Final10.13546 Azimi
Final10.13546 Azimi
Final10.13546 Azimi
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5 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Mohammadamin Azimi on 14 April 2015.
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(Received: 31 May 2014; Received revised form 5 August 2014; Accepted: 5 August 2014)
Key words: steel connection, interstory drift angle, progressive collapse, seismic performance.
resulted in the total collapse of the World Trade Center. that of the base elements (beams or columns).
Hence, to appropriately mitigate the progressive The strategy allows “pushing” a plastic hinge
collapse phenomenon, some design codes such as the away from the vulnerable connection region.
U.S. General Services Administration, GSA (2003), ii. Weakening strategy: The most preeminent
and Department of Defense, UFC 4-023-03 (2010) example of this strategy is Reduced Beam
have included the alternate load path method as an Section or RBS connection, where a beam
alternative design approach in their guidelines. By element (usually flange) is intentionally
using the alternate load path approach, local failure weakened in bending (by reducing the width of
imposed by extreme loads will be allowed and the flanges) to create a “fuse” for ductile yield
consequently, initial damage could be mitigated and mechanism without connection failure.
major collapse could be prevented. By the time an The key strategy incorporated in this new proposed
interior column is removed from the structure by an connection would be to improve the catenary action as a
explosion or a terrorist attack for instance, an alternate major parameter to resist progressive collapse. Hence, a
load path will be developed by the adjacent structural laterally restrained beam transfer on both sides of the
assemblage including beams, columns and joints, column, Figure 2. Also, to increase the plastic capacity,
Figure 1. Furthermore, redistribution of the applied the components of the connection were situated in a way
loads on damaged members by means of catenary to increase the rotational stiffness of the connection. It
action could mitigate the progressive collapse effect is obvious that the rigidity of connection is a function of
within the structure. According to Figure 1, formation its rotational stiffness; i.e. the moment produced in the
of a string-like mechanism to resist vertical loads by the supports of the beam in Figure 3(a) under uniform
beams is referred to as the ‘‘catenary action’’. loading is a function of the rotational stiffness, C, of the
The extent of catenary action is controlled by the connection, (M = Cθ). Figure 3(b) shows the changes in
rotational capacity of beam to column joints which moment (M/M0) values against the rotational stiffness
are treated as the critical elements of any building of the connection, C. According to the curve, for the
structure. Furthermore, many reports on brittle rotational stiffness value of zero (C = 0), the moments at
connection damage according to post-earthquake supports are equal to zero as well (M/M0 = 0) which is
observations have been published ranging from minor an indication of having simple connections at supports.
cracking to completely damage. Since provision of By increasing the rotational stiffness, the M/M0 values
sufficient beam ductility prior to initiation of fracture at at supports increase accordingly to eventually approach
the joint is not met by the welded flange and bolted or 1 (M0 is the moment of the rigid support with a value of
welded web connection (the ‘pre-Northridge’ ωL2/12). A connection is classified as rigid if its
connection), the connection is not appropriate to be used moment is not lower than 85% of a fully rigid
in areas of high seismicity. Therefore, extensive connection. For example, if an IPE200 Beam with a
research activities have been conducted worldwide to length of 4 meters is considered, the minimum
evaluate this unexpected damage. There are two major
strategic approaches to improving connection detail:
i. Strengthening strategy: Such elements as cover
plates, haunches, side plate, and vertical ribs are
utilized to upgrade or enhance the load carrying
capacity of the connection region with respect to
Figure 1. A typical example of alternate load path Figure 2. The new proposed connection
plates between the column face and beam flange inner (a)
side by Chung-Che Chou et al., (2010). Based on
results, an excellent performance was demonstrated by
all rehabilitated moment connections where they
exceeded a 4% drift without fractures of beam flange
groove-welded joints. Besides, the beam flange tensile
strain near the column face was effectively reduced by
presence of the full-depth side plates. S.A. Jalali et al.
(2012) conducted a research on seismic performance of
Steel Moment-Resisting Frames (SMRF) with side-
plate connections using record-to-record uncertainties.
L1 L2 L1 (b)
F2 d1 F1
L6 2MPb1
L3 L4 2Vg2 2Vg1
F2 F1
Figure 6. Plate dimensions (a) and applied loads to the connection plate (b)
L4 = (2) 2 1.25F
R 'w t = 1.5 = (5)
0.8 Fy L2 Fy L2
where, R′ w = weld value per unit length during extreme
loading that is 33% higher than the strength of weld Notice that the allowable shear stress is taken as 0.53Fy.
during normal loading. iv. Checking the tensile stress along the length of the
Notice that to determine the dimensions of the connection plate:
connection plate, the design procedure was chosen in a
way that the beam yielded completely and the moment
became equal to Mpb , while the allowable stress of the 2 1.25F
t = 1.5 = (6)
connection plate was taken as 0.8Fy instead of Fy so that 0.8 Fy L2 Fy L2
yielding of the beam occurred sooner than
the connection plate. Hence, the minimum thickness of In this system, the flanges of both two beams must be
the connection plate is taken as the maximum of the joint together in distance not bigger than 40ry (ry define
following formulas: as radius of gyration about y axis, weak axis), and also
i. Checking the compressive and tensile stresses in section properties such as the ratio of flange width to
the connection plate b fb
flange thickness, , shall follow seismically
2 t fb
M pb1 + M pb 2 compact section characteristics. Moreover, the ultimate
F = + Vg1 (3) shear strength capacity of beam along the two
connection plates, shear panel zone of beam, must
satisfy the following formula:
2 3
where, Z1 = 1.39 − 2.2 1 + 1.27 1 − 0.25 1 F 3b fb + t fb 2
Ls L5 L5 fv = ≤ Fv = 0.4 Fy 1 + (7)
t wb t wb dc d b
ii. Checking the welding stress between the
connection plate and beam flange where, twb = thickness of beam web, bfb= width of beam
flange, tfb = thickness of beam flange, dc = depth of
column, db = depth of beam.
F 0.625F
t= 2 = If the required strength is higher than the existing
0.8 Fyφ b fb Fyφ b fb one, installation of web doubler plate or a pair of
diagonal stiffeners with strengths at least equal to the
where, φ = Reduction factor of the allowable stress of difference between the required strength and
the weld, bfb = width of beam flange. the existing one would be necessary in the shear panel
iii. Checking the shear stress in the connection plate zone area. The column-beam ratio must be satisfied for
this system using Eqn 8 in conformance with AISC Table 1. Beam, column and connection sections
Seismic Provisions (AISC 341 2010). properties used in this study
Moment of
∑ M Pc > 1 (8) Element Size (mm) Inertia(cm4)
∑ M Pb Beam Section
Web 36 × 1.5 7.5*
Flange 30 × 1.5
where, ∑ M Pb = The sum of the projections of the Column Section
nominal flexural strengths (Mpc) of the column above Web 62 × 4 69.0
Flange 70 × 4
and below the connection joint, at the location of Connection Plates
formation of theoretical hinge in the column. The L1 30
nominal flexural strength of the column is determined L2 80
using Eqn 9: L3 40
L4 180
P L5 45
∑ M Pc = ∑ Zc Fyc − Au (9) L6
where, Zc = the plastic section modulus of the column *Notice that this is moment of inertia for both two beams.
(mm3), Fyc = the minimum specified yield strength of
the column at the connection (MPa), Pu/Ag = Ratio of
column axial compressive load, determined in
conformance with load and resistance factor provisions, melting is performed at the same speed that it is being
to gross area of the column (MPa). ∑ M Pb = The sum
fed and therefore, the weld pool is formed. To
simultaneously protect the weld pool and the arc from
of the projections of the expected flexural strengths of atmospheric contamination, a nozzle concentric with the
the beams at the plastic hinge locations to the column welding wire guide tube is used for conveying a shield
centerline. Determination of the expected flexural of inert gas inside the weld pool. This type of welding
strength of the beam is achieved by using Eqn 10: application is beneficial in terms of speed, continuity,
relative freedom from distortion, reliable automatic
∑ M Pb = ∑ (1.1 Ry Fyb Zb + M v ) (10) welding along with versatility and control of manual
welding. There has been an accelerated trend in using
where, Ry = adjustment coefficient for material over this process in mechanized set-ups. A handheld gun, as
strength, according to Table 1-6-1 of AISC Seismic a semi-automatic process, was used to carry out the
Provisions (AISC 341 2010). Fyb = specified minimum MIG welding in this project. Voltage, arc (stick-out)
yield strength of the beam (MPa), Zb = plastic modulus length, travel speed and wire feed rate fit to plate
of the beam section (mm3), Mv = additional moment as thickness are known as welding parameters. The filler
a result of shear amplification from the location of the metal transfer method was determined by the wire feed
beam hinge to the column centerline (N – mm). rate and arc voltage. It is noteworthy to mention that
Based on the previous mentioned formulas, the section coating of the specimens with lime was performed to
properties of the beam, column and the connection plates observe the yielding within the connection region.
used in this study are summarized in Table 1. Different loading protocols and lateral restraint
assemblies were incorporated in seismic and
3.2. Fabrication and Modeling Setup progressive collapse performance of the 1/6th scale
The test specimens were fabricated by a combination of testing specimens, Figure 8. The missing column
university laboratory personnel and commercial scenario (AP method) was used for progressive collapse
fabricators. Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), evaluation in this research where the interior column
commonly known as Metal Inert Gas (MIG), was used within the structure was destroyed by an instantaneous
in this research. This type of welding process includes a disastrous event. A 250-KN hydraulic pseudo-dynamic
group of arc welding procedures where powered feed actuator with a maximum piston stroke of 500 mm
rolls (wire feeder) feed a continuous electrode (the wire) which install to the tip of the beam was selected to
inside the weld pool (Figure 7). Once welding conduct the cyclic test and evaluate seismic behavior,
commences, an electric arc will be made between the Figure 9(a). In this test both sides of the beam were
weld pool and the tip of the wire. The progressive wire laterally restrained at middling length from the
1 Gun trigger
2 Welding wire
3 Weld
5 4 Weld pool
5 Gun
6 Shroud
6 7 Gas diffuser
7 8 Contact tip
9 Shielding
8 Droplets
2 9
3 10
centerline of the specimen column. To successfully Strain gauges were installed at predictive hinge location
simulate the progressive collapse, a monotonically of beams, commonly at the beam to column interface, to
increasing “ramp” was hired in this study, Figure 9(b). measure the internal forces of the specimens. The
In this test the beam was laterally restrained on both location of removed column was equipped by the
sides at a location 150 and 800 mm from the centerline instrument called Linear Variable Differential
of the specimen column for progressive collapse test. Transducer (LVDT) to measure the vertical deflections
at that region and hence, help the authors assess the
(a) (b)
AISC loading protocal cting
Vertical force
Fix Lateral bracing
Lateral bracing
Figure 8. Modeling set up for seismic (a) and progressive collapse assessment (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 9. The dynamic actuator (a) and hydraulic jack (b) used for seismic and progressive collapse evaluation
(a) (b)
Stress (N/mm2) 500
Engineering stress-strain
100 True stress-strain
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Strain (mm/mm)
Figure 10. (a) Material properties for true stress-strain and engineering stress-strain; (b) Universal testing machine
were recoded and photographs taken at the end of each beams or girders. Finally, the following seismic
load step. By the time the specimen strength decreased requirements were supposed to be satisfied by proposed
to 40% of the maximum strength, the loading process connection:
was stopped. The vertical push-down analysis for i. The minimum interstory drift angle of 0.04 rad had
progressive collapse assessment was carried out by to be sustained by the connections, Figure 12 (a).
gradually increasing the vertical displacement at the ii. The flexural resistance of the connection
location of the removed column to investigate the determined at the column face had to be equal to at
connection rotational capacity. Acceptance Criteria least 0.80Mp of the connected beam at an inter
Based on AISC Seismic Provisions (2010) and UFC 4- story drift angle of 0.04 rad.
023-03 (2010) are: Adequate rotational capacity of connection is
Based on AISC Seismic Provisions (2010), SMF fundamental to arresting progressive collapse, Figure
shall be designed to provide significant inelastic drift 12(b). Moment connections that have been prequalified
capacity through flexural yielding of the SMF beams for rotational capacity due to bending alone may not be
and limited yielding of column panel zones. capable of concurrently resisting the interaction of axial
Furthermore, Columns shall be designed to be generally tension and bending moment, which is an essential
stronger than the fully yielded and strain-hardened performance attribute for preventing progressive
Interstory drift angle
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Loading cycles
collapse. While tension stiffness (‘cable-like’ action) high strain values proved that the beams were subjected
can significantly increase the load carrying capacity of to severe axial force to form catenary action. In the other
the system over bending moment alone, the beam-to- hand the strain at the column shear zone, the column
column connection must be able to transfer the large web portion delimited by the beam continuity plates and
flange tension forces developed from the combination the column flanges, remained at the elastic range
of bending moment and axial tension. Table 5-2 of UFC throughout the loading scenario.
4-023-03 (2010) highlights the design strength and The following sequence is an indication of the failure
rotational capacities of the beam-to-column connections mode: i) inelastic local buckling of the top beam flanges
used in assessment of the progressive collapse. Since and webs. ii) Fracture initiation at the flange at the
this new proposed type of connection does not exist in tension side of the beam with consequent propagation to
the Table 5-2 of UFC (2010), the plastic rotation angles the web. The damaged state of the specimen plus the
of the SidePlate connection have been used in this study plastic equivalent strain distribution after the final step
(Table 3). of progressive collapse test is shown in Figures 13(a)
and 13(b) respectively.
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The numerical and experimental plots of the new
4.1. Progressive Collapse Assessment proposed connection in terms of vertical load (KN)
The typical behavior of the double-span beams based on versus the plastic hinge rotation angle (rad) for the
numerical and experimental results are discussed in this progressive collapse tests are shown in Figure 14.
section. The plastic rotation angle, θ, as the foremost According to Figure 14, there is a good correlation
variable in assessment of progressive collapse is defined between the experimental and numerical results in terms
as the vertical deflection of the column, ∆, divided by the of yield point, strain hardening, modes of failure and
clear span length of the beam, L as illustrated in Figure 12. maximum plastic hinge rotations. The acceptance
Based on the data collected by direct observation, criteria used for this new proposed connection is similar
photographic documentation and data logger during the to the SidePlate connection.
test, it was observed that formation of plastic hinges, at Table 4 gives a comparison between the experimental
first stage of failure, occurred at the beam top flange (test) and numerical (analysis) results of progressive
between two connection plates at vertical load of 6.7 collapse for the new proposed connection specimen.
KN. Also, it was observed that the concentration of the
beam’s rotation was at this region along with increasing 4.2. Seismic Assessment
deflection at the mid-span. Besides, the specimen The seismic performance of the new proposed
experienced significant global hardening along with connection is discussed in this section. Interstory drift
formation of plastic hinges at the beams only. Failure of angle is believed to be the key parameter in evaluation
the new proposed connection occurred at a vertical load of the seismic performance of structures as illustrated in
of around 18.6 KN, along with a corresponding beam- Figure 12. An excellent performance was observed by
chord rotation of about 0.22 rad. The strain gauges the new proposed connection when subjected to cyclic
placed at beam flange recorded strains of 5000 to 5800 loading and plastic hinge was developed mainly at the
µε (micro-strain), almost 3 times higher than the beam. Also, interstory drift angle, which is an indication
nominal yield strain of 1800 µε, designating that beams of ductility, was greater than 0.06 rad. Initial yielding
experienced plastic range at these strain values. These occurred during the first cycle at 0.02 radians, which
q ∆
q (= u/L)
Interstory drift angle q = ∆ / Lbeam
Figure 12. Definition of interstory drift angle (a) and connection rotation capacity (b)
Table 3. Acceptance criteria for fully restrained elastic region. With each successive loading cycle, the
moment connections local buckling of the flange deteriorated accordingly.
Furthermore, bottom flange and web buckling were not
Connection Plastic rotation
type angle (θ), radians
accompanied by a substantial deterioration in the
hysteresis loop. A slight strength degradation was
Primary Secondary observed after the cycle of 0.05 rad as a result of
SidePlate 0.089-0.0005d 0.169-0.0001d initiation of groove welding fracture between the
d = depth of beam, inch connection plate and beam flange plus inelastic
buckling at beam flange. No column or panel zone
yielding was reported for the new proposed connection
during the test despite the fact that it resisted one
was observed at the bottom flange. Once the loading complete cycle of interstory drift angle of 0.06 rad. All
sequence continued, yielding propagation initiated in all, the extensive plastic hinge formation at the
along the beam flange between two connection plates. beam’s flanges region along with strain values beyond
The connection plate began to yield during the first 4500 µε (micro-strain), read by strain gages installed at
cycle of 0.03 rad. Web buckling adjacent to the yielded beam flanges, indicated the excellent performance of the
bottom flange appeared during the second cycle of 0.03 new proposed connection under cyclic loading. The
rad. The local buckling of the bottom flange developed experimental failure mode plus the plastic equivalent
at 0.04 rad cycle. The important issue during these strain distribution at the end of cyclic test are shown in
cycles was that the column panel zone remained in Figures 15(a) and 15(b).
(Avg: 75%)
(a) +6.379e−02
Initiation of fracture +0.000e−00
at beam flange Inelastic buckling
of beam flange
Figure 13. Damaged state of the specimens after the end of progressive collapse test (a) and plastic equivalent strain distribution (b)
Complete failure
Numericaly Groove weld fracture between
of beam
Experimental beam and connection plate
Vertical load (KN)
Acceptance criteria
Buckling of Initiation of fracture
beam flange at beam flang
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Plastic hinge rotation angle (radians)
Figure 14. Vertical load vs plastic hinge rotation angle for experimental progressive collapse tests
Analysis Test Analysis Test Analysis Test Analysis Test Analysis Test
Proposed Beam Beam
Connection 10.6 12.9 16.9 18.6 0.11 0.11 0.22 0.22 Failure Failure
(a) (b)
(Avg; 75%)
Figure 15. Damaged state at the end of seismic test (a) and plastic equivalent strain distribution (b).
Numerical Experimertal
150 0.8 Mp
−0.1 −0.08 −0.06 −0.04 −0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Interstory drift angle (radians)
Interstory Interstory
Moment drift angle at drift angle at
connection M/Mp M/Mp first fracture end of the test
type First fracture Maximum (Radians) (Radians) Mode of failure
Analysis Test Analysis Test Analysis Test Analysis Test Analysis Test
Proposed Beam Beam
Connection 1.10 1.18 1.35 1.28 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.06 Failure Failure
made regarding the experimental and numerical large rotations rather than pure tying resistance.
results: If large rotations are not taken into account in the
i. The new proposed connection was able to design stage, the joints having poor rotation
achieve adequate rotational capacity, develop capacities will not be capable of achieving the
catenary action and also develop the full inelastic design tying resistances.
capacity of the connecting beam. Therefore, it iv. Considering the seismic performance test results,
could be a robust and effective solution in case of one complete cycle of an interstory drift angle of
a terrorist bomb blast, including progressive 0.06 rad was satisfied by the new proposed
collapse. connection. Hence, this connection can be used
ii. The new proposed connection achieved in SMF according to AISC Seismic Provisions
considerably high load and rotational capacities (2010).
in progressive collapse test, with up to 3 times v. The maximum moment developed at beam was
bigger after first yielding. almost 1.20 times bigger than the actual beam
iii. Detailed progressive collapse assessments plastic moment, Mp. Also, the strain hardening
showed that the failure mode and the catenary value of 1.5, determined based on FEMA 350
action formation were controlled by the tensile (2000), was exceeded during the experimental tests.
capacities of beam-column joint after vi. The new proposed connection is able to reduce
experiencing large rotations. This indicates that lateral steel tonnage because of connection
high tensile resistances of beam-column joints stiffness resulting from the 100% rigid panel
must be adopted by engineers after experiencing zone.