Bagasse Ash
Bagasse Ash
Bagasse Ash
has been observed to enhance the tensile properties of However, the utilization of this bagasse ash waste in concrete
concrete and prevent microcracking from propagating to the as a partial substitute for cement provides significant benefits in
macrocracking stage, which eventually prevents brittle failure terms of reducing construction costs as well as greenhouse gas
(Al Qadi and Al-Zaidyeen, 2014). Apart from their well-known emissions. This is because bagasse ash contains high amounts of
extreme tensile ductility (Li, 2012), ECCs have been engineered amorphous silica and aluminum oxides, which are necessary for
to demonstrate other useful traits, including light weight, low a material to be pozzolanic (Ganesan et al., 2007; Frías et al., 2011;
carbon footprint, self-healing, self-sensing, self-thermal control, Bahurudeen et al., 2015).
impact resistance, fire resistance with low thermal conductivity, Some researchers have reported that the pozzolanic
rapid setting, self-consolidation, spray-ability, and extrudability reactivity of bagasse may improve the compressive strength
(Wu et al., 2012; Liu and Tan, 2018; Shi et al., 2018). However, of concrete and enhance other mechanical and durability-
all the above-mentioned traits greatly vary depending on the related properties (Rukzon and Chindaprasirt, 2012; Somna
proportions, material type, and mix design of ECC. et al., 2012; Akkarapongtrakul et al., 2017). Since the main
The cement content in ECCs compared to that in normal compound in bagasse ash is silica oxide, several searchers have
concrete is quite high as it does not contain coarse aggregates. reported its potential use in concrete. According to Malyadri and
However, the increased cement contents not only creates more Supriya (2015), the strength parameters of concrete increased
heat of hydration, autogenous shrinkage and higher costs, by using 5% sugarcane bagasse ash as a partial substitute for
but also causes the emission of large amounts of CO2 into cement. A very similar trend of strength improvement was
the environment from the calcination of limestone and fuel also reported in another study by Mangi et al. (2017). Whereas
combustion during the manufacturing of cement clinker (Zeman, Kawade et al. (2013) concluded that up to 15% of sugarcane
2009). Approximately, one ton of cement releases one ton CO2 , bagasse ash can be used favorably without compromising the
which is responsible for 5% of greenhouse gas emissions (Kumar primary properties of concrete. Shafiq et al. (2018) reported
et al., 2017). To minimize greenhouse effects, the addition of a considerable improvement in the compressive strength of
industrial byproducts and agricultural wastes have been observed concrete utilizing 20% sugarcane bagasse ash. Moreover, a
as sustainable alternatives because they successfully replace bulk significant improvement was also seen in the fresh, mechanical
proportions of cement in ECCs without compromising strength and durability properties of concrete. Ganesan et al. (2007)
and ductility (Kumar et al., 2017; Shafiq et al., 2018). also reported an optimum substitution of 20% sugarcane
Currently, there is an increasing use of industrial waste, bagasse ash for cement without compromising the desired
including fly ash, silica fume, and ground granulated blast furnace properties of concrete. Although the utilization of ground
slag to produce highly sustainable concretes. The amorphous bagasse ash (GBA) in concrete has been widely explored and
mineralogical character and high silicon dioxide (SiO2 ) content well documented by many researchers, its efficiency in ECCs is
of these materials are usually responsible for controlling the still a novel topic to explore. Being a modern day construction
stability and the development of high strength in the end product material, ECC produced using GBA can be useful in repair
(Shafiq et al., 2018). In addition, the trend of using biowastes works and prefabricated building components where high
from fuel sources in concrete, such as wheat straw ash, palm oil ductility is required.
fuel ash, rice husk ash, and sugar cane bagasse ash, is increasing Therefore, the primary objective of this study was to evaluate
significantly in those countries that produce large amounts of the performance of different proportions of GBA with PVA fibers
these wastes that cause severe environmental issues if dumped on the mechanical properties of ECCs. For this purpose, the
in open fields (Binici et al., 2008; Martirena and Monzó, 2018). detailed investigations of the compressive strength, direct tensile
Previous studies show that sugar cane bagasse ash, which is a strength, and flexural strength of ECCs were carried out. The
byproduct of the sugar cane industry, can be an effective material idea of such a detailed investigation is due to the target of this
to be used in producing sustainable concrete (Ganesan et al., research, which is to obtain the optimum content of GBA as a
2007; Aigbodion et al., 2010). Bagasse, a residue remaining after partial substitute for cement in ECCs with the maximum gain
the extraction of juice from sugarcane is subsequently used in in terms of mechanical performance, as well as economic and
some industries as a primary source of energy (Frías et al., 2011). environmental sustainability.
When it is burned as a fuel, it leaves bulk ash called bagasse
ash (Loh et al., 2013). The burning of bagasse material at the
temperature of 600–700◦ C produces amorphous silica, which MATERIALS AND METHODS
eventually results in its substantial pozzolanic reactivity (Moretti
et al., 2018). The estimated bulk production of bagasse after Materials
juice extraction of sugarcane is 600 Mt, which is between 40 Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
and 50% of the total weight of annually produced sugarcane in The cement used in this study was Type-I ordinary Portland
the world (Shafiq et al., 2018). Among the largest sugarcane- cement (OPC) conforming to the requirements of ASTM C150-
producing countries, Pakistan is ranked fifth in the world, after 07 (2007). The specific surface area and density of the cement
Brazil, India, China, and Thailand, with an annual production were 2670.3 cm2 /g and 3.15 g/cm3 , respectively. The X-ray
of approximately 65.451 Mt. After burning the bagasse as a fluorescence (XRF) analysis was performed to determine the
source of fuel, the ash waste is disposed of in landfills, which is chemical composition of the cement. Table 1 shows the chemical
causing serious environmental problems (Chusilp et al., 2009). composition of the cement used in this research.
Oxides composition SiO2 Fe2 O3 Al2 O3 CaO Na2 O MgO SO3 LOI Physical properties
Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Fibers enhance the pozzolanic reactivity, the bagasse ash waste was
Kuraray polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibers of diameter 14.3 µm were treated using various processes, including burning, sieving,
used in this research as a reinforcement for the ECC (Figure 1). grinding, and chemical activation. These methods were efficiently
These fibers were very thin, similar to hairs, and flexible utilized in combinations such that the bagasse ash waste attained
enough to prevent the generation of micro cracks. The density of the highest achievable pozzolanic reactivity. The bagasse ash
the PVA fibers was 1.3 g/cm3 . Table 2 shows the detailed physical collected from the sugar industry was further burned at 700◦ C
properties of PVA fibers. The PVA characteristics data shown in for 90 min followed by cooling at room temperature. After
Table 2 were obtained from the manufacturer. cooling, the ash was stored in airtight containers until further
testing. The burned bagasse ash stored in airtight containers was
Bagasse Ash composed of both entirely burned (fine) and unburned (coarse
Boiler-fired bagasse ash waste was collected from the sugar fibrous) particles. The unburned coarse fibrous particles with
industry located in Sakhakot Malakand agency, Pakistan. To high carbon content and without silica were not desired and,
therefore, were completely separated by sieving through a 300-
µm sieve to obtain only the fine particles for further processing.
According to Bahurudeen et al. (2015), the burned bagasse ash
passing the sieve 300-µm leaves only fine particles that are rich in
silica content. Figures 2A,B show the appearance of the bagasse
ash before and after sieving, respectively. The fine bagasse ash
after grinding is shown in Figure 2C.
Mix Proportions
FIGURE 1 | Polyvinyl alcohol fibers. The constituents used in the production of ECC blends contained
OPC, GBA, PVA fibers, and sand. Four different ECC mixes
TABLE 2 | Physical properties of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibers. were designed by increasing the amount of GBA (0, 10,
20, and 30%) as a partial substitute by mass of cement.
Manufacturer Kurary
The water-to-binder ratio and the amount of PVA fibers
Origin Japan were kept constant in all the ECC mixes at 0.40 and 1.5%
Color White of total mix volume, respectively. The detailed experimental
Diameter (µm) 14.3 matrix for the mix designs is summarized in Table 3. All
Length (mm) 8.0 the ECC mixes were labeled with a unique identity, i.e., CM
Aspect ratio (l/d) 560 for control mix without GBA, whereas the mixes containing
Tensile strength (MPa) 1716 10, 20, and 30% GBA were identified as 10ECC, 20ECC, and
Density (g/cm3 ) 1.3 30ECC, respectively. The different proportions of bagasse ash
Elongation (%) 6.9 in this study (10–30%) were selected based on the findings of
FIGURE 2 | Bagasse ash: (A) after heat treatment at 700◦ C for 90 min, (B) passed the 300-µm sieve after heat treatment, and (C) ground in a ball mill for 60 min
after sieving.
TABLE 3 | ECC mix proportions for the control and mixes containing different percentages of GBA.
W/B Cement Water GBA Sand PVA fibers Super plasticizers (% of binder)
previous studies (Ganesan et al., 2007; Bahurudeen et al., 2015; Fineness and Pozzolanic Reactivity of the Bagasse
Joshaghani et al., 2016) as well as the trial tests. The main Ash
objective was to evaluate the synergy of different percentages of The fineness values of the cement and GBA were determined by
bagasse ash in ECC. using the Blaine air permeability apparatus in accordance with
ASTM C204 - 11 (2011). The influence of the grinding time on
Mixing and Casting the total surface area of the GBA is shown in Figure 3. It can be
The ingredients of the ECC mixes were added into the seen that the surface area of the bagasse ash before grinding was
mixer in this order: sand, cement, PVA fibers, GBA. After 2067.8 cm2 /g, which, compared to that of cement (2670.3 cm2 /g),
adding the desired quantities to the mixer, the ingredients is lower. However, the surface area of the bagasse ash increased
were thoroughly mixed for two minutes. Subsequently, the after grinding and gradually continued increasing with increased
water and super plasticizers were added to the dry mixture grinding. The desired surface area (greater than that of cement)
and mixed for another 2 min. Eventually, the PVA fibers was attained, corresponding to grinding for 60 min. Bahurudeen
and GBA were slowly added into the mortar and mixed and Santhanam (2015) concluded that the pozzolanic reactivity of
until all the fibers were uniformly dispersed. Immediately
after mixing, the mixtures were cast into molds and stored
under standard laboratory conditions of temperature and
humidity. Three gang mortar steel molds (50 mm cube),
coupon shaped steel molds (152 mm × 76 mm × 13 mm),
and wooden prisms (320 mm × 40 mm × 12 mm) were
used to cast mortar specimens for compressive strength
tests, uniaxial tensile strength tests, and four-point bending
tests, respectively. All the specimens were demolded after
24 h of casting and moist cured at 24 ± 2◦ C until
the age of testing.
Test Methods
The pozzolanic activity of bagasse ash was determined using
the Chapelle test. The XRF, X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern,
and fineness were also determined. The microstructure
of the GBA particles was analyzed through the scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) technique. Together with direct
tensile strength and flexural strength tests, the flexural
FIGURE 3 | Influence of grinding duration on the surface area of bagasse ash
behavior of ECCs containing different proportions of BA and its comparison with cement.
was also investigated.
GBA is enhanced significantly when its surface area is equivalent From these micrographs, it can be seen that the ash sample
to that of cement. contains many different particle shapes, such as rounded,
Following the grinding phase, the pozzolanic reactivity of the elongated, irregular, and prismatic (Figure 4A). The sizes of
bagasse ash obtained from grinding for 60 min was determined particles range from 10 to 50 µm. Moreover, Figure 4B shows
by the Chappelle test in accordance with French norm, NF small, flat irregular, needle-shaped, and elliptical particles.
P 18-513 (Association Française de Normalisation [AFNOR],
2012; Pontes et al., 2013). The Chappelle test was performed to Compressive Strength
determine the reduction in Ca(OH)2 due to its reaction with This test was performed to investigate the compressive strength
siliceous or alumina-silicates present in pozzolans in GBA. The evolution of all the ECC mixes. A total of nine 50 mm cube
Chappelle activity test chemically determines the amount of lime specimens were cast for each mix (CM, 10ECC, 20ECC, and
utilized by a pozzolan. The amount of lime utilized is directly 30ECC) to test three identical specimens at ages of 14, 28,
proportional to the pozzolanic activity of the material. The results and 91 days. The tests were performed in accordance with
of the current Chapelle test on the GBA satisfied the minimum ASTM C109 / C109M - 16a (2016) using a compression
requirements set for pozzolanic activity (330 mg of CaO/g of machine as shown in Figure 5A. According to ASTM C109, the
pozzolan) due to its highly active amorphous silica (Li et al., loading rate in the compression machine was kept at 0.91 kN/s
2004). This finding clearly suggested that the GBA is chemically for all specimens.
reactive in nature and therefore suitable for its use as a sustainable
cement substitute material. Direct Tensile Test
Just like compression tests, nine coupon specimens having
dimensions of 152 mm × 76 mm × 13 mm were cast for each
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of the Bagasse mix to carry out uniaxial tensile tests at ages of 14, 28, and
Ash 91 days. A series of direct tensile tests were performed using
The morphological investigation of some selected samples of a universal testing machine (Figure 5B). The purpose of these
GBA was conducted using SEM (JSM5910 JEOL, Japan). Figure 4 tests is to investigate the influence of the different amounts of
shows the micrographs of studied samples at magnification GBA on tensile strength and to study the tensile stress-strain
ranges from X500 to X2000. and strain-hardening behavior of the ECC mixes at desired
FIGURE 4 | SEM images of bagasse ash after grinding in a ball mil: (A) the presence of different particle shapes and (B) the presence of small, flat irregular,
needle-shaped, and elliptical particles.
FIGURE 7 | Comparison of tensile strength with aging among CM and ECC FIGURE 8 | Comparison of the load vs. strain relationship between CM and
mixes containing different percentages of GBA. ECC mixes at an age of: (A) 14, (B) 28, and (C) 91 days.
TABLE 4 | Comparison of the first crack load, maximum load, and maximum elongation among different ECC mixes with aging.
Mix ID First crack load (kN) Maximum load (kN) Maximum elongation (mm)
Age (days)
14 28 91 14 28 91 14 28 91
exhibited the best mechanical behavior in terms of its ductility compared to that of CM reduced significantly at 91 days and
among all the mixes. even turned almost identical to that of CM in 20ECC. This
All the tested ECC samples showed a continual increase is attributed to increased pozzolanic reactivity with increasing
in load-carrying capacity after the appearance of the first amounts of GBA with aging.
crack. It can be seen from the maximum load values listed in
Table 4 that the load-carrying capacity increased continuously Load Deflection Curves
with aging regardless of the mortar type (control or other To investigate the influence of GBA on ductility, the mid-span
mortars containing any percentage of GBA) and decreased with deflection of beams was measured with aging. The experimental
increasing amounts of GBA. The decrease in the maximum load- set up of flexural tests on rectangular beams with a deflection
carrying capacity is obviously due to decreased amounts of binder gauge attached to the middle bottom of the specimens is shown
with increasing amounts of GBA (10–20, then 30%). in Figure 5. The load on the beams gradually increased until
Unlike the trend of the maximum loads, the load its failure, and the deflection corresponding to the load was
corresponding to the first crack increased in mortars containing automatically logged using a data logger. Figure 11 shows a
GBA, particularly at ages of 14 and 28 days. The first crack loads comparison of the load-deflection relationship among the CM
continued increasing with aging (14–28 days) as well as with and different ECC mixes with respect to different curing ages.
increasing amounts of GBA. However, at 14 days, the trend of As mentioned earlier in Section “Materials and Methods,” nine
the increasing first crack load was rather insignificant and even identical specimens were cast for each mix to test three specimens
a decrease was observed in the mortar containing 30% GBA at each age (14, 28, and 91 days). The presented curves in
(30ECC). This must be due to the reduced hydration reaction Figure 11 are an average of three samples. It was noted that the
because of a smaller amount of cement in 30ECC, thus leading maximum deflection corresponding to the failure load ranged
to low stiffness of the mortar matrix and early cracking. At later between 3 and 6 mm depending on the type of ECC (10ECC,
ages (91 days), the first crack load compared to that of early ages 20ECC, or 30ECC) and aging (14, 28, or 91 days).
decreased in all mortars with and without GBA. The reason is
that the degree of brittleness of the cementitious composites
increased with aging. However, the lowest reduction in the first
crack load compared to that of CM was recorded in 20ECC. The
reduction in the first crack loads in 10ECC, 20ECC, and 30ECC CM
at the age of 91 days was recorded as 16, 7, and 20% of that of 10ECC
CM, respectively. 20ECC
Flexural Strength (MPa)
This research was carried out to study the potential use of GBA
as a partial substitute for cement to produce an economical and
sustainable ECC. For this purpose, three different percentages
of GBA were selected (10ECC, 20ECC, and 30ECC) to evaluate
the improvement in their mechanical performance factors, such
as strength, deflection, ductility, first crack load, maximum
loads, and elongation behavior. Considering the current findings,
the following are the main conclusions drawn from this
experimental study.
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