Gini Coefficient
Gini Coefficient
Gini Coefficient
Absolute changes in price and quantity are measured in terms of the original
units whereas relative changes are not based on units of measurement. They
are calculated as percentage changes in price and quantity.
Absolute vs. Comparative Advantage: An Overview
Absolute advantage and comparative advantage are two important concepts in economics
and international trade. They largely influence how and why nations and businesses devote
resources to the production of particular goods and services. Absolute advantage describes a
scenario in which one entity can manufacture a product at a higher quality and a faster rate
for a greater profit than another competing business or country can accomplish. Comparative
advantage, on the other hand, takes into consideration the opportunity costs involved when
choosing to manufacture multiple types of goods with limited resources.
This analysis helps countries avoid producing goods and services that would yield little to
no demand, which would ultimately lead to losses. A country’s absolute advantage (or
disadvantage) in a particular industry can play an important role in the types of products it
chooses to produce. Some of the factors that can lead an entity to absolute advantage
As an example, if Japan and Italy can both produce automobiles, but Italy can produce sports
cars of a higher quality and at a faster rate with greater profit, then Italy is said to have
an absolute advantage in that particular industry. On the other hand, Japan may be better
served to devote limited resources and labor to other types of vehicles (such as electric cars)
or another industry altogether. This may help the country enjoy an absolute advantage rather
than trying to compete with Italy's efficiency.
While absolute advantage refers to the superior production capabilities of one entity
versus another in a single area, comparative advantage introduces the concept
of opportunity cost.
Comparative Advantage
Comparative advantage takes a more holistic view of production. In this case, the perspective
lies in the fact that a country or business has the resources to produce a variety of goods and
services rather than focus on just one product
The opportunity cost of a given option is equal to the forfeited benefits that could have been
achieved by choosing an available alternative in comparison. In general, when the profit from
two products is identified, analysts would calculate the opportunity cost of choosing one
option over the other.
For example, let's assume that China has enough resources to produce either smartphones
or computers such that China can produce either 10 computers or 10 smartphones.
Computers generate a higher profit. The opportunity cost is the difference in value lost from
producing a smartphone rather than a computer. If China earns $100 for a computer and $50
for a smartphone then the opportunity cost is $50. If China has to choose between producing
computers over smartphones it will probably select computers because the chance of profit is
Smith described specialization and international trade as they relate to absolute advantage.
He suggested that England can produce more textiles per labor hour and Spain can produce
more wine per labor hour so England should export textiles and import wine and Spain should
do the opposite.1
Smith made a number of basic assumptions in order for his theory to work, including:
British economist David Ricardo later built on Smith's concepts by more broadly introducing
comparative advantage in the early 19th century. He became well-known throughout history
for his musings on comparative advantage. According to Ricardo, nations can benefit from
trading even if one of them has an absolute advantage in producing everything. 3 In other
words, countries must choose to diversify the goods and services they produce which
requires them to consider opportunity costs.
Relative change shows the change of a value of an indicator in the first period
and in percentage terms, i.e., Relative change is calculated by subtracting the
value of the indicator in the first period from the value of the indicator in the
second period which is then divided by the value of the indicator in the first
period and the result is taken out in percentage terms.
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Relative Change
1. Firstly, determine the initial value of the variable. For instance, the revenue earned
by a company in the previous year can be an example of an initial value of the revenue.
2. Next, determine the final value of the variable. In the above
example, the revenue earned in the following year can be
regarded as the final value of the revenue.
3. Next, deduct the initial value from the final value to derive the
absolute change in the variable. In the example, the increase in
revenue in the following year.
Absolute change = Final value – Initial value
Absolute minimum: The output value of the lowest point on a graph over a given input
interval or over all possible input values. An absolute minimum point is a local minimum
point and occurs at an endpoint of the given input interval.
Absolute vs. Relative Price: Absolute price is the number of dollars that can be exchanged
for a specified quantity of a given good. Relative price is the quantity of some other good
that can be exchanged for a specified quantity of a given good. Suppose we have two goods
A and B. The absolute price of good A is the number of dollars necessary to purchase a unit
of good A. The relative price of good A in terms of B is the amount of good B necessary to
purchase a unit of good A. The change in relative prices is not the same thing as changes in
absolute prices. Sometimes, the absolute prices of goods may change but relative prices may
remain constant. In general, we measure absolute prices in terms of dollars and relative
prices in terms of units of some other good. However, many times we measure relative
prices in terms of dollars also keeping in mind that the word dollar is being used to refer not
to a piece of green paper but to a basket of goods. In microeconomics, the word prices
always refer to relative prices.
Angle: The amount of rotation in a turn. An angle can be thought of as the counterclockwise
rotation of its initial side into its terminal side. The size of an angle is the measure of this
rotation, and a negative sign in front of the size indicates clockwise rotation.
Antiderivative: A function F is an antiderivative of another function f if the derivative of F
is f. If F is an antiderivative of f, where both F and f have input x and C is an arbitrary
constant, then y = F(x) + C is called a general antiderivative of f .
Annual percentage rate (APR): The percentage used in calculating interest each
compounding period. In an investment context, the annual percentage rate (or nominal rate)
is the advertised rate of interest, 100r%.
Annual percentage yield (APY): A percentage by which an investment grows over one
year. Unlike APR, APY indicates the affect of the compounding periods. APY will be larger
than APR any time interest is compounded more frequently than once a year.
Approximate change in a function: The rate of change of the function times a small
change in the input of the function. That is, for the function f with input variable x, the
approximate change in f is f ' (x).h where h represents the small change in x. The exact
change is f(x + h) - f(x).
Autocorrelation: A correlation between a component of a stochastic process and itself
lagged a certain period of time.
Average cost : The total production cost divided by the number of units produced.
Average rate of change: The amount that a quantity changes over an interval divided by the
length of the interval. That is, if a quantity changes from a value of m to a value of n over a
certain interval, the average rate of change equals n - m length of interval. The average rate
of change is the slope of the secant line. Average rates of change have labels of output units
per input unit.
Sales tax is a tax that is paid directly by consumers to the government. A sales tax
makes a good less desirable and as such it affects demand. It causes the demand
curve to shift towards the left parallel to itself by the amount of the tax.
So far, we have been concerned with the demand by a single buyer. If there are N
buyers in the market, then market demand is the sum of the demand by all the N
buyers. The market demand curve is the horizontal summation of individual demand
prices of related goods
expectation of the future, price and other factors
First differences: The changes in successive output values. It is helpful to calculate first
differences for a data set only if all input data values are evenly spaced.
Fixed costs: Also called start-up costs, these costs do not vary with the number of items
produced or the amount of service performed.
Four-Step Method: An algebraic method of finding the derivative of a function using the
definition of the derivative.
Function: A function is a rule that assigns exactly one output to each input. Functions are
represented verbally by word descriptions, numerically in tables, visually with graphs, or
algebraically with equations. If x is the input symbol and f is the rule, then f(x) symbolizes
the output. Input/output diagrams display the input, how the input is measured (input units),
the rule that relates the input and output; and the output, including how the output is
measured (output units).
Future value: The value of an investment at some time in the future. Future value for
discrete situations is calculated using the appropriate compound interest formula. The future
value of a continuous income stream is the total accumulated value of the income stream and
its earned interest.
Gamma: The Greek letter for the factor sensitivities measuring a portfolio's second order
(quadratic) sensitivity to the value of an underlie.
Generalized Linear Model: A generalized linear model is a model where y is a vector of
dependent variable, and x is a column vector of independent variables. The model is often
called a link function.
Graph: One of the ways to represent a function or a real-life situation by plotting output and
input points on coordinate axes. Discrete graphs are scatter plots. Continuous graphs can be
drawn without lifting the writing instrument from the page.
Jackknife Estimator: A jackknife estimator creates a series of estimates, from a single data
set by generating that statistic repeatedly on the data set, leaving one data value out each
time. This produces a mean estimate of the parameter and a standard deviation of the
estimates of the parameter.
Joint proportionality: For variables x, y, and z, y is jointly proportional to x and z if there
exists some constant k such that y = kxz. The constant k is the constant of proportionality.
Law of demand: All else equal, if the price of a good goes up, quantity demanded goes
down and vice versa.
Least squares method: A procedure to determine the line that best fits a set of data using
the criterion that the sum of the squares of the deviations of all the data points from the fitted
line, i.e., SSE is at a minimum.
Least squares line: The linear function that best fits a set of data, where best fit is defined
according to the least squares method.
Legal Incidence vs. Economic Incidence of a Tax Legal incidence refers to the division of
a tax burden according to who is required by law to pay the tax, while economic incidence
refers to the division of a tax burden according to who actually pays the tax after all price
adjustments are taken into account. A change in the legal incidence of a tax will have no
effect on the economic incidence. If the legal incidence of a per-unit tax is entirely on
suppliers, the supply curve will shift up by the amount of the tax. On the other hand, if the
legal incidence is entirely on demanders, the demand curve will shift down by the amount of
the tax. In both situations, the equilibrium quantity will fall, suppliers will receive a lower
post-tax price, and demanders will pay a higher post-tax price.
Leverage Ratios: Leverage ratios measure the degree of protection of suppliers of long-term
funds and can also aid in judging a firm's ability to raise additional debt and its capacity to
pay its liabilities on time, for example:
Limit: A number to which the output of a function becomes closer and closer as the input
becomes closer and closer to a stated value.
Linear function/model: A function that repeatedly and at even intervals adds the same
value to the output. A linear model is a function of the form f(x) = ax + b representing a
situation in which incremental change is constant. In the linear function, a is the constant
rate of change of the output, i.e., the slope of the graph of the linear function and b is the
output corresponding to an input of zero, i.e., the vertical axis intercept. When input values
in a set of data are evenly spaced and the first differences of the output values are
constant, the data should be modeled by a linear function.
Linear system of equations: Two or more equations in which all the variables occur to the
first power and there are no terms in which two different variables are multiplied or
Liquidity Ratios: Liquidity ratios measure a firm's ability to meet its current obligations, for
Local linearity: The principle that if we graph a smooth, continuous function over a small
enough interval around a point, then the graph looks like the line tangent to the curve at
that point. That is, the tangent line and the curve are basically indistinguishable over the
Logarithmic (log) function/model: A function with an equation of the form f(x) = a + blnx.
This function is the inverse of the exponential function y = AB , where A = ex/b and B = e-a/b.
Logistic function/model: A function of the form f(x) = L + Ae-bx. The graph of a logistic
function is bounded by the horizontal axis and the line f(x) = L. We refer to L as the limiting
value (or carrying capacity or saturation level) of the function.
"Good faith" estimate: It is an estimate of the fees that you will pay to close your
A cash-out option? If your equity in your property qualifies, you can refinance with a
loan amount greater than your current mortgage - and keep the difference! Use it for
home improvement, debt consolidation, or whatever you desire.
Housing-to-income ratio: Your income, debt, and mortgage payments are the
primary factors that affect whether you qualify for a loan. If you do qualify for a loan,
you can apply, and will move to the next step of checking to see if you
can be approved.
To determine your qualification, the first thing will do is divide the
monthly payment of your proposed loan by your gross monthly income. This provides
your housing-to-income ratio. If the resulting percentage falls within a certain range,
the next step is to divide your total monthly debt by your gross monthly income. This
provides your debt-to-income ratio. Again, if the ratio falls within prescribed limits,
you are qualified for the loan.
The limits within which your housing and debt ratios must fall are determined
primarily by the size of the loan, the value of the property, and the ratio between the
two (known as the loan-to-value ratio, or LTV). This loan-to-value ratio is one of the
most important factors in determining a home loan.
Appraisal: The appraisal determines the value of the property in question, which
becomes a prime factor in determining the loan-to-value - or LTV - ratio (the amount
of your loan divided by the value of your property). Your LTV is important because it
determines your equity in the property. With the exception of leveraged equity and
some second mortgages, will arrange an appraisal of your property to
verify its value. An appraiser is an authorized professional who estimates the value of
the property and sends the information to and to you.
An impound/escrow account: An impound account or an escrow account (the terms
are interchangeable; each is used in different states) is the name of the account in
which a lender collects payments you make toward your property taxes and
hazard/fire insurance. If you have an impound/escrow account, each of your monthly
payments will contain a fraction of your annual property tax and insurance costs.
Your lender keeps these funds in the impound/escrow account and then pays your
taxes and insurance directly when they become due.
Income-to-debt ratio: Your income, debt, and mortgage payments make up your
income-to-debt ratio. These are the primary factors that affect whether or not you
qualify for a loan. If you do qualify for a loan, you can apply, and will
move to the next step of checking to see if you can be approved. To determine your
qualification, the first thing will do is divide the monthly payment of your
proposed loan by your gross monthly income. This provides your housing-to-income
If the resulting percentage falls within a certain range, the next step is to divide your
total monthly debt by your gross monthly income. This provides your debt-to-income
ratio. Again, if the ratio falls within prescribed limits, you are qualified for the loan.
The limits within which your housing and debt ratios must fall are determined
primarily by the size of the loan, the value of the property, and the ratio between the
two (known as the loan-to-value ratio, or LTV). This loan-to-value ratio is one of the
most important factors in determining a home loan.
Owner's estimate of value: For the 125% Freedom loan product, relies on
your estimate of the value of your property. You can estimate the value by reviewing
neighborhood comparable properties (comps). A good way to do this is to simply call
a local real estate agent. You can also visit open house events in your neighborhood.
This may give you an indication of what prices are being asked for various properties.
PITI: PITI is the acronym for Principal, Interest, Taxes and Insurance. That is, each
month your payment to your lender will consist of:
o Funds to be applied to the principal - to repay the actual money you borrowed
o Funds to be applied to the interest - to repay the interest you're being
charged on the loan, over the life of the loan
o Funds being collected in an impound/escrow account to pay your
property taxes when they come due
o Funds being collected in an impound/escrow account to pay your
hazard/fire Insurance when it comes due
PMI: Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) is usually mandatory for loans when the ratio
of the loan amount to the value of the subject property is greater than 80 percent;
that is, 80.01 percent or more of the property is being paid for by the loan. This is
known as the loan-to-value ratio, or LTV. Basically, the lower your loan-to-value
ratio, the higher your equity in the property will be. You can think of equity as the
part of your property you actually own. If you sold your property (for its appraised
value), equity is the amount of cash you'd have left after you repay your loan balance
in full.
Common wisdom holds that the more equity a borrower has in a property, the lower
the risk of defaulting on the loan. Thus, Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) must be
paid for lower equity (high LTV) loans to safeguard the lender from possible loan
The interest rate in this example is 7.625 percent. This means you must pay interest on
the money you've borrowed at a rate of 7.625 percent per year. That is, in addition to
paying back the loan, you will pay your lender an additional 7.625 percent of the
current loan balance every year. This interest is basically the fee your lender charges
you in return for lending you the money.
The annual percentage rate (APR) is a measure of the cost of credit, expressed as a
yearly rate. Because APR includes points and other costs such as origination fees, it's
usually higher than the advertised rate. The APR allows you to compare different
mortgages based on actual annual costs.
"Locking in a rate": You can secure your rate by completing a written agreement in
which guarantees a specified interest rate for a specified period of time.
Locking in a mortgage rate protects you against interest rate changes from the date
of the rate lock until the date of the closing as long as your rate lock has not expired.
Should interest rates rise during that period, is obligated to honor the
committed rate. Should interest rates fall during that period, you must honor the
Mortgage: A mortgage is a loan you acquire in order to purchase property, but you
can also get cash for other purposes using the property as equity. In return for the
loan, you pledge real property (land and/or a building) as security in case you fail to
live up to your obligation.
When you borrow money against property, you commit to two financial documents:
o The NOTE that is a personal obligation to repay the loan on a timely basis
o The MORTGAGE DEED OF TRUST that is the pledge of the property as security;
the mortgage deed of trust defines your obligations to your lender, as well as
your rights and those of the lender.
You are pledged to repay the mortgage loan, along with an additional charge for the
lender's service of lending you the money.
The cost of borrowing the money is the interest rate specified in your note. The
amount of time you have to pay back the loan is the note's term.
Amortization:Amortization means paying down your principal. You repay your loan in
monthly installments. If you have a fixed mortgage (that is, an interest rate that
remains fixed for the entire term of the loan), your payments will always be the same
amount. Part of the payment goes toward the payment of the interest, and part
toward the repayment of the money you've borrowed (the principal).
The balance of the principal (what you still owe at any given time) is reduced with
each payment. As a result, your monthly payment will pay the principal in increasing
amounts over time. With a fixed-interest rate, the amount of interest you owe will
decrease as your principal balance decreases.
You can create an amortization schedule for fixed loans when they are originated.
This schedule will show how much of each payment will go toward interest and how
much will go toward principal over the life of the loan.
As your principal decreases, your equity in the mortgaged property increases. Equity
is a very important factor in mortgage financing.
Equity: Equity is a crucial aspect of home loans. Equity is simply the value of a
homeowner's unencumbered interest on real estate. Equity is computed by
subtracting the total of the unpaid mortgage balance and any outstanding liens or
other debts against the property from the property's fair market value. A
homeowner's equity increases as he or she pays off his or her mortgage or as the
property appreciates in value. When a mortgage and all other debts against the
property are paid in full, the homeowner has 100 percent equity in his or her
Equity exists in conjunction with your loan-to-value ratio (or LTV). Your LTV is a
ratio expressing the value of your property to the amount of your loan. You determine
your LTV by dividing your loan amount by your property's value or selling/purchase
price, whichever is lower.
For example, you buy a $100,000 home with a $20,000 down payment of your own
money, and cover the remaining $80,000 with a mortgage - 80,000 divided by
100,000 gives you a loan-to-value ratio of 80 percent and equity of 20 percent.
Equity and LTVs are important because lenders prefer a borrower to have as much
equity as possible. Traditional wisdom holds that the higher the LTV on a loan, the
higher the risk of default; alternatively, the higher the equity, the lower the risk - and
therefore the lower the interest rate, cost, and fees associated with doing the loan.
Equity also determines how much a lender will allow you to refinance your property
for and how much they will lend you for a second mortgage.
Another way to think of equity is as the amount that you'll receive when you sell the
property and pay back the remaining loan balance. Again, for a $100,000 house
bought with an $80,000 loan and sold for $100,000, you would get $20,000 in cash
back - or 20 percent of the home's value.
Multivariable function: A function that has two or more input variables and one output
variable. Multivariable functions with two input variables can be illustrated with graphs of
three-dimensional surfaces, tables of data, and/or contour graphs.
Oligopoly: A market for a good where a few major suppliers account for a large majority of
Operational risk: Risk to financial or other institutions from inadequate or failed internal
processes, people and systems or from external events.
Optimization: The process of finding relative or absolute extreme points.
Option: A type of derivative instrument. A contract which gives the holder of the contract
the right to buy or sell a commodity or financial asset for a given price before a specified
1. All points on the same indifference curve carry same level of satisfaction or utility. A
point with higher level of utility will be on a higher indifference curve while a point
with lower level of satisfaction will be on a lower indifference curve.
2. Indifference curves slope downward. This is because when a person moves along an
indifference curve, he/she faces a tradeoff. In order to get more of one good, one
has to give up some amount of the other.
3. Indifference curves do not intersect each other. The IC's are convex to the origin. The
indifference curves slope downward.
4. The Marginal Rate of Substitution / The marginal value and the Slope of IC. The
marginal rate of substitution is the rate at which the consumer is just willing to
substitute one good for another. For instance the marginal rate of substitution of Y
for X is the amount of Y that a consumer is willing to give up in order to get one
additional unit of X. The marginal rate of substitution is in fact the slope of the
indifference curve. The steeper the indifference curve is, higher would be the slope
and so higher would be the marginal rate of substitution.
5. Shape of the Indifference Curves and the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility.
Indifference curves are convex to the origin. In other words, they are steeper in the
beginning and then flatten out towards the end. Since the slope of the IC is simply
the marginal rate of substitution of X for Y , therefore we can say that the marginal
rate of substitution of X for Y declines as we move along the curve. This is due to the
law of diminishing marginal utility. As we move along the indifference curve, we are
having more and more units of Y (measured on horizontal axis) and according to the
law of diminishing marginal utility, each additional unit gives less and less marginal
utility compared to the previous ones. So as we get more of Y, it becomes less
valuable for us and we are willing to give up less of the other good in order to get
more Y.
Quadratic function/model : A function of the form f(x) = ax2+ bx + c where a, b, and c are
constants and a is nonzero. In this function, a is called the leading coefficient. The graph of a
quadratic model is called a parabola. If a is less than zero, the parabola is cocave and if a If a
is more than zero, the parabola is concvex. When input values of a set of data are evenly
spaced and the second differences of the output values are constant, the data should be
modeled by a quadratic function.
Quadratic portfolio: In the context of value-at-risk (VaR), a portfolio whose portfolio
mapping function is a quadratic polynomial.
Random variable: A variable whose numerical values are determined by the results of a
situation involving chance.
Ratings transition matrix: A matrix indicating probabilities of upgrades or downgrades in
bonds' credit ratings.
Reduced form model: Intensity model.
Relative maximum: An output value that is larger than all other output values in some
interval around the maximum. A graph increases to the relative maximum and decreases
after it. For a multivariable function, a relative maximum is an output value that is greater
than all values around it.
Relative minimum: An output value that is that is smaller than all other output values in
some interval around the minimum. A graph decreases to the relative minimum and
increases after it. For a multivariable function, a relative minimum is an output value that is
smaller than all values around it.
Replacement cost : The cost of replacing an obligation of a counterparty.
Revenue: Quantity sold times price per unit.
Risk: Comprises two components: uncertainty and exposure.
Risk averse: Preferring less risk to more.
Saddle point: For a multivariable function, a saddle point appears to be a maximum point
when approached from one direction and a minimum point when approached from another
direction. Saddle points cannot be visually identified on the edges of tables or contour
Scatter plot: A discrete graph showing points in isolation from one another on a rectangular
grid. A graph of data is a scatter plot.
Secant line: A line through two points on a scatter plot or a function graph. The slope of the
secant line through two points is the average rate of change of the quantity between the input
values of those two points.
Second derivative: The derivative of the derivative (provided it exists). At a point of
inflection on a graph, the second derivative is zero or does not exist. Where the second
derivative of a function is positive, the function graph is convex up, and where the second
derivative of a function is negative, the function graph is concave.
Second differences : The differences between the first differences. Separation of variables :
A technique for solving certain differential equations in which all terms containing one
variable are put on one side of the equation, all terms involving the other variable are put on
to the other side of the equation, and then antiderivatives of both sides are taken.
Shutdown price: The price below which producers are not willing or able to supply any
quantity of particular goods or services to consumers. The point on the supply curve that
corresponds to the shutdown price is called the shutdown point.
Signed area : The negative of the area of a region.
Semi-variance: An alternative to variance that focuses on negative values of a distribution.
Slope: A measure of how steeply tilted a line or curve is. The rate of change of a linear
function is its slope. The slope of the line tangent to a curve at a point is the limiting value of
the slopes of nearby secant lines. The slope of a curve (graph) at a point is the slope of the
line tangent to the curve at that point (provided the slope exists). The instantaneous rate of
change (also called the derivative or rate of change) at a point on a curve is the slope of the
curve at that point (provided that slope exists).
Slope graph: Also called the rate-of-change graph or derivative graph, a slope graph depicts
the changing nature of the slopes of lines tangent to a graph of a function. Where a function
is increasing, its slope graph is positive; where a function is decreasing, its slope graph is
negative. Where a function has a maximum, has a minimum, or levels off, the slope graph is
zero. Where a function has an inflection point, the slope graph has a maximum or minimum
Smooth: A continuous function is smooth if it has no sharp points; that is, no points where
two pieces of a function have different slopes at the point where they meet.
Solvency Ratios: These ratios measure the financial soundness of a business and how well
the company can satisfy its short- and long-term obligations:
Quick Ratio – This ratio, also called "acid test" or "liquid" ratio, considers only cash,
marketable securities (cash equivalents) and accounts receivable because they are
considered to be the most liquid forms of current assets. A Quick Ratio less than 1.0
implies dependency on inventory and other current assets to liquidate short-term
debt. This ratio is calculated using the following formula:
Current Liabilities to Net Worth Ratio – This ratio indicates the amount due creditors
within a year as a percentage of the owners or stockholders investment. The smaller
the net worth and the larger the liabilities, imply the less security for creditors.
Normally a business starts to have trouble when this relationship exceeds 80%. This
ratio is calculated using the following formula:
Current Liabilities to Inventory Ratio – This ratio shows, as a percentage, the reliance
on available inventory for payment of debt (how much a company relies on funds
from disposal of unsold inventories to meet its current debt). This ratio is calculated
using the following formula:
Total Liabilities to Net Worth Ratio – This ratio shows well how all of a company's
debt relates to the equity of the owners or stockholders. The higher this ratio, the
less protection there is for the creditors of the business. This ratio is calculated using
the following formula:
Fixed Assets to Net Worth Ratio – This ratio shows the percentage of assets centered
in fixed assets compared to total equity. Generally the higher this percentage is over
75%, the more vulnerable a concern becomes to unexpected hazards and business
climate changes. Capital is frozen in the form of machinery and the margin for
operating funds becomes too narrow for day-to-day operations. This ratio is
calculated using the following formula:
Tangent line: A line that touches a graph at a point and is tilted exactly the way the graph is
tilted at that point. The tangent line at a point on a smooth continuous graph is the limiting
position of the secant lines between nearby points and that point (if the limiting position
exists). Provided the slope exists, the slope of the tangent line at a point is a measure of the
slope of the graph at that point and gives the instantaneous rate of change of the graph at that
Time series: A series of observations made over a period of time.
Total cost: The sum of the fixed costs and the variable costs.
Total social gain: The benefit to society whenever consumers and/or producers have surplus
funds. When the market price of a product is the equilibrium price for that product, the total
social gain is the consumers' surplus plus the producers' surplus.
Trend : As associated with limits, a trend is a value to which a quantity becomes closer and
closer as the input becomes infinitely large or infinitely small.
Unexpected loss: A risk metric related to the second moment of a portfolio's losses due to
default over a specified horizon.
Uniform distribution: A continuous probability distribution that has constant probability on
a finite interval.
Unit of measure: A word or short phrase telling how a quantity is measured, not an entire
description telling what the variable represents.
Utility: Utility is a measure of pleasure or satisfaction. Suppose we have two goods: X and
Y and there is a basket containing 5 units of X and 7 units of Y, and the consumption of this
basket gives 6 units of utility, then we can write: U(5,7) = 6.
Utilization: Given a risk limit, the amount of risk being taken as a fraction of the limit.
Value-at-risk (VaR): A category of market risk measures.
Variable costs: Costs that change according to the number of items produced or the amount
of service performed.
Variation: the spread of a set of observations or of a random variable, usually measured by
the variance, the standard deviation, the range or the inter-quartile range.
Vertical Line Test: A method of visually determining whether a graph with inputs located
along the horizontal axis and outputs located along the vertical axis is a function. If there is
no input at which a vertical line crosses or touches the graph in two or more places, then the
graph represents a function.
Why People Trade? Everyone benefits when each person specializes in his area of
comparative advantage and then engages in trade. Trade can help people specialize in
different activities and helps them enjoy a variety of goods and services. Trade can take
place because of two major reasons: difference in tastes and difference in abilities.
Volatility: A metric of variability in a stochastic process.
Work Simplification: Analysis of any aspects of work with the objective of removing any
unnecessary obstacles to its effective achievement, such as motion and time study.
Yates' correction for continuity: An old correction to adjust chi-square for a 2 by 2 table
for the fact that cell frequencies are integer, rather than continuous; however, rarely
recommended any longer.
Zero Defects: A type of quality control in which the objective is to make no mistake or
produce no reject material whatsoever.
Z score: Number of standard deviations above or below the mean.
The Copyright Statement: The fair use, according to the 1996 Fair Use Guidelines for
Educational Multimedia, of materials presented on this Web site is permitted for non-
commercial and classroom purposes only.
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This site was launched on 2/18/1994, and its intellectual materials have been thoroughly revised on a
yearly basis. The current version is the 9th Edition. All external links are checked once a month.
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Time-Critical Decision Making for Economics and Finance
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What is the difference between relative and absolute change?
Absolute change refers to the simple difference in the indicator over two periods in time, i.e.
Relative change expresses the absolute change as a percentage of the value of the indicator in
the earlier period, i.e.
Relative change shows the change of a value of an indicator in the first period and in
percentage terms, i.e. Relative change is calculated by subtracting the value of the indicator in
the first period from the value of the indicator in the second period which is then divided by the
value of the indicator in the first …
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The absolute increase from an old value O to a new value N is N–O. To find the increase
relative to the old value, divide the absolute increase by the old value O to get the relative
increase, (N–O)/O. This value is the fraction of the old value that was added to get the new
Relative change is the absolute change divided by the original value. Note that the “quantity”
values are always positive (at least in almost all contexts). But the absolute change can turn out
to be a negative number or a positive number.
Relative time is the physical subdivision of the rocks found in the Earth’s geology and the time
and order of events they represent. Absolute time is the measurement taken from the same
rocks to determine the amount of time that has expired.
Absolute change refers to the simple difference in the indicator over two periods in time, i.e.
Relative change expresses the absolute change as a percentage of the value of the indicator in
the earlier period, i.e. The concepts of absolute and relative change also apply to indicators
measured in percentage terms, for example unemployment rate.
Percent change is an asymmetric measure that is not valid to compute statistics on. You would
need to analyze the log ratio if you think relative changes are more appropriate than absolute
changes. But the central question is what are the properties of the measurement and what is
the correct model to use.
Which is an example of a relative change?
Relative change also refers to the change in the indicator in percentage terms, i.e. absolute
change as a percentage of the value of the indicator in period 1. Example 1. 9,800 workers were
made redundant (i.e. retrenched or prematurely released from their contracts) in 2010,
compared with 23,430 in 2009.
From his point of view, one of the advantages of percentage change is that per- centage change
is independent of the unit of measurement. For instance, a man who weighs 100 Kg lost 10% of
weight after a treatment, i.e. 10 Kg. Equivalently, he lost 22.05 pounds (1Kg = 2:2046 Pounds).
Relative change - By what percentage (larger or smaller) did the number change from the original
Absolute change - What is the difference between the original number and the new one?
While these two statements do not sound that different, let’s explore how they can each be misleading.
Relative changes
Relative changes on small numbers can appear to be more significant than they are. This is because a
small absolute change in the number can result in a large percentage change.
So if I got a $50 return on my $10 investment, my relative change was a 400% increase.
There is also some variation in how relative changes are reported. Here we have a 400% increase which
is also the same as saying five times as much. This becomes more confusing when a relative change is
negative. Something that is five times as small is an 80% decrease from the original amount.
Relative changes on big numbers can appear less significant. This is because any absolute change in the
number needs to be large to show a large relative change. Even when the absolute change is large, if it is
a change on a larger number the relative change can be small. Let’s say that the national deficit
increased by 5%. This may seem small, but the actual increase or absolute change to the
$20,000,000,000,000 budget is $1 trillion.
Absolute changes
Absolute changes work the other way:
Absolute changes on small numbers can look small even if their relative changes are large. To allude to
the example used earlier, I earned $40 on my investment.
Absolute changes on big numbers can look big even if their relative changes are small. The deficit has
increased by $1 trillion.
To get a clearer idea of whether an absolute or relative change is significant, compare it to other changes
that are related to it. For example, if sharks kill 16 people per year, and this year they killed 20, that is a
25% increase of sharks killing people. If you compare this to heart disease killing approximately
600,000 people per year, the total number and the relative change of shark-related deaths don’t sound so
significant. Even if heart disease declined 25% in the same year, it should still help us better understand
the lack of significance to shark-related deaths.
Now this may not look like that much money but when we look at the relative change from our starting
positions we can see we got a high relative return on our money.
Next time we would want to put more money in so that the absolute return would be bigger.
Relative changes on small numbers often look big.
Relative changes on big numbers often look small.
Absolute changes on small numbers often look small.
Absolute changes on big numbers often look big.
Explore both types of changes when looking at data
When studying labour market indicators, we are often interested in how they compare with past
periods, say relative to a year ago or ten years ago.
Absolute change refers to the simple difference in the indicator over two periods in time, i.e.
Relative change expresses the absolute change as a percentage of the value of the indicator in
the earlier period, i.e.
The concepts of absolute and relative change also apply to indicators measured in percentage
terms, for example unemployment rate. For such indicators,
Absolute change also refers to the change in the indicator in percentage points,
i.e. value of the indicator in period 2 minus that in period 1.
Relative change also refers to the change in the indicator in percentage terms,
i.e. absolute change as a percentage of the value of the indicator in period 1.
Example 1
9,800 workers were made redundant (i.e. retrenched or prematurely released from their
contracts) in 2010, compared with 23,430 in 2009.
Example 2
Total employment rose by 115,900 in 2010 from the level of 2,990,000 in December 2009.
Here, the total employment change of 115,900 is the absolute change in total employment in
Example 3
The annual average resident unemployment rate was 4.3% in 2009 and 3.1% in 2010.
Lorenz curve
Max Lorenz developed the Lorenz curve in 1905 as a graphical of income inequality and wealth
This graph shows population percentiles according to income or wealth on a horizontal axis.
It plots cumulative income or wealth on the vertical axis, so that an x-value of 45 and a y-value of 14.2
indicates that the bottom 45% of the population controls 14.2% of the total income or wealth.
A Lorenz curve is usually determined from incomplete income or wealth observations. It is generally used
to show the extent of concentration of income and wealth.
The Lorenz curve represents the distribution of wealth or income within a population. A Lorenz curve
represents percentiles of the population versus their cumulative incomes or wealth.
It is widely used to measure inequality among a population using Lorenz curves along with their
derivative statistics.
A Lorenz curve is a mathematical estimate that fits a continuous curve to incomplete and discontinuous
data, so it may be an imperfect measure of underlying inequality.
Lorenz curves are often accompanied by a straight diagonal line with a slope of 1, indicating perfect
equality in income or wealth distribution; the Lorenz curve lies beneath it, indicating the observed or
estimated distribution.
As a scalar measure of inequality, the Gini Coefficient involves the difference between the straight line
and the curve.
The Lorenz curve is most commonly used to illustrate economic inequality, but it can also be used to
illustrate unequal distribution in any system.
By extending the straight diagonal line farther from the baseline, the level of inequality will increase.
According to the Lorenz curve, income or wealth distribution is unequal when one has a high income and
a low net worth or a high income with a low net worth.
Lorenz curves are usually derived from an empirical measurement of the distribution of wealth or income
across a population, for example, using tax returns with income information for a large proportion of the
Either the graph of the observed data may be used directly as a Lorenz curve, or statisticians and
economists may fit a curve that fills in the gaps in the observed data.
Compared to summary statistics such as the Gini coefficient or Lorenz asymmetry coefficient, a Lorenz
curve provides more detailed information about the distribution of wealth or income across a population.
Due to its visual representation of the distribution across each percentile (or other unit), a Lorenz curve
reveal precisely where and by how much the observed distribution varies from equality.
A Lorenz curve is a graphical representation of the distribution of income or wealth within a population.
Lorenz curves graph percentiles of the population against cumulative income or wealth of people at or
below that percentile.
Lorenz curves, along with their derivative statistics, are widely used to measure inequality across a
Because Lorenz curves are mathematical estimates based on fitting a continuous curve to incomplete and
discontinuous data, they may be imperfect measures of true inequality.
Lorenz Dominance
It is said that the Lorenz curve of a distribution A dominates the distribution of B when the curve A
overtakes the curve B at all points along the distribution.
In this case, one can say that A is more equal than B. If both distributions have the same mean, A is
preferable to B.
There can only be an assumption of stretches of a distribution if two Lorenz curves intersect.
Whenever such a distribution arises, there are welfare functions that rank it differently.
Compared to distributions of B and C, distribution of A dominates distribution of B, but distributions of B
do not have dominance.
Generalized Lorenz Curve
It seems Lorenz curves only imply welfare dominance when the same mean is compared to distributions,
the most restrictive interpretation of the theory.
The criterion developed by Shorerocks and Kakwani (1984) to compare distributions which differ in their
means is a useful one.
An alternative to the Lorenz Curve is the Generalized Lorenz Curve, which multiplies by the average
income of the distribution the accumulated fraction of incomes at each fractional level in the population.
The generalized curve, as a result of this multiplication, provides information about the form and level of
the distribution, or the joint first two moments of the distribution, such as the income distribution curve and
its congeners of basic statistics.
The Lorenz Generalized Curve is represented by the function L(u,P) = u L(P). In general, any symmetric
welfare function (satisfies anonymity property) and quasi-concave distribution (satisfies Pigu Dalton
property) will lead to higher welfare for A than for B at all points of the graph.
Reasons for income inequality
The distribution of economic characteristics across the population should be considered.
Analyzing how the differences give rise to different outcomes in terms of income.
A country may have a high degree of inequality because of: –
a) A great disparity in these characteristics across the population.
b) These characteristics generate huge effects on the amount of income a person earns.
Uses of the Lorenz Curve
One can use it to show the effectiveness of a government policy in helping redistribute income.
The impact of a particular policy introduced can be demonstrated with the help of the Lorenz curve, how
the curve has moved closer to the perfect equality line post-implementation of that policy.
It is one of the simplest representations of inequality.
It is most useful in comparing the variability of two or more distributions.
It shows the distribution of wealth of a country among different percentages of the population with the help
of a graph that helps many businesses establish their target bases.
It helps in business modeling.
One can use it majorly while taking specific measures to develop the weaker sections of the economy.
It might not always be rigorously true for a finite population level.
The equality measure shown may be misleading.
When two Lorenz curves are being compared and intersected, it is impossible to ascertain which
distribution represented by the curves displays more inequality.
The Lorenz curve ignores income variation over an individual’s lifecycle while determining inequality.
Gini Coefficient
Gini Coefficient is also known as the Gini index is the statistical measure which is used in order to measure
the distribution of the income among the population of the country i.e., it helps in measuring the inequality
of income of the country’s population.
A higher Gini index indicates greater inequality, with high-income individuals receiving much larger
percentages of the population's total income.
Global inequality, as measured by the Gini index, has steadily increased over the past few centuries and
spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Because of data and other limitations, the Gini index may overstate income inequality and can obscure
important information about income distribution.
The Gini coefficient can be calculated using the formula: Gini Coefficient = A / (A + B), where A is the
area above the Lorenz Curve and B is the area below the Lorenz Curve.