English Seojun

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‘HRISTIAN ACADEMY FOUNDATION, INC. Godly Values. Academic Excellence. English Module Grade 6 9 ' Name: Seq/un ho Activity #4 Remember: Journalists write stories to inform, to entertain, to give commentary, and to engage the readers in recent concern and public information. Directions: Complete the concept map. Distinguish the similarities and differences of each type of journalistic writing. Inside the box, write the differences or one journalistic writing to another, then inside the circle write their similarities. TYPES OF JOURNALISTIC WRITING News Report Article thes, are nonficlig urtting which report Opinion Article Usually enon ancl in A vews or magarinc , that naling rites the author's wopn deyt « otyect Sport News Article 15 atorm of wri thet reports on, mater> portion to np0rts topics and comctiibns aim 0 peport new stories in a vere’ ot media formal 5 igtorming the heada abot the word Feature Article om persuasive text that exy CCG AN opinion , intorAs he reader about a wyect and iy eyvoyellc to tea Upload the pictures of all finished works in the google classroom. Class Code: ey3i43m

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