SSQ AF Foreign Visit Proforma
SSQ AF Foreign Visit Proforma
SSQ AF Foreign Visit Proforma
Appointment held
Office: Passport
(Complete official address)
Surname Forename
3. (a) Name in full
4. Address:
(b) Locality/Street
(c) Town/Village
(f) District
(g) State
(b) Locality/Street
(c) Town/Village
(d) Police Station
(f) District
(g) State
Validity upto
(d) Country:
(b) Religion-
13. (a) Particulars of places (with periods of residence) where you have resided for more than one
year at a time during the preceding three years:
From To Full address including Village, Police Station, Post Office, Town,
House & Street Number, etc.
(b) lf you have stayed abroad, give particulars of all places where you have resided for more
than one ear after attaininq the sge of 1B (Eiqhteen) vears:-
From To Full particulars including Village, Reasons for
Police Station, District, Towfl, House visit/residence
and Street Number, Name of the
Qqulry e_!c.
16. (i) Have you any other person over 1B years residing with you?
lf yes, please give details, regarding name in full, date
and place of birth, relationship and occupation.
(ii) Has any person over 1B years residing with you, visited
or resided in overseas countries? lf yes, please give detaits.
(a) Arrested
(b) Prosecuted
(d) Charged before a Court with an offence for which you were
convicted, conditionally discharged, placed on probation or
bound over or acquitted?
(a) Father
(U ffithe;
(c) Wifel
H usband
(d ) Son(s)
G)D*sht r(r)
(f) Brother(s)
(g) Sister(s)
(b). Pafiiculars of in-laws (if appticable):
- -pttce/
rrtitio*iity I occup'atron |if - PrAseni* -- Ceim;nent
(by birth or I Country ernployed give Postal Horn e address
by domicile) | and date designation address (if
of birth and official , dead give
address ) last home
(a) Father-in-
:a--__--_]l1]_-_---___ 0__
(b) Mother-in-
(c) Brother(s)-
(d) Sister(s)-
23. (i) Particulars of relatives (lndian and Non-lndian) working in (a) Foreign Missions and (b)
fqlgl_g_l O rg ? n izat o n s i n cl Ud n gjorei_g! gglfqgln :I
i i
(ii) Do you have any relatives (including children) living overseas? lf yes, please give the
followinq details of each one:-
Name(s) in full Relationship eountry of re$dence Date(s)
lf the answer to (a), (b) and (c) or any of them is 'yES' give foilowing details:
25.(a) Have you ever been a member/worker of any political party/ Yes/No
organization or participated in any political activities?
(b) Are you aware if any of your relatives mentioned in column Yes/No
No. 22 has ever been or continues to be a member/worker of any
political party/organization or ever participated in any
political activity?
(c) Have your or any of your relative mentioned in column No. 22 been a member/worker
of any Social/Political/Religious/Service Orgn../Union/Club?
lf so, details thereof mav be qiven below:
Orqanization Place Year Status
27. State source of your income and that of the members of your family,
giving all details.
30. I certify that the foregoing information is correct and complete to the
best of my knowledge and belief. I am not aware of any circumstances
which might impair my fitness for employment under Governrnent.
q(Tl"qq gq,
rrsqtC oTrfiR ( 5 r)f, x
I. Effi T{rTIW q-rDr fr r"ra T{.ff]T qffiT 3Talil EKflfuzF duT gqlq
qTi t +fr ) qff q6 Grntrr=T
rbi s{ril-'q-f,r qrqT "ileTT f,eIT 6-q1sp oTHT?fi o} TJTfiIfi ffi d I?N E-{flTeTR-f, qH q-fr qgt
qlR-n fuql qT $mq B r
frrumx I
"l'he lurnishing of false infbrmation or suppression of any factual
lnfbrmation irr the Attestation folnr woulcl be a disqualification, and is Affix signed passport size
likely to rencler tlre candidate unfit for employntent under the Govetnment. (5 CM x 7 CM approx) copy of
recent photograph.
qft gs qq, fuI wi d qr< er.qeff o} e-qrd-rd ii sren'rqr d, ft{q-flR ft;qrrql. e\, ss gt\
q{r 6-{i q s-*gd ql
2. aD)
g.=qr;-* ,"id, vs q{ dtrfls d.nqr TsT E\. s-s s{ frti qMq"r fr-'qrqrq; E\' qBqf, frrqr rrqr r\ 3prfl
{1q3 ffi 31.'6 fu+r .rqr e\ o\ g*r elrvrq q,1 t{IqT iFqa gct 3ffDr6.rft th) ffi fu-+ T6 T{czrlrrq erre +qt rt-qr
B r ful c fuq qri qq qE cmr qn'q.r fu
q"sPff srrflfutr f,24 gqT rsr t I
and sub-
Ifdetained, arrested, prosecuted, bound down, fined, convicted, debarrcd, acquitted, etc. subsequent to the contpletion
to the authorities to whom the attestation form has beerr sent
mission of this form, the details should be communicated imrnediately
early, failing which it will be deemed to be a suppression of factual inforrnation.
3. qR afur S d--rg far{ff fi T{q"rr z16 qcr1 ??rdT t fu s{ri lrtzlrrq qq, q znr{'r-ea qm rfr t
zhl tfsT elsrfl
Emf,fr-o aedi a;\ gqrql t, d s-e-ot iW eqrrd o1 rnr rro-ft d t
1. g.Filq\ Hftn, ?TR ,Ft{ E\ T{T qrq Ffa qn ri m?fr 3{q-.i RITI %,OTIq
3[e;cll, BE-iTq q erqff,: Eu .ftgr .iTe{ql funfen d ni \rS SURNAME
frftHE 6t) I
Name in full (in BLOCK CAPITAL.S) with aliases, if any. (Please indicate
you have added or dropped in any stage any paft of your name ol' sul'name) NAME
2. qdq6 WT rfflT gT?f1q.ffE, elfqT dqT fu-mT 3TelciT qc51q n.,'T Ofrl
{*e /wso f,zTI Yr6-{
Present Address in full (i.e., Village., Thana and District, ol'Hotlse Nutr-
ber, L,ane/Street/Road and Town.
.n{) r
From To Village,
Residential address in full (i.e. Name of the District Headquarters of
Thana and Dist. or House No. l,anel the place mentioned in the preceding
Street/Road and Town) column.
t ----- *;- *--;-**--
Name Nationality (by Place of birth Occupation (if Present Postal Permanent ljome
Binh andlor by employed give address ( i1- dead Address
domicile) designation and give last address)
Official address)
t+i J
(.i) q-ifr/qfr
(c) Wifc/l{usband
(q) .rTs
(d) Brother( s)
(s) qE{/q-6-i
(e) Sister'(s.;
5. (o) w y/V\ oflr g*7gBdr d qTt t vBri u) tud?T fr t q-o G/ra v3 t,-
(a) Infolmarion to be fiititishr:d rvith regard to solr(s) and/or, daughter(s) in
case they are studying/living in a FOREICiN COUNTI{y:-
6. qI*?lnT
8. - - -- -----'---------
(o) fta-d u *r*'"r-*,
(a) Place of bifth, District arrd
r= *","
State in which situated
9. (m) oTrmr rd
(a) \'our religion
Educalional qualificatic,n showing places of educalion with years in Schcols an<! Colleges since l5lh year of ags.
(A) Are you holding or have any time held an appointment under the Central or State Government or a Semi-Government or a
, Government body, or an autonomous body, or a Public Undertaking or a Private Firm or Institrrtion? If so, give full particrrlars
with dates of employment, upto date.
(q) qqT err H.rqlrH wr{ -T(a ETq furft ffi GTsrqr 6I / =rS
3r-T Yle{FFo enfk+xurl€{aflq d 3TTqd fr-sE ,Dt$ qrErcTT
cfrn *z
(it Is any case pending against;,s1r in anl,Urriver.siry gr.anl, s111.,.
educational authority/lnstitution at the tirne of fi iting up this
Attestation For-rn ?
q qqrFro
E. fu. +fi EFrm-rfi f,alr furfl"H d ei-grm sw\-.m t1.1fl q-S der Wf d r f; fu=fi Q-tfi
qRR€rmi r) er-q,T-d "Yi-*"t
1t{r-d o-ro q e-coTfl +6.ff d'q-q}q qnTl#+ qro r ^
I certily that the foregoing information is and complete to the best of my knor.vledge and belief Ir srrr not o
anr rrvt
-correct aware of any
circumstances which might impair my fitness for employment under Government. -
sT?q?ff d rr<rerq
Signature of Candidate
q6.[l-{ !'IIIUT -qrt
him/her are
months and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the particulars furnished by
co rrect.
dter€ 6trrqfl
Date Sig natu re
(i) ffi *.t qTA uTfM cDI qFI, rlffrq d?fl W rrf,i I
(ii) e{rqff il{ s{IaE-{ ft-qr rrqr {6 w{, fus w @ fu fqqri fr-qr qr rA B r
2. Name of Foreign Vb
5, Date of Birth
6. Place of Birth
7, Permanent Address
8. Present Address
10. Occupation
11 Occupational Address
12. Nationality
13. Religion
Roll no.: