Англійська мова домашнє завдання

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1.Т 2.Т 3.Т 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.F 8.F 9.T 10.T

1.trained 2.sounds 3.higher 4.performers 5.French 6.degree 7.diplomas

b) c) d) a) e) f)

1)a degree of – c)degree
2)training – g)school
3)first – d)bachelor
4)higher education – f)establishment
5)promising – b)musician
6)charity – e)institution
7)academic – e)graduate


Вчений ступінь, навчальний рік, у розпорядженні їдальня, кафедра, гардероб, хор, конкурс, залікова
книжка, кредит-тест, навчальна програма, денне відділення, декан, деканат, кафедра, вступні
випробування, заочне відділення, колишній аспірант, безкоштовно (безкоштовно) , гуртожиток,
лауреат, лекторій, лабораторія прослуховування, обов'язковий (обов'язковий), можливість, іногородні
студенти, педагогічний склад, аспірантура, президент (ректор), концерт, студія звукозапису,
стипендіальна рада, стипендії, сходи, семестр, провалювати іспит, складати екзамен, складати іспит,
навчати, навчати, віце-президент, віце-президент з академічної роботи, віце-президент з
адміністративної роботи, віце-президент з виховної роботи, віце-президент з наукової роботи.

Concert life – 5. Curriculum – 4. Location – 2. Faculties and Departments – 3. Indirect the Conservatoire – 1

1.Departments 2.Total 4.Education 5.Free 6.Secondary 7.Sessional 8.Hardly 9.Fail 10.Weeks 11.Rest

1 – I. 2 – C. 3 – D. 4 – G. 5 – K. 6 – B. 7 – H. 8 – F. 9 – M. 10 – A. 11 – J. 12 – I. 13 – M. 14 – N. 15 – I. 16 – F. 17
– E.

The text has already been translated by the students.
The concert was broadcast on the radio yesterday.
The conference will be held next April.
When I came, the table had already been set.
The amendment to the Constitution was adopted two months ago.
This time yesterday, the plan was being discussed.
The room is aired three times a day.
The house was built of brick.
How many questions were asked after the lecture?
The new president will be elected by the end of the year.
The letter was torn into pieces.
This rare phenomenon is observed every ten years.
The potatoes have already been boiled; the meat is being roasted now.
The baby is being looked after by the babysitter.
Not all the disadvantages were considered carefully at the conference.
The landscape was painted very artistically.
Children's behavior is influenced by TV.
Fortunately, nobody was injured in the car crash.
His ideas have been talked about by people for many years by now.
The lifeboat has been called out five times in the last two months.
A few attempts have been made so far.
When the light was turned on, we saw a body on the floor.
I see his attitude to life being reviewed now.
Unfortunately, the mistake has been made again.
The first shot was heard, then a second, and a third.
By the end of last year, the show had been watched by two million people.
Sometimes stamps are sold at incredible prices.
The patient is being examined by the doctor at the moment.
By next September, the novel will have been written for a decade already.
His status is believed to be privileged.

1. It was decided to make one more attempt. 2. This drama was staged in many theaters of the country. 3.
Finally, a decisive step was taken. 4. The crowd of fans was dispersed by the police. 5. These issues will be
discussed at the next meeting. 6. The laundry is being ironed right now. 7. His proposal was supported by a
majority of votes. 8. This tradition has been followed for many centuries. 9. This song is performed by many
female singers. 10. In the silence of the forest, only the singing of birds could be heard. 11. Fortunately, my
computer has already been repaired. 12. The new city will be founded on the banks of a large river. 13. All
stocks will be used at the end of the month. 14. The mood was spoiled by bad weather. 15. The floor is
usually made of wood. 16. These flowers are watered every other day. 17. This project was discussed for a
long time. 18. What have they been looking for half an hour? 19. He has not yet been informed of the
changes in the contract. 20. He is always laughed at. 21. The calendar was invented in ancient times. 22.
What event is currently being celebrated in this restaurant? 23. The building is heated with gas. 24. These
poems were written by a very talented person. 25. When and by whom was the river polluted? 26. This
house has never been lived in. 27. How many lessons were missed? 28. In such cases, they usually send for a
doctor. 29. This will be debated for many years to come. 30. This topic will be studied until the end of the


1. They stop there because they are tired, they have not heard the enemy for a long time and the Queen
needs rest.
2. She is talking to one of the musketeers by the river and preparing fish.
3. They think disgustingly, but are too polite.
4. They Hear and Then They See approach of the enemy.

1.rest 2.useful 3.believe 4.another 5.running 6.safety

1.safety 2.rest 3.useful 4.another 5.run 6.believes


1. Twice a week we have Harmony
2. According to a curriculum, piano is obligatory to all the students.
3. It usually takes me half an hour to get to the theatre.
4. I get up at eight o'clock in the morning.
5. Come on, guys, let's have a sing.
6. My teacher is a laureate of many international competitions.
7. On Mondays we usually have history of music.
8. Many of our teachers are former graduates of our conservatoire.
9. Do you get your scores of many international competitions?
10. Who are you? I'm a bassoon player.
11. Our band needs one more saxophonist.
12. There are nine faculties in our conservatoire.
13. Sorry folks, I was delayed by the traffic.
14. What time is it on your watch?
15. All my friends study at the different institutions of higher education.

ex 3
Never got to meet you; Thank you for coming; The pleasure was mine; I'm very pleased to work with you;
Why look, it isn't Monica!; How long have you been waiting for me; it is a small world; My regards go to
your wife; I was delayed by the traffic; Better late than never; How are you getting on?; Have a great
weekend; Excuse me Andrew; I must hurry; Haven't we met before?; I have to go now; Excuse my being
late; Could you lend me a hand?; Never mind; Take care}; I've got plans with James; Thank you for an
enjoyable evening!; Sure, what to?; By the way.


1.c 2.d 3.a 4.a 5.e 6.c 7.b 8.a 9.d 10.e

1.harpist 2.saxophonist 3.domrist 4.guitarist 5.double bassist 6.singer 7.violinist 8.bassoonist 9.drummer
10.pianist 11.cellist 12.dancer

I share a room with a girl. She is a student of the composition department in our conservatoire. She is nice.
We get along with quite well. She often wakes me up if I have to get up early in the morning. When I get
back from the "Uni" we usually get together in our kitchen and chat. We share all the secrets and I'm sure
they won't be given away. We never argue, and If we do she usually gives in because she isn't a trouble-
maker. Moreover she is a vegan. She gave up eating meat 2 years ago. She had some kind of allergy which
she couldn’t get over. So she decided to change her life for the best: never to get back at someone. She
used to give away all her old clothes and started to give out money for charity. She is the kindest person I've
ever met. Sometimes I doubt if she is real.

On Monday, on January, until next summer, on a cold winter day, at this moment, at midnight, at 7 o'clock,
in autumn, at that time, on the 1st of September, in June, in the afternoon, on a week day, at night, on a
bright spring day, in winter, in the evening, on that day, at this time, at half past six, in the morning, on a day
off, last week.


I've got a cold - So has my sister.
I don't have much time - Neither do I.
We're going to a concert - So is our neighbor.
My pen won't write - Neither will mine.
I work at weekends - So does my colleague.
His performance isn't a success - Neither is hers.
He's fond of ballets - So am I.
Her tutu isn't new - Neither is mine.
We've been waiting for you for 15 minutes - So have they.
Julia speaks Spanish - So does Carlos.
I don't like contemporary art - Neither does my brother.
Tim has been abroad - So have his parents.
We aren't rock fans - Neither are they.

I haven't been to a concert for ages.
So However I love opera, you know.
Yes, so I. But I'm not a theatregoer, really.
Neither I. However, my friends often take me out for a party.
So mine. They lead a pretty noisy life, you know what I mean.
So my sister. She goes out every Friday night and sometimes takes me with her. Actually, I don't like when
people make you do something that you don't like.
Neither I. I'd like to stay at home and listen to my favorite record instead.
Oh, so I.

Dan used to play the bassoon, but now he plays the saxophone.
Mike used to study Russian classical music, but now he studies jazz.
My younger brother used to play the recorder, but now he plays the horn.
Ann used to sing in a band, but now she does not.
We used to go out to gigs every weekend, but now we stay at home.
Russians used to buy cassettes, but now they buy CDs.
Susan used to have piano lessons, but now she has vocal lessons.


1E. 2D. 3F. 4G. 5A. 6C. 7B.


I don't think I can put up three laureates in my band.

The tuner has to put the grand piano in tune before the performers arrive.
The actors put the fire out before the firemen arrived.
All the orchestra should put on their new concert suits for the premiere.
We are putting off our festival until May because of the financial problems.
While playing, musicians can put the sheet music up on the music stand.
The jury put the participant of the competition down because his singing was too unprofessional.


In order to put up the Conservatoire Concert Hall, they will have to pull down the old buildings near the
Please put off your cell phones during the performance.
Could you put on the light, please? I can't see the letters in my book.
Could we possibly put forward our individual class to 10 o'clock?
When we moved into our new house, we decided to put out an old, rather ugly upright piano.
Please don't put out that record. I have to prepare for a History of Music quiz.
Every clarinet player knows how to put together his instrument.
Don't forget to put on your bow-ties at tomorrow's concert!

to create – створювати
to be all ears – слухати всіма вухами, дуже уважно
indifferent – байдужий
to exist – існувати
a spirit of expectation – дух очікування
a variety show – різноманітне шоу
to be thankful to so – бути вдячним
to ennoble conductor’s stand – облагороджувати диригентський пульт
to take a delight – отримувати задоволення
to get absorbed into sth – зануритися у щось

Взагалі кажучи, музика – це поєднання звуків. Ми чуємо музику всюди: на вулицях, удома, по радіо та
телевізору, у магазинах, парках, на березі моря, у лісі. Котиться хвиля, тремтить листя, вітер у горах -
пташки в гніздах - усе видає звуки музики. Люди не можуть жити без музики - музики природи і
музики, створеної композиторами. Байдужих до музики немає. Єдине, що людям подобається різна
музика. Одні захоплюються класичною музикою, інші віддають перевагу джазу, поп-музиці, року або
електронній музиці. Багато людей люблять народні мелодії та пісні. Смаки різні. Молодь надає
перевагу сучасній музиці, старші люблять слухати класичну та народну музику. Якщо людина хоче
послухати музику, виконану на високому професійному рівні, вона йде на концерт. Ми завжди
боїмося спізнитися на концерт. Ми завжди в дусі очікування та хвилювання: Вау! Ми побачимо та
почуємо наших улюблених виконавців! Ми будемо із задоволенням слухати чарівні звуки улюблених
голосів та інструментів. Отже, приходимо до філармонії, знімаємо пальто в гардеробі, вітаємося з
друзями та знайомими і йдемо в зал. Ми знаходимо свої місця, розташовуємося зручно, і ми всі вуха.
У встановлений час з'являється керівник концерту, представляє оркестр і виконавців, розповідає
глядачам програму, диригент підходить до диригентського пульта. Забуваєш про все навколо - тут
існує тільки музика. Якщо це концерт, ми слухаємо лише одного виконавця або твори одного й того ж
композитора. Якщо це естрада, ми можемо слухати різних виконавців. А якщо це концерт, то також
можна почути різні поп- і рок-гурти. Коли музика виконується вміло, ми настільки захоплюємося нею,
що не помічаємо нічого навколо. Ми сповнені емоцій, глибоких почуттів, думок, асоціацій. Музика,
яку ми слухаємо, іноді пробуджує зовсім несподівані бажання, мрії та прагнення, і ми вдячні за це
виконавцям, дякуємо їм у глибині серця, плескаємо в долоні та даруємо співакам і музикантам квіти.
Є концерти, які ми ніколи не забудемо; справді гарно виконаний концерт облагороджує душі людей,
навчає, пробуджує добрі почуття та прагнення більше знати, пізнавати та слухати музику. Дайте
відповідь на наступні запитання відповідно до власного досвіду: Важко чи легко жити без музики? Ви
любите слухати музику? Що таке музика? Куди піти, якщо хочеш послухати класичну музику? Сучасна
музика популярна серед підлітків, чи не так? Яка музика популярна в нашій країні? Яку музику ти

1. When you live with music for a long time, when it becomes a part of your life and you listen to it, play it
and read about it every day, it's hard to imagine yourself without it. it's hard to imagine what you'll do to fill
the space in your life that was occupied by music.
2. Yes, I like to listen to music. I listen to it everywhere: in college, at home, on the bus and when I go
somewhere. I always have headphones with me.
3. Music for me is the language of emotions. It is sorrow and laughter, which can be told without words,
with the help of intonations and timbres. And listening to other people's musical stories, you can remember
your own or imagine yourself as someone else.
4. You can go to the Philharmonic or to a concert at musical educational institutions. But music college
students can enjoy classical music in the hallways of their institution.
5. Definitely. I think the younger the generation, the more modern music they listen to.
6. I can't say for sure what kind of music is popular here. But I notice that Ukrainian songs are gaining more
popularity. In general, it seems that Ukrainian art is in trend now.
7. I listen to different music. In my playlist you can find samples of classical music, rock, and jazz. I listen to
whatever I like. With the exception, probably, of rap.

climax- e. is the most exciting part of a piece of music, that usually happens near the end;
movement- g. is any of the main parts, that a long piece of music is divided into;
scherzo- a. is a short, lively piece of music that is often a part of a longer one;
symphony- f. is a long complicated piece of music for a large orchestra;
virtuoso- b. is a person who is extremely skillful in playing the musical instrument;
principal theme- c. is the main melody which goes through the composition;
concerto- d. is a piece of music for one or more solo instruments playing with an orchestra.

The theme of the conversation revolves around appreciation and admiration for various musical
compositions and performances. The speakers discuss specific pieces, highlighting their emotional depth,
technical brilliance, and thematic development. They express admiration for the musicianship displayed in
the performances they've witnessed and share their enthusiasm for the melodies, themes, and
orchestration within the music. Overall, the conversation centers on a shared love for classical music and
the experiences they've had attending performances.

The melody develops through the composition: "And the theme runs through the entire composition."
The question if a person visited the first night: "Were you present at the premiere performance of Concerto
No. 2 in C sharp Major for piano and orchestra with Denis Matsuev as a soloist?"
A famous conductor directed the performance: "If I'm not mistaken, it was introduced by the Symphony
Orchestra under Spivakov."
The speaker admires the piece and the way it has been performed: "Both the composition and the
performers were perfect."
The way the person explains that he has enjoyed subordinate melody played by different instruments and
the orchestra: "I especially like the way the oboe presents the second theme which is then passed on to the
trumpet. Then the entire orchestra takes it up, develops it at length and brings it to the climax."
Piano started to play a new melody: "After that a new theme is announced by the piano."
The speaker agrees with his opponent: "Oh, I'm of the same opinion."
The speaker doesn't regret for money and time spent on the performance: "The concert was worth visiting."


Student A:
To live without music is impossible. - It's true.
There are people indifferent to music. - I'm sorry but I can't share your opinion.
Music is one of the pleasures of our life. - I agree with you.
Electronic music belongs to the future. - Quite on the contrary.
In my memory, I keep bright impressions of some unforgettable concerts. - It's true.

Student B:
To understand classical music one should learn to listen to it. - I'm of the same opinion.
A good concert makes one happy. - I agree with you.
One ought to attend different kinds of concerts and then choose the most favorite ones. - It's true.
Classical music remains in the past. - You are mistaken.
It is good to have CDs with favorite recordings at home to take charms to listen to favorite performers time
and time again; taking delight at plunging into the pieces you are fond of. - I'm of the same opinion.

1. A person may feel surprised when something unexpected or extraordinary happens.

2. The emotion of sadness is a reaction to loss or thinking about something unfortunate.
3. A person may feel anger when they are irritated or angry aboutsomething.
4. The emotion of happiness occurs when a person feels joy or pleasure.
5. It is a condition when the body feels physically or mentally tired.
6. A person can be confused when they cannot understand or realize something.
7. The emotion of fear occurs in threatening or dangerous situations.
8. A person feels confident when they have faith in their own abilities and determination.
9. A state when a person feels a desire or need for sleep.
10. It is a feeling when a person feels uncomfortable or embarrassed about a situation.
11. The emotion of disappointment occurs when expectations are not met or an unexpected negative event
12. A person may feel surprised or delighted when they are very impressed by something.
13. It is a personality trait that can manifest itself in awkwardness or shyness in social situations.
14. A person may be suspicious if they feel distrustful or doubtful of others.
15. The emotion of disgust occurs when something causes disgust or unpleasant feelings.
16. It is a feeling that occurs when a person feels guilty about something negative or wrong.


London is one of the cities I would like to visit. I would like to visit Buckingham Palace because I am
interested in learning something new about the British Royal Family. I would like to go shopping to bring
gifts from London for my family and friends, to have a couple of things to remember this city. I would also
like to visit local museums and galleries to gain insight into English art and history. I think I would be
interested in attending a musical as well.

Oliver: saw The Lion King musical; liked the costumes, songs were well performed, likes going to the theatre
in general, so it was fun.
Ella: went to the carnival; liked all cultures of different walks of life and the massive party.
Chelsea: saw a musical; liked seeing the cast acting and singing and the good atmosphere.
1. Who enjoyed a massive party with different kinds of
people? Ella
2. Who loved the general atmosphere in the theatre? Chelsea
3. Who thought the costumes and songs in the show were good? Oliver

Lately I haven’t had time to explore the beauty of my city – Zaporizhia. I know that this is a very beautiful
city, I love its Stalevarov, I love its fountains and streets, and I love the people who live here. I would prefer
to be on the left bank; my friends told me that there are many parks and other beautiful places there. I
would also like to attend more concerts at our Zaporizhia Philharmonic and at least once again in the
theater Mayboroda.

Name Extra information

Rina She sings in a vocal ensemble and often participates in competitions with it
Nika Studies design and sells her paintings
Alice She dreams of becoming an actress and entering a theater university
Max Max likes to watch action movies and doesn’t like listening to music at all
Nessa She spends all weekend watching TV series and loves long and complicated stories
Nicol He loves classical music, so he often visits opera houses and philharmonic societies
Lara She is very emotional and expresses all her feelings in plays

Who likes to watch comedy series?
Who likes to watch operas?
Who likes to listen to classical music?
Who prefers to read romantic books?
Who likes watching documentaries?
Who likes to watch comedy shows?
Who likes to watch anime and dramas?
Who likes to watch ballets?
Who likes to watch films in a foreign language?
Who likes to visit exhibitions?

by: Vertegel Lyubov

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