Grade 9 Lesson 12
Grade 9 Lesson 12
Grade 9 Lesson 12
The Sacrament
Of Holy Orders
s Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, Yes, God places him in front of the people; at the same
He saw two brothers, Simon who is called time, he is placed in front of God by the Church. There
Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting is also one mediator between God and humankind
a net into the sea; they were fishermen. (1Tim. 2:5). The priest, through his priesthood, shares
He said to them, “Come after me, and I will make you the eternal priesthood of Jesus. Thus he acts as the
fishers of men” (Mt. 4:18-19). This is a beautiful scene mediator between God and man.
depicting how Jesus invites His disciples to serve in the
kingdom of God. At once they followed Jesus, leaving The Common Priesthood
behind their parents and everything. At present, the All the baptized are incorporated into the priesthood
service of the kingdom of God is entrusted to priests. of Jesus. This is the common priesthood of the people
This mission will be rendered in the Church till the of God. “...You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy
end of the world. nation, a people of his own” (1Pet. 2:9). Here St. Peter
refers to the common priesthood. Common priesthood
Priesthood in the Old Testament exhorts us to carry on our life and activities in a spirit
God selected Israel as a kingdom of priests and a of sacrificial offering and thus introduce Jesus to all
holy nation. He especially selected the tribe of Levi around us.
for liturgical service. They were appointed to offer
gifts and sacrifices for the people. The sacrifices and The Ministerial Priesthood
priesthood of the old covenant were merely shadows God selects some people and appoints them specially
of the sacrifice and priesthood of the new covenant to for His service. Jesus makes them share His mission
be perfected through Jesus. “...When Christ offered one of leading, teaching and sanctifying the people of
sacrifice for sins, and took his seat forever at the right hand God. Jesus selected them and authorized them to
of one offering he has made perfect forever those proclaim the message, heal the sick and cast out
who are being consecrated.” (Heb. 10:12-14) demons. (Mk. 3:14-15) Thus He gave the disciples
authority to reach the fruits of salvation he secured to
Priest - One Who is Placed in the Front the future generations through the paschal mysteries.
The word ‘priest’ means one who is placed in front. He gifted them with the Holy Spirit and strengthened
C AT E C H E T I C A L T E X T B O O K S E R I E S • SY R O M A L A BA R C H U R C H 65
Chapter 12 // The Sacrament Of Holy Orders
A CTIVITY 1: Break up into groups and read chapter 9 from ACTIVITY 2: In groups of 2-3, discuss the significance of the
the letter to the Hebrews. Compare the priesthood of the Old act of laying on of hands. Are there parallels in history or today’s
Testament with the priesthood of Jesus. day and age?
What happens in priestly ordination? bishops namely, sharers in his conse- Supper and when he commissioned the
In priestly ordination the Bishop calls cration and mission; and these, in their Apostles, however, Christ equipped
down God’s power upon the candi- turn, duly entrusted in varying de- some with a sacred authority to serve
dates for ordination. It imprints upon grees various members of the Church the faithful; these ordained priests
the souls of these men an indelible seal with the office of their ministry”. “The represent Christ as pastors (shepherds)
that can never be lost. As a collabora- function of the bishops’ ministry was of his people and as head of his Body,
tor with his bishop, the priest will pro- handed over in a subordinate degree to the Church. (Youcat answer 259) (CCC
claim the Word of God, administer the priests so that they might be appointed 1546-1553,1592)
sacraments, and, above all, celebrate in the order of the priesthood and be
the Holy Eucharist. (Youcat answer 254) co-workers of the episcopal order for Using the same word, “priest”, for two
the proper fulfillment of the apostolic related things that nevertheless “dif-
During the celebration of a Holy Mass, mission that had been entrusted to it fer essentially and not only in degree”
the actual ordination of priests be- by Christ”. (CCC 1562) (Second Vatican Council, LG 10, 2) of-
gins when the candidates are called by ten leads to misunderstandings. On
name. After the bishop’s homily, the How is the universal priesthood of the one hand, we should observe with
future priest promises obedience to the all the faithful different from the joy that all the baptized are “priests”
bishop and his successors. The actual ordained priesthood? because we live in Christ and share in
ordination takes place through the im- Through Baptism Christ has made us everything he is and does. Why, then,
position of the bishop’s hands and his into a kingdom of “priests to his God do we not call down a permanent
prayer. (Youcat commentary 254) and Father” (Rev 1:6). Through the blessing on this world? On the other
universal priesthood, every Christian hand, we must rediscover God’s gift to
“Christ, whom the Father hallowed and is called to work in the world in God’s his Church, the ordained priests, who
sent into the world, has, through his name and to bring blessings and grace represent the Lord himself among us.
apostles, made their successors, the to it. In the Upper Room during the Last (Youcat commentary 259)
C AT E C H E T I C A L T E X T B O O K S E R I E S • SY R O M A L A BA R C H U R C H 67
68 Church: The Worshipping Community