● Why did the Palestinian Arab kids seek out Israeli soldiers and bases
and then start throwing rocks and petrol bombs at them? Weren't
they afraid of getting shot?
● Didn't the Israeli soldiers over-react to this confrontation?
● Wasn't the intifada a justified response to Israel's occupation of their
Why did the Palestinian Arab kids seek out Israeli soldiers and
bases and then start throwing rocks and petrol bombs at them?
Weren't they afraid of getting shot?
Many others got involved in terror tactics against the Jews using
bombs and armed assaults on Jews as to force them to leave Israel,
but they never could pluck them out.
● Many say the Israeli restraint itself was excessive. In fact, many
Israeli soldiers died in those confrontations because of this policy of
restraint. The restraint prevented them from taking the kind of action
which most, if not all, countries in the world would take under similar
conditions. Perhaps it is this apparent weakness on the part of the
Israelis which fueled the continuation of the intifada, and prolonged
world sympathy with the 'weaker' side in the conflict. Perhaps the
world would have respected Israel more if they saw the soldiers
standing up for themselves and their nation's right to exist, instead
of acting on orders to show restraint to the mobs. But then, who
really cares what the UN thinks anyway?
● Read Walid's testimony above to see that the motivation for the