Lesson 6t

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For the Teacher

Lesson 6: Bitmap and Vector Effects

Project: Photo Collage

The student will learn to work with bitmap and vector effects while creating a collage of images and
text on a chosen topic. The exercise project will be created in CorelDRAW, but the students will use
the techniques they have learned in the exercises and tutorials to create an original collage in
CorelDRAW, PHOTO-PAINT, or a combination of the two programs. The original project collage(s)
may be done individually or as a group project.
At the end of the research and exploration phase, the student should be able to answer several of
the essential questions about using graphic effects and about the use of the collage technique. They
may also explore the history of collage in art and/or the use of collage in advertising and marketing.
This project is aligned to the ISTE NETS*S Technology Standards. Depending on the subject and
content area the student selects, you may research your own state content standards to see how
this project aligns to your state requirements. The sections in bold particularly apply to this lesson.
1. Creativity and Innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative
products using technology.
a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues
d. identify trends and forecast possibilities
2. Communication and Collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively,
including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of
a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts or others employing a
variety of digital environments and media
b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a
variety of media and formats.
c. develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of
other cultures
d. contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems
3. Research and Information Retrieval
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
a. plan strategies to guide inquiry
b. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information
from a variety of sources and media.
c. evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the
appropriateness to specific tasks
d. process data and report results
4. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
For the Teacher
Lesson 6: Bitmap and Vector Effects

Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve
problems and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
a. identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for
b. plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.
c. collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions
d. use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions
5. Digital Citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice
legal and ethical behavior.
a. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and
b. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports
collaboration, learning, and productivity
c. demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning
d. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship
6. Technology Operations and Concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and
a. understand and use technology systems
b. select and use applications effectively and productively
c. troubleshoot systems and applications
d. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies
For the Teacher
Lesson 6: Bitmap and Vector Effects

Essential Questions:

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite questions for this project

What kinds of effects can be applied to vector objects?
What are the limitations on the types of objects that vector effects may be applied to?
Where are the various options for vector effects located?
What kinds of effects can be applied to bitmap objects?
What are the limitations on the types of objects that bitmap effects may be applied to?
Where are the various options for bitmap effects located?
Which program in the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite is best suited for applying the various
effects? Why?

Questions about collage

What is a collage?
What is the history of collage in art?
Who uses collage in today’s society?
To what types of subjects might the collage technique/treatment lend itself as an effective
tool of expression?
What sorts of elements may be added to a collage from within the CorelDRAW suite?
What tools or techniques might be used to enhance the project after it is printed?

Time Requirements:
These time requirements are a general guideline. They should be adjusted to meet the
requirements of your students. Students who are more familiar with the program or the material
may not need as much time. Larger classes or classes with limited resources may need more time.
1. 10 minutes: Review tools and techniques from earlier lessons
2. 10 minutes: Review what the class has learned about using images and copyright law.
3. 5 minutes: Review internet safety and security rules your class follows for uploading and
downloading images.
4. 45-90 minutes: have students work through Exercise 1, then review the Adding three-
dimensional effects to objects and Changing the transparency of objects, and read any articles
in the Working with Bitmaps section that they have not read. In the PHOTO-PAINT section of
the user’s guide, have the students read and work through the following articles: Changing
color modes, Working with lenses, Working with Masks, and Applying special effects. For
further supplementation on masks, the students may read the Insights from the Experts
article on Masking if it is available in your version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.
5. 20-40 minutes: Students re-create the sample project using the tutorial provided (Project 6)
6. 30-90 minutes: Group research/discussion on collage, guided by the Essential Questions.
The instructor may also choose to lecture on some aspect of the subject.
For the Teacher
Lesson 6: Bitmap and Vector Effects

7. 30-120 minutes: Students plan and create one or more original collage projects based on
the skills and information learned in steps 1-6 as an individual project or in groups.

1. Students explore vector and bitmap effects and tools using the tutorials and worksheets
provided along with Help system articles.
2. Students work through Sample Project 6.
3. Students use the Sample Project 6 as a springboard for group discussion and research on
the history and effective use of collage based on the Essential Questions. The teacher may
break larger classes into groups and assign certain questions or topics to each group. The
groups should then report the findings back to the whole class. The teacher may also choose
to lecture on some of these subjects.
4. Students use the information they have gained in Assignments 1-3 to create one or more
original collage projects on the topics of their choosing or on topics assigned by the
instructor. Collage projects may be done individually or in groups as assigned by the
instructor. The finished projects may be displayed in the classroom or in another venue.
For the Teacher
Lesson 6: Bitmap and Vector Effects

Assessment Rubric
This rubric is included as a general guide. As classes and student needs differ, the teacher should
adjust the rubric to meet the contents and expectations of the particular class.

0-1 – Does not met 2-3 – Meets 4-5 Exceeds

expectations expectations expectations
Use vector and Absent or incomplete. Only the sample Explorations in effects
bitmap effects exercises are beyond the Sample
NETs 1:A, B 6:A,B,D completed or exercises are
processes used in the demonstrated. The
Sample exercises are submitted project
simply repeated in the includes new or
submitted project with creative uses of effects
minimal changes. not mentioned in the
Student is unable to exercise. Student is
explain what effects able to explain what
were used to achieve effects were used to
the end result. achieve the end result.

Principles of Design Absent or incomplete Student applies one or Student applies

1:A,B, 2:B 6:D project two elements of design several elements of
to the collage project. design to the collage
project and is able to
explain what they are
and why they add to
the effectiveness of the
For the Teacher
Lesson 6: Bitmap and Vector Effects

Collage Project Absent, incomplete Student submits the Submitted collage

NETs 1:B, 2:B, 3:B, C, project, or required number of project(s) include all
4:B, 5:A, B, 6:A, B, D inapropriate use of collage projects. required elements
fonts and/or clipart Submitted collage AND at least one of the
due to legal issues. project(s) differ from following is true:
the Sample project and 1. All elements
includes required work together
elements: to form a
1. A least one cohesive
Text element whole.
2. At least 3 2. Student can
photo elements show all fonts
3. At least one and photos
bitmap effect have adequate
and one vector permissions
effect for use.
4. All elements 3. The student is
should relate able to clearly
to the topic state design
chosen. rationale for
5. Student should the included
be able to elements and
articulate the their visual
topic of the placement in
collage. the project.
4. Student is able
to explain how
the elements
work together
to express the
message of the

Group project Absent or does not Student participates in Student demonstrates

participation (if this participate in group the group project. Is group leadership by
option is used.) project. able to articulate his assigning tasks or
Nets 2:A, B, D, 3:B, C contribution to the assisting others in
4:B project. their tasks as well as
accomplishing his own
assigned tasks within
the group.
For the Teacher
Lesson 6: Bitmap and Vector Effects

Use of photography Absent or incomplete All photographic Submitted collage

on the original project. elements used in the project(s) includes all
collage project Student is unable to submitted collage required photographic
NETs 3:B,C, 5:A, 6:A, state the where the project(s) differ from elements.
B 4:B photographs used the Sample exercise. Bitmap effects have
were obtained. At least one been effectively used
photograph has been to enhance the
significantly modified photographic
from its original state elements.
using bitmap effects. Student has taken
(Editing has taken some of the photos
place, not simply himself or made
resizing.) significant effort to
Photographs used are choose photos which
from a safe source and express the topic of
have adequate legal the collage.
permissions for the

Group Research and No research is done Participates in Actively participates in

Discussion and there is no research (actual research and
NETs 2:A,B, 3:A,B 4:B participation in group research and/or discussion and is able
5:B, D discussion. coordination and to articulate a
collation of group summary of the
research) and group research findings.
presentation of issues.

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