root mean squared error (RMSE) obtained from the grid search for optimal filter (or kernel) and batch sizes. (A) Calibration set, and (B) validation set. The
optimal hyperparameters correspond to common minima in both maps and are marked as “Optimal” in (B).

Puneet Mishra and D. Passos Analytica Chimica Acta 1163 (2021) 338520

Fig. 6. A summary of SO-PLS model. (A) Latent variable modelled form the visible data block, (B) complementary latent variables extracted from near-infrared data block, and (C)
performance of model on test set. The vertical lines in (A, B) shows the optimal latent variables extracted from visible and near-infrared spectral data.

(performed on the concatenated data). The main difference be-

tween the parallel and the single block analysis was the block
specific CNNs having different filter width for the convolutional
layers, while the single block used a single filter width for both data
blocks. For parallel input CNNs the optimal convolutional filters
widths were 5 and 30 for Vis and NIR data blocks, respectively,
while for single block CNNs the optimal width was 25. The effect of
implementing a global filter (Fig. 10A) and block specific (Fig. 10B)
filter on the mean activation response of the conv. layer is shown in
Fig. 10. The main key feature to note is that the block specific
convolution allowed to extract local features more accurately, for
example, the peak at 960 nm related to the OH bond overtone [41]
received higher mean activation weights for the block specific
convolutional (Fig. 10B) compared to global convolution (Fig. 10A).
Such enhanced features captured by the block specific convolution
could be the cause of the better performance of parallel input CNNs
based multiblock analysis compared to single-block based CNNs. In
Fig. 10, it can also be noted that the mean activation weights near
the edges of spectra also received higher activation weights, how-
ever, it is assumed that these were just numerical artefacts and
Fig. 7. An evolution of root mean squared error for calibration and validation set with
0 were later compensated by the dense layers of the models. In the
increasing batch size for two different b si.e. 0.001 and 0.003.
visible part of the CNN weights (Fig. 10B), a peak at 500 nm can be
identified. The peak at 500 nm can be directly related to the green
3.4. Activation weights for single block and multiblock CNN colour and which is often dominant in peel of mango fruit and
changes as the fruit ripeness. Although, the change in fruit peel is
In this study, the parallel CNNs based approach to multiblock dependent on cultivar and also get influenced by the biological
modelling performed better than the single block CNNs modelling variability of fruits.

Fig. 8. A summary of root mean squared error (RMSE) obtained from the grid search for optimal kernel size for visible and near-infrared data (A) calibration set, and (B) validation
set. Three sample models (Model 1, 2 and 3) were selected showing minima in both calibration and validation sets.

Puneet Mishra and D. Passos Analytica Chimica Acta 1163 (2021) 338520

Fig. 9. A summary of performance of three multiblock models (A) Model 1, (B) Model 2, and (C) Model 3.

4. Conclusions was presented as a proof-of-concept but the parallel input CNNs

approach can be implemented for any number of desired blocks.
This study for the first time presented a new multiblock pre- However, with the increase of the number of blocks, the compu-
dictive modelling approach based on parallel input convolutional tational time and resources needed to perform model hyper-
neural networks (CNNs). The method was also compared with a parameters optimizations will also increase. This parallel input
single block CNN and a popular chemometric technique called SO- CNNs architecture is not limited to the fusion of spectra but can also
PLS. The proposed parallel input CNNs based approach out- be extended to combine images (2D matrices) with spectra or even
performed both the comparable approaches by attaining lower with 3D data cubes (e.g. video or hyperspectral images). At the
RMSE ¼ 0.818%. Furthermore, the RMSE attained with parallel present moment, due to the unavailability of relevant large data
CNNs was even lower than the best-reported RMSE ¼ 0.84% on the sets, such a demonstration was not included in this study. More
same data set by other authors using ensemble techniques [33]. On complex convolutions blocks, composed of several conv. layers
the optimisation front, there are also some challenges that need to with multiples filters combined with pooling layers can be engi-
be overcome and the process still requires further refinement in neered to specific data types. The main benefits of deep multiblock
order to increase the confidence that optimal models are produced. analysis are expected to appear in the near future when large-sized
The main advantage of the proposed technique is its capability to multiblock data sets are available for deep learning tasks. The deep
perform block specific convolutions to extract block specific fea- multiblock method can also be combined with recent spectral pre-
tures independently. Such, block specific feature extraction effi- processing augmentation techniques to further enrich the models
ciently extracts relevant features which subsequently improves the [36].
predictive performance of models. In this study, a two-block case

Fig. 10. A summary of mean activations of the CNN for the single block (A) and multiblock CNN case (B).

Puneet Mishra and D. Passos Analytica Chimica Acta 1163 (2021) 338520

CRediT authorship contribution statement Extensions, Data Handling in Science and Technology, Elsevier2019, pp. 157-
[18] P. Mishra, A. Biancolillo, J.M. Roger, F. Marini, D.N. Rutledge, New data pre-
Puneet Mishra: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, processing trends based on ensemble of multiple preprocessing techniques,
rio Passos: Conceptual-
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ization, Software, Methodology, Writing e review & editing. [19] T. Skotare, D. Nilsson, S. Xiong, P. Geladi, J. Trygg, Joint and unique multiblock
Analysis for integration and calibration transfer of NIR Instruments, Anal.
Chem. 91 (2019) 3516e3524.
Declaration of competing interest [20] M. Alinaghi, H.C. Bertram, A. Brunse, A.K. Smilde, J.A. Westerhuis, Common
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