Med Surg Gastro
Med Surg Gastro
Med Surg Gastro
• Mechanical digestion
• Chemical digestion
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
Mechanical digestion begins in the:
1. Mouth • Sympathetic nerves exert an inhibitory effect
2. Stomach on the GI tract, decreasing gastric secretion
and motility and causing the sphincters and
3. Small intestine
4. Large intestine blood vessels to constrict.
GI intubation is the insertion of a flexible tube into Sengstaken–Blakemore and Minnesota tube
the stomach, or beyond the pylorus into the
• are used to treat bleeding esophageal varices
duodenum (the first section of the small intestine) or
the jejunum (the second section of the small Commonly used gastric tubes:
intestine). • Levin and Salem Sump tube
The tube may be inserted through Levin Tube
• the mouth • The Levin tube has a single lumen (channel within
a tube or catheter) and is made of plastic or rubber.
• the nose
• This tube is connected to low intermittent suction
• the abdominal wall.
(30 to 40 mmHg) to avoid erosion or tearing of the
The tubes are of various diameters (French [Fr] size) stomach lining, which can result from adherence of
and lengths, depending on their intended use. GI the tube’s lumen to the mucosa of the stomach.
intubation may be performed in order to: Salem Sump
Indication: • The Salem Sump tube is a radiopaque (easily seen
on x-ray), clear plastic, double-lumen gastric tube.
✓ Decompress the stomach and remove gas and
fluid • The inner, smaller lumen (known as the blue port)
✓ Lavage (flush with water or other fluids) the vents the larger suction-drainage tube to the
stomach and remove ingested toxins or other atmosphere by means of an opening at the distal
harmful materials end of the tube.
✓ Diagnose GI disorders Gastric and Enteric Tubes for Administration of Tube
✓ Administer tube feedings, fluids, and Feedings, Fluids, and Medications
✓ Compress a bleeding site 1. Gastric or enteric (of or relating to the intestines)
feeding tubes are used for patients who have the
✓ Aspirate GI contents for analysis
ability to receive and process nutrition, fluids, and
Tube Types medications adequately by the gastric route.
2. Naso enteric tube (i.e., inserted through the nose
Gastric Tubes for into the stomach and beyond the pylorus into the
small intestine) or oroenteric tube (i.e., inserted
• Decompression,
from the mouth to the small intestine) for feeding
• Drainage, can be used.
3. Nasoduodenal tubes Enteric tubes placed in the
• Aspiration, and duodenum via the nares
4. Naso jejunal tubes those placed in the jejunum
• Lavage
(the portion of the small intestine distal to the
duodenum) via the nares.
Definition of terms − jejunum: second portion of the small intestine, which
extends from the duodenum to the ileum
− aspiration: removal of substance by suction or the
inhalation of fluids or foods into the trachea and − lavage: flushing of the stomach with water or other
bronchial tree fluids with a gastric tube to clear it
− bolus feeding: a feeding given into the stomach in large − lumen: the channel within a tube or catheter
amounts and at designated intervals − nasoduodenal tube: tube inserted through the nose
− central venous access device (CVAD): a device designed into the proximal portion of the small intestine (i.e.,
and used for administration of sterile fluids, nutrition duodenum)
formulas, and medications into central veins − nasoenteric tube: tube inserted through the nose into
− cyclic feeding: periodic infusion of feedings given over the stomach and beyond the pylorus into the small
8 to 18 hours intestine
− decompression (gastric/intestinal): removal of gastric − nasogastric (NG) tube: tube inserted through the nose
or intestinal contents to prevent gas and fluid distention into the stomach
− dumping syndrome: physiologic response to rapid − nasojejunal tube: tube inserted through the nose into
emptying of gastric contents into the small intestine, the second portion of the small intestine (i.e., jejunum)
manifested by nausea, weakness, sweating, − orogastric tube: tube inserted through the mouth into
palpitations, syncope, and possibly diarrhea the stomach
− duodenum: the first part of the small intestine, which − osmolality: ionic concentration of fluid
arises from the pylorus of the stomach and extends to
the jejunum − parenteral nutrition (PN): method of supplying
nutrients to the bodyby an intravenous route
− enteral nutrition: nutritional formula feedings infused
through a tube directly into the gastrointestinal tract − percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG): a
feeding tubeinserted endoscopically into the stomach
− enteric: of or relating to the intestines
− peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC): a device
− gastroparesis: partial paralysis of the stomach that inserted intoa peripheral vein and designed and used
results in decreased gastric motility and emptying for administration of sterilefluids, nutrition formulas,
− gastrostomy: surgical creation of an opening into the and medications into central veins
stomach for the purpose of administering fluids, − peristalsis: wavelike movement that occurs
nutrition formulas, and medications or for involuntarily in thealimentary canal
decompression and drainage of stomach contents
− radiopaque: can be easily localized on x-ray
− intravenous fat emulsion (IVFE or lipid): an oil-in-water
emulsion of oils, egg phospholipids, and glycerin; also − stoma: artificially created opening between a body
referred to as intravenous lipid emulsion cavity (e.g.,stomach or intestine) and the body surface
− intubation: the insertion or placement of a tube into a − stylet: a stiff wire placed in a catheter or other tube that
body structure or passageway allows the tubeto maintain its shape during insertion
− jejunostomy: surgical creation of an opening into the − total nutrient admixture (TNA): an admixture of lipid
jejunum for the purpose of administering fluids, emulsions,proteins, carbohydrates, electrolytes,
nutrition formulas, and medications vitamins, trace minerals, and water
− Viral Infections (mumps)
1. The salivary glands consist of: the parotid glands, one
− Cysts
on each side of the face below the ear; the
− Benign Tumors
submandibular glands, located below the jawbone
− Malignant Tumors
2. The sublingual glands, in the floor of the mouth under − Sjogren’s Syndrome
the tongue; and the minor salivary glands in the lips, − Sialadenosis
buccal mucosa, and the lining of the mouth and throat. Parotitis
3. About 1500 mL of saliva is produced daily and • The most common inflammatory condition
swallowed. of the salivary glands.
4. The major functions of the salivary glands include • Inflammation of the parotid, may be due to
lubrication, protection against harmful bacteria, and mumps (epidemic parotitis), a
digestion. communicable disease caused by viral
infection and most commonly affecting
unvaccinated children.
• swollen and
• quite tender,
Clinical Manifestations
• intolerance to food
• Nausea
• Vomiting
− Type 3 hiatal hernia: In this type, both the Sliding hiatal hernias are commonly
stomach and the lower esophagus herniate associated with GERD
through the hiatus.
Hemorrhage, obstruction, and strangulation
can occur with any type of hernia
Assessment and Diagnostic Procedure Surgical Management
which is the passage of a fiberoptic tube through the • managing nausea and vomiting
mouth and throat into the digestive tract for
• tracking nutritional intake
visualization of the esophagus, stomach, and small
intestine; esophageal manometry; or chest CT scan • monitoring weight.
SLIDING ESOPHAGEAL HERNIA • postoperative belching
• vomiting,
• gagging,
Clinical Manifestations
• followed by dysphagia
• Infection
• frequent, small feedings
• Fever
• advised not to recline for 1 hour after eating
• Leukocytosis
• elevate the head of the bed on 4- to 8-inch (10-
• severe hypotension
to 20-cm) blocks
• mediastinal sepsis can occur with Boerhaave
• Surgical hernia repair is indicated in patients
who are symptomatic
• which may be accompanied by pneumothorax symptoms and/or mucosal injury to the
and subcutaneous emphysema esophagus.
Clinical Manifestations
aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti- • acute gastritis
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (e.g., • pyrosis (a burning sensation in the
ibuprofen [Motrin]) stomach and esophagus that moves
• alcohol consumption up to the mouth; heartburn) after
• gastric radiation therapy eating
• a sour taste in the mouth
• Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)
• early satiety,
• more severe form of acute gastritis
• anorexia, or
• ingestion of strong acid or alkali
• nausea and vomiting
• Scarring can occur - resulting in pyloric
Patients with chronic gastritis may not be able to
stenosis (narrowing or tightening) or
absorb vitamin B12 because of diminished
production of intrinsic factor by the stomach’s
parietal cells due to atrophy, which may lead to
1. disruption of the mucosal barrier that normally pernicious anemia
protects the stomach tissue from digestive juices
(e.g., hydrochloric acid [HCl] and pepsin).
• clarithromycin [Biaxin]
• omeprazole [Prilosec]
• rabeprazole [AcipHex]
• to avoid oversecretion of acid and
hypermotility in the GI tract
• by avoiding extremes of temperature in
food and beverages and overstimulation
from the consumption of alcohol, coffee Indications
The Billroth II procedure is most commonly
SURGICAL MANAGEMENT performed for the following reasons:
VAGOTOMY with or without pyloroplasty
(transecting nerves that stimulate acid secretion and 1. Stomach cancer: Early stage stomach
opening the pylorus) cancer can be treated with a Billroth II
2. Peptic ulcer disease: While less common
today due to the effectiveness of
medications, Billroth II can be a surgical
option for severe peptic ulcers that don't
respond to other treatments.
3. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: This rare
condition causes the stomach to produce
too much acid. Billroth II surgery can help
reduce acid production.
ANTRECTOMY, which is removal of the pyloric There are two variations of the Billroth II
(antrum) portion of the stomach with anastomosis reconstruction, depending on the position of the
jejunal loop relative to the colon:
❑ Antecolic: The jejunal loop is placed in front
of the colon.
❑ Retrocolic: The jejunal loop is placed behind
the colon.
GASTRECTOMY The client who was diagnosed to have gastric cancer
the removal of part or all of the stomach. There are had undergone gastrectomy. Which of the following
three main types of gastrectomy: statements when made by the client indicates that
he understands the health teachings
This procedure removes only a portion of the a. I'll take vitamin K for life
stomach, usually the lower part (antrum). The b. I'll take vitamin B12 for life
remaining stomach is then reattached to the small c. I'll take vitamin C for life
intestine. d. I'll take vitamin B6 for life
a. Leg exercises
b. Early ambulation
Constipation 2. Slow-transit constipation which is caused
by inherent disorders of the motor function
Constipation is defined as fewer than three bowel
of the colon (e.g., Hirschsprung disease),
movements weekly or bowel movements that are
and is characterized by infrequent bowel
hard, dry, small, or difficult to pass.
People more likely to become constipated are
3. Defecatory disorders which are caused by
dysfunctional motor coordination between
• particularly pregnant women, the pelvic floor and anal sphincter. This can
• patients who recently had surgery, cause not only constipation but also fecal
• older adults, non-Caucasians, incontinence.
• and those of lower socioeconomic status
Clinical Manifestations
Constipation is a symptom and not a disease
• fewer than three bowel movements per
Constipation can be caused by certain medications week
• abdominal distention
Pathophysiology • pain and bloating
Interference with one of three major functions of • sensation of incomplete evacuation
the colon: • straining at stool
• mucosal transport (i.e., mucosal • elimination of small volume lumpy, hard, dry
secretions facilitate the movement of stools
colon contents)
Assessment and Diagnostic Procedure
• myoelectric activity (i.e., mixing of the
rectal mass and propulsive actions) • patient’s history
• processes of defecation (e.g., pelvic floor • physical examination
dysfunction). • possibly the results of a barium enema
The urge to defecate is stimulated normally by • Sigmoidoscopy
rectal distention that initiates a series of four • stool testing for occult blood
actions: • Anorectal manometry
• Defecography
• stimulation of the inhibitory rectoanal
reflex • colonic transit studies
• relaxation of the internal sphincter muscle • Pelvic floor magnetic resonance imaging
• relaxation of the external sphincter (MRI)
muscle and muscles in the pelvic region
• and increased intra-abdominal pressure.
• Increased arterial pressure
Interference with any of these processes can lead
to constipation. • fecal impaction
• Nausea Pathophysiology
Any condition that causes increased intestinal 1. Acute and persistent diarrheas are classified as
secretions, decreased mucosal absorption, or either noninflammatory (large-volume) or
altered motility can produce diarrhea inflammatory (small-volume)
2. Enteric pathogens that are noninvasive (e.g., S.
Classification aureus, Giardia). They cause noninflammatory
1. Acute diarrhea is self-limiting, lasting 1 or 2 diarrhea, which is characterized by a large
days volume of loose, watery stools.
2. Persistent diarrhea typically lasts between 2
and 4 weeks Types of chronic diarrhea:
3. Chronic diarrhea persists for more than 4 • secretory
weeks and may return sporadically • osmotic,
• malabsorptive
Preventing Constipation • infectious, and
The nurse instructs the patient to: • exudative.
− Recognize the physiology of defecation and
the importance of responding to the urge to Clinical Manifestations
defecate. • abdominal cramps
− Understand the normal variations in patterns • Distention
of defecation. • borborygmus (i.e., a rumbling noise caused
− Establish a bowel routine, and be aware that by the movement of gas through the
having a regular time for defecation (e.g., best intestines)
time is after a meal) may aid in initiating the • Anorexia
reflex. • Thirst
− Ensure proper dietary habits, such as eating • Painful spasmodic contractions of the anus
high-residue, high-fiber foods (e.g., fruits, • tenesmus (i.e., ineffective, sometimes
vegetables); adding bran daily (must be painful straining with a strong urge)
introduced gradually); and increasing fluid
intake (unless contraindicated) to help Assessment
prevent constipation. • abdominal auscultation
• palpation for tenderness
• Inspection of the abdomen, mucous Fecal Incontinence
membranes, and skin Fecal incontinence describes the recurrent
involuntary passage of stool from the rectum for at
Assessment and Diagnostic Procedure least 3 months
• complete blood cell count (CBC)
• serum chemistries Factors that influence this disorder include:
• Urinalysis • the ability of the rectum to sense and
• routine stool examination accommodate stool
• stool examinations • the amount and consistency of stool
• Endoscopy or barium enema • the integrity of the anal sphincters and
Complications • rectal motility
Most common complication of diarrhea:
• dehydration Clinical Manifestations
• cardiac dysrhythmias • minor soiling
• metabolic acidosis • occasional urgency
• muscle weakness • loss of control or complete incontinence
• Paresthesia • poor control of flatus
• Hypotension • Diarrhea
• Anorexia • constipation.
• hypokalemia • incontinence
• drowsiness Passive incontinence
• irritant dermatitis Urge incontinence
1. appendix becomes inflamed and edematous
2. becoming kinked or occluded by a fecalith Assessment and Diagnostic Procedure
(i.e., hardened mass of stool) • complete history and physical examination
3. lymphoid hyperplasia (secondary to • CBC - elevated WBC count and elevated
inflammation or infection) neutrophils
4. rarely, foreign bodies (e.g., fruit seeds) or • C-reactive protein levels – Elevated
tumors • CT scan
5. inflammatory process increases • laparoscopy
• intraluminal pressure
• causing edema and obstruction of Complications
the orifice • peritonitis,
• abscess formation
Clinical Manifestations • portal pylephlebitis
• Vague periumbilical pain (i.e., visceral pain • septic thrombosis
that is dull and poorly localized) • Perforation
• Anorexia
• Nausea Medical Management
• low-grade fever • prevent fluid and electrolyte imbalance
• Local tenderness (McBurney point) • prevent dehydration
• Rebound tenderness • Prevent sepsis
• Rovsing sign • IV fluids
• Constipation • Antibiotics
Appendix has ruptured • Appendectomy
• pain becomes consistent • Laparotomy or laparoscopy
• abdominal distention
• paralytic ileus Nursing Management
• preventing fluid volume deficit
• reducing anxiety
• preventing or treating surgical site infection
• preventing atelectasis
• maintaining skin integrity
• attaining optimal nutrition
Patient for surgery Risk Factor
• high Fowler position • Low intake of dietary fiber
• IV infusion • Obesity
• antibiotic therapy • History of cigarette smoking
• administration of analgesic • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
• parenteral opioid (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen (Tylenol)
• Urine output is monitored • Positive family history
• encouraged to ambulate
Clinical Manifestations
• Mild to severe LLQ pain
• change in bowel habits
• Constipation
• Nausea
• Fever
• leukocytosis
□ Diverticulosis is defined by the presence of multiple
diverticula without inflammation or sympto ms
□ Prevalence increases with increasing age Acute complications of diverticulitis
• abscess formation
□ Diverticulosis is the most common pathologic
incidental finding on colonoscopy • Tenderness
• palpable mass
• Fever
• leukocytosis
• Bleeding
• peritonitis
Chronic complications of diverticulitis
• fistula formation
• colovesicular fistulas
• colovaginal fistulas
Medical Management
Uncomplicated diverticulitis or Hinchey Stage I
• Diet - clear liquid diet- high-fiber - low-fat
• Analgesic Medication
• Rest
• oral fluids
• antibiotics
Medical Management
• Restoration of intravascular volume
• correction of electrolyte abnormalities
• NG aspiration and decompression are
instituted immediately
• Colonoscopy - untwist and decompress the
• Cecostomy - provides an outlet for
releasing gas and a small amount of
• rectal tube – decompress
• metal colonic stent - palliative intervention
• colonic stent
• Temporary or Permanent colostomy
• Ileoanal anastomosis - removal of the
entire large bowel
Nursing Management
• monitor the patient for symptoms
• Provide emotional support and comfort
• IV fluids and electrolytes
• preoperative education
• routine postoperative nursing
✓ abdominal wound care.
Ulcerative Colitis
• Purulent drainage or stool may leak
• passage of flatus or feces from the vagina or