Oxford Insight Mathematics 8

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1 Review of Year 7 1 4 Number operations and index laws
Number & Algebra 73
A Integers .................................................................. 2
B Angles and parallel lines ....................................... 3 Diagnostic test ........................................................... 74
C Number and indices ............................................... 4 A Index notation ....................................................... 75
D Fractions................................................................. 5 B Multiplying numbers with the same base............ 77
E Drawing and building solids ................................... 6 C Raising a number to a power ............................... 80
F Algebra and variables ............................................ 7 D Dividing numbers with the same base................. 81
G Fractions, decimals and percentages .................... 8 E The zero index ...................................................... 83
H Transformations and symmetry ........................... 10 Investigation 1 Numbers in index form ........................ 85
I Probability ............................................................ 12 F Summary of index laws ........................................ 85
J Data investigation ................................................. 13 Investigation 2 Last digits in powers ........................... 86
K Area, surface area and volume ............................ 15 Investigation 3 Multiplying and dividing
L Data measures ..................................................... 17 directed numbers .................................................. 87
M Linear equations .................................................. 18 G Multiplying and dividing directed numbers.......... 88
N Triangles and quadrilaterals ................................ 20 Language in mathematics ......................................... 91
Check your skills ....................................................... 91
2 Ratios and rates Review set 4A ............................................................. 93
Number & Algebra 21 Review set 4B ............................................................. 94
Review set 4C ............................................................. 95
Diagnostic test ........................................................... 22
Review set 4D ............................................................. 96
A Ratio review .......................................................... 23
Investigation 1 Gears on a bike ................................... 27
5 Perimeter, area and capacity
B Equivalent ratios review ....................................... 28
Measurement & Geometry 97
C Problem solving: the unitary method................... 32
D Dividing a quantity in a given ratio ...................... 35 Diagnostic test ........................................................... 98
E Rates ..................................................................... 36 A Area and perimeter review................................... 99
F Scale drawing ....................................................... 41 Investigation 1 Area and perimeter............................ 104
Investigation 2 The golden ratio ................................... 43 Investigation 2 Formulas for area ............................. 105
Language in mathematics ......................................... 45 B Area of special quadrilaterals ............................ 106
Check your skills ....................................................... 45 Investigation 3 Area and perimeter............................ 113
Review set 2A ............................................................. 46 C Converting area units ......................................... 114
Review set 2B ............................................................. 47 D Volume and capacity........................................... 116
Review set 2C ............................................................. 47 Language in mathematics ....................................... 121
Review set 2D ............................................................. 48 Check your skills ..................................................... 122
Review set 5A ........................................................... 123
3 Congruence Review set 5B ........................................................... 125
Measurement & Geometry 49 Review set 5C ........................................................... 126
Review set 5D ........................................................... 127
Diagnostic test ........................................................... 50
A Congruent figures ................................................ 51
B Congruency tests ................................................. 54 Cumulative review 2–5 128
C Applying congruency tests ................................... 56
D Properties of triangles and quadrilaterals .......... 62 6 Time
Language in mathematics ......................................... 66 Measurement & Geometry 133
Check your skills ....................................................... 66 Diagnostic test ......................................................... 134
Review set 3A ............................................................. 68 A Analogue clocks review ...................................... 135
Review set 3B ............................................................. 70 B Digital displays review ........................................ 136
Review set 3C ............................................................. 71

Contents iii

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CONTENTS C 24-hour time review ........................................... 137 Language in mathematics ....................................... 213
D Solving time problems ....................................... 139 Check your skills ..................................................... 213
E Using a calculator .............................................. 142 Review set 8A ........................................................... 215
F Calendars ........................................................... 146 Review set 8B ........................................................... 215
Investigation 1 Birthdays do change! ......................... 148 Review set 8C ........................................................... 216
Investigation 2 1 month = 4 weeks ............................. 148 Review set 8D ........................................................... 217
Investigation 3 Leap years ......................................... 148
Investigation 4 Calendar dates................................... 148 9 Data collection and analysis
G Using timetables and charts .............................. 149 Probability & Statistics 219
H Time zones ......................................................... 153 Diagnostic test ......................................................... 220
Investigation 5 International Date Line ...................... 155 A Variables ............................................................. 221
Investigation 6 Standard time zones .......................... 156 B Collecting data ................................................... 222
Investigation 7 Daylight saving time ........................... 157 Investigation 1 Selecting random samples ................ 224
Language in mathematics ....................................... 158 C Obtaining data through sampling ...................... 225
Check your skills ..................................................... 158 Investigation 2 Data constraints ................................ 226
Review set 6A ........................................................... 160 D Bias in samples .................................................. 227
Review set 6B ........................................................... 161 E Review of measures of central tendency ........... 228
Review set 6C ........................................................... 161 F Clusters, gaps and outliers ................................ 229
Review set 6D ........................................................... 162 G Using measures of central tendency ................. 230
H Comparing sample summary statistics ............. 236
7 Percentages I Variation of sample mean and proportion ........ 237
Number & Algebra 163 Investigation 3 Investigating data .............................. 242
Diagnostic test ......................................................... 164 Investigation 4 Practical activities.............................. 243
Investigation 1 Working out percentages ................... 165 J Capture–recapture technique (extension) ......... 244
A Percentages review ............................................ 167 Investigation 5 Simulating capture–recapture ........... 245
Investigation 2 Percentage symbol ............................ 169 Language in mathematics ....................................... 246
B Percentages of quantities .................................. 169 Check your skills ..................................................... 246
C Percentage change............................................. 170 Review set 9A ........................................................... 248
Investigation 3 Comparing percentages..................... 173 Review set 9B ........................................................... 249
D Calculating percentage change ......................... 173 Review set 9C ........................................................... 250
E The unitary method ............................................ 176 Review set 9D ........................................................... 251
F Profit and loss .................................................... 178
G Goods and services tax (GST) ............................. 182 10 Pythagoras’ theorem
Investigation 4 Taxation percentages Measurement & Geometry 253
in other countries (extension) .............................. 184 Diagnostic test ......................................................... 254
Language in mathematics ....................................... 186 A Right-angled triangles ....................................... 255
Check your skills ..................................................... 187 Investigation 1 Pythagoras’ rule or theorem .............. 255
Review set 7A ........................................................... 188 B Converse of Pythagoras’ theorem .................... 258
Review set 7B ........................................................... 189 Investigation 2 Pythagorean triads ............................ 259
Review set 7C ........................................................... 189 C Using Pythagoras’ theorem to find the
Review set 7D ........................................................... 190 hypotenuse ......................................................... 260
D Using Pythagoras’ theorem to find the
8 Circles and cylinders shorter sides ...................................................... 264
Measurement & Geometry 191
E Problem solving using
Diagnostic test ......................................................... 192 Pythagoras’ theorem .......................................... 267
A Parts of a circle .................................................. 193 Investigation 3 Square numbers ................................ 273
Investigation 1 Circumference of a circle ................... 196 F Simple quadratic equations ............................... 273
Investigation 2 The value of pi (π) using hexagons ..... 198 Investigation 4 Square roots (extension) .................... 275
B Circumference of a circle ................................... 198 Language in mathematics ....................................... 276
C Finding the diameter and radius from Check your skills ..................................................... 277
the circumference ............................................. 202 Review set 10A ......................................................... 278
Investigation 3 Area of a circle ................................... 203 Review set 10B ......................................................... 279
D Area of a circle.................................................... 204 Review set 10C ......................................................... 281
Investigation 4 How to calculate volume .................... 209 Review set 10D ......................................................... 282
E Volume of a cylinder ........................................... 210
Cumulative review 6–10 283

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11 Algebra Review set 13C ......................................................... 375
Number & Algebra 287 Review set 13D ......................................................... 376
Diagnostic test ......................................................... 288
A Adding and subtracting algebraic terms ........... 289 14 Coordinate geometry and straight lines
B Multiplying of algebraic terms ........................... 292 Number & Algebra 377
C Dividing algebraic terms .................................... 294 Diagnostic test ......................................................... 378
Investigation 1 The distributive law............................ 295 A Number plane review ......................................... 379
D Removing grouping symbols .............................. 296 B Number patterns ................................................ 380
E Highest common factor ...................................... 300 C Building patterns ................................................ 381
F Factorising algebraic expressions ..................... 301 D Graphing data ..................................................... 383
G Word problems ................................................... 306 E Sketching graphs................................................ 388
Language in mathematics ....................................... 309 Investigation 1 Graphics calculator ............................ 393
Check your skills ..................................................... 309 F Straight-line graphs ........................................... 393
Review set 11A ......................................................... 310 Investigation 2 Linear relationships ........................... 396
Review set 11B ......................................................... 311 G Comparing equations ......................................... 396
Review set 11C ......................................................... 311 H Intersecting lines ............................................... 398
Review set 11D ......................................................... 312 Investigation 3 Using spreadsheets to graph
straight lines........................................................ 399
12 Probability and Venn diagrams Language in mathematics ....................................... 400
Probability & Statistics 313 Check your skills ..................................................... 401
Diagnostic test ......................................................... 314 Review set 14A ......................................................... 402
A Probability review ............................................... 315 Review set 14B ......................................................... 404
Investigation 1 Probability certainties ........................ 318 Review set 14C ......................................................... 405
B Sum of probabilities ........................................... 319 Review set 14D ......................................................... 406
C Identifying complements of events .................... 320
Investigation 2 Sum of probabilities of 15 Triangles and quadrilaterals
complementary events......................................... 322 Measurement & Geometry 407
D Probabilities of complements of events ............ 322 Diagnostic test ......................................................... 408
E Mutually exclusive events................................... 324 A Notation review .................................................. 409
F Compound events ............................................... 325 B Constructing triangles ....................................... 412
G Venn diagrams.................................................... 328 C Classifying triangles........................................... 415
H Two-way tables .................................................. 336 Investigation 1 Sum of the angles of a triangle .......... 417
Language in mathematics ....................................... 340 D Angle sum of a triangle ...................................... 417
Check your skills ..................................................... 340 Investigation 2 Equilateral triangles .......................... 422
Review set 12A ......................................................... 342 Investigation 3 Isosceles triangles ............................. 423
Review set 12B ......................................................... 344 E Properties of equilateral and isosceles
Review set 12C ......................................................... 346 triangles ............................................................. 423
Review set 12D ......................................................... 347 Investigation 4 Exterior angle of a triangle................. 427
F Exterior angle of a triangle ................................ 428
13 Linear equations Investigation 5 Convex and concave
Number & Algebra 349 quadrilaterals ...................................................... 430
Diagnostic test ......................................................... 350 G Properties of special quadrilaterals .................. 431
A Equations ............................................................ 351 Investigation 6 Properties of quadrilaterals ............... 431
B Backtracking ...................................................... 353 Investigation 7 Flowchart for quadrilaterals .............. 434
C Maintaining balance ........................................... 356 Investigation 8 Angle sum of a quadrilateral .............. 435
Investigation 1 One-to-one matching of terms ........... 362 H Angle sum of a quadrilateral ............................. 435
D Equations with pronumerals on both sides ....... 362 Investigation 9 Composite figures ............................. 439
E Equations with grouping symbols ...................... 364 Language in mathematics ...................................... 440
F Substituting into a formula (extension) ............. 365 Check your skills ..................................................... 440
G Problem solving (extension) ............................... 368 Review set 15A ......................................................... 442
Investigation 2 Using spreadsheets to solve Review set 15B ......................................................... 443
equations ............................................................ 370 Review set 15C ......................................................... 444
Language in mathematics ....................................... 372
Check your skills ..................................................... 372 Cumulative review 11–15 445
Review set 13A ......................................................... 373
Review set 13B ......................................................... 374 Answers ................................................................449
Index .................................................................... 509
Contents v

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Peerless maths content designed to support

deep understanding of mathematical concepts
and development of skills. Written for the
Australian Curriculum in New South Wales.



vi Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

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• Interactive tutorials and
guided examples for
independent 24/7 study.
• Diagnostic tools to support
student understanding.
• Teachers: manage class
progress, set tests, and plan
instruction to meet individual
and whole-class needs.

Drive student progress
through the Australian

Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

Contents vii

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Chapter Name Outcomes NSW Syllabus references AC references
1 Review of Year 7

2 Ratios and rates MA4–1WM, MA4–2WM, MA4–3WM, S4 N&A Ratio and rates ACMNA188

3 Congruence MA4–1WM, MA4–2WM, S4 M&G Properties of ACMMG200,

MA4–3WM, MA4–17MG geometrical figures 1, ACMMG201,
S4 M&G Properties of ACMMG202
geometrical figures 2

4 Number operations MA4–1WM, MA4–2WM, MA4–3WM, S4 N&A Indices ACMNA149,

and index laws MA4–4NA, MA4–9NA ACMNA182,

5 Perimeter, area MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA3-9MG, S4 M&G Length, S4 M&G Area, ACMMG195,
and capacity MA3-10MG, MA3-11MG, MA4-12MG, S4 M&G Volume ACMMG196,
MA4-13MG, MA4-14MG ACMMG198

CR 2–5 Cumulative review chapters 2–5

6 Time MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA3-13MG, S4 M&G Time ACMMG199

7 Percentages MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA4-3WM, S4 N&A Fractions, decimals ACMNA187,

MA4-5NA, MA4-6NA and percentages, ACMNA189
S4 N&A Financial mathematics

8 Circles and MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA3-9MG, S4 M&G Length, ACMMG186,

cylinders MA4-12MG, MA4-13MG, MA4-14MG S4 M&G Volume ACMMG197,

9 Data collection and MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA4-3WM, S4 S&P Data collection and ACMSP206,
analysis MA3-18SP, MA4-19SP, MA4-20SP representation, S4 S&P Single ACMSP207,
variable data analysis ACMSP284,

10 Pythagoras’ MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA4-16MG S4 M&G Right-angled triangles ACMMG222,

theorem (Pythagoras, part) ACMNA186

CR 6–10 Cumulative review chapters 6–10

11 Algebra MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA4-3WM, S4 N&A Algebraic techniques 1, ACMNA190,
MA4-8NA S4 N&A Algebraic techniques 2 ACMNA191,
(parts) ACMNA192

12 Probability and MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA4-3WM, S4 S&P Probability 2 ACMSP204,

Venn diagrams MA4-21SP ACMSP205,

13 Linear equations MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA4-3WM, S4 N&A Equations ACMNA194


14 Coordinate MA4-1WM, MA4-3WM, MA4-11NA S4 N&A Linear relationships ACMNA193,

geometry and ACMNA194
straight lines

15 Triangles and MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA4-3WM, M&G Properties of geometrical ACMMG165,

quadrilaterals MA4-17MG figures 1 ACMMG166

CR 11–15 Cumulative review chapters 11–15

viii Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

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Review of Year 7
This chapter deals with a review of material from the Year 7 text.
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:
▶ use operations with positive and ▶ understand transformation and
negative integers including graphs symmetry
▶ understand the properties of angles ▶ understand chance
and parallel lines ▶ represent and interpret statistical
▶ understand basic number facts and data
indices ▶ calculate area, surface area and
▶ work with fractions, decimals and volume
percentages ▶ solve linear equations
▶ draw and build solid shapes ▶ describe the properties of
▶ work with algebraic expressions geometrical figures.

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A Integers
Exercise 1A
1 Plot the following points on a number line.
a 3, 6, 7, 8 b 5, 3, 9, 4

2 a Plot the numbers 5 and 10 on a number line.

b Write a statement using < to describe the numbers.
c Write a statement using > to describe the numbers.
d Write two whole numbers between 5 and 10.
e Write three other numbers between 5 and 10.

3 Represent the following operations on a number line and hence find the answer.
a 2+4 b 3+5−2 c 2×7−3

4 Write the opposites of the following statements.

a withdrawing $5 b an increase of 2 cm in length
c a loss of 1 kg in weight d a rise of 4°C in temperature

5 State the combined effect of the following.

a a deposit of $6 followed by a withdrawal of $7
b a deposit of $6 followed by a withdrawal of $3
c a deposit of $6 followed by a withdrawal of $14

6 If east is the positive direction, write directed numbers for a journey:

a 7 km west b 6 km east c 8 km east then 4 km west

7 Plot the following whole numbers on the number line, then write them in ascending order.
a −8, −5, −6, −9, −4 b −7, −2, −8, 0, 4

8 Plot the following numbers on the number line, then write them in ascending order.
a 1_12 , 2_14 , 0, 1, −_12 b −1.3, 1.2, −1.6, 0, −1.4

9 Using a number line to help you, insert > or < symbols to make the following statements true.
a −5 −6 b −2 2 c 0 −3

10 Simplify the following using a number line.

a −4 − 3 b −7 − (−5) c 6 − (−5)
d 4−2+3 e 5−2−7 f −3 − 4 − 5

11 Plot the following points on the number plane.


A(2, 4), B(−2, −4), C(3, −4), D(2, −1), E(3, – 5), F(4, 0)

12 Draw a travel graph to describe this journey. Kyle left home at 10 am to visit a friend. He walked
2 kilometres to the bus stop taking 25 minutes, then waited 10 minutes for the bus. The bus journey took
40 minutes to travel 10 kilometres. Kyle then walked 1 kilometre in 15 minutes to his friend’s house and
stayed for 1_2 hours. After that he was driven home. The drive home took 20 minutes.

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13 Paula rides her bike from home to the shops and back Paula’s ride to shops
home again. The graph shows Paula’s journey.
a At what time did Paula leave home?

Distance from home (m)

b Where was Paula at 2:05 pm?
c At what times was Paula 1 kilometre from
d How far did she travel in the first 8 minutes? 600
e What was her speed in the first 8 minutes? 400
f What is the meaning of the horizontal section 200
of the graph? 0
g When was Paula stopped? 2:00 2:10 2:20 2:30 2:40 2:50
h How far are the shops from Paula’s home? Time (pm)
i How long did she spend at the shops?
j How long did the return journey home take?
k What was her speed for the journey home?
l What was the total distance travelled by Paula for the whole journey?
m What was the average speed for the whole journey, not including the time she was at the shops?

B Angles and parallel lines

Exercise 1B
1 Name the angles shown using:
i three letters ii the vertex only.
a P b P

2 Measure each of the angles in the diagram. B
a ∠QRB b ∠BRS
c ∠CRS d ∠BRC
e ∠QRC f ∠QRS


3 a Draw an interval AB approximately 5 cm long. With A as the vertex, draw angles of:
i 38° ii 152° iii 194° iv 253° v 345°

b Classify each of the angles in part a.

4 a In your own words give the meaning of complementary angles.

b Draw a diagram showing a pair of complementary angles.
c Find angles complementary to:
i 40° ii 18° iii 45° iv 83°

Chapter 1 Review of Year 7 3

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5 a Draw a diagram showing a pair of supplementary angles.
b Find angles supplementary to:
i 125° ii 80° iii 71° iv 118°

6 Find the value of the pronumerals and give a reason for your answer.
a b c

115° 88°
q 73°

d e f
r 57° x
28° s 48°

7 State whether or not lines PQ and AB are parallel. Give a reason for your answer.
a B b P

53° Q A
135° 110°
A 110° Q
8 Find the value of the pronumerals and state a reason for your answer.
a q b c e c
f 60° d

C Number and indices

Exercise 1C
1 Write the multiples of:
a 2 between 13 and 35 b 9 between 26 and 73 c 4 that are less than 65

2 a List the multiples of 8 less than 100.

b List the multiples of 10 less than 100.
c Write the common multiples of 8 and 10 that are less than 100.

d What is the LCM of 8 and 10?

3 a Write the factors of 20.

b Write the factors of 35.
c What is the HCF of 20 and 35?

4 Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

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4 Use a factor tree to write the following numbers as a product of prime factors.
a 50 b 130 c 520

5 Use the method of division by primes to write the following numbers as a product of prime factors.
a 140 b 230 c 540

6 a Write 25 and 40 as a product of prime factors.

b Find the HCF of 25 and 40.
c Find the LCM of 25 and 40.

7 a Write 180 and 240 as a product of prime factors.

b Find the HCF of 180 and 240.
c Find the LCM of 180 and 240.

8 Find the HCF and LCM of the following pairs of numbers. First write each number as a product of prime
a 70 and 84 b 60 and 90 c 280 and 400

9 Find__the following. __ ____ ____ ____ _____

a √9 b √1 c √169 d √125 e √729 f √1331
3 3 3

10 Which of the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 are factors of:

a 4884? b 23 400? c 161 040?
11 Between which two numbers does √70 lie?

12 Evaluate:
a 986 ÷ 29 b 992 ÷ 64
13 Evaluate: _______

102 + 8
a 16 − 4 × 2 b 3 +7×2
2 3

D Fractions
Exercise 1D
1 What fraction of the diagram shown is:
a shaded? b unshaded?
2 If __
13 of a diagram is shaded, what fraction is unshaded?

3 Convert __
9 to a mixed number.

4 Convert 8_47 to an improper fraction.

7 49
5 Complete: ___ = ___

7 _
__ 4 __ 9
6 Arrange in ascending order: 10 , 5 , 20

Chapter 1 Review of Year 7 5

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7 State the reciprocal of _58 .

8 Simplify the following.

3 5
a _45 + _13 b 11
– _3 c _
× _4 d _
6 ÷ _4

9 Simplify _12 × _23 + _14 .

10 Katzurina donated __
11 of her weekly income to charity. If her weekly income is $495, how much did she donate?

E Drawing and building solids

Exercise 1E
1 Name these solids.
a b c d

2 What is the geometrical name of the solid that best describes:

a a tennis ball? b a cereal packet? c can of baked beans?

3 The diagram below shows the net of a cube with a different letter
on each face. When the cube is assembled, which letter will be
opposite the letter:
a A? b B?

4 a Build the solid shown using cubes.

b Add a cube to each of the orange faces and sketch the resulting solid
on isometric grid paper.

5 Build the given solid and then sketch the view from the: Front
a front b back c top
d left side e right side.


6 Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

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6 Is this solid oblique or right? Explain your answer.

7 Sketch the view of this prism from the:

a top b front c side.

8 Sketch the cross-section when these solids are cut as shown.
a b

9 The numbers on the plan give the numbers of cubes in each stack of the
solid. Build the solid and sketch the view of the solid from corner A on 6 3
isometric grid paper.

F Algebra and variables

Exercise 1F
1 If there are p marbles in each cup, write algebraic expressions for the total number of marbles in each of the
following diagrams.
a b

c d

2 Simplify the following.

a 6×p b g×r c m×5
d 8×a×b e 3×m×m f 5×a+3×q

Chapter 1 Review of Year 7 7

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3 Insert multiplication signs to show the meaning of:
a 3p b ab c m2 d 5x2 e 6pq

4 Simplify the following.

a p+p+p b y+y+y+y+y c z×1
d 3pq × 1 e 0 × 5p

5 If m = 3 and n = 4, evaluate the following.

a mn b 5mn c 7m − 3n d n2 e 4n2

6 Write the following in fraction form.

a t÷2 b g÷r c r÷g d 4w ÷ 7 e 3 ÷ 2x

7 Show the meaning of the following expressions by inserting a division sign.

k 4 p 3e mn
a __3 b __
m c __q d ___ e ___
8 If p = 4 and q = 5, evaluate the following.
q 24 5p 4q 5p
a __5 b ___
p c ___
q d ___
p e ___
9 If p = 7 and q = 3, evaluate the following.
a 3(p + 1) b 4(q − 3) c q(q + 1) d 5(q − 4) e pq(p − 5)
10 If p = 12 and q = 5, evaluate the following.
p+9 q−3 26 p+6 3p + 3
a _____ b _____ c _____ d _____ e ______
3 2 p+1 q+1 q+8

G Fractions, decimals and percentages

Exercise 1G
1 Complete the following table.
Fraction Decimal Percentage
a 10
b 0.2
c 25%
d 3
e 0.375
f 50%
g 8
h 66_3 %
i 0.85
j 100

8 Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

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2 What percentage of these diagrams is:
i shaded? ii unshaded?
a b

3 Express each percentage as a simplified fraction.

a 25% b 60% c 72% d 86%

4 a Write 59 out of 100 as a percentage.

b Emily scored 78 out of 100 in her Science exam. Write this as a percentage.
c Write 33 out of 50 as a percentage.
d Linda scored 19 out of 25 in her Japanese exam. Write this as a percentage.

5 Express these percentages as decimals.

a 43% b 29% c 123% d 0.35%

6 Express the following as percentages.

_ 2
_ 5
a 4 b 0.312 c 4.8 d 3 e 8

7 a Write 78 g as a percentage of 500 g.

b Write 38c as a percentage of $2.
c Write 35 kg as a percentage of 140 kg.

8 Convert each to a percentage and arrange in ascending order: _35 , 68%, 0.48, 2

9 a Increase 40 m by 12%.
b Katherine buys pens for 50c each. She sells them at an increased price of 150%. What is the selling price?
c Decrease 200 m by 30%.

10 In a class of 28 students there are 13 boys. Write the ratio of boys to girls.

11 Express each ratio in simplest form.

a 12 : 40 b 30 : 108

12 State the value of 8 in 0.148 507.

7 9
13 Express ___ ____
100 + 1000 as a decimal.

14 a Express 0.08 as a fraction.

b Express _34 as a decimal.

c Express _9 as a decimal.

15 Write 15.0775 correct to the nearest hundredth.

16 Insert one of >, < or = to make the following statements correct.

a 21.12 21.012 b 19.6 19.60

Chapter 1 Review of Year 7 9

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17 The decimal number closest to 0.47 is:
A 0.45 B 0.41
C 0.5 D 0.05

18 Simplify the following.

a 4.8 ÷ 0.4 × 6 b 1.2 × 0.86 × 3
c 16.6 + 2.38 + 4.7

19 Stacey purchased 15.4 m of fabric. She intends

to make three shirts. Each shirt requires 4.25 m
of fabric.
a How much fabric is used for making the shirts?
b What length of fabric remains?

H Transformations and symmetry

Exercise 1H
1 State whether the original (blue) figure has been translated, rotated or reflected to its new position.
a b c

2 State whether the original (blue) figure has been translated, rotated or reflected to its new position.
a b

c d

10 Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

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3 Plot this triangle onto grid paper. Show its new position and the A(1, 4)
coordinates of B when it is:
a translated 2 units right and 1 unit down
b rotated clockwise about C through a _14 of a turn
c reflected in the line CB. C(1, 2) B(5, 2)

4 a On the shape shown, what are the coordinates of B? y

b Translate the shape 3 units left and 2 unit up. What are 1
the coordinates of B′?
–3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 x
c Rotate the shape clockwise about A through a _12 of a F(–2, –1) A(4, –1)
turn (2 right angles). What are the coordinates of B′? –2
d Reflect the shape in the line AB. What are the –3
E(–2, –3) B
coordinates of B′?
D(0, –5) C(2, –5)

5 Draw all the axes of symmetry of the following shapes.

a b

6 Which of the shapes in question 5 has rotational symmetry? State the order of symmetry.

7 Complete the following shapes given the axes of symmetry.

a b

8 Copy the following shapes and draw all the axes of symmetry.
a b

9 Do the following shapes have rotational symmetry? If so, state to order of symmetry.

a b c

Chapter 1 Review of Year 7 11

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I Probability

Exercise 1I
1 A hat contains 1 pink, 1 red, 1 blue and 1 green ticket. One ticket is chosen at random.
a List the sample space.
b What is the probability of selecting the red ticket?

2 a List the sample space of this spinner.

b What is the probability of spinning a 7? 3
1 5
3 Twenty cards with the numbers 1 to 20 written on them are
11 7
shuffled and one card is chosen at random.
a List the sample space.
b What is the probability that the selected card has 13 written on it?

4 A box of ice-creams contains 8 chocolate, 5 strawberry and 3 vanilla. One ice-cream is chosen at random.
a How many ice-creams are in the box?
b How many ice-creams are strawberry?
c What is the probability of selecting a strawberry ice-cream?

5 A box of chocolates contains 11 hard-centred

and 9 soft-centred chocolates. One chocolate is
chosen at random.
a How many chocolates are in the box?
b How many are soft-centred?
c Kaisha likes soft-centred chocolates.
What is the probability that she selects
a soft-centred chocolate?

6 One card is selected at random from a normal deck of 52 cards. What is the probability that it is:
a a club? b a black card? c a black ace?

7 In Year 8, 65% of students walk to school, 30% catch a bus and 5% are driven. Find the probability that a
student selected at random:
a walks b is driven c catches a bus
d does not walk e does not catch a bus.

8 a Write a statement describing a probability of:

i 0 ii 10% iii 50%
iv v 1

b Estimate the probability associated with each phrase.
i no chance ii very likely iii certain

9 A coin is tossed once. It has heads on one side and tails on the other. Describe an event that would be:
a certain b impossible c of even chance.

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10 A deck of 8 cards labelled A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H is shuffled and one card is selected at random. Describe
events with a probability of:
_ 1
_ 7
a 0 b 1 c 8 d 4 e 8

11 A spinner has four equally sized sectors coloured red, blue, green and yellow. It is spun once. What is the
probability that the colour is:
a blue? b not blue? c green or yellow? d not green or yellow?

12 A box of chocolates has milk and dark chocolates. One chocolate is selected at random. The probability of
selecting a milk chocolate is __
10 . What is the probability of selecting a dark chocolate?

J Data investigation

Exercise 1J
1 What is the difference between primary and secondary data?

2 State whether a census or sample survey would be used for each of these investigations. Discuss your
answers in groups.
a the weights of the members of a football team
b the number of people who prefer vanilla ice-cream
c the number of pets owned by students in a class

3 Suggest the possible bias in each of these samples.

a people at a bus stop b people selected from an electoral role

4 Classify these as nominal or numerical variables.

a hair colour b height c distance travelled

5 a Construct a frequency distribution table for this data for winning margins in a series of soccer matches.
2 2 3 0 0 2 0 4 3 1 3 5

0 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 0 0 3 1
0 1 2 1 0 4 5 3 0 1 0 2
5 1 4 3 4 2 3 0 2 3 4 0
1 2 2 0 0 2 3 2 0 4 0 2
b Draw a frequency histogram and polygon for this information.

Chapter 1 Review of Year 7 13

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c i How many soccer matches were played?
ii How many winning margins of 2 were there?
iii What does a winning margin of 0 mean?

6 a Draw a frequency distribution table to show the following information:

8 9 5 10 7 6 6 7 5 1 8 6
2 8 6 2 6 4 9 4 7 4 9 2
6 5 9 10 10 1 7 6 2 2 3 1
b How many numbers were 8 or more?

7 Draw a stem-and-leaf plot for the following information. Use stems of 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.
146 145 128 138 161 150 149 142 132 142
150 145 151 131 148 145 132 145 144 153

8 a Draw a column graph for the data in this table. Drink Frequency
b Draw a dot plot showing this information.
Soft drink 18
Still water 10
Juice 3
Tea/coffee 2
Other 2

9 This table shows the favourite holiday destinations of 90 Year 8 students.

Destination Number of students Sector angle
Snowfields 28
Gold Coast 35
NSW South Coast 15
NSW North Coast 12

a Copy and complete the table, calculating the sector angles.

b Draw a sector graph for this information. Shade the sectors and include a title and a legend.
c Draw a divided bar graph of length 18 cm displaying the information.


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K Area, surface area and volume
Exercise 1K
1 Find the area of this shape.

2 By counting squares, find the area of this shape.

3 Find the area of the following shapes.

a b
3 mm

11 mm

c d
4 cm

14 cm

7 cm
e f


5 cm

8 cm

4 Find each shaded area.

a b


6m 3m 30 cm
10 cm

10 m 60 cm

Chapter 1 Review of Year 7 15

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5 Calculate the surface area of each solid.
a b

7.0 cm
9.5 cm

6.8 cm 10.3 cm
3.1 cm 8.1 cm

6 Calculate the volume of each solid.

a b
A = 83.4 cm2

41.6 cm
A = 427.5 cm2
7.4 cm

7 Calculate the volume of each solid.

a b
18.8 cm
12 cm
8 cm
15.2 cm
5 cm
26 cm
3 cm
6.8 cm

8 Calculate the volume of each solid.

a 38.7 cm b

10.3 cm
7.8 cm

23.5 cm

5.8 cm
9.4 cm
9 Calculate the volumes of these composite solids.
a b
8.1 m
3 cm
6.1 m

10.8 m

5.2 cm
12.3 m
4.2 cm

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L Data measures
Exercise 1L
1 For the scores 11, 14, 15, 19, 19, 21 find the:
a mean b mode c median d range.

2 For the scores in this stem-and-leaf plot find the: Stem Leaf
a mean b mode 2 7 8 8
c median d range. 3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6
4 1 2 4 4 4 6 8
5 3 5 7 8
6 2 3

3 The back-to-back stem-and-leaf plot compares the Class B Class A

marks gained by class A and class B in their half-yearly Leaf Stem Leaf
Mathematics exam. 2 1 2 8 8
a Find the mean, mode, median and range for each class. 6 4 2 1 3 0 3 5 6
b Which class performed better? Explain your answer. 6 5 3 1 0 4 0 2 6 6 8
1 1 0 5 3 6 9
6 6 7

4 a Complete this frequency distribution table. Score (x) Frequency (f) f×x
b Calculate the mean correct to 1 decimal place.
8 6
9 11
10 15
11 12
12 8
13 7
14 8
Σf = Σfx =

5 Find the mode and range of each set of scores.

a Score (x) Frequency (f) b Score (x) Frequency (f )
11 6 53 28
12 14 54 36
13 5 55 12

14 11 56 45
15 4 57 33

Chapter 1 Review of Year 7 17

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6 Complete the table to find the mean, mode, median and range for this stem-and-leaf plot.
Stem Leaf f f × stem Sum of leaves
8 4 7 9 3
9 0 0 3 4 5 5 5 7 8 9
10 1 1 2 3 4 7 9 9
11 2 3 4 5 8 8 9 9 9 9
12 0 1 3 7 9 9 9
13 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 8 9
14 1 1 1 2 8 9

7 The marks for a class in English, Mathematics and Science tests are given.
Mark English frequency Mathematics frequency Science frequency
1 3 0 5
2 3 1 4
3 3 3 3
4 3 5 2
5 3 6 1
6 3 6 1
7 3 5 2
8 3 3 3
9 3 1 4
10 3 0 5

a For each subject calculate the mean, median and mode.

b Which of the measures in part a show a difference in the results?
c In which subject did the class perform best?
d Display this data in cumulative histograms.

M Linear equations
Exercise 1M
1 Show each step required to backtrack from the equation 4x + 12 = 0 to x. Solve for x.

2 Solve the following equations.


a x + 11 = 17 b x + 9 = −6
c 4x = 36 d −9x = 63
e 3y + 18 = 29 f 5 − 4p = −47
g 4d + 8 = 3d − 12 h 18 + 7c = 32 − 3c
i 3(m + 6) = 2(m − 1) j 8(q − 5) = −3(10 + 3q)

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3 Solve the following equations.
4p 3x + 12
a ___
=6 b _______
= 12

4 Is the given value for the pronumeral a solution to the equation?

a 5d + 12 = 28; d = 3 b __5 + 7 = 24; x = 3_25

5 Complete this table to solve the equation 3x − 4 = 23 using the guess, check and refine method.
x 5 11 8 9
3x − 4 11

6 Starting with x, write the expression produced if you:

a add 5 b subtract 8 c multiply by 4
d divide by 7 e multiply by 3 then add 5 f divide by 8 and subtract 3
g multiply by 5 then divide by 4 h add 6 then multiply by 4 i subtract 5 then divide by 3

7 Complete the following flowcharts.

×8 −4 ÷7
a x b w c z

+ 11 ×3 − 13 +4 ×3
d m e y f a

÷7 + 22 +5 ÷7 ×2 ÷7
g x h w i x

8 Complete the following flowcharts.

+4 −7 ×9
a x b y c q

÷6 ×4 +8 +3 ×5
d m e k f z

÷7 –2 –5 ÷4 ×9 +5
g y h z i x

×5 ÷8 ÷8 ×5 −5 ×8
j w k p l n

9 Solve the following equations.

3a 7g 4x − 5
a ___
=4 b ___
= 11 c ______
3d + 7 8e − 5 4f + 7
d ______
=5 e ______
= −3 f ______
= −7
3k __ 2 7x __ 3 4p __ 2
g ___
h ___
= i ___
4 3

10 Do the following to generate equations that can be solved in two steps and have the solution x = 10.
a Multiply both sides by 3 then add 5 to both sides.
b Multiply both sides by 2 then subtract 7 from both sides.
c Add 3 to both sides then multiply both sides by 5.

d Subtract 1 from both sides then multiply both sides by 4.

e Divide both sides by 2 then add 9 to both sides.
f Divide both sides by 5 then subtract 4 from both sides.
g Add 8 to both sides then divide both sides by 2.
h Subtract 6 from both sides then divide both sides by 2.

Chapter 1 Review of Year 7 19

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11 The time needed to roast a piece of meat is 20 min plus 30 min for every 0.5 kg of meat to be cooked. This
information can be expressed by the formula t = 20 + 30w, where t is the number of minutes needed and
w is the number of 0.5 kg of meat.
a Calculate the time needed to roast a piece of meat that weighs 2.5 kg.
b A piece of meat was roasted for 110 min, using this formula. What was the weight of meat cooked?

12 To build a pattern of rectangles, the number of matches needed (N) is given by N = 5r + 1, where r is the
number of rectangles.
a How many matches are needed to build 7 rectangles?
b How many rectangles could be built using 61 matches?

13 Sylvie is a salesperson. She is paid a weekly commission ($C). Her commission is calculated by the formula
C = 200 + ___ where S is the value, in dollars, of her sales (the goods she sells).
a How much did she earn in the week in which the value of her sales was $20 000?
b One week her commission was $640. What was the value of her sales?

N Triangles and quadrilaterals

Exercise 1N
1 Construct a triangle with side lengths 13 cm, 12 cm and 5 cm.

2 Draw a right-angled isosceles triangle.

3 Find x, giving a reason for your answer.

a b x

x 86°

4 Write an equation and solve it to determine the value of x.

Give a reason for your answer.
x + 10° 40°

5 Find the value of the pronumerals in alphabetical order (u to z),
giving reasons for your answers.

52° F
D w

6 a Draw a rhombus. A z y v
b List the properties of a rhombus. B u 142°
7 a Draw a convex quadrilateral.
b Comment on the diagonals of your diagram.

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Ratios and rates
This chapter deals with the comparisons of quantities.
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:

▶ express statements as ratios ▶ divide a quantity into a given ratio

▶ simplify ratios, including ratios as ▶ compare and calculate rates using
fractions and decimals given information
▶ use the unitary method ▶ use scale effectively.

NSW Syllabus references: S4 N&A Ratio and rates

Outcomes: MA4–1WM, MA4–2WM, MA4–3WM, MA4–7NA

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Diagnostic test
1 What is the ratio of squares : circles : triangles? 8 Simplify 24 : 56 : 40.
A 3:7:5 B 5:3:7
C 3:5:7 D 7:5:3

A 8:7:5 B 7:8:5 9 Simplify 1.5 : 6.

C 5:7:8 D 7:5:8 A 4:1 B 3 : 12
C 1:4 D 12 : 3
2 Express Ben’s money to Aidan’s money as a
ratio, given that Ben has $16 and Aidan has $25. 10 The ratio of Brendan’s savings to expenses is
A 16 : 25 B 25 : 16 2 : 9. Calculate Brendan’s savings when his
C $25 : $16 D $16 : $25 expenses are $135.
A $30 B $67.50
3 In a class of 20 students _25 are boys. Express this C $58.20 D $15
as a ratio of boys to girls.
A 5:2 B 3:2 11 The ratio of a girl’s height to her mother’s height
C 5:3 D 2:3 is 4 : 9. Calculate the mother’s height given that
the girl’s height is 80 cm.
4 Express 4 : 7 as a fraction. A 35.5 cm B 96 cm
4 4 7 7
A __
11 B _7 C _4 D __
11 C 180 cm D 204 cm

5 Express _38 as a ratio. 12 Which point divides the line segment AO into
A 8:3 B 3 : 11 the ratio 2 : 5?
C 11 : 3 D 3:8
2 x
6 Determine the value of x when __ = ___. A C B E
3 45 C K D M
A 15 B 30 C 52.6 D 67

81 y 13 Divide $800 into the ratio 3 : 17.

7 Find the value of y when ___ = ___. A $340, $120 B $266.67, $47.06
90 10
A 7 B 9 C 11 D 13 C $300, $1700 D $120, $680

The Diagnostic test questions refer to the Year 7 outcomes from ACMNA188.

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A Ratio review
A ratio is a comparison of like quantities.
A ratio is written in the form a : b (meaning ‘a to b’) where a and b are called the terms of the ratio and they are
expressed in the same units.
• Ratios have no units.
To express John’s money as a ratio to Ben’s money when John has $8 and Ben has $13, we write:
John to Ben = 8 : 13
• Order is important for ratios.
4 : 1 is not the same as 1 : 4.
4 1
4 : 1 = __ but 1 : 4 = __
1 4
• Each part of a ratio can be expressed as a fraction of the whole.
5 9
For example, in the ratio 5 : 9, the first part is __ __
14 of the whole and the second part is 14 of the whole.
a b
In general, for the ratio a : b, the first part, a, is _____ of the whole and the second part, b, is _____ of
a+b a+b
the whole.
• Terms must be expressed in the same unit.
To express 75c as a ratio of $2.33:
change 75c to dollars, so 0.75 : 2.33
or change $2.33 to cents, so 75 : 233

Exercise 2A
1 Express each of the following as a ratio.
a circles to triangles b stars to moons c pens to rulers

2 David has $4 and Carla has $7. Find these ratios.

a David’s money to Carla’s money
b Carla’s money to David’s money

3 ‘My pocket money is three times your

pocket money’, says Gerard to Alison.
What is the ratio of:
a i Gerard’s pocket money to Alison’s?
ii Alison’s pocket money to Gerard’s?
b Do we know how much pocket money
each person receives?

4 Peter can cycle twice as fast as Amy. Find

these ratios.
a i Amy’s cycling speed to Peter’s speed
ii Peter’s cycling speed to Amy’s speed
b Do we know the cycling speed of each person?


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5 a Are the ratios 1 : 8 and 8 : 1 equal?
Give a reason for your answer.
b If a : b = b : a, what can be said
about a and b?

A recipe for children’s playdough lists
4 cups of flour, 2 cups of water and
1 cup of salt.
a What is the ratio of flour to water?
b What is the ratio of water to the
total number of cups required?
c What fraction of the dough
mixture is salt?

Flour : water : salt

4 cups : 2 cups : 1 cup
Total is 4 + 2 + 1 = 7 cups
a Ratio of flour to water is 4 : 2 = 2 : 1.
b Ratio of water to total cups is 2 : 7. It’s a good idea to summarise
the given information.
c Fraction of salt is 1 cup out of 7 cups or _17 .

6 The ratio of sand to cement in a mortar mix is 5 : 2.

a What fraction of the mortar mix is sand?
b What fraction of the mortar mix is cement?

7 Feather blue is a pale blue paint made by

mixing 1 part blue to 8 parts of white paint.
a What is the ratio of blue to white paint?
b What is the ratio of white to blue paint?
c What fraction of feather blue is blue paint?
d What fraction of feather blue is white
e Alf mixed the blue and white paints in the
ratio 8 : 1. Describe the result.

8 In a class of 30 students, _35 of the students are boys.

a What fraction of the class is girls?
b What is the ratio of boys to girls?
c What is the ratio of girls to boys?
d Do we know how many students are boys?

If so, how many?

e Do we know how many students are girls?
If so, how many?

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9 A box of jellybeans contains 4 blue, 5 orange, 6 red, 3 purple and 2 green jellybeans.
a What fraction of the jellybeans are blue?
b Which colour is the least common?
c Which colour is the most common?
d What fraction of the jellybeans are purple?
e What is the ratio of orange jellybeans to the total number of jellybeans in the box?

For each of the following diagrams find the:
i ratio of shaded area to unshaded area
ii ratio of shaded area to the total area
iii fraction of the total area that is shaded.
a b

a i shaded : unshaded = 1 : 3 b i shaded : unshaded = 4 : 1

ii shaded : total = 1 : 4 ii shaded : total = 4 : 5
iii Fraction of total area shaded is _14 . iii Fraction of total area shaded is _45 .

10 For each of the following diagrams find the:

i ratio of shaded area to unshaded area
ii ratio of shaded area to the total area
iii fraction of the total area that is shaded.
a b c

d e f

For each ratio, express the first part as a fraction of the whole.
a 4:5 b 1:9 c 7:2

a The ratio 4 : 5 has 9 parts in total. The fraction is _49 . When converting a ratio to a fraction, first
__ find the total number of parts by adding
b The ratio 1 : 9 has 10 parts in total. The fraction is 10 . the numbers in the ratio, then put the part
c The ratio 7 : 2 has 9 parts in total. The fraction is _79 . you want as a fraction over the total.

Chapter 2 Ratios and rates 25

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11 Each ratio shows the number of cats to dogs in a pet shop. For each ratio, express the number of cats as a
fraction of the total number of animals.
a 2:3 b 4:3 c 5:4 d 6:1
e 8:5 f 5:7 g 11 : 3 h 2:5

Each fraction shows the first part of a ratio as a fraction of the whole. Find the ratio.
_ 1
_ 3
a 3 b 4 c 8

a For _23 , the first part of the ratio is 2. The denominator of a fraction is the total
number of parts. When converting to a ratio, the
The second part of the ratio is 3 − 2 = 1.
numerator of the fraction is the first number
The ratio is 2 : 1. and the remaining parts are the second number.
b For _14 , the first part of the ratio is 1.
This leaves 3 parts out of a total of 4 parts. The ratio is 1 : 3.
c For _38 , the first part of the ratio is 3.
This leaves 5 part out of the total of 8 parts. The ratio is 3 : 5.

12 Each fraction shows the first part of a ratio as a fraction of the whole. Find the ratio.
a _34 b _15 c _35 d 5
_ 2
_ 6
_ 5
e 5 f 9 g 7 h 9

13 Flour, water and salt is mixed in the ratio of 4 : 2 : 1 to form playdough.

a What fraction of the playdough is water?
b What fraction of the playdough is salt?

Express each of the following as a ratio.
a 7 cm to 3 m b 73 mL to 2 L c 3 h to 17 min

a Convert 3 m to 300 cm. The ratio is 7 cm to 300 cm or 7 : 300.

b Convert 2 L to 2000 mL. The ratio is 73 mL to 2000 mL or 73 : 2000.
c Convert 3 h to 180 min. The ratio is 180 min to 17 min or 180 : 17.

14 Express each of the following as a ratio.

a 1 m to 1 cm b 7 mL to 1 L c 11 s to 1 min
d 3 km to 173 m e 2 h to 13 min f 67 m to 1 km
g 3 L to 87 mL h 1 km to 27 m i 13 cm to 3 mm

15 In this diagram, what is the ratio of the:


a base of triangle A to the base of triangle B?

b height of triangle A to the height of triangle B?
c area of triangle A to the area of triangle B? 15
b×h 6 A B
Hint: Area of a triangle = _2 b × h or _____.

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16 The bar graph represents the results of a survey
to determine the method by which students travel
to school.
Number of students 16
Car Bus Train Walk Bicycle

a Find the total number of students surveyed.

b Write as a ratio:
i students travelling by car : students who
ii students travelling by bus : total number
of students surveyed.
c What fraction of the students surveyed travel
to school by train?
d To 1 decimal place, what percentage of these
student travels by:
i train? ii bus? iii car?

Investigation 1 Gears on a bike

A bicycle has a chain that joins a cog on the front chainwheel to a cog on the back wheel. The gears on a bicycle
can be varied by changing the position of the chain on the front chainwheel and on the rear cog.
If the front cog has 25 teeth and the rear cog has 18 teeth, then the gear ratio is 25 : 18 or ___ : 1 = 1.39 : 1.
A bicycle has two cogs on the front chainwheel with 25 teeth and 45 teeth respectively. The back wheel has three
cogs with 28, 25 and 16 teeth respectively. If the chain can be used in any position on the two front cogs and on
the three back cogs, find each ratio for the number of teeth on one of the front cogs to the number of teeth on
one of the rear cogs in the form n : 1.


Chapter 2 Ratios and rates 27

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B Equivalent ratios review
Just as there are many ways of writing the same fraction, there are many ways of writing the same ratios. Ratios
that can be simplified to the same ratio are said to be equivalent ratios. The following diagrams show this.

Diagram Ratio of shaded : unshaded Fraction shaded

1:2 3

2:4 2
_ 1
6 = _3

4:8 4
__ 1
12 = _3

From the table above it can be seen that:

• in all cases the fraction shaded is the same, so
• the ratio of shaded area : unshaded area is also the same.
∴ 1 : 2 = 2 : 4 = 4 : 8, where 1 : 2 is the simplest form of the ratio.
An equivalent ratio is formed by multiplying or dividing both sides of the ratio by the same non-zero number.

Complete these equivalent ratios by multiplying.
a 1:3=4:□ b 7 : 9 = □ : 27

a 1:3=4:□ b 7 : 9 = □ : 27
×4 ×3

1:3=4:□ 7 : 9 = □: 27
×4 ×3
1 : 3 = 4 : 12 7 : 9 = 21 : 27

Exercise 2B
1 Complete these equivalent ratios by multiplying.
a 1 : 3 = 5 : ___ b 2 : 5 = 4 : ___ 4 : 7 = 8 : ___

d 9 : 10 = 27 : ___ e 6 : 5 = 24 : ___ f 3 : 8 = 15 : ___
g 2 : 9 = ___ : 18 h 1 : 6 = ___ : 30 i 5 : 3 = ___ : 9
j 9 : 2 = ___ : 8 k 10 : 11 = ___ : 55 l 14 : 15 = ___ : 45
m 8 : 13 = 40 : ___ n 6 : 11 : = ___ : 99 o 5 : 7 = ___ : 70
p 10 : 17 = 100 : ___ q 3 : 2 = 33 : ___ r 13 : 20 = ___ : 60

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Complete these equivalent ratios by dividing.
a 4 : 20 = 1 : □ b 21 : 56 = □ : 8

a 4 : 20 = 1 : □ b 21 : 56 = □ : 8
÷4 ÷7

4 : 20 = 1 : □ 21 : 56 = □: 8 Multiplying increases
and dividing decreases
÷4 ÷7 the numeral in the
4 : 20 = 1 : 5 21 : 56 = 3 : 8 equivalent ratio.

2 Complete the following equivalent ratios by dividing.

a 2 : 10 = 1 : ___ b 6 : 14 = 3 : ___ c 9 : 3 = 3 : ___
d 12 : 15 = 4 : ___ e 18 : 27 = 2 : ___ f 100 : 120 = 5 : ___
g 20 : 32 = ___ : 8 h 22 : 55 = ___ : 5 i 15 : 40 = ___ : 8
j 42 : 60 = ___ : 10 k 24 : 38 = ___ : 19 l 4 : 36 = ___ : 9
m 35 : 14 = ___ : 2 n 63 : 54 = 7 : ___ o 24 : 18 = 4 : ___
p 75 : 120 = ___ : 8 q 99 : 66 = ___ : 2 r 62 : 93 = 2 : ___

3 Complete the following equivalent ratios.

a 4 : 11 = 24 : ___ b 16 : 20 = ___ : 5 c 15 : 21 = 5 : ___
d 28 : 42 = ___ : 3 e 36 : 52 = 9 : ___ f 7 : 5 = 28 : ___
g 16 : 80 = 1 : ___ h 8 : 1 = 72 : ___ i 1 : 3 = ___ : 39
j 88 : 55 = ___ : 5 k 80 : 72 = 10 : ___ l 9 : 13 = ___ : 52
m 15 : 2 = ___ : 12 n 92 : 100 = ___ : 25 o 38 : 40 = ___ : 20

Express the following ratios in simplest form.
a 42 : 48 b 35 : 20

a Find the HCF of 42 and 48. b Find the HCF of 35 and 20.
42: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, 42 35: 1, 5, 7, 35
48: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 48 20: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20
HCF = 6 HCF = 5
42 48 35 20
42 : 48 = ___ : ___ 35 : 20 = ___ : ___
6 6 5 5
=7:8 =7:4
Note: The fraction function on the
_ calculator is used to simplify the ratio and
Calculator: Use the fraction button a c .
the answer is a ratio not a fraction.
Enter: Enter:

42 a c b
48 = 7⎦8 35 a_bc 20 = 1 ⎦ 3 ⎦ 4 = 1_34

= 7 : 8 (ratio form) Improper fraction: SHIFT a_bc 7⎦4

= 7 : 4 (ratio form)

Chapter 2 Ratios and rates 29

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4 Express the following ratios in simplest form.
a 20 : 45 b 16 : 40 c 12 : 36 d 30 : 50
e 42 : 66 f 21 : 51 g 25 : 85 h 18 : 28
i 72 : 81 j 54 : 84 k 69 : 99 l 240 : 360
m 100 : 150 n 112 : 120 o 108 : 232 p 164 : 256

5 Express the following ratios in simplest form.

a 50 : 30 b 36 : 12 c 45 : 18 d 48 : 27
e 88 : 24 f 63 : 14 g 84 : 22 h 56 : 28
i 95 : 55 j 72 : 12 k 126 : 24 l 180 : 16
m 174 : 21 n 220 : 32 o 230 : 160 p 187 : 154

Express the following ratios in simplest form.
5 _
a _
7:7 b 3 : 2_25 c 1.6 : 5.6

5 3
= __ × 7 : __ × 7 = 5 : 3
5 _
_ 3
a 7:7 7 7
5 a_bc 7 ÷ 3 a_bc 7= 1⎦2⎦3

SHIFT a_bc = 5⎦3 =5:3

b 3 : 2_25 = 3 × 5 : ___
× 5 = 15 : 12
15 12
= ___ : ___ = 5 : 4
3 3
3 ÷ 2 a_bc 2 a_bc 5= 1⎦2⎦4

SHIFT a_bc = 5⎦4 =5:4

c 1.6 : 5.6 = 1.6 × 10 : 5.6 × 10 = 16 : 56

16 56
= ___ : ___ = 2 : 7
8 8
1.66 ÷ 5.66 = SHIFT a_bc = 2 ⎦ 7 = 2 : 7

6 Express the following as ratios in simplest form.

4 _
_ 7 8 __
__ 5 16 __
__ 9 12 __
__ 10 __14
a 9:9 b 11 : 11 c 23 : 23 d 13 : 13 : 13
25 __
__ 10 __15 1 1
_ 4
e 40 : 40 : 40 f 2 : _4 g 3:6 h 5:8

5 5
i 1 2
2_3 : _3 j _
6 : 16
k 10 : 2_14 l 3_12 : 4_34
1 1 1 1
m 16_2 : 3_3 n 20_5 : 4_2 o 1.5 : 5 p 1.8 : 3
q 2.4 : 2.8 r 0.81 : 2.7 s 0.6 : 3.6 t 1.4 : 0.21

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The quantities being compared
Express the following ratios in simplest form. must be in the same units.
a $4 : 50c b 2 h : 15 min c 45 cm : 3 m

a $4 : 50c b 2 h : 15 min c 45 cm : 3 m
= 400 : 50 = 120 min : 15 min = 45 cm : 300 cm
400 50 120 15 45 300
= ____ : ___ = ____ : ___ = ___ : ____
50 50 15 15 15 15
=8:1 =8:1 = 3 : 20

7 Express the following as ratios in simplest form.

a 25c : $1.50 b $2 : 80c c $7.20 : 40c
d 1 h : 6 min e 40 min : 1_12 h f 18 h : 1 day
g 34 mm : 2 cm h 4 L : 750 mL i 3 m : 125 cm
j 540 m : 1.4 km k 685 g : 1.2 kg l 1_14 L : 540 mL
m 24 s : 3_14 min n 12 weeks : 2_12 years o 2.6 km : 800 m

8 The dimensions of a rectangular field are 1.2 km by 600 m. What is the ratio of the field’s dimensions?

9 A mortar mix consists of sand, cement and gravel in the ratio 3 : 1 : 2. If two buckets of cement are used, how
many buckets of sand and gravel are used?

10 A man buys goods for $720 and sells them for

$800. Find the ratio in simplest form of:
a cost price to selling price
b selling price to profit.

11 A television set is sold with a mark up of 25% on

the cost price. Find the ratio in simplest form of:
a cost price to selling price
b selling price to cost price
c profit to cost price
d selling price to profit.

12 Of the Year 8 students, 75 play soccer, 150 play

netball and 125 play football. Find the ratio in
simplest form of soccer players to netball players
to football players.


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C Problem solving: the unitary method
The unitary method is a way of finding an unknown quantity The unitary method involves first
when the ratio between two quantities and the value for one finding one part or one unit. This is
why it is called the unitary method.
quantity is known.

The ratio of tin to lead in a particular type of solder is 8 : 5.
a How much tin is needed to be mixed with 35 kg of lead?
b How much lead is needed to be mixed with 70 g of tin?

Method 1
a tin : lead b tin : lead
8:5 8:5
x : 35 70 : x
where x is the amount of tin required. where x is the amount of lead required.
____ 8 lead 5
= __ ____ = __
lead 5 tin 8
___ 8 x 5
= __ ___ = __
35 5 70 8
8 280 5 350
x = __ × 35 = ____ = 56 x = __ × 70 = ____ = 43.75
5 5 8 8
∴ 56 kg of tin is required. ∴ 43.75 g of lead is required.
Method 2
a tin : lead = 8 : 5 b tin : lead = 8 : 5
Lead is 5 parts of the solder. Tin is 8 parts of the solder.
5 parts = 35 kg 8 parts = 70 g
35 70
1 part = __5 kg 1 part = __8 g
∴ 1 part = 7 kg ∴ 1 part = 8.75 g
Tin is 8 parts of the solder. Lead is 5 parts of the solder.
8 parts = 8 × 7 kg = 56 kg 5 parts = 5 × 8.75 g = 43.75 g
∴ 56 kg of tin is required. ∴ 43.75 g of lead is required.

Exercise 2C
1 Solve the following.
x 6 x 9 x 1
a ___
15 5
= __ b __4 = ___ c __7 = __
12 4
x x 16 x 12
d __ = 1__
20 e __2 = ___ f __8 = ___
3 20 15

g x : 5 = 6 : 10 h x : 6 = ___ i x : 10 = 2 : 5
j 6 : 15 = x : 2 k 16 : 14 = 4 : x l 25 : 22 = 8 : x

2 In a school the ratio of teachers to students is 1 : 27.

a If there are 43 teachers, how many students are at the school?
b If there are 945 students, how many teachers are at the school?

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3 The ratio of Belinda’s expenses to savings is 7 : 2.
a Find Belinda’s expenses in a week in which she saves $80.
b Find Belinda’s savings in a week in which her expenses are $126.

4 The ratio of water to cordial is 5 : 2.

a How much water is required to be mixed with 320 mL of cordial?
b How much cordial is required to be mixed with 1.3 L of water?

5 The length and breadth of a rectangle are in the ratio of 9 : 4.

a Find the length of the rectangle when the breadth is 5.2 cm.
b Find the breadth of the rectangle when the length is 128.7 cm.

6 A two-stroke petrol mix is made by mixing petrol and oil in the ratio 25 : 1.
a How many litres of petrol would be added to 500 mL of oil to make this mixture?
b How many millilitres of oil would be needed to be mixed with 8 L of petrol?

7 a The ratio of a boy’s height to his father’s is _35 . If the boy’s height is 1.23 m, how tall is his father?
b The ratio of Carla’s weight to Tracey’s weight is _79 . If Tracey weighs 82.8 kg, how much does
Carla weigh?

8 Betting odds are in the form of a ratio. Odds of 12/1 mean that $12 could be won for every $1 bet.
a How much could be won on a horse at odds 12/1 if you bet $25?
b How much did Sarah bet if she won $720 on a horse at odds 12/1?
c If Sarah decided to bet 3/5 of her winnings from part b and lost, how much would she lose?
d Sarah decided to bet her remaining winnings from part b on a race at odds of 8/1. If the horse won,
how much did she win?

9 A model train is built to a scale of 1 : 150.

a If the length of the model train is 120 cm, what is the actual length of the train in metres?
b If the actual height of the train is 3 m, what is the height of the model?

10 Write out the correct list of ingredients for:

a 12 chocolate crackles b 36 chocolate crackles. Chocolate crackles recipe
4 cups Rice Bubbles
1_2 cups icing sugar
3 tablespoons cocoa
1 cup desiccated coconut
250 g copha
Makes 24


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11 A bag of lollies contains a mixture of mints,
toffees and caramels in the ratio 5 : 7 : 4.
If there are 25 mints in the bag, find the:
a number of caramels
b number of toffees
c total number of lollies in the bag.

A piece of ribbon is cut into three lengths in the ratio 3 : 5 : 7. The shortest piece is 12 cm.
a Find the length of the longest piece of ribbon.
b Find the length of the original piece of ribbon.

Method 1
a 3 : 5: 7 b 3 : 5 : 7
12 x 12 : x
long 7
_____ = __ medium __
_______ 5
short 3 short 3
___ 7 x 5
= __ ___ = __
12 3 12 3
7 5
x = __ × 12 x = __ × 12
3 3
84 60
= ___ = ___
3 3
= 28 cm = 20 cm
Longest piece of ribbon is 28 cm. Medium piece is 20 cm.
Length of original = short + medium + long
= 12 + 20 + 28 = 60 cm
Method 2
Ratio of lengths is 3 : 5 : 7.
Shortest length = 12 cm, so 3 parts = 12 cm.
∴ 1 part= ___ = 4 cm
a Length of longest piece = 7 parts b Length of original piece = 3 + 5 + 7 = 15 parts
= 7 × 4 cm = 15 × 4 cm
= 28 cm = 60 cm

12 A triangle has side lengths in the ratio 3 : 6 : 7. Use the information given to
a If the longest side is 16.1 cm, find the lengths of the remaining find the value of one part.

two sides.
b Calculate the total length of the sides of the triangle.

13 A piece of rope is cut into three lengths in the ratio 7 : 2 : 5. The shortest length is 1.48 m.
a Find the length of the longest piece of rope.
b Find the length of the original rope.

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D Dividing a quantity in a given ratio
The hexagon shown has six equal parts, five of which are shaded.
The ratio shaded area : unshaded area = 5 : 1.
The total number of parts = 5 + 1 = 6
∴ fraction shaded = _6
∴ fraction unshaded = _6
When dividing a quantity into a given ratio it is often useful Remember the a_bc key
to represent the ratio in fraction form. is your fraction key.

a Divide $15 000 in the ratio 3 : 2.
b The ratio of good apples to bruised apples is 5 : 2. If 2800 apples are sorted, how many are bruised?

a Ratio is 3 : 2. b Ratio is 5 : 2.
Number of parts = 3 + 2 = 5 Number of parts = 5 + 2 = 7
_ 2
_ 5 2
So fractions are and
5 5. So fractions are _7 and _7 .
_ 2
5 of $15 000 = $9000 7 are bruised.
_ 2
5 of $15 000 = $6000 7 of 2800 = 800
∴ 3 : 2 = $9000 : $6000 ∴ 800 apples were bruised.
3 a_bc 5 × 15 0000 = 2 a_bc 7 × 28000 =
2 a_bc 5 × 15 0000 =

Exercise 2D
1 The line segment AM is divided into equal intervals. Which point divides AM in the following ratios?
a 5:7 b 1 : 11 c 1:3 d 2:1

2 Divide $100 in the ratio:

a 4:1 b 3:2 c 9 : 11 d 5:3

3 Divide $540 in the ratio:

a 2:1 b 7:5 c 4:5 d 17 : 8

4 Divide 720 kg in the ratio:

a 7 : 11 b 13 : 7 c 21 : 9 d 13 : 12

5 Divide 834 m in the ratio:

a 3:1 b 2:3 c 5:7 d 6 : 19

Chapter 2 Ratios and rates 35

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6 The town of Barten has a population of 5464. How many children are there in the town if the ratio of children
to adults is 5 : 3?

7 Tropicana Drink is made by mixing orange, pineapple and passionfruit juice in the ratio 7 : 5 : 2. How much
pineapple juice would be needed to make 8.4 L of Tropicana Drink?

8 The total length of the sides of a triangle is 72.6 cm and the ratio of the side lengths is 6 : 1 : 5. Calculate the
length of the:
a shortest side b longest side.

9 A tin holds 6.24 L of two-stroke fuel. If two-stroke fuel is made from petrol and oil in the ratio 25 : 1, how
much oil is in the mixture?

10 An investment fund invests in property, shares and government bonds in the ratio 5 : 4 : 3. If the total
investments are $60 000, find the amounts invested in each area.

11 A brand of fertiliser is made by mixing potash, phosphates and nitrates in the ratio 3 : 2 : 3. A bag of
fertiliser contains 40 kg.
a Find the number of kilograms of potash in the bag.
b Find the number of kilograms of phosphates in the bag.

12 A rectangle has a perimeter of 65 cm and the ratio of its length to its breadth is 9 : 4.
a Find the length of the rectangle.
b Find the breadth of the rectangle.

13 The ratio of the population of Tarmore to Kingsvale is 2 : 5 and the ratio of the population of Kingsvale to
Westside is 2 : 3. If the total population of the three towns is 99 615, find the population of these towns.
a Tarmore b Kingsvale c Westside

E Rates
Rates are comparisons of quantities of a different kind. So unlike ratios, rates have units.
Speed is one of the most common rates. A comparison is made between the distance travelled and the time

Express each of the following as a rate.
a A car travels 420 km in 3_12 h. b Collin is paid $71.25 for working 9_12 h.

a 420 km is travelled in 3_12 h b $71.25 pay for working 9_12 h

420 km $71.25
∴ rate = _______ ∴ rate = ______

1 1
3_2 h 9_2 This is the
= 120 km/h = $7.50 per h average speed.
4200 ÷ 3 a_bc 1 a_bc 2 = 71.25 ÷ 9 a_bc 1 a_bc 2 =

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Exercise 2E
1 Complete the following.
a 22 apples bought for $3.30 is a rate of ___c per apple.
b $485 in rent shared between four tenants is a rate of $___ per tenant.
c 583.2 L of water pumped into a tank in 18 minutes is a rate of ___ L/min.
d A temperature rise of 9°C in 2_4 h is a rate of ___ ___/h.
e 24 km travelled in 1 h 12 min is a rate of ___ km/h.
f 18 L of petrol consumed by a vehicle every 261 km is a rate of ___ km/L.
g 40.5 kg of seed spread over 9 m2 is a rate of ___ kg/m2.
h Danielle types 192 words in 3 min. This rate is ___ words/min.
i 35 oranges bought for $4.20 is a rate of ___c per orange.
j 24 kg of peas sold for $66.24 is a rate of ___c/kg.
k Tom runs 200 m in 50 s. This is a rate of ___ m/s.
l 30 km over _14 h is a rate of ___ km/h.
m $173.47 for 1660 kWh of power is a rate of ___c/kWh.

This diagram is useful in distance (d), speed (s) and

time (t) calculations. d d
Cover the quantity you want to find and read the other ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷
two quantities with the sign between them.
For example, if you want to find speed, cover s and
s × t S × t
read s = d ÷ t.

a A car travels at 60 km/h for 2 h and 17 min. How far does it travel?
b An aeroplane travels 2800 km in 4 h and 15 min. Calculate its speed to the nearest km.
c A train travels a distance of 770 km at a speed of 140 km/h. How long does the journey take?

a Distance = speed × time

= 60 km/h × 2 h 17 min Some calculators have a
= 137 km SHIFT button, others have an
Calculator: INV button. Check your FIX function!

600 × 2 °
' '' 177 °
' '' =
distance distance
b Speed = _______ c Time = _______
time speed
2800 km 770 km
= _________ = ________
4 h 15 min 140 km/h

= 658.8 = 5.5 h or 5 h 30 min

= 659 km/h
28000 ÷ 4 °
' '' 15 °
' '' =

Chapter 2 Ratios and rates 37

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2 a I walk at a rate 4.2 km/h. How far can I walk in 2_2 h?
b A train travels at a speed of 158 km/h for 4 h 12 min. Calculate the distance travelled by the train.
c A rocket travels 1021.65 km at a speed of 417 km/h. How long does it take the rocket to go this distance?
d A spacecraft travels 8500 km in 40 min. Calculate the average speed of the spacecraft in km/h.
(40 min on your calculator is 0 ° 40 ° )
' '' ' ''
e A cyclist cycles at 18.4 km/h for 3 h 30 min. How far does the cyclist travel?
f Rory rides his motor bike at a constant speed of 92 km/h. If he travels 322 km, how long does this take?

3 A tank holds 1800 L. Currently it is leaking at a rate of 40 mL/min. How long will it take for the tank to lose:
a 500 mL? b 1.3 L? c 2.6 L? d 6.8 L?

4 Perfume costs $157.90 for 50 mL. How much does it cost for the following amounts?
a 20 mL b 80 mL c 130 mL d 170 mL

5 a One litre of paint covers 8 m2. What is the area covered by:
i 3 L? ii 4.5 L?
b What is the amount of paint needed to cover:
i 56 m2? ii 104 m2?

6 Phillipa types at a rate of 75 words per minute.

a How long would it take her to type a 500 word essay at this rate?
b How much longer would it take Kurt to type this essay if he types at 35 words per minute?

7 The printing costs for a brochure are 1000 copies for $938 or 1500 copies for $1032.
a What is the printing cost per brochure for:
i 1000 copies? ii 1500 copies?
b Find the difference in cost per copy between 1500 and 1000 copies.
c If the price per copy remained fixed for 1500 or more copies, find the cost of printing 2700 brochures.

Which is the better buy?
A 500 g of Doggie Plus costing $3.25 B 750 g of Doggie Plus costing $4.65

325c 465c
A Rate = _____ = 0.65 cents per gram B Rate = _____ = 0.62 cents per gram
500 g 750 g
325 ÷ 5000 = 465 ÷ 7500 =
The better buy is B, the 750 g costing $4.65, as each gram is cheaper!

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8 Which is the better buy?
A 300 g of Weety Flakes costing $3.40 B 500 g of Weety Flakes costing $4.25

9 Which is the better buy?

A 8 m of ribbon costing $2.56 B 12 m of ribbon costing $3.60

10 Which is the better buy of each product?

a b

100 150 $4.32 $2.96

sheets sheets
$2.40 $3.15

11 Aislenn is holidaying in Australia. She phones her parents

in England and speaks for 22 minutes 5 seconds. Charges
to England are $1.45 for the first 3 minutes then $0.85 for
each additional minute or part thereof.
a How much did it cost her to call her parents?
b If she used a $25 phone card, how much credit remains?

12 The following table lists the rates per minute of calls.

Calculate the cost of each of these calls.
a A local day call lasting 15 min 20 s
b A local night call lasting 42 min 30 s
c An STD day call lasting 33 min 12 s
d An STD economy call lasting 1 h 14 min 5 s
Rate (cents per minute)
Day Night Economy
Local 35 47 32
STD 42 55 40

13 In cricket the strike rate is calculated using this formula.

runs scored
Strike rate = __________ × 100
balls faced
Strike rate = __ × 100
Complete the following table.

Player’s name Runs scored Balls faced Strike rate (1 decimal place)

a Healey 42 30
b Hughes 31 22
c Border 18 16
d O’Donnell 125 98
e Young 71 59

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14 The success rate in netball is calculated using the following formula. Complete the following table.
number of goals
Success rate = ________________ × 100
number of attempts

Player’s name Number of goals Number of attempts Success rate (1 decimal place)
a Carla 4 10
b Susan 2 5
c Robert 1 4
d Harley 6 13
e Kylie 9 15

15 On a particular day the Australian dollar was worth $US0.86.

a Calculate the value in $US of each amount.
i $A100 ii $A560 iii $A4800 iv $A25 000
b Calculate the value in $A of each amount.
i $US100 ii $US4000 iii $US12 000 iv $US45 000

16 Governments use growth rates of population to make decisions. The following table shows population and
estimates of population for Africa, Asia, Oceania, America and Europe.

Population (million)
Year Africa Asia Oceania America Europe
1950 221.1 1398 12.8 171.6 547.4
2000 795.7 3697 31.0 315.9 728.0
2050 1803.3 5222.1 45.8 447.9 631.9

a Calculate the average annual growth rate in population and complete the following table. Africa has
already been completed. Use these values to make sure you are calculating correctly.

Average annual rate of change in population (%)

Year Africa Asia Oceania America Europe

1950−2000 795.7 − 221.1

____________ × 100 = 259.88%
______ = 5.2%
2000−2050 1803.3 − 795.7
_____________ × 100 = 126.63%
______ = 2.5%
1950−2050 1803.3 − 221.1
_____________ × 100 = 715.60%
______ = 7.2%

b Which region is expected to have a negative growth rate between 2000 and 2050?
c Australia is in Oceania. Comparing Oceania with Asia, what can be said about the growth rates? Give at
least two observations.
d Compare the 1950–2000 and 2000–2050 growth rates for all regions. Give a reason for the decrease in
rate from one time period to the other.
e Why is it incorrect to add the growth rates for 1950–2000 and 2000–2050 to obtain the rate for 1950–2050?

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F Scale drawing
The scale factor of any diagram, map or picture is the number of times that the original has been reduced or
enlarged to create a scale drawing. The scale can be shown as:
• a representative fraction, for example ____
• a ratio, for example 1 : 100 (so 1 cm ≡ 100 cm or 1 cm ≡ 1 m) ≡ means ‘represents’
1 cm or ‘is equivalent to’.
• a line or linear scale so 1 cm ≡ 100 cm.
0 1m

An enlargement with scale factor of 2 or 2 : 1 or __
means that every 2 cm on the scaled drawing
represents 1 cm on the original. This can be
represented as a 100% increase.

A reduction with scale factor of __ or 1 : 3 means that every 1 cm on the scaled drawing represents 3 cm on the



Distance maps
A scale of 1 : 4 000 000 means that 1 cm on the Gosford

map represents 4 000 000 cm in real life. Penrith

So 1 cm ≡ 4 000 000 cm

≡ 40 000 m
≡ 40 km
Using a scale of 1 : 4 000 000, the distance of 2 cm
Mittagong Wollongong
from Wollongong to Sydney on the map shown on
the right is a distance of 80 km in real life.
Goulburn Scale 1 : 4 000 000
(2 cm ≡ 2 × 40 km ≡ 80 km)

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Exercise 2F
1 Complete the following.
a Scale Meaning b Scale Meaning
1 : 10 1 cm ≡ 10 cm 1 : 400 000 1 cm ≡ ____ cm
1 : 100 1 cm ≡ ____ cm 1 : 400 000 1 cm ≡ ____ m
1 : 1000 1 cm ≡ ____ cm 1 : 400 000 1 cm ≡ ____ km
1 : 1000 1 cm ≡ ____ m

2 Express the following scales as a ratio in the form 1 : ____ if 1 cm represents:

a 400 cm b 16 000 cm c 0.05 km
d 0.8 km e 300 000 cm f 700 000 cm
g 15 000 000 cm h 24 000 000 cm

Write the scale 5 mm to 10 m as a simplified ratio.

5 mm : 10 m = 5 mm : 10 000 mm The terms of the ratio must be

= 5 : 10 000 expressed in the same units.

= 1 : 2000 (divide both parts by 5)

3 Write each of these scales as a simplified ratio.

a 4 cm : 2 m b 20 cm : 5.4 m c 50 mm : 0.8 m
d 18 m : 1.6 m e 84 cm : 1.2 km f 95 cm : 3.5 km

4 The scale on a map is 1 : 500 000. What is the actual distance if the distance on the map is:
a 0.5 cm? b 2.6 cm? c 4.8 cm? d 9.2 cm?

5 The scale on a map is 1 : 80 000. What is the actual distance if the distance on the map is:
a 5 cm? b 7 cm? c 10.3 cm? d 15.9 cm?

Calculate the distance on a map if the scale is 1 : 400 000 and the actual distance is 11.2 km.

Scale 1 : 400 000 or 1 cm ≡ 400 000 cm

1 cm ≡ 4000 m
1 cm ≡ 4 km
actual distance
Map distance = ____________

= 2.8 cm

6 Calculate the map distance if the scale is 1 : 200 000 and the actual distance is:
a 10 km b 28 km c 37.2 km d 169.6 km

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7 Calculate the map distance if the scale is 1 : 85 000 and the actual distance is:
a 3.4 km b 10.2 km c 21.25 km d 47.6 km

8 A linear scale is shown. 0 600

a What scale is being represented? kilometres
b Calculate the actual distance if the map distance is:
i 3 cm ii 5.2 cm iii 6.25 cm iv 13.6 cm
c Calculate the distance on the map if the actual distance is:
i 1200 km ii 1320 km iii 1680 km iv 2587.5 km

Investigation 2 The golden ratio

Look at the four rectangles below and choose the one that you find most appealing.


If you said rectangle C you would agree with many artists and architects from the past. Rectangle C is called
a golden rectangle and is said to be one of the most visually appealing geometric shapes. The ratio of length
to width in a golden rectangle is approximately 1.6 : 1; that is, the length is about 1.6 times the width. (More
precisely, the ratio is 1.61803398… : 1, but 1.6 : 1 is close enough.)
The ratio 1.6 : 1 is known as the golden ratio. The Ancient Greeks used the golden ratio extensively in paintings,
architecture, sculpture and designs on pottery.
Leonardo da Vinci suggested that the ratio of certain body measurements is close to the golden ratio. Keeping
in mind that we are all different shapes and sizes, see if you can find the golden ratio using your body
Equipment needed: a tape measure and a partner
1 Ask your partner to carefully take your body measurements
(in mm) as indicated in the following diagrams. Record
these measurements and calculate the required ratios.
Height = ____ mm
Height to navel = ____ mm
So, height : navel height = ____ : ____
= ____ : 1 height

to navel

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Length of arm = ____ mm (fingertip to armpit)
Length of forearm = ____ mm (fingertip to elbow) forearm
So, arm : forearm = ____ : ____
= ____ : 1
arm length

Hairline to chin = ____ mm

Hairline to bottom of nose = ____ mm
So, hairline to chin : hairline to nose = ____ : ____
= ____ : 1


2 How do your ratios compare to the golden ratio, which

is approximately 1.6 : 1?

3 Compile a class list of these ratios. Are they all close to the golden ratio?
(Any ratios that are a long way out may need to be recalculated.)

4 Can you find any other ratios of body measurements that are close to the golden ratio?

Further research
5 The Italian poet Danté stated that ‘Nature is the art of God’.
Find out more about the golden ratio in nature.

6 Research the dimensions of the great pyramids of ancient Egypt.

Calculate the base : height ratio of several pyramids.


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Language in mathematics
Creative writing
Select one of the following topics as the basis of a creative writing exercise of approximately 700–750 words.
Topics could include:
• Less is best?
• I’m shrinking! Help!
• At this rate, we’ll never get there!
• Comparisons can be misleading and confusing.

comparison distance enlarge equivalent express interval
part quantity rate ratio reduce scale factor
simplify speed time unitary

Check your skills

1 In this diagram the ratio of moons to stars is:
A 7:3 B 3:7
C 3 : 10 D 7 : 10

2 Paul weighs 62 kg, Robert weighs 94 kg and Harry weighs 84 kg. The simplified ratio of Paul’s weight to
Robert’s weight to Harry’s weight is:
A 62 : 94 : 84 B 31 : 47 : 42 C 31 : 94 : 42 D 62 : 47 : 42
3 In a bag of lollies containing Smarties and jubes, __
11 of the lollies are Smarties. What is the ratio of Smarties
to jubes?
A 11 : 4 B 4 : 11 C 4:7 D 7:4

4 For the ratio 11 : 13, which fraction will express the first part as a fraction of the whole?
11 24 11 13
A ___
B ___
C ___
D ___
5 The fraction ___ shows the first part of a ratio as a fraction of the whole. What is the ratio?
A 22 : 3 B 22 : 25 C 22 : 47 D 3 : 22
4 x
6 Determine the value of x if __ = ____.
9 117
A 263.25 B 52 C 29.25 D 13

144 18
7 Find the value of y if ____ = ___
A 25 B 13.89 C 12.96 D 0.04

8 The ratio that is equivalent to 2_12 : 3_14 : 6 is:

A 5 : 6.5 : 12 B 2:3:6 C 10 : 13 : 24 D 7 : 8 : 16

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9 Simplify 0.015 : 0.3 : 4.5.
A 1:2:3 B 1 : 20 : 300 C 1 : 2 : 30 D 1 : 20 : 30

10 The ratio of cordial to water is 1 : 20. If 8.2 mL of cordial is used, the volume of water required is:
A 164 mL B 2.4 mL C 0.41 mL D 135 mL

11 The ratio of dogs to cats to birds is 15 : 13 : 2. How many cats are there if there are 180 dogs?
A 208 cats B 237 cats C 143 cats D 156 cats

12 Which point divides the line segment AU into the ratio 1 : 4?


13 Divide 2.5 L into the ratio 13 : 28 : 9.

A 37.5 mL : 70 mL : 22.5 mL B 6.5 mL : 14 mL : 4.5 mL
C 650 mL : 1400 mL : 450 mL D 65 mL : 140 mL : 45 mL

14 Calculate the cost of a phone call lasting 18 min and 20 s at a rate of 52c/min.
A $9.46 B $9.48 C $9.53 D $9.52

15 Two towns are 43.5 km apart. What would be the distance between the two towns on a map if the map uses a
scale of 1 : 250 000?
A 0.174 cm B 1.74 cm C 17.4 cm D 174 cm

If you have any difficulty with these questions, refer to the examples and questions in the section listed
in the table.

Question 1–5 6–9 10, 11 12, 13 14 15

Section A B C D E F

2A Review set
1 What is a ratio?

2 In a class of 28 students there are 17 boys. Write the ratio of boys to girls.

3 Express each ratio in its simplest form.

a 12 : 30 b 84 : 108

4 Find the value of x when 3 : 7 = x : 42.

5 Divide $1000 in the ratio 4 : 6.


6 Divide 24.6 m into the ratio 2 : 3 : 1.

7 Susan speaks to Clara for 29 m and 42 s. Calculate the cost of the phone call if it is charged at 49c/min or
part thereof.

8 A car travels at a speed of 112.6 km/h for 3_14 hours. Calculate the distance travelled.

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9 A map has a scale of 1 : 250. Convert the following scale distances to real distances.
a 13 cm b 22.1 cm

10 The ratio of the size of a model

to the size of the real building
is 1 : 200. If the model has a
30 mm
height of 30 mm, find the actual
height of the building in metres.

2B Review set
1 Why do ratios not have units?

2 A bag contains mints and fruities. If there are 18 lollies, of which 11 are mints, write the ratio of mints
to fruities.

3 Express each ratio in its simplest form.

a 15 : 45 b 126 : 231

4 Find the value of y if 8 : 13 = 64 : y.

5 Divide 1250 kg in the ratio 3 : 5.

6 Calculate the cost of fuel for a 381.3 km trip if petrol costs $1.52/L and Tim’s car travels 8.2 km/L.

7 Sarah bets $130 on a horse at odds of 10/1. How much would she receive if the horse won?

8 A train travels a distance of 725.2 km at a speed of 168 km/h. How long does the journey take?

9 A map has a scale of 1 : 80. Convert the following real distances to scale distances.
a 8.8 m b 36 m

10 A map has a scale of 1 : 500 000. If the distance between two towns on the map is 5.3 cm, what is the actual
distance between the two towns?

2C Review set
1 Express in simplest form 25 min : 1_14 hours.

2 The ratio that is equivalent to 3 : 5 is:

A 21 : 36 B 45 : 75
4 7
3 Find x when __x = __5.

4 Simplify the following ratios.

a 25 cm : 0.6 m b 360 m : 0.5 km

5 On an excursion, the ratio of teachers to students is 2 : 11. Calculate the number of students if there are
10 teachers.

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6 A triangle has side lengths in the ratio 2 : 5 : 4.
a If the shortest side is 12.4 cm, find the lengths of the two remaining sides.
b Calculate the total length of the sides of the triangle.

7 Ian jogs 3.5 km in 20 minutes. Express this as a rate of km/min.

8 Which is the better buy?

A 1.2 L of Fizz Whiz Cola at $1.05 B 2.5 L of Fizz Whiz Cola at $2.20

9 The scale of a model aeroplane is 1 : 120. If the wingspan of the model is 17 cm, calculate the actual

10 The actual height of a building is 825 m. If a model of the building is constructed using a scale of 1 : 1500,
calculate the height of the model.

2D Review set
1 Express this ratio in simplest form: 1.2 m : 18 cm.
5 3
2 Find y when __y = __.
3 Divide $5000 in the ratio 9 : 6 : 5.

4 Joe buys a bike for $870 and later sells it for $935. Express the following as a ratio.
a cost price : selling price b profit : selling price

5 The length and breadth of a rectangle are in the ratio 11 : 3.

a Find the length of the rectangle if the breadth is 7.5 cm.
b Find the breadth of the rectangle if the length is 57.2 cm.

6 If 15 oranges cost $6.30, then the cost per orange is ____ cents.

7 Which is the better buy?

A 500 g of cat food at $5.25 B 750 g of cat food at $7.80

8 On a particular day the $A is worth $US0.92. Calculate the value of $US1400 on that day.

9 If water costs 23c/kL, calculate the cost of 940 kL.

10 a Use your ruler to determine the scale of the line drawn.

0 40 km
b If two towns are 12.3 cm apart on a map that uses the scale above, what is the actual distance
between them?

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This chapter deals with congruence of plane shapes.
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:

▶ understand the properties that ▶ recognise which conditions do not

determine congruence of plane shapes prove congruency of triangles
▶ recognise which transformations ▶ solve problems using the properties
create congruent figures of congruent triangles
▶ establish four tests for the congruency ▶ establish the properties of triangles
of triangles through the construction and quadrilaterals using congruence.
of triangles using given conditions

NSW Syllabus references: S4 M&G Properties of geometrical figures 1, S4 M&G Properties of geometrical figures 2
Outcomes: MA4–1WM, MA4–2WM, MA4–3WM, MA4–17MG

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Diagnostic test
1 When the parallelogram PQRS is translated 3 When the parallelogram PQRS is reflected in
3 units left and 2 units up, the result is: SR, the result is:


4 Triangle ABC has been: A B
A rotated anticlockwise
about A
S R B reflected in AC C
C translated
D D rotated clockwise about A
5 When point P(3, −2) is translated 2 units right
and 4 units down, its image coordinates are:
A (1, −6) B (5, 2)
C (5, −2) D (5, −6)
2 When the parallelogram PQRS is rotated
clockwise about S through 90°, the result is: 6 When rectangle ABCD is reflected in the y-axis,
A B the coordinates of the image of B are:
A (6, 3) B (−6, −3)
C (−6, 3) D (−3, −6)
S R S R y

P Q –6 –4 –2 2 4 6 x

P Q –2 A(1, –3) B(6, –3)

S R –6 D(1, –5) C(6, –5)

The Diagnostic test questions refer to the Year 7 outcomes from ACMMG200, ACMMG201 and ACMMG202.

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A Congruent figures
Congruent figures have exactly the same size and shape. They are identical in all respects except for position
and orientation. Congruent figures are formed by performing one or more transformations, such as translation,
rotation or reflection, on the original figure.

What transformation(s) could have been used to produce the following pairs of congruent figures?
a b c

a Reflection b Translation c Rotation and translation

Exercise 3A
1 What transformation(s) could have been used to produce the following pairs of congruent figures?
a b c

d e f

Determine whether or not the following pairs of figures are congruent. MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY
a b

Copy the figures and cut them out. By attempting to superimpose them ‘Superimpose’ means to place
one figure on top of the other
by a combination of rotations, reflections and translations, the figures are: in such a way that one sits
a congruent b not congruent exactly on top of the other.

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2 Determine whether or not the following pairs of figures are congruent.
a b c

d e f

For the pair of congruent figures shown, copy the first figure, C Q R
cut it out and superimpose it on the second figure. D
a Name the matching sides and angles.
b Are the matching sides and angles equal? P
c Write a congruence statement for these two figures. A B S

a When superimposed, the matching sides are AB and QR, BC Matching sides and angles
and RS, CD and SP, DA and PQ. The matching angles are are also referred to as
corresponding sides and angles.
∠A and ∠Q, ∠B and ∠R, ∠C and ∠S, ∠D and ∠P.
b Yes
c The symbol ≡ means ‘is congruent to’. When writing a congruence statement, the vertices are
named in matching order. In this case we write quadrilateral ABCD ≡ quadrilateral QRSP

3 For each pair of congruent figures, copy the first figure, cut it out and superimpose it on the second figure.
i Name the matching sides and angles.
ii Are the matching sides and angles equal?
iii Write a congruence statement for the two figures.
a A P Q


4 a Check by measurement and write true or false.


i PQ = TU ii QR = UV Q U
iii RS = VW iv SP = WT
b Are there four pairs of equal sides? P R T V
c Check by measurement and write true or false.
i ∠P = ∠T ii ∠Q = ∠U
iii ∠R = ∠V iv ∠S = ∠W
d Are there four pairs of equal angles?
e Are the figures congruent?

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5 a Check by measurement and write true or false.
i AB = KL ii BC = LM B L
iii CD = MN iv DA = NK
b Are there 4 pairs of equal sides?
c Check by measurement and write true or false.
i ∠A = ∠K ii ∠B =∠L
iii ∠C = ∠M iv ∠D = ∠N D C N M
d Are any of these pairs of angles equal?
e Are the figures congruent?

6 a Write true or false.

i ∠Q = ∠J ii ∠R = ∠K K
iii ∠S = ∠L iv ∠T = ∠M
v ∠U =∠N
b Are there four pairs of equal angles? J
c Write true or false.
i QR = JK ii RS = KL L
iii ST = LM iv TU = MN
v UQ = NJ
d Are any of these pairs of sides equal? U T N M
e Are the figures congruent?

From questions 4, 5 and 6 it can be deduced that two polygons are congruent if:
• the matching sides are equal, and
• the matching angles are equal.

7 a Consider the following diagram. Which circles are congruent?




b What is the condition for two circles to be congruent?

Chapter 3 Congruence 53

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B Congruency tests
Section A shows that congruent polygons have all their matching sides and matching angles equal. This section
investigates whether it is necessary to have all this information in order to show that two triangles are congruent.

Exercise 3B
1 a Using a pair of compasses and ruler, construct any two
triangles that have three pairs of equal sides and cut them 5 cm 6 cm
out. This is an example. 7 cm
5 cm
b By superimposing, determine whether or not the
triangles are congruent. 7 cm
c Compare your triangles with those of other students in 6 cm
the class. Are they congruent?
d If three sides of one triangle are equal to three sides of another triangle, are the triangles congruent?

2 a Using a protractor, construct any two triangles that have

three pairs of equal angles. This is an example. 70°
b By superimposing, determine whether the triangles are
congruent. 50° 60°
c Compare your triangles with those of other students in 70° 60°
the class. Are they congruent?
d If three angles of one triangle are equal to three angles of another triangle, are the triangles congruent?

3 a Construct any two triangles that have two pairs of equal

sides and one pair of equal angles as shown. 6 cm
8 cm
b By superimposing the triangles, determine whether
they are congruent. 40°
8 cm
c Compare your triangles with those of other students in
6 cm
the class. Are they congruent?
d Notice that the given angle in each triangle is between the given sides. This is called the included angle.
Construct the triangle below in which the angle given is not the included angle.
Step 1: Use your ruler to draw PQ to R
Step 2: Use your protractor to draw a ray
from Q so that ∠PQR = 40°.
Step 3: Set your compasses to a radius of

6 cm and draw the interval PR.

e i How many possible positions are
there for R? 6 cm
ii How many triangles can be drawn R
with these measurements?
iii Are they congruent?
iv Are either of these triangles
congruent to the triangles in part a? 40°
8 cm

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f If two sides and an angle of one triangle are equal to two sides and an angle of another triangle, are the
triangles congruent?
g Discuss the results of the class and modify the statement in part f so that it is always true.

4 a Construct two right-angled triangles in which the 5 cm

hypotenuses and one other pair of sides are equal.
This is an example. 8 cm
b By superimposing, determine whether the triangles 8 cm
are congruent.
c Compare your triangles with those of other students 5 cm
in the class. Are they congruent?
d If the hypotenuse and one side of a right-angled triangle are equal to the hypotenuse and a side of another
right-angled triangle, are the triangles congruent?

5 a Construct two triangles that have one pair of equal

sides and two pairs of equal angles as shown. 50°
b By superimposing, determine whether the triangles 5 cm
are congruent.
c Compare your triangles with those of other students 60° 50°
in the class. Are they congruent? 5 cm
d Notice that the given pair of equal sides are matching sides of
the triangles. Now construct the triangle shown on the right.
5 cm
Note: The side marked 5 cm in this triangle is not in the same
position as in the triangles of part a.
Hint: Calculate the third angle of the triangle. 60°
e By superimposing, determine whether this triangle is congruent to the
triangles constructed in part a.
f If two angles and one side of one triangle are equal to two angles and
one side of another triangle, are the triangles congruent? In congruent triangles,
g Discuss the results of the class and modify the statement in part f so the matching sides are
opposite the equal angles.
that it is always true.

Congruency tests for triangles

From the exercise above, it can be seen that in order to prove that two triangles are congruent it is not necessary
to show that all three pairs of sides and all three pairs of angles are equal.
There are four sets of minimum conditions. These are known as the ‘Minimum conditions’
congruency tests for triangles and are given below. means the smallest amount
of information needed.
1 If three sides of one triangle are equal to three sides of another triangle, MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY

then the two triangles are congruent (SSS).

2 If two sides and the included angle of one triangle are equal to two sides and the included angle of another
triangle, then the two triangles are congruent (SAS).
3 If two angles and one side of a triangle are equal to two angles and the matching side of another triangle,
then the two triangles are congruent (AAS).
4 If the hypotenuse and a second side of one right-angled triangle are equal to the hypotenuse and a second
side of another right-angled triangle, then the two triangles are congruent (RHS).

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C Applying congruency tests
Section B listed the congruency tests for triangles. This section applies those tests.

State the congruency test used to show that the following pairs of triangles are congruent.
a 6 cm b

6 cm 9 cm 10 cm
7 cm 10 cm
9 cm 8 cm

8 cm
7 cm
c d
4 cm
11 cm
80° 15 cm 40° 11 cm 15 cm
4 cm

Look for pairs of equal matching sides and angles.


Exercise 3C
1 Find pairs of equal matching sides and angles and state the congruency test used to show that these pairs of
triangles are congruent. (Diagrams are not drawn to scale. All lengths given are in centimetres.)
a b
70° 120°
3 5
60° 120°
60° 70°
3 6

c 7 7 d
8 6 8
12 12

e 8 f 3 3
70° 50° 70°
8 4 4
6 6

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g 4 h

9 40°
9 8 9
i 4 j

4 6 5

5 6

k l

m n

State why the following pairs of figures are not congruent.
a 5 cm b
5 cm
6 cm 5 cm
80° 80°
6 cm 30° 30°
5 cm

c d 5

80° 60°
5 8
60° 80° 8

a The 70° angle in the second triangle is not the included angle.
b The pair of equal sides is not a pair of matching sides in the triangles.
c Three pairs of equal angles do not necessarily make the triangles congruent. These triangles have the
same shape (angles) but different size.
d The sides given are not matching sides.

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2 Complete the following statements to explain why the figures are not congruent.
a The equal angles are not both the ____ angle. 9 cm
9 cm

60° 10 cm
10 cm

b The equal sides are not ____ sides.

4 cm
30° 4 cm

c Three pairs of equal ____ do not necessarily make the

triangles congruent. 70°

50° 70°

3 State why the following pairs of figures are not congruent. (Diagrams are not drawn to scale. All lengths
given are in centimetres.)
a b
7 80° 70° 70°
8 50° 9 50°

c d
110° 30° 80° 80°
110° 16
40° 30° 15 16

e 40°



g h

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Which triangles are congruent? Give a reason. (All given lengths are in centimetres.)
a 7 b

2 6 2 6
7 8 8 9 1 80°
1 8 9 3 80° 8 3 8
9 7 8

c 20° d
130° 15
130° 2
15 3 12 13 12
2 130° 1 3
20° 12

a Triangles 1, 2 and 3 (SSS) b Triangles 1 and 3 (SAS)

c Triangles 2 and 3 (AAS) d Triangles 1 and 2 (RHS)

4 Which triangles are congruent? Give a reason. (Diagrams are not drawn to scale. All given lengths are
in centimetres.)
a 9 b
8 8 9 10
10 12
8 1 3 1 2 10 3
2 11 30°
30° 30°
10 11
12 12

c d 4
1 40° 7
40° 80° 3
3 9 1 7
80° 9 9 40° 7
80° 2

e f
70° 60°
1 6 50° 10
8 3 8 1 3
80° 60°
6 2
80° 6 8 80° 50° 70° 50° 70°
2 10
10 60°

g 6 h
1 3
40° 5
2 60° 3 5
80° 6
30° 30°
80° 40°

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i j
1 1
2 3

State why the following pairs of triangles are congruent and hence find the value of the pronumerals.
(Diagrams are not drawn to scale. All lengths are in centimetres.)
a x y b α c y

40° z x 50°
40° β x
17 cm 7 cm
30° 9 cm

a SSS. Matching angles are opposite matching sides, hence x and 60°, y and 80°, z and 40°.
b SAS. Matching sides are opposite matching angles, hence x = 17 cm, α = 30° and β = 40°
(matching angles).
c AAS. x = 7 cm, y = 9 cm (matching sides) and θ = 50° (matching angles).

5 State why the following pairs of triangles are congruent and hence find the values of the pronumerals.
(Diagrams are not drawn to scale. All lengths are in centimetres.)
a b
60° z y
12 x
50° 70°
x b

c d 35°
8 x 6 a
55° x
7 y

e 9 f
6 x
a 8

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g h 42° b

c 10 x

45° 65° b a

i j
40° 65° 45°
11 11.2 y
y x

65° 45° x 14.5


Prove that: A
a △ABD ≡ △CBD
b AB = CB

a In △ABD and △CBD AD = CD (given)

DB = DB (common)
∠ADB = ∠CDB (given)
∴ △ABD ≡ △CBD (SAS)
b AB = CB (matching sides of congruent triangles)

6 Complete the following proofs.

a i △PQS ≡ △RQS P
In △PQS and △RQS PS = RS (given)
SQ = SQ (______) S Q
PQ = ___ (given)
∴ △PQS ≡ △RQS (______)
ii ∠SPQ = ∠SRQ (______)
b i △XYW ≡ △ZYW X
In △XYW and △ZYW YW = YW (______)
∠XYW = ∠ZYW (______) Y W
∴ △XYW ≡ △ZYW (______)
ii XW = ___ (matching sides of congruent triangles) Z

7 Complete proofs for the following. C

a i △ADB ≡ △CDB
ii ∠ADB =∠CDB


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b i △PQR ≡ △TSR c i △MON ≡ △POQ
ii PR = RT ii MN = PQ


d i △JKL ≡ △MNL e i △PQT ≡ △RQS
ii JL = ML ii TQ = SQ



D Properties of triangles and quadrilaterals

Exercise 3D
1 a Draw a right-angled triangle ABC as shown. A
b Reflect △ABC in AB to form △AC′B.
c What type of triangle is △AC′C?
d What properties of this type of triangle (△AC′C) are demonstrated?


2 a Draw any △ABC as shown. A

b Locate the midpoint M of AB.
c Rotate △ABC clockwise about M through 180°. M
d Draw the quadrilateral formed by the △ABC and its image.

e Mark on this quadrilateral all the equal sides and angles.

f What type of quadrilateral is formed? C B
g What properties of this type of quadrilateral are demonstrated?

3 a Draw a parallelogram ABCD and label the point of A B

intersection of the diagonals P.
b Rotate the parallelogram clockwise about P through 180°. P
c Does the parallelogram rotate onto itself?
d What property of the diagonals of a parallelogram does
this demonstrate?

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4 a Draw any △ABC as shown. A
b Reflect the triangle in the line AB.
c Draw the quadrilateral formed by the △ABC and its image. C
d Mark on this quadrilateral all the equal sides and angles.
e What type of quadrilateral is formed?
f What properties of this type of quadrilateral are demonstrated?

5 a Draw a right-angled isosceles △ABC as shown. A

b Rotate the triangle clockwise about C through 90°, 180° and 270°.
c Draw the quadrilateral formed by the △ABC and these three images.
d Mark on this quadrilateral all the equal sides and angles.
e What type of quadrilateral is formed?
f What properties of this type of quadrilateral are demonstrated? C B

6 a Draw a right-angled △ABC as shown. A

b i Reflect △ABC in BC to give △CBA′.
ii Reflect triangle CBA′ in CA′ to give triangle CA′B′.
iii Reflect triangle CA′B′ in CA′ to give CB′A.
c Draw the quadrilateral formed by the △ABC and these three images.
d Mark on this quadrilateral all the equal sides and angles. C B
e What type of quadrilateral is formed?
f What properties of this type of quadrilateral are demonstrated?

Prove that if two sides of a triangle are equal then the angles A
opposite the equal sides are equal.


Data: In △ABC, AB = AC.

Aim: To prove ∠ACB = ∠ABC.
Construction: Draw AD perpendicular to CB as shown.

Proof: In △ADC and △ADB

AC = AB (given)
AD = AD (common side)
∠ADC = ∠ADB = 90° (by construction)
∠ACD = ∠ABD (matching angles of congruent triangles)
∴ ∠ACB = ∠ABC

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7 Complete this alternative proof of the property proved in Example 1. A
Data: In △ABC, AB = AC.
Aim: To prove ∠ACB =∠ABC.
Construction: Draw the line from the vertex A to the midpoint M of CB.
Proof: In △AMC and △AMB
AC = ___ (given)
AM = AM (common side)
MC = ___ (M is the midpoint of CB) C B
∴ △AMC ≡ △AMB (______) M
∠ACM = ∠ABM (______)
∴ ∠ACB = ∠ABC
The angles opposite the equal sides of an isosceles triangle are equal.

8 Complete the following proof. P

Data: In △PQR, ∠R = ∠Q.
Aim: To prove that PR = PQ.
Construction: Draw PT perpendicular to RQ as shown.
Proof: In △PTR and △PTQ:
∠R = ∠Q (______)
PT = ___ (common)
∠PTR = ∠___ (construction) R Q
∴ △PTR ≡ △PTQ (______) T
∴ PR = PQ (______)
The sides opposite the equal angles of a triangle are equal.

9 Prove the following. A

a △ADC ≡ △ADB
b DC = DB
A line drawn from the vertex of an isosceles triangle
perpendicular to its base bisects the base.


10 Prove the following. A

a △AMC ≡ △ABM
b ∠AMC = ∠AMB
c ∠AMC = 90°
A line drawn from the vertex of an isosceles triangle to
the midpoint of its base is perpendicular to the base.

11 Complete the following proof. A
Data: ABC is an equilateral triangle.
Aim: To prove that each angle of the triangle is 60°.
Proof: ∠B = ∠___ (AB = AC)
Also ∠B = ∠___ (CB = CA)
∠A = ∠B = ∠C
But ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = ___° (angle sum of a triangle)
∴ ∠A = ∠B = ∠C = ___°

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12 Complete the following proof. A B
Data: ABCD is a parallelogram. (AB || DC and AD || BC)
Aim: To prove that:
a the opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal
b the opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal.
Proof: In △ABC and △ADC
AC = AC (______)
∠BAC = ∠DCA (alternate angles and AB || DC)
∠BCA = ∠DAC (______)
△ABC ≡ △ADC (______)
a ∴ AB = DC (matching sides of congruent triangles)
and AD = BC (______)
The opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal.
b Also ∠ABC = ∠ADC (______)
The opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal.

13 Complete the following proof. A B

Data: ABCD is a parallelogram. (AB || DC and AD || BC)
Aim: To prove that the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other. E
Proof: In △AED and △CEB D C
∠DAE = ∠___ (alternate angles and AD || BC)
∠AED = ∠BEC (______)
AD = ___ (opposite sides of a parallelogram
are equal, proven in question 11)
△AED ≡ △CEB (______)
∴ AE = ___ (matching sides of congruent triangles)
and DE = ___ (______)
The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

14 Complete the following proof. A B

Data: ABCD is a rectangle.
Aim: To prove that the diagonals of a rectangle are equal.
Proof: Drawing the triangles separately and using both figures:


In △ACD and △BDC


AD = ___ (opposite sides of a rectangle are equal)

DC = ___ (common side)
∠ADC = ∠BCD (______)
△ACD ≡ △BDC (______)
∴ AC = ___ (matching sides of congruent triangles)
The diagonals of a rectangle are equal.

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Language in mathematics
1 Match each word or phrase with its meaning.
a congruent A at right angles to
b corresponding B point the same way
c orientate C identical
d perpendicular D matching

2 Write in your own words the meaning of these terms.

a superimpose b the included angle in a triangle
c equiangular d common side

3 Name three transformations that can be used to produce congruent figures.

4 List two properties of each triangle.

a an isosceles triangle b an equilateral triangle

alternate angles coincide common side congruence congruency congruent
corresponding diagonal equilateral figure identical included angle
isosceles kite matching midpoint minimum parallelogram
perpendicular orientation proof prove reflection rhombus
rotation superimpose transformation translation

Check your skills

1 Which of the following transformations could not have been used to
produce this pair of congruent figures?
A reflection
B reflection and translation
C rotation and translation
D translation

2 Which pair of figures is not congruent?



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3 These triangles are congruent. The correct statement of B D
congruency is: 5 5
A △ABC ≡ △DEF B △ABC ≡ △EFD 6 6

7 7

4 The congruency test used to show that these triangles are 50°
congruent is:
A SSS B SAS 5 60°
60° 5

5 The congruency test used to show that these triangles are 7

congruent is: 6

6 Which triangles are congruent?

A 1 and 2 B 2 and 3
C 1 and 3 D 1, 2 and 3

7 The two figures shown in the diagram are congruent. P

The side that corresponds to AB is: A S

8 The value of the pronumeral in this pair of congruent x

triangles is: 70°
A 50° B 60° 60°

9 The value of the pronumeral in this pair of congruent 6

triangles is:
A 5 B 6
C 7 D 18 8 x

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10 ABCD is a parallelogram with the diagonal AC drawn. AB || DC and A B
AD || BC. In △ABC and △CDA, which of the following statements
is not true?
A AC is common B ∠BAC =∠DCA

Use the following information to answer questions 11 and 12. A

△ABC has been reflected in CB to give △CBX.
△CBX has been reflected in CX to give △CXY.
△CXY has been reflected in CY to give △CYA.
11 The quadrilateral ABXY is a:
A kite B rhombus
C square D rectangle

12 The property of this quadrilateral that is not demonstrated by these transformations is:
A the diagonals bisect the angles of the quadrilateral
B the diagonals are perpendicular
C the diagonals are equal
D the diagonals bisect each other

If you have any difficulty with these questions, refer to the examples and questions in the section listed
in the table.

Question 1–3 4–9 10–12

Section A C D

3A Review set
1 What are the minimum conditions necessary for:
a any two shapes to be congruent?
b any two polygons to be congruent?
c two triangles to be congruent?

2 By measurement, determine whether this pair of figures is


Use this diagram to answer questions 3 and 4. Q

3 Write a correct statement of congruency for this pair A P
of congruent figures.

4 a Name the side that corresponds to AB. D

b Name the angle that corresponds to ∠C. C R

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5 State the congruency test used to show that each pair of triangles is congruent.
a b 6
70° 38°
8 8 9
50° 9

c d

6 State why the following pairs of triangles are not congruent.

a b c
45° 80° 70° 6

8 5

55° 55°
5 6

80° 45° 70°

70° 60°

7 Which triangles are congruent?

60° 70° 50° 3
60° 50° 2 70°

8 State why the following pairs of triangles are congruent and find the value of the pronumeral.
a b c
35° y 50°

95° 15 x
45° y
35° x 10 x

9 PR and ST are straight lines that intersect at Q. PT = SR and ∠PTQ = ∠RSQ. Complete the proof that:
a △PQT ≡ △RQS P
In △PQT and △RQS S

PT = ______ (given)
∠PTQ = ∠RSQ (______)
∠PQT = ∠RQS (______)
∴ △PQT = △RQS (______) T
b PQ = RQ (______) R

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3B Review set
1 By measurement, determine whether this pair of figures
is congruent.

Use this diagram to answer questions 2 and 3. A X

2 Write a correct statement of congruency for the pair of
congruent figures.

3 a Name the side that corresponds to AB. B

b Name the angle that corresponds to ∠C. C Z

4 State the congruency test used to show that each pair of triangles is congruent.
a b

c d

5 State why the following pairs of triangles are not congruent.

a b c

6 Which triangles are congruent? 6 8

50° 50°
1 3
8 6 8 6


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7 State why the following pairs of triangles are congruent and find the value of the pronumeral.
a b c
55° 40° 13
y 60° x 8

x 40° x
z y

8 ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB  DC and AB = DC. A B

Complete the proof that:
a △ABC ≡ △CDA
In △ABC and △CDA
AB = ______ (______)
AC = ______ (______) D C
∠BAC = ∠DCA (______)
∴ △ABC ≡ △CDA (______)
b AD = BC (______)

3C Review set
1 By measurement, determine whether this pair of
figures is congruent.

Use this diagram to answer questions 2 and 3. B X

2 Write a correct statement of congruency for this pair A Y

of congruent figures.

3 a Name the side that corresponds to AB.

b Name the angle that corresponds to ∠C. D C W Z

4 State the congruency test used to show that each pair of triangles is congruent.
a b

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c d

5 State why the following pairs of triangles are not congruent.

a b c

6 Which triangles are congruent?

11 50°

1 55° 3 75°
75° 55°
50° 11

7 State why the following pairs of triangles are congruent and find the value of the pronumeral.
a b 10 c 13
x 10
110° y 14 12 11
40° 14 y

8 Complete the following proof. P Q

Data: PQRS is a parallelogram. T is the point of intersection
of the diagonals PR and QS.
Aim: To prove that the diagonals bisect each other.

PT = RT and QT = ST. S R
Proof: In △PQT and △RST
PQ = ___ (opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal)
∠QPT = ∠___ (alternate angles and PQ || SR)
∠PQT = ∠RST (______)
∴ △PQT ≡ △RST (______)
∴ PT = ___ (matching sides of congruent triangles)
and QT = ST (______)

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Number operations
and index laws
This chapter deals with number operations and indices.
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:

▶ use the terms base, power, index and ▶ raise a number to a power
exponent ▶ explain why any base raised to the
▶ apply the concepts of index laws when power of zero is equal to one
multiplying and dividing ▶ confidently interchange index laws in
▶ express answers in index form and problem solving
expanded form ▶ multiply and divide directed numbers.

NSW Syllabus references: S4 N&A Indices

Outcomes: MA4–1WM, MA4–2WM, MA4–3WM, MA4–4NA, MA4–9NA

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Diagnostic test
1 The operation 2 × 4 − 3 on a number line is: 6 −7 − 2 =
A −5 B 5 C 9 D −9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7 −2 − 5 + 6 =
B A 13 B −13 C −1 D 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8 4 + (−5) =
C A 9 B −9 C −1 D 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9 5 − (−2) =
D A 3 B 7 C −7 D −3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2 A deposit of $15 followed by a withdrawal 10 3 − (−4) − 2 =

of $20 changes the balance by: A 5 B −5 C −3 D 3
A $5 less B $35 more
11 142 + 369 =
C $20 more D $5 more
A 511 B 510 C 610 D 227
3 If up is the positive direction, write directed
numbers for a lift going 4 floors up then 7 floors 12 47 − 19 =
down. A 66 B 38 C 32 D 28
A +4 + 7 B +4 − 7
13 15 − 2 − 6 + 3 =
C −4 − 7 D −4 + 7
A 10 B 14 C 26 D 2
4 The numbers 3, −5, 0, −2, −1, 1 in ascending
order are:
14 63 × 49 =
A 441 B 3087 C 819 D 2427
A −5, 3, −2, −1, 1, 0
B −2, −1, 0, 1, 3, −5
15 203 ÷ 7 =
C 0, −1, 1, −2, 3, −5 3
A 29 B 28 C 2​ _7 ​ D 1421
D −5, −2, −1, 0, 1, 3

5 −5 + 2 = 16 683 ÷ 7 =
2 4
A 3 B −3 C 7 D −7 A 4781 B 98​ _7 ​ C 97​ _7 ​ D 97

The Diagnostic test questions refer to the Year 7 outcomes from ACMNA182 and ACMNA183.
Number & Algebra

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A Index notation
Index notation is a shorthand way of writing the repeated product of numbers. Product means ‘×’
As 3 × 3 = 9, we say that 3 squared equals 9. The 3 squared is written: or ‘to multiply’.

Index, power or exponent

This is called index notation. The index, power or exponent tells us how many times the base has been repeated.

ExamplE 1
a Write 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 in index form.
b Write the answer for part a in words.
c State which number is the base and which is the index.

a 5 is repeated 6 times. ∴ 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 = 56
b 5 means ‘5 to the power of 6’.

c The base is 5 and the index is 6.

Exercise 4A
1 Complete the following.
a Write 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 in index form. Index, power and exponent
2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 2□ all mean the same thing.
b Write the answer from part a in words.
____ means ‘____ to the power of _____’.
c State which number is the base and which is the index.
The base is ____ and the index is ____.

2 a Write 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 in index form.

b Write the answer from part a in words.
c State which number is the base and which is the index.

3 a Write the following in index form.

i 4×4×4 ii 9 × 9 × 9 × 9 × 9 × 9 × 9 × 9
b Write the answer from part a in words.
c State which number is the base and which is the power.

4 a Write the following in index form.


i 6×6×6×6×6×6 ii 10 × 10 × 10 × 10
b Write the answer from part a in words.
c State which number is the base and which is the exponent.

5 Write the following products in index form.

a 8×8×8×8×8×8×8×8×8 b 10 × 10 × 10
c 12 × 12 d 6×6×6×6 e 9×9×9×9×9×9×9

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ExamplE 2
a Write p × p × p × p in index form.
b Write the answer for part a in words.
c State which part is the base and which is the index.

a p is repeated 4 times. ∴ p × p × p × p = p4
b p4 means p to the power of 4.
c The base is p and the index is 4.

6 Complete the following.

a Write k × k × k × k × k in index form. k × k × k × k × k = k□
b Write the answer from part a in words. ____ means ‘____ to the power of _____’.
c State which number is the base and which is the index. The base is ____ and the index is ____.

7 a Write the following in index form.

i w×w×w×w ii a × a × a × a × a × a × a × a × a × a
b Write the answer for part a in words.
c State which part is the base and which is the index.

ExamplE 3
Write the following in expanded form. Expanded form means as
a 43 b h5 a repeated product.

a Base is 4 and index is 3. ∴ 4 is written out 3 times.

4 in expanded form is 4 × 4 × 4.

b Base is h and index is 5. ∴ h is written out 5 times.

h5 in expanded form is h × h × h × h × h.

8 Complete to write the following in expanded form.

a 56 = ___ × ___ × ___ × ___ × ___ × ___
b 123 = ___ × ___ × ___
c j 5 = ___ × ____ × ___ × ___ × ___
d v 7 = ___ × ___ × ___ × ___ × ___ × ___× ___

9 Write the following in expanded form.

a 16 b 78 c 63 d 24
e 10 2
f 3 2
g 85 h 45
i l 7
j t 2
k f4 l a9
m y5 n d6 o k3 p m8

ExamplE 4
Use your calculator to evaluate 53.

5 x y or ^ 3 = 125 Check: 53 = 5 × 5 × 5 = 125

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10 Use your calculator to evaluate the following.
a 36 b 57 c 45 d 83 e 98
f 103 g 74 h 28 i 64 j 113
k 1.64 l 3.83 m 4.54 n 7.42 o 6.23

B Multiplying numbers with the same base

ExamplE 1
a Write the following in expanded form.
i 32 ii 34 iii 32 × 34
b Write the answer for part iii in index form.
c Does 32 × 34 = 32 + 4?

a i 32 = 3 × 3
ii 34 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3
iii 32 × 34 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3
b 32 × 34 in index form = 36 The base, 3, is repeated 6 times.
c Yes, 32 × 34 = 32 + 4 = 36

Exercise 4B
1 a Write the following in expanded form.
i 52 = ___ × ___
ii 57 = ___ × ___ × ___ × ___ × ___ × ___ × ___
iii 52 × 57 = ___ × ___ × ___ × ___ × ___ × ___ × ___ × ___ × ___
b Write the answer to part iii in index form.
52 × 57 in index form = ___
c Does 52 × 57 = 52 + 7? Explain.

2 a Write the following in expanded form.

i 73 ii 74 iii 73 × 74
b Write the answer to part iii in index form.
c Does 73 × 74 = 73 + 4?

3 a Write the following in expanded form.

i 63 ii 65 iii 63 × 65

b Write the answer to part iii in index form.

c Does 63 × 65 = 63 + 5?

4 a Write the following in expanded form.

i 106 ii 105 iii 106 × 105
b Write the answer in part iii in index form.
c Does 106 × 105 = 106 + 5?

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Example 2
Write the following in index form.
a 52 × 54 b 23 × 27

a 52 × 54
5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 = 52 + 4 = 56 Count the number of 5s.
b 23 × 27
2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 23 + 7 = 210 Count the number of 2s.

5 Simplify the following by writing in index form.

a 84 × 810 = 8□ + 10 = 8□ b 77 × 72 = 77 + □ = 7□
c 97 × 93 = 9□ + □ = 9□ d 56 × 511 = 5□ + □= 5□

6 Simplify the following by writing in index form.

a 35 × 34 b 27 × 25 c 72 × 78 d 57 × 52 e 410 × 46
f 6 ×6
9 4
g 10 × 10
5 4
h 210 × 210 i 520 × 510 j 311 × 37
k 34 × 36 l 75 × 78 m 24 × 24 n 89 × 812 o 314 × 33

7 Can you see a rule emerging? Complete the following statement.

Look at question 6 to
Choose from these words: base, add, indices, multiplying. determine the rule.
When ______ numbers with the same _____, _____ the _____.
Construct your own example to explain the rule.

8 a Write 43 in expanded form.

b Write 43 × 4 in expanded form.
c Write your answer for part b in index form.
d Is 43 × 4 = 43 × 41? Explain.
e Hence, is 4 the same as 41?

9 Simplify by writing the following in index form.

a 54 × 5 b 37 × 3 c 29 × 2 d 5 × 58 e 7 × 711

Example 3
a Write each in expanded form and hence find its value.
i 23 × 34 ii 67
b Is 2 × 3 = 6 = 6 ? Use working to give a reason.
3 4 3+4 7

a i 23 × 34 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 Bases must be the same

= 8 × 81 = 648 to add indices.

ii 67 = 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 = 279 936
b No, as bases are different: 648 ≠ 279 936
Number & Algebra

10 a Complete the following to write in expanded form and find the value of:
i 35 × 42 = ___ × ___ × ___ × ___ × ___ × 4 × 4 = ______
ii 127 = 12 × 12 × ___ × ___ × ___ × 12 × 12 = 35 831 808
b Is 35 × 42 = 127? Use your answers in part a to explain your answer.
c Complete the statement:
You can only _____ indices if the _____ are the _____.

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11 a Write the following in expanded form.
i 53 × 25 ii 108
b Is 5 × 2 = 10 ? Show your working and give a reason.
3 5 3+5

12 a Write the following in expanded form.

i 35 × 32 ii 97
b Is 35 × 32 = 95 + 2? Show your working and give a reason. Remember that the base
c What is the correct answer, in index form, for 35 × 32? must stay the same.

13 a Write the following in expanded form.

i 23 × 25 ii 48
b Is 2 × 2 = 4 ? Show your working and give a reason.
3 5 3+5

c What is the correct answer in index form for 23 × 25?

14 a Write the following in expanded form.

i 56 × 54 ii 2510
b Is 56 × 54 = 256 + 4? Show your working and give a reason.
c What is the correct answer in index form for 56 × 54?

15 Write true or false.

a 37 × 35 = 312 b 37 × 25 = 612 c 37 × 35 = 912
d 25 × 24 = 29 e 25 × 54 = 109 f 25 × 24 = 49
g 46 × 47 = 413 h 46 × 37 = 1213 i 46 × 47 = 1613
j 54 × 36 = 1510 k 75 × 76 = 4911 l 107 × 108 = 1015
m 63 × 25 = 128 n 410 × 410 = 420 o 52 × 59 = 2511

Example 4
Simplify the following by writing in index form.
Remember: You can add indices
a 23 × 25 × 24 b 35 × 36 × 33 if the bases are the same.

a 23 × 25 × 24 = 23 + 5 + 4 = 212 b 35 × 36 × 33 = 35 + 6 + 3 = 314

16 Complete the following to write the answer in index form.

a 42 × 4 × 45 = 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 = 42 + 1 + 5 = 4□
b 62 × 64 × 63 = 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 = 6□ + 4 + □ = 6□
c 105 × 102 × 108 d 27 × 213 × 2 × 23
e p3 × p6 × p2 f m7 × m4 × m2 × m5 Letters can also be a base.

17 Simplify the following by writing in index form.

a 24 × 26 × 23 b 38 × 33 × 37 c 53 × 57 × 54 d 92 × 95 × 94
e 4 ×4 ×4
6 3
f a4 × a5 × a2 g y7 × y3 × y2 h n9 × n8 × n2
i p6 × p3 × p11 j t4 × t1 × t2
Number & Algebra

18 Summary of findings: Complete each statement and copy it into your exercise book.
Choose from these words: 1, index, letters, bases, add.
a Only ______ indices if the ______ are the same.
b Indices is the plural of the word ______.
c Bases can be numbers or ______.
d A single digit or letter has an index value of ______.

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C Raising a number to a power
ExamplE 1
Simplify each of the following by writing it in expanded form. Record your findings in index form.
a (32)3 b (73)5

a (32)3 = (3 × 3)3
= (3 × 3) × (3 × 3) × (3 × 3) = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3
= 36
b (73)5 = (7 × 7 × 7)5
= (7 × 7 × 7) × (7 × 7 × 7) × (7 × 7 × 7) × (7 × 7 × 7) × (7 × 7 × 7)
= 715

Exercise 4C
1 Simplify each of the following by writing in expanded form. Record your findings in index form.
a (44)3 = (4 × ___ × ___ × 4)3
= (4 × ___ × ___ × 4) × (4 × ___ × ___ × 4) × (4 × ___ × ___ × 4)
= 4□
b (83)2 = (8 × ___ × ___)2
= (8 × ___ × ___) × (8 × ___ × ___)
= 8□
c (2 ) = (2 × 2 × 2 × ___ × ___)3
5 3

= (2 × 2 × 2 × ___ × ___) × (2 × 2 × 2 × ___ × ___) × (2 × 2 × 2 × ___ × ___)

= 2□
d (7 ) = (7 × 7 × ___)5
3 5

= (7 × 7 × ___) × (7 × 7 × ___) × (7 × 7 × ___) × (7 × 7 × ___) × (7 × 7 × ___)

= 7□

2 Can you see a rule emerging?

a Review your answers for question 1.
(44)3 = 4□ (83)2 = 8□ (25)3 = 2□ (73)5 = 7□
Write the rule in your own words.
b Complete the rule below based on your findings from part a. Copy it into your exercise book.
When raising a number to a higher power, _____ the indices.

3 Write each of the following in index form by applying the rule.

a (32)3 b (53)2 c (23)4 d (35)3 e (74)5

f (102)5 g (42)6 h (63)7 i (38)3 j (27)10

k (34)5 l (35)4 m (52)4 n (54)2 o (915)2

4 Write each of the following in index form by applying the rule.

a (a3)2 b (b6)9 c (c7)6 d (d 5)11 e (e4)10
f (f 2)7 g (g9)4 h (h11)3 i (i 4)5 j (j 4)2
k (k )
7 8
l (l )
5 8
m (m6)6 n (n9)3 o (o9)7

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ExamplE 2
Simplify the following by writing in index form.
a (32)3 × 35 b 74 × (75)6

a (32)3 × 35 = 36 × 35 b 74 × (75)6 = 74 × 730

=3 11
= 734

5 Simplify the following by writing in index form.

a (84)2 × 83 = 88 × 8□ b 109 × (102)6 = 109 × 10□
= 8□ = 10□
c (74)3 × 72 d (55)2 × 54 e (92)4 × 93 f (36)5 × 33
g 85 × (83)2 h 62 × (64)4 i 103 × (102)5 j 48 × (47)10

6 Simplify the following.

a 76 × (72)5 b (23)2 × (24)3 c (52)4 × (53)2 d (74)2 × (73)3
e (34)5 × (32)4 f (92)5 × (93)4 g (46)2 × (47)3 h (83)5 × (87)7

D Dividing numbers with the same base

ExamplE 1
a Write 68 ÷ 65 in expanded form.
b Write your answer in index form.

68 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6
a 68 ÷ 65 = __5 = ___________________________
6 6×6×6×6×6
b Index form = 63

Exercise 4D
1 Complete the following to write each in expanded form. Express your answer in index form.
a 47 ÷ 43 = __________________________
= 4□
b 96 ÷ 92 = _______________________

= 9□
5×5×5×5×5×□×□×□ Simplify your answers
c 58 ÷ 55 = _____________________________
5×5×5×5×5 by cancelling.
= ___□
d 210 ÷ 26 = _____________________________________
= ___□

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2 a Write 37 ÷ 32 in expanded form. b Write your answer in index form.
c Is 37 ÷ 32 = 37 − 2? Explain your answer.

3 a Write 75 ÷ 73 in expanded form. b Write your answer in index form.

c Is 75 ÷ 73 = 75 − 3? Explain your answer.

4 a Write 28 ÷ 23 in expanded form. b Write your answer in index form.

c Is 28 ÷ 23 = 28 − 3? Explain your answer.

5 a Write 98 ÷ 97 in expanded form. b Write your answer in index form.

c Is 98 ÷ 97 = 98 − 7? Explain your answer.

6 Can you see a rule emerging?

a Review your answers for questions 2 to 5.
37 ÷ 32 = 3□ 75 ÷ 73 = 7□ 28 ÷ 23 = 2□ 98 ÷ 97 = 9□
Write the rule in your own words.
b Complete the rule below based on your findings from part a. Copy it into your exercise book.
When ___ numbers with the same base ___ the indices.

7 Write in index form by applying the rule.

a 35 ÷ 33 b 28 ÷ 25 c 510 ÷ 54 d 49 ÷ 45 e 1012 ÷ 107
f 68 ÷ 64 g 28 ÷ 26 h 311 ÷ 39 i 47 ÷ 46 j 54 ÷ 53
k 35 ÷ 31 l 56 ÷ 51 m 27 ÷ 2 n 104 ÷ 10 o 79 ÷ 7

8 Write in index form by applying the rule.

a m7 ÷ m4 b w10 ÷ w9 c g7 ÷ g5 d z5 ÷ z3 e p2 ÷ p
f d ÷d
6 3
g a ÷a
8 3
h r4 ÷ r2 i b11 ÷ b9 j h9 ÷ h4
k s5 ÷ s2 l t6 ÷ t2 m v4 ÷ v2 n e8 ÷ e3 o l9 ÷ l8

Example 2
Answer true or false. Does 65 ÷ 23 = 32?

65 ÷ 23 = ________________
​      ​ 32 = 3 × 3 = 9
= 972
False: 65 ÷ 23 ≠ 32 as 972 does not equal 9.

9 Complete the following to show if the answer is true or false.

a Does 94 ÷ 32 = 32?
94 ÷ 32 = ______________
​   ​ 32 = ___ × ___ = 9
= 729
Number & Algebra

_____, as 729 ___ 9.

b Does 57 ÷ 53 = 54?
57 ÷ 53 = ________________________
​      ​ 54 = ___ × ___ × ___ × ___ = ___
= ___□ = ___
_____, as ___ ___ ___.

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10 Can you see a rule emerging? Complete the following statement and copy it into your exercise book.
Choose from these words: subtract, dividing, same.
When _____, you can only _____ indices if the bases are the _____.

11 Write true or false. Look at the base in the answer.

a 58 ÷ 55 = 53 b 6 ÷2 =3
7 4 3
c 5 ÷5 =1
9 3 6
d 410 ÷ 42 = 48
e 65 ÷ 32 = 23 f 26 ÷ 22 = 14 g 39 ÷ 33 = 16 h 107 ÷ 53 = 24
i 810 ÷ 24 = 46 j 712 ÷ 74 = 78 k 39 ÷ 34 = 15 l 1012 ÷ 54 = 28
m 615 ÷ 68 = 67 n 210 ÷ 26 = 14 o 47 ÷ 46 = 4 p 510 ÷ 59 = 11

ExamplE 3
Simplify the following.
a 35 × 37 ÷ 38 b (28)3 ÷ 210 Working from left to right.

a 35 × 37 ÷ 38 = 35 + 7 ÷ 38 b (28)3 ÷ 210 = 28 × 3 ÷ 210

= 312 ÷ 38 = 224 ÷ 210
= 312 − 8 = 224 − 10
= 34 = 214

12 Simplify the following.

a 36 × 34 ÷ 35 b 25 × 28 ÷ 26 c 710 × 78 ÷ 716 d (56)3 ÷ 510
e (45)2 ÷ 47 f (33)5 ÷ 37 g 58 ÷ 53 × 54 h 36 ÷ 33 × 34
i 210 ÷ 24 × 23 j 512 × 52 ÷ 54 k (24)3 ÷ 29 l 310 ÷ 38 × 35
m 23 × 26 × 24 ÷ 27 n (52)3 × (54)2 ÷ 511 o 320 ÷ 38 ÷ 37 p 725 ÷ (73)5

E The zero index

Any number raised to the power zero is equal to 1.
In general: a0 = 1

ExamplE 1
Complete the following table to find the value of 30.
35 34 33 32 31 30
243 81 27

As you read the first row of numbers, you can see that the power of the 3 is going down by one. Each
missing number in the second row can be found by dividing the number before it by 3.

35 34 33 32 31 30
243 243 ÷ 3 = 81 81 ÷ 3 = 27 27 ÷ 3 = 9 9÷3=3 3÷3=1

From the table, 30 = 1.

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Exercise 4E
1 Complete the following table to find the value of 20.

25 24 23 2□ 21 20
32 32 ÷ 2 = 16 16 ÷ ___ = ___ 8 ÷ ___ = ___ 4 ÷ ___ = ___ 2 ÷ ___ = ___

2 Complete the following table to find the value of 100.

105 104 10□ 10□ 10□ 10□

100 000 ___ ÷ 10 = ___ ___ ÷ 10 = ___ ___ ÷ 10 = ___ ___ ÷ 10 = ___ ___ ÷ 10 = ___

3 Complete the following table to find the value of 50.

55 54 53 52 51 50

3125 625

4 Complete the following table to find the value of 40.

45 44 43 42 41 40

1024 256

5 a Can you see a rule emerging? Review your answers from questions 1 to 4.
20 = ___ 100 = ___ 50 = ___ 40 = ___
Write the rule in your own words.
b Complete the rule below based on your findings from part a. Copy it into your exercise book.
Any base raised to the power of ___ is equal to ___.

Example 2
a Use the index laws to simplify 74 ÷ 74.
b By writing in expanded form, show that 74 ÷ 74 = 1.
c Hence show that 70 = 1.

a Using the index laws: 74 ÷ 74 = 74 − 4 = 70

7 × 17 × 17 × 17
b 74 ÷ 74 = _______________
​    1  ​ = 1
7× 7× 7× 7
1 1 1

c From parts a and b, 70 = 1.

6 a Use the index laws to simplify 73 ÷ 73.

Number & Algebra

b By writing in expanded form, show that 73 ÷ 73 = 1

c Hence show that 70 = 1.

7 a Use the index laws to simplify 95 ÷ 95.

b By writing in expanded form, show that 95 ÷ 95 = 1.
c Hence show that 90 = 1.

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8 a Use the index laws to simplify 62 ÷ 62.
b By writing in expanded form, show that 62 ÷ 62 = 1.
c Hence show that 60 = 1.

9 Without using your calculator, write down the value of:

a 40 b (23)0 c (955)0 d (8.67)0 e (12.9)0 f (_34 )0
g a0 h l0 i m0 j d0 k q0 l e0

10 Use the x y or ^ key on your calculator to find the value of:

a 70 b 130 c 290 d 5.60 e 31.70 f (_58 )0

Investigation 1 Numbers in index form

1 a Expand and evaluate the following.
i 23 = 2 × 2 × 2 = ___ ii 32 = 3 × 3 = ___
b Which is the greater, 23 or 32?

2 a Expand and evaluate the following.

i 34 = 3 × _________ = ___ ii 43 = 4 × _________ = ___
b Which is the greater, 34 or 43?

3 a Expand and evaluate the following.

i 45 ii 54
b Which is the greater, 45 or 54?

4 a Expand and evaluate the following.

i 56 ii 65
b Which is the greater, 56 or 65?

5 a Predict which is greater: 910 or 109?

b Check your prediction by calculation.

6 Which is larger 99100 or 10099? Explain you answer.

7 Which is larger 991000 or 100909? Explain you answer.

F Summary of index laws

These index laws apply when the bases are the same.

• When multiplying, add indices. 37 × 34 = 37 + 4 = 311

• When dividing, subtract indices. 37 ÷ 34 = 37 − 4 = 33
• When raising a number to a power, multiply indices. (37)4 = 37 × 4 = 328
• Anything to the power of zero = 1. 30 = 1
Bases can be numbers or letters.

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Exercise 4F
1 Simplify the following by applying the correct index law.
a 58 × 52 b 67 × 69 c 1011 × 104 d 126 ÷ 122
e 87 ÷ 82 f 36 ÷ 31 g (42)3 h (53)6
i (9 )
2 11
j 7 0
k 120 l 5.60
m 218 ÷ 215 n (84)3 o (52)14 p ( _14 )

q 49 × 43 r (59)0 s 1410 ÷ 144 t (136)0

u 178 ÷ 175 v 127 × 122 w (68)3 x 915 × 92

2 Simplify the following by applying the correct index law.

a (x4)3 b f7×f3 c (m9)5 d v11 ÷ v5
e t0 f q9 × q4 g (b11)5 h (y7)2
i (f 8)2 j d10 ÷ d 6 k e5 × e4 l p0
m w 0
n j ×j
6 3
o z20 ÷ z10 p (a2)3 ÷ a3

3 Working from left to right, apply your knowledge of index laws to simplify the following.
a 23 × 27 × 26 b 108 ÷ 104 ÷ 103 c 47 × 43 ÷ 45 d (52)3 × 54
e (24)3 × 22 f (65)2 × 63 g (82)2 × 84 h (95)0
i (70)2 × 3 j (80)3 × 4 k (32)0 × (54)0 l (45)2 × (43)3 ÷ (46)2
m (53)2 × (52)0 ÷ (52)3 n (92)3 × (94)2 × 90 o (76)2 ÷ (73)4 × 7 p (65)4 ÷ (63)3 × (68)0

4 Use the x y or ^ key on your calculator to evaluate the following.

a 53 b 74 c 35 d 29
e 1.22 f 2.83 g 23 × 42 h 62 × 33
i 5 ×1
3 4
j 10 × 2
3 4
k 33 × 102 l 2.43 × 72
m 93 ÷ 34 n 106 ÷ 58 o 74 ÷ 23 p 63 ÷ 52

Investigation 2 Last digits in powers

1 Complete the table below. Use the pattern to find the last digits of 32015.

Power of 3 Expanded notation Last digit

2 3×3=9 9

6 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 = 729 9

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2 Complete the table below.

Power of 2 Last two digits Power of 2 Last two digits

0 1 15
1 2 16
2 17
3 18
4 19 88
5 20
6 21
7 22
8 23
9 24
10 24 25
11 26
12 27
13 28
14 29

There is a pattern that emerges. Use the pattern to find the last two digits in the number 22015.
b  2015
Find the value of the last two digits in 22 .

3 You are asked to evaluate 234.

a  4
Calculate (23) .
b Calculate 2(3 ).

c  Are the answers to parts a and b equal in value? Explain if they are different.
d  What is the correct answer?

4 You are asked to evaluate 345.

a  5
Calculate (34) .
b Calculate 3(45).
c  Are the answers to parts a and b equal in value? Explain if they are different.
d  What is the correct answer?

Investigation 3 Multiplying and dividing directed numbers

1 Complete the following number patterns.
Number & Algebra

a 3 × 3 = ___ b −4 × 3 = ___ 9 ÷ 3 = ___ d −36 ÷ (−4) = ___

3 × 2 = ___ −4 × 2 = ___ 6 ÷ 3 = ___ −24 ÷ (−4) = ___
3 × 1 = ___ −4 × 1 = ___ 3 ÷ 3 = ___ −12 ÷ (−4) = ___
3 × 0 = ___ −4 × 0 = ___ 0 ÷ 3 = ___ 0 ÷ (−4) = ___
3 × (−1) = ___
−4 × (−1) = ___ (−3) ÷ 3 = ___ 12 ÷ (−4) = ___
3 × (−2) = ___
−4 × (−2) = ___ (−6) ÷ 3 = ___ 24 ÷ (−4) = ___
3 × (−3) = ___
−4 × (−3) = ___ (−9) ÷ 3 = ___ 36 ÷ (−4) = ___

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2 From the number patterns above, complete the following statements.
a When multiplying or dividing two numbers with the same sign (both positive or both negative),
the answer is always ________.
b When multiplying or dividing two numbers with different signs, the answer is always ________.

When multiplying When dividing

positive × positive = positive positive ÷ positive = positive

positive × negative = negative positive ÷ negative = negative

negative × positive = negative negative ÷ positive = negative

negative × negative = positive negative ÷ negative = positive

G Multiplying and dividing directed numbers

When multiplying or dividing two directed numbers:
• If the signs are the same (positive and positive or negative and negative), the result is positive.
• If the signs are different (positive and negative or negative and positive), the result is negative.

ExamplE 1
Simplify the following.
a −2 × 3 b 4 × (−5) c −6 × (−3)

a −2 × 3 = −6 b 4 × (−5) = −20 c −6 × (−3) = +18

Exercise 4G
1 Simplify the following.
a −7 × 5 b −3 × 7 c −4 × 9 d −6 × 3
e 7 × (−4) f 8 × (−3) g 2 × (−3) h 8 × (−9)
i −11 × (−4) j −6 × (−5) k −3 × (−6) l −2 × (−7)
m 7 × (−8) n −4 × (−6) o −5 × 8 p −8 × (−8)

ExamplE 2
Simplify the following. The square of a negative
number is always positive.
a −3 × 2 × (−4) The cube of a negative number

b (−3)3 is always negative.

c −5 × (−2)2

a −3 × 2 × (−4) b (−3)3 c −5 × (−2)2

= −6 × (−4) = −3 × (−3) × (−3) = −5 × 4
= 24 = −27 = −20

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2 Simplify the following.
a 2 × (−3) × 5 b −3 × (−4) × 6 c 7 × (−3) × 2
d −4 × (−5) × (−2) e (−5​)2​ ​ f (−1​)2​ ​
g −2 × 0 × 4 h 3 × 3 × (−5) i −3 × (−2) × 6
j 2 × (−2) × 5 k (−2) × (−1) × (−3) l −1 × 3 × (−4)
m (−7​)3​ ​ n 5 × (−2) × (−4) o (−2​)2​ ​ × (−6)

Example 3
Simplify the following.
a 36 ÷ (−9) b −30 ÷ 6 c −50 ÷ (−10)

a 36 ÷ (−9) = −4 b −30 ÷ 6 = −5 c −50 ÷ (−10) = 5

3 Simplify the following.

a −14 ÷ 7 b 30 ÷ (−5) c −16 ÷ (−8) d 42 ÷ (−7)
e −36 ÷ (−9) f −90 ÷ (−10) g −30 ÷ 15 h −22 ÷ (−11)
i 12 ÷ (−3) j 44 ÷ (−4) k −16 ÷ 4 l −30 ÷ (−15)
m −44 ÷ (−11) n 25 ÷ (−5) o 45 ÷ (−9) p −48 ÷ (−8)

4 Find the missing numbers. Remember the order of operations:

a 15 ÷ ___ = −3 b 18 ÷ ___ = −6 1 Brackets first.
2 Next multiplication and division
c −15 ÷ ___ = 5 d ___ ÷ 2 = −4 from left to right.
e ___ ÷ (−3) = 8 f ___ ÷ (−2) = −5 3 Then addition and subtraction.
g ___ ÷ −4 = −4 h −10 ÷ ___ = −1

Example 4
Evaluate the following.
a 7−3×5 b 6−4×5+2

a 7 − 3 × 5 (multiply first) b 6 − 4 × 5 + 2 (multiply first)

= 7 − 15 = 6 − 20 + 2
= −8 = −14 + 2 = −12

5 Simplify the following.

a 9−4×3 b −7 + 2 × 5 c 8 + 5 − 23
d −60 ÷ 6 × 4 e 8 × (−3) ÷ (−12) f 44 ÷ (11 − 15)
g (7 − 11) × (1 − 7) h (5 − 30) ÷ (−15 + 10) i 8−5×3−9

Example 5
Evaluate the following.
Number & Algebra

15 + 9 15 −5 + 8
a ______
 ​ b 3 + ___
​   ​ c _______
 ​ + 2

15 + 9 15 −5 + 8
a ______
 ​ b 3 + ___
​   ​ c _______
 ​ + 2
24 3
= ___
​   ​ = 6 =3+5=8 = __
​   ​ + 2 = 1 + 2 = 3
4 3

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6 Simplify the following.
13 + 7 16 − 6 15 + 9 −4 + 18
a ______
b ______
c ______
d ________
−5 + 11 7 − 15 16 12
e ________
f ______
g 7 + ___ h 4 − ___
8 3
14 −3 + 12 −6 − 8 −3 − 5
i 9 + ___
j ________
+3 k _______
+6 l _______

ExamplE 6
Use your calculator to evaluate the following.
a −28 − 57 To make a number negative on
the calculator, use the ± key.
b −38 + 5 × (−19)
c −243 + 23 × (−18)

a −28 − 57 = −85
28 ± – 57 =
or DAL ± 28 – 57 =
b −38 + 5 × (−19) = −133
38 ± + 5 × 19 ± =
or DAL ± 38 + 5 × ± 19 =
c −243 + 23 × (−18) = −657
243 ± + 23 × 8 ± =
or DAL ± 243 + 23 × ± 8 =

7 Use your calculator to evaluate the following.

a 28 − 147 b −53 + 27
c −28 × 37 d −41 × 38
e −1484 ÷ 14 f −39 − 53
g 18 × (−47) h 48 − 211
i 83 − 9 × 21 j −28 + 14 × 32
k −43 − 21 × 72 l 49 + 63 × (−28)
m (27 − 35) × 14 n (63 − 85) × (14 − 26)
o (−38 − 57) × (−81)

8 Simplify the following using your calculator.

a −428 + 192 − 845 + 1291 − 478 + 293 − 482 − 311
b 6852 − 4915 − 3211 − 1698 − 2139 + 4821

c 242 × (−83) + (−93) × 45 − 26 × 89

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Language in mathematics
1 Write the following in words.
a 35 b 82 c 23 d z4

2 Write numerical expressions for these numbers.

a seven squared b four cubed
c six to the power five d two to the fourth

3 Replace the vowels to make words that mean the same as ‘power’.
a _nd_x b _xp_n_nt

4 When writing numbers in index notation, what name is given to:

a the number that is being repeated? b the number of times it is repeated?

5 Explain why 23 × 24 ≠ 47.

6 Explain why 26 × 23 = 29.

7 Explain why 105 ÷ 103 ≠ 12.

8 Explain why 48 ÷ 45 = 43.

9 Simplify 95 ÷ 95 to prove that any number to a power divided by same number to the same power is equal
to 1. Explain your findings.

10 Explain why (23)3 = 29.

base index power exponent explain indices
simplify expanded expression multiply divide raised

Check your skills

1 When written in index form 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 is:
A 5555555 B 57 C 75 D (5555555)7

2 For the number 83:

A The base is 8 and the index is 3. B The base is 3 and the index is 8.
C The base is 3 and the index is 24. D The base is 8 and the index is 24.

3 64 means:
A 6 times 4 B 65
Number & Algebra

C 6666 D 6 to the power of 4

4 Which two words are also used to describe the term ‘index’?
A power, product B raised, equivalent
C power, exponent D exponent, base

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5 In expanded form 16 is:
A 1×1×1×1×1×1 B 16
C 6 D 1×6

6 When evaluated, 112 is:

A 22 B 1111 C 211 D 121

7 When simplified in index form, 38 × 38 is:

A 316 B 98 C 616 D 916

8 When simplified in index form, 5 × 54 is:

A 554 B 55 C 54 D 56

9 When simplified in index form, 26 × 2 × 23 is:

A 610 B 29 C 210 D 89

10 When simplified in index form, p7 × p5 × p6 is:

A p18 B 3p18 C p6 D 3p3

11 In expanded form (33)4 means:

A 3×3×3×3×3×3×3×3×3×3×3×3 B 33 × 33 × 33 × 33
C 312 D 9×9×9×9

12 When simplified in index form, (62)3 is:

A 125 B 66 C 126 D 363

13 When simplified in index form, (e4)7 is:

A e11 B e3 C 4e7 D e28

14 When simplified in index form, (42)2 × 42 is:

A 168 B 46 C 326 D 86

15 When simplified in index form, 95 ÷ 93 is:

A 92 B 915 C 12 D 99

16 When simplified in index form, h13 ÷ h7 is:

A h5 B h6 C h20 D h8

17 When simplified in index form, 53 × 52 ÷ 54 is:

A 52 B 51 C 524 D 54

18 When evaluated 70 + 30 + p0 is:

A p B 2p C 11 D 3

19 When evaluated using a calculator, 52 × 8 is:

Number & Algebra

A 80 B 40 C 416 D 200

20 When evaluated using a calculator, 93 ÷ 32 is:

A 720 B 81 C 21 D 61

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21 7 × (−3) =
A 4 B −10 C 10 D −21

22 8 × (−9) =
A 72 B −72 C 17 D −1

23 −12 ÷ 3 =
A −36 B −4 C 4 D 36

24 −18 ÷ (−9) =
A −2 B 2 C 27 D −27

25 ___ ÷ 2 = −6 ∴ ___ =
A 3 B −3 C 12 D −12

26 9 − 5 × 2 − 3 =
A 5 B 14 C −11 D −4

If you have any difficulty with these questions, refer to the examples and questions in the section listed
in the table.

Question 1–6 7–10 11–14 15–17 18 19, 20 21–26

Section A B C D E F G

4A Review set
1 Write the following in index form.
a 2×2×2×2 b 5×5×5×5×5×5×5

2 For the following numbers, write the base and index.

a 79 b 310

3 Write the following in expanded form.

a 35 b 76

4 Use a calculator to evaluate the following.

a 38 b 56

5 Write true or false.

a 34 × 25 = 69 b 86 ÷ 42 = 24

6 Simplify the following, leaving the answer in index form.

a 512 × 520 b (45)3 c 28 ÷ 26
Number & Algebra

d 75 × 7 e 56 × 57 ÷ 59

7 Simplify the following, leaving the answer in index form.

a p6 × p2 b (m2)7 c f7 ÷ f
d l ×l
e w3 × w5 ÷ w4

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8 Explain why 54 × 53 = 57.

9 Explain why 28 ÷ 24 ≠ 22.

10 Explain why 40 × 90 + 30 = 2.

11 Simplify the following.

a 3 × (−3) × 5 b −5 × (−4) × 2 c −5 × (−3) × 3

12 Simplify the following.

a −28 ÷ 7 b 60 ÷ (−5) c −64 ÷ (−8)

13 Simplify the following.

a 9−2×3 b −7 + 4 × 5 c 9 + 15 − 23
d −36 ÷ 6 × 4 e 6 × (−8) ÷ (−12) f 36 ÷ (11 − 15)

4B Review set
1 Write the following in index form.
a 7×7×7×7×7 b 9×9×9×9×9×9×9

2 For the following numbers, write the base and index.

a 38 b 52

3 Write the following in expanded form.

a 64 b 73

4 Use a calculator to evaluate the following.

a 29 b 36

5 Simplify the following, leaving the answer in index form.

a 310 × 33 b (72)6 c 410 ÷ 45 d 612 ÷ 6 e (25)4 × 210

6 Write true or false.

a 45 × 26 = 811 b 57 ÷ 53 = 14

7 Simplify the following, leaving the answer in index form.

a c11 × c5 b (k3)12 c y8 ÷ y2 d z9 × z0 e x10 ÷ x5 × x3

8 Explain why 47 ÷ 42 = 45.

9 Explain why 66 × 62 ≠ 368.

10 Explain why (32)4 = 38.

Number & Algebra

11 Simplify the following.

a 4 × (−3) × 2 b −4 × (−3) × 4 c −3 × (−4) × 3

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12 Simplify the following.
a −28 ÷ (−4) b −30 ÷ (−5) c 48 ÷ (−8)

13 Simplify the following.

a 9−2×4 b −9 + 4 × 5 c 10 + 15 − 21
d −36 ÷ 4 × (−5) e −9 × (−8) ÷ 6 f 36 ÷ (10 − 6)

4C Review set
1 Write the following in index form.
a 2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2 b 10 × 10 × 10

2 For the following numbers, write the base and index.

a 84 b 122

3 Write the following in expanded form.

a 62 b 57

4 Use a calculator to evaluate the following.

a 54 b 37

5 Simplify the following, leaving the answer in index form.

a 912 × 97 b (23)5 c 512 ÷ 54
d 6 ×6
e (28)2 × (210)3

6 Write true or false.

a 74 × 74 = 716 b 92 ÷ 9 = 9

7 Simplify the following, leaving the answer in index form.

a j  7 × j  9 b n8 ÷ n2 c (p9)3
d s7 × s7 × s e 9 × f     0

8 Explain why (24)3 ≠ 27.

9 Explain why 610 ÷ 64 × 6 = 67.

10 Explain why 43 ÷ 4 < 47 ÷ 43.

11 Simplify the following.

a 5 × (−2) × 3 b −6 × (−3) × 3 c −4 × (−2) × 5

12 Simplify the following.

a 14 ÷ (−7) b −25 ÷ (−5) c −72 ÷ (−8)
Number & Algebra

13 Simplify the following.

a 19 − 4 × 3 b −17 + 4 × 3 c 19 + 5 − 8
d −54 ÷ 9 × (−2) e −7 × 6 ÷ (−3) f 36 ÷ (−9) × (−2)

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4D Review set
1 Write the following in index form.
a 6×6×6×6×6 b 5×5×5×5×5×5×5×5

2 For the following numbers, write the base and index.

a 68 b 310

3 Write the following in expanded form.

a 45 b 27

4 Use a calculator to evaluate the following.

a 64 b 212

5 Simplify the following, leaving the answer in index form.

a 520 × 520 b (37)10 c 516 ÷ 512
d 423 ÷ 4 e 330 × (35)3

6 Write true or false.

a 24 × 25 = 29 b 76 ÷ 74 = 72

7 Simplify the following, leaving the answer in index form.

a p0 ÷ k0 b 15 × m0 c j 0 + k0 − m0
d (  f  2)0 e (g4)0 + (h0)5

8 Explain why h0 + m0 = 2.

9 Explain why (  j 5)0 × 5 = 5.

10 Explain why m0 + d 0 = 2 × f  0.

11 Simplify the following.

a 3 × (−4) × 5 b −3 × (−5) × 2 c −2 × (−2) × (−2)

12 Simplify the following.

a 15 ÷ (−3) b 27 ÷ (−9) c (−36) ÷ 9

13 Simplify the following.

a 15 − 2 × 3 b 20 − 4 × 8 c 17 + 4 × (−3)
d −8 ÷ 2 × (−5) e −3 × (−5) × 6 f −8 × (−6) ÷ 4
Number & Algebra

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Perimeter, area
and capacity
This chapter deals with calculations of perimeter and area and
conversion of units of volume to capacity.
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:

▶ find the perimeter of a quadrilateral ▶ choose and convert between units of

▶ find the area of a trapezium, rhombus measurement for area, volume and
and kite capacity.

NSW Syllabus references: S4 M&G Length, S4 M&G Area, S4 M&G Volume

Outcomes: MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA3-9MG, MA3-10MG, MA3-11MG, MA4-12MG, MA4-13MG, MA4-14MG

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Diagnostic test
1 Measure the length of the interval AB correct to the nearest millimetre.

A 8 cm B 8.5 cm
C 9 cm D 8.4 cm

2 Estimate the length of a student’s school desk. 8 Calculate the perimeter of the shape shown.
A 60 cm B 80 cm Measurements are in cm.
C 100 cm D 120 cm 12

3 Estimate 23.8 cm to the nearest cm.
A 23 cm B 24 cm 6 7
C 28 cm D 25 cm 4

4 0.43 km = ___ cm. 6 7

A 430 B 4300
C 43 000 D 430 000
A 102 cm B 94 cm
5 Which statement below is correct? C 110 cm D 88 cm
A 52 m = 520 cm
B 0.7 km = 70 000 mm 9 This diagram shows Joe’s paddock. Calculate
C 800 000 mm = 80 m the cost of fencing the paddock if fencing costs
D 463 000 mm = 0.463 km $52.90 per metre.

6 Determine the perimeter of the shape shown.

82 m 168 m

150 m
A $20 360 B $22 112.20
C $21 160 D $2174.40

10 Estimate the area of the shaded shape to the

nearest unit2.
A 52 units B 61 units
C 56 units D 64 units

7 Calculate the perimeter of the shape shown.


20.1 cm 5. A 30 units2 B 20 units2
9.7 cm 13.6 cm C 35 units2 D 25 units2

11 The area of a rectangle is 84 cm2. Calculate its

25.2 cm length if the breadth is 7 cm.
A 71.1 cm B 69.3 cm A 8 cm B 14 cm
C 73.8 cm D 64.1 cm C 7 cm D 12 cm

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12 Calculate the cost of turfing the oval shown 14 Calculate the volume of the solid below, correct
below, if each roll of turf covers an area of to the nearest cm3.
0.75 m2 and costs $1.80.

23.1 cm
Turf 90 m

4.2 cm
255 m 7.3 cm
A $28 917 B $30 982.50 A 709 cm 3
B 708 cm3
C $55 080 D $540 C 705 cm3 D 710 cm3

13 If the solid below is made from 1 cm3 cubes, 15 Calculate the volume of this composite prism.
calculate the volume of the solid.

16 cm

12 cm

5 cm

A 18 cm3 B 29 cm3 A 1680 cm3 B 1350 cm3

C 16 cm3 D 30 cm3 C 1200 cm3 D 960 cm3

The Diagnostic test questions refer to the Stage 4 outcome ACMMG159 and Stage 3 outcome ACMMG160.

A Area and perimeter review

This section reviews conversions, perimeter and area.

Length conversions
10 mm = 1 cm 100 cm = 1 m 1000 m = 1 km
÷ 10 ÷ 100 ÷ 1000

mm cm m km

× 10 × 100 × 1000
Convert these lengths.
a 50 mm to cm b 8.6 km to m

a 50 mm = ___ cm b 8.6 km = 8.6 × 1000 m
= 5 cm = 8600 m

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Exercise 5A
1 Convert these lengths.
a 21 cm to mm b 180 mm to cm c 3500 m to km
d 4 cm to mm e 2.3 m to cm f 1.8 km to m
g 200 mm to cm h 280 cm to m i 5.2 m to cm
j 8.3 cm to mm k 6.3 km to m l 0.03 m to cm
m 0.05 km to cm n 3.2 m to mm o 83 000 cm to km

Find the perimeter of each of the following figures.
a 12 cm b 24 mm c 6 cm

17 mm
9 cm 10 cm 31 mm
11 cm
36 mm

a Perimeter b Perimeter c Perimeter

= 9 + 10 + 12 cm = 17 + 24 + 31 + 36 mm = 11 + (3 × 6) cm
= 31 cm = 108 mm = 11 + 18 = 29
= 29 cm

2 Find the perimeter of each of each figure.

a b c
4 mm


d e f 9 cm

5m 8 cm
7 cm 18 cm
15 cm

g h i 2 cm
3 cm

10 cm
12 cm

3 A rectangular paddock 220 m by 300 m is to be fenced. Find the total length of fencing required.

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4 A rectangular swimming
pool 22 m by 8 m is
surrounded by a path of
width 1 metre. What is
the perimeter around the
outside edge of the path?

5 Find the perimeter of each shape. Give your answer in metres.

a 83 cm
1.2 m b
1.6 m
78 cm
176 cm 15 cm
Convert all lengths to the same
2m unit before finding the perimeter.
c 160 cm 1m d 5m

2m 170 cm 4.2 m

1.8 m 1.2 m
0.8 m
3m 3m

The perimeter of a rectangle is 50 cm. If the length of one side is 10 cm, calculate the length of other side.

Step 1: Draw and label a diagram. In a rectangle, if one side

Let any side be 10 cm. is 10 cm, the corresponding
10 cm
side is also 10 cm.

Step 2: Solve. x
10 + 10 + x + x = 50 cm or P = 50 cm
20 + 2x = 50 2 known sides = 2 × 10 = 20 cm
2x = 50 − 20 = 30 50 − 20 = 30 cm remaining
x = ___
Remaining sides are equal
2 30
= 15 cm ∴ ___ = 15 cm
So, the rectangle has side lengths of 10 cm and 15 cm to have a perimeter of 50 cm.

6 Determine the value of the other side in each rectangle given the perimeter and one side length.
a Perimeter = 62 m, one side = 11 cm b Perimeter = 216 cm, one side = 24 cm
c Perimeter = 96 cm, one side = 19 cm d Perimeter = 78 cm, one side = 8 cm
e Perimeter = 28.82 cm, one side = 7.8 cm f Perimeter = 41.2 cm, one side = 15.4 cm

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7 Determine the side length of a square given the following perimeters. A square has
four equal sides.
a 80 cm b 244 cm c 336 cm
d 261.2 cm e 671.6 cm f 1950 cm

Calculate the area of this square.

4.3 mm

Area = side × side

= 4.3 × 4.3
= 18.49 mm2

8 Complete to find the area of each square.

a b c

8 cm
14 cm 19 cm
A=s×s A=s×s A =s×s
= 8 × ___ = ___ × 14 = ___ × ___
= ___ cm2 = ___ cm2 = ___ cm2
d e f

3.5 cm

11.7 cm 8.9 cm

9 Calculate the area of each square given the following side lengths.
a 3.9 cm b 2.4 mm c 8.7 m d 0.85 m

Calculate the area of this rectangle.

4.3 cm

8.6 cm

Area = length × breadth

= 4.3 × 8.6
= 36.98 cm2

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10 Complete to find the area of each rectangle.
a b

5 cm 18 m

7 cm 13 m
A=l×b A =l×b
= 7 × ___ = ___ × 13
= ___ cm2 = ___ cm2
c 4m d
12 m
4.3 cm

6.9 cm
A=l×b A =l×b
= ___ × ___ = ___ × ___
= ___ cm2 = ___ cm2

11 Find the area of each rectangle, given the length and breadth.
a length = 12 cm, breadth = 3 cm b length = 18 cm, breadth = 5 cm
c length = 16 mm, breadth = 6 mm d length = 4 m, breadth = 5 m
e length = 5 cm, breadth = 7 cm f length = 6.2 cm, breadth = 3 cm

Find the area of each triangle.
a b c 2.5 cm

7m 3m
7m 5 cm

12 m

a Area = _12 base × height b Area = _12 base × height c Area = _12 base × height
1 1 1
= _2 × 12 × 7 = _2 × 7 × 3 = _2 × 2.5 × 5
= 42 m2 = 10.5 m2 = 6.25 cm2

12 Complete to find the area of each triangle. MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY

a b 4 cm c
2 cm
2 cm 5 km

5 cm
7 km
1 1 1
A = _2 b × h A = _2 b × h A = _2 b × h
1 1 1
= _2 × 5 × ___ = _2 × ___ × 2 = _2 × ___ × ___
= ___ cm2 = ___ cm2 = ___ cm2

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13 Find the area of each triangle.
a 9m b c d

4m 6 cm
45 m 8 cm
2 cm

32 m 5 cm

Find the area of this parallelogram.

5 cm

10 cm

Area = breadth × height

= 10 × 5
= 50 cm2

14 Complete to find the area of each parallelogram.

a b c
3 cm 35 mm 12 cm

120 mm
8 cm 50 cm
A=b×h A=b×h A =b×h
= ___ × 3 = ___ × ___ = ___ × ___
= ___ cm2 = ___ cm2 = ___ cm2

15 Find the area of each parallelogram.

a b c
3 cm 6 cm
6 cm 10 cm

7 cm
12 cm

Investigation 1 Area and perimeter


1 Calculate the perimeter and area of the shapes in each of the following sets to complete the table below.
Square Rectangle Triangle
Perimeter Area Perimeter Area Perimeter Area
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3

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Set 1
2 cm

10 cm 8 cm 10 cm

6 cm
6 cm

Set 2 15 cm

7 cm
8 cm
17 cm

13 cm
10 cm
Set 3
11.4 cm
12 cm

13 cm
3.6 cm 5 cm
7.5 cm

2 If shapes have the same perimeter, do they also have the same area? Why or why not? Explain giving reasons
for your answer.

3 Construct two shapes that have the same perimeter and the same area. Give their dimensions.

Investigation 2 Formulas for area

Use this formula to find expressions for the area of a rhombus, a kite and a trapezium.
1 Rhombus
Use these diagrams to find expressions for the area of a rhombus with diagonals x and y units in length.

y 2

2 Kite
The formula for the area of a kite is the same as that for a rhombus. Compare this derivation with your
expressions from question 1.

2y cm
y cm x cm
2y cm

x cm
1 1 1 1
A = _2 × x × (_2 y) + _2 × x × (_2 y)
1 1 1
= _4 xy + _4 xy = _2 xy

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3 Trapezium
Use these diagrams to find an expression for the area of a trapezium.
a a

cu h +

b b

B Area of special quadrilaterals

From Investigation 2, the following formulas have been developed.

A = _2 xy
1 y
A = _2 × product of the lengths of the diagonals

A = _2 xy
A = _2 × product of the lengths of the diagonals y

1 1 a
A = _2 ah + _2 bh
1 a+b
= _2 h(a + b) or A = ( 2 )h
A = product of half the height and the sum of the lengths of the parallel sides
or product of the height and the average of the lengths of the parallel sides
Note: The height is the perpendicular distance between the two parallel sides.
Sometimes it is a side, but usually it is not.

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Find the area of each trapezium.
a 11 m b 7.3 cm

8.2 cm
14 m
11.8 cm

a Area = _12 × h × (a + b) b Area = _12 × h × (a + b)

1 1
= _2 × 4 × (11 + 14) = _2 × 8.2 × (7.3 + 11.8)
= 2 × 25 = 4.1 × 19.1
= 50 m2 = 78.31 cm2

Exercise 5B
1 Complete to find the area of each trapezium.
a 6m b c 18 cm
6 cm
7m 9 cm 3 cm 7 cm

12 cm
10 m
1 1 1
A = _2 × h × (a + b) A = _2 × h × (a + b) A = _2 × h × (a + b)
1 1 1
= _2 × ___ × (6 + ___) = _2 × 6 × (___ + ___) = _2 × ___ × (___ + ___)
= ___ m2 = ___ cm2 = ___ cm2

2 Find the area of each trapezium.

a b 17 cm c 13 cm
4 cm
8 cm 3 cm
5 cm
10 cm
19 cm
13 cm

d 23 cm e 13 cm f

7 cm 17 cm
11 cm
5 cm
17 cm
32 cm 21 cm

3 Find the area of each trapezium, given:

a height = 5 cm, a = 14 cm, b = 8 cm b height = 4 cm, a = 5 cm, b = 9 cm
c height = 7 cm, a = 6 cm, b = 8 cm d height = 6 mm, a = 11 mm, b = 15 mm
e height = 12 mm, a = 9 mm, b = 18 mm f height = 6 cm, a = 5.3 cm, b = 3.2 cm
g height = 3.2 m, a = 6.9 m, b = 9 m h height = 9.5 cm, a = 4.8 cm, b = 15.3 cm
i height = 4.1 cm, a = 3.7 cm, b = 10.2 cm j height = 2.8 m, a = 4.5 m, b = 1.7 m

Chapter 5 Perimeter, area and capacity 107

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Find the area of each rhombus.
a b

13 cm 6 cm
11 cm

7 cm

a Area = _12 × x × y b Area = _12 × x × y

1 1
= _2 × 13 × 11 = _2 × 6 × 7
= 71.5 cm2 = 21 cm2

4 Complete to find the area of each rhombus.

a b c
3 km
8 cm 3.6 m
6 cm 1.7 m

8 km

1 1 1
A = _2 × x × y A = _2 × x × y A = _2 × x × y
1 1 1
= _2 × 8 × ___ = _2 × ___ × 1.7 = _2 × ___ × ___
= ___ cm2 = ___ m2 = ___ km2

5 Find the area of each rhombus.

a b c
24 cm
17 cm
6 cm 7 cm

10.8 cm 13 cm

d e f
4.2 cm 19.3 cm
10.2 11.7 cm
cm 5.4 cm

21.8 cm


Find the area of this kite.

5 cm

9 cm

Area = _2 × x × y
= _2 × 9 × 5 = 22.5 cm2

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6 Complete to find the area of each kite.
a b 7 cm
15 cm 5.2 m
8 cm

11.6 m
10 cm
1 1 1
A = _2 × x × y A = _2 × x × y A = _2 × x × y
1 1 1
= _2 × 10 × ___ = _2 × ___ × 7 = _2 × ___ × ___
= ___ cm2 = ___ cm2 = ___ m2

7 Find the area of each kite.

a b c
6 cm
15 cm 26 cm 14 cm

31 cm
19 cm

d e f
7 cm
19 cm 14 cm 27 cm

20 cm 42 cm

8 Calculate the area of each rhombus or kite with the diagonals x and y given.
a x = 4 cm, y = 19 cm b x = 3 m, y = 15 m c x = 9 cm, y = 8 cm
d x = 12 mm, y = 5 mm e x = 17 mm, y = 11 mm f x = 4.6 cm, y = 10.8 cm
g x = 3.1 cm, y = 18.1 cm h x = 11.6 mm, y = 6.3 mm i x = 0.9 cm, y = 7.2 cm

Calculate the area of the shaded region.

11 cm 7 cm


Shaded area = larger area − smaller area

= area of square − area of triangle
Area of the square = s × s Area of a triangle = _2 × b × h
= 11 × 11 1
= _2 × 5 × 7
= 121 cm2 1
= _2 × 35
= 17.5 cm2
∴ Shaded area = 121 − 17.5 = 103.5 cm2

Chapter 5 Perimeter, area and capacity 109

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9 Complete to find the shaded area in each figure.
a Larger area = l × b
= (20 × ___) = ___ m2
Smaller area = _2 b × h 13 m 17 m
= × 16 × ___ = ___ m

Shaded area = larger area − smaller area 16 m

= ___ − ___ = ___ m2 20 m

b Larger area = _12 × h × (a + b) 17 m

1 6m
= _2 × 9 × (17 + ___) = ___ m2
1 4m 9m
Smaller area = _2 × h × (a + b)
1 13 m
= _2 × 4 × (6 + ___) = ___ m2
26 m
Shaded area = larger area − smaller area
= ___ − ___ = ___ m2
c Larger area = s × s 7 cm
= (14 × ___) = ___ cm2
Smaller area = l × b − s × s
= 7 × 8 − 3 × ___ 8 cm 14 cm
= ___ − ___ = ___ cm2 3 cm
Shaded area = larger area − smaller area
2 cm 2 cm
= ___ − 47 = ___ cm2

10 Calculate the area of the shaded region in each figure.

a 10.5 m b c
5m 5m
2.8 m 4.3 m 11.5 m
8.2 m
7m 7m
14.5 m 5.2 m 16 m

d e f
9 cm
18.3 m 14 m 17 cm
12 cm

14.3 m 13.8 cm

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Find the area of this quadrilateral. Q
3 cm A

14 cm
5 cm

Area = area of triangle A + area of triangle B

1 1
= _2 × 14 × 3 + _2 × 14 × 5 = 56 cm2

11 Find the areas of these quadrilaterals.

a b c
T 8m
5 cm
4 cm
11 m U
P Q 4 cm
1 cm
PQ = 8 cm RS = 13 cm TU = 28 m

12 Use the correct formula to find the area of these quadrilaterals.

a b c
10 m 8 cm
8 mm
12 cm

15 mm

d e f
15 km

3 km
11.3 m
18 m

8 km 7.5 m

8.5 m 4.1 m

Calculate the area of this parallelogram in:
a cm2 b m2

65 cm

a Convert 0.3 m to cm b Convert 65 cm to m

0.3 m = 0.3 × 100 cm 65 cm = 65 ÷ 100 m
= 30 cm = 0.65 m
Area = bh Area = bh
= 65 × 30 = 0.65 × 0.3
= 1950 cm2 = 0.195 m2

Chapter 5 Perimeter, area and capacity 111

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13 a Complete to calculate the area of the trapezium in km2. 0.4 km
Convert 300 m to km: 300 m = 300 ÷ ___ km = ___ km
A = _2 h(___ + ___) 300 m
= _2 × 0.3 × (___ + ___)
0.5 km
= 0.135 km2
b Complete to calculate the area of the trapezium in m2.
Convert 0.4 km to m: 0.4 km = 0.4 × ___ m = 400 m
Convert 0.5 km to m: 0.5 km = 0.5 × ___ m = ___ m
A = _2 ___(a + b)
= _2 × ___ × (___ + 500)
=135 000 m2

14 a Calculate the area of this kite in: b Calculate the area of this rhombus in:
i cm2 ii m2 i m2 ii km2

800 m
55 cm 0.7 km

1.2 m

c Calculate the area of this trapezium in:

i cm2 ii m2
12 m

16 cm

d Calculate the area of this parallelogram in:
i m2 ii cm2

70 cm

3.2 m
e Calculate the area of this trapezium in:
i cm2 ii m2

3.1 m
1.7 m

80 cm

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Investigation 3 Area and perimeter
1 This is a practical method used to find the perimeter of different rectangles with the same area. You will need
1 cm grid paper to complete this part of the investigation.
a First draw as many rectangles as you can with an area of 36 cm2. Do this by colouring in 36 of the squares
on the grid paper, making sure that the shape is a rectangle. Alternatively, use 36 tiles or blocks to make
the rectangles.
b What are the dimensions of the 36 cm2 rectangle that has the largest perimeter?
c What are the dimensions of the 36 cm2 rectangle that has the smallest perimeter?

2 This is a theoretical method for finding the perimeter of different rectangles with the same area. Again use a
rectangle that has an area of 36 cm2.
a Complete this table. The breadth can be calculated by dividing the area by the length.
Length (cm) Breadth (cm) Area (cm2) Perimeter (cm)
1 36
2 36
3 36
4 36
6 36
9 36
12 36
18 36
36 36

b What are the dimensions of the 36 cm2 rectangle with the largest perimeter?
c What are the dimensions of the 36 cm2 rectangle with the smallest perimeter?
d What name is given to this rectangle?
e It is suggested that there was no need to use values of length greater than 6 to find the rectangles with the
largest and smallest perimeters. Explain you answer.

3 A rectangle has area 64 cm2.

a Complete this table.
Length (cm) Breadth (cm) Area (cm2) Perimeter (cm)
1 64
2 64
4 64
8 64

b What are the dimensions of the 64 cm2 rectangle with the largest perimeter?
c What are the dimensions of the 64 cm2 rectangle with the smallest perimeter?
d What name is given to this rectangle?
e Only values up to 8 were used for the length to find the rectangle with the largest and smallest perimeters.
Explain why values of 16, 32 and 64 were not used.

4 Comment on the statement: ‘The rectangle of fixed area that has the smallest perimeter is the square.’

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C Converting area units

100 m 1 hectare 1 km
1 cm

1 cm 1m 100 m 1 km
1 cm × 1 cm 1m×1m 100 m × 100 m 1 km × 1 km
= 1 cm2 = 1 m2 = 10 000 m2 = 1 ha = 1 km2 = 100 ha

Exercise 5C
1 Explain why:
a 1 cm × 1 cm = 1 cm2 b 1 m × 1 m = 1 m2

2 Explain why:
a 100 m × 100 m = 10 000 m2 (1 ha) b 1 km × 1 km = 1 km2

3 Is 1000 m × 1000 m = 1 km2? Explain.

1000 m × 1000 m =
4 Explain why 1 km = 100 ha. 2 1 000 000 m2 = 100 ha

5 a Find the area, in square centimetres, of this square.

b Convert the sides to millimetres. Find the area of the square in 2 cm
square millimetres.
2 cm
6 Find the area of the squares shown in:
i square centimetres ii square millimetres
a b c
8 cm 5 cm 12 cm

8 cm 5 cm 12 cm
7 Complete the following.
a If 64 cm2 = ___ mm2, 6400 mm2 = ___ cm2.
b If 25 cm2 = ___ mm2, 2500 mm2 = ___ cm2.
c If 144 cm2 = ___ mm2, 14 400 mm2 = ___ cm2.
d To convert from cm2 to mm2 multiply by ___.

e To convert from mm2 to cm2 divide by ___.

8 Complete the table below for squares with the side lengths given.
Areas of squares
Side lengths m2 cm2 mm2
2m 2 × 2 = 4 m2 200 × 200 = ___ cm2 2000 × 2000 = ___ mm2

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9 Complete the following statements using the table in question 8.
a To convert from m2 to cm2 multiply by ___.
b To convert from cm2 to m2 divide by ___.

From the previous questions the following conversion chart can be drawn.

Area conversions
1 cm2 = 100 mm2 1 m2 = 10 000 cm2
÷ 100 ÷ 10 000

mm2 cm2 m2

× 100 × 10 000

a 8 m2 to cm2 b 3 cm2 to mm2

a 8 × 10 000 = 80 000 cm2 b 3 × 100 = 300 mm2

10 Complete the following.

a 11 m2 to cm2 b 0.6 m2 to cm2 c 0.04 cm2 to mm2
= 11 × 10 000 = 0.6 × ___ = ___ × ___ mm2
= ___ cm2 = ___ cm2 = ___ mm2

11 Complete the following conversions by multiplying.

a 4 m2 = ___ cm2 b 12 m2 = ___ cm2 c 0.3 m2 = ___ cm2
d 0.5 m2 = ___ cm2 e 0.09 m2 = ___cm2 f 0.006 m2 = ___ cm2
g 141 cm2 = ___ mm2 h 12 cm2 = ___mm2 i 0.1 cm2 = ___ mm2
j 0.47 cm = ___ mm
2 2
k 0.06 cm2 = ___ mm2 l 0.012 cm2 = ___ mm2

a 850 mm2 to cm2 b 250 000 cm2 to m2

a 850 ÷ 100 = 8.5 cm2 b 250 000 ÷ 10 000 = 25 m2


12 Complete the following conversions.
a 14 000 mm2 to cm2 b 63 mm2 to cm2 c 530 cm2 to m2
= 14 000 ÷ ___ = 63 ÷ ___ = 530 ÷ ___
= ___ cm2 = ___ cm2 = ___ m2

13 Complete the following conversions by dividing.

a 12 000 mm2 = ___ cm2 b 15 600 mm2 = ___ cm2 c 9300 mm2 = ___ cm2
d 720 mm2 = ___ cm2 e 58 mm2 = ___ cm2 f 6 mm2 = ___ cm2
g 7 000 000 cm = ___ m
2 2
h 3 250 000 cm2 = ___ m2 i 182 000 cm2 = ___ m2
j 96 000 cm2 = ___ m2 k 3500 cm2 = ___ m2 l 420 cm2 = ___ m2

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14 Complete the following conversions by multiplying or dividing.
a 6 cm2 = ___ mm2 b 13 cm2 = ___ mm2 c 3.5 cm2 = ___ mm2
d 0.4 cm2 = ___ mm2 e 600 mm2 = ___ cm2 f 700 mm2 = ___ cm2
g 850 mm2 = ___ cm2 h 24 mm2 = ___ cm2 i 3 m2 = ___ cm2
j 15.8 m2 = ___ cm2 k 40 000 cm2 = ___ m2 l 60 500 cm2 = ___ m2

15 a Complete the following table.

100 m 500 m 800 m 1000 m 5000 m 8000 m

m2 100 × 100 ___ × ___ 800 × 800 ___ × ___ 5000 × 5000 ___ × ___
= 10 000 m 2
= ___ m 2
= ___ m 2
= ___ m 2
= ___ m 2
= ___ m2

ha = 1 ha = ___ ha = 64 ha = ___ ha = 2500 ha = ___ ha

b Use the table to complete the following statements.

i To convert m2 to hectares divide by ___.
ii To convert hectares to m2 multiply by ___.
c Complete this conversion diagram.

m2 ha

16 Complete the following conversions.

a 5 ha = ___ m2 b 17 ha = ___ m2 c 0.9 ha = ___ m2
d 0.23 ha = ___ m 2
e 1.4 ha = ___ m2 f 40 000 m2 = ___ ha
g 62 000 m = ___ ha
h 180 000 m2 = ___ ha i 9 000 000 m2 = ___ ha
j 226 000 000 m2 = ___ ha k 342 680 000 m2 = ___ ha l 890 000 m2 = ___ ha

17 Complete the following conversions by multiplying or dividing.

a 20 000 m2 = ___ ha b 30 000 m2 = __ ha c 11 500 m2 = ___ ha
d 48 900 m2 = ___ ha e 4 ha = ___ m2 f 6 ha = ___ m2
g 3.6 ha = ___ m 2
h 4.93 ha = ___ m2 i 0.03 ha = ___ m2
j 1.15 ha = ___ m2 k 2.1 ha = ___ m2 l 0.005 ha = ___ m2

D Volume and capacity

Volume refers to the amount of space occupied by an object.
Capacity refers to the quantity, usually of liquid, that can be contained by a solid.
1 L (1000 mL) = 1000 cm3
and 1 mL = 1 cm3

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What is the capacity in mL of a container that can hold the following volumes.
a 50 cm3 b 72 cm3 c 6000 cm3

The conversion is 1 cm3 = 1 mL.

a 50 cm3 = 50 mL b 72 cm3 = 72 mL c 6000 cm3 = 6000 mL

Exercise 5D
1 Find the capacity in mL of a container that has a volume of:
a 30 cm3 b 60 cm3 c 20 cm3 d 25 cm3
e 85 cm3 f 45 cm3 g 4 cm3 h 34 cm3
i 53 cm3 j 500 cm3 k 700 cm3 l 600 cm3
m 5000 cm 3
n 3000 cm 3
o 11 000 cm3 p 7.5 cm3

What is the volume in cm3 of a container that has a capacity of:
a 20 mL? b 63 mL? c 4000 mL?

The conversion is 1 mL = 1 cm3.

a 20 mL = 20 cm3 b 63 mL = 63 cm3 c 4000 mL = 4000 cm3

2 Find the volume in cm3 of a container that has a capacity of:

a 50 mL b 70 mL c 30 mL d 45 mL
e 25 mL f 65 mL g 6 mL h 54 mL
i 21 mL j 400 mL k 600 mL l 900 mL
m 7000 mL n 5000 mL o 12 000 mL p 7.5 mL

What is the capacity in litres of a container that can hold:
a 5000 cm3? b 3250 cm3? c 97 820 cm3?

. The conversion is 1000 cm3 = 1 L.

a 5000 cm3 = 5000 ÷ 1000 b 3250 cm3 = 3250 ÷ 1000 c 97 820 cm3 = 97 820 ÷ 1000
=5L = 3.25 L = 97.82 L MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY

3 Complete to find the capacity in litres of a container that can hold the following volumes.
a 3000 cm3 = 3000 ÷1000 b 6000 cm3 = 6000 ÷___ c 2000 cm3 = ___ ÷ ___
= ___ L = ___ L = ___ L

4 Find the capacity in litres of a container that can hold the following volumes. Dividing by 1000
a 75 000 cm3 b 35 000 cm3 c 65 000 cm3 moves the decimal
point 3 places to the left.
d 4200 cm3 e 3400 cm3 f 5300 cm3
g 2535 cm3 h 3773 cm3 i 7688 cm3

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Find the volume in cm3 of a container that has a capacity of:
a 2L b 5.2 L c 4.652 L

The conversion is 1 L = 1000 cm3.

a 2 L = 2 × 1000 b 5.2 L = 5.2 × 1000 c 4.652 L = 4.652 × 1000
= 2000 cm 3
= 5200 cm 3
= 4652 cm3

5 Complete to find the volume in cm3 of a container that has a capacity of:
a 3 L = 3 × 1000 b 8 L = 8 × ___ c 7 L = ___ × ___
= __ cm3 = __ cm3 = __ cm3

6 Find the volume in cm3 of a container that has a capacity of:

a 4.2 L b 5.3 L c 8.9 L d 6.45 L
e 5.44 L f 3.21 L g 4.495 L h 6.293 L
i 8.443 L j 70 L k 50 L l 120 L

7 Which measure of capacity, mL or L, would be

used for the volume held by these containers?
a teacup
b ice-cream container
c large plastic milk container
d small can of baked beans
e large bottle of soft drink
f can of drink
g small milk carton
h home fish tank
i party balloon

When dealing with larger volumes we use the following conversion:

1 m3 = 1000 L = 1 kL Kilo means 1000.

1 kL means 1 kilolitre. This is equivalent to 1000 litres.

A cube with sides length of 1 m would hold 1000 L or 1 kilolitre of liquid.
1 ML = 1 000 000 L = 1000 kL

Calculate the volume occupied by the following amounts of liquid.

a 8000 L b 2500 L c 7.2 kL

The conversion is 1 m3 = 1000 L or 1 kL.

a 8000 L = 8000 ÷ 1000 b 2500 L = 2500 ÷ 1000 c 7.2 kL = 7.2 × 1
=8m 3
= 2.5 m 3
= 7.2 m3

8 Complete to calculate the volume occupied by the following amounts of liquid.

a 4000 L = 4000 ÷1000 b 330 L = 330 ÷___ c 0.4 kL = 0.4 × ___
= ___ m3 = ___ m3 = ___ m3

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9 Calculate the space occupied by the following volumes of liquid.
a 12 000 L b 9500 L c 7250 L d 670 L
e 136 L f 25 L g 12.5 kL h 8.3 kL
i 5 kL j 0.6 kL k 0.75 kL l 0.09 kL

Convert each to kilolitres.
a 0.007 m3 b 8.85 m3 c 1250 m3

The conversion is 1 m3 = 1 kL.

a 0.007 m3 = 0.007 ÷ 1 b 8.85 m3 = 8.85 ÷ 1 c 1250 m3 = 1250 ÷ 1
= 0.007 kL = 8.85 kL = 1250 kL

10 Complete to convert each volume to kilolitres.

a 0.05 m3 = 0.05 ÷ 1 b 580 m3 = 580 ÷ ___ c 7000 m3 = 7000 ÷ ___
= __ kL = __ kL = __ kL

11 Convert each volume to kilolitres.

a 0.01 m3 b 0.9 m3 c 480 m3 d 295 m3
e 890 m3 f 6500 m3 g 7200 m3 h 9000 m3
i 12 940 m 3
j 14 750 m3 k 18 500 m3 l 23 000 m3

12 Complete to convert each volume to ML.

a 2000 m3 = 2000 ÷ 1000 b 600 m3 = 600 ÷ ___ c 0.8 m3 = 0.8 ÷ ___
= ___ ML = ___ ML = ___ ML
d 6000 m 3
e 420 m 3
f 75 m 3

13 Complete to convert to m3.

a 5 ML = 5 × 1000 b 6.2 ML = 6.2 × ___ c 50 ML = ___ × ___
= ___ m 3
= ___ m 3
= ___ m3
d 28 ML e 15.62 ML f 0.3 ML

For this prism find its:
a volume in cm3
b capacity in mL
c capacity in L. 12 cm
8 cm

a V = area of base × height Remember 1 cm3 = 1 mL

1 1000 cm3 = 1 L
= (_2 × b × h) × height 1 m3 = 1000 L = 1 kL
= (_2 × 8 × 12) × 25
= 1200 cm3
b 1 cm3 = 1 mL c 1 L = 1000 mL
∴ Capacity = 1200 mL ∴ Capacity = _____ L= 1.2 L

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14 a Complete to find the volume of this prism in cm3.
V = area of base × height
= _2 (b × h) × H
1 18 cm
= _2 × (___ × 18) × ___
= ___ × ___ = ___ cm3 36 cm
25 cm
b Complete to find the capacity of this prism in mL.
1 cm3 = 1 mL ∴ Capacity = ___ mL
c Complete to find the capacity of this prism in L.

1 L = 1000 mL ∴ Capacity = _____ L = __ L
15 This cube has a side length of 18 cm.
a Find the volume in cm3.
b Find the capacity in mL. 18 cm
c Find the capacity in L.
18 cm
18 cm

16 A rectangular prism measures 22 m by 4 m by 8 m.

a Find the volume in cm3. 4m
b Find the capacity in mL. 8m
c Find the capacity in L. 22 m
d Find the capacity in kL.

17 A rectangular water storage tank measures 2.9 m by 7.5 m by 2.5 m.

a Find its volume in cm3. b Find its capacity in L.

18 The internal dimensions of a refrigerator are

height = 1.8 m, width = 84 cm and depth = 60 cm.
a Find the internal volume in cm3.
b Find the capacity in L.
Change all measurements
to the same units.

19 The diagram shows a swimming pool 16 m long and

and 8 m wide.

0.8 m

16 m

2.3 m

a How many litres of water are needed to fill the
pool to a depth of 0.8 m?
b How much more water is needed to fill the pool
to a depth of 2.3 m?
c Calculate the cost of filling the pool from empty
if water costs 25.8 cents per kilolitre.

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Language in mathematics
1 Here is a find-a-word puzzle. Find all the words in the following list:
area, base, breadth, calculate, capacity, container, conversion, convert, dimensions, estimate, height,
kilolitre, length, liquid, litre, kite, measure, millilitre, object, perimeter, prefix, prism, quadrilateral,
rectangle, rhombus, trapezium, volume, weight


2 Write two common metric units of:

a perimeter b area c capacity

3 What does each of these prefixes mean?

a milli- b centi- c kilo-

4 Complete the following words, used in this chapter, by inserting the vowels.
sp__c__ pr__sm c__nv__ rs__ __n s__rf__c__
p__r__m__t__r v__l__m__ l__tr__ c__p__c__ty

5 Three of the words in the following list are spelt incorrectly. Find these words and write the correct spelling.
heigt lenth liquid mililitre occupy uniform MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY

6 Use a dictionary to find two meanings of each word.

a kite b solid c capacity

area base capacity centimetre conversion kilometre
kite parallelogram perimeter prism rectangle rhombus
square trapezium volume

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Check your skills
1 The perimeter of this shape. is: 15.2 cm
A 65.4 cm B 59.7 cm
C 66.7 cm D 64 cm 13.2 cm 11.9 cm

26.4 cm
2 The area of a square is 49 cm . Its side length is:

A 12.25 cm B 14 cm C 7 cm D 24.5 cm

3 The area of a triangle with a base of 15.2 cm and height of 6 cm is:

A 21.2 cm2 B 45.6 cm2 C 64.7 cm2 D 91.2 cm2

4 The area of this composite shape is: 2 cm

A 89.8 cm2 B 175.6 cm2 10 cm
C 120.4 cm2 D 223.6 cm2
8.6 cm

14 cm

5 The area of the parallelogram shown is:

A 41.6 cm2 B 20.8 cm2 9.2 cm
C 106.72 cm 2
D 123.05 cm2
11.6 cm
6 The formula A = _12 xy could be used to find the area of a:
A parallelogram B trapezium
C rhombus D all of these

7 The area of this trapezium is closest to: 5.1 cm

A 15.2 cm2 B 30.4 cm2
C 56.202 cm 2
D 28.101 cm2 3.8 cm

2.9 cm

8 The area of this kite is:

1.3 m
A 1.17 m2 B 2.34 m2
0.9 m
C 0.585 m2 D 2.2 m2

9 The area of this rhombus is:

A 107.01 cm2 B 13.37625 cm2
8.7 cm
C 26.7525 cm 2
D 53.505 cm2

12.3 cm
10 The conversion of 7 m2 to cm2 is:
A 70 cm2 B 700 cm2
C 7000 cm2 D 70 000 cm2

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11 The conversion of 300 cm2 to m2 is:
A 0.03 m2 B 0.3 m2 C 3 m2 D 30 m2

12 The conversion of 0.08 ha to m2 is:

A 8 m2 B 80 m2 C 800 m2 D 8000 m2

13 The volume occupied by 2.6 kL is:

A 2.6 m3 B 0.26 m3 C 0.026 m3 D 26 m3

14 The volume occupied by 0.8 kL. is:

A 0.008 m3 B 0.8 m3 C 8 m3 D 80 m3

15 The conversion of 1.73 m3 to kilolitres is:

A 1.73 kL B 17.3 kL C 173 kL D 1730 kL

16 The conversion of 0.09 m3 to kilolitres is:

A 0.9 kL B 0.009 kL C 0.09 kL D 0.0009 kL

If you have any difficulty with these questions, refer to the examples and questions in the sections listed
in the table.

Question 1–5 6–9 10–12 13–16

Section A B C D

5A Review set
1 Calculate the perimeter of each shape.
a b

5.8 cm
4.3 cm

2 Calculate the perimeter of each shape. All measurements are in centimetres.

a b 11.4
37.6 13.02
6.1 3.7
18.3 5.9

3 Calculate the area of a square with sides 9.7 cm.

4 Calculate the area of a parallelogram with a base of 12 cm and a height of 7.3 cm.

5 If shapes have the same perimeter, do they have the same area? Why or why not? Explain, giving reasons
for your answer.

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6 Calculate the area of the shaded region.
20 cm

15 cm 18 cm

23 cm
7 Find the area of these plane shapes.
a b 16.2 cm

4.1 m 6.1 cm

13 cm
6.2 m

8 Write the formula for the area of these shapes.

a rectangle b kite c rhombus

9 Calculate the area of each shape.

a b
0.8 m 0.6 km

1.8 km
0.8 m

1.3 m 4.1 m
3.2 km
10 Complete these conversions.
a 5 cm2 = ___ mm2 b 1130 cm2 = ___ m2 c 480 mm2 = ___ cm2
d 2.3 m2 = ___ cm2 e 6.88 cm2 = ___ mm2 f 2.5 m2 = ___ ha
g 40 cm3 = ___ L h 63 kL = ___ m3 i 0.02 ML = ___ m3

11 The capacity of a container is 800 mL. What is the total capacity, in litres, of six of these containers?

12 A small fish tank is in the shape of a rectangular prism

with dimensions 20.0 cm × 30.5 cm × 41.2 cm.
a Calculate the volume of the fish tank. 20.0 cm
b What is the capacity of the tank in litres? 41.2 cm
30.5 cm

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5B Review set
1 Calculate the perimeter of a rectangle with width 18.6 cm and length 25.9 cm.

2 Calculate the perimeter of each shape. All measurements are in centimetres.

a 41.7 b 15.01
54.6 32.9
3.8 43.67

33.4 17.6
3 Calculate the area of each shape.
a b c
2.8 cm

14.3 cm 6.2 cm 7 cm

5.2 cm 12 cm
4 Define the terms perimeter, area and volume.

5 Find the area of these plane shapes.

a b

3.4 cm 1.6 m

6.9 cm
2.3 m
6 Write the formula for the area of each shape.
a square b triangle c parallelogram

7 Calculate the areas of each shape.

a b 4.2 cm

3.8 cm
16 m
37 m
6.9 cm

8 Complete these conversions. MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY

a 2 cm2 = ___ mm2 b 300 cm2 = ___ m2 c 930 mm2 = ___ cm2
d 4.2 m2 = ___ cm2 e 33.9 cm2 = ___ mm2 f 2700 m2 = ___ ha
g 600 cm3 = ___ L h 15.3 kL = ___ m3 i 0.004 ML = ___ m3

9 A rectangular tank is used to store water. 3.1 m

a Calculate its volume in m3.
b Calculate its capacity in litres. 4.7 m

9.6 m

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5C Review set
1 A regular octagon has a perimeter of 138.4 cm. Calculate the length of each side.

2 Find the length of each side marked with a pronumeral, 9.98

then calculate the perimeter. All measurements are in
centimetres. y z
6.2 x
7.2 w

3 Calculate the area of a rectangle with side lengths of 15.2 cm and 8.4 cm.

4 Which shape has the greater area?

A a rectangle 41.6 × 12 B a square 22.5 × 22.5

5 Find the area of these plane shapes.

a 7.3 cm b

16 cm
5.1 cm

31 cm
8.8 cm

6 Write the formulas for the areas of these shapes.

a rhombus b parallelogram c rectangle

7 Calculate the area of each shape.

a b
3.1 cm

4.1 cm
8.4 cm
5.3 cm

8 Complete these conversions.

a 4 cm2 = ___ mm2 b 700 cm2 = ___ m2
c 530 mm2 = ___ cm2 d 9.5 m2 = ___ cm2
e 32.9 cm2 = ___ mm2 f 7300 m2 = ___ ha

g 6000 cm3 = ___ L h 2 kL = ___ m3

i 5000 m3 = ___ ML j 3.25 L = ___ cm3

9 Calculate in cm3, the space occupied by the following volumes of water.

a 2L b 0.86 L

10 Calculate the capacity in litres of a container with a volume of:

a 600 cm3 b 18 000 cm3

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5D Review set
1 Calculate the length of each side marked with a pronumeral, then calculate the perimeter. All measurements
are in centimetres.
a 15.3 b 11.04
y 8.02
20.6 15.95

8.9 8.71
2 Calculate the area of each shape.
a b c 18.1 cm

4.9 cm
9.4 cm

23.4 cm
8.2 cm 11.5 cm

3 How many 1 cm cubes would fit into a rectangular prism with dimensions 14 cm × 8 cm × 5 cm?

4 Explain the relationship between capacity and volume.

5 Find the area of these plane shapes.

a b c

5.9 cm 5.8 m 5.8 cm

8.3 cm 10.3 m 10.3 cm

6 Write the formula for the area of the following shapes.

a rectangle b rhombus c trapezium

7 Calculate the area of each shape.

a 18 cm b
8 cm
7 cm 15 cm

25 cm

8 Complete these conversions.

a 5 cm2 = ___ mm2 b 400 cm2 = ___ mm2 c 7500 mm2 = ___ cm2
d 8.5 m2 = ___ cm2 e 5400 cm2 = ___ m2 f 60 000 m2 = ___ ha
g 1 cm2 = ___ mm2 h 1 kL = ___ mL i 1 kL = ___ cm3
j 1 m3 = ___ L k 3 m3 = ___ kL l 2 ML = ___ m3

9 A rectangular swimming pool is 7 m wide, 15 m long and 1.8 m deep.

a How many litres of water are needed to fill the pool?
b Calculate the cost of filling the pool if water costs 18.3 cents per kilolitre.

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Chapters 2–5 Cumulative review
1 a What is a ratio?
b Why don’t ratios have units?
c Express this ratio in simplest form: 1.2 m : 42 cm.
d Express these ratios in simplest form.
i 25 min : 1_12 h ii 1.2 m : 0.9 m iii 30 : 45 iv 125 : 75
e A bag contains red and green frogs. There are 24 frogs of which 16 are red. Write the ratio of red frogs
to green frogs.
f A bag contains mints and fruities. There are 18 lollies of which 5 are mints. Write the ratio of mints
to fruities.
g Find x when __x = __83 .
h Mick buys a trail bike for $1150 and later sells it for $1300. Write these ratios.
i cost price : selling price ii profit : selling price
i Find the value of x if 5 : 12 = 25 : x.
j The length and breadth of a rectangle are in the ratio 11 : 4.
i Find the length of the rectangle when the breadth is 6.2 cm.
ii Find the breadth of the rectangle when the length is 38.5 cm.
k Which is the better buy?
A 1.2 L of Fizz-Whiz Cola at $1.15
B 2.5 L of Fizz-Whiz Cola at $2.35
l Divide 1500 kg in the ratio 7 : 8.
m Divide $2000 in the ratio 13 : 7 : 5.
n Mark cycles 8 km in 18 min. Express this as
a rate in km/min correct to 1 decimal place.
o If 18 apples cost $5.40, what is the cost per
apple in cents?
p A map has a scale 1 : 200. Convert a scale
distance of 3.2 cm to an actual distance.
q The actual height of a new building is
to be 625 m. If a model of the building
is constructed using a scale of 1 : 1500,
calculate the height of the model.

2 a i Write a correct statement of congruency for this A X

pair of congruent figures.
ii Name the side that corresponds to BC.
iii Name the angle that corresponds to angle B.


b Write congruence statements for these pairs of congruent triangles.

i B L ii Q

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iii M iv S T V
110° N
5 cm P
5 cm
35° 110°
Y 35°
c Divide each shape into two congruent figures.
i ii iii

d What transformation(s) could have been used to produce the following pairs of congruent figures?
i ii

e State the congruency test used to show that

these triangles are congruent.

f State why the following pairs of triangles are not congruent.

i ii iii
45° 80° 70° 6

8 5

55° 55° 60°

5 6

80° 45° 70°

70° 60°

g State why this pair of triangles is not congruent.


h Which triangles are congruent?

Give a reason for your answer. 70°
6 3
45° 2
70° 45°
6 6

Cumulative review 2–5 129

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i State why this pair of triangles is congruent, and 15 x
hence find the values of the pronumerals.

12 7
y 15

j Complete the following proof. P

Data: In △PQR, ∠R = ∠Q.
Aim: To prove PR = PQ.
Construction: Draw PT perpendicular to RQ as shown.
Proof: In △PTR and △PTQ
∠R = ∠Q (______)
PT = ___ (common side)
∠PTR = ∠___ (by construction)
∴ △PTR ≡ △PTQ (______)
∴ PR = PQ (______)
The sides opposite the equal angles of a triangle are equal. T

k Complete the following proof. A B

Data: ABCD is a parallelogram. (AB || DC and AD || BC)
Aim: To prove that the diagonals of a parallelogram E
bisect each other.
Proof: In △AED and △CEB
∠DAE = ∠___ (alternate angles and AD || BC)
∠AED = ∠BEC (______)
AD = ___ (opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal)
△AED ≡ △CEB (______)
∴ AE = ___ (matching sides of congruent triangles)
and DE = ___ (______)
The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

3 a Write 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 in index form.

b Write the base and index of 47.
c Write 35 in expanded form.
d Is 53 × 24 = 107? Explain.
e Use a calculator to evaluate the following.
i 54 ii 65 iii 215
f Simplify the following, leaving the answer in index form.
i 512 × 53 ii (35)4 iii 7 × x0
g Simplify:

i 78 × 77 ii (53)4 iii 310 ÷ 36

h Explain why (34)5 ≠ 39.
i Simplify:
i 5 × (−2) × 3 ii −6 × (−3) × 3 iii −4 × (−2) × 5
j Simplify:
i 15 ÷ (−3) ii 27 ÷ (−9) iii −36 ÷ 9

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k Simplify the following.
i 9−2×4 ii −9 + 4 × 5 iii 10 + 15 − 21
iv −36 ÷ 6 × 4 v 6 × (−8) ÷ (−12) vi 36 ÷ (11 − 15)

4 a Calculate the perimeter of each shape.

i ii 2.8 cm

2.1 cm

1.8 cm 3.1 cm

3.4 cm 4.6 cm
b A square has a perimeter of 16.8 cm. What is the length of each side?
c Find the area of each shape.
i ii iii 15 cm
15 mm
6 cm

4 mm

iv v vi
20 mm
8 cm m
50 m
5 cm 30 mm
10 cm
12 cm
vii 3.4 m viii ix

2.8 m 6.2 cm
5.8 m

6.4 m 8.3 cm
4.2 m

x xi xii 5.3 m

5.4 cm
3.4 cm 3.5 m

7.3 cm 7.9 m
3.4 cm
d Calculate the shaded area of each shape.
i ii 3m

10 cm

18 cm

Cumulative review 2–5 131

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iii iv
2.5 m
6m 7.2 m

6.5 m
e Complete the following conversions.
i 1 cm3 = ___ mm3 ii 1 m3 = ___ cm3
iii kL = ___ mL iv 1 m3 = ___ L
f Complete these conversions.
i 4 cm2 = ___ mm2 ii 120 cm2 = ___ m2
iii 340 mm2 = ___ cm2 iv 4.1 m2 = ___ cm2
v 6.32 cm2 = ___ mm2 vi 3.9 m2 = ___ ha
vii 3.9 ha = ___ m2 viii 95 cm3 = ___ L
ix 58 kL = ___ m3 x 0.05 ML = ___ m3
g A rectangular tank is used to store water. 3.1 m
i Calculate its volume in m3.
ii Calculate its capacity in litres. 4.7 m

8.4 m
h Calculate the volume of these rectangular prisms.
i ii

1.3 m
8.1 cm
0.9 m
2.1 m

6.2 cm
i A water tank is rectangular in shape and has dimensions 1.5 m by 0.5 m by 3.2 m.
i What is its volume in m3?
ii What is its capacity in litres?
j A small fish tank is in the shape of a rectangular prism
with dimensions 20.0 cm × 30.5 cm × 53.6 cm.
i Calculate the volume of the fish tank.
20.0 cm
ii What is the capacity of the tank in litres? 53.6 cm
30.5 cm

k A rectangular swimming pool is 5 m wide, 12 m long and 1.8 m deep.

i How many litres of water are needed to fill the pool?
ii Calculate the cost of filling the pool if water costs 14.3 cents per kilolitre.

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6 Time
This chapter deals with time.
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:

▶ add and subtract time

▶ use the ° ' '' key on your calculator to
▶ compare times
– interpret calculator displays
▶ calculate time differences
– add and subtract times
▶ perform calculations involving time
– round times to the nearest hour
▶ perform calculations across different
and minute.
time zones

NSW Syllabus references: S4 M&G Time

Outcomes: MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA3-13MG, MA4-15MG

06_LEY_IM8_77945_TXT_SI.indd 133 21/07/14 4:23 PM

Diagnostic test
1 How many hours in 2 days? 8 Five past seven in the morning in digital time is:
A 12 B 24 C 48 D 36 A 5:07 am B 5:07 pm
C 7:05 pm D 7:05 am
2 How many hours in 4​ _12 ​ days?
A 135 h B 54 h 9 As analogue time, 1918 h is:
C 108 h D 99 h A 7:18 am B 7:18 pm
C 19:18 am D 19:18 pm
3 How many minutes in 1​ _12 ​ days?
A 90 B 84 C 2160 D 2880 10 Gavin caught the 7:43 am bus from
Wentworthville station to school. If the journey
4 How many seconds in 1
4​ _2 ​
minutes? takes 35 min, at what time does he arrive at
A 270 B 240 C 135 D 120 school?
A 8:20 am B 8:18 am
5 How many minutes in 2 hours? C 8:13 am D 8:15 am
A 66 B 86 C 120 D 135
Questions 11 and 12 refer to the train timetable below.
6 The time shown on this clock face is:
A 5 past 2 11 At what time does the 3:34 pm train from Harris
12 1 Park arrive at Milsons Point?
B 2 past 5 11
10 2 A 4:02 pm B 4:12 pm
C 10 past 2
9 3
D 10 past 5 C 4:15 pm D 4:27 pm
8 4
7 5
6 12 Sarah caught the 3:21 pm train from Parramatta.
7 1645 h is: How long did it take her to reach Town Hall?
A quarter to five B forty-five past six A 30 min B 25 min
C 4:45 am D 16:45 am C 27 min D 29 min

pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm
PARRAMATTA dep. 3:13 3:21 3:24 3:28 3:33 3:39 3:46 3:51
Harris Park 3:14 3:34 3:47 3:52
Granville 3:16 3:23 3:26 3:36 3:41 3:49 3:54
Auburn 3:20 3:39 3:53 3:58
Lidcombe S 3:24 3:32 3:43 3:57 4:02
STRATHFIELD arr. 3:29 3:33 3:37 3:48 3:51 4:02 4:08
dep. 3:30 3:34 3:38 3:49 3:52 4:03 4:09
BURWOOD 3:31 3:39 4:10
REDFERN 3:41 3:45 3:49 3:59 4:03 4:14 4:22
Measurement & Geometry

CENTRAL arr. S 3:44 3:47 3:52 4:02 4:05 4:17 4:24

dep. 3:45 3:48 3:53 4:03 4:06 4:18 4:25
TOWN HALL S 3:47 3:50 3:55 4:05 4:08 4:20 4:27
WYNYARD S 3:50 3:53 3:58 4:08 4:11 4:23 4:30
Milsons Point S 3:54 3:57 4:02 4:12 4:15 4:27 4:34
NORTH SYDNEY 3:56 3:59 4:04 4:14 4:17 4:29 4:36

The Diagnostic test questions refer to the Year 7 outcomes from ACMMG110 and ACMMG139.

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A Analogue clocks review
The short hand is the hour hand. It is pointing to 12 so it is 12 o’clock. e cloc
wis kw
ck i
The long hand is the minute hand. It is pointing to 2 so it is 10 minutes past 12.


12 1

The other hand is the second hand. It is pointing to 7 so 35 seconds have passed. 10 2
Thus the time shown is: ‘ten minutes and thirty-five seconds past twelve’. 9 3
8 4
12 : 10 : 35 7 6 5

hours : minutes : seconds

The time shown on this clock is
12 1
‘ten minutes to six’ or ‘five-fifty’ 11
10 2
or 5:50 . 9 3
8 4
7 6 5

The time shown on this clock is

12 1
‘twenty-five minutes past three’ 11
10 2
or ‘three twenty-five’ or 3:25 . 9 3
8 4
7 6 5

Exercise 6A
1 State the time shown by each clock.
a b c d
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 5 7 5 7 5
6 6 6

2 Draw a clock face to show each of the following times.

a six fifty-five b twenty minutes past two
c eleven forty-five d five minutes to four

3 State the time shown by each clock, including seconds.

a b c d
11 12 1
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 5 7 5 7 6 5
6 6

4 Draw a clock face to show each of the following times.

a fifteen minutes and ten seconds past three b two twenty-eight and thirty-five seconds
c ten minutes and thirteen seconds to twelve d twelve minutes and forty-nine seconds past seven
e six twenty-four and forty seconds f one forty and thirty-three seconds.

Chapter 6 Time 135

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5 Nicole wanted to catch a train from Penrith to Central. DEPARTURES
She looked at the board and decided to catch the fast train,
which departed at the time shown on the board. 11
10 2
a How long must she wait for the train if she arrived at BLACKTOWN
9 3
Penrith Station at twenty-five to one? 8 4 P A R R A M AT TA
b If Nicole expects to arrive at Central Station at a quarter
to two, how long will the journey take?

B Digital displays review

When time is shown in numerical form, the display usually indicates if it is am or pm.
This watch face shows ‘eleven twenty-two and thirty-seven seconds pm’.
When reading times we usually do not need the seconds, so would say
11:22 3 7 PM

‘eleven twenty-two’ or ‘twenty-two minutes past eleven’.

The time displayed here is ‘six zero two pm’
(two minutes past six at night). PM

The time displayed here is ‘two forty-two am’ Forty-two minutes past two is
also ‘eighteen minutes to three’..
(forty-two minutes past two in the morning). AM

Exercise 6B
1 Write each of the following times as it would appear on a digital display. Be careful! 10:50
a five minutes past seven b twelve seventeen is ‘ten to eleven’.

c six minutes past twelve d eleven fifty-three

e ten to seven f a quarter to three
g half past two h twenty-five to nine
i twelve minutes to six j nine minutes to four
k eleven minutes to ten l eight minutes to twelve

2 Match each digital clock to an analogue clock showing the same time.
a 07:52:04 b 12:09:36 c 04:41:52 d 01:13:21
i ii iii iv

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 5 7 5 7 6 5
6 6

3 Determine the following times. Write the answer as it would appear on a digital display.
a 15 min after 10:50 am b 17 min before 7:43 am
c 32 min after 3:54 pm d 24 min before 2:08 pm

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C 24-hour time review
Often 24-hour time is used, such as for airline
schedules and on many electrical appliances.
24-hour time uses 4-digit numbers, without any
dots of separation; so, for example, we write
1245 not 12:45.

The charts below help explain 24-hour time.

0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200

12 1 am 2 am 3 am 4 am 5 am 6 am 7 am 8 am 9 am 10 am 11 am 12
midnight noon

0100 reads 01 hundred hours From midnight until

noon is am.
0800 reads 08 hundred hours

1200 reads 12 hundred hours

1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400

12 1 pm 2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm 8 pm 9 pm 10 pm 11 pm 12
noon midnight

1400 reads 14 hundred hours For pm times, 12 hours is

added to the analogue time.
2000 reads 20 hundred hours ∴ 1 pm = 1300 (1 + 12 = 13).

2300 reads 23 hundred hours

Here are some more times. Remember after 1200 it is pm.
24-hour time 12-hour time
0220 2:20 am
0531 5:31 am
1204 12:04 pm

2117 9:17 pm

Exercise 6C
1 Write the following 24-hour times as analogue times (am or pm).
a 1406 b 0052 c 2002 d 0128
e 0815 f 2323 g 1918 h 1111
i 1255 j 1739 k 0634 l 2242

Chapter 6 Time 137

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2 Convert the following to 24-hour time.
a 7:32 pm b 5:20 am c 1:32 am d 12:52 pm
e 4:30 pm f 1:47 pm g 6:09 am h 8:17 am
i 9:25 pm j 11:01 pm k 12 midnight l 10:29 pm

3 Order each set of times, which occur on the same day, from earliest to latest.
a five past seven at night, 1926, 8:31 pm, 1304
b two thirty in the morning, 8 past midnight, 9:06 am, 0805, 1715
c 1204, 11:45 pm, midday, seven twenty-three at night, 1038, 12:54 pm

Example 1
Calculate the following in 24-hour time. Convert 24-hour time to am or pm.
a 0800 + 2​ _12 ​ h Add or subtract.
Express the answer in 24-hour time.
b 1718 − 1 h 43 min

a 8:00 am + 2 h 30 min = 10:30 am b 5:18 pm − 1 h 43 min = 3:35pm

which is 1030 in 24-hour time. which is 1535 in 24-hour time.

4 Calculate the following in 24-hour time.

a 0500 + 2​ _12 ​ h b 1030 − 1​ _12 ​ h c 0945 − 14 min
d 1432 + 25 min e 1508 + 1 h 46 min f 1223 − 2 h 21 min

5 Write the time in 24-hour notation for each of the following.

a 15 minutes after 1356 hours b 3 hours after 1728 hours
c 48 minutes before 0904 hours d 2​ _12 ​hours before 1016 hours

6 Brad decided to record the following TV programs. Determine

the 24-hour times he would use to set up his recorder to record
these programs.

TV program Analogue time 24-hour time

a Play School 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm ___ to ___
b My Animal Friends 6:00 am to 6:30 am ___ to ___
c The Late Show 11:25 pm to 1:30 am ___ to ___
d The Pyramids 8:30 pm to 10:00 pm ___ to ___

7 Using the data in the following table, state the time (am or pm) each flight arrives at Brisbane Airport.
Measurement & Geometry

Flight number Origin Arrival Gate#

a QF650 Melbourne 0410 21
b QF777 Adelaide 0950 20
c QF798 Sydney 1120 8
d QF680 Perth 1840 23
e QF747 Townsville 2130 19

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8 Sandeep woke at 0550 hours. At 0630 h
he started working at his computer. At
1015 h he stopped working and decided
to go and play golf. He started playing
golf at 1108 and finished at 1546.
Answer the following in am or pm times.
a At what time did Sandeep wake up?
b At what time did he start working?
c At what time did he stop working?
d For how long did Sandeep play golf?

D Solving time problems

ExamplE 1
A movie starts at 1:40 pm and finishes at 4:10 pm. What is the duration of the movie?

1:40 to 2:00 is 20 min

2:00 to 4:00 is 2 h
4:00 to 4:10 is 10 min
Duration of the movie = 2 h 30 min

Exercise 6D
1 Calculate the number of minutes between the times given below (all times are pm) and 1500 hours.
a one thirty b twelve minutes past one
c twenty-one past one d one forty-three

e 1:39 f twelve twenty-five

2 Calculate the number of minutes between the times given below (all times are am) and 1310 hours.
a half past eleven b eleven fifty-three
c twenty-two past eleven d forty-five minutes to midday

3 Determine these times.

a 15 min after 0840 hours b 17 min before 1149 hours
c 32 min after 1749 hours d 24 min before 1523 hours

Chapter 6 Time 139

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Example 2
Calculate the following in 24-hour time.
a 0900 + 1​ _14 ​ h b 1743 − 1 h 18 min

a 0900 + 1 h 15 min = 1015 b 1743 − 1 h = 1643

1643 − 18 min = 1625

4 Complete the following, writing the answer in 24-hour time.

a 0700 + 3​ _12 ​ h = ___ + 3 h 30 min b 1643 − 2 h 12 min = ___ − 2___
= 10___ = ___31

5 Calculate the following in 24-hour time.

a 0730 + 3 h b 1250 − 1​ _12 ​ h c 1245 − 45 min
d 1327 + 42 min e 2243 + 1 h 52 min f 0025 − 3 h 20 min

Example 3
Calculate the following times.
a 4 h 20 min + 2 h 53 min b 7 h 13 min − 4 h 46 min

a hours minutes
4 20 Place the hours and minutes in columns.
+ 2 53
6 73 Add the minutes and record the answer.
= 1 h 13 min Convert 73 min to 1 h 13 min.
1 13 Place this answer in the hours and minutes column.
7 13 Add the hours to obtain an answer.
∴ 4 h 20 min + 2 h 53 min = 7 h 13 min
b Convert 7 h 13 min to 6 h 73 min by taking 1 h (60 min) from 7 h.
hours minutes
6 73 Place the hours and minutes in columns.
− 4 46
2 27 Subtract the hours and minutes and record the answer.
∴ 7 h 13 min − 4 h 46 min = 2 h 27 min

6 Complete to calculate the following.

Measurement & Geometry

a 3 h 25 min + 4 h 42 min b 9 h 14 min − 3 h 28 min

hours minutes Convert 9 h 14 min to 8 h ___ min by taking
3 ___ 1 h (60 min) from 9 h.
+ ___ 42 hours minutes
___ 67 8 ___
= 1 h ___ min − 3 28
1 ___ ___ h 46 min
8h 7 min

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7 Calculate the following.
a 1 h 15 min + 3 h 20 min b 6 h 50 min − 2 h 20 min c 5 h 42 min + 1 h 34 min
d 3 h 25 min − 1 h 40 min e 2 h 18 min + 55 min f 1 h 13 min − 48 min
g 4 h 5 min + 1 h 57 min h 2 h 37 min − 1 h 45 min i 8 h 55 min + 2 h 55 min
j 7 h 12 min − 4 h 22 min k 10 h 38 min + 4 h 49 min l 8 h 52 min − 6 h 58 min

8 Calculate the following.

a 5 min 10 s + 8 min 20 s b 12 min 32 s + 9 min 51 s c 13 min 38 s + 15 min 42 s
d 9 min 51 s + 11 min 59 s e 4 min 41 s − 2 min 27 s f 7 min 35 s − 5 min 43 s
g 14 min 5 s − 8 min 39 s h 3 min 12 s − 1 min 58 s i 53 min 17 s − 9 min 26 s

Example 4
Calculate the following.
a 4 days 13 h + 3 days 22 h b 3 days 7 h − 1 day 23 h

a days hours
4 13 Place the days and hours in columns.
+ 3 22
7 35 Add the hours and record the answer.
= 1 d 11 h Convert 35 h to 1 day 11 h.
1 11 Place this answer in the days and hours column.
8 11 Add the days to obtain an answer.
∴ 4 days 13 h + 3 days 22 h = 8 days 11 h
b Convert 7 h to 31 h by taking 1 day (24 h) from 3 days giving 2 days 31 h.
days hours
2 31 Place the days and hours in columns.
− 1 23
1 8 Subtract days and hours and record the answer.
∴ 3 days 7 h − 1 day 23 h = 1 day 8 h

9 Calculate the following.

a 3 days 16 h + 4 days 18 h b 2 days 21 h + 3 days 23 h
c 5 days 17 h − 2 days 10 h d 4 days 2 h − 1 days 17 h
e 2 weeks 2 days + 1 weeks 6 days f 5 weeks 5 days + 7 weeks 6 days
g 5 weeks 1 day − 2 weeks 3 days h 11 weeks 2 days − 4 weeks 5 days

Measurement & Geometry

Chapter 6 Time 141

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ExamplE 5
Calculate the elapsed time between:
a 9:38 am and 2:50 pm b 6:42 pm and 9:25 pm

a Convert 2:50 pm to 24-hour time: 2:50 pm to 1450 A period of time that has passed
is known as elapsed time.
hours minutes
14 50
− 9 38
5h 12 min
∴ Time between 9:38 am and 2:50 pm is 5 h 12 min.
b Convert both to 24-hour time: 6:42 pm to 1842 and 9:25 pm to 2125
hours minutes
20 85 Convert 21 h 25 min to 20 h 85 min.
− 18 42
2 43
∴ Time between 6:42 pm and 9:25 pm is 2 h 43 min.

10 Calculate the elapsed time between:

a 5:31 am and 10:50 am b 8:27 am and 11:48 am c 2:08 pm and 7:36 pm
d 4:23 pm and 10:58 pm e 8:17 am and 3:42 pm f 6:08 am and 5:37 pm
g 0457 and 1412 h 1140 and 2225 i 0312 and 1303

ExamplE 6
Calculate the elapsed time between 7:45 am Monday and 1:22 pm Wednesday of the same week.

7:45 am Monday to 7:45 am Wednesday = 2 days

7:45 am Wednesday to 1:22 pm Wednesday = 12 h 82 min − 7 h 45 min = 5 h 37 min
Total amount of time between 7:45 am Monday to 1:22 pm Wednesday = 2 days 5 h 37 min

11 Calculate the elapsed time (in days, hours, minutes) between the following.
a 4:38 pm Tuesday to 6:30 am Thursday b 0709 Saturday to 1216 Wednesday
c 0652 Monday to 2015 pm Friday d 1:46 pm Sunday to 7:25 pm Monday
e 10:17 am Wednesday to 9:38 am Saturday f 12:24 am Friday to 7:15 am Wednesday

E Using a calculator

Time calculations can be done on your calculator. The times are entered into the calculator in this order: hours,
minutes, seconds.
Enter the hours and press the °
' '' key. Next enter the minutes and press °
' '' again. Then finally enter the
seconds and press °
' '' a third time. If there are no hours to be entered, press 0 followed by the °
' '' key,
as the calculator records the information in the order hours, minutes, seconds.

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ExamplE 1
Use your calculator to enter the following times. Check your calculator manual to be sure
a 2h b 4 h 10 min you are using the °
' ''
key correctly.
c 6 h 25 min 50 s d 17 min e 32 s

Calculator steps Display Actual time

a 2h 2 ° ' '' = 2° 0′ 0′′ 2 h, 0 min, 0 s

b 4 h 10 min 4 ° ' '' 10 ° ' '' = 4° 10′ 0′′ 4 h, 10 min, 0 s

c 6 h 25 min 50 s 6 ° ' '' 25 ° ' '' 50 ° ' '' = 6° 25′ 50′′ 6 h, 25 min, 50 s

d 17 min 0 ° ' '' 17 ° ' '' = 0° 17′ 0′′ 0 h, 17 min, 0

e 32 s 0 ° ' '' 0 ° ' '' 32 ° ' '' = 0° 0′ 32′′ 0 h, 0 min, 32 s

Exercise 6E
1 Enter the following times and record the calculator display shown.
a 5h b 4h c 3 h 12 min
d 7 h 23 min e 2 h 45 min 18 s f 9 h 2 min 36 s
g 36 min h 55 s i 6 h 59 min 45 s

ExamplE 2
Use your calculator to evaluate the following.
a 4 h 15 min + 2 h 58 min b 18 min + 5 h 12 min − 3 h 15 min 20 s

a 4 ° ' '' 15 ° ' '' + 2 ° ' '' 58 ° ' '' = 7° 13′ 0′′
4 h 15 min + 2 h 58 min = 7 h 13 min 0 s

b 0 ° ' '' 18 ° ' '' + 5 ° ' '' 12 ° ' '' – 3 ° ' '' 15 ° ' '' 20 ° ' '' = 2° 14′ 40′′
18 min + 5 h 12 min − 3 h 15 min 20 s = 2 h 14 min 40 s

2 Use your calculator to evaluate the following.

a 6 h 11 min + 3 h 28 min b 7 h 27 min + 2 h 13 min
c 5 h 42 min + 52 min d 9 h − 3 h 5 min 24 s
e 2 h 19 min 8 s − 38 min 43 s f 8 h 18 min 41 s − 5 h 29 min 58 s
g 3 h + 2 h 14 min − 1 h 33 min 52 s h 7 min + 58 s + 3 h + 58 min 40 s
i 2 h 18 min − 53 min 22 s + 45 s j 1 h 18 s − 36 min + 5 min 26 s
k 6 h 13 min 20 s − 37 min 14 s + 52 min 25 s − 1 h 12 min 32 s
l 51 min + 3 h 24 min 17 s − 1 h 9 min 56 s + 38 min 13 s

Chapter 6 Time 143

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3 Convert the following to decimals correct to 3 decimal places by entering the time using the ° ' '' button
then pressing SHIFT
° ' '' .
a 2h b 5 h 13 min c 6 h 28 min d 3 h 32 min
e 1 h 48 min 52 s f 2 h 36 s g 46 min h 25 min
i 24 s j 16 s k 8 min 55 s l 29 min 47 s

4 Complete the table below. Remember:

• 1 h = 60 min
5 1
• To simplify ___ use your fraction button. 5 a_bc 60 = 1 ⎦ 12 ∴ ___
60 12
• Press a_bc again to express the answer in decimal form. 1 ⎦ 12 a_bc 0.0833.

Minutes 60 Simplified (2 decimal places)
__ 1
5 60 12 0.08
6 60

12 □
__ 1
15 60 4 0.25
40 3 0.6 7

ExamplE 3

Express each time in hours, minutes and seconds.

a 2_14 h b 4_59 h

a 2 a_bc 1 a_bc 4 = ° ' '' 2° 15′ 0′′

2_4 h = 2 h 15 min 0 s

b 4 a_bc 5 a_bc 9 = ° ' '' 4° 33′ 20′′

4_9 h = 4 h 33 min 20 s

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5 Express each time in hours, minutes and seconds.
a 1_12 h b 3_34 h c 6_45 h d 4_23 h e 5_56 h
f 8__
12 h g 2_49 h h 7_78 h i 3
3_5 h j 6_16 h
k 10_58 h l 6
13 h
m 5__
11 h n 8_17 h o 12_38 h

ExamplE 4
Use your calculator to express the following decimals as hours, minutes and seconds.
a 4.36 b 7.42 c 0.457

a 4.36 = °
' '' b 7.42 = °
' '' c 0.457 = °
' ''
= 4° 21′ 36′′ = 7° 25′ 12′′ = 0° 27′ 25.2′′
4 h 21 min 36 s 7 h 25 min 12 s 0 h 27 min 25.2 s

6 Express the following decimals as hours, minutes and seconds.

a 2.68 b 1.05 c 4.82 d 3.6 e 5.4
f 8 g 0.5 h 0.2 i 0.4 j 0.86
k 0.34 l 0.574 m 10.04 n 0.045 o 3.987 64

ExamplE 5
Round the calculator displays as stated.
a 3° 59° 15′′ to the nearest hour b 5° 34° 22′′ to the nearest minute

a 59 min > 30 min ∴ round up 1 h = 60 min, 59 min > 30, round up

=4h 1 min = 60 s, 22 s < 30, round down
b 22 s < 30 s ∴ round down
= 5 h 34 min

7 Round these calculator display times as stated.

a to the nearest hour
i 2° 42′ 0′′ ii 3° 28′ 0′′ iii 5° 30′ 0′′ iv 6° 18′ 25′′
v 12° 53′ 42.6′′ vi 4° 12′ 37.9′′ vii 1° 52′ 18.2′′ viii 7° 30′ 58.6′′
b to the nearest minute
i 0° 27′ 46′′ ii 0° 32′ 18′′ iii 2° 13′ 25.6′′ iv 1° 48′ 31.2′′
v 8° 41′ 0.87′′ vi 9° 16′ 52.6′′ vii 0° 32′ 16.9′′ viii 1° 56′ 30′′ MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY

8 Each week Rob has six English lessons that each last 38 minutes.
a How much time does he spend in English lessons each week?
b If a term consists of 10 weeks, how much time is spent in English lessons each term?

9 A History teacher marked 220 essays in 26 hours 35 minutes. Find the average time spent marking one essay.
(To calculate the average find: time taken ÷ number of essays.)

10 If I spend 10 minutes every night writing summaries for Science, how many hours and minutes of summaries
will I have written in the month of March? (There are 31 days in March.)

Chapter 6 Time 145

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ExamplE 6
Use your calculator to find the elapsed time between 3:40 am and 4:28 pm.

Step 1: Convert both times to 24-hour time.

3:40 am = 0340, 4:28 pm = 1628 (pm, so add 12 hours)
Step 2: Use the calculator as follows: 16 °
' '' 28 °
' '' – 3 °
' '' 40 °
' '' =
The calculator display will show 12° 48′ 0′′ , which is 12 h and 48 min.

11 Use your calculator to determine the elapsed time between:

a 3:20 am and 9:43 am b 11:17 am and 6:28 pm
c 10:53 am and 3:19 pm d 4:20 pm and 6:43 pm
e noon and twenty to seven pm f 0728 hours and 1519 hours

F Calendars
Here are some helpful hints to remembering the number of days in each month.
Verse: Thirty days has September, April, June and November.
All the rest have thirty-one, except February, which has twenty-eight days clear, and twenty-nine
in each leap year.
Knuckles: The knuckles have 31 days.
Between the knuckles have 30 days.
Except February, which has 28 days and 29 days in each leap year.
Oc ber

ce r
De be
No er

M ary


Ap h
Fe y









31 31 31 31 31 31
28 30 30 31 30 30

Leap years
Leap years occur every 4 years and have 366 days (the extra day being in February). To determine if a year is

a leap year:
• Divide the year by 4. If ____ is a whole number, the year is a leap year.
• If the year is a century year, divide by 400. If ____ is a whole number, the year is a leap year.
For example:
For leap years the answer
Leap years Non-leap years must be whole numbers.
_____ 2009
_____ Hint: Refer to number of
= 497 √ = 502.25 x days in a year.
4 4
_____ = 5 1800
_____ = 4.5
√ x
400 400

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Exercise 6F
Use the calendar below to complete this exercise.
January February March April
1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 10 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
18 19 10 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
25 26 27 28 29 20 31 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30

May June July August

1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
31 30 31

September October November December

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31

1 a Without knowing the year, how can you determine whether or not the year is a leap year?
b Is this calendar a leap year?
c Australia Day is 26 January. On what day of the week does this fall?
d Christmas Day is 25 December. On what day of the week does this fall?
e How many days between 17 April and 3 June (both dates inclusive)?
f Rod went to the doctor on 4 September. If he needs to make another appointment in five weeks time, what
date is his next appointment?
g Blake booked a skiing trip to commence on 13 July. If it is now 20 April, how many weeks must be wait Measurement & Geometry

until he goes skiing?

h Briony plays water polo on the second Saturday of the month from August to December. List the dates on
which she plays water polo.
i Rachel’s credit card statement date is 19 October. She has 31 days to make the payment owing before
interest is charged. By what date must she pay October’s statement amount to avoid paying interest?
j Con works part-time for a butcher. He must give three weeks notice if he is going to resign. If he decides
to leave on 23 August, when must he give notice to his employer?
k Determine the number of school days for your current school year during:
i Term I ii Term II ii Term III iv Term IV

Chapter 6 Time 147

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Example 1
Susan was born on 23/7/1999. Calculate her age as at 16/10/2014.

Years: 23/7/1999 to 23/7/2014 is 15 years.

Months: 23/7/2014 to 23/9/2014 is 2 months.
Days: September has 30 days.
∴ 23/9/2014 to the end of the month is 7 days.
Then add the 16 days of October: 7 + 16 = 23 days
Susan’s age is 15 years 2 months 23 days.

2 Calculate each person’s age as at today’s date given their date of birth.
a Tony: 14/10/1991 b Marilyn: 25/2/1996 c Chloe: 31/8/2004
d Honey: 4/5/1983 e Melissa: 11/6/1972 f Troy: 1/12/1998

Investigation 1 Birthdays do change!

In 2012 Wally’s birthday fell on a Sunday. In 2013 it fell on a Monday and in 2014 it fell on a Tuesday. Between
leap years, the day on which a particular event occurs, such as a birthday, advances by one.
1 What happens when a birthday occurs in a leap years?

2 Investigate why there is a change from each day of the week.

Investigation 2 1 month = 4 weeks

February is the only month that has 28 days, except in a leap year when February has 29 days. Investigate and
show why there are not 4 weeks in every month.
Can you determine a better average for the number of weeks in each month?

Investigation 3 Leap years

Investigate why we have a leap year every 4 years. Why is it every 4 years? Where does the extra day come from?

Investigation 4 Calendar dates

1 Research the development of the current
Western calendar.
Measurement & Geometry

2 Find out what the Gregorian calendar is.

3 Compare the calendars of Christian, Orthodox,

Muslim, Jewish, Chinese and Aboriginal

4 List the days of great importance to these

peoples and place these dates on your own

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G Using timetables and charts
Exercise 6G
1 Here is part of the Carlingford–City train timetable.
a i I am meeting a friend at Town
Carlingford–City Timetable
Hall station. Which is the
pm pm pm pm pm pm pm
latest train from Carlingford
Carlingford 3:32 4:11 4:45 5:23 5:56 6:26 6:52
that I can catch to arrive
Telopea 3:34 4:13 4:47 5:25 5:57 6:28 6:54
before 7:00 pm?
Dundas 3:36 4:15 4:49 5:27 5:59 6:30 6:56
ii At what time does this train
Rydalmere 3:38 4:17 4:51 5:29 6:01 6:32 6:58
leave Lidcombe station?
Camellia 3:40 4:19 4:53 5:31 6:03 6:34 7:00
b If I miss the 6:26 pm train at
Rosehill UA 3:42 4:21 4:55 5:33 6:05 6:36 7:02
Carlingford, what would be the
Clyde....... arr 3:45 4:24 4:58 5:36 6:08 6:39 7:05
earliest time I could arrive at
Wynyard? dep 3:51 4:26 5:00 5:48 6:18 6:48 7:06

c i How long does the 4:36 pm Lidcombe...... arr

train from Strathfield take to dep 3:57 4:31 5:06 5:54 6:24 6:54 7:12

get to Wynyard? Strathfield..... arr 4:02 4:36 5:11 5:59 6:29 6:59 7:18
ii How long does the 4:47 pm dep 4:03 4:37 5:12 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:23
train from Telopea take to get Central....... arr 4:17 4:50 5:26 6:14 6:44 7:14 7:36
to Central? dep 4:18 4:51 5:27 6:15 6:45 7:15 7:37
iii How long does the 6:30 pm Town Hall 4:21 4:54 5:30 6:18 6:48 7:18 7:40
train from Dundas take to Wynyard 4:24 4:57 5:33 6:20 6:50 7:20 7:42
get to Town Hall?
iv How long does the 4:21 pm train from Rosehill take to get to Strathfield?
d i Calculate the time taken for the 3:32, 4:11, 4:45, 5:23 and 5:56 Carlingford trains to travel to Wynyard.
ii Why are the times different?



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2 Below is part of the North Sydney–Richmond/Emu Plains train timetable.
North Sydney–Richmond/Emu Plains
am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am
NORTHSYDNEY 9:30 9:39 9:54 10:00 10:09 10:24 10:30 10:39 10:54 11:00 11:09 11:24 11:30
Milsons Point 9:32 9:41 9:56 10:02 10:11 10:26 10:32 10:41 10:56 11:02 11:11 11:26 11:32
WYNYARD 9:35 9:44 9:59 10:05 10:14 10:29 10:35 10:44 10:59 11:05 11:14 11:29 11:35
TOWN HALL 9:38 9:47 10:02 10:08 10:17 10:32 10:38 10:47 11:02 11:08 11:17 11:32 11:38
CENTRAL arr 9:41 9:50 10:05 10:11 10:20 10:35 10:41 10:50 11:05 11:11 11:20 11:35 11:41
dep 9:42 9:51 10:02 10:06 10:12 10:21 10:36 10:42 10:51 11:02 11:06 11:12 11:21 11:36 11:42
REDFERN 9:43 9:52 10:07 10:13 10:22 10:37 10:43 10:52 11:07 11:13 11:22 11:37 11:43
BURWOOD 9.53 10:23 10:53 11:23 11:53
STRATHFIELD arr 9:55 10:03 10:13 10:18 10:25 10:33 10:48 10:55 11:03 11:13 11:18 11:25 11:33 11:48 11:55
dep 9:56 10:04 10:14 10:19 10:26 10:34 10:49 10:56 11:04 11:14 11:19 11:26 11:34 11:49 11:56
Flemington 9:58 10:28 10:58 11:28 11:58
Lidcombe 10:01 10:09 10:31 10:39 11:01 11:09 11:31 11:39 12:01
Auburn 10:03 10:33 11:03 11:33 12:03
Clyde 10:06 10:36 11:06 11:36 12:06
Granville 10:08 10:15 10:29 10:38 10:45 10:59 11:08 11:15 11:29 11:38 11:45 11:59 12:08
Harris Park 10:09 10:29 10:39 10:59 11:09 11:29 11:39 12:09
PARRAMATTA arr 10:11 10:17 10:24 10:31 10:31 10:41 10:47 11:01 11:01 11:11 11:17 11:24 11:31 11:31 11:41 11:47 12:01 12:11
dep 10:12 10:18 10:25 10:32 10:32 10:42 10:48 11:02 11:02 11:12 11:18 11:25 11:32 11:32 11:42 11:48 12:02 12:12
Westmead 10:14 10:20 10:27 10:34 10:34 10:44 10:50 11:04 11:04 11:14 11:20 11:27 11:34 11:34 11:44 11:50 12:04 12:14
Wentworthville 10:22 10:36 10:52 11:06 11:22 11:36 11:52
Pendle Hill 10:24 10:39 10:54 11:09 11:24 11:39 11:54
Toongabbie 10:27 10:41 10:57 11:11 11:27 11:41 11:57
Seven Hills 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:44 10:50 11:00 11:10 11:14 11:20 11:30 11:40 11:44 11:50 12:00 12:10 12:20
BLACKTOWN arr 10:34 10:48 11:04 11:18 11:34 11:48 12:04
dep 10:24 10:35 10:36 10:44 10:54 11:05 11:14 11:24 11:35 11:36 11:44 11:54 12:05 12:14 12:24
Marayong 10:38 11:08 11:38 12:07
Quakers Hill 10:41 11:11 11:41 12:11
Schofields 10:48 11:18 11:48 12:18
Riverstone 10:51 11:21 11:51 12:21
Vineyard 10:54 11:54
Mulgrave 10:58 11:58
Windsor 11:02 12:02
Clarendon 11:05 12:05
East Richmond 11:08 12:08
Richmond 11:10 12:10
Doonside 10:27 10:47 10:57 11:17 11:27 11:47 11:57 12:17 12:27
Rooty Hill 10:30 10:50 11:00 11:20 11:30 11:50 12:00 12:20 12:30
MOUNT DRUITT 10:32 10:53 11:02 11:23 11:32 11:53 12:02 12:23 12:32
St Marys 10:37 10:57 11:07 11:27 11:37 11:57 12:07 12:27 12:37
Werrington 10:39 10:59 11:09 11:29 11:39 11:59 12:09 12:29 12:39
Measurement & Geometry

Kingswood 10:43 11:03 11:13 11:33 11:43 12:03 12:13 12:33 12:43
PENRITH 10:46 10:49 11:06 11:16 11:36 11:46 11:49 12:06 12:16 12:36 12:46
Emu Plains 10:52 11:52
Proceeds to LTH KTO

a i How long does the 9:30 am train from North Sydney take to get to Penrith?
ii How long does the 10:02 am train from Town Hall take to get to Seven Hills?
iii How long does the 11:26 am train from Strathfield take to get to Werrington?
iv How long does the 11:52 am train from Wentworthville take to get to Riverstone?

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b i
If I arrive at Blacktown at 10:34 am, which train did I catch from Milsons Point?
If I arrive at Auburn at 11:03 am, which train did I catch from Redfern?
If I arrive at Werrington at 12:09 pm, which train did I catch from Clyde?
ivIf I arrive at Penrith at 12:46 pm, which train did I catch from Westmead?
c I am travelling from Burwood to Clarendon to meet a friend for Sunday lunch at 12:30 pm.
i Can I catch a train directly from Burwood to Clarendon?
ii What is the closest station to Burwood from which I can get a connecting train to Clarendon?
iii If I am to be on time, at what time should I depart Burwood?
iv How long has the journey taken from Burwood to Clarendon?
v If I am being picked up at the station at 12:30 pm, how long must I wait?

3 Part of a gym program is shown. Use it to answer the 6:30 am Yoga

following questions.
7:15 am Aerobics
a Sarah gets to the gym at 6:18 am. She decides to do yoga
and aerobics. 8:00 am Jazzercise
i How long will she have to wait before the class 8:30 am Yoga
starts? 9:30 am Aerobics
ii How much exercise will she complete this morning? 10:00 am Step class
b Carla completes the 8 am jazzercise and all the classes
10:30 am Boxing
until the end of the 11:30 yoga class. For how long does
she exercise? 11:30 am Yoga
c Dylan gets to the gym in time for the 3:30 pm Pump class. 12:30 pm Beginners step class
The class takes 50 minutes. He then takes 20 minutes 1:30 pm Advanced aerobics
to shower and change and a further 25 minutes to walk
2:30 pm Stretch class
home. At what time does he get home?
3:00 pm Yoga
3:30 pm Pump

4 Use the table on the right to answer these questions. IN THE SKY
a How many days are there between: Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset
i the new moon and a full moon? TODAY
ii the 1st quarter and the 3rd quarter? 6:55 am 4:53 pm 3:53 am 3:04 pm
b Determine the elapsed time between: TOMORROW
6:56 am 4:53 pm 4:52 am 3:38 pm
i sunrise and sunset today
ii moonrise and moonset tomorrow. New moon 1st quarter Full moon 3rd quarter

11 June 18 June 25 June 3 July

Measurement & Geometry

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5 Use the tidal chart to answer the questions below.
2 Saturday Sunday Monday


























2:30 am 8:34 am 2:40 pm 8:54 pm 3:06 am 9:10 am 3:09 pm 9:26 pm 3:45 am 9:46 am 3:39 pm 10:00 pm
0.4m 1.5 m 0.4 m 1.6 m 0.4 m 1.5 m 0.4 m 1.7 m 0.4 m 1.4 m 0.5 m 1.7 m
Tides information: • Port Stephens: + 5 min • Jervis Bay: + 8 min • Port Hacking: + 8 min

a How many low tides occur each day?

b How many high tides occur each day?
c On Saturday at what times is there a:
i high tide? ii low tide?
d On Sunday, Allan went fishing between 5 pm and 8 pm. Explain what was happening with the tides while
he was fishing.
e State the times and the height of each tidal change on Monday.
f i How long did it take to change from low tide to high tide on Sunday morning?
ii Did it take the same length of time to go from low to high tide on Sunday afternoon? If not, what was
the time difference?
g State the time of the first high tide on Monday at the following locations.
i Port Stephens ii Port Hacking

6 Use this bus timetable to answer these questions.

Blacktown to Seven Hills via Kings Langley
Showing Route Number 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718
am pm
Westpoint (Patrick St) 7:32 8:41 9.00 9:24 10:02 10:31 11:03 11:31 12:02 12:31 1:02
BLACKTOWN City arriv 6:07 6:33 6:48 7:35 8:06 8:44 9:05 9:31 10:03 10:33 11:04 11:33 12:03 12:33 1:03
BLACKTOWN Station 6:11 6:40 7:08 7:37 8:10 8:48 9:07 9:37 10:07 10:37 11:07 11:37 12:07 12:37 1:07
Sunnyholt Rd/Cambridge St 6:15 6:44 7:12 7:43 8:14 8:52 9:11 9:41 10:11 10:41 11:11 11:41 12:11 12:41 1:11
Vardys Rd/Green St 5:24 5:50 6:20 6:49 7:17 7:48 8:19 8:57 9:16 9:46 10:16 10:46 11:16 11:46 12:16 12:46 1:16
KINGS LANGLEY Shops 5:28 5:55 6:25 6:54 7:22 7:53 8:24 9:02 9:21 9:51 10:21 10:51 11:21 11:51 12:21 12:51 1:21
Whitby Rd /James Cook Dr 5:31 5:58 6:28 6:57 7:25 7:56 8:27 9:05 9:24 9:54 10:24 10:54 11:24 11:54 12:24 12:54 1:24
Seven Hills North School 5:35 6:03 6:33 7:02 7:31 8:02 8:33 9:10 9:29 9:59 10:29 10:59 11:29 11:59 12:29 12:59 1:29
Measurement & Geometry

SEVEN HILLS Station 5:40 6:09 6:39 7:09 7:39 8:10 8:40 9:16 9:35 10:05 10:35 11:05 11:35 12:05 12:35 1:05 1:35
SEVEN HILLS to City 5:46 6:16 6:46 7:16 7:45 8:16 8:45 9:27 9:45 10:15 10:45 11:15 11:45 12:15 12:45 1:15 1:45
SEVEN HILLS Shops 8:13 8:44 9:17 9:39 10:06 10:36 11:09 11:39 12:09 12:39 1:09 1:39

a On Friday, Caryn decided to catch a bus from Cambridge Street to Seven Hills station.
i If she arrives at Cambridge Street at 10:23 am, how long does she have to wait for the bus to arrive?
ii At what time would she arrive at Seven Hills station?
iii How long does she have to wait for a bus to the city?
b Greg caught the 12:02 pm bus from Westpoint (Patrick Street) to Kings Langley shops.
i How long did the journey take?

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ii Greg stayed at Kings Langley shops for 45 min and realised that he would have to go to Seven Hills
shops to complete his shopping. At what time did the next bus arrive?
iii How long did Greg have to wait at Kings Langley for the bus after shopping for 45 min?
iv At what time did Greg arrive at Seven Hills?
v If he shopped for a further 1 h and 13 min, at what time did he complete his shopping?

H Time zones
Earth rotates from west to east about its axis causing day and night on N
Earth. Due to this rotation, when the sun rises in Sydney:
• Perth is still in darkness sun’s
• Wellington (NZ) has already had a couple of hours of sunlight. W E
Earth rotates 360° in 1 day, so 360° = 24 hours
• 15° = 1 hour (360 ÷ 24 = 15)
1 S
• 1° = 4 minutes (__
15 of 60 min = 4 min)
Earth is divided into 24 times zones called meridians. These are generally based on the lines of longitude, but
variations occur as a result of following the borders of countries, states, regions or natural boundaries (often
rivers or mountains). These measurements begin at Greenwich in London (longitude 0°). The first or prime line
(meridian) is the starting point for 12 time zones west of Greenwich and 12 time zones east of Greenwich. Every
place within a zone uses the same time. The standard time zones are mostly measured in _2 or 1 hour units.
A simplified World Time Zones map is shown below.
World Time Zones
–11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12


–6 –3


–9 +8 +10 +12
0 +1
+2 +11
Moscow +9
–8 –7 0 +4 +6
–6 –5 London Berlin
Chicago Paris+1
New York Beijing
International date-line

Rome +5 +9
San Francisco Washington +8 Tokyo
Houston New Orleans Cairo New Delhi
Miami +2
+3 +512
Honolulu Mumbai +7
0 +1

+3 +8 +9
–5 +7
Greenwich Mean Time

–3 +2 Cairns
+3 Brisbane
+8 +9 2
Johannesburg Perth +10 Auckland
Santiago Buenos Aires Adelaide Sydney


–11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12

Chapter 6 Time 153

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The International Date Line is 180° east (west) of the prime meridian. Each new day begins in the time zone to
the west of the International Date Line and works its way slowly around the world over the next 24 hours.
• Time along the prime meridian is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
• Places to the east of the prime meridian are ahead of GMT.
• Places to the west of the prime meridian are behind GMT.
• The numbers in the zones show how many hours have to be added or subtracted from GMT to work out the
standard time for that zone.

Example 1
If it is 12 noon in Greenwich, what is the standard time in:
a Sydney? b New York?

a Sydney is in a zone marked +10.

Standard time is 10 hours ahead of GMT.
∴ Standard time in Sydney is 10:00 pm (12:00 midday + 10 hours).
b New York is in a zone marked −5.
Standard time in New York is 5 hours behind GMT.
∴ Standard time in New York is 7:00 am (12:00 midday − 5 hours).

Example 2
Sydney is 10 hours ahead of London. If it is 6:00 pm in Sydney, what is the time in London?

Sydney London
6:00 pm 6:00 pm (−10 h)
(+10 h) 6:00 pm → 12:00 midday → 8:00 am
6h + 4h
∴ If it is 6:00 pm in Sydney, it is 8:00 am in London.

Exercise 6H
Use the World Time Zones map on the previous page to answer these questions.
1 If it is 12 noon in Greenwich, what is the standard time in:
a San Francisco? b Houston? c Perth? d Tokyo?

2 If it is 12 midnight in Greenwich, what is the standard time in:

a Johannesburg? b Paris? c New York? d Santiago?
Measurement & Geometry

3 If it is 4:00 am on Monday in Greenwich, what is the standard time in:

a Cairns? b Adelaide? c Mumbai? d Moscow?

4 If it is 11:15 pm on Saturday in Greenwich, what is the standard time in:

a Adelaide? b Cairo? c Brisbane? d Beijing?

5 Rod flew from Sydney to London on 15 April. The flight left Sydney at 2:50 pm and took 23 hours.
a On which day did Rod arrive in London?
b At what time did Rod arrive in London?

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Example 3
Chicago is 6 hours behind GMT and Tokyo is 9 hours ahead of GMT.
a If it is 3 pm Tuesday in Chicago, what is the time in Tokyo?
b If it is 1 pm Friday in Tokyo, what is the time in Chicago?

a Chicago is −6 and Tokyo is +9, so Tokyo is +15 hours ahead of Chicago. 3 pm Tuesday + 15 h
3 pm + 9 hours = midnight Wednesday = 3 pm + 9 h + 6 h

midnight + 6 hours = 6 am Wednesday ∴ It is 6 am Wednesday in Tokyo.

b Chicago is 15 hours behind Tokyo. 1 pm Friday − 15 h
= 1 pm − 13 h − 2 h
1 pm Friday − 13 hours = midnight
midnight Friday − 2 hours = 10 pm Thursday ∴ It is 10 pm Thursday in Chicago.

6 The information below shows major cities

throughout the world and the number of hours
that they are ahead or behind Greenwich time.
Adelaide (+9​ _2 ​) Auckland (+12)
Buenos Aires (−3) Chicago (−6)
Honolulu (−10​ _2 ​) Jakarta (+7)
Miami (−5) New Orleans (−6)
Perth (+8) Rome (+1)
Tokyo (+9) Washington (−5)
Given the time in one city, use the information
above to calculate the time in the other city.
a 7:40 am in Auckland is ____ in Miami.
b 1:35 pm in New Orleans is ____ in Honolulu.
c 5:50 am in Jakarta is ____ in Perth.
d 6:30 pm in Washington is ____ in Rome.
e 4:00 pm in Chicago is ____ in Adelaide.
f 2:27 am in Tokyo is ____ in Buenos Aires.

7 A soccer match is played in Rome at 5 pm

Saturday local time. If it is being televised live,
at what time will it start in:
a Perth? b Jakarta?
c Chicago? d Tokyo?

8 A live broadcast commences at 7 pm Wednesday local time in Miami. At what time will it start in:
a Perth? b Auckland? c Washington? d Rome? Measurement & Geometry

Investigation 5 International Date Line

1 Use the Internet or library to research the following questions.
a What can you find out about the International Date Line?
b Why is it not a straight line?
c How is it possible to gain or lose a day while travelling throughout the world?

2 Write a one-page report explaining the purpose of the International Date Line.

Chapter 6 Time 155

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Investigation 6 Standard time zones
1 An international company has offices in San Francisco, London and Sydney. Use the World Time Zones map
in Section 6H to find the local time in San Francisco and Sydney when it is 12 noon in London.

2 Complete the following table, which compares standard times in the three cities.
San Francisco London Sydney
12 noon (Monday)
2 pm
4 pm

12 noon (Tuesday)

3 The directors in the three cities wish to organise a three-way teleconference. What would be a convenient
time to hold the conference?

Time zones in Australia

Australia has three different time zones that are shown on the map.

Pine Creek

Alice Springs


Perth Cobar

Canberra Sydney
Mt Gambia


Western Central Eastern

Measurement & Geometry

Standard Time Standard Time Standard Time

10:00 am 11:30 am 12:00 am

Use the Australian Time Zones map to answer questions 9 and 10.
9 If it is 2:00 pm in Melbourne, what is the time in:
a Perth? b Sydney? c Hobart?
d Cairns? e Alice Springs? f Adelaide?

10 If it is 5:20 am in Perth, what is the time in:

a Cobar? b Darwin? c Rockhampton?
d Brisbane? e Kalgoorlie? f Adelaide?

156 Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

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Investigation 7 Daylight saving time
Some states of Australia use daylight saving time.
1 Explain the meaning of daylight saving.

2 Find out which states adopt daylight saving.

3 When does daylight saving start and finish in these states?

4 Complete the following table to compare times in these cities during the months when daylight
saving operates.

City Time Time Time

Brisbane 12 noon
Sydney 9 am
Hobart 2 pm
Adelaide 8:30 am

5 A plane leaves Adelaide at 8 am, Adelaide daylight saving time, and flies to Hobart. The flight time is 1​ _12 ​ h.
At what time will the plane arrive in Hobart?

11 During daylight saving time there are five different time

zones in Australia as shown on the map. If the time in
Sydney is 7:00 am, what is the time in: Northern
a Perth? b Brisbane? Territory
c Melbourne? d Darwin? –112 h
Western –1 h
–3 h South
– 12 h New South

Victoria Measurement & Geometry


12 If it is 4:00 pm in Darwin during daylight saving time, what is the time in:
a Perth? b Hobart? c Adelaide? d Sydney?

13 Determine the arrival times for:

a a 4​ _12 ​hour flight from Melbourne to Perth taken in June and departing from Melbourne at 6:00 am
b a 10​ _12 ​hour drive from Sydney to Brisbane during daylight saving time and leaving Sydney at 7:20 am.

Chapter 6 Time 157

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Language in mathematics
1 The following words are all linked with time:
equinox century rhythm curfew decade pendulum
duration millennium solstice meridian synchronise almanac
a Find the meaning of each word.
b Think of another five words that are linked or associated with time.
c Prepare a 2-minute talk about one of the words listed above.

24-hour time analogue clock calendar convert
daylight saving time degrees degrees, minutes, seconds digital display
elapsed time Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) International Date Line leap year
prime meridian time zone timetable World Time Zones

Check your skills

1 The time shown on this clock face is:
A 6 past 2 B 2 past 6 11 12 1
10 2
C 10 past 2 D 10 past 6
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

2 Five past eight in the morning in digital time is:

A 5:08 am B 5:08 pm C 8:05 pm D 8:05 am

3 Which time is equivalent to 1445 h?

A quarter to three B forty-five past four C 2:45 am D 16:45 am

4 Which time is 2018 in analogue time?

A 8:18 am B 8:18 pm C 20:18 am D 20:18 pm

5 The elapsed time between 10.17 am and 2.54 pm is:

A 7 h 23 min B 4 h 37 min C 7 h 37 min D 4 h 23 min

6 Calculate 4 h 18 min + 2 h 46 min.

A 6 h 54 min B 6 h 4 min C 7 h 64 min D 7 h 4 min

7 Calculate 2 days 21 h + 1 day 18 h.

A 4 days 15 h B 3 days 39 h C 3 days 15 h D 4 days 30 h
Measurement & Geometry

8 Calculate 10 h 24 min − 4 h 49 min.

A 5 h 35 min B 6 h 35 min C 6 h 25 min D 5 h 25 min

9 Calculate 5 days 18 h + 9 days 22 h in weeks, days and hours.

A 2 weeks 38 h B 1 week 6 days 40 h
C 2 weeks 2 days 20 h D 2 weeks 1 day 16 h

10 Solve 5 h 18 min + 2 h 55 min − 3 h 26 min.

A 5 h 49 min B 4 h 47 min C 8 h 52 min D 11 h 39 min

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11 Convert 5​ _58 ​h to hours, minutes and seconds.
A 5° 5′ 8′′ B 5° 37′ 30′′ C 5° 8′ 5′′ D 5° 38′ 40′′

12 Round this calculator display to the nearest minute. 3° 15′ 32′′

A 4h B 3 h 15 min C 3 h 15 min 30 s D 3 h 16 min

13 Express 4.7 h in hours and minutes.

A 4 h 7 min B 4 h 70 min C 4 h 0.7 min D 4 h 42 min

14 Using your calculator, convert 2​ _49 ​h to hours, minutes and seconds.

A 2 h 4 min 9 s B 2 h 49 min 0 s C 2 h 26 min 40 s D 2 h 9 min 4 s

15 Round this calculator display to the nearest minute. 1° 37′ 30′′

A 1 h 38 min B 1 h 37 min C 1 h 30 min D 1 h 36 min

16 Express 0.86 h to the nearest minute.

A 51 min B 52 min C 36 min D 47 min

17 How many days in a leap year?

A 365 B 366 C 52 D 12

Questions 18 and 19 refer to the train timetable below.

pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm
Wentworthville 3:15 3:28 3:40
Westmead 3:09 3:17 3:20 3:24 3:30 3:35 3:42 3:47
PARRAMATTA arr. 3:12 3:20 3:23 3:27 3:32 3:38 3:45 3:50
dep. 3:13 3:21 3:24 3:28 3:33 3:39 3:46 3:51
Harris Park 3:14 3:34 3:47 3:52
Granville 3:16 3:23 3:26 3:36 3:41 3:49 3:54
Clyde 3:18 3:51
Auburn 3:20 3:39 3:53 3:58
Lidcombe 3:24 3:32 3:43 3:57 4:02
STRATHFIELD arr. 3:29 3:33 3:37 3:48 3:51 4:02 4:08
dep. 3:30 3:34 3:38 3:49 3:52 4:03 4:09
BURWOOD 3:31 3:39 4:10
REDFERN 3:41 3:45 3:49 3:59 4:03 4:14 4:22
CENTRAL arr. 3:44 3:47 3:52 4:02 4:05 4:17 4:24
dep. 3:45 3:48 3:53 4:03 4:06 4:18 4:25
TOWN HALL 3:47 3:50 3:55 4:05 4:08 4:20 4:27 Measurement & Geometry
WYNYARD 3:50 3:53 3:58 4:08 4:11 4:23 4:30
Milsons Point 3:54 3:57 4:02 4:12 4:15 4:27 4:34
NORTH SYDNEY 3:56 3:59 4:04 4:14 4:17 4:29 4:36

18 At what time does the 3:34 pm train from Harris Park arrive at Milsons Point?
A 4:02 pm B 4:12 pm C 4:15 pm D 4:27 pm

19 Sarah caught the 3:21 pm train from Parramatta. How long did it take her to reach Town Hall?
A 30 min B 25 min C 27 min D 29 min

Chapter 6 Time 159

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20 Sydney is 10 hours ahead of London. If it is 8.45 pm on Sunday in Sydney, what time is it in London?
A 6:45 pm B 10:45 am C 10:45 pm D 6:45 am

21 Tokyo is 9 hours ahead of London. If it is 3:15 pm in Tokyo, what time is it in London?

A 6:15 am B 8:45 am C 10:15 pm D 12:15 pm

22 San Francisco is 8 hours behind London. If it is 11:09 am in London, what time is it in San Francisco?
A 7:09 pm B 4:51 am C 7:51 am D 3:09 am

23 It is 3:00 pm in Perth. The time in Sydney is:

A 5:00 pm B 1:00 pm C 3:00 pm D 3:00 am

24 Tokyo is 9 h ahead of London. If it is 4:35 am on Saturday 4 April in Tokyo, what time and day is it in London?
A 1:35 pm Saturday 4 April B 7:35 pm Friday 3 April
C 1:35 am Friday 3 April D 7:35 am Saturday 4 April

25 Perth is 3 h behind Sydney during daylight saving time. If I left Sydney at 7:23 am and arrived in Perth 4​ _12 ​ h
later, at what time would I arrive in Perth (local time)?
A 11:53 am B 2:53 am C 8:53 am D 3:53 am

If you have any difficulty with these questions, refer to the examples and questions in the sections listed
in the table.

Question 1 2 3–4 5–10 11–16 17 18, 19 20–25

Section A B C D E F G H

6A Review set
1 Write ‘four fifteen in the afternoon’ as it would appear on a digital display.

2 Write 1532 as analogue time. State whether it is am or pm.

3 Convert 1:28 pm to 24-hour time.

4 Calculate the following.

a 2 h 24 min + 3 h 56 min b 4 h 18 min − 2 h 36 min

5 If Sergio caught the bus at 7.52 am, at what time did he arrive at work if the bus trip took 42 min?

6 High tide is at 6:23 am and low tide is at 10:03 am. Find the time difference between high tide and low tide.

7 Convert 3​ _13 ​h to hours and minutes.

Measurement & Geometry

8 Round this calculator display to the nearest minute. 2° 15′ 36.2′′

9 Calculate the elapsed time between 3:27 pm Monday and 7:20 am Tuesday.

10 What is a leap year?

11 Calculate the elapsed time between 0620 hours Tuesday and 1340 hours Friday.

12 Use the World Time Zones map on page 153 to find the local time in Houston when it is 4:30 pm in Greenwich.

13 Use the Australian Time Zones map on page 156 to find the local time in Perth when it is 6 pm in Melbourne.

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6B Review set
1 Write ‘nineteen minutes to midnight’ as it would appear on a digital display.

2 State 2117 h as analogue time (am or pm).

3 Convert ‘five past three in the afternoon’ to 24-hour time.

4 Calculate the following.

a 3 h 16 min + 2 h 51 min b 4 h 18 min 22 s − 1 h 55 min 49 s

5 Alex watched the late night movie from 9:45 pm until 12:08 am.
a How long was the late night movie?
b If 37 min of this time was spent on commercials, calculate the actual length of the movie.

6 The sun rises at 5:17 am and sets at 7:38 pm. Calculate the hours and minutes of daylight.

7 Convert 7​ _37 ​h to hours, minutes and seconds.

8 Round the answer for question 7 to the nearest minute.

9 Calculate the time between 0743 Saturday and 1523 Thursday.

10 Calculate the elapsed time between 2144 hours Monday and 0325 hours Saturday.

11 Use the World Time Zones map on page 153 to find the local time in Jakarta when it is 5 pm in Miami.

12 It is 7 pm daylight saving time in Sydney. What is the time in Perth?

6C Review set
1 State the time shown on each clock.
a b
11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

2 Write the following digital displays in 24-hour time.

a 12:15 am b 6:46 pm
Measurement & Geometry

3 Calculate the elapsed time between 0505 and 0837.

4 Calculate the ‘shelf life’ of a product purchased on 18/6/15 by referring to these ‘best-by’ dates.
a 21/3/16 b 12/10/16

5 Calculate 2 h 13 min 14 s − 1 h 29 min 36 s.

6 Calculate 4 days 15 h − 3 days 8 h.

7 Calculate the time between 0341 and 1427.

Chapter 6 Time 161

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8 Calculate the time elapsed between 1:42 am Monday and 6:14 pm Thursday.

9 Round these calculator displays to the nearest minute.

a 12° 15′42.3′′ b 6° 38′17′′

10 Ben sprained his ankle on 3 August. It was 24 days before he could walk without limping. On what date did
he walk without limping?

11 Use the World Time Zones map on page 153 to find the local time in Greenwich when it is 3:27 pm in Perth.

12 Use the Australian Time Zones map on page 156 to find the local time in Adelaide when it is 3 am in Perth.

6D Review set
1 State the time shown on each clock.
a b
12 1 12 1
11 11
10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

2 Write the following digital displays in 24-hour time.

a 4:38 am b 11:22 pm

3 Calculate the elapsed time between 0932 and 1517.

4 Calculate 3 h 9 min 6 s + 4 h 24 min 53 s.

5 Brad caught the 11:48 am train from Penrith to Sydney. He arrived at 12:36 pm. How long did the journey
take him?

6 Calculate 4 days 3 h − 1 day 16 h.

7 Calculate the time between 1518 Monday and 0429 Wednesday.

8 Round these calculator displays to the nearest minute.

a 4° 58′17′′ b 6° 34′11′′

9 Calculate the ‘shelf life’ of a product purchased on 25/8/15 by referring to these ‘best-by’ dates.
a 21/3/16 b 18/5/16
Measurement & Geometry

10 Jemima saw the doctor on 18 March. If she must make another appointment in 6 weeks time, what is the date
of her next appointment?

11 Ace caught the 11:48 pm train from Penrith to Sydney. If he arrived at Central at 12:36 pm, how long did the
journey take?

12 Use the World Time Zones map on page 153 to find the local time in Buenos Aires when it is 6 pm in Rome.

13 It is 6 am daylight saving time in Adelaide. What is the time in Brisbane?

162 Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

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This chapter deals with percentages.
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:

▶ solve problems involving percentages ▶ express loss/profit as a percentage of

▶ determine a percentage of an amount the cost price
▶ increase and decrease by a percentage ▶ solve problems involving profit and
▶ calculate the percentage increase and loss
decrease ▶ perform calculations involving GST.

NSW Syllabus references: S4 N&A Fractions, decimals and percentages, S4 N&A Financial mathematics
Outcomes: mA4-1Wm, mA4-2Wm, mA4-3Wm, mA4-5NA, mA4-6NA
Number & AlgebrA – ACmNA187, ACmNA189

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Diagnostic test
1 Convert __ 87
​  10 ​to a decimal. 9 Express _​  45 ​as a percentage.
A 0.87 B 0.087 A 20% B 40% C 60% D 80%
C 8.7 D 0.807
10 Express 3.56 as a percentage.
2 Convert 0.061 to a fraction. A 356% B 35.6%
A _____ 61
​  60 000 ​ B
​ ____ C 3.56% D 0.356%
1000 ​
61 61
11 Arrange 0.927, __
C ​  100 ​ D ​ __
10 ​
24 1
​  25 ​and 91​ _4 ​% in ascending order.
1 24 24 1
3 Which statement below is correct? A 91​ _4 ​%, 0.927, __
​  25 ​ B 0.927, __
​  25 ​, 91​ _4 ​%
A 0.8 < 0.08 B 0.8 = ___
​  100 ​ 1
C 0.927, 91​ _4 ​%, __
​  25 ​
D ​ __
25 ​, 91​  4 ​%, 0.927
C 0.8 > 0.88 D 0.8 = __
​  10 ​
12 Arrange 0.0621, 64% and _​  35 ​ in descending order.
4 Round 0.998 71 correct to 2 decimal places. A 0.0621, 64%, _​  5 ​
3 3
B 64%, ​ _5 ​, 0.0621
A 1.00 B 0.99 3 3
C _​  5 ,​ 0.0621, 64% D 64%, 0.0621, ​ _5 ​
C 0.10 D 9.9

5 What percentage of the shape is shaded? 13 Express $270 as a percentage of $300.

1 A 90% B 111.1%
A _​  2 ​ B 50%
C 11.1% D 10%
C 0.5 D ​ _8 ​ %
14 Express 330 mL as a percentage of 2 L.
A 16 500% B 1650%
6 Express 41% as a fraction.
C 165% D 16.5%
1 41
A 4​ __
10 ​ B 0.41 C 0.041 D ​ ___
100 ​
15 Find 12% of 90 km.
7 Express 125% as a simplified fraction. A 10.8 km B 12.2 km
1 125 25 25
A 1​ _4 ​ B ​ ___
100 ​ C 1​ ___
100 ​ D ​ __
20 ​ C 14.6 km D 18.3 km

8 Express 8 _​  15 ​% as a decimal. 16 Find 12​ _12 ​% of 400 m.

A 0.0082 B 0.082 A 0.05 m B 0.5 m
C 0.82 D 8.2 C 5m D 50 m

The Diagnostic test questions refer to the Year 7 outcomes from ACMNA157 and ACMNA158.
Number & Algebra

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Investigation 1 Working out percentages
This investigation revises the calculation of percentages without the use of a calculator.
1 This is a method used to find 5% of $300.
a To find 5% means 5 for every 100 or $5 for every $100. This can be shown in a table.
Amount ($) Percentage amount ($)
100 5
100 5
100 5
Total 300 15

$300 = $100 + $100 + $100 so 5% of $300 is $5 + $5 + $5 = $15

So 5% of $300 is $15.
b Use this method to find:
i 2% of $300 ii 5% of $200 iii 6% of $400 iv 3% of $1000

2 A similar method is used to find 4% of $350.

a To find 4% means 4 for every 100 or $4 for every $100.
If there is $4 for every $100, there must be $2 for every $50. This can be shown in a table.

Amount ($) Percentage amount ($)

100 4
100 4
100 4
50 2
Total 350 14

$350 = $100 + $100 + $100 + $50 so 4% of $350 is $4 + $4 + $4 + $2 = $14

So 4% of $350 is $14.
b Use this method to find:
i 3% of $350 ii 4% of $250 iii 6% of $450 iv 3% of $1050

3 A similar method is used to find 2.5% of $300.

a To find 2.5% means 2.5 for every 100 or $2.50 for every $100. This can be shown in a table.
Amount ($) Percentage amount ($)
100 2.5
100 2.5
100 2.5
Number & Algebra

Total 300 7.5

$300 = $100 + $100 + $100 so 2.5% of $300 is $2.50 + $2.50 + $2.50 = $7.50
So 2.5% of $300 is $7.50.
b Use this method to find:
i 2.5% of $300 ii 5.5% of $200 iii 6.5% of $400 iv 3.5% of $1000

Chapter 7 Percentages 165

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4 The methods in questions 1, 2 and 3 are combined to find 3.5% of $450.
a To find 3.5% means 3.50 for every 100 or $3.50 for every $100.
If there is $3.50 for every $100, there must be $1.75 for every $50. This can be shown in a table.

Amount ($) Percentage amount ($)

100 3.50
100 3.50
100 3.50
100 3.50
50 1.75
Total 450 15.75

$450 = $100 + $100 + $100 + $100 + $50

So 3.5% of $450 is $3.50 + $3.50 + $3.50 + $3.50 + $1.75 = $15.75
b Use this method to find:
i 3.5% of $150 ii 4.5% of $250
iii 6.5% of $350 iv 3.5% of $950

5 This method can be used to find the percentage of any amount. Find 5.2% of $340.
a To find 5.2% means 5.2 for every 100 or $5.20 for every $100.
If there is $5.20 for every $100, there must be $0.52 for every $10, so 4 × 0.52 = $2.08 for $40.
This can be shown in a table.

Amount ($) Percentage amount ($)

100 5.20
100 5.20
100 5.20
40 2.08
Total 450 17.68

$340 = $100 + $100 + $100 + $40

So 5.2% of $340 is $5.20 + $5.20 + $5.20 + $2.08 = $17.68
b Use this method to find:
i 3.6% of $120
ii 4.1% of $280
iii 6.3% of $310
iv 7.8% of $980
Number & Algebra

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A Percentages review
Percentages are used every day. A percentage is a way of writing a fraction with a denominator of 100.
For example 13% = ___
100 .

ExamplE 1
Express each percentage as a fraction in simplest form.
a 23% b 65% c 190% d 7_12 %

a 23% = ___
100 b 65% = ____ = __
Remember how to
190 (2 × 7) + 1
c 190% = ____ d 7_12 % = __________ change to improper
100 200 fractions.
90 9 15
____ 3
= 1___ __
100 = 1 10 = = __
200 40

Exercise 7A
1 Express each percentage as a fraction in simplest form.
a 51% b 89% c 47% d 61% e 97%
f 42% g 65% h 75% i 18% j 45%
k 50% l 36% m 54% n 98% o 66%

2 Express each percentage as a whole or mixed numeral in simplest form.

a 100% b 400% c 250% d 375% e 190%
f 620% g 554% h 236% i 708% j 1230%

3 Express each percentage as a fraction in simplest form.

a 9_13 % b 15_14 % c 10_45 % d 5_16 % e 8_23 %

ExamplE 2
Express each percentage as a decimal.
a 16% b 225%

a 16% = ____ = 16 ÷ 100 = 0.16 When ÷ by 100, move the
decimal point 2 places to the left.
b 225% = ____ = 225 ÷ 100 = 2.25 Fill any empty places with zeros.

4 Express each percentage as a decimal.

Number & AlgebrA

a 8% b 9% c 46% d 65% e 58%

f 2% g 26% h 4% i 77% j 84%

5 Express each percentage as a decimal.

a 306% b 154% c 263% d 856% e 287%
f 742% g 733% h 113% i 922% j 569%

Chapter 7 Percentages 167

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Example 3
Express each number as a percentage.
a _​  25 ​ b 7​ _14 ​ c 2 d 8.5

2 100 100 100 100

a __
​   ​ × ____
​   ​ = 40% b 7​ _14 ​ × ____
​   ​ c 2 × ____
​   ​ = 200% d 8.5 × ____
​   ​ = 850%
1 1 1 1
29 ____
___ 100 • When × by 100, move the
= ​   ​ × ​   ​ decimal point 2 places to the right.
4 1
2900 • To change a fraction to a
= _____
​   ​ = 725% percentage, multiply by 100.

6 Express the following as a percentage.

a _​  14 ​ b 5​ _12 ​ c 8 d 6.3 e __
​  20 ​
f 9​ _12 ​ g 0.05 h 2​ _12 ​ i 7.2 j __
​  50 ​
k 1.6 l 17 m 0.8 n 0.4 o __
​  10 ​
p 0.86 q 5​ _34 ​ r 0.001 s 6 t 15

7 Express each fraction as a percentage correct to 2 decimal places. (Use your calculator.)
6 12 15 17
a __
​  11 ​ b __
​  13 ​ c _​  78 ​ d _​  59 ​ e __
​  16 ​ f __
​  19 ​

8 Complete the table by writing equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages on each line.
Fraction Decimal Percentage
a 0.4
b ​ __
10 ​

c 20%
d 0.05
_ 4
e ​  5 ​

f 37%
g 7.08
h 1​ _5 ​

i 0.6%
j 82%
k 11.002
__ 3
l ​  8 ​
Number & Algebra

9 Arrange each set in ascending order.

a 72%, _​  14 ​, 0.92 b _​  15 ​, 86%, 0.09 c _​  78 ​, 0.17, 23% d _​  35 ​, 0.582, 62​ _12 ​%
e _​  56 ​, 70%, 0.44 f 35%, 0.36, _​ 25 ​ 18
g 0.74, 52%, __
​ 20 ​ h ​ _38 ​, 62%, 0.37

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Investigation 2 Percentage symbol
Investigate the history of the percentage symbol.
How has it changed over time to become the
symbol that it is now?

B Percentages of quantities
To express one quantity as a percentage of another:
• change both quantities to the same unit (if necessary)
first quantity
• write _____________ × 100%.
second quantity

To find a percentage of a quantity:

• express each percentage as a fraction in simplest form
• replace ‘of ’ by ‘×’ and calculate the answer.

ExamplE 1
Express the first quantity as a percentage of the second quantity.
a 38 cm, 40 cm b 42 cm, 1.2 m c 2 weeks, 20 days

first quantity 38 100

Use _____________ × 100% a So ___ × ____% = 95%
second quantity 40 1
∴ 38 cm is 95% of 40 cm.
b Convert to cm: that is, 42 cm, 120 cm. c Convert to days: that is, 14 days, 20 days.
42 100 14 100
So ____ × ____% = 35% So, ___ × ____% = 70%
120 1 20 1
∴ 42 cm is 35% of 1.2 m. ∴ 2 weeks is 70% of 20 days.

Exercise 7B
1 Express the first quantity as a percentage of the second quantity.
a $6, $15 b 10 km, 50 km c 4 h, 25 h
d 18 min, 50 min e 70 m, 125 m f $88, $440
g 60 L, 200 L h 27 kg, 50 kg i 54 min, 75 min
j 25 h, 100 h k 32 L, 64 L l 45 m, 180 m

2 What percentage is the first quantity of the second?

Number & AlgebrA

a 28 cm : 1.4 m b 72 cm : 1_12 m c 1.8 m : 60 cm

d 810 g : 4.05 kg e 156 g : 0.24 kg f 3.62 kg : 400 g
g $0.60 : $2 h 85c : $5 i 5.4 L : 600 mL
j 18 h : 1 day k 12 h : 2 days l $2.55 : $1.25
m 6 months : 2 years n 21 months : 3_2 years o 24 months : 5 years

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ExamplE 2
Calculate the following.
a 20% of 40 m b 12_12 % of $40

20 40 25
a 20% of 40 m = ____ × ___ b 12_12 % = ____
100 1 200
800 25 40
= ____ 12_2 % of $40 = ____ × ___
100 200 1
=8m = _____

3 Calculate:
a 45% of $260 b 64% of 500 L c 75% of $240
d 17% of 50 e 12% of 64 kg f 18% of 80 m
g 62_12 % of $320 h 66_23 % of 180 m i 32% of 308 kg
j 72% of 210 L k 21% of $544 l 13% of $126

4 Convert each percentage to a decimal, then calculate:

a 4% of $120 b 9% of 220 L c 6% of 40 m
d 15% of 600 kg e 13% of $160 f 52% of 1600 km

C Percentage change
Two methods can be used to increase or decrease an amount by a percentage. To increase means to add
to the original amount.
Method 1 To decrease means to subtract
To calculate the percentage of the amount: from the original amount.
new amount = old amount + increase
new amount = old amount − decrease
Method 2
Find the percentage of the amount once you have increased or decreased the percentage.

ExamplE 1
Using method 1:
a increase $50 by 70% b decrease $50 by 70%

First find 70% of $50. Remember to find the new amount first, then
Number & AlgebrA

____ add or subtract it from the original amount.
0.70 × 50 = $35 × 50 = $35
a New amount = old amount + increase b New amount = old amount − decrease
= $50 + $35 = $50 − $35
= $85 = $15

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Exercise 7C
1 Complete to find the increased amounts using method 1.
a $400 by 15% b 200 g by 40%
____15 __□
​   ​ × ___ = ___ ​  ​ × 200 = ___
100 □
New amount = $400 + ___ New amount = 200 g + ___
= $460 = ___ g

2 Increase the following amounts using method 1.

a $300 by 15% b 100 g by 40% c 100 L by 8%
d $90 by 70% e 68 by 20% f 380 by 50%

3 Decrease the following amounts using method 1.

a $24 by 50% b 60 by 70% c 50 kg by 40%
d 90 m by 30% e 150 km by 8% f 80 L by 70%

Example 2
a Find the percentage of an amount that is needed to increase the amount by 88%.
b Find the percentage of an amount that is needed to decrease the amount by 14%.

a 100% + 88% = 188% b 100% − 14% = 86%

4 Find the percentage of an amount that is needed to increase the amount by:
a 11% b 38% c 55% d 92% e 68%
f 86% g 39% h 107% i 156% j 213%

5 Find the percentage of an amount that is needed to decrease the amount by:
a 9% b 15% c 18% d 23% e 32%
f 47% g 66% h 51% i 95% j 78%

Example 3
Using method 2:
a increase $50 by 70% b decrease $50 by 70%

a 100% + 70% = 170% b 100% − 70% = 30%

170% of $50 = ____
​   ​ × 50 30% of $50 = 0.3 × 50
= $85 = $15
Number & Algebra

6 Complete to find the increased amounts using method 2.

a 70 km by 10% b 20 t by 80%
100% + 10% = ___% 100% + 80% = ___%
Find 110% of 70 km. Find 180% of 20 t.
∴ 1.1 × 70 = ___ km ∴ ____
​   ​ × 20 = ___ t

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7 Increase the following using method 2.
a 70 km by 10% b 60 L by 80% c $1200 by 60%
d 9 L by 70% e 28 km by 50% f 15 m by 5%

8 Decrease the following using method 2.

a 20 t by 80% b 40 km by 70% c 55 L by 60%
d $900 by 50% e 60 g by 40% f 70 m by 10%

9 Read the following problems. Decide whether it is an

increase or a decrease then solve.
a A baker increased the price of chocolate mud cakes sold
to restaurants by 70%. What is the new selling price of a
chocolate mud cake if the original price was $5.00?
b Kayla’s home in Mountain View Estate was purchased
for $160 000. Its value has increased by 62%. Calculate
its present value.
c A sound system priced at $980 is reduced by 15% during
a sale. Calculate the sale price of the sound system.
d Al’s Cars has discounted all cars by 10% for the weekend.
Calculate the discounted price of a car valued at $22 000.
e Jessica purchased watches for $5.50 and marked them up by 80% before selling them in her jewellery
store. Calculate the selling price of the watches to the nearest dollar.

10 In an analysis of the Rugby League grand final the following statistics were gathered.
Aspect Winning team Losing team
Time in possession (min) 48 32
Line breaks 15 11
Completed sets 18 12
Tackles 235 303

a Calculate the percentage time in possession for the winning team.

b Calculate the percentage of total tackles for each team.
c Compare the percentage time in possession with the percentage of tackles. What comment can be made?
Number & Algebra

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Investigation 3 Comparing percentages
This table is taken from a breakfast cereal package.
Guideline daily intake for adults

Guideline daily intake Per serving % DI

Energy 8700 kJ 640 kJ
Total fat 70 g 3.5 g 5%
Saturated fat 24 g 0.7 g
Sugars 90 g 0.4 g <1%
Sodium 2300 mg 5 mg <1%
Fibre 30 g 3.9 g

1 Calculate the missing % DI (daily intake) values.

2 Compare the guidelines for your favourite breakfast cereal with the values for this cereal.

3 Another cereal has 8 g of sugar per serving. Calculate the % DI of sugar from one serve of this other cereal.
How does this compare with the guidelines above?

4 Compare the % DI for sugar, sodium and fat of other packaged foods.

D Calculating percentage change

To calculate a percentage increase or decrease, the following formula is used:
% increase = _____________ × 100%
original amount
We always compare with the
% decrease = _____________ × 100% original amount, so this becomes
original amount the denominator.

ExamplE 1
Find the percentage increase.
a $120 to $150 b $48 to $216

a Increase = $150 − $120 b Increase = $216 − $48

= $30 = $168
increase increase
% increase = _____________ × 100% % increase = _____________ × 100%
original amount original amount
Number & AlgebrA

30 7
= ____ × 100% = ____ × 100%
120 2
100 700
= ____ = ____
4 2
= 25% = 350%
∴ $120 to $150 is a 25% increase. ∴ $48 to $216 is a 350% increase.

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Exercise 7D
1 Complete to find the percentage increase.
a 48 g to 60 g b 30 L to 45 L
Increase = 60 − 48 Increase = 45 − ___
= ___ g = ___ L
12 15
% increase = ___
​   ​ × 100% % increase = ___
​  ​ × 100%
48 □
= ___% = ___%
∴ 48 g to 60 g is a ___% increase. ∴ 30 L to 45 L is a ___% increase.

2 Calculate the percentage increase.

a 50 g to 80 g b 30 L to 75 L c 12 min to 1 h
d $120 to $228 e 16 m to 20 m f 20 g to 52 g
g 120 L to 180 L h 150 kg to 210 kg i 30 km to 150 km

Example 2
Find the percentage decrease.
a 80 L to 60 L b 72 kg to 36 kg

a Decrease = 80 − 60 b Decrease = 72− 36

= 20 = 36
decrease decrease
% decrease = ​     ​ × 100% % decrease = _____________
_____________ ​    ​ × 100%
original amount original amount
20 1
= ​ ___  ​ × 100% = ___​ 2  ​ × 100%
80 72
____ 100
= ​   ​ = ​   ​
4 2
= 25% = 50%
∴ 80 L to 60 L is a 25% decrease. ∴ 72 kg to 36 kg is a 50% decrease.

3 Complete to find the percentage decrease.

a 70 L to 42 L b 200 m to 50 m
Decrease = 70 − 42 Decrease = 200 − ___
= ___ L = ___ m
28 □
% decrease = ​ ___ ​ × 100% % decrease = ____
​   ​ × 100%
70 200
= ___% = ___%
∴ 70 L to 42 L is a ___% decrease. ∴ 200 m to 50 m is a ___% decrease.

4 Calculate the percentage decrease.

Number & Algebra

a 80 L to 32 L b 200 m to 120 m c 90 km to 27 km
d $105 to $63 e 16 t to 4 t f $560 to $420
g 800 km to 200 km h 54 m to 27 m i 35 t to 7 t

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5 This table shows the approximate cost of using various size TVs. The annual cost is based on 7 hours of
viewing per day with electricity charged at 25 cents/kWh.

TV screen size Energy/Star rating Annual cost ($)

138 cm/54 inch $217


106 cm/42 inch $139


80 cm/32 inch $83


a For each size TV, calculate the percentage saving per year if the 6-star rating TV is used rather than the
2​ _2 ​star rating TV.
b Calculate the percentage saving from the most costly to the least costly TV.

6 The table shows the cost of various forms of lighting. The annual cost is based on 3 hours per day with
electricity charged at 25 cents/kWh.

Lighting Annual cost ($)

Compact fluorescent globe: 15 W $3.92

Compact fluorescent globe: 20 W $5.22

Fluorescent tube: 18 W $6.81

Fluorescent tube: 25 W $11.36

12-volt halogen downlight: 50 W $14.77

Incandescent globe: 75 W $19.31

Incandescent globe: 100 W $26.13

Calculate the percentage saving in making a change

a a 100 W incandescent globe to a 75 W globe
b an 18 W fluorescent tube to a 15 W compact
fluorescent globe
c a 75 W incandescent globe to a 20 W compact
fluorescent globe.
Number & Algebra

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E The unitary method
Here we are given some information about a quantity and its percentage of an unknown total quantity. We could
then be asked to find the total quantity or another percentage of it.
Remember, the total unknown quantity is 100%. If we find the value of 1%, then we only need to multiply by
100 to find 100%.
For example, if 12 g is 10% of the weight then 10% is 12 g.
12 It is called the unitary method
So 1% is ___ g because we find 1% first.
10 12
∴ 100% = ___ g × 100 = 120 g
So ______________ × 100 = total unknown quantity
percentage given

ExamplE 1
Find 100% of a quantity if:
a 23% is $78.20 b 46.5% is 186 kg

a 23% is $78.20 b 46.5% is 186 kg

$78.20 186
1% is ______ 1% is ____ kg
23 46.5
$78.20 186
100% is ______ × 100 = $340 100% is ____ × 100 kg = 400 kg
23 46.5
∴ 100% is $340. ∴ 100% is 400 kg.
78.20 × 100 ÷ 23 = 186 × 100 ÷ 46.5 =

Exercise 7E
1 Find 100% of a quantity if:
a 10% is 82 m b 23% is 483 g c 78% is 733.2 km
d 49% is 110.25 e 12.9% is 29.67 g f 5.08% is $2.54
g 2_12 % is 125 mL h 38_14 % is 19 125 kg i 125% is $3.40

2 34% of students at a school use public

transport. If 204 students use public transport,
how many students attend the school?

3 Darko scored 81% for a test. If his actual

score was 121_2 , what was the maximum
possible mark for the test?

4 A newspaper saves $26 860 in printing costs

per year by purchasing recycled paper. If
printing costs have been reduced by 31.6%,
calculate the original printing costs.


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5 Find the original price of items with these tags.
a b c

off 32 % 1
$37.50 S ave 1 5 4
$ PAY $148: 50
Example 2
a The original price of a TV is increased by
30% to $323.70. Calculate the original price.
b A car is reduced by 30% to $7000. Calculate
the original price.

a 130% is $323.70
1% is ______
​   ​
100% is ______
​   ​ × 100 = $249
∴ The original price was $249.
b 30% reduction so $7000 is 70%
of the original price.
1% is _____
​   ​
100% is _____
​   ​ × 100 = $10 000
∴ The original price was $10 000.

6 Find the original price for each of these items.

a A phone is increased by 25% to $640.
b A lamp is increased by 30% to $179.40.
c A suit is increased by 45% to $578.55.
d A formal dress is increased by 55%
to $744.
e A computer game is increased by 60%
to $136.
Number & Algebra

7 Find the original price for each of these items.

a A car is reduced by 30% to $2800.
b A game is reduced by 70% to $28.50.
c A dress is reduced by 60% to $180.
d A motor cycle is reduced by 15%
to $2125.

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ExamplE 3
a Find 35% of a quantity if 20% of the quantity is 110 L.
b Find 87% of a quantity if 32% of the quantity is 108.8 m.

a 20% = 110 L b 32% = 108.8 m

110 108.8
1% is ____ 1% is _____ m
20 32
110 108.8
35% is ____ × 35 = 192.5 L 87% is _____ × 87 = 295.8 m
20 32
∴ 35% of the quantity is 192.5 L. ∴ 87% of the quantity is 295.8 m.
110 ÷ 20 × 35 = 108.8 ÷ 32 × 87 =

8 a Find 8% of a quantity if 15% of the quantity is $34.50.

b Find 42% of a quantity if 6% of the quantity is 53.4 kg.
c Find 58% of a quantity if 13.4% of the quantity is 294.8 L.
d Find 93% of a quantity if 0.6% of the quantity is 9 km.
e Find 61.2% of a quantity if 15_4 % of the quantity is 109.8 m.
f Find 18_14 % of a quantity if 72% of the quantity is $3288.96.

F Profit and loss

Profit is the difference between the cost of an item and its selling price.
Profit = selling price − cost price
For example, a painting is purchased for $2000 and later sold for $3000. The profit is $3000 − $2000 = $1000.
Loss occurs if the selling price of an item is lower than the cost price.
Loss = cost price − selling price

Exercise 7F
1 Define the following terms.
a cost price b selling price
c profit d loss

2 Calculate the profit on each item when:

a selling price = $700 cost price = $500 profit = 700 − 500 = ____
b selling price = $520 cost price = $380 profit = ____ − 380 = ____
Number & AlgebrA

c selling price = $975 cost price = $482 profit = ____ − ____ = ____

3 Calculate the loss on each item when:

a cost price = $800 selling price = $530 loss = 800 − 530 = ____
b cost price = $945 selling price = $645 loss = ____ − 645 = ____
c cost price = $1050 selling price = $822 loss = ____ − ____ = ____

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4 Read each statement below.
i State whether a profit or a loss was made.
ii Calculate the profit or loss.
a Sarah purchased a car for $8600. She later
sold it for $5200.
b Kyle paid $754 for a painting. He later sold
it for $2550.
c A house purchased in 1984 for $183 000 was
sold in 2003 for $367 000.
d Dianna purchased shares worth $56 400 in
2007. In 2013 the value of the shares was
$38 140.

ExamplE 1
A television purchased for $1000 was later sold for $650.
a Calculate the loss.
b Express the loss as a percentage of the cost price.

a Loss = cost price − selling price

= $1000 − $650 = $350
b Loss as a % of cost = ________ × 100
cost price
= _____ × 100 = 35%

5 A computer purchased for $4000 is later sold for $2500.

a Calculate the loss.
b Express the loss as a percentage of the cost price correct to 1 decimal place.

6 A car purchased for $60 000 is later sold for $45 000.
a Calculate the loss.
b Express the loss as a percentage of the cost price correct to 1 decimal place.

7 A motorcycle was purchased for $24 000. If it was sold for $16 000, calculate the loss as a percentage of
the cost price.

ExamplE 2
A vase purchased for $80 was later sold for $480.
a Calculate the profit.
b Express the profit as a percentage of the cost price.
Number & AlgebrA

a Profit = selling price − cost price

= $480 − $80 = $400
b Profit as a % of cost price = ________ ×100
cost price
= ____ × 100 = 500%

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8 An antique set of drawers purchased for $5000 was later
sold for $12 000.
a Calculate the profit.
b Express the profit as a percentage of the cost price.

9 A diamond ring valued at $8000 is later sold for $10 000.

Calculate the profit as a percentage of the cost price.

10 A painting purchased for $650 is sold for $1000.

Calculate the profit as a percentage of the cost price
correct to 1 decimal place.

ExamplE 3
a A car with a cost price of $5200 is sold at a profit of 15%. Calculate the selling price.
b A computer with a cost price of $715 is sold at a loss of 27%. Calculate the selling price.

a Percentage = 100% + 15% = 115% b Percentage = 100% − 27% = 73%

115 73
Selling price = ____ × 5200 = $5980 Selling price = ____ × 715 = $521.95
100 100

11 Calculate the selling price of each item.

a A computer with a cost price of $740 is sold at a profit of 15%.
b A phone with a cost price of $420 is sold at a profit of 35%.
c A car with a cost price of $6500 is sold at a loss of 30%.
d A dress with a cost price of $350 is sold at a loss of 45%.
e A computer game with a cost price of $120 is sold at a loss of 25%.
f A holiday with a cost price of $899 is sold at a profit of 40%.

ExamplE 4
A chair is sold for $319. This is a profit of 45%.
Calculate the cost price of the chair.

Selling percentage = 100% + 45%

= 145%
Number & AlgebrA

145% is $319
1% is ____
100% is ____ × 100 = $220
∴ The cost price was $220.

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12 Calculate the cost price of these items.
a selling price is $169 for a profit of 30% b selling price is $318.60 for a profit of 18%
c selling price is $111.54 for a profit of 43% d selling price is $110 for a profit of 120%
e selling price is $245 for a profit of 75% f selling price is $1320 for a profit of 340%

Example 5
A video game console was sold for $132. This was a loss of 40%. Calculate the cost price.

Selling percentage = 100% − 40% = 60%

60% is $132
1% is ____
​   ​
100% is ____
​   ​ × 100 = $220
∴ The cost price was $220.

13 Calculate the cost price of these items.

a selling price is $144 for a loss of 60% b selling price is $297.50 for a loss of 15%
c selling price is $923 for a loss of 35% d selling price is $48.40 for a loss of 45%
e selling price is $15 for a loss of 80% f selling price is $39.95 for a loss of 47%

14 a A car was purchased for $8000 and later sold for $8400.
i Calculate the profit. ii Express the profit as a percentage of the cost price.
b A motorcycle was purchased for $22 000 and later sold for $17 500.
i Calculate the loss. ii Express the loss as a percentage of the cost price.
c A boat with cost price of $3800 is sold at a profit of 12%.
i Calculate the profit. ii Calculate the selling price.
d A computer with a cost price of $1200 is sold at a loss of 35%.
i Calculate the loss. ii Calculate the selling price.
e A clock is sold for $276. This is a profit of 32%.
i Calculate the cost price of the clock. ii Calculate the profit.
f A smart phone was sold for $210. This was a loss of 45%.
i Calculate the cost price. ii Calculate the loss.

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15 a A car with cost price of $45 800 is sold at a profit of 26%.
i Calculate the profit.
ii Calculate the selling price.
b A tablet computer was sold for $430. This was a loss of 23%.
i Calculate the cost price.
ii Calculate the loss.
c A motorcycle is sold for $6310. This is a profit of 11%.
i Calculate the cost price of the motorcycle.
ii Calculate the profit.
d An antique table was purchased for $16 500
and later sold for $9250.
i Calculate the loss.
ii Express the loss as a percentage of the cost price.
e A painting was purchased for $860 and later sold for $1100.
i Calculate the profit.
ii Express the profit as a percentage of the cost price.
f A gold necklace with a cost price of $3840 is sold at a loss of 47%.
i Calculate the loss.
ii Calculate the selling price.

16 A car is purchased for $5200 and later sold for a profit of 28%. The person who sold the car wants to buy it
back and is told the price to buy it back must give the new seller a profit of 15%. How much does it cost to
buy the car back?

G Goods and services tax (GST)

The GST is a federal tax applied to most goods and services in Australia. It is calculated at the rate of 10% of
the purchase price of the goods or services.
The price excluding the GST (that is the price before the GST is added) is written ‘price excluding GST’.
The price including the GST (that is the price after the GST is added) is written ‘price including GST’.

ExamplE 1
a Calculate the GST and the price including GST of a camera with a listed price excluding GST of $710.
b Calculate the price including GST of a mobile phone with a listed price excluding GST of $299.

a GST = 10% of $710

= 0.1 × $710
= $71
Price including GST = $710 + $71
Number & AlgebrA

= $781
b Price including GST = list price + 10% of the list price
= 110% of the list price
= 1.10 × $299
= $328.90

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Exercise 7G
1 Calculate the GST and the price including GST
of the following items with listed prices that
exclude GST.
a microwave oven $440
b computer $3690
c TV repairs $258
d DVD player $397
e plumber’s bill for services $1800

2 Calculate the price including GST on the following items with listed prices that exclude GST.
a car battery $95 b ticket to Rugby Final $225 c bottle of wine $17
d printer repairs $336 e electrician’s bill $457 f bicycle $399

Example 2
A TV is advertised with a listed price of $899, price including GST.
a Calculate the GST included on the price.
b Calculate the pre-GST price.

The simple method for calculating the GST in these situations is called the ‘GST rule of thumb’:
GST = price including GST ÷ 11
a GST = _____
​   ​
= $81.73 to the nearest cent
b Pre-GST price = $899 − $81.73
= $817.27

3 For the following items with listed prices that include GST,
use the GST rule of thumb to calculate:
i the GST included in the price of each item
ii the pre-GST price.
a TV $1189
b lounge suite $4970
c BBQ chicken $10.89
d perfume $148
e dress $124
Number & Algebra

f tablet computer $499

4 Find the amounts missing from the following invoices.

a Tax invoice b Tax invoice
Services rendered = $850 Services rendered = ____
GST = ____ GST = $48.80
Total including GST = ____ Total including GST = $536.80

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c Tax invoice
Taxable items
Shirt $69.95
Tie $29.95
Total including GST = $99.90
GST included in total = ____
d Tax invoice
Taxable items
5 CDs @ $32.90 including GST = ____
GST included in total = ____

5 A docking station is valued at $100 before

adding the GST. After the GST is added the sale
price is $110.
a Explain how the sale price of $110 was
b John concluded that the price of the docking
station before the addition of GST is really
equivalent to $110 × 0.90 or $110 × 90%.
He calculates that the price before GST was
added was $99. Is John correct? Explain
your answer.

6 Complete the following to find the values of these amounts when they are increased by 10%.
a $150: $150 × 110% = $150 × 1.1 = $___
b $220: $220 × 110% = $220 × ___ = $___
c $370: $370 × 110% = $___ × ___ = $___
d $400: $400 × 110% = $___ × ___ = $___

7 Use the answers from question 6 and decrease each amount by 10%.
a $165 × 90% = $165 × 0.9 = $___
b $___ × 90% = $___ × 0.9 = $___
c $___ × 90% = $___ × 0.9 = $___
d $___ × 90% = $___ × 0.9 = $___

8 a What do you notice about the amounts obtained in the last column of questions 6 and 7?
b Is the following statement true or false?
When an amount is increased by a percentage, and the new amount is then decreased by the same
percentage, the result is the original amount.
c Explain the reasoning for your findings.

Investigation 4 Taxation percentages in other countries (extension)

Number & Algebra

Australia has a GST of 10%. Other countries have similar taxes, sometimes called a VAT or value added tax,
of different percentage amounts. The 10% used in Australia means the calculations are simpler than for the
percentages used in other countries. The rule of thumb that can be used for 10% cannot be used for any other
This investigation examines the VAT of some other countries, which are listed in the table.

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Country Percentage rate Country Percentage rate
Belgium 21.0% Italy 22.0%
Luxemburg 15.0% Netherlands 21.0%
Germany 19.0% South Africa 14.0%
France 20% Switzerland 8%

Ireland 23% New Zealand 13%

Complete the following calculations in Australian dollars. For example, to find the VAT on a sports bag priced
at $A75 in France, calculate 20% of $75 as the VAT rate in France is 20%. The answer is $A15.

1 Calculate the VAT on a watch listed at $A650 in these countries.

a Italy b Luxemburg c South Africa d New Zealand

2 Calculate the VAT on a box of chocolates listed at $A15 in these countries.

a New Zealand b France c Switzerland d Netherlands

3 Calculate the VAT on a camera listed at $A230 in these countries.

a Belgium b Germany c Ireland d Italy

To calculate the amount of VAT included in the cost of a mobile phone priced at $A199 in South Africa, the
unitary method must be used, as the VAT is not 10% and the rule of thumb only works for tax rates of 10%.
The VAT rate in South Africa is 14% so:
114% is $A199
So 1% is ____
​   ​
Then 14% is ____
​   ​ × 14 as the VAT rate is 14%.
The VAT amount is $A24.44.

4 Use the unitary method to find the amount of VAT included in the cost of a smart phone priced at $A625 in
these countries.
a Belgium b Germany c South Africa d New Zealand

5 Use the unitary method to find the amount of VAT included in a plane fare quoted at $A322 in these
a Italy b Luxemburg c Ireland d Switzerland

6 Use the unitary method to find the amount of VAT included in the cost of a tablet computer priced at $A299
in these countries.
a New Zealand b France c Switzerland d Netherlands

7 A camera is priced at $A347 in Germany. The price includes VAT. Calculate the cost of the same camera
Number & Algebra

including VAT if purchased in:

a Italy b Luxemburg c Ireland d New Zealand.

8 A carry-on airline bag is priced at $A99 in Ireland. The price includes VAT. Calculate the cost of the same
bag including VAT if purchased in:
a Belgium b Germany c South Africa d Italy.

Chapter 7 Percentages 185

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Language in mathematics
Online social media
An estimated 29% of Australians (5.2 million) participated in some type of online social media activity in an
average 4-week period, according to Roy Morgan Research data for the year ended March 2010.
The most popular social media activity was visiting social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace,
with 24% of Australians 14+ years of age using them in an average 4-week period. Streamed videos, such as
YouTube, were used by 13%; online journals and blogs by 8%; and online forums by 6%.
Percentage of Australians participating in online social media
Total online social media 29%
Social networking (e.g. Facebook, MySpace) 24%
Streamline video (e.g. YouTube) 13%
Read or added comments to someone else’s online journal or blog 8%
Viewed or contributed to online forum 6%
Uploaded photos to photo sharing website (e.g. Flickr) 5%
Read or added comments to an online newspaper blog 5%
Participated in online virtual communities 3%
Chat rooms 3%
Business networking (e.g. LinkedIn) 2%
Uploaded videos (e.g. onto YouTube) 2%
Created or managed online journal or blog 2%
Used an online dating service (e.g. RSVP) 1%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Source: http://www.roymorganonlinestore.com/News/1118---Over-a-quarter-of-Australians-participate-i.aspx

Jane Ianniello, Roy Morgan Research International Director of Tourism, Travel & Leisure, stated:
‘An increasing percentage of Australians are participating in online social media. The good news for the
Australian tourism industry is that people participating in online social media are more likely than the
average Australian to take holidays, both domestic and overseas. They are also more likely to provide advice
to their friends and family about holiday and travel, so they are potentially useful advocates for a tourism
destination. To this end social media represents a real opportunity to the tourism industry.’
This information highlights the positive impacts that social media can have for the tourism industry.
1 Do you think that the statistical information is sufficient to support the claims that social media positively
impacts upon the tourism industry? Explain your answer.

2 Why do you think social media has become such a powerful force in today’s modern economy? It may
be helpful to ask your classmates what types of social media they access, when, how often and for what
purpose. How do you think the figures above would have changed since 2010?

3 Research a holiday destination of your choice online.

a Is there sufficient information online to make an informed decision?
b Is there evidence of social media to assist you in making your choices regarding this destination?
Number & AlgebrA

c Do you find the use of social media helpful or a deterrent?

4 In class debate that: Social media enables us as consumers to make informed choices. Run a series of debates
regarding the impact of social media in our lives. Tourism is only one area. Undoubtedly you will be able to
look at the many areas of our everyday life that are impacted both positively and negatively by the forces of
social media.

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ascending compare conversion convert cost price
decrease decimal descending discount estimate
equivalent fraction increase improper fraction loss
mixed numeral percentage place value profit proper fraction
rounding selling price simplify

Check your skills

1 Express 0.08% as a decimal.
A 0.0008 B 0.008 C 0.08 D 0.8

2 Express 5​ _56 ​as a percentage.

A 58.3 B 5.83 C 58.33 D 583.3

3 Express 82 L as a percentage of 90 L.
A 0.91% B 9.1% C 91.1% D 911.1%

4 Express 32 min as a percentage of 1​ _14 ​ h.

A 0.426% B 4.26% C 42.6% D 426.6%

5 Find 52​ _12 ​% of $7500.

A $3937.50 B $3562.50 C $3973.50 D $3937.50

6 Increase 620 kg by 12%.

A 74.4 kg B 545.6 kg C 694.4 kg D 644.4 kg

7 Decrease $230 by 56%.

A $358.80 B $101.20 C $149.50 D $105.80

8 Calculate the percentage increase from 36 kg to 65 kg to the nearest per cent.

A 55% B 80% C 45% D 81%

9 What is 100% of a quantity if 27% is 189?

A 1.89 B 7 C 51.03 D 700

10 The original price of a laptop is increased by 35% to $1146.15. What was the original price?
A $3274.71 B $1146.15 C $849 D $401.15

11 If 65% of a quantity is 572 what is 42% of the quantity?

A $371.80 B $369.60 C $240.24 D $156.16

12 Brendan and Tiarne purchased a house in 2007 for $430 000. They sold it in 2013 for $572 000. Express
Number & Algebra

the profit as a percentage of the purchase price.

A 33% B 25% C 30% D 75%

13 A car with cost price of $6000 is sold at a loss of 45%. What is the selling price?
A $2700 B $3300 C $8700 D $9300

Chapter 7 Percentages 187

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14 A ring is sold for $840. This is a profit of 40%. What was the cost price of the ring?
A $2100 B $504 C $600 D $336

15 An item valued at $675 needs to have 10% GST added. What is the selling price inclusive of GST?
A $607.50 B $668.25 C $742.50 D $67.50

16 A watch is advertised at $199 including GST. What was the pre-GST cost of the watch?
A $19.90 B $179.10 C $18.09 D 180.91

If you have any difficulty with these questions, refer to the examples and questions in the section listed in
the table.

Question 1, 2 3–5 6, 7 8 9–11 12–14 15, 16

Section A B C D E F G

7A Review set
1 Find 15% of 200 kg.

2 Express 26 kg as a percentage of 78 kg, correct to 2 decimal places.

3 Increase 100 by 40%.

4 Decrease 280 by 25%.

5 The amount of water in a tank increases from 80 L to 135 L. What is the percentage increase?

6 Find the percentage decrease from 85 kg to 68 kg.

7 Find 100% of a quantity if 37% is $155.40.

8 The price of a bicycle is increased by 60% to $638.40. Calculate the original price.

9 An antique gun purchased for $1200 was later sold for $2900.
a Calculate the profit.
b Express the profit as a percentage of the cost price.

10 A necklace with a cost price of $149 is sold at

a loss of 12%. Calculate the selling price.

11 A skateboard was sold for $76.50. This was

a loss of 15%. Calculate the cost price.

12 A microwave oven is listed at $189

Number & AlgebrA

including GST.
a Calculate the GST.
b Calculate the pre-GST price.

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7B Review set
1 Robyn scored 73 out of 100 in a Science exam. Express her result as a percentage.

2 Write 55 g as a percentage of 250 g.

3 Write $0.24 as a percentage of $2.40.

4 Find 53% of $400.

5 Find 5​ _14 ​% of 200 kg.

6 Daniel earns $720 per week. He spends 46% of his income on rent and household expenditure, 22% on
entertainment and the remainder is placed in a savings account. Calculate the amount of money Daniel
allocates each week to:
a rent and household expenditure b entertainment c savings

7 Express 45 cm as a percentage of 1.2 m.

8 Decrease 14 m by 8%.

9 Joe purchases bananas for 20c each. If he sells them at an increased price of 160%, what is the selling price
of a banana?

10 Find 100% of a quantity if 62% is $264.12.

11 A tennis racquet was sold for $135. This was a profit of 43%. Calculate the cost price.

12 Calculate the GST on a DVD player listed at $89 excluding GST.

7C Review set
1 Express 4.2 kg as a percentage of 800 g.

2 Express 64 L as a percentage of 80 L.

3 Find 42% of 5000 km.

4 Increase 84 m by 6%.

5 Find the percentage decrease from 135 L to 61 L.

6 Find 100% of a quantity if 135% is $75.60.

Number & Algebra

7 The price of a concert ticket is increased by 140% to $124.60. Calculate the original price.

8 A signed West Tigers jumper purchased for $800 was sold for $2000.
a Calculate the profit.
b Express the profit as a percentage of the cost price.

Chapter 7 Percentages 189

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9 An Eels jumper was sold for $35. This was a loss of 76%. Calculate the cost price.

10 Craig purchased a mountain bike for $1800. He later sold it for $1332. Express the loss as a percentage of
the cost price.

11 Calculate the GST on a dinner set listed at $385 excluding GST.

12 Calculate the pre-GST price of a tracksuit listed at $99 including GST.

7D Review set
1 Express 4.5 m as a percentage of 120 cm.

2 Express 660 g as a percentage of 1.2 kg.

3 Find 72% of $80.

4 Decrease $6500 by 28%.

5 Over a period of time the value of a house increased by 15% to $564 000. Find the original value of the
house, to the nearest dollar.

6 Calculate the percentage increase from 48 kg to 91 kg.

7 Calculate the percentage decrease from 112 m to 78 m.

8 Find 100% of a quantity if 38% is 29.64 kg.

9 A brochure advertises jackets for 30% off the original price. Calculate the original cost if the sale price
is $455.

10 The price of a concert ticket is increased by 74% to $374.10. Calculate the original price.

11 A radio-controlled plane with a cost price of $349 is sold at a loss of 23%. Calculate the selling price.

12 A collector card was sold for $475. This was a profit of 35%. Calculate the cost price.

13 Find the GST on an item marked at $1980 including 10% GST.

14 Calculate the selling price of an item valued at $95 if 10% GST must be added.
Number & Algebra

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Circles and
This chapter deals with circles and cylinders.
At the end of the chapter you should be able to:

▶ name the parts of a circle ▶ calculate the area of circles and

▶ calculate the circumference of a circle sectors
▶ find the length of an arc ▶ calculate the area of composite
▶ calculate the perimeter of composite figures containing circles or parts of
figures containing circles or parts of circles
circles ▶ calculate the volume of a cylinder
▶ calculate the radius of a circle given ▶ calculate the volume of composite
the circumference figures containing cylinders.

NSW Syllabus references: S4 M&G Length, S4 M&G Volume

Outcomes: MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA3-9MG, MA4-12MG, MA4-13MG, MA4-14MG

08_LEY_IM8_77945_TXT_SI.indd 191 21/07/14 4:30 PM

Diagnostic test
1 40 mm is equal to: 13 The perimeter of this shape is:
A 4 cm B 400 cm cm
C 0.4 cm D 4000 cm
20.1 cm 5.2

2 5 cm 3 mm is equal to: 9.7 cm 13.6 cm

A 53 cm B 5.3 cm
C 0.53 cm D 5300 cm 25.2 cm
A 71.1 cm B 69.3 cm
3 43.2 cm is equal to:
A 4.32 mm B 432 mm C 73.8 cm D 64.1 cm
C 0.432 mm D 4320 mm
14 The area of this square is:
4 7 m is equal to: A 36 cm
B 36 cm2 6 cm
A 70 cm B 7000 cm
C 0.7 cm D 700 cm C 24 cm
D 24 cm2 6 cm
5 4 m 65 cm is equal to:
A 46.5 cm B 465 cm 15 The area of this
C 4650 cm D 4.65 cm rectangle is:
A 35 cm 5 cm
6 3.25 m is equal to:
B 35 cm2
A 32.5 cm B 3.25 cm
C 12 cm2 7 cm
C 325 cm D 3250 cm
D 24 cm2
7 157 mm is equal to:
A 15.7 cm B 1.57 cm 16 The area of this triangle is:
C 1570 cm D 15 700 cm A 28 cm
B 28 cm2
8 5.439 km is equal to: C 15 cm
7 cm

A 543.9 m B 54.39 m D 56 cm2

C 5 439 000 m D 5439 m 8 cm

9 12 500 m is equal to: 17 The geometrical name that best describes the
shape of a matchbox is:
A 125 km B 12.5 km
C 1.25 km D 12 500 000 km A square prism
B sphere
10 Estimate 23.8 cm to the nearest cm. C rectangular pyramid
A 23 cm B 24 cm D rectangular prism
C 28 cm D 25 cm
18 The solids that have been
11 0.43 km is equal to:
Measurement & Geometry

combined to make the

A 430 cm B 4300 cm
object shown are:
C 43 000 cm D 430 000 cm
A a cone and a
12 Which statement below is correct? rectangular prism
A 52 m = 520 cm B a pyramid and a
B 0.7 km = 70 000 mm hemisphere
C 800 000 mm = 80 m C a pyramid and a cylinder
D 463 000 mm = 0.463 km D a cone and a cylinder

The Diagnostic test questions refer to the Year 7 outcomes from ACMMG136, ACMMG159 and ACMMG161.

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A Parts of a circle
Name Diagram Definition

Circumference The perimeter of a circle

Arc Part of the circumference


Semicircle Half of a full circle

Centre The point inside the circle which is equidistant from

centre all points on the circle (Equidistant means ‘equal

Radius An interval drawn from the centre of the circle to the

radius circumference

Diameter An interval passing through the centre that divides the

diameter circle in half (Diameter = 2 × radius)

Sector An area cut off by two radii MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY

Chord ch
ord An interval joining two points on the circumference,
but not passing through the centre

Chapter 8 Circles and cylinders 193

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Name Diagram Definition
Tangent A line on the exterior of the circle that touches the
tangent circumference at one point

Minor segment The smaller of the two regions inside a circle bounded
by the circle and a chord

Major segment The larger of the two regions inside a circle bounded
by the circle and a chord

Exercise 8A
1 Name the features shown in purple for each of these circles.
a b c d

e f g h

i j k l
Measurement & Geometry

2 What features of circles can be seen in the examples below?

a b

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c d

3 a Name the feature shown by these intervals. A

i AB ii AD iii EF
iv AC v CD vi DB
b Which feature is represented by the shaded region? B

ExamplE 1
What fraction of a circle is represented by the sectors below? A full revolution
a b measures 360°.

40° 120°

40° 1 120° 1
a The sector represents ____ = __ b The sector represents ____ = __
360° 9 360° 3
1 1
40 a_bc 360 = shows 1⎦9 = __ 120 a_bc 360 = shows 1⎦3 = __
9 3

4 What fraction of a circle is represented by the following sectors?

a b c d

180° 140° 36°

e f g h

45° 320°

i j k l
144° 270°

Chapter 8 Circles and cylinders 195

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Investigation 1 Circumference of a circle
The perimeter of a circle is the distance around its boundary. In the case of the circle, the perimeter is called
the circumference.

1 To measure the circumference of a coin, roll

it against a ruler for one rotation and measure
the length of the interval.
Measure the circumference of these coins.
a 10 cent b 20 cent 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

c $1 d $2

2 To measure the diameter of a coin, which is much easier than

measuring the circumference, use a ruler and two set squares as
shown. Measure the diameter of the following coins using this
a 10 cent b 20 cent 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
c $1 d $2

3 Use the information from questions 1 and 2 to complete the following table.
Coins Circumference, C Diameter, d C÷d

4 The following diagrams show how to use a piece of string to trace the perimeter of a circle to measure the
circumference. A ruler can be used to measure the diameter.
Step 1: Trace around the perimeter with string.

Step 2: Straighten and measure the length of string required to

trace the perimeter. 0 1 2 3 4 5

The circumference of this circle ≈ 4.7 cm.

Measure the circumference and diameter of each circle drawn on the next page and record the information
Measurement & Geometry

in the table below. Answer to the nearest mm.

Circumference, C Diameter, d C÷d


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a b c

d e

5 Complete the following table by filling in the third column. Round your answers correct to 1 decimal place.
Circumference Diameter C÷d Circumference Diameter C÷d
a 6.3 cm 2 cm f 4.7 cm 1.5 cm
b 22.0 cm 7 cm g 7.2 cm 2.3 cm
c 28.3 cm 9 cm h 18.2 cm 5.8 cm
d 15.7 cm 5 cm i 29.5 cm 9.4 cm
e 34.6 cm 11 cm j 33.3 cm 10.6 cm

circumference (C)
6 From questions 3, 4 and 5, what have you discovered about _______________?
diameter (d)

Pi (π)
You should have discovered that __ ≈ 3.1.
The actual value of this ratio is 3.141 596 265 4…, a decimal that continues forever. It is referred to as pi and is
given the symbol π, which is a letter from the Greek alphabet. Pi is an irrational number, meaning that an exact
value in decimal or fraction form cannot be given, so approximations are used.
Approximations for π are listed in the table below.
22 is 3.14 accurate to
Fraction Decimal Calculator 7
2 decimal places.
1 22
3_7 or __
7 3.14 (2 decimal places) π EXP

To calculate the circumference of a circle use: Or, as the diameter is twice the radius use: MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY
C = πd C = 2πr
d r

7 There have been many approximations for π throughout history. Compare those given below to the correct
value of π.
___ 339
19 century bce Babylonians 9 century bce Yajnavalkys
8 108
____ 3927
2nd century ce Ptolemy 263 ce Liu Hui
120 1250

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Investigation 2 The value of pi (π) using hexagons
1 The diagram shows a hexagon of side length 1.3 cm enclosed by a circle.
a Calculate the perimeter of the hexagon.
b The diameter of the circle is 2.5 cm. From investigation 1, you discovered that
C = πd. Thus π = __. Calculate π if the circumference of the circle is 7.8 cm.

2 a Measure the side length of this hexagon.

b Calculate the perimeter of the hexagon.
c Check that the diameter of the circle is 5.9 cm.
d Calculate π if the circumference = 18.5 cm, using π = __.
e From questions 1 and 2, what do you notice about the
value of π?

3 a Construct a hexagon with side lengths 5 cm.

b Using your compass, draw a circle around the hexagon
so that the circumference touches the edges.
c Calculate the perimeter of the hexagon.
d Use a piece of string to trace the outside or circumference
of the circle. Straighten the string and use a ruler to measure the circumference.
e Measure the diameter of the circle. Be as accurate as possible.
f Calculate the value of π, if π = __.
d Note that a hexagon
g What conclusions can you draw about the value of π? has 60° angles at its centre.

B Circumference of a circle
The perimeter of a circle is the distance around its boundary. The perimeter of a circle is called the
circumference. From Investigation 2, C = πd or C = 2πr.

ExamplE 1
Determine the circumference of each circle to the level of accuracy stated.
a exact value b correct to 2 decimal places

6 cm 4.5 cm

a C = πd b C = 2πr Find out how to access

C= π × 6 C = 2 × π × 4.5 pi (π) on your calculator.
= 6π cm = 28.27 cm
2 × π × 4.5 =

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Exercise 8B
1 Calculate the circumference of each circle, giving both the exact answer and the answer correct to
2 decimal places.
a b c
9 cm 14 cm 5 cm

d e f
21.3 cm 10.6 cm
8.4 cm

2 Calculate the circumference of each circle, giving both the exact answer and the answer correct to
2 decimal places.
a b c
9 cm 13 cm

20 cm

d e f
17.2 cm
11.1 cm
4.6 cm

3 Calculate the circumference of each circle correct to 1 decimal place.

a b c d
9m 6.8 m
3.2 m 18.1 m

e diameter = 12.6 m f radius = 7.9 m g radius = 2.5 m h diameter = 8.64 m

Measurement & Geometry
4 Calculate the circumference of these circles correct to 1 decimal place by first measuring the diameter.
a b c

Chapter 8 Circles and cylinders 199

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ExamplE 2
Calculate the length of each arc correct to 2 decimal places.
a b
8 cm 4 cm

50 5 240 2
a Fraction of circumference = ____ = ___ b Fraction of circumference = ____ = __
360 36 360 3
5 2
Length of arc = ___ × 2πr Length of arc = __ × 2πr
36 3
5 2
= ___ × 2 × π × 8 = __ × 2 × π × 4
36 3
20π 16π
= ____ = 6.98 cm = ____ = 16.76 cm
9 3
5 a_bc 36 × 2 × π × 8 = 2 a_bc 3 × 2 × π × 4 =

5 Calculate the length of these arcs. Give both the exact answer and the answer correct to 2 decimal places.
a 9 cm b 6 cm c O
120° 7 cm
O 60° 80° O

d e f
8 cm
5 cm 210° 290°
12 cm

ExamplE 3
Calculate the perimeter of each figure correct to 1 decimal place.
a b Include the
straight sides in the
40° perimeter too.
5 cm
2 cm

a The shape is a sector. b Shape consists of a semicircle plus a square.

___ 1
_ 1
Fraction of circumference = 360 = 9 Circumference of semicircle is _2 of πd.
1 1
Length of arc = _9 of 2πr Length of arc = _2 of πd 3.1 cm
_ 1
= × 2 × π × 5 ≈ 3.5 cm
9 = ×π×2
≈ 3.1 cm
Perimeter = sum of all sides 5 3.5 cm Perimeter = sum of all sides 2 2
= 3.5 + 5 + 5 = 3.1 + 2 + 2 + 2
= 13.5 cm 5 = 9.1 cm 2

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6 Calculate the perimeter of each figure correct to 1 decimal place.
a b c
3 cm
5 cm
9 cm
d e f

72° 45° 60°

4.1 cm 2.5 cm 9.3 cm

g h i
5.7 cm 3.6 cm

8.2 cm 5.7 cm
12 cm

j k 2.6 cm l
3.2 cm
5.4 cm
270° 1.8 cm
8.7 cm

7 The diameter of a bicycle tyre is 40 cm.

a Calculate the distance travelled by the tyre in one revolution. Give your answer to the nearest centimetre.
b How far, in metres, will the tyre travel in 500 revolutions? (Use your answer from part a.)
c Using your answer from part a, calculate the number of full revolutions required to travel:
i 1 km ii 7 km iii 13 km
distance to travel (m)
Hint: Number of revolutions =   
​    ​
distance of revolution (m)

8 a A cyclist cycles the track shown.

Calculate the distance travelled in one
lap to the nearest metre.

0.8 km

3.2 km
b How many complete laps would be
required for the cyclist to travel: Measurement & Geometry
i 100 km?
ii 175 km?
iii 234 km?

Chapter 8 Circles and cylinders 201

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9 Danijella and Joan walk along a track every morning.
Danijella walks along the outside perimeter of the track
shown and Joan walks along the inside perimeter.

2 km 1.95 km

2.7 km
2.8 km

a How far does Danijella walk, in metres?

b How far does Joan walk, in metres?
c How much further does Danijella walk than Joan?
d If Danijella walks to a speed of 1 km/10 min, how
long should it take her to complete her morning walk?
(Approximate your answer to the nearest minute.)

C Finding the diameter and radius from

the circumference
As C = πd, then d = __

ExamplE 1
The circumference of a circle is 60 cm. What is its:
a diameter to 1 decimal place? b radius to 1 decimal place?

a C=π×d b r = __
∴ 60 = π × d 19.098 593 …
60 = ____________
d = ___
= 9.549 …
≈ 19.1 cm Remember that the radius
≈ 9.5 cm is half the diameter.
60 ÷ π = 19.098 593 …

Exercise 8C
1 Using the circumference given for each circle, determine, correct to 1 decimal place, the:
i diameter ii radius.
a 15 cm b 37 cm c 85 cm d 100 cm
e 131 cm f 175 cm g 40 cm h 9.4 cm
i 12.7 cm j 188.5 cm k 282.7 cm l 43.9 cm

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2 A machine makes circular paper plates of circumference
50 cm. Find the diameter of the plates correct to
1 decimal place.

3 A trundle wheel has a circumference of 1 m. What is the

radius of the trundle wheel correct to 1 decimal place?

4 A car tyre makes 637 complete revolutions to travel 1 km.

a Calculate the distance travelled by the car tyre in one revolution correct to 2 decimal places.
b Calculate the diameter of the car’s wheel to the nearest centimetre.

Investigation 3 Area of a circle

Use the following diagrams to find an expression for the area of a circle.
The circle has a number of sectors drawn in it. It is then cut in half and both halves are cut along the radii. The
two halves are put together and, with a little trimming, form a plane shape similar to a rectangle.

Measurement & Geometry
(half the circumference)
Circumference = 2 × π × r

The length of the rectangle is half the circumference and the width of the rectangle is approximately the radius.
Complete the following.
Area of a rectangle: A = length × breadth
Area of the circle cut-outs: A = ____ × ____ = πr2
∴ Area of a circle with radius r units: A = ____
Note: The more sectors the circle is cut into, the better the rectangle, but the dimensions remain the same!

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D Area of a circle
The area of a circle is the number of square units inside the Remember: Area is
circle. From Investigation 3, the area of a circle is A = πr2. measured in units2.

ExamplE 1
Calculate the area of these circles correct to 1 decimal place.
a b
7 cm 11 cm

a A = πr2 b A = πr2
=π×7 2
= π × 5.52 (as r = __
2 = 5.5)
= 49π ≈ 95.0 cm2

≈ 153.9 cm2
π × 7 x2 = π × 5.5 x2 =

Exercise 8D
1 Calculate the exact area of each circle in terms of π.
a b c
9 cm
5 cm

15 cm

d e f
10 cm 13 cm 7 cm

2 Calculate the area of each circle correct to 1 decimal place.

a b c
22 cm 6.2 cm
18 cm

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d e f
13.6 cm
17.5 cm 24.6 cm

g radius = 4.9 cm h diameter = 12.3 cm i radius = 15.1 cm

1 3
j diameter = 3_4 cm k radius = 6_8 cm l diameter = 5_12 cm
When using a calculator use brackets. ∴ (6 _8 )2.

3 Measure the diameter of each circle. Calculate the area of each correct to 1 decimal place.
a b c

ExamplE 2
For this shape given, determine:
A right angle is 90°.
a the fraction of a circle that is drawn
5.7 cm
b the area to the nearest whole cm2.

a Fraction of circle = ____ b A = _14 of a whole circle
1 1
= _4 of a circle = _4 πr2
= _4 × π × 5.72
= 25.517…
Calculator: ≈ 26 cm2
90 a_bc 360 = 1 a_bc 4 × π × 5.7 x2 =

4 Complete to calculate the area of a quarter of a circle of radius 3.7 cm.

A = _4 of a _____ circle

= _4 × π × ___2
= ___ ≈ 11 cm2

5 Determine the fraction of a circle that is drawn, then calculate the area to the nearest cm2.
a b c 8.1 cm

4.5 cm

2.3 cm

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Example 3
For the shape given, determine:
a the fraction of a circle that is drawn
b the area to the nearest cm2. 9.1 cm

a Fraction of circle = ____
​   ​ b A = _​  13 ​of a whole circle
1 1
= _​  3 ​of a circle = _​  3 ​πr2
= ​ _3 ​ × π × 9.12
= 86.718 …
≈ 87 cm2

6 Complete to calculate the area of part of a circle with radius 7.4 cm and an angle of 150°.
150° □
a Fraction of circle = ____
​  ​b A = ___
​   ​of a whole circle
□° 12
□ □
= ​ ___ ​of a circle = ​ ___ ​ × π × r □
12 12

= ​ ___ ​ × π × (__)2
= ___ ≈ 72 cm2

7 Determine what fraction of a circle is drawn, then calculate the area to the nearest cm2.
a b c

45° 3 cm
4 cm
11 cm

d e f
2.9 cm

135° 210°
4.2 cm 7.5 cm

g h i
15.1 cm 8.8 cm
72° 12.3 cm
Measurement & Geometry

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ExamplE 4
Calculate the area of the composite figure
correct to 1 decimal place.
5.2 cm

7 cm Only round off at the end.

The shape consists of a semicircle and a triangle. Remember area formulas.

Area 1: semicircle Area 2: triangle
d = 5.2 cm A = _2 (b × h) or _____
Area 1 2
∴ r = ___ = 2.6 cm Area 2
7 × 5.2
2 = _______
___ 2
A =
2 ≈ 18.2 cm2
= π × _____
≈ 10.6 cm2
π × 2.6 x2 ÷ 2 = 7 × 5.2 ÷ 2 =
Total area = area 1 + area 2
≈ 10.6 + 18.2
= 28.8 cm2

8 Determine the area of the following composite shapes correct to 1 decimal place.
a b c
5 cm

3 cm
18.4 cm
12.4 cm

6 cm

d e f
4.2 cm

10 cm
6 cm
8 cm
4.9 cm
11.2 cm
g h i

4 cm
11 cm
6.2 cm

10.2 cm
8.5 cm

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Example 5
Determine the area of the shaded region correct
to 1 decimal place.

5 cm

11 cm
r = 2.5 and R = 5.5

7 cm
16 cm
r = 3.5 and R = 8

a Area of shaded region = area of big circle − area of small circle Remember to find the radius.
= πR2 − πr2
= π × 5.52 − π × 2.52
≈ 95.033 − 19.635
= 75.398
≈ 75.4 cm2
b Area of shaded region = area of big semicircle − area of small semicircle
πR2 πr2
= ____
​   ​− ___
​   ​
2 2
= π × ​   ​ − π × ____
__ ​   ​
2 2
≈ 100.531 − 19.242
= 81.289
≈ 81.3 cm2

9 Determine the area of each shaded region correct to 1 decimal place.

a b c

7 cm 3 cm
Measurement & Geometry

2.9 cm
7.9 cm
14 cm 5 cm

d e f
4.8 cm
8 cm 5 cm 10.3 cm
4 cm

3 cm
14.7 cm

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10 The diagram shows a rectangular yard with a pool
surrounded by paving.
a Calculate the area occupied by the swimming pool

4.5 m
correct to 1 decimal place. Pool 12.5 m
b Calculate the paved area correct to 1 decimal place.
c Calculate the cost of paving if paving costs $45.00 10.5 m
per square metre.
20 m

Investigation 4 How to calculate volume

1 a A cross-section is formed by cutting a prism
parallel to its base. To calculate the volume of
the rectangular prism shown, count the number
of cubic units used to build the prism.
b Count the number of cubic units in the base. 3 3
c How many layers are used to form the
rectangular prism? 2
d Multiply your answers from parts b and c. Is 5
this the same answer you found in part a by 2
(Base) 5
counting the number of cubic units?

2 a Calculate the volume of the prism shown by

counting the number of cubic units required for
the construction.
b Refer to the cross-section as drawn. How
many cubic units are required to construct the
c How many layers of the cross-section are
4 layers Cross-section
needed to construct the prism?
d If the answers of parts b and c are multiplied, is
the result the same as the answer in part a?

3 a The base is the cross-section. Count the number of

cubic units in the base of this prism.
 ow many layers of the cross-section are used to
b H
construct the prism?
c To calculate the volume of the prism:
i multiply the area of the base by the number of
Measurement & Geometry

layers, and
ii count the number of cubic units used to construct
the prism by referring to the diagram.
d Are both answers from part c the same?

So a formula to determine volume can be derived. The number of cubic units in any prism
Volume = area of the base (cross-section) × height of the prism = the number of cubic units in the base
× the number of layers.

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E Volume of a cylinder
The cross-section (base) of a cylinder is a circle. The volume of any solid is found by multiplying the area of
the cross-section (base) by its height, as shown in Investigation 4. r
So, the volume of a cylinder is found by:
V = area of base (circle) × height h
V = Ah
V = πr2h

ExamplE 1

Calculate the volume of the cylinder to the nearest cm3.

15.3 cm

45 cm

V = πr2h
= π × 15.32 × 45
= 33 093.694 ≈ 33 094 cm3

Calculator: π × 15.3 x2 × 45 =

Exercise 8E
1 Complete to calculate the volume of the cylinder to the nearest cm3.
V = π__2h
7.3 cm
= π × ___2 × 12.4 12.4 cm
= ___
≈ 2076 cm3

2 Calculate the volume of each cylinder to the nearest cm3.

All dimensions are in centimetres.
a 5 b



c d

33 8.6 43.8

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Example 2

Calculate the volume of the cylinder to the nearest cm3.

12.3 cm

18.6 cm

V = πr2h d = 18.6 cm
= π × (9.3) × 12.3
∴ r = 18.6 ÷ 2
= 3342.11… = 9.3 cm
= 3342 cm3

3 Complete to calculate the volume of the cylinder correct

to the nearest cm3.
V = ___ r2___ d = 25.8 cm 15.1 cm
= ___ × (___) × 15.1
∴ r = 25.8 ÷ ___
= ___ = ___ cm
= 7894 ___ 25.8 cm

4 Calculate the volume of each cylinder to the nearest cm3. All dimensions are in centimetres.
a b c d
9.3 31.6
53.7 53.5

36.2 41.2

16.4 12.6

5 Calculate the volume of each cylinder to the nearest cm3. All dimensions are in centimetres.
a b c d
3 14 18.6 22.4

12 44 52.7 39.6

6 Use the dimensions below to calculate the volumes of these cylinders correct to 1 decimal place.
a r = 5 cm, h = 12.2 cm b d = 13 cm, h = 26 cm c r = 6.4 cm, h= 15.9 cm Measurement & Geometry
d d = 9 cm, h= 42 cm e d = 37.4 cm, h= 150 cm f r = 14.6 cm, h = 80 cm

7 Which cylinder (A or B) in each pair has the greater volume? All dimensions are in centimetres.
a 5 b
3 B
A 3 B
A 15 12

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ExamplE 3
Calculate the volume to the nearest cm3.

13 cm
9 cm

The diagram shows half a cylinder.

So, V = _2 πr2h
= _2 × π × 4.52 × 13
= 413.512 133…
= 414 cm3
Calculator: 1 a_bc 2 × π × 4.5 x2 × 13 =

8 Calculate the volume of each solid to the nearest cm3.

a b c 60°
2 cm

5.6 cm
21 cm 25 cm
16 cm
4.2 cm
d e 3.3 cm f 4 cm

7 cm 14 cm
32 cm 11.3 cm
16 cm
22.2 cm 5.7 cm 25 cm

9 Giant concrete sewer pipes are 5 m long with an outer diameter

of 1.3 m. The walls of the pipes are 10 cm thick. What volume
of concrete is required to make each pipe? Express your answer
in m3 correct to 2 decimal places. 1.3 m
10 cm
10 i Calculate the volume of each cylinder to the nearest cm . 3

ii Calculate the capacity of each cylinder in litres. (1 L = 1000 cm3)


a b c 72.5 cm

36.9 cm
84.6 cm 108 cm

52.4 cm
21 cm

11 A cylindrical tank has a base radius of 2.8 m and a height of 3.1 m. Find the capacity of the tank in kilolitres.
(1 m3 = 1 kL)

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Language in mathematics
The Racing Bike
Metallic silver and blue, a marvellous sight.
Powering along the highway at phenomenal speeds.
Pedal power spinning my wheels.
Racing along with the breeze at my heels.
A remarkably swift machine am I.

1 Write another three stanzas for this poem The Racing Bike, which has been started for you.

2 What is personification? Explain how it has been used in the first stanza of the poem.

3 What is the meaning of the following words?

a marvellous b phenomenal c metallic d swift

4 Write a poem of your own choice. Select a topic associated with a circular shape, for example, wheels,
patterns, pie charts, circles. Incorporate into your poem two examples of any of the following:
metaphor, simile, assonance, alliteration, personification

arc area centre chord circle circumference cylinder
diameter perimeter pi (π) radius sector segment semicircle
tangent volume

Check your skills

1 The feature shown on this circle is:
A circumference B diameter
C arc D radius

2 What fraction of a circle is represented by the sector shown?

A _​  19 ​ B _​  39 ​
C _​  89 ​ D _​  59 ​
Measurement & Geometry

π × 41.6
3 Evaluate ________
​  ​cm correct to 1 decimal place.
A 130.7 cm B 65.3 cm C 194.6 cm D 261.4 cm

4 Calculate the circumference of a circle correct to 1 decimal place if the diameter is 4.8 cm.
A 15.1 cm B 30.2 cm C 7.6 cm D 21.3 cm

5 Calculate the circumference of a circle correct to 1 decimal place if the radius is 12.05 cm.
A 44.1 cm B 78.5 cm C 37.9 cm D 75.7 cm

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6 Determine the length of this arc correct to 1 decimal place.
A 51.5 cm B 25.8 cm
C 17.2 cm D 33.6 cm 120°
8.2 cm
7 Calculate the perimeter of the shape in question 6 correct to 1 decimal place.
A 17.2 cm B 25.4 cm C 30.6 cm D 33.6 cm

8 Calculate the perimeter of this composite figure to the nearest cm.

A 40 cm B 48 cm
C 51 cm D 54 cm 5.6 cm
60° 60°

9 The circumference of a circle is 477.5 cm. Calculate its radius to the nearest whole number.
A 70 cm B 76 cm C 82 cm D 85 cm

10 Calculate the area of a circle to the nearest cm2 given that the radius is 9.02 cm.
A 28 cm2 B 89 cm2 C 266 cm2 D 256 cm2

11 Calculate the area of this shape correct to 1 decimal place.

A 14.8 cm2 B 22.2 cm2
C 7.4 cm2 D 66.5 cm2 80°
4.6 cm

12 Calculate the area of this composite figure correct to 2 decimal places.

A 375.52 cm2 B 354.96 cm2
C 586.21 cm2 D 823.39 cm2

14.1 cm

13 Calculate the area of the shaded region correct to 1 decimal place.

A 41.7 cm2 B 53.9 cm2
C 107.8 cm2 D 92.3 cm2
2.9 cm
15.6 cm

14 Calculate the volume of the cylindrical flask to the nearest cm3.

A 1106 cm3 B 1257 cm3
C 4021 cm 3
D 4423 cm3 22 cm
15 Calculate the capacity of the flask in question 14 to the nearest litre.
Measurement & Geometry

(1 cm3 = 1 mL)
A 1L B 2L 8 cm
C 3L D 4L

If you have any difficulty with these questions, refer to the examples and questions in the sections listed
in the table.

Question 1–3 4–8 9 10–13 14, 15

Section A B C D E

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8A Review set
1 Name the feature shown in purple on each circle.
a b

2 What fraction of a circle is represented by this sector? 72°

3 Write the formula for the circumference of a circle when given the diameter.

4 Calculate the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 13.9 cm, correct to 1 decimal place.

5 Write the formula for the circumference of a circle when given the radius.

6 Calculate the circumference of a circle with a radius of 5.72 cm, correct to 2 decimal places.

7 Write down the formula for calculating the area of a circle.

8 Calculate the area of a circle correct to 1 decimal place given:

a radius = 9 cm b diameter = 4.7 cm

9 Calculate the area of this shape correct to 1 decimal place.

12.3 cm

10 Calculate the volume of this cylinder to the nearest cm3. 13.6 cm

47 cm

Measurement & Geometry

8B Review set
1 Name the feature shown in purple on each circle.
a b

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2 Calculate the circumference of each circle correct to 1 decimal place.
a b

4.8 cm

3 Calculate the perimeter of each shape correct to 2 decimal places.
a b
11.3 cm
8.2 cm

5 cm

4 Calculate the area of each circle correct to 1 decimal place.

a b

7.9 cm

5 Calculate the area of these shapes correct to 2 decimal places.
a 9 cm b


5 cm 5 cm


15 cm

6 Determine the area of the shaded region to the nearest cm2.

7.7 cm

18 cm

7 Calculate the volume of this solid to the nearest cm3.

104 cm
16 cm
48 cm
Measurement & Geometry

8C Review set
1 Name the feature shown in purple on each circle.
a b

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2 What fraction of a circle is represented by each sector?
a b


3 Calculate the length of each arc in question 2 correct to 1 decimal place given:
i r = 4.2 cm ii r = 8.3 cm

4 Calculate the area of each sector in question 2 to the nearest cm2 given:
i r = 6 cm ii r = 11.2 cm

5 Calculate the perimeter of each shape correct to 1 decimal place.

a b
3.4 cm
40° 40°
18 cm 12.1 cm

6 The minute hand of a clock is 12.3 cm long. How far, correct to 1 decimal place, will the tip of the hand
travel in:
a 1 hour? b 1 day?

7 i
Calculate the volume of each cylinder to the nearest cm3.
ii Calculate the capacity of each cylinder in litres.
a b 9.9 cm

24 cm

45 cm
33.4 cm

8D Review set
1 Measure the diameter of each circle then calculate the circumference to the nearest cm.
a b
Measurement & Geometry

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2 Calculate the total perimeter of each figure correct to 2 decimal places.
a b


17 cm 6 cm

13 cm

3 An athlete runs along the perimeter of this track.

a Calculate the length of one lap to the nearest metre. 420 m
b If the athlete needs to run 32 km, how many complete laps of
the track must she run? 950 m

4 Calculate the area of this shape correct to 1 decimal place.

3.7 cm

5 Calculate the area of the shaded region to the nearest cm2.

8 cm 8 cm
9 cm

3.6 cm 3.6 cm

20 cm

6 Calculate the volume of this solid to the nearest cm3.

6.2 cm
40° 24.1 cm

7 A water tank is 4.1 m in diameter and has a height of 5.5 m.

Measurement & Geometry

Calculate the capacity of the water tank to the nearest litre.

5.5 m

4.1 m

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Data collection
and analysis
This chapter deals with collecting data, the use of the most appropriate measure
to represent a set of data and the variation of means and proportions in samples.
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:

▶ recognise variables as categorical ▶ collect data using a random process

or numerical ▶ identify issues that may make it difficult
▶ understand the differences between to obtain representative data
collecting data by observation, ▶ question the selection of data used to
census and sample support a particular viewpoint.

NSW Syllabus references: S4 S&P Data collection and representation, S4 S&P Single variable data analysis
Outcomes: MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA4-3WM, MA3-18SP, MA4-19SP, MA4-20SP

09_LEY_IM8_77945_TXT_SI.indd 219 21/07/14 3:38 PM

Diagnostic test
1 Which of the following is not a source of 10 The median of 8, 10, 7, 5, 14, 8 is:
primary data? A 9 B 8 C 7 D 6
A observations B questionnaires
C surveys D magazines Use this frequency distribution table to answer
questions 11 to 14.
2 Which of the following is not a source of
secondary data? Score 19 20 21 22 23
A the internet B newspapers Frequency 8 8 12 6 8
C interviews D research papers

3 If Jenny wanted to find out the most popular 11 The mean is closest to:
sport in Year 8, she would use primary data. A 4 B 20 C 21 D 22
A true B false
12 The mode is:
4 If Kyle wanted to determine the mean age of A 4 B 20 C 21 D 22
Year 8 students in NSW he would use primary
data. 13 The range is:
A true B false A 4 B 20 C 21 D 22

5 A survey is being designed to find out the 14 The median is:

different types of transport people use to get to A 4 B 20 C 21 D 22
work. Which of the following would not be a
relevant question? Use this stem-and-leaf plot to answer questions
A How often do you drive to work? 15 to 18.
B How often do you travel to work by public Stem Leaf
transport? 9 7 9
C Do you own a car? 10 0 0 3 4 8 8
11 4 6 6 9
D What type of public transport do you use to
12 2 2 2 5 6 8
get to work? 13 4 5 6 9
6 Which type of question is likely to get the most 14 0 3
varied responses?
15 The mean is:
A tick-box B open-ended
A 2.57 B 16 C 119 D 122
C biased D scaled-response

7 The mean of 8, 10, 7, 5, 12, 6 is: 16 The mode is:

1 A 2 B 97 C 122 D 143
A 9 B 8 C 7 D 45_3

8 The mode of 8, 10, 7, 5, 14, 8 is: 17 The median is:


A 5 B 6 C 7 D 8 A 11.5 B 119 C 120.5 D 122

9 The range of 8, 10, 7, 5, 14, 8 is: 18 The range is:

A 7 B 8 C 9 D 10 A 5 B 46 C 122 D 143

The Diagnostic test questions refer to the Year 7 outcomes from ACMSP169 and ACMSP171.

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A Variables
Statistics refers to the science of collecting facts and information. The information is organised into a form
that can easily be analysed and from which conclusions and predictions can accurately be made. The facts or
pieces of information collected are called data. Data may be collected by observing, counting, measuring and
asking questions.
When we collect data we are looking for information about a particular property or characteristic of a group
of people or objects. This property or characteristic is known in statistics as the variable. It is something
measurable or observable that is expected to change over time or between individual observations. Examples of
variables include eye colour, height, method of travel and the outcome when a die is rolled.
Variables are defined as categorical or numerical.
• A categorical (or nominal) variable is one that describes a characteristic or names the categories into which
the variable can be sorted. For example, eye colour can be described as brown, blue, grey, green, etc. Eye
colour is a categorical variable. Categorical variables are often referred to as being qualitative variables.
• A numerical (or quantitative) variable is one that has a numerical value. Numerical variables can be discrete
or continuous. The values of discrete variables are exact and increase in steps. They are often the result of
counting. Examples include the number of children in a family and the number of marks in a test.
The values of continuous variables lie within a certain range. They are usually the result of measuring. For
example, if we say that the weight of a person is 48 kg to the nearest kilogram, their exact weight could be
anywhere between 47.5 kg and 48.5 kg. Weight is a continuous numerical variable.

Classify these variables as categorical,
discrete numerical or continuous
a The gender of children in a family
b The heights of Year 8 students
c The number of heads when two
coins are tossed
d The rating scale for the responses to
a questionnaire given as 1 = dislike,
2 = neutral, 3 = like
e The energy ratings of refrigerators
given a 1-star, 2-star or 3-star ratings

a Gender can be sorted into the categories male or female. It is a categorical variable.
b Height is the result of measuring. It is a continuous numerical variable.
c The number of heads when two coins are tossed is the result of counting. It is a discrete numerical
d Even though the ratings on the scale are numbers, they are the categories into which the responses can be
sorted. It is a categorical variable.
e Each rating is a description of the efficiency of the refrigerator or names the categories into which the
efficiency can be sorted. Energy rating is a categorical variable.

Chapter 9 Data collection and analysis 221

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Exercise 9A
1 Classify each variable as categorical, discrete
numerical or continuous numerical.
a number of family pets
b types of family pets
c age
d number of marks on a test
e amount of rain in a day
f number of accidents at an intersection
g sizes of apples (small, medium or large)
h hair colour
i favourite TV show
j responses to a survey question (1 strongly
disagree, 2 disagree, 3 don’t know,
4 agree, 5 strongly agree)
k number of diners in a restaurant
l fuel consumption
m amount of money in a purse
n health of patients after being given medicine
(worse, the same, better)
o temperature during the day
p length of a line interval
q opinions of students of the food at the canteen
r time spent doing homework
s quality of service at a bank (poor, average, good)

2 Give a further three examples of:

a categorical variables b discrete numerical variables c continuous numerical variables.

B Collecting data
When collecting data it is necessary to determine from whom, or what, the information is to be collected.
The target population is the entire group of people or objects from which the information is to be gathered.
For example, if we wanted information about the most popular colours of new cars sold in a particular year,
the target population would be all new cards sold in that year. If we wanted information about the type of road
accidents in a given town, the population would be all road accidents in that town.

What or who would be the target population if we wanted to collect information about:
a the number of siblings of the students in a Year 8 class?
b the quality ratings of new dishwashers?

a Target population would be all the students in the class.

b Target population would be all new dishwashers produced.

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Techniques for collecting data can involve a census, a sample or observation.
In a census, data about every individual in the population is collected. The individuals can be people or objects.
A census is detailed and accurate, but it is expensive, time consuming and often not practical.
In a sample, data is collected from a portion of the population. It is not as detailed or accurate as a census but it
is quicker and cheaper. Conclusions drawn from samples always involve some degree of error.
Observation is a way of gathering data by watching events and/or noting characteristics in their natural setting. It
can be expensive and time consuming but has the advantage of collecting information where and when it occurs.

Would a census, sample or observation be used to collect data on:
a the life of batteries?
b the most popular brand of toothpaste?
c the causes of road accidents in New South Wales?
d the direction of travel of vehicles through an intersection?

a Sample: If every battery produced was tested there would not be any left for sale.
b Sample: It would be impractical to interview everyone.
c Census: Information about every accident would need to be analysed.
d Observation.

Exercise 9B
1 What or who would be the target population if we wanted to collect information about:
a the most popular make of new cars?
b changes to the school uniform?
c the price of houses?
d the success of a new treatment for ticks and fleas on dogs?
e the suitability of a new bus timetable on a particular route?

2 Would a census, sample or observation be used to collect data on:

a the number of goals scored each week by a netball team?
b the average number of children in an Australian family?
c the number of vehicles crossing an intersection?
d the sports played by Year 8 students?
e the number of matches in a box?
f the native animals living in an area?
g the most popular TV show in Australia?

h the heights of 15-year-old males?

i the method of travel to school by all students?
j the amount of rubbish littering a street?
k the suitability of a train timetable?
l the income of Australians?
m the outcomes of rolling a die?

3 Give a further three examples of data that could be collected by using:

a a census b a sample c observation.

Chapter 9 Data collection and analysis 223

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Investigation 1 Selecting random samples
A random sample of 5 students from the class
can be selected in a number of ways.
1 a Write the names of all the students in
your class on pieces of paper.
b Put the pieces of paper in a box, shake
the box and select 5 pieces of paper.
c List the 5 names selected.

2 a Take the list of students in the class and

assign each a number from 01 to 30 (or
the number of students
in the class). Write the numbers on cards.
b Shuffle and then deal 5 cards.
c List the names of the students whose
numbers have been selected.

3 Use the list of numbers assigned to each student in question 2.

a Open a phone book at any page. Start at the last 2 digits in the first phone number. If this number is
between 1 and 30 (inclusive) write it down, if not skip to the next phone number down the column.
b Repeat until you have selected 5 random numbers.
c List the names of the students whose numbers have been selected. (You can start at any phone number
chosen at random by, say, closing your eyes and placing the point of your pencil anywhere on the page.
Start at the phone number closest to this point).

4 Most modern scientific calculators have a random number generator. On Casio calculators this function key
is labelled RAN#.
By pressing SHIFT (RAN#) = the calculator produces a random number from 0 to 0.999, for
example 0.397.
To obtain a random number from 1 to 30, multiply the result by 30 and round up to the next digit.
0.397 × 30 = 11.82 = 12 (rounded up).
To obtain a random number from 1 to 27, multiply by 27, etc.
a Generate 5 random numbers from 1 to 30 (inclusive) using a calculator.
b List the names of the students whose numbers have been generated.

5 a Divide the number of students in the class by 5 and round up to the nearest whole number, for example
28 ÷ 5 = 5.6 (or 6 rounded up).

b Select every 6th name from the class list. (You may need to loop back to the start of the list to get the
5th random number.) This is called a systematic random sample.

To select a random sample of 5 boys and 5 girls from the class:

6 a Divide the class list into boys and girls and assign a number (say from 01 to 15) to each boy and girl.
b i Generate 5 random numbers from 1 to 15 using a calculator.
ii List the names of the boys who numbers have been generated.
c i Generate another 5 random numbers from 1 to 15 using a calculator.
ii List the names of the girls whose numbers have been generated.

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C Obtaining data through sampling
In this section you will collect data using a random sample chosen from a population. A random sample is one
in which every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.

Exercise 9C
Use the data in the table below to answer the following questions.
Student Age (years, Number of
Name number months) children in family Height (cm) Hair colour
Tom 01 14 y 7 m 2 168 black
Francis 02 13 y 9 m 1 156 brown
Adelle 03 13 y 11 m 2 158 blond
Ali 04 13 y 10 m 3 163 black
Daniel 05 14 y 2 m 1 164 red
George 06 13 y 11 m 4 159 brown
Greta 07 14 y 5 m 2 162 brown
John 08 14 y 4 m 2 165 black
Harry 09 13 y 11 m 3 164 blond
Isabella 10 14 y 8 m 3 159 brown
Noah 11 13 y 11 m 1 167 blond
Kylie 12 14 y 10 m 2 155 black
Sylvia 13 14 y 5 m 4 152 brown
Abdul 14 14 y 6 m 2 164 black
Jenny 15 13 y 11 m 2 158 red
Louise 16 14 y 8 m 1 159 blond
Matt 17 13 y 11 m 3 162 black
Harley 18 13 y 9 m 2 165 brown
Ken 19 14 y 6 m 3 161 brown
Jacqueline 20 14 y 3 m 2 160 black
Maria 21 13 y 10 m 2 157 brown
Penny 22 13 y 7 m 3 158 blond
Zac 23 13 y 10 m 1 163 blond PROBABILITY & STATISTICS
Vera 24 14 y 1 m 2 150 black
Rima 25 14 y 6 m 5 156 black
Kenji 26 13 y 8 m 2 169 black
Bill 27 14 y 2 m 3 168 blond
An Dien 28 13 y 6 m 2 152 black
Samantha 29 13 y 11 m 3 158 brown
Najit 30 14 y 0 m 2 160 black
Class mean 14 y 1 m 2.3 160.4

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1 a i Use random numbers chosen from a phone book to select a sample of 5 students.
ii Calculate the mean age of these 5 students.
b i Select another random sample of 10 students.
ii Calculate the mean age of these 10 students.
c Which sample is better at estimating the mean age of the class?

2 a i Use random numbers generated by a calculator to select a sample of 5 students.

ii Calculate the mean number of children in each of the families of these 5 students.
b i Select another random sample of 10 students.
ii Calculate the mean number of children in each of the families of these 10 students.
c Which sample is better at estimating the mean number of children in the families of students in the class?

3 a i Select any student at random. (Close your eyes and place the tip of your pencil anywhere on the list.)
ii Starting at this student, select every 5th student in the list until you have randomly selected 6 students.
(You may need to loop back to the start of the list.)
iii Calculate the mean height of these students.
b i Select any student at random.
ii Starting at this student, select every 3rd student in the list until you have randomly selected
10 students.
iii Calculate the height of these 10 students.
c Which sample is better at estimating the mean height of the class?

4 a i Choose a random sample of 5 students.

ii What proportion of students in this sample have black hair? (Write the answer as a percentage.)
b i Choose another random sample of 10 students.
ii What proportion of students in this sample have black hair?
c In which sample is the proportion of students with black hair closer to the proportion of students in the
class with black hair?

Investigation 2 Data constraints

Investigate, discuss and identify issues that make it difficult to obtain representative data from either primary or
secondary sources. What constraints limit the collection of data or result in unreliable data?
For example, lack of proximity to the area where data could be collected, lack of access to digital technologies
or cultural sensitivities might influence the result.

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D Bias in samples
A biased sample is one in which the data has been unfairly influenced by the collection process.
When checking the data from a sample that is being used to support a particular viewpoint, some of the things
you should consider are:
1 Does every member of the target population have an equal chance of being selected?
2 Is the sample large enough?
3 Who collected the data? Does the group collecting the data have an interest in how the results turn out?
4 Is the data from a recent study? Could the findings have since changed?

Suggest any possible bias in each of these samples.
a a phone survey on Monday morning
b a survey of people taken at a bus terminal
c a survey at a darts competition
d five people tested with a new drug to cure cancer

a The sample would be biased towards people who are at home on Monday morning. It does not include
people who are at work or carrying out some other activity such as shopping.
b The survey would be biased towards people who use the bus terminal. It does not include people who
use other methods of transport.
c The survey would be biased towards people who attend darts competitions. For example, there would
probably be more males than females.
d The sample is not big enough to make a valid conclusion.

Exercise 9D
1 Suggest any possible bias in each of the following samples.
a a phone survey on Friday night
b voting intentions taken at a Labor Party political rally
c responses to a survey conducted by email
d survey of people in the Star bank
e questionnaire given to people selected from the electoral roll
f opinions collected on a street corner
g opinions of five vets testing ‘Fleagone’ spray
2 Comment on any possible bias in the following situations.

a A survey on household spending is needed. You take a random sample from the electoral roll of a Sydney
harbour-side suburb.
b A study on the hazards of smoking is carried out by a tobacco company.
c The results of a study done 15 years ago found that second-hand cigarette smoke is not hazardous.
d A company executive’s report of sales found that sales had doubled in a week.
e A survey of the number of people who can touch their toes is done with students from a gymnastics class.
f To study the health of birds in an area, food is used to attract them to traps.
g You want to learn the opinions of parents in your school district regarding adult literacy education. You
send out an invitation to parents to attend an information meeting.

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E Review of measures of central tendency
It is often useful to represent a set of data by a single value that is considered to be central and typical of the
data. This number is sometimes simply referred to as an ‘average’, but statisticians prefer to be more concise and
refer to three numbers, known as the mean, median and mode, as measures of central tendency (or sometimes as
measures of location).

For each set of scores, find the:
i mean ii median iii mode iv range.
a 21, 18, 22, 16, 19, 16 b Score Frequency
7 2
8 5
9 6
10 8
11 4

sum of all the scores

a i Mean = _________________
number of scores
21 + 18 + 22 + 16 + 19 + 16 112
= __________________________ = ____
6 6
= 18.7 (1 decimal place)
ii The median is the middle score after all scores are arranged in ascending order. If there are two
middle scores, average them to get the median. Half the (remaining) scores are less than the median
and half the (remaining) scores are greater than the median.
Arranged in ascending order the scores are 16, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22.
18 + 19
Median = _______ = 18.5
iii Mode = score that occurs most often = 16
iv Range = highest score − lowest score
= 22 − 16 = 6

b i Score (x) Frequency (f) f×x ii Score Frequency

7 2 14 7 2 1st, 2nd score
8 5 40 8 5 3rd to 7th scores

9 6 54 9 6 8th to 13th scores

10 8 80 10 8
11 4 44 11 4
Total 25 232 Median = 13th score
232 =9
Mean = ____ = 9.28
iii Mode = 10 iv Range = 11 − 7 = 4

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Exercise 9E
1 Find the mean, median, mode and range of these scores.
a 17, 24, 19, 25, 19, 22 b Score Frequency
4 4
5 6
6 8
7 7
8 5

c Stem Leaves d Scores in a spelling test

2 0 3 9
3 2 4 5 8
4 1 7 7 8 9 9 8
5 4 6 6 6 7

6 4 9 6

6 7 8 9 10

F Clusters, gaps and outliers

A cluster occurs when the data seems to be gathered around a particular value or values.
An outlier is a data value that is unusually high or low compared with the rest of the data.

Identify any clusters, outliers or gaps in the following sets of data.
a Monthly rainfall: 25 mm, 16 mm, 6 mm, 27 mm, 28 mm, 96 mm
b Stem Leaf c Mistakes in a spelling test
2 2 6 6
3 2 7

4 0 5 9 4
5 0 1 1 2 3 4 4 7 7 7 8 8 9
6 1 3 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of mistakes

a 96 mm is an outlier. It is much larger than all the other data values.

(There is a large gap between 96 and the other scores.)
b There is a cluster of scores in the ‘fifties’.
c This data has a gap between 2 and 5. No students made 3 or 4 mistakes.

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Exercise 9F
1 Identify any clusters, outliers or gaps in the following sets of data.
a 13, 14, 15, 15, 17, 104 b Stem Leaves
4 8
5 3 6
6 0 1 1 3 4 4 4 6 8 8 8 9 9
7 5
8 1

c Goals in a game d Scores in a test



3 4 5 6 7 8 8

5 6 7 8 9 10

e Stem Leaves f 17, 215, 216, 216, 218, 220

5 2 4 4 7 9
6 0 5 6 6
8 3 8
9 1 1 6 8 1

G Using measures of central tendency

The mean, median and mode are each called a measure of central tendency—a measure that is central and
typical of all the data. However, there are situations when not all these measures are representative of the data
and it is necessary to choose the most appropriate measure for that situation.

a Find the mean, median, mode and range of each set of scores.
i 3, 5, 5, 7, 9 ii 3, 5, 5, 7, 90
b Draw a dot plot for each set of data and mark the position of the mean, median and mode.

c Compare and discuss the use of the mean, median and mode as measures of central tendency for these
data sets.
d Discuss the use of range as a measure of spread.

29 110
a i Mean = ___
= 5.8 ii Mean = ____
= 22
Median = 5 Median = 5
Mode = 5 Mode = 5
Range = 6 Range = 87

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b i Mode

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ii Mode

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Median Score
c In the first data set, the mean, median and mode are all central and typical values of the scores. Any are
appropriate as a measure of central tendency.
In the second data set, the mean is no longer a central value as it is larger than 4 of the 5 scores and is
not typical of the value of any of the scores. It is not appropriate to use as a measure of central tendency.
The two sets of data are the same except for the last score.
As the mean is calculated using the value of every score, it is greatly affected by outliers. When the 9 in
the first set is replaced by 90, much larger than the other scores, the mean changes significantly from
5.8 to 22. The mean is not an appropriate measure of central tendency if the data has an outlier.
Note: The median and mode remain unchanged despite the An outlier is sometimes
presence of the outlier in the second set of data and are appropriate caused by an error in
to use as measures of central tendency. measurement or recording.

d i The range is a good measure of the spread of the scores.

ii The range is greatly affected by the outlier and is not a useful measure of the spread of this set
of scores.

Exercise 9G
1 a Find the mean, median and mode of the scores in each data set.
i 7, 9, 9, 10, 12 ii 7, 9, 9, 10, 80
b Draw a dot plot for each set of data and mark the position of the mean, median and mode.
c Compare and discuss the use of the mean, median and mode as measures of central tendency for these
data sets.
d Discuss the use of the range as a measure of spread.

2 Comment on the use of the mean as a measure of central tendency for these data sets.
a Score Frequency b Score Frequency

12 4 31 4
13 3 32 6
14 7 33 8
15 5 34 7
16 2 35 5
136 1

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a The heights of students in a school netball team were measured and recorded as 166 cm, 170 cm,
168 cm, 67 cm, 170 cm, 169 cm.
i Calculate the mean, median and mode of this data.
ii Identify the outlier in this set of data.
iii Ignore the outlier and calculate the mean, median and mode of the remaining 5 scores.
iv Should the outlier be included when reporting the mean, median and mode for this data? Why or
why not?
b The scores of 5 students on a mechanical aptitude test were recorded as 18, 23, 21, 20, 52.
i Calculate the mean, median and mode of this data.
ii Identify the outlier in this set of data.
iii Ignore the outlier and calculate the mean, median and mode of the remaining 4 scores.
iv Should the outlier be included when reporting the mean, median and mode for this data? Why or
why not?

166 + 170 + 168 + 67 + 170 + 169 910

a i Mean = _______________________________ = ____ = 151.7 cm (1 decimal place)
6 6
Note: The mean is not central or typical of the data.
Arrange the data in order: 67, 166, 168, 169, 170, 170
168 + 169
Median = _________ = 168.5 cm
Mode = 170
ii Outlier = 67 cm
166 + 170 + 168 + 170 + 169 ____ 843
iii Mean = __________________________
= 168.6
Median = 169
Mode = 170
iv In this case it is reasonably obvious that the value 67 cm is a measurement or recording error, as it
is not likely that any girl in the netball team would be 67 cm tall. In this case, the outlier could be
ignored and the mean, median and mode would then all be central and typical of the data.
18 + 23 + 21 + 20 + 52
b i Mean = _____________________
= 26.8
Note: The mean is not central or typical of the data.
Arrange the data in order: 18, 20, 21, 23, 52
Median = 21
There is no mode.
ii Outlier = 52
iii Mean = 20.5
Median = 20.5
There is no mode.

iv In this case the outlier could be the result of one of the students having an exceptionally high
mechanical aptitude compared with the others, so the outlier should be included in the reporting even
though, by including it, the mean is not a central or typical value.
Note: The median is the best measure of central tendency with or without the outlier included.
Each case needs to be justified on the basis of the data collected. An outlier may be caused by instrument
error or malfunction, or by a recording or transcription error and so it may be justifiable to ignore it when
reporting measures of central tendency. However, an outlier could also be the result of natural deviation, in
which case the data may need to be investigated more closely.

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3 A metal rod was measured by 6 students and the results
were recorded as 112 mm, 111 mm, 110, mm, 13 mm,
112 mm, 112 mm.
a Calculate the mean, median and mode of this data.
b Identify the outlier in this set of data.
c Ignore the outlier and calculate the mean, median
and mode of the remaining 5 scores.
d Should the outlier by included in reporting the
mean, median and mode for this data? Why or
why not?

4 The times (in minutes) taken to travel to work in a 5 day

week were recorded as 17, 15, 16, 18, 55.
a Calculate the mean, median and mode of this data.
b Identify the outlier in this set of data.
c Ignore the outlier and calculate the mean, median
and mode of the remaining 4 scores.
d Should the outlier by included in reporting the mean, median and mode for this data? Why or why not?

a Find the mean, median and mode of these scores.
i 3, 3, 3, 4, 6, 9, 9 ii 3, 4, 5, 6, 9
b Draw a dot plot for each set of data and mark the position of the mean, median and mode.
c Compare and discuss the use of the mean, median and mode as measures of central tendency for these
data sets.

37 27
a i Mean = ___
= 5.3 (1 decimal place) ii Mean = ___
= 5.4
Median = 4 Median = 5
Mode = 3 There is no mode.
b i Mode ii
Median Mean

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Score Score
c In the first data set, the mode occurs at the end of the data set. It is not a central value. The mean or
median would be the most appropriate measure of central tendency.
Note: There are situations when the mode is important even if it is not a central value. For example, the
most common size of shoe would be of importance to a manufacturer of shoes.

In the second data set, there is no mode. The mean or median would be the most appropriate measure of
central tendency.

5 a Find the mean, median and mode of these scores.

i 7, 7, 7, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12 ii 21, 24, 25, 29, 30
b Draw a dot plot for each set of data and mark the position of the mean, median and mode.
c Compare and discuss the use of the mean, median and mode as measures of central tendency for these
data sets.

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6 Comment on the use of the mode as a measure of central tendency for these data sets.
a Score Frequency b Score Frequency c Score Frequency
22 7 4 2 4 3
23 3 5 5 5 5
24 4 6 8 6 4
25 5 7 6 7 2
26 2 9 3 8 8

a Find the mean, median and mode of these scores.
i 1, 4, 5, 8, 8, 8, 8 ii 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 7
b Draw a dot plot for each set of data and mark the position of the mean, median and mode.
c Compare and discuss the use of the mean, median and mode as measures of central tendency for these
data sets.

42 33
a i Mean = ___
ii Mean = ___
=6 = 3.7 (1 decimal place)
Median = 8 Median = 2
Mode = 8 Mode = 2
b i Mode ii Mode


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Score 2 3 4 5 6 7
Median Score

c For both data sets, the median and the mode occur at the end of the data set; that is, they are not central
values. The mean would be the most appropriate measure of central tendency to use for this pattern of data.

7 a Find the mean, median and mode of these scores.

i 5, 5, 5, 7, 8 ii 4, 5, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8
b Draw a dot plot for each set of data and mark the position of the mean, median and mode.
c Compare and discuss the use of the mean, median and mode as measures of central tendency for these
data sets.

8 Comment on the use of the median as a measure of central tendency for these data sets.
a Score Frequency b Score Frequency c Score Frequency
13 9 5 5 46 1
14 2 6 9 47 3
15 3 7 12 48 4
16 2 8 10 49 5
17 1 9 4 50 16

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9 The number of goals scored in each match by a soccer team after 10 matches is 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1.
a Find the mean, median and mode of these scores.
b Which of these measures would be of the greatest importance to the coach of the team?

10 The country of origin is listed for a group of 82 immigrants. Country Frequency

a Find if possible, the mean, median and mode of this data.
b Complete: For non-numerical data, the only relevant Britain 17
measure is the ______. New Zealand 31
India 11
11 A small company has 8 employees whose annual
incomes are listed below. Malaysia 9
4 machine operators $42 000 each Iraq 14
2 tradesmen $83 000 each
1 accountant $126 000
1 owner/manager $498 000
a Find the mean income for the employees.
b i How many employees earn less than the mean income?
ii How many employees earn more than the mean income?
c What is the median income?
d What is the modal income?
e i If you were a machine operator, which measure would you use to support the argument for an increase
in wages for employees?
ii If you were the manager, which measure would you use to counter the argument for a wage rise?
f Which measure of central tendency is the most appropriate to represent the incomes of the employees of
this company? Discuss with your class.

12 The prices of cars sold by a dealer one weekend were $6900, $18 900, $26 100, $19 990, $21 000.
a The dealer claims that the average price of cars he sells is $18 578. Which measure of central tendency
has he used for his ‘average’?
b Is this measure appropriate to represent the prices of the cars he sells? Give a reason.
c Which measure do you think is the most representative of the data? Give a reason.

13 The office manager at a medical practice measures

the time 10 people, chosen at random, wait to see
a doctor. The waiting times (to the nearest minute)
were 16, 11, 8, 9, 12, 16, 16, 7, 16, 10.
a Find the mean, median and mode of these
waiting times.
b Discuss the relative merits of these three
measures for this data.

14 Kara scored the following marks out of 10 in six

topic tests in Mathematics: 4, 5, 2, 5, 5, 3.
a The teacher reported that Kara’s average mark
was 4 but Kara said her average was 5. Which
measures of central tendency have the teacher
and Kara used?
b Which measure of central tendency do you
think is the most representative of this data?
Give a reason.


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H Comparing sample summary statistics
Often it is not feasible to investigate the properties of a whole population so we only collect data from a small
part of the population. The part of the population investigated is called a sample. We use the properties and
characteristics of the sample to provide an estimate of the properties and characteristics of the population.

Exercise 9H
The number of mistakes made by 100 students in a spelling test is shown below. (No student made more than
9 mistakes.)
48047 45381 33232 35178 46971 75879 31457 22016 08694 58112
96170 91910 28868 52251 99727 32681 90071 98873 79846 50953
Consider samples of size 20 taken from this population.
1 a Complete the frequency distribution table shown for the first group of 20 students
(start at the first number 4 and work from left to right). Note that this is not
a random sample.
Number of mistakes Tally Frequency

b Find the mean, median, mode and range of the number of mistakes made by this sample of students.

2 Repeat question 1 for the second group of 20 students.

3 Repeat question 1 for the third group of 20 students.

4 Repeat question 1 for the fourth group of 20 students.

5 Repeat question 1 for the fifth group of 20 students.


6 a Choose any student at random.

b Starting at this student select every 5th student until you have a systematic random sample of 20 students.
c Find the mean, median, mode and range for this sample.

7 a i Use a calculator to generate 20 random numbers from 1 to 100.

ii Let each of these random numbers be the position of a student in the list above and list the number of
mistakes made by these students. (For example, if the random numbers generated are
03, 09, 13, 22, …, list the number of mistakes made by the 3rd, 9th, 13th, 22nd, … student.)
b Find the mean, median, mode and range for this sample.

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8 Summarise the results from the samples of 20 students taken above, in a table like the one shown below.
1st 20 2nd 20 3rd 20 4th 20 5th 20 6th 20 7th 20

a Which of these measures (mean, median and mode) varies the most between samples?
b Which of these measures varies the least?

9 a Determine the mean, median and mode for the whole population.
b Compare these with the sample statistics. Discuss.

10 a i How does the range vary in the 7 samples of 20 students?

ii Compare this with the range for the population. Comment.
b Consider samples of size 5 taken from this population.
i What is the range of each of the first 10 groups of 5 students?
ii Compare and discuss sample size and variation in the value of the range.

I Variation of sample mean and proportion

A key factor in the use of samples is the determination of how large the sample should be in order to give a good
estimate of the properties of the whole population. Consider the following results, recorded in groups of 5, when
a normal six-sided die is rolled 200 times. The results are summarised in the table below.
34664 14624 31362 51242 63611 42553 63144 45213 56443 54346
52415 33663 55244 65132 63514 62453 12646 35236 24546 13251
43356 64132 21634 46323 55651 26435 53142 25145 26513 42214
26563 21264 23245 61224 32616 11326 21621 16231 21652 31643

Score Frequency Proportion of total number of scores

1 31 = 16.5%
2 37 = 18.5%
3 34 = 17%
4 34 = 17%
5 28 = 14%
6 36 = 18%
Total 200 100%

Mean = ____ = 3.5 (1 decimal place)

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Consider the proportion of 6s in samples of size 5 from the previous In statistics ‘the proportion of 6s’
results for die rolls. Compare these with the population proportion. is often referred to as ‘the relative
frequency of the score 6’.
number of 6s
Proportion of 6s in sample of 5 = ___________
a Complete the following table.
Proportion of 6s in
1st group of 5 Last group of 5 11th group of 5 20th group of 5 29th group of 5

b i What is the lowest proportion of 6s in these 5 samples?

ii What is the highest proportion of 6s in these 5 samples?
c In how many of these samples is the proportion in the sample approximately the same as in the
d Do you think that a sample of size 5 is big enough to provide a good estimate of the proportion of 6s in
the population? Give a reason.

a Proportion of 6s in
1st group of 5 last group of 5 11th group of 5 20th group of 5 29th group of 5
__ 1
__ 0
__ 0
__ 1
= 40% = 20% = 0% = 0% = 20%
5 5 5 5 5

b i Lowest = 0% Note that these are not

ii Highest = 40% random samples.
c There are 2 sample proportions (20% and 20%) that are approximately
the same as the population proportion.
d No. Only 2 of the 5 samples have proportions close to the population proportion of 18%.

Exercise 9I
1 Consider the proportion of 6s in some samples of size 10 for the data given in the introduction to this section.
a Complete the following table.
Proportion of 6s in
1st group of 10 Last group of 10 7th group of 10 12th group of 10 17th group of 10

b Complete the following.

i The lowest proportion of 6s in these 5 samples is ___.
ii The highest proportion of 6s in these 5 samples is ___.
c In how many of these samples is the proportion in the sample approximately the same as in the
d Do you think that a sample of size 10 is big enough to provide a good estimate of the proportion of 6s in
the population? Give a reason for your answer.

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2 Consider the proportion of 6s in some samples of size 20 for the data given in the introduction to this section.
a Complete the following table.
Proportion of 6s in
Random sample Random sample
1st group of 20 Last group of 20 4th group of 20 of 20 of 20

b i What is the lowest proportion of 6s in

these 5 samples?
ii What is the highest proportion of 6s in
these 5 samples?
c In how many of these samples is the
proportion in the sample approximately the
same as in the population?
d Do you think that a sample of size 20 is big
enough to provide a good estimate of the
proportion of 6s in the population? Give a
reason for your answer.

3 Consider the data given in the introduction to this section and questions 1 and 2 above. For what sample size
of this population do you seem to get the most sample proportions close to the population proportion?

Combine the information from the 5 samples in Example 1 into one of size 25. Is the proportion of 6s in
this sample a good estimate of the population proportion?

Combining the information from our 5 samples:

Proportion of 6s = ________________
= 16%
Yes, this is close to the population proportion of 18%.

4 Combine the information from the 5 samples in question 1 into one of size 50. Complete the following to
find if the proportion of 6s in this sample a good estimate of the population proportion.
□+□+□+□+□ □
Proportion of 6s = _____________________ = ___

10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 50
= ___%

5 Combine the information from the 5 samples in question 2 into one of size 100. Is the proportion of 6s in this
sample a good estimate of the population proportion?

6 Using the information gathered in the above questions, comment on how the size of a sample affects the
estimate of the population proportion.

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Consider the means of samples of size 5 taken from the data at the beginning of Section I and compare this
with the population mean.
a Complete the table.
Sample 1st 5 Last 5 15th 27th 37th

b i What is the lowest sample mean?

ii What is the highest sample mean?
c In how many of these samples is the mean of the sample approximately the same as that of the
d Do you think that a sample of size 5 is big enough to provide a good estimate of the mean of the
population? Give a reason.

a Sample 1st 5 Last 5 15th 27th 37th

Mean 3 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 4 ______________
______________ 3 + 1 + 6 + 4 + 3 ______________
6 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 4 ______________
5 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 2 ______________
5 5 5 5 5
= 4.6 = 3.4 = 3.8 =3 = 2.4

b i Lowest sample mean = 2.4

ii Highest sample mean = 4.6
c Population mean = 3.5
Let’s take ‘within 10% of’ to indicate ‘approximately the same as’.
10% of population mean = ____ × 3.5
= 0.35
Now 3.5 − 0.35 = 3.15 and 3.5 + 0.35 = 3.85, hence we will consider any sample means between
3.15 and 3.85 to be ‘approximately the same as’ the population mean.
There are two sample means (3.4 and 3.8) that are approximately the same as the population mean.
d No. Only 2 of the 5 sample means are approximately the same as the population mean.

7 Consider the means of samples of size 10 and compare this with the population mean.
a Complete the following table.
Sample 1st 10 Last 10 5th 10 14th 10 17th 10

___ □
___ □
___ □
___ □
Mean = ___ = ___ = ___ = ___ = ___
10 10 10 10 10

b Complete the following.


i The lowest sample mean is ___.

ii The highest sample mean is ___.
c In how many of these samples is the mean approximately the same as that of the population?
Complete the following:
Number of sample means that lie between 3.15 and 3.85 = ___
d Do you think that a sample of size 10 is big enough to provide a good estimate of the mean of the
population? Give a reason for your answer.

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8 Consider the means of samples of size 20 and compare them with the population mean.
a Complete the following table.
Random sample Random sample
Sample 1st 20 Last 20 2nd 20 of 20 of 20

___ □
___ □
Mean = __ = __ = __
20 20 20

b i What is the lowest sample mean?

ii What is the highest sample mean?
c In how many of these samples is the mean of the sample approximately the same as that of the
d Do you think that a sample of size 20 is big enough to provide a good estimate of the mean of the
population? Give a reason for your answer.

9 Consider Example 3 and questions 7 and 8 above. For what sample size of this population do you seem to
get the most sample means close to the population mean?

Use the information in Example 3 as listed in the table below.
a Find the mean of the sample means for the first:
i 3 samples ii 4 samples iii 5 samples
b Is the mean of the sample means in part a approximately the same as the population mean?

a Sample 1st 5 Last 5 15th 27th 37th

Mean 4.6 3.4 3.8 3 2.4

sum of sample means

i Mean of first 3 sample means = __________________
4.6 + 3.4 + 3.8
= _____________
= 3.9 (1 decimal place)
sum of sample means
ii Mean of first 4 sample means = __________________
4.6 + 3.4 + 3.8 + 3
= _________________
= 3.7
sum of sample means
iii Mean of first 5 sample means = __________________
4.6 + 3.4 + 3.8 + 3 + 2.4
= ______________________

= 3.4 (1 decimal place)

b As the number of samples increases, the mean of the sample means gets closer to the mean of the

10 Use the information in question 7.

a Find the mean of the sample means for the first:
i 3 samples ii 4 samples iii 5 samples.
b Is the mean of the sample means approximately the same as the population mean?

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11 Use the information in question 8.
a Find the mean of the sample means for the first:
i 3 samples ii 4 samples iii 5 samples.
b Is the mean of the sample means approximately the same as the population mean?

From the previous exercises you should have discovered that the proportions and means in samples from the
same population vary. In general:
• the larger the sample size the closer the sample proportion is to the population proportion
• the larger the sample size the closer the sample mean is to the population mean
• as the number of samples increases, the mean of the sample means gets closer to the mean of the population.

Investigation 3 Investigating data

1 Investigate, discuss and list the different categories that random samples could be based on if choosing from:
a a census of the population of Australia (such as gender, state, …)
b data concerning personal expenditure
c data concerning immigrants to Australia.

2 Undertake an investigation into:

a voting habits. Suggest reasons why the summary statistics might differ if samples were chosen on the
basis of postcodes.
b amount of homework set by teachers. Suggest reasons why the summary statistics might differ if samples
were chosen on the basis of age.
c weights of 14-year-old students. Suggest reasons why the summary statistics might differ if samples were
chosen on the basis of gender.
d the number of faulty items produced by workers in a factory. Suggest reasons why the summary statistics
might differ if samples were chosen on the basis of the time of the quality control check.
e the number of people who have health care cover. Suggest reasons why the summary statistics might
differ if samples were chosen on the basis of private income.


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Investigation 4 Practical activities
1 When a drawing pin is tossed we say that it can land either pin up or pin down.
a i In pairs, toss a drawing pin 100 times and record the results in a table like the one shown below.
Outcome Tally Frequency Proportion
Pin up
Pin down

ii Complete the proportion column.

iii Use the information from this sample to estimate the number of times the drawing pin would land pin
up, if it was tossed 1 000 000 times.
b i Put the information from your sample on the board and combine the information for the whole class
in a table like the one below.

Outcome Proportion Combined proportion

Pin up
Pin down

ii Use the class information to find

a better estimate of the number
of times a drawing pin would
land pin up if it was tossed
1 000 000 times.
iii Explain why the answer to
part ii is a better estimate.

2 Suppose a coin is tossed 20 times and the following results occurred.

The ‘run lengths’ of tails (i.e. the number of times in a row that a tail occurs) are 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1 and the
mean run length = ____________________ = 1.67.
a i In pairs, toss a coin 100 times and record the results in the order in which they occur.
ii Write down the run lengths for tails.
iii Calculate the mean run length for tails in this sample of 100 tosses.
b i Put the information from your sample on the board in a table like the one below.

Sample 1 2 3
Sample mean

ii Use the information in this table to find a better estimate of the mean run length for tails if a coin
is tossed a large number of times.
iii Explain why the answer to part ii is a better estimate.
c Theoretically, when a coin is tossed a large number of times, the expected mean run length of tails is 2.
Compare the answers above with this theoretical value and discuss this with your class.

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J Capture–recapture technique (extension)
The capture–recapture technique is a method used by fish and wildlife managers to collect data about the size
of various animal populations.
A random sample of the animals in a population is captured and tagged or marked in some way. The tagged
animals are then released back into the population. An appropriate time is allowed for them to mix completely
and then another random sample of animals is captured. The number of tagged animals in this sample is used
to estimate the total population, based on the assumption that the proportion of tagged animals in the total
population is the same as the proportion in the second sample. This technique is used when other methods are
not feasible because of budget, time or practical reasons.

A biologist captures a random sample of 120 fish from a lake. Each fish is tagged and released back into the
lake. A week later another random sample of 80 fish is captured and it is found that 6 of them have tags.
a If we let N represent the total number of fish in the lake, write down an expression for the fraction of
tagged fish in the lake.
b Write down the fraction of tagged fish in the second sample.
c Assuming that the fraction of tagged fish in the second sample is the same as the fraction of tagged fish
in the lake, estimate the total population of fish in the lake at the time of tagging.

120 6
a ____
b ___
120 ___6
c ____
N 80
____ = ___ Invert both sides of the equation. To invert means to turn
120 6
both sides upside down.
____ 80
× 120 = ___ × 120 Multiply both sides by 120.
120 6
N = 1600 ∴ There were approximately 1600 fish in the lake at the time of tagging.

Exercise 9J
1 A biologist captures a random sample of 200 fish from a dam, tags them and releases them back into the
dam. A week later another random sample of 90 fish is captured and it is found that 12 of them have tags.
Complete the following to estimate the fish population at the time of tagging.

a If we let N represent the total number of fish in the lake, an expression for the fraction of tagged fish = __

b The fraction of tagged fish in the second sample = ___.

c Assume that the fraction of tagged fish in the second sample is the same as the fraction of tagged fish in
the lake.
□ ___
__ □
N 90
N ___
__ 90
= Inverting both sides of the equation.
□ □
__ 90
× ___ = ___ × ___ Multiplying both sides by ___.
□ □
N = ___

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2 A park ranger captures a random sample of 50 rabbits. Each rabbit is tagged and released. A few days later
he catches another 50 rabbits in the same area and finds that 4 of them are tagged.
a If we let N represent the total number of rabbits, write down an expression for the fraction of tagged
rabbits in this area.
b Write down the fraction of tagged rabbits in the second sample.
c Assuming that the fraction of tagged rabbits in the second sample is the same as the fraction of tagged
rabbits in the area, write an equation and solve it to estimate the total population of rabbits.

3 A scientist captures 60 mice from a forest, puts leg bands on them and releases them back into the forest.
A week later he captures a second sample of 50 mice and finds that 3 have leg bands.
a If we let N represent the total number of mice, write down an expression for the fraction of tagged mice
in the forest.
b Write down the fraction of tagged mice in the second sample.
c Assuming that the fraction of tagged mice in the second sample is the same as the fraction of tagged mice
in the forest, write an equation and solve it to estimate the total population of mice.

4 A scientist at a trout farm takes 200 trout from a pond, tags them and releases them back into the pond. A
week later he catches 100 trout and finds that 5 of them are tagged. Estimate the number of trout in the pond.

5 A researcher investigating the kangaroo population in a particular area catches and tags a random sample
of 40 kangaroos before releasing them back into the same area. A week later he catches another sample of
40 kangaroos and finds that 8 of them are tagged. Estimate the number of kangaroos in this area.

6 To estimate the number of deer in a national park, a ranger captures 30 deer, tags them and releases them
back into the park. Six months later she returns and captures 20 deer in each of three different areas of the
park. The number of tagged animals in each sample is shown in the table.
Sample Number tagged Population estimate
1 3
2 1
3 2
a Estimate the total population of deer in the Park using each of the 3 samples taken. .
b Using the mean of these three samples, estimate the population of deer in the Park.
c If the three samples are combined to form one sample, that is, we assume that the number found tagged is
6 out of 60, what will be the population estimate?
d Which of these estimates do you think is the most reliable? Discuss with your class.
e Discuss any factors that might make this method unreliable.

Investigation 5 Simulating capture–recapture PROBABILITY & STATISTICS

Investigate, discuss and identify issues that make it difficult to obtain representative data from either primary or
secondary sources. What constraints limit the collection of data or result in unreliable data; for example, lack of
proximity to the data collection area, lack of access to digital technologies or cultural sensitivities?
You can simulate the capture-recapture technique as follows:
Place a large (unknown) number of toothpicks in a bowl. Take out a small number (say 10) and mark (tag) each
with a marker pen. Put the marked toothpicks back in the bowl and mix them thoroughly. Then take a handful of
the toothpicks from the bowl and determine what fraction of the sample is marked. Use this fraction to estimate
the number of toothpicks in the bowl. Repeat the simulation by marking 20 toothpicks. Check your estimates by
actually counting the number of toothpicks in the bowl.

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Language in mathematics
1 a Explain the differences between a population, a sample taken from a population and an observation when
collecting data.
b Investigate the practicalities of collecting data through a census compared to a sample.
i Discuss the limitations of using a census, such as population size.
ii What factors do you think would affect the accuracy of the results of a sample?
c List some advantages and disadvantages of using a census, a sample and observation to collect data.

2 Complete the following statements using the words from the list given below. (Some words are used more
than once.)
population, proportions, larger, increases, means, larger, closer, sample, mean, vary
From the preceding exercises you should have discovered that _____ and _____ in samples vary. In
general, the _____ the sample size the _____ the _____ proportion is to the _____ proportion. Also the
_____ the sample size the _____ the sample _____ is to the _____ mean and as the number of samples
_____, the mean of the _____ means gets closer to the _____ of the population.

3 In a school of 920 students there are six Year 8 classes with 30 students in each. Use the following questions
to help you describe how you would use sampling to find the mean height of Year 8 students in this school.
a What facts do you know from the information in the question?
b What information given do you not need?
c What does the problem want you to find?
d What strategies will you use to solve the problem?
When you have finished, explain and justify your method to the class.

accuracy ascending average bias categorical
census central tendency characteristic continuous cluster
data defective descending discrete extreme
faulty mean median measure modal
mode nominal numerical outlier observation
population prediction primary properties proportion
qualitative quantitative random sample range representative
sample secondary systematic random sample variable

Check your skills


1 Which of the following is a discrete numerical variable?

A time to do homework B number of cars in a car park
C star energy ratings of clothes dryers D hair colour

2 Which of the following is not an example of a continuous numerical variable?

A number of heads when 3 coins are tossed B heights of netball players
C weights of hockey team members D daily maximum temperature

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3 The response scale for a survey question is given below.
1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = don’t know, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree
This type of data is classified as:
A discrete numerical B continuous numerical
C categorical D agreeable

4 ‘All the retailers of TV sets’ would be the target population if we wanted to collect information about:
A the most popular television show B the most popular make of television set
C the number of people who watch television D the most popular sports

5 To collect data on the age of people in your local area, you would use:
A a census B a sample
C observation D an experiment

6 Which of the following is an example of data that could be collected by observation?

A the life of a battery B the gender of high school principals in NSW
C the number of car accidents caused by speed D the direction of cars passing the front of the school

7 A random sample is one for which:

A every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected
B the mean of the data is the same as the mean of the population
C all the properties of the sample are identical to the population
D all of the above

8 Which of the data sets below contains an outlier?

A 7, 11, 15, 17, 20 B 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 5
C 698, 701, 712, 719, 730 D 48, 51, 52, 54, 256

9 In which of the data sets in question 8 is the median not a central score?

10 Six cards are drawn from a pack and the suit of each card is recorded.
spade, heart, club, spade, diamond, spade
Which of the following measures cannot be found for this data?
A mode B frequency of spades
C proportion of diamonds D mean

11 The price of home units sold by a real estate agent one month are listed.
$296 000, $297 000, $345 000, $386 000 and $622 000
Which of the following is the most appropriate measure of central tendency to represent this data?
A mean B mode C median D range

12 Which of the following measures varies the least between samples?

A mean B mode C median D enlargement

13 Which of the following statements is not true?

A The larger the sample size the closer the sample proportion is to the population proportion.
B The larger the sample size the closer the sample mean is to the population mean.
C As the number of samples increases, the sample proportion increases.
D As the number of samples increases, the mean of the sample means gets closer to the mean of the

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14 Samples of 50, 100, 200 and 500 items produced by a machine are taken and the proportion of defective
items in each sample is recorded as shown in the table below.

Sample size 50 100 200 500

___ 4
____ 7
____ 18
Proportion of defective items = 6% = 4% = 3.5% = 3.6%
50 100 200 500

Which of the above sample sizes will give the best estimate of the proportion of defective items in the
A 50 B 100 C 200 D 500

15 A park ranger captures, tags and releases 20 wallabies in a national park. A week later 35 wallabies are
captured and 4 are found to be tagged. The number of wallabies in the park is estimated to be:
A 35 B 700 C 175 D 350

If you have any difficulty with these questions, refer to the examples and questions in the section listed
in the table.

Question 1–3 4–6 7 8 9–11 12 13–14 15

Section A B C F G H I J

9A Review set
1 Classify the following variables as categorical, discrete numerical or continuous numerical.
a number of children in a family b weights of Year 8 students
c number of tails when 3 coins are tossed d prices of cars in a sales yard
e the rating scale for the responses to a questionnaire given as 1 = dislike, 2 = neutral, 3 = like

2 What or who would be the target population if

we wanted to collect information about:
a the health problems of smokers?
b the types of injuries suffered by cyclists?

3 Would a census, sample or observation be used

to collect data on these variables.
a sizes of oranges picked from an orchard
b most popular brand of peanut butter
c number of runs made by a cricketer in a season
d number of koalas in a particular area

4 Explain two simple practical methods for


choosing a random sample of 5 students from a

class of 28 students.

5 Explain any possible bias in the following:

a A poll about gun control is taken at a
meeting of the Shooters Party.
b A salesman claimed that his sales had trebled
in a week.

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6 Write down the outlier in each of the following data sets.
a 0, 51, 52, 52, 54 b 13, 14, 15, 15, 17, 18, 79

7 For the sets of data given below, which of the mean, median or mode is not a central value of the data?
a 6, 8, 9, 9, 11, 94 b 3, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 c 1, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6

8 The sexes of a group of 5 students chosen at random from a Year 8 class are M F F M F.
For this data, find, where possible, the:
a mean b mode c median.

9 The weights (kg) of seven 1-year-old puppies of the same breed were recorded as shown below.
13, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 88
a For the given weights, find the mean, median and mode.
b Identify the outlier.
c Ignore the outlier and calculate the mean, median and mode.
d Should the outlier be included when reporting the mean, median and mode for this data.

9B Review set
1 Classify the following variables as categorical, discrete numerical or continuous numerical.
a income of factory workers b occupations of employed people
c types of coins in a purse d daily humidity
e the energy star ratings of air conditioners

2 What or who would be the target population if we wanted to collect information about:
a the sports played by Year 8 students? b the selling price of homes in a suburb?

3 Would a census, sample or observation be used to collect data on these variables?

a most popular radio station in Sydney b responses of patients to a new medication

c suitability of a new train timetable d number of cars passing the school

4 Explain how to choose a random sample of 5 students from a class of 30 students using a telephone book.

5 Explain any possible bias in the following:

a 95% of people who changed to Cheapas Insurance said they saved at least $100 on their policy.
b Greenpeace put a survey in their monthly newsletter on attitudes to climate change.

6 Which of the measures mean, median, mode and range is distorted by an outlier?

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7 The eye colours of a group of 6 students are recorded below:
blue, green, grey, blue, brown, blue
Which, if any, of the measures mean, median and mode can be used with this data?

8 The times, to the nearest minute, that 10 students, chosen at random, spent waiting for a school bus are given.
19, 20, 29, 28, 29, 18, 20, 27, 19, 29
a Find the mean, median and mode of these times.
b Discuss the appropriateness of each of these measures to represent this data.

9 A small company has 9 employees. Their annual incomes are listed below.
7 warehouse workers $46 000 each
Warehouse supervisor $65 000
Owner/manager $184 000
a Calculate the mean, median and mode of the annual income for this company.
b Discuss the appropriateness of each of these measures to represent this data.

9C Review set
1 Classify the following variables as categorical, discrete numerical or continuous numerical.
a area of blocks of land b number of milk cows on farms
c country of birth d attitude to TV show
e time to complete assignment

2 What or who would be the target population if we wanted to collect information about:
a the price of new cars? b family income of school parents?

3 Would a census, sample or observation be

used to collect data on:
a the number of loaves of bread sold
each week by a supermarket?
b the most popular colour of new cars?
c the number of goals scored each week
by a soccer team?
d the number of ducks living by a pond?

4 Explain how to choose a random sample

of 5 students from a class of 30 students
using a scientific calculator.

5 Explain any possible bias in the following


a 9 out of 10 dentists recommend Brite
b A study commissioned by the Hotels
Association showed that consuming 3
standard drinks a day was beneficial to
a person’s health.

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6 Identify any clusters, gaps or outliers in the following data sets.
a Stem Leaves b
3 9
4 8 1 2 2 5 5 6 8 9
5 0 0 3 4 6 7 7 9
6 4 8
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
7 1 Score

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

7 The makes of car owned by the mothers of 10 students chosen at random were Toyota, Mazda, Toyota,
Subaru, Ford, VW, Mazda, Toyota, Hyundai, Daihatsu. Find, where possible, the mean, mode and median
for this data.

8 a Find the mean, median, mode and range of the scores 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7.

b If the final score (7) is replaced by 70, which of the measures in part a will change?

9 The number of sick days had by 20 workers in a year is listed below:

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 10, 32
a Find the mean, median and mode of the number of sick days.
b Discuss the appropriateness of each of these measures to represent this data.

9D Review set
1 Classify the following variables as categorical, discrete numerical or continuous numerical.
a number of hours of study b religion of students c length of metal bars
d cost of cars e type of employment (full-time, part-time, casual)

2 What or who would be the target population if we wanted to collect information about:
a the main activity of farms in a region? b the quality of bicycle helmets?


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3 Would a census, sample or observation be used to collect data on:
a the number of ‘heads’ when a coin is tossed?
b the number of senior students in a school who smoke cigarettes?
c the stopping distances of cars?
d the reasons people use taxis?

4 Explain how to choose a random sample of 5 students from a class of 30 students using a systematic random

5 Explain any possible bias in the following:

a 500 surveys were posted and the 100 which were returned were analysed and conclusions drawn
b A doctor who believed he had developed a cure for arthritis tested his patients and reported on the results.

6 Identify any clusters, gaps or outliers in the following sets of data.

a Stem Leaves b
2 4 7
3 0 2 3 3 6 8 9 9
4 0 0 1 1 1 2 4 7 8 9
5 1 2 5
6 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
7 Score
9 4

7 The weights of the forwards in a Year 8 rugby team were measured and recorded, to the nearest kilogram, as:
52, 49, 51, 53, 151, 48, 50, 51
a Identify the outlier.
b Calculate the mean, median, mode and range.
i Include the outlier. ii Exclude the outlier.
c Should the outlier be included when reporting the mean, median, mode and range for this data? Give a
reason for your answer.

8 The lengths of time (minutes) that a consultant spent on the phone for her first 10 calls of the day are given.
2, 5, 4, 1, 3, 2, 55, 3, 4, 1
a Identify the outlier.
b Calculate the mean, median, mode and range.
i Include the outlier. ii Exclude the outlier.
c Should the outlier by included when reporting the mean, median, mode and range for this data? Give a
reason for your answer.

9 a Calculate the mean, median and mode of these data sets.

i 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 93 ii 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 17 iii Score Frequency

5 7
6 2
7 1
8 2
9 3
b For which of these sets of data is the mean, median or mode not a central value of the data?

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Pythagoras’ theorem
This chapter deals with Pythagoras’ theorem.
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:

▶ identify the hypotenuse in a right- ▶ understand Pythagorean triads

angled triangle ▶ find the length of the hypotenuse given
▶ establish the relationship between the other two sides
the side lengths of a right-angled ▶ find a side of a right-angled triangle
triangle given one side and the hypotenuse
▶ write Pythagoras’ theorem for right- ▶ use Pythagoras’ theorem to solve
angled triangles worded problems
▶ use Pythagoras’ theorem to establish ▶ solve simple quadratic equations
that a triangle has a right angle resulting in surds.

NSW Syllabus references: S4 M&G Right-angled triangles (Pythagoras, part)

Outcomes: MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA4-16MG

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Diagnostic test
1 4 + 5 equals: 10 90 − 30 equals:
A 1 B 4 C 8 D 9 A 66 B 60 C 600 D 10

2 8 + 7 equals: 11 59 − 25 equals:
A 1 B 15 C 17 D 19 A 24 B 34 C 83 D 26

3 40 + 30 equals: 12 638 − 289 equals:

A 7 B 70 C 700 D 10 A 349 B 359 C 449 D 459

4 24 + 59 equals: 13 2143 − 385 equals:

A 713 B 35 C 73 D 83 A 1758 B 1768 C 1752 D 2242

5 649 + 588 equals: 14 The best estimate for 347 × 65 is:

A 1237 B 927 C 827 D 837 A 18 000 B 21 000
C 24 000 D 27 000
6 3479 + 65 equals:
A 9970 B 4129 C 3534 D 3544 15 The best estimate for 1687 × 48 is:
A 75 000 B 80 000
7 The best estimate for 1687 + 489 is:
C 85 000 D 90 000
A 2000 B 2200 C 2500 D 3000
8 7 − 3 equals: 16 Find ​√   
5 × 5 × 7 × 7 × 11 × 11 ​.
A 1 B 4 C 5 D 10 A 5 × 7 × 11
B 5 × 5 × 7 × 7 × 11 × 11
9 15 − 7 equals: C 5×7
A 22 B 9 C 8 D 7 D 3

The Diagnostic test questions refer to the Year 7 outcomes from ACMNA123, ACMNA149 and ACMNA150.
Measurement & Geometry

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A Right-angled triangles
Right-angled corners
The problem of constructing right-angled corners, whether for the corners of buildings or for the division of
land into rectangular fields, was overcome at least 5000 years ago.
Without the use of the sophisticated measuring devices available today, the Ancient Egyptians used a rope with
12 equally spaced knots tied along it. The rope was used to form a triangle with sides in the ratio of 3 : 4 : 5.
When the rope was pulled tight to form a triangle, a right angle formed at the vertex between the sides of
length 3 and 4 units.

Line of one side
Take hold of knots at arrows Make rope taut of building

This triangle is, in fact, the simplest right-angled triangle with sides of integer length. You could make your own
knotted rope to test this.
Right-angled triangles are frequently observed in real-life situations, as shown below.

Investigation 1 Pythagoras’ rule or theorem

1 Draw any right-angled triangle.

2 Construct squares on each of the sides.


3 Measure and calculate the area of each

square. Area = (side length)2.

4 Is the area of the largest square equal to the

sum of the areas of the other two squares?

5 Repeat this investigation twice to check your results.

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There is a special relationship between the sides of a right-angled triangle, called Pythagoras’ rule or theorem
(named after a famous Greek mathematician).
Pythagoras’ theorem states that: The hypotenuse is the
(hypotenuse)2 = (short side 1)2 + (short side 2)2 longest side. It is opposite
the right angle.
Thus in △ABC: c2 = a2 + b2 B

c Hypotenuse
Short sides a (the longest side)
(a and b)

C b A

In any right-angled triangle, the square of the longest side is equal c

to the sum of the squares of the two smaller sides.
In geometric form, Pythagoras’ theorem is: c2
In any right-angled triangle, the square on the hypotenuse is
equal in area to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other a2 a
two sides, or c2 = a2 + b2.

b2 b

Exercise 10A explores at this relationship. b

Exercise 10A
1 Measure each of the sides of these right-angled triangles and complete a table like the one below.
a b c a
b b

d e a f
c c
a a

c b
b b
Measurement & Geometry

a b a2 b2 a2 + b2 ​√a2 + b2 ​ c
: : : : : : :
: : : : : : :

What do you notice about the last two columns?

2 Draw three right-angled triangles of your own and add their side lengths to the table.

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3 Identify the hypotenuse in each triangle. Remember that the hypotenuse is opposite the right angle, and it is
the longest side in a right-angled triangle.
a b m c

r d e
p l n

q f

d z e f
v u v

g t h i l
g k
u s m

4 Using Pythagoras’ theorem, write the relationship between the lengths of the sides of the right-angled
triangles in question 3.

Example 1
Write Pythagoras’ theorem for the given triangle. R
a Use side names.
b Use lower case letters for sides opposite given angles.


Pythagoras’ theorem may be written using side names or by using lower R

case letters representing the sides opposite the given angles.
a The rule is RS 2 = RT 2 + TS 2. t
b Label the side opposite T as t, R as r, S as s.
The rule is t 2 = s 2 + r 2.
S r T
Measurement & Geometry

5 Use Pythagoras’ theorem to express the equation for these right-angled triangles in two different ways.
a A C b P R c M


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B Converse of Pythagoras’ theorem
The converse of Pythagoras’ theorem can be used to determine if a triangle The converse of
is right-angled. ‘if A is true then B is true’ is
‘if B is true then A is true’.
If, in a triangle, the sum of the squares of the two shorter sides is equal
to the square of the longest side, then the triangle is right-angled.
• If a2 + b2 = c 2, then the triangle is right-angled.
• If a2 + b2 ≠ c 2, then the triangle is not right-angled.

ExamplE 1
Determine if each triangle is right-angled by using Pythagoras’ theorem.
a b 8 cm
13 cm
5 cm

12 cm 9 cm
12 cm

a a2 + b2 = 122 + 52 b a2 + b2 = 82 + 92
= 144 + 25 = 64 + 81
The longest side or
= 169 = 145 measurement is used
and c = 132
and c 2 = 122 for the hypotenuse,
= 169 = 144 which is side c.
∴ The triangle is right-angled. ∴ The triangle is not right-angled.
12 x2 + 5 x2 = 169 8 x2 + 9 x2 = 145

13 x2 = 169 12 x2 = 144

Exercise 10B
1 The following figures are not drawn accurately. Which of the triangles is a right-angled triangle? Show all
your working.
a 4 cm b c
13 mm
2 cm 3m

12 mm
3 cm
5 mm 7m

d e f 17 cm
12 cm 5 km
7 cm 3 km
15 cm
8 cm
14 cm 7 km

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g 6 cm h i
6 cm
9 cm
3 cm
8 cm
5 cm
4 cm 8 cm
10 cm

2 Use Pythagoras’ theorem to determine if triangles with these side lengths are right-angled.
a 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm b 7 cm, 9 cm and 12 cm
c 11 cm, 13 cm and 18 cm d 21 cm, 28 cm and 35 cm

Investigation 2 Pythagorean triads

The simplest right-angled triangle with integer side lengths is the
3–4–5 triangle. The numbers satisfy the rule 32 + 42 = 52.
As the numbers (3, 4, 5) obey the rule a2 + b2 = c 2 they are called a 3
Pythagorean triad or triple. Other Pythagorean triads include (5, 12, 13),
(7, 24, 25) and (8, 15, 17). 4

Any Pythagorean triad can be used to create other Pythagorean triads. One way of doing this is to multiply each
of the three numbers by the same number. So (3, 4, 5) becomes (6, 8, 10) by multiplying each number by 2.
A spreadsheet program may be used to generate tables of Pythagorean triads. Here is an example.

1 Pythagorean triples based on 3, 4, 5 triad
2 n 3n 4n 5n Sum of sides squared Longest side squared
3 1 3 4 5 25 25
4 2 6 8 10 100 100
5 3 9 12 15 225 225
6 4 12 16 20 400 400
7 5 15 20 25 625 625
8 6 18 24 30 900 900

The formulas used in the spreadsheet are shown below.

1 Pythagorean triples based on 3, 4, 5 triad
2 n 3n 4n 5n Sum of sides squared Longest side squared
3 1 = A3*3 = A3*4 = A3*5 = B3*B3 + C3*C3 = D3*D3
Measurement & Geometry

4 = A3 + 1 = A4*3 = A4*4 = A4*5 = B4*B4 + C4*C4 = D4*D4

5 = A4 + 1 = A5*3 = A5*4 = A5*5 = B5*B5 + C5*C5 = D5*D5

1 Create your own tables using a spreadsheet and the Pythagorean triads (5, 12, 13), (7, 24, 25) and (8, 15, 17).

2 Use these formulas to create other tables of values.

n2 − 1 n2 + 1
a 2n + 1, 2n2 + 2n, 2n2 + 2n + 1 b n, ______
​   ​, ​ ______
 ​, n must be an odd number.
2 2
3 Investigate some Pythagorean triads of your own. Write a report about your findings.

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C Using Pythagoras’ theorem to find the
Pythagoras’ theorem is used to determine an unknown side length of a right-angled triangle when two other side
lengths are known. Before doing this, practise the calculator steps required.

Exercise 10C
1 Use the x2 key on your calculator to evaluate the following.
a 32 b 42 c 102 d 82
e 112 f 172 g 152 h 222
i 0.6 2
j 0.5 2
k 1.82 l 2.32
m 4.92 n 5.22 o 6.832 p 9.542

2 Use the √ key on your calculator to evaluate the following.

___ ___ ___ ____
a √25 b √49 c √36 d √144
____ ____ ____ _____
e √169 f √400 g √625 h √1089
____ ____ ____ ____
i √0.04 j √0.81 k √1.21 l √4.41
_____ _____ ______ ________
m √13.69 n √29.16 o √237.16 p √400.8004

3 Use the √ key and FIX function on your calculator The word ‘surd’ is the name for square root
numbers that do not work out exactly.
to round the following as stated.
a Round ___
correct to 1 decimal place.__ ___ ___
i √18 ii √7 iii √23 iv √82
b Round correct
to 2 decimal places.
____ ____ ____
i √215 ii √386 iii √436 iv √721
c Round ___
correct to 3 decimal places.
___ ____ ____
i √0.7 ii √1.9 iii √2.85 iv √6.04
d Round correct to 4 decimal places.
_____ _____ _____ ______
i √12.93 ii √8.062 iii √156.4 iv √387.69
__ __
4 √2 = 1.414__213__ 562 and
√3 = 1.732 050 808 correct to 9 decimal places.
a Write √5 , √6 and √7 correct to 9 decimal places.
Decimal numbers that are both
b Do __
any of your answers terminate or recur? non-terminating and non-recurring
c Is √4 irrational? Explain. are called irrational numbers.

ExamplE 1

Calculate the length of the hypotenuse in each right-angled triangle.

a b c
11 cm 5 cm
4.2 cm
x w
12 cm

9 cm 6.1 cm

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Example 1 continued
a a2 + b2 = c 2 b a2 + b2 = c 2
12 + 9 = x 112 + 52 = y 2
2 2 2

144 + 81 = x 2 121 + 25 = y 2
∴ 225 = x 2 ∴ 146 = y 2
____ ____
​ 225 ​ = x
√ ∴y =√ ​ 146 ​
∴ x = 15 The hypotenuse is √ ​ 146 ​cm (surd form).
The hypotenuse is 15 cm.
c a2 + b2 = c 2
4.2 + 6.12 = w 2
Notice that when calculating the ‘unknown’
17.64 + 37.21 = w 2 side, the answer may be a whole number,
expressed as a surd or as a decimal correct
∴ 54.85 = w 2
_____ to a certain number of decimal places.
​ 54.85 ​ = w

∴ w = 7.4
The hypotenuse is 7.4 cm (1 decimal place).

5 Use Pythagoras’ theorem to calculate the length of the hypotenuse. (All answers are integers.)
a b 4 cm c
10 cm x
3 cm 8 cm
24 cm
6 cm
d e f 24 cm
90 mm 120 mm x
27 cm 7 cm

36 cm

g x h x i 30 m

12 mm 24 cm 40 m
18 cm
16 mm x

6 Calculate the length of the hypotenuse expressing your answer in surd (​√W ​) form.
a 8 mm b 13 cm c
Measurement & Geometry
15 cm x
17 cm
11 mm
29 cm

d e f 18 mm
x 8 cm 4 cm

9 mm 14 mm
x x
3 mm

Chapter 10 Pythagoras’ theorem 261

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g h i
x x
5 cm x
32 m
21 m

7 cm 14 m
27 m

7 Find the length of the hypotenuse in each right-angled triangle correct to 1 decimal place.
a 3 cm b c
2 cm
4 km
x 4 cm 10 cm

5 km

d 6.2 cm e f 12.6 cm
4.3 cm 2.2 cm
4 cm x
15.9 cm

g h 11.2 cm i 25.1 cm

15.6 cm 12.04 cm
x x
8.8 cm

10.9 cm

8 Find, correct to 3 decimal places, the length of the hypotenuse in each of these isosceles triangles.
a b 1 cm c

5 cm

3 cm

Example 2
Calculate the value of x in the diagram correct to 1 decimal place. x

6.4 m
3.5 m
Measurement & Geometry

6.2 m

Look at the shaded triangle.

2.9 m x
Short side of triangle = 6.4 − 3.5 = 2.9 m.
c 2 = a2 + b2 6.4 m 6.2 m
x 2 = 2.92 + 6.22 = 46.85
_____ 3.5 m
∴ x = ​√46.85 ​ = 6.8447…
x = 6.8 (1 decimal place) 6.2 m

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9 Calculate the value of each pronumeral correct to 1 decimal place.
a 5 cm
b c
13 cm w
y d 18 cm

4 cm
9 cm 23 cm

d 6.3 cm e p f 11.6 cm


.3 q 24.6 cm

f 17.4 cm

10 The foot of a ladder is placed 1.2 m from a vertical wall. If the

ladder reaches 7 m up the wall, what is the length of the ladder
to the nearest centimetre?

1.2 m
11 A ship sails 18 km due south and then 36 km due west. How far is N
the ship from its starting point correct to 1 decimal place?

18 km

36 km

12 A gate is 2.3 m wide with a height of 1.4 m.

Calculate the length of the diagonal of the
gate correct to 1 decimal place.

1.4 m

2.3 m

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13 Two roads meet at right angles. From the
intersection, John rides 15.3 km along one road
while Sharee rides 10.6 km along the other. Find
how far apart they are correct to 1 decimal place.

15.3 km

10.6 km

D Using Pythagoras’ theorem to find the

shorter sides
Pythagoras’ theorem can also be used to calculate the length of either shorter side as shown in Example 1 below.
Rearrange the rule c 2 = a2 + b2 by subtracting b2 from both sides to give a2 = c 2 − b2.
Use this to find the length of a short side.
Don’t forget to find the

ExamplE 1
square root at the end.

Calculate the value of the pronumeral y that marks one of the shorter sides to the level of accuracy stated.
a b surd form c correct to 1 decimal place
5 cm 4.7 cm
13 cm 26 cm
8 cm

y y
9.6 cm

a a2 = c 2 − b2 b a2 = c 2 − b2 c a2 = c 2 − b2
y = 13 − 5
2 2 2
y = 26 − 8
2 2 2
y 2 = 9.62 − 4.72
= 169 − 25 = 676 − 64 = 92.16 − 22.09
= 144
= 612
= 70.07
∴ y = √144 ∴ y = √612 cm (surd form) ∴ y = √70.07
= 12 cm = 8.4 cm (1 decimal place)

Exercise 10D
1 Find the value of the pronumeral in each triangle. All answers are integers.
a n b c w

20 cm
9 cm 16 cm
15 cm 15 m
25 m

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d e q f
50 cm
75 cm
a 12 m
20 m t

40 cm 21 cm

g h 26 mm i
16 mm 30 mm
34 mm 18 mm
10 mm

k x

2 Find the length of the unknown short side giving your answer as a surd (​√W ​).
a 13 cm b 5 cm c
23 mm
8 mm
6 cm y
7 cm

d 15 m e 20 m f l

a 26 m 47 m 31 m
19 m b

g h 70 mm i 21 cm

82 mm 56 mm h
95 mm
63 cm

3 Find the length of the unknown short side correct to 1 decimal place.
a b c
8.3 cm 3.4 cm
11.5 cm 15.9 cm
4.6 cm x

g y
9.2 cm
d 13.7 cm e f
22.8 m
19.4 m
Measurement & Geometry
d w
21.1 cm 40.6 m
30.2 m

g h i 95.6 mm
54.5 mm
72.6 mm 38.7 mm
47.1 mm 68.8 mm b


Chapter 10 Pythagoras’ theorem 265

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4 Find the value of each pronumeral correct to 2 decimal places.
a b c

25.5 cm 9.2 cm

x 14.1 cm

19 18 cm
27.4 cm
d e f
15.2 cm h
42.6 cm
8.6 cm p 17 cm
12.5 cm

31.7 cm

g 18.2 cm h 3.2 cm i
10.5 cm 16.8 cm
22.6 cm
10.2 cm a 15.4 cm
19 cm

23.1 cm p

5 A ladder 4.5 m in length is placed 1.9 m from the base of a

vertical wall. How far does the ladder reach up the wall to the
nearest centimetre?
4.5 m x

1.9 m

6 The diagram shows that a ship sails 34 nautical miles from its Ship
port. It then sails 19 nautical miles due east, so that it is directly
north of the port. How far is the ship from the port? x



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7 A gate has a height of 1.7 m and a diagonal of 3.2 m.
a Find the width of the gate to the nearest centimetre. m
b Calculate the area of the piece of wood used to make the gate. 3.2 1.7 m

8 For this triangle, use the dimensions given to find the length
of the altitude of the triangle from the apex to the base to the
nearest millimetre.
8.7 cm

9 cm

9 A kite is flying with 42 m of string which is anchored to the ground.

If the horizontal distance from where the string is anchored is 27 m,
find the height of the kite above the ground to the nearest centimetre.
42 m

27 m

E Problem solving using Pythagoras’

• Draw a neat, clear diagram of the situation.
• Mark on the diagram known lengths and right angles.
• Use a symbol, such as x, to represent the unknown length.
• Decide whether you are finding the hypotenuse or one of the short sides.
• Write down the Pythagorean theorem for the given situation.
• Write your answer in sentence form (where necessary).

Exercise 10E
Give your answers to 2 decimal places as necessary.
1 Find the length of a diagonal of a 12 cm by 12 cm square. MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY

2 Find the length of a diagonal of a 7 cm by 11 cm rectangle.

3 What is the longest length of iron rod that can be placed on the floor of a 4 m by 5 m garden shed?

4 A gate has height 1.2 m and diagonal 2.3 m. How wide is the gate?

5 A rhombus has diagonals of length 4 cm and 6 cm. Find the length 4 cm

of its sides.

6 cm

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6 A ship sails 5 km due west and then 4 km due south. How far is the N
ship from its starting point?
5 km

4 km x

7 A ship sails 9 km north then 11 km east. How far is the ship from its N
starting point?
11 km

9 km x


8 A ladder 5 m long is placed against a wall. It is 2.7 m from the wall.

How far up the wall does the ladder reach?

2.7 m

9 A ladder is 4 m long and reaches 3 m up the wall. How far is the

foot of the ladder from the base of the wall?

10 A cone has height 17 cm and radius 12 cm. Calculate the slant height.
17 cm

12 cm

11 A cone has slant height of 7 cm and the diameter of its base is 6 cm.
Find the height of the cone given that the cone is symmetrical.
7 cm
Measurement & Geometry

6 cm

12 A kite is flying with 35 m of string. The string is anchored to

the ground. If the horizontal distance from where the string is
anchored is 22 m, find the height of the kite above the ground. 35 m

22 m

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13 Oliver holds the end of the string of a kite 1.2 m above
the ground. The string is 30 m long and the horizontal
distance to the kite is 18 m. Find the height of the kite
30 m
above the ground.

18 m
1.2 cm

14 A kite is flying with 48 m of string let out. At this time it

is level with the top of a 23 m tall building. What is the
horizontal distance from the kite to the end of the string? 48 m
23 m

15 Korabita measures out an area of ground to be concreted as shown

in the diagram. To check the floor is rectangular he measures the
5.2 cm
diagonal to be 5.2 m. Is the area measured a rectangle? Explain 3.8 cm
your answer.

4.2 cm

16 The size of a computer screen size is the measure of the diagonal

rounded to the nearest centimetre. What size would be quoted for
the computer screen shown in the diagram? 23 cm

35 cm

17 Two posts are 7.2 m tall and 9.6 m tall and 11 m apart on level
ground. Calculate the length of string required to stretch from the
top of one post to the top of the other. 9.6 m
7.2 m

11 m

Example 1
Find the perimeter of this plane figure to the nearest centimetre. 50 cm

45 cm
Measurement & Geometry

82 cm

Draw a perpendicular line to make a right-angled triangle. 50 cm

The triangle has height 45 cm and length 82 − 50 = 32 cm.
Use Pythagoras’ theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse. 45 cm
c2 = 45 2
+ 322 = 3049
c = ​√3049 ​ = 55.2
82 cm
Perimeter = 82 + 45 + 50 + 55.2 = 232.2 = 232 cm

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18 Find the perimeters of these figures correct to the nearest centimetre.
a 53 cm b 18 cm c

38 cm
14 cm 17 cm
8 cm
70 cm
30 cm
13 cm
d e 36 cm 67 cm f

25 cm 33 cm 27 cm
31 cm

19 cm
50 cm 30 cm

g h i 21 cm
28 cm 39 cm
72 cm 25 cm 45 cm
16 cm 32 cm
54 cm

45 cm

Example 2
A surveyor makes the following measurements of a field.
By using Pythagoras’ theorem to find the missing side 45 m
39 m
lengths, calculate the perimeter.
23 m

34 m
58 m
13 m

32 m

Split the figure into a number of triangles and a trapezium and write the dimensions on each known side.
Write a letter on each side that needs to be calculated.
a2 = 452 + 622 a
= 5869
∴ a = ​√5869 ​ = 76.6 39 39
+ 45
23 45
b = 45 + 47
2 2 2 =
Measurement & Geometry

= 4234 b
_____ c 23
∴ b = ​√4234 ​ = 65.1 +
58 = 34
c2 = 392 + 582 57 +
58 =
= 4885 47
∴ c = ​√4885 ​ = 69.9 13
e2 = 322 + 132 32
= 1193 e
_____ d
∴ e = ​√1193 ​ = 34.5

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Example 2 continued
Calculate d using the technique from the Example 1.
d 2 = 572 + 262 = 3925
∴ d = ​√3925 ​ = 62.6 57
Perimeter = 76.6 + 65.1 + 69.9 + 34.5 + 62.6
= 308.7 m 58 − 32 = 26 d
≈ 309 m

19 A surveyor makes the following measurements of a field. Use Pythagoras’ theorem to find the missing side
lengths and calculate the perimeter.
a b c
23 m 17
m 17 m 35 m 51 m
m 15 m
35 72 m
20 m 12 m
18 m 48 m
m 84 m
28 24 m

d m e f
43 m 63 14 m 12 m m
15 m
15 m m 28
23 11 m
m 9m 12 m 6 m 13 m 5m
57 41
38 m 8m 15 m
27 m 15 m

Example 3
Find the distance AB correct to 2 decimal places.
a 9m b A
4m 8.2 m
27.6 m
12 m B
13.9 m


Joint the points A and B to form a right-angled triangle.

a 9m b A 27.6 m
9m 27.6 m 8.2 m
12 m B + 22.1 m
x x Measurement & Geometry
8m x 8m x 13.9 m


a2 + b2 = c 2 a2 + b2 = c 2
9 + 8 = x 22.1 + 27.62 = x 2
2 2 2 2

81 + 64 = x 2 488.41 + 761.76 = x 2
x 2 = 145
x 2 = 1250.17
∴x =√ ​ 145 ​ = 12.04 ∴x=√ ​ 1250.17 ​= 35.36
AB is 12.04 m (2 decimal places) AB is 35.36 m (2 decimal places)

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20 Find the distance AB correct to 2 decimal places.
a 10 m
b A 42 m c 3.8 m
18 m B 13.5 m
14 m
2.2 m
15 m 6.3 m

21 A cyclist rides 27 km north, then turns directly west and cycles N

54 km, and finally turns south and rides a further 8 km. Calculate 54 km
the cyclist’s distance from his starting point, giving the answer to 8 km
the nearest metre. 27 km

22 A ship sails 38.2 km due south then turns directly east and sails a N
further 22.5 km. From this point it is decided that the ship is to sail
a further 67.4 km due south and then finally sail directly east for a
further 50.9 km. Calculate the ship’s distance from its original starting 38.2
point correct to 1 decimal place. x


S 50.9
Measurement & Geometry

23 A ship sails 68.2 km due east then turns directly north and N
sails a further 51.8 km. From this point the ship sails a further
113.2 km east and then turns directly north and sails 98.5 km.
Calculate the ship’s distance from its original starting point x
correct to 1 decimal place. 113.2


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Investigation 3 Square numbers
1 Find 3 × 3 and −3 × −3. Compare the answers.

2 Find these square numbers.

a 4 × 4 and −4 × −4 b 5 × 5 and −5 × −5
c −6 × −6 and 6 × 6 d −10 × −10 and 10 × 10

3 What do you notice about the answers to each part in question 2?

4 The solution to the equation x2 = 49 is a number that when multiplied by itself gives 49. What are the
two answers?

5 The solution to x2 = 64 is x = 8 or −8. Explain why there are two answers.

6 Are there always two solutions for x2 = c where c is a number? Consider when x > 0 and when x < 0.

F Simple quadratic equations

From Investigation 3 there are two solutions to the equation x2 = c.
This equation is called a quadratic equation because the variable x has a power of 2.

ExamplE 1
Solve these equations.
a x2 = 25 b x2 = 169

a x2 = 25 ___ b x2 = 169____ ± is the symbol for

plus or minus.
x = ±√25 take the square root of both sides x = ±√169
= ±5 = ±13

Exercise 10F
1 Solve these quadratic equations.
a x2 = 9 b x2 = 16 c x2 = 64 d x2 = 144
e x2 = 49 f x2 = 121 g x2 = 36 h x2 = 81
i x2 = 100 j x2 = 4 k x2 = 225 l x2 = 289 MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY

ExamplE 2
Solve these equations.
a x2 = 10 b x2 = 43

a x2 = 10 ___ b x2 = 43 ___
x = ±√10 x = ±√43
= ±3.16 (2 decimal places) = ±6.56 (2 decimal places)

Chapter 10 Pythagoras’ theorem 273

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2 Solve these equations, giving your answers correct to 2 decimal places.
a x2 = 12 b x2 = 51 c x2 = 19
d x = 47
e x2 = 83 f x2 = 28
g x2 = 68 h x2 = 91 i x2 = 193
j x2 = 200 k x2 = 155 l x2 = 357

Example 3
Solve these equations.
a 5x2 = 80 b 3x2 = 75

a 5x2 = 80 b 3x2 = 75 Quadratic equations

have two answers.
80 3x 75 2
​ ___ ​= ___
​   ​ ​ ___ ​= ___
​   ​
5 5 3 3
x = 16
x = 25
___ ___
x = ±​√16 ​ x = ±​√25 ​
= ±4 = ±5

3 Solve these equations.

a 2x2 = 18 b 5x2 = 180 c 8x2 = 72
d 3x2 = 48 e 7x2 = 175 f 10x2 = 160
g 7x2 = 252 h 6x2 = 294 i 5x2 = 125
j 3x2 = 507 k 7x2 = 112 l 6x2 = 726

Example 4
Solve these equations.
a 9x2 = 25 b 81x2 = 49

a 9x2 = 25 b 81x2 = 49
9x2 25
___ 81x2 49
​   ​= ___​   ​ ​ ____ ​= ___ ​   ​
9 9 81 81
25 49
x2 = ___
​   ​ x2 = ___
​   ​
9 ___ 81 ___

​ 25 ​ √
​ ___
49 ​
x = ±​ ____ __ ​ x = ±​ ____

​ 9 ​ √
​ 81 ​
5 7
= ±​ __ ​ = ±​ __ ​
Measurement & Geometry

3 9

4 Solve these equations.

a 4x2 = 49 b 100x2 = 81 c 25x2 = 16
d 81x2 = 16 e 49x2 = 144 f 121x2 = 64
g 144x2 = 49 h 81x2 = 100 i 64x2 = 25
j 169x2 = 121 k 162x2 = 98 l 108x2 = 75

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Example 5
Solve these equations.
a 3x2 = 21 b 5x2 = 12

a 3x2 = 21 b 5x2 = 12
21 5x2 12
​ ___ ​= ___
​   ​ ​ ___ ​= ___ ​   ​
3 3 5 5
___ 12
x2 = 7 x2 = ​   ​
5 ___

__ 12
x = ±​√7 ​ x = ±​ ___ ​   ​ ​
= ±2.65 (2 decimal places) = ±1.55 (2 decimal places)

5 Solve these equations. giving answers correct to 2 decimal places if necessary.

a 7x2 = 56 b 4x2 = 12 c 11x2 = 66
d 13x2 = 47 e 7x2 = 18 f 5x2 = 23

Investigation 4 Square roots (extension)

Suppose the square root is the only key on your calculator that does not work. How can √
​ 5 ​be determined?
Following is a method.
Step 1: Make an estimate of ​√5 ​and call it a.
Step 2: Find the average of a and ​ __
a ​, and call it b.
Step 3: Find the average of b and __
​  ​, and call it c.
Step 4: And so on.
For example, suppose ​√5 ​ ≈ 2; that is, a = 2.
( )
∴ b = _​  2 ​​ 2 + __
1 5
​   ​  ​ = 2.25
∴ c = _​  2 ​​ 2.25 + ____) ​ 
 ​  ​ ≈ 2.2361
∴ d = ___
∴ e = ___
∴ f = ___

1 Find d, e and f in the above.

2 Find ​√5 ​from your calculator. Does the method appear to work? Measurement & Geometry
3 Start with a = 3 and find b, c, d, e and f. Does √
​ 5 ​ result?

4 Can you__ explain why the method works?

​ 5 ​is a solution of the equation x2 = 5, and notice that as the process continues
Hint: √
b ≈ c, c ≈ d, d ≈ e, …; that is, x ≈ _​  2 ​​ x + __
​  x ​  ​.

5 Explain
how you would modify the above method to calculate:
a ​√7 ​ b ​√k ​

Chapter 10 Pythagoras’ theorem 275

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Language in mathematics
Pythagoras (approximately 580 bce to 500 bce) was born in
Samos, Greece, and became a famous mathematician and
philosopher. He founded the Pythagorean brotherhood, a
religious order that influenced the development of mathematics
and philosophy. The motto of this order was ‘All is number’.
As none of his original writings have survived, it is difficult to
determine which work was done by Pythagoras and which is a
result of the work of some of his followers.
The Pythagorean school of thought was applied not only to areas
of mathematics but also to astronomy, music theory and acoustics
among other topics. In fact, it was recognised by Copernicus that
some of Pythagoras’ ideas on astronomy helped him develop his
theories on the rotation of the planets around the Sun.
The study of square numbers (1, 4, 9, 16, …) and rectangular numbers
(2, 6, 12, 20, …) is credited to the Pythagorean school of study.
However, the best known of Pythagoras’ mathematical ideas is his theory relating c
the lengths of the sides of a right-angled triangle. For a triangle as shown in the
diagram, a2 + b2 = c 2. b
Whether or not Pythagoras was himself directly responsible for some of the ideas credited to him is not
particularly important. What is evident is that, as a result of his teaching and motivation, people were inspired to
think creatively about mathematics, philosophy and associated areas such as music and astronomy.

A proof of Pythagoras’ theorem

In the era of Pythagoras, algebra was almost non-existent and so it is likely that he discovered the relationship
between the sides of a right-angled triangle by geometric means, such as the one that follows.
Consider a square that has been subdivided into four identical (congruent) triangles and a smaller square, as
shown in Figure 1. We realign the four triangles as in Figure 2.
a b
a a
c a
b c b
c b
Measurement & Geometry

b a Figure 2
Figure 1
Now complete a square as in Figure 3. The original square and the b a
Area is a2
final square are equal in size. (Both have sides of length a + b.) a
Finally remove the four triangles from both Figure 1 and Figure 3.
The remaining areas are equal.
Area is b2 b
Hence, a2 + b2 = c 2.

Figure 3

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Answer these questions after reading the information on Pythagoras.
1 Approximately how old was Pythagoras when he died?

2 Who was Pythagoras? What was his foundation?

3 Why is it difficult to determine the precise findings of Pythagoras?

4 Into what other areas did the Pythagorean school of thought apply?

5 What benefits were derived from Pythagoras’ teachings? Recall that even before Pythagoras, the
3–4–5 triangle was used to construct
6 In your own words, explain the proof of Pythagoras’ theorem. right-angled corners for buildings.

7 Research a famous mathematician. Write a two-page report on the contributions and discoveries of the
mathematician of your choice.

diagonal hypotenuse Pythagoras’ theorem Pythagorean triad right-angled triangle
side square number square root surd triangle

Check your skills

1 An expression for Pythagoras’ theorem in this triangle is: P
A PU  2 + TU  2 = PT   2
B PT  2 + TU  2 = PU  2
C PU  2 + TP  2 = UT   2
D TU  2 + PU  2 = PT   2 T U

2 An expression for Pythagoras’ theorem in this triangle is: F E

A d 2 + e 2 = f    2 B e 2 + f    2 = d  2
C f     + e = d  
2 2 2
D d  2 + f    2 = e 2

3 Which of the triangles with sides listed is not right-angled?
A 6 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm B 10 cm, 24 cm, 26 cm
C 5 cm, 12 cm, 13 cm D 9 cm, 12 cm, 18 cm

4 The length of the hypotenuse of this triangle is:

A 11.5 cm B 16.1 cm
8 cm
Measurement & Geometry
C 132 cm D 260 cm

14 cm

5 The length of the side marked x is closest to:

A 99.53 cm B 9.98 cm
C 7.05 cm D 2.7 cm 7.3 cm

6.8 cm

Chapter 10 Pythagoras’ theorem 277

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6 The length of the side marked x is closest to:
A 132 cm B 260 cm 14 cm
C 16.1 cm D 11.5 cm 8 cm

7 The length of the side marked x is closest to:
A 193.44 cm B 13.9 cm
C 505.94 cm D 22.5 cm 18.7 cm

12.5 cm
8 The value of y in the diagram is closest to:
A 40.2 B 26.6
22.7 cm
C 28.66 D 14.5 y

35 cm

Use this diagram to answer questions 9 and 10. 7 cm

9 The value of x is closest to:
A 15 B 21 x y
9 cm
C 3.9 D 4.58

12 cm
10 The value of y is closest to:
A 19.80 B 16.55 C 13.3 D 14

11 The side length of a square with diagonal 15 cm is closest to:

A 21.2 cm B 10.6 cm C 3.87 cm D 5.48 cm

12 What is the solution to x2 = 36?

A x=6 B x = ±6 C x = 1296 D x = ±1296

If you have any difficulty with these questions, refer to the examples and questions in the sections listed
in the table.

Question 1, 2 3 4, 5 6–8 9–11 12

Section A B C D E F

10A Review set

Measurement & Geometry

1 For the following triangles:

i Which side is the hypotenuse?
ii Write an expression for Pythagoras’ theorem for the triangle.
a b L M

r N

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2 Show whether the following triangles are right-angled.
a 8 cm b
12 cm

7 cm
12 cm 13 cm
5 cm

3 a Find the value of 72. ___

b Calculate the value of √
​ 85 ​correct to 1 decimal place.

4 Find the length of the hypotenuse correct to 1 decimal place.

a 6.2 cm b
8.4 cm
4.9 cm

16.2 cm

5 Find the length of the third side.

a b
33.8 cm
8.2 cm 14.3 cm

6.4 cm

6 Find the value of the pronumeral in each of the following correct to 1 decimal place.
a b p
7 cm
18 cm
11.2 cm
36.4 cm

7 Calculate the length of the diagonal of a square with side length 25 cm correct to 2 decimal places.

8 Solve x2 = 144.

10B Review set

1 Write an expression for Pythagoras’ theorem for this triangle. Q Measurement & Geometry


2 Is the triangle with sides 7 cm, 24 cm and 25 cm right-angled? Explain.

3 Calculate the following correct to 2 decimal places:

____ ____
a 15.32 b ​√121 ​ c ​√59.8 ​

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4 Find the length of the hypotenuse correct to 1 decimal place.
a 16.3 cm b
8.3 cm
18.9 cm

5 Find the length of the third side correct to 1 decimal place.

a 15.6 cm b
28.5 cm
8.1 cm
23.5 cm

6 Find the length of the ‘unknown’ side correct to

1 decimal place. 8.9 cm

13 cm

7 Find the height of this equilateral triangle correct to

1 decimal place.

12 cm

8 Ashya jogs 12.3 km south and then

turns directly west and jogs a further
4.6 km. Calculate her distance from
her original starting point to the nearest


12.3 km
Measurement & Geometry

4.6 km

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10C Review set
1 Consider this right-angled triangle. B
a Which side is the hypotenuse?
b Write an expression for Pythagoras’ theorem for
the triangle.

2 Show whether these triangles are right-angled.

a b
15.6 cm
9.5 cm 6.2 cm 8.9 cm

11.8 cm

3 Evaluate:
a 52 b 182 c 11.62

4 Find the length of the hypotenuse correct to 1 decimal place.

a 5.3 cm b 19.8 cm

2.4 cm 16.3 cm

5 Find the length of the third side correct to 1 decimal place.

a x b
17.3 cm
9 cm
11 cm

11.9 cm

6 Find the values of x and y in the diagram.

5 cm

6 cm

8 cm
Measurement & Geometry

7 A pyramid has a square base ABCD. The apex of the E

pyramid is vertically above the point M where the
diagonals AC and BD intersect. If all edges of the
pyramid have the same length of 10 cm, find the height D
of the pyramid to the nearest mm. C

8 Solve x2 = 17. Give your answer in exact form.

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10D Review set
1 Write an expression for Pythagoras’ theorem for these triangles.
a r b Y


2 Is the triangle with sides 5.6 cm, 8.3 cm and 12.9 cm right-angled? Explain.

3 Evaluate:
___ ____ ____
a ​√49 ​ b ​√144 ​ c ​√225 ​

4 Find the length of the hypotenuse correct to 1 decimal place.

a 6.2 cm b
11.2 cm
5.3 cm
18.9 cm

5 Find the length of the third side correct to 1 decimal place.

a b
85.9 cm 5.3 m
x x

68.3 cm 4.1 m

6 Find the distance AB in the following figures. (Hint: It is necessary to draw an additional line.)
a 25 cm b B
6 cm 2.7 km
B 22.3 km
32 cm 5.6 km

7 A ship sails 72 nautical miles north, turns west and sails 48 nautical miles and then turns due south and sails
a further 15 nautical miles. (1 nautical mile = 1 NM)
Measurement & Geometry

a Draw a diagram to depict the ship’s journey.

b Calculate the distance of the ship from its starting point correct to 2 decimal places.

8 Find the length of a side of a square with a diagonal length of 10 cm, giving the answer correct to
1 decimal place.

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Chapters 6–10 Cumulative review
1 a Calculate the time between 0515 and 0807.
b How many hours and minutes are there between 0823 and 1504 on the same day?
c Rod saw the doctor on 15 March. If he is to return in 5 weeks, what will be the date?
d Jessica caught the bus at 8:13 am and arrived at netball at 9:07 am. How long did the journey take?
e If Sergio caught the bus at 7.42 am, at what time did he arrive at work if the bus trip took 47 min?
f High tide is at 5:37 am and low tide is at 10:14 am Calculate the time difference between high and low tide.
g Write these calculator displays as times in hours and minutes.
i 4° 21′ 36′′ ii 7° 25′ 12′′
h Calculate:
i 4 h 18 min + 3 h 53 min ii 6 h 23 min 5 s − 2 h 47 min 23 s
i If sunrise is 5:23 am and sunset is 7:41 pm, calculate the length of the day.
j Jana watched a live comedy show from 8:45 pm until 1:12 am.
i How long was the comedy show?
ii If there were 53 minutes of commercials, calculate the actual length of the comedy show.
k Convert 5​ _57 ​h to:
i hours, minutes and seconds ii hours and minutes.
l Calculate the time between 0657 Monday to 1520 Wednesday.
m Calculate the time between 2:27 pm Monday and 7:21 am Tuesday.
n Use the World Time Zones map on page153 to find the local time in Houston when it is 3:25 am in
o Use the World Time Zones map on page 153 to find the local time in Miami when it is 6 pm in Jakarta.
p Use the Australian Time Zones map on page 156 to find the local time in Perth when it is 3 pm in
q It is 2 pm daylight saving time in Sydney. What is the time in Perth?

2 a Find 15% of 300 kg.

b Write 75 g as a percentage of 250 g.
c Find 37% of $500.
d Find 5​ _4 ​% of 400 kg.
e Express 33 kg as a percentage of 87 kg, correct to 2 decimal places.
f Increase 300 by 70%.
g Decrease 320 by 25%.
h Calculate the percentage increase from 63 kg to 75 kg.
i Calculate the percentage decrease from $275 to $180.
j The price of a concert ticket is increased by 130% to $222.30. Calculate the original price.
k Find 100% of a quantity if 53% is $112.36.
CUMULATIVE Review 6–10

l Find 100% of a quantity if 145% is $126.15.

m The price of a concert ticket is increased by 65% to $206.25. Calculate the original price.
n A model that cost $428 is sold at a loss of 18%. Calculate the selling price.
o A tennis racquet was sold for $272.63. This was a profit of 37%. Calculate the cost price.
p Craig purchased a mountain bike for $3200. He later sold it for $2475. Express the loss as a percentage
of the cost price.
q Calculate the GST on a jacket listed at $149 excluding GST.
r Calculate the pre-GST price of a camera listed at $132 including GST.

Cumulative review 6–10 283

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3 a Name the features shown in purple on these circles.
i ii iii iv

v vi vii viii

ix x xi xii

b Write the formula for the circumference of a circle when given the diameter.
c Calculate the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 15.7 cm, correct to 1 decimal place.
d Write the formula for the circumference of a circle when given the radius.
e Calculate the circumference of a circle with a radius of 8.63 cm, correct to 2 decimal places.
f Calculate the circumference and area of a circle of radius 3.2 m. Answer correct to 1 decimal place.
g What fraction of a circle is represented by each sector?
i ii

4.1 cm
325° 108° 8.5 cm

h Calculate the arc length and area of the sectors in part g correct to 1 decimal place.
i Calculate the area and perimeter of this shape
correct to 2 decimal places.

4 cm 4 cm

j Calculate the area and 12 cm

perimeter of this shape

8 cm

correct to 1 decimal place.

CUMULATIVE Review 6–10

k For these cylindrical tanks, calculate the volume to the nearest cm3, and capacity to the nearest litre.
i ii 8.3 cm

11 cm
38 cm

28.4 cm

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l Calculate the volume of this solid to the nearest 0.1 m3.

3.8 m

0.8 m
2.1 m
4 a Define these statistical terms.
i census ii sample iii nominal variable
b Classify these variables as categorical (nominal), discrete numerical or continuous numerical.
i hair colour ii height
iii temperature iv number of apples on a tree
c Classify the following variables as categorical, discrete numerical or continuous numerical.
i income of factory workers ii occupations of employed people
iii types of coins in a purse iv daily humidity
iv the energy star ratings of air conditioners
d Would a census or a sample be used to investigate the number of people who use a particular brand of
toothpaste? Why?
e State the advantages and disadvantages of using a census to collect information.
f Who or what would be the target population if we wanted to collect data about:
i the sports played by Year 8 students? ii the quality of bicycle helmets?
g i Draw a frequency distribution table for these scores.
9, 10, 6, 11, 8, 7, 7, 8, 6, 2, 9, 7, 3, 9, 7, 3, 7, 5, 10, 5, 8, 5, 10, 3, 7, 6, 10, 11, 11, 2
ii How many scores were 9 or more?
iii Draw a dot plot for these scores.
h Draw a stem-and-leaf plot for these scores.
35, 34, 17, 27, 50, 39, 38, 31, 21, 31, 39, 34, 40, 20, 37, 34, 21, 34, 33, 42

5 a For the scores 23, 25, 24, 23, 26, 29, 23, 21 find the:
i mean ii median iii mode iv range.
b For the scores in this frequency distribution, find the: Score Frequency
i mean ii median
19 11
iii mode iv range.
20 23
21 15
22 6
23 5
24 1
CUMULATIVE Review 6–10

c For the scores in this stem-and-leaf plot, find the: Stem Leaves
i mean ii median 8 2 3 4 9
9 1 1 1 6 8 8
iii mode iv range.
10 1 2 5 7 7 9 9
11 1 1 2 3 7 8
12 1 4 4 4 4 5 7

Cumulative review 6–10 285

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d Calculate the mean, median and mode of these data sets.
i 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 93 ii 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 17 iii Score Frequency
5 7
6 2
7 1
8 2
9 3
e For which of the sets of data in part d is the mean, median or mode not a central value of the data?

6 a Calculate to 1 decimal place:

___ ___ ____ ___
i ​√76 ​ ii ​√93 ​ iii ​√423 ​ iv ​√11 ​
b Find the length of the hypotenuse correct to 1 decimal place.
i 7.1 cm ii
11.2 cm
5.3 cm
17.6 cm

c Find the length of the third side correct to 1 decimal place.

i x ii
18.8 cm
9 cm
13 cm

11.9 cm

d Is the triangle with sides 8 cm, 10 cm and 13 cm right-angled? Explain why or why not.
e Calculate the length of the diagonal of a square of side length 18 cm. Give the answer correct to
1 decimal place.
f A ship sails 84 km north, then turns west and sails 62 km. How far is the ship from its starting point?
g Find the values of x and y in this quadrilateral.
6 cm

5 cm

7 cm
h Find the distance AB in the following figures. (Hint: It is necessary to draw an additional line.)
i 25 cm ii B
CUMULATIVE Review 6–10

6 cm 3.1 km
B 22.3 km
29 cm 5.6 km

i Solve x = 121.

j Solve x2 = 19. Give your answer in exact form.

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11 Algebra
This chapter deals with the simplification of algebraic expressions
and the application of the distributive law to expanding and factorising
algebraic expression.
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:
▶ simplify algebraic expressions ▶ factorise algebraic expressions by
involving the four operations identifying numerical factors.
▶ apply the distributive law to the
expansion of algebraic expressions

NSW Syllabus references: S4 N&A Algebraic techniques 1, S4 N&A Algebraic techniques 2 (parts)
Outcomes: MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA4-3WM, MA4-8NA

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Diagnostic test
1 The diagram shows 3 cups and 4 marbles. 7 When simplified, 4z × 0 =
A 4z B 40z C 0 D 1

Use the values x = 4 and y = 5 for questions 8–10.

8 The value of 3xy is:
If there are n marbles in each cup, an expression
A 345 B 17 C 12 D 60
for the total number of marbles is:
A 3×n+4 B 4×n+3 9 The value of 3x − 2y is:
C 4×n+3×n D 3 × (n + 4) A 2 B 9 C 50 D 24

2 The algebraic expression y + y + y + y is 10 The value of 2​x 2​ ​ is:

equivalent to: A 64 B 32 C 576 D 16
A 4×y B ​
y 4​ ​
C 4+y D yyyy 11 Which of the following expressions is not
equivalent to ___
​   ​?
3 Using the diagram below, if there are k marbles 2m
in each cup, then (2 × k + 3) + (k + 4) = A 3k ÷ 2m B 3 × k ÷ 2m
A 10 × k B 3×k+7 C 3 × k ÷ (2 × m) D 2m ÷ 3k
C 2×k+7 D 10 4y
12 If y = 6, then ___
​   ​ =
A 23 B 12 C 26 D 43

13 If k = 5, the value of 3(k + 2) is:

A 21 B 17 C 37 D 11
4 The value of the expression 3 × z + 5 if z = 2 is:
A 21 B 11 C 37 D 30 14 If k = 5, the value of k(6 − k) is:
A 25 B 31 C 5 D 6
5 Which of the following expressions does not
k + 10
simplify to 24p? 15 If k = 5, the value of  ​ ______
 ​ is:
A 24 × p B 2×4×p
A 11 B 3 C 7 D 10
C 6×4×p D 3×8×p
6 When simplified, 1 × 3y = 16 If k = 5, the value of ​ _____ ​ is:
3 1
A 13y B 3y C 1 D 4y A 1​ __
10 ​ B 4 C 36 D −1​ __
10 ​

The Diagnostic test questions refer to the Year 7 outcomes from ACMNA190, ACMNA191 and ACMNA192.
Number & Algebra

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A Adding and subtracting algebraic terms
ExamplE 1
Simplify the following by adding or subtracting.
a 4k + 6k b 7w − 3w c 4k + 7w

a If k represents the number of marbles in a cup, then 4k or 4 × k = number of marbles in 4 cups and
6k or 6 × k = number of marbles in 6 cups.
Thus 4k + 6k = number of marbles in (4 + 6) cups = 10 × k or 10k.
b If w represents the number of marbles in a box, then 7w or 7 × w = number of marbles in 7 boxes and
3w or 3 × w = number of marbles in 3 boxes.
Thus 7w − 3w = number of marbles in (7 − 3) boxes = 4 × w or 4w.
c If k represents the number of marbles in a cup and if w represents the number of marbles in a box, then
4k + 7w = number of marbles in 4 cups plus the number of marbles in 7 boxes.
Because the units (cups and boxes) are different, we cannot simplify this algebraic expression.

Note: Algebraic terms with the same pronumeral (same unit) are called like terms. Like algebraic terms can be
added or subtracted.
Algebraic terms with different pronumerals (different units) are called unlike terms. Unlike terms cannot be
added or subtracted. For example:
• 5a, 14a and 23a are like terms (same pronumeral a)
• 5a and 14a 2 are unlike terms (different pronumeral forms, a and a 2)
• 5p, 14a 2q and 73d are unlike terms (different pronumerals p, a 2q, d)

ExamplE 2
Simplify where possible.
a 7x + 3x b 9w − 3w c 7x + 9w
d 8y − y e 6k + 7

a 7x + 3x = 7 × x + 3 × x
= (7 + 3) × x
= 10 × x = 10x
b 9w − 3w = 9 × w − 3 × w
= (9 − 3) × w
= 6 × w = 6w
c 7x + 9w cannot be simplified as 7x and 9w are unlike terms.
d 8y − y = 8 × y − 1 × y

= (8 − 1) × y
= 7 × y = 7y
e 6k + 7 cannot be simplified as 6k and 7 are unlike terms.

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Exercise 11A
1 Complete the following to simplify.
a 6a + 9a = ___ × a + ___ × a b 14y − 6y = ___ × y − ___ × y
= (___ + ___) × a = (___− ___) × y
= ___ × a = ___ = ___ × y = ___

2 Evaluate the expressions 3y + 6y and 9y using the following values.

a y=1 b y=5 c y = −2
Are the values of 3y + 6y and 9y always the same?

3 Evaluate the expressions 7k − 3k and 4k using the following values.

a k=5 b k=8 c k = −3
Are the values of 7k − 3k and 4k always the same? The order of pronumerals in the
like terms may be different, for
4 Simplify where possible. example xy and yx are like terms.
a 4a + 7a b 6t + 5t c 8m + m d 10p − 3p
e 8x − 5x f 4b − b g 6a + 3b h 7y − 4z
i 11t 2 + 6t 2 j 8m 2 −4m 2 k 9k + 5m l 5ab + 6ab
m 5ab + 2bc n 6ab 2 − 4ab 2 o 3a 2b + 5ab 2 p 9pq − 9qp
q 6g 3 + g 3 r p+p s 9x + 24 t 24st 2 − 15t 2s
u 7mn 2 − 3n 2m v 32x 2y − 21yx 2 w 8f − 7f x 11c − c

Example 3
Simplify the following.
a 8n − 11n b −3b + 7b c −4x 2 − 5x 2

a 8n − 11n = (8 − 11) × n b −3b + 7b = (−3 + 7) × b c −4x 2 − 5x 2 = (−4 − 5) × x2

= −3n = 4b = −9x 2

5 Collect like terms to simplify.

a 4k − 7k b −2w + 5w c −3t − 2t
= (___− ___) × k = ___ = (___ + ___) × w = ___ = (___− ___) × t = ___

6 Simplify by collecting like terms.

a 5n − 6n b 8p − 10p c −7c + 5c d −4q − 2q
e −2d + 5d f 3ac − 12ac g 6q − 9q h −c + 8c
i yz − 5yz j −9l + 14l k −4p 2 + 3p 2 l 15x 2 − 17x 2
m 3xy − 5xy
2 2
n −3pq 2 − 8pq 2 o −6t 2 + 3t 2 p b − 3b

Example 4
Number & Algebra

Simplify the following. The term rq can be

a −4f − 5f + 6f b qr − 8rq + 3rq rearranged to qr.

a −4f − 5f + 6f = −9f + 6f b qr − 8rq + 3rq = −7qr + 3qr

= −3f = −4qr

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7 Complete the following to simplify.
a −3x − 5x + 4x b 2pq + 4pq − 3pq
c 2z − 6z + 3z
= ___ + 4x
= ___ − 3pq = ___ + 3z
= ___ = ___ = ___

8 Simplify by collecting like terms.

a 7d + 3d − 4d b 8pq − 5pq − 6pq c c + 3c − 5c
d 9q 2 + 5q 2 − q 2 e −4m + m − 2m f 18r − 2r − 7r
g −a + 2a − 5a h −3r + 2r − r i 4a 2b − 3a 2b − ba 2
j −17x 2y − 5x 2y + 3x 2y k −d 2 + 7d 2 − 13d 2 l k 2m − 5k 2m + mk 2
When collecting like terms
remember to include the + or −
Example 5 sign in front of the like terms.

Simplify the following by collecting like terms.

a 6m − 7 + 2m b 4x 2y + 5p − 3yx 2

a 6m − 7 + 2m = (6m + 2m) − 7 b 4x 2y + 5p − 3yx 2 = (4x 2y − 3x 2y) + 5p

= 8m − 7 = x 2y + 5p

9 Complete the following to simplify.

a 5y − 3 + 4y b 7p + 3q + 5p
= (___ + ___) − 3 = (___ + ___) + 3q
= ___ − 3 = ___ + 3q

10 Simplify by collecting like terms.

a 7 + 10 − 5m b 3a + 6 + 5a c 4 + 2n − n d 6 − 7q + 12
e 9 − 5k + 4 f 3f + 12 + 8f g x 2y − 5 + 2yx 2 h 13w − 6 − 4w
i a 2b + 9 + 11a 2b j 5q 2 − 6 + q 2 k 5x − 4x − 2 l p + 3p − 9
m 6t + 4 − 5t n 7k − k − 6l o d  2 + 5d  2 − 3d p 4n − n + 2n 2
q 3c + 2c + 5c
r 6 + 8n 2 − 5n 2 s 11mn − 2m + 4nm t 5a 2b + 2ab 2 − 4a 2b

Example 6
Simplify by collecting like terms.
a 8 + 4z − 10 b −2w − 9t − 5w c −6x − 3y + 2x

a 8 + 4z − 10 = 4z + 8 − 10 or 8 + 4z − 10 = −2 + 4z
= 4z − 2 = 4z − 2
b −2w − 9t − 5w = −2w − 5w − 9t or −2w − 9t − 5w = −9t − 2w − 5w
= −7w − 9t = −9t − 7w
c −6x − 3y + 2x = −6x + 2x − 3y
= −4x − 3y (or −3y − 4x)
Number & Algebra

11 Simplify by collecting like terms.

a 6 + 5k − 9 b 3 − 4s − 7 c 5m + 2n − 7m d 2x − 8y − 5x
e 5t − 9t + 7u f 2a − 4b − 7a g −5d + 4e + 3d h −8z − 4w + 2z
i −a − 3b − 2a j 6m − 8n − 2m k −3y − 2w − y l −6k + m + 2k

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ExamplE 7
Simplify by collecting like terms.
a 9x + 7 − 3x + 10 b 5a + 7b − 3a + 2b

a 9x + 7 − 3x + 10 = 9x − 3x + 7 + 10 b 5a + 7b − 3a + 2b = 5a − 3a + 7b + 2b
= 6x + 17 = 2a + 9b

12 Complete the following.

a 5x + 9 − 2x − 7 b 7w − 4z − 3w + 2z c −3 + 4d + 7 − d
= 5x − 2x + 9 − 7 = 7w − 3w − 4z + 2z = −3 + 7 + 4d − d
= ___ + ___ = ___ − ___ = ___ + ___

13 Simplify the following expressions by collecting like terms.

a 4a + 6 + 2a + 5 b 11c 2 + c − 2c 2 + c c x+y+x+y
d q2 + 5 + q2 − 3 e 6t + 3v − 2v + 3t f q + 4d + 3q − d
g 12p + p + 5p − 8p
2 2
h −8l + 4 − 5l + 6 i −n − 2 − 5n − 1
j m − m − m − 3m
2 2
k −d 2 − 7d + 3d 2 − 4d l 25 + 8m − 9 + 2m
m −13 + 6n − n + 5 n 6p − 3m + 6p − 3m o 7x 2 + 4xy + 8yx − 2x

14 Simplify by collecting like terms.

a 3c − 7 + 2d − 9 + 6c b n − dc + 3cd + 5n − 8 + 2
c −4q − 2 + r − q + 8 + 2q d 7e + e 2 + 3 − e 2 − 5e + 6
e 8 − 3c + 9 − 6 − 4c + 2d − d f 15l + 2 − 3l + 7c − 12c + 6
g −7 − c + a + 10 + c − 11 − a − c − 8 h d − qr + r − q − qr + 6r − 3q + 4d
i −12r + s + 6 − t + 5 − 9s + 12r + 7t − 3 j ac + 2pa − 6a + 7 − 5ap + 9ac + 12

B Multiplying algebraic terms

ExamplE 1
Simplify the following.
a p×s b p×p c 3p × s d 5 × 2k e 3p × 2s f 4pq × 3ps

a p × s = ps (leave out the multiplication sign between the pronumerals)

b p × p = pp or p 2

c 3p × s = 3 × p × s = 3ps (leave out the multiplication sign between the numbers and pronumerals)
d 5 × 2k = 5 × 2 × k (split into numerical and pronumeral parts)
= 10 × k = 10k
e 3p × 2s = 3 × p × 2 × s (split into numerical and pronumeral parts)

=3×2×p×s (group the numbers together and the pronumerals together)

= 6 × ps = 6ps
f 4pq × 3ps = 4 × p × q × 3 × p × s (split into numerical and pronumeral parts)
=4×3×p×q×p×s (group the numbers and pronumerals together)
= 12 × p 2qs = 12p 2qs

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To multiply algebraic terms, multiply the numbers and multiply the pronumerals. We usually write the
pronumerals in alphabetical order.

Exercise 11B
1 Complete the following to simplify.
a 5t × w = ___ × ___ × w = ___ b 4 × 3m = 4 × ___ × ___ = ___
c 7y × 2 = ___ × y × ___ d 3p 2 × 7q = ___ × p 2 × ___ × q
= ___ × ___ × y = ___ = ___ × ___ × p 2 × q = ___
e 2ab × 3a = ___ × a × b × ___ × a
= ___ × ___ × a × a × b = ___

2 Simplify the following.

a 4x × y b 3k × m c x × 5y d 4 × 7w
e 5 × 4k f 6 × 10p g 2x × 8 h 6z × 3
i 3m × 4n j 6v × 2w k 4p 2 × 7q l 5a × 6b 2
m 4ab × 5c n 3xz × 6xy o 10pq × 2qr p 5bc × 7bc
q 2 × 3a × 4b r 2a × 3b × 4c s 4p × 5q × 2r t 3a × 4a × 3c

Example 2
Simplify the following. Remember: When multiplying two integers:
a −5 × 3t If the signs are the same, the answer is positive.
If the signs are different, the answer is negative.
b −2m × −3n

a −5 × 3t = −5 × 3 × t
b −2m × −3n = −2 × m × −3 × n
= −15t = −2 × −3 × m × n
= 6mn

3 Simplify the following.

a −2 × 5x b −5 × 4y c −6 × −2w d −4 × −8z
e 4 × −3m f 10 × −8p g −3m × 2n h 4a × −5b
i −6x × −2y j −9s × −2t k −4p 2 × 6q l −5a × 8a
m −2p × −5p n 4mn × −2mp o −5abc × −6b p −7mn × 4kn

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C Dividing algebraic terms
When dividing algebraic terms containing pronumerals and numbers, follow these steps.
Step 1: Write the division as a fraction.
Step 2: Cancel the numbers, if possible. Remember: Cancel means divide the numerator and
denominator by the same number or pronumeral.
Step 3: Cancel the pronumerals, if possible.
Step 4: Write your answer as a fraction.
3 1
Notice that __ = 3, but __ ≠ 3.
1 3

ExamplE 1
Simplify the following.
5f 8xy
a 5x ÷ 10 b 21x ÷ 7x c ___
d ___

5x 21x 5f 5f 1 1
8xy 8x y4 1
a 5x ÷ 10 = ___ b 21x ÷ 7x = ____
c ___ = ____ d ___ = _____
10 15f 3 1
15 f 6y 2 1
5x 3
21 x
1 4x
= ___ = _____ = __ = ___
10 7x
1 1 3 3
= __ =3

Exercise 11C
1 Complete the following to simplify.
10y □ □
a 10y ÷ 15 = ____

b 8m ÷ 12m = ____ c 6x ÷ 8xy = ___
12m 8xy
2y □ □
= ___ = __ = ___
□ 3 4y

2 Simplify the following.

a 9x ÷ 18 b 3m ÷ 12 c 5p ÷ 25 d 16d ÷ 4 e ____
8a 6a 44m 12a 20d
f ___
g ____
h ____
i ____
j ____
3f 4t 18p 6xy 24ab
k __
l ___
m ____
n ____
o _____
16r 8yz 70dkl 15pqr 14mn
p ____
q _____
r ______
s _____
t _____

ExamplE 2
Simplify the following. Remember: When dividing two integers:

−xy 40ac −16x 2y If the signs are the same, the result is positive.
a ____
−y b ______
c _______
−8x If the signs are different, the result is negative.

−xy −xy 40ac 4

40ac −16x y − 16x y
2 2 2
a ____ ____
−y = −y b ______ = _______ c _______ = _______
−10ac 1
− 10ac −8x 1
− 8x
=x = −4 = 2xy

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3 Complete the following to simplify.
15ab 15ab −x □
a ______
 ​ = ​ _____​

b ​ ___ __
xy ​ = ​ xy ​
3b □
= ​ ___​ = ​ __
y ​

3b □
= −​ ___​ = −​ __
y ​

4 Simplify the following.

−50d −12fg −6kl 12fg
a _____
 ​ b ______
 ​ c _____
​   ​
d _____
−36lm −90y −45c −a 2bc
e ______
 ​ f _____
 ​ g ______
 ​ h ______
​  2  ​
−mn x yz
2 2
i _____
​  2 ​ j _____
​  2  ​ k −64p ÷ −16q l −6ac ÷ −9c
n −y x
m −2mn ÷ −8mn n −10 ÷ 5mn o −3q ÷ q p 21pq ÷ −3p2

Investigation 1 The distributive law

1 The diagram shows 3 cups. Complete the following.
a If each cup holds 5 marbles, then
total number of marbles = 5 + 5 + 5 = ___ × 5.
b If each cup holds w marbles then
total number of marbles = w + w + w = ___ × w.
c If each cup holds w + 5 marbles, then
total number of marbles = w + 5 + w + 5 + w + 5 = ___ × (w + 5).

2 a Complete the following.

3(w + 5) = 3 × (w + 5)
= ___ × w + ___ × 5 = ___
b Complete the following.
Area of large rectangle = length × breadth
= ___ × (w + 5) Area 1 Area 2 3
Area of rectangle 1 = length × breadth
= ___ × w
Area of rectangle 2 = length × breadth w 5
= ___ × 5
Area of large rectangle = area of rectangle 1 + area of rectangle 2
3 × (w + 5) = ___ × w + ___ × 5
c Complete the table.
Number & Algebra

w=2 w=3 w=5 w = 10

3(w + 5) = 3 × (2 + 5)
= 3 × ___ = ___

3w + 15 = 3 × 2 + 15
= ___ + 15 = ___

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D Removing grouping symbols
From Investigation 1 we see that 3 × (w + 5) = 3 × w + 3 × 5.
This is an example of a general result in algebra known as the distributive law. To write an algebraic expression
without grouping symbols, each term inside the grouping symbols must be multiplied by the term outside.
a × (b + c) = a × b + a × c or a(b + c) = ab + ac
a × (b − c) = a × b − a × c or a(b − c) = ab − ac
In algebra, using the distributive law to remove grouping symbols is also called expanding.

ExamplE 1
Expand these expressions.
a 4(p + 1) b 12(5 − r)

a 4(p + 1) = 4 × p + 4 × 1 b 12(5 − r) = 12 × 5 − 12 × r
= 4p + 4 = 60 − 12r

Exercise 11D
1 Complete the following to expand the expressions.
a 5(d + 4) = ___ × d + ___ × 4
= ___ + ___
b 4(y − 3) = ___ × y − ___ × 3
= ___ − ___
c 3(6 − m) = ___ × 6 − ___ × m
= ___ − ___
d 2(q + 7) = 2 × ___ + 2 × ___
= ___ + ___
e 6(b − 2) = 6 × ___ − 6 × ___
= ___ − ___

2 Expand the following expressions.

a 4(b + 3) b 12(k + 8) c 7(c −5) d 6(d − 3)
e 2(y − 11) f 9(a + 10) g 10(j + 9) h 8(m + 2)
i 7(q − 2) j 5(l − 6) k 4(2 − c) l 3(r + 6)
m 9(7 − t) n 4(v + 12) o 6(8 − n) p 6(x − 2)

ExamplE 2

Expand the following expressions.

a 5(3x + 2) b 4(7 − 2x)

a 5(3x + 2) = 5 × 3x + 5 × 2 b 4(7 − 2x) = 4 × 7 − 4 × 2x

= 15x + 10 = 28 − 8x

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3 Complete the following to expand.
a 4(3z + 2) = ___ × 3z + ___ × 2 b 5(2y − 3) = ___ × 2y − ___ × 3
= ___ + ___ = ___ − ___
c 3(6 + 4k) = 3 × ___ + 3 × ___
= ___ + ___

4 Expand the following expressions.

a 3(2m + 6) b 5(4d + 5) c 9(3p + 8) d 7(5c − 4)
e 10(2p − 2) f 12(4c − 3) g 6(6k + 10) h 2(13n + 5)
i 10(7a − 6) j 8(7l − 3) k 11(2h + 8) l 4(15k − 5)
m 13(6x + 2) n 7(10w − 9) o 5(11j + 7) p 3(9q − 4)

5 Explain the difference between each pair of expressions.

a 2x + 1 and 2(x + 1) b 5p − 8 and 5(p − 8)

Example 3
Expand the following expressions.
a x(x + 2) b y(z − x)

a x(x + 2) = x × x + x × 2
b y(z − x) = y × z − y × x
= x 2 + 2x = yz − xy

6 Complete the following to expand.

a m(m + 3) = ___ × m + ___ × 3b p(q − r) = ___ × q − ___ × r
= ___ + ___ = ___ − ___

7 Expand the following expressions.

a x(x + 5) b q(q + 13) c a(a + 8) d z(z + 11)
e t(t − 6) f m(m − 10) g d(3 − d) h r(r − 17)
i a(c − 4) j b(d + a) k x(y − z) l m(n + c)
m j(k − h) n d(f + g) o e(c − d) p r(x − y)

Example 4
Simplify the following expressions.
a 3x(x − 5) b 5m(2n + 6m)

a 3x(x − 5) = 3x × x − 3x × 5 b 5m(2n + 6m) = 5m × 2n + 5m × 6m

= 3x − 15x
= 10mn + 30m 2

8 Complete the following to expand.

a 4t(t − 3) = ___ × t − ___ × 3
b 3x(2y + 5z) = ___ × 2y + ___ × 5z
Number & Algebra

= ___ − ___ = ___ + ___

9 Expand the following expressions.

a 8m(m + 3) b 5c(c + 6) c 3r(11 + r) d 11q(q − 1)
e 4x(2 − x) f 10a(7 − a) g 4a(2a + 7) h 9b(11b + 5)
i 5f  (4 − 4f     ) j 6d(d − f     ) k 3k(8 − 4k) l 12l(3 − 2l)
m 5p(2p − 3n) n 7c(5c + 2d) o 6n(6m − 5n) p 4x(4x − 3z)

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Example 5
Expand and simplify by collecting like terms.
a 5(p + 7) + 2p − 9 b 3(x + 8) +7(x − 9)

a 5(p + 7) + 2p − 9 b 3(x + 8) +7(x − 9)

= 5p + 35 + 2p − 9 = 3x + 24 + 7x − 63
= 7p + 26 = 10x − 39

10 Complete the following to simplify.

a 3(x + 5) + 2x − 7 b 2(p + 5) + 4(p − 3)
= ___ × x + ___ × 5 + 2x − 7 = ___ × p + ___ × 5 + ___ × p − ___ × 3
= ___x + ___ + 2x − 7 = ___p + ___ + ___p − ___
= ___ + ___ = ___ − ___

11 Expand and simplify by collecting like terms.

a 7(a + 8) + 5a b 9(p − 5) − 3 c 6(c + 8) + 4c
d 8(d − 7) − 4d e 5(q + 4) + 10q f 11(m − 7) + 15
g 4(n + 6) + 3n − 10 h 2(b − 7) + 3b + 12 i 3x − 19 + 3(5 − 2x)
j 7w − 8 + 5(w + 1) k 9(f − 3) + 8 − 6f l 6n − 10 + 2(n − 7)
m 10y + 22 + 2(y − 10) + 3y n 7c + 3(6 − 4c) + 11 − 2c o 4(y − 6) − 3 + 5y

12 Expand and simplify by collecting like terms.

a 2(x + 7) + 4(x + 8) b 4(d + 5) +3(d − 2) c 8(n − 3) + 7(n − 4)
d 3(q − 6) + 9(q − 7) e 7(f − 8) + 2(f − 9) f 10(c − 6) + 2(c − 2)
g x(x + 5) + 2(x − 4) h y(y − 6) + 4(y + 2) i w(w − 8) + w(w − 9)
j 5(2m + 7) + 3(4m − 8) k 4(3t + 6) + 3(2t + 4) l 9(2a − 1) + 10(4a + 7)
m 10(4a − 2) + 2a(3a − 5) n 6c(c − 7) + 2c(c + 8) o 4d(3 − 2d) + 3d(2d + 1)
Remember: When multiplying two terms:
If the signs are the same, the result is positive.
If the signs are different, the result is negative.
Example 6
Expand the following.
a −5(y + 6) b −p(p − m) c −(3x + 2y)

a −5(y + 6) b −p(p − m) c −(3x + 2y)

= (−5) × y + (−5) × 6 = (−p) × p − (−p) × (m) = −1(3x + 2y)
= −5y − 30 = −p − (−pm) 2
= (−1) × 3x + (−1) × 2y
= −p 2 + pm = −3x − 2y
−(3x + 2y) is the same as −1 × (3x + 2y).
Number & Algebra

13 Complete the following to expand.

a −4(y + 3) b −x(x − y) c −(4k + 3m)
= (___) × y + (___) × 3 = (___) × x − (___) × y = (___) × 4k + (___) × 3m
= −4y + (−12) = ___ − (___) = ___ + (___)
= ___ − ___ = ___ + ___ = ___ − ___

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14 Expand the following.
a −6(a + 10) b −4(b + 8) c −9(k + 9) d −3(c − 3)
e −5(f − 7) f −10(d − 6) g −7(m + 5) h −2(n + 10)
i −11(h + 11) j −10(2p − 7) k −8(3m − 3) l −5(7q − 8)

15 Expand the following.

a −p(p + 7) b −w(w + 8) c −d(d + 11) d −s(s − 3)
e −x(x − 6) f −f ( f − 14) g −m(n + 5) h −a(y + 2)
i −k(m + 10) j −3t (2t − p) k −4y(5y − c) l −8n(8n − 4m)

16 Expand the following.

a −(x + 2) b −(y + 3) c −(a + 7) d −(n − 11)
e −(g − 5) f −(b − 4) g −(6 + g) h −(3 + k)
i −(l + 13) j −(2p − 7) k −(5n − 8) l −(10d − 11)

Example 7
Expand and simplify by collecting like terms.
a 5(x + 3) − 4(x − 7) b 9m(m + 7n) − 3m(2n + 3m)

a 5(x + 3) − 4(x − 7) b 9m(m + 7n) − 3m(2n + 3m)

= 5x + 15 − 4x + 28 = 9m 2 + 63mn − 6mn − 9m 2
= 5x − 4x + 15 + 28 = 9m 2 − 9m 2 + 63mn − 6mn
= x + 43 = 57mn

17 Expand and collect like terms.

a 5(p + 7) + 3p b 12(c − 8) + 29
c 4x + 7(x − 5) + 10 d 6(d − 1) + 2d
e 3(q − 4) + 2q + 9 f 15 + 2(m − 7) − 5m
g 10(n + 8) − (6n − 3) h 9a + 14 + 2(a − 9)
i 16s − 17 − 5(s − 4) + 6 j 9(x − 8) − (x + 12)
k 11(w + 2) − (w − 2) l 3(z + 12) − (z + 18)
m 2(d − 7) + 5(d − 8) n 4(k + 2) − 2(k + 3)
o 8(p − 6) − 3(p − 10) p y(y + 8) − y(y − 9)
q n(n − 3) − 2(n − 6) r w(w + 4) − 5(w − 7)
s 5c(2c − 6) − 3c(c − 7) t 8a(2a − 1) − 2a(3a + 4)
u 10d(d + 2) − 7d(2d − 4) v 4f − 7( f + 6) − 3( f − 10)
w 5c(c + 7) − 8(c − 9) x 12 + 3(n − 1) − 2(n − 6)

18 Expand and simplify each expression by collecting like terms.

Number & Algebra

a 4(x + 7) − 3(x − 5) + 2(x − 9) b 2(c + 13) − 5(c + 4) + 9(c − 6)

c 8(n − 6) + 12 − 5n − 4(n − 14) d 12f + 30 + 4( f − 12) + 11 − 9f
e −5(d − 11) − 8(d + 7) − 2(d − 5) f −(p − 7) − 3(p + 5) + 17 − 10p
g −7y(y − 4) − 6y(2y + 8) + 12y h 2a(a − 3) + 5a(a + 6) − 3a(9 − 2a)
i −9k + 15 + 3k(4 − 2k) − 6k(7 + 2k) j 4b(2c + 8b) − 2c(5b − 7c) + 2b(9c − 3b)

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E Highest common factor
The factors of a given number are the numbers that will divide into the given number exactly (that is leaving no
remainder). The common factors of two given numbers are the numbers that are factors of both given numbers.
The highest common factor (HCF) of two numbers is the largest of the common factors.

ExamplE 1
Find the HCF of 18 and 24.

The factors of 18 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18:

18 ÷ 1 = 18, 18 ÷ 2 = 9, 18 ÷ 3 = 6, 18 ÷ 9 = 2 and 18 ÷ 18 = 1
(from 18 = 1 × 18, 18 = 2 × 9, 18 = 3 × 6)
The factors of 24 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24:
24 ÷ 1 = 24, 24 ÷ 2 = 12, 24 ÷ 3 = 8, 24 ÷ 4 = 6, 24 ÷ 6 = 4, 24 ÷ 8 = 3, 24 ÷ 12 = 2, 24 ÷ 24 = 1
(from 24 = 1 × 24, 24 = 2 × 12, 24 = 3 × 8, 24 = 4 × 6)
The common factors of 18 and 24 are 1, 2, 3, 6.
The HCF of 18 and 24 = 6.

Exercise 11E
1 a Complete the following to find the HCF of 12 and 20.
The factors of 12 are _________.
The factors of 20 are _________.
The common factors of 12 and 20 are _________.
The HCF of 12 and 20 is ___.
b Complete the following to find the HCF of 16 and 24.
The factors of 16 are _________.
The factors of 24 are _________.
The common factors of 16 and 24 are _________.
The HCF of 16 and 24 is ___.

2 Find the HCF of these pairs of numbers.

a 12 and 15 b 10 and 8 c 27 and 33 d 21 and 3 e 10 and 20
f 16 and 24 g 27 and 18 h 30 and 40 i 36 and 48 j 48 and 60

ExamplE 2
Determine the HCF of these algebraic terms.
a 18x and 24 b 16k and 8m

a Find the HCF of the numerical parts of each term.

HCF of 18 and 24 = 6
x is not a factor of both terms, so HCF of 18x and 24 = 6
b Find the HCF of the numerical parts of each term.
HCF of 16 and 8 = 8
k and m have no common factors, so HCF of 16k and 8m = 8

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3 a Find the HCF of the numerical parts of 12m and 18n.
HCF of 12 and 18 is ___.
HCF of 12m and 18n is ___.
b Find the HCF of the numerical parts of 16x and 20y.
HCF of 16 and 20 is ___.
HCF of 16x and 20y is ___.

4 Find the HCF of each pair of terms.

a 8a and 12 b 18x and 15y c 10a and 15b d 6m and 12n
e 12g and 8 f 9w and 27 g 15t and 10v h 24p and 12q

F Factorising algebraic expressions

Using the distributive law to expand: 4(x + 5) = 4 × x + 4 × 5
= 4x + 20
Reversing the process: 4x + 20 = 4 × x + 4 × 5
= 4 × (x + 5) or 4(x + 5)
The algebraic expression 4x + 20 has been factorised because it has been written as the product of its factors
4 and (x + 5).

ExamplE 1
Factorise the following.
a 5×y+5×3 b 7 × 3p − 7 × 2q

a 5×y+5×3 b 7 × 3p − 7 × 2q
= 5 × (y + 3) or 5(y + 3) = 7 × (3p − 2q) or 7(3p − 2q)

Exercise 11F
1 Complete the following.
a 4 × k + 4 × 3 = ___ × (k + 3) or ___(k + 3)
b 5 × a + 5 × b = ___ × (a + b) or ___(a + b)
c 3 × 2k − 3 × 5m = ___ × (2k − 5m) or___
d 8 × 3p − 8 × 2q = ___ × (3p − 2q) or ___
e 6 × a 2 + 6 × d = ___ × (a 2 + d) or ___
f 5 × t + 5 × 4 = 5 × (___ + ___) or ___
g 4 × b + 4 × c = 4 × (___ + ___) or ___
h 3 × 4m + 3 × 5n = 3 × (___ + ___) or ___

i 7 × 3x − 7 × 4y = 7 × (___ − ___) or ___

j 9 × 6w − 9 × 5v = 9 × (___ − ___) or ___

2 Factorise the following.

a 3×w+3×5 b 5×b+5×7 c 4×a−4×b d 10 × m − 10 × n
e 2 × 5p + 2 × 3q f 3 × 4d + 3 × 9e g 7 × 4w − 7 × 2v h 9 × 5x + 9 × 4y
i 6 × 7g + 6 × 3k j 8 × 7t − 8 × v k 6 × 5m − 6 × m2 l 15 × y2 + 15 × z2

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Example 2
Factorise these expressions.
a 15a + 10 b 12a − 9b

a Step 1: Find the HCF of the numerical parts of each term:

HCF of 15 and 10 = 5
Step 2: Factorise each term using the HCF as one factor:
15a = 5 × 3a and 10 = 5 × 2
Hence 15a + 10 = 5 × 3a + 5 × 2
= 5(3a + 2)
b Step 1: Find the HCF of the numerical parts of each term:
HCF of 12 and 9 = 3
Step 2: Factorise each term using the HCF as one factor:
12a = 3 × 4a and 9b = 3 × 3b
Hence 12a − 9b = 3 × 4a − 3 × 3b
= 3(4a − 3b)

3 Complete the following to factorise each expression.

a 9z + 12
Step 1: Find the HCF of the numerical parts of each term:
HCF of 9 and 12 = ___
Step 2: Factorise each term using the HCF as one factor:
9z = ___ × ___ and 12 = ___ × ___
Hence 9z + 12 = ___ × ___ + ___ × ___
= ___(___ + ___)
b 20w − 25y
Step 1: Find the HCF of the numerical parts of each term:
HCF of 20 and 25 = ___
Step 2: Factorise each term using the HCF as one factor:
20w = ___ × ___ and 25y = ___ × ___
Hence 20w − 25y = ___ × ___ − ___ × ___
= ___(___ − ___)

4 Factorise the following.

a 8a + 10 b 9d + 6z c 8q + 16r d 2k − 12
e 3l − 15m f 4 + 6d g 9h − 9k h 10 − 6c
i 14w + 20x j 10p − 20 k 22 − 11x l 12y + 15z
m 10a − 25b n 12p + 8q o 16k − 24m p 7t + 7
q 18x + 12y r 30v − 20w s 20 − 15z t 8x + 6y + 4z

Example 3
Number & Algebra

Factorise the following by finding a negative common factor.

a −3x + 6 b −8d − 6p

a Step 1: Find the highest negative common factor of the numerical parts of each term:
HCF of −3 and 6 = −3

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Example 3 continued
Step 2: Factorise each term using the negative HCF as one factor:
−3x = −3 × x and 6 = −3 × −2
Hence −3x + 6 = −3 × x + −3 × −2 Adding −2 is the same
as subtracting 2.
= −3(x + −2)
= −3(x − 2)
b Step 1: Find the highest negative common factor of the numerical parts of each term:
HCF of −8 and −6 = −2
Step 2: Factorise each term using the negative HCF as one factor:
−8d = −2 × 4d and −6 = −2 × 3p
Hence −8d − 6p = −8d + −6p Subtracting 6p is the same
as adding −6p.
= −2 × 4d + −2 × 3p
= −2(4d + 3p)

5 Complete the following to factorise by finding a negative common factor.

a −5x + 10
Step 1: Find the highest negative common factor of the numerical parts of each term:
HCF of −5 and 10 = ___
Step 2: Factorise each term using the negative HCF as one factor:
−5x = −___ × ___ and 10 = −___ × ___
Hence −5x + 10 = −___ × ___ + −___ × ___
= −___(___ + ___)
= −___(___ − ___)
b −12p − 4q
Step 1: Find the highest negative common factor of the numerical parts of each term:
HCF of −12 and −4 = −___
Step 2: Factorise each term using the negative HCF as one factor:
−12p = −___ × ___ and −4q = −___ × ___
Hence −12p − 4q = −12p + ___
= −___ × ___ + −___ × ___
= −___(___ + ___)

6 Factorise the following by finding a negative common factor.

a −10x + 5 b −6d + 4  f c −4p − 2 d −3y − 9z e −14p − 7 f −20c + 15q

Example 4
Factorise the following.
a ab + bc b x2 + x

a Step 1: The factors of ab are 1, a, b, ab. b Step 1: The factors of x 2 are 1, x, x 2.

The factors of bc are 1, b, c, bc. The factors of x are 1, x.
Number & Algebra

Hence the HCF of ab and bc is b. Hence the HCF of x 2 and x is x.

Step 2: ab = b × a Step 2: x 2 = x × x
bc = b × c x=x×1
Hence ab + bc = b × a + b × c Hence x 2 + x = x × x + x × 1
= b × (a + c) = x × (x + 1)
= b(a + c) = x(x + 1)

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7 Complete the following to factorise the expressions.
a pq + qt
Step 1: The factors of pq are _______.
The factors of qt are _______.
Hence the HCF of pq and qt is ___.
Step 2: pq = ___ × ___ and qt = ___ × ___
Hence pq + qt = ___ × ___ + ___ × ___
= ___ × (___ + ___)
= ___(___ + ___)
b k −k

Step 1: The factors of k 2 are _______.

The factors of k are _______.
Hence the HCF of k 2 and k is ___.
Step 2: k 2 = ___ × ___ and k = ___ × ___
Hence k 2 − k = ___ × ___ − ___ × ___
= ___ × (___ − ___)
= ___(___ − ___)

8 Factorise these expressions.

a ab + ac b xy − yz c km − mn d y2 + y e m2 − m

Example 5
Factorise these expressions.
a ab + 3b b x 2 + 4x

a Step 1: The factors of ab are 1, a, b, ab. b Step 1: The factors of x 2 are 1, x, x 2.

The factors of 3b are 1, 3, b, 3b. The factors of 4x are 1, 2, 4, x, 2x, 4x.
Hence the HCF of ab and 3b is b. Hence the HCF of x 2 and 4x is x.
Step 2: ab = b × a Step 2: x 2 = x × x
3b = b × 3 4x = x × 4
Hence ab + 3b = b × a + b × 3 Hence x 2 + 4x = x × x + x × 4
= b × (a + 3) = x × (x + 4)
= b(a + 3) = x(x + 4)

9 Complete the following to factorise the expressions.

a xy + 5x
Step 1 The factors of xy are _______.
The factors of 5x are _______.
Hence the HCF of xy and 5x is _____.
Step 2 xy = ___ × ___ and 5x = ___ × ___
Hence xy + 5x = ___ × ___ + ___ × ___
Number & Algebra

= ___ × (___ + ___)

= ___(___ + ___)
b k − 6k

Step 1 The factors of k 2 are _______.

The factors of 6k are _______.
Hence the HCF of k 2 and 6k is ___.

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Step 2 k 2 = ___ × ___ and 6k = ___ × ___
Hence k 2 − 6k = ___ × ___ − ___ × ___
= ___ × (___ − ___)
= ___(___ − ___)

10 Factorise these expressions.

a xy + 5y b pq − 7p c ab + 4a d m 2 − 3m e k 2 − 8k

Example 6
Factorise the following expressions.
a 4xy + 6xz b 8x 2 − 12x

a Step 1: The factors of 4xy are 1, 2, 4, x, 2x, 4x, y, 2y, 4y, xy, 2xy, 4xy.
The factors of 6xz are 1, 2, 3, 6, x, 2x, 3x, 6x, z, 2z, 3z, 6z, xz, 2xz, 3xz, 6xz.
Hence the HCF of 4xy and 6xz is 2x
We can simplify this process by combining the HCF of 4 and 6 (= 2) with the HCF of xy and xz (= x)
to give HCF of 4xy and 6xz = 2x.
Step 2 4xy = 2x × 2y and 6xz = 2x × 3z
Hence 4xy + 6xz = 2x × 2y + 2x × 3z
= 2x × (2y + 3z)
= 2x(2y + 3z)
b Step 1 The HCF of 8 and 12 is 4.
The HCF of x 2 and x is x.
Hence the HCF of 8x 2 and 12x is 4x
Step 2 8x 2 = 4x × 2x and 12x = 4x × 3
Hence 8x 2 − 12x = 4x × 2x − 4x × 3
= 4x × (2x − 3)
= 4x(2x − 3)

11 Complete the following to factorise the expressions.

a 6xy + 12xz
Step 1 The HCF of 6 and 12 is ___.
The HCF of xy and xz is ___.
Hence the HCF of 6xy and 12xz is ___.
Step 2 6xy = ___ × ___ and 12xz = ___ × ___
Hence 6xy + 12xz = ___ × ___ + ___ × ___
= ___ × (___ + ___)
= ___(___ + ___)
b 10k − 15k

Step 1 The HCF of 10 and 15 is ___.

Number & Algebra

The HCF of k 2 and k is ___.

Hence the HCF of 10k 2 and 15k is ___.
Step 2 10k 2 = ___ × ___ and 15k = ___ × ___
Hence 10k 2 − 15k = ___ × ___ − ___ × ___
= ___ × (___ − ___)
= ___(___ − ___)

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12 Factorise the following.
a 4ab + 6ac b 12pq − 8qt c 5km + 10k
d 9m − 12mn e 8t + 16tw f 5k 2 − 15k
g 6m 2 − 9m h 20a 2 − 25a i 8k + 10k 2
j 14p − 18p 2 k 16pq + 20pr l 8xy − 24yz

13 Factorise the following.

a 5xyz − 7xz b 24a2bc + 18ab c 12a + 9b + 15c
d 5x2 − 10x + 20 e 6ab + 10bc + 4abc f 16xy 2z − 24xyz
g x 2y 3 + x 3y 2 h 7a 2b 3 − 4ab 2 i −ab 2 − a 2
j −8k 2mn 3 + 2km 2n k −12abc − 9bcd l −18xyz + 12x2yz

G Word problems
An important part of solving word problems in algebra is to be able to translate certain key words into
mathematical operations. A list of some words and the corresponding mathematical operation is shown in the
table below.

Key words Mathematical operation

added to, sum, total of, more than, increased by, combined +

subtracted from, difference between, less than, decreased by −

multiplied by, times, product, increased or decreased by a factor of ×

divided by, quotient, out of, per ÷

ExamplE 1
Write algebraic expressions for each statement. Simplify where possible.
a the sum of 5k and 3m b 2w more than 9w c 4x increased by 6x

a The sum of 2 and 7 is 2 + 7 = 9,

hence the sum of 5k and 3m is 5k + 3m.
b 5 more than 7 is 7 + 5 = 12,
hence 2w more than 9w is 9w + 2w = 11w.
c 6 increased by 2 is 6 + 2 = 8,
hence 4x increased by 6x is 4x + 6x = 10x.

Exercise 11G

1 Write algebraic expressions for each statement. Simplify where possible.

a the sum of 2a and 3b b the sum of 6x and 7x
c k more than m d 4t more than 8t
e 2x increased by 4y f 7y increased by 8y
g 7p is added to 5p h 6a and 3a combined

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Example 2
Write algebraic expressions for each statement. Simplify where possible.
a the difference between 9m and 4n b 6z decreased by 2z
c 4ab less than 7ab

a The difference between 10 and 6 is 10 − 6 = 4, Note: We assume here that ‘the

hence the difference between 9m and 4n is 9m − 4n. difference between’ means the order ‘the
first quantity minus the second quantity’.
b 10 decreased by 4 is 10 − 4 = 6,
hence 6z decreased by 2z is 6z − 2z = 4z.
c 5 less than 7 is 7 − 5 = 2, Note the order of subtraction. For example,
hence 4ab less than 7ab is 7ab − 4ab = 3ab. if Peter earns $5 per hour less than you,
his hourly rate is your rate minus $5.

2 Write algebraic expressions for each statement. Simplify where possible.

a the difference between 2w and 3v b the difference between 8k and 5k
c 4x decreased by 6y d 9t decreased by 4t
e 2s less than 8r f 5u less than 9u

Example 3
Write algebraic expressions for each statement. Simplify where possible.
a the product of 5k and 3m b 4a increased by a factor of 3

a The product of 4 and 7 is 4 × 7 = 28,

hence the product of 5k and 3m is 5k × 3m = 15km.
b 5 increased by a factor of 2 is 5 × 2 = 10,
hence 4a increased by a factor of 3 is 4a × 3 = 12a.

3 Write algebraic expressions for each statement. Simplify where possible.

a the product of 2w and 3 b the product of 6d and 2e
c the product of 4a and 5b d 5q is increased by a factor of 2
e 6x is increased by a factor of 5 f 2y is increased by a factor of 3z

Example 4
Write algebraic expressions for each statement. Simplify where possible.
a the quotient of 4x and 3y b 7t out of 9t

a The quotient of 20 and 5 is 20 ÷ 5 = 4, hence the quotient of 4x and 3y is 4x ÷ 3y = ___
​  ​.
6 3 7t 7
b 6 out of 8 is __
​   ​ = __
​   ​, hence 7t out of 9t is __
​  ​ = __
​   ​.
Number & Algebra

8 4 9t 9

4 Write algebraic expressions for each statement. Simplify where possible.

a the quotient of 4x and 5y b the quotient of 3a and 11a
c the quotient of 5t and 15 d 2w out of 7
e 6 out of 8p f 4ab out of 12b2

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5 Write algebraic expressions for:
i the sum of ii the difference between
iii product of iv quotient of
Simplify where possible.
a 5x and 3y b 5x and 4x c 5xy and 6x
d (x + 4) and 3 e (2x + 5) and 2x f 4a and (2a + 1)

6 Write algebraic expressions for each statement. Simplify where possible.

a 7xy increased by 2xy b 8ab decreased by 3ab
c 2k more than 9k d 3w less than 7w
e 5xy increased by a factor of 3 f 5k + 3m increased by a factor of 2k
g the quotient of 12x and 15xy h 7km out of 8k
i 4 less than the product of 3 and k j 3 more than the difference between m and 7

7 a Yvonne is (m + 2) years old.

i How old will she be in 5 years time?
ii How old was she 3 years ago?
b Yvonne’s mother is double Yvonne’s age
at present.
i How old is Yvonne’s mother now?
ii How old will Yvonne’s mother be in
3 years time?
iii How old was Yvonne’s mother
6 years ago?

8 Write an algebraic expression for (and simplify Length Breadth Perimeter Area
where possible) the perimeter and area of a
rectangle given its length and breadth in the table. a b

3x 2y

4 z+2

y x−2

a+3 7

9 Write an algebraic expression for (and simplify where possible) the speed of a car that travels
a x kilometres in 3 hours b 120 km in y hours
c 10a kilometres in 5 hours d 24mn kilometres in 6n hours
Number & Algebra

10 Write algebraic expressions for the following statements.

a the cost of x kg of mince steak at $y per kg
b 10% of x
c the cost of a dress with marked price $x if a 10% discount is allowed
d four consecutive integers starting with n
e three consecutive even integers starting with n

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Language in mathematics
1 Explain in words, with examples, the meaning of these terms.
a like and unlike terms b highest common factor
c expand d factorise

2 Illustrate three different sets of grouping symbols used in Mathematics and list their names.

3 Three of the words in the following list are spelt incorrectly. Find these words and write the correct spelling.
numericle, distributive, symbal, remainder, simplify, algebrake

algebra algebraic common distributive law expand
factor factorising grouping symbols highest common factor
like terms pronumeral numerical remainder unlike terms

Check your skills

1 4a + 3a =
A 7aa B 43a C 7a D 7aa

2 5k − k =
A 4 B 5 C 4kk D 4k

3 3w − 5 + 4w − 1 =
A 7w − 6 B 7w − 4 C −w − 6 D −w − 4

4 10p + 15 + 6p − 20 =
A 16p − 7 B 16p + 5 C 16p − 35 D 16p − 5

5 −4x × −5y =
A −20xy B 45xy C 20xy D 9xy

6 8 ÷ 2k =
4 1 k
A 4k B __
​   ​
C ___
​   ​
D __
​  ​

7 6(3p + 5) when expanded is:

A 18p + 5 B 18p + 30 C 3p + 30 D 63p + 65

8 3x(2y − 5z) when expanded is:

A 6xy − 15xz B 3xy − 15xz C 6xy − 5xz D 5xy − 8xz
Number & Algebra

9 −2(t + 3) when expanded is:

A −2t + 6 B −2t + 1 C −2t − 3 D −2t − 6

10 The highest common factor of 12 and 24 is:

A 12 B 24 C 4 D 6

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11 The highest common factor of 8x and 20y is:
A 4x B 4y C 4 D 4xy

12 When factorised 9p + 12 is:

A 9(p + 12) B 3(3p + 12) C 3(3p + 4) D 3p(3p + 3)

13 When factorised 8m − 4n is:

A 4m(m − n) B 4(2m − n) C 4(2m − 4n) D 8(m − 4n)

14 When factorised 8k 2 − 12k is:

A 8k(k − 12) B 4k(2k − 3) C 4k 2(2 − 3k) D 4k(2 − 3k)

15 An algebraic expression for 2y less than 7x is:

A 5xy B 5 C 7x − 2y D 2y − 7x

16 An algebraic expression for 2 more than the product of a and b is:

A ab + 2 B 2ab C a+b+2 D 2(a + b)

If you have any difficulty with these questions, refer to the examples and questions in the section listed in
the table.

Question 1–4 5 6 7–9 10, 11 12–14 15, 16

Section A B C D E F G

11A Review set

1 Simplify:
a 4s + 7s b 10k − 4k c 5w + 3 + 2w + 8
d 5p − 2q + 3p e 7x + 1 − 4x + 7 f 3a − 2b − 4a + b
g 4(g + 5) + 3(g − 2)

2 Simplify:
a 4x × 5y b −2p × 7 c −3a × 6b

3 Simplify:
8h g 12a 14w 6a
a ___
​   ​
b ___
​   ​
c ____
​   ​
d _____
 ​ e ____

4 Expand:
a 3(5m + 3) b 2a(3a − 4b) c −5(k − 6)

5 Find the highest common factor of:

a 16 and 18 b 12a and 9b c 18x and 12y d 9x and 3x 2
Number & Algebra

6 Factorise the following.

a 6k + 9 b 8t − 16 c 24w + 18v
d −4s − 6 e 5ab + 10a f 9p 2 − 12p

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7 Write an algebraic expression for each statement. Simplify where possible.
a the sum of x and 7 b the difference between 6x and 2x
c the product of 2k and 3k d the quotient of 15t and 5
e increase 5m by 2 f increase 5m by a factor of 2
g decrease 8z by 3z h 3 less than 10p

11B Review set

1 Simplify:
a 5q + 4q b 9m − 4m c 4a + 7 + 2a + 5
d 7x − 4y + x e 6m − 5 − 3m + 9 f 5w − 3z − 6w + 4z
g 3(2h + 5) + 2(4h − 3)

2 Simplify:
a 5k × 4m b −3d × 5c c −2m × −3n

3 Simplify:
9y a 10x 9ab 10xy
a ___
​   ​
b ___
​   ​
c ____
​   ​
d ____
 ​ e ____

4 Expand:
a 4(5x + 7) b 3a(5a − 2b) c −5(2m − 3)

5 Find the highest common factor of these terms.

a 24 and 18 b 8w and 6v c 16a and 12b d 12a and 4ab

6 Factorise the following.

a 8t + 12 b 10k − 15 c 18x + 12y
d −6t + 9 e 4b 2 − 3b f 10pqr + 15pqt

7 Write an algebraic expression for each statement. Simplify where possible.

a the total of 3h and 6h b 2y less than 6y
c 4t out of 10t d the product of 6x and 5y
e 4q more than 11q f 2ab increased by a factor of 3
g the quotient of 12w and 4w h the product of x and y decreased by 8

11C Review set

1 Simplify:
a 10h + h b 9d − d c 8z + 9 + 2z + 3
d 7p − 3q − 2q e 4a − 3 + 3a − 4 f x − 3y − 4x + 2y
g 5(2t + 3) + 4(3t − 7)
Number & Algebra

2 Simplify:
a 5r × 3s b 4g × −3 c −4p × −4q

3 Simplify:
6y w 10a 12p 8ab
a ___
​   ​
b ___
​   ​
c ____
​   ​
d _____
 ​ e ____

Chapter 11 Algebra 311

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4 Expand:
a 6(3v − 1) b 5x(2x + 3y) c −3(4d − 5e)

5 Find the highest common factor of:

a 24 and 36 b 21s and 24t c 28x and 35y d 9a 2 and 12a

6 Factorise the following.

a 12p − 18 b 15t + 25u c 20k − 16m
d −5q − 10 e 18km − 12kn f 6a 2b + 15ab 2

7 Write an algebraic expression for each statement. Simplify where possible.

a the difference between 7xy and 2x b 5t more than 8t
c increase 4z by a factor of 3w d 2p less than 9p
e 5ab out of 10abc f decrease 10pq by 6pq
g the sum of 2a + 3b and a + 5b h the product of 3 and x + y

11D Review set

1 Simplify:
a 7k + k b 9m − 3m c 6b + 7e − 4b + 2e
d 10 − 4t − 2 e 8a − 4b − 7a + 7b f 12x − 5(2x − 3)
g 5(3w − 7) − 2(4w + 1)

2 Simplify:
a 7p × 5 b −3a × 9b c −4x × 3y × −5z

3 Simplify:
8k 3a 10 −5z −12k
a ___
​   ​
b ___
​  a ​ c ___
​   ​
d _____
 ​ e _______

4 Expand:
a 6(2a − 3) b −4x(5x + 7) c −3ab(2ab − 7a)

5 Find the highest common factor of:

a 36 and 48 b 18x and 24y c 16m and 12m d 24xy and 9x

6 Factorise the following.

a 9k + 15 b 12m − 8n c −6t + 9
d −10x − 5y e 5a 2 − 7a f 12abc + 15ac

7 Write an algebraic expression for each statement. Simplify where possible.

a 3x more than the difference between x and 7 b 2k less than the sum of 4k and 3
c increase m + n by a factor of 3 d p more than the product of 3p and 5
e the quotient of 8wz and 10w f 7n less than 3n
Number & Algebra

g 9km out of 15k 2

h 25% of y

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Probability and
Venn diagrams
This chapter deals with further ideas in chance.
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:

▶ identify complementary events and both), inclusive ‘or’ (A or B or both)

use the sum of probabilities to solve and ‘and’
problems ▶ represent such events in two-way
▶ describe events using language of ‘at tables and Venn diagrams and solve
least’, exclusive ‘or’ (A or B but not related problems.

NSW Syllabus references: S4 S&P Probability 2

Outcomes: MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA4-3WM, MA4-21SP

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Diagnostic test
1 A normal six-sided die is thrown once. The 5 A hat contains 3 blue and 5 black tickets. If
number of outcomes in the sample space is: one ticket is chosen at random from the hat, the
A 1 B 3 C 5 D 6 probability that it is blue is:
1 3 3
A _2 B _5 C 3 D _8
2 A ticket is selected at random from a hat
containing 1 blue, 2 red and 1 green ticket. The 6 A letter is chosen randomly from the word
sample space is: PROBABILITY. The probability that the letter
A {blue, red, green} chosen is B is:
1 2 2
B {red} A __
11 B __
11 C 1 D _9
C {blue, red, red, green}
D {not red} 7 A term describing a probability of about 80% is:
A certain B highly probable
3 A bag contains 1 pink, 1 purple and 1 orange C evens D low probability
ball. The probability of randomly selecting a
8 A coin is tossed once. An impossible event
purple ball is:
1 2 would be getting:
A 1 B 3 C _3 D _3
A heads B tails
C heads or tails D a six
4 The probability of an event is _25 . As a percentage
this is: 9 When a normal six-sided die is rolled, the
A 20% B 40% probability of getting a 7 is:
7 6 1
C 50% D none of these A _6 B _7 C _6 D 0

10 If an event is certain to happen, its probability is:

A 0 B _2 C 1 D 2

The Diagnostic test questions refer to the Year 7 outcomes from ACMSP167 and ACMSP168.

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A Probability review
The sample space (S) of an experiment is the set of all possible outcomes. For example, if a normal six-sided die
is rolled, S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}.
number of favourable outcomes
Probability (event) = ____________________________
number of possible outcomes
For convenience this may be written as P(E) = ____
where P(E) = probability of the event E
n(E) = number of outcomes favourable to event E
n(S) = number of possible outcomes.

A spinner is divided into 4 equal portions coloured red, blue, green and red
yellow. If the spinner is spun, find the probability that it lands on:
a red b green c blue or yellow yellow blue

Sample space, S = {R, B, G, Y} Number of possible outcomes, n(S) = 4

a Favourable outcomes = {R} Number of favourable outcomes = 1
P(R) = _4
b Favourable outcomes = {G} Number of favourable outcomes = 1
P(R) = 4
c Favourable outcomes = {B, Y} Number of favourable outcomes = 2
_ 1
P(B or Y) = =4 2

Exercise 12A
1 A bag contains 1 red (R), 1 blue (B), 1 green (G), 1 yellow (Y) and 1 white (W) marble. One marble is
chosen at random from the bag. Complete to find the following probabilities.
S = {_____} Number of possible equally likely outcomes = _____
a Probability that the marble is red:
Favourable outcomes = {_____} Number of favourable outcomes = _____
P(R) = _____
b Probability that the marble is green:
Favourable outcomes = {_____} Number of favourable outcomes = _____
P(G) = _____

c Probability that the marble is red or green:

Favourable outcomes = {_____} Number of favourable outcomes = _____
P(R or G) = _____
d Probability that the marble is blue or white:
Favourable outcomes = {_____} Number of favourable outcomes = _____
P(B or W) = _____
e Probability that the marble is blue or yellow or white:
Favourable outcomes = {_____} Number of favourable outcomes = _____
P(B or Y or W) = _____

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2 A normal six-sided die is rolled. Find the probability of getting:
a 6 b 3 c 3 or 6
d an even number e an odd number f a number > 3

3 The numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, … 9 are written on 10 cards. The cards are shuffled and one is selected at random.
Find the probability that it shows:
a 3 b 9 c 3 or 9
d an even number e an odd number f a number > 6
g a multiple of 4

4 The numbers 1, 2, 3, …7 are written on cards. The cards are shuffled and one is selected at random. Find
the probability that it is:
a 4 b 5 c 4 or 5
d an even number e an odd number f a number > 4

5 The letters of the alphabet are written on cards. The cards are shuffled and one is selected at random. Find
the probability that the letter shown is:
a K b Z c K or Z
d a vowel e a consonant f a letter of the word RANDOM

A hat contains 3 red, 4 blue and 5 green tickets. If one ticket is chosen at random, what is the probability
that it is:
a red? b blue? c red or blue? d green? e blue or green?

S = {R, R, R, B, B, B, B, G, G, G, G, G}
Number of possible equally likely outcomes = 12
a Favourable outcomes = {R, R, R} Number of favourable outcomes = 3
__ 1
P(R) = 12 = 4
b Favourable outcomes = {B, B, B, B} Number of favourable outcomes = 4
__ 1
P(B) = 12 = 3
c Favourable outcomes = {R, R, R, B, B, B, B} Number of favourable outcomes = 7
P(R or B) = 12
d Favourable outcomes = {G, G, G, G, G} Number of favourable outcomes = 5
P(G) = 12
e Favourable outcomes = {B, B, B, B, G, G, G, G, G} Number of favourable outcomes = 9
9 3
P(B or G) = __ _
12 = 4

6 A bag contains 5 blue and 2 red marbles. One marble is drawn at random. Complete to find the following
S = {_____}
Number of possible equally likely outcomes = ___
a Probability that the marble is blue:
Favourable outcomes = {_____}
Number of favourable outcomes = ___
P(B) = ___

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b Probability that the marble is red:
Favourable outcomes = {_____} Number of favourable outcomes = ___
P(R) = ___
c Probability that the marble is blue or red:
Favourable outcomes = {_____} Number of favourable outcomes = ___
P(B or R) = ___

7 A purse contains two 5-cent coins, three 10-cent coins, four 20-coins and one 50-cent coin. A coin is chosen
at random from this purse. Find the probability that the value of the coin is:
a 10 cents b 20 cents c 10 cents or 20 cents
d 5 cents e 5 cents or 10 cents f more than 10 cents.

8 One hundred tickets are sold in a raffle. What is the probability of winning the raffle if you buy:
a 1 ticket? b 2 tickets? c 5 tickets? d 10 tickets?

9 A card is selected at random from a normal playing pack of 52 cards. Find the probability that it is:
a the king of clubs b a king c a spade
d black e a red 7 f a jack or a queen.

10 A letter is chosen at random from the letters of the

word HIPPOPOTAMUS. What is the probability
that the letter chosen is:
a H? b O? c P?

11 A set of traffic lights shows green for 45 seconds,

amber for 5 seconds and red for 30 seconds. When
approaching this set of lights, what is the probability
that it will be showing:
a green?
b amber?
c red?

12 a A normal six-sided die is rolled. Find the

probability of getting a:
i 7 ii 9
b What kind of events are those in part a?
c Find the probability of getting:
i a number < 9 ii an odd or even number.
d What kind of events are those in part c? PROBABILITY & STATISTICS

From question 12, we can see that:

• If an event is impossible then its probability is 0.
• If an event is certain then its probability is 1.
Hence, the probability of any event, E, lies in the range 0 to 1, inclusive.
That is: 0 ⩽ P(E) ⩽ 1

13 A spinner is divided into four equal parts coloured red, yellow, green and blue. When the spinner is spun,
what is the probability that it lands on:
a purple? b red or yellow or green or blue?

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14 The numbers 1 to 7 are written on 7 cards. The cards are shuffled and one card is selected at random. Find
the probability that it shows:
a an odd or even number b a number < 10
c 9 d 0

15 A bag contains 1 red, 1 blue and 1 green marble. A marble is selected at random from this bag. Write down
an event E for which:
a P(E) = 0 b P(E) = 1

16 Jack calculated the answer to a probability question in a test to be _43 . Explain why Jack’s answer was wrong.

Investigation 1 Probability certainties

1 A coin is tossed once.
a List the sample space.
b What is the probability of heads?
c What is the probability of tails?
d Add the probability of heads and the probability of tails.
e Describe an event that results in a certainty.
f What is the probability of the event in part e?

2 A normal six-sided die is thrown once.

a List the sample space.
b Find these probabilities.
i P(6) ii P(5)
iii P(4) iv P(3)
v P(2) vi P(1)
c Add the probabilities of getting 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1.
d What is the probability of getting 6 or 5 or 4 or 3 or 2 or 1
when throwing a die once?
e Why is this a certainty?

3 A spinner has four equal-sized segments coloured blue, purple, red and yellow.
The spinner is spun once.
a List the sample space. red
b What is the probability of the outcome blue, purple, red or yellow?
c What is: yellow purple
i P(blue)? ii P(purple)?
iii P(red)? iv P(yellow)?
d Add the probabilities from part c. What do you notice? Explain.

4 Complete:
The sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes of a single experiment is _______.

5 A normal six-sided die is thrown once.

a Find P(6).
b Find P(1, 2, 3, 4 or 5).
c Find P(not 6). (Hint: See part b.)
d Add the probability of getting 6 to the probability of not getting 6. What do you notice? Explain
your answer.

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B Sum of probabilities
In Investigation 1 you found that the sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes of an experiment is 1.

A bag contains red, blue and green marbles. When one marble is chosen at random from the bag, the
7 4
probability that it is red is __ __
19 and the probability that it is blue is 19 . What is the probability that it is green?

P(red) + P(blue) + P(green) = 1 The sum of the probabilities of all the

__ 4
__ possible outcomes of an experiment is 1.
19 + 19 + P(green) = 1
19 + P(green) = 1
P(green) = 1 − __
= __

Exercise 12B
1 A bag contains black, white and orange counters. If a counter is chosen at random from this bag, the
6 2
probability that it is black is __ __
13 and the probability that it is white is 13 . Complete the following to calculate
the probability that the counter is orange.
P(black) + P(white) + P(orange) = ____
__ 2
13 + __
13 + P(orange) = ____
____ + P(orange) = ____
P(orange) = ____ − ____
= ____

2 A roulette wheel has red, black and green slots.

When spun, the probability that the ball will stop
in a red slot is __
19 and the probability that it will
stop in a green slot is __
19 . What is the probability
that it will stop in a black slot?

3 A spinner consists of pink, blue and green sections. If the spinner is spun the probability that it will stop on

1 1
blue is _2 and the probability that it will stop on green is _3 . Find the probability that it will stop on pink.

4 When three coins are tossed, the possible outcomes are 3 heads, exactly 2 heads, exactly 1 head or no heads.
1 3
If the probability of 3 heads is _8 , the probability of exactly 1 head is _8 and the probability of getting no heads
is _8 . Calculate the probability of getting exactly 2 heads.

5 A purse contains 5-cent, 10-cent, 20-cent and 50-cent coins. When a coin is chosen at random from this
1 1
purse, the probability of getting a 5-cent coin is _5 , the probability of getting a 10-cent coin is _3 and the
probability of getting a 50-cent coin is __
10 . Calculate the probability of getting a 20-cent coin.

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C Identifying complements of events
In an experiment with sample space S, the complement of an event A is the set of outcomes that are in the
sample space S but are not in A.

When a normal six-sided die is thrown, what is the complement of the event:
a throwing 2?
b throwing 1 or 2?
c throwing an even number?

a S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. Let A be the event ‘throwing a 2’; then A = {2}. Write the event as a set of
The complement of A is the set of outcomes that are in S but are not in A. outcomes, even if there is
Complement of A = {1, 3, 4, 5, 6} only one outcome in the set.
The complement of A is the event ‘throwing a 1, 3, 4, 5 or 6’ or ‘not throwing a 2’.
b S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. Let B be the event ‘throwing a 1 or 2’; then B = {1, 2}.
The complement of B is the set of outcomes that are in S but are not in B.
Complement of B = {3, 4, 5, 6}
The complement of B is the event ‘throwing a 3 or 4 or 5 or 6’ or ‘not throwing a 1 or 2’ or ‘throwing a
number greater than 2’.
c S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. Let C be the event ‘throwing an even number’; then C = {2, 4, 6}.
The complement of C is the set of outcomes that are in S but are not in C.
Complement of C = {1, 3, 5}
The complement of C is the event ‘throwing a 1, 3 or 5’ or ‘not throwing an even number’ or ‘throwing
an odd number’.

Exercise 12C
1 A normal die is thrown. Complete the following to find the complement of each event given.
a Throwing a 6
S = {_______}. Let A be the event ‘throwing a 6’; then A = {_______}.
The complement of A is the set of outcomes that are in S but are not in A.
Complement of A= {_______}
The complement of A is the event ‘_______’ or ‘_______’ or ‘_______’.
b Throwing a 5 or 6
S = {_______}. Let B be the event ‘throwing a 5 or 6’; then B = {_______}.

The complement of B is the set of outcomes that are in S but are not in B.
Complement of B = {_______}
The complement of B is the event ‘_______’ or ‘_______’ or ‘_______’.
c Throwing an odd number
S = {_______}. Let C be the event ‘throwing an odd number’; then C = {_______}.
The complement of C is the set of outcomes that are in S but are not in C.
Complement of C = {_______}
The complement of C is the event ‘_______’ or ‘_______’ or ‘_______’.

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2 A normal die is thrown. Find the complement of each event.
a throwing 3 b throwing 3 or 5 c throwing a number greater than 2

3 The numbers 1 to 9 are written on cards and one card is chosen at random. Find the complement of these
a choosing 7 b choosing 1 or 7
c choosing an even number d choosing a number greater than 4

a A student is chosen from a class consisting of boys and girls. What is the complement of the event
‘choosing a boy’?
b A marble is chosen from a bag containing black and yellow marbles .What is the complement of the
event ‘selecting a black marble’?

a The complement of the event ‘choosing a boy’ is ‘not choosing a boy’ or ‘choosing a girl’.
b The complement of the event ‘selecting a black marble’ is ‘not selecting a black marble’ or ‘selecting a
yellow marble’.

4 Complete the following.

a A student is chosen from a class consisting of boys and girls. The complement of the event ‘choosing a
girl’ is ‘_____ choosing a girl’ or ‘choosing a _____’.
b A marble is chosen from a bag containing red and blue marbles. The complement of the event ‘choosing a
red marble’ is ‘_____ choosing a red marble’ or ‘choosing a _____ marble’.
c A marble is chosen from a bag containing red, blue and green marbles. The complement of the event
‘choosing a red marble’ is ‘_____ choosing a red marble’ or ‘choosing a _____ marble’.
d A marble is chosen from a bag containing red, blue and green marbles. The complement of the event
‘choosing a red or blue marble’ is ‘_____ choosing a red or blue marble’ or ‘choosing a _____ marble’.

5 A coin is tossed. What is the complement of the event ‘getting a head’?

6 A spinner has four equal-sized segments coloured red, blue, green and yellow. The spinner is spun and the
colour on which it stops is noted. What is the complement of the event:
a stops on red? b stops on red or blue?
c stops on blue or green? d stops on red or blue or green?

7 A card is selected from a normal

playing pack. What is the complement
of selecting:
a a red card?
b a spade?
c a spade or a club?
d a picture card?

8 Sydney plays Melbourne in a soccer final.

What is the complement of the event:
a Sydney wins or draws?
b Sydney wins?
c a draw?
d Melbourne loses or draws?


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Investigation 2 Sum of probabilities of complementary events
1 A coin is tossed once. Find these probabilities.
a P(head) b P(not head) c P(head) + P(not head)

2 A normal six-sided die is rolled. Find:

a i P(2) ii P(not 2) iii P(2) + P(not 2)
b i P(6) ii P(not 6) iii P(6) + P(not 6)
c i P(even number) ii P(not even number) iii P(even number) + P(not even number)
d i P(number < 5) ii P(number not < 5) iii P(number < 5) + P (number not < 5)

3 A bag contains 2 red, 5 blue and 4 white counters.

A counter is chosen at random from the bag. Find:
a i P(red) ii P(not red)
iii P(red) + P(not red)
b i P(blue) ii P(not blue)
iii P(blue) + P(not blue)
c i P(white) ii P(not white)
iii P(white) + P(not white)

D Probabilities of complements of events

Pairs of events in Investigation 2 are:
• getting a head, not getting a head
• getting 2, not getting 2
• getting a white counter, not getting a white counter.
These are complementary events. Each event is the complement of the other. The complement of the set E,
called not E, can be written Ẽ or E'.
From Investigation 2 we see that: P(E) + P(not E) = 1 or P(E) + P(Ẽ) = 1.

When two coins are tossed, the probability of getting 2 heads is __4 . What is the probability of not getting

2 heads when two coins are tossed?

P(2H) + P(not 2H) = 1

4 + P(not 2H) = 1
1 3
∴ P(not 2H) = 1 − __4 = __4

From Example 1 we can see that P(E) + P(not E) = 1 is equivalent to P(not E) = 1 − P(E).

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Exercise 12D
1 On any weekday, the probability of a particular bus arriving at its destination on time is __
11 . Complete the
following to find the probability that the bus does not arrive on time.
P(on time) + P(not on time) = ___
11 + P(not on time) = ___
□ □
∴ P(not on time) = ___ − __ = __
□ □
2 The probability of choosing a 20-cent coin from a particular purse is __
10 . When a coin is chosen at random
from this purse, what is the probability that it is not a 20-cent coin?

3 When a lolly is selected at random from a bag, the probability that it is red is __
13 . What is the probability that
the lolly is not red?

4 The letters of a word are written on cards and placed in a hat. When a card is chosen at random from this hat,
the probability that the letter is M is __7 . What is the probability that the letter is not M?

5 On approaching a set of traffic lights, the probability that

the light will be red is __
67 . What is the probability that the
light will not be red?

6 On a European roulette wheel, the probability that the ball

will stop on a red number is __
37 . What is the probability
that it will not stop on a red number?

7 There are 1000 tickets sold in a raffle. If Angela buys

1 ticket, what is the probability that:
a she will win the raffle?
b she will not win the raffle?

8 The numbers 1 to 9 are written on cards. The cards

are shuffled and one is selected at random. Find these
a P(9) b P(not 9)
c P(even number) d P(not even number)
e P(number < 3) f P(number not < 3)

9 The numbers 0 to 9 are written on cards. The cards are


shuffled and one is selected at random. Find these

a P(6) b P(not 6) c P(odd number)
d P(not odd number) e P(number > 7) f P(number not > 7)

10 A bag contains 6 red, 9 blue and 8 white marbles. One marble is chosen at random from the bag. Find these
a P(red) b P(not red) c P(not blue) d P(not white)

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E Mutually exclusive events
Two events are mutually exclusive if they cannot both happen at the same time. For example, when a die is
rolled once, the events ‘getting a 1’ and ‘getting a 4’ are mutually exclusive. Only one number can occur on the
uppermost face and hence both events cannot happen at the same time.
The event ‘getting a number bigger than 3’ and the event ‘getting an even number’ are not mutually exclusive,
as the outcomes a 4 or a 6 are bigger than 3 and even; that is, both events can happen at the same time. (These
are sometimes called inclusive events.)

A die is rolled. State whether events A and B are mutually exclusive or non-mutually exclusive.
a A is the event a 2 and B is the event a 3.
b A is the event a 2 and B is the event an even number.
c A is the event a 2 and B is the event a number bigger than 4.
d A is the event a number less than 5 and B is the event a number bigger than 2.

a A = {2}, B = {3}. Both A and B cannot happen at the same time. A and B are mutually exclusive.
b A = {2), B = {2, 4, 6}. Both A and B can happen at the same time (the outcome rolling a 2).
A and B are non-mutually exclusive.
c A = {2}, B = {5, 6}. Both A and B cannot happen at the same time. A and B are mutually exclusive.
d A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, B = {3, 4, 5, 6}. Both A and B can happen at the same time (the outcomes 3 or 4).
A and B are non-mutually exclusive.

Exercise 12E
1 A die is rolled. Complete the following to determine whether the events A and B are mutually exclusive or
non-mutually exclusive.
a A is the event a 5: A = {____}. B is the event a 6: B = {____}.
Hence the events A and B are mutually exclusive/non-mutually exclusive.
b A is the event a 5: A = {____}. B is the event an odd number: B = {____}.
Hence the events A and B are mutually exclusive/non-mutually exclusive.
c A is the event an even number: A = {____}. B is the event an odd number: B = {____}.
Hence the events A and B are mutually exclusive/non-mutually exclusive.
d A is the event a multiple of 3: A = {____}. B is the event an even number: B = {____}.
Hence the events A and B are mutually exclusive/non-mutually exclusive.

2 A card is selected at random from a normal playing pack. State whether the following events A and B are
mutually exclusive or non-mutually exclusive.
a A is the event a king. B is the event an ace.
b A is the event a king. B is the event a red card.
c A is the event a 10, B is the event a queen.
d A is the event a jack, B is the event a black card.
e A is the event a 7, B is the event a diamond.
f A is the event a club, B is the event a red card.
g A is the event a black card, B is the event an ace.

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3 The numbers 0 to 9 are written on 10 cards. The cards are shuffled and one card is selected at random. State
whether the following events are mutually exclusive or non-mutually exclusive.
a getting a 5, getting an even number
b getting an even number, getting a number less than 5
c getting an odd number, getting a number bigger than 5
d getting a number less than 4, getting a number bigger than 5
e getting a number less than 4, getting a number less than 7

4 A pair of dice are rolled at the same time. State whether the following events are mutually exclusive or non-
mutually exclusive.
a getting a total of 6, getting a double b getting a total of 9, getting a double

F Compound events
A compound event is an event that can be expressed as a combination of simple events.

A normal six-sided die is thrown. Match each statement in the left-hand column with its equivalent in
the right-hand column.
a throwing a 4, 5 or 6 A throwing at least 3
b throwing a 1, 2, 3 or 4 B throwing at most 5
c throwing a 3, 4, 5 or 6 C throwing at most 4
d throwing a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 D throwing at least 4

a throwing a 4, 5 or 6 is equivalent to D throwing at least 4

b throwing a 1, 2, 3 or 4 is equivalent to C throwing at most 4
c throwing a 3, 4, 5 or 6 is equivalent to A throwing at least 3
d throwing a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 is equivalent to B throwing at most 5

Exercise 12F
1 A normal six-sided die is thrown. Complete the following.
a Throwing 4, 5 or 6 is equivalent to throwing at least ___.
b Throwing a 1, 2 or 3 is equivalent to throwing at most ___.
c Throwing a 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 is equivalent to throwing at least ___.

d Throwing a 1 or 2 is equivalent to throwing at most ___.

2 A regular eight-sided die is rolled. Complete the following.

a Throwing 1, 2, 3 or 4 is equivalent to throwing at most ___.
b Throwing a 6, 7 or 8 is equivalent to throwing at least ___.
c Throwing a 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 is equivalent to throwing at least ___.
d Throwing a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 is equivalent to throwing at most ___.

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3 The numbers 0 to 9 are written on cards. A card is selected at random. List the outcomes for the event that
the number on the card is:
a at most 4 b at least 7 c at least 5 d at most 2.

4 When two children are born, the sample space for the order of birth is S = {bb (boy followed by boy),
bg (boy followed by a girl), gb (girl followed by a boy), gg (girl followed by a girl)}.
List the outcomes for each event.
a at most 1 boy b at least 1 boy c at least 1 girl d at most 1 girl

5 When two coins are tossed, the sample space is S = {HH, HT, TH, TT}. List the outcomes for each event.
a at least 1 tail b at most 1 tail c at least 1 head d at most 1 head

6 A spinner has three equal parts numbered 1, 2 and 3. When this spinner is spun twice the sample space is:
S = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)}. List the outcomes for these events.
a at least one 3 b at most one 3

A card is chosen at random from a normal 52-card
playing pack. List the outcomes in these events.
a choosing a jack and a red card
b choosing a club and a picture card.

a Let A be the event ‘a jack’ and let B be the event ‘a red card’.
A = {J of hearts, J of diamonds, J of spades, J of clubs}
B = {2, 3, 4…, J, Q, K, A of hearts, 2, 3, 4…, J, Q, K, A of diamonds}
The event ‘A and B’ is the set of outcomes that have the attributes of both A and B; that is, the outcomes
that are ‘a jack and a red card’.
Hence event ‘A and B’ = {J of hearts, J of diamonds}
b Let X be the event ‘a club’ and let Y be the event ‘a picture card’.
X = {2, 3, 4…, J, Q, K, A of clubs}
Y = {J, Q, K of hearts, J, Q, K of diamonds, J, Q, K of spades, J, Q, K of clubs}
The event ‘X and Y’ is the set of outcomes that are ‘a club and a picture card’.
Hence event ‘X and Y’ = {J, Q, K of clubs}.

7 A card is selected at random from a normal playing pack. List the outcomes in these events.
a selecting a card that is a 10 and a heart
b selecting a card that is a 10 and a red card
c selecting a card that is black and a king
d selecting a card that is a club and even numbered
e selecting a card that is red and odd numbered
f selecting a card that is black and a picture card

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A die is rolled. A is the event ‘an odd number’, B is the event ‘an even number’ and C is the event
‘a number < 3’. List the outcomes for these events.
a A and B b A or B c B and C d B or C

a The event ‘A and B’ = { } as a number cannot be both odd and even. The set { } has no outcomes
These are mutually exclusive events. and is known as an empty set.

b The event ‘A or B’ = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

If the events A and B are mutually exclusive then the event ‘A or B’ = set of outcomes for A + set of
outcomes for B.
c The event ‘B and C’ is the set of outcomes that belong to both B and C; that is, the outcomes that are
even and less than 3. Event ‘B and C’ = {2}.
d The event ‘B or C’ is the set of outcomes that belong to B or C.
The problem raised is whether to include the outcome 2, which is in both events. If two events are not
mutually exclusive, an ‘or’ statement needs a qualifier to determine inclusivity (the 2 is included) or
exclusivity (the 2 is excluded).
The event ‘B or C or both’ = {1, 2, 4, 6} is known as an ‘inclusive or’ compound event.
The event ‘B or C but not both’ = {1, 4, 6} is known as an ‘exclusive or’ compound event.

a A card is selected at random from a pack. A is the event ‘a red card’, B is the event ‘a black card’.
i List the outcomes for the event ‘A and B’.
ii Does the event ‘A or B’ need a qualifier?
b A card is selected at random from a pack. A is the event ‘a red card’, B is the event ‘an ace’.
i List the outcomes for ‘A and B’.
ii Does the event ‘A or B’ need a qualifier?
c A person is chosen at random from a group. A is the event ‘male’ and B is the event ‘left-handed’.
Does the event ‘A or B’ need a qualifier?

a i A and B = { }
ii No. The events are mutually exclusive so the event
‘A or B’ = set of outcomes in A + set of outcomes for B.
b i A and B = {ace of hearts, ace of diamonds}
ii The events A and B are non-mutually exclusive, so the event ‘A or B’ needs a qualifier to indicate
whether the outcomes for both events (ace of hearts, ace of diamonds) are included or excluded.
c If there are no left-handed males in the group then a qualifier is not necessary as the events are mutually
exclusive. If there are left-handed males in the group then a qualifier is needed to indicate whether the

left-handed males are to be included or excluded.

8 State whether a qualifier is needed for the event ‘A or B’.

a A die is rolled. A is the event ‘a number < 3’. B is the event ‘ a number > 4’.
b A die is rolled. A is the event ‘an odd number’. B is the event ‘a number > 4’.
c A student is chosen from a class of boys and girls. A is the event ‘female’. B is the event ‘wears glasses’.
d A student is chosen from a class. A is the event ‘has blond hair’. B is the event ‘has brown eyes’.

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9 A die is rolled. A is the event ‘a number > 3’ and B is the event ‘an odd number’. List the outcomes for
these events.
a A b not A c B d not B
e A and B f A or B or both g A or B but not both

10 A card is selected at random from a normal playing pack. X is the event ‘a diamond’ and Y is the event
‘a king’. List the outcomes for these events.
a X b not X c Y
d X and Y e X or Y or both f X or Y but not both

G Venn diagrams
The outcomes of an event can be represented using a Venn diagram.
The sample space is represented by the region or points inside a rectangle. S
For example, if a die is rolled, S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. 1 2 3
These outcomes are written inside a rectangle, labelled S, as shown.
4 5 6

The outcomes favourable to an event are represented by points or the

region inside a circle. For example, if a six-sided die is rolled and A A 3 4
is the event ‘a number < 3’, then A = {1, 2}. These outcomes are
written inside a circle labelled A, as shown. 1 2
Note: All the outcomes that are not favourable to event A are outside 5 6
this circle: the complement of A is the set of outcomes outside circle A.
From the diagram, the event ‘not A’ = {3, 4, 5, 6}.
If B is the event ‘an even number’, then B = {2, 4, 6}. These
outcomes are written inside another circle labelled B, as shown. 3 B
Note: All the outcomes that are not favourable to event B are outside
1 2 4
this circle: the complement of B is the set of outcomes outside circle B.
From the diagram, the event ‘not B’ = {1, 3, 5}. 5 6

Both events A and B can be represented in a Venn diagram.

The outcome {2} is common (belongs) to both events and is placed in A B
the area that is common to both circles. It is placed in the area where 1 2 4
the two circles intersect. The outcome {2} is ‘a number < 3’ and ‘an 6

even number’.
3 5
The outcomes {1, 2, 4, 6}, which are within the combined areas of both
circles, including the intersection of the circles, are numbers that are
‘a number < 3’ or ‘an even number’ or both (less than 3 and even).
The event ‘A or B or both’ is an ‘inclusive or’ event because it includes ‘both A and B’.
The outcomes {3, 5} do not lie within either circle. These are the numbers that are neither ‘less than 3’
nor ‘even’.

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Numbers are written on cards, the cards shuffled and one is selected
at random. The outcomes for this experiment and events A and B are A B
shown in the Venn diagram. 1 3
a List the sample space. 5 7 9
b List the set of outcomes favourable to event A.
c List the set of outcomes not favourable to the event A. 2 4 8
d List the set of outcomes favourable to event B.
e List the set of outcomes not favourable to the event B.
f List the set of outcomes favourable to the events ‘A and B’.
g i List the set of outcomes favourable to the event ‘A or B or both’.
ii Is this an ‘inclusive or’ event or an ‘exclusive or’ event?
h i List the set of outcomes favourable to the event ‘A or B but not both’.
ii Is this an ‘inclusive or’ event or an ‘exclusive or’ event?
i List the outcomes that belong to neither A nor B.

a These are all the outcomes inside the rectangle. Hence S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}.
b These are all the outcomes inside circle A. Hence A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}.
c These are all the outcomes outside circle A (complement of the event A). Hence ‘not A’ = {2, 4, 6, 8}.
d These are all the outcomes inside circle B. Hence B = {3, 6, 9}.
e These are all the outcomes outside circle B (complement of the event B). Hence ‘not B’ = {1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8}.
f These are all the outcomes in the intersection of the two circles. Hence ‘A and B’ = {3, 9}.
g i These are all the outcomes within both circles, including the intersection.
Hence ‘A or B or both’ = {1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9}
ii It is an ‘inclusive or’ event.
h i These are all the outcomes within both circles, but excluding the intersection.
Hence ‘A or B but not both’ = {1, 5, 6, 7}.
ii It is an ‘exclusive or’ event.
i These are all the outcomes outside the two circles. Hence ‘neither A nor B’ = {2, 4, 8}.

Exercise 12G
1 Numbers are written on cards, the cards are shuffled and one is
S 5
selected at random. The outcomes for this experiment and events A A B
and B are shown in the Venn diagram. Complete the following. 2 6 7
a The sample space S = {_____} (outcomes inside the rectangle) 4 8 9
b Event A = {_____} (outcomes inside the circle A)
c Event ‘not A’ = {_____} (outcomes outside the circle A) 0 1 3

d Event B = {_____} (outcomes inside circle B)

e Event ‘not B’ = {_____} (outcomes outside circle B)
f Event ‘A and B’ = {_____} (outcomes in the intersection of the circles)
g i Event ‘A or B or both’ = {_____} (outcomes within both circles, including the intersection)
ii Is this an ‘inclusive or’ event or an ‘exclusive or’ event?
h i Event ‘A or B but not both’ = {_____} (outcomes within both circles, excluding the intersection)
ii Is this an ‘inclusive or’ event or an ‘exclusive or’ event?
i Event ‘neither A nor B’ = {_____} (outcomes outside both circles)

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2 A six-sided die is rolled. The outcomes for this experiment and the S
events X and Y are shown in the Venn diagram. X Y
a List the sample space. 1 3 6
b List the set of outcomes for event X.
c List the set of outcomes for the event ‘not X’.
2 4
d List the set of outcomes for event Y.
e List the set of outcomes for the event ‘not Y’.
f List the set of outcomes for event ‘X and Y’.
g i List the set of outcomes for the event ‘X or Y or both’.
ii Is this an ‘inclusive or’ event or an ‘exclusive or’ event?
h i List the set of outcomes for the event ‘X or Y but not both’.
ii Is this an ‘inclusive or’ event or an ‘exclusive or’ event?
i List the outcomes that belong to neither X nor Y.

3 A spinner with eight equal parts numbered 1 to 8 is spun. A is the

event ‘the spinner lands on an even number’ and B is the event ‘the A B
spinner lands on a number > 5’. The outcomes for this experiment 2 6
and events A and B are shown in the Venn diagram. Use the diagram 8
to list the outcomes for the following events.
a an even number 1 3 5
b not an even number
c a number > 5 d a number not > 5
e a number that is even and > 5 f a number that is even or > 5 or both
g a number that is even or > 5 but not both h a number that is neither even nor > 5
i a number that is even but not > 5 j a number that is > 5 but not even

4 The letters of the word EQUATION are written on cards and placed
in a hat. One card is drawn at random. X is the event ‘a vowel’ and X Y
Y is the event ‘a letter of the word NOTE’. The outcomes for this A E N
experiment and events X and Y are shown in the Venn diagram. Use O
the diagram to list the outcomes for the following events.
a a vowel
b not a vowel
c a letter of the word NOTE d not a letter of the word NOTE
e a vowel and a letter of the word NOTE f a vowel or a letter of the word NOTE or both
g a vowel or a letter of the word NOTE but not both h neither a vowel nor a letter of the word NOTE
i a vowel but not a letter of the word NOTE j a letter of the word NOTE but not a vowel

5 A person is chosen at random from a group of friends. A is the event

‘has blond hair’ and B is the event ‘has blue eyes’. The outcomes for

the experiment and events A and B are shown in the Venn diagram. Jen
Matt Sue
a List the sample space. Jack
b List the set of outcomes for the following events.
i has blond hair Kate Michael
ii does not have blond hair
iii has blue eyes iv does not have blue eyes
v has blond hair and blue eyes vi has blond hair or blue eyes or both
vii has blond hair or blue eyes but not both viii has neither blond hair nor blue eyes
ix has blond hair but not blue eyes x has blue eyes but not blond hair

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The numbers 1 to 9 are written on cards, the cards shuffled and
one card is selected at random. The outcomes for this experiment A B
and events A and B are shown in the Venn diagram. List the set of
3 6 1 2
outcomes for the following events.
9 4 8
a A b not A c B d not B
e A and B f A or B g neither A nor B 5 7

a A = {3, 6, 9} b not A = {1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8}

c B = {1, 2, 4, 8} d not B = {3, 5, 6, 7, 9}
e The events A and B have no intersection. They are mutually exclusive events: there are no outcomes of
this experiment that have the properties of both A and B so ‘A and B’ = { }
f The event ‘A or B’ does not have to be qualified by ‘or both’ or ‘but not both’, as in this case, A and B
are mutually exclusive events. A or B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9}
g Neither A nor B = {5, 7}

6 The numbers 1 to 9 are written on cards, the cards shuffled and

S 1
one card is selected at random. The outcomes for this experiment A B
and events A and B are shown in the Venn diagram. A is the event 3 6
‘a multiple of 4’ and B is the event ‘a multiple of 3’. List the set of
8 9
outcomes for the following events.
a A b not A c B d not B 2 5 7
e A and B f A or B g neither A nor B

This Venn diagram shows the sports played by a class of students. How many students:
a are in the class?
b play tennis and soccer? Tennis Soccer
c play tennis?
d play soccer? 6 5 9
e play tennis or soccer or both?
f play tennis or soccer but not both? 10
g play neither tennis nor soccer?
h play tennis but not soccer?
i play soccer but not tennis?

a Number in class = 6 + 5 + 9 + 10 = 30

b Tennis and soccer = 5 Note that the number of students, not

the individual students, is shown.
c Tennis = 6 + 5 = 11
d Soccer = 9 + 5 = 14
e Tennis or soccer or both = 6 + 5 + 9 = 20
f Tennis or soccer but not both = 6 + 9 = 15
g Neither tennis nor soccer = 10
h Tennis but not soccer = 6
i Soccer but not tennis = 9

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7 This Venn diagram represents the number of students in a class S
who made the school swimming and athletics teams. Swimming Athletics
a How many students are in the class?
4 2 6
b How many students made:
i both the swimming and athletics teams?
ii the swimming team? 17
iii the athletics team?
iv the swimming team or the athletics
team or both?
v the swimming team or the athletics
team but not both?
vi neither the swimming team nor the
athletics team?
vii the swimming team but not the
athletics team?
viii the athletics team but not the
swimming team?

In a class of 30 students, 16 have black hair, 11 have brown eyes
and 7 have both black hair and brown eyes. X Y
a Complete the Venn diagram representing this information,
x w y
where X is the event ‘black hair’ and Y is the event ‘brown eyes’.
Note that the number of students, not the individual students, is
shown in each region of the diagram. z
b How many students:
i do not have black hair? ii do not have brown eyes?
iii have black hair or brown eyes or both? iv have black hair or brown eyes but not both?
v have neither black hair nor brown eyes? vi have black hair but not brown eyes?
vii have brown eyes but not black hair?

a There are 7 students with both black hair and brown eyes so w = 7.
This number is placed in the intersection of the circles. X Y
There is a total of 16 students with black hair so x + 7 = 16.
9 7 4
There is a total of 11 students with brown eyes so y + 7 = 11.
∴y=4 10
There is a total of 30 students in the class so x + w + y + z = 30.
9 + 7 + 4 + z = 30 ∴ z = 10

b Number of students who:

i do not have black hair = 4 + 10 =14
ii do not have brown eyes = 9 + 10 = 19
iii have black hair or brown eyes or both = 9 + 7 + 4 = 20
iv have black hair or brown eyes but not both = 9 + 4 = 13
v have neither black hair nor brown eyes = 10
vi have black hair but not brown eyes = 9
vii have brown eyes but not black hair = 4

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8 In a class of 29 students, 13 have black hair, 10 have brown eyes and
5 have both black hair and brown eyes. X Y
a Complete the Venn diagram representing this information, where
x w y
X is the event ‘black hair’ and Y is the event ‘brown eyes’.
Note that the number of students, not the individual students, is
shown in each region of the diagram. z
There are 5 students with both black hair and brown eyes so
w = ___. This number is placed in the intersection of the circles.
There is a total of 13 students with black hair so x + 5 = ___.
∴ x = ___
There is a total of 10 students with brown eyes so y + 5 = ___.
∴ y = ___
There are 29 students in the class so x + 5 + y + z = ___.
___+ ___ + ___ + z = ___
∴ z = ___
b The number of students who:
i do not have black hair = ___
ii do not have brown eyes = ___
iii have black hair or brown eyes or both = ___
iv have black hair or brown eyes but not both = ___
v have neither black hair nor brown eyes = ___
vi have black hair but not brown eyes = ___
vii have brown eyes but not black hair = ___

9 In a group of 25 males, 13 play basketball, 11 play football and

6 play both basketball and football. B F
a Complete the Venn diagram representing this information,
x w y
where B is the event ‘plays basketball’ and F is the event ‘plays
football’, by finding the numbers w, x, y and z.
b How many males: z
i do not play basketball?
ii do not play football? iii play basketball or football or both?
iv play basketball or football but not both? v play neither basketball nor football?
vi play basketball but not football? vii play football but not basketball?

10 In a class of 30 students, 12 study French, 15 study German and

5 study both French and German. F G PROBABILITY & STATISTICS

a Complete the Venn diagram representing this information,

x w y
where F is the event ‘studies French’ and G is the event ‘studies
German’ by finding the numbers w, x, y and z.
b How many students: z
i do not study French?
ii do not study German? iii study French or German or both?
iv study French or German but not both? v study French but not German?
vi study German but not French? vii do not study a language?
viii study at least one language? ix study at most one language?

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In a survey of her class Sally found that 17 students travelled to school by train, 13 travelled by bus and
6 travelled by both train and bus. There were 30 students in Sally’s class. Draw a Venn diagram to represent
this information, using T is the event ‘travels by train’ and B is the event ‘travels by bus’.

The number of students who travel by both train and bus is 6, so

6 goes in the intersection of the circles. A total of 17 students travel T B
by train, so 17 − 6 = 11 students travel by train only, so 11 goes
11 6 7
in the T circle. A total of 13 students travel by bus, so 13 − 6 = 7
students travel by bus only, so 7 goes in the B circle. There are
30 students in the class so the number who do not travel by either 6
train or bus is 30 − (11 + 6 + 7) = 6 so 6 goes outside the circles.

11 In a group of 19 people waiting at a bus stop one morning, 13 people had an umbrella, 4 people had a
raincoat and 3 people had both an umbrella and a raincoat.
a Draw a Venn diagram to represent this information, using U for the event ‘has an umbrella’ and R for the
event ‘has a raincoat’.
b How many people in this group:
i do not have an umbrella? ii do not have a raincoat?
iii have an umbrella or a raincoat or both? iv have an umbrella or a raincoat but not both?
v have neither an umbrella nor a raincoat? vi have an umbrella but not a raincoat?
vii have a raincoat but not an umbrella?

12 In a survey of a music class it was found that 9 students

played the piano, 4 played the guitar and no students played
both piano and guitar. There were 18 students in the class.
a Draw a Venn diagram to represent this information,
using P for the event ‘plays the piano’ and G for the
event ‘plays the guitar’.
b How many students:
i do not play the piano?
ii do not play the guitar?
iii play the piano or the guitar?
iv play neither the piano nor the guitar?
v play at least one instrument?
vi play at most one instrument

13 In a class of 30 students 25 passed the term mathematics test,

24 passed the science test and 23 students passed both tests.

a Draw a Venn diagram to represent this information using

M for the event ‘passed mathematics’ and S for the event ‘passed science’.
b How many student from this class:
i did not pass mathematics? ii did not pass science?
iii passed neither mathematics nor science? iv passed mathematics or science or both?
v passed mathematics or science but not both? vi passed mathematics but not science?
vii passed science but not mathematics? viii passed at least one subject?
ix passed at most one subject? x failed at least one subject?
xi failed at most one subject?

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14 In a class of 30 students 5 study Japanese, 13 study French, S
9 study German, 2 study both Japanese and French and J F G
5 study both French and German.
a Complete the Venn diagram where J is the event ‘studies
Japanese’, F is the event ‘studies French’ and G is the
event ‘studies German’.
b How many students in this class:
i do not study a language? ii do not study Japanese?
iii do not study French? iv do not study German?
v study Japanese or French or both? vi study Japanese or French but not both?
vii study French or German or both? viii study French or German but not both?
ix study Japanese or German? x study Japanese and French and German?
xi study Japanese only? xii study French only?
xiii study German only? xiv study exactly one language?
xv study exactly two languages? xvi study at least one language?
xvii study at most one language

15 The Venn diagram represents the number of girls in Year 8 S

who play netball, soccer or hockey. How many girls: Netball Soccer
a play netball? 18
21 16
b play soccer? 3
c play hockey? 14 5
d play netball and soccer?
e play netball and hockey?
f play soccer and hockey? Hockey
g play netball and soccer and hockey?
h netball or soccer or both?
i play netball or soccer but not both?
j play netball or hockey or both?
k play netball or hockey but not both?
l play soccer or hockey or both?
m play soccer or hockey but not both?
n do not play netball?
o do not play soccer?
p do not play hockey?
q do not play any of these sports?
r play netball but not soccer?
s play soccer but not netball?
t play netball but not hockey?
u play hockey but not netball?
v play soccer but not hockey?
w play hockey but not soccer?
x play exactly one of these sports?
y play at least one sport?
z play at most one sport?

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H Two-way tables
The information collected from data and surveys can also be represented in two-way tables.

The table shows the data collected from a survey of a Year 8 class.

Left-handed Right-handed
Male 2 14 16
Female 1 13 14
3 27 30

Use the table to find the number of students who are:

a in the class b male
c female d left-handed
e right-handed f male and left-handed
g female and right-handed h male or right-handed or both
i male or right-handed but not both j neither male nor right-handed
k right-handed but not male l left-handed but not female.

a 30 students in the class b 16 male students

c 14 female students d 3 left-handed students
e 27 right-handed students f 2 male and left-handed students
g 13 female and right-handed students h 29 male or right-handed students or both
i 15 male or right-handed students but not both j 1 neither male nor right-handed student
k 13 right-handed but not male students l 2 left-handed but not female students

Exercise 12H
1 The information in the table was collected from
Heavy Light
a group of athletes.
Use the table to find the number of people who are: Tall 8 9 17
a in the group of athletes Short 3 10 13
b tall
11 19 30
c short
d heavy e light

f short and light g short and heavy

h tall and light i tall and heavy
j tall or light or both k tall or light but not both
l short or heavy or both m short or heavy but not both
n neither short nor heavy o neither tall nor light
p heavy but not short q light but not tall.

336 Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

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2 The table shows the results of a survey of a group of students.
Born in Australia Born overseas
Male 87 29 116
Female 98 16 114
185 45 230

Use the table to find how many students were:

a surveyed b male
c female d born in Australia
e born overseas f male and born overseas
g female and born in Australia h male or born overseas or both
i male or born overseas but not both j neither male nor born overseas
k neither female nor born in Australia l born in Australia but not male
m female but not born in Australia.

3 The table shows data collected from a group Black hair Not black hair
of students. How many students have:
a black hair? Brown eyes 11 6 17
b brown eyes? Not brown eyes 5 8 13
c black hair and brown eyes? 16 14 30
d black hair or brown eyes or both?
e black hair or brown eyes but not both? f neither black hair nor brown eyes?
g black hair but not brown eyes? h brown eyes but not black hair?

4 The table shows the results of a survey of the way Bus Not bus
a group of employees get to work each day.
a Complete the table by finding the missing Train 8 v 11
numbers. Not train y 5 z

b How many employees travel by: x w 23

i bus? ii train?
iii bus and train? iv bus or train or both?
v bus or train but not both? vi neither bus nor train?
vii bus but not train? viii train but not bus?

5 The table shows data collected from a group of students.

Passed Mathematics Did not pass Mathematics
Did not pass English l n 6
31 p 36

a Complete the table by finding the missing numbers.

b How many students:
i passed Mathematics? ii passed English?
iii passed Mathematics and English? iv passed Mathematics or English or both?
v passed Mathematics or English but not both? vi failed both subjects?
vii passed Mathematics but not English? viii passed English but not Mathematics?

Chapter 12 Probability and Venn diagrams 337

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6 A group of students were surveyed about whether or not Soccer Not soccer
they played soccer or netball. It was found that 15 played
soccer, 16 played netball, 10 played both soccer and Netball
netball and 7 played neither soccer nor netball. Not netball
a Put this information in a two-way table like the one
shown and find the missing numbers.
b How many students:
i do not play soccer? ii do not play netball?
iii play soccer or netball or both? iv play soccer or netball but not both?
v play soccer but not netball? vi play netball but not soccer?

7 100 people were surveyed about their smoking and Drink Do not drink
drinking habits. It was found that 19 people smoked
cigarettes, 13 both smoked and drank alcohol and Smoke
15 people neither smoked nor drank alcohol. Do not smoke
a Put this information in a table like the one
shown and find the missing numbers.
b How many people:
i drink alcohol? ii do not drink alcohol?
iii do not smoke? iv smoke or drink or both?
v smoke or drink but not both? vi drink but do not smoke?
vii smoke but do not drink?

Information was collected from a group of students about the
subjects that they studied. The number of students studying H G
history (H) or geography (G) is shown in the Venn diagram.
13 5 9
Represent the information in the Venn diagram in a two-way table
like the one shown.
History Not history
Not geography

There are 13 + 5 + 9 + 4 = 31 in the group.

History Not history
13 + 5 = 18 students study history
9 + 5 = 14 students study geography Geography 5 9 14

5 study both history and geography Not geography 13 4 17

4 study neither history nor geography 18 13 31
9 study geography but not history
13 study history but not geography
13 + 4 = 17 do not study geography
9 + 4 = 13 students do not study history
Note: Once you have transferred some information from the Venn diagram it is sometimes possible to use
your knowledge of tables to complete it.

338 Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

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8 Data was collected from a group of people about whether they S
drink tea or coffee. The information is shown in the Venn diagram. Tea Coffee
a Represent this information in a two-way table like the one below.
15 5 12
Drink tea Do not drink tea
Drink coffee 3

Do not drink coffee

b Use the Venn diagram or the table to

find how many people:
i drink tea
ii do not drink tea
iii drink both tea and coffee
iv drink tea but not coffee
v drink tea or coffee but not both
vi drink neither tea nor coffee
vii at least one beverage
viii exactly one beverage
ix at most one of these beverages.

9 The people sitting in a café were surveyed about which newspaper they S
read. The number who read The Australian and The Daily Telegraph is The The Daily
Australian Telegraph
shown in the Venn diagram.
6 3 8

a Represent this information in a two-way table like the one
shown below.
Read Do not read
The Australian The Australian
Read The Daily Telegraph
Do not read The Daily Telegraph

b How many people read:

i The Australian?
ii The Daily Telegraph?
iii both The Australian and The Daily Telegraph?
iv neither The Australian nor The Daily Telegraph?
v The Australian but not The Daily Telegraph?
vi The Daily Telegraph but not The Australian?
vii The Australian or The Daily Telegraph or both?
viii The Australian or The Daily Telegraph but not both?
ix at least one newspaper?
x exactly one newspaper?
xi at most one newspaper?


12_LEY_IM8_77945_TXT_SI.indd 339 21/07/14 3:56 PM

Language in mathematics
1 Complete the following statements.
number of _____ outcomes
a Probability of an event = _______________________
number of _____ outcomes
b If an event is impossible then its probability is _____.
c If an event is certain then its probability is _____.
d The probability of any event lies in the range _____ to _____ inclusive.
e The sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes for an experiment is _____.
f The events ‘getting a 2’ and ‘not getting a 2’ are called _____ events.
g In a Venn diagram the sample space is represented by points, or the region, inside a _____ and the
outcomes favourable to an event are represented by points, or the region, inside a _____.

2 What is the complement of the event:

a selecting a blue marble? b tossing a head?

3 The Venn diagram shows the events A and B in the sample space S.
Describe in words the region where you would find the following set A B
of outcomes.
a favourable to event A
b the complement of A
c favourable to events A and B
d favourable to events A or B or both
e favourable to events A or B but not both

certain common complement complementary events equally likely
excluding exclusive or divisible favourable impossible including
inclusive or intersection outcome possible probability random
sample space shuffled theoretical Venn diagram

Check your skills

1 The numbers 1 to 7 are written on cards, the cards are shuffled and one is selected at random. The probability
that it is a number less than 4 is:
_ 4
_ 3
_ 7
A 7 B 7 C 4 D 3

2 The letters of the word DISTRIBUTION are written on cards and one card is selected at random. The

probability that the letter chosen is I is:

__ 1
_ 3
__ 1
A 10 B 4 C 10 D 3

3 If the probability of an event is 1 then the event is:

A certain B quite likely C unlikely D impossible

4 When calculating the probability of choosing at random an apple from a bag of fruit, which of the following
answers could not be correct?
__ 11
A 0 B 11 C 3 D 0.3

340 Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

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5 A roulette wheel has red, green and black slots. When spun the probability that the ball will stop in a red slot
18 18
is __ __
37 and the probability that it will stop in black slot is also 37 . The probability that it will stop in a green
slot is:
__ 1
__ 1
__ 36
A 37 B 37 C 18 D 37

6 The probability that a particular set of traffic lights is green is __
73 . The probability that the light will not be
green is:
__ 30
__ 43
__ 1
A 43 B 73 C 30 D 2

7 If a marble is chosen from a bag containing red, blue, green and white marbles, the complement of the event
‘choosing a red marble’ is:
A choosing a blue marble B choosing a blue or green marble
C choosing a blue or white marble D choosing a blue or green or white marble.
8 The probability of choosing a red disc from a box is __
23 . The probability of not drawing a red disc from the
box is:
__ 4 19
__ 23
A 23 B −__
C 23 D 4

9 A card is selected at random from a normal 52-card playing pack. Which of the following events are
mutually exclusive?
A getting a queen, getting a red card B getting a club, getting picture card
C getting a king, getting an ace D getting a red 9, getting a diamond

10 The numbers 1 to 9 are written on cards and one card is selected at random. The event ‘at least a 6’ is
equivalent to:
A 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 B 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 C 6, 7, 8 or 9 D 7, 8 or 9

11 This table shows the possible results, including the order, 1st child
when two children are born. The outcomes for the event
‘at most one boy’ are: Boy Girl
A {bg, gb} B {bg, gb, bb} Boy bb gb
2nd child
C {bg, gb, gg} D {bg, gb, bb, gg} Girl bg gg

The Venn diagram shows the number of people in a group of friends

who have brown hair and green eyes. A person is selected at random Brown hair Green eyes
from this group. Use the Venn diagram to answer questions 12 to 14.
3 1 2
12 The number of people who have brown hair and green eyes is:
A 1 B 3 5
C 5 D 6

13 The number of people who do not have brown hair is:

A 2 B 5 C 7 D 8

14 The number of people who have brown hair or green eyes but not both is:
A 1 B 3 C 5 D 6

Chapter 12 Probability and Venn diagrams 341

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The table below shows information about a Year 8 class. Use the table to answer questions 15 to 17.

Passed Mathematics Did not pass Mathematics

Passed Science 22 2 24
Did not pass Science x y 5
26 3 29

15 The missing numbers x and y are:

A 4, 1 B 19, 1 C 4, 23 D 19, 23

16 The number of students who passed mathematics but not science is:
A 2 B 4 C 33 D 26

17 The number of students who passed at least one subject is:

A 6 B 23 C 28 D 50

18 The information in the Venn diagram is to be represented in a two-way

table like the one shown. Cricket Tennis

Play tennis Do not play tennis 3 11 7

Play cricket x
Do not play cricket 2

The values of x and y are:
A 3, 7 B 14, 7 C 3, 18 D 14, 18

If you have any difficulty with these questions, refer to the examples and questions in the section listed in
the table.

Question 1–4 5, 6 7 8 9 10, 11 12–14 15–18

Section A B C D E F G H

12A Review set

1 The numbers 1 to 9 are written on cards, the cards shuffled and one is selected at random. Find the
probability that the number is:
a 7 b 7 or 8 c odd d even e less than 4

2 A bag contains 4 oranges, 3 apples and 2 bananas.

If one piece of fruit is chosen at random from the
bag, find the probability that it is:
a an apple
b an orange
c an apple or a banana
d an orange or an apple or a banana
e a peach.

342 Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

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3 A normal six-sided die is rolled. Write down an event E for which:
a P(E) = 0 b P(E) = 1

4 Red, blue and green tickets are placed in a hat. If one ticket is chosen at random from this hat, the probability
1 2
that it is red is _2 and the probability that it is blue is _5 . Calculate the probability that it is green.

5 A die is rolled. Write down the complement of these events.

a a4 b an even number c a number less than 4

6 The letters of a word are written on cards and the cards placed in a hat. When a card is chosen at random
from this hat, the probability that it is the letter E is _5 . What is the probability that it is not the letter E?

7 A coin is tossed twice. The table shows all the possible outcomes. 1st toss
a S = {_____}
b Use the table to list the outcomes for the event:
i a head and a tail, in any order ii not two heads H HH TH
2nd toss
iii at least one head iv at most one head T HT TT

8 The numbers 1 to 9 are written on cards, the cards are shuffled and one card is selected at random. State
whether the following events are mutually exclusive or non-mutually exclusive.
a selecting an even number, selecting a number > 4
b selecting an even number, selecting a multiple of 3
c selecting a number > 4, selecting a number < 4
d selecting a number > 3, selecting a number > 6

9 Numbers are written on cards, the cards are shuffled and one card is
selected at random. The outcomes for this experiment and events A A B
and B are shown in the Venn diagram. 6 2 1
a What is the number of possible outcomes for this experiment? 8
b List the outcomes for the following events.
i A ii not A 5 7 9
iii B iv not B
v A but not B vi B but not A
vii A and B viii A or B or both
ix A or B but not both x neither A nor B

10 In a class of 30 students, 15 have black hair, 12 have brown eyes and

7 have both black hair and brown eyes. X Y
a Complete the Venn diagram representing this information,
x w y
where X is the event ‘black hair’ and Y is the event ‘brown eyes’
by finding the numbers w, x, y and z. Note that the number of

students, not the individual students, is shown in each region of z

the diagram.
b How many students:
i have black hair? ii do not have black hair?
iii have brown eyes? iv do not have brown eyes?
v have black hair but not brown eyes? vi have brown eyes but not black hair?
vii have black hair and brown eyes? viii have black hair or brown eyes or both?
ix have black hair or brown eyes but not both? x have neither black hair nor brown eyes?

Chapter 12 Probability and Venn diagrams 343

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11 The table shows the data collected from a group of students about the way they get to school.
Travel by bus Do not travel by bus
Walk 83 32 115
Do not walk 44 20 64
127 52 179

How many students:

a travel by bus? b do not walk?
c travel by bus or walk but not both? d travel by bus and walk?
e neither walk nor travel by bus?

12 The Venn diagram shows information about the languages studied

by a group of students. Indonesian Japanese

10 3 8

a Transfer this information to a two-way table like the one below.
Study Indonesian Do not study Indonesian
Study Japanese
Do not study Japanese

b How many students study:

i Indonesian and Japanese? ii neither Indonesian nor Japanese?
iii Indonesian but not Japanese? iv Indonesian or Japanese but not both?

12B Review set

1 An ordinary six-sided die is thrown. Find the probability of getting:
a a6 b an even number c a number > 3
d a number between 1 and 5 e a number divisible by 3

2 A letter is chosen at random from the letters of the word MISSISSIPPI. Find the probability that the letter
chosen is:
a M b P c I d S e K

3 A spinner is divided into three equal parts coloured red, blue and green. Write down an event E for which:

a P(E) = 0 b P(E) = 1

4 When two coins are tossed the possible outcomes are exactly 2 heads, exactly 1 head or zero heads. Given
1 1
that the probability of zero heads is _4 and the probability of exactly 1 head is _2 , calculate the probability of
getting exactly 2 heads.

5 A bag contains red, blue and green marbles. A marble is selected at random. Write down the complement of
each event.
a a blue marble b a red or blue marble c not a blue marble

344 Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

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6 When a lolly is selected at random from a bag the probability that it is red is __
17 . If a lolly is chosen at random
from this bag, what is the probability that it is not red?

7 The numbers 1 to 9 are written on cards and one card is selected. List the outcomes for these events.
a at least 7 b at most 5

8 State with reasons whether the qualifiers ‘or both’ and ‘but not both’ are needed for the event ‘A or B’ if,
when a die is rolled:
a A is the event ‘an odd number’, B is the event ‘an even number’
b A is the event ‘a number < 4’, B is the event ‘a number > 2’.

9 A spinner with nine equal parts numbered 1 to 9 is spun. A is the

event ‘the spinner lands on an odd number’ and B is the event ‘the A B
spinner lands on a number > 6’. The outcomes of this experiment 1 7
5 9 8
and events A and B are shown in the Venn diagram.
Use the diagram to list the outcomes in these events.
a an odd number 2 4 6
b not an odd number
c a number > 6 d a number not > 6
e a number > 6 that is not odd f an odd number not > 6
g a number that is odd and > 6 h a number that is odd or > 6 or both
i a number that is odd or > 6 but not both j a number that is neither odd nor > 6

10 In a group of 27 students, 12 play

football, 11 play cricket and 6 play
both football and cricket.
a Construct a Venn diagram to show
this information, where F is the
event ‘plays football’ and C is the
event ‘plays cricket’.
b How many students:
i play football but not cricket?
ii play cricket but not football?
iii play football or cricket or both?
iv play football or cricket but not
v neither play football nor cricket?

11 The table shows the information collected from a group of people. PROBABILITY & STATISTICS
Have blond hair Do not have blond hair
Have blue eyes x y 13
Do not have blue eyes 4 z 15
11 17 28

a Find the missing numbers x, y and z.

b How many students have:
i blond hair and blue eyes? ii neither blond hair nor blue eyes?
iii blond hair or blue eyes or both? iv blond hair but not blue eyes?

Chapter 12 Probability and Venn diagrams 345

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12 The Venn diagram shows the information collected from a class
of students about whether they wear glasses and whether they are Wear
glasses Left-handed
3 2

Transfer this information to the two-way table below. 25

Wear glasses Do not wear glasses

Not left-handed

12C Review set

1 The numbers 0 to 7 are written on cards, the cards are shuffled and one is selected at random. What is the
probability that the number is:
a 7? b 2 or 3? c even?
d between 0 and 7? e greater than 4?

2 A card is selected at random from a normal playing pack of 52 cards. Find the probability that it is:
a the ace of spades b a king c a red 7 d a diamond
e black f red or black g a green 19

3 The numbers 1 to 5 are written on cards, the cards are shuffled and one is chosen at random. Write down an
event E for which:
a P(E) = 0 b P(E) = 1

4 A purse contains 5-cent, 10-cent, 20-cent and 50-cent coins. When a coin is chosen at random from this
1 2
purse, the probability of getting a 5-cent coin is _8 , the probability of getting a 10-cent coin is _5 and the
probability of getting a 50-cent coin is __
10 . Calculate the probability of getting a 20-cent coin.

5 A card is selected at random from a normal playing pack. What is the complement of the event:
a a red card? b a spade? c an ace?
6 On a roulette wheel, the probability that the ball will stop in a black slot is __
17 . What is the probability that it
will not stop in a black slot?

7 A normal six-sided die is rolled. Write down two events A and B that are:

a mutually exclusive b non-mutually exclusive.

8 A card is chosen from a normal playing pack. List the outcomes for these events.
a a red card and a jack b a spade and a picture card

9 State with reasons if the qualifiers ‘or both’, ‘but not both’ are needed for the event ‘A or B’ given that a
student is chosen from a class of boys and girls and A is the event ‘a boy’, B is the event ‘has red hair’.

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10 In a group of friends, some have blond hair and some have blue eyes.
This information is shown in this Venn diagram. Blond hair Blue eyes
a How many people are in this group?
b How many people: 3 2 4
i have blond hair?
ii do not have blond hair? 5
iii have blue eyes?
iv do not have blue eyes?
v have blond hair but not blue eyes? vi have blue eyes but not blond hair?
vii have blond hair and blue eyes? viii have blond hair or blue eyes or both?
xi have blond hair or blue eyes but not both? x have neither blond hair nor blue eyes?

11 In a class of 30 students, 13 students study history, 15 study geography and 7 study both history and
geography. Construct a Venn diagram to show this information. Let H be the event ‘studies history’ and G
the event ‘studies geography’.

12 a Represent the information in question 11 in a two-way table like the one below.
Study History Do not study History
Study Geography
Do not study Geography

b How many students:

i do not study history? ii do not study geography?
iii study history and geography? iv study history or geography or both?
v study history or geography but not both? vi study history but not geography?
vii study geography but not history? viii study neither history nor geography?
ix study at least one of these subjects? x study exactly one of these subjects?
xi study at most one of these subjects?

12D Review set

1 The numbers 1 to 21 are written on 21 cards. One card is selected at random. Find the probability that the
number is:
a 10 b bigger than 10 c smaller than 10 d odd
e even f a multiple of 5 g contains the digit 5 h contains the digit 1.

2 The letters of the word PROBABILITY are written on cards and one is chosen at random. Find the PROBABILITY & STATISTICS
probability that the letter is:
a B b I c R
d B or I e a vowel f K

3 A spinner is divided into three equal segments coloured red, blue and green. The spinner is spun. Write down
an event E for which:
a P(E) = 1 b P(E) = 0

Chapter 12 Probability and Venn diagrams 347

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4 Black, white and purple tickets are placed in a hat and one ticket is drawn at random. Given that the
1 1
probability of drawing a black ticket is _3 and the probability of a white ticket is _5 , what is the probability of
drawing a purple ticket?

5 A card is selected at random from a normal playing pack. Write down the complement of each event.
a a red card b a diamond

6 When a chocolate is selected at random from a box, the probability that it is a dark chocolate is 0.4. What is
the probability that it is not a dark chocolate?

7 The Venn diagram shows three events A, B and C. State S

whether these statements are true or false. A B C
a A and B are mutually exclusive.
b A and C are mutually exclusive.
c B and C are non-mutually exclusive.

8 A normal six-sided die is thrown. List the outcomes for each event.
a a number > 3 b at least 3 c a number < 3 d at most 3

9 The Venn diagram represents the way in which the students in a S

class travel to school. T is the event ‘travels by train’, B is the event
‘travels by bus’ and W is the event ‘walks to school’. How many 3
2 4
students travel to school by: 2
a train? b train only? 5 6
c train and walk? d train or walk or both?
e train or walk but not both? f bus and walk?
g bus or walk but not both? h bus and train and walk? W 2
i train but not by bus? j bus or train or both?
k none of these methods?

10 The two-way table shows the number of students in a class who study French and German.
Study French Do not study French
Study German 3 w 11
Do not study German x 13 19
y 21 z

a Find the missing numbers w, x, y and z.

b Draw a Venn diagram to represent this information, using F is the event ‘study French’ and G is the event
‘study German’.

c How many students:

i study French? ii do not study French?
iii study German? iv do not study German?
v study French and German? vi study French or German or both?
vii study French or German but not both? viii study neither French nor German?
ix study French but not German? x study German but not French?
xi study at least one of these languages? xii study at most one of these languages?
xiii study exactly one of these languages?

348 Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

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Linear equations
This chapter deals with linear equations.
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:

▶ solve simple linear equations using ▶ check solutions by substituting

inspection and concrete materials ▶ translate word problems into
▶ solve linear equations using strategies equations
such as backtracking ▶ solve equations arising from
▶ solve equations by algebraic methods substitution into formulas.

NSW Syllabus references: S4 N&A Equations

Outcomes: MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA4-3WM, MA4-10NA

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Diagnostic test
1 Simplify 4a + 8a − 3a. 11 Expand and simplify 4(p + 3) − 2(p − 5).
A 6a 3
B 9a A 6p − 2 B 2p − 2
C 12a2 − 3a D 9a3 C 6p + 22 D 2p + 22

2 Simplify 11p − 3 + 4p. 12 Which set below is an example of like terms?

A 15p − 3 B 15p − 3 2
A {3a, a2} B {5a2, a2}
C 7p − 3 D 7p2 − 3 C {2y, 3xy} D {4a, 4}

3 Simplify 4m − 6 − 8m + 2. 13 If m = 7 and n = 4, evaluate p if p = 2m + n.

A −4m + 8 B 4m + 4 A 31 B 7 C 10 D 18
C 4m − 4 D −4m − 4
14 If a = 6 and b = 8, evaluate E if E = ___.
4 Simplify 5 × n × 3 × n × f × n. A 24 B 43 C 21 D 34
A 15nf B 5n × 3nf
C 15fn3 D 8n3f 15 If x = −3 and y = 5, evaluate w if w = 2x − y.
A −11 B 13 C 11 D 1
5 Simplify −7g × 4h.
A −28 B −28gh 16 Which set of numbers would complete this table
C 4gh D −74gh of values?
6 Simplify ____. J 1 2 3 4
8b a 2
A 2a B __ J+3
C __ D 2ab A {4, 6, 9, 13} B {31, 32, 33, 34}
C {4, 5, 6, 7} D {5, 8, 11, 15}
5k 3k
7 Simplify ___ − ___.
11 11 17 State the rule that has been used for this table of
8k 2k
A ___ B ___ values.
11 11
2k2 8k
C ___ D ___ x 0 1 2 3 4
22 22
y 1 3 5 7 9
2a a
8 Simplify ___
+ __.
3 A y = 2x − 2 B y = 2x + 1
11a 3a
A ____ B ___ C y=x+1 D y = 3x − 2
15 8
16a 3a
C ____ D ___ 18 Write the sum of y and 7 in algebraic form.
5 15
A y−7 B y+7
9 Expand a(c − d). y
A c − ad B ac − ad C __ D 7y
C ac − d D ac − a2d
19 Write the difference between m and n multiplied
10 Expand 5(m + 7). by 8 in algebraic form.

A 5m + 35 B 5m + 7 A m − 8n B 8m − n
C m + 35 D 5m2 + 57 C 8(m − n) D 8(n + m)

The Diagnostic test questions refer to the Year 7 outcomes from ACMNA194.

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A Equations
An equation is a mathematical sentence that indicates that two expressions have the same value.
The illustration shows the equation x + 3 = 6.
x is the pronumeral or the unknown.
The solution of the equation is the value of the
pronumeral that makes the statement true.
The scale balances
By inspection, the solution to the equation x + 3 = 6 is that x = 3. as the LHS = RHS.
This value of x makes the statement true.

Exercise 13A
1 By inspection, find the value of the pronumeral in each equation.
a x + 8 = 10 b x+4=8 c x+1=5 d y−3=5
e y−1=7 f y−4=6 g m÷5=2 h m÷3=3
i m÷4=2 j 4p = 8 k 3p = 9 l 2p = 10

Example 1 shows how concrete materials can also be used to derive a solution for an equation. From the
example you can see that what you do to one side, you must also do to the other side.

Find the value of x in the equation x + 4 = 6 using LHS = RHS
this illustration. x+4 = 6

The aim is to get x ( ) by itself to find its value. x

Remove 4 cubes from the LHS and x is by itself, 6
but the scales don’t balance.

To balance the scales, 4 cubes need to be taken away x = 2

from the RHS.
The scales are balanced so the solution is x = 2.

2 Consider each illustration below.

i Explain what you would need to do to both sides to find the value of the unknown.
ii State the solution of the unknown (x).
a x+8 = 12 b x+6 = 10

c x+3 = 4 d x+1 = 7

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e x+2 = 5 f x+7 = 12

How many marbles are contained in each cup?

2 cups + 3 marbles = 11 marbles

Remove 3 marbles from both sides.

2 cups = 8 marbles
As there are 2 cups, divide each side by 2.
∴ 1 cup contains 4 marbles. =
3 Use concrete materials, cups and counters for example, to solve the following problems.
i Explain the processes of obtaining your solution.
ii State your solution.
a How many pills are contained in each bottle
of pills if three bottles of pills contain 36 pills. = 36 tablets
3b = 36
b Three boxes of oranges contain a total of 45 oranges. How many oranges are contained in each box?

c How many biscuits in each packet?

+ =
2 packets of biscuits + 5 biscuits = 21 biscuits
2b + 5 = 21
d How many lollies in each box?

+ =
3 boxes of lollies + 3 lollies = 27 lollies
3l + 3 = 27

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B Backtracking
Some equations, like those outlined in
Exercise 13A, can readily be solved by
inspection or with the aid of concrete
Backtracking is another method that
involves recognising that the variable
or unknown has been changed and then
reversing this process. First, however, to
recognise the inverse operations we have
to understand how an algebraic expression
has been built from a single pronumeral.

Use the operation shown on the arrow in the flowchart to build an algebraic expression.
+5 –5
a x b x
×5 ÷5
c x d x

+5 –5
a x x+5 b x x–5
×5 ÷5 x
c x 5x d x 5

Exercise 13B
1 Complete the following algebraic expressions.
+7 +2 +9
a x b x c x
–3 –1 –7
d x e x f x
×8 × −4 ×5
g x h x i x
÷6 ÷2 ÷ 11
j x k x l x

Use the combination of operations shown to build algebraic expressions.
×2 +5 ×4 ÷7
a x b x 4x

×5 ÷8 –2 ×3 –5 ÷4
c x d x

×2 +5 ×4 ÷7 4x
a x 2x 2x + 5 b x 4x
×5 ÷8 5x –2 5x ×3 –5
3x – 5 ÷4 3x – 5
c x 5x –2 d x 3x
8 8 4

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2 Complete the following expressions.
×6 +4 × (−9) −1
a x 6x b x −9x

×5 +2 ÷3 x –8
c x 5x d x
÷ (−7) x +5 ÷ 10 x –4
e x
f x
×2 +7 ÷6 ×5 −9 ÷2
g x 2x 2x + 7 h x 5x 5x − 9
× (−4) −1 ÷7 ×6 −5 ×2
i x −4x −4x − 1 j x 6x 6x − 5
×2 +7 × (−5)
k x 2x 2x + 7
× (−8) +1 × (−3) ÷4
l x −8x −8x + 1 −3(−8x + 1)

Use arrows to show how the following expressions have been built from the pronumeral x.
−4(x + 2)
a 7x b −3x + 4 c _________

×7 × (−3) +4
a x 7x b x −3x −3x + 4

+2 × (−4) ÷3 −4(x + 2)
c x x+2 −4(x + 2)

3 Use arrows to show how the following expressions were built from the pronumeral x.
a 3x b x+5 c x−8 d −6x e x−9
__ x
f 2
g x + 10 h ___
i 5x + 12 j −3x − 1
___ x x−8 x + 10 5x − 2
k −4
+2 l __5 + 9 m _____
n ______
o ______
3x + 7
p 10
q 4(x − 6) r −5(x + 3) s 9(2x + 7) t −6(4x − 6)
3(x − 6)
________ −9(x + 2) 7(3x − 5) −4(2x − 8) 5(x + 1)
u 5
v _________
w _________
x __________
y ________

When solving equations, we need to reverse the steps or So addition and subtraction are inverse
do the inverse of the operations to find the value of the operations. Multiplication and division
are also inverse operations.
single pronumeral.

Write the inverse operation to get back to x.
a x+5 b x−5 c 5x d __5

−5 +5
a x+5 x b x−5 x
Inverse of + 5 is − 5. Inverse of − 5 is + 5.
c 5x ÷5
x d 5x × 5 x

Inverse of × 5 is ÷ 5. Inverse of ÷ 5 is × 5.

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4 Complete the following by performing the inverse operations to get back to x.
a x+4 x b x+6 x

c x+9 x d x−5 x

e x−3 x f x − 11 x

g 2x x h −9x x

7x x x
i j x
x x
k x l x
3 −4

m 6x + 2 6x x n −3x − 1 −3x x

o 7x + 10 7x x x x
p –8 5
x x x x
q 2+ 3
x r +1 x
3 11 11

s 3x + 2 3x + 2 3x x t 11 + 2x 11 + 2x x
9 8

u −4x − 6 −4x − 6 −4x x

3(x + 7)
v 3(x + 7) x+7 x

w −2(5x − 10) −2(5x − 10) 5x − 10 5x x


5 Show each step required to get from the following expressions back to x.
a 12x b x−8 c x + 11 d __5
e 4x − 10 f −9x g ____
h 15 − 8x
2x x x
i −x + 1 j 3 + ___
k __4 − 1 l 5 − __
x−9 10 − x 11 − 4x 3x + 6
m _____
n ______
o _______
p ______
q 2(x + 14) r −3(x − 18) s −2(2x + 6) t 9(3x − 1)
7(x + 4) −4(x − 8) 4(5x + 7) −3(2x − 9)
u ________
v _________
w _________
x __________

Now that we understand how to build expressions and can do inverse operations on expressions to get back to a
single pronumeral, we can solve equations using backtracking techniques.


Solve 4x − 3 = 17 by backtracking.

First build the equation. ×4 −3

x 4x 4x − 3
Then do the inverse operation. ÷4 +3
5 20 17
The value of x is 5.

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6 Complete each diagram to solve the given equations by using backtracking.
a 3x + 5 = 26 b 2x − 8 = 20
×3 +5 ×2 −8
x 3x 3x + 5 x 2x − 8
21 26 20
c 4m − 12 = 40 d 6y + 8 = 62
m 4m 6y
40 62
2p 5w
e ___
−1=3 f ___
+ 7 = 17
×2 ÷3 −1 ÷8
p w
3 17
g 6(d + 4) = 54 h 5(2a − 3) = 35
d a 5(2a − 3)
54 35

7 Solve the following equations by backtracking.

a 4m + 8 = 52 b 3d − 12 = 84 c 5x + 19 = 64
3y 2a
d 8p − 6 = 26 e ___
+ 7 = 13 f ___
+ 10 = 20
3a + 14 4d − 8
g _______
=7 h ______
= 12 i 7(2p + 3) = 126

C Maintaining balance
The balance of an equation can be likened to the balance of a set of scales. Changing one side of the equation
without doing the same to the other will upset the balance.
To maintain the balance, the same operation must be carried
out on each side of the equation.

The following diagrams show that balance is maintained if each side of the equation or scale is treated in the
same way.

Add 1 Subtract 4

Multiply by 2 Divide by 3

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Balance can be maintained if we:
• add the same amount to both sides
• subtract the same amount from both sides
• multiply both sides by the same amount
• divide both sides by the same amount.
Remember, when we are solving equations we are trying to determine the value of the pronumeral that makes
the equation true. To do this we must use inverse operations to work back to the pronumeral, as you did in
Exercise 13B.

Solve the following one-step equations by using inverse operations to balance the scales.
a n + 7 = 13 b p−5=2 c 3x = 27 d __ = 8

a n + 7 = 13 Equals signs should be

n + 7 − 7 = 13 − 7 Subtract 7 from both sides. underneath each other
when solving equations.
Check: LHS = n + 7 = 6 + 7 = 13
b p−5=2
p−5+5=2+5 Add 5 to both sides.
Check: LHS = p − 5 = 7 − 5 = 2
c 3x = 27
3x 27
___ = ___ Divide both sides by 3.
3 3
x =9
Check: LHS = 3x = 3 × 9 = 27
d =8

__ × 6 = 8 × 6 Multiply both sides by 6.
R = 48
R 48
Check: LHS = __ = ___ = 8
6 6

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Exercise 13C
1 Solve each of the following one-step equations.
a x + 11 = 17 b t + 8 = 15 c w + 9 = 21
d h + 5 = 13 e 26 + d = 32 f 31 + q = 47
g m − 5 = 11 h c − 9 = 17 i l − 13 = 29
j k−4=9 k a − 16 = 30 l b − 22 = 36
m 5y = 40 n 3z = 48 o 11p = 55
p 7a = 84 q 84 = 12m r 63 = 9z
f k s
s __4 = 13 t ___
=9 u __6 = 10
v y n
v __3 = 7 w 3 = ___ x 4 = ___
12 17

Solve the following one-step equations involving negative integers.
a 7 − y = −5 b −2k = 8 c x − (−3) = 11

a 7 − y = −5
7 − y − 7 = −5 − 7 Subtract 7 from both sides.
−y = −12
(−y) × −1 = (−12) × −1 Multiply both sides by −1.
y = 12
Check: LHS = 7 − y = 7 − 12 = −5
b −2k = 8
−2k ___
____ 8
= Divide both sides by −2.
−2 −2
k = −4
Check: LHS = −2k = −2 × −4 = 8
∴ LHS = RHS Remember:
c x − (−3) = 11 There is a 1 outside the brackets.
x − 1(−3) = 11 A negative number multiplied by a negative
x + 3 = 11 number results in a positive number.

x + 3 − 3 = 11 − 3 Subtract 3 from both sides.

Check: LHS = x − (−3) = 8 − (−3) = 8 + 3 = 11

2 Solve the following one-step equations involving negative integers.

a x+6=4 b d+7=2 c f + 13 = −8
d 15 + q = −5 e h + (−8) = −2 f j − (−4) = −5
g a − 5 = −9 h y − 7 = −11 c − 8 = −1

j g − 6 = −6 k l − (−1) = 4 l −3 − k = 10
m 10w = −3 n 7h = −5 o 4q = −7
p −5m = 40 q −3d = 18 r −2n = −20
b e r
s __4 = −2 t __3 = −5 u __6 = −6
−d −k v
v ___ = 10 w ___ = 4 x ___
2 8

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Substitute to determine whether the value of x given is a solution to the equation.
a x + 15 = 48; x = 33 b −4m = 28; x = 7

a LHS = x + 15 b LHS = −4m

= 33 + 15 = −4 × 7
= 48 = −28
So x = 33 is a solution. So x = 7 is not a solution.

3 Substitute to determine whether the value of the pronumeral given is a solution to the equation.
a q + 15 = 33; q = 18 b w + 29 = 44; w = 15
c 10 + k = 52; k = 32 d 42 + r = 50; r = −6
e m − 18 = 7; m = 28 f d − 23 = 11; d = 34
g 32 − n = 41; n = 9 h 28 − k = 16; k = −12
i 9b = 162; b = 14 j 7a = 49; a = 7
k −4l = 3; l = − 4 l −5p = 80; p = 16
c t
m __5 = 12; c = 60 n __4 = −_12 ; t = −2
y x
o ___
= −3; y = 39 p ___
= −8; x = −168

Solve the following two-step equations.
a 4a + 8 = 20 b 5 − 2q = 14

a 4a + 8 = 20
4a + 8 − 8 = 20 − 8 Subtract 8 from both sides.
4a = 12
4a 12
___ = ___ Divide both sides by 4.
4 4
Check: LHS = 4a + 8
= 4 × 3 + 8 = 20
When you check your answer you
∴ LHS = RHS must show that the left-hand side is
b 5 − 2q = 14 equal to the right-hand side.
5 − 2q − 5 = 14 − 5 Subtract 5 from both sides.
−2q = 9
−2q ___
____ 9
= Divide both sides by −2.
−2 −2

q = −4_2
Check: LHS = 5 − 2q
= 5 − 2 × − 4_2 = 5 + 9 = 14

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4 Solve the following two-step equations showing all working.
a 7k + 9 = 44 b 3d + 6 = 48 c 17 + 4c = 29
d 8 + 11b = 63 e 5m − 4 = 11 f 12q − 22 = 86
g 32 − 3f = 14 h 25 − 5k = 20 i 58 = 26 + 8a
j 97 = 13 + 12n k 3 = 11 − 2s l 15 = 36 − 7g
m 12 − y = −15 n −7 − m = −24 o 18 − x = −3

5 Solve the following equations. (Answers are not whole numbers.)

a 2p + 12 = 21 b 7d + 8 = 19 c 4f + 25 = 52
d 9q + 6 = 39 e 11a − 10 = 14 f 13k − 4 = 11
g 5l − 17 = 6 h 14w − 20 = 15 i 1 + 8c = 5
j 12 + 5n = 13 k 37 + 12f = 65 l 16 + 3l = 33
m 8 − 2a = 27 n 29 − 6y = 51 o 13 − 4b = 36

Solve the following two-step equations.
3x 2
a ___
=8 b −__5 y = 11

a =8
4 × ___ = 8 × 4 Multiply both sides by 4. Multiply each side of the
equation by the denominator.
3x = 32
3x ___
___ 32
= Divide both sides by 3.
3 3
x = 10_3
Check: LHS = ___
2 32
10_3 3 × __ 32
= 3 × ____= ______ = ___ = 8
4 4 4
b −__ y = 11
5 × −__y = 11 × 5 Multiply both sides by 5.
∴ −2y = 55
−2y ___
____ 55
= Divide both sides by −2.
−2 −2
y = −27_2
Check: LHS = −__ y

2 2 55
= −__ × −27_2 = −__ × −___ = 11
5 5 2

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6 Solve the following equations.
2x 5d 4a 8p
a ___
=2 b ___
=4 c ___
=3 d ___
6k 7l 10q 3m
e ___
= −9 f __
= −6 g ____
= −2 h ___
= −8
5 9 8 4
i __8t = 7 j ___
x=3 k __9y = 4 l __7n = 7
9 2 10 7
m −___a = 8 n −__5w = 6 o −___f = 5 p −__c = 9
10 11 8

Solve the following equations.
p−6 2d + 8
a _____ = 5 b ______

a =5 Notice that there are two
parts to these equations.
4 × _____ = 5 × 4 Multiply both sides by 4.
p − 6 = 20
p − 6 + 6 = 20 + 6 Add 6 to both sides.
∴ p = 26
p − 6 26 − 6 20
Check: LHS = _____ = ______ = ___ = 5
4 4 4
2d + 8
b =7
2d + 8
3 × ______ = 7 × 3 Multiply both sides by 3.
2d + 8 = 21
2d + 8 − 8 = 21 − 8 Subtract 8 from both sides.
2d = 13
2d 13
___ = ___ Divide both sides by 2.
2 2
∴ d = 6_2
_ 1
2d + 8 2 × 6 2 + 8 13 + 8 21
Check: LHS = ______ = __________ = ______ = ___ = 7
3 3 3 3

7 Solve the following equations.

x+7 p+3 d+5 c−4
a _____
=6 b _____
=4 c _____
=9 d _____
= 11
y−9 a − 10 4b + 2 2m + 6
e _____ =8 f ______ =2 g ______ =5 h _______ =7

4 6 2 4
5n + 8 5k − 1 7c − 3 9w − 3
i ______
= 11 j ______
=6 k ______
=3 l _______
= 12
d+9 3m − 7 5 − 2d 7 − 3d
m _____
= −3 n _______
= −2 o ______
= −3 p ______
= −7
3x + 1 5x − 11 8 − 3x 4p − 5
q ______
= 10 r _______
= −1 s ______
= −2 t ______
= −5

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Investigation 1 One-to-one matching of terms
One-to-one matching of terms requires the equation on both sides of the equals sign to be broken down. Similar
parts from both sides are removed and the remaining parts are the solution.

Consider the example below.

3x + 1 = 2x + 3
becomes x+x+x+1=x+x+2+1 Remove similar parts.
remaining part x=2

1 Use one-to-one matching as the technique for solving the equations below. Show all your working.
a 5x + 4 = 4x + 7 b 8p + 9 = 7p + 2
c 9m − 6 = 8m − 4 d 10d − 11 = 9d + 5
e 6d + 4 = 5d − 6 (Hint: 4 − 10 = −6) f 5x + 8 = 4x − 12 (Hint: 8 − 20 = −12)
g 7a + 3 = 6a − 7 h 12y − 10 = 11y + 5
i 3h − 6 = 2h − 5 j 11 − 8p = 10 − 9p
k 2g − 14 = g + 6 l 5 − 11w = −4w − 6

2 Does one-to-one matching work for all equations? Try to solve the following equations using the technique
of one-to-one matching.
3x − 5 ______
2x − 6
a ______
= b 7x − 8 = 3x + 12

3 What are the difficulties experienced when using this strategy to solve equations?

D Equations with pronumerals on

both sides

When solving equations with pronumerals on both sides of the equals sign, it is important to collect:
• the pronumerals on one side
• the numerals on the other side.
This is done by adding or subtracting pronumerals and numbers, as shown in Example 1.

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Solve these equations. Remember to keep
a 4x + 7 = 6x + 3 b 7y − 2 = 13 + 4y the balance.

a 4x + 7 = 6x + 3
4x + 7 − 6x = 6x + 3 − 6x Subtract 6x from both sides.
−2x + 7 = 3
−2x + 7 − 7 = 3 − 7 Subtract 7 from both sides.
−2x = −4
−2x ___
____ −4
= Divide both sides by −2.
−2 −2
x =2
Check: Substitute x = 2 into 4x + 7 = 6x + 3
4×2+7 =6×2+3
15 = 15 ∴ LHS = RHS
b 7y − 2 = 13 + 4y
7y − 2 − 4y = 13 + 4y − 4y Subtract 4y from both sides.
3y − 2 = 13
3y − 2 + 2 = 13 + 2 Add 2 to both sides.
3y = 15
3y ___
___ 15
= Divide both sides by 3.
3 3
Check: Substitute y = 5 into 7y − 2 = 13 + 4y.
7 × 5 − 2 = 13 + 4 × 5
33 = 33 ∴ LHS = RHS

Exercise 13D
1 Solve the following equations showing all steps.
a 5a + 8 = 3 + 6a b 3q + 11 = 3 + 4q c 6b + 10 = 16 + 4b
d 9y + 2 = 10y − 5 e 2f + 9 = 3f − 15 f h + 7 = 4h − 5
g 3−x=x+7 h 3d − 4 = 5d + 2 i 4 − 2r = 3 − r
j 5w + 2 = 2w + 14 k 3s + 7 = 11 − s l 5 + y = 8 − 2y
m 2x − 3 = x + 6 n 5b − 9 = 1 + 6b o 3j − 5 = 7 − j
p 5 + 2p = 11 − p q 3d − 5 = 5d + 9 r 2a + 5 = 9 − 2a

Substitute to determine whether the value of x given is a solution to the equation.
a 2x − 5 = 10 − 3x; x = 3 b 5x + 2 = 2x − 7; x = 2

a LHS = 2x − 5 b LHS = 5x + 2
=2×3−5=1 = 5 × 2 + 2 = 12
RHS = 10 − 3x RHS = 2x − 7
= 10 − 3 × 3 = 1 = 2 × 2 − 7 = −3
So, x = 3 is a solution. So, x = 2 is not a solution.

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2 Substitute to determine whether the value of the pronumeral given is a solution to the equation.
a 3x + 9 = 4 − 2x; x = −1 b 7q − 5 = 3 − q; q = 2
c 15 − 2y = 6 + y; y = 3 d 2x − 3 = 7 − 4x; x =_53
e 5x − 7 = 3 + x; x = 3_12 f 8k + 6 = 2k − 2; k = −1_13

3 Solve the following equations. Check your answer by substituting the solution into the equation.
a 8x + 7 = 4x − 2 b d − 3 = 5d + 7 c 3 + q = 17 + 4q
d 15 − 3c = 2 − c e 11w − 7 = 5w + 12 f 3g − 5 = 14 − 2g
g 7k = 15 − 3k h 5k = 2k + 1 i 6l = 5 − 2l
j x − 3 = 7x + 5 k 4a − 2 = a − 6 l 12 − 5b = 3b − 6

E Equations with grouping symbols

If an equation contains grouping symbols:
• expand the grouping symbols
• then solve the equation.

Expand the grouping symbol, then solve the equation.
a 4(x + 7) = 38 b 5(3d − 2) = 62

a 4(x + 7)
= 38
4x + 28
= 38 Remember to always do
4x + 28 − 28
= 38 − 28 Subtract 28 from both sides. the same thing to both
sides of the equation.
= 10
= ___ Divide both sides by 4.
4 4
x = __ or 2_2
b 5(3d − 2) = 62
15d − 10 = 62
15d − 10 + 10 = 62 + 10 Add 10 to both sides.
15d = 72
15d ___
____ 72
= Divide both sides by 15.
15 15
d = ___ or 4_5

Exercise 13E

1 Expand the grouping symbols, then solve each equation.

a 6(x + 1) = 24 b 8(t + 10) = 89 c 4(l + 6) = 28
d 2(n + 4) = −14 e 12(2 + e) = −58 f 9(8 + r) = 54
g 4(m − 5) = 15 h 7(p − 2) = 35 i 11(c − 9) = 36
j 6(f − 12) = 74 k 5(8 − t) = −18 l 13(4 − w) = −51

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2 Solve each equation.
a 6(2a + 1) = 90 b 2(5m + 8) = 66 c 11(3q + 4) = 77
d 7(5b + 9) = 52 e 3(6p + 7) = 147 f 5(11w + 2) = 186
g 4(3 + 3c) = −48 h 10(4n − 8) = −160 i 11(2 + 5d) = 132
j 7(4 − 5x) = 13 k 12(5 − 2y) = 40 l 6(2 − 4w) = 96

Expand the grouping symbols, then solve the equation. Remember when multiplying and dividing
a −8(x + 9) = 8 by positive numbers and negative numbers:
• if the signs are the same the result is positive
b −5(3m − 5) = −20
• if the signs are different the result is negative.

a −8(x + 9) = 8
−8x − 72 = 8
−8x − 72 + 72 = 8 + 72 Add 72 to both sides.
−8x = 80
−8x ___
____ 80
= Divide both sides by −8.
−8 −8
x = −10
b −5(3m − 5) = −20
−15m + 25 = −20
−15m + 25 − 25 = −20 − 25 Subtract 25 from both sides.
−15m = −45
−15m −45
______ = ____ Divide both sides by −15.
−15 −15
m =3

3 Expand the grouping symbols then solve the following equations.

a −2(p + 7) = −4 b −3(a − 1) = −18 c −4(d + 6) = 16
d −8(m − 3) = 32 e −6(r − 5) = 42 f −10(x + 7) = −100
g −9(f + 11) = −54 h −11(q − 2) = 66 i −3(2m + 4) = −6
j −5(4d − 9) = 5 k −8(6 + 3a) = −24 l −7(8 − 2m) = −14

F Substituting into a formula (extension)

Formulas contain more than one pronumeral. Like equations, the aim is to determine the value of an ‘unknown’
pronumeral. To do this, we need to know the values of the other pronumerals so that the values can be
substituted into the given formula.


a The area of a rectangle is A = lb. Find A if l = 6 cm and b = 3 cm.

b The circumference of a circle is C = 2πr. Find C if π = 3.14 and r = 5 cm.

a A = lb b C = 2πr
=6×3 = 2 × 3.14 × 5
∴ A = 18 cm2 ∴ C = 31.4 cm

Chapter 13 Linear equations 365

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Exercise 13F
All measurements of length for this exercise are in centimetres.
1 The area of a rectangle is A = lb. Find the value of A when:
a l = 7, b = 5 b l = 9, b = 2
c l = 11, b = 6 d l = 3_12 , b = 7
e l = 4.5, b = 8.4 f l = 7.8, b = 6.3
2 The area of a triangle is A = ___. Find the value of A when:
a b = 5, h = 9 b b = 3, h = 11
c b = 10, h = 8 d b = 3.7, h = 4
e b = 10 _12 , h = 2 f b = 11.3, h = 6.2

3 The area of a trapezium is A = _12 h(a + b). Find the value

of A when:
a h = 5, a = 2, b = 4
b h = 7, a = 6, b = 2
c h = 11, a = 5_12 , b = 6_12
d h = 8.6, a = 9.2, b = 3.4

4 The area of a circle is A = πr 2. Use the approximation to π of 3.14 to calculate the value of A given that r is:
a 3 b 9.6 c 12.4 d 7

5 Given the formula y = mx + b, find y when:

a m = 8, x = 12, b = 9 b m = −8, x = 6, b = 4
c m = −7, x = _
4, b=2 d m = −6.8, x = _25 , b = −9
6 Given the formula c = √a2 + b2 , find c correct to 2 decimal places when:
a a = 4, b = 6 b a = 11, b = 8
c a = 2_12 , b = 9 d a = 7.8, b = 2.3

7 Given the formula C = _59 (F − 32), where C is degrees Celsius

and F is degrees Fahrenheit, find C when F is:
a 10 b 8
c 15 d 18

8 Given the formula F = 32 + _95 C, where F is degrees Fahrenheit

and C is degrees Celsius, find F when C is:
a 5 b 20

c 11 d 8

9 Given the formula d = st, where d is distance, s is speed and t is

time, find the value of d when:
a s = 9, t = 12 b s = 7.2, t = 5_14
c s = 0.4, t = 11.6

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10 The average of three numbers is found using the formula A = _________
. Calculate the value of A when:
a a = 1, b = 7, c = 4 b a = 9, b = 11, c = 13
c a = 4.1, b = 5, c = 3_12 d a = 10.6, b = 9.2, c = 3.3

a Use the formula A = ___ to find the value of h when A = 10 and b = 2.5.
b Using the formula A = πr 2 find the value of r when A = 28.26 and π = 3.14.

a A = ___
10 = ____ Substitute the given values.
10 × 2 = 2.5 × __ × 2 Multiply both sides by 2.
20 = 2.5 × h
___ 2.5h
= ____ Divide both sides by 2.5.
2.5 2.5
bh 2.5 × 8
Check: LHS = ___ = _______ = 10
2 2
b A = πr 2
28.26 = 3.14 × r 2 Substitute the given values.
3.14 × r
28.26 ________
_____ 2
= Divide both sides by 3.14.
3.14 3.14
9 = r __

r = √9 (r > 0) Find the square root.

r= 3
Check: RHS = πr 2 = 3.14 × 9 = 28.26

11 The area of a rectangle is A = lb.

Find the value of b when:
a A = 54, l = 6
b A =140, l = 10
c A = 17.5, l = 7
d A = 26.4, l = 11
e A = 16.5, l = 5
f A = 114.95, l = 12.1
12 The area of a triangle is A = ___

Find the value of h when:

a A = 60, b = 12
b A = 56, b = 8
c A = 45, b = 10
d A = 38.5, b = 11
e A = 7.5, b = 3
f A = 25.6, b = 6.4

Chapter 13 Linear equations 367

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13 The area of a trapezium is A = _12 h(a + b).
a Find the value of h when:
i A = 22, a = 5, b = 6 ii A = 125, a = 11, b = 14
b Find the value of b when:
i A = 59.5, h = 7, a = 13 ii A = 46, h = 4.6, a = 9

14 The area of a circle is A = πr 2. Use the approximation of 3.14 for π to calculate the value of r given an
area of:
a 78.5 b 153.86 c 50.24 d 52.7834

15 The formula y = mx + b is given.

a Find the value of b when:
i y = 21, m = 2, x = 8 ii y = 47, m = 4, x = 7_14
b Find the value of m when:
i y = 64, x = 4, b = 12 ii y = 45.7, x = 9_15 , b = 18.1
16 Given the formula c = √a2 + b2 , find b when: ____
a c = 5, a = 4 b c = 10, a = 8 c c = 17, a = 8 d c = √146 , a = 5

17 Use the formula C = _59 (F − 32). Find F when C has the values:
a 4_49 b 10 c 15_59 d 21_59

18 Given the formula F = 32 + _95 C, find C when F has values:

a 39_15 b 51_45 c 62_35 d 122

19 Given the formula d = st, find the value of s when:

a d = 114, t = 19 b d = 748, t = 22 c d = 224.77, t = 9.1
20 Using the formula A = _________
, calculate the value of c when:
a A = 12, a = 7, b = 19 b A = 42, a = 5, b = 12

G Problem solving (extension)

Equations are extremely useful for solving problems.
A problem written in words is rewritten using numbers. To represent the ‘unknown’ quantity or number that the
problem is trying to find, a pronumeral, often x, is used.
When using equations to solve problems, follow these steps.

Method of solution
Step 1: Examine the problem. Read it carefully, perhaps two or three times.

Step 2: Select a pronumeral, usually x, to represent the ‘unknown’ quantity to be found.

Step 3: Set up an equation using the details of the question.
Step 4: Solve the equation.
Step 5: Write your answer to the question in sentence form.
Step 6: Check that your answer satisfies the conditions.

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The sum of a certain number and 15 is 38. What is the number?

Let x be the number. So, x + 15 is the sum of the number and 15. Remember ‘sum’
x + 15 = 38 means to add.
x + 15 − 15 = 38 − 15 Subtract 15 from both sides.
x = 23
So the number is 23.
Check: LHS = x + 15 = 23 + 15 = 38

Think of a number, treble it and subtract 11. The result is 25. What is the number?

Let x be the number. So, 3x is the number trebled, and 3x − 11 is the number trebled minus 11.
3x − 11 = 25
3x − 11 + 11 = 25 + 11 Add 11 to both sides.
3x = 36
3x ___
___ 36
= Divide both sides by 3.
3 3
x = 12
So the number is 12.
Check: LHS = 3x − 11 = 3 × 12 − 11 = 25

Exercise 13G
Let the unknown be x.
1 Write an equation for each number problem, then find a solution.
a The sum of a certain number and 18 is 46. What is the number?
b The sum of a certain number and 7 is −12. What is the number?
c A certain number minus 5 is equal to 19. What is the number?
d The difference between a certain number and 8 is −4. What is the number?
e The difference between a certain number and −2 is 6. What is the number?
f The product of a certain number and 3 is 108. What is the number?
g When a certain number is multiplied by 6 the result is 72. What is the number?
h When a certain number is divided by 9 the result is 2. What is the number?
i When a certain number is divided by −7, the result is −1.4. What is the number?

2 a I think of a number, double it, and subtract 3. The result is 17. What is the number?
b When the product of a certain number and 4 is added to 12, the result is 52. What is the number?
c 8 is subtracted from the product of 2 and a number. The result is −10. What is the number?
d The product of a certain number and 5 is divided by 9. The result is 10. What is the number?
e The sum of a certain number and −1 is then multiplied by 7. The result is 21. What is the number?
f Treble a certain number and subtract 12. Multiply the result by 5 and the answer is 15. What is the number?

Chapter 13 Linear equations 369

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Investigation 2 Using spreadsheets to solve equations
1 This spreadsheet can be used to solve simple linear equations.
a Solve the equation 3x − 1 = 14. In column C an IF statement is written to display correct when the
correct answer is calculated.
1 Solve the equation of the form ax + b = c.
2 a= 3
3 b= –1
4 c= 14
7 0 –1 incorrect
8 1 2 incorrect
9 2 5 incorrect
10 3 8 incorrect
11 4 11 incorrect
12 5 14 correct
13 6 17 incorrect
14 7 20 incorrect
15 8 23 incorrect
16 9 26 incorrect
17 10 29 incorrect

The table below is the formula view of the spreadsheet showing the IF statement and the formulas for the
cells. It is only necessary to type the formulas into the first row and then fill down.
1 Solve the equation of the form ax + b = c

7 0 =$B$2*A7+$B$3 =IF(B7=$B$4,“Correct”,“incorrect”)
8 =A7+1 =$B$2*A8+$B$3 =IF(B8=$B$4,“Correct”,“incorrect”)
9 =A8+1 =$B$2*A9+$B$3 =IF(B9=$B$4,“Correct”,“incorrect”)
10 =A9+1 =$B$2*A10+$B$3 =IF(B10=$B$4,“Correct”,“incorrect”)
11 =A10+1 =$B$2*A11+$B$3 =IF(B11=$B$4,“Correct”,“incorrect”)
12 =A11+1 =$B$2*A12+$B$3 =IF(B12=$B$4,“Correct”,“incorrect”)
13 =A12+1 =$B$2*A13+$B$3 =IF(B13=$B$4,“Correct”,“incorrect”)
14 =A13+1 =$B$2*A14+$B$3 =IF(B14=$B$4,“Correct”,“incorrect”)
… … … …

b Change the values in the cells B2, B3 and B4 to solve the equation 4x + 3 = 31.
c When attempting to solve the equation 5x − 3 = 42 the correct value of x does not appear. All the values
are too small. Change the value in cell A7 to get larger values. The answer will now appear.
d When attempting to solve the equation 4x + 9 = −3 all the values in column B are too large. Change the
value in cell A7 to −10 and the answer will be displayed.
e Use the spreadsheet to solve 6x − 7 = 11, 2x + 5 = 35, and 7x + 16 = −5.

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2 To solve linear equations that do not have integer solutions involves a two-step process. Solve 5x − 7 = 9.
a Step 1: Use the current spreadsheet to find the two whole numbers that the solution lies between by
finding the last value of x for which the RHS is below the value of 9 and the first above 9. This is shown
in the spreadsheet below.
1 Solve the equation of the form ax + b = c.
2 a= 5
3 b= –7
4 c= 9
7 0 –7 incorrect
8 1 –2 incorrect
9 2 3 incorrect
10 3 8 incorrect
11 4 13 incorrect
So the solution lies between 3 and 4 because 9 is between 8 and 13.
b Step 2: Modify the spreadsheet by changing the value in cell A7 to the integer solution that is just too
small, in this case x = 3. Edit the formula in cell A8 to add 0.1. This is shown in the spreadsheet below.

7 3 8 incorrect
8 3.1 8.5 incorrect
9 3.2 9 correct
10 3.3 9.5 incorrect
c The solution is x = 3.2.
d Use a spreadsheet to solves these equations: 2x − 10 = 13, 5x − 8 = 4 and 10x + 17 = 70.

3 a The spreadsheet can be modified to solve equations like 4x − 5 = −3x + 16. Here is the formula view.
1 Solve the equation of the form ax + b = cx + d.
2 a= 4
3 b= –5
4 c= –3
5 d= 16
7 0 =$B$2*A7+$B$3 =$B$4*A7+$B$5 =IF(B7=C7,“Correct”,“incorrect”)

8 =A7+1 =$B$2*A8+$B$3 =$B$4*A8+$B$5 =IF(B8=C8,“Correct”,“incorrect”)

9 =A8+1 =$B$2*A9+$B$3 =$B$4*A9+$B$5 =IF(B9=C9,“Correct”,“incorrect”)
… … … … …
b Use the spreadsheet to solve 5x − 5 = 2x + 7.
c Use the spreadsheet to solve 8x − 2 = 6x + 7. You will need to modify the spreadsheet as the solution
is not an integer.

Chapter 13 Linear equations 371

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Language in mathematics
Balance is the key to all existence
Hold a class debate on the topic ‘Balance is the key to all existence’.
• Divide the class into groups of six to eight. Halve the groups to form
affirmative and negative sides.
• Each team is to organise and prepare a written 3-minute speech per speaker.
• The class, acting as an audience, will evaluate each speaker’s speech
(content and delivery) to determine the winning team.

algebraic expression backtracking balance concrete material
inspection linear equation number line one-to-one matching
solution substitution

Check your skills

1 By inspection, state the value of the pronumeral if 5q = 40.
A 9 B 5 C 8 D 6
6 − 3n
2 Which option shows how the expression ______ is built?
−3 ×n ÷4 ×3 −6 ÷4
A 6 6−3 6 − 3n B n 3n 3n − 6
×n +6 ÷4 × (−3) +6 ÷4
C 3 3n 3n + 6 D n −3n −3n + 6

4x − 6
3 The equation ______ = 2 has been solved using x ×4
4x −6
4x − 6 ÷9 4x − 6
9 9
backtracking techniques. What are the values of parts
÷4 +6 ×9
i, ii and iii using this technique? iii ii i 2
A i 18 ii 26 iii 4_13
B i 18 ii 24 iii 6
C i 18 ii 22 iii 5_12
D i 18 ii 20 iii 5
4 State the value of w in the equation ___
= 8.
A 56 B 24 C 48 D 28

5 State the value of g in the equation 4g − 5 = 2g − 1.

A 28 B 2 C 17 D 9

6 State the value of f in the equation 6(2f − 7) = 2(4f + 8).

A 14_12 B 3_34 C 12_12 D 10_14

7 If I = ____, find I when P = $70 000, R = 8.25 and T = ___.
100 12
A $336.88 B $3368.75 C $33 687.50 D $336 875

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8 Given E = mc 2, find m when E = 175 and c = 5.
A 7 B 17.5 C 35 D 40

9 Write an equation using x as the unknown number. A certain number is subtracted from eight. When it is
divided by three the result is four.
x−8 8−x x
A _____
=4 B _____
=4 C 8 − __ = 4 D 8 − x = _43
If you have any difficulty with these questions, refer to the examples and questions in the sections listed
in the table.

Question 1 2, 3 4, 5 6 7, 8 9
Section A B C D F G

13A Review set

1 Show each step required to get from the expression 5x + 15 back to x.

2 Solve the following equations.

a x + 11 = 18 b x + 9 = −12
c 4x = 22 d −9x = 58
e 3y + 18 = 26 f 5 − 4p = −72
g 4d + 8 = 3d − 15 h 18 + 7c = 32 − 4c
i 3(m + 6) = 4(m − 1) j 8(q − 5) = −2(10 + 3q)

3 Solve the following equations.

4p 3x + 12
a ___
=9 b _______
= 13
m−8 2p + 7
c ______ = 7 d ______
p + 5 9 − 4p
e _____
= −3 f ______
= −7

4 Solve the following equations.

a 3(x − 4) = 2 b 5(3x + 2) = 9
c −3(p + 4) = 6 d −4(6 − 5p) = 2
e 3x + 5 = 7x − 3 f 7 + 2x = 5x −8

5 Is the given value for the pronumeral a solution to the equation?

a 5d + 12 = 27; d = 3 b __5 + 7 = 25; x = 3_25

6 If x = 4 and y = 7, find the value of 3x − 5y.

7 The volume, V, of a sphere is found using the formula V = _43 πr 3, where r is the radius. Find the volume of

a sphere with radius:

a 8 cm b 4.2 cm c 0.9 m

8 The formula to convert temperature measurements from degrees Celsius, C, to degrees Fahrenheit, F,
is F = _5 C + 32. Find F when:
a C = 180° b C = 15° c C = 38°

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9 Solve the following equations.
a d − 8 = 40 b x + 9 = 15 c __
= 72
d 11x = 66 e 4x − 7 = 35 f 3x − 12 = 70
g 10 + 8n = 58 h 12 − 6c = 78 i 3(2x + 1) = 3

10 Write an equation and solve this problem.

The sum of a certain number and 7 is 114. What is the number?

13B Review set

1 Show the steps required to get from the equation 15 − 4b = 35 back to b.

2 Solve the following equations.

a p − 5 = −20 b d+8=3
c 6x = −54 d −2x = −18
e 11c + 21 = 73 f 17 − 5q = −12
g −5(4n − 8) = 7(2n + 11) h 4(2 − 3c) = −2(5c + 3)

3 Solve the following equations by collecting like terms.

a 7q − 7 = 18 − 2q b −5 − 5m = 47

4 Solve the following equations.

2 − 4k w
a ______
= −7 b 13 − __ = −13
5 Solve these equations.
p−7 3x − 4
a _____
=6 b ______
x+4 7 − 3p
c _____
= −1 d ______
= −2
e 5(p − 4) = 3 f 6(3x − 5) = 7
g −4(x − 1) = 2 h −5(3 − 4p) = 1
i 5x − 4 = 3x + 8 j 4 + 5x = 12 − 3x

6 If a = −3, b = 5 and c = −2, find the value of the following expressions.

a 4a + 3c − b b ______

7 If x = −2 and y = 3 find the value of 5x − 7y.

8 Solve the following equations.

a d − 9 = 23 b x + 4 = 65 c __3 = 5
d 11x = 121 e 3x − 7 = 30 f 4x − 12 = 15
g 10 + 3n = 32 h 12 − 9c = 43 i 7(2x + 5) = 4

j 4x − 2 = x + 9 k 3(3 − 7x) = 4(x + 5) l 12 − 3(5 − x) = 9

9 The formula to convert temperature measurements from degrees Fahrenheit, F, to degrees Celsius, C, is
C = _9 (F − 32). Find C when:
a F = 248° b F = 50° c F = 32°

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10 Solve the following problems using equations.
a If a certain number is doubled the result is −8. What is the number?
b When four consecutive integers are added the result is 134. What are the integers?

13C Review set

1 Solve the following equations.
a 11n − 17 = −42 b 2(q − 7) = 18
c −(p + 5) = 3(2p + 8) d 14 − ___
= 11

2 Is the given value for the pronumeral a solution to the equation?

2 3
a −5w + 1 − 6w − 9 = −10; w = ___ b 2a − 1 + 3a − 5 − 8 = 4; a = 3__5

3 Solve these equations.

r+5 4x − 7
a _____
=3 b ______
x+5 3 − 8r
c _____
=2 d ______
= −2

4 Given x = −5 and y = 4, find the value of 4x 2 − 6y.

5 Solve the following equations.

a d − 9 = 11 b x + 4 = 14 c __3 = 2
d 11x = 77 e 3x − 8 = 12 f 7x − 12 = 19
g 14 + 3n = 23 h 23 − 4c = 11 i 2(4x + 5) = 12

6 Solve these equations.

a 4(r − 1) = 7 b 5(2p − 7) = −5
c −3(x + 5) = 9 d −7(3x − 4) = −2
e 4p − 7 = 5p + 9 f 7x + 5 = −4 − 2x

7 The surface area, A, of a cylinder is found using the formula A = 2πr (r + h) where r is the radius and h is
the height. Find the surface area of a cylinder with radius 15 cm and height 8 cm. Give the answer to the
nearest whole number.

8 The time T s for a pendulum of length L m to swing back and forth once is give by the formula T = 2π __
where g ≈ 10 m/s2. Find how long it takes for a pendulum of length 2.4 m to swing back and forth once.
9 Pythagoras’ rule is c = √a2 + b2 . Find c when:
a a = 3, b = 4 b a = 5, b = 12
c a = 15, b = 20 d a = 16, b = 12

10 Construct an equation and solve, using x as the pronumeral.

a The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 39. What are the numbers?
b Twice a certain number is subtracted from 18. The result is the same as multiplying the number by four
and adding 9. What is the number?

Chapter 13 Linear equations 375

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13D Review set
1 Solve the following equations.
a −3 − 2p = −5 b 7(2n + 15) = −33
4c 5p
c ___
+ 8 = 20 d 3 − ___ = −9

2 Is the given value for the pronumeral a solution to the equation?

a 4(p + 7) = −3(p + 10); p = 8_17 b 3m − _23 = 8; m = 2_49

3 Given x = 12 and y = −7, find the value of 6x 2 − 11y.

4 The volume, V, of a cylinder is found using the formula V = πr 2h where r is the radius and h is the height.
Find the volume of a cylinder with radius 12 cm and height 25 cm.
5 A formula for calculating the bend allowance, B in mm, of sheet metal is B = 2π R + __ × ____
2 )
where B is the bend allowance, T is the thickness in mm, A is the number of degrees in the angle of bend,
and R is the radius of curvature in mm. Find B when T = 1.5, R = 4, A = 116.

6 Solve the following equations.

a d − 5 = 11 b x + 7 = 14 c __6 = 2
d 7x = 77 e 3x − 4 = 92 f 8x − 12 = 11
g 11 + 7n = 53 h 27 − 9c = 31 i 4(3x + 5) = 13

7 Solve these equations.

m−1 5p + 8
a ______
=2 b ______
7+p 14 − 5r
c _____
=3 d _______
= −3

8 Solve these equations.

a 5(7 + r) = 2 b 6(3p − 1) = −4
c −8(x − 2) = 3 d −7(5x − 4) = 2
e 7r − 1 = 5r + 9 f 7x + 9 = −3x − 1

9 Construct an equation and solve, using x as the pronumeral.

a 4 is subtracted from a number and the result is multiplied by −8. The answer is 50. What is the number?
b 7 is subtracted from a number and the result is multiplied by 6. The answer is the same as multiplying the
number by −2 and adding 9. What is the number?

10 If I = ____ , find I when P = 8500, R = 4.25 and T = ___.
100 12

11 If T = a + (n − 1)d, find n when T = 80, a = 6 and d = 4.


12 a Given that V = IR, find V when I = 10 and R = 250.

b Given that V = IR, find V when I = 50 and R = 20.
c Given that W = Fs, find W when F = 100 and s = 12.
d Given that s = __t , find s when d = 50 and t = 10.

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Coordinate geometry
and straight lines
This chapter deals with the number plane and straight-line graphs.
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:
▶ plot points, including negative ▶ graph straight lines
numbers, on the number plane ▶ derive the equation of a straight-line
▶ plot points generated by rules and graph
patterns ▶ understand the properties of straight-
▶ find the relationship between x and y line graphs
from a graph of points ▶ graph intersecting lines and find the
▶ draw straight-line graphs from point of intersection.
practical situations

NSW Syllabus references: S4 N&A linear relationships

Outcomes: mA4-1Wm, mA4-3Wm, mA4-11NA
Number & AlgebrA – ACmNA193, ACmNA194

14_LEY_IM8_77945_TXT_SI.indd 377 21/07/14 4:40 PM

Diagnostic test
1 The missing numbers in the pattern 5 The values from a table representing a number
2, 5, __, 11, __, 17, … are: sequence are graphed on the number plane
A 9 and 15 B 8 and 14 shown below.
C 7 and 13 D 11.5 and 27.5

2 Using the rule ‘Starting with 3, multiply the

preceding term by 2 and then add 1’, the first
three terms of the number sequence will be:
A 3, 6, 12 B 3, 10, 31 Position number
C 2, 7, 22 D 3, 7, 15 The graph shows that the number sequence is:
A increasing B decreasing
3 If this geometric pattern of shapes is continued, C constant D none of these
the number of dots in the 10th shape will be:
A 10 B 100 C 20 D 50 6 The number of matches needed to build a
pattern of triangles is given by the rule:
‘Number of matches needed = 3 × number of
triangles − 1 less than the number of triangles’.
If n = number of matches needed and
4 This pattern of triangles was built using matches t = number of triangles, the rule could be
and the results were put in the table below. written algebraically as:
A n = 3t − t − 1 B n = 3t − (t −1)
C n = 3(t − t − 1) D n = 3(t − t + 1)

7 An algebraic rule to describe the number pattern

1, 4, 7, 10, …,
where x = the position number of the term
Number of triangles 1 2 3 4 5 and y = the value of the term, is:
Number of matches 3 5 7 9 11 A y=x+3 B x=y+3
C y = 3x − 2 D x = 3y − 2
Which of the following rules could have been
used to form the pattern? 8 The terms of a number sequence are given by
‘Number of matches needed = ___’ the rule u = 2n − 1, where u represents the
A 2 × number of triangles + 1 value of the term and n represents its position
B 3 ÷ (number of triangles − 1) × 2 number. The first three terms of the sequence are:
C 3 × number of triangles − 1 A −1, 1, 3 B 0, 2, 4
D 2 × (number of triangles − 1) − 1 C −1, 0, 2 D 1, 3, 5

The Diagnostic test questions refer to the Year 7 outcomes from ACMNA175 and ACMNA177.
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A Number plane review
The number plane was used in Year 7. The way of plotting points is Remember across first; that is,
across left or right, then up or down. the x-coordinate is first.

ExamplE 1
Plot the following points on a number plane.
A(3, 1), B(0, 2), C(−4, −3), D(−2, 0), E(0, 0), F(5, −3), G(−4, 4)
The point (0, 0) is called the origin.

G(−4, 4)
B(0, 2)
A(3, 1)
D(−2, 0) E(0, 0)
−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 x
C(−4, −3) F(5, −3)

Exercise 14A
1 Plot the following points on a number plane on grid paper.
a A(−3, −5) b B(2, 6) c C(5, −2) d D(6, −1)
e E(1, 1) f F(−2, −5) g G(0, 2) h H(3, 0)
i I(3, −5) j J(−3, 0) k K(4, 3) l L(4, −5)
m M(0, −2) n N(4, 4) o O(0, 0) p P(−3, −2)
q Q(4, −2) r R(−5, −5) s S(−5, 2) t T(−1, 5)

2 Write the coordinates of the points plotted on y

this number plane. 6
N 3 J C
1 I
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x
Number & AlgebrA

F−3 Z K
U −6 Y T

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3 Eight points have been plotted on this number plane. y
a Write the coordinates of the eight points. H 4 E
b Name two points with the same x-coordinates. What do A
you notice about their positions on the number plane?
c Name two points with the same y-coordinates. What do B C
you notice about their positions on the number plane?
d Name two points that have equal x- and y-coordinates. –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 x
What do you notice about their positions on the number
plane? D
–4 G

4 a Plot the points A(−3, 3), B(1, 3) and C(1, −1) on a number plane.
b If ABCD is a square, find the coordinates of the point D.

5 a Plot the points P(−4, 0), Q(−4, 5) and R(3, 5) on a number plane.
b If PQRS is a rectangle, find the coordinates of S.

6 a Plot the points A(−3, −2), B(−2, −1), C(−1, 0), D(0, 1), E(1, 2) on the same number plane.
b Join the points. What do you notice?
c What are the next three points (F, G and H) if the pattern continues?

7 a Plot the points A(5, 3), B(4, 2), C(3, 1), D(2, 0), E(1, −1) on the same number plane.
b What are the next three points (F, G and H) if the pattern continues?

8 Write the coordinates of the points on this y

number plane. The coordinates may not be 3
whole numbers.
2 O
B 1 D
–3 –2 –1 1 2 G 3 x
L –3

B Number patterns
Number & AlgebrA

Mathematics has been described as a search for patterns and relationships. An understanding of the relationships
between numbers and shapes can be used to find the solutions to many problems in everyday life. In particular,
algebra is one of the most important tools invented to communicate mathematical ideas.
An arithmetic number pattern uses only addition or subtraction.
A geometric number pattern uses multiplication or division. (It may use addition or subtraction also.)

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ExamplE 1
Consider these number patterns.
a 1, 3, 5, 7, … b 1, 3, 9, 27, …
i Describe how the pattern is being formed.
ii Write down the next three numbers in the pattern.

a i Starting with 1, each number is 2 more than the number before it. Two more means to
ii So, the next three numbers in the pattern are: add 2.
9 + 2 = 11
11 + 2 = 13
b i Starting with 1, each number is 3 times the number before it. Three times means to
ii So, the next three numbers in the pattern are: multiply by 3.

27 × 3 = 81
81 × 3 = 243
243 × 3 = 729

Exercise 14B
1 For each of the following number patterns:
i Describe in words how the pattern is formed.
ii Write down the next three numbers in the pattern.
a 2, 4, 6, 8, ___ b 4, 7, 10, 13, ___ c 27, 23, 19, 15, ___
d 30, 28, 26, 24, ___ e 90, 80, 70, 60, ___ f 3, 6, 12, 24, ___
g 2, 6, 18, 54, ___ h 3, 30, 300, 3000, ___ i 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, ___
j 128, 64, 32, 16, ___

2 Find the missing numbers in the following patterns.

a 3, 5, ___, 9, ___ b 2, 5, ___, 11, ___ c 4, ___, 10, ___, 16
d 30, 26, ___, 18, ___ e 51, ___, 47, ___, 43 f 2, 10, ___, 250, ___
g 2, ___, 8, ___, 32 h 625, 125, ___, 5, ___ i 800, 400, ___, ___, 50
j 3, ___, 300, ___, 30 000

C Building patterns
The patterns in questions 1 and 2 in Exercise 14B form sequences. Each member of the sequence is called a
term of the sequence. For example, 1, 3, 5, 7, … is a sequence of numbers.
Number & AlgebrA

Many interesting sequences are formed using a rule.

The rule for the sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, …is: ‘Start with 1 and add 2’.

1st term 2nd term 3rd term 4th term

1 1+2=3 3+2=5 5+2=7

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Example 1
Form a sequence of numbers by using each rule given. Some number patterns need
a Start with 5 and add 3. more than one operation.
b Start with 1000 and divide by 2.
c Start with 2, multiply by 3 and then add 1.

a 1st term 2nd term 3rd term 4th term

5 5+3=8 8 + 3 = 11 11 + 3 = 14
So the sequence is 5, 8, 11, 14, …

b 1st term 2nd term 3rd term 4th term

1000 1000 ÷ 2 = 500 500 ÷ 2 =250 250 ÷ 2 = 125
So the sequence is 1000, 500, 250, 125, …

c 1st term 2nd term 3rd term 4th term

2 2×3+1=7 7 × 3 + 1 = 22 22 × 3+ 1 = 67

So the sequence is 2, 7, 22, 67, …

Exercise 14C
1 Using the rule given, find the first four terms of each number sequence.
a Start with 2 and add 3. b Start with 5 and add 2.
c Start with 1 and add 4. d Start with 100 and subtract 10.
e Start with 45 and subtract 3. f Start with 50 and subtract 2.
g Start with 3 and double the preceding term. h Start with 7 and multiply by 10.
i Start with 1 and multiply by 3. j Start with 64 and divide by 2.
k Start with 2 and divide by 10. l Start with 1, multiply by 4 and then add 1.
m Start with 3, multiply by 2 and then add 1. n Start with 5, multiply by 2 and then subtract 4.
o Start with 2, multiply by 4 and then subtract 5. p Start with 7, multiply by 2 and then subtract 9.

2 If 1 L of paint covers approximately 16 ​m2​ ​, what

area could be covered by:
a 1 L? b 2 L?
c 3 L? d 4 L?
e 5 L?

3 The height of a candle decreases by

1.5 cm every hour. If the candle is
Number & Algebra

originally 10 cm high, what will be

its height after:
a 1 h? b 2 h?
c 3 h? d 4 h?
e 5 h?

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4 The cost of hiring a taxi is $5 plus $3.50 for each kilometre travelled. How much does it cost to travel:
a 1 km? b 2 km? c 3 km? d 4 km? e 5 km?

5 The time taken to roast a piece of meat is 20 min plus an extra 15 min for each __12 kg of meat. How long will
it take to roast a piece of meat that weighs:
a __
2 kg? b 1 kg? c 1__12 kg? d 2 kg? e 2 __12 kg?

D Graphing data
In Sections B and C number patterns were investigated. Each rule related to the previous term, such as add 3 or
subtract 5. However, it would be better to relate the value of the term to its position. In this section we will use
matchstick patterns to develop rules describing patterns. We will also use the number plane to show the rules in
another way. The type of data used is discrete data. It is not possible to use half a match in making a shape.

ExamplE 1
Consider this pattern of matches.

a Complete this table.

Number of pentagons 1 2 3 4
Number of matches

b Write a rule describing the number of matches required to make each pattern.
c Using x to represent the number of pentagons and y to represent the number of matches, write a set
of points describing this information.
d Graph these points on the number plane.
e Mark in the next two points and write their coordinates.

a Number of pentagons 1 2 3 4
Number of matches 5 10 15 20
Do not join the dots.
b Number of matches equals five times the number of pentagons.
c (1, 5), (2, 10), (3, 15), (4, 20)
d (6, 30)
Number of matches

(5, 25)
(4, 20)
(3, 15)
Number & AlgebrA

(2, 10)
(1, 5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of pentagons
e (5, 25), (6, 30)

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Exercise 14D
1 Consider this pattern of matches.

a Complete this table.

Number of squares 1 2 3 4
Number of matches

b Write a rule describing the number of matches required to make each pattern.
c Using x to represent the number of squares and y to represent the number of matches, write a set of points
describing this information.
d Graph these points on the number plane.
e Mark in the next two points and write their coordinates.

2 Consider this pattern of matches.

a Complete this table.

Number of triangles 1 2 3 4
Number of matches

b Write a rule describing the number of matches required to make each pattern.
c Using x to represent the number of triangles and y to represent the number of matches, write a set of
points describing this information.
d Graph these points on the number plane.
e Mark in the next two points and write their coordinates.

3 Consider this pattern of matches.

a Complete this table.

Number of hexagons 1 2 3 4
Number of matches

b Write a rule describing the number of matches required to make each pattern.
c Using x to represent the number of hexagons and y to represent the number of matches, write a set of
Number & Algebra

points describing this information.

d Graph these points on the number plane.
e Mark in the next two points and write their coordinates.

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4 Consider this pattern of matches.

a Complete this table.

Number of squares 1 2 3 4
Number of matches

b Write a rule describing the number of matches required to make each pattern.
c Using x to represent the number of squares and y to represent the number of matches, write a set of points
describing this information.
d Graph these points on the number plane.
e Mark in the next two points and write their coordinates.

Example 2
Consider this pattern of matches.

a Complete this table.

Number of triangles 1 2 3 4 5
Number of matches

b Write a rule describing the number of matches required to make each pattern.
c Using x to represent the number of triangles and y to represent the number of matches, write a set of
points describing this information.
d Graph these points on the number plane.
e Mark in the next two points and write their coordinates.

a Number of triangles 1 2 3 4 5
Number of matches 3 5 7 9 11

b The number of matches goes up by 2 as the number of triangles goes up by 1, so the formula must have
2 × number of triangles. This would give 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10, but the values in the table are 3, 5, 7, 9 and
11, so a 1 must be added. So number of matches = 2 × number of triangles + 1.
c (1, 3), (2, 5), (3, 7), (4, 9), (5, 11)
d e (6, 13) and (7, 15)
16 (7, 15)
14 (6, 13)
Number of matches

12 (5, 11)
10 (4, 9)
Number & Algebra

8 (3, 7)
6 (2, 5)
4 (1, 3)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of triangles

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5 Consider this pattern of matches.

a Complete this table.

Number of squares 1 2 3 4 5
Number of matches

b Write a rule describing the number of matches required to make each pattern.
c Using x to represent the number of squares and y to represent the number of matches, write a set of points
describing this information.
d Graph these points on the number plane.
e Mark in the next two points and write their coordinates.

6 Consider this pattern of matches.

a Complete this table.

Number of pentagons 1 2 3 4 5
Number & Algebra

Number of matches

b Write a rule describing the number of matches required to make each pattern.
c Using x to represent the number of pentagons and y to represent the number of matches, write a set of
points describing this information.
d Graph these points on the number plane.
e Mark in the next two points and write their coordinates.

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7 a Consider this pattern of matches and complete the following table.

Number of hexagons 1 2 3 4 5
Number of matches

b Write a rule describing the number of matches required to make each pattern.
c Using x to represent the number of hexagons and y to represent the number of matches, write a set of
points describing this information.
d Graph these points on the number plane.
e Mark in the next two points and write their coordinates.

8 a Consider this pattern of matches and complete the following table.

Number of houses 1 2 3 4 5
Number of matches

b Write a rule describing the number of matches required to make each pattern.
c Using x to represent the number of houses and y to represent the number of matches, write a set of points
describing this information.
d Graph these points on the number plane.
e Mark in the next two points and write their coordinates.

Example 3
The graph shows the relationship between the number of shapes y
(x) in the matchstick pattern, and the number of matches for a 18
particular matchstick pattern (y). 16
a Construct a table of data for this information. 14
b Write a rule linking x and y. 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 x
Number & Algebra

a x-value 1 2 3 4 5
y-value 5 8 11 14 17

b The x-values go up by 1 and the y-values go up by 3. So y = 3x must be part of the equation. The
y-values for y = 3x would give 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15, but the table values are 2 more, so the equation must
be y = 3x + 2.

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9 The graph shows the relationship between x, the number of y
shapes in the matchstick pattern, and y, the number of matches
for a particular matchstick pattern. 20
a Construct a table of data for this information.
b Write a rule linking x and y.
1 2 3 4 5 6 x

10 The graph shows the relationship between x, the number of y

shapes in the matchstick pattern, and y, the number of matches 30
for a particular matchstick pattern. 25
a Construct a table of data for this information. 20
b Write a rule linking x and y.
1 2 3 4 5 6 x

11 The graph shows the relationship between x, the number of y

shapes in the matchstick pattern, and y, the number of matches
for a particular matchstick pattern.
a Construct a table of data for this information.
b Write a rule linking x and y.
1 2 3 4 5 6 x

12 The graph shows the relationship between x, the number of shapes y

in the matchstick pattern, and y, the number of matches for a 14
particular matchstick pattern. 12
a Construct a table of data for this information. 10
b Write a rule linking x and y. 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 x

E Sketching graphs
Number & AlgebrA

In Section D, the values from the tables were plotted as discrete points on the number plane. As it is only
possible to draw a complete pattern, it does not make sense to join the points together. It does not make sense to
find the number of matches used to make 3_2 patterns.
There are other times when it does make sense to join the points together. A purchase of washing powder in bulk
would show whole kilograms to be purchased as well as part kilograms. Example 1 shows this.

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Example 1
Bulk washing powder is sold for $2.00 per kilogram. The following table
shows weight versus cost for various quantities of washing powder.
The number of
Weight (kg) 0 1 2 4 5 10 20
kilograms is not
Cost ($) 0 2 4 8 10 20 40 going up in ones!

a Using x to represent the number of kilograms and y to represent the cost in dollars, write a set of points
describing this information.
b Graph these points on the number plane. Draw a straight line through them. Label the axis using
equal divisions.
c Use the graph to find how much 3.5 kg of washing powder would cost.
d Use the graph to find how much washing powder could be purchased for $32.

a (0, 0), (1, 2), (2, 4), (4, 8), (5, 10), (10, 20), (20, 40) Washing powder
b Note: The line may be extended past the final point.
c Draw a line up from 3.5 on the x-axis to the graph. 36
Draw a line across to the y-axis. From the graph, the 32
cost is $7.00. 28

Cost ($)
d Draw a line across at 32 on the y-axis to the graph. 24
Draw a line down from the graph to the x-axis. 20
From the graph, 16 kg can be purchased for $32. 16

7 8
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
3.5 Weight (kg)

Note: In Example 1 it makes sense to join the points, unlike the patterns in the Measurements are usually
previous exercise. It is possible to purchase fractions of a kilogram of washing continuous variables.

powder. It does not have to be purchased in 1 kg units. Recall from Chapter 9

Section A that this type of data is called continuous.

Exercise 14E
1 Oranges are sold for $3.00 per kilogram. The following table shows weight versus cost for various quantities
of oranges.

Weight (kg) 0 1 2 4 5 10 20 Give the graph

a heading.
Cost ($) 0 3 6 12 15 30 60

a Using x to represent the number of kilograms and y to represent the

Number & Algebra

cost in dollars, write a set of points describing this information.

b Graph these points on the number plane and draw a straight
line through them.
c Use the graph to find the cost of 15 kg of oranges.
d Use the graph to find how many kilogram of oranges
could be purchased for $24.


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2 Watermelon is sold for $2.50 per kilogram. The following table shows weight versus cost for various
quantities of watermelon.

Weight (kg) 0 1 2 4 5 10 20
Cost ($) 0 2.5 5 10 12.5 25 50

a Using x to represent the number of

kilograms and y to represent the cost in
dollars, write a set of points describing
this information.
b Graph these points on the number plane
and draw a straight line through them.
c Use the graph to find the cost of 8.5 kg
of watermelon.
d Use the graph to find how much
watermelon could be purchased for

3 Cashew nuts are sold for $24.00 per kilogram. The following table shows weight versus cost for various
quantities of cashew nuts.

Weight (kg) 0 1 2 5
Cost ($) 0 24 48 120

a Using x to represent the number of kilograms and y to represent the cost in dollars, write a set of points
describing this information.
b Graph these points on the number plane and draw a straight line through them.
c Use the graph to find the cost of 4.5 kg of cashews.
d Use the graph to find how many kilograms of cashews could be purchased for $84.

4 Chocolate freckles are sold for $11.00 per kilogram. The following table shows weight versus cost for
various quantities of chocolate freckles.

Weight (kg) 0 1 2 5
Cost ($) 0 11 22 55

a Using x to represent the number of kilograms and y to represent the cost in dollars, write a set of points
describing this information.
b Graph these points on the number plane and draw a straight line through them.
c Use the graph to find the cost of 3.5 kg of chocolate freckles.
d Use the graph to find how many kilograms of chocolate freckles could be purchased for $30.
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5 Mobile telephone calls cost $1.00 per minute.
a Complete this table of values for the cost of mobile calls.
Time (min) 0 1 2 3 4 5 10
Cost ($) 0

b Write a set of points describing this information.

c Graph these points on the number plane and draw a straight line through them.
d Use the graph to find the cost of 7.5 minutes of calls.
e Use the graph to find how long someone could talk for $6.50.

6 Mobile telephone calls on another plan cost $1.20 per minute.

a Complete this table of values for the cost of mobile calls on this plan.
Time (min) 0 1 2 3 4 5 10
Cost ($) 0

b Graph these points on the number plane and draw a straight line through them.
c Use the graph to find the cost of 6.5 minutes of calls.
d Use the graph to find how long someone could talk for $10.

Example 2
The cost of hiring a car is a $10 booking fee plus $4 per kilometre.
a Complete this table of values for the car hire.
Distance (km) 0 10 20 30 40
Cost ($)

b Sketch the graph of cost per kilometre. Remember to label the axes and
c Find the cost of a journey of 25 km. use equal divisions on the scale.
d How far can you travel for $70?

a For a journey of 10 kilometres, cost = $10 + $4 × 10 = $50

For a journey of 20 kilometres, cost = $10 + $4 × 20 = $90
For a journey of 30 kilometres, cost = $10 + $4 × 30 = $130
For a journey of 40 kilometres, cost = $10 + $4 × 40 = $170
The table of values for hiring a car is: Hire car charges

Distance (km) 0 10 20 30 40 180

Cost ($) 10 50 90 130 170 160
b Plot these points and draw a straight line through them. 120
Cost ($)

c Draw a line up from 25 on the x-axis to the graph. 100

Draw a line across to the y-axis. From the graph, the 80
Number & Algebra

cost of a 25 km journey is about $110. 60

d Draw a line across at 70 on the y-axis to the graph. 40
Draw a line down from the graph to the x-axis. 20
From the graph, you can travel about 15 km for $70. 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Distance travelled (km)

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7 The cost of hiring a taxi is $5.00 flagfall and $2.50 per kilometre travelled.
a Complete the table of values of taxi hire.
Distance (km) 0 10 20 30 40
Cost ($)

b Draw a graph showing the cost of hiring the taxi.

c How much does it cost to travel 15 km?
d How far can you travel for $85?

8 The cost of hiring a taxi at night is $8.00 flagfall and $3 per kilometre travelled.
a Complete the table of costs of taxi hire.
Kilometres 0 10 20 30 40
Cost ($)

b Draw a graph showing the cost of hiring the taxi.

c How much does it cost to travel 35 km?
d How far can you travel for $50?

9 Stephanie is paid $10 appearance money per shift plus $16 per hour worked.
a Complete the table of Stephanie’s pay.
Hours 0 1 2 3 4 5
Pay ($)

b Draw a graph showing Stephanie’s pay per hour worked.

c How much is Stephanie paid for working 3.5 hours?
d How many hours must Stephanie work to earn $50?

10 Henry works as a clown. He charges $50 per party plus $50 per hour.
a Complete the table showing the cost of hiring Henry the Clown.
Number of hours 0 1 2 3 4
Cost ($)

b Draw a graph of the cost of hiring Henry the Clown.

c How much does it cost to employ Henry the Clown for 3.5 hours?
d How long will Henry work for $175?
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Investigation 1 Graphics calculator
The instructions are for a CASIO Fx 9850Gbplus.
1 Use the graphics calculator to sketch y = 2x − 3.
Step 1: Turn on the calculator. Select the GRAPH screen. F3 selects the type of graph.
Step 2: Choose F1 , which gives y =.. If any equations are left from previous work press F2 to delete.
Step 3: Type the equation y = 2x − 3 by using 2 × X,θ,T – 3 eXe .
Step 4: Press F6 to DRAW. Use F3 V-window to change the maximum and minimum values on the
axes if needed. (Press eXe to return.)
Step 5: To clear the graph press F2 DEL then F1 YES.

2 Repeat from step 3 for another graph. It is possible to draw more than one graph at a time.
Use Y2 then Y3 and so on without deleting.

3 a Sketch the graphs y = x + 3, y = −3x, y = _14 x − 4, and y = 3x − 1.

b Sketch some graphs of your own.

F Straight-line graphs
Section E showed how straight-line graphs could be used to model practical situations. The graphs were used to
answer questions. This section examines straight-line graphs without considering the practical application. The
straight lines will be extended to include negative values. Graphs are drawn from tables of values.
Note that although a straight line is defined by two points, more points are A line contains an infinite
calculated to make sure there are no mistakes. number of points.

The rules used are similar to the rules developed in Section B.

ExamplE 1
a Complete the table of values for y = x + 1.
x −2 −1 0 1 2
b Draw the graph of y = x + 1.
c Use the graph to solve x + 1 = 6. y

a When x = −2, y = −2 + 1 = −1 When x = −1, y = −1 + 1 = 0 Write the equation

on the graph.
When x = 0, y = 0 + 1 = 1 When x = 1, y = 1 + 1 = 2
When x = 2, y = 2 + 1 = 3 y
Use these values to complete the table.
x −2 −1 0 1 2 4
Number & AlgebrA

y −1 0 1 2 3 3
b Plot these points. Draw a straight line through the points, 1
extending the line past the points to give the graph of y = x + 1.
c Draw a line from y = 6 across to the graph then down to the −2 1 2 3 4 5 x
x-axis. The x-value is 5; that is, x = 5 is the solution to x + 1 = 6.

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Example 2
a Complete the table of values for y = 2x − 1.
x −2 −1 0 1 2
b Draw the graph of y = 2x − 1.
c Use the graph to solve 2x − 1 = 7. y

a When x = −2, y = 2(−2) − 1 = −5 When x = −1, y = 2(−1) − 1 = −3

When x = 0, y = 2(0) − 1 = −1 When x = 1, y = 2(1) − 1 = 1
When x = 2, y = 2(2) − 1 = 3 y
8 y = 2x − 1
Use these values to complete the table.
x −2 −1 0 1 2 4
y −5 −3 −1 1 3 2

b Plotting these points. Draw a straight line through the points, −2

1 2 3 4 5 x
extending the line past the points to give the graph of y = 2x − 1.
c Draw a line from y = 7 across to the graph then down to the x-axis. −6
The x-value is 4; that is, x = 4 is the solution to 2x − 1 = 7.

• The graph must have a heading or the equation of the line.
• The x and y axes must be labelled.
• The points are plotted and the line drawn through them.
• Arrows on each end of the line show that it extends in both directions.
• Any value may be chosen for x and the corresponding y-value calculated.

Exercise 14F
1 a Complete the table and draw the graph y = 2x + 1.
x −2 −1 0 1 2
Some of the points are provided.
b Use the graph to solve 2x + 1 = 7. y −1 5

2 a Complete the table and draw the graph y = 3x − 2.

x −2 −1 0 1 2
Some of the points are provided.
y −8 1
b Use the graph to solve 3x − 2 = 7.

3 a Complete the table and draw the graph y = 2x − 3.

x −2 −1 0 1 2
Some of the points are provided.
y −5 1
b Use the graph to solve 2x − 3 = 4.

4 Use a table to draw the graphs of the following equations.

a y=x−2 b y=x+4 c y = 2x + 4
d y = −3x + 2 e y = −x + 4 f y = 2x
Number & Algebra

g y = −4x + 3 h y = _​  12 ​x + 1 i y=3−x

5 Use the graphs from question 4 to solve these equations.

a x−2=2 b x+4=8 c 2x + 4 = −4
d −3x + 2 = −10 e −x + 4 = 7 f 2x = 7
g −4x + 3 = 5 h _​  12 ​x + 1 = −1 i 3 − x = −1

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Example 3
This graph shows a straight line. y
a Use the graph to complete this table of values. 6
x −2 −1 0 1 2 2
−2 1 2 x
b Write the rule describing this straight line. −4 The symbol ± means
The rule is of the form y = □ x ± △. −6 plus or minus.

a The table of values is completed from the graph.

x −2 −1 0 1 2
b As x increases by 1, y increases by 3. This means
that y = 3x is part of the equation of the line. y −7 −4 −1 2 5
When x = 0, y = −1, so the equation is y = 3x − 1.
To check, test another point. Test (2, 5): 5 = 3(2) − 1 = 5 ∴ The equation is correct.

This may be completed using

6 Complete a table of values and find the equation of each of these lines. a graphics calculator.

a y b y c y
4 8 8
2 6 6
4 4
−2 1 2 x 2
−2 2
−2 1 2 x −2 1 2 x
−6 −2 −2

d y e y f y
10 6 5
8 4 4
6 2 3
4 2
−2 1 2 x
2 −2 1
−2 1 2 x −2 1 2 x
−2 −6 −1
−4 −8 −2
−6 −10 −3
−8 −12

g y h y i y
8 4 10
Number & Algebra

6 2 8
4 6
−2 1 2 x
2 −2 4
−4 2
−2 1 2 x −6
−2 −1 1 2 x
−4 −8

Chapter 14 Coordinate geometry and straight lines 395

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Investigation 2 Linear relationships
1 a Using a 0.5 cm grid, draw these graphs on the same number plane.
y = 3x + 1, y = 3x − 1, y = 3x, y = 3x + 2
b What do you notice about all four graphs? Explain.
c Without plotting points, add the graph of y = 3x + 3 to your number plane in part a. Explain how you
knew what to draw.

2 a On the number plane from question 1, draw these graphs.

y = 2x + 1, y = 3x + 1, y = x + 1
b What do you notice about all three graphs? Explain.
c Without plotting points, add the graph of y = 4x + 1 to your number plane. Explain how you knew what
to draw.

3 a On another number plane draw the graphs of y = x + 1, y = −x + 1.

b What do you notice about these two graphs? Explain.
c On a second number plane draw graphs of y = x and y = −x.
d What do you notice about these two graphs? Explain.
e On a third number plane draw graphs of y = 2x + 1 and y = −2x + 1.
f What do you notice about these two graphs? Explain.
g How can you decide if a graph is increasing or decreasing based on the equation?

G Comparing equations
In Investigation 2 you found the following properties of straight-line graphs. The coefficient of x is the
number in front of the x.
1 If the coefficient of x is the same in each equation, the lines are parallel.
For example, y = 2x + 1 and y = 2x − 3 are parallel. y
y = 2x + 1
2 The constant term (the term without x) is where the line y = 2x − 3
cuts the y-axis.
For example, y = −2x + 1 cuts the y-axis at y = 1. This is
the y-intercept.
3 Lines with the coefficient of x equal but opposite in sign
have the same slope but in opposite directions. −3 −2 1 2 3 4 x
4 As we move from left to right, lines with a positive y = −2x + 1
coefficient of x have an ‘uphill’ slope. Lines with a negative −3
coefficient of x have a ‘downhill’ slope. −4

ExamplE 1
Number & AlgebrA

Explain the similarities of and differences between these lines.

y = 4x + 1, y = 4x − 3, y = 4x

These lines are all parallel because the coefficient of x is the same in all equations.
The lines cut the y-axis at different points; that is, at 1, −3 and 0 respectively.

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Exercise 14G
1 a W
 ithout drawing graphs, explain the similarities of and differences between the lines:
y = 2x + 3, y = 2x − 1, y = 2x + 1
b Draw each line to check.

2 Explain the similarities of and differences between each group of lines, giving reasons for your answers.
a y = 2x + 2, y = 3x + 2, y = −x + 2 b y = 3x + 1, y = −3x + 1
c y = 5x, y = −5x d y = −x + 2, y = −x + 1, y = −x − 3

3 This is the graph of y = 2x − 5. y

y = 2x − 5
a The graph of the line y = 2x − 3 is to be drawn on the same
number plane. Explain which aspects would be the same and
which would be different.
b Draw the graph to check. −2 1 2 3 4 x
4 Compare and contrast the graphs below with the graph of y = x + 2. −2
a y=x+1 b y = 2x + 2 −3
c y = −x + 2 d y=x −4

5 Classify the following linear equations into groups. Describe similar features and explain why each graph
is in the particular group. Graphs may be in more than one group.
y = 2x + 3, y = −3x − 2, y = 3x + 3, y = 2x − 1, y = −3x, y = −2x,
y = 4x + 3, y = 3x, y = −3x − 5, y = 2x, y = 5x − 2

Example 2
a Complete the table of values for the graph of y = x2 + 1.
x 0 1 2 3 4
b Draw the graph of y = x2 + 1.
c Draw the graph of y = 2x + 1 on the same number plane. y
d Comment on the two graphs.

a y = x2 + 1 y
y = x2 + 1
x 0 1 2 3 4 16
y 1 2 5 10 17 14
b Plot the values, drawing a smooth curve through the points. y = 2x + 1
c Draw the graph of y = 2x + 1. 8
d Both graphs have a y-intercept of 1, but y = x2 + 1 is 6
not a straight line. They intersect at the points (2, 5) and (0, 1). 4
Number & Algebra

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x

6 a Complete the table of values for the graph of y = x2 + 3.

x 0 1 2 3 4
b Draw the graph of y = x2 + 3.
c Draw the graph of y = 2x + 3 on the same number plane. y
d Comment on the two graphs.

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7 a Complete the table of values for the graph of y = x3 + 1. x 0 1 2 3
b Draw the graph of y = x3 + 1.
c Draw the graph of y = x + 1 on the same number plane.
d Comment on the two graphs.

8 The graphs y = x2 + 1, y = x2 + 3 and y = x3 + 1 are all non-linear graphs. Group the equations below into
linear and non-linear groups. Give reasons for your answer.
y = 2x − 5, y = x2 − 5, y = −x + 1, y = x3 + 4, y = 7x + 5, y = x4 + 2

H Intersecting lines
In previous sections, sometimes lines intersected and other lines did not. If two lines intersect, the point at which
they intersect is the simultaneous solution of each equation.

ExamplE 1
a On the same number plane, draw the graphs of y = x + 4 and y = 2x.
b Find the point of intersection.

a y=x+4 y
x 0 1 2
8 y=x+4
y 4 5 6 6
4 y = 2x
y = 2x
x 0 1 2
−2 1 2 3 4 5 x
y 0 2 4 −2
b The point of intersection is (4, 8). Check by substitution. −6
y=x+4 y = 2x
y=4+4=8 y=2×4=8
∴ (4, 8) is a solution to both equations.

Exercise 14H
1 a On the same number plane, draw the graphs of y = x + 3 and y = 2x.
b Find the point of intersection.

2 Repeat question 1 for each of these pairs of equations.

a y=x+1 b y=x+2 c y=x+3
Number & AlgebrA

y = 2x y = 2x + 1 y = 4x
d y=x+5 e y=x+3 f y = 2x − 2
y = 2x + 1 y = 2x − 1 y = 3x − 7

3 a On the same number plane, draw the graphs of y = 2x + 1 and y = 2x + 4.

b Is it possible to find the point of intersection of these graphs? Explain.
c What is necessary for two straight-line graphs not to intersect?

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Investigation 3 Using spreadsheets to graph straight lines
1 A spreadsheet can be used to graph equations. Use a spreadsheet to graph y = 3x − 5.
a Copy the data from the spreadsheet shown below.
b The formula for cell B7 is =$B$3*B6+$B$4 which is copied across row 7.
1 Graphing straight lines
3 m= 3 4
4 b= –5 2
5 0
–3 –2 –1 1 2 3
6 x –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
7 y –14 –11 –8 –5 –2 1 4
8 –8
9 –10
10 –12

c Change the value of m and b in the spreadsheet to graph y = 2x + 7.

d Use the spreadsheet to draw other straight-line graphs from the exercises.

2 Spreadsheets can graph intersecting lines.

a Copy the data from the spreadsheet below.
b The formula for cell B7 is =$B$3*B6+$B$4, which is copied across row 7.
The formula for cell B8 =$E$3*B6+$E$4, which is copied across line 8.

1 Graphing straight lines
2 Line 1 Line 2
3 m= 2 m= –3 14
4 b= 3 b= 5 12
6 x –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
7 Line 1 y –3 –1 1 3 5 7 9 4
8 Line 2 y 14 11 8 5 2 –1 –4 2
9 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3
Number & Algebra

12 Line 1 y
Line 2 y

c Change the value of m and b in the spreadsheet to graph other pairs of lines.

Chapter 14 Coordinate geometry and straight lines 399

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Language in mathematics
René Descartes
René Descartes, a great mathematician and philosopher, was born
in 1596. As a child he caused his father such problems that his
father is supposed to have said that he was ‘only fit to be bound
in calf-skin’. His schooling occurred in the very strict upbringing
of a Jesuit school. In fact, in the latter part of his schooling he
decided to give up study and learn by ‘travelling and observing’.
One of Descartes’ most famous writings is called the Discourse
on Method. This was originally written in French and is
considered to have greatly influenced philosophical thought. One
of his main rules was ‘never to accept anything as true which I do
not clearly and distinctly see to be so’.
Descartes’ greatest claim to fame as a mathematician is that he
is credited with the idea of representing points by using ordered
number pairs on coordinate axes. Such a plane of numbers has
been called the Cartesian plane, from his name.
Recently, it has been pointed out that Descartes may not have been the first to use coordinates. However, there
is little doubt that he was the first to:
• use x for unknown variables
• use index notation
• prove the impossibility of trisecting angles using a compass and ruler only.
Descartes died in 1650 as a result of pneumonia. He was buried in Sweden, a Protestant country, in a graveyard
usually saved for non-baptised children. His body was moved to Paris and reburied in 1667.

Read this article about the French mathematician René Descartes and then answer the questions.
1 How old was Descartes when he died?

2 Describe the way in which Descartes wanted to learn.

3 What was his greatest claim to fame?

4 a What was his main rule?

b Rewrite this in your own words.

5 For how many years was he buried before being relocated to Paris?

6 Write a three-sentence summary of the article.

7 List three mathematical concepts introduced by Descartes.

Number & Algebra

coefficient constant term continuous variable coordinates curve
data discrete data equation graph grid reference
intercept intersecting lines linear equation negative number non-linear graph
number plane origin parallel pattern point
relationship rule solution straight line value

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Check your skills
1 The coordinates of the points X and Y on this number plane are: y
A (4, −3) and (−3, 1) B (4, −3) and (1, −3) X 4
C (−3, 4) and (−3, 1) D (−3, 4) and (1, −3)

−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 x

2 The missing numbers in the pattern 3, 7, ___, 15, ___, 23 are: −2

A 10 and 18 B 12 and 20 −3 Y
C 11 and 20 D 11 and 19

3 Using the rule ‘starting with 2, multiply the preceding term by 3 and then subtract 1’, the first three terms of
the number sequence would be:
A 2, 5, 15 B 2, 5, 14 C 2, 4, 8 D 3, 6, 18

4 The type of data that has a straight line drawn through the points is:
A discrete B integer C decimal D continuous

5 A rule describing the information in the table below is:

A y=x+3 B y=x+6 C y = 3x D y = 4x
Number of squares 1 2 3 4 5
Number of matches 4 8 12 16 20

6 This graph shows the relationship between x and y. y

The rule linking x and y is:
A y = 5x B y = 4x + 1
C y = 5x − 1 D y = 4x
1 2 3 4 5 6 x

This graph refers to questions 7 and 8. Washing powder

7 The cost of 6 kg of washing powder is: 20

A $5 B $12 18
C $15 D $20 16
8 The amount of washing powder in kilograms that can be
Cost ($)

purchased for $18 is closest to: 10
A 6 B 6.5
Number & Algebra

C 7.2 D 7.8 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Weight (kg)

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9 The graph of y = −3x + 2 is closest to:
A y B y
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3 x –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 x

–2 –2
–3 –3
–4 –4

C y D y
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3 x –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 x

–2 –2
–3 –3
–4 –4

10 The correct statement describing the graphs of y = 3x − 1 and y = 3x + 1 is that the lines:
A are parallel B pass through (3, 0) C pass through (0, 1) D intersect

11 The correct statement describing the graphs of y = −3x + 2 and y = 2x + 2 is that the lines:
A are parallel B do not intersect C pass through (2, 0) D pass through (0, 2)

12 From the graphs of y = 2x + 1 and y = x + 3 the point of intersection is:

A (2, 1) B (2, 5) C (2, 3) D (4, 7)

If you have any difficulty with these questions, refer to the examples and questions in the sections listed
in the table.

Question 1 2 3 4–6 7, 8 9 10–11 12

Section A B C D E F G H

14A Review set

1 Plot these points on a number plane: A(0, −2), B(−1, −3), C(2, −4), D(−3, 1), E(2, 3).
Number & Algebra

2 a Plot the points A(−2, 4), B(2, 4) and C(2, 0).

b If ABCD is a square, find the coordinates of the point D.

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3 Consider this pattern of matches.

a Complete this table.

Number of patterns 1 2 3 4 5
Number of matches

b Write a rule describing the number of matches required to make each pattern.
c Using x to represent the number of patterns and y to represent the number of matches, write a set of
points describing this information.
d Graph these points on the number plane.
e Mark in the next two points and write their coordinates.

4 Grapes are sold for $3.50 per kilogram. The following table shows weight versus cost for various
quantities of grapes.

Number of kg 0 1 2 4 5 10 20
Cost ($) 0 3.5 7 14 17.5 35 70

a Using x to represent the number of

kilograms and y to represent the cost in
dollars, write a set of points describing this
b Graph these points on the number plane
and draw a straight line through them.
c Use the graph to find how much 8.5 kg of
grapes would cost.
d Use the graph to find what weight of
grapes could be purchased for $63.

5 Complete the table and draw the graph for y = 3x − 2.

Some of the points are provided.

x −2 −1 0 1 2
y −5 4

6 The graph shows a straight line. y

a Use the graph to complete this table of values. 7
x −2 −1 0 1 2 5
y 4
Number & AlgebrA

b Write the rule describing this straight line. The rule is of the 2
form y = □ x ± △. 1

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3 x

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14B Review set
1 Write the coordinates of the points marked on this number plane. y
A 5
−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 x
−2 D
C −3

2 a Plot the points P(−3, −2), Q(2, −2) and R(3, 1) on a number plane.
b If PQRS is a parallelogram, find the coordinates of the point S.

3 The graph shows the relationship between x, the number of shapes in y

the matchstick pattern, and y, the number of matches for a particular 20
matchstick pattern. 16
a Construct a table of data for this information.
b Write a rule linking x and y. 8
4 The cost of hiring a wedding car is $200 flagfall and $90 per hour. 1 2 3 4 5 6 x

a Complete the table of costs of hire.

Number of hours 0 1 2 3 4
Cost ($)

b Draw a graph showing the cost of hiring the wedding car.

c How much does it cost to hire the car for 2​ __
2 ​hours?
d For how long can you hire the car for $520?

5 Complete the table and draw the graph for y = 4x − 3.

x −2 −1 0 1 2

6 This graph shows a straight line. y

a Use the graph to complete this table of values.
x −2 −1 0 1 2
y 6
Number & Algebra

b Write the rule describing this straight line. The rule is of the
form y = □ x ± △.
–3 –2 –2 1 2 3 x

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14C Review set
1 Plot these points on a number plane: L(−4, −3), M(5, 0), N(−3, 4), O(0, 0), P(1, 3) and Q(2, −5).

2 a Plot the points A(−5, −3), B(−4, −2), C(−3, −1), D(−2, 0) and E(−1, 1) on the same number plane.
b Join the points. What do you notice?
c What are the next three points F, G and H if the pattern continues?

3 Consider this pattern of matches.

a Complete this table.

x 1 2 3 4 5

b Write a rule describing the number of matches required to make each pattern.
c Using x to represent the number of squares and y to represent the number of matches, write a set of points
describing this information.
d What are the next two points? Write their coordinates.

4 Pistachio nuts are sold for $18.00 per kilogram. This table shows weight versus cost for various quantities
of pistachio nuts.

Number of kg 0 1 2 5
Cost ($) 0 18 36 90

a Using x to represent the number of kilograms and y to represent the cost in dollars, write a set of points
describing this information.
b Graph these points on the number plane and draw a straight line through them.
c Use the graph to find how much 3.5 kg of pistachios would cost.
d Use the graph to find how many kilograms of pistachios could be purchased for $72.

5 Complete the table and draw the graph for y = 5x − 3.

x −2 −1 0 1 2

6 This graph shows a straight line. y

a Use the graph to complete this table of values. 7
x −2 −1 0 1 2 5
y 4
Number & Algebra

b Write the rule describing this straight line. The rule is of the 2
form y = □ x ± △. 1

–3 –2 –1 1 2 3 x

Chapter 14 Coordinate geometry and straight lines 405

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14D Review set
1 Write the coordinates of these points. E
2 C

−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 x
2 a P
 lot the points A(6, 3), B(5, 2), C(4, 1), D(3, 0) and −3
E(2, −1) on the same number plane. −4
b What are the next three points F, G and H if the −5 A
pattern continues?

3 The graph shows the relationship between x, the number of shapes in y

the matchstick pattern, and y, the number of matches for a particular 12
matchstick pattern. 10
a Construct a table of data for this information.
b Write a rule linking x and y.
4 The cost of hiring a jukebox is $100 plus $25 per hour. 2
a Complete the table of costs of hire. 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 x
Number of hours 0 1 2 3 4
Cost ($)

b Draw a graph showing the cost of hiring the jukebox.

c How much does it cost to hire the jukebox for 3​ _12 ​ hours?
d For how long can you hire the jukebox for $160?

5 Complete the table and draw the graph for y = 3x − 4.

x −2 −1 0 1 2

6 This graph shows a straight line. y

a Use the graph to complete this table of values.
x −2 −1 0 1 2 4

b Write the rule describing this straight line. The rule is of the –3 –2 –2 1 2 3 x
form y = □ x ± △. –4
Number & Algebra


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Triangles and
This chapter deals with the properties of geometrical figures.
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:

▶ use correct terminology and notation ▶ use the exterior angle of a triangle
▶ construct triangles theorem
▶ classify triangles based on their side ▶ classify quadrilaterals
and angle properties ▶ use the properties of quadrilaterals
▶ use the angle sum of a triangle property including angle sum.
▶ use the properties of types of triangles

NSW Syllabus references: M&G Properties of geometrical figures 1

Outcomes: MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA4-3WM, MA4-17MG

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Diagnostic test
1 How many degrees in a right angle? 8 What is this type of angle?
A 360° B 270° C 90° D 180°

2 How many degrees in a straight angle?

A 360° B 270° C 90° D 180°
A revolution B acute
3 How many degrees in a revolution? C obtuse D reflex
A 360° B 270° C 90° D 180°
9 What is this type of angle?
4 What is the value of x?

A revolution B acute
55° C obtuse D reflex

A 35° B 55° C 135° D 305° 10 What is the value of x?

5 What is the value of x?

150° 100°
115° x

A 35° B 65° C 145° D 245°

A 110° B 80° C 30° D 10°
6 What is the value of x?
11 An acute angle is:
A equal to 180° B > 90° but < 180°
35° x
C > 0° but < 90° D equal to 90°

12 Calculate the size of ∠ABC.

A 35° B 55° C 135° D 325°
7 What is this type of angle?

A revolution B acute C
C obtuse D reflex
A 4° B 32° C 58° D 122°

The Diagnostic test questions refer to the Year 7 outcomes from ACMMG165 and ACMMG16.

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A Notation review
Conventions are used to label diagrams and describe geometric figures and their properties. This section reviews
these conventions and consolidates some others.
Convention Example

A point is labelled with a capital letter. The example shows point B. B

An interval is named using its endpoints. The example shows the C

interval DC. D

A line is named using any two points on it. The example shows the line PR.

An angle is named using its arms and vertex. The example could be named P

angle PQR, angle RQP or angle Q (written ∠PQR, ∠RQP or ∠Q, or Q

^ ^ ^
PQR, RQP or Q respectively). R
Triangles are named using the three angles or vertices.
The example shows △TUV.

Other figures are labelled using the vertices in a cyclic order. The example E
shows a quadrilateral EFGH. G
Sides of triangles are named in two ways. In this example, the longest side
can be named using two points, TU or UT, or the lower case letter of the u
opposite vertex, s. S t U

Equal sides are labelled with the same markings.

The example shows TR = TP.


Equal angles are labelled with the same markings.

The example shows ∠B = ∠D and ∠A = ∠C.

Right angles are shown with a square symbol.

The example shows ∠BAC = 90°.

Chapter 15 Triangles and quadrilaterals 409

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Exercise 15A
1 Draw a diagram showing each feature.
a Point Q b Interval XY c Line EF d Angle BAC
e Triangle MNO f Rectangle PQRS g Hexagon ABCDEF h Triangle with sides g, h and i

2 Describe the features shown in the following diagrams.

a b L c R d D E


e O f g V h T
p U W

3 a Name this line in three different ways. T R P

b Name the side opposite angle D in two different ways. D


c Name the three lines in this diagram. M


d Name the angle marked and explain why it is not ∠O. A

4 List the equal sides in each diagram.
a N b I J c N P


d E F e C
More than one marking may be used
if more than one pair of sides are equal.

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5 List the equal angles in each diagram.
a B b Q R c K d W

Draw a sketch of triangle STU with ∠STU obtuse and ST = TU.

∠STU is greater than 90°. T

ST and TU are labelled as equal.


6 Draw sketches showing the following information.

a Triangle DEF with DE = DF
b Triangle XYZ with ∠Y = ∠Z and side YZ the longest side
c Triangle LMN with ∠NLM = 90° and NL = LM
d Quadrilateral PQRS with PQ = RS and ∠PSR = 90°
e Quadrilateral DEFG with DE = GF, EF = DG and ∠DEF = 90°
f Quadrilateral ABCD with AB = AD = 5 cm, ∠BAD = 80°, BC = 6 cm and CD = 7 cm
g Quadrilateral PQRS with PQ = 5 cm, PS = 6 cm, QR = RS = 7 cm and ∠QPS = 110°
h Quadrilateral KLMN with KL = 6 cm, LM = 5 cm, KN = 7 cm, ∠LKN = 70° and ∠KLM = 130°

Describe the information shown in the diagram. K


Quadrilateral JKLM with JK = KL, ∠MJK = ∠KLM and ∠JKL = 90°.

7 Describe the information shown in the following diagrams. MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY
a B b T U c J
d e f G H


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B Constructing triangles
A triangle is a three-sided plane shape with straight sides.
To construct a triangle, you need information about the lengths of the sides or the sizes of the angles.
You also need a ruler, compasses and protractor.

Constructing a triangle given three sides
Use a ruler and compasses to construct △ ABC with side lengths AB = 5 cm, BC = 4 cm and AC = 2 cm.

Step 1: Draw an interval AB 5 cm in length. A B

5 cm

Step 2: Set the compasses to 2 cm. Draw an arc from point A.

2 cm
5 cm

Step 3: Set the compasses to 4 cm. Draw an arc from point B.

Mark the point C where the arcs intersect. C

4 cm
5 cm

Step 4: Draw the remaining sides (join points A and B to

point C with straight lines). C
2 cm 4 cm

5 cm

Exercise 15B
1 Complete the following steps to construct △ PQR with side lengths PQ = 2 cm, QR = 3 cm and PR = 4 cm.
Step 1: Draw an interval PQ 2 cm in length.
Step 2: Set the compasses to 3 cm. Draw an arc from point Q.

Step 3: Set the compasses to 4 cm. Draw an arc from point P. Mark point R where the arcs intersect.
Step 4: Join points Q and P to point R.

2 Construct the following triangles.

a △ LMN with LM = 6 cm, MN = 4 cm, LN = 5 cm
b △ DEF with DE = 5 cm, EF = 3.5 cm, DF = 4.5 cm
c △ DKM with DK = 4 cm, KM = 2.5 cm, DM = 4.2 cm
d △ OPR with OP = 4 cm, PR = 6.5 cm, OR = 4 cm

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3 a For each triangle constructed in question 2, measure the three angles and write them on the diagram.
b What do you notice about the angle opposite the:
i longest side? ii shortest side?
c Complete:
The _____ angle is opposite the longest side.

4 Use the triangles constructed in question 2 to complete this table.

Is longest side greater than
Longest side Sum of other 2 sides sum of the other 2 sides?

5 Try to construct triangles with the following side lengths.

a 1 cm, 7 cm and 9 cm b 5.2 cm, 8 cm and 6 cm
For each case explain why it is or is not possible.

Constructing a triangle given two sides and the included angle
Use a ruler and protractor to construct △ TVU with side lengths TV = 5 cm and TU = 2 cm
and ∠VTU = 40°.

Step 1: Draw a line interval TV of length 5 cm. T V

5 cm

Step 2: At point T, use a protractor to construct an angle

of 40° with line TV.

5 cm
Step 2: Measure 2 cm along the arm of the angle. Mark U
this point U. 2 cm

5 cm

Step 4: Join points U and V to form the triangle. U

5 cm

6 Complete the following steps to construct △ ABC with AB = 6 cm, BC = 4 cm and ∠B = 70°.
Step 1: Draw a line interval AB of length 6 cm.
Step 2: At point B, use a protractor to construct an angle of 70° with line AB.
Step 3: Measure 4 cm along the arm of the angle. Mark this point C.
Step 4: Join points C and A to form the triangle.

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7 Construct the following triangles by drawing the angle first.
a △ ABC with AB = 3 cm, BC = 4 cm, ∠B = 110°
b △ KLM with KL = 4 cm, LM = 2 cm, ∠L = 75°
c △ XTR with XT = 3 cm, TR = 4 cm, ∠T = 135°
d △ LST with LT = 5 cm, TS = 1.5 cm, ∠T = 65°

Constructing a triangle given two angles and a side
Use a ruler and protractor to construct △ XYZ where XY is 5 cm in length, ∠X = 50° and ∠Y = 40°.

The given side is called the baseline.

Step 1: Draw a line interval XY of length 5 cm. X Y

5 cm

Step 2: At point X, use a protractor to construct an angle

of 50° with line XY.

5 cm

Step 3: At point Y, use a protractor to construct an angle

of 40° with line XY.
Extend the arms of the angles until they cross at point Z.

50° 40°
5 cm

Step 4: Join points X, Y and Z to form a triangle. Z

50° 40°
5 cm

8 Complete the following steps to construct △ PQR with PQ = 4 cm, ∠P = 60° and ∠Q = 40°.
Step 1: Draw a line interval PQ of length 4 cm.
Step 2: At point P, use a protractor to construct an angle of 60° with line PQ.

Step 3: At point Q, use a protractor to construct an angle of 40° with line PQ.
Extend the arms of each angle until they cross at point R.
Step 4: Join points P, Q and R to form a triangle.

9 Construct the following triangles by drawing the baseline first.

a △ XYZ with XZ = 5 cm, ∠X = 50°, ∠Z = 30°
b △ ABC with AB = 4 cm, ∠B = 50°, ∠A = 70°
c △ MRL with ML = 6 cm, ∠M = 90°, ∠L = 25°
d △ PQR with PR = 5 cm, ∠P = 20°, ∠R = 110°

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10 Make accurate full-sized drawings of these triangles using the dimensions given.
a b 5 cm c

4 cm
25° 68° 40° 55°
4 cm
2.5 cm
d e f
6 cm
25° 72° 65°
70° 70°
3 cm 4 cm 2.8 cm

11 Is it possible to construct the triangle shown? Explain why or why not.

5 cm

4 cm
12 a Construct two different triangles with sides 5 cm, 4 cm and an angle of 50°.
b Write a set of instructions for constructing each triangle.

C Classifying triangles
Triangles are classified according to their sides, or their angles, or their sides and angles.

An equilateral triangle has all sides equal in length.
An isosceles triangle has two sides equal in length.
A scalene triangle has no sides equal in length.

Equilateral Isosceles Scalene

An acute-angled triangle has all three angles acute.
An obtuse-angled triangle has one obtuse angle.
A right-angled triangle has one right angle.

Acute-angled Obtuse-angled Right-angled

When describing triangles, give the angle name first, followed by the side name. For example, we write obtuse-
angled isosceles triangle, not isosceles obtuse-angled triangle.

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Exercise 15C
1 Classify these triangles according to their sides.
a b c

2 Measure the lengths of the sides and classify the following triangles.
a b c d

3 Classify these triangles according to their angles.

a b c d

4 Measure the angles and classify the following triangles.

a b c d

5 Classify each triangle by both its angles and its sides.

a b c d

6 Measure the interior angles of this equilateral triangle.

Complete the following.
The interior angles of an equilateral triangle are ______ ______ .

7 In an isosceles triangle, the angles ● B

opposite the two equal sides are X Z
called base angles. ● ★ ★

Measure the base angles in triangles

Base angles
ABC and XYZ, then complete the
The base angles of an isosceles triangle are __________ .

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Investigation 1 Sum of the angles of a triangle
Equipment needed: ruler, paper, scissors.
1 On a piece of paper draw any triangle and label the angles A, B and C on the inside of the triangle. Cut out
the triangle.

2 Tear off each of the three angles and place them adjacent to each other in any order. What do you notice?


3 Repeat with triangles of different dimensions. Do not forget obtuse-angled triangles.

4 What proposal can you make about the sum of the angles of a triangle?

D Angle sum of a triangle

The angle sum of a triangle is 180°; that is, in any triangle, no matter
what shape, the sum of the angles is 180°. y

In the triangle shown, x + y + z = 180°.

x z

You would have discovered this in Investigation 1.

Proof: Consider any △ABC with interior angles x, y and z. B

D x z E
Draw DE parallel to AC through B. y
Now ∠ABD = x (equal alternate angles, DE  AC)
Also ∠CBE = z (equal alternate angles, DE  AC)
x + y + z = 180° (adjacent angles on a straight line)
x z
∴ The angle sum of a triangle is 180°. A C

Calculate the value of the pronumeral. Show working and
provide a reason for your answer.


x + 110° + 30° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)

∴ x + 140° = 180°
x = 180° − 140° = 40°
Alternatively: x = 180° − 110° − 30° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
∴ x = 180° − 140° = 40°

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Exercise 15D
1 Complete the following to calculate the value of the pronumeral.
x + ___ + ___ = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is ___.)
∴ x + ___ = 180°
60° x
x = 180° − ___ = ___
Alternatively: x = 180° − ___ − ___ (___ ___ of a triangle is ___.)
Use the fact that the angles of a
∴ x = 180° − ___ = ___
triangle always add up to 180°.
2 Calculate the value of the pronumeral in each of the following. Show all working.
a b c
37° 22°
56° 140° l

d 41° e f m
122° k

s 18° 62° 71°

g h i n
84° t 95°

46° w 50°

j k l e
28° 70°

36° z
u 64° 55°






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Find the values of the pronumerals in each of the following, giving reasons for your answers.
a B b M
L c O
C 55°
P 48°

a 42° D a

a In △CDE, a + 63° + 42° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)

∴ a + 105° = 180°
a = 180° − 105° = 75°
In △BDA, b + 85° + 42° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
∴ b + 127° = 180°
b = 180° − 127° = 53°
b In △PON, a + 48° + 55° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
∴ a + 103° = 180°
a = 180° − 103° = 77°
Also b = 55° (corresponding angles, PO  LM)
and c = 48° (corresponding angles, PO  LM)

3 Complete the following to find the values of the pronumerals.

a In △BCD, A
a + ___ + ___ = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is ___.) b
∴ a + ___ = 180° B
a = 180° − ___ = ___ 70°
In △ACE,
100° 50° a
b + 100° + ___ = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is ___.) E
∴ b + ___ = 180°
b = 180° − ___ = ___
b In △QRS, P
a + ___ + ___ = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is ___.) b
∴ a + ___ = 180°
a = 180° − ___ = ___ 55°
Also, b = ___ (corresponding angles, TP  SQ) T c
and c = ___ (_______ angles, ___  ___) S a

4 Find the values of the pronumerals in each of the following, giving reasons for your answers.
a b c
88° 43° 85°
a 92°
b 107° k
59° 74°
36° j
117° m n

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d e f
x k h
52° 70° 48° g
y 38° i
l m

Find the values of the pronumerals in each of the following, giving reasons for your answers.
a B b P

37° 100°
28° 45° x
T y S
t D Q
65° r s z

a In △ABC, 28° + 65° + r = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)

∴ 93° + r = 180°
r = 180° − 93° = 87°
At C, s = 180° − 87° = 93° (adjacent angles on a straight line)
In △BDC, 37° + 93° + t = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
∴ 130° + t = 180°
t = 180° − 130° = 50°
b In △PQT, x + 45° + 100° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
∴ x + 145° = 180°
x = 180° − 145° = 35°
At Q, y = 35° (Vertically opposite angles are equal.)
In △QSR, z + 90° + 35° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
∴ z + 125° = 180°
z = 180° − 125° = 55°

5 Complete the following to find the values of the pronumerals.
a In △DAC, 40°
x + 70° + 30° = ___ (Angle sum of a triangle is ___.)
z B
∴ x + 100° = ___
x = ___ − 100° = ___ x
30° C
At C, y = 180° − ___ (adjacent angles on a straight line) D
= ___
In △ABC,

z + 40° + ___ = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is ___.)

∴ z + ___ = 180°
z = 180° − ___ = ___
b At T, x = ___ (____ ____ angles are equal.)
In △TVU,
y + 90° + ___ = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is ___.) W
∴ y + ___ = 180° T
y = 180° − ___ = ___ y

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6 Find the values of the pronumerals in these triangles, giving
reasons for your answers.
a b z 32° x
18° z
x 73°

c y d
x 70°
l n
z 53° m
50° w

e f g a c
63° b
100° x z
y 49°
69° 42°
z y

h t i 59°
You should always give reasons
40° f h 122° to justify your working.

Write an equation for each and solve it to find the value of the pronumeral. Hence find the unknown angles.
a b
56° 40°

x 3x x – 5° 2x + 10°

a x + 3x + 56° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)

∴ 4x + 56° = 180°
4x = 180° − 56° = 124°
x = ____ = 31°
∴ Unknown angles are: x = 31°
and 3x = 3 × 31° = 93°
b (x − 5°) + (2x + 10°) + 40° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
∴ 3x + 45° = 180°
3x = 180° − 45° = 135°
x = ____ = 45°
∴ Unknown angles are: x − 5° = 45° − 5° = 40°
and 2x + 10° = 2 × 45° + 10° = 90° + 10° = 100°

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7 Complete the following to find the value of each pronumeral. Hence find the unknown angles.
a 2x + 3x + 70° = ___ (Angle sum of a triangle is ___.)
∴ __ x + 70° = ___ 70°
__x = ___ − 70° = ___
□ 2x 3x
x = __ = ___
∴ Unknown angles are: 2x = 2 × ___ = ___
and 3x = 3 × ___ = ___
b (2x − 5°) + (x + 10°) + ___ = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
∴ 3x + ___ = 180° 61°
3x = ___ − ___ = ___

x = __ = ___
3 2x – 5° x + 10°
∴ Unknown angles are: 2x − 5° = 2 × ___ − 5° = ___
and x + 10° = ___ + ___ = ___

8 Write an equation for each and solve it to find the value of the pronumeral. Hence find the unknown angles.
a b c
70° 5b 3m

8m m
78° 55°

d e f 53° 2y + 7°
2a 55°

5a 2y
2x + 15° x + 5°

Investigation 2 Equilateral triangles

Equipment needed: compasses, ruler, paper, scissors. C

1 Construct an equilateral triangle with sides of length 10 cm,

using your compasses and ruler (see section B of this chapter).
10 cm 10 cm
2 Accurately cut out the triangle and name the vertices A, B and C.
10 cm
3 Fold the triangle in half so that vertex A matches exactly with vertex B. C

Unfold the triangle.

a Comment on the lengths of AM and BM. Fold line
b Explain why ∠CMA = ∠CMB. What is their degree measure? Why?
c What can be said about ∠CAM and ∠CBM?

4 Repeat the procedure in question 3, folding so that vertices B and C match up. A M

5 Repeat the procedure in question 3, folding so that vertices A and C match up.

6 What conclusions can you make about:

a the three angles at A, B and C? b each fold line?

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Investigation 3 Isosceles triangles
Equipment needed: compasses, ruler, paper, scissors. C

1 Construct an isosceles triangle ABC with AB of length 10 cm and

9 cm 9 cm
AC = BC = 9 cm using compasses and ruler.

2 Cut out the triangle. A B

10 cm

3 Fold the triangle in half so that vertices A and B coincide. Unfold the C
triangle. What can be said about:
Fold line
a the lengths of AM and BM?
b the measures of angles CAM and CBM?
c the measures of angles ACM and BCM ?
d the measures of angles AMC and BMC? M

4 Repeat question 3, folding so that vertices A and C coincide. What do you notice?

E Properties of equilateral and isosceles

From Investigations 2 and 3, you have discovered the following properties of equilateral and isosceles triangles.
Properties of an equilateral triangle
• All sides are equal.
• All angles are 60°.
• It has three axes of symmetry.

● ●

Properties of an isosceles triangle

• Two sides are equal.
• The angles opposite the equal sides
(the base angles) are equal.

• It has one axis of symmetry.

● ●

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Find the value of the pronumeral in each triangle, giving a reason.
a b z
28° 60° 60°

2.5 cm

c d
7 cm

a The third angle of the triangle is also y. (Base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.)
∴ 28° + y + y = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
2y = 180° − 28°
= 152°
y = ____ = 76°
b z = 2.5 cm (Sides of an equilateral triangle are equal.)
c x = 7 cm (Sides opposite base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.)
d n = 60° (Angles of an equilateral triangle are 60°.)

Exercise 15E
1 Complete the following to find the value of the pronumeral in each triangle.
a △ ABC is an ____ triangle. (____ sides are equal.) A
∴ x = ____ (Angles of an ____ triangle are ____.)


b △ PQR is an ____ triangle. (____ angles are equal.) y

∴ y = ____ cm (Sides of an ____ triangle are ____.) 60° 60°

5 cm

c △ KLM is an ____ triangle. (____ angles are equal.) K

∴ z = ____ (Sides opposite ____ angles of
an ____ triangle are ____.) 6.8 cm z

70° 70°

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d △ XYZ is an ____ triangle. (____ sides are equal.) Y
∴ ∠Y = a (____ angles of an ____ triangle are ____.)
a + a + 50° = ____ (Angle sum of a triangle is ____.)
2a + 50° = ____ a Z
2a = ____ − 50° = ____ 50°

a = __ = ____

2 Find the values of the pronumerals, giving reasons for your answers.
a y b 5 cm c 12 cm
60° w
t 12 cm
4 cm 5 cm 5 cm
12 cm

d e f
7.5 cm 8 cm p

7.5 cm 35° 35°

b 7.5 cm d 63°

g h f 62° i
45° 32°
5.4 cm 14 cm


j 6 cm
k l
70° 70° d
2.7 cm w
d y 10.4 cm
x 60°
c 6 cm 60°

m j n o 5.5 cm
18° 60°
7 cm m
8.2 cm 5.5 cm
k x p

3 Find the values of x and y in each of the following. Provide reasons for your answers.
a x 68°
b x
y x

70° y

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d e f
y y x
25° x

g h i x y
48° 4 cm x
y 43° 33°
4 cm

Write an equation and solve it to find the value of the pronumeral. Hence find the unknown angles.
a b
x + 6° ●

x ●

a Isosceles triangles have base angles equal.

∴ Angle marked • = x
x + x + 54° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
∴ 2x + 54° = 180°
2x = 180° − 54° = 126°
x = ____ = 63°
∴ Unknown angles are both 63° (base angles).
b Isosceles triangles have base angles equal.
∴ Angle marked • = x + 6°
4x + (x + 6°) + (x +6°) = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
∴ 6x + 12° = 180°
6x = 180° − 12° = 168°
x = ____ = 28°
∴ Unknown angles are 4x = 4 × 28° = 112°
and x + 6° = 28° + 6° = 34° (base angles)

4 Complete the following to find the values of the pronumerals. Hence find the unknown angles.
a Isosceles triangles have base angles equal.
∴ Angle marked • = ____
y + y + 36° = ____ (____ ____ of a triangle is ____.)
∴ __ y + 36° = ____
__ y = ____ − 36° = ____ y ●

y = __ = ____

∴ Unknown angles are both ____ (base angles).

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b Isosceles triangles have ____ angles ____. ●
∴ Angle marked • = ____
2x + (x + 16°) + ____ = 180° (____ ____ of a triangle is ____.)
∴ ___x + 32° = 180° 2x x + 16°
___x = 180° − 32° = 148°
x = ____ = ____

∴ Unknown angles are 2x = 2 × ____ = ____
and x + 16° = ____ + 16° = ____ (base angles)

5 Write an equation for each and solve it to find the value of the pronumeral. Hence find the unknown angles.
a b c

x 2x

d x – 8° e 7x f
x 2x + 4°
3x + 11°

Investigation 4 Exterior angle of a triangle

An exterior angle of a triangle is the angle formed
outside the triangle when a side is extended.
Equipment needed: ruler, paper, scissors.
1 Draw any triangle ABC and extend the side AC to D.
∠BCD is an exterior angle of the triangle.

2 Cut off the angles A and B and place them next to
each other on the exterior angle BCD, as shown.
Is ∠BCD = ∠A + ∠B?

★ ●

3 Repeat with triangles of different dimensions. Do not forget to try obtuse-angled triangles.
4 What proposal can you make about the exterior angle of a triangle?

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F Exterior angle of a triangle
The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two interior You would have discovered
opposite angles. this fact in Investigation 4.
Interior ●
opposite 65°
angles Exterior

★ 30° 30° + 65°

Proof: Consider any △ABC with ∠BAC = x and ∠ABC = y. B E
Extend AC to D and draw CE parallel to AB. y
Now ∠BAC = ∠ECD = x (equal corresponding angles, AB  CE)
Also ∠ABC = ∠BCE = y (equal alternate angles, AB  CE)
∴ ∠BCD = x + y = ∠BAC + ∠ABC y
∴ The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the x x
two interior opposite angles. C

Exercise 15F
1 Copy these diagrams and shade the two interior angles opposite the exterior angle labelled x.
a b c x


d e f

x x

Find the value of the pronumeral in each triangle, giving a reason.
a b y

64° x 72°

a x = 87° + 64° (Exterior angle of a triangle equals sum of two interior opposite angles.)
∴ x = 151°
b 148° = y + 72° (Exterior angle of a triangle equals sum of two interior opposite angles.)
or y + 72° = 148°
∴ y = 148° − 72° = 76°

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2 Complete the following to find the value of the pronumeral in each triangle.
a x = ___ + ___ (Exterior angle of a triangle equals
40° ∴ x = ___ sum of two ____ ____ angles.)

70° x

b 135° = y + ___ (____ angle of a triangle equals

or y + ___ = 135° sum of two ____ ____ angles.)
∴ y = 135° − ___ = ___

60° y

3 Find the value of the pronumeral in each triangle.

a b c
72° 91° 49°

y 44° 104°
55° x
d e f
m 112°
k 75° 47°

Write an equation for each triangle and solve it to find the value of the pronumeral.
a b
92° 104°

x – 7°
46° 3x – 12° 66°

a 3x − 12° = 92° + 46° = 138° (Exterior angle of a triangle equals sum of two interior opposite angles.)
∴ 3x = 138° + 12° = 150°
x = ____
= 50°

b 104° = (x − 7°) + 66° (Exterior angle of a triangle equals sum of two interior opposite angles.)
104° = x + 59°
or x + 59° = 104°
x = 104° − 59°
= 45°

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4 Complete the following to find the value of the pronumeral and the unknown angles with pronumerals.
a 2x − 18° = ___ + ___ = ___ (Exterior angle of a triangle equals
∴ 2x = ___ + 18° = ___ sum of ____ ____ ____ angles.) 46°

x = __ = ___
∴ Unknown angle = 2x − 18° = ___ − ___ = ___ 2x – 18° 72°

b 140° = (x + 10°) + ___ (____ angle of a triangle equals

140° = x + ___ ___ of ____ ____ ____ angles.) 35°
or x + ___ = 140°
x = 140° − ___ = ___
∴ Unknown angle = x + 10° = ___ + ___ = ___ x + 10° 140°

5 Write an equation for each triangle and solve it to find the value of the pronumeral and the unknown angles.
a b c
93° 2x + 6°
66° 74°

62° 3x – 2° 32°

d e f
2x + 7°

Investigation 5 Convex and concave quadrilaterals

1 A quadrilateral is a four-sided plane shape with straight sides. Sketch each of these quadrilaterals.
a A B b B c A B d B

2 In each quadrilateral, draw both diagonals

AC and BD.

3 If all diagonals are inside the quadrilateral, it

is convex. Which quadrilaterals are convex?

4 If one of the diagonals lies outside the

quadrilateral, the quadrilateral is concave.
Which quadrilaterals are concave?

5 Examine the angles in each quadrilateral

in question 1. Make a comment about the
angles in a:
a convex quadrilateral
b concave quadrilateral.

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G Properties of special quadrilaterals

Parallelogram Rectangle Rhombus

• A parallelogram is a quadrilateral that has opposite sides parallel.

• A rectangle is a quadrilateral with four equal angles of 90°.
• A rhombus is a quadrilateral in which all sides are equal in length (an equilateral quadrilateral).

• A square is a rhombus with four equal angles of 90°, or a rectangle with all sides equal in length.
• A trapezium is a convex quadrilateral that has a pair of parallel opposite sides.
• A kite is a convex quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent sides equal.

Investigation 6 Properties of quadrilaterals

Equipment needed: compasses, ruler, square grid paper, lined paper.
1 Draw a parallelogram using a ruler and square grid paper as shown.
Use it to check the following properties of a parallelogram:
• Opposite sides are parallel.
• Opposite sides are equal in length.
• Opposite angles are equal.
• Diagonals bisect each other (i.e. cut each other in half).

2 Draw a rectangle on square grid paper and use it to check the following properties of a rectangle:
• Opposite sides are parallel.
• Opposite sides are equal in length.
• All angles are right angles.
• Diagonals are equal in length. MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY
• Diagonals bisect each other.

3 Construct a rhombus using a ruler, compasses and lined paper 10 cm

as shown. Why is the figure a rhombus? Use it to check the
following properties of a rhombus:
• Opposite sides are parallel. 10 cm 10 cm
• All sides are equal in length.
• Opposite angles are equal. 10 cm
• Diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
• Diagonals bisect the angles at each vertex.

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4 A square is a special case of a rhombus and a rectangle and therefore has all of their properties. On squared
grid paper, draw a square and use it to check the following properties of a square:
• Opposite sides are parallel.
• All sides are equal in length.
• All angles are right angles.
• Diagonals are equal in length.
• Diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
• Diagonals bisect the angles at each vertex.

5 Draw a trapezium on square grid paper and use it to check the following properties of a trapezium:
• Exactly one pair of opposite sides is parallel.

6 Draw a kite on square grid paper and use it to check the following properties of a kite:
• Two pairs of adjacent sides are equal.
• One pair of opposite angles are equal.
• Diagonals meet at right angles, one diagonal being bisected. Properties of geometrical figures are
• One diagonal bisects the angles at its endpoints. important facts that need to be remembered.

Exercise 15G
1 Complete the following table by writing yes or no.

Property Parallelogram Rectangle Rhombus Square Trapezium Kite

Opposite sides

Opposite sides

Opposite angles

All sides equal

Adjacent sides

Diagonals equal

Adjacent sides

Diagonals bisect
each other

Diagonals meet
at right angles

Diagonals bisect

All angles 90°

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Use the properties of special quadrilaterals to find the values of the pronumerals, giving reasons.
a ABCD is a rectangle. b PQRS is a parallelogram.
y Q R
A B 140° y

1.6 cm x

D C 35° x
4.2 cm P S

a x = 1.6 cm and y = 4.2 cm (Opposite sides of a rectangle are equal.)

b x = 140° (Opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal.)
y = 35° (Equal alternate angles, as QR  PS.)

2 Use the properties of special quadrilaterals to find the values of the pronumerals, giving reasons.
a ABCD is a parallelogram. b PQRS is a rhombus. c KLMN is a kite.
y x L
3 cm y

2.5 cm x y K M
x 7 cm
4.5 cm 5 cm
d QRST is a rectangle. e TUVW is a parallelogram. f DEFG is a rectangle.
x y x
y y

35° 65° z x

g LMNO is a square. h HIJK is a parallelogram. i VWXY is a parallelogram.

z w w z
x x

y 35° y
x 40° y 40° 85°

j PQRS is a rhombus. k JKLM is a square. l ABCD is a rectangle.

30° x
y y 5c

4 cm
m PQRS is a parallelogram. n WXYZ is a rhombus. o QRST is a kite.
3c x 40° y x z
m x y
Q 40° S
cm y
4 cm 110° 11 cm

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3 Identify and sketch quadrilaterals with the following properties.
a One pair of sides are parallel.
b Two pairs sides are of parallel.
c One pair of sides are parallel and one pair of opposite sides are equal.
d One pair of sides are parallel and one pair of adjacent sides are equal.
e One pair of sides are parallel and one angle is a right angle.
f One pair of sides are parallel and opposite angles are equal.
g All angles are right angles.
h Diagonals meet at right angles.
i Diagonals meet at right angles and one pair of opposite angles are equal.
j Diagonals bisect each other.
k Diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
l Diagonals are equal.
m Diagonals are equal and bisect each other.
n Diagonals are equal and bisect each other at right angles.

Investigation 7 Flowchart for quadrilaterals


Kite Trapezium

Rhombus Parallelogram

Square Rectangle

The flowchart shows the properties of each quadrilateral. Each quadrilateral has its own properties along with
the properties of the shape before it. For example:
• A rhombus has its own properties as well as those of a kite and a quadrilateral.
• A square has all the properties of a rhombus and a rectangle.
Are the following statements true or false?
1 All rectangles are parallelograms.

2 All parallelograms are rectangles.

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3 All squares are rectangles.

4 All rectangles are squares.

5 Every rhombus is a parallelogram.

6 Every parallelogram is a rhombus.

7 A rhombus is a special case of a kite.

8 The quadrilateral shown on the right is a kite.

Investigation 8 Angle sum of a quadrilateral

Equipment needed: paper, scissors.
1 Draw any quadrilateral on a piece of paper and
label the vertices A, B, C and D on the inside of
the quadrilateral. Cut out the quadrilateral. B

2 Tear off the four angles and place them

adjacent to each other, in any order, with
all vertices meeting but not overlapping.
What do you notice?

3 Repeat this experiment with a few other

quadrilaterals, including a concave
quadrilateral. What do you notice?

4 Write a statement about the sum of the

angles of a quadrilateral.

H Angle sum of a quadrilateral MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY

The angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°; that is, for any quadrilateral, You would have discovered
no matter what shape, the sum of the angles is 360°. this in Investigation 8.

As you have already learned:

• the angle sum of a triangle equals 180°
• all quadrilaterals can be divided into two triangles.
It would appear reasonable that the angle sum of a quadrilateral is equal to twice the angle sum of a triangle;
that is, 2 × 180° = 360°.

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Proof: Consider any quadrilateral ABCD. B
Draw the diagonal BD. r x
p + q + r = 180° (Angle sum of △ABD = 180°.)
x + y + z = 180° (Angle sum of △BCD = 180°.) A q
∴ q + (r + x) + y + (z + p) = 360° p
z y
∴ ∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D = 360° C
∴ The angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.

Find the value of the pronumeral, giving a reason for your answer.

85° 145°

x + 145° + 85° + 76° = 360° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)

∴ x + 306° = 360°
x = 360° − 306°
= 54°

Exercise 15H
1 Complete the following to find the value of the pronumeral.
x + 85° + 75° + 110° = ___ (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is ___.) x
∴ x + ___ = ___
x = ___ − ___ = ___
110° 75°
2 Find the values of the pronumerals, giving reasons for your answers.
a b c
120° a 164° 142°
x k
60° 120° 115° 109°

d e f w

93° 50° 213° p



g m h i
139° 42°
65° 73° d
80° 113°

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Write an equation and solve it to find the value of the pronumeral. 135° 74°
Hence find the unknown angles.
x + 18°

2x – 2°

(x + 18°) + (2x − 2°) + 74° + 135° = 360° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)
∴ 3x + 225° = 360° Collect like terms and solve the equation.
3x = 360° − 225°
= 135°
x = ____
= 45°
∴ Unknown angles are:
x + 18° = 45° + 18° = 63°
and 2x − 2° = 2 × 45° − 2° = 88°

3 Complete the following to find the value of the pronumeral. Hence find the unknown angles.
(2x − 10°) + (x + 50°) + ___ + ___ = ___ (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is ___.)
∴ 3x + ___ = ___
3x = ___ − ___ 70°
= ___

x = __ 2x – 10° x + 50°

= ___
∴ Unknown angles are:
2x − 10° = 2 × ___ − 10° = ___
and x + 50° = ___ + 50° = ___

4 Write an equation for each of the following and solve it to find the value of the pronumeral. Hence find the
unknown angles.
a x b 2y – 3° 62° c
3p + 8°

2x 7p – 2°
115° 4y
88° p p

d 3a 2a e 4m f
3m + 21° 2n + 7°
3a 46°
5n – 13°


Chapter 15 Triangles and quadrilaterals 437

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Find the values of the pronumerals in each quadrilateral, giving reasons for your answers.
a E C b A B
B w 2x 108°
x 157°
F 47°

x y
52° D C
84° 18°

a In quadrilateral FECD,
w + 157° + 47° + 52° = 360° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)
∴ w + 256° = 360°
w = 360° − 256° = 104°
In quadrilateral ABCD,
84° + x + 104° + 52° + 18° = 360° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)
∴ x + 258° = 360°
x = 360° − 258° = 102°
b ∠B + ∠C = 180° (Sum of co-interior angles is 180°, AB  DC.)
∴ 108° + y = 180°
y = 180° − 108 = 72°
∠A + ∠D = 180° (Sum of co-interior angles is 180°, AB  DC.)
∴ 2x + x = 180°
3x = 180°
x = ____ = 60°

5 Complete the following to find the values of the pronumerals. B C

x = ___ (Corresponding angles as AF  ___.) A y
In quadrilateral BCDE,
120° z
y + 70° + 100° + ___ = ___ (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is ___.) G H
∴ y + ___ = __
110° x 100°
y = ___ − ___ = ___ F
In quadrilateral BCHG,
z + 120° + ___ + 70° = ___ (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is ___.)
∴ z + ___ = ___
z = ___ − ___ = ___ In question 6 find the values
of the pronumerals in
6 Find the values of the pronumerals, giving reasons for your answers. alphabetical order w, x, y.

a b c
158° 109° w x
w y 130°
y w
76° 21°
x 58°
124° x y 115°

d e w f w 3x
132° w 55°
x 112°
66° x
x y

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Investigation 9 Composite figures
Copy each of the following figures and divide them into the plane shapes specified.

1 a 2 triangles 2 a 3 triangles
b 4 triangles b 5 triangles
c 1 quadrilateral and
1 triangle

3 2 rectangles (2 ways) 4 3 rectangles

In how many ways can
you do this?

5 a 2 triangles 6 a 2 triangles
b 1 rectangle and 2 triangles b 1 rectangle and
c 1 trapezium and 1 triangle 2 triangles
d 1 rhombus and c 1 parallelogram and
1 parallelogram 1 triangle

7 a 2 quadrilaterals 8 a 1 square and 1 rectangle

b 4 triangles b 1 triangles
c 6 triangles c 1 trapezium and
d 1 quadrilateral and 1 triangle
2 triangles d 1 parallelogram and
2 triangles
e 1 kite and 4 triangles


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Language in mathematics
Here is a find-a-word puzzle.


1 Find all the words in the following list:

add, angle, arc, arm, construct, draw, equal, equation, equilateral, extend, exterior, flowchart, isosceles,
kite, pronumeral, prove, quadrilateral, reasoning, rhombus, sides, square, sum, trapezium, triangle

2 The remaining letters reveal a message. Working from the top, left to right, place the remaining letters in the
order in which they appear to reveal the message.

acute angle adjacent angle angle sum base angles baseline
bisect compasses concave construct convex diagonal
equilateral exterior interior interval isosceles kite
line obtuse angle parallelogram protractor quadrilateral rectangle
rhombus right angle scalene square trapezium triangle

Check your skills

Note: Due to the practical nature of this topic, not all outcomes can be assessed here.
1 The diagram shows:

A line J B interval J
C line JK D interval JK

2 This diagram shows: A B

A quadrilateral ABCD
B a quadrilateral with four equal sides
C a quadrilateral with no equal angles
D all of the above D C

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3 Which diagram shows a right-angled isosceles triangle?

4 The side name for this triangle is:

A acute-angled B obtuse-angled
C right-angled D equilateral

5 The value of x in the diagram is:

A 145° B 35° 110°
C 215° D 180° x

6 The value of y in the diagram is:

A 75° B 150°
C 105° D cannot find

y 75°

7 The value of z in the diagram is:

A 50° B 60° 60°
C 70° D 110°

50° z
8 A concave quadrilateral has:
A all sides equal B all angles equal
C all diagonals inside the figure D none of the above properties

9 The quadrilateral that has all its angles equal is the:

A rhombus B rectangle C parallelogram D kite

10 The quadrilateral that has exactly two sides parallel is the:

A rhombus B rectangle C parallelogram D trapezium

11 The values of x and y in rhombus ABCD are: A

A x = 50°, y = 50° B x = 50°, y = 40°
C x = 40°, y = 50° D x = 40°, y = 40°


12 The value of a in the diagram is: a 45°

A 140° B 75°
C 220° D 360° 100°


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If you have any difficulty with these questions, refer to the examples and questions in the sections listed
in the table.

Question 1, 2 3, 4 5 6 7 8–11 12
Section A C D E F G H

15A Review set

1 Construct a triangle with side lengths 10 cm, 8 cm and 6 cm.

2 Draw an obtuse-angled isosceles triangle.

3 Find the value of x, giving reasons.

a b

x 86°

4 Write an equation and solve it to determine the value of the

unknown angle.
x + 10° 30°

5 Find the values of the pronumerals, in alphabetical order E

(u to z), giving reasons for your answers.

56° F
D w
A z
y v
B u 142°
6 a Draw a parallelogram.
b List the properties of a parallelogram.

7 a Draw a convex quadrilateral.

b Comment on the diagonals of your diagram.

8 Find the values of the pronumerals, giving reasons.

a ABCD is a rectangle. b PQRS is a rhombus.
y y

A D 35° x

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15B Review set
1 Construct a triangle with side lengths 4 cm
and 7 cm that form an angle of 65°.

2 Draw an acute-angled scalene triangle.

3 Find the value of x, giving reasons.


4 Write an equation and solve it to determine the values of the unknown angles.

45° x + 15°

5 Find the value of the pronumerals, giving reasons for your answers. C

D 87°

A b 42°

6 a Draw a rectangle.
b List the properties of a rectangle.

7 Give a definition for a concave quadrilateral.

8 Find the values of the pronumerals, giving reasons.

a DEFG is a square. b STUV is a parallelogram. MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY
x x 70°

y y
w 50°

Chapter 15 Triangles and quadrilaterals 443

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15C Review set
1 Construct a triangle with angles of 30° and 120°, joined by a side of length 6 cm.

2 Draw a right-angled isosceles triangle.

3 Find the value of x, giving reasons.

a b
113° 85° x


4 Write an equation and solve it to determine the values of the

unknown angles. 52°

2x – 4°

5 Find the values of the pronumerals, giving reasons for your answers.

100° 112° x
6 a Draw a trapezium.
b List the properties of a trapezium.

7 a Sketch a quadrilateral in which the diagonals

bisect each other at right angles.
b What is the name(s) given to this quadrilateral?

8 Find the values of the pronumerals, giving reasons.

a HIJK is a parallelogram. b EFGH is a kite.
y cm x v
2.8 65° 7 cm

3.5 z
x cm E G

4 cm y
H K w 75°

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Chapters 11–15 Cumulative review
1 a Simplify:
i n×n ii 5 × p × p × p × p
b Show the meaning of:
i p2 ii 3a2
c If w = 3 evaluate:
i w2 ii 3w2
d Simplify:
i 4 × 5t ii 6m × 5 iii 6a × b × 5c
e Simplify:
i 6p + 5p ii 8m − m iii 6p − 6p iv 6x2 − 3x2 − x2
f If a = 5 and b = 12, find the value of:
3ab b
i 5ab ii ____ iii 2a − b iv _____
5 a+1
g Simplify:
i 2a + 5a − 3b ii 2pq + 5pq − 3pq iii 8k + 5 − 3k iv −5y + 2y
v 3y2 − 8y2 vi −3x2 + 5x2 vii −a − a viii 9a − 9a + 9a
h Simplify:
8h g 12a 14vw 6a
i ___ ii ___ iii ____ iv _____ v ____
2 3g 4a 21w 9ab
i Simplify:
i 2x + 5x ii −5 × 2a iii ___
c iv 3x × 4y
j Expand:
i 3(x + 2) ii −5(x − 3) iii −4(x + 1)
iv 4(5x + 7) v 3a(5a − 2b) vi −5(2m − 3)
k Factorise:
i px + 3p ii mn − mt iii −4x − 8
iv 12p − 18 v 15t + 25u vi 20k − 16m
vii −5q − 10 viii 18km − 12kn ix 6a2b + 15ab2

2 a An eight-sided die with the numbers 1 to 8 is thrown once.

i List the sample space.
ii What is the probability of a 6?
b A box of ice-creams has 5 chocolate, 3 strawberry, 2 caramel and 2 vanilla.
i How many ice-creams are in the box?
ii How many are strawberry?
iii What is the probability of selecting a strawberry ice-cream?

c A letter is chosen from the word FLUFFY. What is the probability that it is:
i U? ii F?

d Write a statement describing a probability of 2 .
e Estimate the percentage probability for the statement ‘very likely’.

f A six-sided die is rolled once. Describe events with a probability of:


i _16 ii 0 iii _12 iv 1

g A money box contains 10-cent coins and $1 coins. The probability of selecting a 10-cent coin is __
12 .
What is the probability of selecting a $1 coin?

Chapter 15 Cumulative
Triangles andreview
11–15 445

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3 a A die is rolled. Write the complement of these events.
i a3 ii an even number iii a number greater than 2
b The letters of a word are written on cards and the cards are placed in a hat. When a card is chosen at
random from this hat, the probability of the letter E is _7 . What is the probability that it is not the letter E?
c In a group of 30 males, 13 play football, 11 play cricket and 7 play both football and cricket. Construct a
Venn diagram to show this information, then use the diagram to find how many males in this group:
i play football but not cricket ii play cricket but not football
iii play football or cricket or both iv play football or cricket but not both
v play neither football nor cricket.

4 a The Venn diagram shows the information collected from a

class of students about whether they wear glasses and whether Wear
glasses Left-handed
they are left-handed.
7 5

Transfer this information to the two-way table below. 18

Wear glasses Do not wear glasses

Not left-handed

b The Venn diagram represents the ways in which the students S

in a class travel to school. T is the event ‘travels by train’, B is
the event ‘travels by bus’ and W is the event ‘walks to school’. 3
5 3
How many students travel to school by: 3
i train? ii train only? 5 6
iii train and walk? iv train or walk or both?
v train or walk but not both? vi bus and walk?
vii bus or walk but not both? viii bus and train and walk? W 4
ix train but not by bus? x
only bus or only train or both?
xi none of these methods?

5 Solve the following equations.

a p − 5 = −15 b d+6=3 c 7x = −49
d −3x = −24 e 12c − 21 = 39 f 14 − 3x = −10
2 − 4k
g −3(2x − 5) = 4(3x + 8) h 3(5 − 2x) = −4(3x − 1) i ______
= −5
3x + 10 x
j 4x − 5 + 3x = 10 − 2x + 8 k _______ = −4 l 14 − __ = 10

7 3

6 a Is x = 5 a solution to 7x − 9 = 14?

b The product of a certain number and 6 is 138. Write an equation and find the number.
c If a = −3, b = 5 and c = −2, find the value of:

i 3a − 5b + 2c ii ____

d Five is subtracted from a number and the result is multiplied by 3. The answer is 21. What is the number?
7 a Given the formula c = √a2 + b2 , find c when:

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i b = 5, a = 6 ii b = 15, a = 8 iii b = 17, a = 12 iv b = √147 , a = 7
b Use the formula C = _59 (F − 32) to find F when C has the values:
i 10_49 ii 22 iii 12_59 iv 43_59
c Given the formula F = 32 + _95 C, find C when F has values:
i 39_15 ii 51_45 iii 62_35 iv 122
d Given the formula d = st, find the value of s when:
i d = 114, t = 19 ii d = 748, t = 44 iii d = 264.67, t = 13.3
a + b + c
e Using the formula A = _________, calculate the value of c when:
i A = 15, a = 7, b = 19 ii A = 42, a = 7, b = 12

8 a Write the coordinates of the points shown on this number plane. y

A 4 E

b Plot these points on a number plane. −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 x

P(−3, −5), Q(2, 4), R(−2, 1), S(0, −3), T(4, −1) −2
c i Plot the points A(5, 2), B(4, 1), C(3, 0), D(2, −1) on a
number plane.
ii Write the coordinates of the next three points E, F and G if the pattern continues.
d Consider this pattern of matches.

i Complete the table.

Number of houses 1 2 3 4 5
Number of matches

ii Write a rule describing the number of matches required to make each pattern.
iii Using x to represent the number of squares and y to represent the number of matches, write of set of
points describing this information.
iv Write the coordinates of the next two points.
e Beans are sold for $4.50 per kilogram. The following table shows weight versus cost for various
quantities of beans.

Weight (kg) 0 1 2 4 5 10 20 & GEOMETRY

Cost ($) 0 4.50 9 18 22.50 45 90

i Using x to represent the number of kilograms and y to represent the cost in dollars, write a set of

points describing this information.

ii Graph these points on the number plane and draw a straight line through them.

iii Use the graph to find how much 8.5 kg of beans would cost.

iv Use the graph to find what weight of beans could be purchased for $70.
f Complete this table and draw the graph y = 2x − 3. x −2 −1 0 1 2

Chapter 15 Cumulative
Triangles andreview
11–15 447

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g This graph shows a straight line. y
i Use the graph to complete this table of values. 4
x −2 −1 0 1 2
–3 –2 –2 1 2 3 x
ii Write the rule describing this straight line. The rule is of –6
the form y = □x ± △. –8

9 a Construct a triangle with side lengths 5 cm, 12 cm and 13 cm.

b Draw these triangles.
i Obtuse-angled scalene triangle
ii Right-angled isosceles triangle
iii Acute-angled triangle
c Find the value of x, giving reason(s).
i ii iii
68° 40°

x 53°
70° x

d Write an equation and solve it to find the value of x.

Hence find the unknown angles.

90° – x

10 a Draw each of these plane shapes and list their properties.

i Trapezium ii Rhombus iii Kite iv Rectangle
b Find the values of the pronumerals, giving reason(s).
i x ii

95° 48°

115° 40° x

c Write an equation and solve it to find the value of m.

Hence find the unknown angles.
3m + 15°


11 Find the values of the pronumerals, giving reasons.


a b
y 109° 43° y x


w z
z 48°

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12 Kyle’s journey
Exercise 1A 12

Distance from
home (km)
1 a 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8
b 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4
2 a 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0
b 5 < 10 c 10 > 5 10 am 11 am 12 noon 1 pm 2 pm
1 Time
d 6, 7 and others e 8, 9, 7__2 and others
3 a 13 a 2 pm b 650 m from home
c 2:08 pm, 2:35 pm d 1000 m
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 e 125 m/min f She stopped.
g 2:12 pm to 2:32 pm h 1500 m
i 20 min j 10 min
k 150 m/min l 3000 m
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
m 136.4 m/min
Exercise 1B
0 2 4 6 8 10 11 12 14
1 a i ∠PST ii ∠S
4 a Depositing $5 b i ∠DPR ii ∠P
b Decrease of 2 cm in length 2 a ∠QRB = 67° b ∠BRS = 113° c ∠CRS = 49°
c A gain of 1 kg in weight d ∠BRC = 64° e ∠QRC = 131° f ∠QRS = 180°
d A fall of 4°C in temperature 3 b i Acute ii Obtuse iii Reflex
5 a Withdrawal of $1 iv Reflex v Reflex
b Deposit of $3 4 a Two angles that add to 90° are complementary.
c Withdrawal of $8 b
6 a −7 b +6 c +4
7 a
–9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 60°
−9, −8, −6, −5, −4 30°
b c i 50° ii 72° iii 45° iv 7°
–8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
5 a
−8, −7, −2, 0, 4
8 a
– 21 – 41 0 1
4 1 1 41 1 21 1 43 2 2 41 2 21
b i 55° ii 100° iii 109° iv 62°
1 1
−__21 , 0, 1, 1__2 , 2__4 6 a t = 115° vertically opposite angles
b u = 67° complementary angles
–2 –1.5 –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 c q = 199° angles at a point (revolution)
−1.6, −1.4, −1.3, 0, 1.2 d r = 95° angles in a straight line
9 a −5 > −6 b −2 < 2 c 0 > −3 e s = 42° angles in a straight line
10 a −7 b −2 c 11 f x = 87° vertically opposite
d5 e −4 f −12 7 a No, co-interior angles are not supplementary.
b Yes, corresponding angles are equal.
11 8 a q = 123° (corresponding angles)
A b r = 75° (alternate angles)
c a = 30° (angle sum of △ = 180°)
b = 30° (alternate angles)
c = 60° (alternate angles)
F d = 120° (straight line = 180°)
–3 –2 1 2 3 4 5 x
e = 60° (corresponding angle to c )
–1 f = 60° (corresponding angle)
–3 Exercise 1C
B –4 C
1 a 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34
–5 E
b 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72
–6 c 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48,
52, 56, 60, 64

Answers 449

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7 a
2 a 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96 b c
b 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
c 40, 80 d 40
3 a 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20 b 1, 5, 7, 35 c 5
4 a 50 = 2 × 52 b 130 = 2 × 5 × 13
c 520 = 23 × 5 × 13 8 a b
5 a 140 = 22 × 5 × 7 b 230 = 2 × 5 × 23
c 540 = 22 × 33 × 5
6 a 25 = 5 × 5, 40 = 23 × 5
b 5 c 200
7 a 180 = 22 × 32 × 5, 240 = 24 × 3 × 5 9
b 60 (22 × 3 × 5) c 720 (24 × 32 × 5)
8 a 70 = 2 × 5 × 7, 84 = 22 × 3 × 7, HCF = 14,
LCM = 420
b 60 = 22 × 3 × 5, 90 = 2 × 32 × 5, HCF = 30,
LCM = 180
c 280 = 23 × 5 × 7, 400 = 24 × 52, HCF = 40,
LCM = 2800
9 a ±3 b ±1 c ±13 d 5 e 9 f 11 A
10 a 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12
b 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12
c 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12 Exercise 1F
11 8 and 9 or −8 and −9 1 a p+1 b 3p
12 a 34 b 15.5 c 2p + 2 d 3p + 3
13 a 8 b 65 c 6 2 a 6p b gr c 5m
d 8ab e 3m2 f 5a + 3q
Exercise 1D 3 a 3×p b a×b c m×m
10 11 d 5×x×x e 6×p×q
1 a __
21 b __
21 4 a 3p b 5y c z d 3pq e 0
8 2
2 __
3 5__9 5 a 12 b 60 c 9 d 16 e 64
__t g
__ r 4w 3
4 __ 49
5 __ 6 a b r c __
g d ___ e ___
7 84 2 7 2x
__ 7 4
9 __
, , __
6 20 10 5 7 5 8
__ 7 a k÷3 b 4÷m c p÷q
d 3e ÷ 4 e mn ÷ t
2 7 3 1
8 a 1__
15 b __
12 c __
28 d 3__3 8 a 1 b 6 c 4 d 5 e 2
9 __ 10 $90 9 a 24 b 0 c 12 d −5 e 42
12 10 a 7 b 1 c 2 d 3 e 3
Exercise 1E
Exercise 1G
1 a Square prism b Hexagonal prism
c Cylinder d Square pyramid 1 Fraction Decimal Percentage
2 a Sphere b Rectangular prism 1
c Cylinder a 10 0.1 10%
3 a D bF b 1
0.2 20%
4 b
c 4 0.25 25%
. 1
d 3 0.3 33__3 %
__ 1
e 8 0.375 37__2 %
5 a b c f 2 0.5 50%
g 8 0.625 62.5%
. 2
h 3 0.6 0.66__3 %
Front Back Top 17
i 20 0.85 85%
d e
j 100 0.98 98%

2 a i 75% ii 25%
Left side Right side b i 40% ii 60%
1 3 18 43
6 It is a right square pyramid because its axis is 3 a __4 b __5 c __
25 d __
perpendicular to its base. 4 a 59% b 78% c 66% d 76%

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5 a 0.43

b 0.29 c 1.23 d 0.0035 c B(4, 1)
6 a 25% b 31.2% c 480% y
. C' D'
d 66.6 % e 62.5% 3
7 a 15.6% b 19% c 25% 2
3 2 1 B' E'
8 0.48, __5 , __3 , 68%
9 a 44.8 m b 75 c c 140 m –2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x
F –1
10 13 : 15 A F'
11 a 3 : 10 b 5 : 18 –2
12 Thousandths 13 0.079 E –3 B
2 . –4
14 a __
25 b 0.75 c 0.7
15 15.08
16 a > b = d B(4, −3)
17 A 0.45 y
18 a 72 b 3.096 c 23.68 1
19 a 12.75 m b 2.65 m
–2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x
Exercise 1H F A F'
1 a Reflected b Rotated E –3
B B' E'
c Translated –4
2 a Translated b Reflected
D C D' C'
c Rotated d Translated or reflected
3 a Translated 2 right, 1 down
5 a b
C' B' (7, 1) 6 Shape b; order 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x 7 a b

b Rotated through 90°

2 C B
1 8 a b
–1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 x
B' (2, –2)
9 a Yes, order 4 b Yes, order 2 c Yes, order 2
c Reflected in CB
y Exercise 1I
3 1 a {pink, red, blue, green} b __4
2 C B 1
C' B' (6, 2) 2 a {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11} b __6
0 3 a {the numbers 1 to 20} b __
1 A' 3 4 5 6 7 8 x 5
–1 4 a 16 b 5 c __
4 a B(4, −3) 5 a 20 b 9 c __
b B(1, −1) 1
6 a __4
b __2
c __
y 26
13 1 3
F' 1 A' 7 a __
20 b __
20 c __
7 7
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 6 1 2 3 4 x
A d __
20 e __
E' F B'
–2 8 a i No chance ii Unlikely iii Even chance
D' C' B iv Highly likely v Certain
–4 b i 0 ii 80% iii 100%
D C 9 a i Getting a head or tail ii Tossing a 1
iii Getting a head

Answers 451

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10 a Selecting a Z 7 Stem Leaf
b Selecting a card from A to H 12 8
c Selecting the letter A 13 1 2 2 8
d Selecting an A or B 14 2 2 4 5 5 5 5 6 8 9
e Not selecting the letter A 15 0 0 1 3
1 3 1 1 16 1
11 a __4 b __4 c __2 d __2
8 a Drink choice
12 __
Exercise 1J 16
1 Primary data is data that you collect. Secondary data is

data collected from external sources such as the internet
or newspapers. 10
2 a Census b Sample c Census 8
3 a All catch a bus so sample does not include people who 6
use different forms of transport. 4
b Only people over 18 years are on the electoral role so 2
no-one under 18 years is surveyed. 0
4 a Nominal b Numerical c Numerical Soft Still Juice Tea/ Other
drink water coffee
5 a Score Tally Frequency Drink
0     16 b Drink choice
1   9
2    14
3    12
4   6
5  3
Total 60

b Winning margins in soccer

Soft drink Still water Juice Tea/coffee Other
16 Drink
14 9 a Snowfields 112° Gold Coast 140°
12 NSW South Coast 60° NSW North Coast 48°

b Favourite holiday destinations for Year 7 students
6 Snowfields
4 Gold Coast
NSW South Coast
0 1 2 3 4 5 NSW North Coast
c i 60 ii 14
iii The game was a draw.
6 a Score Tally Frequency c Bar graph is a quarter size.
Favourite holiday destinations for Year 7 students
1  3
2  5 Snow- Gold South North
fields Coast Coast Coast
3  1
4  3
5  3 Exercise 1K
6   7 1 Area = 33 units2 2 ≈35 units2
3 a 49 m2 b 33 mm2 c 49 cm2
7  4
d 48 cm2 e 60 cm2 f 1750 mm2
8  3 4 a 45 m2 b 800 cm2
9  4 5 a 230.26 cm3 b 306.99 cm3
10  3 6 a 3163.5 cm3 b 3469.44 cm3
7 a 310.08 cm3 b 520 cm3
Total 36
8 a 3546.86 cm3 b 793.27 cm3
b 10 9 a 124.49 cm2 b 1168.99 m2

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Exercise 1L Science marks

1 a 16.5 b 19 c 17 d 10 5
2 a 41.48 b 44 c 41 d 36

3 Class A: mean = 43.13, median = 42, 4
mode = 28 and 46, range = 39 3
Class B: mean = 40.6, median = 41, mode = 51, 2
range = 45
4 a Score (x) Frequency (f ) f×x 0
8 6 48 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9 11 99
10 15 150 Exercise 1M
11 12 132
1 −12, ÷ 4; x = −3
12 8 96 2 a x=6 b x = −15 c x=9
13 7 91 11
d x = −7 e y= 3 f p = 13
14 8 112 14 7
g d = −20 h c = __ __
10 = 5 i m = −20
Σf = 67 Σfx = 728 10
b 10.9 j q = 17
5 a Mode = 12, range = 4 15
3 a p = __ b x = 24
b Mode = 56, range = 4 2
4 a No b No
6 Stem Leaf f f × stem Sum of leaves
5 x 5 11 8 9
8 479 3 240 20
3x − 4 11 29 20 23
9 0034555789 10 900 46
10 11234799 8 800 36 x=9
11 2345889999 10 1100 66
6 a x+5 b x−8 c 4x
x x
12 0137999 7 840 38
d __
7 e 3x + 5 f __ − 3
5x x−5
13 0111223489 10 1300 31 g ___
4 h 4(x + 6) i _____
14 111289 6 840 22 7 a 8x b w−4 c z÷7
Total 54 6020 259 d m + 11 e 3y − 13 f 3(a + 4)
Mean = 116.3, median = 118.5, mode = 119, x w+5 2x
g __
7 + 22 h ______
7 i ___
range = 65
8 a x+4 b y−7 c 9q
7 a English: mean = 5.5, median = 5.5, no mode m
Mathematics: mean = 5.5, median = 5.5, mode = 5, 6 d __
6 e 4k + 8 f 5(z + 3)
Science: mean = 5.5, median = 5.5, mode = 1, 10 y z−5
g __
7−2 h _____
4 i 9x + 5
b Mode c Science
5w 5p
d English marks j ___ k 8 l 8(n − 5)
2 1
9 a a = 10__3 b g = 14__7 c x = 6.5
d d=1 e e = −3.5 f f = −10.5

14 15 5
g k = __
15 h x = __
28 i p = __6
10 a 3x + 5 = 35 b 2x − 7 = 13 c 5x + 15 = 65
x x
d 4x − 4 = 36 e __
2 + 9 = 14 f __
5 − 4 = −2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x+8 x−6
Marks g _____
2 =9 h _____
2 =2
Mathematics marks 11 a 170 min b 1.5 kg
12 a 36 b 12
6 13 a $1200 b $8800
Exercise 1N

3 a x = 56°, base angles of isosceles △
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 b x = 56°, exterior angle of △
Marks 4 x = 180 − 120 − 40 − 10, x = 10°, angle sum of △

Answers 453

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5 u = 38° (supplementary angles) 2
13 a __7 b __7
ANSWERS v = 99° (angle sum of △)
w = 85° (angle sum of △) 14 a 100 : 1 b 7 : 1000 c 11 : 60
x = 85° (vertically opposite w) d 3000 : 173 e 120 : 13 f 67 : 1000
y = 81° (supplementary angle of v) g 3000 : 87 h 1000 : 27 i 130 : 3
z = 14° (angle sum of △) 15 a 4 : 10 = 2 : 5 b 6 : 15 = 2 : 5 c 4 : 25
6 a 16 a 64
b i 4:9 ii 7 : 32 c __
d i 17.2% ii 21.9% iii 12.5%

Exercise 2B
b A rhombus has 2 axes of symmetry, 4 sides equal, 1 a 15 b 10 c 14 d 30
diagonals bisect each other at right angles, opposite e 20 f 40 g 4 h 5
angles equal and opposite sides parallel. i 15 j 36 k 50 l 42
7 a m 65 n 54 o 50 p 170
q 22 r 39
2 a 5 b 7 c 1 d 5
e 3 f 6 g 5 h 2
i 3 j 7 k 12 l 1
b 1 diagonal inside m 5 n 6 o 3 p 5
1 diagonal outside q3 r 3
3 a 66 b 4 c 7 d2
e 13 f 20 g 5 h9
CHAPTER 2 RATIOS AND RATES i 13 j 8 k 9 l 36
Diagnostic test m 90 n 23 o 19
4 a 4:9 b 2:5 c 1:3 d 3:5
1 B 2 A 3 D 4 B 5 D e 7 : 11 f 7 : 17 g 5 : 17 h 9 : 14
6 B 7 B 8 A 9 C 10 A i 8:9 j 9 : 14 k 23 : 33 l 2:3
11 C 12 B 13 D m 2:3 n 14 : 15 o 27 : 58 p 41 : 64
5 a 5:3 b 3:1 c 5:2 d 16 : 9
Exercise 2A
e 11 : 3 f 9:2 g 42 : 11 h 2:1
1 a 2:5 b 3:2 c 1:3 i 19 : 11 j 6:1 k 21 : 4 l 45 : 4
2 a 4:7 b 7:4 m 58 : 7 n 55 : 8 o 23 : 16 p 17 : 14
3 a i 3:1 ii 1:3 b No 6 a 4:7 b 8:5 c 16 : 9 d 6:5:7
4 a i 1:2 ii 2:1 b No e 5:2:3 f 8:1 g 1 : 18 h 1 : 10
1 8 i 7:2 j 5 : 11 k 40 : 9 l 14 : 19
5 a No as __8 ≠ __1 b a=b
__ 2
m 99 : 20 n 202 : 45 o 3 : 10 p 3:5
6 a 7 b __7 q 6:7 r 3 : 10 s 1:6 t 20 : 3
1 8 7 a 1:6 b 5:2 c 18 : 1 d 10 : 1
7 a 1:8 b 8:1 c __9 d __9
8 1 e 4:9 f 3:4 g 17 : 10 h 16 : 3
e The paint would be mostly blue, __9 blue and __9 white, i 12 : 5 j 27 : 70 k 137 : 240 l 125 : 54
and so much darker than feather blue. m 8 : 65 n 6 : 65 o 13 : 4
8 a __5 b 3:2 c 2:3 8 2:1 9 Sand 6, gravel 4
10 a 9 : 10 b 10 : 1
d Yes, 18 e Yes, 12
1 3
11 a 4 : 5 b 5:4 c 1:4 d 5:1
9 a 5 b Green c Red d __
20 e 1:4 12 3 : 6 : 5
10 a i 2 : 2 = 1: 1 ii 2 : 4 = 1 : 2 iii __4 = __21
Exercise 2C
b i 3:3=1:1 ii 3 : 6 = 1 : 2 iii __6 = __21 7 63 8 32
6 3
1 a 18 b 3 c __4 d __
20 e __5 f __
c i 6:2=3:1 ii 6 : 8 = 3 : 4 iii __8 = __4 26 4 7 176
3 1
g 3 h __
5 i 4 j __5 k __2 l ___
__ __
d i 3:6=1:2 ii 3 : 9 = 1 : 3 iii 9 = 3
2 a 1161 b 35
e i 4:2=2:1 ii 4 : 6 = 2 : 3 iii __6 = __32 3 a $280 b $36
9 4 a 800 mL b 520 mL
f i 9:7 ii 9 : 16 iii __
16 5 a 11.7 cm b 57.2 cm
__ 4
__ 5 6
11 a 5 b 7 c __9 d __7 6 a 12.5 L b 320 mL
8 5 11 2 7 a 2.05 m b 64.4 kg
e __
13 f __
12 g __
14 h __7
8 a $300 b $60
12 a 3 : 1 b 1:4 c 3:2 d 5:2 c $432 d $2304
e 4:1 f 2:7 g 6:1 h 5:4 9 a 180 m b 2 cm

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10 a 2 cups Rice Bubbles, __4 cup icing sugar, 14 Player’s Number Number of Success rate
__ 1
__ name of goals attempts (1 decimal place)
1 2 tablespoons cocoa, 2 cup desiccated coconut,
a Carla 4 10 40
125 g copha
b 6 cups Rice Bubbles, 2__4 cups icing sugar b Susan 2 5 40
__ 1
__ c Robert 1 4 25
4 2 tablespoons cocoa, 1 2 cups desiccated coconut
375 g copha d Harley 6 13 46.2
11 a 20 b 35 c 80 e Kylie 9 15 60
12 a 6.9 cm, 13.8 cm b 36.8 cm
13 a 5.18 m b 10.36 m 15 a i $US86 ii $US481.60
iii $US4128 iv $US21 500
Exercise 2D b i $A116.28 ii $A4651.16
1 a F bB c D dI iii $A13 953.49 iv $A52 325.58
2 a $80, $20 b $60, $40 16 a Average annual rate of change in population (%)
c $45, $55 d $62.50, $37.50
Year Africa Asia Oceania America Europe
3 a $360, $180 b $315, $225
c $240, $300 d $367.20, $172.80 1950–2000 5.20 3.29 2.84 1.68 0.66
4 a 280 kg, 440 kg b 468 kg, 252 kg 2000–2050 2.53 0.83 0.95 0.84 −0.26
c 504 kg, 216 kg d 374.4 kg, 345.6 kg 1950–2050 7.15 2.74 2.58 1.61 0.15
5 a 625.5 m, 208.5 m b 333.6 m, 500.4 m
c 347.5 m, 486.5 m d 200.16 m, 633.84 m b Europe
6 3415 children 7 3L c Asia has a greater growth rate in 1950–2000, but
8 a 6.05 cm b 36.3 cm Oceania is greater in 2000–2050. Asia has a greater
9 0.24 L growth rate in 1950–2050.
10 Property $25 000, shares $20 000, bonds $15 000 d The growth rates decrease from the 1950–2000 rate
to the predicted 2000–2050 rate for all regions. This
11 a 15 kg b 10 kg
may be due to many factors, such as financial factors
12 a 22.5 cm b 10 cm
reducing family size or a lower birth rate.
13 a 13 740 b 34 350 c 51 525
e The growth rate for 1950–2050 must be divided by
Exercise 2E the population in 1950, while the growth rate for
2000–2050 is divided by the population in 2000.
1 a 15 b 121.25 c 32.4 d 4°
e 20 f 14.5 g 4.5 h 64 Exercise 2F
i 12 j 276 k4 l 120
1 a 1 cm ≡ 100 cm b 1 cm ≡ 400 000 cm
m 10.45
1 cm ≡ 1000 cm 1 cm ≡ 4000 m
2 a 10.5 km b 663.6 km c 2 h 27 min
1 cm ≡ 10 m 1 cm ≡ 4 km
d 12 750 km/h e 64.4 km f 3__21 h 2 a 1 : 400 b 1 : 16 000
3 a 12.5 min b 32.5 min c 1 : 5000 d 1 : 80 000
c 1 h 5 min d 2 h 50 min e 1 : 300 000 f 1 : 700 000
4 a $63.16 b $252.64 g 1 : 15 000 000 h 1 : 24 000 000
c $410.54 d $536.86 3 a 1 : 50 b 1 : 27 c 1 : 16
5 a i 24 m2 ii 36 m2 d 45 : 4 e 7 : 10 000 f 19 : 70 000
b i 7L ii 13 L 4 a 2.5 km b 13 km
6 a 6 min 40 s b 7 min 37 s c 24 km d 46 km
7 a i $0.938 or 93.8c per copy 5 a 4 km b 5.6 km
ii 68.8c per copy c 8.24 km d 12.72 km
b 25c c $1857.60 6 a 5 cm b 14 cm
8 B 9 B c 18.6 cm d 84.8 cm
10 a 150 sheets b 6 rolls 7 a 4 cm b 12 cm
11 a $18.45 b $6.55 c 25 cm d 56 cm
12 a $5.37 b $19.98 c $13.94 d $29.63 8 a 1 cm = 150 km, 1 cm : 150 km
Player’s Runs Balls Strike rate b i 450 km ii 780 km
name scored faced (1 decimal place) iii 937.5 km iv 2040 km
c i 8 cm ii 8.8 cm
a Healey 42 30 140
iii 11.2 cm iv 17.25 cm
b Hughes 31 22 140.9
c Border 18 16 112.5 Check your skills

d O’Donnell 125 98 127.6 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 B

6 B 7 A 8 C 9 B 10 A
e Young 71 59 120.3
11 D 12 A 13 C 14 C 15 C

Answers 455

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ANSWERS Review set 2A 4 a i True ii True iii True iv True
b Yes
1 It is a comparison of like quantities.
c i True ii True iii True iv True
2 17 : 11
d Yes e Yes
3 a 2:5 b 7:9
5 a i True ii True iii True iv True
4 18 5 $400, $600
b Yes
6 8.2 m, 12.3 m, 4.1 m
c i False ii False iii False iv False
7 $14.70 8 365.95 km
d No e No
9 a 32.5 m b 55.25 m
6 a i True ii True iii True
10 6m
iv True v True
Review set 2B b Yes
c i False ii False iii False
1 The same quantities are compared. iv False v False
2 11 : 7 d No e No
3 a 1:3 b 6 : 11 7 a B and C b Radii equal
4 104
5 468.75 kg, 781.25 kg 6 $70.68 Exercise 3B
7 $1300 8 4 h 19 min 1 b Yes c Yes d Yes
9 a 11 cm b 45 cm 2 b Not necessarily c Not necessarily
10 26.5 km d Not necessarily
3 b Yes c Yes
Review set 2C
e i 2 ii 2 iii No iv No
1 1:3 2 B f No
3 2.86 g True if angle is the included angle.
4 a 5 : 12 b 18 : 25 4 b Yes c Yes d Yes
5 55 students 5 b Yes c Yes e No f No
6 a 31 cm, 24.8 cm b 68.2 cm g True if the equal sides are matching sides.
7 0.175 km/min 8 A
9 20.4 m 10 55 cm Exercise 3C
1 a AAS b SAS c RHS d SSS
Review set 2D e AAS f SSS g RHS h SAS
1 20 : 3 20
2 __ i AAS j SAS k SSS l SAS
3 m AAS n RHS
3 $2250, $1500, $1250
4 a 174 : 187 b 13 : 187 2 a The equal angles are not both the included angle.
5 a 27.5 cm b 15.6 cm b The equal sides are not matching sides.
6 42 cents 7 B c Three pairs of equal angles do not necessarily make
8 $1521.74 9 $216.20 the triangles congruent.
10 a 1 cm = 8 km b 98.4 km 3 a The second 80° angle is not the included angle.
b The equal sides are not matching sides.
c Three pairs of equal angles do not necessarily make
CHAPTER 3 CONGRUENCE triangles congruent.
d The equal angles are not included angles.
Diagnostic test e Three pairs of equal angles do not necessarily make
triangles congruent.
1 C 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 D f The second angle is not the included angle.
6 B g The equal sides are not matching sides.
h Three pairs of equal angles do not necessarily make
Exercise 3A
congruent triangles.
1 a Translation b Reflection 4 a 2 and 3 (SSS) b 1 and 3 (SAS)
c Rotation c 2 and 3 (AAS) d 1 and 2 (RHS)
d Translation or reflection e 1 and 2 (SAS) f 1 and 3 (AAS)
e Rotation, reflection and translation g 1 and 3 (AAS) h 1 and 2 (AAS)
f Reflection and translation i 2 and 3 (SAS) j 1 and 2 (AAS)
2 a Yes b Yes c Yes 5 a SSS, x = 50°, y = 60°, z = 70°
d Yes e Yes f No b SAS, x = 12, a = 30°, b = 50°
3 a i AB and RP, BC and PQ, CA and QR, A and R, c AAS, a = 20°, x = 8, y = 7
B and P, C and Q d RHS, x = 6, a = 55°, b = 35°
ii Yes iii △ABC ≡ △RPQ e SAS, x = 9, a = 65°, b = 25°
b i AB and MN, BC and NK, CD and KL, DA and LM, f AAS, x = 8, y = 6
A and M, B and N, C and K, D and L g SSS, a = 65°, b = 70°, c = 45°
ii Yes iii ABCD ≡ MNKL h SAS, x = 10, a = 42°, b = 48°

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i AAS, x = 11, y = 8, a = 40° 3 c Yes d Diagonals bisect each other.

j AAS, x = 11.2, y = 14.5 4 d A
6 a i PS = RS (given)
SQ = SQ (common side) C C′
PQ = RQ (given)
∴ △PQS ≡ △RQS (SSS)
ii ∠SPQ = ∠SRQ (matching ∠s of congruent △s)
b i In △XYW and △ZYW
YW = YW (common side)
∠XYW = ∠ZYW (given) e Kite
∠XWY = ∠ZWY (given) f Two pairs of adjacent sides equal, one pair of opposite
∴ △XYW ≡ △ZYW (AAS) angles equal, one diagonal bisects the angles through
ii XW = ZW (matching sides of congruent △s) which it passes.
7 a i BD = BD (common side) 5 d A
AD = CD (given)
AB = CB (given)
∴ △ABD ≡ △CDB (SSS)
ii ∠ADB = ∠CDB (matching ∠s of congruent △s)
b i ∠RPQ = ∠RTS (given) C
∠PRQ = ∠TRS (vertically opposite)
RQ = RS (given)
∴ △PQR ≡ △TSR (AAS)
ii PR = RT (matching sides of congruent △s)
e Square
c i MO = PO (given)
f All sides are equal, all angles are equal (and hence
NO = QO (given)
equal 90°), diagonals bisect each other at right angles,
∠MON = ∠POQ (vertically opposite)
diagonals are equal, diagonals bisect the angles of the
∴ △MON ≡ △POQ (SAS)
square. Opposite sides are parallel.
ii MN = PQ (matching sides of congruent △s)
6 d A
d i ∠JLK = ∠MLN (vertically opposite)
∠JKL = ∠MNL (alternate ∠s on parallel lines)
KL = NL (given)
∴ △JKL ≡ △MNL (AAS)
ii JL = ML (matching sides of congruent △s) B′ B
e i ∠PQT = ∠RQS (vertically opposite) C
PT = RS (given)
∠PTQ = ∠RSQ (alternate ∠s on parallel lines)
∴ △PQT ≡ △RSQ (AAS)
ii TQ = SQ (matching sides of congruent △s) A′
e Rhombus
Exercise 3D f All sides equal, opposite sides are parallel, opposite
1 b A angles equal, diagonals bisect each other at right
angles, diagonals bisect the angles they pass through.
7 In △AMC and △AMB
AC = AB (given)
AM = AM (common side)
MC = MB (M is the midpoint of CB)
C C′ △AMC ≡ △AMB (SSS)
∠ACM = ∠ABM (matching ∠s of congruent △s)
c Isosceles
∴ ∠ACB = ∠ABC
d Opposite sides equal; angles opposite equal sides are
equal, the line from the vertex is perpendicular to the 8 △PTR and △PTQ
base and bisects the base and vice versa. ∠R = ∠Q (given)
2 e PT = PT (common)
A C′
∠PTR = ∠PTQ (construction)
∴ △PTR ≡ △PTQ (AAS)
∴ PR = PQ (matching sides of congruent △s)
11 ∠B = ∠C (AB = AC)
C B Also ∠B = ∠A (CB = CA)
f Parallelogram ∠A = ∠B = ∠C
g Opposite sides equal; opposite sides parallel; opposite But ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180° (angle sum of a △)
angles equal ∴ ∠A = ∠B = ∠C = 60°

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12 In △ABC and △ADC
ANSWERS AC = AC (common side)
Review set 3B
1 No
∠BAC = ∠DCA (alternate ∠s and AB || DC)
2 △ABC ≡ △YZX
∠BCA = ∠DAC (alternate ∠s and AD || BC)
3 a YZ b ∠X
∴ △ABC ≡ △CDA (AAS)
4 a SAS b AAS c SSS d RHS
a ∴ AB = DC (matching sides of congruent △s)
5 a Three pairs of equal angles do not necessarily make
and AD = BC (matching sides of congruent △s) the triangles congruent.
The opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal. b The equal angles are not the included angles.
b Also ∠ABC = ∠ADC c The equal sides are not matching sides.
(matching angles of congruent △s) 6 1 and 3
13 In △AED and △CEB 7 a SSS, x = 60°, y = 65°, z = 55°
∠DAE = ∠BCE (alternate angles and AD || BC) b SAS, x = 60°, y = 80°
∠AED = ∠BEC (vertically opposite ∠s) c AAS, x = 10, y = 8
AD = BC (opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal, 8 a In △ABC and △CDA
proven in question 12) AB = DC (given)
△AED ≡ △CEB (AAS) AC = AC (common side)
∴ AE = EC (matching sides of congruent △s) ∠BAC = ∠DCA (alternate angles and AB || DC)
and DE = BE (matching sides of congruent △s) ∴ △ABC ≡ △CDA (SAS)
14 In △ACD and △BDC b ∴ AD = BC (matching sides of congruent △s)
AD = BC (opposite sides of a rectangle are equal)
DC = CD (common side) Review set 3C
∠ADC = ∠BCD (both 90°) 1 No
∴ AC = BD (matching sides of congruent △s) 3 a YX b ∠W
4 a SAS b AAS c RHS d SSS
Language in mathematics 5 a Three pairs of equal angles do not necessarily make
1 a C bD c B dA the triangles congruent.
3 Translation, rotation, reflection b The equal sides are not matching sides.
4 a Two sides equal, angles opposite equal sides are equal. c The equal angles are not included angles.
b All sides equal, all angles equal. 6 1, 2 and 3
7 a SSS, x = 40°, y = 110°, z = 30°
Check your skills b AAS, x = 10, y = 12 c SAS, x = 10
1 D 2 D 3 C 4 C 5 B 8 In △PQT and △RST
6 C 7 B 8 A 9 B 10 C PQ = RS (opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal)
11 B 12 C ∠QPT = ∠SRT (alternate angles and PQ || SR)
∠PQT = ∠RST (alternate angles and PQ || SR)
Review set 3A △PQT ≡ △RST (AAS)
1 a One can be superimposed on the other by any ∴ PT = RT (matching sides of congruent △s)
combination of translations, rotations and reflections. and QT = ST (matching sides of congruent △s)
b All the matching sides are equal and all the matching
angles are equal.
Diagnostic test
4 a QR b ∠S
5 a AAS b SAS c SSS d RHS 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 D 5 B
6 a Three pairs of equal angles do not necessarily make 6 D 7 C 8 C 9 B 10 A
the triangles congruent. 11 A 12 D 13 A 14 B 15 A
b The second 70° angle is not the included angle. 16 C
c The equal sides are not matching sides.
Exercise 4A
7 1 and 3
8 a SSS, x = 95° 1 a 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 25
b SAS, x = 15, y = 45°, z = 35° b 25 means ‘2 to the power of 5’.
c AAS, x = 9, y = 10, z = 50° c The base is 2 and the index is 5.
9 a In △PQT and △RQS 2 a 78 b 7 to the power of 8
PT = SR (given) c The base is 7 and the index is 8.
∠PTQ = ∠RSQ (given) 3 a i 43 ii 98
△PQT = ∠RQS (vertically opposite ∠s) b i 4 to the power of 3 ii 9 to the power of 8
∴ △PQT = △RQS (AAS) c i The base is 4 and power is 3.
b ∴ PQ = RQ (matching sides of congruent △s) ii The base is 9 and power is 8.

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4 a i 66 ii 104 7 Rule: When multiplying numbers with the same base,
b i 6 to the power of 6 ii 10 to the power of 4 add the indices.
c i The base is 6 and exponent is 6. 8 a 4×4×4
ii The base is 10 and exponent is 4. b 4×4×4×4
5 a 89 b 103 c 122 d 64 e 97 c 44
6 a k × k × k × k × k = k5 d Yes, 4 is being multiplied 4 times.
b k5 means ‘k to the power of 5’. e Yes
c The base is k and the index is 5. 9 a 55 b 38 c 210 d 59 e 712
7 a i w4 ii a10 10 a i 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 4 × 4 = 3888
b i w to the power of 4 ii a to the power of 10 ii 12 × 12 × 12 × 12 × 12 × 12 × 12
c i The base is w and the index is 4. = 35 831 808
ii The base is a and the index is 10. b No, as 3888 ≠ 35 831 808.
8 a 56 = 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 c You can only add indices if the bases are the same.
b 123 = 12 × 12 × 12 11 a i 5 × 5 × 5 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 4000
c j5 = j × j × j × j × j ii 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10
d v7 = v × v × v × v × v × v × v = 100 000 000
9 a l×l×l×l×l×l b No, as 4000 ≠ 100 000 000.
b 7×7×7×7×7×7×7×7 12 a i 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 = 2187
c 6×6×6 ii 9 × 9 × 9 × 9 × 9 × 9 × 9 = 4 782 969
d 2×2×2×2 b No, as 2187 ≠ 4 782 969.
e 10 × 10 c 37
f 3×3 13 a i 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 256
g 8×8×8×8×8 ii 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 = 65 536
h 4×4×4×4×4 b No, as 256 ≠ 65 536.
i l×l×l×l×l×l×l c 28
j t×t 14 a i 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5
k f×f×f×f = 9 765 625
l a×a×a×a×a×a×a×a×a ii 25 × 25 × 25 × 25 × 25 × 25 × 25 × 25 × 25 × 25
my×y×y×y×y = 95 367 431 640 000
n d×d×d×d×d×d b No, as they are not equal.
o k×k×k c 510
p m×m×m×m×m×m×m×m 15 a True b False c False d True
10 a 729 b 78 125 c 1024 e False f False g True h False
d 512 e 43 046 721 f 1000 i False j False k False l True
g 2401 h 256 i 1296 m False n True o False
j 1331 k 6.5536 l 54.872 16 a 42 + 1 + 5 = 48 b 62 + 4 + 3 = 69
m 410.0625 n 54.76 o 238.328 c 1015 d 224 e p11 f m18
17 a 213 b 318 c 514 d 911 e 410
Exercise 4B f a 11
g y12
hn 19
i p 20
j t7
1 a i 52 = 5 × 5 18 a Only add indices if the bases are the same.
ii 57 = 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 b Indices is the plural of the word index.
iii 52 × 57 = 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 c Bases can be numbers or letters.
b 52 × 57 in index form = 59 d A single digit or letter has an index value of 1.
c Yes, 5 is being multiplied 9 (2 + 7) times.
Exercise 4C
2 a i 7×7×7 ii 7 × 7 × 7 × 7
iii 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 1 a (4 × 4 × 4 × 4)3 = (4 × 4 × 4 × 4) × (4 × 4 × 4 × 4)
b 77 c Yes × (4 × 4 × 4 × 4)
3 a i 6×6×6 ii 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 = 412
iii 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 b (8 × 8 × 8) = (8 × 8 × 8) × (8 × 8 × 8) = 86

b 68 c Yes c (2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2)3
4 a i 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 = (2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2) × (2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2) ×
ii 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 (2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2) = 215
iii 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 d (7 × 7 × 7)5
b 1011 c Yes = (7 × 7 × 7) × (7 × 7 × 7) × (7 × 7 × 7) ×
5 a 84 × 810 = 84 + 10 = 814 (7 × 7 × 7) × (7 × 7 × 7) = 715
b 77 × 72 = 77 + 2 = 79 2 a (44)3 = 412 (83)2 = 86 (25)3 = 215 (73)5 = 715
c 97 × 93 = 97 + 3 = 910 b When raising a number to a higher power, multiply
d 56 × 511 = 56 + 11 = 517 the indices.
6 a 39 b 212 c 710 d 59 3 a 36 b 56 c 212 d 315
20 10 12
e 4 16
f 6 13
g 10 9
h 220 e 7 f 10 g 4 h 621
i 530 j 318 k 310 l 713 i 324 j 270 k 320 l 320
m 28 n 821 o 317 m 58 n 58 o 930

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4 a a6 b b54 c c42 d d 55 12 a 35 27 72 58
b c d
e e40 f f 14 g g36 h h33 e 43 f 38 g 59 h 37
i i 20
j j 8
k k56 l l 40 i 29 j 510 k 23 l 37
m m 36
nn 27
o o63 m 26 n 53 p 35 p 710
5 a (8 ) × 8 = 8 × 8 = 8
4 2 3 8 3 11

b 109 × (102)6 = 109 × 1012 = 1021 Exercise 4E

c 714 d 514 e 911 f 333

11 18 1 25 24 23 22 21 20
g 8 h6 i 1013 j 478
6 a 7 16
b2 18
c 514 d 717 32 32 ÷ 2 = 16 16 ÷ 2 = 8 8 ÷ 2 = 4 4 ÷ 2 = 2 2 ÷ 2 = 1
28 22
e 3 f 9 g 433 h 864
2 105 104 103 102 101 100
Exercise 4D 100 000 10 000 1000 100 10 1

1 a ________________________ = 44 3 55 54 53 52 51 50
3125 625 125 25 5 1
b = 94
9×9 4 45 44 43 42 41 40
c ___________________________
5×5×5×5×5 = 53 1024 256 64 16 4 1
2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2 5 a 20 = 1 100 = 1 50 = 1 40 = 1
d ___________________________________ = 24
2×2×2×2×2×2 b Any base raised to the power of zero is equal to 1.
________________________ 6 a 70
2 a
3×3 7×7×7 1
b 35 b _________ = __ = 1
7×7×7 1
c Yes, five (= 7 − 2) 3s remain.
c 70 = 1 (no 7s remaining)
3 a ________________ 7 a 90
9×9×9×9×9 1
b 72 b ________________ = __ = 1
9×9×9×9×9 1
c Yes, two (= 5 − 3) 7s remain.
c 90 = 1 (no 9s remaining)
4 a ___________________________ 8 a 60
2×2×2 6×6 1
b 25 b _____ = __ = 1
c Yes, five (= 8 − 3) 2s remain. 6×6 1
c 60 = 1 (no 6s remaining)
5 a ___________________________ 9 a 1 b 1 c 1 d 1 e 1 f 1
b 91 g 1 h 1 i 1 j 1 k 1 l 1
c Yes, one (= 8 − 7) 9 remains. 10 a 1 b 1 c 1 d 1 e 1 f 1
6 a 37 ÷ 32 = 35 75 ÷ 73 = 72
Exercise 4F
2 ÷2 =2
8 3 5
98 ÷ 97 = 91
b When dividing numbers with the same base, subtract 1 a 510 b 616 c 1015 d 124
the indices. e 85 f 35 g 46 h 518
7 a 32 b 23 c 56 d 44 i 922 j 1 k1 l 1
e 105 f 64 g 22 h 32 m 23 n 812 o 528 p 1
i 4 1
j 51
k3 4
l 55 q 412 r 1 s 146 t 1
m2 6
n 10 3
o 7 8 u 173 v 129 w 624 x 917
8 a m3 b w1 c g2 d z2 2 a x12 b f 10 c m45 d v6
e p1 f d3 g a5 h r2 e 1 f q13 g b55 h y14
i b2 j h5 k s3 l t4 i f 16 j d4 k e9 l 1
m v2 n e5 o l1 m 1 n j9 o z10 p a3
9×9×9×9 3 a 216 b 101 c 45 d 510
9 a 94 ÷ 32 = _____________ = 729 e 214 f 613 g 88 h 1
32 = 3 × 3 = 9 i 3 j 4 k1 l 47
False, as 729 ≠ 9. m 1 n 914 o 7 p 611
5×5×5×5×5×5×5 4 a 125 b 2401 c 243 d 512
b 57 ÷ 53 = ________________________ = 54 = 625
5×5×5 e 1.44 f 21.952 g 128 h 972
54 = 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 = 625 i 125 j 16 000 k 2700 l 677.376
True, as 625 = 625. m 9 n 2.56 o 300.125 p 8.64
10 When dividing, you can only subtract indices if the bases
Exercise 4G
are the same.
11 a True b False c False d True 1 a −35 b −21 c −36 d −18
e False f False g False h False e −28 f −24 g −6 h −72
i False j True k False l False i 44 j 30 k 18 l 14
m True n False o True p False m −56 n 24 o −40 p 64

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2 a −30 −42 d −40

b 72 c 5 a False b False
e 25 f 1 g 0 h −45 6 a 532 b 415 c 22 d 76 e 54
i 36 j −20 k −6 l 12 7 a p8 b m14 c f6 d l7 e w4
m −343 n 40 o −24 8 Add indices: 54 + 3 = 57
3 a −2 b −6 c 2 d −6 9 Subtract indices: 28 − 4 = 24 ≠ 22
e 4 f 9 g −2 h 2 10 Anything to the power of zero = 1:
i −4 j −11 k −4 l 2 40 × 90 + 30 = (1 × 1) + 1 = 2
m 4 n −5 o −5 p 6 11 a −45 b 40 c 45
4 a −5 b −3 c −3 d −8 12 a −4 b −12 c 8
e −24 f 10 g 16 h 10 13 a 3 b 13 c 1
5 a −3 b 3 c −10 d −40 d −24 e 4 f −9
e 2 f −11 g 24 h 5
i −16 Review set 4B
6 a 4 b 5 c 3 d 7 1 a 75 b 97
e 2 f −2 g 9 h 0 2 a Base 3, index 8 b Base 5, index 2
i 11 j 6 k 4 l −4 3 a 64 = 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 b 73 = 7 × 7 × 7
7 a −119 b −26 c −1036 d −1558 4 a 512 b 729
e −106 f −92 g −846 h −163 5 a 313 b 712 c 45
i −106 j 420 k −1555 l −1715 d 611 e 230
m −112 n 264 o 7695 6 a False b False
8 a −768 b −290 c −26 585 7 a c16 b k36 c y6
d z9 e x8
Language in mathematics 8 Subtract indices: 47 − 2 = 45
1 a Three to the power of five 9 Add indices: 66 + 2 = 68 ≠ 368
b Eight to the power of two 10 Multiply indices: 32 × 4 = 38
c Two to the power of three 11 a −24 b 48 c 36
d z to the power of four 12 a 7 b 6 c −6
2 a 72 b 43 c 65 d 24 13 a 1 b 11 c 4
3 a Index b Exponent d 45 e 12 f 9
4 a Base b Index, power or exponent
Review set 4C
5 23 × 24 = 8 × 16 = 128 47 = 16 384
128 ≠ 16 384 so 2 × 2 ≠ 4
3 4 7 1 a 28 b 103
6 26 × 23 = 64 × 8 = 512 29 = 512 2 a Base 8, index 4 b Base 12, index 2
512 = 512 so 26 × 23 = 29 3 a 62 = 6 × 6
10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 b 57 = 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5
7 105 ÷ 103 = _____________________ = 102
10 × 10 × 10 4 a 625 b 2187
12 = 1 5 a 919 b 215 c 58 d 610 e 246
102 ≠ 1 so 105 ÷ 103 ≠ 102 6 a False b True
4×4×4×4×4×4×4×4 7 a j16 b n6 c p27 d s15
8 48 ÷ 45= ___________________________ = 43 e 9
4×4×4×4×4 8 Multiply indices: 24×3
=2 ≠212 7
so 48 ÷ 45 = 43 9 Subtract and add indices: 610 − 4 + 1 = 67
9×9×9×9×9 1
9 ________________ = __ = 1 10 Subtract indices: 43 − 1 = 42
9×9×9×9×9 1 Subtract indices: 47 − 3 = 44
10 (23)3 = (2 × 2 × 2) × (2 × 2 × 2) × (2 × 2 × 2) = 512 42 < 44
29 = 512 11 a −30 b 54 c 40
512 = 512 so (23)3 = 29 12 a −2 b 5 c 9
13 a 7 b −5 c 16
Check your skills
d 12 e 14 f 8
1 B 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 A
6 D 7 A 8 B 9 C 10 A Review set 4D
11 A 12 B 13 D 14 B 15 A 1 a 65 b 58
16 B 17 B 18 D 19 D 20 B 2 a Base 6, index 8 b Base 3, index 10
21 D 22 B 23 B 24 B 25 D 3 a 45 = 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4
26 D b 27 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
4 a 64 = 1296 b 212 = 4096
Review set 4A 5 a 540 b 370 c 54
22 45
1 a 24 b 57 d4 e 3
2 a Base 7, index 9 b Base 3, index 10 6 a True b True
3 a 35 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 7 a 1 b 15 c 1 d 1 e 2
b 76 = 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 8 Anything to the power of zero = 1: h0 + m0 = 1 + 1 = 2
4 a 38 = 6561 b 56 = 15 625 9 ( j 5 )0 × 5 = 1 × 5 = 5

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10 m0 + d0 = 2 × f 0 1
ANSWERS 4 a A = __2 × 8 × 6 = 24 cm2
1 + 1 = 2 and 2 × 1 = 2 ∴ correct 1
11 a −60 b 30 c −8 b A = __2 × 3.6 × 1.7 = 3.06 m2
12 a −5 b −3 c −4 1
c A = __2 × 3 × 8 = 12 km2
13 a 9 b −12 c 5 5 a 32.4 cm2 b 45.5 cm2 c 204 cm2
d 20 e 90 f 12
d 21.42 cm2 e 52.11 cm2 f 127.53 cm2
6 a A = __2 × 10 × 8 = 40 cm2
b A = __2 × 15 × 7 = 52.5 cm2
c A = __2 × 11.6 × 5.2 = 30.16 m2
Diagnostic test 7 a 57 cm2 b 232.5 cm2 c 182 cm2
2 2
1 B 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 D d 66.5 cm e 140 cm f 567 cm2
2 2
6 A 7 C 8 C 9 C 10 A 8 a 38 cm b 22.5 m c 36 cm2
11 D 12 C 13 B 14 B 15 C d 30 mm2 e 93.5 mm2 f 24.84 cm2
g 28.055 cm2 h 36.54 mm2 i 3.24 cm2
Exercise 5A 9 a Larger area = l × b = (20 × 17) = 340 m2
1 1
1 a 210 mm b 18 cm c 3.5 km Smaller area = __2 b × h = __2 × 16 × 13 = 104 m2
d 40 mm e 230 cm f 1800 m Shaded area = 340 − 104 = 236 m2
g 20 cm h 2.8 m i 520 cm 1
b Larger area = __2 × 9 × (17 + 26) = 193.5 m2
j 83 mm k 6300 m l 3 cm
m 5000 cm n 3200 mm o 0.83 km Smaller area = __2 × 4 × (6 + 13) = 38 m2
2 a 14 m b 18 m c 16 mm Shaded area = 193.5 − 38 = 155.5 m2
d 50 cm e 12 m f 40 cm c Larger area = (14 × 14) = 196 cm2
g 8m h 120 cm i 36 cm Smaller area = 7 × 8 − 3 × 3 = 56 − 9 = 47 cm2
3 1040 m 4 68 m Shaded area = 196 − 47 = 149 cm2
5 a 7.79 m b 7.06 m c 13.4 m d 18.4 m 10 a 32.8 m2 b 14.52 m2 c 114 m2
6 a 20 cm b 84 cm c 29 cm d 130.845 m 2
e 147 m 2
f 63.3 cm2
d 31 cm e 6.61 cm f 5.2 cm 11 a 20 cm 2
b 58.5 m 2
c 266 m2
7 a 20 cm b 61 cm c 84 cm 12 a 51 m2 b 48 cm2 c 60 mm2
d 65.3 cm e 167.9 cm f 487.5 cm d 82.5 km2 e 108.375 m2 f 23.165 m2
8 a 8 × 8 = 64 cm2 b 14 × 14 = 196 cm2 13 a 300 m = 300 ÷ 1000 km = 0.3 km
c 19 × 19 = 361 cm2 d 136.89 cm2 1
2 A = __2 h(a + b)
e 79.21 cm f 12.25 cm2
9 a 15.21 cm2 b 5.76 mm2 = __2 × 0.3 × (0.4 + 0.5)
c 75.69 m2 d 0.7225 m2 = 0.135 km2
10 a 7 × 5 = 35 cm 2
b 18 × 13 = 234 cm2 b 0.4 km = 0.4 × 1000 m = 400 m
c 12 × 4 = 48 cm 2
d 4.3 × 6.9 = 29.67 cm2 0.5 km = 0.5 × 1000 m = 500 m
11 a 36 cm2 b 90 cm2 1
c 96 mm2 d 20 m2 A = __2 h(a + b)
e 35 cm 2
f 18.6 cm2 = __2 × 300 × (400 + 500)
__ 1
12 a 2 × 5 × 2 = 5 cm2 b 2 × 4 × 2 = 4 cm2 =135 000 m2
c __2 × 7 × 5 = 17.5 km2 14 a i 3300 cm2 ii 0.33 m2
b i 280 000 m2 ii 0.28 km2
13 a 18 m2 b 6 cm2 c 720 m2 d 20 cm2 c i 16 000 cm2 ii 1.6 m2
14 a 8 × 3 = 24 cm2
b 120 × 35 = 4200 mm2
d i 2.24 m2 ii 22 400 cm2
c 50 × 12 = 600 cm2
e i 19 200 cm2 ii 1.92 m2
15 a 21 cm2 b 36 cm2 c 120 cm2
Exercise 5C
Exercise 5B
3 Yes
1 a A = __2 × 7 × (6 + 10) = 56 m2 5 a 4 cm2 b 400 mm2
1 6 a i 64 cm 2
ii 6400 mm2
b A = __2 × 6 × (3 + 9) = 36 cm2
1 b i 25 cm ii 2500 mm2
c A = __2 × 7 × (18 + 12) = 105 cm2 c i 144 cm 2
ii 14 400 mm2
2 a 56 cm2 b 75 cm2 c 48 cm2 7 a If 64 cm = 6400 mm , 6400 mm2 = 64 cm2.
2 2

d 302.5 cm2 e 105 cm2 f 231 cm2 b If 25 cm2 = 2500 mm2, 2500 mm2 = 25 cm2.
3 a 55 cm2 b 28 cm2 c 49 cm2 c If 144 cm2 = 14 400 mm2, 14 400 mm2 = 144 cm2.
d 78 mm2 e 162 mm2 f 25.5 cm2 d To convert from cm2 to mm2 multiply by 100.
g 25.44 m2 h 95.475 cm2 i 28.495 cm2 e To convert from mm2 to cm2 divide by 100.
j 8.68 m2

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8 Areas Exercise 5D
Side length m 2
mm 2 1 a 30 mL b 60 mL c 20 mL
2m 4m 2
40 000 cm 2
4 000 000 mm 2 d 25 mL e 85 mL f 45 mL
g 4 mL h 34 mL i 53 mL
3m 9 m2 90 000 cm2 9 000 000 mm2
j 500 mL k 700 mL l 600 mL
2 2
4m 16 m 160 000 cm 16 000 000 mm2 m 5000 mL n 3000 mL o 11 000 mL
p 7.5 mL
9 a To convert from m2 to cm2 multiply by 10 000.
2 a 50 cm3 b 70 cm3 c 30 cm3
b To convert from cm2 to m2 divide by 10 000.
d 45 cm3 e 25 cm3 f 65 cm3
10 a 11 × 10 000 = 110 000 cm2
g 6 cm3 h 54 cm3 i 21 cm3
b 0.6 × 10 000 = 6000 cm2 3 3
j 400 cm k 600 cm l 900 cm3
c 0.04 × 100 mm2 = 4 mm2 3 3
11 a 40 000 b 120 000 c 3000 m 7000 cm n 5000 cm o 12 000 cm3
d 5000 e 900 f 60 p 7.5 cm3
g 14 100 h 1200 i 10 3 a 3000 cm3 = 3000 ÷1000 = 3 L
j 47 k 6 l 1.2 b 6000 cm3 = 6000 ÷1000 = 6 L
12 a 14 000 ÷ 100 = 140 cm2 c 2000 cm3 = 2000 ÷ 1000 = 2 L
b 63 ÷ 100 = 0.63 cm2 4 a 75 L b 35 L c 65 L
c 530 ÷ 10 000 = 0.053 m2 d 4.2 L e 3.4 L f 5.3 L
13 a 120 b 156 c 93 g 2.535 L h 3.773 L i 7.688 L
d 7.2 e 0.58 f 0.06 5 a 3 L = 3 × 1000 = 3000 cm3
g 700 h 325 i 18.2 b 8 L = 8 × 1000 = 8000 cm3
j 9.6 k 0.35 l 0.042 c 7 L = 7 × 1000 = 7000 cm3
14 a 600 b 1300 c 350 6 a 4200 cm3 b 5300 cm3 c 8900 cm3
3 3
d 40 e 6 f 7 d 6450 cm e 5440 cm f 3210 cm3
3 3
g 8.5 h 0.24 i 30 000 g 4495 cm h 6293 cm i 8443 cm3
j 158 000 k 4 l 6.05 j 70 000 cm3 k 50 000 cm3 l 120 000 cm3
7 a mL bL c L d mL e L
15 a f mL g mL hL i mL
8 a 4000 L = 4000 ÷1000 = 4 m3
b 330 L = 330 ÷1000 = 0.33 m3
c 0.4 kL = 0.4 × 1 = 0.4 m3
100 m 500 m 800 m 9 a 12 m3 b 9.5 m3 c 7.25 m3
3 3
100 × 100 500 × 500 800 × 800 d 0.67 m e 0.136 m f 0.025 m3
m2 g 12.5 m 3
h 8.3 m 3
i 5 m3
= 10 000 m2 = 250 000 m2 = 640 000 m2
j 0.6 m3 k 0.75 m3 l 0.09 m3
ha = 1 ha = 25 ha = 64 ha
10 a 0.05 m3 = 0.05 ÷ 1 = 0.05 kL
b 580 m3 = 580 ÷ 1 = 580 kL
c 7000 m3 = 7000 ÷ 1 = 7000 kL
11 a 0.01 kL b 0.9 kL c 480 kL
d 295 kL e 890 kL f 6500 kL
g 7200 kL h 9000 kL i 12 940 kL
1000 m 5000 m 8000 m j 14 750 kL k 18 500 kL l 23 000 kL
1000 × 1000 5000 × 5000 8000 × 8000 12 a 2000 m3 = 2000 ÷ 1000 = 2 ML
m2 b 600 m3 = 600 ÷1000 = 0.6 ML
= 1 000 000 m2 = 25 000 000 m2 = 64 000 000 m2
c 0.8 m3 = 0.8 ÷ 1000 = 0.0008 ML
ha = 100 ha = 2500 ha = 6400 ha
d 6 ML e 0.42 ML f 0.075 ML
b i To convert m2 to hectares divide by 10 000. 13 a 5 ML = 5 × 1000 = 5000 m3
ii To convert hectares to m2 multiply by 10 000. b 6.2 ML = 6.2 × 1000 = 6200 m3
c ÷ 10 000 c 50 ML = 50 × 1000 = 50 000 m3
d 28 000 m3 e 15 620 m3 f 300 m3
m2 ha 14 a __2 × (25 × 18) × 36
= 225 × 36
= 8100 cm3
× 10 000
b 1 cm3 = 1 mL ∴ Capacity = 8100 mL
16 a 50 000 b 170 000 c 9000 8100
d 2300 e 14 000 f 4 c 1 L = 1000 mL ∴ Capacity = _____ L = 8.1 L
g 6.2 h 18 i 900 15 a 5832 cm3 b 5832 mL c 5.832 L
j 22 600 k 34 268 l 89 16 a 704 000 000 cm3 b 704 000 000 mL
17 a 2 b 3 c 1.15 c 704 000 L d 704 kL
d 4.89 e 40 000 f 60 000 17 a 54 375 000 cm3 b 54 375 L
g 36 000 h 49 300 i 300 18 a 907 200 cm3 b 907.2 L
j 11 500 k 21 000 l 50 19 a 102 400 L b 192 000 L c $75.96

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ANSWERS Language in mathematics Review set 5C
1 K I L O L I T R E A R H O M B U S 1 17.3 cm
T H D A E R B A S E F N T B J D F 2 x = 10.42 cm, y = 14.5 cm, z = 14.5 cm, w = 7.2 cm
C D B H E I G H T C T O C K G I E perimeter = 96.6 cm
3 127.68 cm2
4 B Square by 7.05 cm2
5 a 41.055 cm2 b 248 cm2
A M E A S U R E A Y I R B L Y N E 1
6 a A = 2 xy b A = bh c A = lb
7 a 10.865 cm2 b 26.04 cm2
8 a 400 mm2 b 0.07 m2
G E A A T Y C T N M Q N Z G R O I 2
c 5.3 cm d 95 000 cm2
N N T U X A P R I S M O M R E N L 2
e 3290 cm f 0.73 ha
A G N W P T R E V N O C Q T A S I g 6L h 2 m3
T T C A L C U L A T E O I M S L L i 5 ML j 3250 cm3
C H C O N T A I N E R K T A P C L 9 a 2000 cm3 b 860 cm3
E W L A R E T A L I R D A U Q U I 10 a 0.6 L b 18 L
Review set 5D
2 Two each of:
a mm, cm, m, km 2 2
b mm , cm , m , km 2 2 1 a x = 16.24 cm, y = 6.4 cm; perimeter = 71.8 cm
c mL, L, kL, ML b x = 2.33 cm, y = 7.93 cm; perimeter = 53.98 cm
1 1 2 a 67.24 cm2 b 54.05 cm2 c 101.675 cm2
3 a one-thousandth (____
1000 ) b one-hundredth (___
100 )
3 560 cubes
c one-thousand (1000)
4 Volume is the amount of space in m3 or other linear unit.
4 space, prism, conversion, surface, perimeter, volume,
Capacity is the amount of liquid that would be held,
litre, capacity
given in litres or other unit.
5 height, length, millilitre
5 a 48.97 cm2 b 29.87 m2 c 29.87 cm2
Check your skills 6 a A = lb b A = __2 xy
1 C 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 C c A = __2 h(a + b)
6 C 7 A 8 C 9 D 10 D 7 a 150.5 cm2 b 60 cm2
11 A 12 C 13 A 14 B 15 A 8 a 500 mm2 b 40 000 mm2
16 C c 75 cm2 d 85 000 cm2
e 0.54 m2 f 6 ha
Review set 5A g 100 mm2 h 1 000 000 mL
1 a 17.2 cm b 34.8 cm i 1 000 000 cm3 j 1000 L
2 a 97.1 cm b 74.4 cm k 3 kL l 2000 m3
3 94.09 cm2 4 87.6 cm2 9 a 189 000 L b $34.59
5 No 6 114 cm2
7 a 12.71 m2 b 89.06 cm2
8 a A = lb b A = __2 xy c A = __2 xy
1 aIt is a comparison of like quantities.
9 a 4.32 m2 b 4.8 km2
bNo units as they are like quantities.
10 a 500 mm2 b 0.1130 cm2 c 4.8 cm2
c20 : 7
d 23 000 cm2 e 688 mm2 f 0.000 25 ha
d i 5 : 18 ii 4 : 3 iii 2 : 3 iv 5 : 3
g 0.04 L h 63 m3 i 20 m3
e2:1 f 5 : 13
11 4.8 L 15
12 a 25 132 cm3 b 25.132 L gx = __ 8
h i 23 : 26 ii 3 : 26
Review set 5B ix = 60
1 89 cm j i 17.05 cm ii 14 cm
2 a 182.9 cm b 105.58 cm kB l 700 kg : 800 kg
3 a 20.02 cm2 b 16.12 cm2 c 42 cm2 m$1040 : $560 : $400 n 0.4 km/min
4 Perimeter is the distance around a shape. Area is the o30 cents p 6.4 m
amount of space inside a flat object. Volume is the space q416__3 mm
occupied by an object. 2 a i △ABC ≡ △YZX ii ZX iii ∠Z
5 a 23.46 cm2 b 1.84 m2 b i △ABC ≡ △NLM ii △PQR ≡ △SKT
6 a A = s2 b A = __2 bh c A = bh iii △MNT ≡ △PRY iv △STU ≡ △XWV
7 a 296 m2 b 21.09 cm2 c i ii
8 a 200 mm2 b 0.03 m2 c 9.3 cm2
2 2
d 42 000 cm e 3390 mm f 0.27 ha
g 0.6 L h 15.3 m3 i 4 m3
9 a 139.872 m3 b 139 872 L

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Diagnostic test
1 C 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 C
6 D 7 A 8 D 9 B 10 B
11 B 12 D

d i Reflection ii Translation Exercise 6A

e RHS 1 a 8 o’clock b 12 o’clock
f i Equal angles is not a congruence test. c 9:20 d 3:35
ii ∠70° is opposite side 8 units in one triangle but 2 a b
not the other triangle. 12 1 12 1
11 11
10 2 10 2
iii Side 6 is opposite 70° in one triangle and opposite
9 3 9 3
60° in the other.
8 4 8 4
g The equal sides are not corresponding sides. 7 6 5 7 6 5
h 2 and 3
i AAS, x = 12, y = 7 c d
j Proof: In △PTR and △PTQ 11
12 1
12 1
∠R = ∠Q (given) 10 2 10 2

PT = PT (common side) 9 3 9 3
4 4
∠PTR = ∠PTQ (by construction) 8
7 5
7 5
6 6
∴ △PTR ≡ △PTQ (AAS)
∴ PR = PQ (matching sides of congruent △s) 3 a 1:20:45 b 11:05:20
k Proof: In △AED and △CEB c 10:33:26 d 9:21:55
∠DAE = ∠BCE (alternate angles and AD BC) 4 a b
∠AED = ∠BEC (vertically opposite angles) 11 12 1 11 12 1
AD = BC (opposite sides of a parallelogram equal) 10 2 10 2

△AED ≡ △CEB (AAS) 9 3 9 3

4 4
∴ AE = EC (matching sides of congruent △s) 8
7 5
7 5
6 6
and DE = BE (matching sides of congruent △s)
3 a 26 b Base = 4, index = 7 c d
c 3×3×3×3×3 d No, unequal bases 11 12 1 11 12 1
e i 625 ii 7776 iii 32 768 10 2 10 2

f i 515 ii 320 iii 7 9 3 9 3

8 4 8 4
g i 715 ii 512 iii 34 7 5 7 5
6 6
h (3 ) = 3 not 3 as 3 × 3 = 3
4 5 20 9 4 5 9

i i −30 ii 54 iii 40
e f
j i −5 ii −3 iii −4
11 12 1 11
12 1
k i 1 ii 11 iii 4 10 2 10 2
iv −24 v 4 vi −9 9 3 9 3
4 a i 17 cm ii 14.4 cm 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5
b 4.2 cm
c i 64 m2 ii 60 mm2
iii 45 cm2 iv 80 cm2 5 a 15 min b 55 min
v 90 cm2 vi 1250 mm2
2 Exercise 6B
vii 13.72 m viii 12.18 m2
ix 51.46 cm 2
x 19.71 cm2 1 a 7:05 b 12:17 c 12:06 d 11:53
xi 5.78 mm2 xii 23.1 m2 e 6:50 f 2:45 g 2:30 h 8:35
d i 90 cm2 ii 15 m2 i 5:48 j 3:51 k 9:49 l 11:52
iii 22.5 m 2
iv 17.15 m2 2 a and i, b and iv, c and ii, d and iii
e i 1 cm = 1000 mm
3 3
ii 1 m3 = 1 000 000 cm3 3 a 11:05 am b 07:26 am
iii kL = 1 000 000 mL iv 1 m3 = 1000 L c 04:26 pm d 01:44 pm
f i 4 cm2 = 400 mm2 ii 120 cm2 = 0.012 m2
iii 340 mm = 3.4 cm
2 2
iv 4.1 m2 = 41 000 cm2 Exercise 6C
v 6.32 cm = 632 mm
2 2
vi 3.9 m2 = 0.00 039 ha 1 a 2:06 pm b 12:52 am c 8:02 pm
vii 39 000 m2 viii 95 cm3 = 0.095 L d 1:28 am e 8:15 am f 11:23 pm
ix 58 kL = 58 m3 x 0.05 ML = 50 m3 g 7:18 pm h 11:11 am i 12:55 pm
g i 122.388 m ii 122 388 L j 5:39 pm k 6:34 am l 10:42 pm
h i 2.457 m3 ii 311.364 cm3 2 a 1932 b 0520 c 0132
i i 2.4 m3 ii 2400 L d 1252 e 1630 f 1347
j i 32 696 cm3 ii 32.696 L g 0609 h 0817 i 2125
k i 108 kL ii $15.44 j 2301 k 2400 l 2229

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3 a 1304, five past seven at night, 1926 and 8:31 Exercise 6E
b 8 past midnight, two thirty in the morning, 0805, 9:06,
1 a 5° 0′ 0′′ b 4° 0′ 0′′ c 3° 12′ 0′′
d 7° 23′ 0′′ e 2° 45′ 18′′ f 9° 02′ 36′′
c 1038, midday, 1204, 12:54, seven twenty-three at
g 0° 36′ 0′′ h 0° 0′ 55′′ i 6° 59′ 45′′
night, 11:45 pm
2 a 9 h 39 min b 9 h 40 min
4 a 0730 b 0900 c 0931
c 6 h 34 min d 5 h 54 min 36 s
d 1457 e 1654 f 1002
e 1 h 40 min 25 s f 2 h 48 min 43 s
5 a 1411 b 2028 c 0816
g 3 h 40 min 8 s h 4 h 6 min 38 s
d 0746
i 1 h 25 min 23 s j 29 min 44 s
6 a 1630 to 1730 b 0600 to 0630
k 5 h 15 min 59 s l 3 h 43 min 34 s
c 2325 to 0130 d 2030 to 2200
3 a 2.000 b 5.217 c 6.467
7 a 4:10 am b 9:50 am c 11:20 am
d 3.533 e 1.814 f 2.010
d 6:40 pm e 9:30 pm
g 0.767 h 0.417 i 0.007
8 a 5:50 am b 6.30 am
j 0.004 k 0.149 l 0.496
c 10.15 am d 4 h and 38 min
4 Fraction Decimal
Exercise 6D Minutes 60 Simplified (2 decimal places)
1 a 1 h 30 min b 1 h 48 min c 1 h 39 min 5
__ 1
60 12
d 1 h 17 min e 1 h 21 min f 1 h 35 min
__ 1
2 a 1 h 40 min b 1 h 17 min 6 60 10 0.10
c 1 h 48 min d 1 h 55 min 12
__ 1
12 60 5 0.20
3 a 0855 h b 1132 h
__ 1
c 1821 h d 1459 h 15 60 4 0.25
4 a 0700 + 0330 = 1030 h b 1643 − 0212 = 1431 h 18
__ 3
18 0.30
5 a 1030 h b 1120 h c 1140 h 60 10
d 1409 h e 0035 h f 2105 h 20
__ 1
60 3
6 a 3 h 25 min + 4 h 42 min
__ 2
hours minutes 24 60 5 0.40
3 25 27
__ 9
+ 4 42 60 20
__ 1
7 67 30 60 2 0.50
= 1 h 7 min 36
__ 3
36 60 5 0.60
1 7
8h 7 min 40
__ 2
40 60 3 0.67
b Convert 9 h 14 min to 8 h 74 min by taking 42 7
__ __
1 h (60 min) from 9 h. 42 60 10 0.70
hours minutes 45
__ 3
60 4
8 74
48 4
− 3 28 48 __
5 0.80
5h 46 min 54
__ 9
54 60 10 0.90
7 a 4 h 35 min b 4 h 30 min
c 7 h 16 min d 1 h 45 min 60
60 60 1 1
e 3 h 13 min f 25 min
g 6 h 2 min h 52 min 5 a 1 h 30 min 0 s b 3 h 45 min 0 s
i 11 h 50 min j 2 h 50 min c 6 h 48 min 0 s d 4 h 40 min 0 s
k 15 h 27 min l 1 h 54 min e 5 h 50 min 0 s f 8 h 25 min 0 s
8 a 13 min 30 s b 22 min 23 s g 2 h 26 min 40 s h 7 h 52 min 30 s
c 29 min 20 s d 21 min 50 s i 3 h 36 min 0 s j 6 h 10 min 0 s
e 2 min 14 s f 1 min 52 s k 10 h 37 min 30 s l 11 h 27 min 41.54 s
g 5 min 26 s h 1 min 14 s m 5 h 21 min 49.09 s n 8 h 8 min 34.29 s
i 43 min 51 s o 12 h 22 min 30 s
9 a 8 days 10 h b 6 days 20 h 6 a 2 h 40 min 48 s b 1 h 3 min 0 s
c 3 days 7 h d 2 days 9 h c 4 h 49 min 12 s d 3 h 36 min 0 s
e 4 wk 1 d f 13 wk 4 d e 5 h 24 min 0 s f 8 h 0 min 0 s
g 2 wk 5 d h 6 wk 4 d g 0 h 30 min 0 s h 0 h 12 min 0 s
10 a 5 h 19 min b 3 h 21 min i 0 h 24 min 0 s j 0 h 51 min 36 s
c 5 h 28 min d 6 h 35 min k 0 h 20 min 24 s l 0 h 34 min 26.4 s
e 7 h 25 min f 11 h 29 min m 10 h 2 min 24 s n 0 h 2 min 42 s
g 9 h 15 min h 10 h 45 min o 3 h 59 min 15.5 s
i 9 h 51 min 7 a i 3° ii 3° iii 6° iv 6°
11 a 1 days 13 h 52 min b 4 days 5 h 7 min v 13° vi 4° vii 2° viii 8°
c 4 days 13 h 23 min d 1 day 5 h 39 min b i 0° 28′ ii 0° 32′ iii 2° 13′ iv 1° 49′
e 2 days 23 h 21 min f 5 days 6 h 51 min v 8° 41′ vi 9° 17′ vii 0° 32′ viii 1° 57′

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8 a 228 min or 3 h 48 min b 2280 min or 38 h 9 a 12:00 pm b 2:00 pm c 2:00 pm
9 7 min 15 s 10 5 h 10 min d 2:00 pm e 1:30 pm f 1:30 pm
11 a 6 h 23 min b 7 h 11 min 10 a 7:20 am b 6:50 am c 7:20 am
c 4 h 26 min d 2 h 23 min d 7:20 am e 5:20 am f 6:50 am
e 6 h 40 min f 7 h 51 min 11 a 4:00 am b 6:00 am
c 7:00 am d 5:30 am
Exercise 6F 12 a 2:30 pm b 5:30 pm
1 a If there are 29 days in February then it is a leap year. c 5:00 pm d 5:30 pm
b There are only 28 days in February, therefore it is not 13 a 8:30 am b 4:50 pm
a leap year.
Check your skills
c Monday d Friday
e 48 days f 9 October 1 D 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 B
g 12 weeks 6 D 7 A 8 A 9 D 10 B
h 8 August, 12 September, 10 October, 14 November, 11 B 12 D 13 D 14 C 15 A
12 December 16 B 17 B 18 B 19 D 20 B
i 19 November j 2 August 21 A 22 D 23 A 24 B 25 C

Exercise 6G Review set 6A

1 a i 5:56 pm ii 6:24 pm 1 4:15 pm 2 3:32 pm
b 7:42 pm 3 1328
c i 21 min ii 39 min 4 a 6 h 20 min b 1 h 42 min
iii 48 min iv 15 min 5 8:34 am 6 3 h 40 min
d i 3:32 pm takes 52 min, 4:11 pm takes 46 min, 7 3 h 20 min 8 2° 16°
4:45 pm takes 48 min, 5:23 pm takes 57 min, 9 15 h 53 min
5:56 pm takes 54 min. 10 A year in which there are 366 days
ii Times vary due to peak times. 11 55 h 20 min 12 10:30 am
2 a i 1 h 16 min ii 38 min 13 4 pm
iii 43 min iv 29 min
Review set 6B
b i 9:41 am ii 10:43 am
iii 11:36 am iv 12:14 pm 1 11:41 pm
c i No ii Strathfield 2 9:17 pm
iii 10:53 am iv 1 h 12 min 3 1505
v 25 min 4 a 6 h 7 min b 2 h 22 min 33 s
3 a i 12 min ii 1 h 30 min 5 a 2 h 23 min b 1 h 46 min
b 4 h 30 min c 5:05 pm 6 14 h 21 min 7 7 h 25 min 43 s
4 a i 14 days ii 15 days 8 7 h 26 min 9 5 days 7 h 40 min
b i 9 h 58 min ii 10 h 46 min 10 101 h 41 min 11 5 am
5 a 2 b2 12 4 pm
c i 8:34 am, 8:54 pm ii 2.30 am, 2:40 pm
Review set 6C
d The tide was going from low to high.
e Low tide at 3:45 am, height 0.4 m 1 a 2:40 or 20 minutes to 3 o’clock
Low tide at 3:39 pm, height 0.5 m b 10:50 or 10 minutes to 11 o’clock
High tide at 9:46 am, height 1.4 m 2 a 0015 b 1846
High tide at 10:00 pm, height 1.7 m 3 3 h 32 min
f i 6 h 4 min ii No. 13 min difference 4 a 247 days b 452 days
g i 9:51 am ii 9:54 am 5 43 min 38 s 6 1 day 7 h
6 a i 18 min ii 11:05 am iii 10 min 7 10 h 46 min 8 3 days 16 h 32 min
b i 19 min ii 1:21 pm iii 15 min 9 a 12 h 16 min b 6 h 38 min
iv 1:39 pm v 2:52 pm 10 27 August 11 7:27 am
12 4:30 am
Exercise 6H
Review set 6D
1 a 4 am b 6 am c 8 pm d 9 pm
2 a 2 am b 1 am c 7 pm d 8 pm 1 a 2:35 or 25 minutes to 3 o’clock
3 a 2 pm b 1:30 pm c 9:30 am d 8 am b 12:21 or 21 minutes past 12 o’clock
4 a 8:45 am b 1:15 am c 9:15 am d 7:15 am 2 a 0438 b 2322
5 a 16 April b 3:50 am 3 5 h 45 min 4 7 h 33 min 59 s
6 a 2:40 pm b 9:05 am c 6:50 am 5 48 min 6 2 days 11 h
d 12:30 am e 7:30 am f 2:27 pm 7 1 day 13 h 11 min
7 a Midnight b 11 pm 8 a 4° 58′ b 6° 34′
c 10 am d 1 am Sunday 9 a 210 days b 268 days
8 a 8 am Thursday b 12 noon Thursday 10 29 April 11 48 min
c 7 pm Wednesday d 1 am Thursday 12 2 pm 13 5:30 am

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3 a $117 b 320 L c $180
CHAPTER 7 PERCENTAGES d 8.50 e 7.68 kg f 14.4 m
g $200 h 120 m i 98.56 kg
Diagnostic test
j 151.2 L k $114.24 l $16.38
1 C 2 B 3 D 4 A 5 B 4 a $4.80 b 19.8 L c 2.4 m
6 D 7 A 8 B 9 D 10 A d 90 kg e $20.80 f 832 km
11 A 12 B 13 A 14 D 15 A
16 D Exercise 7C
Exercise 7A 1 a ____ × 400 = 60
1 a ___
51 89
b ___
c ___ New amount = $400 + $60 = $460
100 100 100
61 97 42 21 b ____ × 200 = 80
d ___
100 e ___
100 f ___ __
100 = 50
65 13 75 3 18
New amount = 200 g + 80 g = 280 g
g ____ __
100 = 20 h ___ __
100 = 4 i ___ __
100 = 50 2 a $345 b 140 g c 108 L
45 9 50 1 36 9 d $153 e 81.60 f 570
j ___ __
100 = 20 k ___ __
100 = 2 l ___ __
100 = 25 3 a $12 b 18 c 30 kg
54 27 98 49 66 33
m ___ __
100 = 50 n ___ __
100 = 50 o ___ __
100 = 50
d 63 m e 138 km f 24 L
1 3 9 4 a 111% b 138% c 155% d 192%
2 a 1 b4 c 2__2 d 3__4 e 1__
10 e 168% f 186% g 139% h 207%
1 27 9 2 3 i 256% j 313%
f 6__5 g 5__
50 h 2__
25 i 7__
25 j 12__
5 a 91% b 85% c 82% d 77%
7 61 27 31 13
3 a __
75 b ___
400 c ___
250 d ___
600 e ___
150 e 68% f 53% g 34% h 49%
4 a 0.08 b 0.09 c 0.46 d 0.65 i 5% j 22%
e 0.58 f 0.02 g 0.26 h 0.04 6 a 100% + 10% = 110%
i 0.77 j 0.84 ∴ 1.1 × 70 = 77 km
5 a 3.06 b 1.54 c 2.63 d 8.56 b 100% + 80% = 180%
e 2.87 f 7.42 g 7.33 h 1.13 ∴ ____ × 20 = 365 t
i 9.22 j 5.69 100
7 a 77 km b 108 L c $1920 d 15.30 L
6 a 25% b 550% c 800%
e 42 km f 15.75 m
d 630% e 15% f 950%
8 a 4t b 12 km c 22 L d $450
g 5% h 250% i 720%
e 36 g f 63 m
j 8% k 160% l 1700%
9 a Increase, $8.50 b Increase, $259 200
m 80% n 40% o 90%
c Decrease, $833 d Decrease, $19 800
p 86% q 575% r 0.1%
e Increase, $9.90 or $10 to nearest dollar
s 600% t 1500%
10 a 60% b 44% and 56%
7 a 54.55% b 92.31% c 87.50%
c More time in possession, fewer tackles made.
d 55.56% e 93.75% f 89.47%
8 a __52 0.4 40% b __
10 0.7 70% Exercise 7D
c __5 0.2 20%
d 20 0.05 5% 1 a Increase = 60 − 48 = 12 g
e 5 0.8 80%
f 100 0.37 37% % increase = ___ × 100% = 25%
4 3 ∴ 48 g to 60 g is a 25% increase.
g 7__5 7.08 708% h 1__5 1.6 160%
b Increase = 45 − 30 = 15 L
___ 41
i 500 0.006 0.6 j 50 0.82 82% 15
% increase = ___
30 × 100% = 50%
1 3
k 11 500 11.002 1100.2% l __8 0.375 37.5%
∴ 30 L to 45 L is a 50% increase.
9 a __4 , 72%, 0.92
b 0.09, __5 , 86% 2 a 60% b 150% c 400%
d 90% e 25% f 160%
7 3 1
c 0.17, 23%, __8 d 0.582, __5 , 62__2 % g 50% h 40% i 400%
5 2 3 a Decrease = 70 − 42 = 28 L
e 0.44, 70%, __6 f 35%, 0.36, __5
18 3 % decrease = ___
70 × 100% = 40%
g 52%, 0.74, __
20 h 0.37, __8 , 62%
∴ 70 L to 42 L is a 40% decrease.
Exercise 7B b Decrease = 200 − 50 = 150 m
1 a 40% b 20% c 16% d 36% % decrease = ____
200 × 100% = 75%
e 56% f 20% g 30% h 54% ∴ 200 m to 50 m is a 75% decrease.
i 72% j 25% k 50% l 25% 4 a 60% b 40% c 70%
2 a 20% b 48% c 300% d 20% d 40% e 75% f 25%
e 65% f 905% g 30% h 17% g 75% h 50% i 80%
i 900% j 75% k 25% l 204% 5 a 69%, 69%, 67% b 88%
m 25% n 50% o 40% 6 a 26% b 42.4% c 73%

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Exercise 7E 3 a i $108.09 ii $1080.90
b i 451.82 ii $4518.18
1 a 820 m b 2100 g c 940 km
c i $0.99 ii $9.90
d 225 e 230 g f $50
d i $13.45 ii $134.55
g 5000 mL h 50 000 kg i $2.72
e i $11.27 ii $112.73
2 600 students
f i $45.36 ii $453.64
3 150
4 a Services rendered = $850, GST = $85
4 $85 000
Total including GST = $935
5 a $250 b $1027 c $220
b Services rendered = $488, GST = $48.80
6 a $512 b $138 c $399
Total including GST = $536.80
d $480 e $85
c Total including GST = $99.90
7 a $4000 b $95 c $450 d $2500
GST included in total = $9.08
8 a $18.40 b 373.8 kg c 1276 L
d 5 CDs @ $32.90 including GST = $164.50
d 1395 km e 440.64 m f $833.66
GST included in total = $14.95
Exercise 7F 5 a 10% of $100 = $10 so 100 + 10 = $110
b Not correct. John is finding 90% of an amount that
1 a The cost of an item, usually before adjustments to sell. is 110% not 100% of the original amount.
b The amount an item is sold for. 6 a $150: $150 × 110% = 150 × 1.1 = $165
c Selling price minus cost price. b $220: $220 × 110% = 220 × 1.1 = $242
d Occurs if selling price is less than cost price. c $370: $370 × 110% = 370 × 1.1 = $407
2 a Profit = 700 − 500 = $200 d $400: $400 × 110% = 400 × 1.1 = $440
b Profit = 520 − 380 = $140 7 a $165 × 90% = 165 × 0.9 = $148.50
c Profit = 975 − 482 = $493 b $242 × 90% = 242 × 0.9 = $217.80
3 a Loss = 800 − 530 = $270 c $407 × 90% = 407 × 0.9 = $366.30
b Loss = 945 − 645 = $300 d $440 × 90% = 440 × 0.9 = $396.00
c Loss = 1050 − 822 = $228 8 a Amounts change, in fact they have decreased.
4 a i Loss ii $3400 b False. 100% is increased by 10% = 110%.
b i Profit ii $1796 c When 110% is decreased by 10% it means that 10%
c i Profit ii $184 000 of a larger amount is being found and then deducted.
d i Loss ii $18 260
5 a $1500 b 37.5% Check your skills
6 a $15 000 b 25%
1 A 2 D 3 C 4 C 5 A
7 33.3%
6 C 7 B 8 D 9 D 10 C
8 a $7000 b 140%
11 B 12 A 13 B 14 C 15 C
9 25% 10 53.8%
16 D
11 a $851 b $567 c $4550
d $192.50 e $90 f $1258.60 Review set 7A
12 a $130 b $270 c $78
d $50 e $140 f $300 1 30 kg 2 33.33%
13 a $360 b $350 c $1420 3 140 4 210
d $88 e $75 f $75.38 5 68.75% 6 20%
14 a i $400 ii 5% 7 $420 8 $399
b i $4500 ii 20.45% 9 a $1700 b 141.7%
c i $456 ii $4256 10 $131.12 11 $90
d i $420 ii $780 12 a $17.18 b $171.82
e i $209.09 ii $66.91
Review set 7B
f i $381.82 ii $171.82
15 a i $11 908 ii $57 708 1 73% 2 22% 3 10%
b i $558.44 ii $128.44 4 $212 5 10.5 kg
c i $5684.68 ii $625.32 6 a $331.20 b $158.40 c $230.40
d i $7250 ii 44% 7 37.5% 8 12.88 m
e i $240 ii 28% 9 32c 10 $426
f i $1804.80 ii $2035.20 11 $94.41 12 $8.90
16 $7654.40
Review set 7C
Exercise 7G 1 525% 2 80%
1 a $44, $484 b $369, $4059 3 2100 km 4 89.04 m
c $25.80, $283.80 d $39.70, $436.70 5 54.8% 6 $56
e $180, $1980 7 $89
2 a $104.50 b $247.50 8 a $1200 b 150%
c $18.70 d $369.60 9 $145.83 10 26%
e $502.70 f $438.90 11 $38.50 12 $90

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7 a
ANSWERS Review set 7D 126 cm b 630 m
c i 794 ii 5556 iii 10 318
1 375% 2 55% 8 a 8.913 km
3 $57.60 4 $4680 b i 12 ii 20 iii 27
5 $490 434.78, so $490 435 9 a 11 198 m b 10 841 m
6 89.6% 7 30.4% c 357 m d 1 h 52 min
8 78 kg 9 $650
10 $215 11 $268.73 Exercise 8C
12 $351.85 13 $180
1 a i 4.8 cm ii 2.4 cm
14 $104.50
b i 11.8 cm ii 5.9 cm
c i 27.1 cm ii 13.5 cm
d i 31.8 cm ii 15.9 cm
e i 41.7 cm ii 20.8 cm
Diagnostic test f i 55.7 cm ii 27.9 cm
g i 12.7 cm ii 6.4 cm
1 A 2 B 3 B 4 D 5 B
h i 3.0 cm ii 1.5 cm
6 C 7 A 8 D 9 B 10 B
i i 4.0 cm ii 2.0 cm
11 C 12 D 13 C 14 B 15 B
j i 60.0 cm ii 30.0 cm
16 B 17 D 18 D
k i 90.0 cm ii 45.0 cm
Exercise 8A l i 14.0 cm ii 7.0 cm
2 15.9 cm 3 15.9 cm
1 a Chord b Major segment c Semicircle 4 a 1.57 m b 50 cm
d Centre e Diameter f Circumference
g Sector h Radius i Minor segment Exercise 8D
j Tangent k Arc l Sector
1 a 25π b 81π c 225π
2 a Sector, radius, arc
d 100π e 42.25π f 12.25π
b Centre, circumference
2 a 254.5 cm2 b 380.1 cm2 c 120.8 cm2
c Arc
d 145.3 cm2 e 962.1 cm2 f 475.3 cm2
d Centre, circumference, radius
3 a i Radius ii Diameter iii Tangent g 75.4 cm2 h 118.8 cm2 i 716.3 cm2
iv Arc v Chord vi Radius j 8.3 cm2 k 127.7 cm2 l 23.8 cm2
b Sector 3 a 4.9 cm2 b 12.6 cm2 c 8.0 cm2
4 a __4
1 1
b __2
c __
d __
e __9
f __3 4 A = __4 of a whole circle
18 10
1 1
g __8
h __9
i __8
j __5
k __4
l __ = __4 πr2 = __4 × π × 3.72
= 10.752 ... = 11 cm2
Exercise 8B 5 a 16 cm2 b 4 cm2 c 52 cm2
1 a 9π = 28.27 cm b 14π = 43.98 cm 6 a Fraction of a circle = ____
c 5π = 15.71 cm d 21.3π = 66.92 cm = 12 of a circle
e 8.4π = 26.39 cm f 10.6π = 33.30 cm b A = __
12 of a whole circle
2 a 18π = 56.55 cm b 40π = 125.66 cm 5 5
c 26π = 81.68 cm d 9.2π = 28.90 cm = __ __
12 × π × r = 12 × π × (7.4)
2 2

e 34.4π = 108.07 cm f 22.2π = 69.74 cm = 71.680 ... = 72 cm2

3 a 28.3 m b 20.1 m c 56.9 m 1
7 a 2 , 25 cm2
b __8 , 48 cm2
c __3 , 19 cm2
d 42.7 m e 39.6 m f 49.6 m
3 1 7
g 15.7 m h 27.1 m d __8 , 21 cm2 e __6 , 29 cm2 f __
12 , 15 cm

4 a 12.6 cm b 6.3 cm c 11.0 cm 1

g __5 ,143 cm2
h __ 2 1
i __4 , 61 cm2
__ 12 , 40 cm
5 a 6 × 2 × π × 9 = 3π = 9.42 cm 8 a 97.6 cm2 b 138.7 cm2 c 49.1 cm2

b __9 × 2 × π × 6 = ___ = 8.38 cm
2 d 322.5 cm2 e 63.3 cm2 f 38.6 cm2
14π g 108.0 cm2 h 129.0 cm2 i 153.8 cm2
c 3×2×π×7= ____ =14.66 cm
3 9 a 115.5 cm2 b 12.6 cm2 c 21.2 cm2
7 35π
____ d 13.7 cm2 e 13.6 cm2 f 79.0 cm2
d __
12 × 2 × π × 5 = 6 = 18.33 cm 10 a 63.2 m2 b 186.8 m2 c $8406
29 58π
e __
36 × 2 × π × 12 = 3 = 60.74 cm Exercise 8E
f __4 × 2 × π × 8 = 12π = 37.70 cm 1 V = πr2h
6 a 23.1 cm b 10.7 cm c 20.5 cm = π × 7.32 × 12.4
d 13.4 cm e 7.0 cm f 28.3 cm = 2075.951 ... = 2076 cm3
g 38.7 cm h 27.7 cm i 32.6 cm 2 a 707 cm3 b 42 412 cm3
j 21.5 cm k 26.7 cm l 49.7 cm c 13 711 cm3 d 10 177 cm3

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3 V = πr2h d = 25.8 cm

= π × 12.92 × 15.1 ∴ r = 25.8 ÷ 2 CHAPTER 9 DATA COLLECTION AND
= 7894.165 ... = 12.9 cm ANALYSIS
= 7894 cm3
Diagnostic test
4 a 9572 cm3 b 11 344 cm3
c 32 312 cm3 d 6671 cm3 1 D 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 C
5 a 339 cm3 b 6773 cm3 6 B 7 B 8 D 9 C 10 B
c 57 278 cm3 d 15 606 cm3 11 C 12 C 13 A 14 C 15 C
6 a 958.2 cm3
b 3451.0 cm3 16 C 17 C 18 B
c 2046.0 cm3 d 2671.9 cm3
Exercise 9A
e 164 787.5 cm3 f 53 573.0 cm3
7 a A bB 1 a Discrete numerical b Categorical
8 a 291 cm3 b 2513 cm3 c 33 cm3 c Continuous numerical d Discrete numerical
d 2976 cm3 e 767 cm3 f 2194 cm3 e Continuous numerical f Discrete numerical
9 1.88 m3 g Categorical h Categorical
10 a i 79 575 cm3 ii 79.575 L i Categorical j Categorical
b i 29 302 cm3 ii 29.302 L k Discrete numerical l Continuous numerical
c i 1 783 404 cm3 ii 1783.404 L m Discrete numerical n Categorical
11 76.35 kL o Continuous numerical p Continuous numerical
q Categorical r Continuous numerical
Check your skills s Categorical
1 A 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 D
Exercise 9B
6 C 7 D 8 C 9 B 10 D
11 A 12 B 13 D 14 A 15 A 1 a All new cars b All students in the school
c All houses sold d All the dogs treated
Review set 8A e All the people who use the bus route
1 a Radius b Tangent 2 a Census b Census or sample
c Observation d Census
2 __51 3 C = πd
e Sample f Observation
4 43.7 cm 5 C = 2πr g Sample h Sample
6 35.94 cm 7 A = πr2 i Census j Observation
8 a 254.5 cm2 b 17.3 cm2 k Sample l Census or sample
9 59.4 cm2 10 27 310 cm3 m Observation
Review set 8B Exercise 9D
1 a Arc b Minor segment 1 a Biased towards people who are home on Friday night,
2 a 30.2 cm b 32.4 cm have a phone and choose to answer it. (Some people
3 a 22.88 cm b 53.25 cm only have a mobile phone, some people filter calls
4 a 196.1 cm2 b 167.4 cm2 through an answering machine.)
5 a 103.84 cm2 b 117.11 cm2 b The sample would be biased towards the Labor Party.
6 86 cm2 7 83 642 cm3 c Only selects people who use email.
d Only selects people who use the Star bank.
Review set 8C e Only selects people 18 years or older.
1 a Diameter b Sector f Only selects people who pass this street corner (live in
67 13 this area, are fit enough to walk, …).
2 a __
72 b __
45 g If the sample is only 5 vets then the sample is too
3 a i 24.6 cm ii 48.5 cm small.
b i 7.6 cm ii 15.1 cm 2 a The people who live in a harbour-side suburb are more
4 a i 105 cm2 ii 367 cm2 likely to be high income earners whose household
b i 33 cm2 ii 114 cm2 spending habits would be different from those of
5 a 48.6 cm b 34.9 cm people living in less affluent suburbs.
6 a 77.3 cm b 1854.8 cm b The tobacco company would have an interest in
7 a i 21 028 cm3 ii 21.028 L showing that there are no hazards of smoking and
b i 13 856 cm3 ii 13.856 L would likely ignore any adverse findings.
c The information is very old. It is quite possible that the
Review set 8D
results of more recent studies would be different.
1 a 3.5 cm, 11 cm b 4.5 cm, 14 cm d If the company sold 1 item the first week and 2 items
2 a 47.35 cm b 45.42 cm the second week then their sales would have doubled.
3 a 3219 m b 10 laps Neither result is very good for the company.
4 26.9 cm2 5 141 cm2 e The students in a gymnastics class are very likely to be
6 323 cm3 7 72.6 m3 or 72 614 L more flexible than the general population.

Answers 471

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f It is possible that more hungry or sick birds would ii Median
be attracted to the traps. The sample would be biased Mean
against healthy birds.
g The parents who are illiterate won’t be able to read the
invitation. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Exercise 9E c i Mean and median are appropriate. Mode is not
1 a Mean = 21, median = 20.5, mode = 19, range = 8 central.
b Mean = 6.1, median = 6, mode = 6, range = 4 ii Mean and median are appropriate. There is no
c Mean = 45.2, median = 47.5, mode = 56, range = 49 mode.
d Mean = 7.8, median = 8, mode = 8, range = 4 6 a Mode occurs at one of the ends of the data set; that is,
it is not central.
Exercise 9F b Mode is appropriate.
c Mode occurs at the end of the data; that is, it is not
1 a Outlier = 104 b Cluster in the 60s
c Gap between 5 and 8
7 a i Mean = 6, median = 5, mode = 5
d Scores evenly distributed about 8
ii Mean = 6.9, median = 8, mode = 8
e Gap. No scores in the 70s f Outlier = 17
b i Mode
Exercise 9G
1 a i Mean = 9.4, median = 9, mode = 9, range = 5
ii Mean = 23, median = 9, mode = 9, range = 73
b i Mode 5 6 7 8 9
Median Score
Mean ii Mode
7 8 9 10 11 12
ii Mode
Median 4 5 6 7 8 9
Mean Score
c i Median and mode occur at an end of the data; that
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 is, they are not central. Mean is central.
Score ii Median and mode occur at an end of the data; that
c i Mean, median and mode are all central/typical. is, they are not central. Mean is appropriate.
ii Mean is not central. It is affected by the outlier. 8 a Median (= 13) is not central.
d i Range is good measure of spread. b Median (= 7) is central.
ii Range is not a good measure of spread because of c Median (= 50) is not central.
the outlier. 9 a Mean = 0.7, median = 0.5, mode = 0
2 a Mean is appropriate. b Mode and median
b Mean is not central or typical as it is significantly 10 a Mode = New Zealand. It is not possible to find mean
affected by the outlier 136. or median.
3 a Mean = 95 mm, median = 111.5 mm, b For non-numerical data (categorical data), the only
mode = 112 mm relevant measure is the mode.
b 13 mm 11 a $119 750
c Mean = 111.4 mm, median = 112 mm, b i 6 ii 2
mode = 112 mm c $62 500 d $42 000
d No. The measurement 13 mm is obviously an error. e i Mode ii Mean
4 a Mean = 24.2 min, median = 17 min. No mode. f Median. Half the incomes are less than it and half are
b Outlier = 55 min greater than it.
c Mean = 16.5 min, median = 16.5 min. No mode. 12 a Mean
d Yes. The value 55 is not necessarily an error. b No. Four of the five cars he sold were more expensive
5 a i Mean = 9.25, median = 9.5, mode = 7 than his average.
ii Mean = 25.8, median = 25, no mode c Median ($19 990). Half the prices are less than it and
b i Mode half are greater than it.
13 a Mean = 12.1 min, median = 11.5 min,
Median mode = 16 min
b Mean and median are central and typical. Mode is not
7 8 9 10 11 12 central but is important because more people had to
Score wait this length of time than any other.

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14 a Teacher has used mean. Kara has used mode.
4 a Number of mistakes Tally f
b Median (4.5) because half her marks are less than it
and half are higher than it. 0 0
1  2
Exercise 9H 2  5
3  1
1 a Number of mistakes Tally f
0  1 4 0
5  2
1  2
6  2
2  2
 7  2
3 5
8  4
4  3
5  2 9  2

6 0 101
b Mean = ___
20 = 5.05, median = 5.5, mode = 2,
7  2
range = 9
8  3
5 a Number of mistakes Tally f
9 0
0  3
b Mean = __
20 = 4.05, median = 3.5, mode = 3, 1  1
range = 8 2 0
2 a Number of mistakes Tally f 3  2
0  1 4  1
1  3 5  2
2  2 6  1
3  1 7  3
4  2 8  3
5  2 9  4
6  2 108
b Mean = ___
20 = 5.4, median = 6.5, mode = 9,
7  4
range = 9
8  1
9  2 8 1st 20 2nd 20 3rd 20 4th 20 5th 20

Mean 4.05 4.7 4.35 5.05 5.4
b Mean = __
20 = 4.7, median = 5.5, mode = 7 Median 3.5 5.5 4.5 5.5 6.5
range = 9
Mode 3 7 1 2 9
3 a Number of mistakes Tally f
Range 8 9 9 9 9
0  3
1  5
a Mode b Mean
2  1
9 a Mean = 120 = 4.6, median = 5, mode = 1
3 0 10 a i Very little variation.
ii The sample ranges are very close to the population
4  1
range (= 9).
5  1
b i Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6  2
7  1 Range 8 7 1 7 8 4 6 6 9 7

8  2 Range varies from 1 to 9.

9  4 ii The larger the sample size the less variation in the
value of the range.
b Mean = 20 = 4.35, median = 4.5, mode = 1,
Exercise 9I
range = 9
1 a Proportion of 6s in sample size 10
1st group Last group 7th group 12th group 17th group
__ 2
__ 1
__ 2
__ 1
10 = 30% 10 = 20% 10 = 10% 10 = 20% 10 = 10%

b i Lowest proportion = __
10 or 10%
ii Highest proportion = __
10 or 30%

Answers 473

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c 2 Language in mathematics
d No. Only 2 of the 5 samples have a proportion of 6s
2 From the preceding exercises you should have discovered
close to the population proportion.
that proportions and means in samples vary. In general,
2 a Proportion of 6s in the larger the sample size the closer the sample
1st group of 20 Last group of 20 4th group of 20 proportion is to the population proportion. Also the
__ 4
__ 3
larger the sample size the closer the sample mean is
20 = 20% 20 = 20% 20 = 15% to the population mean and as the number of samples
increases the mean of the sample means gets closer to the
3 Samples of size 20. mean of the population.
3+2+1+2+1 9
4 Proportion of 6s = _____________________ = ___
10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 50
Check your skills
= 18%
This is the same as the population proportion. 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A
6 D 7 A 8 D 9 B 10 D
6 The larger the sample size the better the estimate of the
11 C 12 A 13 C 14 D 15 C
population proportion.
7 a Group 1st 10 Last 10 5th 10 14th 10 17th 10 Review set 9A
Mean 4.0 3.3 4.4 3.2 3.1 1 a Discrete numerical b Continuous numerical
c Discrete numerical d Discrete numerical
b i The lowest sample mean is 3.1. e Categorical
ii The highest sample mean is 4.4. 2 a All smokers
c 2 b All cyclists who have suffered injuries
d No. Only 2 of the 5 sample means are approximately 3 a Sample b Sample
the same as the population mean. c Census d Observation
8 a Group 1st 20 Last 20 2nd 20 4 Write the names of the 28 students on pieces of paper.
Put the pieces of paper in a hat, shake and select 5 names.
Mean 3.45 2.9 3.45
Using a class list, assign the numbers 1 to 28 to each of
9 Samples of size 20. the students. Write the numbers 1 to 28 on cards, shuffle
10 a i 3.9 ii 3.725 iii 3.6 and deal 5. List the names of the students whose numbers
b As the number of samples increases, the mean of the have been selected.
sample means gets closer to the population mean. 5 a Members of the Shooters Party would be unlikely to
11 a i 3.3 be in favour of more gun control.
b As the number of samples increases, the mean of the b If the salesman sold 1 item in the first week and 3 in
sample means gets closer to the population mean. the second week then his sales would have trebled. The
sales for neither week are good for the company.
Exercise 9J 6 a 0 b 79
1 a If we let N represent the total number of fish in the 7 a Mean b Mode c Median
lake, an expression for the fraction of tagged fish in 8 Mean and median are not possible. Mode = female
200 9 a i Mean = 25, median = 15, mode = 13
the lake = ____
N . b Outlier is 88
b The fraction of tagged fish in the second sample = __ 90 . c i Mean = 14.7, median = 14.5, mode = 13
c Assuming that the fraction of tagged fish in the second d No. The outlier is obviously an error.
sample is the same as the fraction in the lake.
200 ___
____ 12 Review set 9B
= Inverting both sides of the equation.
N 90
1 a Discrete numerical b Categorical
____ 90
200 = 12 Multiplying both sides by 200. c Categorical d Continuous numerical
____ 90
___ e Categorical
200 × 200 = 12 × 200 2 a All Year 8 students
N = 1500 b The selling price of all homes recently sold in that
___ 4 suburb
2 a b ___
50 c 625
N 3 a Sample b Census
60 3
3 a ___ b ___
50 c 1000 c Sample d Observation
N 4 Take a list of the students in the class and assign each
4 4000 5 200 a number from 01 up to 30. Open a phone book at any
6 a Sample Number tagged Population estimate page. Start at the last 2 digits in the first phone number.
If this number is between 1 and 30 (inclusive) write
1 3 200
it down, if not skip to the next phone number down
2 2 600 the column. Repeat until you have selected 5 random
3 1 300
numbers. List the names of the students whose numbers
have been selected.
b ≈370 c 300

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Cluster in 30s and 40s. Outlier = 94

5 a Only people who would save money would bother to 6 a
change insurance companies. b Clusters around 13 and 19. Gap between 14 and 18.
b Members of the Greenpeace organisation would all 7 a 151
have similar views on climate change. b i Mean = 63.1, median = 51, mode = 51,
6 Mean and range range = 103
7 Mode ii Mean = 50.6, median = 51, mode = 51.
8 a Mean = 23.8, median = 23.5, mode = 29 range = 5
b Mean and median are central; mode is not central. c No. The outlier is an obvious error.
9 a Mean = $63 444, median = $46 000, 8 a 55
mode = $46 000 b i Mean = 8, median = 3, no mode, range = 54
ii Mean = 2.8, median = 3, no mode, range = 4
Review set 9C c Yes, even though the mean is not a central value.
1 a Continuous numerical b Discrete numerical There may be reasons for the outlier.
c Categorical d Categorical 9 a i Mean = 19, median = 9, mode = 9
e Continuous numerical ii Mean = 14.9, median = 15, mode = 14, 15
2 a All new cars iii Mean = 6.5, median = 6, mode = 5
b All parents of the school’s students b i Mean is not central because of the outlier 93.
3 a Census b Sample ii All are central. iii Mode is not central.
c Census d Observation
4 On a CASIO calculator, press SHIFT (RAN#) = . CHAPTER 10 PYTHAGORAS’ THEOREM
This produces a random number from 0 to 1. To obtain
a random number from 1 to 30, multiply the result by Diagnostic test
30 and round up to the next digit. Generate 5 random 1 D 2 B 3 B 4 D 5 A
numbers from 1 to 30 (inclusive) using a calculator. List 6 D 7 B 8 B 9 C 10 B
the names of the students whose numbers have been 11 B 12 A 13 A 14 C 15 C
generated. 16 A
5 a If the sample is only 10 dentists then the sample is too
small. Exercise 10A
b The Hotels Association would have an interest in 1 √a2 + b2 = c
showing that drinking alcohol was beneficial to health 3 a r bn c d d y e t
and would likely ignore any adverse findings. f v g s hg i m
6 a Cluster in 40s and 50s. 4 a r2 = p2 + q2 b n2 = m2 + l 2 c d 2 = e2 + f 2
b Gap between 8 and 12. d y2 = x2 + z2 e t2 = u2 + v2 f v2 = u2 + w2
c Outlier = 24 g s =u +t
2 2 2
h g =h +k
2 2 2
i m2 = k2 + l2
7 Mode = Toyota 5 a AB = AC + BC , c = b + a
2 2 2 2 2 2
8 a Mean = 4, median = 3.5, mode = 2, range = 5
b QR 2 = PQ 2 + PR 2, p 2 = r 2 + q 2
b Mean and range.
c ML 2 = LN 2 + MN 2, n 2 = m 2 + l 2
9 a Mean = 3.45, median = 1.5, mode = 0
Exercise 10B
Review set 9D
1 a No b Yes c No d No e No
1 a Discrete numerical b Categorical f Yes g No h Yes i No
c Continuous numerical d Discrete numerical 2 a Yes b No c No d Yes
e Categorical
2 a The managers of all farms in the region Exercise 10C
b All makes of bicycle helmets
1 a 9 b 16 c 100 d 64
3 a Observation b Census
e 121 f 289 g 225 h 484
c Sample d Sample
i 0.36 j 0.25 k 3.24 l 5.29
4 Divide the number of students in the class by 5 and
m 24.01 n 27.04 o 46.6489 p 91.0116
round up to the nearest whole number: 30 ÷ 5 = 6.
2 a 5 b7 c 6 d 12
Select every 6th name from the class list.
e 13 f 20 g 25 h 33
5 a The sample only contains the responses of the 100
i 0.2 j 0.9 k 1.1 l 2.1
people who bothered to return the survey. These
m 3.7 n 5.4 o 15.4 p 20.02
people have probably returned the survey because they
3 a i 4.2 ii 2.6 iii 4.8 iv 9.1
have strong views on the subject. The sample should
b i 14.66 ii 19.65 iii 20.88 iv 26.85
also include the views of those people who have little
c i 0.837 ii 1.378 iii 1.688 iv 2.458
interest in the subject.
d i 3.5958 ii 2.8394 iii 12.5060 iv 19.6898
b The doctor already believes he has developed a cure __
so is more likely to report positive results. The people 4 a √5 = 2.236 067 977
who report on the success of the treatment should √6 = 2.449 489 743
be different from the people who administer the √7 = 2.645 751 311 __
treatment. b No c No, as √4 = 2.

Answers 475

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x = ±3 x = ±6 x = ±3
5 a 26 cm b 5 cm c 10 cm 3 a b c
d 150 mm e 45 cm f 25 cm d x = ±4 e x = ±5 f x = ±4
g 20 mm
h 30 cm
i 50 m
_____ g x = ±6 h x = ±7 i x = ±5
6 a √185 mm
b √394 cm
c √1130 cm
j x = ±13 k x = ±4 l x = ±11
7 9
d √90 mm
e √80 cm
f √520 mm
_____ 4 a x = ±__2 b x = ±__
10 c x = ±__54
g √74 cm h √637 m i √1753 m 8
d x = ±__94 12
e x = ±__
7 f x = ±__
7 a 5.0 cm b 6.4 km c 10.2 cm
7 10 5
d 7.4 cm e 16.5 cm f 12.8 cm g x = ±__
12 h x = ±__
9 i x = ±__8
g 19.0 cm h 14.2 cm i 27.8 cm 11 7 5
8 a 4.243 cm b 1.414 cm c 7.071 cm j x = ±__
13 k x = ±__9 l x = ±__6
9 a 13.9 cm b 12.7 cm c 26.9 cm 5 a x = ±2.83 b x = ±1.73 c x = ±2.45
d 18.5 cm e 13.4 cm f 27.2 cm d x = ±1.90 e x = ±1.60 f x = ±2.14
10 7.10 m 11 40.2 km
12 2.7 m 13 18.6 km Language in mathematics
1 80 years
Exercise 10D 2 A famous mathematician and philosopher; Pythagorean
1 a 12 cm b 12 cm c 20 m brotherhood
d 30 cm e 16 m f 72 cm 3 No original writings survive.
g 30 mm h 24 mm i 24 mm 4 Astronomy, music theory and acoustics
____ ___ ____
2 a √133 cm b √24 cm c √465 mm 5 Square and rectangular numbers, Pythagoras’ theorem
____ ____ _____ relating the length of the sides of a right-angled triangle
d √136 m e √276 m f √1248 m
_____ _____ _____ 6 Construct squares and rectangles.
g √3588 mm h √4125 mm i √3528 mm
3 a 6.9 cm b 6.9 cm c 15.5 cm Check your skills
d 16.0 cm e 23.1 m f 33.6 m 1 B 2 A 3 D 4 B 5 B
g 27.4 mm h 61.4 mm i 66.4 mm 6 D 7 B 8 D 9 A 10 C
4 a 6.96 cm b 21.51 cm c 10.69 cm 11 B 12 B
d 25.07 cm e 28.46 cm f 11.52 cm
g 8.95 cm h 19.74 cm i 18.33 cm Review set 10A
5 4.1 m 6 28.2 nautical miles
1 a i q ii q2 = p2 + r2
7 a 2.71 m b 4.6 m 2
b i LN ii LN 2 = ML2 + MN 2
8 7.4 cm 9 32.17 m
2 a No, 72 + 82 ≠ 122 b Yes, 132 = 122 + 52
Exercise 10E 3 a 49 b 9.2
4 a 7.9 cm b 18.2 cm
1 16.97 cm 2 13.04 cm 5 a 5.1 cm b 30.6 cm
3 6.40 m 4 1.96 m 6 a 19.3 cm b 34.6 cm
5 3.61 cm 6 6.40 km 7 35.36 cm 8 x = ±12
7 14.21 km 8 4.21 m
9 2.65 m 10 20.81 cm Review set 10B
11 6.32 cm 12 27.22 m 1 QS 2 = RS 2 + RQ 2 2 Yes, 72 + 242 = 252
13 25.2 m 14 42.13 m 3 a 234.09 b 11 c 7.73
15 No, diagonal should be 5.7 m. 4 a 25.0 cm b 11.7 cm
16 42 cm 17 11.26 m 5 a 17.6 cm b 27.3 cm
18 a 203 cm b 80 cm c 54 cm 6 6.1 cm 7 10.4 cm
d 175 cm e 227 cm f 123 cm 8 13 km
g 218 cm h 297 cm i 147 cm
19 a 185 m b 123 m c 432 m Review set 10C
d 351 m e 100 m f 136 m
1 a BC b BC 2 = AC 2 + BA2
20 a 30.81 m b 29.41 m c 15.16 m
2 a No, 9.52 + 11.82 ≠ 15.6 2
21 57.245 km 22 128.6 km
b No, 6.22 + 6.22 ≠ 8.92
23 235.6 km
3 a 25 b 324 c 134.56
Exercise 10F 4 a 5.8 cm b 25.6 cm
5 a 6.3 cm b 12.6 cm
1 a x = ±3 b x = ±4 c x = ±8 6 x = 10 cm, y = 11.18 cm ___
d x = ±12 e x = ±7 f x = ±11 7 71 mm 8 x = ±√17
g x = ±6 h x = ±9 i x = ±10
j x = ±2 k x = ±15 l x = ±17 Review set 10D
2 a x = ±3.46 b x = ±7.14 c x = ±4.36 1 a t2 = q2 + r2 b YZ 2 = XZ 2 + YX 2
d x = ±6.86 e x = ±9.11 f x = ±5.29 2 No, 5.62 + 8.32 ≠ 12.92
g x = ±8.25 h x = ±9.54 i x = ±13.89 3 a 7 b 12 c 15
j x = ±14.14 k x = ±12.45 l x = ±18.89 4 a 8.2 cm b 22.0 cm

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5 a 52.1 cm b 3.4 cm g i 7 a
Mark (score) Tally Frequency
6 a 36.1 cm b 23.8 km 2  2
7 a 48 NM b 74.52 NM
N 3  3
15 NM
4 0
5  3
72 NM
6  3
7   6
8  3
8 7.1 cm
9  3
10  4
11  3
1 a 2 h 52 min b 6 h 41 min c 19 April
Total 30
d 54 min e 8:29 am f 4 h 37 min ii 10
g i 4 h 22 min ii 7 h 25 min iii
h i 8 h 11 min ii 3 h 35 min 42 s
i 14 h 18 min
j i 4 h 27 min ii 3 h 34 min
k i 5 h 42 min 51 s ii 5 h 43 min 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
l 2 days 8 h 23 min m 16 h 54 min Score
n 9:25 pm on the previous day h Stem Leaf
o 6 am p 1 pm q 11 am 1 7
2 a 45 kg b 30% c $185 2 0117
d 21 kg e 37.9% f 510 3 113444457899
4 02
g 240 h 19% i 34.5% 5 0
j $96.65 k $212 l $87
5 a i 24.25 ii 23.5 iii 23 iv 8
m $125 n $350.96 o $199
b i 20.57 ii 20 iii 20 iv 5
p 22.7% q $14.90 r $120
c i 106.47 ii 108 iii 124 iv 45
3 a i Chord ii Major segment
d i Mean = 19, median = 9, mode = 9
iii Semicircle iv Centre
ii Mean = 14.9, median = 15, mode = 14, 15
v Diameter vi Circumference
iii Mean = 6.5, median = 6, mode = 5
vii Minor sector viii Radius
e i Mean not central ii All central
ix Minor segment x Tangent
iii Mode not central
xi Minor arc xii Major sector
6 a i 8.7 ii 9.6 iii 20.6 iv 3.3
b C = πd c 49.3 cm
b i 8.9 cm ii 20.9 cm
d C = 2πr e 54.22 cm
c i 9.4 cm ii 14.6 cm
f C = 20.1 m, A = 32.2 m2
325 65 108 3
d No, 82 + 102 ≠ 132
g i ___ __
360 = 72 ii ___ __
360 = 10 e 25.5 cm f 104.4 km
h i C = 23.3 cm, A = 47.7 cm2 g x = 8.6 cm, y = 10.5 cm
ii C = 16.0 cm, A = 68.1 cm2 h i 34.0 cm ii 23.9 km___
i A = 75.04 cm2, P = 43.2 cm i x = ±11 j x = ±√19
j A = 82.14 cm2, P = 33.75 cm
k i V = 6968 cm3, capacity = 7 L
ii V = 8224 cm3, capacity = 8 L CHAPTER 11 ALGEBRA
l 5.6 m3
Diagnostic test
4 a i A census is a survey of the entire population.
ii A sample is a survey of part of a population. 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 B
iii A nominal variable describes a characteristic or 6 B 7 C 8 D 9 A 10 B
names the categories into which the variable can 11 D 12 B 13 A 14 C 15 B
be sorted. 16 B
b i Categorical (nominal) ii Numerical continuous
iii Numerical continuous iv Numerical discrete Exercise 11A
c i Discrete numerical ii Categorical 1 a 6 × a + 9 × a = (6 + 9) × a
iii Discrete numerical iv Continuous numerical = 15 × a = 15a
v Discrete numerical b 14 × y − 6 × y = (14 − 6) × y
d Sample: too expensive to ask everyone. = 8 × y = 8y
e Census: Advantages are it is accurate, detailed. 2 a 3y + 6y = 3 + 6 = 9, 9y = 9
Disadvantages are it is expensive, time consuming and b 3y + 6y = 15 + 30 = 45, 9y = 45
often impractical. c 3y + 6y = −6 + (−12) = −18, 9y = −18
f i Year 8 students ii Helmet ratings Yes

Answers 477

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3 a 7k − 3k = 35 − 15 = 20, 4k = 20
2 a 4xy b 3km c 5xy
b 7k − 3k = 56 − 24 = 32, 4k = 32 d 28w e 20k f 60p
c 7k − 3k = –21 − (−9) = −12, 4k = −12 g 16t h 18z i 12mn
Yes j 12vw k 28 p2q l 3ab2
4 a 11a b 11t c 9m m 20abc n 18 x 2yz o 20 pq2r
d 7p e 3x f 3b p 35b2c2 q 24ab r 24abc
g 6a + 3b h 7y − 4z i 17t 2 s 40pqr t 36a2c
j 4m 2
k 9k + 5m l 11ab 3 a −10x b −20y c 12w
m 5ab + 2bc n 2ab2 o 3a2b + 5ab2 d 32z e −12m f −80p
p0 q 7g3 r 2p g −6mn h −20ab i 12xy
s 9x + 24 t 9st2 u 4mn2 j 18st k −24p2q l −40a2
v 11x y wf x 10c m 10p2 n −8m2np o 30ab2c
5 a (4 − 7) × k = −3k b (−2 + 5) × w = 3w p −28kmn2
c (−3 − 2) × t = −5t
6 a −n b −2p c −2c d −6q Exercise 11C
e 3d f −9ac g −3q h 7c 2
10y ___
2y 2 1
8m 2 3 1
6x 3
i −4yz j 5l k −p2 l −2x 2 1 a ____ = 3 c _____ = __ c _____ = ___
m −2xy 2 n −11pq2 o −3t 2 p −2b
15 3
12 m 3
1 4
81xy 4y
x m p
7 a −8x + 4x = −4x b 6pq − 3pq = 3pq 2 a __
2 b __
4 c __
5 d 4d e 5c
c −4z + 3z = −z 1 4
8 a 6d b −3pq c −c d 13q 2 f 2a g __2 h2 i __5 j 2
e −5m f 9r g −4a h −2r 9p 2y 2a
m ____ n ___ o ___
1 1
k __3 l __5
i 0 j −19x 2y k −7d 2 l −3k 2m 10d 5 3c
9 a (5y + 4y) − 3 = 9y − 3 4 1 7d 5pr 2n
p ___ q ___ r ___ s ___ t ___
b (7p + 5p) + 3q = 12p + 3q 5q 5x m 4 5p
10 a 17 − 5m b 8a + 6 3
151ab 3b −1x 1
c 4+n d 18 − 7q 3 a _______ = −___ b ____ = −__
−4201ac 4c 1
e 13 − 5k f 11f + 12 2f 4f
g 3x 2y − 5 h 9w − 6 4 a −5 b __ c −___ d −__
3 3 h
i 12a2b + 9 j 6q 2 − 6 10y 3 a2
e −4l f −____ __
g a h− __
k x−2 l 4p − 9 11x b
mt+4 n 6k − 6l m xz2 4p 2a
i −__ j −___ ___ ___
o 6d 2 − 3d p 3n + 2n2 n y k q l
q 2c 2 + 8c r 6 + 3n2 1 2
___ 7q
n −mn o −3 p −___
s 15mn − 2mm t a2b + 2ab2 p
11 a −3 + 5k or 5k − 3 b −4 − 4s or −4s − 4
c −2m + 2n or 2n − 2m d −3x − 8y or −8y − 3x Exercise 11D
e −4t + 7u or 7u − 4t f −5a − 4b or −4b − 5a 1 a 5 × d + 5 × 4 = 5d + 20
g −2d + 4e or 4e − 2d h −6z − 4w or −4w − 6z b 4 × y − 4 × 3 = 4y − 12
i −3a − 3b or −3b − 3a j 4m − 8n c 3 × 6 − 3 × m = 18 − 3m
k −4v − 2w or −2w − 4v l −4k + m or m − 4k d 2 × q + 2 × 7 = 2q + 14
12 a 3x + 2 b 4w − 2z e 6 × b − 6 × 2 = 6b − 12
c 4 + 3d 2 a 4b + 12 b 12k + 96 c 7c − 35
13 a 6a + 11 b 9c 2 + 2c d 6d − 18 e 2y − 22 f 9a + 90
c 2x + 2y d 2q2 + 2 g 10j + 90 h 8m + 16 i 7q − 14
e 9t + v f 4q + 3d j 5l − 30 k 8 − 4c l 3r + 18
g 4p + 6p2 h −13l + 10 m 63 −9t n 4v + 48 o 48 − 6n
i −6n − 3 j −4m p 6x − 12
k 2d 2 − 11d l 16 + 10m 3 a 4 × 3z + 4 × 2 = 12z + 8
m 5n − 8 n 12p − 6m b 5 × 2y − 5 × 3 = 10y − 15
o 7x2 + 12xy − 2x c 3 × 6 + 3 × 4k = 18 + 12k
14 a 9c + 2d − 16 b 6n + 2cd − 6 4 a 6m + 18 b 20d + 25
c −3q + r + 6 d 2e + 9 c 27p + 72 d 35c − 28
e 11 − 7c + d f 12l − 5c + 8 e 20p − 20 f 48c − 36
g −16 − c h 5d − 2qr + 7r − 4q g 36k + 60 h 26n + 10
i −8s + 6t + 8 j 10ac − 3ap − 6a + 19 i 70a − 60 j 56l − 24
k 22h + 88 l 60k − 20
Exercise 11B
m 78x + 26 n 70w − 63
1 a 5 × t × w = 5tw o 55j + 35 p 27q − 12
b 4 × 3 × m = 12m 5 a 2(x + 1) = 2x + 2 ≠ 2x + 1
c 7 × y × 2 = 7 × 2 × y = 14y b 5(p − 8) = 5p − 40 ≠ 5p − 8
d 3 × p2 × 7 × q = 3 × 7 × p2 × q = 21p2q 6 a m × m + m × 3 = m2 + 3m
e 2 × a × b × 3 × a = 2 × 3 × a × a × b = 6a2b b p × q − p × r = pq − pr

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7 a x 2 + 5x b q2 + 13q 17 a 8p + 35 b 12c − 67
c a + 8a
d z 2 + 11z c 11x − 25 d 8d − 6
e t − 6t
f m 2 − 10m e 5q − 3 f −3m + 1
g 3d − d 2 h r 2 − 17r g 4n + 83 h 11a − 4
i ac − 4a j bd + ba i 11s + 9 j 8x − 84
k xy − xz l mn + mc k 10w + 24 l 2z + 18
m jk − jh n d f + dg m 7d − 54 n 2k + 2
o ec − ed p rx − ry o 5p − 18 p 17y
8 a 4t × t − 4t × 3 = 4t 2 − 12t q n2 − 5n + 12 r w 2 − w + 35
b 3x × 2y + 3x × 5z = 6xy + 15xz s 7c 2 − 9c t 10a2 − 16a
9 a 8m2 + 24m b 5c 2 + 30c u −4d 2 + 48d v −6f − 12
c 33r + 3r 2
d 11q 2 − 11q w 5c 2 + 27c + 72 x −n + 21
e 8x − 4x 2
f 70a − 10a2 18 a 3x + 25 b 6c − 48
g 8a2 + 28a h 99b2 + 45b c n + 20 d 7f − 7
i 20f − 20 f 2 j 6d 2 − 6df e −15d + 9 f −14p + 9
k 24k − 12k 2 l 36l − 24l 2 g −19y 2 − 8y h 13a 2 − 3a
m 10p − 15pn
n 35c 2 + 14cd i −18k 2 − 39k + 15 j 26b2 + 14c 2 + 16bc
o 36mn − 30n 2
p 16x 2 − 12xz
Exercise 11E
10 a 3 × x + 3 × 5 + 2x − 7
= 3x + 15 + 2x − 7 = 5x + 8 1 a The factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12.
b 2×p+2×5+4×p−4×3 The factors of 20 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20.
= 2p + 10 + 4p − 12 = 6p − 2 Common factors of 12 and 20 are 1, 2, 4.
11 a 12a + 56 b 9p − 48 HCF = 4
c 10c + 48 d 4d − 56 b The factors of 16 are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16.
e 15q + 20 f 11m − 62 The factors of 24 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24.
g 7n + 14 h 5b − 2 Common factors of 16 and 24 are 1, 2, 4, 8.
i −3x − 4 j 12w − 3 HCF = 8
k 3f − 19 l 8n − 24 2 a 3 b2 c 3 d3
m 15y + 2 n −7c + 29 e 10 f 8 g 9 h 10
o 9y − 27 i 12 j 12
12 a 6x + 46 b 7d + 14 3 a HCF of 12 and 18 is 6.
c 15n − 52 d 12q − 81 HCF of 12m and 18n is 6.
e 9f − 74 f 12c − 64 b HCF of 16 and 20 is 4.
g x 2 + 7x − 8 h y 2 − 2y + 8 HCF of 16x and 20y is 4.
i 2w 2 − 17w j 22m + 11 4 a 4 b3 c 5 d6
k 18t + 36 l 58a + 61 e 4 f 9 g 5 h 12
m 6a2 + 30a − 20 n 8c2 − 26c
o −2d 2 + 15d Exercise 11F
13 a (−4) × y + (−4) × 3 1 a 4 × (k + 3) = 4(k + 3)
= −4y + (−12) = −4y − 12 b 5 × (a + b) = 5(a + b)
b (−x) × x − (−x) × y c 3 × (2k − 5m) = 3(2k − 5m)
= −x 2 − (−xy) = −x 2 + xy d 8 × (3p − 2q) = 8(3p − 2q)
c (−1) × 4k + (−1) × 3m e 6 × (a2 + d) = 6(a2 + d)
= −4k + (−3m) = −4k − 3m f 5 × (t + 4) = 5(t + 4)
14 a −6a − 60 b −4b − 32 g 4 × (b + c) = 4(b + c)
c −9k − 81 d −3c + 9 h 3 × (4m + 5n) = 3(4m + 5n)
e −5f + 35 f −10d + 60 i 7 × (3x − 4y) = 7(3x − 4y)
g −7m − 35 h −2n − 20 j 9 × (6w − 5v) = 9(6w − 5v)
i −11h − 121 j −20p + 70 2 a 3(w + 5) b 5(b + 7)
k −24m + 24 l −35q + 40 c 4(a − b) d 10(m − n)
15 a −p 2 − 7p b −w 2 − 8w e 2(5p + 3q) f 3(4d + 9e)
c −d 2 − 11d d −s 2 + 3s g 7(4w − 2v) h 9(5x + 4y)
e −x 2 + 6x f −f 2 + 14f i 6(7g + 3k) j 8(7t − v)
g −mn − 5m h −ay − 2a k 6(5m − m2) l 15(y2 + z2)
i −km − 10k j −6t 2 + 3pt 3 a HCF of 9 and 12 = 3
k −20y + 4cy
l −64n2 + 32mn 9z = 3 × 3z and 12 = 3 × 4
16 a −x − 2 b −y − 3 Hence 9z + 12 = 3 × 3z + 3 × 4
c −a − 7 d −n + 11 = 3(3z + 4)
e −g + 5 f −b + 4 b HCF of 20 and 25 = 5
g −6 − g h −3 − k 20w = 5 × 4w and 25y = 5 × 5y
i −l − 13 j −2p + 7 Hence 20w − 25y = 5 × 4w − 5 × 5y
k −5n + 8 l −10d + 11 = 5(4w − 5y)

Answers 479

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2(4a + 5) b 3(3d + 2z) 2a(2b + 3c) 4q(3p − 2t)
ANSWERS 4 a 12 a b
c 8(q + 2r) d 2(k − 6) c 5k(m + 2) d 3m(3 − 4n)
e 3(l − 5m) f 2(2 + 3d) e 8t(1 + 2w) f 5k(k − 3)
g 9(h − k) h 2(5 − 3c) g 3m(2m − 3) h 5a(4a − 5)
i 2(7w + 10x) j 10(p − 2) i 2k(4 + 5k) j 2p(7 − 9p)
k 11(2 − x) l 3(4y + 5z) k 4p(4q + 5r) l 8y(x − 3z)
m 5(2a − 5b) n 4(3p + 2q) 13 a xz(5y − 7) b 6ab(4ac + 3)
o 8(2k − 3m) p 7(t + 1) c 3(4a + 3b + 5c) d 5(x2 − 2x + 4)
q 6(3x + 2y) r 10(3v − 2w) e 2b(3a + 5c + 2ac) f 8xyz(2y − 3)
s 5(4 − 3z) t 2(4x + 3y + 2z) g x2y2(y + x) h ab2(7ab − 4)
5 a HCF of −5 and 10 = −5 i −a(b2 + a) j −2kmn(4kn2 − m)
−5x = −5 × x and 10 = −5 × −2 k −3bc(4a + 3d) l −6xyz(3 − 2x)
Hence −5x + 10 = −5 × x + −5 × −2
= −5(x + −2) Exercise 11G
= −5(x − 2) 1 a 2a + 3b b 6x + 7x = 13x
b HCF of −12 and −4 = −4 c m+k d 8t + 4t = 12t
−12p = −4 × 3p and −4q = −4 × q e 2x + 4y f 7y + 8y = 15y
Hence −12p − 4q = −12p + (−4q) g 5p + 7p = 12p h 6a + 3a = 9a
= −4 × 3p + −4 × q 2 a 2w − 3v b 8k − 5k = 3k
= −4(3p + q) c 4x − 6y d 9t − 4t = 5t
6 a −5(2x − 1) b −2(3d − 2f ) e 8r − 2s f 9u − 5u = 4u
c −2(2p + 1) d −3( y + 3z) 3 a 2w × 3 = 6w b 6d × 2e = 12de
e −7(2p + 1) f −5(4c − 3q) c 4a × 5b = 20ab d 5q × 2 = 10q
7 a The factors of pq are 1, p, q, pq. e 6x × 5 = 30x f 2y × 3z = 6yz
The factors of qt are 1, t, q, qt. 4x 3a 3 5t __t
Hence the HCF of pq and qt is q. 4 a ___
5y b ____ =
11a 11
___ c ___
15 = 3
pq = q × p and qt = q × t 2w 6 3 4ab a
d ___ e ___ ___
8p = 4p f ____2 = ___
Hence pq + qt = q × p + q × t 7 12b 3b
= q(p + t) 5 a i 5x + 3y ii 5x − 3y
b The factors of k 2 are 1, k, k 2. iii 5x × 3y = 15xy iv ___
The factors of k are 1, k.
b i 5x + 4x = 9x ii 5x − 4x = x
Hence the HCF of k 2 and k is k.
5x __5
k 2 = k × k and k = k × 1 iii 5x × 4x = 20x2 iv ___
4x = 4
Hence k 2 − k = k × k − k × 1 c i 5xy + 6x ii 5xy − 6x
= k(k − 1) 5xy ___
8 a a(b + c) b y(x − z) c m(k − n) iii 5xy × 6x = 30x2y iv ___6x = 6
d y(y + 1) e m(m − 1) d i (x + 4) + 3 = x + 7
9 a The factors of xy are 1, x, y, xy. ii (x + 4) − 3 = x + 1
The factors of 5x are 1, 5, x, 5x. iii 3(x + 4) = 3x + 12
Hence the HCF of xy and 5x is x. x+4
iv _____
xy = x × y and 5x = x × 5 3
Hence xy + 5x = x × y + x × 5 e i (2x + 5) + 2x = 4x + 5
= x( y + 5) ii (2x + 5) − 2x = 5
b The factors of k 2 are 1, k, k 2. iii 2x(2x + 5) = 4x2 + 10x
2x + 5
The factors of 6k are 1, 2, 3, 6, k, 2k, 3k, 6k. iv ______
Hence the HCF of k 2 and 6k is k.
f i 4a + (2a + 1) = 6a + 1
k 2 = k × k and 6k = k × 6
ii 4a − (2a + 1) = 2a −1
Hence k 2 − 6k = k × k − k × 6
iii 4a(2a + 1) = 8a2 + 4a
= k(k − 6) 4a
10 a y(x + 5) b p(q − 7) c a(b + 4) iv ______
2a + 1
d m(m − 3) e k(k − 8) 6 a 7xy + 2xy = 9xy b 8ab − 3ab = 5ab
11 a The HCF of 6 and 12 is 6. c 9k + 2k = 11k d 7w − 3w = 4w
The HCF of xy and xz is x. e 5xy × 3 = 15xy
Hence the HCF of 6xy and 12xz is 6x. f 2k(5k + 3m) = 10k2 + 6km
6xy = 6x × y and 12xz = 6x × 2z 12x
____ 4
___ 7km 7m
Hence 6xy + 12xz = 6x × y + 6x × 2z g 15xy = 5y h ____ = ___
= 6x(y + 2z) i 3 × k − 4 = 3k − 4
b The HCF of 10 and 15 is 5. j (m − 7) + 3 = m − 4
The HCF of k 2 and k is k. 7 a i (m + 2) + 5 = m + 7
Hence the HCF of 10k 2 and 15k is 5k. ii (m + 2 ) − 3 = m − 1
10k 2 = 5k × 2k and 15k = 5k × 3 b i 2(m + 2) = 2m + 4
Hence 10k 2 − 15k = 5k × 2k − 5k × 3 ii (2m + 4) + 3 = 2m + 7
= 5k(2k − 3) iii (2m + 4) − 6 = 2m − 2

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6 a 4(2t + 3) b 5(2k − 3)

8 Length Breadth Perimeter Area
c 6(3x + 2y) d −3(2t − 3)
a b 2a + 2b ab
e b(4b − 3) f 5pq(2r + 3t)
3x 2y 2 × 3x + 2 × 2y 6xy 7 a 9h b 4y
c __5 d 30xy
= 6x + 4y
e 15q f 6ab g 3 h xy − 8
4 z+2 2 × 4 + 2 × (z + 2) 4(z + 2)
= 2z + 12 = 4z + 8 Review set 11C
y x−2 2 × y + 2 × (x − 2) y(x − 2) 1 a 11h b 8d
= 2y + 2x − 4 = xy − 2y
c 10z + 12 d 7p − 5q
a+3 7 2 × (a + 3) + 2 × 7 7(a + 3) e 7a − 7 f −3x − y
= 2a + 20 = 7a + 21 g 22t − 13
x 120 2 a 15rs b −12g c 16pq
9 a __ km/h b ____
y km/h 4
___ 2a
e ___
3 1
3 a 3y b 3 c 5 d
10a 24mn 5q 3
c 5 km/h = 2a km/h _____
d 6n km/h = 4m km/h 4 a 18v − 6 b 10x2 + 15xy
10 a $xy c −12d + 15e
10 1 x 5 a 12 b3 c 7 d 3a
b ____ ___
100 × x = 10 × x or 10
6 a 6(2p − 3) b 5(3t + 5u)
$x ____
$9x c 4(5k − 4m) d −5(q + 2)
c $x − ___
10 = 10 e 6k(3m − 2n) f 3ab(2a + 5b)
d n, n + 1, n + 2, n + 3 e n, n + 2, n + 4 7 a 7xy − 2x b 13t c 12wz d 7p
Language in mathematics e __2 c f 4pq g 3a + 8b h 3(x + y)

2 ( ) parentheses Review set 11D

[ ] square brackets
{ } braces 1 a 8k b 6m
3 numerical, symbol, algebraic c 2b + 9e d 8 − 4t
e a + 3b f 2x + 15
Check your skills g 7w − 37
2 a 35p b −27ab c 60xyz
1 C 2 D 3 A 4 D 5 C
5 1 3
6 B 7 B 8 A 9 D 10 A 3 a 4k b3 c ___ d −___ e ___
2x 3w
11 C 12 C 13 B 14 B 15 C 4 a 12a − 18 b −20x2 − 28x
16 A c −6a2b2 + 21a2b
5 a 12 b6 c 4m d 3x
Review set 11A
6 a 3(3k + 5) b 4(3m − 2n)
1 a 11s b 6k c −3(2t − 3) d −5(2x + y)
c 7w + 11 d 8p − 2q e a(5a − 7) f 3ac(4b + 5)
e 3x + 8 f −a − b 7 a 4x − 7 b 2k + 3 c 3(m + n) d 16p
g 7g + 14 4z
__ 3m y
e f −4n g ___ h __
2 a 20xy b −14p 5 5k 4
c −18ab
2 2
d ___ e ___
3 a 4h b __3 c 3
3v 3b
4 a 15m + 9 b 6a2 − 8ab
c −5k + 30 DIAGRAMS
5 a 2 b3 c 6 d 3x
Diagnostic test
6 a 3(2k + 3) b 8(t − 2)
c 6(4w + 3v) d −2(2s + 3) 1 D 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 D
e 5a(b + 2) f 3p(3p − 4) 6 B 7 B 8 D 9 D 10 C
7 a x+7 b 4x c 6k2 d 3t
e 5m + 2 f 10m g 5z h 10p − 3 Exercise 12A
1 S = {R, B, G, Y, W}
Review set 11B Number of possible outcomes = 5
1 a 9q b 5m a Favourable outcomes = {R}
c 6a + 12 d 8x − 4y Number of favourable outcomes = 1
e 3m + 4 f −w + z P(R) = __5
g 14h + 9 b Favourable outcomes = {G}
2 a 20 km b −15cd c 6mn Number of favourable outcomes = 1
1 3b
___ 1
P(G) = __5
3 a 3y b __5 c 2 d e x
4 a 20x + 28 b 15a2 − 6ab c Favourable outcomes = {R, G}
c −10m + 15 Number of favourable outcomes = 2
5 a 6 b2 c 4 d 4a P(R or G) = __5

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d Favourable outcomes = {B, W}
ANSWERS Number of favourable outcomes = 2
Exercise 12C

2 1 a S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
P(B or W) = __5 A = {6}
e Favourable outcomes = {B, Y, W} Complement of A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Number of favourable outcomes = 3 The complement of A is the event ‘throwing 1, 2, 3, 4
P(B or Y or W)= __5 or 5’ or ‘not throwing a 6’ or ‘throwing a number < 6’.
2 a __6
1 1
b __6
c __3
d __2 b S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
B = {5, 6}
1 1
e __2 f __2 Complement of B = {1, 2, 3, 4}
3 a __
1 1
b __
c __5
d __5 The complement of B is the event ‘throwing 1, 2, 3 or
10 10 4’ or ‘not throwing 5 or 6’ or ‘throwing a number < 5’.
1 3 1
e __2 f __
10 g __5 c S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
1 1 2 3 C = {1, 3, 5}
4 a __7 b __7 c __7 d __7
Complement of C = {2, 4, 6}
4 3
e __7 f __7 The complement of C is the event ‘throwing 2, 4 or 6’
1 1 1 5 or ‘not throwing an odd number’ or ‘throwing an even
5 a __
26 b __
26 c __
13 d __
26 number’.
__ 3
e 26 f __
13 2 a ‘Throwing 1, 2, 4, 5 or 6’ or ‘not throwing 3’
6 S = {B, B, B, B, B, R, R} b ‘Throwing 1, 2, 4 or 6’ or ‘not throwing 3 or 5’
Number of possible equally likely outcomes = 7 c ‘Throwing a 1 or 2’ or ‘not throwing a number > 2’ or
a Favourable outcomes = {B, B, B, B, B}, ‘throwing a number < 3’
Number of favourable outcomes = 5 3 a ‘Choosing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 or 9’ or ‘not choosing 7’
5 b ‘Choosing 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 or 9’ or ‘not choosing 1 or 7’
P(B) = __7
c ‘Choosing 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9’ or ‘not choosing an even
b Favourable outcomes = {R, R} number’ or ‘choosing an odd number’
Number of favourable outcomes = 2 d Choosing 1, 2, 3 or 4’ or ‘not choosing a number > 4’
P(R) = __7 or ‘choosing a number < 5’
c Favourable outcomes = {B, B, B, B, B, R, R} 4 a If a student is chosen from a class consisting of boys
Number of favourable outcomes = 7 and girls, the complement of the event ‘choosing a
P(B or R) = 1 girl’ is ‘not choosing a girl’ or ‘choosing a boy’.
3 2 7 1 b If a marble is chosen from a bag containing red and
7 a __
10 b __5 c __
10 d __5
1 1
blue marbles, the complement of the event ‘choosing a
e __2 f __2 red marble’ is ‘not choosing a red marble’ or ‘choosing
8 a ___
b __
c __
d __ a blue marble’.
100 50 20 10 c If a marble is chosen from a bag containing red, blue
1 1 1 1
9 a __
52 b __
13 c __4 d __2 and green marbles, the complement of the event
1 2 ‘choosing a red marble’ is ‘not choosing a red marble’
e __
26 f __
13 or ‘choosing a blue or a green marble’.
1 1 1
10 a __
12 b __6 c __4 d If a marble is chosen from a bag containing red, blue
9 1 3 and green marbles, the complement of the event
11 a __
16 b __
16 c __8
‘choosing a red or blue marble’ is ‘not choosing a red
12 a i 0 ii 0 or blue marble’ or choosing a green marble’.
b Impossible 5 ‘Getting a tail’ or ‘not getting a head’
c i 1 ii 1 6 a Stops on blue, green or yellow
d Certain b Stops on green or yellow
13 a 0 b1 c Stops on red or yellow
14 a 1 b1 c 0 d0 d Stops on yellow
15 a Selecting a white marble 7 a Selecting a black card
b Selecting a red or blue or green marble b Selecting a club, diamond or heart
16 The probability of an event cannot be greater than 1. c Selecting a diamond or heart
d Selecting a numbered card
Exercise 12B
8 a ‘Sydney loses’ or ‘Melbourne wins’
1 P(black) + P(white) + P(orange) = 1 b ‘Sydney loses or draws’ or ‘Melbourne wins or draws’
+ __
2 c A win by Sydney or Melbourne
13 + P(orange) = 1
13 d ‘Melbourne wins’ or ‘Sydney loses’
+ P(orange) = 1
8 5
Exercise 12D
P(orange) = 1 − __ __
13 = 13 1 P(on time) + (not on time) = 1
2 __
3 __61 9
__ + P(not on time) = 1
__ 2
4 __83
5 __ ∴ P(not on time) = 1 − 11 = 11

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8 5

7 8 a No b Yes
2 __
3 __
13 4 __7
c If there are no females who wear glasses, no qualifier
37 19
5 __
6 __
37 is needed. If there are females who wear glasses, a
1 999 qualifier is needed.
7 a ____
1000 b ____
1000 d If there are no students who have blond hair and brown
1 8 4 5
8 a __9 b __9 c __9 d __9 eyes, no qualifier is needed. If there are students who
2 7
have blond hair and brown eyes, a qualifier is needed.
e __9 f __9 9 a {4, 5, 6} b {1, 2, 3}
9 a __
b __
c __2
d __2 c {1, 3, 5} d {2, 4, 6}
10 10
e {5} f {1, 3, 4, 5, 6}
1 4
e __5 f __5 g {1, 3, 4, 6}
6 17 14 15 10 a {2, 3, 4, …,10, J, Q, K, A of diamonds}
10 a __
23 b __
23 c __
23 d __
23 b {2, 3, 4, …, J, Q, K, A of hearts, 2, 3, 4, …, J, Q, K, A
of clubs, 2, 3, 4, …, J, Q, K, A of spades}
Exercise 12E
c {K hearts, K diamonds, K clubs, K spades}
1 a A is the event a 5: A = {5}. d {K diamonds}
B is the event a 6: B = {6}. e {2, 3, 4, …10, J, Q, K, A of diamonds, K hearts,
Hence the events A and B are mutually exclusive. K clubs, K spades}
b A is the event a 5: A = {5}. f {2, 3, 4, …10, J, Q, A of diamonds, K hearts, K clubs,
B is the event an odd number: B = {1, 3, 5}. K spades}
Hence the events A and B are non-mutually exclusive.
c A is the event an even number: = {2, 4, 6}. Exercise 12G
B is the event an odd number: B ={1, 3, 5}.
1 a Sample space S = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
Hence the events A and B are mutually exclusive.
b Event A = {2, 4, 6, 8}
d A is the event a multiple of 3: = {3, 6}.
c Event ‘not A’ = {0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
B is the event an even number: B = {2, 4, 6}.
d Event B {6, 7, 8, 9}
Hence the events A and B are non-mutually exclusive.
e Event ‘not B’ = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
2 a Mutually exclusive
f Event ‘A and B’ = {6, 8}
b Non-mutually exclusive
c Mutually exclusive g i Event ‘A or B or both’ = {2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9}
d Non-mutually exclusive ii Inclusive or
e Non-mutually exclusive h i Event ‘A or B but not both’ = {2, 4, 7, 9}
f Mutually exclusive ii Exclusive or
g Non-mutually exclusive i Event neither A nor B = {0, 1, 3, 5}
3 a Mutually exclusive 2 a {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} b {1, 3, 5}
b Non-mutually exclusive c {2, 4, 6} d {3, 6}
c Non-mutually exclusive e {1, 2, 4, 5} f {3}
d Mutually exclusive g i {1, 3, 5, 6} ii Inclusive or
e Non-mutually exclusive h i {1, 5, 6} ii Exclusive or
4 a Non-mutually exclusive i {2, 4}
b Mutually exclusive 3 a {2, 4, 6, 8} b {1, 3, 5, 7}
c {6, 7, 8} d {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Exercise 12F e {6, 8} f {2, 4, 6, 7, 8}
1 a at least 4 b at most 3 g {2, 4, 7} h {1, 3, 5}
c at least 2 d at most 2 i {2, 4} j {7}
2 a at most 4 b at least 6 4 a {A, E, I, O, U} b {N, Q, T}
c at least 4 d at most 5 c {N, O, T, E} d {A, I, Q, U}
3 a {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} b {7, 8, 9} e (E, O} f {A, E, I, N, O, T, U}
c {5, 6, 7, 8, 9} d {0, 1, 2} g {A, I, N, T, U} h {Q}
4 a {gg, gb, bg} b {bg, gb, bb} i {A, I, U} j {N, T}
c {gb, bg, gg} d {bb, bg, gb} 5 a {Jen, Matt, Nick, Peter, Jack, Sue, Kate, Michael}
5 a {HT, TH, TT} b {HH, HT, TH} b i {Jen, Matt, Nick, Peter, Jack}
c {HT, TH, HH} d {TT, HT, TH} ii {Sue, Kate, Michael}
6 a {(1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)} iii {Peter, Jack, Sue}
b {(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 2)} iv {Jen, Matt, Nick, Kate, Michael}
7 a {10 of hearts} v {Peter, Jack}
b {10 of hearts, 10 of diamonds} vi {Jen, Matt, Nick, Peter, Jack, Sue}
c {king of clubs, king of spades} vii {Jen, Matt, Nick, Sue}
d {2, 4, 6, 8, 10 of clubs} viii {Kate, Michael}
e {1, 3, 5, 7, 9 of hearts, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 of diamonds} ix {Jen, Matt, Nick}
f {J, Q, K of clubs, J, Q, K of spades} x {Sue}

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6 a {4, 8} b {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9} 12 a S
c {3, 6, 9} d {1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8} P G
e {} f {3, 4, 6, 8, 9}
g {1, 2, 5, 7} 9 4
7 a 29
b i 2 ii 6 iii 8 iv 12 5
v 10 vi 17 vii 4 viii 6
8 a There are 5 students with both black hair and b i 9 ii 14 iii 13 iv 5
brown eyes so w = 5. This number is placed in the v 13 vi 18
intersection of the circles. 13 a
There is a total of 13 students (in set X) with black hair M S
so x + 5 = 13. ∴ x = 8
2 23 1
There is a total of 10 students (in set Y) with brown
eyes so y + 5 = 10. ∴ y = 5
There are 29 students in the class so 4
x + 5 + y + z = 29
so 8 + 5 + 5 + z = 29 ∴ z = 11 b i 5 ii 6 iii 4 iv 26
v 3 vi 2 vii 1 viii 26
S ix 7 x 7 xi 3
14 a
8 5 5 J F G

3 2 6 5 4

b i do not have black hair = 16 10

ii do not have brown eyes = 19
iii have black hair or brown eyes or both = 18 b i 10 ii 25 iii 17 iv 21
iv have black hair or brown eyes but not both = 13 v 16 vi 14 vii 17 viii 12
v have neither black hair nor brown eyes = 11 ix 14 x 0 xi 3 xii 6
vi have black hair but not brown eyes = 8 xiii 4 xiv 13 xv 7 xvi 20
vii have brown eyes but not black hair = 5 xvii 23
9 a w = 6, x = 7, y = 5, z = 7 15 a 56 b 42 c 29 d 21
e 17 f 8 g 3 h 77
S i 56 j 68 k 51 l 63
m 55 n 41 o 55 p 68
7 6 5 q 13 r 35 s 21 t 39
u 12 v 34 w 21 x 44
y 84 z 57
Exercise 12H
b i 12 ii 14 iii 18 iv 12
v 7 vi 7 vii 5 1 a 30 b 17 c 13 d 11
10 a w = 5, x = 7, y = 10, z = 8 e 19 f 10 g 3 h 9
i 8 j 27 k 18 l 21
S m 18 n9 o 3 p 8
q 10
7 5 10 2 a 230 b 116 c 114 d 185
e 45 f 29 g 98 h 132
8 i 103 j 98 k 29 l 98
m 16
b i 18 ii 15 iii 22 iv 17 3 a 16 b 17 c 11 d 22
v 7 vi 10 vii 8 viii 22 e 11 f 8 g 5 h 6
ix 25 4 a v = 3, w = 8, x = 15, y = 7, z = 12
11 a b i 15 ii 11 iii 8 iv 18
U R v 10 vi 5 vii 7 viii 3
5 a k = 27, l = 4, m = 30, n = 2, p = 5
10 3 1 b i 31 ii 30 iii 27 iv 34
v 7 vi 2 vii 4 viii 3
5 6 a Soccer Not soccer

b i 6 ii 15 iii 14 iv 11 Netball 10 6 16
v 5 vi 10 vii 1 Not netball 5 7 12
15 13 28

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b i 13 ii 12 iii 21 iv 11 7 a {HH, HT, TH, TT}
v 5 vi 6 b i {HT, TH} ii {HT, TH, TT}
7 a Drink Do not drink iii {HT, TH, HH} iv {HT, TH, TT}
8 a Non-mutually exclusive b Non-mutually exclusive
Smoke 13 6 19
c Mutually exclusive d Non-mutually exclusive
Do not smoke 66 15 81 9 a 9
79 21 100 b i {2, 4, 6, 8} ii {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
iii {1, 2, 3, 4} iv {5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
b i 79 ii 21 iii 81 iv 85 v {6, 8} vi {1, 3}
v 72 vi 66 vii 6 vii {2, 4} viii {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8}
8 a ix {1, 3, 6, 8} x {5, 7, 9}
Drink tea Do not drink tea
Drink coffee 5 12 17 10 a
Do not drink coffee 15 3 18
20 15 35 8 7 5

b i 20 ii 15 iii 5 iv 15
v 27 vi 3 vii 32 viii 27 10
ix 30
b i 15 ii 15 iii 12 iv 18
9 a Read The Do not read
v 8 vi 5 vii 7 viii 20
Australian The Australian
ix 13 x 10
Read The Daily Telegraph 3 8 11 11 a 127 b 64 c 76 d 83 e 20
Do not read The Daily 12 a
Telegraph 6 2 8 Study Do not study
Indonesian Indonesian
9 10 19
Study Japanese 3 8 11
b i 9 ii 11 iii 3 iv 2 Do not study Japanese 10 9 19
v 6 vi 8 vii 17 viii 14
13 17 30
ix 17 x 14 xi 16
b i 3 ii 9 iii 10 iv 18
Language in mathematics
number of favourable outcomes Review set 12B
1 a Probability = __________________________
number of possible outcomes
1 a __61 1
b __2
c __2
d __2
e __3
b0 c 1 d 0 to 1 e 1
1 2 4 4
f complementary g rectangle, circle 2 a __
11 b __
11 c __
11 d __
11 e 0
2 a Not selecting a blue marble 3 a Spinning a colour other than red, blue or green
b Not tossing a head b Spinning red, blue or green
3 a Inside circle A
4 __41
b Outside circle A (but within the rectangle)
c In the intersection of the circles 5 a A red or green marble b A green marble
d Inside circles A and B, including the intersection c A blue marble
e Inside circles A and B but not including the 6 __
intersection 7 a {7, 8, 9} b {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Check your skills 8 a Qualifiers not needed as A and B are mutually
exclusive events.
1 A 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B
b Qualifiers are needed as A and B are non-mutually
6 B 7 D 8 C 9 C 10 C
exclusive events.
11 C 12 A 13 C 14 C 15 A
9 a {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} b {2, 4, 6, 8}
16 B 17 C 18 C
c {7, 8, 9} d {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Review set 12A e {8} f {1, 3, 5}
g {7, 9} h {1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9}
1 2 5 4 1
1 a __9 b __9 c __9 d __9 e __3 i {1, 3, 5, 8} j {2, 4, 6}
1 4 5 10 a
2 a __3 b __9 c __9 d 1 e 0 S
3 a Rolling a number > 6
b Rolling an odd or even number 6 6 5
4 10
5 a {1, 2, 3, 5, 6} or ‘not a 4’ 10
b {1, 3, 5}or ‘not an even number or an odd number’
c {4, 5, 6}or ‘a number > 3’ b i 6 ii 5 iii 17 iv 11 v 10
11 a x = 7, y = 6, z = 11
6 5 b i 7 ii 11 iii 17 iv 4

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12 9 a
ANSWERS Wear glasses Do not wear glasses 12 b2 c 7 d 23
e 16 f 8 g 17 h2
Left-handed 0 2 2
i 7 j 22 k2
Not left-handed 3 25 28 10 a w = 8, x = 6, y = 9, z = 30
3 27 30 b

Review set 12C 6 3 8

1 1 3 3 3
1 a __8 b __4 c __8 d __4 e __8
1 1 1 1 1 13
2 a __
52 b __
13 c __
26 d __4 e __2
c i 9 ii 21 iii 11 iv 19
f 1 g 0
v 3 vi 17 vii 14 viii 13
3 a Choosing a number > 5
ix 6 x 8 xi 17 xii 27
b Choosing a number < 6
xiii 14
4 __83
5 a A black card
b A club, diamond or heart CHAPTER 13 LINEAR EQUATIONS
c Not an ace
6 __ Diagnostic Test
8 a {J hearts, J diamonds} b {J, Q, K of spades} 1 B 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 B
9 If there are no red-headed boys events A and B are 6 C 7 B 8 A 9 B 10 A
mutually exclusive and no qualifiers are needed. If there 11 D 12 B 13 D 14 A 15 A
are boys with red hair then the events A and B are non- 16 C 17 B 18 B 19 C
mutually exclusive and the qualifiers are needed.
Exercise 13A
10 a 14
b i 5 ii 9 iii 6 iv 8 1 a 2 b 4 c 4
v 3 vi 4 vii 2 viii 9 d 8 e 8 f 10
ix 7 x 5 g 10 h 9 i 8
11 j 2 k 3 l 5
S 2 a i Take 8 cubes from both LHS and RHS.
ii x=4
6 7 8 b i Take 6 cubes from both LHS and RHS.
ii x=4
c i Take 3 cubes from both LHS and RHS.
ii x=1
12 a History Not History d i Take 1 cube from both LHS and RHS.
ii x=6
Geography 7 8 15
e i Take 2 cubes from both LHS and RHS.
Not Geography 6 9 15 ii x=3
13 17 30 f i Take 7 cubes from both LHS and RHS.
ii x=5
b i 17 ii 15 iii 7 iv 21 3 a i As there are 3 pill bottles = 36 tablets,
v 14 vi 6 vii 8 viii 9 divide 36 by 3.
ix 21 x 14 xi 23 ii b = 12
Review set 12D b i As there are 3 boxes of oranges equal to 45,
divide 45 by 3.
1 a __ 11
b __
c __
d __ ii O = 15
21 21 21 21
10 4 2 12
c i 2 packets + 5 biscuits = 21 biscuits, so take
e __
21 f __
21 g __
21 h __
21 5 biscuits from both LHS and RHS. Now
2 a __
2 2
b __
c __
d __ 2 packets = 16 biscuits. Divide 16 ÷ 2 = 8.
11 11 11 11 ii b=8
e __
11 f 0 d i Take 3 lollies from each side then 3 boxes
3 a Spinning a red, blue or green = 24 lollies. Divide both sides by 3.
b Spinning a colour other than red, blue or green 1 box = 8 lollies.
7 ii l=8
4 __
5 a ‘Not a red card’ or ‘a black card’ Exercise 13B
b ‘Not a diamond’ or ‘a club, spade or heart’ 1 a x+7 b x+2 c x+9
6 0.6 d x−3 e x−1 f x−7
7 a False b True c True g 8x h −4x i 5x
8 a {4, 5, 6} b {3, 4, 5, 6} x x x
c {1, 2} d {1, 2, 3} j __
6 k __
2 l ___

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2 a 6x + 4 b −9x − 1 4 a −4 −6

x c −9 d +5
c 5x + 2 d __
3−8 e +3 f + 11
x x
e ___
−7 + 5 f ___
10 − 4
g ÷2 h ÷ −9
i ÷7 j × 10
2x + 7 5x − 9
g ______
6 h ______
2 k ×3 l × −4
−4x − 1
________ m − 2, ÷ 6 n + 1, ÷ −3
i 7 j 2(6x − 5) o − 10, ÷ 7 p + 8, × 5
−3(−8x + 1) q − 2, × 3 r − 1, × 11
k −5(2x + 7) l ____________
4 s × 9, − 2, ÷ 3 t × 8, − 11, ÷ 2
×3 +5 u × 7, + 6, ÷ −4 v × 4, ÷ 3, − 7
3 a x 3x b x x+5 w × 11, ÷ −2, + 10, ÷ 5
−8 × (−6) ÷ 12 +8
c x x−8 d x −6x 5 a 12x x b x−8 x
−9 ÷2 x − 11
e x x−9 f x c x + 11 x d x ×5
2 5
+ 10 ÷ (−4) x + 10 ÷4
g x x + 10 h x e 4x − 10 4x x
×5 + 12 ÷ (−9)
i x 5x 5x + 12 f −9x x
× (−3) −1
j x −3x −3x − 1 g −3x ×7
÷ (−3)
÷ (−4) x +2 x − 15 ÷ (−8)
k x +2 h 15 − 8x −8x x
−4 −4
−1 ÷ (−1)
÷5 x +9 x i −x + 1 −x x
l x +9
5 5
j 2x −3 2x ×5 ÷2
3+ 2x x
m x
÷7 x−8 5 5
x +1 x ×4
k −1 x
n x
+ 10
x + 10
÷ 13 x + 10 4 4
x −5 −x ×2 ÷ (−1)
l 5− −x x
o x
5x − 2
÷9 5x − 2 2 2
m x−9
×4 +9
x−9 x
p x
3x + 7
÷ 10 3x + 7 4
n 10 − x
×2 − 10 ÷ (−1)
−6 ×4 10 − x −x x
q x x−6 4(x − 6) 2

o 11 − 4x
+3 × (−5) ×7 − 11 ÷ (−4)
r x x+3 −5(x + 3) 11 − 4x −4x x
×2 +7 ×9
s x 2x 2x + 7 9(2x + 7)
p 3x + 6
×5 −6 ÷3
3x + 6 3x x
×4 −6 × (−6) 5
t x 4x 4x − 6 −6(4x − 6)
÷2 − 14
q 2(x + 14) x + 14 x
u x
3(x − 6)
÷5 3(x − 6)
5 ÷ (−3) + 18
r −3(x − 18) x − 18 x
+2 × (−9)
−9(x + 2)
÷ 11 −9(x + 2) ÷2
v x x+2 s −2(2x + 6) ÷ (−2)
2x + 6
2x x
×3 −5 ×7 ÷9 +1 ÷3
w x 3x 3x − 5 7(3x − 5) t 9(3x − 1) 3x − 1 3x x

÷ 10 7(3x − 5)
u 7(x + 4)
×5 ÷7 −4
10 7(x + 4) x+4 x
×2 −8 × (−4)
2x − 8 −4(2x − 8) v −4(x − 8)
x x 2x ×9 ÷ (−4) +8
−4(x − 8) x−8 x
÷ 13 −4(2x − 8)
w 4(5x + 7)
13 ×7 ÷4
4(5x + 7) 5x + 7
y +1 ×5
5(x + 1)
÷ (−3) 5(x + 1)
x x+1 −7 ÷5
−3 5x x

Answers 487

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3 5 7
ANSWERS x −3(2x − 9) × 11
−3(2x − 9)
÷ (−3)
2x − 9
m w = −__
10 n h = −__7 o q = −__4
11 p m = −8 q d = −6 r n = 10
+9 ÷2 s b = −8 t e = −15 u r = −36
2x x
v d = −20 w k = −32 x v = −35
6 a 3x + 5 = 26 3 a Yes b Yes c No d No
×3 +5
x 3x 3x + 5 e No f Yes g No h No
i No j Yes k Yes l No
7 21 26 m Yes n Yes o No p Yes
b 2x − 8 = 20 4 a k=5 b d = 14 c c=3
×2 −8
d b=5 e m=3 f q=9
x 2x 2x − 8 g f=6 h k=1 i a=4
14 ÷2
28 +8
20 j n=7 k s=4 l g=3
m y = 27 n m = 17 o x = 21
c 4m − 12 = 40 9
5 a p = __2 = 4__21 b d = __
__ 4
7 = 17
×4 − 12
m 4m 4m − 12 27 3 33 2
c f = __ __
4 = 64 d q = __ __
9 = 33
÷4 + 12
13 52 40 24 2 15 2
e a = __ __
11 = 2 11 f k = __ __
13 = 1 13
d 6y + 8 = 62 23 3 35 1
g l = __ __
5 = 45 h w = __ __
14 = 2 2
×6 +8
y 6y 6y + 8 1 1
i c = __2 j n = __5
÷6 −8
9 54 62 28 1 17 2
k f = __ __
12 = 2 3 l l = __ __
3 = 53
e ___
3 −1=3 m a = −__
__ 1 22
n y = −__ __ 2
2 = −9 2 6 = 33
×2 ÷3 2p −1 2p 23
__ 3
p 2p −1 o b = −__
4 = −5 4
3 3 24 4
6 a x=3 b d = __ __
5 = 45
÷2 ×3 +1
6 12 4 3 21 __ 1 30 3
c a = __
4 = 54 d p = __ __
8 = 34
f ___ + 7 = 17 e k = −__
99__ 1
f l = −__ __ 54 5
8 6 = −16 2 7 = −7 7
×5 ÷8 5w +7 5w 26 3 40 1
w 5w +7 g q = −__ __
10 = −2 5 h m = −__ __
3 = −13 3
8 8
56 1 33 2
÷5 ×8 −7 i t = __ __
5 = 11 5 j x = __ __
9 = 33
16 80 10 17
36 1 49 1
k y = __ __
8 = 42 l n = __ __
4 = 12 4
g 6(d + 4) = 54
__ 8
+4 ×6 m a = −__
9 = −8 9 n w = −15
d d+4 6(d + 4)
__ 1
__ __72 2
−4 ÷6 o f = − 10 = −5 2 p c = −__
7 = −10 7
5 9 54
7 a x = 23 b p = 25 c d = 13
h 5(2a − 3) = 35 d c = 37 e y = 41 f a = 22
×2 −3 ×5 b=2 m = 11 i n=5
a 2a 2a − 3 5(2a − 3) g h
÷2 +3 ÷5
j k = 11 k c=3 l w=7
5 10 7 35 m d = −24 n m = −3 o d = 13
7 a m = 11 b d = 32 c x=9 p d = 14 q x = −17 r x=3
d p=4 e y=8 f a = 25 s x=6 t p=5
g a=7 h d = 23 i p = 7__2 Exercise 13D

Exercise 13C 1 a a=5 b q=8 c b=3

d y=7 e f = 24 f h=4
1 a x=6 b t=7 c w = 12 g x = −2 h d = −3 i r=1
d h=8 e d=6 f q = 16 j w=4 k s=1 l y=1
g m = 16 h c = 26 i l = 42 m x=9 n b = −10 o j=3
j k = 13 k a = 46 l b = 58 p p=2 q d = −7 r a=1
m y=8 n z = 16 o p=5 2 a Yes b No c Yes
p a = 12 q m=7 r z=7 d Yes e No f Yes
s f = 52 t k = 90 u s = 60 3 a x = −2__41 b
d = −2__2 c
q = −4__3
v v = 21 w y = 36 x n = 68
1 19 1 19 4
2 a x = −2 b d = −5 c f = −21 d c = 6__2 e w = __ __
6 = 36 f g = __ __
5 = 35
d q = −20 e h=6 f j = −9 g k = 1__2
1 1
h k = __3 i l = __8
g a = −4 h y = −4 i c=7
1 1 1
j g=0 k l=3 l k = −13 j x = −1__3 k a = −1__3 l b = 2__4

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Exercise 13E Check your skills
__ 1 C 2 D 3 B 4 D 5 B
1 a x=3 b t = 18 c l=1
__ 6 A 7 B 8 A 9 B
d n = −11 e e = −6 6 f r = −2
__ 3 Review set 13A
g m = 84 h p=7 i c = 12__
1 3 12 − 15 ÷5
j f = 24__3 k t = 11__5 l w = 7__
1 5x + 15 5x x
2 a a=7 b m=5 c q=1 2 a x=7 b x = −21
c x = 5__2
11 1
d b = −__ e p=7 f w = 3__5 4 2 1
35 d x = −6__9 e y = 2__3 f p = 19__4
g c = −5 h n = −2 i d=2 3
3 5 1 g d = −23 h c = 1__ i m = 22
j x = __7 k y = __6 l w = −3__2 3
j q = 17
3 a p = −5 b a=7 c d = −10
1 1
d m = −1 e r = −2 f x=3 3 a p = 11__4 b x = 26__3 c m = 29
g f = −5 h q = −4 i m = −1 d p=4 e p = −11 f p = 11
j d=2 k a = −1 l m=3 2 1
4 a x = 4__3 b x = −__
15 c p = −6
Exercise 13F d p = 10 e x=2 f x=5
1 a 35 cm2 b 18 cm2 c 66 cm2 5 a Yes b No
d 24.5 cm2 e 37.8 cm2 f 49.14 cm2 6 −23
2 a 22.5 cm2 b 16.5 cm2 c 40 cm2 7 a 2145 cm3 b 310 cm3 c 3.1 m3
8 a 356° b 59° c 100.4°
d 7.4 cm2 e 10.5 cm2 f 35.03 cm2
9 a d = 48 b x=6 c x = 648
3 a 15 cm2 b 28 cm2 1 1
d x=6 e x = 10__2 f x = 27__3
c 66 cm2 d 54.18 cm2
4 a 28.26 cm2 b 289.38 cm2 g n=6 h c = −11 i x=0
c 482.81 cm2 d 153.86 cm2 10 x + 7 = 114; x = 107
5 a 105 b −44 Review set 13B
c 0.25 d −11.72
6 a 7.21 cm b 13.60 cm 1 × (−4) + 15
b −4b 15 − 4b
c 9.34 cm d 8.13 cm
÷ (−4) − 15
2 1 4 7 −5 20 35
7 a −12__9 ° b −13__3 ° c −9__9 ° d −7__9 °
8 a 41° b 68° c 51° d 46° 2 a p = −15 b d = −5 c x = −9
8 4
9 a 108 cm b 37.8 cm c 4.64 cm d x=9 e c = 4__
11 f q = 5__5
10 a 4 b 11 c 4.2 d 7.7 g n = −1__
34 h c=7
11 a 9 cm b 14 cm c 2.5 cm 7 2
3 a q = 2__9 b m = −10__5
d 2.4 cm e 3.3 cm f 9.5 cm
12 a 10 cm b 14 cm c 9 cm 4 a k = 54 b w = 52
d 7 cm e 5 cm f 8 cm 5 a p = 19 b x=6 c x = −7
13 a i 4 cm ii 10 cm d p=5 e p = 45
__ 37
f x = __
b i 4 cm ii 11 cm 18
1 4
14 a 5 cm b 7 cm c 4 cm d 4.1 cm g x = __2 h p = __5 i x=6
15 a i 5 ii 18 j x=1
b i 13 ii 3 6 a −23 b 75
16 a 3 cm b 6 cm c 15 cm d 11 cm 7 −31
17 a 40° b 50° c 60° d 70__54 ° 8 a d = 32 b x = 61 c x = 15
1 3
18 a 4° b 11° c 17° d 50° d x = 11 e x = 12__3 f x = 6__4
19 a 6 cm b 34 cm c 24.7 cm 1 4 3
g n = 7__3 h x = −3__9 i x = −2__ 14
20 a 10 b 109
2 11
j x = 3__3 k x = −__
25 l x=4
Exercise 13G
9 a 120° b 10° c 0°
1 a x + 18 = 46; x = 28 b x + 7 = −12; x = −19 10 a 2x = −8; x = −4 b 32, 33, 34, 35
c x − 5 = 19; x = 24 d x − 8 = −4; x = 4
e x − (−2) = 6; x = 4 f 3x = 108; x = 36 Review set 13C
g 6x = 72; x = 12 h __ = 2; x = 18 1 a n = −2__
b q = 16
x 9 11
i −__ = −1.4; x = 9.8 1
7 c p = −4 7 d c=5
2 a 2x − 3 = 17; x = 10 b 4x + 12 = 52; x =10 2 a Yes b Yes
c 2x − 8 = −10; x = −1 d ___ = 10; x = 18
3 a r=7 b x = 3__4
e 7(x − 1) = 21; x = 4 f 5(3x − 12) = 15; x = 5 c x = −13 d r = 2__8

Answers 489

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2 A(−5, 5), B(3, −4), C(5, 3), D(0, 5), E(−3, 0),
4 76
5 a d = 20 b x = 10 c x=6 F(−1, −3), G(−5, −4), H(6, 5), I(3, 1), J(1, 3),
d x=7 e x = 6__3
f x = 4__7
3 K(5, −3), L(7, −2), M(−3, −2), N(−2, 3), O(0, 0),
__ P(−4, 4), Q(−2, −4), R(2, 4), S(3, −2), T(6, −6),
g n=3 h c=3 i x=4 U(−4, −6), V(0, −1), W(6, 0), X(4, 5), Y(4, −6),
6 a r = 2__4 b p=3 c x = −8 Z(1, −3)
d x = 1__7
e p = −16 f x = −1 3 a A(2, 3), B(−4, 1), C(3, 1), D(−3, −3), E(4, 4),
F(2, 5), G(4, −4), H(−1, 4)
7 2168 cm2 8 3.1 s
b A and F and E and G as they are on the same vertical
9 a 5 b 13 c 25 d 20
10 a x + 1 + x + 3 + x + 5 = 39; 11, 13, 15
c B and C and E and H as they are on the same
b 18 − 2x = 4x + 9; x = 1__2 horizontal line.
d D and E as they are diagonally opposite each other.
Review set 13D 4 a y
6 4
1 a p=1 b n = −9__7 A(–3, 3) B(1, 3)
c c = 21 d p = 14 5 2
2 a No b No 1
3 941 4 11 310 cm3
5 B = 9.6 mm –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 x
6 a d = 16 b x=7 c x = 12 –2
C(1, –1)
d x = 11 e x = 32 f x = 2__8
g n=6 h c = −__94 i x = −__
7 b D(−3, −1)
12 y
5 a
7 a m=7 b p = −__52 6
Q(–4, 5) R(3, 5)
c p = −1 d r=4 5
__ 1
__ 5
8 a r = −6 5 b p=9 c x = 18 4
__ 3
d x = 35 e r=5 f x = −1
9 a −8(x − 4) = 50; x = −2 4 1
3 P(–4, 0)
b 6(x − 7) = −2x + 9; x = 6__8
25 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 x
10 I = 150__
48 or $150.52
11 T = 19__2
12 a 2500 b 1000 c 1200 d5 b S(3, 0)
6 a y
2 E(1, 2)


1 D(0, 1)
Diagnostic test C(–1, 0)
–3 –2 –1 1 2 x
1 B 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 B
B(–2, –1)–1
6 B 7 C 8 D

Exercise 14A A(–3, –2)

1 y
6 B
b They are on a straight line.
T 5
c F(2, 3), G(3, 4), H(4, 5)
4 N
7 a y A(5, 3)
3 K 3
S 2 G
1 E 2 B(4, 2)
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 6x 1 C(3, 1)
P –2 M
D(2, 0)
1 2 3 4 5 x
R A F –5 I L –1 E(1, –1)

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b F(0, −2), G(−1, −3), H(−2, −4)

4 a $8.50 b $12 c $15.50
__ 1
__ 1
__ 1
__ 3
8 A (2 2 , 3), B (− 2 , 1), C (−1 2 , 2 2 ), D (1 4 , 1), E (1 4 , 2 ),
3 __
__ 1 d $19 e $22.50
5 a 35 min b 50 min c 65 min
1 1 1 1 1 1 3
F (1__2 , −1__2 ), G(2__2 , −__41 ), H(__2 , −2__2 ), I(−1__2 , −1__4 ), d 80 min e 95 min
1 3 3
J(−3__2 , __4 ), K(−__41 , 0), L (−1__4 , −3), M(1, −1), Exercise 14D
1 3 3 1 1 1 1
N(2__4 , −1), O(__4 , 1__4 ), P(−1__4 , 1__2 ), Q(−2__2 , 1__2 ),
3 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 1
1 a Number of squares 1 2 3 4
R(−__4 , −__4 ), S(−1__4 , __2 ), T(__4 , 0), U(__4 , __2 ), V(−2__2 , −1__2 )
Number of matches 4 8 12 16
Exercise 14B b Number of matches equals four times the number
1 a i Starting with 2, each number is 2 more than of squares.
the number before it. c (1, 4), (2, 8), (3, 12), (4, 16)
ii 10, 12, 14 d
24 (6, 24)

Number of matches
b i Starting with 4, each number is 3 more than
the number before it. 20 (5, 20)
ii 16, 19, 22 16 (4, 16)
c i Starting with 27, each number is 4 less than 12 (3, 12)
the number before it. 8 (2, 8)
ii 11, 7, 3 4 (1, 4)
d i Starting with 30, each number is 2 less than
the number before it. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of squares
ii 22, 20, 18
e i Starting with 90, each number is 10 less than e (5, 20), (6, 24)
the number before it. 2 a Number of triangles 1 2 3 4
ii 50, 40, 30
f i Starting with 3, each number is 2 times the number Number of matches 3 6 9 12
before it.
b Number of matches equals three times the number of
ii 48, 96, 192
g i Starting with 2, each number is 3 times the number
c (1, 3), (2, 6), (3, 9), (4, 12)
before it.
ii 162, 486, 1458 d
18 (6, 18)
Number of matches

h i Starting with 3, each number is 10 times 15 (5, 15)

the number before it. 12 (4, 12)
ii 30 000, 300 000, 3 000 000 9 (3, 9)
i i Starting with 1, each number is __ 10 of (or 6 (2, 6)
0.1 times) the number before it. (1, 3)
ii 0.0001, 0.000 01, 0.000 001
j i Starting with 128, each number is __2 of the number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
before it. Number of triangles
ii 8, 4, 2 e (5, 15), (6, 18)
2 a 7, 11 b 8, 14 c 7, 13
d 22, 14 e 49, 45 f 50, 1250 3 a Number of hexagons 1 2 3 4
g 4, 16 h 25, 1 i 200, 100
Number of matches 6 12 18 24
j 30, 3000
b The number of matches equals six times the number
Exercise 14C of hexagons.
1 a 2, 5, 8, 11, … b 5, 7, 9, 11, … c (1, 6), (2, 12), (3, 18), (4, 24)
c 1, 5, 9, 13, … d 100, 90, 80, 70, … d
Number of matches

e 45, 42, 39, 36, … f 50, 48, 46, 44, … (6, 36)
g 3, 6, 12, 24, … h 7, 70, 700, 7000, … 30 (5, 30)
i 1, 3, 9, 27, … j 64, 32, 16, 8, … 24 (4, 24)
k 2, 0.2, 0.02, 0.002, … l 1, 5, 21, 85, … 18 (3, 18)
m 3, 7, 15, 31, … n 5, 6, 8, 12, … 12 (2, 12)
o 2, 3, 7, 23, … p 7, 5, 1, −7, … 6 (1, 6)
2 a 16 m2 b 32 m2 c 48 m2
d 64 m2 e 80 m2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of hexagons
3 a 8.5 cm b 7 cm c 5.5 cm
d 4 cm e 2.5 cm e (5, 30), (6, 36)

Answers 491

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ANSWERS 4 a Number of squares 1 2 3 4 7 a Number of hexagons 1 2 3 4 5
Number of matches 5 10 15 20 Number of matches 6 11 16 21 26

b The number of matches equals five times the number b Number of matches equals five times the number of
of squares. hexagons plus one.
c (1, 5), (2, 10), (3, 15), (4, 20) c y = 5x + 1; (1, 6), (2, 11), (3, 16), (4, 21), (5, 26)
d d
35 40
Number of matches

(7, 36)

Number of matches
30 (6, 30) 35
25 (5, 25) 30 (6, 31)
20 (4, 20) 25 (5, 26)
15 (3, 15) 20 (4, 21)
10 15 (3, 16)
(2, 10)
5 (1, 5) 10 (2, 11)
5 (1, 6)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of squares 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
e (5, 25), (6, 30) Number of hexagons
e (6, 31), (7, 36)
5 a Number of squares 1 2 3 4 5
Number of matches 4 7 10 13 16 8 a Number of houses 1 2 3 4 5
Number of matches 8 15 22 29 36
b Number of matches equals three times the number of
squares plus 1. b The number of matches equals seven times the number
c y = 3x + 1; (1, 4), (2, 7), (3, 10), (4, 13), (5, 16) of shapes plus 1.
d c y = 7x + 1; (1, 8), (2, 15), (3, 22), (4, 29), (5, 26)
24 d
(7, 22) 56
Number of matches

Number of matches
48 (7, 50)
18 (6, 19)
(6, 43)
(5, 16) 40
15 (5, 36)
(4, 13) 32
12 (4, 29)
(3, 10) 24 (3, 22)
(2, 7) 16 (2, 15)
(1, 4) 8 (1, 8)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of houses
Number of squares
e (6, 43), (7, 50)
e (6, 19), (7, 22)
9 a Number of shapes 1 2 3 4 5
6 a Number of pentagons 1 2 3 4 5
Number of matches 4 8 12 16 20
Number of matches 5 9 13 17 21
b y = 4x
b Number of matches equals four times the number of
pentagons plus 1. 10 a Number of shapes 1 2 3 4 5

c y = 4x + 1; (1, 5), (2, 9), (3, 13), (4, 17), (5, 21) Number of matches 5 10 15 20 25

d b y = 5 × x = 5x
(7, 29) 11 a Number of shapes 1 2 3 4 5
Number of matches

24 (6, 25)
Number of matches 6 11 16 21 26
20 (5, 21)
16 (4, 17) b y = 5 × x + 1 = 5x + 1
12 (3, 13)
12 a Number of shapes 1 2 3 4 5
8 (2, 9)
(1, 5) Number of matches 1 4 7 10 13
b y = 3 × x − 2 = 3x − 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of pentagons
e (6, 25), (7, 29)

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Exercise 14E 4 a (0, 0), (1, 11), (2, 22), (5, 55)
b Chocolate buttons
1 a (0, 0), (1, 3), (2, 6), (4, 12), (5, 15), (10, 30), (20, 60)
b Oranges sold 55

Cost ($)
Cost ($)

10 0 1 2 3 4 5
5 Weight (kg)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
c $38.50 d ≈2.7 kg
Weight (kg)
5 a Time (min) 0 1 2 3 4 5 10
c $45 d 8 kg Cost ($) 0 1 2 3 4 5 10
2 a (0, 0), (1, 2.5), (2, 5), (4, 10), (5, 12.5), (10, 25),
(20, 50) b (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (10, 10)
b Watermelon purchased c Mobile phone calls

50 10
45 9
40 8
35 7
Cost ($)

Cost ($)
30 6
25 5
20 4
15 3
10 2
5 1

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Weight (kg) Time (min)
c $21.25 d 15 kg d $7.50 e 6.5 min
3 a (0, 0), (1, 24), (2, 48), (5, 120)
6 a Time (min) 0 1 2 3 4 5 10
b Cashew nuts
Cost ($) 0 1.20 2.40 3.60 4.80 6.00 12.00
110 b Mobile phone calls
Cost ($)

Cost ($)

0 1 2 3 4 5 2
Weight (kg) 1
c $108 d 3__2 kg 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (min)
c ≈$7.80 d ≈8.3 min

Answers 493

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ANSWERS 7 a Distance (km) 0 10 20 30 40 10 a Number of hours 0 1 2 3 4
Cost in dollars 5 30 55 80 105 Cost ($) 50 100 150 200 250

b Cost of hiring a taxi b Clown hire

110 260
100 240
90 220
80 200
Cost ($)


Cost ($)
60 160
50 140
40 120
30 100
20 80
10 60
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 20
Distance (km)
0 1 2 3 4
c $42.50 d 32 km
Time worked (h)
8 a Kilometres 0 10 20 30 40 1
c ≈$225 d 2__2 hours
Cost in dollars 8 38 68 98 128

b Cost of hiring a taxi Exercise 14F

130 1 a x −2 −1 0 1 2
y −3 −1 1 3 5
100 y y = 2x + 1
90 7
Cost ($)

80 6
70 5
60 4
50 3
40 2
30 1
10 –2 –1 1 2 3 x
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Distance (km)
c $113 d 14 km b x=3
9 a Hours 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 a x −2 −1 0 1 2
Pay ($) 10 26 42 58 74 90 y −8 −5 −2 1 4

b Stephanie’s pay
y = 3x − 2
80 4
Pay ($)

50 –2 –1 1 2 3 x

0 1 2 3 4 5
b x=3
Time worked (h)
c ≈$66 d 2__2 hours

494 Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

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3 a x −2 −1 0 1 2 d x −2 −1 0 1 2
y −7 −5 −3 −1 1 y 8 5 2 −1 −4

y y = 2x − 3 8
2 6
y = −3x + 2
–2 –1 1 2 3 4 x 2
–2 –1 1 2 3 4 x
1 –8
b y = 3__2 –10

4 a x −2 −1 0 1 2
y −4 −3 −2 −1 0 e x −2 −1 0 1 2
y 6 5 4 3 2
y y=x−2
2 y
1 7
–2 –1 1 2 3 4 x
y = −x + 4
–2 4
–3 3
–4 2

b x −2 −1 0 1 2 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 x
y 2 3 4 5 6
f x −2 −1 0 1 2
8 y −4 −2 0 2 4
6 8
y=x+4 y = 2x
5 6
4 4
3 2
1 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 x
–2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 x

c x −2 −1 0 1 2 g x −2 −1 0 1 2
y 0 2 4 6 8 y 11 7 3 −1 −5

y y
8 12
6 10
4 8
y = 2x + 4
2 6
y = −4x + 3
–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 x 2
–2 –1 1 2 3 x

Answers 495

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g y = −3x + 2
ANSWERS h x −2 −1 0 1 2
_1 1 x −2 −1 0 1 2
y 0 2 1 1_2 2
y 8 5 2 −1 −4
2 h y = 2x − 3
x −2 −1 0 1 2
1 y −7 −5 −3 −1
y = 12 x +1 1

i y = −2x + 5
–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 x
x −2 −1 0 1 2
y 9 7 5 3 1

i x −2 −1 0 1 2 Exercise 14G
y 5 4 3 2 1
1 a The lines are parallel and cut the y-axis at 3, −1 and
y 1 respectively.
5 b y
4 5
3 4
y=3−x 3
y = 2x + 3 2 y = 2x − 1
–2 –1 1 2 3 4 x
–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 x
5 a x=4 b x=4 c x = −4 –3
1 –4
d x=4 e x = −3 f x = 3__2
g x = −__21 h x = −4 i x=4 y = 2x + 1
6 a y = 2x − 1 2 a They all intersect at (0, 2), but have different gradients.
x −2 −1 0 1 2 b They intersect at (0, 1) and have the same gradient but
in opposite directions.
y −5 −3 −1 1 3
c They intersect at (0, 0) and have the same gradient but
b y = 3x + 2 in opposite directions.
d These lines are parallel. They have y-intercepts of 2, 1,
x −2 −1 0 1 2
and −3 respectively.
y −4 −1 2 5 8 3 a The gradient or slope is the same, but the new graph
intersects the y-axis at −3.
c y = 2x + 3
4 a The lines are parallel and cut the y-axis at different
x −2 −1 0 1 2 points.
y −1 1 3 5 7 b y = 2x + 2 is steeper than y = x + 2; they both cut
the y-axis at 2.
d y = 4x + 1 c Both graphs intersect the y-axis at (0, 2) and have the
x −2 −1 0 1 2 same slope but in opposite directions.
y −7 −3 1 5 9 d The lines are parallel but they cut the y-axis at
different points.
e y = 4x − 3 5 Parallel: y = 2x + 3, y = 2x − 1, y = 2x
Parallel: y = −3x − 2, y = −3x, y = −3x − 5
x −2 −1 0 1 2
Parallel: y = 3x + 3, y = 3x
y −11 −7 −3 1 5 Pass through same point: y = 2x + 3, y = 3x + 3,
y = 4x + 3
f y = −2x + 1
Pass through same point: y = −3x − 2, y = 5x − 2
x −2 −1 0 1 2
y 5 3 1 −1 −3

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6 a x 0 1 2 3 4 2 a (1, 2) b (1, 3) c (1, 4)
d (4, 9) e (4, 7) f (5, 8)
y 3 4 7 12 19
3 a y
b y 5
20 4
18 3
y = x2 + 3 y = 2x + 4 y = 2x + 1
16 2
14 1
10 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 x
8 –2
y = 2x + 3
6 –3
2 b No, as these graphs are parallel and will not intersect.
0 c They must be parallel, ∴ the coefficient of x must be
1 2 3 4 5 x the same.
d The graphs intersect at (0, 3) and (2, 7).
y = x2 + 3 is not a straight line. Language in mathematics

7 a x 0 1 2 3 1 54 years
2 By travelling and observing
y 1 2 9 28
3 His idea of representing points by using ordered pairs
b, c y on coordinate axes.
28 4 a His main rule was ‘never to accept anything as true
26 which I do not clearly and distinctly see to be so’.
24 b Believe only what you understand.
22 5 17 years
20 7 Use of index notation and the Cartesian plane;
18 impossibility of trisecting angles using a compass and
16 ruler only, and use of x for unknown variables.
Check your skills
10 1 D 2 D 3 B 4 D 5 D
y = x3 + 1 6 B 7 C 8 C 9 A 10 A
6 11 D 12 B
y=x+1 Review set 14A
0 1 y
1 2 3 4 5 x 4
3 E(2, 3)
d y = x3 + 1 is not a straight line. The graphs intersect
at (0, 1) and (1, 2). 2
D(–3, 1)
8 Linear: y = 2x − 5, y = −x + 1, y = 7x + 5 1
Non-linear: y = x2 − 5, y = x3 + 4, y = x4 + 2
–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 x
Exercise 14H –2 A(0, –2)
B(–1, –3) –3
1 a y
7 –4 C(2, –4)
5 2 a y
4 5
A(–2, 4) B(2, 4)
3 4
y=x+3 y = 2x
2 3
1 2
–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 x C(2, 0)
–2 –4 –3 –2 –2 1 2 3 4 x

b D(−2, 0)
b (3, 6)

Answers 497

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ANSWERS 3 a Number of patterns 1 2 3 4 5 Review set 14B
Number of matches 1 3 5 7 9 1 A(−1, 5), B(−1, 0), C(−4, −3), D(3, −2), E(2, 4)
2 a y
b Number of matches is equal to two times the number 2
of patterns minus 1. S R(3, 1)
c y = 2x − 1; (1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 5), (4, 7), (5, 9)
d –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 x
14 –2
(7, 13)
Number of matches

12 P(–3, –2) Q(2, –2)

(6, 11) –3
(5, 9)
(4, 7) b S(−2, 1)
(3, 5)
4 3 a x 1 2 3 4 5
(2, 3)
2 y 4 7 10 13 16
(1, 1)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 b y = 3x + 1
Number of patterns
4 a Number of hours 0 1 2 3 4
e (6, 11), (7, 13)
Cost ($) 200 290 380 470 560
4 a (0, 0), (1, 3.5), (2, 7), (4, 14), (5, 17.5), (10, 35),
(20, 70) b Hire of wedding car
b Grapes
50 Cost ($) 350
Cost ($)

10 0 1 2 3 4
5 Time (h)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 c $425 d ≈3__2 h
Weight (kg) x −2 −1 0 1 2
c ≈$30 d 18 kg y −11 −7 −3 1 5

5 x −2 −1 0 1 2 y
y −8 −5 −2 1 4
y 2
y = 4x − 3
2 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 x
–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 x –6
–4 –8
y = 3x − 2
–6 –10
–8 –12

6 a x −2 −1 0 1 2 6 a x −2 −1 0 1 2
y −1 1 3 5 7 y −2 1 4 7 10

b y = 2x + 3 b y = 3x + 4

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Review set 14C y
1 y 6
N(–3, 4) 4
4 2
P(1, 3) y = 5x − 3
2 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 x
1 –4
O(0, 0) M(5, 0)
–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 x
–2 –10
L(–4, –3)
–3 –12
–4 –14
Q(2, –5)

6 a x −2 −1 0 1 2
2 a E(–1, 1)
y y 7 5 3 1 −1
b y = −2x + 3
D(–2, 0)
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 x Review set 14D
–1 1 A(4, −5), B(−3, −1), C(0, 2), D(5, 4), E(−3, 4)
C(–3, –1)
2 a y
A(6, 3)
–2 3
B(–4, –2)
B(5, 2)
–3 2
A(–5, –3)

1 C(4, 1)
b It is a straight line.
c F(0, 2), G(1, 3), H(2, 4) D(3, 0)

3 a x 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x
E(2, –1)
y 5 9 13 17 21 –1

b Number of matches equals four times the number of b F(1, −2), G(0, −3), H(−1, −4)
squares + 1.
c y = 4x + 1; (1, 5), (2, 9), (3, 13), (4, 17), (5, 21) 3 a x 1 2 3 4 5
d (6, 25), (7, 29) y 3 5 7 9 11
4 a (0, 0), (1, 18), (2, 36), (5, 90)
b Pistachio nuts b y = 2x + 1

90 4 a Number of hours 0 1 2 3 4
80 Cost ($) 100 125 150 175 200
60 b Jukebox hire
Cost ($)

50 200
Cost ($)

0 1 2 3 4 5
Weight (kg) 140
c $63 d 4 kg 120
−2 −1 110
5 x 0 1 2
y −13 −8 −3 2 7
0 1 2 3 4
Time (h)
c ≈$188 d 2.4 h or 2 h 24 min

Answers 499

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ANSWERS x −2 −1 0 1 6 a E b X
5 2
y −10 −7 −4 −1 2

y = 3x − 4 Z Y
4 D F
2 c M d Q
–3 –2 –1 1 2 3 x
e E F f 6 cm
–10 B C

5 cm 7 cm
6 a x −2 −1 0 1 2
D G 80°
y −13 −8 −3 2 7 A 5 cm D

b y = 5x − 3 g 7 cm h 5 cm
5 cm 7 cm 6 cm
P S K 7 cm N
6 cm
Diagnostic test 7 a Triangle ABC, AB = AC
1 C 2 D 3 A 4 A 5 B b Triangle STU, ST = UT, ∠T = 90°
6 A 7 D 8 C 9 B 10 A c Triangle JKL, ∠L = 120°, ∠J = ∠K
11 C 12 C d Quadrilateral RSTU, ST = UR, SR = TU
e Quadrilateral ABCD, AD = DC = CB = AB
Exercise 15A f Quadrilateral FGHI, FG = GH, ∠F = ∠H, FI = IH
1 a Q b X Y Exercise 15B
c d B
Constructions are shown at half size.
1 R
e N f Q R 4 cm
3 cm

2 cm
2 a N b F
g A B h
g h
F C 4.5 cm 3.5 cm
5 cm 4 cm
E D i
L M 5 cm
2 a Line TS b Triangle KLM 6 cm
c Point R d Square DEFG c M dR
e Interval OP
f Triangle with sides o, p, q or triangle OPQ 4.2 cm 2.5 cm
6.5 cm
g Pentagon UVWXY h Angle PTA or ∠T 4 cm
3 a TP, PT, TR, RP, RT, PR b FE, d, EF D K
4 cm
c LM, MN, LN O P
4 cm
d ∠AOC as more than one angle has its vertex at O.
4 a MN = NL 3 b i Largest angle ii Smallest angle
b IJ = LK, IL = JK c The largest angle is opposite the longest side.
c MN = QP, MO = OP 4 Longest Sum of other Is longest side greater
d EF = DG, FG = ED, HF = HG = HE = HD side 2 sides than sum of other 2 sides?
e BC = CD = DE = EA = AB
5 a ∠BAC = ∠CBA = ∠ACB, or ∠A = ∠B = ∠C a LM = 6 cm 9 cm No
b ∠PQO = ∠OSR, ∠ORS = ∠OPQ, or b DE = 5 cm 8 cm No
∠Q = ∠S, ∠R = ∠P c DM = 4.2 cm 6.5 cm No
c ∠KJB = ∠JID = ∠IHF
d ∠WVZ = ∠WXY, ∠VZY = ∠VWX, or d PR = 6.5 cm 8 cm No
∠V = ∠X , ∠Z = ∠W

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5 a No, 1 + 7 < 9 b Yes, 5.2 + 6 > 8 2 a x = 49° b k = 87°

6 C c l = 18° d s = 49°
e k = 40° f m = 47°
g t = 19° h w = 39°
4 cm
i n = 40° j u = 116°
k z = 46° l e = 90°
A B m g = 84° n j = 42°
6 cm
o b = 59°
7 a C b M 3 a a + 50° + 70° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
2 cm ∴ a + 120° = 180°
75° a = 180° − 120° = 60°
4 cm K
4 cm
L b + 100° + 60° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
110° ∴ b + 160° = 180°
3 cm
B b = 180° − 160° = 20°
c R d
b a + 50° + 55° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
∴ a + 105° = 180°
1.5 cm
65° a = 180° − 105° = 75°
4 cm L T b = 55° (Corresponding angles as
5 cm
3 cm
c = 50° (Corresponding angles as
8 R TP SQ.)
4 a a = 85° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
b = 56° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
60° 40°
b n = 20° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
4 cm m = 53° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
9 a Y b C c k = 14° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
j = 81° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
d x = 52° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°, or
50° 30° corresponding angles on parallel lines are equal.)
5 cm
70° 50° y = 38°(Angle sum of a triangle is 180°, or
A B corresponding angles on parallel lines are equal.)
4 cm
c R d Q e k = 62° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
l = 70° (Corresponding angles on parallel lines are
20° 110° equal.)
25° 5 cm m = 48° (Corresponding angles on parallel lines are
M 6 cm L equal.)
f g = 60° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
11 No, the largest angle (80°) should be opposite the
h = 50° (Corresponding angles on parallel lines are
longest side.
Exercise 15C i = 70° (Corresponding angles on parallel lines are
1 a Scalene b Isosceles 5 a x + 70° + 30° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
c Equilateral ∴ x + 100° = 180°
2 a Isosceles b Scalene x = 180° − 100° = 80°
c Equilateral d Scalene y = 180° − 80°= 100°
3 a Right-angled b Obtuse-angled (Adjacent angles on a straight line
c Acute-angled d Acute-angled are supplementary.)
4 a Right-angled b Acute-angled z + 40° + 100° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
c Right-angled d Obtuse-angled
∴ z + 140° = 180°
5 a Right-angled scalene
z = 180° − 140° = 40°
b Obtuse-angled isosceles
b x = 36° (Vertically opposite angles equal.)
c Acute-angled equilateral
y + 90° + 36° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
d Right-angled isosceles
∴ y + 126° = 180°
6 The interior angles of an equilateral triangle are all 60°.
7 The base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal. y = 180° − 126° = 54°
6 a x = 89° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
Exercise 15D y = 107° (Adjacent angles on a straight line are
1 x + 60° + 80° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) supplementary.)
∴ x + 140° = 180° z = 39° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
x = 180° − 140° = 40° b x = 42° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
or x = 180° − 60° − 80° y = 90° (Adjacent angles on a straight line are
(Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) supplementary.)
∴ x = 180° − 140° = 40° z = 58° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)

Answers 501

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c w = 90° (Adjacent angles on a straight line are c △KLM is an isosceles triangle. (Base angles are equal.)
ANSWERS ∴ z = 6.8 cm (Sides opposite base angles of an
x = 40° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) isosceles triangle are equal.)
y = 50° (Sum of complementary adjacent angles d △XYZ is an isosceles triangle. (Two sides are equal.)
is 90°.) ∴ ∠Y = a (Base angles of an isosceles triangle are
z = 40° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) equal.)
d l = 57° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) a + a + 50° = 180° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
m = 57° (Vertically opposite angles are equal.) 2a + 50° = 180°
2a = 180° − 50° = 130°
n = 48° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
e x = 25° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) a = ____ 2 = 65°
y = 25° (Vertically opposite angles are equal.) 2 a y = 4 cm (Sides of equilateral triangle are equal.)
z = 65° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) b w = 60° (Angles of an equilateral triangle are 60°.)
f x = 63° (Corresponding angles on parallel lines are c t = 60° (Angles of an equilateral triangle are 60°.)
equal.) d b = 60° (Angles of an equilateral triangle are 60°.)
y = 49° (Corresponding angles on parallel lines are e d = 63° (Base angles of an isosceles triangle are
equal.) equal.)
z = 68° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) f p = 8 cm (Sides opposite base angles of an isosceles
g a = 69° (Alternate angles are equal.) triangle are equal.)
b = 69° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) g y = 5.4 cm (Sides opposite base angles of an isosceles
c = 42° (Alternate angles are equal, or adjacent angles triangle are equal.)
on a straight line are supplementary.) h f = 62° (Base angles of an isosceles triangle are
h s = 44° (Adjacent angles on a straight line are equal.)
supplementary.) i b = 14 cm (Sides opposite base angles of an isosceles
t = 96° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) triangle are equal.)
j c = 42° (Base angles of an isosceles triangle are
i f = 59° (Alternate angles on parallel lines are equal.)
h = 58° (Adjacent angles on a straight line are
d = 96° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
k x = 40° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
g = 63° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) y = 10.4 cm (Sides opposite base angles of an
7 a 2x + 3x + 70° = 180° isosceles triangle are equal.)
(Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) l d = 60° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
∴ 5x + 70° = 180° w = 2.7 cm (Sides of an equilateral triangle are equal.)
5x = 180° − 70° = 110° m j = 7 cm (Sides opposite base angles of an isosceles
x = ____ = 22° triangle are equal.)
5 k = 45° (Base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal,
∴ Unknown angles are: and angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
2x = 2 × 22° = 44° n h = 8.2 cm (Sides opposite base angles of an isosceles
and 3x = 3 × 22° = 66° triangle are equal.)
b (2x − 5) + (x + 10°) + 61° = 180° x = 144° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
(Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) o m = n (Base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.)
∴ 3x + 66° = 180° m = n = 60° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
3x = 180° − 66° = 114° p = 5.5 cm (Triangle is equilateral, and sides of an
114° equilateral triangle are equal.)
x = ____ = 38°
3 3 a x = 68° (Base angles of an isosceles triangle
∴ Unknown angles are: are equal.)
2x − 5° = 2 × 38° − 5° = 71° y = 44° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
and x + 10° = 38° + 10° = 48° b x = 22° (Base angles of an isosceles triangle
8 a 2x + 55° + 78° = 180°, x = 23 __2 °; 47° are equal.)
y = 136° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
b 5b + 70° + 50° = 180°, b = 12°; 60°
c y = 70° (Base angles of an isosceles triangle
c 3m + 8m + m = 180°, m = 15°; 15°, 45°, 120°
are equal.)
d 3a + 5a + 2a = 180°, a = 18°; 36°, 54°, 90°
x = 40° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
e (x + 5°) + (2x + 15°) + 55° = 180°, x = 35°; 40°, 85° d x = 60° (Angles of an equilateral triangle are 60°.)
f 2y + (2y + 7°) + 53° = 180°, y = 30°; 60°, 67° y = 35° (Adjacent angles adding to 60°, and angles
of an equilateral triangle are 60°.)
Exercise 15E
e x = 60° (Angles of an equilateral triangle are 60°.)
1 a △ABC is an equilateral triangle. (All sides are equal.) y = 120° (adjacent angles on a straight line)
∴ x = 60° (Angles of an equilateral triangle are 60°.) f x = 60° (Angles of an equilateral triangle are 60°.)
b △PQR is an equilateral triangle. (All angles are equal.) y = 18° (Adjacent angles adding to 60°, and angles
∴ y = 5 cm (Sides of an equilateral triangle are equal.) of an equilateral triangle are 60°.)

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g x = 48° (Base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.) 4 a 2x − 18° = 46° + 72° = 118° (Exterior angle of

y = 42° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) a triangle equals sum of two interior
h x = 43° (Base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.) opposite angles.)
y = 94° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) ∴ 2x = 118° + 18° = 136°
i x = 33° (Alternate angles on parallel lines are equal.) 136°
x = ____
y = 114° (Base angles of an isosceles triangle are 2 = 68°
equal, and angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) ∴ Unknown angle = 2x − 18° = 136° − 18° = 118°
4 a Isosceles triangles have base angles equal. b 140° = (x + 10°) + 35° (Exterior angle of a triangle
∴ Angle marked • = y equals sum of two interior opposite angles.)
y + y + 36° = 180° 140° = x + 45°
(Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) or x + 45° = 140°
∴ 2y + 36° = 180° ∴ x = 140° − 45° = 95°
2y = 180° − 36° = 144° ∴ Unknown angle = x + 10° = 95° + 10° = 105°
144° 5 a 4x = 128°, x = 32°; 128°
y = ____ = 72°
2 b 2x + 6° = 114°, x = 54°; 114°
∴ Unknown angles are both 72° (base angles). c 3x − 2° = 106°, x = 36°; 106°
b Isosceles triangles have base angles equal. d 2x + 7° = 129°, x = 61°; 129°
∴ Angle marked • = x + 16° e 8x = 120°, x = 15°; 120°
2x + (x + 16°) + (x + 16°) = 180° f 3x + 3x = 114°, x = 19°; 57°, 57°
(Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
∴ 4x + 32° = 180° Exercise 15G
4x = 180° − 32° = 148°
148° 1 Property Parallelogram Rectangle Rhombus
x = ____ = 37°
∴ Unknown angles are: Opposite sides parallel Y Y Y
2x = 2 × 37° = 74° Opposite sides equal Y Y Y
and x + 16° = 37° + 16° = 53° (base angles)
Opposite angles equal Y Y Y
5 a 2y + 46° = 180°, y = 67°; 67°, 67°
b 2x + 90° = 180°, x = 45°; 45°, 45° All sides equal N N Y
c x + 2x + 2x = 180°, x = 36°; 36°, 72°, 72° Adjacent sides
d (x − 8°) + (x − 8°) + 5x = 180°, perpendicular
x = 28°; 20°, 20°, 140° Diagonals equal N Y N
e 7x + x + x = 180°, x = 20°; 140°, 20°, 20°
Adjacent sides equal N N Y
f (3x + 11°) + (2x + 4°) + (2x + 4°) = 180°,
x = 23°; 80°, 50°, 50° Diagonals bisect each
Exercise 15F Diagonals meet at
1 a b right angles
Diagonals bisect

x All angles 90° N Y N


Property Square Trapezium Kite

c x d
Opposite sides parallel Y Y, one pair N
Opposite sides equal Y N N
x Opposite angles equal Y N Y, one pair

e f All sides equal Y N N

Adjacent sides
x Diagonals equal Y N N
Adjacent sides equal Y N Y, two pairs
2 a x = 70° + 40° = 110° (Exterior angle of a triangle Diagonals bisect each Y, one
equals sum of two interior opposite angles.) other diagonal
b 135° = y + 60° (Exterior angle of a triangle equals Diagonals meet at
sum of two interior opposite angles.) Y N Y
right angles
or y + 60° = 135°
Diagonals bisect Y, one
∴ y = 135° − 60° = 75° vertices
3 a x = 127° b y = 135° c p = 153°
d k = 48° e m = 55° f w = 32° All angles 90° Y N N

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2 a x = 2.5 cm, y = 4.5 cm (Opposite sides of a
ANSWERS parallelogram are equal.)
h i

b x = y = 5 cm (All sides of a rhombus are equal.)

c x = 3 cm, y = 7 cm (Adjacent sides of a kite are equal.)
d x = 35° (Alternate angles, QR TS.) Kite
y = 55° (All angles of a rectangle are 90°, and Quadrilateral
adjacent complementary angles.)
j k
e x = 65° (Opposite angles of a parallelogram
are equal.)
y = 115° (Co-interior angles add to 180°, TU WV.)
z = 115° (Co-interior angles add to 180°, TW UV, or Parallelogram Rhombus
opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal.) l m
f x = 30° (2x + x = 90°; all angles of a rectangle
are 90°.)
y = 60° (y = 2x; alternate angles, DQ EF, or angle
sum of a triangle, ∠F = 90°.) Quadrilateral
g x = y = 45° (All angles of a square are 90°, and the n
diagonals of a square bisect its vertices.)
h w = 40° (Alternate angles, HI KJ.)
x = 35° (Alternate angles, HK IJ.)
y = 105° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) Square
z = 105° (Opposite angles of a parallelogram are
equal; or co-interior angles add to 180°, HI KJ.) Exercise 15H
i w = 85° (Opposite angles of a parallelogram 1 x + 85° + 75° + 110° = 360° (Angle sum of a
are equal.) quadrilateral is 360°.)
x = 55° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) ∴ x + 270° = 360°
y = 55° (Alternate angles, VY WX.) x = 360° − 270°
z = 40° (Alternate angles, VW YX.) = 90°
j x = 30° (Diagonals of a rhombus bisect its vertices.) 2 a a = 60° (Opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal.)
y = 30° (Alternate angles, PS QR, or base angles of b x = 53° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)
an isosceles triangle are equal.) c k = 52° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)
k x = y = 45° (All angles of a square are 90°, and d t = 93° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)
diagonals of a square bisect its vertices.) e p = 68° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)
l x = 5 cm (Diagonals of a rectangle are equal and f w = 63° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)
bisect each other.) g m = 120° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)
m x = 4.5 cm, y = 3 cm (Diagonals of a parallelogram h q = 43° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)
bisect each other.) i d = 210° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)
n x = 50° (Diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at 3 (2x − 10°) + (x + 50°) + 70° + 85° = 360°
right angles, and angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)
y = 40° (Diagonals of a rhombus bisect its vertices.) 3x + 195° = 360°
o x = 110° (One pair of opposite angles are equal.) ∴ 3x = 360° − 195°
y = 4 cm (Adjacent sides are equal.) = 165°
z = 11 cm (Adjacent sides are equal.) 165°
x = ____
3 Examples: 3
= 55°
a b
∴ Unknown angles are:
2x − 10° = 2 × 55° − 10° = 100°
and x + 50° = 55° + 50° = 105°
Trapezium Parallelogram 4 a x + 2x + 88° + 104° = 360°, x = 56°;
c or unknown angles are 56°, 112°
b (2y − 3°) + 62° + 4y + 115° = 360°, y = 31°;
unknown angles are 59°, 124°
Parallelogram Trapezium (isosceles) c (3p + 8°) + p + (7p − 2°) + p = 360°, p = 29.5°;
unknown angles are 96.5°, 29.5°, 204.5°, 29.5°
d e
d 3a + 3a + 2a + 208° = 360°, a = 19°;
unknown angles are 57°, 57°, 38°
e 4m + 90° + (3m + 21°) + 46° = 360°, m = 29°;
Trapezium Trapezium unknown angles are 116°, 108°
f ● ★ g f (2n + 7°) + n + (5n − 13°) + 46° = 360°, n = 40°;
unknown angles are 87°, 40°, 187°
★ ●

Parallelogram Rectangle

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5 x = 110° (Corresponding angles as AF BE.) Review set 15A
y + 70° + 100° + 110° = 360° (Angle sum of a 1 Shown at half size.
quadrilateral is 360°.)
∴ y + 280° = 360°
y = 360° − 280° = 80° 6 cm 8 cm
z + 120° + 80° + 70° = 360° (Angle sum of a
quadrilateral is 360°.)
∴ z + 270° = 360°
z = 360° − 270° = 90° 10 cm
6 a w = 36° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.) 2 Example:
x = 14° (Adjacent complementary angles)
y = 76° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
b w = 69° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.) 3 a x = 53° (Base angles of isosceles triangles are equal.)
x = 111° (Adjacent angles on a straight line add b x = 52° (Exterior angle of a triangle equals sum of
to 180°.) two interior opposite angles.)
y = 48° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) 4 (x + 10°) + 110° + 30° = 180°
c w = 50° (Adjacent angles on a straight line add x = 30°
to 180°.) ∴ Unknown angle is 40°.
x = 65° (Sum of co-interior angles is 180°.) 5 u = 38° (Adjacent angles on a straight line add to 180°.)
y = 65° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) v = 94° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
d w = 228° (Angle sum at a point is 360°.) w = 76° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
x = 36° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)
x = 76° (Vertically opposite angles are equal.)
y = 125° (Adjacent angles on a straight line add
y = 86° (Adjacent angles on a straight line; or exterior
to 180°.)
angle of △EBC equals sum of two interior
e w = 68° (Sum of co-interior angles is 180°.)
x = 68° (Alternate angles are equal, or adjacent angles
z = 18° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
on a straight line.)
6 a Example:
y = 112° (Vertically opposite angles are equal, or
adjacent angles on a straight line.)
f w = 114° (Sum of co-interior angles is 180°.)
x = 45° (3x + x = 180°, sum of co-interior angles
is 180°; or 3x + x + 114° + 66° = 360°, b Two pairs of equal and parallel sides; opposite angles
angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.) are equal; diagonals bisect each other
y = 135° (Corresponding angles are equal, or adjacent 7 a Example:
angles on a straight line.)

Language in mathematics

1 P T I D F I S E L E C S O S I N S b Diagonals are all inside the quadrilateral.

R R R N O I T A U Q E M D U T Q E 8 a x = 40° (Alternate angles are equal, BC AD.)
O A E E R I N A T U U N G M U X L y = 50° (All angles of a rectangle equal 90°, and
N H A T E G S C S I D E S A T L E adjacent complementary angles.)
b x = 55° (Diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other
at right angles, and angle sum of a triangle
is 180°.)
y = 35° (Sides of a rhombus are equal, SR = RQ, and
base angles in an isosceles triangle are equal.)
L O G T A A D T I A S U B M O H R Review set 15B
C N G Q U A D R I L A T E R A L T 1 Shown at half size.
2 I find triangles and quadrilaterals fascinating.
4 cm
Check your skills
1 D 2 A 3 C 4 D 5 B 65°
6 A 7 D 8 D 9 B 10 D 7 cm
11 B 12 A 2 Example:

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3 a x = 60° (Angles of an equilateral triangle are 60°.)
7 a Examples:
b x = 45° (Base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal,
and angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
4 x + 45° + (x + 15°) = 180°, x = 60°
∴ Unknown angles are 60° and 75°.
5 a = 87° (Corresponding angles are equal, DE CB.) b Rhombus or square
b = 51° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) 8 a x = 2.8 cm, y = 3.5 cm
c = 42° (Corresponding angles are equal, DE CB.) (Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.)
6 a Example: b x = 4 cm, y = 7 cm
(Two pairs of adjacent sides of a kite are equal.)
v = 75° (Base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal,
GF = GH.)
w = 65° (Base angles of an isosceles triangle are
b Opposite sides are equal and parallel; diagonals are
equal, EF = EH.)
equal and bisect each other; all angles are 90°.
z = 25° (Diagonals of a kite meet at right angles, and
7 A concave quadrilateral has one diagonal outside the
quadrilateral, or one interior angle greater than 180°. angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
8 a x = y = 45° (All angles in a square equal 90°, and
diagonals bisect the angles at each vertex.)
b w = 70° (Opposite angles of a parallelogram are
equal.) 1 a i n2 ii 5p4
x = 50° (Alternate angles are equal, TU SV.) b i p×p ii 3×a×a
y = 60° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°; or sum of c i 9 ii 27
co-interior angles is 180°, TU SV.) d i 20t ii 30m iii 30abc
z = 60° (Alternate angles, TS UV; or angle sum of a e i 11p ii 7m iii 0 iv 2x2
triangle is 180°.) f i 300 ii 36 iii −2 iv 2
g i 7a − 3b ii 4pq
Review set 15C iii 5k + 5 iv −3y
1 Shown at half size. v −5y2 vi 2x2
vii −2a viii 9a
2v 2
iv ___
h i 4h ii __3 iii 3 v ___
3 3b
i i 7x ii −10a iii b iv 12xy
j i 3x + 6 ii −5x + 15
iii −4x − 4 iv 20x + 28
30° 120° v 15a2 − 6ab vi −10m + 15
6 cm k i p(x + 3) ii m(n − t)
2 iii −4(x + 2) iv 6(2p − 3)
v 5(3t + 5u) vi 4(5k − 4m)
vii −5(q + 2) viii 6k(3m − 2n)
ix 3ab(2a + 5b)
2 a i {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} ii __8
3 a x = 85° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)
3 1
b x = 225° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.) b i 12 ii 3 iii __ __
12 or 4
4 (2x − 4°) + 52° + 4x = 180° c i 6
__ 3
ii 6 = 2
(Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) ∴ x = 22°
d Even chance e 90%
Unknown angles are 40° and 88°.
f i Rolling a die and getting a 3
y = 92° (Exterior angle of a triangle equals sum of two
ii Rolling a 7 on a normal die
interior opposite angles, or adjacent angles on a
iii Getting an even number
straight line.)
iv Rolling a die and getting a number from 1 to 6
5 w = 80° (Adjacent angles on a straight line add to 180°.) 5
x = 68° (Sum of co-interior angles on parallel lines is 180°.) g __
y = 100° (Corresponding angles on parallel lines are equal, 3 a i Not a 3 ii An odd number
or angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.) iii A number less than or equal to 2
z = 80° (Corresponding angles on parallel lines are equal, 4
b __7
or adjacent angles on a straight line add to 180°.)
6 a Example:

6 7 4

b One pair of opposite sides parallel


i 6 ii 4 iii 17
iv 10 v 13

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4 a Wear glasses Do not wear glasses ii Beans

Left-handed 0 5 5 90
Not left-handed 7 18 25 80
7 23 30 70

Cost ($)
b i 16 ii 5 iii 5 iv 12 50
v 7 vi 6 vii 5 viii 3 40
ix 10 x 11 xi 4 30
5 a p = −10 b d = −3 c x = −7 20
d x=8 e c=5 f x=8 10
17 11 17
g x = −__
18 h x = −__
6 i k = __
23 38 0 4 8 12 16 20
j x = __
9 k x = −__ 3 l x = 12 Weight (kg)
6 a No b 6x = 138; x = 23
iii ≈$38 iv ≈15.5 kg
c i −38 ii 3
d The number is 12. f x −2 −1 0 1 2
7 a i 7.8 ii 17 iii 20.8 iv 14 y −7 −5 −3 −1 1
b i 50.8 ii 71.6 iii 54.6 iv 110.4
c i 4 ii 11 iii 17 iv 50 y
y = 2x − 3
d i 6 ii 17 iii 19.9 2
e i 19 ii 107 1
8 a A(−1, 4), B(0, 2), C(2, −1), D(−3, −1), E(3, 4)
–3 –2 –1 1 2 3 x
b y
Q(2, 4) –2
3 –3
2 –4
R(–2, 1) –5
–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 x –7
T(4, –1)
–3 S(0, –3) g i x −2 −1 0 1 2
–4 y −8 −5 −2 1 4
P(–3, –5)
ii y = 3x − 2
9 a Shown at half size.
c i y
A(5, 2)

1 B(4, 1) 13 cm
5 cm
C(3, 0)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x
D(2, –1) 12 cm
b i Example:
ii E(1, −2), F(0, −3), G(−1, −4)
d i Number of matches 1 2 3 4 5
Number of matches 7 13 19 25 31
ii Example:
ii Number of matches equals six times the number of
shapes plus one; y = 6x + 1
iii (1, 7), (2, 13), (3, 19), (4, 25), (5, 31) iii Example:
iv (6, 37), (7, 43)
e i (0, 0), (1, 4.5), (2, 9), (4, 18), (5, 22.5), (10, 45),
(20, 90)

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ANSWERS i 2x = 180° − 68° = 112°
c iv Two pairs of equal parallel sides.
∴ x = 56° All angles 90°.
(Base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal, and Equal diagonals that bisect
angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) each other.
ii 127° = x + 53° b i x + 48° + 115° + 95° = 360°
∴ x = 74° ∴ x = 102°
(Exterior angle of a triangle equals sum of the two (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)
interior opposite angles.) ii x + 40° = 90°
iii x = 70° (Angle sum of a triangle is 180°.) ∴ x = 50°
d (90° − x) + 3x + 3x = 180° (Diagonals of a rhombus intersect at 90°, and
∴ x = 18° angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
∴ Unknown angles are 72° and 54°. y = x = 50° (Sides of a rhombus are equal, and
10 a i One pair of parallel sides base angles of an isosceles triangle
are equal.)
c m + 135° + 90° + (3m + 15°) = 360°
∴ m = 30°
ii Two pairs of parallel sides. ∴ Unknown angles are 30° and 105°.
All sides equal. 11 a w = 95° (Sum of co-interior angles is 180°.)
Opposite angles equal. x = 85° (Corresponding angles are equal, or adjacent
Diagonals bisect at right angles. angles on a straight line add to 180°.)
Diagonals bisect vertices. y = 95° (Adjacent angles on a straight line add to
iii Two pairs of adjacent sides equal. 180°, or corresponding angles are equal.)
One pair of opposite angles equal. z = 132° (Sum of co-interior angles is 180°, or angle
Diagonals intersect at right angles. sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)
One diagonal bisects vertices b x = 22° (Exterior angle of a triangle equals sum of two
and bisects other diagonal. interior opposite angles.)
y = 137° (Adjacent angles on a straight line add to
180°, or angle sum of a triangle is 180°.)
z = 83° (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°.)

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acute-angled triangle 415 classifying triangles 415–16

adding algebraic terms 289–92 clusters 229–30
algebra 289 coefficients 396
distributive law 295–296 complementary events 322
and variables 7–8 complements of events 320–1
algebraic expressions probabilities 322–3
expanding 296–9 composite figures 439
factorising 301–6 compound events 325–8
simplifying 350 concave quadrilaterals 430
word problems 306–8 congruency tests 54–5
algebraic terms applications 56–62
adding and subtracting 289–92 for triangles 55
dividing 294–5 congruent figures 51–3
multiplying 292–3 constructing triangles 412
analogue clocks 135–6 given three sides 412–13
angle sum given two angles and a side 414–15
of a quadrilateral 435–8 given two sides and the included angle 413–14
of a triangle 417–22 continuous numerical variables 221
angles 3–4, 408, 410–11 convex quadrilaterals 430
and parallel lines 4 coordinates 379–80, 400
arc 193 cube numbers 88
cylinder, volume 210–12
area 15, 98–9, 101–5, 192
circle 204–9
data collection 222–4, 243
formulas 105–6
through sampling 225–6
and perimeter 113
data constraints 226
special quadrilaterals 106–12
data investigation 13–14, 242
area units, converting 114–16
data measures 17–18, 220
arithmetic patterns 380
daylight saving time 157
average speed 36
axes of symmetry 11
fractions and percentages 8–10, 164, 167–8
non-terminating and non-recurring 260
back-to-back stem-and-leaf plots 17
denominator 26
backtracking, to solve equations 353–6
Descartes, René 400
base 75, 78, 79 diameter 193
base angles 417 finding from circumference 202–3
baseline 414 digital displays (clocks) 136
biased samples 227 directed numbers 74
building patterns 381–3 multiplying and dividing 87–90, 294, 298
discrete numerical variables 221
calendars 146–8 distance maps 41, 42
capacity and volume 116–20 distributive law 295, 296
capture–recapture technique 244–5 dividing
Cartesian plane 400 algebraic terms 294–5
categorical variables 221 directed numbers 87–90, 294
census 223 numbers with the same base 81–3
centre 193 positive and negative numbers 294
charts 151–2
chord 193 empty set 327
circle enlargement 41
area 204–9 equations
parts of a 193–5 comparing 396–8
circumference 193, 196–7, 198–202 linear 18–20, 350–71
finding diameter and radius from 202–3 quadratic 273–5
formulas 197 simultaneous 398

Index 509

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equilateral quadrilaterals 431 leap years 146–7, 148
equilateral triangles 415, 422 length 98
properties 423–7 conversions 99–100, 192
equivalent ratios 28–31 like terms 289, 290–1
expanding grouping symbols linear equations 18–20, 350–2
algebraic expressions 296–9 equations with grouping symbols 364–5
to solve equations 364–5 equations with pronumerals on both sides 362–4
exponent 75 one-to-one matching of terms 362
exterior angle of a triangle 427–9 problem solving 368–9
solving by backtracking 353–6
factorising algebraic expressions 301–6 solving by inspection 351
favourable outcomes 315–17 solving by maintaining balance 356–7
fractions 5–6 solving by using concrete materials 351–2
decimals and percentages 8–10, 164, 167–8 solving one-step equations 358–9
frequency distribution table 17, 228 solving two-step equations 359–61
solving using spreadsheets 370–1
gaps 229–30 substituting into a formula 365–8
geometric notation 409 linear relationships, comparing 396–7
geometric number patterns 380–1 loss and profit 178–82
geometric patterns 378
golden ratio 43–4 maintaining balance method to solve equations 356–7
golden rectangle 43 major segment 194
goods and services tax (GST) 182–4
mean 17, 18, 220, 228–35
graphing data 383–8
see also population mean; sample mean
measure of spread 230
intersecting lines 397–8
measures of central tendency
linear relationships 396–8
review 228–9
non-linear relationships 397–9
using 230–5
sketching 388–93
see also mean; median; mode
straight-line 393–5
median 17, 18, 220, 228–35
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 154
mental arithmetic 254
grouping symbols
minor segment 194
expanding, linear equations 364–5
mode 17, 18, 220, 228–35
removing 296–9
hexagon 198 algebraic terms 292–3
highest common factor (HCF) 300–1 directed numbers 87–90, 298
histograms 229, 230 numbers with the same base 77–9
hypotenuse 256–7 positive and negative numbers 298
found using Pythagoras’ theorem 261–4 mutually exclusive events 324–5

index 75 negative coefficient 396

index laws, summary 85–6 nominal variables 221
index notation 5, 75–7, 85 non-linear relationships 397–8
dividing numbers with the same base 81–3 number patterns 378, 380–1
multiplying numbers with the same base 77–9 building 381–3
raising a number to a power 80–1 graphing data 383–8
zero index 83–5 number plane 379–80
integers 2–3 graphing data 383–8
International Date Line 154, 155 intersecting lines 398
intersecting lines 398 linear relationships 396–7
inverse operations 354 non-linear relationships 397–8
irrational numbers 260 sketching graphs 388–92
isosceles triangles 415, 423 number sequences 378, 381–3
properties 423–7 numbers 4–5
directed 74, 87–90
kite 431 raising to a power 80–1
area 106, 108–9 numerator 26
properties 432 numerical variables 221

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observation 223 radius 193
obtuse-angled triangle 415 finding from circumference 202–3
order of symmetry 11 random samples 224
origin 379 range 18, 220, 228–9, 230
outliers 229–30, 231 rates 36–40
ratios 22–7
parallel lines 396 dividing a quantity in a given ratio 35–6
parallelogram 431 equivalent 28–31
area 104, 111 problem solving using unitary method 32–4
properties 431, 432 scale drawing 41–4
percentage change 170–2 rectangle 431
area 102–3
calculating 173–5
properties 431, 432
percentage symbol 169
reduction 41
percentages 165–6
reflection 10–11, 50–1
comparing 173, 184–5
relative frequency 238
fractions and decimals 8–10, 164, 167–8
removing grouping symbols
goods and services tax (GST) 182–4
algebraic expressions 296–9
problem solving using unitary method 176–8
linear equations 364–5
profit and loss 178–82 revolution 195
of quantities 169–70, 176–8 rhombus 431
perimeter 98, 100–1, 104–5 area 106, 108
and area 113 properties 431, 432
see also circumference right-angled triangles 255–7, 415
pi (π) 197–8 see also Pythagoras’ theorem
population mean 240–1 rotation 10–11, 50–1
population proportion 237–9, 242 rotational symmetry 11
positive coefficient 396 rules (number sequences) 381–3
possible outcomes 315–17
power(s) 75, 86–7 sample mean 237, 240–2
primary data 220 sample space 315
prism, volume 209 sample summary statistics, comparing 236–7
probability(ies) 12–13, 314–18 samples 223
complements of events 322–3 bias in 227
sum of 318–19 sampling 225–6
profit and loss 178–82 scale drawing 41–4
pronumerals 289, 290, 351 scalene triangle 415
pronumerals on both sides, equations with 362–4 secondary data 220
proportion 237–9, 242 sector 19
Pythagoras 276–7 semicircle 193
simultaneous equations 398
Pythagoras’ theorem 256–7
sketching graphs 388–92
converse 258–9
using a graphics calculator 393
problem solving using 267–72
social media 186
proof 276
to find the hypotenuse 260–4
building and drawing 6–7, 192
to find the shorter sides 265–7
volume 16
Pythagorean triads 259 special quadrilaterals
area 106–12
quadratic equations 273–5 properties 431–4
quadrilaterals 20, 411, 430 speed 36
angle sum 435–8 spreadsheets
area 102–3, 106–12 to graph straight-lines 399
concave 430 to solve problems 370–1
convex 430 square 431
flowchart 434–5 area 102
properties 62–5, 431–4 properties 432
qualitative variables 221 square numbers 88, 273
quantitative variables 221 square roots 275

Index 511

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standard time zones 153, 156 triangles 20, 411
stem-and-leaf plots 17, 18, 229–30 angle sum 417–22
straight-line graphs 393–5 area 103–4
comparing equations 396–7 classifying 415–16
graphing using spreadsheets 399 congruency tests 55
substituting into a formula 365–8 constructing 412–15
exterior angle 427–9
subtracting algebraic terms 289–92
properties 62–5
sum of probabilities 318–19
see also equilateral triangles; isosceles triangles;
complementary events 322–3 right-angled triangles
surds 260 24-hour time 137–9
surface area 16 two-way tables 337–9
symmetry 11
unitary method
tangent 194 percentages 176–8
time 134 ratios 32–4
24-hour time 137–9 unlike terms 289
analogue clocks 135–6
calculator use 142–6 variables 221–2
digital displays 136 Venn diagrams 328–35
volume 16, 99
problems 139–42
and capacity 116–20
time zones 153–6
cylinder 210–12
in Australia 156–7
prism 209
timetables 134, 149–51, 152–3
transformations 10–11, 50–1 World Time Zones 153
translation 10–11, 50–1
trapezium 431 y-intercept 396, 397
area 106–7
properties 432 zero index 83–5

512 Insight Mathematics 8 Australian Curriculum

17_LEY_IM8_77945_TXT_SI.indd 512 21/07/14 4:10 PM

LEY_IM8_77945_CVR size: 280 x 217 mm spine: 27 mm colour: 5c x 4c spot colour Pantone 802 C







ISBN 978-0-19-557794-5 MICHAEL FULLER

9 780195 577945
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LEY_IM8_77945_CVR_SI.indd 1 cyan magenta yellow black PMS 802 C 21/07/14 1:19 PM

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