Ohm Upd Contents 15042017-Toc
Ohm Upd Contents 15042017-Toc
Ohm Upd Contents 15042017-Toc
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35 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Abdul Rashid Khan on 29 April 2017.
This manual is made possible by the generous support of the American people
through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The
contents are the responsibility of the Malaysia One Health University Network un-
der the Emerging Pandemic Threats 2 One Health Workforce Project and do not nec-
essarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. USAID re-
serves a royalty-free nonexclusive and irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, or
otherwise use, and to authorize others to use the work for Government purposes.
Published by
Readers are free to reproduce any part of this book by just acknowledging Malaysia
One Health University Network (MyOHUN) as the source.
ISBN 978-967-960-416-0
3 Laboratory Involvement 45
Appendices 117
Index 148
FIRST, I wish to congratulate the members of the multisectoral and multidisciplinary team
from government agencies and the universities, working under the Malaysia One Health Uni-
versity Network (MyOHUN), for initiating and successfully completing this novel Manual.
This One Health Manual is a much needed, and welcome addition, to the existing guide-
lines and manuals on outbreak management in our country. I believe that this is the first
local Manual that deals with zoonoses outbreak investigation based on the One Health
paradigm. While the general concepts of One Health are now better known and accepted,
how to implement the One Health concept is still not clearly understood. The Manual’s
strength lies in its transdisciplinary (and not just interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary)
and multisectoral approach to the surveillance, prevention, investigation and control of
zoonoses. It is hoped that this Manual will address, to some extent, the numerous issues
and barriers related to implementation of One Health, thereby bridging the gap between
concept and implementation.
Users of this Manual should first read the Introduction to gain a quick understanding of
the One Health Paradigm, as well as its history and development. The six Chapters of
the Manual cover the following topics: (1) Preparations for outbreak investigation, (2)
Establish and verify the diagnosis of zoonotic diseases, (3) Laboratory involvement, (4)
Developing, evaluating and refining hypotheses, (5) Implementation of control measures,
and (6) Communication during outbreak investigations. The authors have done their best
to address the topics based on the One Health concept.
Making One Health operational provides an excellent opportunity for convergence and
synergy between the priorities of the human health, and the animal health sectors. In Ma-
laysia, much work still need to be done to address the seven Essential issues and challeng-
es for putting One Health into practice, and the five steps listed in the Way Forward section
of the Introduction of this Manual.
Finally, I suggest that MyOHUN collect feedback from users of this Manual, so that short-
falls can be addressed and improvements made to future editions.
“ONE HEALTH” is a concept that human health, animal health and ecosystems are
interdependent and bound to each other to work in harmony. If one component is imbal-
anced, then the others will be affected.
The One Health concept has been envisaged and implemented by the World Organi-
zation for Animal Health (OIE) since year 2000 as a collaborative global approach to
understanding the risks for human, animal and ecosystem health as a whole. Controlling
zoonotic pathogens at their animal source is the most effective and economic way of
protecting humans. These initiatives should be coordinated at the human–animal–eco-
systems interface and applied at the national level through the implementation of appro-
priate policies. Therefore, this Manual is a good initiative taken as a guide for working
collaboratively in handling zoonotic disease outbreaks efficiently and effectively.
Since animal is the main source of human pathogens, controlling all animal pathogens
at their animal source is the most effective and economic way of protecting people;
therefore collaborative and multi-sectoral and multidisciplinary approach, centred on the
concept of “One Health” is important to be realised. Being aware of health risks at the
human–animal–ecosystems interface is the cornerstone of their prevention and control.
It is high time that a Manual like this is developed to be used as a guide of how One
Health approach can be applied in zoonotic disease management.
EMERGING infectious and zoonotic diseases have been identified as a major threat to
the health of people and animals globally, and to the security of our food systems and the
environments. In the past few decades, several emerging infectious and zoonotic disease
outbreaks have occurred at an unprecedented rate, which resulted in suffering and death
of human and animals, and imposed enormous financial burden on society. The unique
nature of emerging infectious and zoonotic disease requires rigorous procedures involving
trans-disciplinary team; a team of many individuals from different specialties and exper-
tise. At present, there are various Standard Operation Procedures used by governmental
departments or ministries in handling disease outbreak. Malaysia One Health University
Network (MyOHUN) sees this opportunity as imperative to revise and introduce a com-
mon manual for the use of novice and for guidance of workers in the field to respond and
manage an emerging infectious and zoonotic disease outbreak.
This manual is a product of the joint efforts of MyOHUN members, a national network
under the umbrella of South East Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN)
dedicated in building capacity of the global health workforce to prevent, detect and re-
spond to emerging infectious and zoonotic diseases with the financial support from The
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and in collaboration with
the University of Minnesota and Tuft University, USA. As the chairman of MyOHUN, I
sincerely hope that this manual will be used to train our students from the medical, veter-
inary and other related disciplines, and will provide ministerial officers and practitioner's
guide when handling emerging infectious and zoonotic diseases. I am humbled and am
extremely grateful to the contributors of this manual, led by Prof Abdul Rashid Khan and
team members from universities and ministries, for their time and determination leading
towards its completion. It is indeed a testament to the commitment of members of MyO-
HUN to the education and training of the current and future one health workforce on the
emerging infectious and zoonotic diseases. Thank you.
TO ME, “One Health” connotes “multidisciplinary collaboration”. Although most are
aware with the term multidisciplinary but the concept of One Health is alien to some and
the idea of working in a multidisciplinary team disconcerting. This is not surprising con-
sidering it is human nature to fear things/concepts we are not familiar with. Interestingly
it was fear that triggered experts to appreciate the importance of coordinated collaboration
of a multidisciplinary team. The estimated 50 million deaths associated with the Span-
ish influenza at the end of the First World War triggered a worldwide fear of a pandemic
when HPAI H5N1 emerged. This resulted in the start of the One Health concept being
taken seriously by experts and governments. One Health has now progressed beyond the
“bird flu” and SARS pandemic threat to enclose other zoonotic diseases and beyond, in-
cluding climate change as a global threat.
The population of the world is increasing and it is inevitable that the interface between
humans, animals and environment becomes more intimate. Because of the increased hu-
man-animal interaction, compounded by the increasing land use, changes in climate and
international trade and travel, the risk of exposure to new and existing pathogens also in-
creases incrementally. Because both humans and animals carry many similarities there is
a real risk of infections originating from either. Hence it is pertinent that we are aware of
the similarity and interconnectivity of these two species health in planning and preventing
global disease prevention measures. With the increase in awareness, knowledge and un-
derstanding of the interdependency of the human, animal and environment interaction, the
One Health concept is now gaining momentum in the world.
Although One Health is generally considered as a new concept but the foundation had
been laid long ago with Hippocrates work in “On Airs, Waters and Places”. In the 1800’s
Rudolf Virchow succinctly described this concept - “Between animal and human medi-
cine there is no dividing line—nor should there be. The object is different but the experi-
ence obtained constitutes the basis of all medicine.” But not until the 1980’s, when epide-
miologist Calvin Schwabe called for a unified human and veterinary approach to combat
zoonotic diseases, was the modern foundation for One Health laid. But it took almost an-
other three decades before the American Veterinary Medical Association and the Ameri-
can Medical Association adopted the concept. The idea and concept has now grown large
and many international organizations including the Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Organisa-
tion for Animal Health (OIE), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World
Bank, and the United Nations System Influenza Coordination (UNSIC) have adopted the
principles of One Health.
In the search for the most appropriate definition of One Health, I found a myriad, but
all of which point to a common theme - collaboration. The importance of collaboration
cannot be emphasized enough, collaboration increase the thought process, effectiveness,
optimize resources and break down the practice and mentality of working in silos and en-
ables the building of new networks and expanding of existing ones among professionals
through multidisciplinary communication, cooperation, and collaboration.
Outbreak investigations which are a component of epidemiology and public health, are
not only important for immediate identification of the source of the outbreak but also to
prevent future outbreaks by increasing the knowledge and skills of the persons involved
in the investigations. In most instances, outbreak investigation requires individuals with
different background to be effective. Hence outbreak investigation provides a unique op-
portunity for collaboration, training and cooperation between the people with different
disciplines i.e. a One Health team. Internationally, One Health teams usually comprise of
physicians, veterinarians, wildlife specialists, environmentalists, anthropologists, econo-
mist and sociologist. This eclectic group is the best means of controlling infectious diseas-
es including zoonotic infections some of which have a potential to cause extensive human
morbidity and mortality, however this concept is still novel within Malaysian.
We are cognizant that there are many standard operating procedures to investigate and
control infectious diseases but all are very specific to each discipline. Hence this project
provided a unique opportunity to create a manual to encompass the One Health concept in
an interdisciplinary team collaborating to investigate an outbreak and provide an avenue
to educate existing and future One Health workforce.
This manual was prepared by a multidisciplinary team; for some this was a first experi-
ence working in an One Health team. The exercise of preparing this manual provided us
with the opportunity to understand each other’s invaluable role in zoonotic disease pre-
vention and control. It is our fervent hope that the users of this manual will benefit from
it and become productive one health members in the prevention and control of zoonotic
infections. This manual is not meant to replace existing manuals/standard operating pro-
cedures available but rather to complement and provide opportunities for field workers to
consider all aspects of disease control. The content of this manual was taken from many
sources which we have cited, we encourage the user to refer to these sources for further
reference. Considering this user friendly multidisciplinary One Health manual on han-
dling disease outbreaks is the first of its kind, we look forward to feedbacks and sugges-
tions for improvement in the future edition.
‘It is not the strongest of the species who survive, nor the most intelligent; rather it is
those most responsive to change’ (Charles Darwin).
One Health is an important response to change, change to the way we respond to emerg-
ing and remerging infectious diseases. Our survival depends on it!
WE WOULD like to thank USAID and MyOHUN, especially Prof Dr Mohd Hair Bejo
the chairman of MyOHUN and Assoc. Prof Dr Latiffah Hassan, coordinator MyOHUN
for the support and the encouragement as well as for their vision in supporting this inno-
vative endeavour.
We would like to thank Prof Stanley Gordon Fenwick for his advice and suggestions in
the development of the Manual.
We would also like to thank our employers for their understanding and support:
We would also like to extend our gratitude to Mr Raja Khairul Adli Bin Raja Kamalz-
aman and his MyOHUN National Coordinating Office team for their invaluable help in
making this project a success.
Finally I would like to congratulate and thank the team in making this experience pleasant
and educational for me personally. It may be small, but all of us have played a part in the
Global Health Security Agenda.
PERHILITAN - Department of Wildlife and National Parks
PHEICs - Public Health Emergencies of International Concern
PPKP - Assistant Environmental Health Officer
PUO - Pyrexia of unknown origins
RAT - Rapid Action Team
RBPT - Rose Bengal Plate Test
RR - Relative Risk
RRT - Rapid Response Team
RTPCR - Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction
SPS - Sanitary and Phytosanitary
STI - Sexually Transmittable Illnesses
UNICEF - United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
VRI - Veterinary Research Institute
WHO - World Health Organization
Prof Dr Abdul Rashid Khan MBBS, MHSc, PhD
Penang Medical College
Deputy Dean, Post Graduate Affairs and International Relations
Head, Department of Public Health Medicine
Director, University College Dublin MSc Public Health in Penang Medical College
Email: [email protected]
Dr Andrew Kiyu, MBBS, MPH, DrPH, AM, FACE
Consultant epidemiologist,
Sarawak Health Department.
Email: [email protected]
Dr Rosnah Ismail, MBBS, PgDip.OH, MPH, DrPH
Public Health Physician
Occupational Health Unit, Community Health Department, Faculty of Medicine, UKM
Email: [email protected]
Chapter 1
Dr Andrew Kiyu, MBBS, MPH, DrPH, AM, FACE
Consultant epidemiologist,
Sarawak Health Department.
Email: [email protected]
Chapter 2
Dr John T Arokiasamy, MBBS, MPH, MSc Epidemiology
Professor and Head,
Department of Community Medicine, International Medical University, Kuala Lumpur.
Email: [email protected]
Dr Seng Fong Lau, DVM, PhD
Department of Veterinary Clinical Studies, Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine, UPM
Email: [email protected]
Chapter 3
Dr Ramlan bin Mohamed, PhD
Chief Deputy Director
Division of Research and Innovation
Department of Veterinary Services
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Zurin Azlin Binti Md. Jinin, DVM
Veterinary Officer
Veterinary Research Institute
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Chapter 4
Associate Prof Dr Razitasham Safii, MBBS, M. Comm Health
Department of Community Medicine and Public Health
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Email:[email protected]
Dr Siti Zubaidah Ramanoon, DVM, MSc., PhD
Department of Medicine and Surgery of Farm and Exotic Animals
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang Selangor
Email: [email protected]
Chapter 5
Associate Professor Dr Hidayatul Fathi Othman, BSc, MSc, PhD
Biomedical Science Programme
Email: [email protected]
Chapter 6
Dr. Moniza Waheed, B.Comm, MA, PhD
Department of Communication
Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Email: [email protected]
Further investigations into a variety of wildlife species revealed a plethora of new viruses
carried by fruit and insectivorous bats, rodents and other species of wildlife from around
the globe.
Following WHO’s advice, the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH, 2006) also put in
place structures (planning committee) and a policy document (interim national plan)
aimed at providing guidance and the capacity to adequately pre-empt, respond, and con-
tain such outbreaks through rapid, timely and coordinated inter-sectoral and inter-agencies
action. Six phases of pandemic preparedness and response were identified, with clearly
specified goals, and the responsible agencies/personnel including public health, medical,
laboratory, risk communication and pharmaceuticals. This action plan and steps are de-
tailed on pages 24 to 42 of the National Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plan (2006),
available at: http://jknns.moh.gov.my/v1/images/borang/cdc/s.National%20Influenza%20
While the above guidelines were specific for influenza control, the One Health Paradigm
builds on these and emphasises a trans-disciplinary approach in prevention and response
to all zoonotic diseases outbreak.
In order to deal with zoonotic outbreaks effectively, Malaysia needs to move from the
current siloed approach to a trans-disciplinary approach, namely the One Health par-
adigm. This is necessary because many emergent pathogens are not only linked to in-
creasing contact between humans and animals, both domestic and wild, but also to the
intensification and integration of food production, to the need for clean drinking water,
to climate, and to the expansion of international travel and trade. The role of the wild-
life-livestock-human-ecosystem interfaces has been fundamental to the development of
the One Health paradigm over the past decade, a concept that recognizes that the health
of humans, animals, and ecosystems are interconnected, and that to better understand and
respond to zoonotic diseases requires coordinated, collaborative, multidisciplinary and
cross-sectoral approaches.
The Manhattan Principles of the Wildlife Conservation Society (2004) states that:
“It is clear that no one discipline or sector of society has enough knowledge and
resources to prevent the emergence or resurgence of diseases in today’s globalized
world. Only by breaking down the barriers among agencies, individuals, specialties
and sectors can we unleash the innovation and expertise needed to meet the many
serious challenges to the health of people, domestic animals, and wildlife and to
the integrity of ecosystems. We are in an era of “One World, One Health” (OWOH)
and we must devise adaptive, forward-looking and multidisciplinary solutions to
the challenges that undoubtedly lie ahead” (http://www.oneworldonehealth.org).
In June 2007, The American Medical Association (AMA) passed the One Health Resolu-
tion Promoting Partnership between Human and Veterinary Medicine. On July 3, 2007,
the House of Delegates of the AMA unanimously approved a resolution calling for in-
creased collaboration between the human and veterinary medical communities. The term
One Health was used in this Resolution. Thus, in this document, the term “One Health” is
used instead of “One World One Health” or any other similar terms.
“The concept of One Health is not new; the recognition that the health of people,
animals and the ecosystems of which we are part, are inextricably woven togeth-
er and is as old as human culture (Veterinarians Without Borders 2010). Over
2,500 years ago Hippocrates urged physicians that all aspects of their patients’
lives need to be considered including their environment. However, the concept has
been more commonly associated with the nineteenth century physician Rudolf Vir-
chow, who acknowledged the similarities between human and animal medicine,
and who first used the term ‘zoonosis’ for infections acquired from animals.”
Much more recently in the mid-1960s, the eminent American veterinary epidemiologist,
Calvin Schwabe, also recognized that the health of humans, animals and ecosystems are
interconnected, which he referred to as “One Medicine” in his textbook “Veterinary Medi-
cine and Human Health” .
The significance of zoonoses in the emergence of human infectious diseases was also rec-
ognized in the 1992 Institute of Medicine Report ‘Emerging Infections: Microbial Threats
to Health in the United States’, and the subsequent 2003 Report ’Microbial Threats to
Health: Emergence, Detection, and Response’. These and a number of subsequent meet-
ings and events have been instrumental in further developing and defining the One Health
Appendix Introduction 1 lists the major milestones in the development of One Health.
The breadth and scope of One Health makes it difficult to find a definition that covers all
aspects, and indeed the lack of consensus gives the One Health approach much greater
flexibility .
“There are two major camps with One World One Health. On one end are those
who focus almost exclusively on the goal of preventing pandemic zoonotic dis-
eases in people. At the other end are those who view OWOH as a continuum of
health risks and benefits from the environment through animals, to people (Fig-
ures Introduction 1 and 2). This latter view has many similarities to sustainability,
health promotion and ecohealth. Between these definitions is the recognition that
animals can contribute to public health outcomes in a variety of different ways.”
This is the concept of One Health that is adopted in this manual, because “there is
a general agreement, especially in national One Health programmes, of the need
to focus on the animal-human infectious diseases interface as ‘doable’ whilst ex-
tending activities to develop infrastructure and capacity to a broader approach”.
Figure Introduction 1. The One Health concept recognizes the interrelationship between
animal, human, and environmental health
Source: Adapted from Mazet, J., H. McDermott, and T. Goldstein (2015).
Currently, the division of labour among public institutions results in a segmented or vertical
organization of work, in which institutions operate independently of one another and from
the perspective of their discipline or sector. This unavoidably leads to gaps, and sometimes to
overlaps. For practitioners working in this framework, the starting point for action tends to re-
volve around the question “What am I responsible for?” rather than “What needs to be done?”
There is a need to change the organization of work across disciplines and start with the
question “What needs to be done?” This implies a substantial reorientation along horizon-
tal lines in which regular communication takes place between practitioners at work in dif-
ferent disciplines and sectors. This does not imply an amalgamation of work but rather the
creation of a culture in which practitioners are more likely to understand the significance
of a finding or event within their own field for practitioners in other fields. Figure Intro-
duction 3 presents these two orientations.
Working across disciplines means that One Health requires a trans-disciplinary ap-
proach, which implies an exchange of knowledge and skills between disciplines in work-
ing together for a desired outcome. On the other hand, “multidisciplinary” is defined as
many disciplines being involved and “inter-disciplinary” as disciplines working very
closely with one another and plans fully integrated .
Human Animal Tourism Trade Others Human Animal Tourism Trade Others
Health Health Health Health
For the purpose of this Chapter, the most suitable guide is New Zealand’s Guidelines for
the Investigation and Control of Disease Outbreaks. Porirua: Institute of Environmental
Science & Research Limited; updated 2012. There are eight principal components of out-
break management as shown in Table Introduction 2. The connections between the eight
steps are shown in Figure Introduction 4.
Malaysia is in the same situation as described above, especially since the One Health par-
adigm is relatively new here. It was introduced about five years ago in December 2011,
through the formation of SEAOHUN (South East Asia One Health University Network),
initially with 10 universities from four countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Viet-
One of the meetings directed at developing ways to put the concepts of One Health into
practice was an expert consultation entitled “One World, One Health: From Ideas to Ac-
tion”, sponsored by the Public Health Agency of Canada in 2009.
and Assessment
Environmental Outbreak
component Documentation
Source: Institute of Environmental Science & Research Limited (updated 2012), p13
These are the things that Malaysia also has to do if it is to advance the concept and the
practice of One Health in the country.
Essential issues and challenges for putting One Health into practice
1. Leadership
Strong leadership is needed for the development of a One Health approach, and this is a
crucial issue that the country has to address. Leadership is essential for building relation-
ships and trust, both vertically within an organization and from community to internation-
al levels but most importantly horizontally between disciplines and within communities.
In Malaysia (as in many other countries), the sectors and disciplines needed to collab-
orate, for a One Health approach is based in different institutes, departments and min-
istries. Offering leadership in this complex environment is often seen as threatening or
“empire building”. On the contrary, the One Health approach is alliance-building towards
a trans-disciplinary approach to working, and leadership is crucial if the benefits of a One
Health approach are to be realized.
The lead Ministry as well as the designation of a leader must be identified. The World
Bank (2010) recommends that:
Depending on the capacity of public institutions within a country, a number of options are
• Creating a special permanent cross-sectoral coordination mechanism (which
could have several working groups), either through the exchange of memoranda
of agreement between the different ministries and agencies involved, the pri-
mary responsibility of which is to prepare prevention strategies and regularly
update contingency plans to address eventual new or re-emerging outbreaks.
• Establishing a coordinating authority at the executive level of government, such
as at the prime minister or deputy prime minister level, to which the agencies
responsible for public health, veterinary services, and the environment must all
report. This may take the form of a task force assigned to define an integrated
strategy, oversee the preparation of contingency plans, and ensure their full
• Establishing special One Health teams composed of representatives of the
human, animal, and ecosystem institutions, with particular responsibility for
diseases at the animal-human-ecosystem interface; or
• Creating an independent agency for public health, including zoonoses and
food safety, with characteristics similar to those established in Canada and
Denmark. For example, the Canadian Food Protection Agency has delineated
a key priority for the Office of the Chief Food Safety Officer to ‘steward’ One
Health nationally.
There is a need to cultivate a climate of mutual confidence between the concerned parties,
and between human medicine and health professionals and veterinarians in particular, as
this is a necessary condition for effective collaboration. One way to move towards this is
through education, and assigning importance to joint operations (such as in One Health
teams); this can help to increase opportunities to bridge these professional gaps and to
form interfaces.
Bear in mind that institutional and cultural change is long-term in nature and requires de-
liberate and sustained efforts to achieve.
Legislation that facilitates selective interaction between medical and veterinary services
have to be formulated. With a proper legal framework and appropriate training, however,
certain select public health activities could be shared—for instance, in surveillance by hu-
man and animal health field agents.
Relationships are needed not just among professionals. The community is an integral part
of One Health, being both the informer and the beneficiary. Techniques that maximize
the use of community knowledge, provide additional knowledge, and impart skills, are
needed. Participatory epidemiology using participatory rural appraisal techniques (PRA)
is based on the understanding that the local population usually have of prevailing diseases
and also conditions that might give rise to diseases, and is used in concert with other sur-
veillance methodologies.
Success in One Health also needs cultural and societal values to be an integral part of the
3. Infrastructure
One Health infrastructure has to be developed. It includes:
(a) surveillance and laboratory systems,
(b) networks of expertise,
(c) dedicated services for development of skills and capacity, communication and
information channels and
(d) organizational and policy frameworks to support One Health.
Incentive policies that place a premium on collaboration and resource sharing should
therefore be introduced. This can include shared budget lines between different agencies
and systems of matching grants, with increased cooperation leading to increased budget-
ary support. An overall increase in funding would have to be based on the results of the
risk assessment.
They include:
(a) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) which enables activities such as herd
mobilization mapping, and research related to mixing of wildlife and livestock,
(b) Smart phones and spreading availability of Wi-Fi which enables collection and
transfer of information easier and faster,
(c) Molecular sciences making available complex sequence data on a single patho-
gen thus leading to the widespread use of molecular epidemiology to map and
understand more closely the spread of viruses both within and between epi-
All this science can be equally applied to human or animal health and the skills and
knowledge to utilize these technologies have a clear One Health dimension.
result of the disconnect between public health and veterinary surveillance sys-
tems; this includes coordinating grassroots surveillance systems through the
participation of community representatives, and sharing facilities such as trans-
port and cold storage equipment;
In addition, there is a need for continuous training of investigation and control teams to
• outbreaks management in general
• investigation skills
• proper use of appropriate PPEs e.g.: donning & doffing
• sampling-taking techniques and sample handling
• Infection control including disinfection
• Data management: handling, analysis, interpretation, etc.
• Report writing
• Risk communication
b) Training in thinking and acting across disciplines
One Health requires thinking and acting across disciplines as a basic tenet. Ideally skills
are ‘trans-disciplinary’ that is, not just to know how other disciplines work but sharing
skills and agreed goals.
One of the ways to demonstrate the necessary skills and benefits is to use examples and
case studies of success stories, such as those described in the ‘One Health for One World:
a Compendium of Case Studies’ assembled by Veterinarians Without Borders. Another
example based on the West Nile outbreak in New York City in 1999 is shown in Appendix
Introduction 3.
Conduct joint training of community health technicians and animal health technicians to
enable trainees to play a critical role in the early detection of emerging zoonotic diseas-
es. Joint training and joint simulation exercises for veterinary officers and health officers
using the Ministry of Health’s Epidemic Intelligence Programme training framework can
also be conducted.
example, One Health Summer Schools are now available in Denmark, England and Aus-
tralia and Masters in One Health are offered in USA and UK, and as a doctorate in the
One Health core competencies are the unique competencies that all One Health profes-
sionals should have, regardless of their discipline of origin, e.g. “Foster open communi-
cation across disciplines to support and enable a One Health response”. They represent
the confluence of veterinary, human health and environmental core competencies (Figure
Introduction 5).
The core competencies and domains for three different proficiency levels are shown in
Appendix Introduction 4.
2. Secure funding
It is also essential that resources be made available to support research in the One Health
arena, and particularly in developing a better understanding of the human–animal ecosys-
tems interfaces including wildlife and animal disease surveillance. The majority of emerg-
ing diseases arise from animals but the vast majority of funds are spent on understanding
and controlling them in humans.
4. Develop frameworks and standards for research, education and core com-
Globally accepted frameworks and standards for research, education and accepted core
competencies are required along with the need for an identified career path.
5. Governance
There are two levels of governance: global and local. At the global level, ‘good gover-
nance’ is used to refer to human and animal health systems which comply with interna-
tional regulations, standards and obligations to protect people and livestock against major
health threats that have the potential to spread internationally.
A coherent system of global health governance is the collective defence against transna-
tional health threats and should embody the principles of accountability, transparency,
monitoring and enforcement.
Relating to the human health sector, it focuses mainly on the key functions associated
with the IHR (2005): early detection, proper management and early response to public
health emergencies of international concern (PHEICs). Concerning the animal health sec-
tor, it also centres on early detection, response and control of pathogenic agents to animals
and, in the case of zoonoses, to humans, as outlined in the intergovernmental standards
contained in the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code (Terrestrial Code) 2016 and the
Aquatic Animal Health Code (Aquatic Code).
At the local level, in cognisance of the fact that around 60% of all human diseases and
around 75% of emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic (transmissible from animals to
humans), good governance corresponds to systematic inter-sectoral collaboration at the
human–animal interface in order to address common challenges as effectively and effi-
ciently as possible.
There is a need to identify a body that can lead relationship development between ma-
jor disciplines and foster a true transdisciplinary approach, develop global guidelines and
strategies, and ensure sustainable funding is needed, probably in an advisory capacity .
We have many more miles to go and lots to do in increasing the awareness and knowl-
edge of One Health paradigm and improving the attitudes towards it and practice before
One Health becomes a reality in Malaysia.
CDC 2013. History of One Health [Online]. Available: http://www.cdc.gov/onehealth/ba-
CONRAD, P. A., MEEK, L.A., DUMIT, J. 2013. Operationalizing a one health approach
to global health challenges. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis 36, 211-216.
ESR 2012. Guidelines for the Investigation and Control of Disease Outbreaks. Porirua: In-
stitute of Environmental Sciences & Research Limited.
FAO, OIE, WHO, UNSIC, UNICEF & THE WORLD BANK. 2008. Contributing to One
World, One Health: A Strategic Framework for Reducing Risks of Infectious Diseases at
the Animal–Human–Ecosystems Interface, Consultation Document.
HUESTON, W., KUNKEL, R., NUTTER, F., AND OLSON, D. 2014. One Health Core
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IOM 1992. Emerging Infections: Microbial Threats to Health in the United States. In: LE-
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ington DC, USA: Institute of Medicine.
IOM 2003. Microbial Threats to Health: Emergence, Detection, and Response. In: SMO-
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Press, Washington DC, USA: Institute of Medicine.
KING, L., ANDERSON, L., BLACKMORE, C. 2008. Executive summary of the AVMA
one health initiative task force. J Am Vet Assoc, 233: 259–260.
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cept to practice. In: YAMADA, A., KAHN, L.H., KAPLAN, B. ET AL (ed.) Confronting
Emerging Zoonoses: The One Health Paradigm. Japan: Springer.
tersectoral collaboration between the medical and veterinary professions in low-resource
societies: The role of research and training institutions. Comparative immunology, micro-
biology and infectious diseases, 36(3), 233-239.
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tury. In: MCNABB, S., CONDE, J.M., FERLAND, L., ET AL. (ed.) Transforming Public
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MOH 2006. National Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plan. Ministry of Health Malaysia.
SCHWABE, C. 1984. Veterinary Medicine and Human Health. Baltimore, MD, Williams
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TAYLOR, L. H., LATHAM, S.M., AND WOOLHOUSE, MEJ. 2001. Risk factors for hu-
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THE WORLD BANK 2010. People, Pathogens, and Our Planet. Volume 1: Towards a
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VWB 2010. One health for One World: a compendium of case studies. [Online]. Canada:
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WHO-OIE 2014. Operational Framework for Good governance at the human-animal in-
terface: Bridging WHO and OIE tools for the assessment of national capacities. [Online].
Available: http://www.oie.int/fileadmin/vademecum/pdf/WHO-OIE_Operational_Frame-
1.0 Introduction
Organisations responsible for outbreak management should ensure that they have planned
how they will deal with an outbreak when it occurs—even at inopportune times such as
on weekends, during holidays, or when key personnel are already overburdened with oth-
er projects.
Being ever ready for an outbreak is important so that valuable time is not lost organising
the people and materials necessary to investigate and respond to the outbreak while the
trail is still warm. Bear in mind that the likelihood of identifying the source of an outbreak
and interrupting further disease transmission decreases steadily with every day of delay.
The existing outbreak management protocols (both general as well as disease- or syn-
drome- specific) used by the Ministry of Health as well as the Department of Veterinary
Services would contain the preparations that need to be done before outbreaks occur.
However, for the sake of completeness of this Chapter, the relevant Sections from the
Guidelines for the Investigation and Control of Disease Outbreaks. Porirua: Institute of
Environmental Science & Research Limited (updated 2012) have been adapted and in-
cluded here.
In this manual, the pre-outbreak preparation is presented based on the traditional ap-
proach to outbreak investigation. The ideal one health outbreak investigation based on
One Health paradigm work was discussed in detail in the Introduction.
Note that while leadership roles for several components may be delegated, for the health
sector, it is the District Health Officer who has the overall responsibility. Upon receipt of
a possible disease outbreak, the District Health Officer will mobilise the Rapid Assess-
ment Team to the site to investigate and verify whether there is indeed an outbreak.
Once an outbreak has been verified, the District Health Officer needs to do two things:
(a) inform the nearest hospital so that appropriate preparations can be made to re-
ceive the patients, and
(b) despatch a Rapid Response Team to conduct further field investigations, and
implement control measures.
Ideally, in the case of an outbreak of zoonotic disease the District Health Officer will coor-
dinate the movement and activities of the Rapid Assessment Team and the Rapid Response
Team with the counterparts (Rapid Action Team) from the Veterinary Services Department.
The teams from the Health and Veterinary Services will prepare joint reports, recommen-
dations and prepare a draft of the press release to be forwarded to the national Crisis Pre-
paredness and Response Centre which will check and verify the reports and press release
for the Director-General or Minister of Health to do the release.
The flow chart showing the activities that need to be carried out and the responsibilities of
the animal health and human health sectors is shown in Figure 1.1.
iv. Activation of State Operation Centre
Led by the Director of the State Veterinary Services, this crisis management op-
eration centre at the State level is responsible for administering and controlling
operations in an area or territory specified when there is an animal disease out-
break. Its other scopes and functions include:
(a) ensuring reliable and efficient reporting and information management system,
(b) ensuring that public awareness campaigns are being carried out, and
(c) advising the State Government about the appropriate measures to be taken.
(Note: These outbreak protocols differ from outbreak investigation protocols which de-
scribe standardised processes to follow when collecting and recording information.)
It is important that districts develop and individualise their own protocols so that they are
relevant to local circumstances. Reaching local agreement on suitable threshold levels
for action, and incorporating them into plans, helps avoid doubts about the course to take
when an outbreak does occur.
1.1.3 Identify and Appoint Outbreak Coordinators at State and District Levels
Outbreak coordinators have a key role in outbreak management. They are the liaison be-
tween the District, the State and the Ministry of Health, ensuring the rapid dissemination
of information about emerging outbreaks. The outbreak coordinators also have primary
responsibility for activating outbreak protocols and calling together the outbreak manage-
ment team. During an outbreak itself, the outbreak coordinators are the central point of
contact for the different arms of outbreak management.
National RAT District RAT
(Assessment and
Figure 1.1. The activities that need to be carried out and the responsibilities of the animal
health and human health sectors
Department, and the Rapid Assessment Team and the Rapid Response Team of the State
Health Departments and District Health Offices. For ease of reference, they will be collec-
tively called the Core Team in this Chapter.
The Core Team is responsible for planning, co-ordinating and carrying out the outbreak
investigation. In most circumstances, members of the Core Team will need to be able to
make the outbreak their highest priority, at least in the initial phase. Advisors to the Core
Team are individuals who can be called upon to provide advice about specific aspects, but
normally not to do the legwork required. However, the boundary between the core and the
advisory teams is fluid, and during larger outbreaks advisory team members may be re-
quired to have considerably more hands-on involvement than during small-scale outbreaks.
The composition of the outbreak team cannot be defined rigidly - requirements will vary
depending on the size of the outbreak, the type of outbreak and the distribution of skills
within the organisation.
The outbreak plan should, however, describe who within the organisation (i.e., Ministry
of Health and State Health Departments, and the Veterinary Services Department) has the
requisite skills to be part of the core outbreak team, and should also identify a range of in-
dividuals who can be contacted to provide further advice if necessary.
Try and get the appropriate mix of skills and a multidisciplinary composition in the Core
The core outbreak team will usually require the following skills related to disease out-
break management (in addition to their specific technical and discipline skills):
• outbreak management coordination and relationship management
• administrative and secretarial
• environmental investigation
• statistical analysis
• questionnaire development
• data entry
• interviewer selection and training
• media and public communication
• knowledge of relevant legislation and regulations
• statutory authority to implement legislation and regulations.
During the outbreak itself, some of the following skills may need to be brought into the
core outbreak teams of the human health and animal health sectors.
Skills common to both sectors:
• cultural competency, in particular for responding to outbreaks among the Indigenous
natives, and migrants
• skills in non-Malay and non-English languages (i.e., translation services specific
to health information)
• microbiology
• laboratory science
• environmental science (soil, water, air)
• virology
Nonetheless, among the preparations that need to be carried out include the following:
i. Investigation: Adequate scientific knowledge of the epidemiology of the particu-
lar zoonotic infection on hand is needed and necessary supplies and equipment are
collected (as listed above). If needed, for example where the outbreak concerns an
MOH 2006. National Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plan. Putrajaya, Malaysia: Min-
istry of Health Malaysia.
OIE 2013. Aquatic Animal Health Code [Online]. World Organization for Animal Health.
Available: http://www.oie.int/en/international-standard-setting/aquatic-code/ [Accessed
August 23 2016].
OIE 2016. Terrestrial Animal Health Code. [Online]. World Organization for Animal
Health. Available: http://www.oie.int/en/international-standard-setting/terrestrial-code/
[Accessed August 23 2016].
RASHID, A. K., AND NARAYAN, K.A. 2010. Lecture Notes on Epidemiology 2ed.
WHO 2006. Strategic action plan for pandemic influenza. Geneva: World Health Orga-
2.0 Introduction
The aims of this chapter are to:
(a) establish and verify diagnosis of zoonotic disease based on the history taking,
clinical examinations and laboratory findings.
(b) develop a clear case definition which allows standardization of the cases of
interest both within an ongoing outbreak investigation and possibly between
outbreak investigations that differ over time or geographic locations.
(c) develop a method of descriptive epidemiology in a way that the data organiz-
ing and analysing would make better understanding of disease variations over
time, place and personal characteristics.
Secondary case: The case of disease occurring among contacts within the incubation pe-
riod, following exposure to the primary case.
Susceptible host: A person or animal not possessing sufficient resistance against a par-
ticular pathogenic agent to prevent contracting infection or disease when exposed to the
Suspect: A person whose history and symptoms suggest that he or she may have or may
be developing a communicable disease. A suspect in animal is an animal with clinical sign
and history of contact with the infected herd.
Virulence: The ability of the pathogen to multiply within the host. Virulence may depend
on dose, route of infection and host factors such as age or race.
Zoonotic disease: An infection or infectious disease transmissible under natural condi-
tions from vertebrate animals to humans.
2.2 Establish and Verify Diagnosis of Zoonotic Diseases
2.2.1 Data Sources of Establishing Zoonotic Disease
a) National surveillance mechanism – laboratory-based surveillance (both
for human health and veterinary), mandatory notification disease sur-
veillance, clinical-based surveillance (sentinel/ national/ syndromic ap-
proach), community based surveillance (community, media and inter-
national), animals surveillance system by DVS and other agencies such
as Fomema Sdn Bhd. Clinical-based surveillance include acute flaccid
paralysis, acute gastroenteritis, acute jaundice syndrome, acute neuro-
logical syndrome, acute respiratory syndrome, acute dermatological syn-
drome and acute haemorrhagic fever syndrome.
ii. Animal
Animal active surveillance which includes, disease index and surveil-
lance during outbreak are done for diseases that are economically im-
portant. These include field observation in the designated premises such
as milk industry, livestock production and breeding premises, slaughter-
house and processing plant.
An increased number of confirmed true cases in the actual number of cases of disease
may not represent an outbreak either, since there are other potential explanations for true
increases in disease occurrence, such as increase in population size, changes in population
characteristics, increase in the rate of illness due to random variation (fluctuation) in inci-
dence or increase in the rate of illness due to an increase in risk behaviours.
In order to verify whether the increase in the number of cases is artificial or genuine, the
following steps are essential:
» determine if a change in the total number of specimens submitted for testing
might have artificially increased the number of cases.
» determine whether there has been a change in the proportion of specimens that
test positive.
» determine whether there has been a change in the method(s) used for laboratory
testing, a change in laboratory policy or personnel or laboratory reporting.
» determine whether other nearby laboratories have seen similar increases.
The case definition should be developed by reviewing details of cases reported to date
based on the following:
(a) A definition of the health events to be counted. This definition usually consists of
clinical and laboratory features. Clinical features include precise, shared character-
istic signs and symptoms of the disease and details of the cases pertaining to time
(period during which the diagnosis occurred), place (geographical area) and, some-
times, persons (population group of interest). Cases can be identified as common
event (e.g. attended same party), dispersed (e.g. outbreak associated strain of Sal-
monella Montevideo isolated from a stool sample collected during an earlier date),
common site (e.g. a person domiciled in the health district and notified to Health
State Office), person to person (community) or institutional (nursing home, hostel
and camping base). In an ideal situation, all cases require laboratory test results
confirming the presence of a pathogen or toxin-causing disease.
(b) The human case definition must not include exposure characteristics that relate
to the possible outbreak source. For example, the details of the suspected exposure
causing the cases of disease (e.g., consumption of a particular food or water from
a particular source) may lead to difficulty in interpreting statistical relationship be-
tween exposure and disease under investigations.
“Person” describes key characteristics the patients share in common. For exam-
ple, this description may include: age, sex, race, occupation and exclusion crite-
ria (e.g., “persons with no history of ‘X’ disease”).
“Time” is used to delineate a period of time associated with illness onset for the
cases under investigation. It depends on the usual occurrence of the disease and
the incubation period of the aetiological agent. Limiting the time period enables
exclusion of similar illnesses which are unrelated to the outbreak of interest.
This is best determined by drawing an epidemic curve.
“Clinical features” should be simple and objective (e.g., sudden onset of fever
and cough). The clinical criteria may later be characterized by the presence of
specific laboratory findings
» Age group: “Age of 5 to 10 years”
» Sex: “Male”
» Occupation: “Health care workers at hospital ‘X ’
» Exclusion criteria: “Persons with no previous history of chronic
cough or asthma”
» Race
» Geographic location: “Resident of ‘Y’ state”, latitude and longitude
» Facility: “Transit in ‘X’ kindergarten”; “student at ‘A’ primary
» Time
» Illness onset: “Onset of illness between February 27 and March 10,
Clinical features
» “fever, abdominal cramp and diarrhoea”
» “clinical or radiographically confirmed pneumonia”
Case definitions are often further categorized by the degree of certainty regarding the di-
agnosis as “suspect”, “probable”, or “confirmed”.
2.3.2 Laboratory Diagnosis
a) Probable diagnosis:
Positive screening test e.g. rapid screening test such as IgM ELISA, latex agglutination
test, urine dipstick etc.
b) Confirmatory diagnosis:
i. Isolation pathogens from blood or other clinical materials through culture
ii. A positive PCR result using a validated method (primarily for blood and se-
rum in the early stages of infection).
iii. Fourfold or greater rise in titre or seroconversion in microscopic agglutina-
tion test (MAT) on paired samples obtained at least 2 weeks apart.
Possible exposure: A person who had close contact (direct or indirect) with reservoirs
animals in endemic area.
Probable exposure: Possible exposure plus an animal displaying clinical signs consistent
with disease under the investigation at time of the exposure, or within incubation period
following exposure in endemic area.
Exposed: Probable exposure with laboratory-confirmed diseased animal and/or positive
tested environmental sampling (water and soil).
A 35-year-old man presented to Hospital Serdang at 1 am with the complaint of fever for
five days after returning from a holiday in Jeram Toi waterfall. He had myalgia, nausea,
vomiting and diarrhoea. During the physical examination, the patient had a blood pres-
sure of 120/70 mm Hg, a heart rate of 120 beats/min, a respiratory rate of 16 breaths/
min, and a temperature of 39.4°C. Oxygen saturation was 95%. There was no evidence
of jaundice and both sclera showed peripheral vascular injection. Laboratory examina-
tion revealed a white blood cell (WBC) count of 16,400 cells/mm3 (normal range 4,000–
10,000 cells/ mm3), a haemoglobin level of 15 g/dl (12–17 g/dl), a platelet count of
189,000 cells/mm3 (150,000 – 450,000 cells/mm3), an aspartate amino-transferase (AST)
level of 245 U/L (N<40), an alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level of 198 U/L (N<45),
creatinine kinase 5,420 U/L (N<190), and creatinine 174 µmol/L (N 70-110). Urinaly-
sis showed some erythrocytes, leukocytes, granular cast and a strong reaction for protein
and hemoglobin, which indicated rhabdomyolysis. Leptospira IgM ELISA was positive on
day one with a titre of 1:160 and increased more than ten-fold (1:5,120) in day 14. The
microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was strongly positive for Leptospira interrogans se-
rogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae.
elements of both descriptive epidemiology (to identify possible sources) and for analytic
epidemiology (to definitively identify the source).
a) Counting cases
i. Prevalence
Prevalence is an estimate of the proportion of individuals in the population with a
given disease, disability or health state at a particular point in time. It is also the
measure of the existence of a particular condition, i.e. prevalence measures the prob-
ability of people having a disease at a given point in time. Prevalence is not strictly a
rate although it is sometimes referred to as one. It is a proportion and should usually
be reported as such. The major difference between incidence and prevalence is that
knowledge of time of onset is not required in a prevalence study. Denominators in
prevalence rates always include the entire population since the numerator contains
old as well as new cases.
Prevalence depends on two factors: the number of people who have been ill in the past
(previous incidence) and the duration of their illness, P ~ I x D; if incidence and dura-
tion have been stable over a long period of time then this formula becomes P = I x D.
ii. Incidence
Incidence measures the number of new cases or new events of disease which de-
velop in a given population during a specified time period. Incidence rates mea-
sure the probability that healthy people will develop a disease during a specified
period of time.
1 5 10 15 20 25 30
Onset Illness
Figure 2.1 Point source outbreak
Source: US CDC
Number of Cases
15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Onset Illness
Figure 2.2 Continuous common source outbreaks
Source: US CDC
15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14
Figure 2.3 Propagated outbreaks
Source: US CDC
it is still unfeasible, interview the identified cases for names of other individuals
who attended the event
3. Interview family contacts of cases
4. Review notifiable disease reports
5. Request hospitals and general practitioners to report (retrospectively or prospec-
tively) patients who meet the case definition
6. Request laboratories to report if an aetiological agent has been isolated
7. If necessary, advertise in the mass media, requesting the public who have been
to high-risk countries to come forward to be screened
Most local health departments are more likely to investigate an apparent outbreak when the
number of affected (or exposed) persons is large, when the disease is severe (serious illness with
high risk of hospitalization, complications, or death), when effective control measures exist, and
when the outbreak has the potential to affect others unless prompt control measures are taken.
For reportable diseases, baseline rates of disease (i.e., the usual or expected rate) can
be determined from surveillance data, and compare rates during the previous month or
weeks with the current rates of disease.
For non-reportable diseases or conditions, baseline data can be obtained from state or na-
tional vital statistics, from disease registries, or from hospital discharge records. The data
can be displayed by the number of cases of disease over time graphically to create an epi-
demic curve. The epidemic curve provides clues about the source of the infectious disease
Note: Be aware that apparent changes in disease frequency can result from
- Sudden changes in the size or composition of the population (e.g., students returning to
school in the fall or an influx of migrant workers)
CDC 2016. Using Epi curve to determine mode of spread. [Online]. Atlanta, USA:
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available: http://www.cdc.gov/training/
quicklearns/epimode/ [Accessed August 23 2016].
ESR 2012. Guidelines for the Investigation and Control of Disease Outbreaks. Porirua:
Institute of Environmental Sciences & Research Limited.
TOROK, M. 2014. FOCUS on Field Epidemiology Case Finding and Line Listing:
A Guide for Investigators. [Online]. North Carolina, USA: North Carolina Center for
Public Health Preparedness - The North Carolina Institute for Public Health. Available:
http://sph.unc.edu/nciph/focus/ [Accessed August 23 2016].
WAGENAAR, J. F., VRIES, P.J. AND RUDY HARTSKEERL, A., 2004. Leptospirosis
with pulmonary hemorrhage, caused by a new strain of serovar Lai: Langkawi. Journal
of travel medicine, 11(6), 379-382.
Dr Ramlan Mohamed, Dr Fairuz Amran, Associate
Professor Dr Rukman Awang Hamat, Associate Professor
Dr Syafinaz Amin Nordin, Associate Professor
Dr Ariza Adnan, Dr Zurin Azlin bt Md. Jinin,
Dr Taznim Begam bt Mohd Mohidin
3.0 Introduction
The laboratory diagnosis is an essential element of communicable disease surveillance,
both for routine confirmation of infections and for the rapid identification of the causes of
outbreaks and epidemics.
The laboratory is involved in laboratory-based surveillance for humans, animals and the
environment. The laboratory-based data are often instrumental in providing early warning
signals and identifying/detecting outbreaks. By using laboratory-confirmed surveillance
information, health workers can make evidence-based decisions for case management and
treatment as well as disease prevention and control.
During an outbreak, the functions of the laboratory in the identification of the causative
agent is an important role in the outbreak investigation. This is particularly for identify-
ing or confirming links between suspected organisms or substances in human or animal
illnesses. Developments in laboratory techniques help improve the sensitivity of outbreak
detection by identifying cases with a common source. Such findings may help strengthen
links between outbreaks and their sources.
The role of the laboratory is also crucial in outbreak preparedness and disease monitoring.
During and in-between outbreaks, the laboratory identifies pathogens and develops labo-
ratory tests and immunization strategies (for new and emerging pathogens). The laborato-
ry aids in disease trend monitoring. The laboratory confirms a diagnosis/case definitions
which include laboratory criteria, monitor resistance patterns and subtypes of a pathogen.
The laboratory also evaluates interventions, monitors progress towards a control objective
and is involved in prevalence studies.
This chapter focuses on the roles of the laboratory upon a disease outbreak alert. Empha-
sis will be on the interface between laboratory investigation and field outbreak investiga-
tion personnel. The objective of this chapter is to increase the knowledge of One Health
Workforce (OHW) and future OHW on the principle roles of laboratory investigation in
handling disease outbreaks.
Table 3.1 indicates the role of laboratory investigation in different types of outbreaks.
Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2 illustrates the laboratory response management involved in a
disease outbreak in animals and humans.
Source: Guidelines for the Investigation and Control of Disease Outbreaks by Institute of Envi-
ronmental Science and Research (website www.esr.cri.nz)
Inform Sample
Test Report
Source: VRI
Sample Collection
Begin Preparation for possible Collection of Samples from
Inform Sample
outbreaks according to disease admitted patients
Test Report
The laboratory should also have a back-up plan for the transfer or destruction of potential-
ly dangerous archived materials in the event of power failures or other compromises to the
storage environment. Refer to the Malaysia Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity Policy and
For serological testing, paired sera are commonly needed; therefore a second (convales-
cent) specimen may be required about four-to-six weeks after the first (acute) specimen.
Identification details written on specimens and laboratory request forms must be legible
and as comprehensive as possible. Providing additional information about the case and
investigation on the request form is also important as it assists those performing the tests.
For example, for diarrhoeal specimens the suspect food source, incubation period, symp-
toms and a history of recent overseas travel should be recorded.
Adequate precautions must be taken when collecting clinical specimens to protect the col-
lector from the transmission of hazardous agents. These include standard precautions such
as wearing gloves, gowns and masks where appropriate, and taking necessary care during
collection of the specimens themselves. Specimens also need protection from contamination.
Graphical and detailed illustration of how to collect different range of specimens from
human cases is provided in Appendix 3.2 for the checklist of different range of specimen.
3.3 Analysis
3.3.1 Laboratory diagnosis
Laboratory diagnosis is subjected to the specific samples and testing according to the
available guidelines for the specific diseases which may include culture, immunodiag-
nostics (antibody/antigen detection), molecular techniques and electron microscopy.
(Appendix 3.3)
Reproducibility is also a limitation, most laboratories only use tests that are highly repro-
ducible. It is recommended that advice is sought from the appropriate reference laboratory
on the practicality and applicability of typing methods. Typing methods are grouped into
two main categories, phenotypic and genotypic.
Negative results do not deny an association, but indicate only that the pathogen is not
found in the specimen collected. Possible reasons, apart from the pathogen truly not exist-
ing in the specimen source, include:
• intermittent or non-uniform inoculation of the pathogen in the specimen, for exam-
ple, due to intermittent faecal shedding of pathogens
• specimen size is too small
• competitive microorganisms outgrew pathogen (if culture)
• item / source not tested for pathogen
• diminished, injured or inactivated pathogen due to inappropriate processing, han-
dling or storage
• for human faecal specimens, elimination of the pathogen may have already occurred
• inappropriate or inadequate laboratory methods
• agent is not a pathogen, for example, it could be a toxin
• agent is an emerging pathogen not detectable by currently available laboratory
If an organism or type of organism different to the ‘outbreak strain’ is found, this may still
provide evidence for a contamination or infective process and should be investigated fur-
ther. Reports from various laboratories (human, animal and environment) should be com-
municated with the Outbreak Team for final diagnosis.
Refer to the Guidelines on the handling and management of clinical wastes in Malaysia
at the following link http://ibbc.um.edu.my/images/ibbc/doc/anagement_Of_Clinical_
Wastes_In_Malaysia_2_0.pdf for more details.
Case Scenario 1
Leptospirosis Outbreak
A large group of students from various schools in Melaka State Cadet Corp and their train-
ers went for a camping trip at a waterfall located in Hulu Langat. Two weeks later, 175
of them had fever associated with productive cough. Fourteen were admitted to Hospital
Melaka including 3 who were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and the rest were
managed as outpatients. The 3 patients admitted to ICU had more severe manifestations.
They developed acute respiratory distress and one patient had pulmonary haemorrhage.
Serum samples from all 175 patients were collected and sent to the Institute for Medical
Research to confirm the suspected leptospirosis outbreak. Forty-seven were positive for lep-
tospirosis where anti leptospiral antibody were either detected positive at a titre of ≥ 400,
or there were four-fold rise in titre when second samples were tested. Twenty-eight sam-
ples were from patients who were probably also infected but results were not conclusive
in the absence of second samples. Results were negative for 100 other patients but second
samples were not collected for 88 of these patients and therefore they may still be possibly
infected but laboratory confirmations were not possible in the absence of second samples.
From this outbreak, there are a few points to be noted where the laboratory can be in-
volved to improve outbreak investigation and source tracking:
1. Second serum samples were obtained only from 33 patients, and leptospirosis
was confirmed in 21 patients only when second samples were tested. Otherwise,
only 26 cases had antibody titres beyond 400 in their first samples. Therefore,
this illustrates the importance of repeat samplings for antibody detection.
2. During this particular outbreak, samples were not collected for detection of
DNA by polymerase chain reactions. If this test were performed, most likely
more cases would be detected and detection could have been made earlier.
3. It is worth doing culture to isolate pathogen from patients as this would be im-
portant for source tracking and in improving investigation of future outbreaks.
4. Investigation should include rat trappings and detection of carriers among cap-
tured rodents.
5. Environmental samples taken at the time of investigation may not reflect the
real infecting pathogenic serotypes or genotypes but it would be worthwhile to
isolate pathogenic leptospires from the areas suspected as source of outbreak.
Case Scenario 2
Brucellosis Outbreak
An outbreak of brucellosis occurred in Penang from March 2011 to March 2012. The in-
dex case was a 45-year-old goat farm owner who presented to Penang General Hospi-
tal with a 3-week history of fever, headache, severe lethargy, poor appetite, and exces-
sive sweating. He owned more than 300 goats and sold raw and unpasteurized milk to
the public. He had also been consuming the raw milk on a daily basis for several months.
Initially, he was investigated for other tropical diseases including dengue fever, malaria,
leptospirosis, and scrub typhus, but the tests returned negative. Blood culture isolated no
pathogen. Based on the history of raw milk consumption, a Brucella serology test was
ordered. The particle agglutination test for Brucella was strongly positive. He was started
on oral doxycycline and rifampicin. His fever eventually subsided and he was discharged
well. Following this, another 83 patients presenting with prolonged fever and nonspecif-
ic constitutional symptoms were diagnosed with brucellosis. Of the 63 retrieved patient
notes, two were workers on the farm. However, confirmation if they had contracted the
disease through animal contact or consumption of the raw milk was ambiguous. All but
four of the other patients had consumed milk bought from the same farm. The four pa-
tients were hospital laboratory staff who had presumably contracted the disease during
handling of the blood samples.
Diagnoses were confirmed using serology (87.3%), blood culture (69.8%), polymerase chain
reaction (17.5%), or tissue culture tests (1.6%). Brucella enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay (ELISA) immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG kits from Vircell (Granada, Spain) were
used for detection of antibodies against Brucella. The patients had a mean age of 44 years
and more than half (57.0%) of them were males. The mean duration from onset of symp-
toms to diagnosis was 53 days with a maximum duration of 210 days. The most commonly
presenting symptom was fever, followed by fatigue, arthralgia, myalgia, low-back pain, and
night sweats. Almost half (47.6%) of the patients had anaemia and 12.7% had raised alanine
transaminase. Three patients had spondylitis, whereas another two males developed orchitis.
A man was admitted to the Cardiology Department for infective endocarditis and his blood
culture subsequently isolated Brucella. Unfortunately, he was lost to follow up after receiv-
ing treatment. Majority (88.6%) of the patients had systemic illness.
Points to note in this scenario: When the first case was confirmed as brucellosis, extra
precaution should have been taken in handling samples from other patients with suspected
brucellosis after consumption of milk from the same farm. This would have prevented the
laboratory acquired brucellosis that occurred during this period. Once suspected, the sam-
ples for culture should be carried out in laboratory with BSL3 facilities.
Source: Leong et al., Case Report: Outbreak of Human Brucellosis from Consumption of Raw
Goats’ Milk in Penang, Malaysia. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 93(3), 2015, pp. 539–541
Case Scenario 3
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Outbreak in village chicken in Malaysia, 2004
On 17th August 2004 there was a new index case of HPAI located at Kampong Pasir Pe-
kan, Tumpat Kelantan located 22 km from the border of Thailand. The outbreak occurred
in a flock of free-range village chickens consisting of 60 birds of mixed ages.
The owner reported to the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) Kelantan that about
50% of his chicken died. An investigation was done by DVS Kelantan at the foci in the
same day. Two chickens were found dead in the chicken house and were subjected to nec-
ropsy. Pooled organs sample was collected and sent to Veterinary Research Institute, Ipoh
for laboratory diagnosis. The farm was quarantined and sealed to prevent any in and out
movement of animal and human. Laboratory result was released on the same day. The
test method was RT-PCR. The result revealed that HA gene was found corresponded to
the correct size of avian influenza sub-type H5. The outbreak of highly pathogenic avian
influenza (HPAI) in Malaysia was reported to the OIE on August 19, 2004 which was the
first case in the country. However the clinical signs and post mortem findings were not
truly prominence as HPAI infection. It may be due to the chicken dying acutely.
Pictures showing culling of birds and disinfection process surrounding infected areas.
Subsequent outbreaks and detection of HPAI virus (17 August to 12 December 2004)
Figure 3.5 Map showing the outbreak and detection of HPAI from healthy Avian
* In Kuchelong the 5 village chickens involved were sick and still alive during inspection
Figure 3.7: Variation of flock mortality rate amongst locality of outbreak.
Poultry industry in Malaysia was severely affected and almost ruined due to the outbreak.
Malaysia had 170 million chickens and 13 million ducks in 2003, accounting for about
1% of world stocks each. Malaysia exported substantial numbers of live poultry in 2001
and 2002, exports of live chickens and ducks in 2002 accounted for 6.1% and 51.7% of
world exports, respectively. Exports of eggs were also significant, accounting for 11.4%
of world exports. Most of the live birds and eggs are exported to Singapore.
Mechanism and rate for compensation scheme has been formulated. The compensation
was dispensed by DVS to the affected farmers and bird keepers.
Source: Dr. Kamarudin Md. Isa (2004), Malaysia Experience on Control of HPAI and Lesson
Learnt, In: Japan-Thailand Technical Cooperation on Animal Disease Control in Thailand and
Neighbouring Countries at http://yk8.sakura.ne.jp/ADC-1/Pages/AI%20seminar%2004/Malay-
siaAI1.html, retrieved on 26 April 2016.
Case Scenario 4
Nipah Virus Outbreak in Malaysia
An outbreak of human acute febrile encephalitis with high fatality in pig-farms in the sub-
urb of Ipoh, Perak in Peninsular Malaysia was reported in late September 1998. This was
preceded by the occurrence of respiratory illness and encephalitis in pigs. The outbreak
was initially attributed to Japanese encephalitis (JE) because 4 serum samples from 28 pa-
tients in this outbreak area tested positive for JE-specific IgM (subsequently confirmed by
the WHO Collaborating Center for Tropical Disease at the University of Nagasaki, Japan)
and JE nucleic acids were detected in some of the patients’ sera by reverse-transcriptase
PCR carried out at the Arbovirus Unit of the University of Malaya. Early control mea-
sures, including anti-mosquito fogging and vaccination of pigs against JE, were ineffec-
tive. 15 fatalities, 9 of whom were subsequently confirmed to have Nipah virus infection
at autopsy were reported in Ipoh.
Unfortunately, pig-farmers affected by the outbreak sold pigs to other farms across the
country. By February 1999, the outbreak had spread to Sikimat, Sungai Nipah Village and
Bukit Pelandok (the largest pig-farming communities) in Negeri Sembilan, some 300 km
south of Ipoh. This second and more severe epicenter contributed some 180 patients and
89 deaths. With further surreptitious movement of infected pigs, cases also emerged from
Sepang and Sungai Buloh in Selangor. In March 1999, 11 cases, with 1 death, were re-
ported among abattoir workers in Singapore who handled pigs imported from Malaysia.
By then the outbreak had caused nationwide public fear, and near collapse of the local
pig-farming industry.
Healthcare workers looking after the patients had been convinced relatively early in the
outbreak that this was not due to JE. Unlike JE, adults were affected rather than children,
and many victims had previous immunisation against JE. The autopsy findings were not
consistent with the usual findings in JE, suggesting some other agent. Many victims had
direct physical contact with pigs, unlike a mosquito-borne disease. It was the isolation
of the Nipah virus (NiV) from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of an outbreak victim (from
Sungai Nipah village) by a medical virologist at the University of Malaya in early March
1999 that brought acknowledgement that the infection was caused by an agent previously
unknown to science. Together with the Hendra virus (HeV), the novel virus is now rec-
ognised as a new genus, Henipavirus (Hendra + Nipah), in the Paramyxoviridae family.
It was shown that NiV and HeV shared enough epitopes for HeV antigens to be used in a
prototype serological test for NiV antibodies. This helped tremendously in the subsequent
screening and diagnosis of NiV infection.
The outbreak in Singapore ended with prohibition of importation of pigs from Malaysia
and closure of abattoirs. The outbreak in Malaysia ceased with widespread surveillance
of pig populations, and the culling of over a million pigs. The last human fatality occurred
on 27 May 1999. By then, 265 cases of acute NiV encephalitis with 105 deaths had been
recorded in Malaysia, giving a mortality rate of nearly 40%.
Case Scenario 5
Plasmodium knowlesi Outbreak
On 28 April 2007, a 20-year-old national serviceman working in Singapore sought med-
ical treatment for fever, myalgia, anorexia, nausea and vomiting. On further questioning,
he had a training in a forested area inhabited by the long-tail macaques (M. fascicularis)
in Lim Chu Kang. Blood smears showed morphological features of P. malariae. Howev-
er, as he had daily spikes of fever and marked symptoms were not consistent with P. ma-
lariae infection, further investigation was conducted to confirm the etiology. Polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) studies using Plasmodium knowlesi-specific primers, followed by
sequencing and phylogenetic analyses were done and confirmed P. knowlesi infection.
Epidemiological investigations based on his movement history showed that the infection
was most probably acquired in the forested area at Lim Chu Kang, Singapore. Subse-
quently, another 2 soldiers from the same army camp with similar clinical features and
movement history were also confirmed to be infected with P. knowlesi.
These 3 cases are considered an “outbreak” in Singapore based on the local surveillance data.
AFENET. Outbreak Investigation Laboratory Guidelines. [Online]. The African Field
Epidemiology Network Available: http://www.afenet.net/downloads/outbreak_manul_
web.pdf [Accessed August 9 2016].
ESR 2012. Guidelines for the Investigation and Control of Disease Outbreaks. Porirua:
Institute of Environmental Sciences & Research Limited.
LEE, Y. C. A., TANG, C.S., ANG, L.W., HAN, H.K., JAMES, L. AND GOH, K.T., 2009.
Epidemiological characteristics of imported and locally-acquired malaria in Singapore.
Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore, 38(10), 840.
CH’NG, C.C., 2015. Outbreak of Human Brucellosis from Consumption of Raw Goats’
Milk in Penang, Malaysia. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 93(3),
LOOI, L. M. and Chua, K.B., 2007. Lessons from the Nipah virus outbreak in Malaysia.
Malays. J. Pathol, 29, 63-67.
WHO. How to safely collect blood samples from persons suspected to be infected with
highly infectious blood-borne pathogens. [Online]. World Health Organization. Avail-
able: http://www.who.int/csr/resources/publications/ebola/blood-collect-en.pdf [Accessed
August 9 2016].
4.0 Introduction
The aim of the chapter is to describe how to generate and evaluate hypothesis by conduct-
ing an analytical study design to identify the risk factors that contribute to the outbreak.
When an outbreak has been identified, demographic, clinical and/or laboratory data are
usually obtained from the Health and/or Veterinary Department, clinicians, or laboratory
experts. These data are organized in a line listing for human cases or Animal Disease
Information Centre (ADIC) for animal cases. Prior to generating a hypothesis, descrip-
tive analysis must be conducted. This descriptive analysis will include outbreak charac-
teristics by time, place and person/animal from the line listing or ADIC. Data can also
be obtained from literature reviews about the disease concerned to identify potential risk
factors. Based on the information gathered in the line listing and the literature reviews,
a specific hypothesis is developed. Reviewing the medical, epidemiology, and veterinary
literature (where relevant) and talking to other experts in the field to learn about previous
similar outbreaks can provide valuable insight into the potential causative agent(s) and/or
Hypothesis statement should consist of the assumption of the agent, source and spread of
the outbreak. The statement must be clear and be able to answer the questions on what,
where, when, who, why and how should be tested using an analytical epidemiology study
design usually a case control or a cohort study.
For example in a case of Rabies, further history will be needed from the Department of
Veterinary Services, Malaysia which may include:
(i) bitten by stray dog
(ii) bitten by owned dog
(iii) dogs from immune belt area have been vaccinated
(iv) licensed dog
(v) vaccination status of owned dogs
(vi) any dog movement from neighbouring countries
(vii) dogs from outbreaks area
All data collected through a hypothesis-generating questionnaire will further refine the
potential risk factors associated with the outbreak.
cision is based on the outbreak population. If the population is easily identifiable, for ex-
ample school children whereby the investigator able to interview all of them, then a retro-
spective cohort study may be the best approach. If there is no obvious exposure among the
cases or involvement of large outbreak, then a case-control study may be the best choice.
For example, in a case of rabies the requirements for a case control study will be:
(i) Understanding the risk factors of rabies.
(ii) The possible source of infection (based on previous literature or out-
breaks in other locations or other countries).
Table of analysis to provide attack rate (AR), risk ratio, and odds ratio (OR) is depicted
below. Refer section 4.3.1 for formulae to calculate AR, risk ratio and OR.
Table 4.2: Hypothesis testing to determine risk factors
Bitten by stray dogs Yes
Bitten by owned dog Yes
Bitten by vaccinated Yes
dog from immune belt No
Bitten by vaccinated Yes
dog from non-immune
belt area
Bitten by licensed dog Yes
Bitten by dog from Yes
neighbouring countries No
Bitten by dog from out- Yes
break area No
(i) For the logistics of the study, the respondent’s identification is import-
ant. The information that should be collected include name, other iden-
tifiers, current address, and telephone number. This information allows
updating of the questionnaire as well as linking to other records, such as
laboratory results. Identification of the person supplying the informa-
tion provides some insight into its validity.
(ii) Demographic information includes age, gender, educational level, occu-
pation and locality. These information enables the investigator to char-
acterize the population at risk, explore the problem under investigation
and the possible confounders.
(iii) Clinical information including signs and symptoms of the disease, date
of onset of illness, and results of laboratory testing. This information
allows the investigator to characterize the illness, decide who has the
outcome of interest, and chart the time course of the problem (timeline).
(iv) Exposure or risk factor information which is used to test the hypotheses
under investigation.
It should be specific to the problem under investigation and reflect the hypotheses con-
cerning the source of the outbreak. Exposure or risk factor information often includes the
respondent’s exposure, the route of exposure, the amount of exposure, the timing of expo-
sure, and other details of exposure (e.g., brand, distributor).
Yes No
Yes AR 1
No AR2
Attack rate 1 (attack rate in exposed group) = number of ills / number of exposed
Attack rate 2 (attack rate in non-exposed group) = number of ills / number of non-exposed
Risk Ratio = AR 1 / AR 2
= (Incidence in the exposed group) / (Incidence in the unexposed group)
An example of calculation of AR, RR and attributable risk for cohort study is depicted in
table below:
Patients bitten by stray dogs are at two times higher risk to develop Rabies, however it is
not significant (as RR includes 1)
Study population
The odds of getting the illness is about 9 folds higher among the exposed compared to
Example 1:
A case-control study failed to point towards a food source as a common vehicle in an in-
vestigation of a multi-state outbreak of Salmonella enteritidis involving 132 cases from 15
states across the United States between January and June 2016. Interestingly, infants aged
less than one year to 87-year-old adults were involved in this outbreak. This caused the
investigators to consider other vehicles of transmission to which persons of all age group
could be exposed. By asking about their exposure to live poultry in the week before their
illness, the investigators found that contact with poultry was the likely vehicle. Those ill
reported purchasing live baby poultry from several different suppliers, including feed sup-
ply stores, co-ops, hatcheries, and friends in multiple states. The sick people reported pur-
chasing live poultry to produce eggs, learn about agriculture, as a hobby, keep as pets, or
to give as Easter gifts. Some of the cases reported contact with live poultry at their homes,
someone else’s home, work, or school settings. Local health officials in Michigan collect-
ed environmental samples from live poultry at feed stores which was tested at the state lab
and the outbreak strain of Salmonella Enteritidis was isolated.
(Source: http://www.cdc.gov/salmonella/live-poultry-05-16/index.html).
Example 2:
Another example of laboratory study of outbreak investigation of Legionnaires’ disease
in Philadelphia 1977 was not considered complete until the new organism was isolated in
the laboratory over 6 months after the outbreak actually had occurred.
(Source: Fraser DW, Tsai TF, Orenstein W, et al. Legionnaires’ disease: description of an epi-
demic of pneumonia. N Engl J Med 1977;297:1189-97).
An environmental study can often help explain why an outbreak occurred and may be
very important in some settings. For example, in an investigation of an outbreak of Sal-
monellosis enteritidis mentioned above, samples from live poultry and their environment
were collected at the Minnesota patient’s home. Four of six samples showed that poultry
purchased contained the outbreak strain of Salmonella enteritidis.
Knowing that any of these sources might be related to the outbreaks in Michigan and
Virginia, the investigators conducted hypothesis-generating interviews. They wanted to
see if any of the risk factors in previous outbreaks might be related to the current out-
break. They interviewed 7 case-patients and asked them about their diet and activities in
the 7 days (maximum incubation period) before their illness onset. The only common
risk factor found among the case-patients was consumption of lettuce and alfalfa sprouts.
Very few reported eating any meat or hamburgers. Their working hypothesis was: E. coli
O157:H7 outbreak was due to consumption of contaminated vegetables (lettuce, alfalfa
sprouts) or meat.
Another factor that supported the hypothesis of a vegetable source was the demographic
profile of the cases. From national surveillance data, the investigators knew that most
cases of E. coli O157:H7 infection occurs among children, and men are more likely than
women to be infected among adults. In the Michigan outbreak, nearly 70% of the cases
were women, and the median age was 31 years. This demographic profile led investiga-
tors to hypothesize that produce might be responsible for the outbreak rather than ham-
burgers. Their refined hypothesis was: E. coli O157:H7 outbreak was due to consump-
tion of contaminated lettuce or alfalfa sprouts. Prior to 1997, alfalfa sprouts had caused
outbreaks of salmonellosis, but not E. coli O157 infection. In Montana in 1995, lettuce
had been implicated in an outbreak and this was the leading hypothesis. However, to be
thorough, the investigators included a variety of toppings used in salads, including alfalfa
sprouts, in their questionnaire. To test their hypothesis, they used a case-control study. In
the analysis, alfalfa sprouts were found to be the strongest risk factor for infection in sep-
arate studies in Virginia (matched OR 25; 95% CI 4-537) and Michigan (matched OR 27;
95% CI 5-558).
Important learning point: is that if the investigators had relied only on previous known
risk factors rather than taking the time to generate a hypothesis through interviews with
patients, they would have missed the cause of this outbreak.
(Source: Breuer T, Benkel DH, Shapiro RL, et al. (2001). A multistate outbreak of Escherichia
coli O157:H57 infections linked to alfalfa sprouts grown from contaminated seeds. Emerg Infect
Dis [serial online] 2001;7(6):977-82. Available from: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/vol7no6/
Case Study 2: Cohort Study
In July 2007, an outbreak with unknown aetiology was reported to the local health unit
in Du¨ren, Germany. Initial investigation showed that all of the individuals involved in
the outbreak were seasonal strawberry harvesters from Romania, Slovakia, and Poland
who had gastrointestinal symptoms and had worked on a nearby farm. Thirteen persons
were hospitalized, and wide spectrums of pathogens were investigated without any posi-
tive results. Simultaneously, food samples from the farm were tested, and all had negative
results. Although the outbreak abated, serum samples obtained from 5 patients were even-
tually tested for leptospirosis; 3 samples had positive results, and leptospirosis was sus-
pected as the possible outbreak cause. An outbreak investigation was initiated to identify
the source of the outbreak and the possible risk factors for leptospirosis infection.
A retrospective cohort study was conducted in collaboration with the National Public
Health Institutes of Romania, Slovakia and Poland. Harvesters who were present on the
strawberry farm during the outbreak month (from the middle of June through the middle
of July) were identified by a list provided by the farm. Because these individuals had re-
turned home, the corresponding national health institute contacted them and asked them
to participate in the study. Participants were interviewed by health care workers using a
standardized questionnaire, which was translated into the local language. The question-
naire included information on demographic characteristics, work and travel history, clin-
ical information, and possible exposures during the outbreak month (including rodent
sightings and contact, the presence of wounds, consumption of unwashed strawberries,
and water activities). A confirmed case patient was defined as an individual who was
present on the strawberry farm during the period from 5th June through 8th September
2007 and who had fever and at least one other symptom and/or had received a diagno-
sis suggestive of leptospirosis (including renal impairment, meningitis, headache, flu-like
symptoms, and vomiting), as well as serological test results positive (≥1:800) for antibod-
ies against serogroup Grippotyphosa and a positive IgM antibody ELISA result. A sus-
pected case patient was an individual who was epidemiologically and clinically associated
with the outbreak for whom there was no serological confirmation of infection.
Of the 185 people included in the list, 184 were contacted, and 153 (83%) agreed to par-
ticipate in the study. Of the 153 individuals who agreed to participate, 77 (50%) were
Polish, 71 (46%) were Romanian, and the remaining 5 (4%) were Slovakian. Fifty-four
percent of the study participants were female, and the mean age of study participants was
33 years (range, 18–61 years). In total, 13 confirmed and 11 suspected cases occurred
from 19th June through 25th August 2007 among harvesters working in the largest straw-
berry field (19 hectares) belonging to a strawberry-producing farm near Du¨ren, a town
in North Rhine- Westphalia, Germany. The number of cases peaked in the first week of
July. Fifty percent of all cases occurred in women, the median age of participants with
suspected or confirmed cases was 33 years (range 23–49), and 54% of participants with
suspected or confirmed cases were of Romanian origin. The overall attack rate was 16%
and did not differ between male and female study participants. Although individuals of all
ages from 20 years through 49 years were affected, the attack rate was highest amongst
individuals aged 25–29 years (attack rate, 30%).
In a cohort study such as this, investigators calculate and compare the risk of disease be-
tween the exposed and unexposed group, for each of the potential exposures associated
with disease occurrence. In so doing, investigator will obtain a Relative Risk or Risk Ra-
tio which tells the magnitude of risk of disease conferred by the exposure among the ex-
posed group, relative to the unexposed.
Eating unwashed strawberries (RR, 7.7; 95% CI, 1.1 – 55.4; P = 0.01), harvesting with
uncovered hand lesions (RR, 3.5; 95% CI, 1.6 – 7.4; P = 0.001), and accidental rodent
contact on the field (RR, 3.2; 95% CI, 1.5 – 6.7; P = 0.01) were risk factors for leptospiro-
sis infection in univariate analysis.
Table 4.5: Attack rate and relative risk of leptospirosis due to accidental contact
with rodents
Accidental 7 11 18 38.89
contact with
rodents 3.18
No contact 16 115 131 12.21
with rodents
Total 23 126 149
This table implies that those who had accidental contact with rodents had more than thrice
higher risk of leptospirosis infection compared to those who had no contact with rodents.
Additionally, the investigators considered the confidence interval of the relative risk and
the p value of the result, both of which tells the investigators how statistically significant
the observed association was. In this case, the observed confidence interval was 1.5 – 6.7,
Table 4.6: Attack rate and relative risk of leptospirosis due to harvesting with
open hand wounds
Harvesting 15 34 49 30.61
with open
hand wounds
Harvesting 9 93 102 8.82
without open
hand wounds
Total 24 127 151
This table implies that those who harvested with open hand wounds had about 3.5 times higher
risk of leptospirosis infection compared to those who harvested without open hand wounds.
Similarly, the investigators considered the Confidence Interval of the relative risk and the p
value of the result, both of which tells the investigators how statistically significant the ob-
served association was. In this case, the observed confidence interval was 1.6 – 7.4, p=0.001.
Table 4.7: Attack rate and relative risk of leptospirosis due to eating unwashed
In the final multivariable model, only harvesting in the rain with hand lesions remained
a statistically significant risk factor for infection, so that with each working day in the
rain with hand wounds, the odds of acquiring infection was 1.1 (95% CI, 1.04–1.14; P <
0.001). The odds of infection with each day worked in the rain without hand lesions was
not statistically significant (OR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.9–1.1; P = 0.8). Accidental rodent con-
tact was also independently associated with the infection (OR, 4.8; 95% CI, 1.5–15.9; P =
0.01) in multivariate analysis. Exclusion of suspected cases did not affect the outcome of
multivariate analysis (each working day in the rain with hand wounds: OR, 1.1; 95% CI,
1.05–1.17; P < 0.001; accidental rodent contact: OR, 4.7; 95% CI, 1.04–20.9; P = 0.04).
Days worked in the rain with hand lesions was the strongest predictor for acquisition of
infection in this study. The probable mode of transmission was contact between hand
wounds and water-logged soil contaminated by vole urine or direct contact with voles.
The strawberry pickers rarely wore gloves while working; therefore, scratches and
wounds were common and may have also been present among those case patients who
did not recall having them. Skin wounds have previously been associated with leptospiro-
sis in tropical climates. Despite the strong association between strawberry consumption
and leptospirosis in univariate analysis, the association did not remain in the final mul-
tivariate model, which may be explained by confounding. Wounds were more common
when individuals work longer in the field, and this may also increase the likelihood of
strawberry consumption.
In conclusion, the investigators proposed that leptospirosis may have served as a mod-
el for an endemic disease that is affected by climate change. With the impact of global
warming on health still unpredictable, heightened surveillance for both human and ani-
mal populations is essential for timely interventions. For occupations associated with en-
hanced risk of rodent contact, rodent control may be of some benefit, and lesions should
be covered with waterproof dressings. Gloves should be worn, especially by those with
professions affected by heavy rain. In situations of accidental contact with rodents in the
presence of open wounds, individuals may be advised to receive doxycycline as post ex-
posure prophylactic treatment.
(Source: Desai S, van Treeck U, Lierz M, Espelage W, Zota L, Czerwinski M, Sadkowska-Todys
M, Avdicová M, Reetz J, Luge E, Guerra B. Resurgence of field fever in a temperate country: an
epidemic of leptospirosis among seasonal strawberry harvesters in Germany in 2007. Clinical
Infectious Diseases. 2009 Mar 15;48(6):691-7).
Case Study 3: Case-Control Study
On October 13, 1999, a 15-year-old boy from Kg. Kabidang was admitted to Beaufort
Hospital Sabah Malaysia, for fever, cough and vomiting after swimming in the creek in
Kg. Kebatu (a small local stream). Subsequently until October 21, 1999, a total of 46
males aged 8 to 19 years were admitted to Beaufort Hospital. All had a history of swim-
ming in the creek in Kg. Kebatu. The association between the illness and swimming in
the creek was suspected and the community was immediately warned not to swim in the
creek. An investigation was conducted to determine the source and the cause of the out-
The district of Beaufort is situated in the south western part of Sabah and has a total area
of 1280 square km. It is approximately 90 km from Kota Kinabalu, the capital of Sabah
and is accessible via a good tarred road. Communication within the district is through an
expanded road network. The main occupation is farming. The total population was esti-
mated to be 65,000 in 1998. Kg. Kebatu is a village situated about 7 km from Beaufort
town. This village is surrounded mainly by agricultural activity such as cultivation of oil
palm, and rubber, commercial farming of livestock such as chicken, cows and buffaloes.
The creek is situated in Kg. Kebatu. There is a rubber factory located at the upper end of
the creek and the lower end finally drains into the Klias River. The creek is normally shal-
low and flows slowly with a depth of less than half a meter. However, after heavy rainfall,
the depth could reach more than 2 meters. During that time, many children and teenagers
from the nearby villages swim in the creek.
A case was defined as a resident of Kg. Kebatu, Kg. Kabidang, Kg. Parit or Kg. Lajau,
who developed any or combination of the symptoms i.e. fever, vomiting, cough, body
ache or headache and the onset of the illness was from 11 October to 19 October, 1999.
A team consisting of a Medical Officer of Health, a Senior Health Inspector, three Health
Inspectors, a Public Health Nurse and two Public Health Assistants from the Health Office
Beaufort carried out the investigation in the affected areas namely Kg. Kebatu, Kg. Ke-
bidang, Kg. Parit and Kg. Lajau. An active case detection was conducted on October 23
and 24, 1999 by interview and examination of the villagers for the detection of new cases.
Passive Case Detection: The Hospital and health facilities in Beaufort were alerted and in-
structed to admit all the cases that fulfil the case definition to Beaufort Hospital.
A case control study was conducted. Study population was four villages in Beaufort namely
Kg. Kebatu, Kg. Kabidang, Kg. Parit and Kg. Lajau which were selected as the study area.
Approximately 1,000 persons lived in the villages located in these areas. Individuals meet-
ing the case definition were accepted as cases. Whereas controls were defined as a healthy
male individuals aged 8 to 20 years from the affected villagers namely Kg. Kebatu, Kg.
Kebidang, Kg. Parit and Kg. Lajau. The controls were interviewed to determine whether
they had a history of recent swimming in the creek (30th September to 7th October). Labora-
tory Investigation: Paired serum samples were collected (acute- inpatients, convalescent- on
follow up) and sent to University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur for serological
tests. The serological test used for the detection of leptospira antibodies was the microscop-
ic agglutination test (MAT) using leptospira organisms as the antigen. A titre of ≥ 320 is
taken to be a positive titre for leptospirosis. The diagnosis of current or recent leptospira
infection is based on seroconversion from < 80 to at least 160 or a significant (≥ 4-fold) in-
crease in titre between acute and convalescent-phase sera. Blood samples were sent for rou-
tine analysis and investigations of pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO). Water samples were
analysed for chemicals and leptospira.
A total of 46 persons were admitted to Beaufort Hospital. They were all males, aged 8 to
19 years (mean age: 14.4 years) from Kg. Kebatu (41), Kg. Kebidang (1), and Kg. Lajau
(4). All the 46 persons had a history of swimming in the creek in Kg. Kebatu. Thirty per-
sons (65.2%) had illness that met the definition for case and 16 persons were asymptom-
atic. The 30 cases, aged 10-19 years (mean age: 14.8 years), were from Kg. Kebatu (26),
Kg. Kabidang (1), and Kg. Lajau (3). The symptoms included fever, vomiting, body ache,
giddiness, headache, chest pain and cough. The onset of the illness was from 11th Octo-
ber to 19th October 1999 and the probable period of exposure was around the first week
of October, 1999. A 15-year-old boy died (17th October 1999) from haemorrhagic shock
secondary to pulmonary haemorrhage. A clinical diagnosis of leptospirosis was made for
this fatal case. The rest of the cases responded well to antibiotic treatment (doxycycline or
amoxycillin or IV C-Penicillin). A total of 104 healthy males aged 8 to 20 years old (mean
age: 13.6 years) from the affected area namely Kg. Kebatu (76), Kg. Kabidang (12), Kg.
Parit (10) and Kg. Lajau (6) were recruited as controls and included in the analysis, the χ2
was 50.8 and p-values was less than 0.0001.
A total of 44 paired sera samples were sent for microscopic agglutination test (MAT) (28
cases and 16 asymptomatic-patients). Of the total 44 paired sera, 5 paired sera showed
seroconversion (cases=5), 3 paired sera had > 4-fold rise in titre (cases=0) and 18 paired
sera were positive at titre of ≥ 320 for both samples (cases=13). A total of 18 paired sera
were negative (case-patients=10). A total of 22 cases also examined for LeptoIgM (IgM
capture ELISA for leptospirosis using a commercial test from Australia); of these, 16 were
positive. One case-patient submitted only a convalescent-phase serum specimen, which
was positive by both MAT and LeptoIgM. Serum specimens had not been obtained from
the boy who had died from haemorrhagic shock. Analysis of additional blood specimens
documented leucocytosis in five persons (cases=4), thrombocytopaenia in one case-pa-
tient and urine positive for bile in one case patient. Liver function tests were normal. Tests
for malaria, typhoid, scrub typhus, dengue fever, and Hantavirus were negative. Blood
and urine cultures yielded no growth. The water samples sent to Queen Elizabeth Hospital
were negative for leptospira by dark field microscopy. The chemical analysis of the water
samples was negative for pesticide, herbicide, cyanide and hydrogen sulfide.
The epidemic curve suggested a common source outbreak, and the spot map showed the
cases to be spread across Kg. Kebatu (41), Kg. Kebidang (1), and Kg. Lajau. Hypothe-
sis-generating interviews resulted Kg Kebatu creek as the candidate source. In a situation
like this a case-control design is a much more efficient option. The investigators identified
as many cases as possible and they selected a sample of 104 non-diseased people as a
comparison group (the controls). In this case, the “controls” were non-diseased people
who were matched to the cases with respect to age, gender, and neighbourhood of resi-
dence. Investigators then ascertained the prior exposures of subjects in each group, focus-
ing on swimming and other possibly relevant contact with the creek during the past two
When using a case-control strategy for sampling, it is not possible to calculate the inci-
dence (attack rate) in exposed and non-exposed subjects, because the denominators of the
exposure groups are unknown. However, one can calculate the odds of disease in exposed
and non-exposed subjects, and these can be expressed as an odds ratio, which is a good
approximation of a risk ratio in a situation like this, i.e., when the outcome is rare. An
odds ratio can be computed for each of the possible sources.
The case-control study found that the illness was associated with swimming in the creek
in Kg. Kebatu (p<0.0001). The water in the creek could have been contaminated by in-
fected animals from the affected areas (cattle, pigs, dogs, rodents, and wild animals). The
occurrence of flooding might facilitate the spread of the organism because, as water sat-
urates the environment, leptospira present in soil could pass directly into the creek. The
patients acquired the infection through exposure to contaminated water in the creek while
swimming. Leptospira might enter the body of the patients by penetration through cuts or
abraded skin, mucous membranes, and conjunctivae. The flooding and stagnation of the
creek following the heavy rainfall could have contributed to the timing of the outbreak.
In case-control studies, one of the most difficult decisions is how to select the controls.
Ideally they should be non-diseased people who come from the same source population as
the cases, and, aside from their outcome status, they should be comparable to the cases in
order to avoid selection bias. Note that in this case-control study the controls were select-
ed in a way to ensure that they were comparable with respect to age and gender and lived
in similar neighbourhoods.
(Source: Koay, T. K., Nirmal, S., Noitie, L., & Tan, E. (2004). An epidemiological investiga-
tion of an outbreak of leptospirosis associated with swimming, Beaufort, Sabah. Med J Malay-
sia, 59(4), 5.)
D.M. 2001. A multistate outbreak of Escherichia coli O157: H7 infections linked to alfalfa
sprouts grown from contaminated seeds. Emerging infectious diseases, 7(6), 977.
CDC 2016. Eight Multistate Outbreaks of Human Salmonella Infections Linked to Live
Poultry in Backyard Flocks (Final Update) [Online]. Atlanta, USA: US Center for Disease
Control and Prevention. Available: http://www.cdc.gov/salmonella/live-poultry-05-16/in-
dex.html [Accessed August 23 2016].
RA, B., 2009. Resurgence of field fever in a temperate country: an epidemic of lepto-
spirosis among seasonal strawberry harvesters in Germany in 2007. Clinical Infectious
Diseases, 48(6), 691-697.
AND SHEPARD, C.C., 1977. Legionnaires’ disease: description of an epidemic of pneu-
monia New England Journal of Medicine, 297(22), 1189-1197.
KOAY, T. K., NIRMAL, S., NOITIE, L. AND TAN, E. 2004. An epidemiological investi-
gation of an outbreak of leptospirosis associated with swimming, Beaufort, Sabah. Med J
Malaysia, 59(4), 5.
5.0 Introduction
Disease control programmes are commonly initiated with the aim of ultimate eradication
of agents at a compartment level, zone and finally the country. However, for some diseases,
eradication may not be feasible, so options for sustained mitigation of disease is needed.
Zoonotic diseases may be divided into groups which may pose different levels of threat
which will require different levels of responses. The levels below are suggested diseases
and threats.
Group A:
Group A is a group of diseases that pose highest threat to the security and safety of the
public. The diseases include those that are easily transmissible from person to person; or
those that cause high death rates, and which threaten the health of the public, causes fear
among the public and disruption of social and economic activities. Examples of Zoonotic
diseases under group A include anthrax, plague, botulism, viral haemorrhagic fever such
as Ebola, SARS, Nipah, infection with avian influenza viruses, rabies etc.
Group B
These are Zoonotic diseases caused by pathogens that pose a relatively lower threat than
group A. They include those diseases that are moderately infectious, which causes moder-
ate illness and death. Nevertheless, improved diagnostic capacity and surveillance are
required for adequate control. They include Brucellosis, food and waterborne pathogens
(such as E.coli, Salmonella spp, Cryptosporidium parvum), Japanese encephalitis virus,
leptospirosis etc.
Group C
Group C includes pathogens with the lowest threat to the security and safety of the public.
They include Hendra viruses, hanta viruses, MERS-COV etc.
Source: Adapted from OIE- Guidelines for animal disease control, May 2014.
The US Centre for Disease Control (2006) highlighted the strategies for infectious diseas-
es to include applying appropriate control methods which include elimination of reservoir,
interruption of transmission, protection of susceptible host, notification and legislation,
and surveillance.
For human cases, notifications can be made either by phone, fax, despatch or eNotifikasi.
eNotifikasi was launched on 2nd of January 2011 to replace eNotis/CDCIS. eNotifikasi is
available at the following website http://enotifikasi.moh.gov.my/Login.aspx. eNotifikasi
is used for specific diseases (eDengue, National Aids Registry, MyTB, e-measles). The
users for this system are the Assistant Medical Record Officer (AMRO), Assistant Envi-
ronmental Health Officer (PPKP) at the district / state Level and Medical Officer, District
Health Officer, Epidemiological Health Officer and Officer at the Ministry Level.
As shown in Figure 5.2, when an Environmental Health Officer is notified via phone,
email (e-Notifikasi) or notification form regarding a communicable disease, he/she first
stamps and registers the time and date the forms were received and passes it on to the
assistant environmental health officer who registers it into e-notifikasi and keeps a record
of the form in the investigation file under communicable diseases. The health officer then
prepares the investigation forms and equipment’s required for the specific type of disease.
He/she is also responsible for sending a report to the state health department. He and the
team may visit the patient’s house and implement the necessary prevention and control
methods to stop further spread of the disease amongst the contacts. He/she then records
and files the investigational activities carried out. He/she also analyses the data and again
sends a copy of the final report to the state health department.
Pass the form to District Health Office/ Assistant Environmental Health Officer
Notification of communicable diseases to the CDC unit in the district health office by the
health care personnel is mandatory. The list of diseases in Table 5.2 is mandatory to be
notified within the mentioned time frame. Other diseases which require notification in-
clude Brucellosis, Melioidosis and Chikungunya.
Table 5.2: List of diseases that must be notified to nearest health office
Note: The notification of these diseases is subject to change from time to time.
2. Elimination of reservoir – in cases where humans are the reservoir, all patients
and carriers are found and treated, and for zoonosis, the suspected hosts are
3. Early Diagnosis & Treatment – will help shorten the course of the illness and
the period of communicability
4. Isolation and Quarantine – isolation is the separation of infected persons or
animals during the period of communicability to prevent direct or indirect trans-
mission of infectious agent whereas quarantine is the limitation of the freedom
of movement of contacts*, be it persons or animals, which have been exposed a
communicable disease. The process of quarantine is usually for a period of time
which is not longer than the longest usual incubation period.
*Contact is a person or animal that has been in contact with an infected
person or animal or a contaminated environment.
5. Personal Hygiene – health education and promotion on personal hygiene is
imparted to limit the spread of infectious diseases especially those transmitted
by direct contact.
6. Cleaning – the process of removing infectious agents and organic matters from
surfaces on which infectious agent may find favourable conditions for survival
or multiply is done in certain cases.
Figure 5.3: summarizes the different control measures that can be implemented to break
the chain of transmission at different points.
Figure 5.3: The chain of transmission of infectious diseases and ways of breaking it
Figure 5.4 illustrates the example of breaking the chain of transmission of leptospirosis.
1) Quarantine
Quarantine of animals and birds are mandatory for the purpose of monitoring. Dis-
ease control is done in the infected area, control area and elimination area. Figure 5.6
illustrates the procedure for quarantine of infected animals. For example, suspected
rabid dogs must be quarantined in District Veterinary Services Centre (PPVD) and
monitored for the sign and symptoms of the disease for duration of 10 days. Blood
test should be taken for confirmation and if found positive, they should be culled.
2) Destroy
Destroy contaminated materials of animal house, equipment or anything that is
in contact with the infected animals or birds.
3) Culling/ disposal
Cooperation from the farmers is crucial to facilitate the process of disposal and
the operations of animal culling. The team decides on the appropriate methods
and location of culling. The team will require the cooperation from local agen-
cies and Public Works Department, Irrigation and Drainage Department, Envi-
ronmental Department, Land and Mines Offices, District Offices and Local Mu-
nicipals. Based on the protocol of veterinary Malaysia, infected animals or birds
and those that are at risk of infection must to be culled either individually or
as collectively either by shooting, gas suffocation (such as CO2) or euthanasia.
For example, in the Nipah virus outbreak infection, the reservoir or source of in-
fection was culled. Animal carcasses were then disposed appropriately either by
burying or incineration. In burying method, lime is sprinkled on the first layer of
soil to reduce the risk of contracting live virus. Then, the carcasses will be bur-
ied and sprinkled again with another layer of lime and followed by another thick
layer of soil. The carcasses can also be incinerated and the area decontaminated
or disinfected.
4) Treatment
During an outbreak of leptospirosis, all the infected animals are treated either
with penicillin or doxycycline while the exposed animals are given prophylaxis
with the same drugs. The following control measures are applicable in the con-
trol of all zoonotic diseases outbreak.
5) Vaccination
Where the zoonotic disease is a vaccine-preventable disease, vaccination is given
to animals either by injection (subcutaneous or Intra Muscular), oral, eye drops
and nasal spray.
6) Disinfection/decontamination
All organic materials located on the floor, wall, coop/cage/shed and other equip-
ment is cleaned before the disinfectant solution is sprayed to the areas involved.
The disinfection process includes vehicle, premise and equipment. The premise
is cleaned with suitable disinfectant. Faeces that cannot be buried or incinerated
is sprinkled with lime and the premise is closed for 60 days. All the equipment
used for the disinfection process should be disinfected too. The team involved in
the decontamination operation should comply with the instruction of disinfecting
clothes, equipment and vehicles used.
7) Enforcement
The movement of vehicles is restricted or limited to the outbreak or crisis area
to prevent the spread of the disease. Transportation carrying food to the Surveil-
lance Zone must be controlled thoroughly. The enforcement team made up of
the DVS Enforcement Officer with the help of the Police Department who are in
charge of seizing infected farms, quarantine of Infected Zone, Suspected Zone as
well as Surveillance Zone. They are responsible to set up roadblocks to ensure
no animals or high-risk materials from leaving the risk zone until permitted.
8) Surveillance
There are 2 types of surveillance - active surveillance & passive surveillance.
Scheduled or planned surveillance by DVS are considered as Active surveil-
lance. Examples of active surveillance are:
i. Yearly national plan surveillance
ii. Disease index
iii. Surveillance during outbreak.
For every disease, there is a planned annual surveillance program scheduled by
the DVS in which a specified sample is taken from each of the premise based on
the prevalence of the disease and the total number of premises. Under disease
index, for example of Brucellosis, serum from the cattle which is more than 4
months old is tested with RBPT/ELISA. If found positive, the infected animal
is culled and the herd is considered as positive and sampling is repeated every 4
months until the herd is found negative. During an outbreak, surveillance must
be done in 100% of the cattle in the herd. For infected cattle, they must be iso-
lated and treated. For infected goats, they are depopulated by stamping process.
Passive surveillance is done throughout the year by the veterinarian, the officer
in-charge and industry players. On-going monitoring is done by the personnel
based on clinical sign, death or morbidity whereby the occurrence is more than
the usual. For the case of Brucellosis, passive surveillance is based on the move-
ment of the cattle and clinical case. For those cattle that are transported for the
purpose of breeding or slaughtering, their serum is tested with RBPT/ELISA
unless the cattle are from the disease-free group. For the cattle that shows the
symptoms of Brucella abortus, serum samples from the aborted materials is test-
ed with RBPT/ELISA for the purpose of isolation of the bacteria.
visited and the occupants will be informed and educated about the disease. Rou-
tinely, the state veterinary services will conduct public awareness campaigns on
all the diseases from time to time in terms of identification of the sign and symp-
toms of the diseases and the preventive measures.
5.4.2 Control strategies in human
Prevention and control measures for humans are directed towards source of infection,
mode of transmission and susceptible population. Strategies that can be taken at source or
reservoir of infection include isolation, quarantine, cleaning, disinfection and treatment.
Whereas strategies to control the mode of transmission include disinfestation, provision
of safe and adequate water supply, proper sewage and waste disposal and food sanitation.
While the strategies to prevent the susceptible population from acquiring the disease in-
clude health education, personal hygiene, chemoprophylaxis and vaccination.
The specific nature and urgency with which control measures are implemented in the case
of an infected human depends on a host of factors which includes communicability of
the disease, mortality and morbidity of the disease and practicality of chosen intervention
measures within the context of the outbreak. For example, in the case of influenza, the
infected person should be isolated especially during the period of communicability until
they are fully recovered. Drastic measures such as isolation and quarantine of cases may
be required for potentially highly fatal diseases like SARS and Ebola. Cleaning via proper
hand washing is done to avoid the transmission of the virus to the others. And it is essen-
tial that the infected individuals be offered prompt treatment.
For controlling the mode of transmission, example in the case of Malaria, disinfestation
by fumigation should be done. To avoid food-borne diseases such as Salmonellosis, food
sanitation and proper food handling is the utmost practice that should be prioritized. Ade-
quate cleaning and disinfection of contaminated surfaces, tools and equipment should also
be done. Contaminated faecal materials and secretions should be adequately cleaned and
properly disposed by flushing through a water system connected to a covered septic tank
to avoid the spread of the virus.
To protect the susceptible population from acquiring the disease, the public should be ed-
ucated about the disease, personal hygiene and proper hand washing techniques. The im-
portance of proper hand washing techniques should be emphasized. Where the disease
is vaccine-preventable, protective vaccination of exposed humans should be initiated,
even before human cases are reported. Additionally, chemoprophylaxis, where applicable,
should be provided to human contacts as soon as possible. For example, those who have
high exposure to rabies, such as veterinarians, animal handlers, laboratory workers etc.
should be given three doses of rabies vaccine. In case of deaths, packaging, transfer and
burial of the bodies should be supervised under controlled conditions and the wearing of
protective equipment, such as hazardous material suit (Hazmat suit).
More importantly, in all cases of zoonotic disease outbreaks, extensive and immediate
public education should be initiated to keep the public informed of the threat and how to
prevent and control the situation, while active surveillance among humans is intensified.
5.5 The aim of control measures (modified from Guidelines for the Investi-
gation and Control of Disease Outbreaks, 2011)
Three areas are targeted as control measures during an outbreak: the source of outbreak,
contaminated vehicles involved during transmission and susceptible humans. The choice
of control measure within these three areas is dictated by factors such as whether the out-
break source is known, whether a suspected vehicle has been identified and whether a
vaccine or prophylactic treatment is available for susceptible humans.
ESR 2012. Guidelines for the Investigation and Control of Disease Outbreaks. Porirua:
Institute of Environmental Sciences & Research Limited.
MOAAI 2008. Protokol veterinar Malaysia, Brucellosis (Brucella abortus). PVM 1(4):
1/2008. Putrajaya, Malaysia: Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry.
MOAAI 2010. Arahan Prosedur Tetap Veterinar Malaysia, Kempen kesedaran awam.
APTVM 21(a):1/2010. Putrajaya, Malaysia: Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based In-
MOAAI 2010. Arahan Prosedur Tetap Veterinar Malaysia, Kuarantin haiwan berpenyakit.
APTVM 22(a): 1/2010. Putrajaya, Malaysia: Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based In-
MOAAI 2010. Arahan Prosedur Tetap Veterinar Malaysia, Penghapusan. APTVM 22(e):
1/2010. Putrajaya, Malaysia: Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry.
MOAAI 2010. Arahan Prosedur Tetap Veterinar Malaysia, Pengurusan Indeks peny-
kit haiwan. APTVM 16(a)(b): 2/2010. Putrajaya, Malaysia: MInistry of Agriculture and
Agro-based Industry.
MOAAI 2010. Arahan Prosedur Tetap Veterinar Malaysia, Vaksinasi. APTVM 22(b):
1/2010. Putrajaya, Malaysia: Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry.
MOAAI 2011. Arahan Prosedur Tetap Veterinar Malaysia, Disinfeksi. APTVM 22(d):
1/2011. Putrajaya, Malaysia: Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry.
MOAAI 2011. Arahan Prosedur Tetap Veterinar Malaysia, Pengurusan krisis penyakit
haiwan. APTVM 24(a): 1/2011. Putrajaya, Malaysia: Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-
based Industry.
MOAAI 2011. Arahan Prosedur Tetap Veterinar Malaysia, Survelan Untuk Penyakit
Haiwan. APTVM 22(g): 1/2011. Putrajaya, Malaysia: Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-
based Industry.
MOAAI 2011. Protokol veterinar Malaysia, Penyakit rabies. PVM 1(17): 1/2011 Putra-
jaya, Malaysia: Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry.
MOH 2003. Infectious Disease Outbreak, Rapid Response Manual. Putrajaya, Malaysia:
Ministry of Health Malaysia.
NIAID 2016. NIAID Emerging Infectious Diseases/Pathogens [Online]. USA: NAtion-
al Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Available: https://www.niaid.nih.gov/re-
search/emerging-infectious-diseases-pathogens [Accessed August 23 2016].
OIE 2014. Guidelines for Animal Disease Control [Online]. France: World Organization
for Animal Health. Available: http://www.oie.int/fileadmin/Home/eng/Our_scientific_ex-
pertise/docs/pdf/A_Guidelines_for_Animal_Disease_Control_final.pdf [Accessed August
23 2016].
6.0 Introduction
This chapter of the manual will provide a guide to personnel involved in matters pertain-
ing to communication when handling an outbreak. Effective interagency communication is
important before, during and after the identification outbreaks. The guidelines are designed
to minimize social and economic disruption. In other words, the steps provided are aimed
at preventing public panic outburst and/or anxiety due to lack or poor communication. It is
also hoped to prevent drastic decline in businesses, tourism, farming and all other related
• To Announce Early
It is crucial to alert the public early, especially to those who are directly af-
fected. The announcement should include information on how to minimize the
spread of the infectious disease. Informing the public early will prevent ru-
mours, speculations and misinformation to be circulated by word of mouth or
via social media platforms. On the other hand, the longer officials withhold
information, the harder it will seem to make the announcement. Usually, late
announcements will erode trust in the ability of local authorities to manage the
outbreak. Moreover, credibility of local authorities will decrease drastically if
the information is revealed by an outside source.
• To be Transparent
Respective officials should be transparent with plans and managements in
handling outbreaks. Maintaining the public’s trust throughout an outbreak re-
quires ongoing transparency, including timely and complete information of a
real or potential risk and its management. As new developments occur over
the course of an outbreak they should be communicated proactively. Transpar-
ency should characterize the relationship between the outbreak team leaders,
the public and partners as it promotes improved information gathering, risk
assessment and decision-making processes associated with outbreak control.
• To Listen
It is essential to listen and understand the public’s perception on risks relat-
ed to outbreak diseases because the perception of risk may differ between ex-
perts and the public. Once the baseline of the public’s perception on risk has
been obtained, it will be easier to tailor information and decide on methods
of communication that will be widely accepted. This will enable the required
behaviour changes necessary to protect health and curb economic disruption
(refer to section 6.4 on WHO’s Outbreak Communication Information Gather-
ing Template).
• To Plan
Public communication during an outbreak represents an enormous challenge
for any public health authority and therefore the danger lies in planning some-
thing that is theoretically sound, but is impractical when it comes to execu-
tion. Therefore, planning must be sketched out clearly and concisely to ensure
that they can be translated into action. Plans can be shaped from the lessons
learnt from previous outbreaks and through regular crisis simulation activities.
• To Build Trust
When the abovementioned principles are upheld, then trust will be cultivated
towards the authorities handling the outbreak. People are known to comply
with the requests of those they trust compared to those they distrust. There-
fore, the increase of trust will enable better behavioural change which is need-
ed in order to keep an outbreak under control.
6.2 Parties Involved
It is inevitable for many parties to be involved when communicating in times of crisis (lo-
cal leaders, outbreak team, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Primary Industries, Emerging
disease surveillance and response team (ESR), other Public Health Services (PHSs), the
public, the media, etc.. The challenge is to get members of these parties communicating
with one another. Considering this challenge, the outbreak team plays a vital role during an
outbreak. Members of this team will employ risk communication, which is a tool for bridg-
ing the gap between laypeople and experts (Guidelines for the Investigation and Control of
Disease Outbreaks, 2012).
The outbreak team needs to ensure that communication experts/strategists who are located
within the abovementioned parties are properly informed because they need to achieve two
main aims by utilizing the available information; first, to increase visibility in order to get
the message across clearly to the public and second, to ensure that the information they dis-
seminate to the public is legitimate.
The communication of the outbreak team should address the following areas: 1) To ensure
effective communication within the outbreak team. 2) To ensure effective communication
with and between the Ministry of Health, the Ministry for Primary Industries, Emerging
disease surveillance and response team (ESR), other Public Health Services (PHSs) and key
government agencies. 3) To ensure effective communication of the spokesperson with the
public, either directly or through the media, and 4) to ensure effective communication with
other agencies involved in the outbreak, such as local authorities, industry groups, local
hospitals and local primary health care organizations.
It is important to note that effective communication may extend beyond the parties stated
here (depending on the nature and/or severity of the outbreak). Although the term “effec-
tive communication” is used repeatedly in this chapter, there is a certain level of subjectivi-
ty that comes with this term. One of the most common understanding of communication, in
general, is when there is shared meaning between the source and the receiver. Therefore, it
can be assumed that effective communication is when there is a smooth transaction of infor-
mation which results in common understanding between the source and receiver.
MOH and DVS must establish a good relationship with the media at all times. Waiting to
contact journalists only once an outbreak has occurred is too late. Once an outbreak has
occurred, the spokesperson(s) should be the only ones speaking (and answering questions
from the media). This will minimize confusion and miscommunication.
The media is responsible for disseminating vital information to the public. It is vital to create
an informed public in order for them to be protect themselves (Blumberg, 2001). Therefore,
MOH and DVS must provide vital information concerning infectious diseases on a regular
and frequent basis. This can prevent information vacuums that may be filled by others.
When communicating with the media, the spokesperson must practice the following:
1. To acknowledge the uncertainty of circumstances caused by the outbreak.
2. To not over-reassure members of the media.
3. To know what actual information should and should not be revealed.
4. To include humanistic elements (e.g. touching on the importance of human lives)
in responses to the journalists because emotional elements contribute strongly to
the trustworthiness of officials.
5. To avoid using words such as “irrational”, “panic” in messages.
6. To tolerate relatively harmless early over-reactions. It is also important to note
the demographics of those affected by the outbreak. Although issuing a press
statement that is prepared for print media is standard practice, the crisis manage-
ment team should also consider making radio (community radio stations) and
1. For time sensitive news, such as a disease outbreak, the news piece should be
labelled “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE” at the very top of the page.
2. Create an informative yet catchy headline that summarizes the news piece. The
headline can also contain a sub headline should there be a need to be more de-
scriptive. The headline is as important as the body of the news piece because it
may be a determining factor for editors to choose a piece for publication.
3. State the city of where the news originates from and the date of the desired news
4. The first paragraph of the press statement should address the 5W 1H (who, what,
when, where, why, how).
5. The following paragraphs should provide supporting materials and details such
as direct quotes from experts, background information, palatable statistics, ac-
tion that must be taken, etc.
6. The press statement should end with the contact information of the person who
can respond to queries pertaining to the written issue.
7. End the press statement with three hashtag signs (# # #). This indicates the end
of the press statement.
The meeting can be held at several time points: First, it can be held immediately after
the completion of an outbreak investigation (also known as hot debriefing). This debrief-
ing will address key health issues and immediate concerns. Second, it can be held two
to four weeks after the completion of an outbreak (also known as cold debriefing). This
debriefing will address organizational issues and the identification of the strengths and
weaknesses. The final debriefing, also known as the multi-agency debrief, can be held
during the sixth week, or depending on the need. This debriefing will take place if there
are contributions from other agencies. It should address multi agency issues as well as the
identification of strengths and weaknesses in the handling of the outbreak.
Table 6.2: Before outbreak (Preparation phase)
Establish infrastructure Hot line centre Emer- • Activate communication plan timely
for risk communication gency Operation • Designate team leader & outbreak committee
within each ministry Center (EOC) • Updating spokespersons information
Work partners Government agencies • Designate team leader & outbreak committee
• List of committee contacts compiled and disseminated
• Committee elects communication representative (focal points)
• Implement communication plan
Public health/Emer- • Establish Joint Information Center within EOC’s
gency response au- • Schedule regular meetings for outbreak teams and key
thorities/vector control elements of operational response
• Activate communication plan
• Provide updated information
the hospital operations and medical care support facility
Port authorities/travel and • Intensify communications services Screening at
• Provide updates concerning disease status; preventive port entries,
tourism industries
and protection actions Reporting
from travel/
tourism in-
Health Associations/NGOs/ • Collaborate with the leadership of these organizations
Business/Industries/Other for further prevention and protection efforts
Associations • Intensify communication: health care services, look for
disease patterns and trends; abnormality
• Provide updates concerning disease status
Academic institutions • Collaborate with the leadership of these organizations
(schools and higher learn- for further prevention and protection efforts
ing institutions) • Provide updates concerning disease status
Media • Establish a permanent channel of information for regular
interactions with media
Secondary Defences
• Issue press statement
• Prompt response to inquiries
• Use consistent spokesperson to build trust to avoid
conflicting messages from multiple sources
• Emphasize disease prevention through multiple channels
• Tackle sensitive issues with great care
• Update them concerning the status of the outbreak
• Show empathy
• Monitor press reports and coverages daily
• Conduct analysis of reports for appropriateness and
relevance and adjust messages/strategies accordingly
Public Communicate with public • Fully activate call centres with trained personnel to cater
to the public inquiries (24-hr service)
• Medical practitioners need to give accurate information
• Public awareness sessions with vulnerable groups must
be held to educate the public on preventive and control
• Create a website that regularly updates information for
public access (embedded videos of press conferences,
information on the decease, immediate steps taken)
• Launch special campaigns for attitude and behavioral
changes for future prevention.
• Monitor communication channels. Assess delivery of
the messages
• Develop location specific messages and update as
• Open local support hotlines
Source:Adapted from WHO Outbreak Communication Planning Guide (2008)
Table 6.4: After outbreak (Recovery phase)
ESR 2012. Guidelines for the Investigation and Control of Disease Outbreaks. Porirua:
Institute of Environmental Sciences & Research Limited.
LITTLEJOHN, S. W., AND FOSS, K.A. (EDS.) 2009. Encyclopedia of communication theory,
Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
WHO 2005. Outbreak Communication: Best Practices for Communicating with the Public
During an Outbreak. Geneva: World Health Organization.
WHO 2008. World Health Organization Outbreak Communication Planning Guide [Online].
Geneva: World Health Organization. Available: http://www.who.int/ihr/elibrary/WHOOutbreak-
CommsPlanngGuide.pdf [Accessed August 24 2016].
Third IMCAPI New Delhi, India
The South Africa Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance (SACIDS)
2008 January established as a One Health Virtual Centre linking research institutions
in Tanzania, DRC, Mozambique, Zambia and South Africa
The One Health Initiative (OHI) www.onehealthinitiative.com, a major
internet based communications resource launched
2008 October Fourth IMCAPI Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
FAO, OIE, WHO, UNICEF, World Bank and UNSIC produce collab-
orative document ‘Contributing to One World, One Health. A Strate-
2008 October gic Framework for Reducing Risks of Infectious Disease at the An-
imal-Human-Ecosystem Interface’ endorsed by IMCAPI at Sharm
Expert international consultation held in Winnipeg ‘One World One
2009 March
Health: from Ideas to Action’
A national (USA) One Health Commission (http://www.onehealth-
commission.org) formed following recommendations of the OHITF,
with AVMA, the American Medical Association, the American Public
2009 Health Association, the Association of American Medical Colleges, the
Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges, the American
Society for Microbiology, and the Infectious Disease Society of Ameri-
ca as partners, and funded by Rockefeller foundation
Afrique One, an African Research Consortium on Ecosystem and Pop-
2009 ulation Health, launched with members from West and East Africa with
three European partners
One Health Alliance of South Asia (OHASA) formed as a network of
scientists in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan
2010 April Fifth IMCAPI Hanoi
Tripartite concept Strategy – An FAO-OIE-WHO collaboration to ad-
2010 April dress health risks at the animal –human-ecosystems interface’ is en-
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Stone Mountain meeting initiates
2010 May
seven international working groups to progress aspects of One Health
World Bank publishes ‘People, Pathogens and our Planet: Vol 1. To-
ward a One Health approach for Controlling Zoonotic Disease’.
‘Connecting Organizations for Regional Disease Surveillance
2010 (CORDS)’, a non-government platform connects global regional sur-
veillance systems
2011 February First International One Health Congress Melbourne, Australia
One Health Central and Eastern Africa (OHCEA) formed as a network
2011 of 14 public health and veterinary institutions in Ethiopia, Uganda,
Kenya, Tanzania, DRCongo and Rwanda
One Health Global Network, an information clearing house, is
World Bank publishes ‘People, Pathogens and Our Planet: Vol 2. The
Economics of One Health’
Global Risk Forum One Health Summit ‘One Health, One Planet, One
2012 February
Future’ held in Davos, Switzerland
2013 January Second International One Health congress Bangkok, Thailand
The Gates Foundation calls for One Health research through the Grand
Challenge program
One Health Summer Schools available in Denmark, England and Aus-
2014 tralia. Masters in One Health offered in USA and UK, and a doctorate
in the USA
Sources: Gregg MB (2008). Conducting a field investigation, p97, In Gregg MB (ed) Field
Epidemiology, 3rd ed. Oxford University Press.
CDC (2012). Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice, 3rd ed. P6-8. Available at
Active encephalitis surveillance began in NYC on 30 August, and in nearby Nassau and
Westchester counties on 3 September. A clinical case definition was used. Before and
during this outbreak, an observed increase in bird deaths (particularly crows) was noted in
NYC. Tissue specimens from birds in the Bronx Zoo were analysed by the CDC, which
revealed on 23 September that the virus was WNV-like in genetic composition. Up to that
time, WNV had never been isolated in the Western hemisphere
Concurrently, brain tissue from three NYC encephalitis case deaths tested positive for
WNV at the University of California at Irvine. As of 28 September 1999, 17 confirmed
and 20 probable cases had occurred in NYC, Nassau, and Westchester counties, with
four deaths. Onset dates were from 5 August to 16 September, and the median age of the
case-patients was 71 years (range 15–87 years). By 5 October, the number of laborato-
ry-positive cases increased to 50 (27 confirmed and 23 probable). The NYCDOHMH es-
tablished emergency telephone hotlines on 3 September, with 130,000 calls received by
28 September. They distributed over 300,000 cans of DEET-based mosquito repellent
city-wide through local firehouses, and 750,000 public health leaflets with information
on protection from mosquito bites. They provided public health messages by radio, televi-
sion, and via the Internet. A seroprevalence survey later determined that about 100 asymp-
tomatic infections and 30 WNV fever cases occurred for each WNV encephalitis case in
the NYC area.
Within its normal geographic area of distribution in Africa, West Asia, and the Middle
East, birds do not normally show symptoms when infected with WNV. Migrant birds
from this part of the world are thought to cause occasional WNV epidemics in Europe. An
epizootic that results in the deaths of large numbers of birds may represent introduction
into a new population or a new more virulent strain of a virus.
WNV is primarily transmitted by Culex pipiens mosquitoes, which also contributed to its
subsequent spread in the United States. This prompted nationwide mosquito population
surveillance. Genetic testing revealed that the virus was 99% identical to one isolated in
1999 from a goose in Israel. Potential routes for introduction of this virus include impor-
tation of WNV-infected birds, mosquitoes, or sick persons. The WNV-prevalent area of
NYC included two large international airports. In WNV encephalitis patients, computer
assisted tomography often revealed pre-existing lesions and chronic changes in brain tis-
sue, suggestive of a greater susceptibility to deleterious outcome in the elderly.
Learning Point:
This outbreak emphasized the important relationship between veterinarians, physicians, and
Public Health in disease surveillance, and that uncommon pathogens must be considered.
Among the epidemiological ‘lessons learned’ from the 1999 WNV outbreak was the example
of a typical disease pattern seen with a natural epidemic, occurring first among birds, fol-
lowed by cases of human illness. With the establishment of WNV in indigenous North Amer-
ican mosquito vectors, the virus has spread and become endemic to the continent. Important-
ly, the origin of outbreaks fitting some clues for a biological attack (e.g. a new disease in a
geographic region), cannot be determined without extensive investigation. Emerging diseases,
both new to a region like WNV, and a totally new pathogen (e.g. SARS), have occurred in the
last decade. Regardless of outbreak origin, the epidemiological methods remain the same.
(Source: Asnis DS. et al. The West Nile Virus outbreak of 1999 in New York: The Flushing hos-
pital experience. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2000;30:413–418.)
Field/Entry Level
• Integrity: Behaves in an honest, fair, and ethical manner. Strong work ethic.
• Interpersonal Skills: Able to collaborate with One Health partners from diverse back-
grounds in order to reach common goals. Treats others with courtesy, sensitivity, and re-
spect, respond appropriately in different situations. Seeks to understand unique interest of
One Health partners and maximize them to the extent possible.
• Communication: Communicates in clear, concise, organized, and convincing manner
both in writing and orally, in person, and through electronic means. Listens effectively;
clarifies information as needed.
• Problem Solving: Identifies and analyses problems; weighs relevance and accuracy of
information while considering the perspectives of all stakeholders; generates and evalu-
ates solutions; makes recommendations.
• Flexibility: Rapidly adapts to new information, changing conditions, or unexpected ob-
stacles. Recover quickly from setbacks.
• Self-Development: Assesses and recognizes own strengths and weaknesses; pursues
professional and personal development.
• Knowledge of the history of One Health.
Source: William Hueston, Rebekah Kunkel, Felicia Nutter, and Debra Olson (2014). One
Health Core Competencies. Copied from http://www.aavmc.org/data/files/annualconfer-
ence/2014/ppt/kunkel.pdf on 6 April 2016
Appendix 3.2 Checklist of General Tools & Equipment for Different Range of Specimen
Preparation on personal protective equipment (PPE):
□ Detergent hand wash □ Disposable glove
□ Disposable absorbent (paper) towel □ Protective gown or coverall
□ Surgical Mask or N95 mask □ Wear shoes with puncture-resistan
□ Goggle or eye visor (if required) sole or rubber boots
Appendix 3.3 Laboratory testing for different diseases
1. Brucellosis Veterinary Serum ELISA (exclude Veterinary Region-
B. suis) al Laboratories
(B. abortus,
B. melitensis,
B. suis)
Medical Blood Culture and sensitivity PCR and HRM ELISA Local hospital
for species iden- laboratories
Serum tification
Respiratory Selective media: VRI
discharges, Lowenstein Jensen,
faeces, milk, Stonebrick or Mid-
urine, semen, dlebrook media
abscess (lung
and lymph
node), envi-
Primary culture: VRI
Semisolid EMJH
Veterinary Regional
Medical Isolate Identification Multiplex PCR Laboratories
losis) Uncoagulated MKAK
blood (EDTA)/
5. Q Fever Veterinary Serum ELISA VRI
Milk, respira- PCR VRI
tory and repro-
ductive organs,
Medical Blood PCR ELISA IMR
6. Anthrax Veterinary Blood from Selective media: 3 % VRI
orifices and or- sheep RBC agar
gans, environ-
mental swabs
Blood from PCR VRI
orifices and or-
gans, Bacterial
Blood from PCR VRI
orifices and or-
gans, Bacterial
Formites Primary culture: BHI VRI
(powder, enve-
lope etc)
Selective media: 3 %
sheep RBC agar
8. Rabies Veterinary Brain, Whole Blood VRI
Brain FAT, Tissue VRI
or direct smear
Kes / Kawalan.....
a) Nama ...........................................................................
b) No Telefon. .................................................................
c) Umur ................. tahun
d) Jantina ( ) lelaki ( ) perempuan
e) Bangsa ..........................................................................
f) Pekerjaan .......................................................................
g) Alamat ...................................................................................................
h) Koordinat GIS.........................................................................................
i) Tinggal di alamat sejak................... tahun
j) Penyakit ko-morbid yang lain: ( ) tiada ( ) ya
Jika ya, sila nyatakan...............................
a) Tarikh Onset.........................................................................................
b) Tempat pertama dapat rawatan selepas onset......................................................
c) Tarikh pulih.....................................................................
4.1.3 Luka Mempunyai luka sebelum menangkap ikan ( ) tiada ( ) ya
a) luka jenis gores ( ) tiada ( ) ya, jika ya luka menyentuh air ( ) tiada ( ) ya
b) luka jenis terkoyak ( ) tiada ( ) ya, jika ya luka menyentuh air ( ) tiada ( ) ya
4.1.5 Makanan
a) Makan makanan yang semalaman dan terlupa untuk memanaskan lagi
( ) Tiada ( ) ya
b) Makan makanan yang kekal yang terlupa untuk menyimpan dalam kabinet
makanan ( ) Tiada ( ) ya
c) Mencuci tangan sebelum makan ( ) Tiada ( ) ya
Nama penyiasat....................................................................
Example 1:
It is suspected that the Zika infection is from a local source of contagion as the patient
says that he has not travelled overseas in the past year. There is a possibility that he
was bitten by an infected Aedes mosquito in Sabah.
MOH has taken immediate steps to conduct fogging in Likas, and its surrounding
areas. Besides that, pamphlets containing information on methods of eliminating Aedes
breeding sights are being disseminated at public areas such as clinics, hospitals, and
malls. People are also advised to avoid dark clothing and wear long sleeves and pants
to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes. Applying mosquito repellent is also advised
when doing outdoor activities.Since Zika can be passed through sex from a person
infected with this virus, it is advisable for couples to have refrain from having sex with
their partner who has travelled to a Zika infected country. Another alternative is to use
a condom during sexual intercourse.
It is highly recommended for anyone experiencing unusual fever, rash, joint pain,
red eyes, muscle pain, headache, or vomiting to get themselves tested at the nearest
hospital. For futher inquiries, please contact the Ministry of Health at 088-266755 (for
Sabah), 082-556577 (for Sarawak) or 03-8776688 (for Peninsular Malaysia).
Example 2:
HULU LANGAT, 25 Mac 2017 - Seorang remaja bernama Ali bin Abdullah, berumur
15 tahun telah dibawa ke sebuah hospital swasta oleh kedua ibu bapanya pada 23 Mac
2017 apabila mengalami kesakitan badan melampau yang bermula dua hari sebelum
itu. Ibu bapanya juga memaklumkan kepada pihak hospital yang anak mereka men-
galami sakit kepala dan batuk selama seminggu tetapi mereka hanya menganggap ini
sebagai sakit biasa dan tidak membawa anak mereka ke hospital lebih awal. Remaja
tersebut dirujuk ke Hospital Hulu Langat dengan kadar yang segera. Malangnya beliau
meninggal semalam, 24 Mac 2017 pada pukul 10.00 malam. Pakar perubatan yang
merawat remaja tersebut mengesahkan bahawa remaja tersebut didapati meninggal
akibat jangkitan virus H1N1.
Guru Besar sekolah remaja tersebut, bernama Puan Lim Ah Ling telahpun memak-
lumkan kepada Pejabat Kesihatan Hulu Langat yang kehadiran pelajar sekolah telah
jatuh sebanyak 25% pada minggu lepas. Ibubapa para pelajar melaporkan kepada pihak
sekolah yang anak mereka mengalami batuk yang serius. Berikutan daripada kejadian
ini, Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Hulu Langat akan menjalankan pemeriksaan kesihatan di
kawasan kediaman dan sekolah remaja tersebut dalam masa terdekat.
Ia adalah penting untuk mengingatkan orang ramai bahawa seperti mana lain-lain virus
influenza bermusim yang lain, virus H1N1 merebak melalui cecair (droplet) batuk atau
bersin mereka yang dijangkiti. Orang awam boleh dijangkiti jika menyentuh objek atau
permukaan yang dicemari virus H1N1 ini dan seterusnya menyentuh hidung atau mulut
Insiden wabak H1N1 pernah berlaku di Kajang pada tahun 2014 yang mana hampir
15% daripada penduduknya dijangkiti virus tersubut. Ketika itu, Kementerian Kesi-
hatan cepat bertindak untuk memperkenalkan langkah-langkah kawalan kepada pen-
duduk di kawasan tersebut. Melalui pendidikan seperti kepentingan membasuh tangan
dan menutup mulut dengan tisu apabila batuk ataupun bersin, penghindaran daripada
jangkitan yang lebih melus berjaya dilakukan.
atau guru yang menunjukkan gejala dengan tidak menghadirkan diri ke sekolah adalah
efektif bagi mengekang penularan jangkitan ini.
Confirmatory Test, 49
A Clinical Wastes, 54
Agent, 30 Communication, 102
Attack Rate, 38, 73 Chief Ministers, 104
Avian Influenza, 41 Confusion, 104
Antimicrobial Susceptibility, 52 Chronology, 107
Analytical Epidemiology, 69
Attributable Risk, 74 D
Case Control Study, 70 Disciplinary, 8
Cohort Study, 70 Interdisciplinary, 8
Anxiety, 102 Multidisciplinary, 8
Transdisciplinary, 8
B Descriptive Epidemiology, 36
Biosecurity, 21 Diagnostic Test, 47
Brucellosis, 41 Disinfection, 59
Biosafety, 49 Disseminate, 103
Biotyping, 52 Designate, 104
Bio-Hazardous, 54 Director General, 104
Businesses, 102 Disease, 106
Brochures, 105 Outbreak, 106
Chronic Carrier, 30 Epidemic Curve, 39
Contact, 30 Economic, 102
Contamination, 30 Emerging Disease and Surveillance
Team (ESR), 103
Carrier, 30
Case Definition, 33
Suspected, 36
Probable, 36 Farming, 102
Confirmed, 36
Case Finding, 40 G
Point Source Outbreak, 39 Identification, 107
Continuous Common Source
Outbreak, 40 J
Propagated Outbreak, 40
Journalists, 104
Genotypic, 52
Laboratory, 31
Herd Immunity, 30
Based Surveillance, 31
Human Exposure, 35
Based Data, 46
Possible Exposure, 35
Confirmed Surveillance
Probable Exposure, 36 Information, 46
Exposed, 36 Diagnosis, 35
Host, 30 Investigation, 46
Hypothesis, 68 Involvement, 49
Developing, 68 Response, 46
Evaluating, 69 Techniques, 46
Refining, 75 Testing, 32
Health Care Worker, 35 Laboratory Diagnosis, 35
Humanistic, 104 Probable Diagnosis, 35
Confirmatory Diagnosis, 35
I Leptospirosis, 37
Infectious Diseases, 2
Challenges Posed by, 2 M
Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Manhattan Principles of the Wildlife
plan, Malaysian, 3 Conservation Society, 4
Objectives, 3 Medical waste, 54
Isolation, 4 Ministry of Health, 103
Institute of Medicine Report, 5 Ministry of Primary Industries, 103
Immunogenicity, 30 Media, 104
Incubation Period, 30 Miscommunication, 104
Index Case, 30
Infection, 30 N
Infectivity, 30 Nipah Virus, 3
Incidence, 38
Irrational, 104
O Paradigm, 27
One Health, 4, 5 Resources Required, 27
Communication and Technology, 13 Outbreak Management, 9
Competencies, 15, 125-126 Activities of Veterinary and Human
Health Sectors, 23
Concept, 6
Alert Management Team, 21
Definition and Scope, 5
Animal Diseases Crisis
Disease Surveillance, 13
Management Committee, 21
Education and Training, 14-15 Components, 9
Governance, 16 Framework, 10
History, 5 Plan for Animal Health Sector, 21
Infrastructure, 12 Plan for Health Sector, 20, 122
Leadership, 11 Protocol, 22
Manhattan Principles, 4 Rapid Action Team (Veterinary), 21
Milestones and Timelines, 118-120 Rapid Assessment Ream
Origin of the Term, 4 (Human Health) 20
One World One Health, 4 Rapid Response Team
One Medicine, 5 (Human Health) 20
Outbreak, 22
Outcomes from Adopting One, 7
Coordinators, 22
Health Paradigm, 7
Protocol, 22
Paradigm, 4
Team and Members, 22
Plans, Issues and Challenges of
putting One Health into Core Teams, 24
practice, 9-15 Core Team Advisors, 24
Relationships, 12 Core Team Skills, 24
Transdisciplinary Approach, 8 Terms of Reference, 25, 26
Way Forward, 16,17 Odds Ratio, 74
Zoonoses Outbreak Investigation Outburst, 102
based on One Health Paradigm, 7 Organism, 128
Outbreak Investigation, 8
Steps, 8, 121
Planning for, 122
Pandemic Prevention and Prepared-
Pre-Outbreak Preparations, 20-28 ness, 2
Materials required for Field Phases, 3
Investigation, 25 Strategic Actions and Goals, 2-3
Preparations based on One Health Primary Case, 30
Pathogenicity, 30 Secondary Attack Rate, 39
Prevalence, 38 Serology, 49
Pre analysis, 47 Serological, 49
Phage Typing, 52 Serotyping, 49
Phenotypic, 52 Screening, 49
Plasmodium Knowlesi, 63 Social, 102
Public Health Services,103 Speculations, 102
Podcasts, 105 Source, 103
Posters, 105 Specimen, 128
Political, 106
Press Statement, 106 T
Turnaround Time, 47
R Tourism, 102
Reservoir, 30 Transparent, 102
Relative Risk, 73 Trust, 103
Rumours, 102 Technologies, 105
Receiver, 103
Radio, 104 V
Virulence, 31
Outbreak 2003, 2 Websites, 105
Lessons Learnt from Outbreak, 2 West Nile Outbreak, New York City
1999: 123-124
Storage, 14
Secondary Case, 31
Surveillance, 31
Zoonotic Disease, 31
Laboratory-Based, 31
Core Team Advisors, 24
Mandatory Notification, 31
Clinical-based (Sentinel/National/
Syndromic), 31
Community-Based, 31
Active and Passive, 31
Susceptible Host, 31
Suspect, 31
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