TARCA Global Standards 20130122

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The Case for Global Accounting Standards: Arguments and Evidence

Ann Tarca

Professor of Accounting, University of Western Australia.

Academic Fellow ‐ Research, IFRS Foundation1


This paper outlines the arguments for a common set of accounting standards and the forces
that have promoted adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
Widespread use of IFRS since 2005 provides an opportunity for empirical investigation of
the benefits of IFRS. I summarise results of studies that are relevant for assessing the role of
IFRS in both developing and developed capital markets.


The expected benefits of global accounting standards are compelling. The use of one set of
high quality standards by companies throughout the world has the potential to improve the
comparability and transparency of financial information and reduce financial statement
preparation costs. When the standards are applied rigorously and consistently, capital
market participants will have higher quality information and can make better decisions.
Thus markets allocate funds more efficiently and firms can achieve a lower cost of capital.
These arguments have been used to support the adoption of International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) for financial reporting for consolidated listed entities in
European Union (EU) member states (EC1606/2002). Other jurisdictions have cited similar
reasons for adoption of IFRS (see Brown, 2011), reflecting the demand for high quality
standards that can improve the quality and comparability of financial reporting and promote
the development of national capital markets and the integration of markets internationally.

For the first time in history, we have substantial numbers of firms domiciled in different
countries using common standards. Consequently we can collect evidence about the extent
to which we observe benefits in capital markets. This paper presents research findings
about the impact of adoption of IFRS since 2005 when they became the legally required
accounting standards for over 6,000 EU firms and for firms in several other countries

The views expressed in this article are those of the author. They are not the views of the IASB or its
members, which are arrived at after extensive due process and deliberation. This article is included in the IFRS
Foundation staff report (Report to the Trustees of the IFRS Foundation 2012) available at

including Australia and South Africa. The next section outlines the evidence about the
impact of IFRS on the efficient operations of capital markets, considering data relating to
share prices and returns and also the activities of international investors and securities
analysts. The following sections consider the impact of IFRS in both developing countries
and those where capital markets are more mature and present evidence that is relevant to
evaluating the role of IFRS, both prior to and subsequent to the financial crisis of 2007‐2008.
The final section concludes the paper.

IFRS adoption and market efficiency

A fundamental question is whether IFRS have changed the information available to market
participants in a way that is beneficial, that is, are markets more efficient when IFRS are
used? We expect that IFRS information provided by firms to market participants may differ
significantly from information based on prior national GAAP, due to differences between
requirements of national standards and IFRS. The extent to which the change to IFRS
provides more useful information that translates into benefits observable in capital markets
is a question currently being addressed in research.

Some studies gather evidence about changes in market liquidity and firms’ cost of capital, as
a way of measuring the impact of IFRS. In one of the first large scale studies of firms
adopting IFRS in a mandatory setting, Daske et al. (2008) conclude that market liquidity
increases following introduction of IFRS. They also find evidence of a decrease in firms’ cost
of capital and an increase in equity value occurring prior to the official adoption date. In a
related study, the authors find benefits such as improved liquidity and lower cost of capital
are more likely for firms that are ‘serious’ adopters of IFRS (defined as firms with a
commitment to transparency) (Daske et al., 2011).

Li (2010) finds IFRS mandatory adopters benefit through reduced cost of capital in the
immediate mandatory adoption period, reflecting increased disclosure and enhanced
information comparability. However, the reduction occurs only in countries with strong legal
enforcement.2 Palea (2007) considers costs of capital effects for financial institutions. She
reports lower cost of capital for EU financial firms using IFRS compared to others following
national standards and the Fourth and Seventh Directives, a result that is consistent with
IFRS adoption objectives of the European Commission (EC1606/1202).

Researchers have long used share prices to reveal information about the usefulness of
financial data (Ball and Brown; 1968 and Beaver, 1968). In this tradition, Beuselinck et al.
(2009) investigate stock return synchronicity3 for mandatory IFRS adopters in the EU. They
conclude that IFRS adoption reveals new firm‐specific information and subsequently
reduces the surprise in future disclosures. Landsman et al. (2011) consider the impact of the

Researchers use the term enforcement to refer to the national legal setting in which the financial reporting
takes place, that is, the legal and governance systems that protect investors and creditors and discipline others
for illegal activities.
Synchronicity refers to the extent to which individual stock prices move with overall market prices.
use of IFRS on share prices and trading (abnormal return volatility and trading volume). They
conclude that the information content of earnings announcements has improved for IFRS
reporters by reducing reporting lag, increasing analyst following and increasing foreign
investment. They also find the IFRS effect depends on the level of enforcement in a country.

Other studies explore the impact of IFRS for market participants. In relation to investors,
studies provide evidence of various benefits that can be linked to firms’ use of high quality,
comparable standards. Brüggemann et al. (2009) consider the investments in foreign firms
made by individual investors on the Open Market at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (4,869
firms from 31 countries). They report an increase in trading activity following the adoption
of IFRS. Thus the authors conclude IFRS have the potential to promote more foreign equity
investments by individual investors.

DeFond et al. (2011) also investigate the relationship of IFRS and cross border investment.
They find US mutual fund ownership increases for mandatory adopters, but only when
adoption is seen as ‘credible’. Thus, like Daske et al. (2009), they point to benefits from IFRS
arising from improvements in comparability but caution that the way the standards are
implemented (that is, the manner in which they are used by firms) is of crucial importance
for realising benefits from IFRS. Shima and Gordon (2011) show that both legal standards
and enforcement are necessary to increase foreign investment.

Yu (2010) also examines mutual fund holdings. She concludes adoption of IFRS increases
cross border holdings by reducing the information processing costs of foreign investors,
through improving comparability of financial information and indirectly by lowering other
barriers such as geographic distance. Her evidence also suggests that harmonisation across
accounting reporting regimes is a more effective way to attract foreign capital than
improvements in individual country’s reporting regimes. Francis et al. (2012) report a higher
volume of merger and acquisition (M&A) activity and higher takeover premiums when
countries have more similar GAAP. They also find more M&A activity in countries adopting
IFRS in 2005, a trend more pronounced in countries with low similarity of GAAP and IFRS
pre‐adoption. The authors conclude that similar GAAP reduces information costs, thus
increasing competition among bidders and permitting greater gains for target shareholders.

Flourou and Pope (2011) explore the question of whether mandatory IFRS lead to an
increase in institutional ownership of equity. Considering the year of adoption and one
subsequent year, they report increases in ownership and consequently show that IFRS affect
allocation decisions of institutional investors. The IFRS‐related ownership changes are
higher for value and growth investors, who are more likely to make use of financial
statements in their investment decision processes. An important caveat in their study is that
the positive IFRS ownership effects are found only in countries with strict legal enforcement
and low levels of corruption. I return to this point later in this paper.

Many studies investigate the effects of mandatory IFRS for security market analysts because
they are important users of financial statement information. The IFRS studies build on a pre‐
existing literature that suggests high quality financial statement information assists analysts
(Lang and Lundholm, 1996; Hope, 2003). Consequently, analysts are expected to benefit if
IFRS improve the relevance, transparency and comparability of information. A study by Bae
et al. (2008) of analysts following foreign firms suggests that they benefit when accounting
standards are more similar. Specifically, when a country’s GAAP is closer to international
standards (IAS in their study), foreign analysts and more likely to follow and to provide more
accurate forecasts for firms from that country.

Several studies set in the mandatory IFRS period conclude that IFRS adoption has benefited
security analysts. Horton et al. (2012) find that analysts following IFRS firms have greater
accuracy in their forecasts compared to analysts following non‐IFRS firms. They conclude
IFRS have improved the information environment by increasing both information quality
and comparability. Other researchers also find improvements in forecast accuracy based on
studies of EU companies (Jiao et al., 2012) and those from individual countries, including
developed and developing market economies (Panaretou et al., 2009; Choi et al., 2010;
Ernstberger et al., 2008; Hodgdson et al., 2008; Cotter et al., 2012). Beuselinck et al. (2010)
find that IFRS improve the ability of analysts to incorporate firm‐industry information in
share prices and reduce the private information advantage held by institutional owners. In
another study of IFRS firms, Beuselinck et al. (2009) report that the precision of information
increases post 2006 but consensus among analysts does not change, suggesting an increase
in precision of both common information and private information. Analysts who follow firms
in more than one country experience the largest post IFRS improvement in private
information precision.

Byard et al. (2011) note benefits for analysts in the immediate post IFRS adoption period for
EU firms. The benefits are observed in countries where the national GAAP and IFRS had the
greatest differences and where there were strong institutions to support IFRS adoption, that
is, the legal system of a country is sound and offers protections to investors. Tan et al.
(2011) report that mandatory IFRS attract foreign analysts to a firm and also improve their
forecast accuracy. The increase in analyst following is positively associated with the extent
of difference between local GAAP and IFRS and the extent to which adoption eliminates this
difference. IFRS adoption also attracts more local analysts although it does not significantly
influence their forecast accuracy.

Most research focuses on IFRS effects related to trading in securities markets. However,
Beneish et al. (2012) find that IFRS have a greater impact in debt markets than equity
markets. The authors observe that increases in foreign equity investment in the post‐
adoption period are limited to countries with high (or improving governance quality).
However, increases in foreign debt investment flows are not dependent on governance
quality, consistent with covenants in bond contracts being used to offset country‐level
weaknesses in investor protection. The increase in investment derives from both the US
and other non‐adopting countries, suggesting it is linked to the quality of IFRS.

The results of these studies provide evidence that the widespread adoption of IFRS has
brought benefits to capital markets. Researchers generally conclude that the benefits arise
from the nature of IFRS (compared to prior GAAP) and the use of common standards by
firms from different countries, which improves the comparability of information for
international investors and analysts.

A common thread in the academic literature is that the benefits of common standards
cannot be achieved by the standards alone. The issue was raised prior to widespread
adoption of IFRS. Ball et al. (2000; 2003) highlights the importance of incentives in
determining how standards are used in practice. The point has also been taken up by IFRS
researchers, notably Christensen et al. (2008) who argue that firm incentives are more
important than the accounting standards themselves in understanding IFRS effects. Using
data relating to the post 2005 adoption period, many researchers have concluded the
setting in which IFRS reporting takes place has a strong influence on whether potential
benefits of IFRS can be realised (Daske et al., 2008; Beuselink et al., 2009; Flourou and Pope,
2011; Landsman et al., 2011; Christensen et al., 2010 and 2012). The success of common
standards depends not just on the quality of the standards issues by the IASB. Critically,
success also requires an infrastructure to support IFRS to be in place at a national and
international level.

Consequently, not all studies report improvements when companies adopt IFRS. As noted
above, benefits are strongly linked to the extent to which prior national GAAP and IFRS
differ and the level of enforcement (or, put another way, the legal setting and business and
financial reporting culture) in individual countries. Researchers concerned with managers’
reporting incentives argue that IFRS benefits will only emerge if firms have incentives to
provide high quality IFRS reports, either due to their individual circumstances or in response
to legal, reporting and governance requirements in the countries where they operate and
the markets where they are listed. Wang and Yu (2009) find better accounting standards
(for example, IFRS) have beneficial effects for the information content of share prices in
countries with common‐law legal origins, better shareholder protection and stricter legal
enforcement. These studies emphasise the point made by many researchers: institutional
setting will affect the extent to which IFRS benefits can be realised.

Not all research supports the claim that IFRS are beneficial for capital markets. Some
researchers question whether comparability improves following IFRS adoption, pointing to
evidence of continuation of pre‐IFRS policy choices (Kvaal and Nobes, 2010; 2011). Lang et
al. (2010) measure both earnings comovement (based on the covariation in earnings
between firms in different countries) and accounting comparability (based on the
relationship of earnings and returns of a firm, compared between firms in different
countries). They find that while comovement increases for IFRS firms, comparability does
not. Further, the increase in comovement is associated with a poorer information
environment (measured as a decrease in analyst coverage and forecast accuracy and an
increase in bid‐ask spreads).

IFRS and economic development

Studies of capital market development show strong links between a country’s legal and
financial infrastructure and the maturity of its capital market. In a study of 49 countries
using data from 1994, La Porta et al. (1997) show that countries with poorer investor
protection (measured by both the character of legal rules and the quality of law
enforcement) have smaller and narrower capital markets. In a related study, La Porta et al.
(1998) conclude that common law countries have the strongest, and French civil law
countries the weakest, legal protection of investors. The German and Scandinavian civil law
countries are somewhere in‐between. Jackson and Roe (2009) also explore the relationship
of legal activity and capital market development. They argue that both public enforcement
and private enforcement (typically associated with civil law and common law systems
respectively) are important for development of markets, noting the practice in some
common law countries to make use of mechanisms typically observed in civil jurisdictions.
Other studies point to the interrelationship of institutional setting and the quality of
accounting information. For example, Leuz et al. (2003) conclude that a country’s legal and
institutional environment influences the properties of reported earnings. They find outsider
economies (those with large stock markets, dispersed ownership, strong investor rights and
strong legal enforcement) feature larger stock markets, lower ownership concentration,
more extensive outsider rights, higher disclosure and strong legal enforcement than insider
economies. Financial reporting and disclosure is considered to be an important part of the
institutional setting that affects transparency (Bushman et al., 2004). Frost et al. (2006) find
the strength of a stock exchange’s disclosure system (disclosure, monitoring and
enforcement of financial information) is positively associated with market development,
after controlling for legal system, legal protection of investors, market size and other
relevant factors.

Given the importance of institutional setting for market development, it is not surprising
that initiatives to promote capital market growth involve the development of sound
financial infrastructure, including the use of high quality accounting standards. The World
Bank and the IMF have encouraged the use of IFRS to support development of capital
markets and, in turn, global economic growth and stability (Hegarty et al., 2004).

The World Bank’s Review of Standards and Codes (ROSC) reports (World Bank, 2011)
provide many examples of countries embracing IFRS to improve the quality of financial
information about private sector firms and government business enterprises, to promote
the development of technical accounting expertise within a country and to attract foreign
capital. Hope et al. (2006) review 38 countries that voluntarily adopted IFRS before the end
of 2004. They conclude IFRS are a vehicle through which countries can improve investor
protection and make their capital markets more accessible to foreign investors.
Subsequently Gordon et al. (2012) show that foreign direct investment inflows increased in
developing countries adopting IFRS. They study firms from 124 countries during the period
1996‐2009 and show a direct benefit for developing (but not developed) economies,
providing evidence that the World Bank encouragement of use of IFRS is beneficial.

Countries using IFRS include Korea, where full IFRS became mandatory from 2011 in an
attempt to improve transparency and international perceptions of the corporate culture in
order to attract more international investment (Fifield, 2007). In Malaysia full IFRS applied
from 2012. The Malaysian Accounting Standards Board Chairman stated that adoption in
Malaysia was not about ‘jumping on the bandwagon’ but rather recognising that Malaysian
companies operate in a global environment. IFRS allows Malaysian companies and markets
to be recognised internationally (MASB, 2008). Malaysia has previously partially harmonised
national standards with IFRS. Reviewing financial reporting under national GAAP and the
harmonised standards, Wan Ismail et al. (2010) report higher quality of earnings and Kadri
and Zulkifli (2008) find higher value relevance of accounting numbers for Malaysian
companies under the revised (harmonised) standards. Future research can consider
whether further improvements follow adoption of full IFRS.

Various studies have documented the process of adoption of IFRS in developing markets.
For example, Jaruga et al. (2007) describe the difficulties of conversion to IFRS and impact of
adoption on financial statements in Poland. Similarly, Ionas et al. (2007) and Albu and Albu
(2012) describe the complicated nature of the process in Romania while Sucher and
Jindrichovska (2004) discuss the Czech Republic’s experience. A few studies provide
evidence of economic or accounting outcomes of adoption of IFRS in developing markets.
Dobija and Klimczak (2010) report that market efficiency and value relevant reporting were
achieved early in the development of accounting to support privatisation (from 1997), but
these features did not improve further in the period 2005‐2008 when IFRS was adopted.
Marquez‐Ramos (2008) provides evidence that adoption of IFRS is associated with more
trade and foreign direct investment and these positive effects are stronger in the transition
economies of eastern Europe.

Financial re‐regulation

Financial regulation has emerged as a major policy issue following the economic crisis of
2007‐08. In October 2007 the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) formed a working group to
make proposals that would enhance market stability, discipline and institutional resilience
following a liquidity squeeze in markets from June 2007 (Helleiner and Pagliari, 2009). A
subsequent action plan from the G20 finance ministers, based on the work of the FSF, is
described by Veron (2012, p. 2) as re‐regulation: ‘the renewed realisation that financial
systems, including banking systems, could not be left to their own devices, both because of
the large potential economic costs of financial crises and because public expenditure is
often a key component of their resolution’. The G20 November 2008 action plan proposed a
commitment to common principles for reform, encompassing strengthening transparency
and accountability, enhancing sound regulation, promoting integrity in financial markets,
reinforcing international cooperation, and reforming financial institutions. One set of global
accounting standards, consistent application and enforcement and improved requirements
in relation to recognition, measurement and disclosure for financial instruments and off‐
balance sheet entities were included in the action items (Rottier and Veron, 2012).
Underlying the G20 proposals was the notion that accounting standards and the way they
are applied and enforced must be improved, given their role in the events of the financial
crisis (Walker, 2010).

Studies have investigated the impact of IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and
Measurement on accounting for financial instruments following its adoption by EU banks
from 2005 (prior to changes related to the G20 proposals). Leventis et al. (2011) study 91 EU
listed banks over the period 1999‐2008 and report earnings management (using loan loss
provisions) is lower after adoption in 2005. The authors conclude the implementation of
IFRS in the EU has improved the earnings quality of banks by mitigating the tendency of
managers of commercial banks to engage in earnings management using loan loss
provisions. Gebhardt and Novotny‐Farkas (2011) study 90 EU banks in the period 2000‐
2007. They find the restriction to recognise only incurred losses under IAS 39 reduces
income smoothing, although this result may be mitigated by bank regulators’ preference for
forward‐looking loan loss provisioning. The application of the incurred loss approach results
in less timely loan loss recognition, implying delayed recognition of future expected losses.

The G20 response also called for consistent application of accounting standards. Prior to the
2007‐2008 crisis, the European Commission (EC) was positive about the quality and
comparability of IFRS reporting. Based on a range of reports and reviews of financial
reporting,4 an EC report concluded there was a ‘general perception among preparers,
auditors, investors and enforcers that application of IFRS has improved the comparability
and quality of financial reporting and has led to greater transparency’ (EC 2008: 6).
Subsequently, the European Security and Markets Authority (ESMA) reported on the
activities of EU enforcers, describing the level of activity of various national bodies and their
interaction in the European Enforcement Coordination Sessions (EECS) (ESMA, 2011).
Enforcers paid particular attention to accounting for financial instruments and found
significant improvements in 2009 and 2010 in the level of compliance with disclosure
requirements about valuation techniques, own credit risk, credit risk, day one profit or loss,
and special purpose entities. However, they concluded some areas (including the fair value
hierarchy and qualitative risk disclosures relating to financial instruments) required more
attention by issuers. Berger (2010: 22) concludes the EECS have made a ‘significant
contribution’ to uniform application of IFRS. He notes that different enforcement
approaches and methods are used and they vary widely. In addition, the extent to which the
bodies publicise their activities also varies, suggesting an area for improvement in the

In 2011 the SEC published a review of IFRS reporting, based on the 2009 financial
statements of 183 IFRS applying companies listed in the US. The SEC staff found general
compliance with IFRS requirements, but noted the transparency and clarity of disclosures
could be enhanced. Further, they concluded diversity in application presented challenges to
the comparability of financial statements across countries and industries (SEC 2011a: 2). The
report also mentions the use of options in IFRS, insufficient and inconsistent disclosure and
a lack of guidance in some areas as potentially undermining comparability.

IFRS in developed capital markets

The G20’s call for one set of common accounting standards, for use in markets throughout
the world, raises question about the benefits of global standards in markets that already
have high levels of transparency and investor protection. In the case of Australia and New
Zealand policy makers considered that the future growth of their small domestic capital
markets required international investment, which would be promoted by use of IFRS. In
Australia, the decision was broadly supported in the business communities though not
necessarily by all individual companies (Brown and Tarca, 2001). Some smaller companies
considered they bore the costs of adopting international standards without the benefits that
may be realised by larger firms with international investors and analysts (Jones and Higgins,

Studies suggest capital market benefits following adoption of IFRS, even in countries with
strong investor protection and so‐called high quality financial reporting and enforcement.
Chalmers et al. (2011) report an increase in the value relevance and the persistence of

ICAEW (2007), CESR (2007) and reports from the European Commission’s Accounting Regulatory Commission
earnings when IFRS were adopted in Australia. Bissessur and Hodgson (2012) observe a
decrease in synchonicity in the Australian market in the first two years post IFRS (which
became higher in 2007‐2008). Bissessur and Hodgson (2012) and Cotter et al. (2012) find
lower forecast error post IFRS in Australia and Choi et al. (2010) report a similar result for
the UK. Cheong et al. (2010) conclude that capitalisation of intangibles under IFRS provides
value relevant information for companies from Australia, Hong Kong and New Zealand.
Bayerlien and Farooque (2012) report greater comparability of policy choices for deferred
tax and goodwill under IFRS for firms from Australia, the UK and Hong Kong. Brochet et al.
(2011) also report improved comparability post IFRS for UK firms, based on the proposition
that private information is reduced after IFRS adoption. Zéghal et al. (2011) report use of
IFRS is associated with less earnings management for French firms during the period 2003‐
2006, particularly for firms with higher corporate governance and more involvement in
foreign financial markets.

Sun et al. (2011) examine firms from 23 countries with cross‐listings in the US. They explore
whether accounting quality improves for these firms following adoption of IFRS. They find
some evidence of an improvement, which is surprising given the US cross‐listing provides
incentives for high quality reporting, in place before adoption of IFRS. The study suggests
IFRS can impact on accounting for firms from developed markets. It may also benefit
investors within a country by widening their pool of potential investments. Lee and Farghar
(2010) show IFRS adoption in Australia is associated with an increase in the level of
investment in foreign equities by Australian investors. Other evidence about IFRS benefits
for developed markets relates to capital market integration. Cai and Wong (2010) report
higher correlations of market indices among markets where firms use IFRS (UK, France,
Germany and Italy) than in markets where domestic firms generally do not use IFRS (US,
Canada, Japan and Russia) during the period 1995‐2008.

However, not all studies from developed markets provide evidence of benefits from IFRS
adoption. Gjerde et al. (2008), studying firms in Norway, find little evidence of an overall
increase in the value relevance of accounting information. However, they do find
capitalisation of intangible assets under IFRS is value relevant. Jarva and Lantto (2010)
conclude that IFRS do not provide more value relevant information or allow better
prediction of future earnings or cash flows for firms in Finland.

In relation to other developed markets, evidence is not yet available for Canada, where IFRS
were adopted from 2011. The reasons for adoption in Canada are similar to other
jurisdictions: the use of IFRS provides more opportunities for Canadian businesses and
investors by reducing the cost of capital, increasing access to international capital markets,
and reducing costs by eliminating the need for reconciliations (CICA, 2012). Lefebvre, from
the Certified General Accountants Association (CGA) Canada, held the view that national
standards had served Canada well when it was a self‐contained economic entity but with
globalisation the country must capitalise on its ability to integrate within the global
landscape (Jeffrey, 2011). In its annual report for 2011‐2012, the Canadian Accounting
Standards Board (AcSB) reflected on adoption of IFRS in Canada. While acknowledging that
some individuals disagree with the strategy, the AcSB concludes there is no new evidence
that would call the IFRS adoption strategy into question entities and states ‘although IFRSs
require improvement, they represent the only practical route to achieving the goal of a
single set of high quality, globally accepted financial reporting standards contributing to the
improved functioning of global capital markets’ (AcSB, 2012).

The arguments about participation in global markets apply equally in the US and Japan even
though historically these countries’ markets have been among the world’s largest and
served by their own domestic standards and reporting and enforcement structures. The
Japanese market has experienced many reforms in financial market regulation and
accounting standards, particularly in the 1990s, as the country has sought a major role in
international financial markets (Misawa, 2005). Saito (2008) argues that if Japan wants a
leadership role it cannot be isolated from global accounting standards. Although US GAAP
has been used by some large Japanese companies in the past, Saito (2008) states US GAAP
cannot be the global accounting language so Japanese accounting standards must be
harmonised with IFRS.5 From 2005 the Accounting Standards Board of Japan (ASBJ) has
pursued various harmonisation initiatives with the IASB, with the objective of achieving
international convergence in standards as well as contributing to more integrated capital
markets. Despite the size and importance of its capital market, Japan has experienced the
pressure that follows from its standards being seen as ‘not equivalent to IFRS’. The need for
recognition of Japanese GAAP in EU markets (see Misawa, 2005) has been another incentive
for the harmonisation of national GAAP and IFRS and for Japan to embrace IFRS.

Rottier and Veron (2010) note the geography of global finance is changing. Asian financial
centres are increasing in importance and among the world’s 100 largest banks,
approximately one third are from developing markets. The authors argue that these
changes in financial markets create a power shift in the global policy debate. Thus, the US
and Japan can be expected to continually monitor their role and involvement in the
international regulation of financial reporting and market activity in order to maintain their
positions of influence.

Prior to the crisis of 2007‐2008, increasing competition in capital markets led to calls in the
US for changes to their regulatory framework to improve its efficiency while ensuring high
standards of investor protection are maintained (Cox and Greene, 2007; Pan, 2008). The US
market regulator, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), considered various
deregulatory proposals that would ease barriers to entry in US markets. In 2008 it removed
the US GAAP‐IFRS reconciliation requirement for foreign registrants and proposed a
roadmap that would lead to the use of IFRS by domestic users by 2014 (Street, 2012). The
actions responded to perceptions that the US capital markets were losing their previous
dominance (Black, 2011) and recognised the widespread use and acceptability of IFRS
financial statements.

The G20 proposals called for action from both international and national entities and
institutions, including some in the US. Thus the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
has worked with the IASB on projects addressing accounting standards about recognition,
measurement and disclosure of financial instruments. However, the US position on some

Saito (2008) does not provide reasons as to why US GAAP cannot be the global accounting standards.
However, possible reasons are the rule‐based nature of US GAAP, which is part of an extensive set of reporting
regulations, designed for a complex regulatory environment specific to the US.
matters raised in the G20 proposals (specifically, one set of global standards) is less
favourable than in earlier years. For example, Street (2012) notes the SEC’s decision to defer
release of a recommendation about use of IFRS by US domestic registrants.

Although economic and political conditions may have changed post 2008, the incentives for
the US to be a leading participant in operation and regulation of international capital
markets remain. For example, Pan (2008) argues US securities regulation provides
disincentives for companies, leading to less foreign issuers becoming US public companies
and the foreign issuers and US investors (and financial service providers) moving their
capital raising and investment activities away from the US markets. Jackson and Pan (2008)
suggest the decline in competitiveness of US markets reflects more long standing trends
than a response to the Sarbanes Oxley Act or federal securities law.

The events of 2007‐2008 crisis do not remove the disincentives identified by Pan (2008).
Thus there remain motivations for the US to be involved in convergence, harmonisation and
mutual recognition, despite the difficulties involved in the process. The way in which the US
and other countries manage the trade‐off between competition and cooperation will be
revealed in the future. Commentators point out that much is expected of global institutions
in terms of regulation of capital markets, yet the involvement of significantly more countries
and less domination by one country (or block of countries) will make decision making more
difficult (Helliener and Pagliari, 2009). More transparency is called for, but Rottier and Veron
(2010) opine that post 2007‐2008 the level of internationally comparable information on
financial systems and markets, including disclosure on government finances and their
support of financial firms, remains insufficient.

The adoption of one set of global standards (IFRS), proposed as one element of plans to
improve transparency in financial markets, appears to have less support in the US and Japan
since the 2007‐2008 crisis. However, researchers suggest adoption decisions involve more
than a consideration of net benefits for domestic companies. Chua and Taylor (2008)
caution against ascribing the diffusion of IFRS solely to economic factors, arguing that
political and social factors have an important role. As one example, they point to the
circumstance where ‘strong nations’ require others to adopt international best practice but
can themselves not adopt certain standards when it suits them. Ramanna and Sletten (2009)
conclude that IFRS adoption is more likely when governments are capable of timely
decision‐making and when the opportunity and switching costs are relatively low. However,
they do not find that adoption decisions are related to the level of (or expected changes in)
foreign trade and investment flows. Rather, they argue that a country is more likely to adopt
IFRS when its trade partners or regional neighbours adopt. Perceptions of a network of
benefits, related to lower transaction costs for foreign financial statement users, lead to
countries taking the decision to adopt IFRS. Thus a country may adopt IFRS even if its
domestic standards are particularly well‐suited to its domestic institutions (Ramanna and
Sletten, 2011).

Vacillations in the US about if, how and when IFRS may be adopted are consistent with the
idea of a government being cognisant of the opportunity costs of change. Over the past
decade US constituents have been exposed to a variety of strategies for incorporation or
adoption of IFRS in the US (Erikson et al., 2009; Epstein, 2009). Interestingly, a US‐based
study finds academics and practitioners hold views about the benefits and costs of IFRS that
are similar to their counterparts in other countries. Rezaee et al. (2010) report a survey of
124 academics and 120 practitioners (members of FEI)6 in 2008. The first seven perceived
benefits of US convergence to IFRS relate to global issues (including comparability,
uniformity, cross border investment, and integration, efficiency and cost‐effectiveness of
markets). Although governments are often concerned about the issue of sovereignty (over
accounting standards as part of corporate regulation) and firms’ conversion costs, the
survey respondents rank other factors highly as well. Education issues (lack of IFRS and
International Auditing Standards based textbooks; lack of IFRS education, understanding
and experience of preparers) are important. Other concerns are about the application of
IFRS: uniformity of application; and coordination and collaboration among regulators.
Practitioners rank the cost of conversion as the third most important obstacle while
academics rank it as seventh.7


In this paper I reviewed a range of studies that point to benefits from mandatory adoption
of IFRS. Using a variety of research techniques, studies provide evidence that IFRS has
improved efficiency of capital market operations and promoted cross border investment. In
addition, many studies point to the importance of the infrastructure that surrounds the use
of IFRS. Hegarty et al. (2004) state that a ‘full and balanced combination of capacity and
institutional incentives’ for the rigorous application of international accounting and auditing
standards is the key to their successful implementation. Research evidence consistently
shows that IFRS benefits are more likely to be realised when IFRS application is supported by
a framework that encompasses legal protections, competent professionals and adequate
monitoring and enforcement.

The potential benefits of IFRS in developing markets can be strongly argued. The claims for
benefits from use of IFRS in developed markets are more multi‐faceted. Among the EU
member states, countries have become mandatory IFRS adopters because of desired
benefits for the group as a whole. However, the extent of change for an individual country
and therefore the benefit for firms at a national level varies among EU members. Not
surprisingly, many studies point to variation in IFRS benefits, when they are examined on a
country by country basis (see Brown, 2011; Pope and McLeay, 2011; Brüggemann et al.,
2012). If IFRS benefits are tied to factors such as national GAAP‐IFRS differences and extent
of legal enforcement, as explained above, then we should expect to see differences in
benefits at an individual country level. However, an emerging body of research is pointing to

The Financial Executives International (FEI) is a US‐based organisation with and international membership.
The study does not report the number of respondents educated or domiciled in the US.
The survey does not contain explicit reference to ‘sovereignty’ but responses relating to ‘required changes in
the regulatory regime’ (preparers, sixth most important obstacle; academics, second) may refer to these
concerns. However, we cannot be sure given the way the data is presented and analysed.
global benefits from the use of IFRS, particularly when their application is supported by
sound infrastructure.

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