Humaworm Book

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What you are reading is a fairy tale of quite some magnitude!

These statements are not to be

taken as facts, nor are any of the herbal formula recipes included herein to be used to clean the
body. None of them remove parasites, nor clean the organs nor do they help restore health. No
claims are made of curing anything! Nope. Not curing a thing.
It’s more historical knowledge and legend and fantasy really. Because SURELY HUMANS
don’t have parasites or worms or monsters inside of them – right? Surely toxins are a myth of
epic proportion that are as rare as unicorns! Toxins just can’t be the cause of any health issues
including neurological issues! It would be an outrage.
The FDA has not approved any of this text. The FDA has not evaluated these statements. None
of these formulas are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your
Health Care Professional before beginning any herbal treatment.
Read at your own risk and for your entertainment only!
FLUSH either! That recipe is for informational/educational/historical purposes ONLY.

Welcome to HERBAL HUMAN WORMER! What started as a family tradition has now
prompted this book. I am striving to inform the general population of the widespread epidemic of
parasite problems right here in America.
My grandmother was Cherokee and she absolutely believed in herbal medicines. She believed in
keeping the bowels open too as she always knew that “death begins in the colon” long before
those TV commercials came about. She lived to be almost 99 years old, still drove and still wore
her heels to church on Sundays. When she died, her heart was just tired.
People used to deworm themselves and their children 2 or 3 times per year every single year. It
was common until the 1930’s. In the 1930’s the Rockefellers started the “American Medical
Association”. This group of men, most of whom were business men, nit doctors, decided what
could and could not be taught in medical schools across the country.
Now keep this in mind. You CANNOT PUT A PATENT ON A PLANT! Freely growing plants
can never be patented. Now. If you take that plant and make a lab recreation of the natural
chemical in that plant – then that lab made chemical CAN BE PATENTED. That’s
One of the first patent medicines to be made was aspirin. Explorers saw Native American
women chewing on willow bark for pain relief while in the pain of childbirth. Hermann Kolbe
discovered synthetic (lab made) salicylic acid in 1874 but in the late 1890s, chemist Felix
Hoffmann at Bayer in Germany perfected the synthetic salicylic acid in the form of
acetylsalicylic acid and so began the first patent medicine – Bayer Aspirin.
Think about this – if just ONE of the naturally occurring chemicals found in willow bark was
isolated, recreated and patented – just IMAGINE how powerful the ORIGINAL willow bark is
for pain relief.
And so it went. As science isolated and recreated more and more chemicals that could be
patented and sold, more money was to be made all around. And the old ways were dismissed as
being “old fashioned”. And the old ways were ridiculed. And the old ways were pushed out of
the way for the dawning era of patent medicines.
Now. Modern medicine absolutely has its place in this world – there is not a doubt about that! I
have always said that if I was in a horrible car accident, please take me to the ER and have them
operate on my broken bones, and give me STRONG pain medication (not willow bark).
But the old ways, the natural medicine ways that were used for centuries still have their place
too. Time and time again I have seen “old timey” herbal medicines and methods work
beautifully. Clearing any parasites to start, then helping the organs work to their best abilities,
followed by removal of built up toxins.
Parasites in the human body is my particular knowledge – and I am sharing. Many of you dear
readers know who I am, you know what my life’s work was all about and some of the
information in this book you are all too familiar with. For the new readers, we will start at the
beginning and weave our way through this tale.
Oh! Am I a great writer? Nope! But I will pass my knowledge to you as best I can – spelling,
grammar and punctuation mistakes and all!


I am so glad that you are here - I hope you will find these stories educational and informative.
You will learn how parasite infections occur and what you and your family can do to prevent
them. You will also discover that most parasites (70% of parasite species) are microscopic one-
cell protozoa - such as Malaria - and are not the nightmarish 30 foot long monsters that make up
a smaller percentage (30 %) of the species.
If you only read this far, please remember - parasite eggs are microscopic and are everywhere -
in water, food, soil and even in the air we breathe! You DO NOT become infected by
swallowing big worms, you become infected when a microscopic egg enters your body via your
hands, nose, mouth or skin.

ALSO REMEMBER, it's the parasite's job to remain undetected! One more thought; we know to
deworm our animals (pets and livestock) twice per year, when you break it all down, aren't
humans animals too? Why then aren't we deworming ourselves?

Please learn about our modern medical community and why our doctors are missing the boat
when it comes to diagnosing parasitic infections. It's not really their fault, we just happen to live
in an age where parasites are a taboo subject and we think that because we live in a clean,
sanitary environment that we are immune to parasites.
Parasites are not just a Third World country problem. We have a higher per capita infection rate
because since the 1930's families in America no longer deworm themselves on a routine basis.
Remember the castor oil stories told by your parents or grandparents? They were simply
deworming themselves. Painfully for sure and only killing the adult parasites in the intestines,
but something was better than nothing!

Parasites? What exactly counts as a parasite? A parasite is anything that lives off of a host. All
living animals host parasites. ALL animals – including humans. In the big picture of things,
bacteria, viruses and fungi are parasitic.
These are the little buggers that are unseen to the naked eye. The big scary ones that can be seen
are grouped into roundworms, tapeworms and flukes. There is a television series that deals with
parasite infections in humans but it usually showcases the extreme cases.
Parasite infections happen all over the world. It is huge misconception that only “dirty 3rd world
countries” have people infected with parasites. Most people say “If I had worms, I would know
it!” No. That’s because it’s the parasite’s JOB to remain hidden.
There are estimates that over 90% of people at any given time are infected with some sort of
parasite, whether that be the microscopic ones or the big ones.
Sometimes a person will have digestive issues such as the “stomach bug” or the “stomach flu” or
food poisoning that causes such explosive bowel movements that a roundworm will be washed
out and the person will actually see it with their own eyes. Then they freak out and they begin to
understand that yes, people can worms just like dogs, cats and cows.
Growing up we had a farm. Dogs, horses, goats, pigs, chickens, the whole works. My Daddy
made sure to deworm the farm animals and my Mama made sure to deworm us kids three times
per year. It was just a common occurrence in our family.
I grew up thinking all people deworm themselves two or three times a year. But I was wrong.
The herbal remedies that my grandmother and my daddy used were not used by other families.
For 14 years I owned and operated a company that handmade and sold herbal parasite cleanser. I
had customers from all over the world and I never advertised. It was all word of mouth. I
wanted to put what I know in a book so that my knowledge will not be lost.
I have always thought it sad to even lose a treasured family recipe when a person passes away. I
don’t want what I know to be lost.
I will teach you about herbs that are used to safely eradicate all parasites from our human bodies.
I will also reveal how these herbs work and why they work.

You're thinking - HERBS? If using herbs to rid yourself of parasites sounds far-fetched, consider
this; have you ever enjoyed a cup of coffee or a glass of tea? If yes, then you are already using
the natural medicinal components of herbs. That's right! Just like the caffeine in coffee and tea
perks us up; there are herbs that contain components that remove all parasites, their larvae, and
their eggs from our bodies. All without any manmade chemicals, without a prescription and
without costing a fortune.



Water is the primary way parasites infect humans. For example, over 50% of our lakes, river
streams and creeks are infected with the protozoa parasite Giardia Lambia. This parasite is NOT
killed by chlorine and is steadily finding its way into urban areas with “treated” drinking water.
Symptoms of an infestation include, diarrhea and cramping that lasts for over a week and is most
often misdiagnosed as the stomach flu.

ALSO when swimmers have parasites and they swim in places with others, the water is then
contaminated with eggs from their bodies. It only takes a very small amount of swallowed water
to become infected.

You can obtain parasite eggs from other humans very easily. Since most infections come from
the anal-oral route think about this – someone has parasites, they use the restroom (a #2), then
they sit down and use the salt shaker on the restaurant’s table – they have just deposited
microscopic eggs onto this object.
You are the next person to sit at this table and use the salt shaker – you then lick your finger or
even put your hand to your face – you are now the new host to parasites. Parasite eggs can live
under human fingernails for up to 2 months and they are microscopic to boot.
Think of how many common objects you come into contact with on a daily basis. Shopping
carts, doorknobs, and restaurant salt and pepper shakers. Even more common infections come
from kissing, holding hands, sharing eating utensils, sharing drinking vessels and of course,
sexual contact.

Usually if one family member is a host to parasites, the entire family is infected. There are many
parasite eggs that can live without a host for weeks – for example, microscopic pinworms eggs
become airborne and can travel ANYWHERE and they can live for two days outside of a host.
These microscopic eggs are inhaled where they then hatch inside your body.


Animals, including pets, can spread 240 diseases to humans via parasites. By petting or
grooming animals, you are picking up eggs that pass from them to us via hands, nose and mouth.
ALSO parasite infected fleas and ticks and parasite infected animal feces are concerns.
This is why walking barefoot where animals have defecated is a major source of parasite
infections - especially when you CAN'T SEE the actual animal feces - you just happen to be
walking where they have been before. THINK about this – when your pet (or someone else’s)
licks their anus, they are depositing thousands of eggs onto their tongues – then they lick you and
those eggs have just been transmitted to their new host. YOU.
Americans now have the highest rate of toxoplasmosis parasites in the world. You have
probably heard of this one as all pregnant women are warned about toxoplasmosis because they
can die from an infestation.

Pets and domesticated animals are not the only ones spreading parasites – mosquitoes, fleas,
ticks, lice and all other biting insects transmit protozoa (one cell) parasites to humans.

Undercooked meats are a very high source of parasite infections. Commercial pork products are
also notorious for infections – bacon, ham, pork chops, cold cuts, hot dogs, etc. Also cuts of
meat such as beef, lamb, chicken and fish contain parasite eggs.
Sushi (raw fish) alone contains eggs and larvae of several species of parasites. We trust the
cattle, pork and chicken producers to keep their livestock wormed on a regular basis, but over
50% of animals that go to slaughter are parasite infected.


Unwashed fruit and vegetables are also a big source of parasite carriers. A lot of vegetables are
eaten raw and, according to the Center for Disease Control, diseases from fruit and vegetables
are on the rise. With a huge demand for fruit and vegetables, we Americans import 30 billion
tons of food per year. Some of this food comes from countries where animal manure and human
feces are used as fertilizer.
This practice greatly increases the spread of parasites. The practice of eating out is also on the
rise. Salad bars, infected food handlers, and improperly washed fruits and vegetables are all
sources for parasites.


In our modern age, world travel is a way of life for many. These travelers are bringing home
parasites that were once almost unknown in America. Airplanes are a great source for parasite
transmission. It's very common for a family to go on vacation and bring back uninvited guests
with them. We also have a huge influx of refugee and immigrant populations who are bringing
us their countries’ parasites.

REMEMBER this – if parasites are so easy to “catch” then why isn’t everyone infected? Over
90% of us ALREADY ARE – it’s just the parasite’s mission to remain undetected.

Follow the age old advice of DON’T DRINK THE WATER – especially on camping trips, while
traveling in foreign countries and when swimming in public places. Filtering your home
drinking water also helps, as does boiling water to drink while away from home (camping, in
foreign countries, etc.).

Avoid putting your hands in your mouth or touching your face and wash your hands often when
out and about shopping, eating out, etc.

Deworm your pets (and livestock) twice per year and do not walk barefoot where animals have
been known to defecate. Do not allow animals to lick you in the face or mouth.

Thoroughly cook all meats – stay away from raw meats (including sushi) and cold cuts
(including hot dogs) if possible.

Thoroughly wash all fruits and vegetables before consuming.


There are four classifications of parasites. 30% live in our digestive systems while the other
70% live all over our bodies including, the blood, and all organs including the brain and even in
our eyes and sinus cavities. There are over 1,000 types of parasites in these four classes that can
live in the human body.

Malaria is a microscopic infection. The "worm" parasites can range from ¼ inch to 33 feet long!
This is not ALL of them, but this will give you a pretty good idea of what a good herbal Human
Wormer removes:

Ringworm, tapeworms, pinworms, candida albinos (yeast infections) and plasmodia (which is
the malaria causing parasite), roundworms including ascaris , hookworms, whipworms, flukes
including the blood fluke the anisakid worm and microscopic parasites and all parasitic larvae
and eggs.
All microscopic protoza (including blastohominis cystitus) , tuberculosis (Mycobacterium
tuberculosis), cholera, scabies, viruses, bacteria and fungi including, pseudomonas aeruginosa,
all species of shigella, staph (Staphylococcus aureas) and strep (Streptococcus), bacteria (such as
fungal infections ie: yeast infections) threadworms and skin parasites (including scabies).
Cryptococcus neoformans, Aspergillus, Saprolegnia, and Zygorhynchus species. Salmonella
typhimurium, and other bacterial species (including sixty + types of fungi and twenty + types of
bacteria, including some of the most potent viruses known to man), B. subtilis, P. mirabilis,
Salmonella typhi, methicillin-resistant Staph aureus, Staph faecalis, salmonella enteritidis, and
V. cholerae , Escherichia, Proteus, Providencia, Citrobacter, Klebsiella, Hafnia, Aeromonas,
Vibrio and Bacillus genera, Microsporum, Epidermophyton, Trichophyton, Rhodotorula,
Torulopsis, Trichosporon, Cryptococcus neoformans, Entamoeba histolytica and Paramecium
caudatum, the herpes simplex virus, and viral infections.
Also cystitis, prostatitis, gonorrhea, and syphilis, cholera, giardia, salmonella, and Eschorichia

The following is a partial list from each of the four groups which will give you the general idea
about how different parasites wreak havoc on our bodies.


Most parasites are ONE CELL PROTOZOA and they can invade ANY single cell in our bodies.
Protozoa reproduce and multiply by duplicating themselves like a bacteria or virus.

TRICHOMONAS – lives in the female vagina and urethra and causes a slightly yellow discharge
with itching and burning. It also lives in the prostate of men.


NAEGLERIA - this one is found in water and soil, but only one species - naegleria fowleri - can
infect humans. The infection mimics bacterial meningitis and affects the brain and spinal cord.
The parasite enters the body through underwater swimming and/or diving - the ameba then
travels to the brain and spinal cord. Infection causes Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis
(PAM), a brain inflammation, which leads to the destruction of brain tissue.
Initial symptoms of PAM include headache, fever, nausea, vomiting and stiff neck. Further
destruction of brain tissue leads to confusion, lack of attention, loss of balance and body control,
seizures, hallucinations. This disease progresses very rapidly and usually results in death in 3-7
This one is not common – only 58 reported cases in the United States between 1989 and 2018 -
but it is caused from fresh water such as lakes, streams and hot springs - especially during dry
summer months when the water levels are low and the temperature is above 80 degrees. It also
comes from under-chlorinated swimming pools.


MALARIA – this is a blood parasite transmitted by mosquitoes that affects red blood cells.

BLASTOCYSTIS HOMINIS - this is a very common microscopic parasitic organism that is

found throughout the world. Infection is called blastocystosis or blasto. Symptoms include
loose stools, diarrhea, abdominal pain, anal itching, weight loss and excessive gas. They can
remain in the intestines for weeks, months and YEARS. It is unknown at this time how blasto
is transmitted.

GIARDIA LAMBIA - They live in drinking water and are not affected by chlorine because of
their hard outer shell. They cause severe stomach infections that are routinely misdiagnosed as
the stomach flu, the stomach bug or a stomach virus with severe diarrhea and abdominal pain.
The infection also causes gas and greasy stools that tend to float, fatigue, nausea, weight loss
and dehydration. It is estimated that 50% of drinking water in the United States has the Giardia
Lambia present. The symptoms show 1-2 weeks after infection and can last for 2-6 weeks. A
giardia infection is very contagious.

CRYPTOSPORIDIUM – this parasite comes from runoff water from cattle farms. The infection
is called Cryptosporidiosis - also known as crypto. This parasite is protected by an outer shell
that allows it to survive outside the body for long periods of time.
This shell also makes it resistant to disinfectants. They are ideal carriers for many of our
autoimmune diseases. During the past 2 decades, crypto has become recognized as one of the
most common causes of waterborne disease within humans in the United States.
It may be found in drinking water and recreational water in EVERY REGION of the United
States AND throughout the WORLD. The most common symptom of cryptosporidiosis is
watery diarrhea. Other symptoms include dehydration, weight loss, stomach cramps and/or pain,
fever, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms show 2-10 days after becoming infected and can last for
1-2 weeks.

AMERICAN TRYPANOSOMIASIS - also called Chagas Disease is an infection caused by the

parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. Worldwide, it is estimated that 16-18 million people are infected -
of those, 50,000 will die each year. 20%-30% of infected people will develop the most severe
symptoms TEN to FORTY YEARS after the initial infection. These symptoms include cardiac
problems, swollen esophagus and/or swollen large bowel.

TUBERCULOSIS- this parasite lives in the white blood cells and kills over 3 million people per

LYMPHATIC FILARIASIS-this disease is caused by microscopic, thread-like worms. The

adult worms only live in the human lymph system. The human lymph system maintains the
body's fluid balance and fights infections. An adult worm lives for 5-7 years - when the adults
mate, millions of microscopic eggs are passed onto the blood.
Symptoms are not usually felt until after the adult worms die - because the lymph system is
infected, fluid collects and causes swelling in the arms, legs and breasts. In men, the genital area
also becomes swollen. Also, the swelling and decreased function of the lymph system makes it
difficult for the body to fight off infections - so people with this parasite will have more bacterial
PFISTERIA – come from undercooked or raw fish (sushi)

E COLI – this one comes from contaminated meat that is not fully cooked.

LEISHMANIASIS - from sand flies, this parasite infects the skin and causes skin sores and can
cause internal damage to the spleen, liver and the bone marrow. The skin sores are called
cutaneous leishmaniasis - they can change in shape and size over time.
They look sort of like a volcano with a raised edge and central crater. Sometimes scabs form -
and the sores can be painless OR painful. Some people have swollen glands near the sores.
Internal leishmaniasis is called visceral leishmaniasis and is marked by fever, weight loss, an
enlarged spleen and liver and swollen glands.
New cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis number 1.5 BILLION per year worldwide while the
visceral leishmaniasis new yearly cases number 500,000. Infection can last for years and it only
takes one bite from a sand fly to obtain the initial parasite.

LISTERIA – from chicken

TRICHINELLA – from pork

SPIROCHETE – this parasite is carried by lice, ticks, fleas, mites and flying biting insects who
all transmit them to humans. They cause relapsing fever, jaundice, Lyme disease, Vincent
angina and Wyle’s disease.

ENTAMOEBA HISTOLYTICA – this is the most pathogenic amoeba for humans. It comes
from contaminated water and foodstuffs and is spread through the anal – oral route. The
infection causes bloody stools, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
They also affect the lungs and the brain. It usually takes 1-4 weeks for symptoms to show after
becoming infected. The symptoms include loose stools, stomach pain and stomach cramping.

BALANTINIUM COLI – this comes from water that is contaminated with pig feces, such as pig
farm runoff water. This parasite stays in the intestinal mucous and causes diarrhea.
STRONGYLOIDES STERCORALIS – this is the most unusual of all of the parasites known to
man. They can live with or without a host. The females can reproduce without a male.
They infect the skin, then migrate to the lungs where they are coughed up and swallowed by the
host. They then settle into the small intestine where they mature and reproduce.

ACANTHAMOEBA - can enter the skin through a cut, wound, or through the nostrils. Once
inside the body, amoebas can travel to the lungs and through the bloodstream to other parts of the
body, especially the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).

CYCLOSPORIASIS - First case reported in 1979 - it is now found worldwide. Symptoms

include watery, explosive diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, bloating, gas, cramps, nausea,
vomiting, muscle aches, low-grade fever and fatigue. Symptoms show about one week after
becoming infected and can last for days to months in cycles.

DIENTAMOEBA FRAGILIS - this parasite lives in the large intestines - it is found worldwide.
Symptoms include diarrhea, stomach pain and cramping, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea
and fatigue. This parasite infection stays in the large intestine - it does not spread to other parts
of the body.


These are what most people think of when it comes to human parasites. They are the pinworms,
the whipworms, and the hookworms. They are of course bigger than the one-celled protozoa, but
they are all round and small and can cause a staggering amount of damage.
It is a big misconception that we actually eat worms to become infected – we actually ingest the
microscopic eggs which then hatch in our bodies.

PINWORMS – the #1 parasite in the North America and Europe. They cause an itchy anus,
digestive problems, irritability and insomnia. They are the most readily seen of all of the species
of parasites because they live in the colon and they come out at night to lay their eggs in the anus
and on bedclothes. The adults are white and ½ inch long.
The eggs can become airborne and are able to live without host for 2 days. They are also
transmitted by the anus – hand – mouth route. School age children followed by preschoolers
have the highest infestation rates. If one member of a family has pinworms, it is highly likely
that all members are infected.
Children in day care centers and institutional settings are also at high risk for infestation from
other children. If a child scratches, then touches something, the microscopic eggs are easily left
for another child to put into their mouth.

HOOKWORMS – are also called “Necator Americanus” which means the American Murderer.
They come from contaminated food and water. The eggs hatch in the intestines then migrate to
the lungs through the bloodstream where they are coughed up and swallowed. They then travel
back to the small intestine to reproduce. In the lungs they can cause pneumonia.
In the intestines they hook themselves into the intestinal walls where each one drinks up to 1cc
of blood per day causing bleeding and tissue death, not to mention anemia weakness.
Hookworms from dogs and cats penetrate human skin and stay there causing skin problems and
rashes including edema. (We get these from pets licking us or us petting or grooming them.)
Hookworms also cause asthma, eye pain, insomnia, and dry skin and hair.
Itching and a rash at the site of where skin touched soil or sand is usually the first sign of
infection. These symptoms occur when the larvae penetrate the skin. While a light infection may
cause no symptoms, heavy infection can cause anemia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of
appetite, and weight loss. Heavy, chronic infections can cause stunted growth and mental

WHIPWORMS – attach themselves to the intestinal wall where they inject their digestive fluid
into the tissue which then turns into a liquid. They then suck up this liquid. This causes anemia,
bloody stools, lower abdominal pain, weight loss and nausea.
Each female can lay 10,000 eggs per day and each adult can live for several years. When the
eggs are passed out through your feces (unseen) they are able to live for three weeks without a
host. If you touch an object (public shopping cart, salt shaker, doorknob, etc.) that has an egg on
it, then put your finger in your mouth – you are infected.

ASCARIS - is a round worm that lives in the small intestine. Adult female worms can grow to
over 12 inches in length - adult males are smaller. Ascariasis is the most common human worm
infection - children are infected more often than adults.
Most people have no symptoms that are noticeable, but infection in children may cause slower
growth and slower weight gain. If you are heavily infected, you may have abdominal pain.
Sometimes, while the immature worms migrate through the lungs, you may cough and have
difficulty breathing. If you have a very heavy worm infection, your intestines may become
blocked. You may cough up an ascaris larvae or pass an adult worm in your stool.
Ascaris eggs are found in human feces. After feces contaminates the soil, the eggs become
infectious after a few weeks. Infection occurs when a person accidentally ingests (swallows)
infectious microscopic Ascaris eggs. Once in the stomach, immature worms hatch from the eggs.
The larvae are carried through the lungs and then to the throat where they are swallowed. Once
swallowed, they reach the intestines and develop into adult worms. Adult female worms lay eggs
that are then passed in feces; this cycle will take between 2-3 months.

BAYLISASCARIS - this roundworm infects raccoons and other animals including humans. The
eggs can live in the soil for YEARS. Humans become infected when they accidentally ingest the
microscopic eggs from water, soil or other objects.
The eggs hatch into larvae which travel through the body affecting organs and muscles. The
symptoms - which can take a week or more to show - include nausea, fatigue, liver enlargement,
loss of coordination and loss of muscle control. Severe cases can cause blindness and coma.

SCHISTOSOMIASIS - this infection comes from contaminated fresh water. Days after
infection, itchy skin or a rash develops - after 1-2 months, fever, chills, cough and muscle aches
set in. The body reacts to the eggs produced by these worms, not the worms themselves.
The eggs can be found in the brain, spinal cord and can cause seizures, spinal cord inflammation
and paralysis. The parasite can damage the liver, intestines, lungs and bladder.


The flukes are the hardest parasites to get rid of as they can stay in the human body for 10-20
years with each adult fluke living for one year. Flukes come from raw fish, undercooked water
plants (such as watercress) and are also carried by dogs, cats and other fish-eating animals. They
are also found in beef, chicken, pork and unwashed vegetables.

LIVER FLUKES- infect billary ducts and gall bladders. They start out as small white flattish
worms - wider on one end and narrower on the other. The young adults are various shades of
pink while the older adults are bright red to almost black in color. The longer they live in the
liver - the darker in color they become because the blood from the liver stains their skin.
LUNG FLUKES – are found in the lungs and are sometimes mistaken for lung cancer on x-rays.
They cause cough, blood tinged mucous, and vague chest pains.

BLOOD FLUKES - travel all over the human body and into all organs including the brain and
spinal cord. They can cause seizures and they destroy red blood cells.


Most tapeworms are ½ inch long and are a grayish white color, but there are some species that
can grow to 33 feet long and can lay over 1 million eggs per day. Tapeworm bodies are mostly
reproductive organs. Their head hooks into the intestinal wall, the length of their bodies is made
up of section that are nothing but ovaries and testes for reproduction and their “tails” release
these eggs.
These eggs hatch into larvae that can migrate to other parts of the human body and can form
cysts. Even if the sections are broken off, the tapeworm can regenerate itself from only its head.
Some tapeworms can live for 25 years.

PORK TAPEWORMS - are carried by undercooked pork or by the anus-hand-mouth route.

They can incubate in the human body for up to 30 years before reproducing. They can affect the
eyes and the brain. The infection is called CYSTICERCOSIS. When the cysticerci are found in
the brain, the condition is called neurocysticercosis.
Once inside the body, the tapeworm egg hatches, penetrates the intestine, travels through the
bloodstream and may develop into cysticerci in the muscles, brain or eyes. Signs and symptoms
of infection will depend on how many there are and where in the body they are located. You
may feel lumps in the muscles, under the skin. They may float in the eyes causing blurry or
disturbed vision. They can also cause swelling of the eyes.
In the brain, they cause headaches and seizures - they also cause confusion, lack of attention,
balance difficulties and swelling of the brain (hydrocephalus). Heavy infections can cause
sudden death.
FISH TAPEWORM – this is the largest of the species, it can grow to 33 feet in length. It causes
anemia, water retention and weight gain as it makes the host uncontrollably hungry.

DOG TAPEWORMS – are passed along to us from cats and dogs through petting and grooming.
It is called DIPYLIDIUM CANINUM - it is found throughout the world. The adult tapeworm is
made up of many small segments - the tapeworm itself can measure 4-28 inches long - each
segment is about the size of a grain of rice.
As the adult tapeworms matures inside the intestines, these segments break off and pass in the
stool - they look like grains of rice - are hard and are a white/slightly yellowish color. These
segments are about 2mm long and are what contains the tapeworm eggs.

ALVOLAR ECHINOCOCCOIS - AE disease results from being infected with the larval stage of
Echinococcus multilocularis, a microscopic tapeworm (1-4 millimeters) found in foxes, coyotes,
dogs, and cats. Although human cases are rare, infection in humans causes parasitic tumors to
form in the liver, and, less commonly, the lungs, brain, and other organs.
If left untreated, infection with AE can be fatal. AE is caused by tumor-like or cyst-like
tapeworm larvae growing in the body. AE usually involves the liver, but can spread to other
organs of the body. Because the cysts are slow-growing, infection with AE may not produce any
symptoms for many years. Pain or discomfort in the upper abdominal region, weakness, and
weight loss may occur as a result of the growing cysts. Symptoms may mimic those of liver
cancer and cirrhosis of the liver.



For thousands of years, humans used herbs for worming purposes. THINK about this – if these
herbs didn’t work or were harmful - those folks would have died. Since man has entered into
modern times, these age -old remedies have been replaced with modern medicines and
However, most parasites have adapted themselves to this and are harder than ever to destroy.
Parasites, like roaches, have been around since the dawn of man and will continue to plague us
due to their tremendous adaptability.

Many older people remember the home remedies for parasites such as the very commonplace
castor oil treatment. Before the 1930’s it was common and routine for families to worm
themselves every six months. In the 1800’s, medical doctors would supervise the biannual de-
worming process for their patients. The European medical community of today still recommends
biannual worming.

American doctors are treating symptoms, not causes. Many asthmatics actually have lung
worms – heart worms are causing heart problems and the list goes on and on. Most cases of
problems caused by parasites are not known unless it is verified by autopsy.
Just one example on this subject: the television show “60 Minutes” documented the story of
many children who died of unknown causes. Bloated stomachs was one of their symptoms.
Their autopsies revealed that they had all died from dog heart tapeworm infestations.
These children had been innocently infected from dogs and only after their death was it known
that they could have EASILY been spared!

Let’s review how a modern American doctor tests for parasites. There are over 1,000 species of
parasites that can live in the human body. Modern medicine has tests for about 45 of these.
Therefore, tests are available for only about 5% of parasites.
The accuracy rate of these tests are 20%. After the math, we come up with a 1% accuracy rate.
It all boils down to this – if you have any type of parasite in your body, you only have a 1%
chance of finding out for sure with a medical test.
The testing consists of a lab technician working with a stool sample. This misses blood parasites
and flukes and most all other species. Most people think - if I had worms, I would know it.
Probably not! If an occasional worm is passed in the stool - how many of us would even see it?

REMEMBER – it’s the parasite’s mission to remain undetected and it is quite rare to see an
actual “worm” (besides pinworms) in the stool. They do not want to leave the host because they
need their host to survive.


We live in a modern, clean, sanitary country – talking about parasites is UNHEARD OF. We
Americans consider it to be a Third World problem. American doctors are not trained to
recognize or treat parasite infections.
American doctors who take a Parasitology course (the study of human parasites) are given
information and stats from foreign countries, so these doctors perceive parasites as a problem not
associated with the United States. In other words, it’s not talked about, not taught to the
members of our medical community and is frankly ignored by most everyone.

Lack of education and awareness about parasitic infections are the missing link to many of
today’s ailments.

Modern medicine and chemicals used to treat worms are formulated to rid the body of only one
type of parasite at a time. Parasites easily migrate to a different part of the body that’s not being
treated. Herbal treatment blends work differently.
Some herbs kill the adult parasite while others destroy the larvae and the eggs. One herb may
kill several species while another destroys a different set of parasitic species. There are herbs
that travel in the blood stream and kill the microscopic parasites too. The best thing about herbs
is that they are non-toxic to humans in measured doses, but are lethal to the parasites.

I have included the following information to educate you readers about the almost NON-
EXISTENT regulations concerning herbal supplements. Your health and safety rests SOLELY
ON THE MANUFACTURER! Your wellbeing is in their hands and I want you to understand
WHY I am so proud to teach you about good ingredients and why it is SO IMPORTANT for you
to purchase ingredients from a reliable source!
You need to use only the freshest, top quality herbs available. Big manufacturers are not so
honest, and after reading the following information, you'll see why they don't have to be honest
at all.
Making your own from a trusted herbal recipe is fine for your own use. DO NOT sell to the
public ANYTHING THAT YOU MAKE AT HOME! The FDA has strict guidelines against that,
but is has surprisingly few restrictions on dietary supplement manufacturers. Sometimes it’s best
to know what you are putting into your own body.


What is a dietary supplement?

Congress defined the term "dietary supplement" in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education
Act (DSHEA) of 1994. A dietary supplement is a product taken by mouth that contains a "dietary
ingredient" intended to supplement the diet. The "dietary ingredients" in these products may
include: vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and substances such as
enzymes, organ tissues, glandular, and metabolites. Dietary supplements can also be extracts or
concentrates, and may be found in many forms such as tablets, capsules, soft gels, gel caps,
liquids, or powders. They can also be in other forms, such as a bar, but if they are, information
on their label must not represent the product as a conventional food or a sole item of a meal or
diet. Whatever their form may be, DSHEA places dietary supplements in a special category
under the general umbrella of "foods," not drugs, and requires that every supplement be labeled a
dietary supplement.

What is a "new dietary ingredient" in a dietary supplement?

The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 defined both of the terms
"dietary ingredient" and "new dietary ingredient" as components of dietary supplements. In order
for an ingredient of a dietary supplement to be a "dietary ingredient," it must be one or any
combination of the following substances:

A vitamin,
A mineral,
An herb or other botanical,
An amino acid,
A dietary substance for use by man to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake
(e.g., enzymes or tissues from organs or glands), or
A concentrate, metabolite, constituent or extract.
A "new dietary ingredient" is one that meets the above definition for a "dietary ingredient" and
was not sold in the U.S. in a dietary supplement before October 15, 1994.

What is FDA's role in regulating dietary supplements versus the manufacturer's responsibility for
marketing them?
In October 1994, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) was signed into
law by President Clinton. Before this time, dietary supplements were subject to the same
regulatory requirements as were other foods. This new law, which amended the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act, created a new regulatory framework for the safety and labeling of
dietary supplements.

Under DSHEA, a firm is responsible for determining that the dietary supplements it
manufactures or distributes are safe and that any representations or claims made about them are
substantiated by adequate evidence to show that they are not false or misleading. This means that
dietary supplements do not need approval from FDA before they are marketed. Except in the
case of a new dietary ingredient, where pre-market review for safety data and other information
is required by law, a firm does not have to provide FDA with the evidence it relies on to
substantiate safety or effectiveness before or after it markets its products.

Also, manufacturers do not need to register themselves nor their dietary supplement products
with FDA before producing or selling them. Currently, there are no FDA regulations that are
specific to dietary supplements that establish a minimum standard of practice for manufacturing
dietary supplements. However, FDA intends to issue regulations on good manufacturing
practices that will focus on practices that ensure the identity, purity, quality, strength and
composition of dietary supplements. At present, the manufacturer is responsible for establishing
its own manufacturing practice guidelines to ensure that the dietary supplements it produces are
safe and contain the ingredients listed on the label.

Are dietary supplement serving sizes standardized or are there restrictions on the amount of a
nutrient that can be in one serving?
Other than the manufacturer's responsibility to ensure safety, there are no rules that limit a
serving size or the amount of a nutrient in any form of dietary supplements. This decision is
made by the manufacturer and does not require FDA review or approval.

Where can I get information about a specific dietary supplement?

Manufacturers and distributors do not need FDA approval to sell their dietary supplements. This
means that FDA does not keep a list of manufacturers, distributors or the dietary supplement
products they sell. If you want more detailed information than the label tells you about a specific
product, you may contact the manufacturer of that brand directly. The name and address of the
manufacturer or distributor can be found on the label of the dietary supplement.

Who has the responsibility for ensuring that a dietary supplement is safe?
By law (DSHEA), the manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that its dietary supplement
products are safe before they are marketed. Unlike drug products that must be proven safe and
effective for their intended use before marketing, there are no provisions in the law for FDA to
"approve" dietary supplements for safety or effectiveness before they reach the consumer. Also
unlike drug products, manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements are not currently
required by law to record, investigate or forward to FDA any reports they receive of injuries or
illnesses that may be related to the use of their products. Under DSHEA, once the product is
marketed, FDA has the responsibility for showing that a dietary supplement is "unsafe," before it
can take action to restrict the product's use or removal from the marketplace.

Do manufacturers or distributors of dietary supplements have to tell FDA or consumers what

evidence they have about their product's safety or what evidence they have to back up the claims
they are making for them?
No, except for rules described above that govern "new dietary ingredients," there is no provision
under any law or regulation that FDA enforces that requires a firm to disclose to FDA or
consumers the information they have about the safety or purported benefits of their dietary
supplement products. Likewise, there is no prohibition against them making this information
available either to FDA or to their customers. It is up to each firm to set its own policy on
disclosure of such information.

Why do some supplements have wording (a disclaimer) that says: "This statement has not been
evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
This statement or "disclaimer" is required by law (DSHEA) when a manufacturer makes a
structure/function claim on a dietary supplement label. In general, these claims describe the role
of a nutrient or dietary ingredient intended to affect the structure or function of the body. The
manufacturer is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and truthfulness of these claims; they are
not approved by FDA. For this reason, the law says that if a dietary supplement label includes
such a claim, it must state in a "disclaimer" that FDA has not evaluated this claim. The
disclaimer must also state that this product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any
disease," because only a drug can legally make such a claim.
“HERBS” is a catch all phrase used in this book for roots, stems, leaves, bark and flowering parts
of plants.
First of all PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE buy your herbs from a certified supplier. Make sure
they can give you a CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS for each herb you purchase! This
guarantees the purity, safety and strength of the herb. You NEED the herb to be fresh and potent
and old herbs lose their strength. You also need to be sure that the herb you receive is in fact the
herb you purchased and it will be as long as they can provide that certificate of analysis.
DO NOT BUY cut rate herbs. DO NOT BUY herbs out of the back of someone’s pickup truck
on the side of the road. Good quality medicinal herbs that are safe and potent are available from
a variety of companies. Even though my grandmother collected and processed her own herbs, I
do not. They are too easy to purchase nowadays and they are STANDERDIZED – meaning that
so many milligrams of a certain herb will contain a certain amount of natural chemicals.
Buy cut and sift herbs if possible. These are the bigger pieces of herbs that you grind yourself. I
think they are better because just like cooking spices are better freshly ground – so are medicinal
For an herbal blend, grind each herb separately, wash and sterilize the grinder in between the
different herbs, then grind the blend together.
To weigh each herb, you will need a milligram scale. You will also need to weigh the GROUND
POWDER – not the cut and sift amount.
Making a blend will go something like this:
1. Grind a small amount of cut and sift herb
2. Weigh out how many milligrams are needed and put it in a separate container
3. Wash and sterilize and completely dry the grinder
4. Grind and weigh the next herb
5. Continue until all of the herbs are ground, weighed and in one container.
6. Now grind the blend together.
7. Pack into 00 (zero zero) size capsules or store in a dark, airtight container
Heat and light are the enemy of herbs so vacuum pack the leftovers and store in the freezer. Or
use an airtight containment. Mason jars wrapped in foil work just fine. And make SURE that
you MARK THEM with the type of herb and the date they were stored.
Herbs stored like this will keep fresh for up to two years.
There are inexpensive manual capsule making machines that can make from 12 to 120 capsules
per tray. Just make sure you get the right size machine for the capsules.
The children’s formula is packed into tiny #3 size capsules, so you will need a manual
encapsulating machine for them.
The other recipes use what is called Double Zero size (00).
Or you can just take the loose herbs without putting them into capsules. I took herb blends like
this for most of my life. I sure felt fancy when I put those blends into capsules!


There are two schools of thought on herbal parasite removal. This first is very strong doses over
a short period of time (seven days). This will destroy parasites, BUT it is also traumatic for the
body AND it misses many larvae and eggs in the process. These escapees will just grow, hatch
and re-infect you.
The second school of thought is what herbal Human Wormer is based on. I have found that a
milder dose of parasite killing herbs over a longer period of time is the MOST EFFECTIVE way
to rid your entire body of parasites and their toxins. Your body does not go into shock - and all
parasites, larvae and eggs are removed over a thirty day period.
Most parasites are destroyed within the first week of treatment, however, the remaining larvae
and eggs are removed in the next twenty-three days. Parasites will try to migrate to any part of
the body that is not being treated so they can stay with you - their host.
The herbal Human Wormer treats the entire body so there is NOWHERE for them to hide. The
herbal Human Wormer works in three ways:
#1 - a specific herb combination destroy the unwanted guests
#2 - another herb combination sweeps the entire body of toxins and helps restore the body
#3 - the digestive and colon herbs gently help this hard working system remove the waste.
If you don’t have parasites, it won’t hurt a thing for you to take the Human Wormer. It might just
be the missing piece of the puzzle for your health issues.



Using 21 (or as few as 20) of the freshest, most potent herbs available, you can make a formula
to remove parasites in 30 days. The dosage is EASY! (Two capsules twice per day - preferably
12 hours apart).

Herbs can sometimes be confusing, especially if you’re new to them! I have tried to break down
the herbal information to be better understandable. Many of the herbs in the herbal Human
Wormer formula serve more than one purpose. (Take a look at Barberry – it helps in ALL 3
areas of parasite removal!) REMEMBER - just like coffee contains caffeine that perks us up -
the following herbs contain components that do wonders for our bodies too!

There are three categories of herbs in the formulas. The first is the herbs that have the ability to
kill parasites, their larvae and their eggs. Different herbs have the capacity of killing different
parasite species - some kill the bigger worms, while others will destroy the microscopic ones.
These must be used TOGETHER for totally effective parasite removal. You want to get them
ALL at one time!

The second category of herbs is the purifiers. They have the ability to sweep through the body
and remove all toxins left over from the parasites. Some clean the blood, while other clean
specific organs. These have been chosen not only for their ability to purify but to also for their
anti-parasite properties. (see Pau D’ Arco)

The last group of herbs is the digestion and colon helpers. Parasites, larvae and eggs are
removed from the body through the colon. During parasite removal, the digestive system is
working extra hard to expel parasites and toxins – this group helps to keep the digestive system
running smoothly. Again, some of these have been chosen for their ability to not only to keep
things flowing smoothly, but also for their dual action qualities (see Senna).

Special Note: Thyme and Barberry also have very powerful natural antibiotic properties -
FABULOUS for restoring the body! (Yellow Dock can be exchanged for Barberry mg for mg)
Licorice is optional as fennel seed does much of the same thing.

The following herbs have many uses but we will try to just concentrate on their parasite
cleansing abilities.



1. BLACK WALNUT– The dried and ground green hull of the Black Walnut contains tannin
which is an organic iodine as well as juglandin, juglone and juglandic acids. It has been used for
centuries to expel various types of worms including parasites that cause skin irritations – such as
ringworm. It oxygenates the blood, which also helps to kill parasites. Black Walnut is very
effective against tapeworms, pinworms, candida albicans (yeast infections) and malaria. It is
also effective in reducing sugar levels, and helping the body rid itself of toxins.

2. WORMWOOD–The MOST POWERFUL of the parasite killing herb kingdom. It is most

effective against roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and pinworms. Wormwood contains the
toxins thujone and isothujone which are the components that kill parasites. Wormwood also
contains santonin which is known as a remedy for parasitic diseases. It is the second most bitter
herb known to man and has been proven as a POWERFUL remedy for malaria. Wormwood also
contains sesquiterpene lactones, which work similar to peroxide by weakening the parasites
membranes therefore killing them. Wormwood also helps produce bile, which in turn helps the
liver and gallbladder.

3. CLOVES - Cloves contain eugenol, caryophyllene, and tannins which are powerful anti-
microbial properties – these components are what actually travel in the bloodstream killing
microscopic parasites and all parasitic larvae and eggs. Eugenol is the most powerful anti-
microbial agents known. Eugenol kills all microscopic protozoa. Cloves are tremendously
effective in killing malaria, tuberculosis, cholera, scabies and other parasites, viruses, bacteria
and fungi including candida Cloves also destroy pseudomonas aeruginosa, all species of shigella,
staph and strep..

4. THYME – Thyme contains thymol, carvacrol and flavonoids which are effective in killing
bacteria (such as fungal infections ie: yeast infections) and are especially effective in killing
hookworms, roundworms, threadworms and skin parasites. Thyme also destroys Cryptococcus
neoformans, Aspergillus, Saprolegnia, and Zygorhynchus species. AND Salmonella
typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureas, Escherichia coli and other bacterial species. As an
antibiotic, thymol is 25 times more effective than phenol, but much less toxic. Thyme is the
primary ingredient in LISTERINE MOUTHWASH because of its germ killing power.

5. GARLIC - Garlic can slow and kill, more than sixty types of fungi and twenty types of
bacteria, including some of the most potent viruses known to man. Garlic alone can help in
controlling parasites. Garlic has a history of being able to kill parasites and control secondary
fungal infections; detoxify and gently stimulate elimination; it also has antioxidant properties to
protect against oxidation caused by parasites' toxins. Allicin and Ajoene, are the components in
Garlic that kill parasites including the one-cell varieties as well as pinworms and hookworms.
Garlic has antimicrobial activities (including anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-protozoal,
and anti-parasitic) that kills: B. subtilis, E. coli, P. mirabilis, Salmonella typhi, methicillin-
resistant Staph aureus, Staph faecalis, salmonella enteritidis, and V. cholerae ,staphylococcus,
Escherichia, Proteus, Salmonella, Providencia, Citrobacter, Klebsiella, Hafnia, Aeromonas,
Vibrio and Bacillus genera. Garlic is also very effective against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Garlic also kills Microsporum, Epidermophyton, Trichophyton, Rhodotorula, Torulopsis,
Trichosporon, Cryptococcus neoformans, and Candida, including Candida albicans. Garlic also
has anti-amoebic and anti-protozoan properties and is especially effective against Entamoeba
histolytica and Paramecium caudatum.

6. FENNEL - This herb is known to be anti-parasitic. Fennel Seed is used to help remove and
expel Parasites and their waste and from the body. Fennel is also very effective against Candida

7. CAYENNE – Capsicum is the component in cayenne that destroys parasites. It is a very

effective herb for the elimination of parasites.
8. GINGER – The components of gingerol (zingiberone, bisabolene, camphene, geranial, linalool
and borneol) found in ginger are what destroys parasites including the roundworm, the blood
fluke the anisakid worm, and bacteria including salmonella.

9. GENTIAN – This herb is wonderful for ridding the body of parasites including plasmodia
which is the malaria causing parasite. Gentian is also good for treating anemia and counteracting
the effects of parasite toxins in the body by stimulating the liver to produce more bile.

10. HYSSOP - Hyssop contains an essential hormone oil which is very effective in destroying a
variety of parasites and is very effective against the herpes simplex virus.


11. MILK THISTLE– The component that causes Milk Thistle to help in toxin clearance is
silymarin. Milk Thistle aids in toxin clearance by promoting healthy liver cell regeneration and
its antioxidant action protects against cell damage from toxins. Milk Thistle is most helpful for
the body to clear toxins given off by parasites

12. MARSHMALLOW ROOT– Marshmallow Root contains a great amount of mucilage –

meaning when Marshmallow Root gets wet, it get very soft and sticky and soothes the mouth,
throat, stomach and intestinal tract. When the parasites are dislodged from tissue, the leave an
open sore – the Marshmallow Root covers these sores so there will be no irritation.

13. PAU D' ARCO- Pau d’arco is used for Candida yeast infections (and other fungal infections)
, viral infections and parasitic infections. Also cystitis, prostatitis, ringworm, gonorrhea, and
syphilis. Pau D’ Arco is one of the MOST POWERFUL ANTIOXDIENTS and immune system
stimulates in the herbal kingdom.

14. BURDOCK - Removes accumulated waste (toxins) from the skin, kidneys, mucous and
serous membranes. A very effective blood purifier, Burdock is wonderful for head, face and
neck skin problems including, eczema, psoriasis, boils, carbuncles, styes, sores and dermatitis.
15. ELECAMPANE – This herb is to the lungs what Marshmallow Root is to the digestive tract.
It is a natural expectorant which helps to coat and soothe the lungs as impurities are coughed up.
Elecampane also has an anti-bacterial effect that purifies the lungs.

16. FENUGREEK – Works very much like elecampane with an added blood purifying quality.

17. (This one is optional as the fennel seed does much of the same thing) LICORICE - Licorice
is also an expectorant and demulcent just like elecampane and fenugreek. It also is an anti-
inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and mild laxative. It purifies the organs, the endocrine system and
especially the liver.


18. BARBERRY – The ingredients of Barberry - berberine, columbamine, and oxyacanthine

have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties with some suggestion that berberine sulfate might be
amebicidal and trypanocida. Research indicates that berberine is specifically effective against
cholera, giardia, shigella, salmonella and E. coli The berberine, aids in the secretion of bile and
is good for liver problems, that is also a mild laxative, and helps the digestive processes.
Berberine also fights Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Salmonella, Shigella and Eschorichia Coli,
cholera and chronic candidiasis (yeast). Berberine is highly bactericidal, amoeboidal and
trypanocidal. Barberry is antihelicobacter, fungicidal and anti-parasitic Barberry acts in the same
way as chloramphenicol, a commonly prescribed antibiotic drug. Barberry helps to purify the
respatory and digestive systems and also has a anti-parasitic effect.
OR Can Subsititute with YELLOW DOCK – Works as a laxative, but unlike other laxatives,
yellow dock also promotes bile flow which purifies the blood and is rich in digestible iron which
helps restore the body.

19. CASCARA SAGRADA - Also known as Buckthorn, Cascara Sagrada stimulates increased
wavelike contractions of the large intestine. Cascara has also been known to expel parasites
through its wavelike actions in the lower intestines and is highly recommended for parasite
removal. Cascara Sagrada is considered one of the safest laxatives and is useful in detoxifying
the colon.
20. SAGE - Sage has the power to relax the muscles lining the digestive tract. Sage contains
relatively high levels of thujone, which is the same ingredient in wormwood that kills parasites.
Sage is also used to increase circulation and is considered to be an excellent remedy for poor
digestion and stomach problems.

21. PEPPERMINT – Peppermint is well known for relieving indigestion, but it also relaxes the
stomach muscles, relieves gas and is also good for nausea and vomiting. Peppermint also has
anti-parasitic properties.
Effective in destroying a variety of parasites and is very effective against the herpes simplex


This is the THE ORIGINAL and THE BEST formula you can make for all over the body
parasite and toxin removal. This has helped well over a MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE.


Black Walnut 250mg

Wormwood 100mg

Cloves 100mg

Thyme 100mg

Garlic 250mg

Fennel 200mg

Cayenne 100mg

Ginger 150mg

Gentian 150mg

Hyssop 100mg

Milk Thistle 100mg

Marshmallow root 100mg

Pau D' Arco 200mg

Burdock 100mg
Elecampane 100mg

Fenugreek 100mg

Cascara Sagrada 25mg

Sage 100mg

Yellow Dock 300mg

Peppermint 200mg

TOTAL 2,825 mg per daily serving. (838.75 mg per 00 capsule) Dosage is 2 capsules in the
morning and 2 more capsules 12 hours later. Take for 30 days. EXAMPLE: Take 2 capsules at
7am then 2 more at 7pm. Take your herbal Human Wormer at least 30 minutes before meals -
this will ensure that the parasites will get a good belly full of parasite killing herbs instead of
your good nutrition!

Herbal Human Wormer for adults is NOT RECOMMENDED for pregnant or nursing women!
Herbal Human Wormer For Adults is NOT FOR CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 12 and/or
under 100 POUNDS!
If you don’t want to pack the blended formula into capsules, you can take them as a loose
powder. The measurement is ½ teaspoon per dose instead of 2 of the 00 size capsules.


Black Walnut 15mg

Cloves 2.5mg

Thyme 2.5mg

Garlic 50mg

Cayenne 2.5mg

Milk Thistle 10mg

Marshmallow 10mg

Pau D' Arco 10mg

Barberry (or yellow dock) 10mg

Peppermint 20mg

TOTAL 132.5 mg per #3 capsule. Take for 30 days

One capsule per day per 30 pounds of body weight taken at least 30 minutes before meals.
Round your child's weight up or down to the nearest 10 pounds and dose accordingly.
EXAMPLE: A 70 pound child will round down to 60 which is 2 pills per day while an 80 pound
child will round up to 90 pounds which is 3 pills per day. If your child takes more than one
capsule per day, then give one dose in the morning and the other dose 12 hours later. If your
child is over 12 years old and 100 pounds or more - he or she may safely take the herbal Human
Wormer for Adults.
If you prefer to not pack the herbal bland into capsules, dose the child in the following manner:

1/4 teaspoon PER DAY will treat 30 pounds of body weight. To treat a 30 pound child:
measure out 1/4 teaspoon of loose powder; put HALF (1/8 teaspoon) into a spoon full of honey,
jelly or applesauce and give to the child. Give the other half (1/8 teaspoon) 8-12 hours later.

For a 60 pound child; give 1/4 teaspoon twice per day.

For a 90 pound child; measure out 3/4 teaspoon. Give HALF of this3/4 teaspoon in the morning
and the other HALF 8-12 hours later.

If your child is over 12 years old and 150 pounds or more - he or she may safely take
children under the age of 2 or for children under 30 pounds!


The liver is a very multi-tasking organ. It is the largest internal organ we have. It weighs about 4
pounds and sits right below the breast area. Every three minutes all of the blood in our bodies
flow through our liver. It creates enzymes and it filters out harmful things that could make us
sick or that could kill us.
Harmful things that enter our body that our body can’t use are called “TOXINS”. We all know
that alcohol, street drugs, prescription drugs and over the counter drugs can be toxic to our livers.
But did you know that the liver also has to filter out EVERYDAY TOXINS such as food
preservatives that we eat, scented shampoos and lotions that absorb into our skin, air fresheners
and such that we breathe?
How does the liver know the difference between meth and the preservatives in that store bought
snack cake you just ate? It doesn’t. It’s all toxins to the liver.
The liver is like a huge sponge that keeps our bodies clean. You would never clean a countertop
with a greasy, dirty sponge. Right? You would thoroughly wash the sponge in hot water and
soap before you cleaned with the counter with it.
Same holds true for the liver. Even people who don’t drink heavily or use a lot of drugs have
toxic livers. Just from ingesting and absorbing toxins little by little day by day. Those toxins are
clogging the liver!
An OLD FASHIONED LIVER FLUSH is the best place to start. I have included the recipe here.
It will allow the liver to relax and allow all of the toxins and “stones” to wash out.
Gallstones are CREATED IN THE LIVER! The gallbladder is a small pouch designed to hold
onto extra concentrated bile so that if you get sick and are having severe diarrhea and vomiting,
the stored bile can be used to keep the body in balance.
Gallstones are really liver stones first. These “stones” are made from cholesterol. Cholesterol is
a very very sticky substance and when it gets stuck in a clogged liver, the new cholesterol that is
flowing through will stick to it – creating a liver stone. This is much like how an oyster forms a
pearl. Once the stone gets big enough, the liver will just push it into the gallbladder to try to get
it out of the way. Once the gallbladder is full of these stones, gallbladder surgery is usually the
next step.
But think about this – if the stones are created in the liver – and they only removed the storage
pouch – where are the other stones? STILL IN THE LIVER!
If you liver was clogged enough to cause gallbladder issues, then removing the gallbladder will
not fix the root cause of the issue.
“Plaque” that clogs the arteries is also made from cholesterol that is loose in the blood. (because
the liver couldn’t remove it) It will stick to those big old arteries like grease builds up in kitchen
sink pipes. And then you have heart blockages.

The liver has to create 1 - 1 & 1/2 quarts of bile PER DAY for proper digestion. Loose stools,
constipation, (or a combination of both) nausea, weakness after meals, light colored stools and/or
floating stools are all an indication of a liver that is not functioning properly. It MUST make
enough bile (acids) for digestion.

The liver is ALSO the PRIMARY purifying organ of the body. It has to filter out ALL TOXINS
that come into our bodies on a daily basis. Toxins from food (preservatives), air (pollution and
air fresheners and such), prescription drugs, street drugs, over-the-counter drugs, alcohol and
even our water.
The liver CANNOT DO BOTH! It will filter out toxins to keep you ALIVE before it will make
the needed bile every day.
When the liver becomes overloaded with toxin removal - the skin (which is the LARGEST
purifying organ of the body) will jump in and help remove toxins too. This can cause all sorts of
skin problems including acne, boils, eczema, etc. The other primary purifying organs are the
kidneys and the lungs. They too will help the liver remove toxins if the liver is

Sometimes getting the liver to function properly will clear up many skin problems. If the liver
has to choose - it will remove toxins before it will create bile.
The Old Fashioned Liver Flush can be repeated as often as every three weeks, but two to three
times per year is the normal schedule.

A good Herbal Liver Cleanse will allow the liver to get rid of the toxins which will then allow it
to produce the correct amount of bile. This is where our Herbal Liver Cleanse Formula comes
into play.

It contains: Milk Thistle which improves liver, gallbladder and spleen function. It stops further
toxin absorption and will stimulate new liver cell production. It helps to relieve problems with
cirrhosis, fatty liver, jaundice, hepatitis, viral hepatitis and alcohol poisoning. Milk thistle also
increases bile production.

Gentain improves pancreas function and increases bile production.

Burdock cleans out the old, deep-seated toxins from the liver and promotes bile flow.

Barberry treats amoebic hepatitis. It cleans out the gallbladder and promotes bile flow.

Pau D' Arco neutralizes liver toxins.

Cayenne helps the liver remove fat deposits. It also helps the other herbs work better and faster.

The formula is to be taken 2 caps in the morning and 2 caps 8 -12 hours later for 15 days.

This formula is for people 12 years old and over and can be taken with or without food. It
The Herbal Liver Cleanse can be taken 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off for as long as needed.


Milk thistle 300mg
Gentian 125 mg
Burdock 150mg
Pau D’ Arco 150 mg
Cayenne 25 mg
Barberry 125mg
875 mg per 00 capsule. Take 2 in the morning and 2 at night for 15 days. If you don’t want to
pack the blended formula into capsules, you can take them as a loose powder. The measurement
is ½ teaspoon per dose instead of 2 of the 00 size capsules.



INGREDIENTS: 1/2 Cup Olive Oil Extra Virgin
1 Big grapefruit - squeezed 3/4 cup or 3/4 cup 100% grapefruit juice (canned is fine)
4 tablespoon EPSOM salts
3 cups water You can substitute 3 cups water (that is used in this recipe to dissolve Epsom salt)
with 3 cups freshly pressed grapefruit juice, or apple juice - that way you will not feel unpleasant
taste of Magnesium Sulphate (epsom salts)
Choose a day like Saturday for the cleanse, since you will be able to rest the next day. Take no
medicines, vitamins or pills that you can do without; they could prevent success. Eat a no-fat
breakfast and lunch such as cooked cereal with fruit, fruit juice, bread and preserves or honey (no
butter or milk), baked potato or other vegetables with salt only.
This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out
more stones.
2:00 PM. Do not eat or drink anything heavy (water or tea is fine to drink) after 2 o'clock. If you
break this rule you could feel quite ill later. Get your Epsom salts ready. Mix 4 tbs. in 3 cups
water (or juice) and pour this into a jar. This makes four servings, 3/4 (three fourths) cup each.
Set the jar in the refrigerator to get ice cold (this is for convenience and taste only). You can
substitute 3 cups water with 3 cups freshly pressed grapefruit juice, or apple juice, it tastes better.
6:00 PM. Drink one serving 3/4 (three fourths cup) of the ice cold Epsom salts. (goes down
faster and easier through a drinking straw) If you did not prepare this ahead of time, mix 1 tbs. in
3/4 (three fourth) cup water now. You may add 1/8 (one eight) tsp. vitamin C powder to improve
the taste. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwards or rinse your mouth. Get the
olive oil and grapefruit out to warm up.
8:00 PM. Repeat by drinking another 3/4 (three fourths) cup of Epsom salts. You haven't eaten
since two o'clock, but you won't feel hungry. Get your bedtime chores done. The timing is
critical for success.
9:45 PM. Pour 1/2 (half) cup (measured) olive oil into the pint jar add 3/4 cup grapefruit juice.
Add this to the olive oil. Close the jar tightly with the lid and shake hard until watery (only
grapefruit juice does this). Now visit the bathroom one or more time, even if it makes you late
for your ten o'clock drink. Don't be more than 15 minutes late. You will get fewer stones.
10:00 PM. Drink the olive oil/grapefruit potion you have mixed. Drinking through a large plastic
straw helps it go down easier. Drink it standing up. Get it down within 5 minutes. Lie down
immediately. You might fail to get stones out if you don't. The sooner you lie down the more
stones you will get out. Be ready for bed ahead of time. Don't clean up the kitchen. As soon as
the drink is down walk to your bed and lie down flat on your back with your head up high on the
pillow. Try to think about what is happening in the liver. Try to keep perfectly still for at least 20
minutes. You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There is no
pain because the bile duct valves are open (thank you Epsom salts!).
Go to sleep, you may fail to get stones out if you don't.
Upon awakening take your third dose of Epsom salts. If you have indigestion or nausea wait
until it is gone before drinking the Epsom salts. You may go back to bed. Don't take this potion
before 6:00 am.
Expect diarrhea in the morning.
2 Hours Later. Take your fourth (the last) dose of Epsom salts. You may go back to bed again.
After 2 More Hours you may eat. Start with fruit juice. Half an hour later eat fruit. One hour later
you may eat regular food but keep it light. By supper you should feel recovered

Candida & Fungi Cleanse

Candida yeast infections are more common today than they have ever been! This is from the
overuse of anti-biotics. Yeast is a natural fungi that grows in the intestinal tract. A certain
number of yeast are supposed to be there for proper digestion.

There are also certain bacteria that eat yeast - we'll call these "good bacteria". Anti-biotics that
kill "bad bacteria" ALSO kill the "good bacteria" - the same good bacteria that eats yeast and
keeps the numbers down to where they are supposed to be.

When the yeast strain CANDIDA is allowed to overgrow in the body it can cause major
problems such as:
yeast infections in both men & women

jock itch

athlete's foot

skin problems including rashes that won't go away

thrush in the mouth and on the genital area

FUNGI overgrowth causes:

toenail problems

dry cracking feet

fingernail problems

dry cracking hands

dry cracking elbows

respiratory problems

allergic reaction problems

Yeast and fungus overgrowth can also cause strong cravings for alcohol, sweets and breads.
These foods that are full of sugar and yeast help to "feed" the yeast and help them continue their

The absolute best way to get rid of yeast is to just kill ALL of it from ALL OVER the
body. Killing it all at one time will allow the body to naturally rebalance itself (rebalance means
that the intestinal tract will have the correct amount of good bacteria AND yeast). The body will
quickly rebalance itself from the foods that you eat.
The Candida Yeast & Fungi Cleanse can be taken along with the COLON CLEANSER Colon
Cleanser and/or the Herbal Detox Tea. Topical creams will help to kill the yeast/fungi that will
rise to the surface of the skin. This surfacing is what causes the redness, itching and
burning. The cream will help on the surface while the Candida Yeast & Fungi Cleanse is
working on the inside.

GUT FLORA & YEAST INFECTIONS: the gut contains good bacteria that are commonly
called probiotics - these are the good guys. They eat candida yeast that also lives in the gut. They
produce lots of good enzymes to break down food. A healthy gut will have the correct amount of
good bacteria and the correct amount of yeast.
Antibiotics that kill harmful bacteria also kill the good bacteria because with both prescription
antibiotics and herbal antibiotics, they can't tell the difference between good bacteria and bad
When the good bacteria (the ones that eat candida yeast) are diminished or are wiped out, the
yeast grows out of control because antibiotics do NOTHING to kill fungus. When this yeast gets
overgrown because there is not enough bacteria to eat it and keep it IN CONTROL - the yeast
leaves the gut.
When yeast leaves the gut, it causes athlete's foot, vaginal yeast infections and fungal skin and
nail issues. Adding probiotics to the body WILL NOT remove the yeast that has escaped! The
Herbal Candida Cleanse will kill the escaped yeast from all over the body.
The body will very quickly reset the proper amount of good bacteria and yeast from the foods
you eat and it will maintain these proper levels.
This is why taking expensive probiotics while on HERBAL HUMAN WORMER is not
recommended. The HERBAL HUMAN WORMER will just kill them. ANTI YEAST DIETS do
not and will not kill the excess yeast that has escaped from the gut. The very best plan of attack
is to just wipe it ALL out and let the body reset.
Herbal Candida Cleanse contains:

thyme, garlic, fennel, black walnut, pau d' arco, burdock and barberry.


Barberry 50
Black walnut 200
Burdock 100
Fennel 100
Garlic 200
Pau d arco 100
Thyme 100
850 per 00 capsule. Take 2 in the morning and 2 at night for 30 days. If you don’t want to pack
the blended formula into capsules, you can take them as a loose powder. The measurement is ½
teaspoon per dose instead of 2 of the 00 size capsules.

This cleanse is for people over the age of 12 and is not recommended for pregnant or nursing


The lungs seemed to get overlooked by most folks wanting to get healthy. Cleansers targeting
just the lungs are hard to find. Smokers, ex-smokers, people who have had pneumonia,
bronchitis, emphysema and asthma will find this cleanse MOST beneficial in helping the lungs
get clean and strong.
People who live in polluted areas will also find this formula to be of great benefit. This formula
will help to remove old, hardened phlegm from deep within the lungs. It will also help remove


Elecampane is the "king" for cleansing the lungs. It will remove old phlegm and it will clean the
mucous membranes. Helps with asthma, bronchitis and upper respiratory problems. Fenugreek
softens and removes old hardened phlegm from the lungs. It has been traditionally used for

Thyme is a natural expectorant that will help remove phlegm. Used for asthma, bronchitis, croup
and whooping cough. Fennel is a great expectorant. It is used in many modern over-the-counter
cough syrups. Ginger is another expectorant that helps with asthma, bronchitis, and congestion
due to colds and flu.

Hyssop helps with congestion due to colds and flu. Good for asthma and will help to remove
phlegm. Marshmallow root soothes irritated mucous membranes.

Barberry helps to reduce bronchial restriction. Cloves help with asthma and helps to clear

The Herbal Lung Cleanser can be taken 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off for as long as needed.


Barberry 50
Cloves 50
Elecampane 200
Fennel 100
Fenugreek 100
Ginger 100
Hyssop 100
Marshmallow root 50
Thyme 100
850 mg per 00 capsule. Take 2 in the morning and 2 at night for 15 days. If you don’t want to
pack the blended formula into capsules, you can take them as a loose powder. The measurement
is ½ teaspoon per dose instead of 2 of the 00 size capsules.

This formula is for people 12 years old and over and can be taken with or without food.


This formula will help to more naturally kill bacteria in the body. It is only to be taken as needed
for a two week period.

The ingredients listed below kill a wide variety of harmful bacteria in the human body:

Garlic - EXTREMELY powerful against bacteria and viruses. It is also very anti-fungal.
Cloves - kills a wide variety of bacteria and fungi.
Pau D' Arco - super strong against bacteria and viruses.

Elecampane - kills the mycobacteria "tubercle bacillus" which is the lung bacteria that causes

Fennel - helps to increase the action of the natural chemicals found in the other ingredients in
this anti-biotic formula

Barberry - is very effective against many types of bacteria Black Walnut - is anti-bacterial, anti-
viral and anti-fungal
Ginger - kills bacteria, viruses and removes toxins

Burdock - kills bacteria and viruses and removes toxins Peppermint - kills bacteria and soothes
the body while it is removing bacteria
Barberry 50
Black walnut 100
Burdock 50
Cloves 25
Elecampane 50
Fennel 100
Garlic 300
Ginger 100
Pau d arco 50
Peppermint 50
875 mg per 00 capsule. Take 2 in the morning and 2 at night for 15 days. If you don’t want to
pack the blended formula into capsules, you can take them as a loose powder. The measurement
is ½ teaspoon per dose instead of 2 of the 00 size capsules.

This formula is for people 12 years old and over and can be taken with or without food.
The Herbal Anti Biotic only needs to be taken for 2 weeks as needed for infection. Too much
antibiotic use can create bacterial resistance.


This formula helps to naturally kill a wide variety of viruses.

It contains:
Black Walnut (see above in Anti-Biotic)
Cloves (see above)
Garlic (see above in Anti-Biotic)

Hyssop kills a very wide variety of viruses including the herpes simplex virus

Pau D' Arco (see above in Anti-Biotic)

Cascara Sagrada very effective anti-viral

Ginger (see above in Anti-Biotic)

Milk Thistle - helps remove toxins

Burdock (see above in Anti-Biotic)

Sage - is an anti-viral and anti-fungal

Thyme - is anti-viral and anti-fungal


Black walnut 100
Burdock 50
Cascara sagrada 25
Garlic 100
Ginger 100
Hyssop 100
Milk thistle 100
Pau d arco 100
Sage 100
Thyme 100
875 mg per 00 capsule. Take 2 in the morning and 2 at night for 15. If you don’t want to pack the
blended formula into capsules, you can take them as a loose powder. The measurement is ½
teaspoon per dose instead of 2 of the 00 size capsules.

This formula is for people 12 years old and over and can be taken with or without food.
The Herbal Anti-Viral only needs to be taken for 2 weeks as needed for infection. Too much use
can create resistance


This formula will help kill the herpes virus.

It contains:
Pau D' Arco,
Black Walnut,
Sage, Cascara


Black walnut 125
Cascara sagrada 50
Cayenne 25
Cloves 50
Hyssop 200
Pau d arco 125
Sage 100
Thyme 200
875 mg per 00 capsule. Take 2 in the morning and 2 at night for 15 days. If you don’t want to
pack the blended formula into capsules, you can take them as a loose powder. The measurement
is ½ teaspoon per dose instead of 2 of the 00 size capsules.
This formula is for people 12 years old and over and can be taken with or without food.

The Herbal Herpes Formula can be taken for 2 weeks on and 4 weeks off as needed for infection.


Lyme's Disease and Syphilis only have one thing in common - the bacteria that causes each are
"cousin" bacteria from the Borrelia species of bacteria. Therefore, they are both treated naturally
in the same way.

It contains:
Pau D' Arco,
Black Walnut,


Barberry 50
Black walnut 250
Cayenne 25
Cloves 50
Garlic 300
Pau d Arco 200
875 per 00 capsule. Take 2 in the morning and 2 at night for 15 days. If you don’t want to pack
the blended formula into capsules, you can take them as a loose powder. The measurement is ½
teaspoon per dose instead of 2 of the 00 size capsules.

This formula is for people 12 years old and over and can be taken with or without food.

The Herbal Lyme's & Syphilis Formula can be taken for 2 weeks on and 4 weeks off as needed
for infection.


Great for nerve pain relief, headaches including migraines and cluster headaches, muscle aches,
arthritis and joint pain. Combats chronic pain too.

It contains:
Pau D' Arco


Wormwood 350
Pau d arco 100
Ginger 300
Cayenne 200
850 mg per 00 capsule.
This formula is to be taken as follows: 1 to 2 caps as needed every 8 -12 hours for pain relief. It
can be taken with an NSAID for even more pain relief. If you don’t want to pack the blended
formula into capsules, you can take them as a loose powder. The measurement is ½ teaspoon per
dose instead of 2 of the 00 size capsules.

This formula is for people 12 years old and over and can be taken with or without food.





This targets the kidneys but will also help to clean out the bladder and the urinary tract.

It contains:
Marshmallow Root,
Pau D' Arco, Burdock,


Marshmallow root 200

Pau d arco 200
Burdock 200
Elecampane 100
Fennel 100
Ginger 50
850 mg per 00 capsule. Take 2 in the morning and 2 at night for 15 days. If you don’t want to
pack the blended formula into capsules, you can take them as a loose powder. The measurement
is ½ teaspoon per dose instead of 2 of the 00 size capsules.

This formula is to be taken as follows: 2 caps in the morning and 2 caps 8 -12 hours later for 15
This formula is for people 12 years old and over and can be taken with or without food.


The Herbal Kidney Cleanser can be taken 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off for as long as needed.


The In-Between Formula is for those who wish to continue cleansing without creating resistant

The In-Between Formula is excellent for people who travel or for people who work with the
general public.

It is a 90 day supply with 360 capsules that are taken 2 in the morning with food and another 2
capsules 8 to 12 hours later, again with food.

It is designed to work for the 90 day waiting period between the HERBAL HUMAN WORMER
Parasite Cleanses. This formula can be taken with any of the other cleansers except for the


Cloves 100
Garlic 300
Ginger 150
Sage 150
Thyme 150
850 mg per 00 capsule. Take 2 in the morning and 2 at night for 90 days. This formula is to be
taken as follows: 2 caps in the morning and 2 caps 8 -12 hours later for 90 days.
If you don’t want to pack the blended formula into capsules, you can take them as a loose
powder. The measurement is ½ teaspoon per dose instead of 2 of the 00 size capsules.

This formula is for people 12 years old and over and can be taken with or without food.



I decided to include the HERBAL COLON CLEANSE recipe. I used to get a lot of parasite
cleansing customers who, while doing colon cleanses, happened to pass a visible parasite or two.


are designed to completely clean out your digestive system especially your colon. Parasite
Cleansers are designed with specific herbs to kill parasites with added ingredients to help your
digestive system remove parasites.

WHY COLON CLEANSE? Most of us do not eat the correct types of food on a daily basis, we
eat too much flour, sugar, starches, etc. These things tend to be hard on the digestive system.
Any waste that's not completely removed during bowel movements will accumulate in the colon.
This accumulated waste is a breeding ground for bacteria which causes toxic waste to leech into
your system.


constipation; bloating; gas; difficult bowel movements; cramping; not feeling "empty";
protruding belly; foul smelling stools; hard stools and just a general feeling of heaviness of the
colon - you need to do a colon cleanse.


psyllium based colon cleanser. Psyllium swells to 50 TIMES its size - it creates a literal
"scrubbing sponge" that will trap and remove parasites, toxins and built up intestinal waste. This
swelling action is why HERBAL COLON CLEANSE should be taken with plenty of water.
to take. This is one formula you can put into capsule form. Powdered herbs are thick, bitter and
LITERALLY hard to swallow. Our philosophy is: If it's hard to take, it's hard to stick with it!
HERBAL COLON CLEANSE is formulated to effectively cleanse the colon without cramping
or diarrhea.


cascara sagrada
The added natural laxatives keep things flowing smoothly by helping the body rid itself of toxins
and waste.

WHAT ARE THE SIDE EFFECTS? You will have a larger volume of stools that are of a soft,
formed texture. You may see some strange things in your stool, like dark black colored bits of
material, long ropey strands of foreign looking material, maybe even a parasite or two. All of
these things are perfectly normal during a colon cleanse.
Psyllium seed 375
Psyllium husk 375
Cascara sagrada 50
Senna 50
850 mg per 00 capsule. Take 3capsules 3 times per day for 30 days. You will need a total of 270
capsules for the entire 30 day cleanse. Swallow ONE PILL at a time and drink lots of water after
each pill. Drink at least 8 - 8 ounce glasses of water per day every day during the cleanse. The
water allows the psyllium to do its job properly.
This formula is for people 12 years old and over and can be taken with or without food.
Herbal Detox Tea - THE Detox Tea!

Herbal Detox Tea is a four ingredient blend based on an old, old formula that has been used for
decades for many problems including very powerful long-term detoxing.
Its formula has been shrouded in mystery and is currently being sold at OUTRAGEOUS prices.
For example: Just 10.5 ounces of pre-brewed tea is $33.95 or more!

How do you brew Herbal Detox Tea?

The brewing method is quite simple - if you can boil water - you can make your own tea. Each
1/3 cup of the loose tea blend will make 2 quarts. The daily dose you will be taking will dictate
how much tea needs to be made at a time. The following instructions will be for a 2 quart batch
which can be halved to make 1 quart or doubled to make 1-2 gallons.
You will need to use distilled water or bottled water to make your tea. You will also need to use
a stainless steel pot with a lid. This tea CANNOT be made in a microwave. And DO NOT USE
Bring 2 quarts of salt free, distilled water to a rolling boil.
Pour in 1/3 cup of dry tea mix, stir in and put a lid on the pot. Boil for 10 minutes - stirring
Turn off heat, scrape down sides of pot and stir.
Put the lid back on the pot and let the whole thing sit at room temperature for 12 hours.
After 12 hours, heat the pot just to the boiling point then turn off the heat.
Let it cool down a bit, you can then strain the tea into a glass container and refrigerate.
The tea will keep for 2 weeks if it is kept refrigerated. The sediment in the bottom can either be
stirred into the mix and consumed along with the tea or you can strain the tea again through
cheesecloth to remove it. Some people find this tea is bitter - it can either be taken straight or it
can be diluted with distilled water or fruit juice at each dosing. Each dose can also be sweetened
with honey if preferred. Each dose can also be diluted, sweetened and sipped as hot tea - but DO
NOT microwave it! Heat it in a stainless steel pot.
How long will the dry tea mix keep?
They will remain good for up to 1 year if kept in an air-tight, cool, dark place - but NOT in the
refrigerator or freezer. Brewed tea will keep fresh in the refrigerator for 14 days. Herbal Detox
Tea is easy to brew so I recommend brewing each batch as needed. Daily doses can be measured
out and put into small containers for dosing at work or school and does not need refrigeration as
long as it is consumed within the same day.

How is Herbal Detox Tea measured?

Each 1/3 cup of loose tea will make 2 quarts of brewed tea
For aggressive dosing, 1 and 1/3 cup loose tea will last 21-28 days.
For moderate dosing, 1 and 1/3 cup loose tea will last 28-42 days.
For preventative dosing, 1 and 1/3 cup loose tea will last for 85 days.

What is in Herbal Detox Tea?

Burdock Root - cut and sifted
Sheep Sorrel – cut and sifted
Slippery Elm (inner bark) cut and sifted
Turkish Rhubarb Root powder.
The Sheep Sorrel is the primary healing herb in the tea. The others support blood cleansing and
elimination of toxins. This 4 herb blend is all that is needed. There are versions of this formula
that include 8 herbs. The other 4 herbs are for small support only (and are in very tiny amounts)
and are not necessary.

Can Herbal Detox Tea be given to pets?

Yes, the dosing for pets is given every 12 hours without food - 1 hour before or after eating:
5-10 pounds = 1/2 ounce
10-25 pounds = 1 ounce
25-60 pounds = 1.5 ounce
60-90 pounds = 2 ounces
Over 100 pounds = 3 ounces
These amounts are to be given every 12 hours and can be diluted with water or beef or chicken
What are the side effects and warnings?
Pregnant or nursing women should not use Herbal Detox Tea. Herbal Detox Tea needs to be
taken on an empty stomach to avoid nausea.

What is the dosing?

The dosing depends on what you are trying to accomplish with Hu-Mana Tea.
The ounces are measured from the undiluted refrigerated tea - any liquid used to dilute the tea is
not counted into the daily total.

With most herbal formulas - the blood volume of the body is the guideline for the amount of herb
used. The Herbal Detox Tea is a different type of natural medicine all together!
The tea is most easily understood if we compare it to dish washing liquid (washing up liquid for
our UK friends).
The tea is designed to go into the body and to literally envelope toxins - coating them so they
don’t cause as much die-off on their way out. The same principle holds true with dish washing
liquid - it literally binds to grease and other stuff on dishes so it can be easily rinsed away.

IF a person is VERY TOXIC - they can tolerate MUCH MORE tea than a less toxic per can.
Just like dishes - drinking glasses only require a drop or two of dish washing liquid whereas a
bunch of greasy pots and pans will require more.

My normal recommendation is for a person to start with 1/2 ounce of the brewed tea 2 x per day
and to increase that dose by 1/2 to 1 ounce per day at each dose. For example: day 1 - take 1/2
ounce morning and night on an empty stomach (you MAY take Herbal Human Wormer at the
same time) - day 2 - increase to 1 ounce in the am and 1 ounce in the pm - day 3 - go to 3 and 3 -
day 4 go 4 and 4......and so forth.

Keep increasing the dose until - let’s say on day 4 you do fine with 4 ounces in the morning and
4 ounces at night - then on day 5 you try to take 5 ounces in the morning and you feel nauseous -
THAT’S when you DECREASE the dose back to 4 ounces and STAY at that dose (this is called
the saturation level and ALL people are different in their saturation levels) until one morning
(days, weeks or even months down the road) you feel nauseous again. This is when you know
that your body is clean and you can step down the dose of the tea.

Many people like to take a preventative dose - which is a couple of ounces twice a day - just to
stay clean. Most people who are actively cleansing will fall somewhere between the moderate
and the aggressive (12 ounce) dosing. HOWEVER - there are SOME VERY TOXIC people who
can take much higher doses of the tea.

SO - each person is truly different when it comes to the amount of tea they can take. The tea
must be taken on an empty stomach and it can be taken at the same time as all of our other
Herbal Detox Tea is to be taken 1 hour BEFORE eating OR 1 hour AFTER eating.
Taking any tea with Burdock Root can cause nausea if taken with food. Herbal Detox Tea will
not interfere with any medications - but do not take your medications or supplements 1 hour
before or after taking the tea. Take them at another time of the day.
It can also be taken while on radiation or chemotherapy treatments. You CAN take the Herbal
Detox Tea at the SAME TIME you take HERBAL HUMAN WORMER or any other the other
formulas you make from the recipes here.
Children under the age of 12 should not use Herbal Detox Tea. Children over the age of 12 are
dosed the same as pets (according to weight). If a child 12 and over is 150 pounds or more, they
can take up to 6 ounces per day for severe illness - 3 ounces for moderate dosing and 1 ounce for
Adult dosing depends on weigh and tolerance of the tea. A 100 pound female may only need 9
total ounces daily for aggressive treatment while a 250 pound male might need the full 12
ounces. On the other hand, a 120 pound female may tolerate 12 ounces while a 280 pound man
can only tolerate 9 ounces. This is just to show that there is room for adjustment in the daily
dosing amounts.


Burdock root cut and sifted 2 pounds
Slippery elm bark cut and sift ¼ pound
Sheep sorrel cut and sift 1 pound
Turkish rhubarb root powder 1 tablespoon
1/3 cup of dry mix will make 2 quarts of tea.

Cancer & The Immune System

A few words about cancer & the immune system. Every day the human body makes cancer cells.
Cancer is simply a messed up cell. Think of it like this, if you are making cookies and 11 of
those cookies are perfectly round and look just alike, but you have one that is shaped strange
(looks like the state of Texas!), then you see that that one cookie is not quite right and you can
remove it from the pan.
This is how the immune system sees cancer. In a healthy, balanced body a strong and healthy
immune system will simply remove the strange cell. This is happening right now, in every
person reading this, in every person that you know. However, when the immune system is weak,
it can't fight everything so some of those cancer cells can go unchecked.
A weak immune system means that it is constantly on HIGH fighting off other things such as
parasite infections (including bacteria, viruses & fungi) and toxins. Also, we as a "modern
society" CONSTANTLY turn OFF and SUPPRESS our own immune systems! Fever kills
certain pathogens, yet at the very first sign of a fever people take fever reducers. Ok, so you stop
the very thing that was killing bad things in the body.
What happens to the bad things when the fever is stopped???? Yep! They are still in the body
and do as they please because the immune system was stopped. Same thing with vomiting and
These are the FASTEST ways for the body to get rid of harmful things. But people end up
taking meds that stop this immune system reaction.
Now sure, every now and again the immune system might get stuck in high gear with raging high
temps (that usually indicate an EXTREME infection such as meningitis) but for the most part a
high fever will go away once its job is done. Same thing with vomiting and diarrhea. This is
WHY keeping the body clean from infections is so very important! And it’s also why keeping
the immune system STRONG is so very very important.
Lyme Treatment
Here is the protocol for treating Lyme:
1. Old Fashioned Old Fashioned Liver Flush
2. Herbal Human Wormer and Herbal Detox Tea for 30 days
3. Natural Anti-Biotic and Herbal Detox Tea for 15 days
4. Lyme Formula and Herbal Detox Tea for 15 days
5. Old Fashioned Liver Flush
6. Herbal Lung Cleanse with the Herbal Detox Tea for 15 days
7. Herbal Kidney Cleanse with the Herbal Detox Tea for 15 days
8. Herbal Liver Cleanse with the Herbal Detox Tea for 15 days
9. Old Fashioned Liver Flush
10. Stay on just the Herbal Detox Tea for 25 days
11. Herbal Human Wormer and Herbal Detox Tea for 30 days
12. Old Fashioned Liver Flush
At this point, if all symptoms are gone - wait 90 days and just do an Herbal Human Wormer
Parasite Cleanse for 30 days - no tea. IF any symptoms creep back - do another round of Natural
Anti-biotic for 15 days then the Lyme Cleanse for 15 days before the 2nd Herbal Human
If symptoms stay gone, just do Herbal Human Wormer 2-3 times per year and do an Old
Fashioned Liver Flush when you feel you need one.

What Is Die - Off?
Die off happens when the body is removing toxins. Toxins are anything that is not supposed to
be in the human body such as food preservatives, drugs (including prescription medications),
alcohol, dyes, perfumes (including air fresheners) and any other substance that the body has to
process and remove.
There are 4 major purifying organs of the body: Liver, lungs, kidneys and skin. The liver is the
primary purifying organ while the skin is the largest purifying organ. Blood runs through the
liver every 3 minutes and the liver has to purify that blood and remove toxins.
This is why when a person drinks too much alcohol, their liver is affected. This is also why when
people are on street drugs, you can see the toxins at work in their skin, eyes, teeth, hair and nails.
Now, when a person has any type of parasite infection, those internal parasites are steady putting
out toxins from their waste. The body will try to remove these toxins but if there are too many,
then the body will simply store these toxins where ever it can.
In some people, the skin will show signs of toxin removal in the form of rashes, eczema,
psoriasis, acne, dry skin, and more. Steroid pills and steroid creams are designed to stop
inflammation and swelling, they WILL NOT stop toxins from irritating the body!
When you kill parasites their toxin production also stops. Then the body can begin to flush out
these deep seated toxins. As these toxins are moving out of the body, the body will react to them
in the form of: headaches, mood swings, diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, swelling, itching,
body aches, fever and flu like symptoms.
These are GOOD SIGNS! It means that the body is flushing out the bad stuff that has been
keeping you sick for a long time. This is why you MUST drink your recommended amount of
water each day. Which is half of your body weight in ounces of water PER DAY. For example
200 pounds of body weight = 100 ounces of water per day. Not tea, not coffee, not soft drinks,
This is also why you MUST keep your bowels working daily. When the body is throwing off
toxins, the colon can get overwhelmed and can get sluggish. If this happens, you can take a senna
based laxative or do a plain enema for relief.
Die off is GREAT! It means that your body is cleansing and that your immune system is on and
is helping. Sometimes, whatever symptom your body was displaying BEFORE the cleanse, will
get WORSE before leaving completely. This is because each body cleanses differently and each
person will have different symptoms, even if they have the SAME parasite infection.
For example, if you had eczema and the cleanse killed the parasites that were causing the toxins,
then when the body starts throwing off toxins, the eczema will flare up BECAUSE that is
WHERE your body was throwing them off BEFORE. Hence, the skin irritation. BUT, once the
toxins are GONE, the skin will be and will remain clear.
Another person might have extreme joint pain and swelling due to toxins because that is where
THEIR BODY put stores toxins. A die off reaction for them might be joint pain and swelling
while the toxins are moving out. Once gone, the pain and swelling will be gone for good. Herbal
Human Wormer, the Natural Anti-Biotic, the Natural Anti-Viral, the Lyme Cleanse, the Herpes
Cleanse, the Candida Cleanse and the In-Between formulas ALL KILL bad stuff and will ALL
help to remove toxins from the body.
In a very toxic situation, I will always recommend the Herbal Detox Tea to be taken along with
these formulas. The Herbal Detox Tea will literally envelope toxins and will coat them so that
they do not cause further irritation upon leaving the body. The Herbal Detox Tea BY ITSELF
will pull out and remove toxins on its own! The Lung, Kidney and Liver Cleanses will target and
help to deep clean and RESTORE those purifying organs that get overworked when a person is

1. The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland in the neck. In a healthy person, the thyroid gland
contains just a little under an ounce of iodine.
2. Every 17 minutes the blood runs through the iodine in the thyroid gland, this is so the iodine
can kill bacteria and viruses.
3. Healthy breast tissue also contains iodine.
4. There are several things that can cancel out iodine, one of which is BROMINE. Bromine is
found in commercially baked goods and in very high amounts in chocolate. In fact, chocolate is
given to a person suffering from iodine poisoning.
5. Our bodies DO NOT MAKE IODINE!!!! It must come from the foods we eat. This lack of
iodine in many diets is why iodine is added to salt. (iodized salt)
6. The thyroid gland does 2 very important things; 1. it makes the T1 T2 T3 and T4 hormones, 2.
it regulates the LYMPHATIC system.
7. The thyroid MUST have adequate iodine to make its hormones and to properly regulate the
lymph system (the lymphatic system is simply the fluid levels in the body)
8. IF the thyroid does not have enough iodine, the body will pull the iodine out of healthy breast
tissue and put it into the thyroid gland. 100% of breast cancer patients are also iodine deficient.
9. There is a very fine line between ENOUGH iodine and TOO MUCH iodine. This is why I
never ever recommend that large amounts of iodine be ingested.
10. Foot painting with iodine can replenish the thyroid gland without the dangers of overdose.
The body simply absorbs the iodine through the skin (transdermal) and the blood will carry the
iodine to the thyroid gland and deposit it there.
11. Foot painting is simply "painting" iodine on the balls of both feet before bedtime. It's put on
the bottom of the feet so that if some of it does not absorb, you won't be going around with
strange orange spots on your body!
12. Paint balls of feet, let dry, go to sleep. Check feet the next morning, if the iodine has been
absorbed (if the area is lighter) then repeat each night until the body no longer absorbs the iodine
and the feet are just as dark as the night before. This is when you know that the body has all the
iodine it needs.
13. Use plain old iodine that is found in any pharmacy. It comes in a small brown bottle and is
only a dollar or two. DO NOT buy the colorless iodine! You need to see the absorption levels.
14. Once the body has absorbed all it needs, wait two weeks and do the foot painting again. This
is because the thyroid will release some of the iodine back down into the breast tissue. You
might need to top off the thyroid after this happens.
15. Thyroid tests DO NOT TEST the levels of iodine!!!!! They only check for the thyroid
hormones of T3 and T4.
16. An iodine filled thyroid will begin to make its own hormones again.
17. A properly filled thyroid will also signal the lymphatic system to release excess fluid.
18. Take a good daily multi-vitamin that contains iodine and use iodized salt to keep the levels
topped off.
2 more interesting facts:
1. Commercial bakeries used to use iodine to strengthen the dough so it could get through the
automated machinery, but in the late 1970's early 1980's they switched to bromine for the same
purpose. And bromine CANCELS OUT IODINE. In fact, chocolate, which contains a lot of
bromine, is given to people with iodine poisoning to counteract the overdose.
2. Whenever you've been sick with a cold or sore throat and your lymph nodes are sore or
swollen under your jawline, that is from the thyroid killing germs and the lymph nodes (the
colanders of the body) catching the dead cells. This happens in all of the lymph nodes, but you
can feel it first under the jawline because they are closest to the thyroid gland.

STOP SUPPRESSING Your Immune System!
The human body is an amazing piece of machinery. It has everything it needs to fight off 90% of
what comes its way - IF we just let it. The immune system is the army that will attack pathogens
that could make us very ill if left alone.
HOWEVER, we - as "modern" humans suppress our army and don't allow it to do its job
properly. Three of the fastest and most effective ways our immune system gets rid of harmful
things are:
1. fever
2. vomiting
3. diarrhea
FEVER even up to 104 is GREAT! The fever is working very hard to heat things up so that
VIRUSES & BACTERIA will die. BUT - we stop this natural process with a variety of over the
counter medicines such as Tylenol, Advil, Excedrin and others. We artificially stop the fever
BUT the pathogens are still in our bodies and are able to reproduce and cause us to get much
more ill than if we had just let the fever run its course.
VOMITING is FANTASTIC! It is super-fast way for the body to get rid of pathogens such in
the case of food poisoning. But alas! We (as modern humans) can't deal with vomiting - so we
get prescribed Phenergan to stop the vomiting in its tracks - and once again, the pathogens get
the chance to get a foothold in our bodies.
DIARRHEA is WONDERFUL! It is literally washing out the pathogens as fast as it can so they
can't take root. But again - we can go into any store and grab some Imodium which literally
binds up the intestines so it won't produce stool. SO - those pathogens stay in the body and
wreak havoc.
Now - there are some real dangers when the immune system is in SUPER HIGH GEAR. A fever
that gets out-of-control high needs to be reduced. This usually happens in infants whose immune
systems are still sputtering to life. It also happens with certain infections such as meningitis so
of course in this case the immune desperately needs the help of antibiotics to help kill the
bacteria. A person with fever, vomiting and diarrhea also needs to stay well hydrated.
If vomiting and diarrhea get SO BAD as to where a person can't even hold down WATER and it
lasts for SEVERAL days - then yes, the immune system needs help to get rid of the pathogens.
BUT - in MOST CASES - the immune system will do its job and you will feel bad for a day or
two, but then it will be OVER and your immune system will REMEMBER and will make
ANTIBODIES for whatever pathogen made you sick in the first place and it will become
Whole body cleansing is very much like spring cleaning a house. You start with decluttering
each room, then you deep clean each room, then you might need to deep clean closets, the
basement, the attic and the garage. Some do and some don't. So let’s go over each cleanse, what
they do and who might need them.
1. HERBAL HUMAN WORMER Parasite Cleanse - is the broad spectrum, whole body parasite
cleanse. This formula will kill parasites, larvae and eggs from ALL OVER the body including
organs and the blood. This is the FIRST one to take. This will declutter your body. For a lot of
people, this will be the ONLY formula you need. It is taken for 30 days. Then a 90 day break is
taken before another Herbal Human Wormer Parasite Cleanse can be taken. This is so that the
parasites will not become resistant. Herbal Human Wormer can be taken 2 to 3 times per year.
2. Herbal Detox Tea Detox Tea - It is a very traditional formula and is the best thing there is to
deep clean and remove toxins. It will literally pull out, envelope and coat toxins so they can be
removed from the body and not cause discomfort on their way out. I always recommend that the
tea be taken along with Herbal Human Wormer for people who are already very toxic before
they begin cleansing. This tea can be taken long term and by itself. It can also be taken with
every single formula I offer.
3. Natural Anti-Biotic - we move on from whole body cleansing and will start to deep clean
certain things from the body. Bacterial infections are also considered parasitic and they have
their own cell. This formula is broad spectrum and will kill all types of bacteria. IF any bacterial
infection has plagued you for a long time, for example bladder infections, then I would
recommend that the Natural Anti-Biotic be taken after the Herbal Human Wormer.
4. Natural Anti-Viral - viruses are teeny tiny. They do not even have their own cell so they
invade other cells and are also considered parasitic. This is WHY antibiotics won't kill viruses.
The anti-viral formula WILL kill viruses and it is broad spectrum. If a viral infection such as
shingles is the problem, then the Natural Anti-Viral would be the next thing to take after the
Herbal Human Wormer.
5. Lyme/Syphilis Cleanse, Herpes Cleanse - these are designed to go even further than the Anti-
Biotic and Anti-Viral and to specifically target these particular pathogens. Lyme and syphilis are
"first cousin" bacteria of the borrelia burgdorferi species and the formula will work for both.
These formulas are to be taken after the Herbal Human Wormer and the Natural Anti-biotic
and/or the Natural Anti-viral. For example, for Lyme Disease, you would take Herbal Human
Wormer and Herbal Detox Tea for 30 days, then the Natural Anti-Biotic for 15 days then the
Lyme Cleanse for 15 days along with the tea. This would be a total of 60 days of straight
cleansing and you would clean the WHOLE body first, then ANY bacteria that might have taken
hold, then you would blast out any remaining borrelia burgdorferi with the Lyme Cleanse.
Making sense now? I hope so!
6. Candida Cleanse - our guts have a superb mix of good bacteria and yeast. This yeast is called
candida. It is supposed to be there to aid in digestion and it is great when it is kept under control
by the good bacteria. HOWEVER, when a body gets sick from ANY infection and especially
any bacterial infection, this upsets the gut balance.
Antibiotics (especially prescription antibiotics) will KILL ALL BACTERIA in the gut. All of it
including the GOOD bacteria. Antibiotics DO NOT kill yeast!!!! If the good bacteria is not
replenished in a timely manner, then the yeast will grow out of control and will stray to other
areas of the body. (Good bacteria can be replenished quickly by simply eating yogurt for a few
days. That's it, the body will do the rest.)
Candida yeast out of control is the cause of vaginal yeast infections, athlete's foot and jock itch.
It is ALL the SAME STRAIN of yeast. In order to get the body cleared of this crazy yeast, you
must KILL ALL OF THE YEAST in the ENTIRE BODY! You can't starve it out or wish it
away. It must be wiped out all at one time. This is where the Candida Cleanse comes into play. It
will kill all of it from all over the body at one time. Then your body will simply get the proper
amount of yeast you need from the foods you eat and it will be able to keep a good balance
which will allow you to have proper digestion and NOT have fungal infections that are out of
7. Herbal Liver Cleanse, Herbal Lung Cleanse, Herbal Kidney Cleanse - each of these are
designed to deep clean each and restore of the purifying organs. When a body has been fighting
parasites (including bacteria, viruses and yeast) AND toxins, these organs get very overworked.
Each of these cleanses are taken one at a time and you can start with either the Lung or the
Kidney Cleanse, but the Liver Cleanse must be last. This is because the liver is steadily removing
toxins and will help the lungs and the kidneys, so once they are clean, the liver can get cleaned.
These are to be done AFTER any or all of the above cleanses. Some people who are fighting
specific things (such as kidney stones), might need to do additional organ cleanses every few
months or so (such as a kidney cleanse every other month).
8. Herbal Colon Cleanser - can be taken along with ANY of our other formulas. It can also be
taken by itself. It's great for any type of fecal impaction problems.
9. Herbal Pain Formula - is OUTSTANDING for any type of nerve pain.
10. In-Between Formula (Now called HUMA90DAY) - is for people who have been really sick
for a long time and are seeing results from our cleansing formulas. It is designed to be taken for
the 90 day waiting period between the Herbal Human Wormer Parasite Cleanses. It just keeps
things moving on out. It can be taken with our other formulas with the exception of the Herbal
Human Wormer.
This should help you figure out what cleanses to do and in what order. For maintenance, I would
recommend an OLD FASHIONED LIVER FLUSH followed by Herbal Human Wormer and
Herbal Detox Tea for 30 days followed with another Old Fashioned Liver Flush. Do this 2 to 3
time per year. This is what I personally do twice a year just to stay healthy.

Why the HERBAL FORMULAS must be taken ALONE
EVERYTHING that goes into the human body causes a reaction. Everything. Food, drinks,
meds, herbs, toxins, vitamins, essential oils, supplements and so forth and so on.
When people get sick, the tendency is to take a little of this and that and the other thing to try and
feel better. We call this the "shotgun approach". People try to find the magical combination of
things that will make them better. I truly understand this. However, the human body is designed
to not need anything other than good food, water, good bowel movements and good sleep to be
healthy. This is called balance.
When the body is out of balance from illness or stress, then the body reacts. This reaction is
simply an alert to an underlying problem. We call these reactions SYMPTOMS. ANY medicine
to STOP a SYMPTOM does not and will not STOP the ROOT CAUSE of said
symptom. Theses meds will simply push back the symptom, not fix it.
The body will also NOT PRODUCE what it needs if a person puts a substitute in their body. For
example, if a person takes digestive enzymes, then the body WILL NOT produce them on its
own like it was designed to do. This is one of the reasons WHY I recommend that ANY and
ALL supplements STOP while on any of the Herbal Human Wormer cleanses. This is so that the
body can CLEAR out the initial infection (parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungus, etc.) remove
TOXINS and BALANCE itself.
The body cannot properly balance itself if it is constantly barraged with this and that and the
other thing. Too many enemas and the lazy colon will not do its job, substituting T3 and T4
hormones in an iodine deficient thyroid will never allow the body to rebuild iodine and therefore
makes ITS OWN T3 and T4.
The herbs used in my formulas are balanced and are designed to work together in a specific
way. They do not need help from any additional herbs. They need to get in there and do their
jobs like they were designed to do.
The purpose of ANY cleansing is to get the body in a balanced, healthy state. The body was not
made to have to take daily meds or supplements in order to be healthy. In fact, I only
recommend a good daily multi-vitamin along with water and good food and rest. Now, some
diseases do require daily meds and I will not split hairs about those diseases or meds. I do
believe that modern medicine absolutely has its place, but traditional medicine and natural
medicine also has its place.
Having said all this, just keep in mind that the end goal is to be HEALTHY and
BALANCED. Think twice or thrice about what you put into your body. Think about WHAT it
will DO inside of your body. Think of the domino effect it might have. But please try not to take
any other herbs or supplements while on Herbal Human Wormer cleanses. Let them clear out
and restore and reset the body on their own.

I started Herbal Human Wormer a week ago and I have noticed 2 improvements. I'm curious to
In over 14 years’ time, there have been THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of testimonials sent
to me. These are a just a few. Some old ones, some new ones. I changed my name to THE
AUTHOR because I’m am not really sure if I am publishing this book in my name or not.
(Testimonials are not edited for spelling errors. I will not publish names for safety and privacy

I have Lymphedema on my lower legs starting 8 years ago on my left leg and two years later on
my right leg. I was not told about my condition until two years ago. I get infections in my lower
legs from small wounds. I was hospitalized last August for nine days then they sent me to a
rehab center for 20 days. I was in bad shape. I have Little or no Cartlidge on both knees and can't
have knee replacements because of my Lymphedema. I can't stand without support. if I did not
run the risk of infection I could have the knee replacement. My daughter told me about Herbal
Human Wormer years ago but I was too stubborn to listen to her. now, since I was hospitalized,
my daughter has insisted that I start the Herbal Human Wormer protocols.
To my amazement they are starting to work. my feet are not as swollen now. I finished my
Herbal Human Wormer and I'm still on the tea. I started pain pills with tea for my pain. my arms
are not as sensitive now. I'm foot painting with iodine also. I have rheumatoid arthritis and

I have also had a blood acute hemolytic enema in which at one time my red blood cells dropped
to a 4 they got me up to 12.1 taking 7 mg's of prednisone a day. a mans red blood count is
suppose to be 14 to 15. it will be interesting if I can get my red blood count up to that with the
HW protocol that she (the author) has put me on which was Herbal Human Wormer for 30 days
plus tea then pain pills for two weeks with the tea which I'm on now and it seems to have taken
away the pain sensitivity in my arms. I'm amazed!!! next will be Antibotic for two weeks with
tea, then Antiviral for two weeks with tea. after that I will probably go on the candidia cleanse
with tea then back to Herbal Human Wormer. if my red blood count goes up to normal that will
be a miracle!!! I will keep you posted on everything. I will post pics of my legs and hands so you
can follow the journey with me.

Also wanted to provide a testament to herbal Human Wormer products. My father was not doing
well at all a few months ago. Doctors could not figure out what was wrong with him, lack of
energy and couldn't leave the house. He had Lyme disease a few years back but did not test
positive for it again. I put him on the main herbal Human Wormer cleanse and then the 2 week
Lyme and he is completely back to himself! Thank you herbal Human Wormer!!! We are telling
everyone about this amazing product.

I am seeing my health bloom after years and years of poor health and I wanted to share the good
I now think I may have got liver flukes from our family dog way back in the 80s, when I was a
teenager. I was an otherwise healthy teen in a family with a very healthy diet and I had no
business having hormone problems, but I developed PCOS, an umbrella term for “your
hormones don’t work and we don’t know how to fix them.”
I continued my healthy, vegetable-rich diet all through my 20s and 30s, but was rewarded only
with progressively worsening health: hypoglycaemia, terrible throat infections, hair loss,
insomnia, and whenever I went off the Pill to see if I could go it alone, I would realize my
hormones were all wrong. I’d get lots of body hair and no ovulation.
I had tried an off-the-shelf herbal parasite product in the early 2000s, but I didn't’ see any results,
so thought I was free and clear. I continued on my search for answers, seeing multiple
endocrinologists, and when they pronounced me “healthy” and my hair loss “only a vanity
issue”, continued with NDs, acupuncture, and Chinese Medicine. (A Chinese Medicine doc got
me to ovulate and menstruate regularly for the first time in my life during this time. She is the
sole reason I was able to have children.)
It seemed that all the healers would point to my liver being my weak link, but it didn’t make
sense.. how could someone who lived such a healthy lifestyle have such a weak liver?
Then I found Herbal Human Wormer (at age 45.) And found out I was infested with liver flukes.
I did the 30-day cleanse first and saw them. I didn’t do the 90-day in-between capsules because I
figured I’d just eat those herbs in my diet. I was wrong. Get the 90-day in-between cleanse. My
liver congestion symptoms really came back during this time, almost as if the creatures promptly
had tons of babies to make up for the dent I'd made in their population.)
I did a 2nd 30-day cleanse and saw them again. This time I continued on the 90-day in-between
program and I highly recommend it. They’ve kept dying all through the 90 days. I see them
everyday, murdered. :) I'm about to start my 3rd cleanse and truly, the flukes are almost gone.
But twice during probiotic enemas I saw long roundworms.. pretty big at 10" or so! So I guess I
still do have work ahead of me.
I have gone from waking 8-10x every night to waking only once or twice. Life-changing!
My hair loss has stopped. (I haven’t seen any thickening, but it may have been too many years
since it fell out.)
I don’t need a nap. I feel great, all day. In the evening I’m still awake, instead of feeling like it’s
torture to be alive.
My blood sugar is terrific. I don’t feel starving and jittery in between meals. (Going Paleo and
quitting coffee had largely repaired this before I started HM, but it's only gotten better.)
My cycles have gone from 35 days (too long) to 32 and then to 31. Wow - what a functional liver
can accomplish, right?!
I haven’t had a cold since I started the killing. ;)
I also have been doing coffee enemas (you do them as a type of liver cleanser with green coffee
you can order (SA Wilson). I did one everyday and saw floating flukes every time I did one. I
found it whooshed them out of the liver really well, along with the "chaff" similar to what you
get from doing liver cleanses. Cancer patients do them to help heal their livers on some
protocols.) (Do read what Reba Bailey says in her files about this, as she advises to not do them
daily.) I had tried some Old Fashioned Liver Flushes (around 5-6) and found them really
successful, but so tough!! So intense!! I still will likely do some more in the future (the enemas
don't whoosh out stones or help your gall bladder), but I found the coffee enemas work well for
me and I found them much easier and more do-able - and I could do them daily without taking an
entire weekend off from my life!
And I also recommend apple cider vinegar. I once had a fluke drop out dead just from the
ACV! :) And do look at your pH and adjust by drinking green drinks, ACV, and/or lemon juice
if you are too acidic. I do think it makes a difference in the recovery. There's a chicken and egg
thing with parasites: Do they cause acidity or are the attracted to acidity? Either way, working on
your pH repels them.
Thank you so much, Herbal Human Wormer. You are literally changing my life.
Update: still working on the ascaris. The flukes are not completely gone, just whacked down in
numbers. I have found my insomnia is very much triggered by my pH level, of all things. And
my pH level does not stay alkaline by itself. I really have to work at it. If I don't take my doses of
lemon and acv on a day, I wake more that night.

I am seeing my health bloom after years and years of poor health and I wanted to share the good
I now think I may have got liver flukes from our family dog way back in the 80s, when I was a
teenager. I was an otherwise healthy teen in a family with a very healthy diet and I had no
business having hormone problems, but I developed PCOS, an umbrella term for “your
hormones don’t work and we don’t know how to fix them.”
I continued my healthy, vegetable-rich diet all through my 20s and 30s, but was rewarded only
with progressively worsening health: hypoglycaemia, terrible throat infections, hair loss,
insomnia, and whenever I went off the Pill to see if I could go it alone, I would realize my
hormones were all wrong. I’d get lots of body hair and no ovulation.
I had tried an off-the-shelf herbal parasite product in the early 2000s, but I didn't’ see any results,
so thought I was free and clear. I continued on my search for answers, seeing multiple
endocrinologists, and when they pronounced me “healthy” and my hair loss “only a vanity
issue”, continued with NDs, acupuncture, and Chinese Medicine. (A Chinese Medicine doc got
me to ovulate and menstruate regularly for the first time in my life during this time. She is the
sole reason I was able to have children.)

It seemed that all the healers would point to my liver being my weak link, but it didn’t make
sense.. how could someone who lived such a healthy lifestyle have such a weak liver?

Then I found Herbal Human Wormer (at age 45.) And found out I was infested with liver flukes.

I did the 30-day cleanse first and saw them. I didn’t do the 90-day in-between capsules because I
figured I’d just eat those herbs in my diet. Get the 90-day in-between cleanse. My liver
congestion symptoms really came back during this time, almost as if the creatures promptly had
tons of babies to make up for the dent I'd made in their population.)

I did a 2nd 30-day cleanse and saw them again. This time I continued on the 90-day in-between
program and I highly recommend it. They’ve kept dying all through the 90 days. I see them
everyday, murdered. :) I'm about to start my 3rd cleanse and truly, the flukes are almost gone.
But twice during probiotic enemas I saw long roundworms.. pretty big at 10" or so! So I guess I
still do have work ahead of me.

I have gone from waking 8-10x every night to waking only once or twice. Life-changing!

My hair loss has stopped. (I haven’t seen any thickening, but it may have been too many years
since it fell out.)

I don’t need a nap. I feel great, all day. In the evening I’m still awake, instead of feeling like it’s
torture to be alive.

My blood sugar is terrific. I don’t feel starving and jittery in between meals. (Going Paleo and
quitting coffee had largely repaired this before I started HM, but it's only gotten better.)

My cycles have gone from 35 days (too long) to 32 and then to 31. Wow - what a functional liver
can accomplish, right?!

I haven’t had a cold since I started the killing. ;)

I also have been doing coffee enemas (you do them as a type of liver cleanser with green coffee
you can order (SA Wilson). I did one everyday and saw floating flukes every time I did one. I
found it whooshed them out of the liver really well, along with the "chaff" similar to what you
get from doing liver cleanses. Cancer patients do them to help heal their livers on some
protocols.) (Do read what Reba Bailey says in her files about this, as she advises to not do them
daily.) I had tried some Old Fashioned Liver Flushes (around 5-6) and found them really
successful, but so tough!! So intense!! I still will likely do some more in the future (the enemas
don't whoosh out stones or help your gall bladder), but I found the coffee enemas work well for
me and I found them much easier and more do-able - and I could do them daily without taking an
entire weekend off from my life!

And I also recommend apple cider vinegar. I once had a fluke drop out dead just from the
ACV! :) And do look at your pH and adjust by drinking green drinks, ACV, and/or lemon juice if
you are too acidic. I do think it makes a difference in the recovery. There's a chicken and egg
thing with parasites: Do they cause acidity or are the attracted to acidity? Either way, working on
your pH repels them.

Thank you so much, Herbal Human Wormer. You are literally changing my life.
Day 16-after seeing evidence of what appears to be hookworm and other unrecognizable
parasites (they looked like pin and liver flukes but I am not an expert and lean toward flush don't
look too much) I just breezed by my first full moon in at least 10 months without any obvious
symptoms which I had suffered with before. My gas and bloating have disappeared. My
sensitivity to my belly button has disappeared -I am able to move my bowels consistently twice
daily after many yrs of constant constipation. I am thrilled I ignored my doctors and started
HERBAL HUMAN WORMER--thank you for giving me back my waistline! Dropping weight
slowly but finally starting to lose that 15 lbs of unwanted unexplained weight gain. My candida
symptoms are amazingly diminishing after 8 months of thrush--finally a NORMAL tongue--
Well, I just wanted to let everyone know I'm on my 15th day of Herbal Human Wormer and I
today I passed liver flukes and some other atrocities that I couldn't identify. I think I might have
had some kind of huge worm that was digested and broken in pieces (shudder). I've had weird
aches and pains in various places (liver, kidneys, knees, etc). I'm assuming they were from the
Herbal Human Wormer cleaning house. I'd like to also say that I've felt better than I have in a
LONG time for about a week and half now.
For anyone interested in trying Herbal Human Wormer, I've tried 2 other parasite cleanses that
didn't work. It might have been because they were too hard to do properly. Herbal Human
Wormer is easy and effective. I highly recommend it.
When I first found Herbal Human Wormer, I was just looking for my next cure for Lupus. I've
been fighting it without medication for 20 years and am constantly doing whatever I can to last
one more year. You see, the medication they have for Lupus almost killed me, so I'm not about
to try the next pharmaceutical down the pike.
After only 2-1/2 days, swelling in the lymph glands in my throat started to go down. It had been
there for many years, and I was told it was a nodular goiter, and would never go away unless I
had my thyroid removed.
Then my nose cleared up. I had not been able to breathe through my nose since I was 5 and had a
very bad cold. While it's not perfect now, and I still can't breathe through the right side perfectly,
it's so much better it's hard to believe.
I didn't really believe I had parasites until the liver and intestinal flukes started appearing in the
first week. Then I started feeling things crawling around inside my body, especially in my nose
and behind my right eye. I also had all the symptoms of pinworms. After three weeks, I started
pulling small thread worms out of my nose, and seeing massive amounts of pinworms in my
Also, the cracked skin on my heels has started to heal, which I never would have associated with
parasites at all.
I'm not completely cured, and know I will have to go through two more treatments at least to
clear myself of all the parasites, but it will be worth it. Who knows? Maybe it will cure my
lupus. I know that I have much less brain fog and fatigue now than I have in several years. I'm
not living on caffeine anymore, and can actually watch a t.v. show in it's entirety, or enjoy
reading a book for longer than 10 minutes at a time without losing my train of thought and
having to start over.
Thanks, Herbal Human Wormer. Here's to a long and fruitful relationship for both of us. I have
posted a day-by-day review of my experience on my blog at ________, but remember that the
experience is different for everyone.
You are not alone. If you have not been parasite cleansing all of your life then you probably do
have parasites. You are not being gross at all. We all need support. We have parasites all over
our bodies from head to toe. There are many types of parasites.
I wish I had known about Herbal Human Wormer in my younger days. I was really sick for years
and got to the point that I could not drive a car, write a check or even bath myself. I am 53 years
old now and I feel like I am 35 years old. At least all my neighbors that are that age can't keep up
with me. My mother in law yesterday said, if you can bottle up some of that energy that you
have, I want some of it. lol. I will be doing my 5th Herbal Human Wormer cleanse and I have
done 7 plain Old Fashioned Liver Flushes plus a colon cleanse. I love this life that I now have
and I never want to go back to the way I was again.
On my second Herbal Human Wormer cleanse, I felt critters running for their lives under my
scalp. They made my scalp itch when they ran. I believe that it was the critters that caused my
brain lining to tear. Don't get freaked out, this is a rare case. I have had two brain surgeries. The
last one the doctor said I was two hairs away from death. The tear was right next to my brain
This is why it is so important to parasite cleanse. The critters cause all kinds of diseases
including cancer. I am so happy because I know that I will no longer have to go through another
brain surgery for the rest of my life. I also had fibromyalgia which put me on disability from my
good paying job. I no longer have that severe pain, it is gone after suffering with it for 17 long
years. I have not had a headache either which amazes me.
I used to get severe headaches all the time. The cysts in my breasts are gone. I just had my exam
and that is what they told me. The cysts almost covered my whole breasts before I started the
Herbal Human Wormer cleanses. I also no longer have Psoriasis which I have been battling since
high school.
(the author) told me that after I eliminated the roundworms (ascaris) that I would start seeing my
skin problems clear up and she was right, they did. RG's medicated cream also helps cure it. I
also put some of the medicated cream on a q-tip and swab it up my nose and I have gotten out
several white roundworms. I also put some in my ears and now I no longer have that rusty color
wax. It is clear and not a whole lot like before. (The ) really puts together some wonderful
products that actually work getting to the root instead of masking the problem.
During one of my Herbal Human Wormer cleanses, I felt a thumping in my stomach. It felt like a
baby kicking. My friends said they felt it too while Herbal Human Wormer cleansing. I made
those critters mad. One time I also felt them migrate to another spot, so yes, sometimes you can
feel them. I felt them in the heels of my feet. Hookworms enter in your feet so that is probably
what I had. I used to walk around with no shoes. I wear them all the time now. lol.
For me, I seen all different kinds of liver flukes, intestinal flukes, a 13 inch round worm and 12
six inch round worms (ascaris), two tape worms which I did see the heads and the skins, canine
tapeworm secments that look like rice and some looked like cashews and others corn, I also seen
candida that looked like cotton and some looked like corn silks. Some people don't look and that
is okay too.
I was scared my first Herbal Human Wormer cleanse but after that I started researching with a
chop stick. I am so glad that I did because the critters are heavy and they sink to the bottom of
the towlet which I would have never known that I was getting them out if I didn't research. Also,
roundworms (ascaris) hide in the bm so you really don't know that you are getting them out if
you don't research.
For me, I want to know when I am getting clean and also I want to know what I am infected with
the most. My last Herbal Human Wormer cleanse I only seen one critter exit. When I first started
the Herbal Human Wormer cleanses the bowl was full of different critters. I have posted pictures
of the critters and gallstones that I have elimated. This is why I have so much energy and I am
getting so healthy. I have to say, this is the healthiest with a sense of well being that I have ever
felt! I don't dread going into my golden years now. When I get there, I may even feel like I am
32 years old . God Bless!
For the past several months I have been suffering from extreme stomach distention, nausea,
abdominal bloating, early satiety, fatigue and headaches. I could hardly eat anything because I
felt so full all the time, and whenever I took a few bites of something I got nauseous and had to
lay down. None of my clothes fit because I was so bloated, I felt like a giant balloon was inside
my abdomen and it was going to burst. I felt so horrible!
I went to the gastroenterologist doctor who did a complete blood test, H. Pylori test, and upper
GI barium exam. He found nothing wrong! He said I was "fine." I was fuming and angry and had
to find a cure myself. I bought Herbal Human Wormer and just finished the 30 days yesterday. I
feel great!! No more bloating, nausea, stomach distention or headaches. I have my energy back!
No more fatigue or irritability! And I can fit into my clothes again! I can't believe it was parasites
that was causing all that, I thought for sure it must be stomach cancer or something serious. I
can't believe how nasty those parasites can be!! Wow, it sure feels great to have my life, and my
health, back again!! As a bonus, I've noticed my eczema clearing up too!
I am going to be using Herbal Human Wormer every 90 days like you recommend, I never want
to be that sick again! and I want to try some Pet Wormer for my kitty cats, and the Herbal Detox
Tea for the in-between times. Thank you SO SO SO SO MUCH for making this wonderful
product!! I will be ordering again and again! Please don't ever stop making Herbal Human
Wormer! You have a customer for life! You guys came through when modern medicine did not.
Thanks so much!!
I feel fine! After a week into my first HW cleanse and an on going bout of Giardia i think HW
kicked in! No side effects, except a feeling of a little dye off now and then, which makes me a bit
moody but i think it kills that little critters. Wow i feel better day by day. And best of it all my
toilet dash is getting back to normal. :) This after traveling for years in India and South Asia and
having had all sort of critters in the past!
I found Herbal Human Wormer searching my leaky gut problem online,as I read the information
I found it educational and validated all the things that I have learned so far in my life of 40
years. I decided to give it a try. It showed up no fancy bottle no frills,just simple. I read the
instructions 4 times just to make sure. The marriage was made and I awaited my fate,I drank
lots and lots of water . I came upon my second day . My stomach was bloated making all kinds
of noises ,the laundry was getting done. I made a usual deployment to the latrine . It made a
pressurized exit,without knowing exactly what was what and who was from where ,I decided it
was a full house and it needed a flush.
I returned to my project wondering what all that was about. Herbal Human Wormer no fancy
bottle no sales pitch just simple,it was time for more . The third day went by without a
hitch. The washing machine still making some noise,that night I started sneezing and found it
odd I had not sneezed in weeks. Morning of day 4 I felt like someone had made me 16 again
and it was like i could not wait to get out of school and do my things not school things,what a
feeling,I was off and on to my projects,could this be Herbal Human Wormer,no fancy bottle? It
must be?
I wondered,and I wondered some more.I was off to my tasks and of course Herbal Human
Wormer was there to. I made my drive to pick up some parts I had to blow my nose and some
nasal congestion. I blew my nose and examined my treasure, A treasure it was there was a dead
type of parasite in the find. I was scared but remained calm,I wanted to call my mother ,at 40 i
wanted to call my mother?
I calmed down and remembered everything I had read. Herbal Human Wormer had informed me
the possibilities and hangouts of parasites. I decided this was the real deal with no fancy bottle
to go with it . I was still scared and wanted to share my treasure find with some one,I looked at
the clock looked up Herbal Human Wormer and called, I had the pleasure of talking to Silva, oh
I did not know where to start . Leaky gut ,it did not matter ,with her calming response, she
seemed to have heard many a situation like mine. She explained the possible parasite as I
ordered my dogs some of this . Oh they were next there was going to be some howling for sure.
After that i was excited,I was getting herbal Human Wormered.That day I went to the store I was
walking and my ankles started to lock up and my calves got sore,strange what is this some sort of
magic trick?. It quickly passed within minutes. What was that? I had all this energy and this
sense of well being what was happening to me . Herbal Human Wormer ,could it be? no fancy
bottle to rub,t here was a genie some where . What a feeling,I knew that I would be well and
Night came with Herbal Human Wormer taken earlier I was off to the book store at 9 pm ,this
was not like me all this energy. I was on my way when this feeling of something crawling
towards my throat to the back of my tongue, oh my I said to myself ,you have got those to do
you. Scared ,lets think about this, drink more water,I did then my eye started to twitch ,not the
lid the left eye ,then I felt my sinuses have movement above the eye ,over by the ear . It was
then that I realized Herbal Human Wormer had given the eviction notice to the parasites . They
were dieing .
Scared but understanding the situation I welcomed it with eagerness and a sense
of well being. My spirit knew my body would be well. I got my book and returned home.I made
a dash for my laptop and read till midnight,all about parasites . The next day things were making
exits ,all kinds I explored slightly . It did not matter. That evening I went to bed I ached my legs
hurt my butt checks ached . I knew these were the toxins leaving.
I experienced this on and off for 4 days with a mild headache . At one point thru this cleanse I
felt my lungs getting cleaned,something was happening. Something good.
I have had these bumps under my skin visible since I was 10 ,they are said to be fatty
lypomas,they to are shrinking and leaving, my skin feels like babys skin,my thoughts are clear
with direction,no brain fog ,things are improving I am on day nine now losing excess weight and
grateful . Thank you .
(Author), I can't thank you enough. You have given me back my life, and even if I am not
completely cured yet, I have seen definite improvement and plan to continue at least 2 more
rounds. Oh, and thanks for the in-between herbs formula capsules, I'm one of those people for
whom putting spices on food is a chore.
After 3 years of not being able to do the simplest things due to the severe fatigue of
fibromyalgia, yesterday I was able to vacuum and mop the whole house! \o/ It may seem trivial
and a bit crazy that that is what I chose to do with my newfound energy, but it means a great deal
to me. I haven't had a flareup since the second "detox" week and my "normal" ankle pain is a
fraction of what it was before.
My mother is ecstatic, and can't believe it, but she's afraid to tell more than her closest friends
that her daughter "had worms". (Sad, but what you gonna do?) My husband is low-key kind of
guy, but I can tell that he is also very happy to have the woman he married back.
*big big hugs all around*
About a year ago, the Lord had me order your Human-a-tea. I had no cancer symptoms but it
sounded so interesting and I have a lot of cancer in our family. My family uses your parasite
cleanse so I read your information and ordered it faithfully.
Just 2 months ago, my sister called and I could hardly understand her on the phone, but she was
upset because the doctor found a mass in her vocal cord and it was swollen in her neck, visibly.
She has had so many problems with losing her voice over the past two years, she was extremely
frustrated. We had stopped talking on the phone and gone to emailing when I could no longer
understand her.
It dawned on me about the tea, so I asked her to come by if she would commit to drinking it and
I would give it to her. She had a CAT scan scheduled in 10 days, so I asked her to come the next
day so I could prepare it. I began praying for the Lord to work a miracle for her so that she would
gain her voice and avoid surgery! The first signs we saw was that 5 days after she began taking
the tea, she CALLED me on the phone and I could UNDERSTAND her! She then went for her
CT scan and they found nothing in the mass area and her swelling was gone in her vocal cords!
By way of preface, let me start out by saying that I'm really not a sick (viz. ill) person. I used to
have Lyme disease pretty bad, but got better (that's a story all by itself!). As a result of my
illness, I pursued an education in the health field, and I'm now a professional natural health
consultant. I've heard a lot of good things about Herbal Human Wormer for quite some time, so I
recently decided I would try it on myself as a personal experiment. I've done other cleanses in the
past, but have never noticed anything (i.e., I haven't felt different, and I never noticed anything
strange in the toilet). But I've been impressed with what I've come to learn about Herbal Human
Wormer, so what the heck. I'll give it a shot.
As of today, I am 9 days into my Herbal Human Wormer program. I didn't really notice anything
different during days 1-6, and was kind of starting to wonder if I had another dud. Day 7 was
miserable. I had a very bad headache and was very stressed, emotionally. My wife was worried
that I was very ill somehow. On the morning of day 8, I suddenly had the urge to use the toilet,
and upon doing so, passed an enormous amount of parasite fragments. Dozens and dozens of
pieces. They looked kind of like congealed egg whites, almost translucent, and varied in length
up to around an inch or so. They are clearly unalive and are very mangled. Other pieces were
more thread-like, as we would normally think of "worms." I had never seen anything like that
come out of me before. After this "evacuation," I felt like a million bucks. My energy soared for
the rest of the day. Today is day 9, and I again passed a large amount of the same stuff.
For me, Herbal Human Wormer has really lived up to its reputation. And I'm only a third of the
way through!
aloha RG, Just to let you know, I LOVE YOUR HERBAL HUMAN WORMER Capsules,
Whatever you do, DO NOT CHANGE THIS FORMULATIONS !!!! I feel much calmer after so
many hours on this miraculous product, my brain feels much more vividly clearer, I want to say
THANK YOU whoever it was that brought this EXCELLENT nutrients to the public!!!! I plan to
order again, I want to try the other products you have, like the tea and the powder cleanse.
I previously added the testimonie-Parasites in Children.
During the treatment with Herbal Human Wormer my children and I passed what looked like -
liver flukes, threadworms, ?roundworm, thick white rubbery rectangle looking strands, I passed
quite alot of this and lots and lots of white slimy mucous from nose. Also it was very strange,
alot of black & red specks and white fluffy little round balls appearing from bottom even when
just passing urine and twig looking sticks passed from anus. Even in shower these things came
out and in kids bath. If anyone has had this please add their testomonie so I know we are not
Stools had a very offensive smell, lots of wind +++, bloating went but came back 2 days before
completing Herbal Human Wormer. Blue veins in children have become very prominent on face
and body. White part of eyes had alot of red veins appearing - they are still there, espeicially at
side of eyes. My eldest child and I had severe constipation and had to take daily epsom salts, the
others had very loose stools.
As I mentioned in previous testomonie, I have been a nurse for over 17 years and specialised in
gastro-intestinal disorders. I have never experienced anything like this and knew nothing about
parasites apart from hearing about tapeworm abroad in third world countries and occasionally a
child having threadworms. But, regarding all the other 3000 approx parasites that lurk about
human bodies really shocked me. I am going on a course to learn Colonic Irrigation next week.
This has really changed my diet and lifestyle. No more white pasta, flour, sweets and chocolate
etc. I feel alot healthier and have more energy. In the mornings, as a family we are alot brighter
and have more stamina throughout the day.
The research I have read about parasites is limited but gradually increasing. I believe it will be
another 5-10 yrs before we start seeing children in school routinely getting worming treatment.
As soon as the pharmaceutical companies see there is a real profit to be made here they will start
researching and marketing products. Wait and see!
When I start my colonic practice I will be completing research to confirm how many people have
parasites in them. If everyone does their little bit eventually the authorities will have to listen! I
have lots of pictures of all the gunk. It is surprising what individual people on the internet when
they all come together can achieve. I have learned more from other people experiencing this than
any information you would get from the ?medical profession. If you think you have parasites do
not give up. Read as much as you can on internet, research, books and educate yourself. As a Dr.
Bernard from the UK states in his books, "Knowledge helps the healing process". He also states,
"Educate not Medicate".
Thank you Herbal Human Wormer for your fresh natural products. You have saved my life.
We are seniors who just finished their rounds of Herbal Human Wormer January third
and hubby's first. I see that drooling on ones pillow is a symptom of parasites. Dh has had that
ever since long before we began sharing a the 1980's. I thought that might have been
from his practice of leaving a 'suckable' (a hard candy) in his mouth while falling asleep. (He
thinks people who 'crunch' are misinformed.) He gave up most 'suckables' long ago, but
continued to mark his pillow, until now, some time after finishing his first round of Herbal
Human Wormer.
I gave up 'crunching' at night, or any time, decades ago, but had developed drooling at night.
This morning I noticed that my pillow is clean, too, except for two small bloody spots which I
think come from losing two fillings over the last few months. I've put a couple of cloves in my
mouth a few times, to combat the infrequent slow ache. Maybe that accounts for my pillow
spots. Long ago, probably with the first round of Herbal Human Wormer, I lost the 'salty'
accumulation at the corners of my mouth. It seemed to try to return a bit, once or twice, since,
but now is completely gone. I think that was a sign of some Candida overgrowth.
Once more I find my fingernails much harder than ever before in my life. This seems to happen a
couple of weeks after a round of Herbal Human Wormer. Perhaps it will become permanent. I
think hubby is finding the same thing. Currently I am watching to see if his early morning need
to blow his nose several times, from going out in the cold (?), abates. In summer he gets this, and
sneezing, from sunshine. Dh is 83 years old, and hasn't quit yet. He took on a collection route
that has him up early and outside for one to three hours every morning...and usually at least once
more during the day.
He also found that he loves gardening, last summer...becoming the richest brown I've seen on a
'white' man, in the process. I've found that improvements from Herbal Human Wormer become
quite noticeable in the second, third and fourth week after the round is finished, and I've never
been disappointed. There are other things to go, I know, and I look forward to what they will be.
It is usually a surprise because we forget ailments so easily, the moment they disappear. It is
called 'contentment', and is the result of happy adjustment to the best of 'cleansing'. Thank you so
Hi all
It has been a while since I purchased your product . A great product whatever was crawling
around inside of me has completely gone .I ordered over the internet and had no hassles . I will
be reordering my follow up shortly
Once again thanks for a great result
Hi RG~
Well my 18 yr old daughter hated the taste of the herbs in the applesauce so she learned to just
swallow the capsules. I am the only one in the family that is curious as to what is coming out of
me. I have seen worms but there are some things that I question. I will get pics soon but for now
I'll try to describe them to you.
I have some green gummy things coming out of me usually triangular in shape. Thought it was
gum that I had swallowed but there is way more than one or two. Also have red hollow tubes as
well as red fleshy long blobs with stringy red fleshy things comming off from the main fleshy
blob. Don't know if that is something I ate but sure doesn't look familliar!
Hubby and I checked our blood pressure and surprisingly it was it use to be. Still
normal but low. Recently before Herbal Human Wormer though both of us were starting to get
out of the normal range of blood pressure. Going up and we didn't know why other than getting
older (40 & 43)
Do you know if the lowering blood pressure is a result of parasite cleansing?
I also noticed that my dandruff or scorasis that I've had my whole life is almost non
existent...yeah! Was that caused by a certain parasite or just from the toxins of the parasites?
10 yr old daughters acne is clearing up and her mouth sores of corners of her lips are getting
better. 18 yr old daughter's excema is clearing up as well.

I completed another dose of herbal Human Wormer about 3 weeks ago. I have to report I will
require another dose in another couple of months. I reported in previous emails I am fighting a
chronic parasite case and have been extremely ill.
I have found that doing the cleansing every 3 months to have been the way forward for me. I
found it quite difficult at first with the 90 day breaks but have a better understanding as to why
this is a MUST. I am much, much better but still have symptoms but I appear to have much more
of a life since doing the extra strength doses.
Just updating you on my situation and I hope you will agree that another round of your
wonderful product is in order. I will also require a normal dose for my husband.
Thank you so much for giving me my life back.
Can you please add this to the testomonies to help others.
My family and I took Herbal Human Wormer after one of my children getting threadworms to
clear us all out. What happened during it has been a shock. The six of us 2 adults, 3 children
have all passed strange looking things. By the pictures you have it looks like liver flukes and
roundworm. As usual stool specimens show nothing. GP thinks I have lost it. I am so glad I took
your herbs.
My 5 year old passed loads of what looks like liver flukes. How could a 4 year old have so many
weird stuff? I have been changing nappies for over 10 years and I am a community nurse, so I
know what poos look like and since taking Herbal Human Wormer - this is stuff I have never
seen before.
The kids got a really sore throat - day 5. Loads of white slimey stuff coming up and it was all
blood stained. A clue I have realised is the blue veins are prominent in the kids and the red veins
in eyes are prominent. Herbal Human Wormer initially brought them out worse and now we are
on day 11 they are getting better.
The dark shadows under all our eyes are getting a little better. Our itchy noses are still intense.
Everyone should know about this and worming kids should be introduced in schools every year.
I was unsure about taking these herbs and I am so glad we did. I would prefer everything I have
seen coming out rather out than in my children's bodies. I feel sorry for anyone that has not
found this web site yet.
This is a Powerful cleanse guys. I did the "Liver Cleanse" last month and I think the "Antibiotic
Cleanse" is more powerful..
I took my First 2 capsules @ work. I was sitting at my desk and the 1st capsule gave my tongue a
"burning" sensation. I swallowed both capsules and within seconds a HEAT wave went through
my entire body..I kid you not..Heat was coming out of my arm sleeve and out of my neck collar.
I checked my office thermostat to see if a co-wroker turned up the heat and it was on "cool"...
My body was kicking out heat due to those garlic-capsules sending a punch to my body. Scared
me @ first but I figured it was a good thing.
On the right side of my tongue there's been a heavy-raised white coating, like a second layer of
skin only white. I'm guessing it's thrush. It's been there for about a year. Sometimes it throbs, but
for the most part it does not. When I felt my tongue "tingling/burning" I'm guesssing the
"Antibotic cleanse" capsules attacked the bacteria/fungus immediately before i swallowed.
Within the next 30-min the white-thick layer of my tongue was hurting and it felt like I bit it or
Later on that day that particular side of my tongue began to swell up almost "clear-bubble-
like"..Still painful to the touch and painful to move around in my tongue. I checked my tongue
out each day and on Day 4 what use to be a noticable Heavy-Thick coating is now reduced to 2
little white specks...The "Antibiotic" is killing whatever it is. That is why it felt so painful...
As of right now, I can look at that side of my tongue and its not even noticable and practically
gone. I still have a thin white coating on my tongue but no "raised-thick-patches" and every time
i take the "Antibitic cleanse" capsules my tongue has this "burning sensation"...This is telling me
that my system is heavily toxic...
Last night, which was Day 5 on the "Antibotic Cleanse". I took 2 capsules while driving back
home...When I got home I felt a strong pain in my stomach...And i'm sure that was just my body
saying "Okay, it's time to get rid of the dead parasites"...And indeed did I pass a truck-load of
brown Flat-Flukes and the puffy Candida things I'm guessing...What scared me is the LOADS of
dead Flat Worm Flukes...My body must be infested with those things..i saw other strange
looking things but it could have been just digested food..But the Brown-slimmy looking worm
flukes are in abundance.
I did not know that the "Antibotic" & "Liver" cleanse KILLS parasitic worms. I thought they
simply worked as desribed @ Herbal Human Both cleanses are killing tons of Flat
worm Flukes in my system...
Right now I'm thinking about re-ordering the "Liver cleanse" to use in May...I wanted to go for
the "Lung" cleanse next, but it looks like those Damn Flukes are hiding in my Liver...And maybe
they are living in my intestines..I'll probably never really know but Herbal Human Wormer
"Other cleanses" are just as POWERFUl as the popular Herbal Human Wormer formula itself...
I wouldnt advise any of you guys to take 2 different "Other cleanses" at the same time...Each
cleasne will do what it says it's suppose to do and it will expel parasitic worms..I will continue to
share my personal experiences as I try the "Lung" and "Kidney" cleanses for the 1st time over
the next few months...
A couple of months ago, I asked for a helping hand to sort out my mother. She had these strange
very itchy bumps on her hand, legs, arms and various doctors had no idea what it was. Nothing
worked and they had no clue and offered nothing to help. She has had them for a couple of years
and the last 4 months it had become much worse, a nightmare of itchiness and unsightly bumps.
I asked here and we thought it may be scabies?
Anyway, long story short, after many hours of researching and discussing options I convinced
my mother to do a round of Herbal Human Wormer.
She was totally not expecting Herbal Human Wormer to work.
In the mean time she eventually found a skin specialist and got a confirmed diagnosis. What she
had is called “Lichen Planus.”
According to western medicine this Lichen Planus is an “incurable disease.” Yes, that means
even though they know what it is…..western medicine can do nothing to help. My mum was sent
home, so Herbal Human Wormer was started.
Mum completed Herbal Human Wormer yesterday and called to give me the update.
She is overjoyed! It worked! ;-) She rated it a good 8 out of 10 as its not totally clearer up yet.
Only 1 new bump on her toe and all the others on her arms, legs and hands have gone. She still
has nasty scaring where the bumps where, but the itching has stopped. These herbs have
obviously worked gloriously for her.
So, thanks Herbal Human Wormer, big happy smiles from me and my Mum to you.
You can add “lichen Planus” to your curability list. Congratulations.
Thank you so very much for your email and your company's product. I have been to see my
primary care physician, an oral surgeon, and finally an Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor. The
only test I have ever been given to test for parasites is the analysis of a stool sample. I even had a
rather large sample of soft palate tissue removed by the ENT doctor to test for cancer.
What started as a sore throat went into several mouth lesions, headaches (like sinus problems),
and reoccurring bronchitis. Over a period of three months it seemed like my energy level was
dropping even while remaining on antibiotics.
I am beginning to think that the turning point that has helped me has been your product. If it is
OK with you, I would like to share with you by email; how the product is helping me, and any
research that may prove helpful.
The thing that has not made my condition seem plausible to doctors is that it started with small
growths in my throat, then it became very painful as I had bronchitis. I guess that humans are not
supposed to be able to have what is called "throat bots." However, when I first started using
herbal Human Wormer, I felt more ill for about a week. Then slowly, strength has begun to
return and I am getting fewer mouth lesions as the cycle repeats.
We have three English setter dogs, ages approximately 2, 4, and almost 14 human years old. I
have noticed some improvement in their energy levels after receiving the pet formula for about a
week also. I am putting the pet formula into little plastic capsules which are then hidden in
peanut butter.
If the problem is indeed some form of parasite, then we will continue to take the Herbal Human
Wormer through a few months to take care of any remaining eggs.
What would be so very helpful to know, have any of your customers ever come to you with
similar symptoms? I very much respect the confidentiality of your customers but it would help so
very much to know that your product has helped others with the symptoms.
I am so very grateful for your product.
Me beloved mums (hereafter MBM) suffered 9 bouts of severe vertigo: dizziness, nystagmus
(eye pupils bouncing), nausea/dry heaves for 3 - 6+ hours, and dehydration beginning February
2007. On days when she wasn't hunched over the toilet she was lethargic and a zombie (brain
fog). She was admitted to the hospital twice during this time; thousands of dollars of tests later,
traditional medicine's diagnosis was "you're a medical mystery" and "labrynthitis" and "mild to
moderate sinusitis" with possibly 2 retention cysts showing in the CAT scan.
From my amateur research, it looked like Meniere's disease.
I preface my story with humble thanks to the creator of Herbal Human Wormer for the
exceptional anti-parasite, anti-fungal herbal product.
Quick background:
Several years ago MBM suffered anosmia (loss of taste) and concurrently a loss of smell. One
doctor gave her no hope of recovery, an ENT specialist suggested she had a 50% chance of
recovery. A "virus" was indicted as the robber of her two senses. Nine months later, she in fact
miraculously recovered her taste/smell, but her sinuses seemed compromised off and on
thereafter, and she had this weird habit of coughing for a good hour each morning until she had
coughed up (and swallowed) phlegm.
Then in February, MBM suffered her first bout of violent vomiting. Even regularly taking
meclazine (antivert) didn't halt the attacks. Her head felt like it was stuffed with wool; sometimes
there was almost a vibration on her scalp that preceded a sense of her ears "filling up" -- at which
point vertigo/nausea was triggered. Applying a Transderm Scop ear patch halted the attacks but
only several hours later (I could be wrong but I think a main ingredient in the patch is
belladonna). A 6-day round of prednisone brought no relief.
Thinking outside the box . . .
A naturopath/RN suggested we had inadvertently stirred up parasites when MBM had begun
weekly footbaths/reflexology; the footbath's electrical current wasn't strong enough to kill the
parasites, she surmised, but it had perhaps angered them enough that they were dumping toxins,
making her ill. We ceased the footbaths, but to no avail. MBM's skin grew pasty, her energy
level was zilch. Her life was incrementally ebbing away before my very eyes! The NP pressed
MBM to consider a parasite cleanse. About the same time, another dear NP friend evaluated
MBM and opined "Candida"; she began MBM on an herbal/diet regimen mid-April. Two weeks
into the new diet, MBM had suffered 3 more vertigo attacks, the last one on a full moon.
Enter Herbal Human Wormer
All this time, I had been lurking and reading the enlightening comments in the Herbal Human
Wormer Forum, as well as testimonials from others, esp. those who defended (author) against
"parasite scattering" charges. (The author’s) reasoned, patient replies regarding resistant parasites
made sense, and so I plucked up my courage. I had received my first order of Herbal Human
Wormer in late April, but had been afraid to use it until now, early May. Allopathic medicine had
struck out, and so MBM agreed when I asked, "Are you willing at this point to do whatever I
suggest to regain your health?"
Compliance rewarded
"Yes. I'll do whatever you say." And she did. And (drumroll) -- she is remarkably better.
Beginning in early May, she went on Herbal Human Wormer, continued with the Candida-free
diet (tho we halted our herbalist's candida-fighting herbs since it seemed redundant) as well as oil
pulling. Drank at least 2 quarts, if not more, of H20 each day. I zealously kept a journal of each
day's tinkering. Besides taking Herbal Human Wormer, MBM also began each day eating 1/4
cup raw pumpkin seed and a cup or so of fresh cut pineapple. We juiced, ate trail mixes, baked
red potatoes, tossed salads. Lost weight *smile*. No red meat, no alcohol, no refined
carbohydrates, no sugar, no coffee, etc. She continued with the meclazine as well.
Early in the Herbal Human Wormer regimen, 2 strange puncture holes appeared, one each about
4" below the tip of each big toe; a few days later a strange "fever blister" erupted below her
lower lip although it neither burned nor hurt. Day 2: white "strings" appeared in her stool. Day 3:
she felt incrementally better when awake. Day 4: she felt the precursor to a vertigo attack but it
didn't go full-blown. Day 5: heartburn. Day 6 - began 2nd 6-day round of prednisone; we didn't
have the courage to cancel app't with family doctor). Day 8: "full ears" & she applied a
belladonna ear patch (no vertigo). Day 9: white "thing" in stool. Day 17: nystagmus, vomiting,
dry heaves. Day 29: full moon but no attack.
Day 30: one vertigo attack the entire month (versus 1-2x/week). Wow. Day 31: Added caprylic
acid, probiotic and joint care supplements back into diet. Continued with oil pulling (1 drop of
oregano oil in Tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil). MBM's religiously using R.G.'s
recommended in-between herbs daily: 1/4 tsp. each of garlic, onion, thyme, sage, ginger &
cinnamon. Still drinking 2 qts water. Still passing "things" in bms; not knowledgeable enough to
know exactly what they are (worms and/or candida strings), though there have been several
times the things definitely looked like threads/worms. In retrospect, I wonder if the retention
cysts in her sinus cavities could have been parasite eggs?
MBM has an affinity for all animals. A year ago she had handled box turtles, whose fecals at the
vet's, revealed they had hookworms, roundworms, and possibly strongloides. The vet staff
remained skeptical that she could have acquired parasites from the turtles, but I can't help
wondering. They said "maybe a transdermal transport" from turtle to human, but couldn't see
how MBM could be passing hooks and rounds from her GI tract.
Thanksgiving . . .
In about 6 weeks, MBM's health has done a dramatic turn-around for the better. She still is not
100% in the head, but each week she notes she feels slightly better than she did the week before.
Her energy is returning, and many friends and acquaintances have offered unsolicited comments
about how much healthier and bright-eyed she looks. Just today I reminded her she hadn't had a
morning coughing fit in months. Her only regret has been having to quit Herbal Human Wormer
after the 30 day treatment, but our calendar is set for the next round after our 90-day hiatus.
R.G., you should be proud of your product; know the Lord, the Giver of all good gifts, is
blessing others because of your wise stewardship of your grandmother's recipe and your
meticulous supervision of fresh ingredients. MBM and I thank you for redeeming her life.
I have/had a really bad infestation of liver flukes. I did my first parasite cleanse May/June and
am on my second- extra strength -cleanse now. About half of the symptoms are gone. I still have
alot of trouble with bloating but it seems to be settling down a bit. No more headache, which is
nice. My digestion is getting better. And, my skin couldn't get any nicer.
This cleanse brought out big buggers, but not allot of them like the first cleanse (I got out no less
than 7+ pounds of them on my first cleanse). This time there is a whole lot of cloudy, pieces of
chopped-up brownish-red little bits, and dark brown/red water. Lots of toxins, finally, I am
getting rid of allot of toxins.
I feel more decisive and a whole lot more mentally alert. I don't stand around like a woos
anymore, letting time slip by me. I like the feeling. I'm just waiting for it to get better and better
(if that is possible). One thing that I have to add is the fact that I did a parasite cleanse before I
ever did Old Fashioned Liver Flushing, which brought out nothing. My liver was so unbelievably
congested that the flukes had safe haven in there. Now, after 31 Old Fashioned Liver Flushes,
and my liver being clean, they (the flukes) have no choice now but to come out, and come out
they have been.
HEy everyone.. Kid and I are officially done! He is fine I am fine and whew what a journey for
him! HE looks so much better, his skin is cleared up, Cracked feet look supple.. All kinds of
good things,HE sleeps better at night, eats less, and not famished all day long... Update: My son
is from south america and he was brought to US at 5 years old. Diagnosed with intestianl
parasites at 7 years old and things Drs over the years swept it under rug. He was better but as he
grew he was having symptoms a normal 19 year old shouldnt have. Found herbal Human
Wormer decided to try it. and here we are. I personally dont see a change, But I did see some
weird stuff during first 2 weeks..Not sure but it wasnt normal. Ill be back!
Hi Herbal Human Wormer
I just want to thank you so much for coming up with this great formula. It's weird, but having
candida/parasites greatly affects my facial appearance and I am now looking almost "normal"
again. It seems like the toxins being emitted from the parasites causes an autoimmune response
which results in a form of hives called angioedema. My face gets quite puffy, and it is
It's gotten to the point that it affects my self-esteem and my formerly outgoing personality
because I'm afraid people will think about how "ugly" I am. Anyway, I was wondering what I
should do next. I am taking acidopholis now and am thinking about liver cleansing and having a
series of colonics. I don't want to go back to how I was before Herbal Human Wormer!
Thanks so much

It's only day 4 for me, but yesterday and today I woke up at 6am and got up to work around
the house. Normally it takes me forever to wake up, and I always sleep late on weekends. When I
do wake up, I'm so groggy. So maybe this stuff IS working. And, if this keeps up, I'll be one of
those people afraid to stop taking it!
I am on my 3rd week of Herbal Human Wormer. I had asked about orange-colored stools,
concerned it was caused by a blocked bile duct. So I ate a fatty meal with butter and olive oil,
hoping that would induce my liver to release bile.
Before Herbal Human Wormer, I would always get pangs in my liver and gallbladder after a
fatty meal. This time I had NO PAIN at all!!! I DIDN'T FEEL my liver or gallbladder like I
usually do. Since Herbal Human Wormer, I have been passing liver flukes which I believe have
been the cause of my liver distress.
My liver is really getting a major cleanse!
It's very encouraging to experience such drastic results. (I plan to do an official Old Fashioned
Liver Flush when I'm finished with Herbal Human Wormer to get all the dead parasites out.)
Just had to share. Thanks Herbal Human Wormer for a great product!
P.S. Looking forward to posting more results after my final week on HW.
Well I had been on another dewormer for 10 days before starting Herbal Human Wormer and did
seem to be gettin some critters but not large amounts.
I have been on Herbal Human Wormer now 8 days and holy cow! way more stuff. I also want to
say how pleased I am that my stomach is now almost perfectly flat!! I had a bloated stomach for
2 years now. Also had trouble loosing weight. I had put on about 15 pounds and it seems to be
melting away now!
The added water intake you suggested Herbal Human Wormer helped move along my system.
My daughter took Herbal Human Wormer for 30 days and discovered that as a bonus, her
stubborn wart that is located on her sole near the mid toe disappeared. She had tried for a long
time to get rid of it by applying ACV every night for over a month but it didn't work. She just
gave up and let it be and now it is no longer there. I suggest that people suffering from stubborn
warts or have a tendency to develop warts to try Herbal Human Wormer.
My daughter suffered from severe weeping ecezema 4 years ago and she is now completely
healed. While taking Herbal Human Wormer , she developed big patches of ecezema on the
folds of her arm and behind her knees. As soon as she finished the Herbal Human Wormer, the
ecezema is gradually shrinking. We think Herbal Human Wormer is clearing the remaining
toxims from her body.
My daughter's fiance was also taking Herbal Human Wormer with her. While taking it, he
developed craving for sugar at a particular time each day. He has a sweet tooth. He also
occasionally had athelete feet that comes and goes. Is this candida? I think Herbal Human
Wormer might fix this fugus problem for him. He ate raw oysters last week and he suffered from
fever, diahhrea, nausea et. (The author) said it was lucky he was taking Herbal Human Wormer
which helped to rid of the bugs right away. Toxins from raw oysters are very toxic and
dangerous. After taking Herbal Human Wormer, I took a vacation in Canada (12 hours flight)
and found that I did not suffer jet lag during and after the journey.
My energy level was above average. I must confess that I also took Melatonin to help my body
cope with the time difference. This is what happened to the three of us and I write this
testimonial to thank (the author) and to to let people know of our experience with Herbal Human
What an eventful 30 days! I'm glad it's over. I don't want to think about parasites for a while. I
am eternally grateful to RG for his amazing herbal formula and ultra-wise advice!
THANKYOU (author)! The herbs worked powerfully, to the very end. Even on the 2nd last day
of my cleanse I observed a 15-20cm portion of white tapeworm. If I calculate the combined
length of all the TW segments and bits I've witnessed over the last 30 days, I estimate that
180cm-2M in total came out. I have done some research online and believe that the species is
beef tapeworm.
How freaky that this was living inside me...years ago if someone had told me this was happening
to them, I would have just laughed and told them to get their eyes checked! I'm glad I took some
photos. There would have been stuff I didn't see of course, as I didn't always look (really!) and
even when I did, I sometimes didn't look hard, for it became a bit monotonous in the end - the
same thing every day... I wonder if I expelled several individuals or just parts of the one
BEAST? Any ideas anyone?
Also, I wonder if there is more left to come? I think there might be but I've made a good start - I
grew up on a farm so must have accumulated parasites over the years of contact with animals,
pets etc. At times I regretted the fact that I was taking the 'extra strength' version of the herbs, my
'die-off' being so severe and all.. but seeing the results, getting occasional glimmers of 'lightness
of being' and keeping my eye on the bigger picture made it easier to keep going. I discovered
enemas as a useful tool to lesson the discomfort. The afternoon enema also afforded me a better
view the morning after, of the dead parasites. I never saw a parasite during the enema - it was
always first thing the following day. I took both plain enemas and occasionally an Iodine enema.
People have commented that my skin looks good, and I have noticed that I am retaining slightly
more weight (I have always been extremely lean regardless of diet), as well as feeling more alive
first thing in the morning. My appetite seems less volatile and more natural, and I generally have
more energy and am better natured. Also, come to think of it, my skin is less oily. There was one
afternoon during the final week when I developed very low blood sugar levels concurrent with
some scary pain in my right kidney. It went for an hour or so then suddenly left. This had never
happened before and I felt it must be related to the Herbal Human Wormer cleanse. It made me
think about parasites that live in the pancreas (I have a history of hypoglycemia).
Anyway, I still have sensations that hint at parasite inhabitation so will be back in 3-4 months to
do it all again.
I'm very pleased with the results. My threadworm infestation is gone. My stomach is nice and
flat again. So far, I've had none of the headaches I used to frequently get. Lots more energy. I'm
still passing what looks like the skins of small worms, some tiny red flakes, and just recently,
tiny little white balls. I don't know what those are! I still have floaters in my eyes, but that may
improve as time goes on. I just ordered the cleanse for my son who has been sick a lot lately, and
for my daughter who just returned from living in a 3rd world country. Also for my husband.
Herbal Human Wormer is an awesome product.
This is my second Herbal Human Wormer Cleanse. I have had Fibromyalgia for the past 13
years which was really painful. I was on 6 vicodin's a day and had to take depresson meds on top
of it. Before doing the first Herbal Human Wormer cleanse, I did a colon cleanse to get my bm's
normal. After doing the first Herbal Human Wormer cleanse, my fibromyalgia was in check. I
was off of all my medications and still am. I also started feeling tons of energy. After a month a
little pain came back so I decided to do a second Herbal Human Wormer cleanse. I waited three
months and started my second Herbal Human Wormer cleanse.
I am on my 26th day of the Herbal Human Wormer. Last week I was feeling very weak and my
legs felt like rubber for three days. I had no energy. Then the next day I expelled this white
looking skin and then on another bm I expelled another white looking skin. The next day I
looked in the towlet and there floating was this white head that was about the size of a dime and
it looked like it had fangs. I don't know what it was but I kept it to show some of my friends.
After I expelled it then I got my energy back and started feeling better again. I started to examine
my bm's and I noticed lots of slimmy stuff that wouldn't break up. I seen red flukes and different
colored things in my bm all the way through the cleanse but I just wanted to know what this
slimmy stuff is? I have lots of it coming out. Thanks
Hello I JUST HAD TO E-MAIL YOU. What a result so far and only on day 7 of my HERBAL
HUMAN WORMER. I can' t put into words how I feel. The results I am getting are astounding!
When I first e-mailed you I said that I had not been feeling well for over three years and I had
my suspicions as to what was causing me to feel ill. From the very first day of taking herbal
Human Wormer I felt something happening and have to say I am well on my way to regaining
my health. I just can't believe it. I had tried other products from other companies but with no
results, in fact don't think the herbs they provided were that good, they just seemed to suppress
my symptoms.
I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH. All the symptoms I listed in my first e-mail (which you
agreed you felt were parasite-related) are slowly going away. There was never a day gone by
where I was constantly spitting up thick, sticky mucus, it's nearly gone, my headaches are gone,
itchy/nippy feeling gone, rashes gone, vision is brilliant, even those strange "thread-like" things
in my eyes are slowly disappearing! Toileting is much, much better, stools are more normal. I'll
not bore you with my other "symptoms" as I'm sure you are well aware of what parasites do. I
can actually enjoy every-day life now thanks to your product. Sometimes I would dread each day
because the symptoms were so aggressive.
What's more, I'm off to Cyrpus on holiday tomorrow morning and I can't wait. It's a holiday I
know I can enjoy because previous holidays have been spoiled because of my symptoms.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU THANK YOU. (Can't actually say it enough, you have made
such a difference to me in such a short period of time). I will be doing this twice-yearly now and
it will be Herbal Human Wormer I will be purchasing from. Herbal Human Wormer should be
very proud of it's product and I sure you are. Very best regards and keep up the good work.
THANKS HERBAL HUMAN WORMER!! I've had so many good things happen in the last two
weeks, I wouldn't know where to begin. Some things I've noticed since my last "testamonial" --
My skin is healing much faster, and much better than before. If I get a scab, it is tight and smooth
and adheres strongly to the intact skin, instead of being rounded and bumpy and prone to
breaking off. I didn't know it, but apparantly I had parasites that were making a home in my skin.
I would even see them occasionally on the insides of scabs that had broken off (tiny white grub-
like things) but nothing "clicked" until they disappeared with doing herbal Human Wormer... I
didn't know what they were, but never even guessed Herbal Human Wormer would get rid of
them. I thought they were products of my own body functions.
YUCK! Like other posters, my hunger level is much more manageable between meals -- instead
of hunger roaring up on me, it creeps up on me. I can think "oh, I'd better eat in the next hour"
instead of "OH MY GOD, I HAVE TO EAT something NOW NOW NOW!!" LOL BTW I feel
GREAT after three weeks of deworming!! I just BOUNCED out of bed this morning and haven't
needed my usual afternoon naps the past few days!! I might actually have enough energy to go
EXERCISE today... it would be a wonderful thing if I got enough energy to take better care of
myself... that's the kind of positive cycle we want in our lives! My energy is more steady. Never
expected that. Much more enthusiasm for things.
Generally, I feel about 15 years younger. Damn that grey hair, though, Herbal Human Wormer
hasn't done a thing about that.... ha ha. Really, it's been like some kind of miracle product for me.
Hey (author).,I promised you I would post how my family did with your wonderful product so
here it is.My 23yr old son-He has had severe acne outbreaks on his back since he was in his early
teens.The acne is now gone.A few days into using HERBAL HUMAN WORMER he had a welt-
like rash to come up over the lower part of his back.He said it felt just like a welt also.While this
was going on he noticed that his urine started to look orange as well.This went on for just a few
days then cleared up.Then about 2 weeks later his urine went to an orange color again,lasting just
briefly and did not come back anymore.The rash did not happen the second time.
My son is a 6 footer and has always been as skinny as a bean pole.Now,he is about to eat me out
of house and home,lol!He has also picked up 5-6lbs.Another thing is his personality seems so
much lighter.He's always had a good disposition but he does not seem to stress so much now.
My 6yr old son-I believe he has benefitted from the cleanse as well.A couple of years ago he
came down with a stomach virus.After he got over that virus his bowel movements never did
seem to be normal.He also seemed to catch stomach viruses easier from then on out too.Since the
HERBAL HUMAN WORMER his BM's have thankfully returned to normal.
My 5yr old daughter-She had pinworms.These were eliminated just a few days into
cleansing.Sorry for being so graphic but she also passed alot of dark-green mucous looking stuff
about 3 weeks into the cleanse.Since then I have noticed her bowel movements seem to be
improved too.
Now for my husband-The best way I could possibly describe his personality is very
temperamental.The 2 TV characters that I use to describe his personality is a combination of a
little bit like Archie Bunker from All In The Family and mostly Ralph Kramden from The
Honeymooners.Bless his heart he can get in a tailspin over something in no time at all.But
basically he is a sweetheart and would do anything to help another person.Since using the
HERBAL HUMAN WORMER he seems somewhat calmer and seems to be sleeping better at
night.He did confess to me that he did see some liver flukes during the cleanse.
Now for me-I did go through a few days off and on of die-off where it was mostly just a case of
the BLAHS but nothing I could not handle.I noticed the die-off would start a few days just
before I would see parasites.I believe my body responded in some sort of cycle to HERBAL
HUMAN WORMER.After the second day of dosage I saw a whole lot of something that I still
cannot figure out what it was.I did not see anything else until my second week into
treatment,then I saw countless liver flukes.I thought that was probably going to be the end of it
then 2 days before the end of treatment here came even more liverflukes,some small and quite a
few large blackish ones.It was at this time I saw the one thing that sent me reeling.It was an
actual 5 or 6 inch worm.It looked flat,kind of like a noodle and one end looked different,kind of
burrowed out.Along with this worm I saw several tiny ones too.This gives me goosebumps just
thinking about it.The main thing is,its gone!
I have respiratory problems and before I started the HERBAL HUMAN WORMER I was afraid
I was developing pnuemonia again but a few days into treatment my breathing had improved
better than it has been since last spring.I feel that I must have a heavy infestation to parasites to
see so many leaving during the past month.
Oh I wanted to tell you more thing.I have always done liver cleansing and I was getting
frustrated because I was not seeing anymore results much with them anymore but I knew I still
had alot of gallbladder and liver congestion.This weekend I did another Old Fashioned Liver
Flush and all I will say is I believe I am back on track to improving my health again!You truly
have a jewel of a treatment!You will definitely be hearing from me again!Have a wonderful day!
I have been plagued with sinus headaches and sinus problems for years. Migraine headaches and
athlete's foot and jock itch have been problems too. I just finished my Herbal Human Wormer
about a week ago. When I first took it, my allergies and sinus problems were gone after the first
week. I kept taking it and a week later, I passed a 10-12 inch long worm with a corkscrew
looking tail. That scared the hell out of me. I passed more smaller worms too.
Now my headaches are gone, my feet have totally cleared up. I lost about 10 pounds and I don't
have to eat as much to get full. I told all my family and friends about it and my mom just ordered
some Herbal Human Wormer from you. I just wanted you to know. Thanks.
I have used parasite cleansers for several years now. I just wanted to say that Herbal Human
Wormer is by far the most effective and least expensive I have found. I'll be back.
I have some nerve damage in my lower back that affects both my walking and my bowels. I have
just completed my 30 day Herbal Human Wormer parasite cleanse. At first things seemed worse
than ever as far as constipation goes. I had to rely on an Epsom salt flush to move my bowels.
Then one day during the flush I passed a lot of grayish white things that looked a lot like rice
(although the last rice I had eaten was brown Basmati a week earlier). The next day I had a rare
natural bowel movement that was literally packed with those same rice-like segments. Herbal
Human Wormer said they were probably tapeworms, and I do have a history of passing a rather
large tapeworm. Another person suggested pin worms. At any rate since passing that large mass
of something my bowels have gotten much stronger.
I am not sure of the physiology of this, but just being able to "go" again was worth every penny
of the cost of the cleanse. Knowing I got rid of parasites and their toxins is priceless. Herbal
Human Wormer is the absolute best of the four different parasite cleanses I have used the last
three years, and I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in cleansing to maintain or
regain their health. I plan on doing a 90 day follow up cleanse in December/January and then
doing one every six months. I have dogs, live in the country with lots of wild varmits all around,
and, good or not, love to go barefoot. I guess I am a parasite's favorite kind of gal.
I talked with Sylvia and she said herbal Human Wormer would help my chronic fatigue. I
honestly did not believe her but I was desperate so I ordered. I never passed any parasites that I
could see and I don't know how to explain it, but I feel 100% better. Thank you (author) for the
great information and your extreme patience. I will be a customer for life.
I want to thank you (author) for your support during my first parasite cleanse. I bet I emailed you
3 times a day during that first week. I want to add my testimony. I was sick with a stomach virus
about two months ago. I passed a long white worm and it freaked me out!
I went online for help because my doctor did not believe I had worms . I found your site. I
ordered Herbal Human Wormer and from the first day I took it, white worms began coming out
in droves. Some were long and some short, this happened for two weeks. I kept taking it and now
a month later, I am totally well! Not only are the worms gone, but my itching skin has totally
cleared up and I am not tired during the day like I used to be.
My girlfriend just placed her order too. I guess I was the guinea pig and now she sees how great I
feel. Thank you!
I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome 2 years ago. I have been to countless doctors and
paid for thousands of dollars worth of tests. I read about HERBAL HUMAN WORMER on a
forum and decided that I had tried everything else so I decided to try a parasite cleanser.
After the 30 days I feel fabulous! I have a super energy level like I had 3 years ago. I told my
doctor about HERBAL HUMAN WORMER and he looked at me like I was crazy but I don't
care because I know in my heart that HERBAL HUMAN WORMER is what helped me. I only
wish that I had known about it sooner.
My story can be added to the testimonies. I came across your site while looking for solutions to
IBS. I read that sometimes alternating diarrhea and constipation can be caused by parasites. I
researched further and your site was the one I went to again and again for information. HERBAL
HUMAN WORMER is not expensive and since it's only used for thirty days so I thought I'd give
it a shot.
Long story short I've been regular, I've lost twelve pounds, my gas and bloating are gone. Thank
you for a great site and a great product.
I got my HUMAORM two weeks ago and it started working the FIRST DAY! I took it before
bed and the next morning POW!!! Pinworms right and left!!! They are not coming out anymore
but I eagerly look for them every day!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK
My family and I are into our second week of your product. I personally saw results after taking
the second day's dosage. I have'nt found anything that this resembles much. But I know it/they
are gone or leaving! Thank Goodness!
That first day on HERBAL HUMAN WORMER I felt sort of tired or maybe just drained.
Nothing that major as compared to this second week. But I believe its because I happened to
come down with a cold or something over the second weekend.
Also you were right my daughter did have pinworms. I know thats what she had because I
remember when I was a child I unfortunately had them as well. So I remember what they looked
like. She started passing these within 3-4 days of taking your product. I have not noticed
anymore in the last week so I feel pretty good knowing these critters are leaving.
Oh,I wanted to tell you about my husband. He likes to give me a hard time because I use herbs
for just about everything. Well,I pretty much told him the whole family was going to be taking
your product for 30 days. I thought for sure he would find some way to back out of it. He did
give me a little static at first,but I explained about his job and him working on so many different
farms to fix people's equipment,that he might be bringing "company" home with him and not
know it.
He got a little quiet but went along with me after that. He came home early from work one day
this week because he didn't feel good. It was then that I thought he would stub up and not take
anymore pills,lol! But I am so happy I was wrong. He is still taking the pills and he's even
reminding me about his pills now. At first he was saying he wasn't seeing anything but he's not
saying that anymore. I mean he hasn't said that he has, but then he probably would not tell me
either,LOL! Somethings changed his mind and he seems diligent about seeing the next couple of
weeks through. I just wanted to let you know I really like your product and you will be hearing
from me again!
Please add my story to your site! I had an awful case of food poisoning about two months ago
and I know this is gross but I passed a worm right on the bathroom floor! I wigged out called my
doctor and he said it was not a worm but I SAW IT SQUIRMING right there on the floor while I
was on the phone with him! I did not know people could even have worms! I surfed around and
found your site and called your customer service department like 6 times in one night! I ordered
HERBAL HUMAN WORMER and all these stories here are TRUE! I passed more worms
during the 1st 2 weeks and I am clean now!
I just wanted to say that I'm on Day 23 of HERBAL HUMAN WORMER and I too have noticed
a considerable difference in the tightness and pain, as well as, numbness in my lower back, hips
and legs, especially the right side. My right side has decreased sensations due to a cortizone shot
that nicked the dura of spinal cord about 15 months ago and left me with numbness and loss of
sensations on the right side.
Just the other day, I noticed that my right hip and leg didn't have the usual numbness and that I
was getting around so much better. So, another great advantage to HERBAL HUMAN
Consider the experience a success. Eliminated 3 critters that I actually could verify. Probably
more that I couldn't. Eliminated the nerve problem in my right thigh that I thought was a sciatica
problem. Will give any remaining critters hell with my electronic devices, and will do another
Herbal Human Wormer treatment in six months.
Just had to update.... a week ago my 7 year old was sent home with a sore tummy, later my
husband had to plunge the bathroom!! Success.....
My 13 year old has been going 'poo' up to 6 times per night. His attitude has greatly improved.
My 16 year old is diligent in his taking it. But as for me, who KNEW that there would be 'stuff'
coming stomach has hurt, and worms (dead) have passed in stools, eggs galore, and
after one time I had to go to sleep (last Sunday) and felt a huge movement in my ab area. But it's
getting better, and my energy is returning, my tongue is still white so I know there's more to
come. But this is SURE BETTER than starving to get better or doing only certain foods--I had
trouble with that. I keep on reading and seeing what we're avoiding by taking care of this and am
certainly glad that Herbal Human Wormer is affordable, and as we go on my kids will know and
take precautions--it will just be second nature....... Best regards and de-worming to all
I'm at the end of my first week, too! I've felt wonderful so far with no die off, and I've had a very
calm, energetic feeling. My elimination has also improved. But when I was on Herbal Human
Wormer the first time six months ago for a skin yeast infection, I didn't have any die-off the first
two weeks. Then, during the third week, I experienced die-off when Herbal Human Wormer
began forcing the yeast and funguses out of my body through my skin, and that was the end of
my skin yeast infection.
I'm wondering if that will happen again this time at some point, but so far, no. Maybe Herbal
Human Wormer killed them all off the last time, and they haven't had the time to regroup.
Whatever, I'm glad that I'm taking Herbal Human Wormer every six months now to keep the
yeast, fungus, and mold population down in my body.
I have not had too many die off symptoms i had a headache for three days but i don't know if that
was from the cleanse or just because i slept wrong. my hair is amazingly soft and don't quote me
but i think it is getting thicker. it is diffently not as dry and the biggest thing i have found is that
my gums are doing so well and i don't get morning mouth and everything taste so good.
I am a few days out after the cleanse and here is what I have noticed. My skin is much clearer
and healthy looking as is my hair and eyes. A few troublesome spots of skin under my arms and
in my crotch area are completely healed save for one spot, about the size of a quarter under my
right arm that appears to be fading. My belly is a little flatter. I do seem to have had some
positive results in the ability to focus, AND, I do not seem to be distracted into a trance by the
TV (I hardly watch TV at all anyway; 1 – 2 hours a week if that) or computer. In other words, if
someone or something interrupts me in either situation, I can easily break away from it without
becoming annoyed.
I think the reason for this is that I am much better able to pick up where I left off. In the past, I
seemed to have great difficulty with this. I do not know why I feel this was a positive response to
the parasite cleanse, but it is a GOOD noticeable improvement.
just wanted to pass on that i told a friend about herbal Human Wormer . i ran into him a while
later - he had looked at the website, ordered, and was taking it. he said he felt much better, and
had passed the info on to a friend of his. so that was pretty cool, its nice when you can actually
recommend something that will really help someone. and i've only got a couple days left till my
30 days are done!
I just wanted to say that the colon cleansing herbs in this product are wonderful (lol). I haven't
had nicer BMs in the last two months than I've had in the last 24 hours. I'm pretty sure that my
parasites were really bad this summer, I had a lot of inexplicable diarrhea. This product is so
exciting :D
My Herbal Human Wormer arrived in the mail today. I think I killed a couple of parasites when I
opened the package and took a deep breath. I don't think I ever smelled herbs so fresh. I can't
wait to get started. Thanks
I just finished up with the Herbal Human Wormer. Thank you for your help along the way and
advice. I cannot claim some major life changing experience, but I do feel better and my a1c
blood test came back at 6.3 with everything else as normal.
All in all that a along way progress from the a1c of 16.4 three months ago. I do have a suggestion
for on your website, you may like to add a what to expect when taking the product. For me I was
thinking I would have major diarrhea upon usage. A little insight maybe helpful to others as
well? As a high school teacher I be back and use the product again for sure. Thank you for your
help and time, Warm regards
Thank you, Herbal Human Wormer! My husband and I will be doing regular parasite cleanses
with your product. It's totally worth taking right away - I started having benefits immediately,
improving my energy and clarity, in spite of getting clogged up. I have finished my 30 days on
Herbal Human Wormer. I didn't see anything come out that I could recognize as a worm, but I
feel better in subtle ways (and not just because I got things moving - I had some constipation in
the first couple of weeks). I took this not because I was sure I had anything, but because I'd
definitely had enough chances to get nasty parasites! I think the strangest effect that I can
definitely attribute to Herbal Human Wormer is that my BRAIN feels clearer.
There's something I can't quite describe that seems to have happened in the back of my neck &
head. It was definitely a good thing. I was feeling funky there for a while at work (then again, I
was also kinda constipated) - I'd get to feeling headache-y and foggy during the day, and I
wondered if it was fluorescent lighting in the office or what. I was eating great - including a raw
veggie & fruit lunch every day - and yet I was hitting some point in the afternoon where I just
felt cruddy. After several days on the Herbal Human Wormer, that started to go away.
Because of what I've experienced on the Herbal Human Wormer and in starting to clean out my
intestines, I am quite sure I need to continue on with the bowel cleansing. I can't explain why I
should be so clogged, but I think I am. If you start to feel cruddier while on Herbal Human
Wormer, and your BMs just don't seem to be "enough," then you're probably backed up! After
one of my enemas, something that looked like miniscule pieces of rice (way too tiny to actually
be rice) came out & floated! They didn't resemble any food I'd had. They looked whole, very
light in color, and they didn't look like broken up seeds or anything else that's come out of me
before. This is before I took any psyllium, too. I don't know what that was, but I'm glad it's out.
The PETWORM was awesome. I had no idea either of the cats had any kind of worms - I just
figured they'd get herbified at the same time, just to be safe! After a couple of days of the herbs,
one of the cats vomited - and there were these dead worms, flat and grayish, in that vomit! They
were clearly worms! I think one or more of the herbs in there were doing good things for my
skin. I've been having problems with acne for a while now. I'm interested in continuing to take
some of these - maybe the burdock
Thanks so much, Herbal Human Wormer! I agree that the bumps are toxins that my lymph
system is still working to remove after having used Herbal Human Wormer. As you say, better
out than in! And by the way, thanks so much for Herbal Human Wormer! I can't even begin to
tell you what a joy it is to finally be rid of the horrible case of candida that I had for six long
months before I tried Herbal Human Wormer! Nothing I tried, prescription or natural, was
working all that well, and I was getting so discouraged. I'm so appreciative that Herbal Human
Wormer helped to put all of that behind me!
i want to thank you for the colon cleanser. i have had problems all of my life. i have tried many
methods that did not work. i found curezone because i had a Mirena IUD that messed up my
hormones to the point i literally wanted to commit suicide. it is finally out. your colon cleanse is
my first step to cleansing my body.
i almost paid $350.00 for a different colon cleanser until i found your forum. thank you for
making a website that i could easily understand. it did not give me the "as seen on tv" feeling.
thank you for straightforward answers and an affordable product. i saw results on my third day of
colon cleansing. i no longer feel IBS symptoms and i feel full in a good way. good, honest
people like you are few and far between. i feel blessed having found your forum. thank you.
I'm not sure if I'm atypical, but I started taking my HW exactly a week ago, on the 27th of
March. Starting on the first day, I had a mild headache and it has come and gone for a number of
days. Sunday (Day 5) I saw my first evidence, a fluke! I decided that it was too difficult to go
digging any further at that point, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was more.
This morning I got a crazy surprise - what looked like a small piece of broken up worm. What
kind, I have no idea and I may have sighted more as the flush took place, but sadly I waited and
put paper in... I should have watched to see if there was more there! I suspect that this may easily
be the cause of many of the problems I used to have. I have controlled my migraines for about 2
years now, and recently my anxiety/moods that I don't recall having a few years back. With the
combination of P&B bowel cleansing and now HERBAL HUMAN WORMER, I believe I will
nail many of these problems that conventional medicine had told me to deal with. I have had the
migraines for about 8-9 years now. After HW is over, I will be trying Old Fashioned Liver
Flushes to finish the job. I can only hope I can cure my "hyperhidrosis - sweaty hands" too.
I'm not sure how many Simpsons fans we have on the board, but it is in a classic episode, where
Homer gets hair. He is seen running through the neighborhood at dawn, bells ringing and sun
rising and birds singing - the perfect day. He runs into another guy in his pajamas and they just
shout Dimoxinil (the hair drug) and burst out laughing. I feel like this today - except I'd be
I'm a huge stickler for quality - and this product is just that. Time, thought, tradition, and a bit of
love, too. I've used other cleanses before (not parasite specifically) and I have not been as
impressed with any other as much as this one. You can FEEL it working, you can feel things
getting killed by the potent herbs - AND it is EASY to take!
If I can get other people in my family as well as my girlfriend's to listen, they will be taking it
too. I've been working on my grandfather's Alzheimer's and my grandmother's constant pain. I do
wonder if these have even some parasitic interaction.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful formula - I'm sure that somewhere, your grandmother
smiles each time it heals yet another person.
Wow is all I can say! How could I have had all that in me?! I have passed multiple worm
like things, all dead and breaking down, over a 2+ week period (multiple per day). They were
short and long, paper thin, 2-3 mm wide, translucent and tough as rope. Its truely hard to believe!
I feel different, still fatigued but even that seems to be improving slowly (I've had chronic fatigue
for years). I recommend this to everyone! The price is right, the company is good to work with
and the support is great. My son also passed the same for about a week, and my husband had
something for a while but his body reacted differently. He had severe die off for a few days then
cleaned out multiple times for a week or so.
I had seen a natural medicine doctor who told me that I had multiple organ parasite infection
(this was after I ordered herbal Human Wormer but before I took it), I returned for a follow-up
about three days before finishing and was told my body was clear of parasites! All I can say is
PS. My appetite is back and boy is it big. I seem to be gaining my weight back, maybe no more
underweight, that should help energy too!
Dear (author)..
I thank you so very much for your answer, because I'm so afraid of what's going on within me.
Yesterday I send you 2 pictures. But you wrote that you think, I'm passing tapeworms. And now
I'm sure, it is. When you see the picture on the attachment, you will be sure, too. This creature
comes out when I haven't started yet with your formula, it was some days before christmas. But
it seems, it wasn't the whole tapeworm, just segments. Or I have several of this parasites,
(author)., your formula is the best stuff I've ever had. It's powerful and so helpful. I never
thought, that parasites are such a big problem in the western world.
Have a very nice day and all the best for you, and I take a bow for your grandmother and her
Just to let you all know that a couple of days ago I took my last remaining pills of Herbal Human
Tthe biggest breakthrogh came around day 4-5 (don't remember any more), when I had a pretty
bad body odor, which I never had before. The next day it was a little better, but not entirely gone.
The B.O. was caused by ammonia relased by parasites, and I am talking microscopic parasites
here, and I got rid of that by going for a professionaly done colon hydrotherapy which I
recommend to everyone.
A few times I had a bad case of heartburn for probably various reasons; among others I did get a
stomach flu (twice!) and the first symptom with me usually is heartburn, so it's not herbal Human
Wormer's fault. The other times, I just didn't take it before meal, and with enough water.
I also ate a lot of grapes without seeds, and other foods that promote cleansing: pears, water with
lemon, whole grains, olive oil (usually in salad), etc.
All in all: the whole experience was great, I really wasn't sure I had any parasites to start with,
but those die off symptoms proved me wrong.
My energy level is constantly improving, at least partialy thanks to herbal Human Wormer, but
also to diet and other changes in my life, like amalgam removal I did some six months ago. I am
less nervous, have better memory, today noticed I have much better eye sight too, and generaly
have an energy level of a healthy adult, which is completely opposite from only a few months
If I could give a shortlist of advice for those starting out, it would be this:
1. Plan on doing something to get rid of dead critters and their waste material. I recommend
colonics, but you can pick your own weapon of choice.
2. Eat foods that speed up eliminations as mentioned above. Grapes are best, and no they do not
cause you to gain weight even though they are quite sweet. I am actually still loosing weight.
3. Be persistent.
4. Feed your body best possible foods, skip junk, your body will have tons of poisons and dead
parasites to get rid of, it needs all the healthy food it can get.
Thanks Herbal Human Wormer and good luck everyone else!
First I would like to thank you and everyone at HERBAL HUMAN WORMER. Your product is
amazing. I started taking your product a couple weeks ago. Within a few days I noticed that my
body felt quite a bit better. I’ve had heart palpitations and intestinal problems for that past few
months. Prior this all this starting I was quite active and very healthy. I am 26 years old and
travel quite a bit around the county. I believe I picked something up while eating at local greasy
spoon restaurants while traveling.
Last September I began to feel very sick. My chest hurt along with a feeling of a ball inside my
stomach. I went to the doctor and they took a few x-rays and tested my blood for a heart attack
and said I was fine other than slightly high blood pressure. So they insisted I start taking HCTZ
for it.
I first stumbled upon this new (old) world of thinking about parasites in October when I passed a
½” white worm that was still alive. I went to my doctor again and he had no idea what it could
be. He looked in his little pocket book and said “oh it’s probably just a pinworm, take two
Vermox tablets and you’ll be fine” well I took the two tablets like he said and within a day or so
my bowels stopped moving. I called my doctor and told him that it was not normal for me,
because I usually go every day like clockwork. He said it’s normal for people to not go for a few
days and basically called me crazy. Two weeks later I was eating prunes and drinking prune
juice and all the fiber I could take in, nothing would help. I ended up going to my grandmother’s
house of Thanksgiving and she immediately gave me a glass of Epsom salt. That opened things
up a little.
Anyway after all my issues with the doctor I felt I could find out more by searching the internet.
I stumbled across and found many threads posted by you. My eyes were opened
and I was so relieved that I’m not crazy! I’m still very concerned that I’ll still be infested once I
finish HERBAL HUMAN WORMER. I am also using Oxypowder so I won’t get plugged up
again. That’s one of my biggest concerns.
Yesterday I found about 10 orange 1/2” clumps in the toilet after my BM. They were orange with
deep red squiggly lines on one side of them. Today I just finished one of my very easy
Oxypowder bowel movements and found about a dozen little things floating in the water. They
almost look like micro tadpoles. Little dark head and a gel like tail. Any ideas on what this could
Thank you so so so very much!!!
I would finish the whole 30-day Herbal Human Wormer cleanse before deciding whether it
worked or not. I'm so glad that I did. To the extent that your allergies may be caused by yeast
overgrowth, Herbal Human Wormer will help to eliminate any problems you may have in that
area, as well as eliminate any possible parasites. I had a terrible case of skin candida that I had
since November 2006 that got completely cured by using Herbal Human Wormer.
Nothing else I tried worked as well as Herbal Human Wormer in helping me to get well from this
condition. Herbal Human Wormer also has worked wonders with my skin--it's much clearer and
a liver spot that was beginning to form on my hand totally disppeared. I've also noticed that the
whites of my eyes are much whiter, which I assume means that it was good for my liver, too. I
did develop some hives on my hands and neck the last week of the cleanse, but they are healing,
and I would take having to deal with some hives any day over the problems with yeast that I had.
I have read here many times that when you are trying something that is working to heal you, you
might experience a "healing crisis," meaning that the symptoms may increase before being
eliminated. I had a healing crisis my first week on Humworm when yeast spots popped out all
over my legs, which I was able to keep under control with topical antifungals. I realized even
then that Herbal Human Wormer was working to drive the yeast out of my body. That probably
had to happen before I could get completely well from this condition.
So, I've finished my Herbal Human Wormer cleanse and as the die-off begins to subside I've
noticed a big improvement in my fatigue levels and right eye puffiness.
I've completed loads of Old Fashioned Liver Flushes and released about 4,000 of those green
clumps of bile, with some success, but this parasite cleanse really seems to have gotten to the
root of the problem, and made me re-evaluate my formerly held opinion that liver cleansing and
colon cleansing- by creating an inhospitable environment for parasites- is enough to tackle the
problem. From my experience the organ cleanses are not enough and you actually have be
aggressive with these things and kill them and then hope the liver/Kidney/colon cleanse help
keep them at bay, with the help of garlic, thyme, sage etc. You will waiting a long time to get rid
of these things if you go for the softly-softly approach.
The overriding concern over this, however, is whether the cause of my problems is candida
albicans or parasites. This herbal Human Wormer cleanse could easily pass for a candida
regimen so I can't be totally sure whether it was the parasites or the candida that were the
culprits, however all evidence suggests parasites are most likely the perpetrators.
So, I would definately recommend Herbal Human Wormer to anyone who is two minds over
whether to do a parasite cleanse, or candida cleanse for that matter. It is not particularly harsh on
the body and enables one to clarify the main cause of their physical ailments.
I want to say that I am almost finished with my 30 dose of HW. And thankgodness I have
noticed a big chance since using this. My iggest change is the way food tastes. SOmetimes things
like cheeseburgers and other greasy things sound good, but then when I go to eat them I just get
sick to my stomach and can only eat a small part of that meal. This is very good for me because I
have a very hard time with food. I am so excited, I believe after the waiting period that I may use
it again and maybe an extra strength dose (?) if HW says that is what I need. This has been so
Thank smuch to HERBAL HUMAN WORMER and your wonderful product, I think after using
it a few times I may be well on my way to normal. Oh and it has also helped regulate my BM,
with the use of the COLON CLEANSER too. That has also been a blessing!

Thank you for being an outstanding Customer Service rep at Herbal Human Wormer. It's not
often these days that I encounter friendly and thorough Customer Service folks. After having
such a postive experience dealing with your company I will not hesitate to recommend it when it
comes up in coversation in the future.
Sincerely, Eugene
The NEXT morning after beginning my Herbal Human Wormer I had what I thought was a
disappointing movement - until I looked closer. (OK, you get a stick and start poking)... and I
found over 20 HUGE liver flukes (dark colored - about 1" in diameter) and three 2-3" segments
of flat tapeworm. Now here's the way I'm sure that's what they were. All were also rubbery in
substance. I can see why they are so tough to dislodge. After rinsing them off I saw that they all
had small tentacles, that attached them to the unwitting host - ME! Man, I thought I might have
some invaders, but this is UNBELIEVABLE.
Soon after taking the first dose I felt pain in my gallbladder and liver area. It went on all day and
into the night. It was not so bad that I couldn't sleep and truthfully, I've felt this before. I also
have felt movement near my eyes. Sometimes I've felt as if something was trying to crawl out of
the inner corner of my eye. This morning, when I awakened, I had tons of dried tears that had
flowed down my cheeks all night. All this on DAY TWO?
I can't wait to see how much better I'm going to feel when the stubborn ones exit. I've tried other
times with parasitic over-the-counter remedies. Nothing substantial came out. I will testify to you
all that Herbal Human Wormer is FAR superior to anything else out there.
All my life I have suffered with intermittent constipation. Even have routine colonoscopies since
my mid 20's (I'm 42 now). SInce taking and finishing Herbal Human Wormer I have
"movements" every day... 3 times a day. I actually feel emptied out whereas before I never really
did. WHOPEE!
I just finished my second dose of Herbal Human Wormer this last Friday July 6th. My last
cleanse was three months ago. I had severe Fibromyalgia and chronic depression for 14 years. I
did a second Herbal Human Wormer cleanse after 90 days because I started feeling the pain
come back. I now have no pain and I have been off of all my meds. I feel better than I did way
back in 1985. After I finished my last dose of Herbal Human Wormer, I started taking Neem
because I heard several people from this site say it is a good inbetween cleanse. After I started
taking the Neem, I started feeling a real bad die off feeling. This kept up and kept getting worse
by the day. Yesterday I stopped the Neem because I could not take the die off anymore, I felt like
I needed a break. Today I ate a lot of watermellon and fresh pineapple. Tonight was the gross
part of this post and almost unbelievable. My stomach started gurgling and I felt like I was going
to throw up. I then had to rush to the bathroom to have a BM. After two Herbal Human Wormer
cleanses you start getting brave and wanting to see what is coming out of you. I pulled up about
10 long round worms and this very heavy fluke that was kind of orange in color and it was the
size of a quarter and very fat, you might say very healthy until he croaked from Herbal Human
Wormer. On one side of him, you could see the place where he attached himself to your colon or
where ever he was. It looked like a sucker. The round worms were about 6 inches long, some
shorter. I decided to take them out with two long plastic sticks and put them on a paper plate to
clean them up and take a picture of them to post here on this site. All kinds of flukes were on the
plate too. Well, here is the gross part. I turned around to the sink away from the paper plate that
held all my specimins and when I turned back my 8 month old puppy (Benji) was licking his
chops!!!!! I wanted to choke this puppy but on the other hand I hope he doesn't get sick. My
question is, will he get really sick from this???? What can I do to prevent him from getting sick?
If anyone has any ideas please post back to me, I am really concerned. I must say that Herbal
Human Wormer stays in your system and works even after you finish the cleanse. I think I am
going to do a enema right now to get any dead straglers out. I feel great now that those critters
are out of me.
Thanks again (author)! I will be doing another cleanse in three months since I was so sick in the
past. No wonder there is so much cancer and illness these days.
I am dying of curiosity and excitement. I have included a picture of an assortment of what I have
begun to see and was hoping you might could give me a clue as to what type parasites they are.
It's kind of nice to know what you're getting rid of. lol. What I have here in the pictures barely
touches the tip of the iceberg on what I have been getting rid of! thanks herbal Human Wormer!
Finding you was the best thing I ever did for myself!

Questions and answers
Can I take probiotics while on Herbal Human Wormer?

We do not recommend that probiotics be taken during the Herbal Human Wormer Parasite
Cleanse. However, after the formulas are done, probiotics can be taken if needed.

Do I need to change my diet for HERBAL HUMAN WORMER to be more effective?

No - HERBAL HUMAN WORMER will work regardless of what you eat. You do need to drink
at least 2 quarts of water every day during the cleanse to keep the parasites and toxins flushing
out of your body.

What is die off?

Die-off is a natural cleansing reaction. The stronger the infection, the worse the die-off. The
lesser the infection, the lesser the die-off. Die-off can take many forms: headaches, body aches,
rashes, fatigue, mood swings, body odor, and gas and bloating to name a few. Drinking at least
two quarts or more of water daily and having regular bowel movements will help get the
parasites and toxins out of the body faster thereby eliminating many common die-off symptoms.

How safe is the dewormer for kid's?

HERBAL HUMAN WORMER for Children is VERY safe and effective. It contains mild and
gentle doses of herbs for parasite removal.

How do I store the formulas if I need to wait to start?

Herbal Human Wormer and the other formulas with the exception of the Herbal Detox Tea and
the Colon Cleanser can be stored in a cool, dry, dark place such as a cupboard or drawer. Store in
the freezer for longer periods of time. The Herbal Detox Tea and the Colon Cleanse will are to
be stored in a cool, dry, dark place. They are not to be refrigerated nor frozen.

I am constipated. What can I take?

Epsom salts are good, just follow the label directions for laxative use. You can also take a plain
enema for instant relief.
I've read about some herbs being dangerous, how true?
Medicinal herbs are just like any other medication. Overuse, abuse, and misinformation CAN be
dangerous. The HERBAL HUMAN WORMER formulas are safe and non-toxic when used as
directed. The dosage amounts are strong enough to eliminate parasites, yet are gentle on the
body. Our products ARE NOT for pregnant and nursing women or for CHILDREN UNDER the
age of 2 or under 30 pounds.

When will it take effect?

HERBAL HUMAN WORMER will begin working the first day, however you will begin to feel
the effects within 2-3 days. Most parasites are removed during the first 7 days. The rest of the
parasites, their larvae and eggs are removed in the next 23 days. Due to the life cycle of a
parasite and their ability to migrate throughout the body, it is essential to take the full 30 day
dose, even after you're feeling GREAT!

I have not seen any worms. Is it working?

Yes, if you're taking HERBAL HUMAN WORMER as directed, it's working. Remember that
70% of parasites are microscopic and not everyone will see visible parasites during the cleanse.
Judge the effectiveness by the way you feel overall and take HERBAL HUMAN WORMER for
the full 30 days, even if you feel GREAT after just a week or two.

I feel like I have the flu! Why????

This is from your body detoxing. HERBAL HUMAN WORMER is removing parasites and
toxins. Drink at least two quarts of water per day and make sure that you are having regular
bowel movements. It will go away.

Can I drink beer or wine while taking HERBAL HUMAN WORMER?

Yes you can. A moderate amount of alcohol will not alter any of HERBAL HUMAN
WORMER'S effectiveness.

Can I take HERBAL HUMAN WORMER and COLON CLEANSER at the same time?
Yes, both can be taken during the same 30 day period. The recommended dosing schedule is 2
HERBAL HUMAN WORMER 30 minutes before your morning meal, 4 COLON CLEANSER
at noon, 2 HERBAL HUMAN WORMER before your evening meal (10-12 hours after the
morning dose) and the rest of the COLON CLEANSER right before bedtime. The HERBAL
HUMAN WORMER needs the chance to get into your bloodstream first to do it's job properly.

Can I take HERBAL HUMAN WORMER and a P&B Shake at the same time?
Yes, although we do not recommend clay, the psyllium and bentonite (clay) shake needs to be
taken at noon or at bedtime while the HERBAL HUMAN WORMER should be taken as
directed. This allows the HERBAL HUMAN WORMER to get into the bloodstream and do it's

Can HERBAL HUMAN WORMER be taken closer together than 12 hours?

12 hours between doses is the ideal schedule, but it will just as effective if taken 8-12 hours
apart. If HERBAL HUMAN WORMER must be taken after meals, wait at least 2 hours after

How often can parasite cleanses be done?

HERBAL HUMAN WORMER can be taken every 90 days.

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