Association Between Electronic Cigarette Use and Tobacco Cigarette Smoking Initiation in Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Association Between Electronic Cigarette Use and Tobacco Cigarette Smoking Initiation in Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Association Between Electronic Cigarette Use and Tobacco Cigarette Smoking Initiation in Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Background: This systematic review of prospective longitudinal primary studies sought to determine whether
electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use by teenagers who had never smoked conventional tobacco cigarettes (tobacco
cigarettes) at baseline was associated with subsequently commencing tobacco cigarette smoking.
Methods: The review followed the principles of a systematic review and meta-analysis. A key word search
identified peer-reviewed articles published between 1 January 2005 and 2 October 2019 from seven bibliographic
databases and one search engine. Using pre-prepared inclusion/exclusion criteria two researchers independently
screened abstracts, and subsequently, full text papers. Selected articles were quality assessed in duplicate. Data on
study participants characteristics, exposure and outcome measures were recorded in an adapted Cochrane Data
Extraction Form. Feasibility assessment was done to detect clinical heterogeneity and choose an approach to meta-
analysis. Analysis comprised pairwise random effects meta-analyses, and sensitivity and subgroup analyses.
Results: From the 6619 studies identified, 14 one-off primary studies in 21 articles were suitable for inclusion. The
participants ages ranged from 13 to 19 years and comprised teenagers based in Europe and North America. Nine of
the 14 one-off studies, with follow-up periods between 4 and 24 months, met the criteria for inclusion in a meta-
analysis of the association between ever use of e-cigarettes and subsequent initiation of tobacco cigarette use.
Based on primary study adjusted odds ratios, our meta-analysis calculated a 4.06 (95% confidence interval (CI): 3.00–
5.48, I2 68%, 9 primary studies) times higher odds of commencing tobacco cigarette smoking for teenagers who
had ever used e-cigarettes at baseline, though the odds ratio were marginally lower (to 3.71 times odds, 95%CI:
2.83–4. 86, I2 35%, 4 primary studies) when only the four high-quality studies were analysed.
Conclusion: The systematic review found that e-cigarette use was associated with commencement of tobacco
cigarette smoking among teenagers in Europe and North America, identifying an important health-related harm.
Given the availability and usage of e-cigarettes, this study provides added support for urgent response by
policymakers to stop their use by teenagers to decrease direct harms in this susceptible population group, as well
as to conserve achievements in diminishing tobacco cigarette initiation.
Keywords: Electronic cigarette use, Vaping, Tobacco cigarette initiation, Smoking, Adolescents
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Health Research Board, Grattan House, 67-72 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2
D02 H638, Ireland
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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O’Brien et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:954 Page 2 of 10
criteria (Table 1), two authors independently completed and length of follow-up (less than 12 months com-
three rounds of document screening. We did backward pared to 12 months or more). A level of evidence [30]
citation searching using bibliographies of all papers in- and a GRADE recommendation [31] were ascribed to
cluded in the review. Our PRISMA diagram is presented the main outcome. The methods for this paper are
in Additional file 1: Appendix 2. This systematic review described in detail elsewhere [32].
observed the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination’s
guidance for completing reviews in health care [21]. Results
Study and population characteristics
Quality assessment and data extraction The searches retrieved 6619 studies (6510 papers from
Two authors independently evaluated the quality of the the initial searches, plus 109 papers from supplemental
14 studies using the National Heart, Lung, and Blood In- searches). Two researchers selected 21 papers for inclu-
stitute’s (NHLBI’s) 14-item quality assessment tool for sion in the study (Additional file 1: Appendix 2); com-
observational studies (Additional file 1: Appendix 3) prising 14 unique longitudinal prospective studies
[22]. One author extracted key population, exposure, (Additional file 1: Appendices 4–8). The data in the pri-
and outcome data from the included papers into an mary studies were collected between 2013 and 2016 and
adapted Cochrane Data Extraction Form [23] and these their longitudinal follow-up periods ranged from 4
extracted data were verified by another author. months to 2.5 years. Only one study had two follow-up
time points [33]. Fifteen primary papers were completed
Statistical analyses using North American populations [33–47] and six
A meta-analysis feasibility assessment including the 14 primary papers were based on European populations
studies was done to decide whether to do meta-analysis [48–53]. The studies’ populations ages ranged from 13
and to choose the most suitable meta-analysis method to 19 years at baseline. The included studies had a range
[24–26]. The feasibility analysis assessed the studies’ of research questions related to e-cigarette use; 17
similarities and differences in outcome, exposure, unit of enquired about ever use of e-cigarettes [33, 36–40, 42,
measurement, and length of time to follow-up. A pair- 44–53], and 4 queried current e-cigarette use in the past
wise random effects meta-analyses using the longitudinal 30 days [35, 40, 43, 44]. Data on e-cigarette type, gener-
cohort studies adjusted odds ratios to evaluate outcomes ation or liquid were not asked about in any study. The
of studies exposures was completed for the outcome ‘ini- papers assessed tobacco cigarette smoking during
tiated tobacco cigarette smoking’ for the studies’ follow- follow-up as an outcome variable: 18 papers studied ever
up periods [27–29]. The I2 inconsistency index describes use of tobacco cigarettes between baseline and follow-up
the percentage of the variability in treatment effects that [33, 35, 37–52], and 4 queried past 30-day use of to-
is due to statistical heterogeneity rather than sampling bacco cigarettes [39, 40, 42, 44]. The publications com-
error (chance). We performed two sensitivity analyses: pleting regression analysis included potential
one including studies rated as high-quality and another confounding variables as covariates in their regression
including studies that controlled for three domains of model, ranging from the inclusion of 3 variables to the
confounding (demographic, interpersonal, intrapersonal). inclusion of 17. Based on previous research, we grouped
Subgroup analyses were also completed by year of the covariates into three groups: demographic (e.g. age,
data collection (baseline data collection pre 2014 gender, ethnicity, family affluence), interpersonal (e.g.
compared to baseline data collection 2014 to date), number of friends/family members that smoke) or intra-
geographical region (North America versus Europe) personal (e.g. such impulsivity, sensation seeking, rebel-
lion) [17]. One paper [36] collected data on variables
Table 1 Population, intervention, comparator and outcome from a single domain, while eight papers [35, 38, 43, 46,
inclusion criteria for review question
47, 50, 51, 53] had variables representing two domains,
Element Description
and ten papers [33, 34, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, 52] had
Population Adolescents who never smoked tobacco cigarettes at variables from all three domains.
baseline. The age of the included population was
between 13 and 19 years at baseline. The could be living
in any country around the Globe. Quality assessment
Exposure Any e-cigarette vaping at baseline or in the past Overall, using the NHLBI quality assessment tool [22],
Comparators Non-electronic cigarette user we considered four studies to be high-quality [39, 44, 47,
52] as they had a representative and clearly defined sam-
Outcomes Initiation of tobacco cigarette smoking at follow-up
ple with a participation rate of more than 50%, a loss to
Study Longitudinal cohort studies
follow-up rate of 20% or less, and a sample size justifica-
tion or variance calculation for the main outcomes
Search dates 2005–2019
(Additional file 1: Appendix 3). The remaining studies in
O’Brien et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:954 Page 4 of 10
the meta-analysis were judged to be moderate quality this sensitivity analysis (OR: 3.82; 95% CI: 2.66–5.48; I2
and tended to have higher loss to follow up or lower 69%) were like the results for the high-quality studies
participation rates. sensitivity analysis, but the level of heterogeneity
remained high (Additional file 1: Appendix 10).
Feasibility assessment Three subgroup analysis were done (Additional file 1:
In order to ascertain whether a meta-analysis was appro- Appendix 10). The first compared studies which col-
priate and which studies should be included, a feasibility lected data pre-2014 [33, 39, 47] with those which col-
analysis was conducted, assessing if the primary study lected their initial data from 2014 onwards [38, 44, 48,
authors employed the same method of analysis consider- 49, 51, 52], due to the rise in e-cigarette use that was no-
ing outcome, exposure, unit of measurement, and length ticed around this time [54]. The combined OR for stud-
of time to follow-up (Additional file 1: Appendix 9). ies which collected data from 2014 onwards increased
Based on these criteria, nine studies with 16,808 partici- substantially (pre-2014 AOR: 2.81, 95%CI: 2.45–3.72 I2
pants were considered eligible for meta-analysis of ever 78%); compared to 2014 onwards (5.16, 95%CI: 3.69–
using e-cigarette at baseline and smoked tobacco ciga- 7.21 I2 38%). However, the confidence intervals overlap
rettes at any time during the follow-up period (Fig. 1), indicating that they are not statistically significantly
while three studies of past-30-day e-cigarette use at different.
baseline and smoked tobacco cigarettes at any time The second subgroup analysis compared the length of
during the follow-up period were eligible. time to follow-up, as studies included in the analyses
had follow-up periods which ranged from 4 months to 2
Ever e-cigarette use at baseline and subsequent cigarette years. However, as only two studies had follow-up
smoking at follow-up periods of less than 1 year [49, 51] including one study
Our ever e-cigarette-use meta-analysis was based on the which had a very small sample size, the meta-analysis
primary study adjusted odds ratios and calculated a for this subgroup did not provide useable results.
combined 4.06 (95%CI: 3.00–5.48, I2 68%) times higher Finally, considering the significance of the geograph-
odds of initiating smoking tobacco cigarettes for those ical, regulatory, and cultural context of these studies, we
who had ever used e-cigarettes at baseline, although this compared European studies with those from the USA.
combined odds ratio decreased marginally to 3.71 times The combined OR was higher in the European studies
(95%CI: 2.83–4. 86, I2 35%) when only the four high- (OR: 6.22, 95%CI: 3.73–10.38 I2 54%) [48, 49, 51, 52]
quality studies [39, 44, 47, 52] were analysed in a sensi- compared with the USA studies (OR: 3.18, 95%CI: 2.26–
tivity analysis (Additional file 1: Appendix 10). The ini- 4.47 I2 65%) [33, 38, 39, 44, 47]. However, the confi-
tial meta-analysis model had high statistical dence intervals overlap indicating that they are not
heterogeneity, sensitivity analysis restricted to high- statistically significantly different.
quality studies had moderate statistical heterogeneity.
One additional sensitivity analysis was completed on Past-30-day e-cigarette use at baseline and subsequent
six studies [33, 39, 44, 48, 49, 52] that controlled for the cigarette smoking at follow-up
three domains of covariates – that is, demographic, Four studies measured the effect of past-30-day e-
interpersonal, and intrapersonal factors. The results of cigarette use at baseline and subsequent cigarette
Fig. 1 Meta-analysis results, using primary study adjusted odds ratio (AOR), for association between ever e-cigarette use and subsequent smoking
O’Brien et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:954 Page 5 of 10
smoking at follow-up [35, 40, 43, 44]. One of the four remainder of the studies were judged to be moderate
studies was excluded following feasibility analysis prior quality because of their small sample sizes and/or high
to meta-analysis. A meta-analysis was completed using loss to follow-up.
the remaining three primary studies adjusted odds ratios The longitudinal prospective study design used to
(Additional file 1: Appendix 10) and included 30,018 evaluate the relationship between e-cigarette use and ini-
participants. The meta-analysis identified a significant tiation of tobacco cigarette smoking permits researchers
positive association between past-30-day e-cigarette use to start the process of establishing a causal relationship.
at baseline and subsequent cigarette smoking initiation Across all primary studies included in the meta-analysis,
at follow-up (OR: 2.14; 95% CI: 1.75–2.62; I2 0%) (Fig. 2) the adjusted odds ratios and confidence intervals are
[35, 40, 44]. consistent, and the strength of association is statistically
significant. Moreover, the use of e-cigarettes which oc-
Level and certainty of evidence curred before initiating smoking, fulfils the criteria for a
We ascribed a level of evidence of 3 using British temporal relationship. Finally, two studies in this review
Medical Journal guidelines [30], as this is a systematic have illustrated a dose-response relationship. We have
review of cohort studies, some of which had high loss to moderate confidence that the true effect is probably
follow-up and/or very small sample sizes. With respect close to the estimated effect for initiating smoking at
to certainty of evidence [31] and taking account of study follow-up for those who had ever used e-cigarettes at
design and statistical heterogeneity, we have moderate baseline, as all meta-analyses indicate that there is a sig-
confidence that the true effect is likely to be close to the nificant positive association between using e-cigarettes
estimated effect for starting smoking at follow-up for at baseline and smoking tobacco cigarettes at follow-up,
those who had ever used e-cigarettes at baseline. and this effect size is quite large; the findings are statisti-
cally significant, consistent, and the exposure occurred
Discussion before the outcome. We also found a significant two-
Main findings fold positive association between past-30-day e-cigarette
We calculated a more precise and generalisable estimate use at baseline and subsequent cigarette smoking initi-
of the odds of tobacco cigarette smoking initiation fol- ation at follow-up. This is a more restricted measure of
lowing ever use of e-cigarettes in adolescents in Europe exposure with a shorter duration during which the non-
and North America. We identify a four-fold increased user can take up vaping, but shows the same positive as-
likelihood between e-cigarettes use and initiating smok- sociation among smoking initiators demonstrating that
ing tobacco cigarettes in adolescents in a combined ana- e-cigarette vaping in non-smokers in the 30 days prior to
lysis of nine cohort studies conducted with follow-up data collection increases the odds of taking up tobacco
periods between 4 and 24 months. Sensitivity and sub- cigarette smoking.
group analysis support the relationship between ever
using e-cigarettes and initiating smoking tobacco ciga- Strengths and limitations
rettes. Six studies controlled for confounding under Given that there were 433 brands of e-cigarettes and 15,
three domains (demographic, interpersonal, and intra- 586 flavours documented by 2017 [1], the primary limi-
personal) while examining the association between using tation of the research in this area is the heterogeneity of
e-cigarettes and initiating smoking tobacco cigarettes, the exposure (e-cigarette) in terms of generation, prod-
and had a similar, significant estimate of effect in meta- uct type, e-liquid and its nicotine content. The included
analysis. The four high-quality studies also had a similar studies did not ask specific questions about the e-
estimate of effect but lower statistical heterogeneity. The cigarette used, and only two [51, 53] of the 21 studies
Fig. 2 Meta-analysis results, using primary study adjusted odds ratio (AOR), for association between past 30-day e-cigarette use and
subsequent smoking
O’Brien et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:954 Page 6 of 10
measured the differences between nicotine and non- onset, control for confounders, and include a propensity
nicotine e-cigarettes. This is relevant as e-cigarettes score measure of liability to smoking [56]. In addition to
industry is developing new products rapidly. this, we propose exploring the phenomenon using ex-
None of the cohort studies did biochemical verification plorative and in-depth quantitative and qualitative
of outcomes as they relied on the tried and tested ques- methods to understand the thinking and behaviour of
tions about ever use, recent or last year use, and current adolescents who use e-cigarettes and subsequently move
or last 30 days use and these measures are accepted the to tobacco cigarettes or use both, so as to provide en-
world over for surveying the use of tobacco products, hanced interventions to prevent these practices.
licit drugs, and illicit drugs [55]. The most common Most research has taken place in Europe and North
measure of both e-cigarette and cigarette use was ‘ever America: there is a need for research for cross-country
use’ of either product, an indicator which has been cri- research including low- and middle-income countries
tiqued by researchers [56], as it did not observe whether where the burden of tobacco cigarette use is the highest.
the teenagers used the product once in their young life, No study provided information on e-cigarette type,
or if they used it regularly. ‘Past-30-day use’ has gotten generation or liquid. It is important to note that e-
the same censure. However, the use of these indicators cigarettes and their e-liquids were not a standard com-
has been justified, with a recent study by Birge et al. modity or exposure but an umbrella term for a device
finding that over two-thirds of smokers who ever con- that delivers nicotine and other products including fla-
sumed a single puff of a tobacco cigarette during adoles- vourings [65]. Independent longitudinal research into e-
cence became, for a time, regular smokers [57]. cigarette devices and their liquids over several years is
essential to identify and limit their long-term effects on
Comparison with previous systematic reviews human health.
The results of this up-to-date and comprehensive sys-
tematic review are in line with three published meta- Implications for policymakers
analyses [16, 18, 19], that also found an association be- Given over six million deaths attributable to smoking
tween initiation of e-cigarette use and subsequent smok- worldwide each year [66], tackling tobacco use continues
ing. However, this systematic review strengthens the to be a global health priority, with countries at different
evidence base for public health policy because it used stages in controlling the epidemic and some high-
nine studies concentrating on adolescents who resided income countries signalling intent to transition from to-
in a wider geographical region, and the analysis also took bacco control to tobacco endgame [67, 68]. E-cigarettes
account of the quality of the systematic reviews and con- are a disruptive innovation raising new questions for
trol for confounding in the primary research. The World health policymakers [8–10]. Debate on the harms and
Health Organization, based on the U.S. National Acad- potential benefits of e-cigarettes has dominated tobacco
emies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s system- control discourse [69], and became even more charged
atic narrative review, reported that there is moderate with the emergence of e-cigarette, or vaping, product
evidence that young never smokers who experiment with use–associated lung injury (EVALI) in 2019 [70]. Two
e-cigarettes are at least two times more likely to experi- viewpoints, which often appear conflicting emerge: a
ment with smoking later, which is lower than, but in line harm minimisation approach is proposed to leverage a
with our findings [58]. The meta-analyses presented in potentially favourable balance of harms and benefits for
this paper, however, includes newer studies not analysed people who smoke so as to mitigate the overwhelmingly
in the U.S. Academies of Sciences review. bleak odds they face from their use of combustible to-
bacco products [71], while a precautionary approach is
Future research advised given the many unknowns regarding e-cigarette
An important question still to be answered relates to the use, evidence of tobacco industry interference, and pre-
principal catalysts in the relationship between e-cigarette vious false dawns of ‘safer’ tobacco products [72].
and tobacco cigarette use. Researchers have tried to clar- To find a way forward through these competing view-
ify the move from using e-cigarettes to smoking tobacco points, policymakers must carefully appraise evidence on
cigarettes through three theories which are the gateway risk, benefits, and trade-offs while understanding the
theory [59], the common liability theory [60–63], and framing and wider context of the debate [15, 73–75].
the catalyst model [64]. Future research is required to The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
test these three theories (or elements thereof) in more and Medicine, were commissioned by the Food and
depth. Drugs Administration to systematically review scientific
In terms of the most appropriate study design for evidence to inform e-cigarette policy [76], while in
assessing causality, Etter recommended large longitu- Europe the Scientific Committee on Health, Environ-
dinal epidemiological studies which measure smoking mental and Emerging Risks has been mandated to assist
O’Brien et al. BMC Public Health (2021) 21:954 Page 7 of 10
the European Commission in assessing the most recent exploring the potential for harm reduction for highest-
scientific and technical information on e-cigarettes as risk groups and those for whom regulated pharmaceut-
part of its review of the Tobacco Products Directive ical interventions do not work, policymakers should as-
2014/40/EU [77]. Similarly, the study presented in this sure protection of children, adolescents and never
paper was conducted as part of broader programme of smokers as their next evidence-informed, precautionary
evidence reviews to inform and support public health step through this complex and challenging policy
policy in Ireland, which included mapping of the harms process, so as to reduce direct harms from e-cigarettes
and benefits of e-cigarettes (and their e-liquids) [65] and in these vulnerable populations and to protect gains in
a systematic review of e-cigarettes role in smoking cessa- reducing tobacco use initiation.
tion [78]. We found that e-cigarettes (and their e-
liquids) lead to acute harms such as poisoning, lung in- Conclusion
jury, and burns and blast injuries, a finding aligned with The systematic review and meta-analysis found that e-
six other systematic reviews [58, 76, 79–82], and cigarette use was associated with initiation of tobacco
highlighted a need for continuing study using robust cigarette smoking among teenagers in Europe and North
methods to measure the long-term health impacts of America, identifying an important public health harm.
their use as these are not yet known. We also found that The meta-analysis presents a more precise and generalis-
approved and regulated nicotine replacement therapies able estimate of the odds of tobacco cigarette smoking
with established safety profiles were as effective as e- initiation following ever use of e-cigarettes in teenagers.
cigarettes in helping smokers quit [78]. Given the widespread availability and use of e-cigarettes,
Against a backdrop of often clashing harm reduction this study further supports urgent action by policy-
and precautionary viewpoints on e-cigarettes, mobilising makers to prevent their use by adolescents to reduce dir-
evidence, while necessary, is difficult for policymakers ect harms in this vulnerable population group as well as
This difficulty is exacerbated when the relationship be- to protect gains in reducing tobacco cigarette initiation.
tween evidence and policy is seen as a linear “know-do-
gap”, instead of recognising the “muddling through” of Abbreviations
the policy process [83]. The harms, benefits and trade- AOR: Adjusted odds ratio; CI: Confidence interval; e-cigarette: electronic
cigarette; e-liquid: electronic liquid for e-cigarette; EVALI: e-Cigarette, or
offs to be considered by policymakers in the area of e- vaping, product use–associated lung injury; NHLBI: National Heart, Lung, and
cigarettes are likely to be different across population Blood Institute; OR: Odds ratio; UK: United Kingdom; USA: United States of
groups and require a finely balanced blend of policies America
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