Indian Geography Top One-Liner For WBCS EXAM

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Which Himalayan peak is also called

Geography One Liner Sagarmatha - Mount Everest
26. Gadwin austin is a- peak
1. The latitude of India's mainland is spread 27. Another name of Greater Himalaya is- Himadri.
between - 804' North and 3706' North 28. Which are included in the Naga Tiba and
2. Which organization makes the topographic map Mahabharata mountain ranges - Low Himalayas
of India- Survey of India 29. What are the other names of Sahyadri mountain
3. Standard time of India is 5 1/2 hours ahead of- range - Western Ghats
30. The highest plateau of India - Ladakh Plateau
Greenwich mean time.
4. Who will never find the vertical rays of the Sun- 31. The highest mountain peak in peninsular India
is- Anaimudi
5. What is the name of the south end of India - 32. Which hill station is called the queen of Satpuda
- Panchamadi
Inier point located in the island of Nicobar
6. Which are the most remote places in the south of 33. Loktak is a- lake
India - Indira Point 34. Which are the largest man-made lake - Govind
7. The area of India is approximately how much Sagar
bigger than Paixitan - 4 35. Sivasamudram waterfall is found in the path of
8. Which country does not have international which river- Kaveri
border with India - Sri Lanka 36. Baltoda glaciers are located in- Karakoram
9. Which two countries are between the Pak Strait - Pavartamala.
37. Which is the highest waterfall in India - Jog
India and Sri Lanka
10. Which district of Himachal Pradesh forms the Falls
border with China- Kinnaur 38. In high areas, latorite soil is composed of -
11. Nagaland has common boundaries with which acidic.
group of states - Arunachal Pradesh, Assam 39. Where are the laterite soils found - in tropical
and Manipur region with humid and dry climate
12. Which country of India did exchange its border 40. How the soil of the northern plains of India is
maps with - Bangladesh generally formed - by Talochan
13. There are nine coastal states in India, but more 41. Crops that grow in alluvial soil - and which
than half of the sea salt is produced off the coast require abundant water - rice
of Gujarat as low rainfall and relative humidity 42. Rajasthan is the state with maximum area under
are ideal for salt production by- evaporation of waste land - Rajasthan
43. Soil salinity is measured by- conductivity
14. Which state land is on the eastern and western 44. What percentage of the land area of India is 75
coasts of India - Pondicherry cm in a year. Rainfall is less than - 35%
15. Which state of India has the largest area - 45. Climate of India- monsoon
46. Which region has the lowest pressure on the
16. India's coastline is - 7516.6 km. Indian subcontinent during the hot dry season -
17. How many islands are there in Lakshadweep - 36 Northwest
18. Where is the padded peak (Sadil Peak) in 47. The months of October and November receive
Andaman and Nicobar Islands - North heavy rainfall - on the Coromandel Coast
48. Chennai receives less rainfall than other places
19. The coastal tracts of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil from the southwest monsoon as- the monsoons
Nadu are called - Coromandel Coast run parallel to the Coromandel coast,
20. How far is it from the Konkan coast - Daman to Chennai is very hot and does not allow
Goa moisture to condense, they are offshore winds.
21. Which Union Territory of India is such that it 49. What is the trend of monsoon rains from
has four districts, but the border of any of its Guwahati to Chandigarh - Hassan trend
districts does not seem to be the boundary of any 50. 50 cm in a year. Areas with less rainfall - Leh in
other district of it- Puducherry Kashmir
22. The study of Jheelo is called - Limnology 51. The fertile land between two rivers is called-
23. Between which Kullu valley is situated - Doab
52. Which is the longest river of Indian peninsula-
Dhauladhar and Pir Panjal
24. In which mountainous part of Pipli Ghat Pass - Godavari
53. Which river is called Dakshin Ganga –
54. The source of which river is outside India – 82. The only Plavi National Park in the world is
Brahmaputra located- Manipur
55. River Indus originates from Mount Kailash. 83. Where is Kebul Lamjao, the world's only
56. Which river flows in Vibransh valley in India- floating national park – Manipur
Narmada, Tapti, Damodar 84. Rain forests are found in India - in the
57. Where is the confluence of Bhagirathi and Northeast Himalayas and Western Ghats.
Alaknanda - Dev Prayag 85. Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary is located in
58. Kausi river is famous for changing its course – which state - Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala
Kosi 86. Where was the first biosphere reserve established
59. Which river forms the jowar nadmukh (estuary) in India- Nilgiri
– Narmada 87. How many ecological hot spots are there in India
60. Which river flows between Satpura and –4
Vidhyaya- Narmada 88. Which National Park in Nepal is a continuation
61. Surat is situated on the banks of which river- of Valmiki National Park in India- Chitwan
Tapti National Park
62. Which river of India has inland drainage- Luni 89. What type of forest is suitable for the trees of
63. Which are the artificial ports of India - Chennai Chandan - Tropical deciduous
or Madras 90. Where is a 'willow' for a cricket bat - conifer
64. How many main ports are in India – 12 forest
65. Organizations originally concerned with 91. Kugti Wild Animal Vihar is located in which
environmental planning are- NEERI state - Himachal Pradesh
66. In which state are the Shanti Valley- Kerala 92. Global warming can result in increase in sea
67. Forests located in the Nirav Valley of Kerala are level, changes in crop pattern, changes in
an example of which type of forest - Tropical coastline.
rain forest 93. 'Chipko Agitat' is related to- Forest
68. Which are the first National Parks of India - Conservation
Corbett National Park 94. Jhoom agriculture is still prevalent - Mizoram,
69. In order to maintain ecological balance, what Nagaland, Manipur
proportion should be jagal in India - 31-34 95. Which species of wheat is being cultivated in
percent India - bread wheat
70. What are the mangrove forests of Ganga delta 96. Intermediate Crops - Substituted crops that are
called – Sundarban planted when regular crops fail to grow.
71. Which is the famous bird sanctuary in Haryana- 97. Which crop groups are grown in India during the
Sultanpur Rabi crop season- wheat, mustard, gram
72. These are the only secuaries where Kashmiri 98. The topography of the plateau is ideal for
legends are found – Dachigram mining.
73. Where are the famous Gir forests located- 99. India's largest producer is- Cotton, tea, copper,
Gujarat mica
74. What are mangroves- deltaic forest, rain forest, 100. Which state group of India is produced at the
tropical forest commercial level in India - Kerala-Tamil
75. Sundari tree is a plant of a particular type - tidal Nadu-Karnataka
forest. 101. Bagan produces agriculture - non-food crops.
76. Which was the first project scheme of biosphere 102. Area of crops in India is- 60 to 70 percent of the
reserves - Nilgiri biosphere reserves area of food grains
77. Who are considered as global heritage forests - 103. Which are the most abundant regions in jute
Kaziranga in Assam, Sundarbans in West production - West Bengal
Bengal 104. Where is the maximum area of jute in India -
78. Kaziranga Ranga National Park is famous for – West Bengal
Rhinoceros 105. The term Green Revolution has been used to
79. Sea cow in India is found in the biorezerve indicate higher production - by increasing
region - Gulf of Mannar agricultural productivity per hectare.
80. Shivpuri National Park in Madhya Pradesh is 106. Green Revolution was most successful - in
important for what- leopard and chital Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh
81. Where is Kanha National Park located- Madhya 107. Green revolution is related to which crop –
Pradesh wheat
108. HYV program is also called ......... in India- New 134. The first port developed after independence was-
Agricultural Policy Kandla
109. Which state in India is called a rice bowl - 135. The highest dam in India, Bhakra is built on
Andhra Pradesh which river- Sutlej
110. Operation Flood is related to- Milk production 136. The Tehri dam has been built on which river-
111. Approximately what percentage of India's total Bhagirathi
population is employed in agriculture - 60 137. Hydroelectric power contributes to the total
percent electric power in India, about one- fifth
112. The yellow revolution in India is concerned with 138. Which rivers get water from Indira Gandhi Canal
the production of –oilseeds – Sutlej
113. As far as the official classification of the 139. Vyas Nagarjuna Sagar Dam is built on which
Ministry of Agriculture is concerned, how many river- Krishna.
agricultural climatic zones are in India – 127 140. Sardar Sarovar Dam is on which river-
114. Social forestry - growing and arranging useful Narmada
plants on government owned land. 141. India's longest dam - Hirakud Da
115. Which state is considered as the traditional area 142. Salal hydropower project is in which state -
of tank irrigation- Tamil Nadu Jammu Kashmir
116. Jaduguda is concerned with the mining of- 143. Between which states is the quarrel of
uranium. Mullaipieriyar Dam - Tamil Nadu and Kerala
117. Recently, Tumalapalli of Andhra Pradesh has 144. There has been a chronic shortage of electricity
come in the world map for which most deposits - in India, because- the demand for electricity
uranium deposit has been increasing, while its production and
118. The state of Kerala is most famous for which distribution have not increased.
mineral- iron-ore 145. The Kishanganga Project is the main cause of
119. The main minerals found in the upper dispute between India and whom- Pakistan
Brahmamutra valley are petroleum.
120. Raniganj in West Bengal is related to- coal 146. Energy produced commercially from coal is
fields. called- thermal energy.
121. Which state has the largest coal reserves – 147. Talcher is important for - Heavy Water Plant
Jharkhand 148. Which sea port is closest to Rourkela Steel Plant-
122. Panna is a very important place in Madhya Paradip
Pradesh, it is famous for the mining of – 149. Ports located on the eastern coast of India -
diamond Paradip and Haldia.
123. Which is the destination of iron-ore transported 150. Where is the Kandla port (port) situated - the
by pipeline from Kundermukh – Mangalore Gulf of Kutch
124. What is Khetri famous for- Copper 151. Kolkata is an example of which type of port-
125. The number of refineries operating in the state of Rivers
Assam are- four. 152. Kolkata is an example of which type of port-
126. Where is Mumbai high oil field - continental River
shelf of Arabian Sea 153. Kolkata and Delhi are joined by- NH2
127. Who currently produces the highest amount of 154. Integral Coach Factory - in Perambur
crude petroleum in India - Offshore Mumbai (Chennai)
High 155. In which zone of India are the headquarters of
128. The main iron and steel industries are located in two railway zones – Mumbai
which plateau - Chota Nagpur 156. Konkan Railway connects Roha- Mangalore
129. What are the main sources of energy in India- 157. The number of deaths in the given period of
Thermal macro- mortality
130. Bhilai Steel Plant has been set up with the help 158. Number of persons belonging to the same caste
of- Russia who have come to the residence during the given
131. Visvesvaraya Iron and Steel Limited is located time period – immigration
in- Bhadravati 159. Birth rate measures- the number of births per
132. The Silicon Valley of India is located in- 1000 population during a year
Bangalore. 160. Which is the most densely populated state of
133. Anantapur district in Andhra Pradesh is famous India – Bihar
for – Golden 161. Name the state in which the mass density is least
- Arunachal Pradesh
162. According to 2001 census, which state has 187. India is the largest country in the world in terms
maximum density of population – Delhi of area- Seventh
163. According to Census 2011, who has recorded the 188. Indian subcontinent was originally a part of
highest density in the country – Delhi Gondwanaland.
164. In which decade was recorded the negative 189. Which countries are connected with Palk Strait -
growth rate in India's population - 1911-21 India and Srilanka
165. Which Union Territories are at the lowest of the 190. Which country shares India's international border
boys / girls ratio- Chandigarh the least – Afghanistan
166. Which state of India has recorded the highest 191. Which are the largest Union Territories of India -
rate of population growth in the last census Andaman and Nicobar Islands
(2001) – Nagaland 192. How many states of India share the border with
167. Which state of India has the highest percentage Nepal – 5
of poor- Odisha 193. Which city is also known as the zero mile center
168. According to the 2001 census, the average of India – Nagpur
annual growth rate of the population during the 194. Which state of India has the longest coastline –
period 1991-2001 is - 1.93 percent. Gujarat
169. According to the latest estimates, the literacy rate 195. Where are the Lakshadweep Islands - Arabian
in India is - 65 percent. Sea
170. What are the major factors in accelerated growth 196. Andaman Islands and Nicobar Islands are
of population in India - high birth rate and separated by - Ten Degree Channel
falling death rate 197. West Bengal borders with how many countries –
171. Who are the main responsible for the lack of three
female population in India - social reasons 198. Coast of Kerala - Malabar Coast
172. According to the population figures announced 199. India's largest tunnel Jawahar Tunnel is in which
in July 2011, there is a decrease in the infant sex state - Jammu Kashmir
ratio in rural areas as compared to urban areas - 200. Which Indian state has the shortest border – Goa
four times 201. The controversial coastal strip off the coast of
173. Which state has the highest female literacy rate – Gujarat on which India and Pakistan are
Kerala negotiating is named - Sir Creek.
174. Kuki belongs to which state- Manipur 202. Union Territory of Puducherry bordering with-
175. India's largest tribal community is- the Gonds. Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala
176. The Forest Festival is related to- Plantation 203. Jojila Darra connects - Srinagar and Leh
177. Flood events in North India recently increased - 204. Kullu valley is situated between which mountain
increase in deforestation in runoff area ranges - Dhauladhar and Pir Panjal
178. For the protection of coral reefs, the Government 205. Which states Palghat connects - Kerala and
of India has declared a marine park - the Gulf of Tamil Nadu
Kutch 206. Which is the easternmost peak of the Himalayas
179. Name of which hill station means thunderclap - Namchabarwa
site- Darjeeling 206. India's highest peak - K-2
180. Apatni is the main tribal group of - Arunachal 207. Which are the oldest mountain ranges of India –
Pradesh Aravali
181. What is the name of the research center 208. The vertical valley between the lower Himalayas
established by the Government of India to and between which is known as Doon – Shivalik
conduct research in the Antarctic - Southern 209. By what name is the part of Himalayas situated
Gangotri between the Sutlej and Kali rivers - Kumaon
182. Where is the National Botanical Research Himalayas
Institute – Lucknow 210. Who is also called Sahyadri Pavart Mala -
183. Serious environment of Maldives is considered Western Ghats
to be due to the undercurrent of - High 211. Where does one go from any interval of the
population density mountain providing natural route – Pass
184. Another name for the eastern coastal plain is- the 212. Where are the Anaimudi peaks located-
Coromandel Coastal Plain. Sahyadri
185. On which longitude is the Indian Standard Time 213. Loktak lake, on which hydroelectric project was
adopted – 82.50 E longitude built, in which state are located – Manipur
186. What is the southern end of India called- Indira 214. Where are the Lonar lakes located-
Point Maharashtra
215. Where are the Naga, Khasi and Garo hills - in 244. In which state are the National Park Valley of
Purvanchal ranges Flowers located – Uttarakhand
216. Shivasamudram is a waterfall created by which 245. How many geographical areas of India are forest
river- Kaveri land - 20 percent
217. Which state has the highest waterfall in India – 246. Which state has the highest forest cover of
Karnataka Indian states in terms of area - Madhya Pradesh
218. On which river is the Jog waterfall located – 247. Which are the largest forested forests in India -
Sharavati Tropical deciduous forests
219. In which state are the laterite soils found - 248. What is the Sundarbans forest called –
Kerala and Maharashtra Mangroves
220. How soil erosion can be controlled on mountain 249. Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary is in which state –
slopes - contour linear tillage Rajasthan
221. Which are the best soils for the production of 250. Namdapha National Park - Arunachal Pradesh
cotton - Black slag soil 251. Which of the bioreserves is a natural habitat for
222. Another name in India of Loni and Alkaline Soil lions in India - Gir bioregives
is- Kallar. 252. What will be the effect of global warming on
223. Petrology is the study of – rock mangrove forests - huge areas of mangroves
224. The driest part of India is - West Rajasthan will be submerged.
225. Due to southeastern commercial winds from the 253. In which state is Manas animal sanctuary
Indian sub-continent during the rainy season- located- Assam
due to low air pressure in northwest India 254. Which was the first project scheme of biosphere
226. Which state receives rainfall from North Eastern reserve areas - preservation of flora and fauna
monsoon- Tamil Nadu of wild land, experimentation and
227. Where does the heat in the atmosphere usually development on wild products,
come from – radiation experimentation and development on
228. Tamil Nadu remains dry during the south-west agricultural products
monsoon period as it is located in- the rain 255. Biosphere of India Rejarva Nanda Devi is
shadow region. located in which state- Uttarakhand
229. Which is the wettest place in India - Masinram 256. Kaziranga National Park is famous for-
or Mawsynram rhinoceros.
230. How many cm of paddy fields of India Areas 257. Kanchanjunga National Park is located in-
located in areas with more than 100 rain – 100 Sikkim
231. Which is the highest exit basin associated with 258. Where are the Panchamadi Fauna Conservation
the peninsular river in India – Krishna Area- Madhya Pradesh
232. Which river of India is called Vridha Ganga – 259. Kanha Kisli Sanctuary is located in which state -
Godavari Madhya Pradesh
233. Nasik is situated on the banks of which river- 260. Kebul Lamjao, the only floating national park in
Godavari the world, where- Manipur
234. Which river is called Sangpo in Tibet – 261. Nagarhole National Park is in which state –
Brahmaputra Karnataka
235. Which river of India flows through Vibransh 262. Mudumalai Pashu Vihar is famous for-
valley - Narmada, Tapti, Damodar Vyagrahs.
236. Which are the major rivers that carry sediment in 263. The total number of reserve sites of biosphere in
India – Ganges India are – ten
237. Bihar is sad – Kosi 264. Who is called the ecological site of India -
238. Indravati, Pranahita and Sabari are the sub-rivers Western Ghats, Eastern Himalayas, Western
of which- Godavari Himalayas
239. Which river eventually falls into the Arabian 265. Central India is the product of teak - Tropical
Sea- Narmada wet deciduous forest
240. Vivada is situated on the banks of which river- 266. Plants commonly found in tropical rain forest
Krishna are- Orchid
241. Luni is an important part of the- Indian desert. 267. Whose product is resin- coniferous tree
242. With whom is the accidental flood related - 268. The most dangerous effect of excessive
tsunami, cyclone, tornado deforestation is- the destruction of habitats of
243. Majuli, the largest river island in the world in wild animals.
which state – Assam 269. Plantation process- planting trees
270. IR20 and Ratna are- two major varieties of 297. Tumalapalli has come on the world map in
paddy Andhra Pradesh for the discovery of - the
271. Jhoom agriculture is related to- Transfer largest uranium mines
agriculture 298. Where is the largest stock of asbestos- in India
272. Jhoom - a type of agriculture 299. Who are the largest producers of lignite in India -
273. Madhya Pradesh is the largest producer Tamil Nadu
of- oilseeds. 300. Diamond bars are found in- Panna, Madhya
274. Where is stair farming done - on the slope of the Pradesh.
hills 301. India mainly exports iron ore to which country –
275. Maximum cultivable encircling crops in India Japan
are- Rice 302. First oil refinery was established in India-
276. Zayed season crops are – Watermelon Digboi
277. The highest producing state of mustard seed is- 303. Mumbai High belongs to- Petroleum
Rajasthan 304. Which are the largest refineries in India at
278. 200 cm in a sloping mountainous region of India. present – Vadodara
There is more annual rainfall than what crop can 305. The most power generating state in India is-
be cultivated there – Tea Maharashtra
279. Which Indian state is called a tea producing state 306. Which type of electricity is produced most in
- Assam, Kerala, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, India - Thermal electricity
Sikkim 307. Which city is called the Silicon Valley of India –
280. Whom does the cash crop go to in India – onion Bengaluru
281. Production of food grains in India as a 308. Which is the first nuclear plant installed in India
percentage of total crop - 70 percent – Tarapur
282. Uttar Pradesh is the largest wheat producing 309. Eumium Hydel-Project Dam is located a few
state in India. kilometers north of- Shillong.
283. Who are the main competitors for the Indian jute 310. Which states are irrigated by the Rihand Dam
industry – Bangladesh project - Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
284. What is India's place in the world in milk 311. What are the unconventional sources of energy –
production – First biogas
285. During the period after which year there was a 312. In which city is the main center of the
great increase in the production of food grains, manufacture of penicillin – Pimpri
especially wheat – 1966 313. HBJ Piplan carries- Natural Gas
286. Select high yielding varieties of seed crops 314. Where is Jawaharlal Nehru Port- Mumbai
developed under Green Revolution in India - 315. Which national highway connects Delhi and
Chavan, wheat, jowar, millet and maize Calcutta via Varanasi - NH2
287. Another name for the Green Revolution in India 316. Rail Bandhu- A magazine of Indian Railways
is- the seed, fertilizer and irrigation available in Rajdhani / Shatabdi / Air-
revolution. conditioned Duronto Express.
288. Which state of India is called the sugar bowl - 317. ........... means the number born in the macro,
Uttar Pradesh which corresponds to the initial density during a
289. The most important element of weather that given period - birth rate
affects agriculture in India is - rain. 318. Population growth rate refers to the difference
290. Who is concerned with the White Revolution - between- birth and death rates.
with milk production 319. Which Indian state has the highest concentration
291. The Blue Revolution is related to - from fish of scheduled tribal population - Madhya
production Pradesh
292. BT seed is related to – cotton 320. The density of population in India is defined as-
293. Most of the irrigated area in India is cultivated- the number of persons per square kilogram.
reed 321. According to the 2011 final census results, what
294. In which area in India the most unirrigated are the people's births in India – 382
cultivation is done - Deccan Plateau 322. Which period in the history of Indian population
295. Which district of Tamil Nadu is not cultivable is called a big leap forward - 1961-1971
due to salinity- Tiruchirapalli 323. Identify the Indian state with the lowest female-
296. Huge deposits of uranium have been found male ratio – Haryana
recently - in Karnataka
324. According to the 2001 census, which is the 350. What is the total number of planets revolving
largest state of India in terms of population - around the Sun – eight
Uttar Pradesh 351. who is the largest planet in the solar family –
325. According to the data released recently by the Jupiter
Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty 352. Which is the second largest planet in the solar
Alleviation, which state has the highest number system- Saturn
of slums - Andhra Pradesh 353. The number of satellites of Mercury is- Zero
326. The most literate union territory in India is- 354. In astrophysics, what is the name of the hole
Lakshadweep envisaged in outer space from where stars and
327. The rate of population growth in India is high energy originate - white hole
because the- death rate has come down but the 355. In which place Mercury is located in the eight
birth rate remains high. planets- First
328. According to the provisional results of 2011 356. The mass of Jupiter is approximately -
census, the child sex ratio in India is – 914 thousandth of the mass of the Sun.
329. According to the census data announced in July 357. Which is the brightest planet in the solar system-
2011, the percentage of Indians living in villages Venus
so far is- 70 percent. 358. Which planet is considered a dwarf planet- Pluto
330. According to the 2011 census, which state of 359. In a sun or lunar eclipse, how many parts of the
India has the least population of all – Sikkim Earth's shadow is divided - two parts
331. According to the 2011 census, which Union 360. Which star is closest to Earth after Sun-
Territories are at the bottom of the child sex ratio Proxima Century
– Chandigarh 361. The surface temperature of the Sun is estimated
332. Because of which state- Manipur as- 6000 ° C.
333. Where are the Khasi and Garo castes mainly 362. In which process is the source of the sun's energy
found – Meghalaya - nuclear fusion
334. Which are the largest tribes of India – Gond 363. How old is the Earth? How is it determined? -
335. ......... This is the process in which the forest is Radio-metric scheduling
re-planted which was once present and 364. Name the first Asian country to orbit Mars –
subsequently destroyed - regeneration. India
336. Arsenic problem in India is mainly due to- over 365. How long does it take for the light to reach the
exploitation of ground water in affected areas. Earth from the Sun - 8 minutes 20 seconds
337. The latest convenors in the list of UNESCO 366. What is the meaning of Midnight Sun- Sun
World Heritage Sites in India are- Red Fort shining in polar circle for long time
338. Which monument of India has been included in 367. We always see the same page of Moon as - it
the list of UNESCO's global heritage a few days takes the same time to revolve around the
ago - Jantar Mantar in Jaipur. Earth and rotate on its axis.
339. When did India adopt the International Tsunami 368. Small tides are - weak
Warning System – 2006 369. Due to whose gravity, tidal ebb of -the Sun and
340. Where are the satellite launch centers to India- Moon on Earth
Sriharikota 370. At what time does the Earth complete one round
341. Bhabha Atomic Research Center is located in- on its axis - 23 hours 56 minutes 4.9 seconds
Mumbai 371. On which date is the winter solstice observed in
342. When was the international tsunami warning the southern hemisphere - June 21
system adopted in India – 2006 372. Where day and night are equal - on the equator
343. National Flood Commission is related to- Flood 373. Ultraviolet radiation hitting the earth is caused
344. Which planets are farthest from the Sun- Varun by the depletion of – ozone
345. The galaxy Mandakini was the first to see- 374. Where all the important atmospheric processes
Galileo that change diverse climatic and weather
346. The Kepler law of planetary motion states that conditions occur – troposphere
the square of the period is equal to…- Semi long 375. Number of atmospheric layers present on Earth
axis cube is – 5
347. Around which comets process- Sun 376. The layer of atmosphere that reflects radio waves
348. Pulsars are - fast moving stars – ionosphere
349. Earth is at its maximum distance from Sun - 4th 377. What is the heat received by the sun from the
July earth - solar radiation
378. Trans Siberian Railway has terminals - St 406. Which country produces the most timber-
Petersburg and Bladivostak United States
379. Indian railway network's position in the world is 407. Where dromavshes and burn agriculture are
– fourth known as 'milpa' - Mexico and Central
380. The busiest oceans in terms of trade are - America
Atlantic Ocean 408. ........... resources are those resources whose
381. To whom does the Suez Canal connect - quantities are known - actual resources
Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea 409. Which country is the largest exporter of uranium
382. Pasture is called 'Pampas' - in South Africa for India in the year 2015-16 – Canada
383. Which temperate grasslands in North America 410. The largest producer of gold in the world is -
are known by ten names – Prairie South Africa.
384. Tropical grass site is called – Savannah 411. The resources that can be used repeatedly are
385. The term ‘step’ is associated with which bio- called - renewable.
field – grassland 412. Atomic energy is a mineral-based energy source
386. Which country has the highest number of it is extracted from -uranium, thorium,
Muslims – Indonesia plutonium.
387. What is called the reserve area for the welfare of 413. Where are the major Southwest Asian oil fields
wildlife - Abhay Forest located?- Persian Gulf Coast
388. Which is an abiotic component of environment- 414. Which is the largest producer of wool in the
water world – China
389. What are the causes of greenhouse effect- 415. The main types of rainfall in humid equatorial
carbon-dioxide climate are - Sustainable.
390. Causes of reduced forest cover- increasing 416. The Mediterranean Sea region is recognized due
population to the highest rainfall - in winter.
391. What was the main objective of the Ramsar 417. Site Sameer is a cold breeze that flows from the
Conference- Conservation of wetlands site towards .......- sea.
392. In a natural state, there is symmetry - of climate 418. Sea water is more salty than rain water - because
and natural vegetation. rivers carry salt from soil and put them in the
393. Earth's largest ecosystem – biosphere sea.
394. Which ecosystem has the most biomass - forest 419. Typhoons often arrive in the - seas of China and
ecology Japan.
395. For what reason there is a need to keep vast areas 420. Which state receives rainfall throughout the year
for forests - for ecological balance - equatorial
396. Deforestation leads to rapid corrosion of soil, 421. Serious environment of Maldives is considered
adverse effects on the flow of sub-surface water to be due to what is essentially underutilization -
as well. These two factors affect the worst – due to high population density, continuous
ecosystem soil erosion, industrial pollution of water and
397. Where is the sparse vegetation without virtual air.
trees found- Tundra 422. What are the signs of sudden collapse in
398. How much area of the world's land is tropical atmospheric pressure? - storm
rain forest - 10 percent 423. Why clouds float in the atmosphere - due to
399. Which has the highest rate of deforestation - their low density
Tropical Zone 424. Which instrument is used to measure humidity-
400. Where are the forest of evergreen variety - Sling cyclometer
equatorial region 425. A form of condensation that reduces visibility
401. The diversity of plant and animal and causes breathing problems - smoke-fog
species………… from the polar region towards 426. Oceans with large surface area - Pacific Ocean
the equator - increases 427. What percentage of the world's clean water is
402. How Krishna land is defined - total fallow land stored as glacial ice - 70 percent
+ net sown land 428. Melting of glaciers is a common phenomenon
403. Cotton fibers are commercially important - associated with rising sea level. Glaciers are
epidermal follicles of seeds mostly found - in the South Pole.
404. Which is the world's largest coffee producing 429. In the ocean, where are the 'nital creatures' - at
country – Brazil the bottom of the ocean
405. 'IR-20' is a high yielding variety – rice 430. The deepest trench in the world is called
'Mariana Khai' - in the Pacific Ocean
431. The troposphere is the most heated part of the 459. Which are the world's largest islands –
atmosphere because - it gets heated from the Greenland
surface of the earth. 460. What is the new name of the old 'Smam' region –
432. Where is the Azon layer – stratosphere Thailand
433. What are the imaginary lines that surround the 461. The world's most humid continent - South
earth parallel to the- horizon Latitude America
434. The longitude distance for an interval of two 462. Which is the largest country in Africa – Algeria
hours will be equal to ……… 300 463. Which country is made up of the most islands –
435. What is called the same length of day and night Indonesia
on 23 September in all the parts of the world 464. In which country black forests are found - in
- Autumn equinox Germany
436. Which imaginary lines are located at 00 465. What is the cup or bowl shape of a volcano
latitude- Equator called a – crater
437. Which imaginary line divides the globe into two 466. What is the point just below the earthquake
equal parts - equatorial line center - earthquake origin
438. What else call the subtropical high pressure 467. Richter scale is used to measure- earthquake
tropics - Horse latitudes intensity
439. Doldrums pressure zones lie between which two 468. A series of lines connecting the vibrating places
latitudes - 50 north to 50 south at the same time is called the - cohesive lines.
440. Contours are hypothetical lines, 469. What are the main causes of Tsunami-
indicating- areas of equal height Earthquake at sea level
441. What do the equilateral lines represent- Pressure 470. Reasons for Tsunamis – Earthquakes
442. Imaginary lines connecting places with the same 471. What is the Cause of earthquake - Disturbance
temperature are called - stratum lines. in the earth
443. The science of map making is 472. What type of lake is formed by volcanic activity-
called- Cartography Volcanic lake
444. The alignment of the beginning and end lines is 473. Soil with abundant calcium is called- Pedocal
expressed as- Justification 474. By what name is the gray soil like ash of high-lat
445. What are large-scale maps showing both natural pine forest known as – Poodles
and man-made forms - thematic maps 475. Whose red color comes in red soil – iron
446. Who is called the roof of the world - Pamir 476. Soil erosion area remedies - edge contour of
plateau contour area, land use regulation
447. Which line separates India from Pakistan 477. What is called planting trees on a large scale to
- Radcliffe Line prevent soil erosion - Shelter strip
448. Nepal shares its border with which country other 478. .......... is commonly defined as the large
than India- China circulation of soil falling from rock, debris or
449. Countries to be separated by McMahon slope – landslides
Rekha- China and India 479. What is called the sand dunes made by high
450. China has the longest border with which country speed of air – Marutibba
– Mongolia 480. Where are morenas formed - Himani region
451. Desertification of the desert can be prevented 481. Substances brought by glaciers such as small
- by making butterflies in the defense large rocks, sand and sedimentary soils which
452. In which part of Sahara Africa are situated are called glaciers ........ – Snow
– Northern 482. Europe's longest river- Volga
453. Lakes created by Aswan Dam in Africa- Nassar 483. The largest delta in the world - Sundarban
454. The neighboring country of India with the lowest Delta
area is - Bhutan. 484. In which direction rivers flow in annular form -
455. Which neighboring country of India is also like ring
known as Burma – Myanmar 485. The reason for widening of a river valley is -
456. Which country is considered to be the largest lateral erosion.
concrete structure in the world, in which country 486. When the river enters the plains, it starts flowing
are the three gorges dam – China on the moddar route called… .. – Erysipelas
457. Helgoland is the island of which country – 487. One type of erosion caused by liquefaction is
Germany - flow water.
458. Who is Dark continents – Africa 488. For whom is the word 'Bada' used - Masai
shepherd's house
489. What is the narrow water strip connecting two
seas or reservoirs? – Strait
490. Which is the largest stream which is also called
'black stream' due to its black water- Curioso
491. The land covered by the sea is called- Peninsula
492. Asia and North America are separated by -
Bering Strait
493. Which streams are responsible for increasing the
temperature of Western Europe - Gulf Stream
494. In which ocean is Sargasso sea located- Atlantic
495. In which continent are the great dividing ranges
– Australia
496. What is Bridgemanite - Name of the most
abundant mineral found on earth
497. Which of the deserts in Arabia, Thar, Mongolia
and Atacama is found in abundance in gold
reserves – Atacama
498. Where is the largest store of thorium – India
499. Which country is the largest producer of guava –
500. Which country leads the production of cacao -
Ivory Coast

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