A Note On Externalities and Property Valuation
A Note On Externalities and Property Valuation
A Note On Externalities and Property Valuation
I, 1971
Lawrence D. Schallt
The purpose of this note is to analyze the effects on land and improvement
values of a change in surrounding neighborhood effects. The impacts on land value
and on structure value are distinguished and the significance of the distinction for
public policy is then discussed.
The differential effects on land and improvement values of changes in sur-
rounding externalities, e.g., from an urban renewal or highway project, are gen-
erally ignored or mistreated in the literature and no rigorous analysis of the problem
is available.’ The question is often overlooked by referring only to total (land and
building) property value changes or by concentrating on land value changes alone.2
Rothenberg [S, p. 2611 argues that land and structure values necessarily vary in
the same direction since they are joint inputs.
I n the present paper, the essential relations associated with real property
valuation are first defined and then used to examine land use externalities. It is
observed that land and structure values may shift in opposite directions and that,
in general, this may be the more usual case. Consequently, land value changes
alone may be misleading in terms of the magnitude and even the sign of the effect
of a project’s spillovers on society’s wealth. It is also noted that knowledge of
movements in land and building values separately can be helpful in predicting
the impact of a project on land use patterns.
It is assumed that the market for land use services is competitive. The term
“best use” refers to that use which maximizes the present value of net revenues.
The value of a plot of land, L , at time 0 is equal to the value it would have if it
* The author would like to thank George S. Tolley for helpful comments on the ideas pre-
sented in this paper.
t Assistant Professor of Finance end Business Economics, University of Washington.
1 For a comprehensive treatment of externalities in general see Mishan [5], and for land
use externalities in particular see, for example, Bailey [l]and Davis and Whinston [2].
2 Discussions usually center around the sign and magnitude of the net benefits (or costs)
of spillover effects, implying the use only of total property value changes; the distinction be-
tween land value and structure value changes is ignored. See, for example, Nourse [7]or Bailey
[l]. I n addition to being incomplete, disregarding structure value changes entirely by only con-
sidering land value changes (as in Mohring [S])can, as shown below, be misleading.
Date received: May, 1970.
were vacant at time 0. This is so whether or not the land is improved. This value
can be represented as
where r is the discount rate, r is the tax rate and R ( t ) and C ( t ) are the revenue
and cost (including construction, maintenance and demolition) in year t, respec-
tively, associated with the best use of L over time, assuming L is vacant at time 0.8
It follows that the entire value of a property, V T, is
(2) VT = VL -I- v,
where V r is the value of the existing improvements, 1. V T also equals
(3) VT =: c (1 - r)[R'(t)
t -0
- C'(t)l
(1 + r ) $
where R'(t) and C'(t) are the revenue and cost (including construction, main-
tenance and demolition) in year t, respectively, associated with that pattern of
use of L and I which maximizes Equation (3), i.e., which is best given the existence
of I at time 0.4
Rearranging Equation (2)
(4) Vr = V T - VL
Equation (4)reveals an extremely important point. The value of an improvement
is the increment to the present value of net receipts produced by that improvement.
The value of a structure cannot be computed merely by examining its productivity.
The value of the improvement, depends directly upon the productivity of the best
alternative use of the land which is represented by V L and cannot be determined
without a knowledge of V , .
The owner of L and I can demolish and remove I at a cost D and will do so if
the present value of returns from retaining I is less than ( V , - 0).It follows that
the market value of L and I together, VT , cannot be less than (VL - D),i.e.,
TIT 2 VL - D. Therefore, using Equation (4)6
(5) VI 2 -D
Now notice that the net present value of erecting I on L at cost C, would be
( V T - C,) ,where C, is the cost of constructing a structure identical to I in terms
of condition, type, etc. This amount, ( V T - C,), equals VL if 1 is the best use of
L (i.e., would be erected if L were vacant) and is less than V Lif I is not the best
use. Therefore ( V T - C,) I V L and, using Equation (2)
3 T represents the average tax rate per dollar of net revenue and is some composite of
property and income taxes. T may be a function of the land use pattern adopted.
4 As discussed below, it may be that the best use pattern involves the immediate demoli-
tion of I .
6 Relation (5) holds because the property owner has the option of demolishing I . If that
option did not exist, e.g., due to agovernment restriction, then V r 2 - m in Relation (5).
~~ ~ ~~
(6) Vr ICp
fore, in predicting the impact on land use patterns of a project, the effect on Vr
must be evaluated. Of course, even if it is known that existing structures will be
demolished, the task of predicting the new land use remains. This problem is not
distinct from that of estimating the change in V I since V I itself is dependent upon
the potential use to which the land can be put, i.e., upon VL . Information regarding
this potential use is necessary in predicting AV, and is also a basis for predicting
the new land use if I is to be removed as a consequence of the spillovers.
In conclusion, changes in total property values should be used to estimate
spillover benefits. Land value changes alone may significantly misestimate-prob-
ably overestimate-such benefits. Shifts in improvement vaIues alone, however,
may be useful in predicting land use pattern alterations due to the spillovers.
[l] Bailey, M. J. “Note on the Economics of Residential Zoning and Urban Renewal,” Land
Economics, 35 (1959), 288-292.
121 Davis, 0. A. and A. €3. Whinston. “The Economics of Urban Renewal,” Law and Con-
temporary ProbZems, 26 (1961), 105-117.
131 Dorfman, R. (ed.) Measuring the Benefits of Government Znvesfments.Washington: Brook-
ings, 1965.
141 May, A. A. The Valuation of Real Estate. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1953.
[5] Mishan, E. J. Welfare Economics. New York: Random House, 1964.
161 Mohring, H. “Land Values and the Measurement of Highway Benefits,” Journal of
Political Economy, 69 (1961), 236-249.
171 Nourse, H. “The Economics of Urban Renewal,” Land Economics, 42 (1966), 65-74.
[8] Rothenberg, J. Economic Evaluation of Urban Renewal. Washington, D. C.: Brookings,
[9] Turvey, R. The Economics of Real Property. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1957.
[lo] Weimer, A. W. and H. Iloyt. Principles of Real Estate. New York: Ronald, 1966.