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Time allowed: 3 hours
Full marks: 200
Answer all the qucstions.
Questions are of equal value.
Serial No. Roll No.:

Signature of the Candidate:


Candidates should read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions:

1. This booklet consists of 28 pages including this front page, containing 200 questions. Verify the
Page Nos. and Test Booklet series on each page and bring at once to the Invigilator'snotice
any discrepancy.
2. Answers will have to be given in the Special Answer-Sheets supplied for the purpose. SE
3. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer-Sheet in response to various items in the Test Booklet,
you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer-Sheet as per instructions sent to you in the Admit
Card. Do not fold the Answer-Sheet as this will result in error in your marks.
4. All questions are of multiple-choice answer-type. You will find four probable answers (A), (B),
(C) and (D) against each question. Find out which of the four answers appears to you to be correct
or the best. Now darken the circle corresponding to the letter of the selected answer in the
Answer-Sheet with Black Ball Point Pen as per instructions printed on the reverse of the Admit
Card and in the Answer-Sheet.

5. One and only one circle is to be fully blackened for answer. Any spot in any other circle (multiple
circle) or in wrong circle will be considered as wrong answer. If more than one circle is encoded
for a particular answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer.

6. There will be negative marking of 0.25 mark for each wrong answer.
7. There are blank pages at the end of this Booklet for Rough Work.
8. The Special Answer-Sheet should be handed over to the Invigilator before leaving the Examination
Hall. You are permitted to take away the used Test Booklet after completion of the examination.

28823 Please Turn Over

CSM(C)10/22 C-2

1. Aarti, Vinita and Kamala became partners 5. Two vertices of an equilateral triangle are
in a business by investing money in the ratio origin and (4, 0). What is the area of the triangle?
5:7:6.Next year,they increasedtheirinvestment (A) 4 sq. unit
by 26%, 20% and 15% respectively. In what ratio
profiteaned during 2nd year should be distributed? (B) V3 sq. unit
(A) 21: 28 : 23 (C) 4N3 sq. unit
(B) 23:28 : 21 (D) 2/3 sq. unit
(C) 28:23 : 21
(D) 21:23: 28

6. Atafair, a boy tries his skill in shooting. He

was to receive?2 forhitting the 'bullseye' and had
to pay ? 1 for missing it. He tried 60 shots but
received only 12. Then he hit the bull's eye
2. A sum of 7,000 is divided amongA, B and (A) 12 times
Cin such a way that the shares of Aand B are in (B) 6 times Go
ratio 2:3 and that of Band Care in ratio 4:5. Then e 24 times
2730-3o z 12
the share of C is
(A) ? 2,600 (D) 30 times 36
(B) 2,800 3
ej 3,000
(D) 3,900 24
7. If cot 0 = and 0 is not in the first

quadrant, then find the value of tan®- seco.

(A) 1
(B) -

3. How many times willthe hands of a clock

cross each other in a day? 3 25
(A) 24 2 25
(B) 23 5
Sej 22 (D)
(D) 25

8. is
equal to
4. Divide 2,600 in 3parts in such a way that (A) 999
the interest at 4% of the first part, 6% of the 2nd
part and 8% of the 3rd part becomes equal. (B)
(A) 1200, 800, 600 1001
(B) 1100, 900, 600
(C) ?1000, 900, 800
(D) 1200, 1000, 800 (D)
compound interest
9. In a math lesson Shamali drew some 13. The difference between
years at 8%% p.a.
triangles and some quadrilaterals. She drew and simple interest on asum for 2
27 polygons altogether and a total of 99 vertices. is 768. Find the sum.
Then total number of triangle shec drew (A) R1,10,000
(A) 9 LB) I20,000
(B) 3 (C) ? 1,00,000
(C) 27 (D) 1,70,000
(D) 33

10. A man walking with of his usual speed,
reaches office 20 minutes late. His usual time is 14. The monthly salaries of Aand Bare in the
(A) 50 minutes ratio 3:5. Each receives an increment of 500. If
(B) 80 minutes the ratio of theirsalaries now stands at 7: 11, then
3 the salary of A, before increment was
-(C) 70 minutes
(A) 2,500
o) 60 minutes
B) 3,000
(C) ?4,500
(D) 4,000
11. The angles of a triangle are in arithmetic
progression. If one of the angles is 75°, then the
other two angles are
(A) 65°, 85°
(B) 60°, 90°
e) 45°, 60° 15. A person gets 3,700per week plus 2%
commission on the sale of goods in excess of
(D) 55°, 65° 10,000. If his a-week sales total is 24,000, then
the week's wages earned by the person is
(A) ?3,840
12. In the following figure, ABCD is an (B) 4,980 370
isosceles trapezium. AB CD, AB = 9 cm, (C) 5,020
CD = 12 cm, AP: PD= BQ: QC=1:2. Find PQ. (D) 4,280 3460

16. Hospital is 12 km. towards east of Rupin's

D house. His school is 5km towards south of Hospital.
What is the shortest distance between Rupin's
(A) 11cm house and school?
(B) 10-cm
(A) 16 km
(B) 17 km R
(C) 10cm
(C)_J2 km
(D) 4 Cm o) 13 km
Please Turn Over
17. Mohit aplot of land 12,500.

After 1lyear duc to recession the valuefor?of his land

21. A person was appointed for a 50 day's job
on a condition that he will be paid 12 for every
fell by 5%. In the 2ndyear, the valuc
8%. Then the value of the land incrcascd by working day but willbe fined 76 for everyday he
after 2 ycars is z remains absent. After completion of the work, he
(A) 12,500 ZS
got * 420. How many days he did not work?
(B) 12,000
(A) 15 days
(C) {12,800
(B) 5days
tD) ? 12,825
(C) 10days
(D) 20 days
18. A mixture of 40 L of
alcohol and water
contains 40% water. How much water should be
added to the mixture so that new mixture 22. If aman sells two horses for9,900 each,
20% water? contains
gaining 10% on one and losing 10% on the other.
(A) 5L His loss is
(B) 9L (A) 2 30
(C) 8L (B) 1
(D) 6L (C) R3
(D) 78
19. A cuboid with length 14 cm and
11cm and a cylinder have the same height
volume. Then the radius of the base of the cylinder 23. The hypotenuse of aright-angled triangleis
is 4lcm. The sum of the other sides is 49 cm. Then
(A) 11 cm the area of the triangle is
(B) 5 cm (A) 360 cm?
(C) 7 cm (B) 720 cm?
(D) 9 cm (C) 180cm?
(D) 120cm' 4
20. In the given figure, PT is the tangent of a
circle with centre 0 at point R. If diameter
24. 5% of a = b, then b% of 20 is same as
SQ is increased, it meets with PT at point P. If
ZSPR = x° and ZOSR = y°, what is the value of (A) 20% of al)
x°+ 2y°? (B) 50% of a/20
(C) 50% of a/)
o) 20% of 4/20
b 20 a

25. If the market price of a commodity is 32%
more than its cost price and if 16% discount is
(A) 90° given, then profit percentage is 132
(A) profit 9 |06
(B) 105°
(B) pròfit 10 28
(C) 135°
e) profit 10.88
(D) 180°
(D) profit l1

26. Intwotypes of brass, the ratio of copper and 30. When

; is expressed in
decímal form, the
zinc are 8:3 and 15:7 respectively. If these two
types of brasses are mixed in the ratio 5:2, then in digit in the 19th decimal place is
the mixture the ratio of copper and zinc will be (A), 5
(A) 5;2
8) 2:5 (C) 7
(C) 5:3
(D) 3:5

31. The sum of first 102 positive integérs is
27. The capacities of two glasses are same. (A) 5250
2 (B) 5251
They are filled with rd part and th part of
water respectively. Remaining part of both the (C) 5252
glasses are filled with milk. If mixtures of both the (D) 5253
glasses are mixed in abig glass, what is the ratio of
water and milk in it?
A) 8:7
(B) 5:7 32. If the difference between 62% and 80% of
(C) 7:3 a number is 198, then the difference between 92%
(D) 9:2 and 56% of the number will be
AY 396
15 (B) 3564
(C) 1100
(D) 360
28. How much water must be added to 5 liters
ofa 90% acid solution to make a75% acid solution? 3c
(A) 5-5 1liters 3
(B) 0:5 liter
33. In the given figure, PQR = 120°, where
(C) 1liter P, Q and R are points on a circle with centre O.
(D) 45 1liters Then ZOPR is

120° R

29. The 8% simple interest on a certain amount

of money for 3 years is half the 10% compound
interest on ? 8,000 for 2 years. The amount on
which simple interest is calculated
(A) 20°
(A) ?3,500
(B) 10°
(C) 30°
(C) ?3,800
(D) 4,000 (D) 40°
Please Turn Over
34, How

bullets can be made out ofa lead 38. The cost price and the selling price of a bag
cylinder cm high having a radius of 6cm, cach
56 are in the ratio 4:5. The profit is
bullet being 1·5 cm in diameter?
(A) 20%
(A) 4000
B) 25%
(B) 5000
(C) 30%
(C) 3590 (D) 35%
(D) 3584 2


39. Find the wrong number in the following

35. The product of the digits of a two-digit series:
number is 24. If its unit's digit exceeds twice its 16, 14, 24, 66, 250, 1270
ten's digit by 2, then the number is (A) 250
(A)64 2 (B) 66
8) 46 (C) 16
(C) 38 Y
(D) 1270
(D) 83

40. The ratio in which two sugar solution of the

36. The smallest number by which 6400 must concentrations 15% and 40% are to be mixed to get
be multiplied to make a perfect cube is a solution of concentration 30% is
(A) 2 LA) 2:3
(B) 4 (B) 3:2
(C) 8:9
(C) 8 to o (D) 9:8 5
o) 10

41. IfLCM off(x) and g(r) is 6x+13r+6, then

37. Find the equation of aline parallel toy-axis which of the following can not be HCF of fx) and
and passing through the point (- 3, 4). gx)?
(A) x+3 =0 (A) 2r43
(B) x 3=0 B) 3x +1 2
(C) x+ 4 =0 (C) (2x + 3)(3x + 2)
(D) x4=0 (D) 3x + 2
C-7 CSM(C)10/22

42. If the points (a, 0), (0, b) and (1, 1) are amount to? 520 in
46. What sum of money will
simple interest?
collinear, then which of the following is true? Sycars and to 568 in7 years at
tA) 400
(B) 120
a b
1 1 =2
(C) R510
(D) 220 25
(D) 1
a b

47. A person was driving a car in fog. He

passed a pedestrian who was walking at the speed
of 2 km/h in the same direction. The pedestrian
could see the car for 6 minutes and up to a distance
43. In 4years 6,000 amounts to 8,000. In of 0.6 km. What was the speed of the car?
what time at the same rate of interest willR 525 (A) 8km/h
amounts to 700?
(B) 10 km/h
,AY 4years Re (C) 40 km/h
(B) 3 years (D) 12 km/h
(C) 2years
(D) 5 years

48. The ratio of ladies and gentlemen at a party

was 3 : 2. When 20 more gentlemen joined the
party, the ratio was reversed. The number of ladies
44. A2-digitnumber is such that the unit's digit present at the party was 2
is four times the ten's digit and if 54 is added to the (A) 18
number, the digits are reversed. Then the number 3
is (B) 36
(A) 14 2 (D) 30
B) 28
(C) 82
(D) 41

49. Ifin atriangle of base4cm and height 3cm,

the height is increased by 3 cm,find by how much
the base should be decreased, if the new area is
twice that of the original triangle.
45. Which of the following numbers has the
maximum number of divisors? (A)
AY 108 22
(B) 99 (B) 4
(C) 154 (C) 2
(D) 44 (D) 0
Please Turn Over
50. By selling an article for 3la shopkceper

54. Railway fares are increased by 50%. To

loses 7%o. If he sells the article for 35, then what return to thc original rates they must be reduced by
is gain or loss per cent?
(A) 33%
(A) Loss 3%
tB) Gain 5% (B) 33 %
(C) Loss 5%
(D) Gain 3% A

(D) 33%

51. Find the value of


V5-5-N24 5-5+N24 55. In a AABC, it is given that ZC= 90° and


(A) -
tan A find the value of Aan A te 3
(sinA cosB + cosA sinB).
(C) ; 2

(C) 0
(D) 3 sin(at6).

52. In an examination, it is required to get 40% 56. Ifone-third of one-fourth of a number is 20,
then one-tenth of that number is
marks to qualify. A candidate secured 150 marks
and failed by 10marks. What are the maximum A) 24
marks of the examination? (B) 36
(A) 500 (C) 45
(B) 400 (D) 54
(C) 450
(D) 350

57. In a restaurant, John has 4 choices for

starters, 6 choices for the main course and 5 choices
53. The sum of two numbers is 150 and their for dessert. Then number of different 3 course
H.C.F. is 15. The number of possible pairs is meals John can order is
(A) 2 (A) 100
(B) 3 lo (B) 150
(C) 4 (C) 120
(D) 5 (D) 200
58. At 12pm both hands of awall clock. placed first goes thof
62. To cover adistance a man
normally on the wall. point to the North. In which
the journey by train,20% of the
remaining by bus
direction the hour hand willbe point at 3 am? and stillhe has 6 km. The total distance is
(A) East
(A) 8km
(B) West
(B) 10 km
(C) South
(D) North
\er 12 km
(D) 16 km

63. When 50% of one number is added to a

59. Let x=9, y=1land z=17,then second number, the second number increases to its
four-third. What is the ratio between the first
which of the following relations is true? number and the second number?
(A) x<y <z (A) 3:2
(B) z<x<y (B) 3:4
(C) y<z<x ej 2:3
(D) x>y>z (D) 1:3

64. Find the angle between the two hands of a

60. Two men undertake to do a piece of work
clock at 2-30 pm.
(A) 100o
for 200. One alone can do it in 6 days, the other
in 8 days. With the help of a boythey finish it in (B).105°
3 days. How much is the share of the boy? (C) 210o
(A) 20 (D) 70°
B) 25
(C) 30
65. Study the following alphabetical sequence
(D) 40 and answer the Auesuonbased on /t.
If we drop all thé vowels from above series, then
61. In a certain positive fraction, the
the middle position occupied by
(A) X
denominator is greater than the numnerator by 3. If
lis subtracted from the numerator and denominator
Then the fraction
(C) J
both, the fraction reduces by14 (D) V

(A) 66. A man rows a boat 18 km in 4 hours

downstream and returns upstream in 12 hours. The
speed of the stream (in km/h) is
(B) 14
(A) T
(C) 8 ) 15
(C) 2
(D) (D) 1-75
Please Turn Over
CSM(C)10/22 amount in a
67. A cylindrical pillar of hcight 7:5 m and 71. A person has deposited some 540 in
diameter 3:5 m is to be painted. At the top and bank and becomes 500 in 3 years and?
bottom, 25 cm of the pillar is covercd by brass 5 years. The rate of interest is
plates and the remaining portion is to be painted. (A) 4%
Then the area of the pillar which is to be painted, 6
(A) 77 m 7
(B) 196 m
(C) 86 mn?
(C) 41 %
(D) 75 n?
(D) 5%

68. A can with 30 marbles weighed 120 gm.

The same can with 15 marbles weighed 95 gm.
72. The value of
273x27-24}4} is
Then the weight of the can is
(A) 50gm
(26 27-24
36 A) 52
(B) 60 gm (B) 53
er70gm (C) 54
(D) 80gm 120
(D) 56

69. A motorboat covers a certain distance
downstream in a river in five hours. It covers the 73. An equilateral triangle CDE is constructed
same distance upstream in six hours. The speed of on a side of CD of square ABCD. The value of
water is 2km/h. Then the speed of the boat in still LAEB is
water is (A) 150°
(A)20 km/h Sho
(B) 45°
B) 22 km/h (C) 30°
(C) 30km/h (D) 20°
(D) 25 km/h

70. A batsman has certain average of runs for 74. A sumof money is borrowed and paid back
1linnings. In the 12th innings he makes ascore of in two annual instalments of 1,764 each allowing
90 runs, thereby increasing his average by 5. His 5% compound interest. What was the sum
average after the 12th innings is borrowed?
(A) 30 (A) },4,000
(B) 35 B) 3,340
(C) 40 (C) ?3,000
(D) 32 | eb (D) 3,280 3528

12 (92

given Venn diagram, the triangle

75. Circle Cpasses through the centre of circle 80. In the
small circlerepresents
C, and is tangential to it. If the area of C, is 4cm', represents female graduates, big circle represents
then the area of C, is self-employcd females and the facility.
self-employed females with bank loan
(A) 8 cm? non-graduate self
Which number represents
(B) 8/7 cm² employed females with bank loan facility?
(C) 16 cm
(D) 16/r cm?

76. The difference between the greatest and 2 3
least numbers formed out of the digits 8,9, 0, 7 is
A 9081
(B) 1809 (A) 2
(B) 9
(C) 2407
(C) 6
(D) 2781
(D) 1

77. Find the number which is subtracted from

81, A certain sum of money amounts to ?756
the numbers in the ratio 11:23 so that the ratio at a
becomes 1:3. in 2 years and to? 873 in 3 and half years
certain rate of simple interest. The rate of interest
(A) 5 p.a. is 24
(B) 6 233 3 (A) 10%
(C) 7 (B) 11%
(D) &
lon ) 13%
78. In the given figure AB and DE are
perpendiculars to BC. If AB =6cm, DE=4cm and
AC= 15 cm, then CD=? 82. E is point on median AD of AABC. If area
(AABE) = 10 cm', then area (AACE) is
(A) 5cmn A
(B) 2 cm
(C) 10cm
(D) 4cm

79. The average of 5 consecutive numbers is B D C

15. The greatest number is

(A) 20 cm?
Ar17 (B) 5 cm?
(B) 19
(C) 30 cm?
(C) 11
(D) 10 cm?
(D) 15
Please Turn Over
CSM(C)1022 C-12

83. In aseminar the number of participants in 87. The ratio of investments of two partners is
Mathematics, Physics and Biology are 192, 240 11: 12 and the ratio of their profits is 2 :3. If A
and 168 respectively. Find the minimum number invests the money for 8 months,find for how much
of rooms required if in each room same number of time Binvests his money?
participants is to be seated and all of them being of
the same subject. (A) 11months
(A) 20 192, 290, |68 (B) 8 months
L8) 25 (C) 4 months
(D) 6 months
(C) 28
(D) 30
88. In a State, each year the number of road
accidents is decreased by 5% from the previous
year due to road safety campaigns. The number of
road accidents in the current year is 2916. 3 years
ago this number was
84. Aloan was repaid in two annual instalments
of 3,630 each. If the rate of interest be 10% per AA) 4000 95
annum compounded annually, then find the sum (B) 5100
that was borrowed. (C) 3890 19 226
(A) 5,200 (D) 5000
(B) 6,100
(C) 6,300 89. If AD is bisector of Aand AD is
(D) 5,600 perpendicular to BC, then AABCis triangle.

85. If the centroid of the triangle formed by the

points (a, b), (b, c) and (c, a) is the origin, then 90°
a'+b³ +c= 42
(A) abc
(B) 0 G2 (A) Isosceles
(C) a+b+c B Equilateral
(D) 3abc (C) Scalene
(D) None of the above
2 90. Divide?2,602 between Xand Y,so that the
amount of Xafter 7 years is equal to the amount of
86. If 695 is the mean of 72, 70, x62,50, 71, after 9 years, the interest being compounded at
90, 64, 58 and 82, then the value of is 4% per annum.
(A) 75 (A) ? 1352, 1250
(B) 67 (B) 1250, 71352
(C# (C) 1402, 1200
D) 76 (D) ? 1400, 1202

'x' and 'y' which

91. Atea seller faces 20% loss selling a certain 95, Equal weights of alloys 8:3and
brand of tea at the rate of 80 per kg. By sclling Contain zinc and tin inthe proportion of Ialloy
another brand of tea at the rate of 200 per kg, he 6:5 respectively are melted to form a third
makes a profit of 25%. In what ratio the seller 2, contains zinc and tin in the proportion of
needs to mix the two brands of tea in order to make (A) 4:7
25% profit by selling the mixed branded tea at the (B) 3:5
rate of 150 per kg?
(C) 5:3
(A) 1:2
D) 7:4
(B) 2:3 1|
(C) 2:1
(D) 3:2

96. Aand B start from the same place and travel

in the same direction, B starting 2 hours after A. If
92. Aperson has money to buy 42 suitcases at Atravels 40km/h and B travels at 50 km/h, then the
the rate of 500 each. If the cost per suitcase is distance they bave travelled when Bovertakes Ais
increased by 100, then number of suitcases he 400km
can buy now is (B) 500km
(A) 30, (C) 700km
E) 35 (D) 550 km
(C) 38
(D) 40

'97. Find the value of x from the following

93. The roots of the quadratic equation equation.
a+b+0, are
a+b+x a b 2
(A) a, b
(B) -a, b (B) 18
(C) a, -b (C) 5
(D) -a, -b
(D) 4 -3

94. Two cylinders are such that the ratio of their

base radii is 2 : 1 and the ratio of their heights are 98. After spending 88% of his money, a boy
3:1. Then the ratio of their volumes is found he still had 372 left. Initially he had
(A) 6:1 27 2
(A) 3,372
BY 12:1 (B) 4,400
(C) 5:1 3 (C) ?4,100
(D) 1:1 (D) 3.,100
Please Turn Over
CSM(C)10/22 C-14

99. Asurvey in acity showed that the probability 104. Amerchant has 100 kg of sugar. He sells a
that aperson smokes is 92 .If40 people in acertain part of which at 9% profit and the rest at 9% loss.
sample smoke. then numberof people in the sample He gains 5% on the whole. The quantity sold at 9%
loss is

(A) 180 (A) 18 kg

(B) 200 (B) 20 kg
(C) 240 (C) 22-23 kg
(D) 120 (D) 25 kg |x9 5

100. The average of 7consecutive numberis 20.

The largest of these numbers is
(A) 24 105. If the ratio between 8 and 11 is the same as
(B)_23 the ratio of (2r-y) to (x+2y), find the value of 9y
V) 22 7
(D) 20 (A) 9

101. The average of 8 numbers is 6and the

AB) 2
average of 6other numbers is 8. What is the 5
average of all 14 numbers? 224
(A) 6

(C) 6
(D) 7
106. The G.C.M. of two numbers is 17 and their
102. In a Zoo, there are lions and parrots. If product is 6936.The no. of pairs of such numbers
counted, there are 100 heads and 290legs. How
many parrots are there? (A) 4
A) 55 hL+ 2P 2290 (B) 2
(B) 65 (C) 3
(C) 45 (D) 5
2P- 216 55
(D) 75

103. Average age of A, B and C is 36 years.

If average age ofB and C is 30 years and age of 107/ The speed of a bus is 54 km/h
B is 22 years, then what is the sum of the ages of excluding
Aand C?
sToppages and 45 km/h including stoppages. The
bus will stop per hour for
(A)68 years (60 (A) 8 minutes
B) 86 years (B) 10 minutes
(C) 58 years (C) 12minutes
(D) 61 years (D) 15 minutes

10%. If
108. Due to 25% fall in price of eggs, one can 12. A dealer sold an article at a loss of
buy 2 dozen eggs more than before by investing he had sold for 125 more, he would have gained
200. What was orginal price per dozen? 15%.The cost price of the article is
200 (A) 300
)00 LBY 500
300 (C) ?432
(B) ?
7 (D) 1200
(C) ?
(D) ?

113. The annual increase in the population of a

town be 10% and the present population is 13310.
The population last two years ago was
109. If (2a + 1)(2a + 2)(2a +3)(2a + 4) + q is a A) 10000
perfect square, then q=? (B) 11000
(A) 24 (C) 10500
(B) 1 (D) 11500
(C) 12
(D) -8

114, Train A crosses a pole in 25 seconds and

train B does the same in 1 minutes 15 seconds.
110. If the first and the third terms of a G. P. are
Length of train A is half the length of train B.
2 and 8 respectively, then its second term is What is the ratio between the speed of A and B?
(A) -4
(A) 3:4
(B) +4
(B) 4:3
(C) 4 ( 3:2
(D) 0 (D) 2:3

111. A'student was asked to multiply a number

3 3
by but he divided the number by 2 His result 115. The sum of two numbers is 1400, If the
larger number is decreased by 20% and the smaller
was therefore 10 less than the correct answer. Find
number is increased by 20%, then the resulting
the number. numbers are equal. The two numbers are
(A) 10 (A) 740, 660
B 12 Bj' 840, 560
(C) 15 (C) 800, 600
(D) 20 (D) 820, 580 X
Please Turn Over
CSM(C)1O/22 C-16

I16. Two persons are a metres apart and the 120. If a glass holds 275 ml, how many of these
height of oneis double thatof the other. If from the glasses can be filled from a 2-liter drink of
middle point of the line joining their fcct, an lemonade?
observer finds the angular evaluation of thcir tops (A)8 fullglasses
to be complementary. then the height ofthe shorter B) 7ull glasses 33
person in metres is (C) 9full glasses
(D) 6 full glasses 2 6 25
(C) av2 1
121. The volume ofa cylinder of radius ris 4 of
(D) the volume of arectangular box with a square base
of side length x. If the cylinder and the box have
equal heights, what is the value of r in terms ofx?

\C+a (A)
117. =?
m° (B)
(A) 0
(B) 5 (C) N2x
(C) 3 m

118. If the number 472573* is completely 122. At the time of wedding, the bride's age was
3 4
divisible by 72, then which number should replace 4 of the groom's age. After 8 years, her age is
the star?
of her husband's age. Then the age of the bride at
(A) 4 the time of her wedding is
12e A) 24 years
(B) 18 years
(D) 7 22 (C) 19 years
(D) 26 years
119. The diameter of a rollar is 84 cm and its
length 120 cm. It takes 500 complete revolutions 123. The hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle
to move once over to level a playground. Find the is 26 cm and the sum of other two sides is 34
area of the playground in sq. m. cm. Then th¹ lengths of the two sides are
(A)A632 A 10 cm, 24 cm
1584 85h2. (B) 8 cm, 26 cm
(C) 1817 (C) 12 cm, 22 cm
(D) 1532 (D) 14 cm, 20 cm
C-17 CSM(C)10/22
124. The average temperature of a city in the
first four days of a month was 58 degree. The T25. "The population of a town is 24000. If the
number of males is increased by 6% and the
average of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th days was number of females by 9%, then there would be
60 degree. If the temperatures of 1st and 5th days 2.5620. The number of males and females in the
were in the ratio 7 :8, then what is the temperature town are
of 5th day? (A) 18000, 6000
A) 64 degree (B) 16000, 8000
(B) 62 degree 232 (C) 14000, 10000
(C) 56 degree 2PZt4t5 (D) 17000, 7000
(D) None of the above
129. A man sold 2 articles at the same price
*2,970 each. On one he made a loss of 10% and on
the other a gain of 10%. The overall gain or loss
percentage is
125. If the cost of 57 articles is equal to the
wA) loss 1%
selling price of 38 articles, then percentage profit (B) gain 1%
(A) 20% (C) No loss or gain
(B) 30% (D) gain 0-1%
ej 50% 130. A rectangular lawn 80 m × 60 m has two
(D) 55% roads each 10 m wide running in the middle of it.
One parallel to the length and the other parallel to
the breadth. Find the cost of gravelling them at
? 20 per sq. m.
(A) 35,000
126. In a partnership business, Amal invested (B) ?39,000
capital double the capital of Palash. The ratio of
1 1 (C) ? 26,000
the period of investment is 2 3
Then the ratio
(D) 41,000
of their profit is
(A) 3
LB) 3: 1 3 131. I f . and
(C) 6:1 how many balance one ?
(D) 2:3 (A) 7
(B) 3
(C) 6
(D) 5
127. Acomputer depreciates at arate of 25% p.a.
Ifit was worth 26,000 new, how many full years 132. The angles of a quadrilateral are in A. P.
with common difference 20°, Then the smallest
must pass, before it worth less than half its original
value? angle is 3e
(A) 100°
(A) 2years
B 3 years (B) 130°
(C) 4 years () 39
(D) 1 year
Please Turn Over
133. If 6 men can harvest a ficld in 60 working 138. The 30th term ofthe sequence **is
hours and a man works three times as fast as a boy.
Then 10 boys can harvest a field in
(A) 60 hours
(B) 1
(B) 40 hours
( )29 4t 22
(C) 100 hours 2
LB) 108 hours 31
(D) 2

134. Capacity of tap B is 80% more than that

of A. If both the taps are opened simultaneously, 139. Find the number of triangles
in the given
they take 45 hours to fill the tank. How long will B figure.
take to fillthe tank alone?
(A) 72hours
(B) 48 hours
(C) 66 hours
(D) 70 hours
135. Ifthe radius of a circle is increased by 10%,
then the percentage increased in the circumference (A) 18
of a circle is
(B) 20
A) 10% (C) 24
(B) 20%
(C) 50% (D) None of the above
(D) 15%

140. If the value of a gold coin is increased by

136. In the given figure (not drawn to scale), 20% each year, then the percentage increase of the
PQRS is a square, AOPQ is an equilateral triangle, gold coin over three years is
then the value ofx is
(A) 805%
(A) 20°
(B) 60%
(B) 25° es 72-8%
(C) 15° (D) 701%
(D) 10° R

137. The ratio of the areas of a regular hexagon 141. Which of thefollowing numbers is divisible
and a square having the same perimeter is by 3, 4, 5 and 7?
(A) 2V3 :3 (A) 3150
(B) /3 :2 (B) |400
3/3 :2 tC)2940
(D) 3:2 (D) 3570
C-19 CSM(C)10/22
142, A business man marks his good at 20%
above the cost price. He allows the
customers a 147. The value of
V64 +-64 is
discount of 8% on marketpricc. His netpercentage V729 +-729
of profit is -jmN|
(A) 10-4% 92 8- 4
(B) 10% 2 (B) 2
(C) 10-2% (C) I
(D) 10-6% 2

143. In a partnership betwech A and B, A's

capital is 52.th ofthetotal and invested for year. 148. A block of cheese 5 cm by 6cm by 8 cm is
Ifhis share of profit is 4 of the total, then hovw long covered with wax. If the cheese is cut into one
is B's capital in the business? centimetre cubes, then number of cubes not having
wax on them is
(A) 6months 9

(B) 4 months (A) 72

(C)_8months (B) 240
) 3 months 2
(C) 210
(D) 120

144. A company with 1000 shares of nominal

value 150 declares an annual dividend of 10%.
Then the total amount of dividend paid by the 149. Three friends started a partnership business
company is with capitals 5,000, 6,000 and 7,000
AR 15,000 respectively. After one year they found a loss of
(B) 10,000 1,800. To keep the capital same they decided to
share the loss among themselves in the ratio of
(C) ?1,000
their capitals. The amount each one has to pay is
(D) 1,500
(A) 490,7 610,700
(B) 490, 600, 710
(C) ?500, 580, 720
145. 12+ V12+12 +.. is equal to B)s00, 7600, 700
(A) 2 2

(B) 3
es 4
150. At a certain school, there are 320 juniors
(D) 6 and 180 seniors. The average absenteeism rate is
4 for juniorsand 8-%
3 for seniors. Then the
146. Ifa=25% ofb= 10% of c, then a :b:c=? average absenteeism rate overall for the school is S
(A) 2:5:6 (A) 5%
(B) 2:5:7 (B) 6%
(C)A:3: 11
D) 1:4: 10 (D) 8%

Please Turn Over

CSM(C)10/22 C-20
with ? 10,500 and is
151. Atelegraph post gets broken at a point 155. A began a business
18,000. After how
against a storm and its top touches the ground ata joined afterwards by B with ?
profit at the end of )
distance 20 mfrom the base of the post making an many months did Bjoin, if the
angle 30° with the ground. What is the height of the the year is divided equally?
post? (A) 15 months
(B) 10months
Smonths determined
(B) 20/3 m (D) Couldn't be
(C) 40N3 m 20.3
(D) 30 m

shadow of
156. A pole of length 12m casts a
152. The number of solid spheres, each of length 15-6m. Then the length of the shadow
diameter 6 cm could be moulded to form a solid
metal cylinder of height 45 cm and diameter 4 cm, by another pole of length 18m is
(A) 23-4m
(B) 24 mn
(A) 3
(B) A (C) 46-8m
(D) 31-2m
Vc) 5
(D) 6

153. A plane left 30minutes later than the 157. The difference between compound interest
scheduled time and in order to reach its destination and simple interest for 2 years on? 22,500 at
1500km away in tÉme, it has to increase its speed 6% p.a. is
by 250km/h from its usual speed. Then its usual (A) 225
speed is
(B) 181
(A) 1000km/h
) 81
(B) 2500 km/h 226
(D) 220 3
(C) 750km/h
(D) 800 km/h 2 sU

154. The length of the longest thin rod that can fit
158. In what time will simple interest be of
inside a rectangular box that measures 15 cm by
10cm by 5çr is 225 the principal at 8% p.a.?
A 187cm (60 (A) 8 years
(B) 17:2cm (B) 7 years
(C) 15-8 cm e) 5years
(D) 20:2 cm (D) 6 years
C-21 CSM(C)1O/22
159. The given pie chart (not drawn to
represents the annual performance of the students I62. Xis 20% heavierthan YandZis 20% lighter
of aclass in terms of grades A, B,C and than Y. "The weight of Z is cqual to
D, Tbe
percentage of students who have got B grade is (A)
of X
(A) 40%
(B) 55%
(B) 5
of X
(C) 60%
(D) 65% (C) of X
2 26
) of X

3< 163. Amal can do a piece of work in 12 days.

Mihiris found to be 50% more efficient than Amal.
If Mihir is given the piece of work, then he will
complete it by
160. In the given figure, AB || CD and (A) 6days
intersect AB and CD both at E, F andPQ,G,QRH
B 8 days
respectively. Find the value of x.
(C) 4 days
(D) 10 days

P E G 164. The hundreds digit of the square root of the

A square number 3, 15, 844 is
H 120° (A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6

(A) 40° 165. The population of a town increases 5%

(B) 20° annually, if its present population is 74970, what it
was tw0 years ago?
(C) 30°
(A) 64200
(D) 10°
(B) 68000
(C)_ 63155
AÓ) 72000
166. 40 men complete rd ofa work in 40 days.
161. Successive discounts of 10% and 30% are How many more men should be employedto finish
equivalent to a single discount of the rest of the work in 50 more days?
(A) 73% (A) 12
(B) 36% (B) 20
(C) 38% (C) 18
Dy 37% e 24
Please Turn Over
CSM(C)I10/22 C-22
number of people fo
167. The radius of a wheel is 14 m. How many 172. A hotel bill for a there were 4 more
revolution will,it make in travelling 880 m? overnight stay is R 4,800. If
to pay, would have
pcople, the bill each person had number of people
(B) 12 reduced by 200. Then the
staying overnight is
(C) 14
(D) 16 (A) 8
(B) 6
(C) 10
168. The difference between the squares of two (D) 12
9consecutive numbers is 65. The greatest number is
A) 33 there in the
(B) 34 173. How many triangles are
(C) 35 following figure?
(D) 36
169. A train leavesplace A at 5 am and reaches
place B at 9 am. Another train leaves place B at
7am and reaches place A at 10-30 am. At what time 99
do they cross each other?
g2 2
(A) 6-56 am 32
(B) 7-56 am (A) 19
(C) 8am (B) 21
(D) 830 am (C) 27
(D) 30
170. Cost of coffee Aand Bare 64 and 80 per
100gm respectively. A blend of twois sold at 86
per 100 gm. Ifa profit of 25 %is to be earned on this 174. A certain amount of money is kept for
blend, what should be the proportion ofA and Bin 2 years at certain simple interest. If theinterest rate
its composition? is 3% higher, then it will bring 300 more.
The amount of money is
(A) 8:5
(A) 2,000 3
(B) 9:2
(B) 2,500
(C) 7:3
(C) ?3,500
(D) 3:2
(D) 5,000

171. A peon has a salary of ? 1,000 per month

and a carpenter earns? 30 per day, but he is idle for 175. If x=N2+N2+2+then the value of
65 days in the year. The ratio of their income is
(A) 4:5
(B) 5:6
e4:3 (C) 3
(D) 3:4 (D) 4

72 472 4725 +726 question

176. Value of
is i place of the
180, What should comeein
16 mark?
(A) 7 x5 23
(B) 7 x 175 |+7t4913 7, 8, 18, 2, 232, 1165
(C) 72x 175 (A) 84
(D) 7 x 35 49 (B) 42.
(C) 57
(D) 36
177. Ashopkeeper buys a
80 If he had bought 4 number of books for
mount, each book would havebooks for the same
cost 1 1ess.How
many books did he 181. The smallest number which is being divided
buy? by 8,9, 12 and 15 always leaves las aremainder
ts 16 is
(B) 20
LA 361
8,9, 12, 15
(C) 18 (B) 359
(D) 22 (C) 181 3,4,
(D) 197 2,9,3, 3

178. In a multiple choice examn of 30

scorrectanswer earns 2 marks, an questions,
Ioses 3 marks and an unansweredincorrectanswer 182. Two cyclists start from the same place in
0 marks. If Raj left out 6 question scores opposite direction and goes towards north at
questions and his score 18 km/h and the other goes towards south at
was 28. then number of questions he gets
correct 20 km/h. What time will they need to apart
(A) 22 30 47:5 km?
/ (A) 2 hours
E 20 2
(C) 25 42-5
(D) 15 (C) 3 hours

2072 -l2 (D) 22 hours

38. O
179, Vandana bought a watch for600 and sold
It on the same day for 688-50 at a credit of
9months and this way she gained 2%. Find the 183. A takes as much time to do a piece of work
rate of interest per annum. as B and Ctake to do it working together. If A and
Btogether can do the same work in 10days and C
(A) alone can do it in 20 days,find the time in which
Bwill finish this work.
(B) 15%
3 (A) 40 days
(B) 60days
(C) 80 days
(D) 54% (D) 20 days
Please Turn Over
CSM(C)1O/22 C-24
fraction is 6 less than its
184. Asquare lawn is bounded on three sides by 188. The numerator of a the numerator, the
7 denominator. If 3 is added to
2 Then the original
a path 4 nm wide. If the area of the path is that of
8 fraction becomes equal to
the lawn, then each side of the lawn is
(A) 10m fraction is
(B) 12 m
(C) 16 nm (A) 13 B+3
(D) 18m
(B) 7 +3

185. Allstudents of aclass like Horlicks, Maltova
or Viva. Number of students who like only Horlicks (D) 11
and Maltova, only Maltova and Viva and only
Horlicks and Viva are equal to twice the number of 189. Rima has 1000 in denominations of
students who like all the three health drinks. Number 5 and2 coins. If the number of two-rupee coins
of students who like only Horlicks, only Maltova Rima has is five-eighths of the number of five
and only Viva are all equal to thrice the number of rupee coins, then five-rupee coins Rima has
students who like all three. If four students like all (A) 100
the three health drinks, then find the number of
students in the class. (B) 120
(A) 64 (C) 160
(B) 48 (D) 200
(C) 68
190. A keeps 10 ships for 3 weeks and B keeps
(D) 52 15ships for 4 weeks. Find the ratio of the rent paid
by them.
A 1:2
186. A bus maintains an average speed of (B) 2:1
60 km/h while going from P to Q and màintains an (C) 3:1
average speed of 90 km/h while coming back. The (D) 1:3
average speed of bus is
(A) 75 km/h 191. If 3-4596 = 1:86, then 3459600 = ?
BS 72 km/h SAS 18-6
(C) 70 km/h (B) 1860
(D) 80 km/h (C) 186
(D) 1:86

187. A solid spherical ball of radius 4cm is 192. If the value of the letter A is 1,B 2
is and so
melted and recast into 64 identical spherical on and the word BAT= 23, then
the value of the
marbles. Th¹n the radius of each marble is word DISCIPLINE is
sA) lcm (A) 100
(B) 1-5cm (B) 110
(C) 02 cm (C) 250
(D) 1:2cm (D) 150
193. Apoint Pdivides the line 90°, AB =
joining the points
2.) and(5,-8) in ratio 1:2. Also, 197. In AABC, ZB=semicircle drawn on
on the line 2x-y + k= 0. Find the the point Plies BC = 16cm, The area of
value of k. diameter AC is
(A) 6
(A) I57cm?
(B) -8 (B) 314cm²
(C) 6 (C) 150cm?
(D) 8 (D) 328 cm?

194. A runs 1 times as fast as B. If A gives 198. A loan amount 11,000 is to be paid in
3 two equal annual installments. If the rate of interest
Bastart of 40m, how far must the winning post be
so that A and B might reach it at the same time?
be 20% compounded annually, then the value of
each installment is
(A) 75 m (A) 7,200
(B) 200 m (B) ?7,100
(C) 100 m (C) ?7,000
(D) 125 m (D) 7,500 25

195. Four equal squares are cut out of a square as 1

shown in the diagram. If the perimeter of the 199, Aboy was asked to find 3%
of asum of
original square was 36cm, then the perimeter of money. He misread the question and found 5%
the shaded region is 2
of it. His answer was? 24750. The correct answer
(A) 30cm is
(B) 36cm (A) 100
(C) 32 cm (B) 157-50
(D) 40cm (C) ? 159-50
(D) 160

196. The area of a circle is increased by 22 sq. m.

when its radius is increased by 1m. Find the 200. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is
original radius of the circle.
(A) 6 m
32 cm. Each equal side is 1 times the base. Then
the length of the equal side is
(B) 3 m
(A) 8cm
(C) 3, m (B) 10cm
1 (C) 12 cm
(D) 3z m (D) 14cm

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