Image Enhancement Using Particle Swarm Optimization: Malik Braik, Alaa Sheta and Aladdin Ayesh

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Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2007 Vol I WCE 2007, July 2 - 4, 2007, London, U.K.

Image Enhancement Using Particle Swarm Optimization

Malik Braik, Alaa Sheta and Aladdin Ayesh
AbstractApplications of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to solve image processing problem with a reference to a new automatic enhancement technique based on real-coded particle swarms is proposed in this paper. The enhancement process is a non-linear optimization problem with several constraints. The objective of the proposed PSO is to maximize an objective tness criterion in order to enhance the contrast and detail in an image by adapting the parameters of a novel extension to a local enhancement technique. The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated and compared with Genetic Algorithms (GAs) based image enhancement technique. The obtained results indicate that the proposed PSO yields better results in terms of both the maximization of the number of pixels in the edges and the adopted objective evaluation. Computational time is also relatively small in the PSO case compared to the GA case. Keywords: particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithms, image enhancement

schooling, and swarming theory in particular. It is also related, however, to evolutionary computation, and has ties to both Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and Evolutionary Programming (EP). Unlike GAs and EP, PSO is a simple concept and is very easy to implement. The developers of PSO stated in [2] Particle swarm optimization as developed by [Kennedy and Eberhart] comprises a very simple concept, and paradigms can be implemented in a few lines of computer code. It requires only primitive mathematical operators, and is computationally inexpensive in terms of both memory requirements and speed. Early testing has found the implementation to be eective with several kinds of problems...Particle swarm optimization has also been demonstrated to perform well on genetic algorithm test functions. PSO shares many similarities with GAs. Many authors explored the use of PSO to solve variety of problems in computer science and engineering [4, ?, 5]. The use of PSO to solve various problems in pattern recognition and image processing was presented in [6]. In [8], author used PSO to estimate model parameters for software fault detection and diagnosis. Online training algorithm of a Generalized Neuron (GN) was developed using PSO in [9]. Particle swarm optimization for image registration was introduced in [10]. This is why it was quite challenging to adjust or tune the PSO parameters such that the required goals are achieved. An empirical study on the setting of control coecients in PSO was presented in [11]. When should we use swarm to solve problems was explored in [12]. In this paper, a real-coded PSO is applied to adapt the gray-level intensity transformation in the image. The tness of each image is taken as a swarm particle and its subjective score is given by the human interpreter.


Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is one of the modern heuristic algorithms that can be applied to non linear and non continuous optimization problems. It is a population-based stochastic optimization technique for continuous nonlinear functions [1]. PSO was developed in 1995 by Dr. James Kennedy, a social psychologist, and Dr. Russell Eberhart, an electrical engineer [2]. PSO term refers to a relatively new family of algorithms that may be used to nd optimal (or near optimal) solutions to numerical and qualitative problems. It is easily implemented in most programming languages and has proven both very eective and quick when applied to a diverse set of optimization problems [2, 3]. PSO was discovered through simulation of a simplied bird ocking model. Dr. Kennedy and Dr. Eberhart stated in [2] Particle swarm optimization has roots in two main component methodologies. Perhaps more obvious are its ties to articial life (A-life) in general, and to bird ocking, sh
Information Technology Department, Prince Abdullah Bin Ghazi Faculty of Science and Information Technology, AlBalqa Applied University, Jordan, Email: [email protected], [email protected] Computer Engineering Division, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. Email: [email protected]

Local Enhancement Model

Local enhancement model apply transformation functions that are based on the gray-level distribution in the neighborhood of each pixel in the given image. In the traditional enhancement technique, the original equation shown in (1), is applied to each pixel at location (i, j) using the following transformation [13]: g(i, j) = [ M ][f (i, j) m(i, j)] (i, j) (1)


WCE 2007

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2007 Vol I WCE 2007, July 2 - 4, 2007, London, U.K.are computed in a The mean and standard deviation neighborhood centered at (i, j). Therefore, they are dependent on the local information. f (i, j) and g(i, j) are the gray-level intensity of pixels in the input and output image, respectively, centered at location (i, j). And lastly, M is the global mean of the image.


Enhancement Criterion

Proposed Enhancement Model

There are two key steps when applying PSO to optimization problems: 1. The representation of the solution and 2. The tness function. The proposed enhancement model is derived from (1), and is applied to each pixel at location (i, j) using the following transformation [14]: M g(i, j) = [K ][f (i, j)cm(i, j)]+m(i, j)a (2) (i, j) + b a, b, c, and k are the parameters dened over the real positive numbers and they are the same for the whole image. Comparing (1), to (2), the values of the parameters are taken as constants (i.e. b = 0, c = 1, k = 1,) and the term m(i, j)a is taken as 0. In (2),b = 0 prohibits the Not A Number (NAN) values, c = 1 allows for only a fraction of the mean to be subtracted from the pixels input gray-level intensity value, while the last term may have brighten and smooth the eects on the image. Accordingly, the proposed equation broadened the spectrum of the transformation output range by modifying the original equation. PSO task is to solve the image enhancement problem by tuning the four parameters in order to nd the best combination according to an objective criterion that describes the contrast in the image. The parameters a, b, c, and k are represented as particles. Each particle represents a candidate solution to solve the optimal enhancement problem. Therefore, the representation of the particle is a string of four real swarms denoting the forth dimension. The proposed method using PSO has many advantages.

One of the requirements of the PSO based image enhancement is to choose a criterion that is related to a tness function. The proposed technique needs the enhanced image to have a relatively high intensity of the edges. Consequently, the tness criterion is proportional to the number and intensities of the pixels in the edges that might give an over-sized credit to an image that doesnt have a natural contrast. In fact, we need from the tness criterion a histogram of the image that should approach the uniform distribution as shown in Figure 1 [13]. The tness function shown in (3), [14] is a good choice for an enhancement criterion:

F (Z) = log(log(E(I(Z))))

n edgels(I(Z)) H(I(Z)) M N (3)

F (Z) is the tness function. I(Z) denotes the original image I with the transformation T applied according to (1),. The parameters a, b, c, and k are the respective parameters given by the particle Z = (abck). E(I(Z)) is the intensity of the edges detected with a Sobel edge detector that is applied to the transformed image I(Z), n edgels is the number of edgel pixels as detected with the Sobel edge detector. The Sobel detector used here is an automatic threshold detector [15]. M and N are the number of pixels in the horizontal and vertical direction of the image. E(I) is the sum of intensities of the edges included in the enhanced image [16]. Lastly, H(I(z)) measures the entropy of the image I(z). The proposed PSO objective is to nd the solution that maximizes F (Z). To achieve these objectives we need to: 1. Increase the relative number of pixels in the edges of the image. 2. Increase the overall intensity of edges, and 3. Transform the histogram of the image to one that approximates a uniform distribution by maximizing the entropic measure [17].

1. It uses a local enhancement technique based on the standard deviation and the mean value of the pixels. 2. It has no interaction with the humans. 3. It uses an objective tness criterion that is proportional to the number of edges in the image and to a clumping factor of the intensity transformation curve.

PSO Algorithm

PSO is initialized with a group of random particles (solutions). The algorithm then searches for optima through a series of iterations. The particles tness value is evaluated on each iteration. If it is the best value the particle has achieved, the particle stores the location of that value as pbest (particle best). The location of the best tness value achieved by any particle during any iteration is stored as gbest (global best) [18, 19, 20]. Using pbest


WCE 2007

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2007 Vol I WCE 2007, July 2 - 4, 2007, London, U.K.

Number of occurrences (frequency)


Number of occurrences (frequency)






0 0 50 100 150 200 250

0 0 50 100 150 200 250

Greyscale value

For each particle Initialize particle For each particle Calculate tness value If the tness value is better than the best tness value (pbest) in history set current value as the new pbest End Choose the particle with the best tness value of all the particles as the gbest For each particle Calculate particle velocity according to Eq. 4 Update particle position according to Eq. 5 End Continue while maximum iterations or minimum error criteria is not attained Figure 2: The Pseudo code of the PSO procedure

Greyscale value

Figure 1: Global Histogram Equalization, Upper left: Unequalized image, Upper right: Same image after histogram equalization, Lower left: Unequalized histogram, Lower right: Equalized global histogram. and gbest, each particle moves with a certain velocity, calculated by Equations 4, 5, and 6 [2, 18]. Vi = wVi1 + c1 rand() (pbest pL) + c2 rand() (gbest pL) pL = pvL + Vi 1 w= iterN um (4) (5) (6)

Mutation provides for occasional disturbances in the crossover operation by inverting one or more genetic elements during reproduction [21, 22, 23]. The pseudo code of the standard GAs is as shown in Figure 3 [24, 23]: Begin GA g=0 generation counter Initialize population Evaluate population P(g) i.e., compute tness values While not done do g=g+1 Select P(g) from P(g-1) Crossover P(g) Mutate P(g) Evaluate P(g) End while End GA Figure 3: The Pseudo code of the GAs procedure

Vi is the current velocity, Vi1 is the previous velocity, pL is the present location of the particle, pvL is the previous location of the particle, rnd is a random number between (0, 1), c1 and c2 are learning factors or stochastic factors, and iterN um is the current iteration number. The pseudo code of the PSO procedure was presented in [2, 20] and is given in Figure 2.

Genetic Algorithms

At each generation, each individual is evaluated and recombined with others on the basis of its tness. The expected number of times an individual is selected for recombination is proportional to its tness relative to the rest of the population. New individuals are created using crossover and mutation. Crossover operates by selecting a random location in the genetic string of the parents (crossover point) and concatenating the initial segment of one parent with the nal segment of the second parent to create a new child. A second child is simultaneously generated using the remaining segments of the two parents.

PSO and GA Control Parameters

In the objective enhancement criterion we need to nd the solution of the tness function F (z) where a, b, c, and k are set to be the swarms. The following combinations of the control parameters are used for running PSO. The number of particles is 30. Dimension of particles is four since the parameters need to be tuned are 4. Range of particles is the positive real numbers. The maximum change one particle can take during one iteration is 20. Learning factors or acceleration constants are equal to 1.3. The searching is a repeat


WCE 2007

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2007 Vol I WCE 2007,and the 4, 2007, London, U.K. maximum numprocess July 2 - stop condition or the ber of iterations the PSO executes is set to 200. Inertia weight is set at 0.6 and 0.9. Using the above control parameters, the PSO is executed and the results are obtained.
The following combinations of the control parameters are used for running GAs. The chromosome structure had four parameters to be estimated. The selection mechanism of using GAs is binary tournament and K-elitism with K = 5. GAs was used with population size, crossover probability and mutation probability of 1000, 0.9, 0.03, respectively.

created using two main evolution operators known as crossover and mutation. However, PSO does not have the evolution operators and particles update themselves with the internal velocity [20, 25].

Results and Discussion

Comparison between GAs and PSO

Most of the evolutionary techniques have the following procedure: 1. Random generation of an initial population. 2. Reckoning of a tness value for each subject. 3. Reproduction the population based on tness values. 4. If the requirements are met, then stop. Otherwise go back to 2. From the above procedure, we can learn that PSO shares many common points with GAs [1, 20]. Both GAs and PSO are initialized with a population of random solutions and search for the optimum by updating generations. Both have tness values to evaluate the population. However, the information sharing mechanism in PSO is signicantly dierent [1, 20, 25]. In GAs, each possible solution within the population of a biological individual is coded in so called chromosome. Chromosomes share information with each other. Each chromosome is assigned a tness score according to how good a solution to the problem based on a given tness function. The solutions are taken according to their tness values and used to construct new solutions by a hope that the new solutions will be better than the old solutions and a generation is complete. Thus, the whole population moves like a one group towards an optimal area [23, 21, 24, 22]. In PSO, the potential solutions, called particles, y through the problem space by following the current optimum particles. Only the particle with the best tness value of all the particles gives out the information to others, so it is a one-way information sharing mechanism, where the evolution only looks for the best solution. Then, all the particles tend to converge to the best solution quickly even in the local version in most cases. In GAs, the new solutions are

The optimization problem considered in this paper is to solve the enhancement problem using PSO. Our objective is to maximize the number of pixels in the edges, increase the overall intensity of the edges, and increase the measure of the entropy. After that, the histogram of the enhanced image approaches the required uniform distribution. In order to evaluate the PSO-based enhancement method, we compared the proposed method with GA-based enhancement method using four selected images. They are the Cameraman, Tire, Pout and House. The size of each image is varying. For example, the Cameraman has a 256x256 pixels. For each PSO or GA run we report three values: The performance of the algorithms by computing the objective evaluation function in terms of the tness value The computational time per run of each algorithm The eciency in terms of the number of edgels which gives an indication of the performance of the proposed algorithm. The objective evaluation criterion in terms of tness score is employed to rank the proposed method; the results are given in Table 1 for typical runs. It can be shown that the results obtained using PSO when compared with the results obtained using GA reveals the following fact: The tness value using PSO is more when compared with the tness value using GAs for the same number of generations. The computational time for PSO based enhancement was found 130.5 seconds whereas the time taken for GAs based enhancement was found 182.4 seconds. The computational time is less in case of PSO when compared with that of GAs since PSO does not perform the selection and crossover operations as in the GA case. The image that contains the highest number of edgel pixels can be rated as having high detail contents as shown in Table 2. It is clear from Table 2 that the PSO-based method achieves the best detail content in the enhanced images


WCE 2007

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2007 Vol I WCE 2007, July 2 - 4, 2007, London, U.K. Table 1: The tness value of both PSO and GAs Using 200 Generations
Image/Fitness Cameraman Tire Pout House PSO-based 128.821 136.398 10.450 250.345 GAs-based 102.988 130.030 2.972 240.342

Table 2: The number of edgels as detected with Sobel automatic edge detector Image Cameraman Tire Pout Original 2485 1823 1492 GA 2575 1917 2040 PSO 2674 2020 2048

when compared with the number of edgels in the enhanced image using GAs and both are greater than the number of edgels in the original image. This ensures that the PSO method yields better quality of solution compared to GAs. Thus, the above facts reveal the superior properties of PSO when compared with GAs. So, the proposed PSO method yields high quality solutions with better computation eciency. It can be shown from Figure 4, that the brightness and contrast of the enhanced images using PSO and GAs appear visibly and is more than the brightness and contrast of the original images. Also, it can be shown clearly, that the brightness of the enhanced images using PSO is better than the brightness of the enhanced images using GAs. The convergence process of the 4 images is shown in Figure 5. PSO has been successfully applied for image enhancement application and demonstrated that PSO gets better results in a faster, cheaper way compared with GA evolutionary method. Also PSO is more attractive than GA is that there are few parameters to adjust compared with the large number of parameters adjusted when GA is run. All in all, these reported values and the results shown in Figure 4 give a good explanation of the superior of using PSO for image enhancement compared to GAs.

Figure 4: Enhancement results: left-original image; middle-GA based method; right-PSO based method. For the images a) Cameraman b) Tire c) Pout d) House.

Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, a new approach to automatic image enhancement using real-coded PSO is implemented by specifying a suitable tness function proportional to the number and intensity of the edgel pixels and to the entropic measure of the image. The objective of the algorithm was to maximize the total number of pixels in the edges thus being able to visualize more details in the images. The algorithm is tested on four selected images. The results obtained are tabulated and compared with the results ob-

Figure 5: Convergence process of the tested imagesblue color, PSO-based method; green color, GA-based method; upper left-Cameraman; upper right-Tire; lower left-Pout; lower right-House.


WCE 2007

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2007 Vol I WCE 2007, July GAs. 2007, London, U.K. obtained results tained using 2 - 4, It is clear from the that the proposed PSO based image enhancement is better than the GAs based image enhancement in terms of quality solution and computational eciency. The proposed PSO based image enhancement method may be extended in several ways, such as: ne tuning of the PSO parameters in order to reduce the number of particles and reducing the maximum number of iterations. Another extension is to code local parameters of the method that applies to each neighborhood.

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