After several documents were submitted by UAP to the Union Internationale des
Architects (UIA), the UIA Bureau concluded that the UAP is the only organization with the right
to represent Filipino architects legally according to the laws of the Philippines. The UAP paid its
annual dues in 1982 and was officially recognized as the National Section by the UIA Council in
1983.In 1983, the ARCASIA meeting in Lahore, Pakistan approved the proposal for UAP to host
and organize the First Asian Congress of Architects (ACA-1) in Manila in 1984. The Sixth Asian
Congress of Architects was also held in Manila in December 1994. The United Architects of the
Philippines today claims an active membership of over 10,000 architects scattered over 3
strategic areas of the country: Area A, comprising the central and northern portion of the Island
of Luzon including Metropolitan Manila comprises 5 regional districts; Area B composing
southern Luzon as well as the members from the islands of Mindoro, Masbate and Palawan
contains five regional districts; Area C comprises members from the Visayan Islands as well as
Mindanao. This area comprises four regional districts.