#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
sbit buzzer at PORTB.B1; // Buzzer on RB1 (replace with actual buzzer pin)
// Replace with your SIM card phone number and recipient number
const float TRIP_DELAY = 0.1; // Delay in seconds before tripping (adjust based on needs)
// Voltage divider ratio (adjust based on your setup)
const float current_sensor_scale = 100.0; // Example: 100 A/V for a sensor with 0-5V output for 0-100A
int phase_voltages[3];
void setup_ADC(void) {
// Configure ADC input channels for voltage measurement (adjust based on your connections)
ADCON0bits.ADON = 1;
void read_phase_voltages() {
void read_phase_currents() {
// Implement code to read current sensor outputs using ADC (MikroC 6.3 functions)
// You'll need to adjust this section based on your specific current sensor type and connections