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Transcript of interview

Data identity

Date : 21 June 2021

Name : Yesi Dambaresya

Profile Original Data Condensed Data

P1 In my opinion, the role of reflective The role of reflective micro-teaching,
micro-teaching, especially in especially in teaching preparation, is
teaching preparation, is very very helpful, because it makes me
helpful, because it makes me realize that teaching cannot be
realize that teaching cannot be careless, there must be preparation in
careless, there must be advance such as making lesson plans.
preparation in advance such as It was very helpful, so I know that if
making lesson plans. Reflective we are going to teach, we have to
micro-teaching was taught me that consider; what strategy should we
I had to make a lesson plan before use, what should be the objective of
teaching. Moreover, the aspects the students, and what will the
that must be included in the lesson students be able to do after the
plan I also got it from reflective course. I just found out about how to
micro-teaching. It was very helpful, make a lesson plan after enrolling
so I know that if we are going to reflective micro-teaching course, so I
teach, we have to consider; what am very happy with that.
strategy should we use, what
should be the objective of the
students, and what will the
students be able to do after the
course. Therefore, we will not be
confused when teaching, what
materials we want to teach, what
activities we are going to do after
that, because previously it was
planned by making a lesson plan
first. I just found out about how to
make a lesson plan after enrolling
reflective micro-teaching course, so
I am very happy with that.
P1 The learning strategies or methods The learning strategies or methods
that I know from reflective micro- that I know from learning reflective
teaching course are problem based micro-teaching course are problem
learning, task based learning and based learning, task based learning
the most popular one is and the most popular one is
communicative language teaching, communicative language teaching,
and that's what I personally use the and that's what I personally use the
most because it's quite easy to most because it's quite easy to make
make learning activities. It can learning activities. It can emphasize
emphasize the interaction between the interaction between students and
students and teachers or fellow teachers or fellow students.
students. Some of the learning
activities are like conversations
between students or can also use
role playing, so the learning
activities are also not boring.
Meanwhile, for other methods
such as task based learning or
problem based learning, I don't
really understand.
P1 Of course, there will be lots of The role of reflective micro-teaching
students with different regarding how to react to students'
characteristics, some are quiet, responses here is actually more to the
some are active, some are shy, and role of the lecturer who teaches,
some are shameless hehe. The role because it comes from her feedback
of reflective micro-teaching who also reminds us that later in the
regarding how to react to students' teaching process, we as a teacher
responses here is actually more to must be active. For example, there are
the role of the lecturer who students who are quiet, we must
teaches, because it comes from her actively ask questions so that there
feedback who also reminds us that will be engagement with them.
later in the teaching process, we as
a teacher must be active. So, for
example, there are students who
are quiet, we must actively ask
questions so that there will be
engagement with them. Besides
that, of course, we as student
teachers are required to be
creative because when there is a
problem that we find in the
classroom, it is definitely beyond
our control, means that we have to
be ready with all the risks. We
must really be ready to prepare
everything, even though it has
been prepared beforehand in the
lesson plan but there will definitely
be things that are out of control.
Therefore we are required to be
creative, for example we are faced
with a time void problem, and we
can fill that time void by giving
games to students or doing
interesting questions and answers
with the lure of being given prizes.
P1 Reflectiive micro-teaching taught Reflective micro-teaching taught us
us that we have to dress that we have to dress approppriately,
approppriately, means olite and means polite and neat because as
neat and besides that because as student teachers we will be the center
student teachers we will be the of attention. If we wear clothes that
center of attention If we wear make us comfortable, we will also be
clothes that make us comfortable, free to make a move. For men wear
we will also be free to make a pants made of cloth, not jeans. Wear a
move. For a student teacher when shirt or batik, then wear shoes and
talking about polite clothes, hair must be neat. For women can
actually the teacher already has his wear long skirts, shirts, batik too. For
own uniform, yes, that is the muslims wear a headscarf and for
clothes that must be used. For men non-Muslims the hair may be tied so it
wear pants made of cloth, not doesn't interfere with activities that
jeans. Wear a shirt or batik, then cover the eyes.
wear shoes and hair must be neat.
For women can wear long skirts,
shirts, batik too. For muslims wear
a headscarf and for non-Muslims
the hair may be tied so it doesn't
interfere with activities that cover
the eyes
P1 In my opinion, reflective micro- In my opinion, reflective micro-
teaching course has taught me how teaching course has taught me how to
to get students' engagement. The get students' engagement. The first is
first is of course, learning should be of course, learning should be fun and
fun and not burden students. So it not burden students. So it must be as
must be as if they are not learning if they are not learning even though
even though they are learning. We they are learning. In addition to fun
take the example of the learning, of course, we must provide
communicative language teaching more activities that involve a lot of
method, in the assessment section, interaction with students, so it is not
for example, we want to assess always the teacher who explains, but
students' speaking ability, and it we also have to involve students in
doesn't always have to use a test, delivering the material. To make it
because it will make them feel more interesting, you can give gifts
more depressed, we can replace it that are not too big, such as candy,
with roleplay so that we can get students will also be happy. It can also
more engagement from students. make other students become
They know that roleplay is only a interested in participating.
role-playing game so they don't
feel burdened. In addition to fun
learning, of course, we must
provide more activities that involve
a lot of interaction with students,
so it is not always the teacher who
explains, but we also have to
involve students in delivering the
material. Oh yes, back to the
previous question, related to
students who are quiet, we have to
take the initiative, teachers have to
take the initiative, so by asking
questions during the lesson, ask
the quiet student to come forward.
If we are explaining material about
procedure text, the teacher is
teaching the procedure for making
cakes, and then we explain in
English what the steps are, for
example putting eggs into the
mixer, then we can ask the quiet
student or the others too, by
asking something like "what's the
next step?" So we don't always
have to explain, there is interaction
happen and there is engagement
from students too. To make it more
interesting, you can give gifts that
are not too big, such as candy,
students will also be happy. It can
also make other students become
interested in participating.

Data identity

Date : 24 June 2021

Name : Delia Nandasari

Profile Original Data Condensed Data

P1 Okay, so I personally think that the reflective In this reflective micro-
micro-teaching course is very helpful because teaching course I was
basically we as students who are in the faculty greatly helped, for
of educational sciences and teachers' training example in terms of
will definitely teach one day, so we are prepared preparation before
to become teacher candidates Therefore, the teaching, we were taught
existence of reflective micro-teaching has really to make lesson plans, look
helped me personally, starting from what for materials that match
teaching preparation looks like, in the middle of our student level, then
learning, and also at the end of what it should how the method should be
be like. In this reflective micro-teaching course I taught, it was explained
was greatly helped, for example in terms of clearly by the lecturer. I
preparation before teaching, we were taught to also feel very happy and
make lesson plans, look for materials that match helped, because besides
our student level, then how the method should that there are also
be taught, it was explained clearly by the practical activities, how to
lecturer. I also feel very happy and feel helped, be a good teacher it
because besides that there are also practical should be like what.
activities, how to be a good teacher it should be
like what. And the most impressive thing is the
preparation for teaching. Because at first, we
didn't know how to make a lesson plan, and
what form it should take. There it is really taught
and also what makes me most happy is also in
finding material for our students, for example
junior high school students, what material
should be taught, what method, so we also have
to know the characteristics of our students. So I
think reflective micro-teaching is really helpful
and I'm really happy.
P1 I have learnt so many methods in reflective I have learnt so many
micro-teaching course, but the one that I methods in reflective
remembered it well is the task based learning, micro-teaching course, but
so when I teach at school I also used the task the one that I
based learning method method, the strategy I remembered it well is the
used was question and answer and discussion. task based learning
At that time I gave a text about Monas then I method. I personally think
ordered to study the text. I deliver descriptive I choose this method
text material using task based learning. So the because the knowledge we
students learn based on the assignments given, gain by ourselves will be
so that from that task they can get new easier to understand than
information through questions and answers and the explanations of others.
discussions. The reason I take the task based
learning method is because if the student can
find out or get something from his own findings,
it will make him more understanding than
through the explanations of others. Because
there are also types of teachers who teach less
well in conveying material so that students do
not understand. Therefore, so I think it's better
to give them a task first, after that they will
observe, analyze, observe, so that from that task
they get new information, "oh it turns out like
this, yes a descriptive text, oh this is a
characteristic of text descriptive, then these are
the tenses" so I personally think I choose this
method because the knowledge we gain by
ourselves will be easier to understand than the
explanations of others.
P1 Okay, so as I recall, we as student teachers must Reflective micro-teaching
have creative thinking, especially during the taught me as a student
learning process because many unexpected teacher to have a lot of
things will happen. Reflective micro-teaching backup plans. All I can say
taught me as a student teacher to have a lot of that we as student
backup plans, for example the power point we teachers have to be more
use suddenly has a problem, so we have to active and think creatively,
prepare paper prints of material that we will don't just waiting for
explain to students. Regarding student things get better then
responses, we have to be more active in stuck in one situation, we
teaching, and just enjoy the show. Try to also must be able to improve
have an intermezzo during learning in order to our thinking and prepared
refresh the brain, so that students don't get many plans so we can
bored. All I can say that we as student teachers handle every single of
have to be more active and think creatively, student responses in the
don't just waiting for things get better then class.
stuck in one situation, we must be able to
improve our thinking and prepared many plans
so we can handle every single of student
responses in the class. If we afraid that
something unwanted or maybe students are
getting bored we can invite them to play first, in
the sense of refreshing invite them to play an
easy game, or give them a break for a drink and
chat for five minutes.
P1 When we are teaching, of course, as prospective Reflective micro-teaching
teachers, the appearance of dress and attitude is course has also taught us
one of the main aspects. Because we are to dress neatly and
teachers, of course students will imitate us later politely. So in terms of
as a teacher, meaning that we are models for appearance, for a Muslim,
our students. Reflective micro-teaching course the clothes must be neat,
has also taught us to dress neatly and politely. wear a polite skirt, don't
So in terms of appearance, for a Muslim, the wear the skirt like when
clothes must be neat, wear a polite skirt, don't hanging out, so it must be
wear the skirt like when hanging out, so it must adjusted as well. For a
be adjusted as well. For a man, the hair must be man, the hair must be
neat, don't wear jeans, and wear formal shoes. neat, don't wear jeans,
And also we have to smell good, if we don't and wear formal shoes.
smell good, the students also become less
enthusiastic to see us as the teacher like that,
especially when delivering the material, maybe
the students will lose their enthusiasm to pay
attention or even don't want to learn at all. They
will exemplify all things such as our appearance
and way of teaching surely they will apply it in
their lives someday.
P1 In order to attract students' attention when the In order to attract
material will be taught, I still remembered that students' attention when
in reflective micro-teaching course, we have to the material will be taught,
stimulate students' response first. So invite I still remembered that in
them to think that leads to the material that we reflective micro-teaching
will teach. For example, at that time I gave course, we have to
material about descriptive text, first I asked stimulate students'
questions like describing a father. "What kind of response first. We give
person do you think the father is? Can anyone games or questions that
answer?" then they must say my dad is kind or will lead to the material
my dad is tall, white, something like that. Do this that we are going to teach.
for five minutes, after that, I asked again, "do
you know what we will study today?" maybe
someone answered "yes I know, about
descriptive text", or someone didn't answer it
yet. But most of them would know that we are
going to describe something or someone. So we
have to stimulate their response first, we give
games or questions that will lead to the material
that we are going to teach.

Data identity

Date : 25 June 2021

Name : Vira Tri Andira

Profile Original Data Condensed Data

P1 In my opinion, of course this is very useful, The existence of reflective
especially for my condition which does not have micro-teaching course is
the ability to become a teacher. I am confused very useful for me because
about how to explain the material to children I also learned how to make
according to their level. I don't really remember lesson plans although not
about the material, uh, it's not material but comprehensive but at least
rather like the term, but ever since I studied the I know the basics.
reflective micro-teaching course I kind of
realized, "Oh, so this is how to teach elementary
school children", and it's very useful when I do
KKN. I do KKN at home, and teach elementary
school children grades 1-6. The existence of
reflective micro-teaching course is very useful
for me because I also learned how to make
lesson plans although not comprehensive but at
least I know the basics.
P1 In reflective micro-teaching course there were In reflective micro-
so many methods that have been taught to me, teaching course there
but personally, I prefer audio-visual media were so many methods
because I think it's very interesting, especially that have been taught to
for elementary school children. So students can me, but personally, I
learn while singing, watching videos and prefer audio-visual media
listening to music, I think it is such a simple thing because I think it's very
but can be the interesting one. interesting, especially for
elementary school
children. So students can
learn while singing,
watching videos and
listening to music, I think it
is such a simple thing but
can be the interesting one.
P1 I still remember, Mrs. Metty once said, the After doing reflective
response from the student will always exist and micro-teaching, I realized
it can also be in the form of a question. After that we as student
doing reflective micro-teaching, I realized that teachers are required to
we as student teachers are required to study the study the material as well
material as well as possible to handle all the as possible to handle all
responses from our students. If there are the responses from our
questions or responses that we can't answer, students.
Mrs. Metty once taught how to avoid it by
making it homework for students and us. For
example, if there is a question from a student
that we cannot answer, just return it to the
student, such as "what do you think?" if the
student can't answer, we say "okay it means this
is homework for all of us. Next week we will
answer together". As far as I remember, Mrs.
Metty once said something like that.
P1 As Mrs. Metty once said in the reflective micro- As Mrs. Metty once said in
teaching course class, the teacher is a model in the reflective micro-
the classroom. This means that we as teachers teaching course class, the
must dress neatly and politely. In addition to teacher is a model in the
looking neat and polite, the teacher must also classroom. This means that
be able to make the children pay attention to us, we as teachers must dress
such as "wow, the teacher is so beautiful today", neatly and politely. The
so that later it will increase their enthusiasm for teacher's clothes must also
learning. The teacher's clothes must also adjust adjust to the level of the
to the level of the students, for example for students, for example for
kindergarten children, usually the teacher's kindergarten children,
clothes are colorful, the robes and veils are usually the teacher's
bright. clothes are colorful, the
robes and veils are bright.
P1 As I learned in reflective micro-teaching course, As I learned in reflective
to get students' engagement especially for micro-teaching course, to
teachers, make learning materials and activities get students' engagement
funnier, and easy to learn. Then the teacher especially for teachers,
must also study the material more deeply and in make learning materials
detail, so that later when delivering the material and activities funnier, and
to the children it is clearer and the children are easy to learn. Then the
not confused when listening to it, so what we teacher must also study
explain is really clear to them. the material more deeply
and in detail.

Data identity

Date : 24 June 2021

Name : Muhammad Rifqi Romdhon Anwari

Profile Original Data Condensed Data

P1 Honestly, I am personally very grateful when I Honestly, I am personally
was able to contract the course because it was very grateful when I was
very helpful as a form of preparation for able to contract the course
teaching practice at school. Because in these because it was very helpful
courses we are taught many things, especially as a form of preparation
related to teaching, starting from preparing for teaching practice at
what kind of lesson, so that the objectives of the school. In these courses
learning can be achieved. Preparing the we are taught many
materials, objectives, approaches, methods, things, especially related
strategies, and also the media, all of which must to teaching, starting from
be prepared in advance. That's what I found in preparing what kind of
the reflective micro-teaching course. When we lesson, so that the
can prepare it well, automatically in the future objectives of the learning
the process will be good too. Because when we can be achieved. Preparing
fail in planning something, we are actually on the materials, objectives,
the way to failure itself. Various courses are also approaches, methods,
incorporated in this reflective micro teaching strategies, and also the
such as instructional design, language media, all of which must
assessment and others. Therefore, this is a be prepared in advance.
separate learning material as a form of That's what I found in the
preparation to carry out actual teaching reflective micro-teaching
practice. course
P1 One of the methods I remembered from One of the methods I
reflective micro-teaching course is the problem remembered from
based learning method if I'm not mistaken. This reflective micro-teaching
method seeks to apply problems that occur in course is the problem
the real life in the classroom. Students are based learning method if
trained to think critically so that they can find I'm not mistaken. I chose
solutions to existing problems. I chose this this method because I
method because I don't want to be limited to don't want to be limited to
just doing lectures in delivering the material, I just doing lectures in
want to take a student-centered approach so delivering the material, I
that students can be more active, especially want to take a student-
because this is in the language aspect. In the centered approach so that
problem based learning method, when talking students can be more
about language, it will certainly be related to active, especially because
language and also the most important thing is this is in the language
related to real life so that students can relate aspect.
the problems presented in class with problems
that exist in the real world. In essence, I chose
this method so that students can be more active
when learning in class.
P1 The role of reflective micro-teaching course in The role of reflective
dealing directly with student responses is with micro-teaching course in
the reflection form, namely the DICR form. dealing directly with
Describing, informing, confronting and student responses is with
reconstructing. This is a provision when facing the reflection form,
student responses in class, because there are namely the DICR form.
students who are passive and there are also the Describing, informing,
active ones that might drain our emotions. By confronting and
being equipped with this form, at the end of the reconstructing. By being
lesson we can try to reflect on what we feel equipped with this form,
when facing teaching practice. In the Describing at the end of the lesson we
section we explain what we felt when we can try to reflect on what
started teaching and what we learned in the we feel when facing
previous meeting, we wrote there. In informing, teaching practice. That is
we explore the topic, how we deliver the lesson, the role of the reflective
and the reasons why the method is used. Then micro-teaching course
in confronting we describe the student's with the DICR reflection
response during teaching practice, whether with form to be better at
method A the student is active or not, so that dealing with each
there is an idea in the reconstructing section to student's response.
evaluate how in the future the student's
response can be even better, that is what has
become my provision to always teach it apply
concepts: teach to learn, and also learn to teach.
That is the role of the reflective micro-teaching
course with the DICR reflection form to be
better at dealing with each student's response.
P1 In my opinion, from this reflective micro- In my opinion, from this
teaching course, the lecturer who teaches is reflective micro-teaching
trying to be a model for us, so I learned that the course, the lecturer who
teacher is not only delivering material in class teaches is trying to be a
but also as a model for the students. That is, in model for us, so I learned
terms of appearance, it must attract the that the teacher is not only
attention of the students themselves. Starting delivering material in class
from neat clothes, polite hairstyles, they will but also as a model for the
focus on us if we look attractive so that what we students. Appearance is
say can be accepted and understood. Teachers also not only limited to
must also smell good and fresh. But what is attached to the
unfortunately, because now the teaching body, but also includes our
conditions are online, it can't be implemented. style and gestures when
Appearance is also not only limited to what is teaching, as well as facial
attached to the body, but also includes our style expressions. That is what
and gestures when teaching, as well as facial the reflective micro-
expressions, if our faces are beaming then it will teaching course teaches
motivate students to be enthusiastic in learning. either directly or indirectly
If it comes with a sullen condition, then it will by the lecturer.
also affect the psychology of the students
themselves. That is what the reflective micro-
teaching course teaches either directly or
indirectly by the lecturer.
P1 Reflective micro-teaching taught me how to Reflective micro-teaching
engage students, which must be from a teacher taught me how to engage
first who engages the students in the class. Next, students, which must be
if you have done this, the teacher must from a teacher first who
stimulate students by giving rewards to the engages the students in
active students, it can be in the form of prizes, the class. The teacher
or scores, and so on. It can be given directly so must stimulate students by
that the less active student has an interest in giving rewards to the
trying to be more active. Next, when we find active students and it can
students who are less active, we should not be in the form of prizes, or
intimidate or discriminate, but we should scores, and so on.
approach the student more so that he or she
feels cared for and a desire to become actively
involved in learning arises. That's what I learned
from reflective micro-teaching related to how to
get students to engage in learning.

Data identity

Date : 23 June 2021

Name : Saddam Amarullah

Profile Original Data Condensed Data

P1 I learned a lot of new things in reflective micro- For preparation during
teaching such as repetition, drilling, which are teaching, it's like making
needed for teaching. So when I first came to lesson plans, I also get that
class, I was not confused about how to manage from reflective micro-
the class because I already knew what method teaching course, being
to use by doing stimulation at the beginning. For able to make a lesson plan
preparation during teaching, it's like making it makes me happy
lesson plans, I also get that from reflective because it is really
micro-teaching course, being able to make a important for my teaching.
lesson plan it makes me happy because it is
really important for my teaching. But if I'm
honest sometimes I don't make lesson plans,
because in my opinion even without making
lesson plans it can still work, but of course it
would be better if we made lesson plans first.
P1 One of the methods that I got from reflective One of the methods that I
micro-teaching is collaborative learning. Why do got from reflective micro-
I like this method, because it is very suitable for teaching is collaborative
learning materials that use game media, such as learning. Why do I like this
guessing pictures, guessing words, which is using method, because it is very
English language between them, one person suitable for learning
demonstrates and the other person guesses, it is materials that use game
collaborative learning. This is very interesting for media, such as guessing
students so that learning conditions are not pictures, guessing words,
monotonous, because it is okay to be noisy in which is using English
class as long as it is in the context of learning. language between them.
That's one of the methods that I got from
reflective micro-teaching course.
P1 I always remember the words from Mrs. metty Since words are something
"never dictate to our students by saying hey you that means a lot, try to
are wrong, you are wrong, you are wrong, choose the suitable diction
because it will have an impact on the student's if they are doing wrong, so
psychology". So when a student tries to answer it won't hurt the student's
a question and then he/she answers it with the feelings. That's what I got
wrong answer, don't say in front of him/her from the reflective micro-
"hey this is wrong" because it will destroy the teaching course in dealing
student's motivation. Since words are something with one of the student
that means a lot, try to choose the suitable responses.
diction if they are doing wrong, so it won't hurt
the student's feelings, for example "oh this is
how it should be" try to explain it again, because
it will be more acceptable to students. That's
what I got from the reflective micro-teaching
course in dealing with one of the student
P1 I also remember that Mrs. metty once taught us I also remember that Mrs.
in reflective micro-teaching course that dressing metty once taught us in
must be neat because it could interfere with the reflective micro-teaching
learning process. Not only about dressing, but course that dressing must
appearance, so the face must also be clean. If be neat because it could
we have more time, when we finish eating, try interfere with the learning
to brush our teeth, because it is feared that process.
there will be leftover food and disturb the
concentration of children. Even though in detail
in the reflective micro-teaching course, it is
never mentioned such as how to dress neatly,
but we also definitely understand what neat
clothes look like, and what should be seen in
front of students. After all, every school also has
different rules regarding neatness of dress.
There are those who use shirts, there are also
those who use robes like in Islamic boarding
schools. But even so, in essence, Mrs. metty told
that the teacher must be neat and clean.
P1 Reflective micro-teaching taught us on how to Reflective micro-teaching
make students engage in learning process. The taught us on how to make
first thing we have to do is use an approach, students engage in
which can be by direct chat. For example, we learning process. The first
discuss descriptive text, because in descriptive thing we have to do is use
text there are many adjectives, we can make an approach, which can be
students engage by telling themselves, for by direct chat. We can also
example by inviting chat like "look at me! I'm approach it by giving
using a red shirt", so start by describing yourself. prizes, or more points to
Don't start to explain it directly "okay students people who can answer, so
now we will learn descriptive text, descriptive that it can motivate
text is..." not in that way. We can also approach students to answer when
it by giving prizes, or more points to people who there are questions.
can answer, so that it can motivate students to
answer when there are questions.

Data identity

Date : 25 June 2021

Name : Bona Malela Pasha

Profile Original Data Condensed Data

P1 There are so many benefits of reflective micro- There are so many
teaching courses, especially among those of us benefits of reflective
who are expected to become teachers, in terms micro-teaching courses,
of preparation before teaching, of course the especially among those of
most impact that I feel is being able to make a us who are expected to
lesson plan. So, when the teaching and learning become teachers, in terms
process takes place, we surely know what things of preparation before
will be delivered. Then, we know what aspects teaching, of course the
will be assessed, so when the student makes a most impact that I feel is
presentation or doing an assignment, we know being able to make a
how to assess it. And last, we are able to arrange lesson plan.
the stages of giving the material well, at the
beginning, in the middle, and at the end what it
will be like. I wrote all of these things in the
lesson plan that I learned from the reflective
micro-teaching course.
P1 When talking about methods that I have learnt When talking about
in reflective micro-teaching course, I prefer to methods that I have learnt
use the discussion method, because with this in reflective micro-
method the interaction between students and teaching course, I prefer to
teachers is formed, so that learning will not be use the discussion
monotonous. In addition, teachers and students method, because with this
are able to exchange opinions with each other. method the interaction
We give students the opportunity to express between students and
what is in their hearts. It can also be the reason teachers is formed, so that
a teacher knows the uniqueness of his students, learning will not be
or talents that have been hidden. monotonous.
P1 In my opinion, the role of reflective micro- In my opinion, the role of
teaching course in dealing with students' reflective micro-teaching
responses is not really supportive. Because course in dealing with
teaching in reflective micro-teaching course is students' responses is not
different from teaching in class. When in the really supportive. In my
reflective micro-teaching course, the students opinion, this course only
are our friends who we already know what their provides a few examples
nature is. Meanwhile, in the class it was when we face student
different, not like what we imagined. In my responses, because they
opinion, this course only provides a few are different, not real
examples when we face student responses, students like in class.
because they are different, not real students like
in class.
P1 Regarding appearance, the reflective micro- In my opinion, the
teaching course also provides an example of reflective micro-teaching
how we as people who are seen in front of the course is also good
class, must have a good appearance. Because because it has given an
apart from being seen by our friends, lecturers example of how we look
also see us as people who judge on how we like, the lecturer who
look. In my opinion, the reflective micro- teaches the course has
teaching course is also good because it has given indirectly given an
an example of how we look like, the lecturer example of how to dress
who teaches the course has indirectly given an properly in front of the
example of how to dress properly in front of the class.
P1 In the reflective micro-teaching course, learning In the reflective micro-
media are also offered, what media we can use teaching course, learning
in the classroom, as well as what methods media are also offered so
should be used. Means that we must choose we can present a
media and learning methods that are suitable compilation of funny
for students, so that they will be interested. videos on the sidelines of
There is one method, namely the lecture learning so that it will
method, if we always talk, students will feel stimulate students'
bored, so use video media to make it fun. We engagement.
can present a compilation of funny videos on
the sidelines of learning so that it will stimulate
students' engagement.

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