CNLM Lift 2013 Web
CNLM Lift 2013 Web
CNLM Lift 2013 Web
CAN Newsletter
Hardware + Software + Tools + Engineering
CANopen-Lift special
Lifts for public means of transport
with CANopen
CANopen-Lift: The open specification
for elevators
Magnetic encoders conquer
safety-relevant applications
The Royal League of drive technology
CANopen ®
By far the number one
ZieHl-ABegg once again sets a milestone
with the ZETADYN 4. The new, high-tech
frequency inver ter provides contactorless
operation, integrated brake monitoring compliant
with eN81-A3, autotune functionality and an
electronic rating plate. This, combined with
CANopen liFT means simplest commissioning
and greatest travel comfort.
velopment of CANopen-Lift al units, as well as technical which had already been re-
and the latest functions are marginal conditions (bit-rates, alized conventionally and/or
presented. services, pin assignments of with other interfaces, such
On the occasion of the
Interlift 2001, 20 small to me-
dium-sized lift component
manufacturers agreed to par-
ticipate in producing an open
standard for the communica-
tion of the CAN network for CAN-Message
the first time. At the begin- virtual console
ning of 2002, these manu-
facturers agreed to use the Figure 2: Virtual console
tion between converter and check the physical bound- ing modes (such as “drive”, example use an LCD display
control system with the DCP aries of the CANopen speci- “ready”, “standby” or “off”), in the cab and the keys of the
protocol. The full functional- fication. The stability of the the power saving mode re- cab panel to display the con-
ity is available since version connections with different duces the demand during trol menu in the cab during
2.0 of CiA 417, which was lengths of network connec- the business hours, without maintenance and access the
passed in 2010, and has tions up to a length of 230 m compromising the operation- parameters or information on
been freely available since was checked and the units al readiness of the lift. The malfunctions. At the moment
2011 as Draft Standard. In were subjected to a network resulting savings are much a method to allow the transfer
order to illustrate the func- stress test, in which the net- greater than the previous- -
tionality, the Special Mar- work load was gradually in- ly used full shutdown during tents is under development.
keting Group Lift developed creased with high and low limited hours. The CANopen-Lift stan-
the CANopen-Lift-Demon- prioritized messages up to This process not only dard is full of life and un-
strator, which was present- 100%, while the behavior of allows a software update to der constant development.
ed in March 2009 for the first the units was tested. be carried out in an assem- The essential novelties are
time, on the occasion of the Since 2009 new func- bly but also the parameter still coming from Germany,
Heilbronner Aufzugstage. tions have constantly been sets of all assemblies to be but CANopen-Lift is also
To allow interoperability to integrated into the standard read out and secured follow- increasingly gaining in inter-
be checked, so-called Plug and into the units of the man- ing commissioning. This al- national importance. In the
Fests were introduced, ufacturers, which would not lows system manipulations future, CANopen-Lift will be
which have taken place on have been possible in this that were effected after the the basis for the remote diag-
a regular basis since the way without an open stan- final inspection to be detect- nosis of all components over
beginning of 2009. During dard. Up to now the mea- ed. The process is not only of the Internet and for the safe-
the Plug Fests, check lists surement of the energy had interest to the servicing com- ty-related data transmission
are used to successively to be done manually during pany and operator of a lift in lifts.
test the functionality of in- a defined test drive. With the system, but also to the moni- More and more com-
dividual units with units by integration of the protocols toring authority or the fire bri- panies are taking part in
other manufacturers. The of an automatic, continuous gade in case of damage. the development of CANo-
developers have the op- measurementintheCANopen- Any unit can place virtu- pen-Lift and introduc-
portunity to directly remedy Lift Standard, the total al display content on the net- ing new ideas into the
smaller shortcomings crop- energy requirement can work and any other unit with standard, which are avail-
ping up during the tests. be calculated over a longer a display and keys can be able to all participants. The
Tests were also carried out period. used for representation and future remains exciting.
T he histories of elevators
and vehicles share sev-
eral noteworthy common-
Ansgar Meroth
Heilbronn University
alities. Cars started at the Max-Planck-Str. 39
end of the 19th and the be- DE-74081 Heilbronn
ginning of the 20th century
as mechanical systems Link
with electromechanical com-
ponents – mainly ignition.
Steam-driven lifts started to
be employed in 1850, and
were driven by electrical en- Figure 1: V-Model for the system design in the light of
gines by 1880. In the 1970s, functional safety (Gutmann, 2010)
electronic components en-
tered both worlds, first re- others). The common open theoretically require a long
placing single electrome- interface helps to reduce development time since all
chanical parts, and in the development life cycles and the specifications are made Introduction
1990s, networking started to time to market, especial- with a top-down-approach, CANopen for Lifts,
spread out so that complex ly in light of the challeng- in which the test cases for specified in CiA
and expensive wiring could ing requirements of IEC integration and verification 417, has reached a
be replaced. The next de- 61508, the basic function- are also elaborated. Conse- maturity that allows fast
velopment step, however – al safety standard (Interna- quently, system integration development cycles,
model-driven development tional Electrotechnical Com- and verification is performed short integration times
and automated integration mission (IEC), 1998). These in a bottom-up-process. Us- and easy maintenance.
and testing - is rather further requirements have impli- ing well known common in- This article shows the
developed in the automotive cations on the developing terface specifications on usage of model-based
industry, driven by cost and process, which challenge subsystem and component development methods
safety requirements. the integration of lift com- level can reduce the devel- and hardware-in-the-loop
ponents in several ways. opment efforts considerably (HIL) testing for lifts,
Integration of lift (Gutmann, 2010). The de- by taking advantage of off- following well-
components velopment of safety critical the-shelf components and a known schemes from
systems usually follows the parallel integration process automotive engineering
In 2002, CiA 417 for lift con- V-model as shown in Fig- on the subsystem level as and transforming them
trol systems was specified ure 1. This approach would shown in Figure 2. for lifts. This work
in order to interconnect lift is based upon the
components with a common modeling of a lift system
open interface. Many virtu- by Matlab/Simulink,
al devices have been cre- which later will be used
ated that add up to a com- as a HIL test bench.
plete lift system, such as The paper discusses
SIG CANopen-Lift.
CANopen-Lift. Accessed
July 14th, 2013 at http://
simulates sensor input), a Test system Figure 7: Selected components of the reference model
behavioral and functional
model of the total system, For the demonstration of The system is controlled by havioral model with Matlab/
and the remaining network the development life cy- two Bp308 controllers from Simulink. Figure 7 gives im-
traffic. In order to supervise cle stated above, we devel- Böhnke + Partner and takes pressions of some compo-
the CAN network and to oped a 1:10 scale lift mod- advantage of original com- nents of the real model. The
simulate remaining logical el as shown in Figure 6. ponents, e.g. call units, light final goal is to have a test
behavior, e.g. calls, CANoe This model was originally in- barriers, outputs, car elec- system ready that can be
by Vector can be used in ad- spired by Jörg Hellmich, for- tronics, position sensors used for static and dynamic
dition to Matlab/Simulink. merly at Böhnke + Partner and others. Even the safe- conformity tests and allows
and now CEO of Elfin. We ty circuit is constructed as a reduced integration and
used an aluminum frame close to an original system verification life cycle with
made from industrial profiles as possible. At the moment single components.
for the two shafts and placed we are developing a virtu-
two cars on steel ropes with al model of the components
a counter weight and driv- in order to replace the vir-
en by DC motors commu- tual and the real parts. For
tated with electromechani- that reason, we have start-
cal contactors. We hope to ed to implement a simula-
receive an asynchronous tion of CANopen messag-
Figure 6: Reference drive with an inverter from es of the system by means
hardware model the lift industry in the future. -
Magnetic encoders conquer
safety-relevant applications
Klaus Matzker
Klaus Matzker
Posital GmbH
S ince errors in lift con-
trol systems can have
potentially disastrous re-
vides an innovative, robust
solution for such applica-
tions. The units, which oper-
Carlswerkstr. 13c sults, the sensor technol- ate without batteries, do not
DE-51063 Köln ogy in such applications require referencing. They in-
Tel.: +49-221-96213-0 must be sufficiently reli- stantly provide current po-
Fax: +49-221-96213-20 able and safe. The follow- sition and revolution val-
ing article describes encod- ues even after power failure.
Link er-based solutions, which This is an essential feature have already proven them- Figure 1: Magnetic Ixarc for elevator applications,
selves in practical use and, encoders are compliant where reference runs are
unlike non-contact measur- with CiA 417 often undesired or not per-
ing systems, have already mitted. Moreover, the mag-
established themselves on is carried out by absolute netic functional principle of
a large scale. encoders and a belt drive the encoders allows for a
The position of an ele- or draw wire. The revolving very compact design, which
vator car can, for instance, belt can, for example, move easily withstands high bear-
be measured by means of a wheel fitted on the eleva- ing loads up to 250 N that
Outlook the steel cable by which it tor car, whose revolutions can occur in belt drives. It
“We are currently is suspended. This method, are measured by an encod- also allows users to imple-
developing a second, however, is not unproblem- er. Alternatively, the encod- ment especially cost-effi-
completely revised atic, since slip, angular off- er can be installed in a fixed cient systems, replacing in-
generation of magnetic set and multi-layer winding location at the upper end cremental sensor solutions
absolute encoders, and of the cable on the drum re- of the shaft, measuring the or optical absolute encod-
aim to provide equivalent duce the measuring accu- cabin's position by means of ers. MCD encoders pro-
units to optical models”, racy considerably. Another a belt-driven wheel or draw vide a maximum resolution
obstacle is the fact that a wire. Thereby, the belt or of 12 bit per revolution. Ad-
Michael Löken. “Users full elevator car elongates draw wire is not burdened ditionally, they can cover up
can then fully benefit the cable much more than by the weight of the elevator to 15 bit for measuring rev-
from the advantages of an empty run. These chal- car, thus preventing mea- olutions. Using an odometer
magnetic technology, lenges make it hard to en- surement errors through wheel with a 50 mm diame-
i.e. a more compact sure the desired measuring longitudinal strain. ter, this enables a linear res-
and cost-efficient accuracy of 0,1 mm. Anoth- olution of 12 µm and a
design and reliable er approach, which is based Compact magnetic 5,147 m measurement range.
operation under rugged on direct measurements at solution Higher resolutions are pos-
conditions. Moreover, the cabin, allows users to sible with smaller odometer
we will introduce our first sidestep these disadvan- The Ixarc series of abso- wheels. The encoders fea-
magnetic incremental tages: shaft copying, which lute magnetic encoders pro- ture a CANopen interface
encoders in September
2013. These units, which
will be available at short
notice, will allow users to
configure the resolution
depending on their
models (left)
Learn more under Visit us at Interlift in Augsbu
oth 2222 15.– 18.10.2013, Hall 2, Bo
an electronic counter. The
ELGO inside
be fitted into a very small sensors that measure the
space. magnetic field of a perma-
Thanks to the magnet- nent magnet mounted on
ic technology, the encoders the shaft. The hall sensors
withstand rugged environ- are read out separately by
mental conditions such as two microcontrollers. The
humidity, high and low tem- CAN controller, which is
peratures, and vibrations. also redundant, is connect-
They are available as solid ed to the CAN network via MEASURE CONTROL POSITION
and hollow shaft versions, a transceiver. Both micro-
with a radial or axial cable controllers ensure logical
real hightech
exit, and with a maximum monitoring of each other's
protection class of IP65. program sequence. Diag-
Posital provides a clamping nosis functions include tem-
flange model with robust perature monitoring inside
bearings, which is espe- the sensor and the output
cially suited for installation of emergency messages
with the toothed belt where via the CAN network if pre-
large forces can occur. The set limits are reached. Input
proven design ensures ex- voltage monitoring is also
cellent reliability through included in the diagnostic
oversizing. options. The sensor's node
number can be optional- Sicher. Schnell. Präzise.
Magnetic SIL-2 abso- ly configured by means of
LIMAX Sensoren von ELGO Electronic werden in den
lute encoders four hardware inputs, which höchsten Gebäuden der Welt zur Positionsbestimmung
considerably simplifies in- der Kabine im Aufzugsschacht eingesetzt.
We have recently developed stallation and changeover
magnetic absolute encod- since the devices no
ers for measuring safety- longer need to be config-
relevant applications. The ured via tools or require Accurate. Fast. Precise.
new encoders, which are point-to-point wiring.
Lifts in high-rise buildings around the world are
operated with PELV (Pro- equipped with LIMAX sensors to determine the
tective Extra Low Voltage) exact cabin position in the elevator shaft.
fulfill the requirements of
IEC 61508 / DIN EN 62061
(safety integrity level 2) and
DIN EN ISO 13849 (perfor-
mance level d). Featuring a
wide input voltage range of
9 V to 35 V, they are suit-
ed for many different ap-
plications. The magnetic
Using the virtual terminal for
David Souche
I n a complete lift control sys-
tem, there are many differ-
ent intelligent devices today.
Z.I. Les Illons Of course, first there is the
FR-07250 Le Pouzin main controller, which could
Tel.: +33-475637777 be considered the “brain”
Fax: +33-475859041 of the system, but there are
[email protected] also the VVF inverter (for an
electrical lift) or the hydraulic
Introduction drive for a hydraulic lift, the
This article explains door operator, the load mea-
the concept of the suring unit, the car and floor
virtual terminal interface panels, and so on. All these
defined in the CiA 417 interconnected devices are
Lift application profile. now complex electronic de-
It also describes the vices, and to best fit the tar- Figure 1: The inverter mounted on the top of the shaft is
motivation and needs of geted lift, most of the time a hard to access; the Zetadyn 3C inverter from Ziehl-Abegg
this interface and tries local HMI (human-machine is CiA 417 compliant and implements the virtual terminal
to promote the power interface) is integrated to interface
and the benefits given, adjust the parameters and
together with a summary give a better diagnosis when There are two issues to object (Index = 1026h) in or-
of the functionalities and needed. Some of these de- solve: the universality of the der to permit remote configu-
the implementation. vices also propose an op- tool and the remote access ration and remote debugging
tional remote tool, but very with this tool. And for years, of a can node. This is done
often with a specific protocol a solution has been offered by the use of well-known in-
Links upon a specific wire, which by the CiA 417 CANopen ap- put and output streams: the offers a friendlier HMI. Now plication profile for lift control stdin and stdout. Sub-index
think of the lift technicians systems. 01h of object 1026h is the
during installation or mainte- stdin, and sub-index 02h is
nance, as they have to mas- Background the stdout, each of one byte.
ter all of the tools of all the These entries are intended
devices. Just think of your Members of the CANopen to send a keyboard charac-
living-room table with the set SIG (Special Interest Group) ter to a node (the stdin) and
of four or five remote con- Lift have developed the receive a text character from
trols – and sometimes more CiA 417 application profile. this node (the stdout).
for your home audio-vid- These members are differ- Inspired by this object,
eo devices (TV, DVD-play- ent designers and manu- the CiA 417 profile introduc-
er, recorder, audio amplifier, facturers of lift equipment es the Virtual Terminal Inter-
satellite decoder) – and you located in different European face object (at index 600Ah)
won't be far from the prob- countries. This profile, whose with the two same sub-in-
lem of our technician. main objective is to ensure dexes but with a size of
But even if the techni- interconnectivity of lift de- 4 byte to improve the stream
cians are quite at ease with vices, describes how data transfer rate. With the "front-
many different tools, the is exchanged over a CAN end" contents of the stan-
physical access to the de- network based on the dard input/output streams
vices becomes also more CANopen application layer (keyboard/screen), this is
difficult. Nowadays, with the (internationally specified in the best way to achieve
increase of machine room- EN 50325-4, also known as compatibility with any HMI,
less lifts, the frequency in- CiA 301). and therefore to have a
verter and sometimes the In the communication unique tool, which is able to
main controller – the most profile area of the CANopen connect to every device of a
consulted devices – are very object dictionary, the CiA lift system, while the remote
often located in the lift shaft. 301 defines the “OS prompt” access is inherently given
Figure 2: In Source Address Mode (SAM), the 4-byte multiplexer refers to the node-ID
and the parameter address (index and sub-index) of the producer, while in Destination
Address Mode (DAM), the 4-byte multiplexer refers to the node-ID and parameter
address of the consumer; the used address mode of the MPDO is given within the first
byte (ADDR = 80 h + node-ID for a DAM-MPDO, and ADDR = node-ID for a SAM-MPDO);
in the CiA 417 profile the CAN-ID of the MPDO is defined as 500 h + node-ID
CiA 417 profile and lets ex- The controller may also is located in the shaft, and
plore the benefits of the vir- implement the virtual termi- thanks to the virtual termi-
tual terminal. With a main nal server in order to be ac- nal, the technician can con-
controller that implements cessed by a remote tool. figure it from the controller
the client interface, every Some manufacturers imple- located on the floor, more at
HMI of each device is reach- ment it in their controller and ease than if he had to be in
able from the cabinet where propose a smartphone ap- the shaft. This case is such
the controller is located. Di- plication. This application is a frequent occurrence that
nothing more than a virtual the virtual terminal object
technician can access, con- terminal client, and with a is mandatory for an inverter
figure and diagnose all oth- wireless gateway connect- device. It simply means that
er devices of the lift (which, ed to the CANopen bus, the -
of course, implements the smartphone becomes the
virtual terminal server inter- remote tool of the controller, CANopen-Lift certified.
face). The HMI of the con- which is now accessible al-
troller is used first to set the most anywhere in the lift in- Perspectives
controller, but in a dedicat-
ed menu, it can offer to con- the technician, who very of- HMIs in industrial equipment
nect to these other devices. are evolving, especially in
- car. size and the kind of screen.
tons then act on the HMI of Another very significant The use of this kind of HMIs
the remote device, and the use case is the virtualization is growing in lift devices and
- so the virtual terminal inter-
comes the screen of the re- terminal by the controller. face has to evolve. The next
- As said before, in a machine step will be to define inside
nal has been virtualized. room-less lift, the inverter the application profile how to
A strong team
Benefit from the pooled expertise of Schmersal and BÖHNKE + PARTNER and make use
of the full range of elevator switchgear and elevator controls. With innovative and dependable
solutions from a single source, you’ll always have the edge over the competition.
information system
Heiko Essinger
Heiko Essinger
Head of R&D
L imax33 Safe consists of
four components: a mag-
netic tape with absolute en-
absolute position of the el-
evator cabin through hall
sensors, which scan the en-
the control room in case of a
stop between two floors.
The most important
Elgo Electronic coding, a presence detec- coded magnetic tape con- features of the sensor are:
GmbH & Co. KG tor for the magnetic tape, the tact-free. A wear-free plastic Direct, redundant de-
Carl-Benz-Straße 1 Limax33 RED sensor for de- guiding guarantees that the termination of the cabin
DE-78239 Rielasingen termining the absolute po- correct distance between position,
sition of the elevator cabin, the sensor and the magnet- Wear-free, contact-free
Link and the Safe Box, in which ic tape is maintained at all magnetic measuring all switching and control times. The position deter- principle,
functions are integrated. mined by the hall sensors is Resistance against
The encoded magnetic transmitted via a safe EIA- dirt, dust, smoke and
tape is simply installed freely 485 2-wire interface to a humidity,
hanging in the elevator shaft controller or to the Safe Box.
using a mounting kit. The in- Additionally, the sen- High system resolution of
tegrated safety switch serves sor has a push-pull output, up to 62,5 µm for dynamic
to detect the presence of the which is switched inside the position controls,
magnetic tape. The redun- door zones of the stored floor Lifting heights of up to
dant, SIL-3-certified sensor positions in order to permit 262 m are possible,
Introduction determines the momentary evacuation of the cabin via speed up to 10 m/s,
for elevators
Pedro Martinez
Pedro Martinez
Schaefer GmbH
S chaefer offers, in coop-
eration with Böhnke +
Partner, an access control
stallation is realized via
The EKS compact
Winterlinger Straße 4 system, which allows an in- reader unit from Schae-
DE-72488 Sigmaringen expensive and reliable real- fer is an electronic device,
Tel.: +49-7571-722-0 ization of demands in apart- which identifies electronic
Fax: +49-7571-722-98 ment/office buildings, banks, keys (transponders). This
[email protected] hotels, hospitals, etc. The device replaces conven-
employed RFID technology tional key switches, instead
Link is distinguished by high-lev- of using transponders for el data security and state-of- contactless access authori-
the-art security. The system zation. Generally, the reader
consists of a reader unit, a unit does not decide on ac-
lift controller with USB tran- cess, but transfers the data
sponder reader, and of tran- of the identified transponder
sponders. The communica- via CAN to the lift controller,
tion as well as the control which browses the database
of the in- and initiates the actions
configured for this particular
transponder. Each access
attempt is optically and
acoustically signaled
Introduction to the user. The
An access control EKS reader unit is
system for lifts has the available in vari- Figure 1: Floor buttons
purpose of regulating ous styles of are available with various
the access to particular the range of designs
floors within a building. products
Access control concepts and can mounted in a vandal-,
are developed according also be splash- and dust-proof way
to the specific building on demand.
profile and to the Each key transpon-
der is a unique specimen
demands in a hospital with a non-recurring and
are different from those unchangeable identifier. In
in an office building. case a transponder gets lost
A common building or is not returned when a ten-
profile is the typical ant is moving out, it can be
mixed-use apartment/ deleted or can be replaced
office building with by a new transponder. The
offices, surgeries, new key is integrated into
tenants, proprietors, etc. the system through the con-
Based on the sometime trol device and the data of
difficult conditions, the previous transponder is
a concept must be overwritten – thus the costs
created which fulfills the are lower than those of a
various requirements conventional steel and sheet
of all parties. Through locking system. Further-
suitable combinations more, additionally required
of floor locking and floor transponders may be add-
release, compact access ed easily. Transponders are
control concepts can be available in four variants: as
realized. key ring pendant “Blue Tag”,
Roger Wickman
Antennvägen 10
SE-13548 Tyresö
Tel.: +46-8-4487260
[email protected]
About a century ago, on
January 9th 1912, the first
patient arrived at Mora
Hospital. He was a little
boy from Bergkarlås
who came in with a
fractured femur following
a skiing accident,
an injury that meant
M odernization of two
passenger lifts and
four bed/transport lifts in the
supply) and real-time ener-
gy metering with plain text
in the display.
CAN. In this instance the
following modes are oper-
ated: “Up call”, “Down call”,
staying in the hospital main building of Mora Hos- “Priority call 1: Emergency
for 50 days back then. pital was necessary in order I/O from transport”, and “Priority call 2:
A hundred years later, to enhance accessibility, re- CANopen-Lift Bed transport”.
the lifts are undergoing liability and energy efficien- Lift call and automat-
modernization as one cy. This modernization in- External calls and priority ic door opening/closing
of the elements in the cluded conversion with new lift calls are freely program- functions are executed via
streamlining of care at gearless machines, includ- mable and made directly via I/O-8 cards; each card has
Mora Hospital. Mora ing controllers, control cab- I/O on the floor display FD4- eight combined inputs and
Hospital, which is inets and sensors, new au-
situated in Dalarna, is tomatic lift doors and shaft
the biggest place of work doors, new finishes, con-
in Mora with around 800 trol panels, etc. All lifts had
employees. to stop at nine levels with a
simple automatic door.
The system is fitted
with three-stage Blue mo-
dus (energy saving mode):
Switching off/dimming lift
lighting, switching off floor
indicator, and energy sav-
ing mode “Save mode” for
frequency control. The lifts
are also equipped with:
“Revcon” (feedback of ex-
cess power to the mains Figure 1: View of engine room during modernization
The WE1
fitted with an input function, position, energy consump-
which places the lift in what tion; essentially, everything
is irresistible.
is known as “Service mode”. needed for diagnosis, pro-
When this input is activated, gramming, statistics and
As is our service.
the lift leaves the group sys- analysis of operating condi-
tem, serves all pending lift tions.
calls, before then moving to
the service floor (program-
mable). The lift opens and
closes the doors and then
travels 2400 mm down (pro-
grammable). The lift is now
in service mode.
EN 81-A3
UCM (unintended car move-
ment) is - in accordance with
EN 81-A3 - in control of invol-
untary lift movement and has
been certified and approved
Fallersleber Str. 12, D-38154 Königslutter, Tel. +49 53 53 / 91 72 - 0
Lifts for public means of
Holger Klaus
Hans & Jos. Kronenberg
S pecial demands are
made on lifts for stops at
tram and railway lines in lo-
ing is also standard at these
installations. Furthermore,
low operating costs and in-
GmbH cal traffic. Because of their vestment security are re-
Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 1 partially remote and outdoor quired of such installations.
DE-51427 Bergisch Gladbach location on the track, high Fast setting up on site, a re-
protection against vandal- liable error diagnosis on re-
Links ism, dirt, dust and humid- quest, and a quick and easy ity is required. With regard exchange of the compo-
to expectable EMV dysfunc- nents is also expected. This
tions due to the railway traf- can largely be ensured by
fic, high availability and re- the employment of lift com-
liability are also necessary. ponents according to the
Individual requirements due CiA 417 CANopen appli-
to restrictions, e.g. for fire cation profile for lift control
protection, demand partic- systems.
ular functions of the signal All of these reasons technique. Their new lifts
processing for displays and have convinced the opera- are therefore equipped with
speech announcements tors of the Kölner Verkeh- controls, operating and
with regard to accessibility, rs-Betriebe (KVB) and the display panels, and fur-
for example during an evac- Metro in Brussels to decide ther assembly groups with uation. A non-halogen wir- in favor of the CANopen CANopen technique.
Kölner Verkehrs-
Betriebe (KVB)
The construction of the
north-stretch of the KVB
comprises seven stations
with a total of 13 lifts. Kro-
nenberg has been sup-
porting ThyssenKrupp AG
in planning the lifts since
2009. For this purpose there have been constant
exchanges with the project
management of the group.
Many of the lifts are already
in operation.
V4A stainless steel,
which has been electropol-
ished to protect the surface,
is used as a cover panel
material. This was made for
operating panels of particu-
larly high quality and dura- bility. The front of the control
panels are designed to be
water- and vandalism proof.
To guarantee barrier-free-
dom, large, square push-
buttons are installed. The
pushbuttons are mounted
platforms and on changes between Before being handed rough operation at stations
streets, an addi- the two companies over to the customer, the of local transport.
tional speech an- followed, until the operating panels undergo
nouncement with components were exhaustive testing both at
greater amplifier Kronenberg as well as at the
power is used for share of these in- control manufacturer Böhn-
operating panels stallations has al- ke & Partner in combination
and call columns ready been put into with the lift control to be de-
on the platforms. operation. livered, in order to ensure
Passengers receive Due to the heavy de- that the initial operation on
further information by floor mands on the lifts, Coop- site will run smoothly.
position displays, illuminat- man chose the RV34W The CAN knot type
ed fields, and information pushbutton, which delivers CBK1 according to CiA 417
Peter Gocht
Weber Lifttechnik GmbH
In 1997 a quantum leap in
lift equipment technolo-
gy happened: Lift control-
The technical evolution
did not stop with the DCP
protocol. Mass producers,
technology was to provide
compatibility for microproces-
sor-controlled components
Fallersleber Str. 12 lers and frequency inverters such as the automotive in- from various sources. For this
DE-38154 Königslutter communicated over a stan- dustry, have long been tech- reason, the CANopen-Lift
Tel.: +49-5353-9172-0 dardized network protocol. nological leaders in the area working group, a special in-
Fax: +49-5353-9172-22 Designed specifically for lift of networked systems. With terest group of lift control
[email protected] application, DCP protocol the CAN network system, and component manufac-
(Drive Control & Positioning) they set new standards in re- turers under the auspices of
Ralf Heusser stayed state of the art for a sponse times, security and CiA (CAN in Automation), de-
Ziehl-Abegg AG long time and was further data throughput at an afford- veloped a standardized CAN
Heinz-Ziehl-Str. developed over the years able price. Sensors, actua- network protocol for the lift
DE-74653 Künzelsau and adapted to the current tors and control loops must technology sector (CANo-
Tel.: +49-7940-16-0 technical requirements in- provide, receive and react to pen-Lift) in 2002.
Fax: +49-7940-16-677 sofar as the technical struc- information in a split second.
[email protected] tures allowed. The demands on mod- Functional principle
Advantages of DCP ern lift technology and au-
Links compared to the paral- tomotive technology are not All microprocessor-controlled lel control of the frequency so far apart. This provided components provide infor-
inverter: the next development step: mation on a common CAN
Optimized start-up time Moving away from the slow network. This information is
due to less wiring work, master-slave insular DCP called up, processed and an-
Optimization of speed, application towards a net- swered as needed or depen-
Millimeter-precise working of all microproces- ding on urgency. Thus, the
stopping, sor-controlled components component receives the de-
Direct drive-in, via a CAN network system, sired information in real time,
Remote maintenance in which the modules com- without the time delay of a
and configuration of the municate with each other di- master and can respond in-
frequency inverter. rectly. The challenge in lift stantaneously.
Figure 1: DCP frequency inverter connection – through the necessity to send all
information through the lift control system, unnecessary dead times are created;
information is delayed in reaching the available components, which, in part, causes
impacts up to the control area
CANopen functions
in modern lift
during the test of the ing takes place regularly. development of this net-
driving ability, Interface This quality control gives work. In modern lift systems
Output of information compatibility the user security in the CANopen-Lift offers many
about braking distances assembly of his lift sys- advantages compared to
during the brake test. The prerequisite of a cross- tem with CANopen-Lift DCP, which are reflected
The control offers the manufacturer system is the components. in noticeable added val-
possibility of directly pa- compatibility of the com- ue for passengers and
rameterizing the frequency ponents and functionality Conclusion operators.
inverter. A reproduction of of the overall system.
the display of the frequen- The manufacturers of The CAN network is used
cy inverter is not necessary. the CANopen-Lift compo- in millions of applications
Therefore learning the op- nents subject their products worldwide and is the basis
eration and configuration of to constant compatibility of many requirements with a
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