Evidence-Based Reasoning

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Editorial to the Special Issue on Evidence-based Reasoning and Applications, Computing

in Science and Engineering, Vol. 20, Issue 6, pp. 1-2, November/December 2018

Reasoning and
Gheorghe Tecuci This special CiSE issue features recent work on the
Computer Science
Department and Learning theory and applications of evidence-based reasoning.
Agents Center, George Different approaches to this type of reasoning,
Mason University
including interactive and automatic ones, are
discussed and illustrated in intelligence analysis,
medicine, and cybersecurity.

Evidence is any observable sign, datum, or item of information that is relevant in deciding
whether a statement or hypothesis we are considering (e.g., a scientific or medical claim) is true
or false. It is important to realize that almost any item of information we are dealing with is not a
fact, but evidence about that fact. Indeed, measurement instruments are imperfect and may not
even be well-calibrated, our senses as well are imperfect and our observations may not entirely
reflect the reality, statements from people may be biases or sometimes even deliberately decep-
tive, and so on.1
Evidence-based reasoning is the type of reasoning that explicitly treats information as evidence,
when assessing the truthfulness of hypotheses. In particular, it considers evidence as always be-
ing incomplete and with various degrees of credibility, and that it may also be ambiguous (not
clear what it says), inconclusive (consistent with more than one hypothesis), and contradictory
(some favoring one hypothesis while other evidence favoring other hypotheses).2
Evidence-based reasoning is at the core of many problem solving and decision making tasks in a
wide variety of domains, including law, intelligence analysis, forensics, cybersecurity, medicine,
physics, chemistry, history, archaeology, and many others.3 This is not surprising because, as
Jeremy Bentham stated over two centuries ago, “The field of evidence is no other than the field
of knowledge.”4
This special issue features recent work on the theory and applications of evidence-based reason-
ing. Three of the papers are by performers in the Crowdsourcing Evidence, Argumentation,
Thinking and Evaluation (CREATE) program of the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects
Activity (IARPA). Launched in January 2017, CREATE is a 4.5-year effort to develop and ex-
perimentally test systems that use crowdsourcing and structured analytic techniques to improve

analytic reasoning. These papers present applications to intelligence analysis. Another paper pre-
sents a general cognitive view on reasoning with evidence, and focuses on its application to med-
icine. While all these approaches view evidence-based reasoning as a collaborative human-
machine effort, the fifth paper in this special issue views evidence-based reasoning as an auto-
matic process performed by intelligent agents, in the area of cybersecurity.
In “Evidence-based Reasoning in Intelligence Analysis: Structured Methodology and System,”
the authors introduce a systematic methodology for “connecting the dots” in intelligence analy-
sis, based on the scientific method, that encompasses the processes of hypotheses generation, ev-
idence collection, and hypotheses analysis. This approach is implemented in the Cogent
cognitive assistant that facilitates a synergistic integration of analyst imaginative reasoning and
expertise with agent knowledge and critical reasoning, to develop Wigmorean argumentations2
for answering intelligence questions. The analysis methodology and the capabilities of Cogent
are illustrated with a detailed example of answering the question “Which surface-to-air missile
system is Manada selling Sindia?” based on imperfect information.
In “SWARM: Cultivating Evidence-Based Reasoning,” the authors describe an online collabora-
tion platform supporting evidence-based reasoning, focusing on its three main design principles:
cultivating user engagement, exploiting natural expertise, and supporting rich collaboration.
SWARM attempts to cultivate user engagement by providing opportunities for users to satisfy
three deep needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Exploiting natural expertise means
setting up the conditions for users to freely exercise their reasoning abilities in ways they feel are
most productive to them. Finally, the system is designed to provide rich mechanisms of collabo-
ration in developing reports for answering intelligence questions. Although the application focus
of SWARM is intelligence analysis, the platform is generic enough to be used in other domains
as well.
In “User-Centered Design and Experimentation to Develop Effective Software for Evidence-
Based Reasoning in the Intelligence Community: The TRACE Project,” the authors describe
their work on experimentally evaluating existing structured analytic techniques in order to deter-
mine the most effective ones. The best methods are integrated into the TRACE system together
with additional techniques, including nudging, checklists, structured debate, and pros and cons.
To help reasoners process and understand information from multiple sources, TRACE includes
tools to enable highlighting, commenting, and tagging. A final checklist of attributes of a com-
pleted analytic report helps improve its overall quality of reasoning.
In “Evidence and Argument: A Cognitive View,” the author proposes a unified perspective on
evidence and evidence-based reasoning, as a generalization of the evidentiary practice in law,
science, and medicine. Based on the observation that the degree to which evidence supports hy-
potheses in law or in science is not usually quantified, he presents an alternative to the eviden-
tiary reasoning approaches that are based exclusively on probability concepts. His approach is
based on logical theories of argumentation, relying on qualitative and logical representations of
knowledge when uncertainty cannot be quantified. This offers a natural, qualitative way of rea-
soning with evidence, the practicality of which was demonstrated in a wide range of deployed
medical applications.
Finally, in “Evidence-based Detection of Advanced Persistent Threats,” the authors present an
innovative approach to automatically detecting sophisticated cyberattacks that currently can only
be detected manually by cyber analysts. First, a cybersecurity expert teaches a learning agent
how to detect such attacks, through explained examples of analysis that follow the systematic
approach presented in the first paper of this special issue. The trained learning agent is then cus-
tomized into a team of specialized autonomous collaborative agents that are integrated into a cy-
bersecurity operations center to defend against cyberattacks by applying the learned expertise.
As opposed to the approaches presented in the other papers of this issue, this paper shows how
one can automate the entire process of evidence-based reasoning, including the most challenging
one of hypotheses generation that involves abductive (imaginative) reasoning. The paper also
discusses the broader applicability of this approach to other areas, such as intelligence, surveil-
lance and reconnaissance, or automatic monitoring of industrial installation or patients.

Papers like those from this special issue are steps in the development of the emerging Science of
Evidence,5 a new discipline of a the highest importance given the pervasiveness and importance
of evidence and evidence-based reasoning, not only in so many scientific or engineering disci-
plines, but also in our daily lives. Indeed, we would be well-advised to apply evidence-based rea-
soning in all our understanding of the information we encounter, whether from the Internet, the
media, or our direct communication.

This research is based upon work supported in part by the Office of the Director of National
Intelligence (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) under
contract number 2017-16112300009, by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) under
contract number FA8750-17-C-0002, and by George Mason University. The views and con-
clusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as neces-
sarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of ODNI, IARPA,
AFRL, or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and dis-
tribute reprints for governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation

1. Schum, D. A., The Evidential Foundations of Probabilistic Reasoning. Northwestern
University Press, 2001.
2. Tecuci, G., Schum, D. A., Marcu, D., and Boicu, M., Intelligence Analysis as
Discovery of Evidence, Hypotheses, and Arguments: Connecting the Dots, Cambridge
University Press, 2016.
3. Tecuci G., Marcu D., Boicu M., Schum D.A., Knowledge Engineering: Building
Cognitive Assistants for Evidence-based Reasoning, Cambridge University Press,
4. Bentham, J. (1810). An Introductory View of the Rationale of the Law of Evidence for
Use by Non-lawyers as well as Lawyers (vi works 1-187 (Bowring edition, 1837-43)
originally edited by James Mill circa 1810).
5. Schum, D. A., (2009). A science of evidence: contributions from law and probability,
Law, Probability and Risk, 8, 197−231, doi:10.1093/lpr/mgp002


Gheorghe Tecuci is Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Learning Agents
Center at George Mason University, member of the Romanian Academy, and former Chair
of Artificial Intelligence at the U.S. Army War College. Email: [email protected]

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