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Intifada - The Peace FAQ


Frequently Asked Questions:

● Why did the Palestinian Arab kids seek out Israeli soldiers and bases
and then start throwing rocks and petrol bombs at them? Weren't
they afraid of getting shot?
● Didn't the Israeli soldiers over-react to this confrontation?
● Wasn't the intifada a justified response to Israel's occupation of their

Why did the Palestinian Arab kids seek out Israeli soldiers and
bases and then start throwing rocks and petrol bombs at them?
Weren't they afraid of getting shot?

● During school riots against what we called the Israeli occupation I

would prepare speeches, slogans, and write anti-Israel graffiti in an
effort to provoke students to throw rocks at the armed Israeli
soldiers. We shouted "No peace or negotiations with the enemy",
"Our blood and our souls we sacrifice to Arafat", "Our blood and our
souls we sacrifice to Palestine", "Death to the Zionists" etc....

I vowed to fight my Jewish enemy believing that I was doing God's

will on earth, and was true to my word as I participated in many riots
against the Israeli army, always trying to inflict harm to them and by
all means and methods I could come up with. I would start and
participate in any riot I can make, in schools, streets, and even on
the holiest place (the Temple mount site) in Jerusalem called by
Arabs (Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa), and all through high school I would always
be one of the first to provoke a riot.

Many others got involved in terror tactics against the Jews using
bombs and armed assaults on Jews as to force them to leave Israel,
but they never could pluck them out.

Nothing could change my heart, I could only die or a miracle needed (1 of 3)8/9/2007 10:05:50 AM

Intifada - The Peace FAQ

to happen. The simplest way to describe myself is that I was one of

those whom one would view on CNN throwing rocks and molotov
cocktails in the days of the Intifada or 'The Uprising', I was one of
these who Jews would call a terrorist, the interesting thing is that I
was not only terrorizing but I was terrorized by my beliefs, since I
had to gain enough merit and good deeds to go to heaven but never
was sure if my good deeds would outweigh my bad deeds in the
scale when I get judged by God, of course to die fighting the Jews
will ease Allah's anger towards my sin and I will be secured in a good
spot in heaven with beautiful wide eyed women to fulfill my most
intimate desires, either way I will win, and terror was the only way.

- Walid, a Palestinian Arab defector, quoted from "Answering Islam"

● "The Israelis are mistaken if they think we do not have an alternative

to negotiations. By Allah I swear they are wrong. The Palestinian
people are prepared to sacrifice the last boy and the last girl so that
the Palestinian flag will be flown over the walls, the churches and the
mosques of Jerusalem."

- Arafat (Ha'aretz, September 6, 1995)

Didn't the Israeli soldiers over-react to this confrontation?

● Many say the Israeli restraint itself was excessive. In fact, many
Israeli soldiers died in those confrontations because of this policy of
restraint. The restraint prevented them from taking the kind of action
which most, if not all, countries in the world would take under similar
conditions. Perhaps it is this apparent weakness on the part of the
Israelis which fueled the continuation of the intifada, and prolonged
world sympathy with the 'weaker' side in the conflict. Perhaps the
world would have respected Israel more if they saw the soldiers
standing up for themselves and their nation's right to exist, instead
of acting on orders to show restraint to the mobs. But then, who
really cares what the UN thinks anyway?

- The Society for Rational Peace

Wasn't the intifada a justified response to Israel's occupation of

their land?

● Read Walid's testimony above to see that the motivation for the (2 of 3)8/9/2007 10:05:50 AM

Intifada - The Peace FAQ

intifada was edenistic and religious in nature, and not primarily a

rebellion against 'oppression'.
● Whose land? Read the sections on The Occupied Territories, The
West Bank, The Six-Day War, Jordan, East Jerusalem, etc... (3 of 3)8/9/2007 10:05:50 AM

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