TWist Counter

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Parashar Micro Measurement Pvt. Ltd.

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(18 Years of Exoollerce)
Galbation Gentificate Page 1 of 1
Certificate Number: PMMI120922I26-1 Date of Request 12.09.2022
|Calibrated For M/s.Ravindra Industry Calibrated on 12.09.2022
36 km Stone Delhi Rohtak Road, Ganpati Industrial Valid Upto 11.09.2023
|Area,Sankhol, Bahadurgarh - 124507.H.R. Cert. Issue Date 23.09.2022
Description of Equipments
Nomenclature |Counter Meter (Twist Tester) Accuracy/Class Not Mentioned
Range 0-99999 Count Condition of UUC Physically Ok
Resolution / Least Count 1Count |Serial No. 2208293
Make & Model No. Party ID Mark No.
Material/ Type Location
Master Equipment /Standard Used
Make & Serial No. I Due Date of
Sr.No. Nomenclature
Model VD Mark Calibrated From Certificate No.
1 Dig. Tachometer Lutron PMMPL, Noida PMM/1394 04.09.2023
2 Medichem
Dig.Stop Watch Ele. PMM/SW/02 PMMPL, Noida PMM/1313 28.01.2023

Standard used for calibration are traceable to National Standards through unbroken chain of calibration.
Calibration Performed at Site Environmental Temperature = 25 +5° C
Calibration Procedure No. CP/E/12 Condition(s) Humidity = 30to 75 % RH
Reference Standard / Guideline
Mechanical Calibration
Sr.No. UUC Value (in Count) Standard Value (in Count) Error (in Count)
1 10 10
2 100 100
500 500
4 1000 1000
5 3000 3000 0
6 5000 5000

UUC - Unit Under Calibration

Std. - Standard Instrument
Uncertainty of Measurement (at approx 95% Confidence Level with Coverage factor k=2) =*1%

Calibrated By: Sudhir Kumar

Approved By : Moh. lVbal
Designation :Calibration Engineer Designation : Tech. Manager l Auth. Sign.

Conditions : 1. This certficate refers only to the particular item submitted for calibration.
2. The calibration result reported in this certificate are valid at the time ofand under the stated conditions of measurement.
3. This pariculor certificate can not be reproducedexcept in full, without prior permission of chief executive ofcer of thelab.

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