Frequentis DEF Product-Brief iSecCOM Link16 0

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Product brief: Link 16 secure voice

J-Voice for the entire operations team

Since its early beginnings in the Vietnam War, Link 16 (L16) has been consistently improved
and has subsequently developed into the primary military tactical data link for NATO and
selected friendly nations. Commanders are able to employ L16 to exchange vast amounts
of mission data between likewise equipped units in real time without fear of cyber attack
or being subject to electronic counter measures. One key element of L16 capability is its
ability to host secure voice channels – often referred to a J-Voice (Joint Tactical Information
Distribution System – JTIDS) – and this is an area where Frequentis can add value. By
using the field-proven and certified ground/air and ground/ground secure communications
system iSecCOM, Frequentis provides the customer with unparalleled J-Voice connectivity
to every iSecCOM position.

Key features
Link 16 secure voice
iSecCOM enables Link 16 secure voice to be
available at each operator position. Routed from the
workstation via the Link 16 MIDS (multifunctional
information distribution system) terminals, both
channels A and B, (16kbps & 2.4kbps) are supported.

Simplified communications and full control

iSecCOM provides full-spectrum communication
services, including all radio and telephony
services, combined with selected data and Link 16 secure voice
full radio remote control services.
at a glance
Designed by the operators and for the
operators •• Link 16 Secure Voice connectivity to combat
Frequentis leverages decades of experience working
•• Embedded electronic-counter-counter-
with operators to define the most user-friendly
measures in every operator position
HMI based on its field-proven, military-grade IT
solutions used by multiple forces around the globe. •• Remote control on all levels
•• Certified RED/BLACK VoIP
Electronic-counter-counter-measures •• Parallel access to the secure networks
Another feature of iSecCOM is that it integrates •• Mobile architecture based with very low size
radios in fixed frequency and ECCM mode (e.g. weight and power (SWAP)
HQ I/II, SATURN, ®SECOS) providing radio remote •• VOIP technology permits location-independent
control on secure voice operator position. access to the network for any Link 16-capable
•• Multi-MIDS & multi-host operations

Secure voice

Secure voice Link 16 IP-WAN
EDP/ED-137 MIDS gateway MIDS gateway

Secure voice

24/7 operations Unlimited access
Continuous secure voice over IP (VoIP) for interference Location-independent access to the network for any
access to all Link 16 voice channels. Link 16-capable system including national C2 systems
Simultaneous implementation, maintenance, operation
Uninterrupted availability where it matters
and supervision of numerous Link 16 networks. Field-proven, bulletproof technology that is designed
with no single point of failure and built-in redundancy
Static – deployable – mobile of every Frequentis component (e.g. redundant power
With a comprehensive set of features, the Frequentis supplies, redundant ethernet and data interfaces) to
solution has only a small footprint and can be deployed ensure continuity of service.
with ruggedised equipment to support transportable
and mobile units.

Technical specifications
Availability At least >0,99999

Configuration Fully redundant single domain only, or dual domain (RED/BLACK)

Power supply Redundant: two separate power supply lines recommended
Standards compliance NATO SDIP-271 Level C and NATO SDIP-291, ED136, ED137, ED 138 and ED153
SWAL3, ICAO-Standards Annex 10
Radio interfaces VHF/UHF/HF, HAVE QUICK I/II, SATURN, ECCM2. Fully remote-controlled
Phone interfaces Supplied: PRI, BRI (T0), MFC, E&M, FXS, FXO, LB. Supported: 3rd-party COTS IP
voice gateways, e.g. Mediant or CISCO router
End-to-end encryption Supports COMSEC between centre and aircraft, and VINSON-compatible crypto
devices connected to Frequentis crypto gateways and dynamic crypto allocation.
CC EAL4+-certified secure audio switch
Recording interfaces Integration of real-time voice and data recorders according to EUROCAE ED-137

Others Integration of 3rd-party gateways, SIP phones or collaboration applications

1 valid for secure audio switch, 2 other ECCM modes on request

FREQUENTIS AG The information contained in this publication is for general information purposes
Innovationsstraße 1 only. The technical specifications and requirements are correct at the time of
1100 Vienna, Austria publication. Frequentis accepts no liability for any error or omission. Typing and
Tel: +43-1-811 50-0 printing errors reserved. The information in this publication may not be used without the express written permission of the copyright holder.

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