Immersive Surgical Anatomy of The Craniometric Points
Immersive Surgical Anatomy of The Craniometric Points
Immersive Surgical Anatomy of The Craniometric Points
Craniometric points (CPs) have been used in neurosciences since the 1800s. Localization of the
CPs allows for the identification of crucial intracranial structures. Despite the contribution of
advanced technology to surgery, the knowledge of these points remains crucial for surgical
planning and intraoperative orientation. The understanding of these crucial points can be
facilitated with the use of three-dimensional technology combined with anatomical dissections.
The present study is part of a stereoscopic collection of volumetric models (VMs) obtained from
cadaveric dissections that depict the relevant anatomy of the CPs. Five embalmed heads and
two dry skulls have been used to depict these points. After the anatomical dissection,
stereoscopic images and VMs were generated to show the correlation between external and
internal landmarks. The CPs identified were divided into sutures, suture junctions,
prominences and depressions, and cortical surface landmarks. The VMs represent an
interactive way to define these points easily and their correlation with different intracranial
structures (vascular structure, ventricle cavity, and Brodmann’s areas).
Categories: Neurosurgery
Keywords: craniometric points, cerebral cortex, vascular landmarks, ventricular access, keyholes,
motor cortex, speech area, volumetric models, cranial sutures
Craniometry is a science that utilizes measurements of the skull and facial structures with the
aim of analysing specific osseous features in different populations. Therefore, craniometric
points (CPs) were described as the landmarks from which these measurements could be taken.
The CPs have been used for several purposes in anthropology, forensic sciences, and
neurosciences. In 1876, Broca published the “Sur la topographie crânio-cé ré brale” and, for the
first time, correlated the CPs to intracranial structures such as sulci and gyri of interest [1]. In
the following years, anatomists, surgeons, and radiologists have studied the craniocerebral
topography and measured lines from different CPs to identify them easily. In the late 19th
Received 04/19/2020
Review began 04/27/2020
century, the application of the CPs in surgery established the foundation of modern
Review ended 06/03/2020 neurosurgery, with the possibility to tailor craniotomies in specific areas of interest [1].
Published 06/15/2020 Recently, Ribas and others have focused most of their anatomical research around the surgical
© Copyright 2020
applications of CPs, underlying their importance in modern neurosurgery [1-4].
Vigo et al. This is an open access
article distributed under the terms of Nowadays, preoperative and intraoperative surgical planning is based on neuroimaging
the Creative Commons Attribution
information. With the advent of neuronavigation systems, the recognition of critical
License CC-BY 4.0., which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and intracranial structures has been simplified. Nevertheless, such a sophisticated technology
reproduction in any medium, provided cannot fully replace the three-dimensional (3D) understanding of the craniocerebral
the original author and source are relationships that can be utilized for the intraoperative assessment of anatomy. The knowledge
of these anatomical landmarks should be the starting point of each cranial neurosurgical
In this study, we will review the available literature related to CPs with the aim of describing
their location, relation to critical structures (i.e., cortical areas, vasculature, and ventricles),
and their implication for neurosurgical procedures. Moreover, with the use of anatomical
volumetric models (VMs) and online 3D platforms, we aimed to facilitate the visuospatial
understanding of the CPs and their correlation with intracranial structures.
Technical Report
Materials and methods
Five embalmed and latex-injected cadaveric heads were prepared for anatomical dissections
and two dry skulls were utilized to identify the CPs. Dissections were performed under a
surgical simulation setting. After removing the scalp and reflecting the temporalis muscles, the
cranial sutures and relevant prominences were identified and isolated. After removing the
surrounding bone with a high-speed drill (Midas Rex; Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA), the
following windows were created: superior frontal, inferior frontal, sphenoid, superior parietal,
inferior parietal, temporal, and occipital. The relationship between the CPs and intracranial
structures at different layers (i.e., dura, arachnoid, brain surface, white matter, and ventricular)
were analysed. Dissections were photo-documented using a professional camera (D810; Nikon,
Tokyo, Japan), and selected specimens were reconstructed using 3D data obtained via surface
scanning techniques (i.e., photogrammetry and structured light scanning). Our laboratory had
previously documented the comprehensive workflow of 3D scanning using the aforementioned
techniques [5]. Additionally, the 3D reconstruction of the left brain hemisphere of a healthy
male obtained from magnetic resonance was included. The VMs were post-processed using a
computer graphics software (Blender 2.82; Blender Foundation, Amsterdam, Holland), and the
corresponding texture maps were generated with a 3D texturing program (Substance Painter;
Adobe, San Jose, CA, USA).
Virtual platform
The anatomical VMs were uploaded to a web-based 3D model viewer (Sketchfab; Sketchfab Inc,
New York, NY, USA), a platform that belongs to a series of new modalities meant to enhance the
immersive and functional capacities of VMs. Once the VMs were uploaded, the virtual scene
was prepared for its real-time rendering. Position, lighting, materials, and filters were set to
highlight regions of anatomical interest. Strategic points were labeled and annotated for an
interactive experience. Views of the models were set for both two-dimensional (2D) and 3D
experiences. The stereoscopic version of the virtual scene was set up and tested using a virtual
reality headset (HTC Vive; HTC Co., Taiwan, China) and a browser compatible with WebVR
technology (Firefox Nightly; Mozilla Co., Mountain View, CA, USA).
Anatomical description
In the following section, we will review the main osteometric features of the skull including
sutures, suture junctions, prominences, and depressions. Afterward, essential cortical points
and their relationship with CPs will be reviewed. A clear understanding of the topology of sulci
and gyri is fundamental to correlate the intracranial structures with the corresponding
superficial landmarks properly (Figure 1, Interactive Model 1).
The sutures of the neurocranium are a type of fibrous joint (i.e., synarthroses) that allows the
development and expansion of the cranial vault. Around the age of seven years, the ossification
of these sutures leads to the formation of the adult skull. Ossification occurs from anterior to
posterior and from lateral to medial. These sutures are located between the frontal, parietal,
temporal, sphenoid, and occipital bones. The metopic suture is positioned between the two
portions of the frontal bone. It is not usually visible in the skull of an adult since its closure
occurs in around 9th and 11th months of age [6]. The coronal suture detaches the frontal and
parietal bones. This suture forms a subtle depression in the skull that can be commonly located
by touch under the scalp (Figure 2A). Over the anterolateral portion of the skull, three main
sutures can be found: frontozygomatic, frontosphenoid, and sphenozygomatic (Figure 2B). The
frontozygomatic and frontosphenoid sutures merge the frontal bone with the zygomatic and
the sphenoid bones, respectively. The sphenozygomatic suture marks the junction of the
sphenoid and zygomatic bones on the anterior side of the skull. The sagittal suture is located
down the midline of the calvaria convexity connecting the coronal suture and the lambdoidal
sutures, thereby, separating the parietal bones (Figure 2C). Laterally, the squamosal suture joins
the squamous portion of the temporal bone with the parietal bones and extends horizontally.
Towards the inferior posterolateral portion of the skull, three sutures can be found:
parietomastoid, occipitomastoid, and lambdoid. The parietomastoid suture separates the
parietal bones and the mastoid process of the temporal bone, whereas the occipitomastoid lies
at the connection of the inferolateral occipital bone with the posterior portion of the mastoid
process. Superior and medial, the lambdoid suture is located at the posterior end of the skull
and separates the parietal and the superior portion of the occipital bone (Figure 2D, Interactive
Model 2).
Suture junctions
Lambda (Lm) is located at the junction of the lambdoid and sagittal sutures (Figures 2D, 3B).
The distance from Br to Lm is about 13 cm, and this measurement runs along the sagittal suture
(Interactive Model 3). The distance from nasion to Lm is about 24-26 cm, and it is 2-4 cm
superior to the opisthocranion (Figure 4A) [1]. Inferior and lateral to Lm lies the parieto-
occipital fissure, which corresponds to the emergence of the parieto-occipital sulcus inside the
IHF. The Lm is found 3-5 cm posterior to the obelion; this indicates the intersection of the
sagittal suture with the foramina of the parietal emissary veins [9].
The pterion (Pt) is an H-shaped sutural junction located between the frontal, parietal,
temporal, and sphenoid bones (Figure 2B). The Pt has been classified into four different types
The asterion (Ast), is located laterally and posteriorly at the junction of the lambdoid,
parietomastoid, and occipitomastoid sutures (Figure 2B). Two types of Ast have been described
based upon the presence of a sutural bone at Ast (Type I) or not (Type II). The second type is the
most common [10]. The Ast is a crucial landmark in lateral approaches to the posterior fossa,
being the most commonly used in the retrosigmoid approach. In fact, the Ast defines the
superior limit of the craniotomy since it serves as a landmark for the junction between the
transverse and sigmoid sinuses and, therefore, the transition between supratentorial space and
posterior fossa. Moreover, beginning at the Ast and descending along the occipitomastoid
suture, the occipital artery can be identified within the occipital groove. These landmarks can
be utilized during the harvesting of the occipital artery for bypass surgery or simply to facilitate
vascular control of the regional extracranial circulation.
The glabella (Gl) is the most anterior midline point of the frontal bone. The Gl is located just
superior to the Na, over the smooth surface between the orbital rims (Figure 2A). The
anteroposterior length of the skull is equal to the distance from the Gl to opisthocranion, which
is around 17 cm in adults (Figure 4A) [11]. The Gl is also a landmark for the frontal sinus.
The vertex is the most superior point of the skull and is located in the midline above the
superior sagittal sinus (SSS) and between the the Br and Lm.
The superior temporal line (STL) is a subtle ridge of bone that extends from the posterior edge
of the zygomatic process to the lateral surface of the parietal bone (Figure 2B, Interactive Model
4). At the level of the coronal suture, it splits into a superior and an inferior temporal line,
which serves as an attachment site for the temporalis fascia and muscle, respectively [9]. The
STL has a close relationship with speech areas: it demarks the superior limit of the IFG and is
an important landmark for the supramarginal and angular gyrus [7].
The stephanion (St) corresponds to the intersection between the STL and the coronal suture
(Figures 2B, 3A). It lies around 8 cm lateral to Br (Interactive Model 3) [2]. The inferior frontal
sulcus (IFS) and pre-central sulcus (PreCS) meeting point is located about 0.5 cm posterior to
the St [8]. Along with the STL, St is found 6.4 cm anterior to the euryon (Eu), and hence, the
supramarginal gyrus (Figure 4A). The St is located on the same coronal plane as Broca’s area
(Brodmann's area 44-45).
The Eu is a palpable prominence, localized in the middle of the parietal tuberosity (Figures 2B,
2D, 3). It is positioned at the junction between the STL and a vertical line that ascends from the
posterior aspect of the mastoid process passing through the meeting point of the squamous and
parietomastoid sutures. The Eu is always posterior to the post-central sulcus (PoCS) and
corresponds to the posterior aspect of the supramarginal gyrus (Brodmann’s area 40). The Eu is
located 1-2 cm anterior to the sulcus of Jensen and 1-3 cm lateral to the intraparietal sulcus
(IPS) (Interactive Model 5) [2].
The obelion is located on the sagittal suture 2.5 cm anterior to Lm. The obelion sits between the
two foramina parietalia (Figure 2C) [9].
Opisthocranion (Oph) is the most posterior prominent point along the midline (Figure 2D,
Interactive Model 2). This point is located on the occipital bone, and is identified 3-4 cm
superior the In, 2-4 cm inferior Lm, and 12-14 cm posterior to Br (Figure 4A) [2,8]. The Oph is
one of the main landmarks for posterior craniotomy focused on the occipital lobe since the
calcarine fissure and the cuneus base (Brodmann’s area 17 - primary visual cortex area) are
located at the same axial plane of this prominence.
The inion (In) is a palpable midline prominence given by the external occipital protuberance
(Figures 2D, 3B, 4B). The In is situated above the torcular Herophili, which corresponds to the
confluence of the sinuses. The In provides attachment to the medial portion of the trapezius
muscle and the superior segment of the nuchal ligament. This CP indicates the location of the
tentorium and, therefore, the beginning of the posterior fossa. The line between the In and the
Ast corresponds to the transverse sinus position and can be used as an inferior landmark for
supratentorial exposures [3].
The nuchal lines are four curved crests of the external surface of the occipital bone (Figure 4B).
The highest nuchal line begins at the posterior curvature of the skull, extends from midline to
the lambdoid sutures bilaterally, and is where the occipital muscles join the galea. The medial
nuchal line is a vertical crest that runs from the In to the foramen magnum and gives
attachment to the nuchal ligament and the medial portion of trapezius, semispinalis capitis,
and rectus capitis posterior minor muscles. This nuchal line overlies the occipital sinus. The
superior nuchal line extends from the In to the lambdoid sutures and is the external landmark
for the transverse sinus. This line gives attachment to the occipitalis, splenius capitis, and
sternocleidomastoid muscles. The inferior nuchal line is a prominence that begins at the
midpoint of the medial nuchal line and curves laterally and downward. The muscles attached to
this line are the rectus capitis posterior major, rectus capitis posterior minor, and obliquus
capitis superior [9].
The opisthion is a midline point for the posterior edge of the foramen magnum (Figure 4B) [2].
The basion is the midpoint of the anterior edge of the foramen magnum (Figure 4B) [9]. The
distance from the Br to the basion is the height of the skull (approximately 13.2 cm). These
points are used in spinal surgery as landmarks of the foramen magnum and to measure the
distance with the atlas.
Cortical surface
The ASyP marks the division between the proximal and distal portions of the SF. The ASyP can
be identified on the cranial surface medial to the ASP (Figure 5A) [2]. This point is 2-2.5 cm
anterior from the inferior Rolandic point (IRP).
The SF is the most prominent landmark of the lateral surface of the brain and can be divided
into anterior and lateral segments [1]. The anterior portion of the SF starts at the anterior
clinoid process extending laterally along the sphenoid ridge to reach the lateral convexity [12].
The ASyP corresponds to the anterior enlargement of the SF, where its anterior and lateral
segments are divided. The lateral portion of the SF is formed by two anterior rami, horizontal
and ascending, and a posterior ramus. The squamosal suture represents the direction of the
The IRP is the junction between the SF and the CS (Figures 5A, 5B). The superficial landmark to
the IRP can be localized on the cranial surface at the intersection of the highest portion of the
squamous suture with a vertical line that ascends from the preauricular depression, also known
as the superior squamous point (SSP) [8]. The distance between the ASyP and the IRP is 2-2.5
cm. The IRP is also a landmark for the Heschl’s gyrus that is positioned in the superior temporal
gyrus and, therefore, signals the beginning of Wernicke’s area (Interactive Model 5).
The IFS/PreCS point corresponds to the meeting of the IFS and the PreCS (Figure 5A). This
point is commonly found underneath St. Specifically, the IFS is located an average distance of
0.17±0.5 cm superior to St and the preCS around 0.34±0.71 cm posterior to St [2]. The IFS/PreCS
point is important to identify the pre-central gyrus (Brodmann’s area 4 - primary motor cortex)
and delimitates the superior and posterior margin of the IFG.
The SRP is located at the intersection of the IHF and the CS (Figures 5A, 5B). The CP, which lies
above the SRP, is about 5 cm posterior to the Br along the sagittal suture, and it is known as the
superior sagittal point (SSagP) (Interactive Model 5) [8]. The SRP lies at the same coronal plane
as the splenium of the corpus callosum and the quadrigeminal cistern [2].
The SFS/PreCS point marks the junction between the superior frontal sulcus (SFS) and PreCS
(Figure 5B). This point can be localized in the skull 1.5 cm posterior to Br and 3 cm lateral to the
sagittal suture, and it is called posterior coronal point (PCoP) (Interactive Model 5). The
SFS/PreCS point is also an important landmark to identify the omega region (hand motor
activation area, Brodmann’s area 6) in the pre-central gyrus. Moreover, it is coronally
correlated to the thalamus and, hence, with the floor of the lateral ventricle (posterior to the
foramen of Monro). The SFS/PreCS point is a crucial reference for superior frontal transulcal
and interhemispheric transcallosal approaches to the ventricular cavity [1].
The IPS/PoCS point represents the connection between the IPS and the PoCS. This point can be
identified on the skull as the intraparietal point (IPP) and is located 6 cm anterior to Lm and 5
cm lateral to the sagittal suture (Figure 5B, Interactive Model 3). The coronal projection of the
IPS/PCS point corresponds to the atrium and trigone of the lateral ventricle. In surgery, it is a
central landmark to confine the PoCS and as a starting point for a parietal transulcal approach
to the atrium [1].
The parieto-occipital incisure (POinc) corresponds to the meeting point of the most superior
point of the parieto-occipital sulcus and the external occipital fissure (EOF) into the medial
aspect of each hemisphere (also called EOF medial point) [1,8]. The POinc lies underneath the
lateral aspect of Lm (Figures 5C, 5D). This point is a surgical landmark for the posterior face of
the precuneus along the IHF (Interactive Model 5).
The postSTS point is the most posterior portion of the superior temporal sulcus (STS), just
before its trifurcation, where its middle and most horizontal branch penetrates into the angular
Craniometric landmarks based on surgical applications
Craniometric Points for Ventricular Access
Access to the ventricular cavities is one of the most performed procedures in neurosurgery,
both in elective and emergency cases. The ventricles are localized in the center of the brain
and, hence, reaching these cavities requires crossing through grey and white matter structures
(Figure 6, Interactive Model 6). For these reasons, the cranial surface landmarks have been used
to identify and describe burr hole locations to obtain safe pathways to reach different parts of
the ventricles. Knowledge of the entry points is crucial to achieving an effective and secure
Kocher's point is the most utilized point for anterior access to the lateral ventricles. This point
can be localized 11 cm posterior and superior to Na or 1-2 cm anterior to the coronal suture and
2-3 cm from the midline (Interactive Model 7). Kocher’s point is situated along the midpupillary
line to avoid any disruption to the superficial venous system. The catheter should be inserted 6
cm below the skin surface, with a direction perpendicular to the meeting point between the
ipsilateral medial canthus and external auditory meatus. Kocher’s point provides access to the
frontal horn of the lateral ventricle. This precoronal point is so located to be lateral to the SSS
and always anterior to the primary motor area [13].
Keen’s point is located in the posterior parietal surface, 2-3 cm superior and posterior to the
ear’s pinna. The catheter is direct cephalic and perpendicular to the temporal cortex
(Interactive Model 7). The trigone of the ipsilateral ventricle is located 4-5 cm below [13].
Frazier’s point is another posterior parietal point. This point is positioned 6 cm superior to the
In, and 3-4 cm lateral to the midline, above the lambdoid suture (Interactive Model 7). The
catheter follows a medial and superior trajectory and is directed to a point placed 4 cm above
the contralateral medial canthus. After 5 cm, the occipital horn and the body of the lateral
ventricle should be reached [13].
Dandy’s point serves as an access point to the lateral ventricles from the posterior occipital
region. The burr hole is placed 3 cm over the In and 2 cm laterally under the lambdoid suture
(Interactive Model 7). The catheter is directed superiorly towards a point 2 cm above the Gl and
inserted 4-5 cm to reach the occipital horn and body of the lateral ventricle [13].
The primary motor cortex area is located at the pre-central gyrus on the dorsolateral surface of
the brain (Interactive Model 1). Distance from the coronal suture to the CS measures around 5
cm. Localization of the CS and the motor cortex is a crucial aspect during frontoparietal
craniotomies. Despite the common use of neuronavigation systems, a comprehensive
understanding of the 3D topography of the primary motor cortex is commonly needed during
cranial cases. Therefore, different surface topographic localization methods have been
described to identify this critical area (Interactive Model 8) [14].
The Taylor-Haughton method uses different lines and their intersection to identify the CS: the
Frankfurt plane (i.e., a line that extends from the inferior margin of the orbit to the upper
margin of the external auditory canal), the distance from Na to In along the calvarium (Na-In)
divided in quarters (25%-50%-75%), the posterior ear line (i.e., a perpendicular line from the
mastoid directed upward), condylar line (i.e., a perpendicular line from the mandibular condyle
headed upward), the line from the middle of the orbit to the 75% mark along the Na-In, which
corresponds to the SF from the orbit to the posterior ear line. The CS is situated 2 cm posterior
to the 50% mark between Na-In (or the intersection between the Na-In and the posterior ear
line), corresponding to the SRP, to the connection of the SF and condyle line, corresponding to
the IRP (Figure 7A) [14].
Broca’s method uses as a reference Broca’s plane (BP), a horizontal line that extends from the
base of the upper teeth through the bottom edge of the mastoid process. Two horizontal lines
are then drawn parallel to BP: a superior line, intersecting with the Br, and a medial line from
the external angular process of the frontal bone to just below the lambda suture. Then two
vertical lines, perpendicular to BP, are drawn: the vertical auriculobregmatic line (ABL) and a
second line 45 mm posterior to the ABL. The SRP can be located from the most superior point of
the second vertical line at its intersection with the horizontal line intersecting Br. The IRP is
situated at the intersection of the horizontal line from the external angular process of the
frontal bone to the lambda suture and the ABL. The CS can be identified as the oblique line
from the SRP and the IRP (Figure 7B) [14].
With Rothon’s method, the CS is detected with the use of three lines. The first is the Na-In line
marked at the halfway point and at the three-fourths point (50% and 75%). The second one,
which represents the SF, is an oblique line extending from external angular process of the
frontal bone (i.e., anatomic keyhole) to the 75% mark of the Na-In line. The third line is an
Awareness and identification of venous vascular structures of the brain surface are crucial
during surgery to avoid early bleeding complications and to localize specific areas of interest.
Therefore, some CPs have been detected to properly tailor the craniotomies (Interactive Model
The SSS lies at the midline and runs from behind the frontal sinuses posteriorly in the shallow
groove on the inner table of the cranium, below the sagittal suture, until the In, where it merges
with the two transverse sinuses (Figure 8). The arachnoid granulations are commonly located
2.6 cm lateral to the SSS and can be found from 3.9 cm anterior to 7.3 cm posterior to the Br [7].
These granulations are important for the drainage of the superficial veins of the brain and the
cerebral spinal fluid reabsorption into the venous system (Figures 8A, 8C, 8D) [7]. The bridging
veins are the connection between the superficial venous system and the SSS. The connection
between the superficial veins of the different lobes with the SSS can have different orientations,
and they commonly run near the lateral wall of the SSS before draining into it. Accumulations
of these veins are found conventionally between Br and L, predominantly in the right
hemisphere: posteriorly to the frontal region above the genu of the CC and 4-6 cm from the
torcular Herophili (Figures 8C, 8D). In this region also, the lacunae, enlarged venous spaces, can
be found (Figure 8D). The lacunae are contained in the dura mater adjacent to the SSS and
receive drainage of the meningeal veins. The cortical veins are known to pass beneath the
lacunae to reach the sinus and, less frequently, to open into the lacunae. In the posterior frontal
and parietal regions, the lacunae are the biggest and most consistent.
The vein of Trolard, also known as the superior anastomotic vein, is the largest anastomotic
vein that crosses the cortical surface of the frontal and parietal lobes just between the SF and
the SSS. The vein of Trolard is most frequently found in the PoCS lying 1.2 cm posterior to CS
The vein of Labbé, also known as the inferior anastomotic vein, arises from the middle portion
of the SF and descends to the transverse sinus (Figure 9). This drainage is located 0.8-1.5 cm
superior to the zygomatic arch and 2-5 cm posterior to the external auditory meatus opening.
The vein of Labbé drains into the tentorial venous group, sigmoid or transverse sinus about 7
mm away from the superior petrosal sinus [15,16].
The transverse sinuses extend from the torcular Herophili to the sigmoid sinus bilaterally
(Figures 8B, 8D, Interactive Model 9). They run laterally into a groove along the interior surface
of the occipital bone, which can be identified externally by the line from In to Ast [1].
The transverse-sigmoid junction is important for the placement of the strategic burr hole in
posterolateral craniotomies. Traditionally, it has been associated with the Ast superficially,
though it has been shown that the Ast overlays the transverse sinus more frequently [17,18].
Several methods to identify the transverse-sigmoid sinus junction have been described. The
techniques that rely on local bony anatomy, observable in the surgical field, are the most
accurate (Figure 10). Among these, the most accurate methods are the Ribas method, which
recognizes the junction 1 cm anterior to Ast, with the superior edge of the burr hole adjacent to
the petromastoid line, and the Teranishi method, which places the burr hole 0.65 cm inferior
and 0.65 cm lateral to the Ast [17].
Sutures, cranial protuberances, and the CPs have been extensively used to locate critical
structures while placing the burr holes of craniotomies. In this section, we will describe the
main landmarks used in anterolateral cranial approaches (Interactive Model 7).
The MacCarthy keyhole is found in the frontal orbito-zygomatic region, most specifically on the
frontosphenoidal suture. It is located approximately 6.8 mm superior and 4.5 mm posterior to
the frontozygomatic suture [19]. This burr hole reveals frontal dura and the lower half’s area
around the orbit, and it is used in the fronto-orbit-zygomatic craniotomies. In the pterional
approach, the keyhole should be positioned along the frontosphenoid suture approximately 5-6
mm posterior to the junction of the frontosphenoid, frontozygomatic, and sphenozygomatic
sutures: a landmark also referred to as the three-suture junction (Figure 11).
The sphenoparietal point corresponds to the projection of the most lateral and anterior aspects
of the sphenoid ridge and the SF (Figure 11). This point constitutes an osseous transition
between the anterior and middle fossae, which are the compartments that need to be exposed
in frontotemporal approaches. The sphenoparietal point can be identified 21.72 mm posterior
and 4.76 mm superior to the frontozygomatic suture [20].
The preauricular depression (PreAD) keypoint represents the most anterolateral position of the
petrous bone, and thus the transition of the temporal fossa and the ascending petrous bone
surface. This point is located above the PreAD, which is described as the ascendant portion of
the superior margin of the posterior part of the zygomatic process, just anterior to the tragus
and external acoustic meatus (Interactive Model 3). The burr hole performed on the PreAD
keypoint exposes the posterior portion of the middle fossa. This point is related to the inferior
temporal sulcus and in the coronal plane to the upper third of the clivus. The 1 cm above the
In this study, we review and describe all the crucial CPs that should be utilized in everyday
practice. We aimed to facilitate the 3D comprehension of this critical landmark using VMs.
A thorough understanding of the relationship between the cranial surface and intracranial
structures is paramount to avoid unnecessary exposure or damage to critical anatomical
structures. Due to its superficiality, the correct interpretation of the neurovascular architecture
underneath the craniotomy site is a primary and critical step in successful surgery. Although
the average morphometrics found in the literature are not generally applied due to individual
anatomical variations, the study of CPs still serves as a practical preoperative and
intraoperative tool for the operator aiming to navigate the intricate neurosurgical anatomy. The
knowledge of anatomical landmarks and a constant 3D visuospatial orientation of the relevant
surgical topography remains an essential component to perform safe and efficient surgeries
with successful outcomes.
Additional Information
Human subjects: All authors have confirmed that this study did not involve human
participants or tissue. Animal subjects: All authors have confirmed that this study did not
involve animal subjects or tissue. Conflicts of interest: In compliance with the ICMJE uniform
disclosure form, all authors declare the following: Payment/services info: All authors have
declared that no financial support was received from any organization for the submitted work.
Financial relationships: All authors have declared that they have no financial relationships at
present or within the previous three years with any organizations that might have an interest in
the submitted work. Other relationships: All authors have declared that there are no other
relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.
We would like to express our gratitude to the body donors and their families, who, through
their altruism, contributed to making this project possible. We would also like to thank the
Neuroscape Laboratory at the University of California, San Francisco, for sharing their publicly
available 3D dataset (3DPX-000757) for anatomical concepts used in Models 1 and 9.
1. Ribas GC: Applied Cranial-Cerebral Anatomy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United
Kingdom; 2018. 10.1017/9781316661567
2. Ribas GC, Yasuda A, Ribas EC, Nishikuni K, Rodrigues AJ Jr: Surgical anatomy of
microneurosurgical sulcal key points. Neurosurgery. 2006, 59:ONS177-ONS211.