My First Python Codes - Jupyter Notebook

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FEB 3, 2024

In [1]: print ("Hello world!")

Hello world!

In [2]: print ("hello everyone??")

hello everyone??

In [3]: print (1234567890)


In [4]: print ("1234567890")


In [5]: print ("HELLO gyus I am Haniyah Abdul Samad!!!!!")

HELLO gyus I am Haniyah Abdul Samad!!!!!

In [7]: print ("how are you fine? me too............")

how are you fine? me too............

In [8]: print ("fueuuehh123")


In [ ]: print ("code" 29 "first!")

In [10]: print ("code", 29, "first!")

code 29 first!

In [1]: print ("hiufefehduuvfy3932j u8911jj119199iwjenueueuduehwbwjjw")

hiufefehduuvfy3932j u8911jj119199iwjenueueuduehwbwjjw

Feb 10, 2024

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In [4]: print("Haniyah samad", 15, "october", 29)

print("Haniyah Samad", 15, "October", 29)

Haniyah samad 15 october 29

Haniyah Samad 15 October 29

In [5]: print("Name" , " ", "Marks(100)")

print("Haniyah", " ", 100)
print("Salahuddin", " ", 99)

Name Marks(100)
Haniyah 100
Salahuddin 99

In [6]: print("haniyah samad", 15 "october", 29, sep = " **** ")

Cell In[6], line 1

print("haniyah samad", 15 "october", 29, sep = " **** ")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax. Perhaps you forgot a comma?

In [3]: print ("Haniyah Samad", 15, "October", 29, sep = " **** ")

Haniyah Samad **** 15 **** October **** 29

In [4]: print ("Haniyah Samad", 15, "October", 29, sep = " :)) ")

Haniyah Samad :)) 15 :)) October :)) 29

In [7]: print ("Haniyah Samad", 15, "October", 29, sep = "\n")

Haniyah Samad

In [8]: print("Haniyah samad", 15, "october", 29, end = " Next Statement ")
print("Haniyah Samad", 15, "October", 29)

Haniyah samad 15 october 29 Next Statement Haniyah Samad 15 October 29

In [9]: print("Haniyah samad", 15, "october", 29, end = " *** Next *** ")
print("Haniyah Samad", 15, "October", 29)

Haniyah samad 15 october 29 *** Next *** Haniyah Samad 15 October 29


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In [10]: # Variable is just like a box in which you can store any type of data.
# Variables are used to store values.

In [1]: a = 10

In [2]: print (a)


In [2]: print ("a")

In [14]: print ("value of a is", a)

value of a is 10

In [15]: a = 12.2
print ("value of a is", a)

value of a is 12.2

In [21]: type(a)

Out[21]: float

In [24]: country = "pakistan"

In [25]: print ("country name is", country )

country name is pakistan

In [26]: type (country)

Out[26]: str

In [27]: # Variable name can be anything, but it should not start with a number.

In [28]: name = "Inayah"

In [30]: print (name)


In [31]: abc = "Inayah"

print (abc)


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In [32]: abc123 = "Inayah"

print (abc123)


In [30]: name = "Inayah"

In [5]: Hani = "Inayah"

print (Hani)


In [35]: # Integers data types
# Integers are numbers (0,1,2,3,4,5,99,34567)

# Float data types
# Float data types are for decimals numbers (1.56 , 76.567)

# String data type
# string data type is for characters (any words or sentences or any combinatio

In [7]: a = 12
b = 1.5
c = "Salahuddin"

print ("Type of variable a is", type(a))
print ("Type of varialbe b is", type(b))
print ("Type of variable c is", type(c))

Type of variable a is <class 'int'>

Type of varialbe b is <class 'float'>
Type of variable c is <class 'str'>

In [ ]: # ADD: +
# Integers DIVISION: //
# Float DIVISION: /

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In [1]: # Addition of Strings (known as concatination)

First_Name = "Haniyah"
Middle_Name = "Abdul"
Last_Name = "Samad"

# Task: Print Full Name.

Full_Name = First_Name + Middle_Name + Last_Name

print ("Full_Name is", Full_Name)

Full_Name is HaniyahAbdulSamad

In [10]: Full_Name = First_Name + " " + Middle_Name + " " + Last_Name

print ("Full_Name is", Full_Name)

Full_Name is Haniyah Abdul Samad

In [3]: # Addition of Integers

num1 = 70
num2 = 25

sum = num1 + num2

print ("sum of", sum)

sum of 95

In [4]: print ("sum of" , num1, "and", num2 , "is", sum)

sum of 70 and 25 is 95

In [6]: print (sum)


In [8]: print ("Sum:", sum)

Sum: 95

In [9]: print ("Sum of", "num1", "and", "num2", "is", "sum")

Sum of num1 and num2 is sum

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In [15]: # Subtraction of Integers

num1 = 70
num2 = 25

Difference = num1 - num2

print ("Difference of", num1, "and", num2, "is", Difference)

Difference of 70 and 25 is 45

In [17]: print ("Difference is", Difference)

Difference is 45

In [18]: # Multiplication of Integers

num1 = 8
num2 = 7

Product = num1 * num2

print ("Product of", num1, "and", num2, "is", Product)

Product of 8 and 7 is 56

In [19]: print (Product)


In [20]: print ("Product is", Product)

Product is 56

In [21]: # Multiplication of Integers

num1 = 8
num2 = 7

#Product = num1 * num2

print ("Product of", num1, "and", num2, "is", num1*num2)

Product of 8 and 7 is 56

18 FEB, 2023

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In [1]: # DIVISION


In [5]: # FLOAT

num1 = 50
num2 = 5

Quotient = num1 / num2
print ("quotient of", num1, "and", num2, "is", Quotient)

quotient of 50 and 5 is 10.0

In [6]: # FLOAT

num1 = 50
num2 = 4

Quotient = num1 / num2
print ("quotient of", num1, "and", num2, "is", Quotient)

quotient of 50 and 4 is 12.5

In [7]: # INTEGER

num1 = 50
num2 = 5

Quotient = num1 // num2
print ("quotient of", num1, "and", num2, "is", Quotient)

quotient of 50 and 5 is 10

In [8]: # INTEGER

num1 = 50
num2 = 4

Quotient = num1 // num2
print ("quotient of", num1, "and", num2, "is", Quotient)

quotient of 50 and 4 is 12

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In [10]: # TASK

# Take 8 different numbers in 8 different variables.
# Add first 2 numbers and print the sum.
# Subtract 3rd and 4th numbers and print the difference.
# Multiply 5th and 6th numbers and print the product.
# Divide (integer division) 7th & 8th numbers and print the Quotient.

# Note: print function should be in detail

# 8 variables
num1 = 68
num2 = 13
num3 = 43
num4 = 73
num5 = 23
num6 = 67
num7 = 13
num8 = 15

# Add
Sum = num1 + num2
print ("Sum of", num1, "and", num2, "is", Sum)

# Subtract
Difference = num3 - num4
print ("Difference between", num3, "and", num4, "is", Difference)

# Product
Product = num5 * num6
print ("product of", num5, "and", num6, "is", Product)

# Division

Quotient = num7 // num8
print ("Quotient of", num7, "and", num8, "is", Quotient)

Sum of 68 and 13 is 81
Difference between 43 and 73 is -30
product of 23 and 67 is 1541
Quotient of 13 and 15 is 0

In [13]: Bank_Balance = 20000
Withdaw_Amount = 5000
if (Bank_Balance > Withdaw_Amount):
print("Transaction Successful.")
print("Remaining Balance:" , Bank_Balance - Withdaw_Amount)

Transaction Successful.
Remaining Balance: 15000

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In [14]: Bank_Balance = 2400

Withdaw_Amount = 500

if (Bank_Balance > Withdaw_Amount):
print("Transaction Successful.")
print("Remaining Balance:" , Bank_Balance - Withdaw_Amount)

Transaction Successful.
Remaining Balance: 1900

In [15]: Haniyah = 15
Musab = 8

if (Haniyah > Musab):
print ("Haniyah is senior.")

Haniyah is senior.

24 FEB, 2023

if - else statement
In [16]: Bank_Balance = 20000
Withdaw_Amount = 5000

if (Bank_Balance > Withdaw_Amount):
print("Transaction Successful.")
print("Remaining Balance:" , Bank_Balance - Withdaw_Amount)
print ("Insufficient Balance")

Transaction Successful.
Remaining Balance: 15000

In [17]: Bank_Balance = 20000

Withdaw_Amount = 50000

if (Bank_Balance > Withdaw_Amount):
print("Transaction Successful.")
print("Remaining Balance:" , Bank_Balance - Withdaw_Amount)
print ("Insufficient Balance")

Insufficient Balance

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In [18]: # Issue: Need of >= oprater

Bank_Balance = 20000
Withdaw_Amount = 20000

if (Bank_Balance > Withdaw_Amount):
print("Transaction Successful.")
print("Remaining Balance:" , Bank_Balance - Withdaw_Amount)
print ("Insufficient Balance")

Insufficient Balance

if - elif statement
In [19]: # Issue (Wrong Example, need of elif statement)
# Task: Take 2 numbers in 2 different variables.
# Find out, which number is greater

num1 = 10
num2 = 10

if (num1 > num2):
print ("first number", num1, "is greater than second number", num2)
print ("second number", num2 , "is greater than first number", num1)

second number 10 is greater than first number 10

In [20]: num1 = 100

num2 = 100

if (num1 > num2):
print ("First number", num1, "is greater than second number", num2)
elif (num2 > num1):
print ("Second number", num2, "is greater than First number", num1)
print ("Both numbers are equal.")

Both numbers are equal.

25 FEB, 2023

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In [21]: # Task: find out the grades of students (Marks = 83)

# Grading Policy:
# greater than 90 = A*
# 81 - 90 = A
# 71 - 81 = B
# 61 - 70 = C
# 51 - 60 = D
# Less than 50 = F

Marks = 43

if (Marks > 90):
print ("A* Grade.")

elif (Marks > 80):
print ("A Grade.")

elif (Marks > 70):
print ("B Grade.")

elif (Marks > 60):

print ("C Grade.")

elif (Marks > 50):

print ("D Grade.")

print ("F Grade.")

F Grade.


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In [12]: num1 = 88
operater = "*"
num2 = 50

if (operater == "+"):
add = num1 + num2
print ("Sum of" , num1 , "and" , num2 , "is" , add)

elif (operater == "-"):

subt = num1 - num2
print ("Difference between", num1, "and", num2, "is", Subt)

elif (operater == "*"):

Product = num1 * num2
print ("Product of", num1, "and", num2, "is", Product)

elif (operater == "/"):

div = num1 / num2
print ("Quotient of", num1, "and", num2, "is", div)

Product of 88 and 50 is 4400

March 2nd , 2023

In [16]: # Task: Make a program for mobile password unlock.

savedPassword = "1122"

userpin = input ("Type your 4 digit pincode ")

if (savedPassword == userpin):
print ("correct PIN. screen unlocked")
print ("Incorrect PIN")

Type your 4 digit pincode 1234

Incorrect PIN

In [25]: #Task: Find out either "1234" (str) == 1234 (int)

code = 1234

userInput = (input ("Enter 1234."))

if (code == userInput):
print ("1234 (str) is equal to 1234 (int)")
print ("1234 (str) is not equal to 1234 (int)")

Enter 1234.1234
1234 (str) is not equal to 1234 (int)

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In [23]: # Use of int() function

savedPassword = "1122"

userpin = int(input("Type your 4 digit pincode "))

if (savedPassword == userpin):
print ("correct PIN. screen unlocked")
print ("Incorrect PIN")

Type your 4 digit pincode 1234

Incorrect PIN

In [26]: # Make a program to get email and password from user and check either its corr
# Hint: (Save yor email & password as default in your code.)

saved_email = "[email protected]"
saved_password = "hani123"

input_email = input("Enter your email id:")
input_password = input("Enter your password:")

if (saved_email == input_email):
if (saved_password == input_password):
print ("Login Successful.")
print ("Wrong password.")
print ("Wrong email.")

Enter your email id:[email protected]

Enter your password:hani123
Login Successful.


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In [1]: num1 = int(input("Enter 1st number:"))

operater = input("+ , - , * , /")
num2 = int(input("Enter 2nd number:"))

if (operater == "+"):
add = num1 + num2
print ("Sum of" , num1 , "and" , num2 , "is" , add)

elif (operater == "-"):

subt = num1 - num2
print ("Difference between", num1, "and", num2, "is", subt)

elif (operater == "*"):

Product = num1 * num2
print ("Product of", num1, "and", num2, "is", Product)

elif (operater == "/"):

div = num1 / num2
print ("Quotient of", num1, "and", num2, "is", div)

Enter 1st number:748

+ , - , * , /*
Enter 2nd number:646
Product of 748 and 646 is 483208


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In [ ]: # Account Detailes
Account1_name = "Haniyah Samad"
Account1_ATM = "20081029"
Account1_PIn = "3456"
Account1_Balance = 90000

Account2_name = "Muhammad Musab"
Account2_ATM = "498765"
Account2_PIn = "9876"
Account2_Balance =80000

Account3_name = "Naimah Baji"
Accont3_ATM = "202026"
Account3_PIn = "1234"
Account3_Balance = 70000

# Enter ATM card
user_ATM = input("Please Enter your ATM Card Number:")
# Account_1
if (user_ATM == Account1_ATM):
print (Account1_name)
user_PIn = input("Enter your 4-Digit PIn:")
if (user_PIn == Account1_PIn):
option = input ("Press 1 to check Balance , Press 2 to Withdraw Cash."
if (option == "1"):
print ("Your available Balance: Rs" , Account1_Balance)
elif (option == "2"):
Withdraw_Amount = int(input("Enter Amount to Withdraw:"))
if (Withdraw_Amount <= Account1_Balance):
Account1_Balance = Account1_Balance - Withdraw_Amount
print ("Withdraw Successful")
print ("Take Your ATM Card.")
print ("Take Your Cash.")
print ("Your remaining Balance is" , Account1_Balance)
print ("Insufficient Balance.")
print ("Invalid Balance.")
print ("Wrong PIn Code.")

#Account 2
elif (user_ATM == Account2_ATM):
print (Account2_name)
user_PIn = input("Enter your 4-Digit PIn:")
if (user_PIn == Account2_PIn):
option = input ("Press 1 to check Balance , Press 2 to Withdraw Cash."
if (option == "1"):
print ("Your available Balance: Rs" , Account2_Balance)
elif (option == "2"):
Withdraw_Amount = int(input("Enter Amount to Withdraw:"))
if (Withdraw_Amount <= Account2_Balance):
Account2_Balance = Account2_Balance - Withdraw_Amount
print ("Withdraw Successful")
print ("Take Your ATM Card.")
print ("Take Your Cash.")
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print ("Your remaining Balance is" , Account2_Balance)
print ("Insufficient Balance.")
print ("Invalid Balance.")
print ("Wrong PIn Code.")

# Account 3
elif (user_ATM == Account3_ATM):
print (Account3_name)
user_PIn = input("Enter your 4-Digit PIn:")
if (user_PIn == Account3_PIn):
option = input ("Press 1 to check Balance , Press 2 to Withdraw Cash."
if (option == "1"):
print ("Your available Balance: Rs" , Account3_Balance)
elif (option == "2"):
Withdraw_Amount = int(input("Enter Amount to Withdraw:"))
if (Withdraw_Amount <= Account3_Balance):
Account3_Balance = Account3_Balance - Withdraw_Amount
print ("Withdraw Successful")
print ("Take Your ATM Card.")
print ("Take Your Cash.")
print ("Your remaining Balance is" , Account3_Balance)
print ("Insufficient Balance.")
print ("Invalid Balance.")
print ("Wrong PIn Code.")

Mar 16, 2024

In [ ]: # Save all siblings names.

Sibling1 = "Haniyah"
Sibling2 = "Salahuddin"
Sibling3 = "Shaheedu"
Sibling4 = "Zaeemu"

In [ ]: # List is used store multiple values in a single variable.
# We use [] to make a list.

# Syntax:
# ListName = [value1 , value2 , value3 , value4 , .......]

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In [1]: # Save all siblings names

# Creat a list of siblings

Siblings = ["Haniyah" , "Salahuddin" , "Shaheedu" , "Zaeemu"]
print ("List of Siblings:" , Siblings)

List of Siblings: ['Haniyah', 'Salahuddin', 'Shaheedu', 'Zaeemu']

In [2]: # Creat a List of 9 random numbers

numbs = [29 , 24 , 17 , 10 , 1 , 21 , 9 , 2 , 13 ]
print (numbs)

[29, 24, 17, 10, 1, 21, 9, 2, 13]

In [3]: Account1 = ["Haniyah" , "20081029" , "3456" , 90000]

Account2 = ["Haniyah" , "20081029" , "3456" , 90000]

In [4]: print ("Account1:" , Account1)

print ("Account2:" , Account2)

Account1: ['Haniyah', '20081029', '3456', 90000]

Account2: ['Musab', '498765', '9876', 80000]

In [5]: # Index no is the address of each value in the list
# First value has index no 0, next value has index no 1, and so on.....

# List = [Value1 , Value2 , Value3 , Value4......]
# Index = 0 1 2 3 ......


In [12]: # Name ATM PIN Balance
Account1 = ["Haniyah" , "20081029" , "3456" , 90000]
Account2 = ["Musab" , "498765" , "9876" , 80000]
# Index 0 1 2 3

In [14]: # Access list elements

# Syntax
# ListName[index no]

print ("Account Holder Nmae:" , Account1)
print ("Account Holder Nmae:" , Account2)

Account Holder Nmae: ['Haniyah', '20081029', '3456', 90000]

Account Holder Nmae: ['Musab', '498765', '9876', 80000]

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In [17]: # Task:
# Print Account Holder Names with Account Balance

print ("Account1 :" , Account1[0] , ":" , Account1[3])
print ("Account2 :" , Account2[0] , ":" , Account2[3] )

Account1 : Haniyah : 90000

Account2 : Musab : 80000

MAR 17, 2024

Length of the List

In [20]: # Syntax:
# Len(ListName)

Siblings = ["Haniyah" , "Salahuddin" , "Shaheedu" , "Zaeemu" , "Inayah"]
print ("Length of the list is" , len(Siblings))

Length of the list is 5

In [21]: numbs = [1,2,3,4,5,67,89,56,43]

print ("Length :" , len(Siblings))

Length : 5

Functions of List
In [18]: Siblings = ["Haniyah" , "Salahuddin" , "Shaheedu" , "Zaeemu"]

In [22]: # Siblings.append ("value") # Add a new value

# Siblings.clear () # Clear the list
# Siblings.copy () # Create a copy of list
# Siblings.count () # It will count how many times a specific value is in the
# Siblings.index () # Give index number of any specific value.
# Siblings.insert () # Add a new value at specific index.
# Siblings.pop () # It will delete and return the value.
# Siblings.remove () # It will remove the value
# Siblings.reverse () # Reverse the order of the list
# Siblings.sort () # Sort the list in descending order


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In [23]: # Append function is use to add any value in the list

# Append function will add the value at the enf of the list.

# Syntax:
# ListName.append(Value)

In [24]: Siblings = ["Haniyah" , "Salahuddin" , "Shaheedu" , "Zaeemu"]

# Task: Add "Ammar" In the list of siblings and print the list.

print (Siblings)

['Haniyah', 'Salahuddin', 'Shaheedu', 'Zaeemu', 'Ammar']

In [25]: Siblings = ["Haniyah" , "Salahuddin" , "Shaheedu" , "Zaeemu"]

# Task: Add "Naimah" In the list of siblings and print the list.

print (Siblings)

['Haniyah', 'Salahuddin', 'Shaheedu', 'Zaeemu', 'Naimah']

MAR 24, 2024

In [1]: # Difference between Append and Insert

# Append
# It will add the new value at the end of the list
# Syuntax: ListName.append(value)

# Insert
# It will add the new value at any given index number
# Syntax: Listname.insert(index no , value)

In [2]: Siblings = ["Haniyah" , "Salahuddin" , "Shaheedu" , "Zaeemu"]

In [3]: # Task: Add "Naimah" at the start of the list

Siblings.insert(0 , "Naimah")
print ("Siblings List:" , Siblings)

Siblings List: ['Naimah', 'Haniyah', 'Salahuddin', 'Shaheedu', 'Zaeemu']

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In [4]: # Task: Add "Inayah" at index 4

Siblings.insert(4 , "Inayah")
print ("Siblings list:" , Siblings)

Siblings list: ['Naimah', 'Haniyah', 'Salahuddin', 'Shaheedu', 'Inayah', 'Za


In [2]: # Task:
# Create a list of your 3 Friends.
# Add a new friend name "Samreen" at first place in previous list.
# Add "END" at the last of the list.
# Print the list

Friends = ["Sarah" , "Zurwah" , "Saqia"]
Friends.insert(0 , "Samreen")
print (Friends)

['Samreen', 'Sarah', 'Zurwah', 'Saqia', 'END']

In [7]: # IT will remove all the values from the list
# It will make the list empty

In [8]: print(Friends)

['Samreen', 'Sarah', 'Zurwah', 'Saqia', 'END']

In [10]: # Task: Remove all the lines from the Friends list

print ("List:" , Friends)

List: []

In [23]: # Copy by value
# After creating a new copy of of list, any changes in main list will not effe
# Syntax: CopiedListName = MainListName.Copy()

# Copy by refference
# After creating a copy of list, any changes in main list will also gets chang
# CopiedlistName = MainListName

Copy By Value
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In [24]: friends = ["Hareem" , "Hala" , "Inayah" , "Hiba"]

CopyFriends = friends.copy()

In [26]: print ("Main List" , friends)

print ("Copied List" , CopyFriends)

Main List ['Hareem', 'Hala', 'Inayah', 'Hiba']

Copied List ['Hareem', 'Hala', 'Inayah', 'Hiba']

In [27]: # Task: Append a new value "Naimah" into the main list and print both lists


In [29]: print ("Main List" , friends)

print ("Copied List" , CopyFriends)

Main List ['Hareem', 'Hala', 'Inayah', 'Hiba', 'Naimah']

Copied List ['Hareem', 'Hala', 'Inayah', 'Hiba']

In [30]: # Task: Append a new value "Mirha" into the copied list and print both list


In [31]: print ("Main List" , friends)

print ("Copied List" , CopyFriends)

Main List ['Hareem', 'Hala', 'Inayah', 'Hiba', 'Naimah']

Copied List ['Hareem', 'Hala', 'Inayah', 'Hiba', 'Mirha']

Copy By Reference
In [32]: friends = ["Hareem" , "Hala" , "Inayah" , "Hiba"]
CopyFriends = friends

In [33]: print ("Main List" , friends)

print ("Copied List" , CopyFriends)

Main List ['Hareem', 'Hala', 'Inayah', 'Hiba']

Copied List ['Hareem', 'Hala', 'Inayah', 'Hiba']

In [34]: # Task: Append a new value "Naimah" into the main list and print both lists


In [35]: print ("Main List" , friends)

print ("Copied List" , CopyFriends)

Main List ['Hareem', 'Hala', 'Inayah', 'Hiba', 'Naimah']

Copied List ['Hareem', 'Hala', 'Inayah', 'Hiba', 'Naimah']

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In [36]: # Task: Append a new value "Mirha" into the copied list and print both list


In [37]: print ("Main List" , friends)

print ("Copied List" , CopyFriends)

Main List ['Hareem', 'Hala', 'Inayah', 'Hiba', 'Naimah', 'Mirha']

Copied List ['Hareem', 'Hala', 'Inayah', 'Hiba', 'Naimah', 'Mirha']

In [ ]: # It will count, how many time any specific value occurs in the list

In [1]: friends = ["Sarah" , "Haniayh" , "Sana" , "Haniayh" , "Zara" , "Fatimah"]

In [2]: # Count how many, times "Haniyah" is in the friends list


Out[2]: 2

In [3]: # Count how many, times "Sana" is in the friends list


Out[3]: 1

In [4]: # It is use to add multiple values together in the list.

In [5]: friends = ["Hareem" , "Hala" , "Inayah" , "Hiba"]

# Task: add "Naimah" , "Mirha" , "Irha" , "Maham" in the friends list.

# friends.append("Naimah")
# friends.append("Mirha")
# friends.append("Irha")
# friends.append("Maham")

friends.extend(["Naimah" , "Mirha" , "Irha" , "Maham"])

print (friends)

['Hareem', 'Hala', 'Inayah', 'Hiba', 'Naimah', 'Mirha', 'Irha', 'Maham']

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In [22]: friends = ["Hareem" , "Hala" , "Inayah" , "Hiba"]

# Task: add "Naimah" , "Mirha" , "Irha" , "Maham" in the friends list.

new_friends = ["Naimah" , "Mirha" , "Irha" , "Maham"]


print (friends)

['Hareem', 'Hala', 'Inayah', 'Hiba', 'Naimah', 'Mirha', 'Irha', 'Maham']

31 MAR, 2024

In [33]: # Return index number of the value

friends = ["Usman" , "Ali" , "Usama" , "Salman"]

# Find out index number of "Usama"


Out[33]: 2

In [34]: friends.index("Ali")

Out[34]: 1

In [35]: friends.extend(["Usman" , "Nial" , "Mikael" , "Atiq" , "Ali"])

In [36]: friends

Out[36]: ['Usman', 'Ali', 'Usama', 'Salman', 'Usman', 'Nial', 'Mikael', 'Atiq', 'Al

In [37]: # Find index number of "Usman"


Out[37]: 0

In [38]: friends.count("Usman")

Out[38]: 2

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In [39]: # Find the index number of 2nd occurrence of name "Usman"

friends.index("Usman" , friends.index("Usman")+1)

Out[39]: 4

In [40]: friends = ['Ali', 'Usama', 'Salman', 'Usman', 'Nial', 'Mikael', 'Atiq', 'Ali'

In [41]: # Find the index number of 2nd occurrence of name "Usman"

friends.index("Usman" , friends.index("Usman")+1)

Out[41]: 8

In [42]: # Find index number of "Ali"


Out[42]: 0

In [43]: # Find the index number of 2nd occurrence of name "Ali"

friends.index("Ali" , friends.index("Ali")+1)

Out[43]: 7

In [44]: # Example:
friends = ['Ali', 'Usama', 'Salman', 'Usman', 'Nial', 'Mikael', 'Atiq', 'Ali']

print (friends)

user_input = input("Enter a name to find out it's index number:")

c = friends.count(user_input)

if (c == 0):
print ("Value not found!")
elif (c == 1):
i = friends.index(user_input)
print ("Index no of" , user_input , "is" , i)
elif (c == 2):
print ("2 Values found")
i1 = friends.index(user_input)
print ("Index no of first occurence is" , i1)

i2 = i = friends.index(user_input , i1 + 1)
print ("Index no of 2nd occurence is" , i2)

['Ali', 'Usama', 'Salman', 'Usman', 'Nial', 'Mikael', 'Atiq', 'Ali']

Enter a name to find out it's index number:Ali
2 Values found
Index no of first occurence is 0
Index no of 2nd occurence is 7

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Pop Function
In [45]: # Pop function is used to remove any value from the list
# It will return you the value
# By defualt, it remves the last value
# It can also remove a value by any index number

# Syntax:
# Variable = ListName.pop() // remove the last value
# Variable = LisrName.pop(index no) // removes the value at given index number

In [46]: students = ["Ibrahim" , "Abaan" , "Haniyah"]

# Task: Remove the last value and print it
# Print the list.

RemovedValue = students.pop()
print ("Removed Value is" , RemovedValue)
print ("Updated list is" , students)

Removed Value is Haniyah

Updated list is ['Ibrahim', 'Abaan']

In [48]: friends = ["Usman" , "Usama" , "Asad" , "Abeera" , "Ibrahim"]

# Task: Remove the value and print it
# Print the list

RemovedValue = friends.pop(3)
print ("Removed Value is" , RemovedValue)
print ("Updated list is" , friends)

Removed Value is Abeera

Updated list is ['Usman', 'Usama', 'Asad', 'Ibrahim']

In [50]: friends = ["Usman" , "Usama" , "Asad" , "Abeera" , "Ibrahim"]

# Task: Remove the value "Ibrahim" and print it
# Print the list

i = friends.index("Ibrahim")
RemovedValue = friends.pop(i)
print ("Removed Value is" , RemovedValue)
print ("Updated list is" , friends)

Removed Value is Ibrahim

Updated list is ['Usman', 'Usama', 'Asad', 'Abeera']

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In [51]: Section_A = ["Saad" , "Sadiq" , "Burair"]

Section_B = ["Umair" , "Fatimah"]

# Task:
# Remove "Burair" from Section_A and add it in Section_B.

i = Section_A.index("Burair")
RemovedValue = Section_A.pop(i)


print ("Section_A:" , Section_A)
print ("Section_B:" , Section_B)

Section_A: ['Saad', 'Sadiq']

Section_B: ['Umair', 'Fatimah', 'Burair']

In [52]: # remove function is use to remove any value from the list.
# It will remove Specific value given as parameter.
# It will not return the Value

# Syntax:
# ListName.remove(value)

In [54]: friends = ["Usman" , "Usama" , "Asad" , "Abeera" , "Ibrahim"]

print ("Friends list:" , friends)friends =

Friends list: ['Usman', 'Usama', 'Asad', 'Abeera', 'Ibrahim']

In [55]: # Task: Remove "Asad" from the list.

print ("Updated List:" , friends)

Updated List: ['Usman', 'Usama', 'Abeera', 'Ibrahim']

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In [57]: # Task:

friends = ["Usman" , "Usama" , "Asad" , "Abeera" , "Ibrahim"]

# Take input a name from user and remove it from the list.

print (friends)
name = input("Enter a name to remove from the list: ")

if (name in friends):
print ("Value not found!")
print ("Updated List:" , friends)

['Usman', 'Usama', 'Asad', 'Abeera', 'Ibrahim']

Enter a name to remove from the list: Haniyah
Value not found!
Updated List: ['Usman', 'Usama', 'Asad', 'Abeera', 'Ibrahim']

In [59]: # It will reverse the order of the list

friends = ["Usman" , "Usama" , "Asad" , "Abeera" , "Ibrahim"]

print (friends)

['Ibrahim', 'Abeera', 'Asad', 'Usama', 'Usman']

In [61]: # Example
nums = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
print (nums)

[9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]

In [62]: # It will sort the list items in ascending order

In [64]: nums = [9,56,8,94,2,34,56,7,834,786]

print ("Sorted list:" , nums)

Sorted list: [2, 7, 8, 9, 34, 56, 56, 94, 786, 834]

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In [66]: # Sort the list in descending order

nums = [9,56,8,94,2,34,56,7,834,786]
nums.sort(reverse = True)
print ("Sorted list:" , nums)

Sorted list: [834, 786, 94, 56, 56, 34, 9, 8, 7, 2]

In [67]: # Sort the list in descending order

nums = [9,56,8,94,2,34,56,7,834,786]
print ("Sorted list:" , nums)

Sorted list: [834, 786, 94, 56, 56, 34, 9, 8, 7, 2]

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In [5]: TAsk: Give 1-10 options to the user to select any, and perform the task.
# 1. Create a list of friends(Add your name too).
# 2. Take input a new name from the user and add it in the list.
# 3. Delete your name from the list.
# 4. Take input 3 more names from the user and add it in the list.
# 5. Take input a name from the user and delete it.
# 6. Take input name from the user and find out it's index number.
# 7. Create a copy of the list.
# 8. Sort the list in descending order.
# 9. Print the friends list.
# 10. Print the copied list.

print("1. Create a list of your friends")
print("2. Take input a new friends name from the user and add it in the list."
print("3. Delete your name from the list.")
print("4. Take input 3 more names from the user and add it in the list.")
print("5. Take input a name from the user and delete it.")
print("6. Take input name from the user and find out it's index number.")
print("7. Create a copy of the list.")
print("8. Sort the list in descending order.")
print("9. Print the friends list.")
print("10. Print the copied list.")

option = int(input("Select any option from 1 - 10: "))

if (option == 1):
friends = ["Usman" , "Usama" , "Salman" , "Mubashar"]
print("Task 1: Friends List:" , friends)

elif (option == 2):
new_name = input("Enter a new friend name: ")
print("Task 2: Friends List:" , friends)

elif (option == 3):
print("Task 3: Friends List:" , friends)

elif (option == 4):
name1 = input("Enter 1st name: ")
name2 = input("Enter 2nd name: ")
name3 = input("Enter 3rd name: ")
friends.extend([name1 , name2, name3])
print("Task 4: Friends List:" , friends)

elif (option == 5):
name = input("Enter a name to delete: ")
if (name in friends):
print("Value not found!")
print("Task 5: Friends List:" , friends)

elif (option == 6):
name = input("Enter a name to find it's index number: ")
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if (name in friends):
i = friends.index(name)
print("Task 6: Index No:" , i)
print("Value not found!")

elif (option == 7):
copy_friends = friends.copy()
print("Task 7: Copied List:" , copy_friends)

elif (option == 8):
friends.sort(reverse = True)
print("Task 8: Friends List:" , friends)

elif (option == 9):
print("Task 9: Friends List:" , friends)

elif (option == 10):
print("Task 10: Copied List:" , copy_friends)

print("Invalid Option")

File <tokenize>:70
print("Task 8: Friends List:" , friends)
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level

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In [51]: # Task:
# Create a Blood group directory (having 3 names and their Blood Group)
# and give user an option.
# Press 1 to search Blood Group by name.
# Press 2 to delete a contact by name.
# Press 3 to Blood Group of any contact by name.
# Press 4 to print all the details.
# Press 5 to add any new name and it's Blood Group .
# Hint: Create a separate list of Names and Blood Groups.

Names = ["Abaan" , "Haniyah" , "Ali"]
Blood_Groups = ["B+" , "O-" , "A+"]

print ("Press 1 to search Blood Group by name")
print ("Press 2 to delete a contact by name")
print ("Press 3 to change Blood Group of any contact by name")
print ("Press 4 to print all the details")
print ("Press 5 to add any new name and it's Blood Group")

option = input("Select any option (1 - 5)")

if (option == "1"):
name_input = input("Enter a name:")
if (name_input in Names):
i = Names.index(name_input)
Blood = Blood_Groups[i]
print(name_input , ":" , Blood)
print ("Name is not in the list!")

elif (option == "2"):

name_input = input("Enter a name to delete:")
if (name_input in Names):
i = Names.index(name_input)
print (Names , ":" , Blood_Groups)
print ("Name is not in the list!")

elif (option == "3"):

name_input = input("Enter a name to change it's Blood:")
if (name_input in Names):
i = Names.index(name_input)
print (name_input , ":" , Blood_Groups[i])
new_BG = input("Enter new Blood Group: ")
Blood_Groups[i] = new_BG
print (Names , ":" , Blood_Groups)
print ("Name is not in the list!")

elif (option == "4"):
print (Names , ":" , Blood_Groups)

elif (option == "5"):
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new_name = input("Enter new contact name: ")
new_BG = input("Enter Blood Group:")
print (Names , ":" , Blood_Groups)

("Wrong option selected!")

Press 1 to search Blood Group by name

Press 2 to delete a contact by name
Press 3 to change Blood Group of any contact by name
Press 4 to print all the details
Press 5 to add any new name and it's Blood Group
Select any option (1 - 5)5
Enter new contact name: Maryam
Enter Blood Group:AB+
['Abaan', 'Haniyah', 'Ali', 'Maryam'] : ['B+', 'O-', 'A+', 'AB+']

In [1]: nums = [2,4,7,9,12,15,19,24,28,31,39,46,53,72]

# Task: print 4th to 10th value of above list with index number.

print(nums[3] , nums[4] ,nums[5] , nums[6] , nums[7] , nums[8] , nums[9])

9 12 15 19 24 28 31

In [3]: # Slicing will give you all the values of list within its range
# Syntax: ListName[starting index : ending index + 1]
# Slicing will give you the value of starting index
# But, it will not give you value of ending index (will end before it, use + 1

nums = [2,4,7,9,12,15,19,24,28,31,39,46,53,65]

# Task: Print 4th to 10th value of above list with index number.

print(nums[3 : 9 + 1])

[9, 12, 15, 19, 24, 28, 31]

In [5]: # Task: Print 5th to 10th value

print(nums[4 : 10])

[12, 15, 19, 24, 28, 31]

In [7]: # Task: Print 1st to 9th value

print(nums[0 : 9])

[2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 15, 19, 24, 28]

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In [9]: # Task: Print 1st to 9th value

print(nums[ : 9])

[2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 15, 19, 24, 28]

In [11]: # Task: Print 3rd value to last value

print(nums[2 : ])

[7, 9, 12, 15, 19, 24, 28, 31, 39, 46, 53, 65]

In [13]: # Task: Print 3rd and last value only

print ("Frist Value" , nums[0])

print ("Last Value" , nums[-1])

Frist Value 2
Last Value 65

In [14]: #index 0 1 2 3 4..............

nums = [2 , 4 , 7 , 9 , 12 , 15 , 19 , 24 , 28 , 31 ]
#index ...................-4 -3 -2 -1

In [16]: # Print 4th Last value



In [18]: # Print from the 4th to last value

print(nums[3 : -3 + 1])

[9, 12, 15, 19, 24]

In [19]: # Print last 5 values

print(nums[-5 : ])

[15, 19, 24, 28, 31]

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In [1]: # Difference between tuple and list

# We use [] (square brackets)
# List is changable

# We use () (samll brackets)
# Tuple values are not changable

In [14]: List_Names = ["Haniyah" , "Salahudddin" , "Musab"]

Tuple_Names = ("Haniyah" , "Maryam" , "Musab" , "Shaheedu")

In [15]: print ("List:" , List_Names)

print ("Tuple:" , Tuple_Names)

List: ['Haniyah', 'Salahudddin', 'Musab']

Tuple: ('Haniyah', 'Maryam', 'Musab', 'Shaheedu')

In [16]: # Add a new name Shaheedu in the list

print ("List:" , List_Names)

List: ['Haniyah', 'Salahudddin', 'Musab', 'Shaheedu']

In [8]: # We cannot appened or remove any value in Tuple

Functions of Tuple (count , index)

In [11]: Tuple_Names = ("Shaheedu" , "Haniyah" , "Maryam" , "Inayah" , "Musab" , "Shahe

In [13]: # Task: Take input a name from user and check,

# how many times it appears in the Tuple.

name = input("Enter a name to get it's count:")

Enter a name to get it's count:Shaheedu

Out[13]: 2

In [33]: # Task: Take input a name from user and find it's index number.

name = input("Enter a name to get it's index no:")

Enter a name to get it's index no:Musab

Out[33]: 2

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In [18]: # Account Detailes

#Account1_name = "Haniyah Samad"
#Account1_ATM = "20081029"
#Account1_PIn = "3456"
#Account1_Balance = 90000

#Account2_name = "Muhammad Musab"
#Account2_ATM = "498765"
#Account2_PIn = "9876"
#Account2_Balance =80000

#Account3_name = "Naimah Baji"
#Accont3_ATM = "202026"
#Account3_PIn = "1234"
#Account3_Balance = 70000


#Account1 = ["Haniyah Samad" , "20081029" , "3456" , 90000]
#Account2 = ["Muhammad Musab" , "498765" , "9876" , 80000]
#Account3 = ["Naimah Baji" , "202026" , "1234" , 70000]

# Lists os Lists

Accounts = [["Haniyah Samad" , "20081029" , "3456" , 90000] , ["Muhammad Musab
Name = 0
ATM = 1
PIn = 2
Balnce = 3

# Enter ATM card
user_ATM = input("Please Enter your ATM Card Number:")

# Account_1
if (user_ATM == Accounts[0][ATM]):
print (Accounts[0][Name])
user_PIn = input("Enter your 4-Digit PIn:")
if (user_PIn == Accounts[0][Name]):
option = input ("Press 1 to check Balance , Press 2 to Withdraw Cash."
if (option == "1"):
print ("Your available Balance: Rs" , Accounts[0][Balnce])
elif (option == "2"):
Withdraw_Amount = int(input("Enter Amount to Withdraw:"))
if (Withdraw_Amount <= Accounts[0][Balance]):
Accounts[0][Balance] = Accounts[0][Balance] - Withdraw_Amount
print ("Withdraw Successful")
print ("Take Your ATM Card.")
print ("Take Your Cash.")
print ("Your remaining Balance is" , Accounts[0][Balance])
print ("Insufficient Balance.")
print ("Invalid Balance.")
print ("Wrong PIn Code.")

# elif Account[1]
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# elif Account[2]

# else

Please Enter your ATM Card Number:20081029

Haniyah Samad
Enter your 4-Digit PIn:3456
Wrong PIn Code.

In [26]: Accounts = [["Haniyah Samad" , "20081029" , "3456" , 90000] , ["Muhammad Musab

In [27]: Accounts[0]

Out[27]: ['Haniyah Samad', '20081029', '3456', 90000]

In [29]: Accounts[2]

Out[29]: ['Naimah Baji', '202026', '1234', 70000]

In [30]: Accounts[0][1]

Out[30]: '20081029'

In [31]: Accounts[1][0]

Out[31]: 'Muhammad Musab'

In [32]: Accounts[0][0]

Out[32]: 'Haniyah Samad'

In [35]: # Loop is used to repeat any instruction/s multiple times.
# Repitation depends on range of the Loop

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In [36]: # Why we need Loops in Python?

print (1 , "Haniyah")
print (2 , "Haniyah")
print (3 , "Haniayh")
print (4 , "Haniyah")
print (5 , "Haniyah")

# But what if we had to repeat it 5000 times

1 Haniyah
2 Haniyah
3 Haniayh
4 Haniyah
5 Haniyah

In [37]: # Types of Loops

# 1. For Loop
# 2. While Loop

In [38]: # It will repeat itself until a specific range gets false.

# Syntax:
# for variable in range(repitation value):
# instruction/s

In [41]: # Print your name 5 times with numbering.

for num in range(5):
print ("Haniyah")


In [42]: for num in range(5):

print (num)


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In [43]: for num in range(5):

print (num , "Haniyah")

0 Haniyah
1 Haniyah
2 Haniyah
3 Haniyah
4 Haniyah

In [44]: for num in range(5):

print (num+1 , "Haniyah")

1 Haniyah
2 Haniyah
3 Haniyah
4 Haniyah
5 Haniyah

In [3]: # Take input 5 numbers from user and check each number either it's even/odd

for a in range(5):
num = int(input(f"Enter {a+1} number: "))

if (num % 2 == 0):
print(f"Number {num} is even.")
print(f"Number {num} is odd.")

Enter 1 number: 3
Number 3 is odd.
Enter 2 number: 6
Number 6 is even.
Enter 3 number: 45
Number 45 is odd.
Enter 4 number: 78
Number 78 is even.
Enter 5 number: 23
Number 23 is odd.

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In [5]: # Take input a number from user and print it's multiples/tables(upto 10)
# Format: if num is 8 , then print 8 x 1 = 8 ,......

num = int(input("Enter a number to print it's multiples: "))


for a in range(10):
print(f"{num} x {a+1} = {num*(a+1)}")

Enter a number to print it's multiples: 7

7 x 1 = 7
7 x 2 = 14
7 x 3 = 21
7 x 4 = 28
7 x 5 = 35
7 x 6 = 42
7 x 7 = 49
7 x 8 = 56
7 x 9 = 63
7 x 10 = 70

MAY 11 , 2024
In [7]: # Range of for loop can be a value, list, string, tuple, etc........

In [1]: # Marks of different students

marks = [90 , 83 , 75 , 100 , 23 , 45]

# Print marks of each students with student numbering.

# Print("Student 1:" , marks[0])
# Print("Student 2:" , marks[1])

num = 1
for a in marks:
print("Student" , num , ":" , a)
num = num + 1

Student 1 : 90
Student 2 : 83
Student 3 : 75
Student 4 : 100
Student 5 : 23
Student 6 : 45

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In [2]: num = 1
for a in [90, 82, 67, 45, 76, 23,]:
print("Student" , num , ":" , a)
num = num + 1

Student 1 : 90
Student 2 : 82
Student 3 : 67
Student 4 : 45
Student 5 : 76
Student 6 : 23

In [4]: country = "Pakistan"

for a in country:


In [6]: ​
for a in "Pakistan":


In [8]: for a in ("Pakistan" , "China"):



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In [10]: marks = [90 , 82 , 100 , 45 , 23 , 76 , 99 , 56 , 76]

# Add all marks of student and print his total obtained marks.
# Print the percentage (Total marks: 900)

sum = 0
for a in marks:
sum = sum + a

print("Total Obtained Marks:" , sum)

p = (sum/900) * 100
print ("Percentage:" , int(p) , "%")

Total Obtained Marks: 647

Percentage: 71 %

In [11]: # Add all numbers from 1 tp 100 and print the sum.

sum = 0
for a in range(101):
sum = sum + a
print("Sum =" , sum)

Sum = 5050

In [12]: # It will repeat itself until a specific condition gets false:

# Syntax
# while(condition):
# instruction/s

In [15]: flag = True

print("While Loop")
flag = False

print("Outside while loop.")

While Loop
Outside while loop.

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In [17]: num = 0

while(num < 11):
num = num + 1


In [2]: # Simple Calculator

flag = True

while (flag):
num1 = int(input("Enter 1st number:"))
operater = input("+ , - , * , /")
num2 = int(input("Enter 2nd number:"))

if (operater == "+"):
sum = num1 + num2
print ("Sum =" , sum)

elif (operater == "-"):

diff = num1 - num2
print ("Difference =" , diff)

elif (operater == "*"):

product = num1 * num2
print ("Product = " , product)

elif (operater == "/"):

div = num1 / num2
print ("Quotient =" , div)

user_input = input("Press c to continue or Q to quite: ")

if (user_input == "Q"):
flag = False

Enter 1st number:45

+ , - , * , /+
Enter 2nd number:34
Sum = 79
Press c to continue or Q to quite: Q

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In [3]: # It will end the loop at any iteration

In [3]: # Task: You have a students list having only your name as the first value.
# Use while loop
# Ask the user to either Enter a new student name or "Q" to quite:
# If input is "Q" , end the loop. Else append the value in list.

students = ["Haniyah"]

user_input = input("Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:")
if (user_input == 'Q'):


Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:Inayah

Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:Q
['Haniyah', 'Inayah']

MAY 12 , 2024
In [4]: # It will skip that particular iteration of loop

In [1]: students = ["Haniyah"]

user_input = input("Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:")
if (user_input == 'Q'):
elif (user_input == ""):


Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:

Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:
Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:aina
Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:saleha
Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:
Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:
Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:naimah
Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:
Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:Q
['Haniyah', 'aina', 'saleha', 'naimah']

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In [6]: nums = [1,2,7,0,45,143,23,96,0,13,45,463]

# Print all the values of list, exept 0.

for a in nums:
if (a == 0):



country = input("Enter your country name:")
print("Your country name is" , country.upper())

Enter your country name:pakistan

Your country name is PAKISTAN

In [10]: students = ["HANIYAH"]

user_input = input("Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:")
if (user_input == 'Q'):
elif (user_input == ""):


Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:sara

Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:samreen
Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:Q

lower case

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In [12]: # all letters are small

fruit = input("Enter your favourite fruit")
print("your favourite fruit is" , fruit.lower())

Enter your favourite fruitAPPLE

your favourite fruit is apple

In [2]: students = ["HANIYAH"]

user_input = input("Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:")
if (user_input.lower() == 'q'):
elif (user_input == ""):


Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:inayah

Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:musab
Enter a new student name or 'Q' to quite:Q

Title case
In [14]: # Only First Letter Capital Of Each

country = input("Enter your country name:")
print("Your country name is" , country.title())

Enter your country name:pakistan

Your country name is Pakistan

In [15]: # Loop inside another loop

In [17]: # Task: print numbers from 0 to 5.

for a in range(6):


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In [18]: # Print numbers from 0 to 5.

# Sequence: print 0 for 0 time , 1 for 1 time , 2 for 2 time and so on........

for a in range(6):
for b in range(a):


In [19]: # Task:

# Print

# * * *
# * * *
# * * *

for a in range(5):
print("* * *")

* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *

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In [21]: # Task:
# Take input a number from user and print a square of "*"
# Square is a shape with equal sides.
# Hint: if user enters 3, then.....

# * * *
# * * *
# * * *

size = int(input("Enter size of square: "))

for a in range(size):
for b in range(size):
print("*" , end = " ")


Enter size of square: 5

* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *

In [3]: #Print

# *
# * *
# * * *
# * * * *
# * * * * *

In [ ]: ​

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