Appendix Riska
Appendix Riska
Appendix Riska
Appendix 1 (Pre-test)
Try Everything
I. Core Competencies
1. Responding to and practicing the teachings of the religion they
adhere to
2. Appreciate behavior (honest, disciplined, responsible, caring,
polite, curious, confident, tolerant, internal motivation, healthy
lifestyle, and environmentally friendly) in interacting
effectively with the social and natural environment within
reach of association and existence.
3. Understand knowledge (factual, conceptual and procedural) in
science, technology, art, culture and humanities with religious,
national, state and civilization insights related to visible
phenomena and events.
4. Trying, processing and presenting various things in the
concrete realm (using, parsing, assembling, modifying, and
creating) and the abstract realm (writing, reading, counting,
drawing and composing) in accordance with what is learned at
school and from various other sources same point of
II. Basic competencies
1. Grateful for the opportunity to learn English as the language of
international communication.
2. Appreciate the behavior of responsibility, caring, cooperation
and peace-loving, in carrying out functional communication
3. Mention social functions and linguistic elements in songs.
4. Capturing the message in the song
III. Indicator
1. Spiritual
Grateful for God's gift of the existence of English as the
language of international communication
2. Social
Adopt a responsible, caring, cooperative and peace-loving
attitude, in carrying out functional communication consistently
3. Knowledge
Understanding, applying, analyzing factual, conceptual,
procedural knowledge based on curiosity about science,
technology, arts, culture, and humanities with insights into
humanity, nationality, statehood, and civilization related to the
causes of phenomena and events, and applying procedural
knowledge to the field of study specific according to their
talents and interests to solve problems.
4. Skills
Processing, reasoning, and presenting in concrete realms
and abstract realms related to the development of what one
learns at school independently, and being able to use methods
according to scientific principles
IV. Objective
1. Spiritual
After the learning process, students are grateful for the
opportunity to learn English consistently as an international
2. Social
After observing and discussing oral and written texts about
place descriptions, students behave responsibly, care, cooperate
and love peace, in carrying out functional communication
3. Knowledge
After observing and discussing spoken and written texts
about place descriptions, students can explain social functions,
text structures and linguistic elements appropriately.
4. Skills
After understanding and discussing oral and written
interpersonal texts, students can process, reason, and present in
concrete realms and abstract realms related to the development
of what they learn at school independently, and are able to use
methods according to scientific rules
V. Learning Materials
Fact: Song text
Draft Social function: Entertain, express feelings, teach moral
messages Procedure Linguistic elements:
1. Words, expressions, and grammar in works of art in the form
of songs.
2. Spelling and handwriting and printing are clear and neat.
3. Speech, word pressure, intonation, when listen to English
VI. Learning Resources/Media
1. Source: Audio CDs/VCDs/DVDs English
2. Learning Media: Audio, White Board, Board marker, work
sheet and laptop.
VII. Learnin methods
1. Approach: scientific approach
2. Method: Listening learning method
3. Techniques: lectures, discussions, questions and answers,
VIII. Learning Steps