Hi 1131b Manual

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pH Electrode Maintenance Guide

Calibrate Use a Stirrer

For best results, use a stirrer. A stirrer
Calibration Procedure will ensure that the pH buffer or
A clean, calibrated, and conditioned pH electrode will provide accu- sample is homogeneous. The
rate and repeatable results. When using a new electrode, remove movement of the solution will also
the protective bulb cap and inspect the electrode. increase the response time of the
electrode in the solution.
As storage solution may have evaporated during shipping
or storage, salt crystals may be found in and around the Multiple-point
protective cap or on the pH bulb. This is normal .
Rinse the electrode with water to clean salt deposits. During It is recommended to perform a two
transport, air bubbles may have formed inside the glass bulb. or more point calibration. pH 7.01
Shake down the electrode as you would with a liquid thermometer. should be first; this determines the
If the electrode is dry, condition the sensing tip by soaking the offset. The second calibration point
pH bulb and junction in HI70300L storage solution for at least one determines the slope. It is important +30m
hour. An overnight soak is best. This will hydrate the electrode bulb to use fresh buffers that bracket
and reference junction. the expected pH of the sample. For
example, if the expected value is pH
Rinse Electrode with Deionized Water (DI) -30m
8, the electrode should be calibrated
Prior to placing the electrode in calibration solution, it should using pH 7.01 and pH 10.01 buffer.
be thoroughly rinsed with deionized water (DI) to prevent any Hanna Instruments recommends that
contamination to the pH buffer. The electrode should always the offset does not exceed +/-30 mV mV reading in pH 7.01
be rinsed with DI before and after placing it in any solution. and the slope percentage is between
Hanna recommends using deionized water (DI) for rinsing 85%-105%.
electrodes; however, distilled, RO, pure, or demi water works as well.

Junction pH Bulb

CAL Check™

Many Hanna pH meters feature

CAL Check™ technology. CAL Check™

is a diagnostic system that measures
Use Fresh pH Buffer for Calibration accurate pH readings every time.
CAL Check™ eliminates erroneous mV reading between pH 7.01 and 4.01 or 10.01
The calibration of the pH electrode is only as good as the buffer readings due to dirty or faulty pH
used. For buffer pH values less than 7.01, the bottle should be electrodes or contaminated pH
used within 3-6 months after opening. For pH values over 7.01, buffer solutions during calibration.
the bottle should be used within 1-3 months for best results. To
prevent cross-contamination, do not place electrode in the bottle of
calibration buffer and never pour buffer back into the bottle. If the
same buffer is to be used for multiple calibrations, it is better to pour Reference
a small amount of buffer in a separate container that can be sealed. If Fill Cap

using a separate container, the buffer should be changed frequently

(i.e. daily, weekly). Electrode Fill Solutions
The electrolyte level in refillable
It is important to note that basic pH buffers (i.e. pH 7.01
electrodes should be checked before Good
and up) are less stable than acidic pH buffers. This is due to Electrolyte 1/2”
performing any calibration. If the
contamination from atmospheric CO2 diffusing into the buffer, Level
level is low (½” below fill hole), refill
forming carbonic acid and changing the buffer pH value. If the
with the proper electrolyte solution
buffer is old, the actual value might be less than stated on
and keep the cap loose or open to
the bottle, which will decrease the accuracy of the calibration Refill with Proper
ensure optimal electrode performance. Electrolyte Below
and measurement.
This simple step helps guarantee this Level

Open Reference Fill Cap on Refillable Electrodes adequate head pressure to promote
efficient and precise readings.
If using a refillable pH electrode, the fill cap should be removed prior
to calibration and measurement. Removing the cap creates positive Always use the appropriate fill solution for your pH electrode.
head pressure in the reference cell, allowing for higher flow rate of Typically, single junction pH electrodes use the HI7071 electrolyte
electrolyte through the outer junction. A higher flow rate will result solution (3.5M KCl + AgCl), while double junction pH electrodes
in a faster and more stable reading. use HI7082 electrolyte solution (3.5M KCl).

1.800.561.8187 www. .com [email protected]

pH Electrode Maintenance Guide
Condition (Storage) offset is still outside the acceptable ±30mV range, the electrode
may need to be replaced. For meters that do not have a mV mode,
Conditioning Procedure signs of dirty electrodes may include drifting readings, inability to
To minimize junction clogging and ensure fast response time, always calibrate, or slow stabilization times.
keep the glass bulb and the junction of your pH electrode clean and
hydrated. Use HI70300L storage solution in a beaker or storage cap, Inspect the electrode for any scratches or cracks on the bulb or stem.
making sure that the junction is covered. If any are present, replace the electrode.

If storage solution is not available, use pH 4.01 or pH 7.01 buffer.

Do not store the electrode in a buffer higher than pH 7.01 or
deionized (DI) water.

Never store a pH electrode in DI, distilled, RO, pure or dimi water!

Over time, particles during Your meter can still be A proper cleaning ensures
routine measurement can calibrated even if the electrode the whole surface of the
contaminate the sensor tip. sensor tip is not properly sensor tip is reading correctly,
cleaned before calibration. If ensuring an accurate
the contamination dissipates, calibration
the calibration is no longer
valid and the readings are

General Cleaning
Your meter can still be calibrated even if the electrode sensor tip
is not properly cleaned before calibration. If the contamination
dissipates, the calibration is no longer valid and the readings
are inaccurate.

A proper cleaning ensures the surface of the sensor tip is reading

correctly, ensuring an accurate calibration.

Soak in Hanna HI7061L General Cleaning Solution or appropriate

The concentration of the fill solution is 3.5M KCl. The reference
application specific cleaning solution for 15-30 minutes to dissolve
cell with this concentration generates a specific voltage. Placing a
probe in DI water will have an osmotic effect causing water to move
into the reference cell. There will also be a higher rate of diffusion Protein Coating
of electrolyte from the reference cell into the water due to a Soak in Hanna HI7073L Protein Cleaning Solution for 15 minutes to
concentration gradient. Both will result in a different reference enzymatically dissolve protein deposits.
electrolyte concentration which cause a change in the reference
potential. Additionally, storage in DI can cause the sensing glass to Inorganic Soak
break down overtime, premature failure, and ultimately replacement Soak in Hanna HI7074L Inorganic Cleaning Solution for 15 minutes.
of the electrode. This cleaner is especially effective at removal of precipitates caused
by reaction with the silver in the filling solution that may form in a
Clean ceramic junction.

Oil and Grease

Cleaning Procedure
Oil and grease removal requires the correct chemicals to dissolve the
The most common cause for inaccurate measurement is a dirty or
coating, but are mild enough to leave the electrode unaffected. Use
improperly cleaned electrode. Remember, just because an electrode
Hanna HI7077L Oil and Fat Cleaning Solution and soak for 15 minutes.
looks clean, does not mean that it is. This is important because
during calibration, the instrument assumes that the electrode is After performing any of these cleaning procedures, rinse the electrode
clean. pH meters on the market will accept calibrations with an thoroughly with DI water and then soak the electrode in HI70300L
offset voltage of approximately ±60 mV. Deviation from 0 mV is storage solution for at least 2-3 hours before calibration and
not unusual but ideally should be no greater than ±30 mV. The measurement. We recommend soaking overnight for best results.
calibration process compensates for the change in offset voltage.
Hanna has put together this guide to serve as a quick reference tool for
The pH electrode offset can be checked by placing the meter in mV best practices. Always remember to consult the instruction manual or
mode and reading the mV potential in pH 7.01.If after cleaning, contact us for detailed instructions for your specific needs.
changing the fill solution, and using fresh calibration buffer, the

1.800.561.8187 www. .com [email protected]

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