Ulas User Manual

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A: Scoateti panourile laterale si panoul frontal. Ventilatoare acceptate (maxim)

B: Instalati sursa de alimentare. Frontal: 2 x 120 mm
C: Instalati placa de baza. Spate: 1 x 120 mm
D: Instalati ventilatoarele.
Tavan: 2 x 120 mm
E: Instalati HDD-ul (hard-disk drive).
F: Instalati SSD-ul (solid-state drive). Pentru performante superioare carcasa permite
G: Instalati placa grafica (VGA). folosirea unui sistem de racire cu lichid, oferind
posibilitatea instalarii unui radiator de 120/240 RO
mm (25 mm grosime maxima).
Scoateti capacul de protectie al sloturilor
PCI. Instalati placa grafica si fixati-o cu
A: Remove the side panels and front panel. EN surub.
B: Install the power supply (PSU).
Supported fans (maximum)
C: Install the motherboard (MB).
D: Install the fans. Front: 2 x 120 mm
E: Install the hard-disk drive (HDD). Back: 1 x 120 mm
F: Install the solid-state drive (SSD). EN
Top: 2 x 120 mm
G: Install the graphics card (VGA).
For superior performance, the chassis allows the Remove the PCI slot protection cover.
use of a liquid cooling system, offering the
possibility of installing a 120/240 mm radiator Install the graphics card and secure it with
(25 mm maximum thickness). a screw.

Moduri de configurare
Panou I/O Configuration modes
Desurubati si scoateti cusca hard-disk-urilor; Mod Silent - pentru silentiozitate si protectie maxima impotriva prafului,
instalati si fixati HDD-urile cu suruburile Nr.3. utilizati carcasa impreuna cu capacul prevazut cu material
Instalati cusca hard-disk-urilor la loc. Mod Performance - pentru flux de aer si performante maxime, utilizati
carcasa impreuna cu filtrul de praf inclus in pachet.

Silent mode - for quietness and maximum protection against dust, use
EN the case together with the cover equipped with sound-absorbing
Unscrew and remove the HDD cage; install Performance mode - for maximum airflow, use the case together with
and secure the HDDs with the No.3 screws. the dust filter included in the package.
Reinstall the HDD cage into the case.

Va rugam sa desurubati suruburile Please remove the screws before USB2.0 USB2.0
inainte de scoaterea panourilor laterale. removing the side panels.

Va rugam sa scoateti panourile laterale Please remove the side panels before USB3.0 HD Audio
inainte sa scoateti panoul frontal. removing the front panel.

Diagrama pinilor pentru cablul panoului I/O

GHID DE INSTALARE Aliniati gaurile placii de baza cu
distantierele din cupru si fixati folosind
PIN diagram for I/O panel cable
INSTALLATION GUIDE suruburile Nr.3. Daca unul din distantiere
Conector HD Audio (placa de baza)
HD Audio connector (motherboard)
Conector USB (placa de baza)
USB connector (motherboard)
Conector USB 3.0 (placa de baza)
USB 3.0 connector (motherboard)
lipseste, adaugati un distantier nou Nr.2.

Align the MB holes with the copper

spacers and secure using the No.3
RO EN RO Conector HD Audio (carcasa) Conector USB (carcasa) Conector USB 3.0 (carcasa) (optional)
screws. If one of the spacers is missing, HD Audio connector (case) USB connector (case) USB 3.0 connector (case) (optional)
add a new spacer (No.2). Va rugam sa va asigurati ca fantele de Please make sure that the PSU ventilation Instalati si fixati SSD-ul folosind patru suruburi ca in imaginea alaturata.
aerisire ale sursei si gaurile de prindere slots and threaded holes are positioned
RO / EN pentru suruburi sunt pozitionate corect correctly in relation to the chassis. EN
fata de carcasa. Install and secure the SSD using four screws as shown in the picture.

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