Pmls Biosafetybiohazard
Pmls Biosafetybiohazard
Pmls Biosafetybiohazard
LABORATORY BIOSAFETY AND - modifications for BioSafety at Camp Derrick
BIOSECURITY -developed BSL II safety cabinets and laminar
flow hoods
- containment principles, technologies, and 1944 [Pioneers of Biosafety]
practices that are implemented to prevent - Arnold Wedum
unintentional exposure to pathogens and toxins or -Director of Industrial Health and Safety at the US
their accidental release” Army Biological Research Laboratories
- protects people from microorganisms -provided foundations
-focuses on laboratory procedures and practices
needed to prevent exposure to and acquisition of 1966 [Wedum and Morton Reitman]
infection - analyzed multiple epidemiological studies of
laboratory-based outbreaks
- protection and control and accountability for 1967 [Smallpox Eradication (WHO)]
valuable biological materials within laboratories, - aggressively pursued to eradicate due to high
in order to prevent their unauthorized access, loss, mortality rates.
theft, misuse, diversion, or unintentional release”
- protects microorganisms from people 1967 [World Health Assembly]
- maintenance of secure procedures and practices -remaining stocks of virus in 2 locations
in handling biological materials and sensitive - Center for Disease Control (CDC); USA
Information. - State Research Center of Virology and
Biotechnology (SRCVB VECTOR); Russia
Biosafety Levels
- technical means of mitigating risk of accidental GUIDELINES THAT LAID THE
infection from or release of agents in the FOUNDATION FOR THE INTRODUCTION
- emphasis on equipment and facility controls
1974 - CDC
Biosafety officer “Classification of Etiological Agents on the Basis
-administrative role of ensuring of lab personnel of Hazard”
-introduced concept of establishing ASCENDING
BRIEF HISTORY OF BIOSAFETY levels of containment associated with risks in
1907-1908 [Arnold Wedum] handling groups of infectious microorganisms
- mechanical pipettors to prevent LAI with similar characteristics
1943 [US Biological Weapons Program] 1983 -Laboratory Biosafety Manual - WHO
- Started; Franklin Roosevelt 3rd Ed.
- origin of biosafety is rooted. - info about diff levels of containment labs
- Terminated; 1969, Richard Nixon (BSL1-4)\
- dif. types of safety cabinets, how to March 17, 2006 - EO. 514
disinfect/sterilize - National Biosafety Framework (NBF)
- Biosecurity; packaging required for by - policy, legal, administrative, and technical
international transport regulations and other types instruments developed to attain the objective of
of safety procedures the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
Electrical Hazards
Fire Hazards
Physical Hazards