SAP CO Cookbook
SAP CO Cookbook
SAP CO Cookbook
1. Controlling
1.1 General Controlling
Maintain Controlling Area
Maintain Number Rangers for CO Documents
Maintain Versions
Define Ledger for CO Versions (S/4HANA)
Setup for Planning
Activate BI Bundle Content for Planning
Maintain Category for Planning
Maintain Multiple Valuation Approaches/Transfer Prices
Basic Settings
Maintain Currency & Valuation Profile
Assign Currency & Valuation Profile to Controlling Area
Check Material Ledger Settings
Assign Currency Types and Define Material Ledger Types
Assign Material Ledger Types to Valuation Area
1.2 Cost Centre
Basic Settings for Planning
Define Exchange Rate Types
Define Version (Create Authorization Grps for Version)
Define Allocation Structure for Assessment
Actual Postings
Period End Closing
Define Allocation Structures
Define Assessment Cycles
Define Splitting Structure & Assignment to Cost Center
1.3 Internal Orders
Order Master Data
Define Order Types
Maintain Number Ranges for Orders
Define Status Management in Order Types
1.4 Product Cost Controlling
Product Cost Planning
Basic Settings
Define Cost Component Structure
Material Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure
Define Costing Variant
Selected Functions in Material Costing
Activate Cross-Company Costing
Define Costing Version
Mixed Costing
Define Quantity Structure Type
Cost Object Controlling
Product Cost by Order
Manufacturing Orders
Check Costing Variants for Manufacturing Orders (PP)
Work in Process
Define Results Analysis Key
Define Results Analysis Version
Define Valuation Method (Actual Costs)
Define Line IDs & Assignment of Cost elements for WIP and RA
Update of WIP Calculation and Result Analysis
Posting rules in WIP Calculation and Result Analysis
Variance Calculation
Define Variance Keys
Define Default Variance Keys for Plants
Check Variance Variants
Define Valuation Variant for WIP and Scrap (Target Costs)
Define Target Costs Version
Define Number Ranges for Variance Documents
Create Settlement Profile
Create Allocation Structure
Create PA Transfer Structure
Maintain Number Ranges for Settlement Documents
Actual Costing/Material Ledger
Assign Currency Types and Define Material Ledger Types
Define & Assign Movement Type Groups of Material Ledger
Define & Assign Material Update Structure
1.4 Profitability Analysis
Define Operating Concern
Maintain Characteristic
Maintain Value Fields
Maintain Operating Concern
Information System
Define Key Figure Schemes
Create Forms for Profitability Report
Create Profitability Report
Maintain Customer Hierarchy (Local Levels)
1.5 Profit Centre
Basic Settings
Maintain Controlling Area Settings
Activate Direct Postings
Set Control Parameters for Actual Data
Maintain Plan Versions (Settings for Profit Center)
Transfer Prices
Basic Settings for Pricing
Advanced Settings for Pricing
Settings for Internal Goods Movement
Applicable for Requirement Sign off Status
Tab No. H/D Collection
ABC Project Collection Status (ABC Power
Planned Date
Configuration Configuration Revised
Transport Number Responsible
Planned Date Status on DEV Planned Due
(CHARM) Consultant Name
(DEV Golden) (Golden) Date
Maintain Controlling Area
Menu Path: Controlling > General Controlling > Organization > Controlling Area
T-Code: OX06
Description: To maintain controlling area
Name CoCd->CO Area
Name Company Code
1000 ABC Group 1000
Company Name
Versions Explanation
0 Used for Approved and final Plan. Same version is also used for any approved revision during the year. In this case, Orignal approved plan
1 Provision for Plan version
2 Provision for Plan version
ZEG Delta Version of Transfer Prices to capture Cost for Group Valuation in Product Costing
ZEP Delta Version of Transfer Prices to capture cost for Profit Center Valuation in Product Costing
Currency Type
B0 Operating Concern Currency
Description: The activity launches the BI Content Activation Workbench, which lists BI Content
bundled according to business categories, for example, processes. Activating content according
to business categories saves the effort of searching for single BI Content objects
Description: The system uses categories to distinguish different sets of plan data. You can create different
categories for different purposes, for example, for optimistic or pessimistic plan scenarios, for top-down or bottom-
up planning or any other purpose
PLN01 Used for Approved and final Plan. Same version is also any approved revision during the year. In this case, Orignal approved plan will be c
PLN02 Provision for Plan version
PLN03 Provision for Plan version
Orignal approved plan will be copied to version PLN02 or PLN03
Maintain Currency & Valuation Profile
Menu Path: Controlling > General Controlling >Multiple Valuation Approaches/Transfer Prices > Basic Settings>Maintain Curre
T-Code: 8KEM
Description: To maintain currency & valuation profile
COAr Name CoCd -> CO Area Crcy Currency Type C+V Prof. Text
1000 ABC Group 2 PKR 30 1000 ABC C+V Profile
CoCd -> CO Area --> 2 = Cross-company code cost accounting
Currency Type --> 30 = Group Currency
ces > Basic Settings>assign Currency and Valuation Profile
Assign Currency Types and Define Material Ledger Types
Menu Path: Controlling > General Controlling >Multiple Valuation Approaches/Transfer Prices > Basic Settings>Check Materia
T-Code: OMX2
Description:Assign Currency Types and Define Material Ledger Types
ML Type Z000
Crcy Type Short Description
10 Company code currency
31 Group currency, group valuation
32 Group currency, profit center valuation
s > Basic Settings>Check Material Ledger Settings>Assign Currency Type & define Material ledger Types
Assign Material Ledger Types to Valuation Area
Menu Path: Controlling > General Controlling >Multiple Valuation Approaches/Transfer Prices > Basic Settings>Check Materia
T-Code: OMX3
Description:Assign Material Ledger Types to Valuation Area
Below are Valuation Area relationship to Company Codes
EMU Fixed
Cost Component Structure
T-code: OKTZ
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling> Product Cost Planning> Basic settings for material costing> Define Cos
Description: To Cost Component Structure
Origin Groups
T-Code: OKKN
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling> Product Cost Planning> Material Cost Estimate with Qty Structure> Define
Description: To define costing variant
Valuation Variant 001 -> Planned Valuation: Mat. (All Plants Same)
Material Valuation
Priority Strategy Sequence:
1 Planned Price 1
2 Price from Purchasing info Record
3 Val. Price According to Price Cntrl in MM
Same settings of PPC1 are used for Group Costing variant (ZPCG) & Profit Center Costing variant (ZPCP) except for costing type
Further, costing type 'G1' has valuation view 'Group Valuation' where as costing type 'P1' has valuation view 'Profit Center val
timate with Qty Structure> Define Costing Variant
Save Parameters
Cost Est. w/ Qty Stucture: with Start of Period
Additive Cost Estimate: with Start of Period
Man Entry
Bom Application
PC01 Costing
Selection ID 05
ant (ZPCP) except for costing type which is G1 in variant ZPCG and P1 in varaint ZPCP.
as valuation view 'Profit Center valuation'.
Subcontrcting Ext. Processing
Strategy Sequence: Priority Strategy Sequence:
Net Quotation Price 1 Price from Operation
Net Purchase Order Price 2 Net Quotation Price
Activate Cross-Company Costing
T-code: OKYV
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling> Product Cost Planning> Selected Functions in Material Costing>Activate Cr
Description: To activate cross company costing
Controlling Area Costing Type Valuation Variant Cost Across Company Codes
1000 1 ü
Material Costing>Activate Cross-Company Costing
Define Costing Versions
T-code: OKYD
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling> Product Cost Planning> Selected Functions in Material Costing>Define Cos
Description: To define costing Versions
Costing Version Costing Type Valuation variant Variant for Transfer price Exch. Rate Type
1 01 001
1 G1
1 P1
1 P1 001 ZP0
tions in Material Costing>Define Costing Versions
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling> Product Cost Planning>Selected Functions in Material Costing>Mixed Costi
Description: To define qty structure types
T-code: OPL1
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling> Cost object controlling>Product cost by order>Manufacturing orders>Che
Description: To check costing variants for manufacturing orders
T-code: OKG1
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling> Cost object controlling>Product cost by order>Manufacturing orders>Peri
Description: To configure result analysis key
RA Key Text
000001 Results Analysis (Int. Orders/Projects)
000002 WIP Calculation at Actual Costs
000003 WIP Calculation at Target Costs
000004 Results Analysis (for Sales Orders)
Manufacturing orders>Period End Closing>Work in Process>Define Result Analysis Key
Define Result Analysis Version
T-code: OKG9
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling> Cost object controlling>Product cost by order>Manufacturing orders>Peri
Description: To create RA Version
T-code: OKGC
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling> Cost object controlling>Product cost by order>Manufacturing orders>Peri
Description: To create valuation method
RA Masked Cost Masked Business
CO Area RA Key Origin Activity
Version Element Cost Center Proc.
1000 0 0004++++++ ++++
1000 0 0005103+++ ++++
1000 0 0005107+++ ++++
1000 0 0005121+++ ++++
1000 0 5121250 ++++
1000 0 5121300 ++++
1000 0 5121350 ++++
1000 0 0005213+++ ++++
1000 0 0005215+++ ++++
1000 0 00095+++++ ++++ ++++++++++ ++++++
1000 ZEG 0004++++++ ++++
1000 ZEG 0005103+++ ++++
1000 ZEG 0005107+++ ++++
1000 ZEG 0005121+++ ++++
1000 ZEG 5121250 ++++
1000 ZEG 5121300 ++++
1000 ZEG 5121350 ++++
1000 ZEG 0005213+++ ++++
1000 ZEG 0005215+++ ++++
1000 ZEG 00095+++++ ++++ ++++++++++ ++++++
1000 ZEP 0004++++++ ++++
1000 ZEP 0005103+++ ++++
1000 ZEP 0005107+++ ++++
1000 ZEP 0005121+++ ++++
1000 ZEP 5121250 ++++
1000 ZEP 5121300 ++++
1000 ZEP 5121350 ++++
1000 ZEP 0005213+++ ++++
1000 ZEP 0005215+++ ++++
1000 ZEP 00095+++++ ++++ ++++++++++ ++++++
t By Order > Period End Closing > Work in Process > Define Line IDs
t By Order > Period End Closing > Work in Process > Define Assignment
+ + ++ 1.2018 REV
+ + ++ 1.2018 COP
+ + ++ 1.2018 COP
+ + ++ 1.2018 COP
+ + ++ 1.2018 SET
+ + ++ 1.2018 SET
+ + ++ 1.2018 SET
+ + ++ 1.2018 COP
+ + ++ 1.2018 COP
+ + ++ 1.2018 COS
+ + ++ 1.2018 REV
+ + ++ 1.2018 COP
+ + ++ 1.2018 COP
+ + ++ 1.2018 COP
+ + ++ 1.2018 SET
+ + ++ 1.2018 SET
+ + ++ 1.2018 SET
+ + ++ 1.2018 COP
+ + ++ 1.2018 COP
+ + ++ 1.2018 COS
+ + ++ 1.2018 REV
+ + ++ 1.2018 COP
+ + ++ 1.2018 COP
+ + ++ 1.2018 COP
+ + ++ 1.2018 SET
+ + ++ 1.2018 SET
+ + ++ 1.2018 SET
+ + ++ 1.2018 COP
+ + ++ 1.2018 COP
+ + ++ 1.2018 COS
% %
OptToCa CannotB
p eCap
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Update of WIP Calculation and Result Analysis
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling > Cost Object Controlling > Product Cost By Order > Period End Closing
T-Code: OKGA
Description: To Update of WIP Calculation and Result Analysis
Controlling Company RA RA Cost Record P&L
Area Code Version Category Element Number Account
1000 2000 0 WIPR 0 5121400
1000 2000 0 RUCR 0 5121400
1000 2000 ZEG WIPR 0 5121400
1000 2000 ZEG RUCR 0 5121400
1000 2000 ZEP WIPR 0 5121400
1000 2000 ZEP RUCR 0 5121400
By Order > Period End Closing > Work in Process > Define Posting Rules for Settling Work in Process
ss is settled.
Define Variance Keys
T-code: OKV1
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling> Cost object controlling>Product cost by order>Manufacturing orders>Vari
Description: To variance keys
T-code: OKVW
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling> Cost object controlling>Product cost by order>Manufacturing orders>Vari
Description: To define Default Variance keys for Plants
Note: All Plants will have same Variance key for which Material Cost Estimate will be run.
der>Manufacturing orders>Variance Calculation>Define Default Variance Keys for Plants
Check Variance Variants
T-code: OKVG
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling> Cost object controlling>Product cost by order>Manufacturing orders>Vari
Description: To check variance variants
001 Standard
T-code: OKV6
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling> Cost object controlling>Product cost by order>Manufacturing orders>Vari
Description: To Define Target Cost Version
T-code: KANK
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling> Cost object controlling>Product cost by order>Manufacturing orders>Vari
Description: To Define Number Ranges for Variance Documents
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling> Cost object controlling>Product cost by order>Manufacturing orders>Sett
T-Code: OKO7
Description: To create settlement profile for order settlement
T-code: SNUM
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling> Cost object controlling>Product cost by order>Manufacturing orders>Peri
Description: To Maintain Number Ranges for Settlement Documents
T-code: KEA5
Menu Path: Controlling > Profitability Analysis> Structures>Define Operating Concern>Maintain Characterstics
Description: To Maintain characterstics
T-code: 0KE5
Menu Path: Controlling> Profit Center Accounting> Basic Settings>Controlling Area Settings
Description: To specify initial settings for Profit Center Accounting
T-code: 1KEF
Menu Path: Controlling> Profit Center Accounting> Basic Settings>Controlling Area Settings>Activate Direct Postings
Description: To specify initial settings for Profit Center Accounting
T-code: 1KEF
Menu Path: Controlling> Profit Center Accounting> Basic Settings>Controlling Area Settings>Activate Direct Postings>Plan Ver
Description: To specify plan versions
T-code: 8KEZ
Menu Path: Controlling> Profit Center Accounting> Basic Settings>Controlling Area Settings>Maintain Plan Versions (Settin
Description: To specify plan versions
Step Cntr
10 0
Step Cntr
10 0
20 0
Step Cntr
10 0
Step Cntr
10 0
20 0
T-code: 0KEK
Menu Path: Controlling> Profit Center Accounting> Basic Settings>Controlling Area Settings>Maintain Plan Versions (Settings f
Description: To specify plan versions
T-code: 0KEK
Menu Path: Controlling> Cost Center Accounting> Actual Posting>Period End Closing> Assessment> Define Allocation Stru
Description: To Maintain Allocation Structure For Assessment
02 Operations 010
03 Maintenance 010
04 I&E 010
07 Admin 010
08 HSE&T 010
09 Other 010
W1 Warehousing 010
9400110 #N/A
9400111 #N/A
9400112 #N/A
9400200 #N/A
9400201 #N/A
9400202 #N/A
9400300 #N/A
9400301 #N/A
9400302 #N/A
9400400 #N/A
9400401 #N/A
9400402 #N/A
9400500 #N/A
9400501 #N/A
9400502 #N/A
9400600 #N/A
9400601 #N/A
9400602 #N/A
9400700 #N/A
9400701 #N/A
9400702 #N/A
9400900 #N/A
9400901 #N/A
9400902 #N/A
9461100 #N/A
9461200 #N/A
9462100 #N/A
9462200 #N/A
9463100 #N/A
9463200 #N/A
9491100 #N/A
9491200 #N/A
9492100 #N/A
9492200 #N/A
9493100 #N/A
9493200 #N/A
9493300 #N/A
Define Actual Assessment Cycle
T-code: KSU1
Menu Path: Controlling> Cost Center Accounting> Actual Posting>Period End Closing> Assessment> Maintain Assessment
Description: To Create Actual Assessment For Manufacturing
Cycle Description
20CG10 Corp Services Allocation
20FT10 Finch, Taxes & Others
20IP10 Ind Prod OH Cycle KHI
20IP50 Ind Prod OH Cycle - DHK
20IP60 Ind Prod OH Cycle -ZKZ
20MK20 Marketing Cost Allocation
40IP50 Ind Prod OH Cycle -EPCL
T-code: KEU1
Menu Path: Controlling> Profitablily Analysis> Actual Posting>Period End Closing> Assessment> Maintain Assessment
Description: To Create CO-PA Assessment For Non-Manufacturing
Cycle Description
21CG50 Non MFG CSG Cycle - EFAT
20CG50 Non MFG CSG Cycle - EFERT
20MK50 Non MFG MK Cycle - EFERT
20WH50 Non MFG WH Cycle - EFERT
31CG50 Non MFG CSG Cycle - EFERT
32CG50 Non MFG CSG Cycle - ELENGY
32OP50 Non MFG CSG Cycle - ELENGY
ment> Maintain Assessment
T-code: OKES
Menu Path: Controlling> Cost Center Accounting> Actual Posting>Period End Closing> Activity Allocation > Splitting > Defin
Description: To Maintain Splitting Structure For Activity Types
Split. Str
Name Assignment Text Rule
10 Machine Cost 1
20 Labor Cost 1
Z1 ABC Splitting Structure
30 FOH Cost 1
40 Other Costs 1
T-code: OKEW
Menu Path: Controlling> Cost Center Accounting> Actual Posting>Period End Closing> Activity Allocation > Splitting > Assig
Description: To Maintain the activation of Splitting Structure on specified cost centers
Name Cost Center Name
Str. Code
Z1 ABC Splitting Structure 202110110 Ammonia 1
Z1 ABC Splitting Structure 202110111 Ammonia 2
Z1 ABC Splitting Structure 202110120 Urea 1
Z1 ABC Splitting Structure 202110121 Urea 2
Z1 ABC Splitting Structure 202110130 PM&S 1
Z1 ABC Splitting Structure 202110131 PM&S 2
Z1 ABC Splitting Structure 202110210 Ammonia 3
Z1 ABC Splitting Structure 202110220 Urea 3
Z1 ABC Splitting Structure 202110230 PM&S 3
Z1 ABC Splitting Structure 202210110 ZKH Bulk Mfg.
Z1 ABC Splitting Structure 202210120 ZKH PM&S
Z2 Seeds Splitting Structure 202310110 Seeds Processing
Z2 Seeds Splitting Structure 202310120 Seeds Proc. - Rice
Closing> Activity Allocation > Splitting > Define Splitting Structures
Closing> Activity Allocation > Splitting > Assign Splitting Structure to Cost Center
Activity Type
To Group
Movement Type Groups of Material Ledger
Menu Path: Controlling > Product Cost Controlling > Actual Costing/Material Ledger > Material update > Define Movement type
T-Code: OMX7
Description: To maintain movement type groups of material ledger
Reval. Of
MTG Name
CC Rev - Account & CO 2
CF Rev - Account 1
Spec. stock Mvt Rec Cns Movement type Text nt type
201 GI for cost center CC
201 K GI cst consgt CC
201 P GI pipel.for cst cnt CC
202 RE for cost center CC
202 K RE cst consgt CC
202 P RE pipel.for cst cnt CC
221 GI for project CC
221 K GI consgt f. project CC
221 Q GI project for proj. CC
221 Q P GI project for proj. CC
222 RE for project CC
222 K RE consgt f. project CC
222 Q RE project for proj. CC
222 Q P RE project for proj. CC
231 GI for sales order CC
231 E GI sls sls or. CC
231 E E GI sls sls or. CC
231 K GI sls consgt CC
231 Q GI sales proj CC
231 Q P GI sales proj CC
232 RE for sales order CC
232 E RE sls sls or. CC
232 E E RE sls sls or. CC
232 K RE sls consgt CC
232 Q RE sales proj CC
232 Q P RE sales proj CC
241 GI for asset CC
241 K GI asset from consgt CC
242 RE for asset CC
242 K RE asset from consgt CC
251 GI for sales CC
251 K GI sales from consgt CC
252 RE for sales CC
252 K RE sales from consgt CC
261 GI for order CC
261 L GI for order CC
261 B GI order fm cst. stk CC
261 E GI order frm sls or. CC
261 E E GI order frm sls or. CC
261 E P GI order frm sls or. CC
261 E L GI order frm sls or. CC
261 E L E GI order frm sls or. CC
261 E L P GI order frm sls or. CC
261 K GI order from consgt CC
261 K L GI order from consgt CC
261 M GI order from RTP CC
261 M L GI order from RTP CC
261 P GI order fm pipeline CC
261 P L GI order fm pipeline CC
261 Q GI order frm project CC
261 Q P GI order frm project CC
261 Q L GI order frm project CC
261 Q L P GI order frm project CC
261 W GI order fm cu.cons. CC
261 W L GI order fm cu.cons. CC
262 RE for order CC
262 L RE for order CC
262 B RE order fm cust.stk CC
262 E RE order frm sls or. CC
262 E E RE order frm sls or. CC
262 E P RE order frm sls or. CC
262 E L RE order frm sls or. CC
262 E L E RE order frm sls or. CC
262 E L P RE order frm sls or. CC
262 K RE order from consgt CC
262 K L RE order from consgt CC
262 M RE order from pool CC
262 M L RE order from pool CC
262 P RE order fm pipeline CC
262 P L RE order fm pipeline CC
262 Q RE order frm project CC
262 Q P RE order frm project CC
262 Q L RE order frm project CC
262 Q L P RE order frm project CC
262 W RE order fm cu.cons. CC
262 W L RE order fm cu.cons. CC
281 GI for network CC
281 L GI for network CC
281 E GI netw. frm sls or. CC
281 E E GI netw. frm sls or. CC
281 E P GI netw. frm sls or. CC
281 E L GI netw. frm sls or. CC
281 E L E GI netw. frm sls or. CC
281 E L P GI netw. frm sls or. CC
281 K GI netw. frm consgmt CC
281 K L GI netw. frm consgmt CC
281 P GI netw. fm pipeline CC
281 P L GI netw. fm pipeline CC
281 Q GI netw. frm project CC
281 Q P GI netw. frm project CC
281 Q L GI netw. frm project CC
281 Q L P GI netw. frm project CC
282 RE for network CC
282 L RE for network CC
282 E RE netw. frm sls or. CC
282 E E RE netw. frm sls or. CC
282 E P RE netw. frm sls or. CC
282 E L RE netw. frm sls or. CC
282 E L E RE netw. frm sls or. CC
282 E L P RE netw. frm sls or. CC
282 K RE netw. frm consgmt CC
282 K L RE netw. frm consgmt CC
282 P RE netw. fm pipeline CC
282 P L RE netw. fm pipeline CC
282 Q RE netw. frm project CC
282 Q P RE netw. frm project CC
282 Q L RE netw. frm project CC
282 Q L P RE netw. frm project CC
291 GI all acc. assigmts CC
291 E GI sls or CC
291 E E GI sls or CC
291 K GI consgt CC
291 P GI acct pipel CC
291 Q GI acct proj. CC
291 Q P GI acct proj. CC
291 W GR ac.ass.consi.cust CC
291 W L GR ac.ass.consi.cust CC
292 RE all acct assigmts CC
292 E RE sls or. CC
292 E E RE sls or. CC
292 K RE consgt CC
292 P RE acct pipel CC
292 Q RE acct proj. CC
292 Q P RE acct proj. CC
292 W RE ac.ass.consi.cust CC
292 W L RE ac.ass.consi.cust CC
601 L GD goods issue:delvy CF
601 L E GD goods issue:delvy CF
601 L P GD goods issue:delvy CF
601 L V GD goods issue:delvy CF
601 E L GD delivery sls ord. CF
601 E L E GD delivery sls ord. CF
601 E L P GD delivery sls ord. CF
601 E L V GD delivery sls ord. CF
601 K L GD goods issue:delvy CF
601 K L E GD goods issue:delvy CF
601 K L P GD goods issue:delvy CF
601 K L V GD goods issue:delvy CF
601 Q L GD delivery project CF
601 Q L P GD delivery project CF
602 L GD Goods deliv. rev. CF
602 L E GD Goods deliv. rev. CF
602 L P GD Goods deliv. rev. CF
602 L V GD Goods deliv. rev. CF
602 E L GD deliv. sOrdr rev. CF
602 E L E RE deliv. sOrdr rev. CF
602 E L P RE deliv. sOrdr rev. CF
602 E L V GD deliv. sOrdr rev. CF
602 K L GD Goods deliv. rev. CF
602 K L GD Goods deliv. rev. CF
602 K L E GD Goods deliv. rev. CF
602 K L P GD Goods deliv. rev. CF
602 K L V GD Goods deliv. rev. CF
602 Q L GD deliv. proj. stck CF
602 Q L P GD deliv. proj. stck CF
> Define Movement type Groups of Material Ledger
MUS Name
0001 Standard