Chapter 17 Drugs Notes
Chapter 17 Drugs Notes
Chapter 17 Drugs Notes
A drug is a substance that, when taken into the body, has an effect on the chemical reactions
That take place. There are varieties of different drugs, which treat different diseases.
Antibiotic drugs are used to treat bacterial infections. Some antibiotics kill bacteria by
destroying their cell wall, leading to the cell bursting, whilst others inhibit the growth of the
bacteria. Antibiotics cannot kill viruses as they do not grow and reproduce in the same way
as bacteria, and do not have the same structure.
Misused drugs
Alcohol and heroin:
Alcohol and heroin are both depressants, meaning that they lower the rate of nervous impulses
by blocking synapses. This means that reactions are slower. They also lower self-control,
which can lead to increased crime rate and antisocial behaviour.
These drugs also cause the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine into synapses in the
reward pathway which causes a ‘high’. This can be addictive and thus lead to withdrawal
symptoms if the person stops taking the drug, such as anxiety, insomnia, headaches and
● Anabolic steroids - anabolic steroids trigger the release of hormones which promote
muscle mass and strength. Different types of steroids target different muscle groups. In
2018, the Russian Winter Olympic team was disqualified from competing for taking
anabolic steroids to enhance their performance.
● Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - a group of diseases that decrease the
efficiency of gas exchange in the lungs by damaging the alveoli, hence decreasing the
surface area for diffusion, and causing inflammation in the airways. COPD causes
breathlessness, a persistent cough and frequent chest infections. The condition cannot
be cured, although the progression can be slowed, and symptoms treated.
● Lung cancer - one of the more serious forms of cancer, for which smoking accounts for
over 85% of cases. This is because cigarette smoke contains a variety of toxic chemicals,
many of them carcinogens.
● Coronary heart disease - smoking puts a strain on the heart due to the nicotine and
carbon monoxide breathed in. Carbon monoxide is dangerous as it displaces the oxygen
bound to haemoglobin and binds to it instead. This means that there is less oxygen
present in the blood so the heart must work harder to supply it to the tissues. There is
also an increased risk of blood clots, and other chemicals can damage arteries. Coronary
heart disease can lead to heart attacks and heart failure.
Although smoking is a major risk factor for all of these diseases, it does not mean that every
smoker will develop these diseases. There are a variety of other factors that alter the
probability of having one, such as age, fitness and amount/length of time smoking.
Components of cigarettes:
There is a toxic mix of over 7000 chemicals in every cigarette, many of which are poisons and
● Nicotine - addictive, causes high heart rate and blood pressure, and also triggers the
release of adrenaline.
● Tar - tar, when inhaled, sticks to the cilia of cells in the lungs which usually transport
mucus away from the lungs to protect them from infections. Tar prevents them from
doing this, which is why smokers are more susceptible to chest infections. In addition, a
build-up of tar can narrow airways.
● Carbon monoxide - Carbon monoxide decreases the amount of oxygen in the blood,
thus putting a strain on the heart to supply more.
Other chemicals include arsenic (used in rat poison), formaldehyde (poisonous) and hydrogen
cyanide (chemical used to kill ants).