Legacy of Indian Herbs Empirism To Econo
Legacy of Indian Herbs Empirism To Econo
Legacy of Indian Herbs Empirism To Econo
E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
JPP 2020; 9(1): 874-878 Legacy of Indian herbs: Empirism to economics
Received: 04-11-2019
Accepted: 06-12-2019
Ramesh Kumar Nirala, Kumari Anjana, Preety Raj, Archana Kumari
Ramesh Kumar Nirala
Assistant Professor& PI,
and KG Mandal
Department of Pharmacology &
Toxicology, Veterinary College, Abstract
Bihar, India Medicinal plants are gaining much interest recently because their use in ethno medicine treating common
diseases such as cold, fever, diarrhoea, cough and other medicinal claims are now supported with sound
Kumari Anjana scientific evidences. Several plants with various properties have been mentioned earlier in the oldest
Assistant Professor& PI, Dept. Indian mythology Rigveda and Ayurveda, thus the use of medicinal plants in India dates back to 3500-
of Pharmacology & Toxicology, 1800 B.C.
Veterinary College, Bihar, India
A large number of the plants are claimed to possess the antibiotic properties in the traditional system and
Preety Raj
are also used extensively by the tribal people worldwide. It is now believed that nature has given the cure
M.Sc Scholar, Dept. of Botany, of every disease in one way or another.
College of commerce, Art & The therapeutic value of Indian medicinal plants is well recognized and acknowledged all over the world.
Sciences, Patna MU, Bihar, There has been an ever enhancing awareness globally to rely on natural remedies in place of the chemical
India drugs. More recently, the western multinational drug companies, taking leads from ayurveda and Indian
folklore medicines, are diverting their R and D activities on Indian medicinal plants to find out the active
Archana Kumari principles, isolate and patent them.
Ex- Senior Research Fellow,
Indian Council of Medical Keywords: Herb, antibacterial, antiviral, anidaibetic, economic
Research (ICMR), IITR
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
KG Mandal Herbal Medicine: The word herb, as used in herbal medicine means a plant or plant part that
Univ. Professor& Head, Dept. of is used to make medicine or a type of medicine that uses roots, stems, leaves, flowers or seeds
Pharmacology & Toxicology, of plants to improve health, prevent disease and treat illness. Indian medicinal plants are the
Veterinary College, Bihar, India essence of Ayurveda and Ayurvedic treatments. When used judicially with the basic principles
they produce miraculous effects. Herbs played important role in treatment, from ancient time
to this most modern time. Plants have formed the basis of traditional medicine systems among
which are Ayurvedic, Unani, and Chinese amongst others. These systems of medicine have
given rise to some important drugs still in use today (Kala, 2004) [16]. WHO defines herbal
drugs as active ingredient parts of plant or plant materials in the crude or processed state plus
certain excipients, i,e. solvents, diluents or preservatives. Usually, the active principles
responsible for pharmacological action are unknown (bulletin of the WHO, 1998).
Nowadays, the search for new molecules, has taken different route where the science of ethno
botany and ethno Pharmacognosy are being used as guide to lead the chemist towards different
sources and classes of compounds. If a medicinal herb is viewed in synthetic laboratory as it
produces and contains a number of chemical compounds. These compounds, responsible for
medical activity of the herb, are secondary metabolites like saponins, resins, oleoresins,
lactones and volatile oils. Molecules present in plants and secondary metabolites that have led
to the development of pharmacologically active extracts or compounds (Khatoon, 1993) [18].
Higher plants are used as sources of pharmaceuticals and as ingredients of traditional
medicines and are of value in new drug discovery. Artemisinin, taxol and camptothecin are
examples of natural products which are undergoing clinical and commercial development.
Several natural products isolated from plants used in traditional medicine have potent
antiplasmodial action in vitro and represent potential sources of new antimalarial drugs. Plant
biotechnology offers the possibility of improved production methods of cultivated medicinal
plants as well as alternative approaches to the production of natural products for the
preparation of pharmaceuticals. In principle herbal medicines are used to restore balance,
remove excess, and also used for supplementation of deficiency. Today, science has isolated
the medicinal properties of a large number of botanicals, and their healing components have
Corresponding Author: been extracted and analyzed. Many plant components are now synthesized in large laboratories
Ramesh Kumar Nirala
Assistant Professor& PI,
for use in pharmaceutical preparations. For example, vincristine (an antitumor drug), digitalis
Department of Pharmacology & (a heart regulator), and ephedrine (a bronchodilator used to decrease respiratory congestion)
Toxicology, Veterinary College, were all originally discovered through research on plants. More recently, the western
Bihar, India multinational drug companies, taking leads from Ayurveda and Indian folklore medicines are
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diverting their R and D activities on Indian medicinal plants lichens, ferns, and algae. The majority of medicinal plants are
to find out the active principles, isolate and patent them (Jain, higher flowering plants. Preliminary analysis of the
1991; Handa, 1996; Udayam, 2005) [14, 25, 35]. "There is distribution pattern shows that medicinal plants are distributed
nothing in this universe, which is non-medicinal, which across diverse habitats and landscape elements. Around 70
cannot be made use of for many purposes and by many per cent of India's medicinal plants are found in the tropical
modes.” This is the traditional definition of medicinal plants zone, mostly in the forests of the Western and Eastern Ghats,
means "in principle" all plants have a potential medicinal the Vindhyas, Chotta Nagpur plateau, Aravalis, the Terai
value, although in practice a plant is referred to as medicinal region in the foothills of the Himalayas and the North East.
when it is so used by some system of medicine Less than 30 per cent of these medicinal plants are confined to
(http://www.dharmaayurveda. com). the temperate and colder zones although species of great
medicinal value occur in some of these habitats. A quick
Herbal medicine status in our country analysis of the available data shows that the proportion of
The vast and magnificent Indian flora is repository of medicinal plants recorded in the dry and moist deciduous
invaluable medicinal plants. Around 10 % of 250-750 tropical forests is higher as compared to those recorded in the
thousand species of higher plants that exist on earth are used tropical evergreen forest (Kala, et. al., 2006) [6]. Total no. of
in traditional medicine. Over 16,000 species of higher plants native species in flora and no. of medicinal plant species
are reported to occur in India, of which about 7500 plant reported in India comparison with world: In World 2,97,000
species are used for healthcare by various ethenic species of flora are found of which 52,885 species are known
communities in our country. More than 2,500 plant species of for its medicinal value (Schippmann, et al., 2002). In Indian
medicinal value have been well documented in Indian system Himalayas region 8,000 species of flora are found of which
of Medicine and under ethnobotany (Jain, 1991; Handa, 1996; 1,748 species are known for its medicinal value (Samant, et.
Udayam, 2005) [14, 25, 35]. Because is called as Botanical al., 1998). In India, 17,000 species of higher plants are found,
Garden of World. The herbal remedies are economical and 7500 are known for medicinal uses (Shiva, 1996).This
within the reach of common man. Three-fourths of world’s proportion of medicinal plants is the highest proportion of
population cannot afford the expensive products of western plants known for their medical purposes in any country of the
pharmaceuticals (Handa, 1996) [25]. 80% of people are almost world for the existing flora of that respective country listed in
completely dependent on traditional means for their primary following table (Singh and Hajra, 1996) [34].
healthcare needs (Fransworth, 1990; Pushpangadan, 1996 and Major institutions involved in the medicinal plants research in
WHO, 2000) [25, 36]. The knowledge of herbal medicine can be India: In India, many government and non-government
well explained with example of one plant Phyllanthus niruri is organizations works for improving the medicinal plants
used for treating jaundice in village communities in Southern sector. These agencies providing fund to other institute and
India, the application of this plant for the treatment of Viral person who is willing to work in the medicinal plants sector.
Hepatitis B has been validated and patented by American According to the mandate of NMPB, the projects may be
scientists. Over 50,000 herbal formulations have been submitted for funding within two major schemes: viz., a
developed for a very wide range of applications. Depth of promotional scheme and a commercial scheme.
study of plants is clearly indicate their manifold applications. The major areas within promotional scheme are: survey and
Several "hundred" applications of a particular plant used or in inventory of medicinal plants, in-situ conservation and ex-situ
various formulations for different purposes. e.g. amla or cultivation of selected medicinal plants, production of quality
gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), 180 formulations of Amla is planting material, diffusion of knowledge through education
available in market which is used in different disorders for and communication, promotion of global and domestic market
e.g., eye disorders like conjunctivitis, vision disorders; system, and strengthening research, development and man
hyperacidity, rheumatic disorders, abdominal disorders, power. Within the commercial scheme, the major thrust areas
jaundice, hiccough, breathing disorders, fever, cough, ear are: bulk production of medicinal plants and ensuring supply
disorders, good for hair growth and texture, skin disorders, of quality planting material, expansion of selected medicinal
intoxication due to alcohol and gynecological disorders etc plants farming areas, value addition in harvesting, processing
(http://www.dharmaayurveda.com). The therapeutic value of and marketing of medicinal plants, and developing innovative
Indian medicinal plants is well recognized and acknowledged marketing mechanism (Kala, et al., 2006) [16].
all over the world. There has been an ever enhancing
awareness globally to rely on natural remedies in place of the Activities concerning medicinal plants in India
chemical drugs. Certain activities launched by the Government for
The status of various medical systems in usage of plants in conservation and development of medicinal plants in India
India: Ayurveda, the oldest medical system in Indian, has these are (Hoarou and Dasilva, 1999) Herbal Gene Bank at
alone reported approximately 2000 medicinal plant species, the Tropical Botanic Garden Research Institute at
followed by Siddha (1121), Unani (751), Homeopathy (482) Thiruvananthapurnam promotes ethnopharmacological
and Tibetan (337). (Parajapati, 2003 and Rao, 2004) [26]. For research. Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic plants
the preparation of medicine maximum parts of plants utilized in Lucknow deals with tissue culture of medicinal plants of
is route i.e. 29% followed by whole plants i.e. 16%, bark 14% commercial significance and Germplasm Bank, Point
fruits 10%, others parts utilized in very less percentage as Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary at Tamil Nadu here more than
seeds 7, stem and leaves 6, flowers 5, rhizomes 4, wood 3 etc. 40 species of medicinal plants are maintained and protected.
Distribution of Medicinal Plants: Medicinal plants are equally
distributed across habits viz., trees, shrubs and herbs. Indian Scenario
Roughly, one third of the known medicinal plants are trees 120 plant derived chemical compounds have developed by
and equal proportion shrubs and the remaining one-third Pharmaceutical industry. The domestic Ayurvedic market is
herbs, epiphytes, grasses and climbers. Very small estimated to be US$ 1 billion and Growth rate is 15%
proportions of the medicinal plants are lower plants like annually. Annual trade of Indian medicinal plants is estimated
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to be Rs. 550 crores. Ayurvedic and herbal product turn-over having narrow margin of safety. Herbal therapeutic used for
is Rs.25000 crores. This include Rs. 1200 crores of over the viral infections are very scares Locher, 1995 [20].
counter formulations. Global herbal industry is estimated to Antidiabetic plants Diabetes mellitus is a multifactorial
be US$ 50 billion annually, growth rate 6.5% annually. The disease that has a significant impact on health, qualities of life
Indian contribution to the global industry is 1% only. World as well as on the health care system. Despite of considerable
Bank report 1998, world trade in medicinal plants is expected progress in the management of Diabetes mellitus by synthetic
to be of order of US$ 5 trillion by AD 2050. Production of drugs, the search for indigenous natural anti- diabetic agents
herbal veterinary products: Rs. 500 crores, 2010 (Mody, 2005 is still going on. Ethnobotanical information indicate that
and Alam, 2009) [21, 1]. more than 800 plants are used as traditional remedies for the
Annual export trends in medicinal plants and Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes throughout the world. Plants possess
products of India over past four financial years: There are two antidiabetic activity reorted by (Grover 2002 and Eddouks
type of export of herbal plants either in crude form or finished 2004) [8, 5]. M. charantia, Eugenia jambolana, Mucuna
formulation. Here is the report of export of herbal plant from pruriens, T. cordifolia, T. foenum graecum, O. sanctum, P.
1999-2003. Both are giving encouraging performance but marsupium, Murraya koeingii, Brassica juncea. Sabu and
according to an estimate, the quantity of export of Ayurvedic Kuttan in 2002 reported that Terminalia chebula, Terminalia
products/ finished formulation produced in India has tripled belerica, Emblica officinalis these three plants contain
and also exceed over crude plant material export between last antioxidant property along with antidiabetic property.
two financial years (2001–2002 and 2002–2003.
If we see utility of plants then plants are used against trivial Antifungal activity of plants
therapeutic value to the uses of certain plants in life Traditional plants are a valuable source of novel antifungal
threatening conditions like viral hepatitis, cancer and many agents. As per WHO 50% prescription drug for the treatment
more, like Allium cepa is used to treat stomach carcinoma, of fungal infection is of herbal in nature. Following plants and
Andrographis paniculata is used in viral hepatitis. Boswellia their plant parts having antifungal property.
serrata is known to have therapeutic value in ulcerative colitis,
osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. In emergency Antiparasitic plants
treatment treatment of heart failure we can use Cedrus Parasitism is one of the major problem for the livestock owner
deodara. Cuminum cyminum is one of the best alternative for in India, here the livestocks are owned by small farmers in
therapeutic management of diabetes mellitus. Holarrhena majority and due to poor economic condition modern
antidysenterica is having great cosmetic value used against veterinary medicine many time may not be available at the
facial acne resistant to cure chemically. Certain herbs having door of farmers or may be expensive. Several modern
nutritional value also Peucedanum graveolens having full of researchers have elaborated the use of plant drugs in the
vit.A and E in there content. Where as Sesamum indicum is treatment of parasitism. At such instances herbal
used to remove warts by this way herbs are having versatile anthelmintics offers valuable alternative for the same.
therapeutic value. Number of plants have been identified to possess
antihelmintic activity following are the list of certain plants:
Antibacterial plants Antineoplastic plants: Since at least 1500 BC plant and plant
In the present scenario of emergence of multiple drug extracts have been recognized as having anticancer activities,
resistance to human and animal pathogenic organisms, this surveys by Heartwell leasted at least 3000 species posses
has necessitated a search for new antimicrobial substances anticancer activities. However the rationale, organized study
from other sources including plants. Traditionally used of plants as a source of potential antineoplastic agents
medicinal plants produce a variety of compounds of known probably evaluated with the pioneering studies of Heartwell et
therapeutic properties (Iyengar, 1985; Chopra et al., 1992; al., during the period 1947-1953 in which for the first time
Harborne and Baxter, 1995) [13, 3, 10]. The substances that can pure plant constituents were isolated, characterized and
either inhibit the growth of pathogens or kill them and have associated with the antitumor activity of the crude extracts.
no or least toxicity to host cells are considered candidates for This is the only area of the herbal therapeutics where
developing new antimicrobial drugs. In recent years, treatment is exclusively with active principle instead of crude
antimicrobial properties of medicinal plants are being formulation. Certain plants and drug derived from them is
increasingly reported from different parts of the world listed below: Cissus quandrangularis, Cyphostemma
(Grosvenor et al., 1995; Ratnakar and Murthy, 1995; Silva et flaviflorum, Cyphostemma lanigerum Cyphostemma
al., 1996; David, 1997; Saxena, 1997; Nimri et al., 1999; natalitium, Cyphostemma sp., Rhoicissus digitata, Rhoicissus
Saxena and Sharma, 1999) [7, 27, 4, 30, 3]. It is expected that plant rhomboidea Rhoicissus tomentosa, R. Tridentata reported by
extracts showing target sites other than those used by (Wall and Wani 1997).
antibiotics will be active against drug-resistant microbial Herbal drugs in veterinary field: Presently comparing to the
pathogens. However, very little information is available on pharmaceutical company dealing with the allopathic drugs
such activity of medicinal plants (Hasegawa et al., 1995; Lee only few (5) pharmaceutical company are in list for the
et al., 1998) [11, 19]. service of herbal drugs formulation and distribution and here
30 medium or small – scale manufactures and about 500
Antiviral plants licensed small manufactures are on record. Due to bitter test
Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites which can’t of synthetic drugs the demand for herbal medicines is
replicate independently and must utilize the hosts cell increasing day by day. Some companies are dealing with
pathways. Drugs that affect the viral processes must penetrate herbal as well as allopathic drug. There are 100 herbal
the host cells and in doing so, they are likely to adversely formulations are available in Indian market for veterinary use
affect the normal pathway of the host cell. Because of the and number of major plants involved in their formulation is
close association between virus and host cell, chemotherapy 50 (Alam, 2009) [1].
of viral disease is difficult and antiviral drug are generally
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