ESD Based Environmental Pollution Learning Design For Junior High School Students
ESD Based Environmental Pollution Learning Design For Junior High School Students
ESD Based Environmental Pollution Learning Design For Junior High School Students
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AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020035 (2022);
Misconceptions on interferences concept and remediate using conceptual change text bases
analogy model
AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020036 (2022);
Profile analysis of student’s concept mastery using Rasch model on Newton’s law subject
AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020038 (2022);
© 2022 Author(s).
ESD Based Environmental Pollution Learning Design for
Junior High School Students
Nico Marulia), Anggita Jasma Apriyola b), Delsi Ameliac), and Ida Kaniawatid)
Department of Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229
Bandung, West Java 40154, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]
)[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Abstract. This study aims to produce a learning design based on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). In
this ESD-based learning design, researchers chose material about environmental pollution in science subjects for class
VII. There are 3 stages of learning in this learning design. Researchers design ESD-based learning with a Project Based
Learning (PjBL) model and a scientific approach that is expected to achieve several goals in the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG’s), including quality education, clean water and proper sanitation, marine and terrestrial
ecosystems. This study uses the Research and Development method with the 4D model to develop learning tools in the
form of Learning Implementation Plan and Student Worksheets. The 4D model consists of 4 stages of research, namely
Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate, there are several steps in each stage. The 4D model to produce learning tools,
namely 1 Learning Implementation Plan and 1 Student Worksheets based on STEM (Science and Engineering
Mathematics) which consists of 3 core activities, namely Engage in the form of problem identification. Explore, is a
brainstorming activity to find solutions in the form of projects in overcoming environmental pollution and design
projects. Evaluation, in the form of identifying student processes in finding solutions, problems that hinder project
creation, and how to overcome them. The conclusion of this research is that this research and development produces
teaching tools, namely a lesson plan and a student worksheet that has been validated by experts.
In this 21st century, the skills student must have are critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration
[1] [2]. However, the ability to solve problems in junior high school students in Indonesia still needs to be improved.
Based on the results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2018, Indonesia was ranked
seventh from the bottom [3] [4]. This result shows that Indonesia is far behind other countries. To improve skills in
solving problems, it is necessary to increase the learning process by practicing problem solving skills in students
through studies of ongoing global problems. One of the learning models recommended by the Ministry of Education
and Culture is Project Based Learning (PjBL) [1]. The PjBL model is used to deepen students' knowledge and skills.
Students show their ability in designing projects, through this activity students will find solutions to the problems
given. This learning is used to solve problems and increase student creativity in the dimensions of resolution,
elaboration, and novelty [5]. Learning with the PJBL model begins with a problem that is solved by producing a
product [6]. The stages of implementing the learning are start with the for essential question, design a plan for the
project, create a schedule, monitor the student and the progress of the project, assess the outcome, and evaluate the
experience [1]. In developing the lesson plan, the problems presented are real problems related to the goals of ESD
(Education for Sustainable Development).
ESD that was initiated by UNESCO, which aims for people to make decisions and take action to improve the
quality of life without sacrificing the earth, and to integrate the inherent values of sustainable development into all
aspects and levels of learning [7] [8]. ESD also aims to make people have problem solving skills and are committed
tobeing responsible for their actions [1]. ESD according to UNESCO means including key sustainable development
issues into teaching and learning. It also requires participatory teaching and learning methods that motivate and
empower learners to change their behavior and take action for sustainable development [7] [8]. ESD views problems
based on three pillars, namely social, economic and environmental [9]. These three pillars are related to global
problems, for example environmental pollution. Pollution is the entry or inclusion of living things, substances,
energy, or other components into water or air and can change the water/air system by human activities and natural
processes so that water/air quality reduced [10]. In its development, ESD pays attention to the importance of
preserving the natural environment for the future [11]. To overcome pollution, humans must change habits that were
previously did not careto the environment into caring. Behavior that cares for the environment can support sustainable
development. ThroughESD based learning for junior high school students, students will have awareness to protect
the environment and the ability to face global problems. This learning uses STEM-based student worksheets which
consists of 3 core activities,namely engage, in the form of problem identification. Explore, is a brainstorming activity
to find solutions in the formof projects in overcoming environmental pollution and designing projects. Evaluate, in
the form of identifying student’sprocesses in finding solutions, problems that hinder in making projects, and how to
overcome them. This student worksheet is expected to be able to guide students in finding solutions to environmental
pollution. STEM base learningis science learning which there is design, use of technology and mathematics to solve
problem [6] [12].
The purpose of this research is to produce ESD-based learning designs and student worksheets with a STEM
approach on environmental pollution material to improve student’s problem solving abilities which will improve
the quality of education and to increase student’s awareness of the surrounding environment.
This study uses the Research and Development method with the 4D model to develop learning tools in the form
of Learning Implementation Plan and Student Worksheets. The 4D model consists of 4 stages of research, namely
Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate, there are several steps in each stage [13]. The procedure or stages of this
research are described in Fig. 1.
FIGURE 1. Research and Development method with the 4D model to develop learning tools in the form of learning
implementation plan and Student Worksheets
Figure 1 shows the stages of research and development with a 4D model, each stage consisting of several steps.
Thedefine stage consists of 5 steps, the design stage consists of 4 steps, the develop stage consists of 2 steps, and
the disseminate stage consists of 3 steps.
At the Define stage, the first step is Front-end Analysis, where the researcher identifies and determines the basic
problems faced in the learning process so that it is the background for the need for development [13]. The next step
isLearner Analysis, Piaget divides the intellectual development of children and adolescents into four stages, namely:
sensory-motory, pre-operational, concrete operational, and formal operation [14]. Piaget believed that all children
gothrough these stages according to their stages, although different children go through these stages at different
rates. Junior high school students are at the end of the concrete operational stage entering the formal operational
stage withthe following characteristics:
1. Concrete operational stage. Junior high school students can classify the types of environmental pollution and
formulate problems that cause environmental pollution.
2. The formal operational stage. Where junior high school students can work on assignments effectively and
innovatively in designing projects that are solutions for environmental pollution, analyzing the cause and effectof
environmental pollution, thinking proportionally, and drawing conclusions after going through Environmental
Pollution learning.
Then Task Analysis, the main task in this learning plan is in the form of STEM-based Student Worksheets which
consists of 3 core activities, namely Engage in the form of problem identification, explore in the form of brainstorming
activities to find solutions in the form of projects in overcoming environmental pollution and designing projects.
Evaluate in the form of identifying students' processes in finding solutions, problems that hinder in making projects,
and how to overcome them. Then the next step is Concept Analysis, Researchers designed Environmental Pollution
learning with competency standards, namely understanding interdependence in ecosystems. The basic
competencies chosen by the researchers as shown in the Table 1.
Question Number Question Topic Cognitive level
5 Examples of primary air pollution C-3 Application
6 Human activities that damage the soil structure C-4 Analysis
7 Efforts to reduce the impact of factory waste C-3 Application
8 Human activities that cause water pollution C-3 Application
9 Activities that can reduce pollution due to factory waste C-3 Application
10 The correlation between population and increase in pollution C-4 Analysis
The questions and answer keys are attached to the lesson plan. There are ten multiple choice questions each
correct answer is given a score of 10, and if it is wrong it is given a score of 0. So, the maximum score that students
get on this test is 100. The next step is Media Selection, the learning media used are Projected Motion Media is in
the form three videos that showing the latest issues / problems regarding environmental pollution. This video is
shown in learning using an LCD projector. This video stimulates the senses of hearing and sight of students so that
it supports students in learning the importance of awareness of protecting the surrounding environment from
environmental pollution. This learning also use Projected Still Media is in the form the several slides containing
stimulus questions after students watch a video about environmental pollution issues. Then Format Selection,
Environmental Pollution Learning, a science subject for junior high school, this learning uses 2 approaches, namely
the scientific approach, and the Student Worksheet using the STEM approach. Project Based Learning Model with
Design method. And the last step is Initial Design, researchers designed ESD-based Environmental Pollution
learning steps with the followinglearning stages as shown in the following Table 3.
Learning Stages Learning Steps
4) Students take the test and the teacher watch for them
Closing Activities
1) The teacher informs that the next meeting each group has completed their project
and isready to be presented.
2) The teacher closes the lesson for that day
Third Meeting Initial Activities
1) The teacher gives greetings, and guides students to pray.
2) The teacher checks the attendance of students
3) The teacher explains the technicalities of students in presenting their projects to
overcomeenvironmental pollution
Core Activities
1) Students bring the results of a product manufacturing project to overcome
environmental pollution
2) Students present the project they have made, the other group listens to the
3) After finishing the presentation, students do a question and answer session and
giveappreciation to the group that had the presentation
4) The teacher assesses the projects of each group and the activeness of students
Closing Activities
The teacher and students conclude the learning outcomes of the day and close the lesson
At the Develop stage, the first step is Expert Appraisal, the lesson plan has been validated by experts with results
as can be seen in the following Table 4.
Based on the validation results in the Table 4, the percentage of the learning design validation score is calculated,
which is 77.33%. Then the student worksheet has been validated by experts with results as can be seen in the following
Table 5.
Based on the validation results in the Table 5, the percentage of the student worksheet validation score is
calculated, which is 80%. Environmental Pollution test questions have also been validated by experts and get the
percentage validation score 80%. The validation results are categorized based on category criteria [15]. So that both
the learning design, student worksheets and environmental pollution test questions are in the Enough Valid
category. After that, revisions are made based on suggestions from expert, especially in the assessment rubric
sectionfor each aspect being assessed, how to determine the stages of learning with the Project Based Learning
model and design methods, how do teachers increase students' awareness to protect the surrounding environment
from danger of environmental pollution and so on. The next step is Developmental Testing, in this step, the
researcher has not yet tested this ESD-based learning design in schools.
At the Disseminate Stage, the lesson plans and student worksheets have been disseminated in a limited way to
two junior high schools, and through the google form the teacher's response to the lesson plan and student
worksheets is obtained, namely the learning design is very good because there are parameters during learning.
Another teacher said that this lesson plan and worksheet can be a good lesson plans for students when learning at
This research has produced ESD-based lesson plans and student worksheets that have been validated by experts
with the category of Sufficiently Valid. The same category is also obtained from the validation results of
environmental pollution test questions. After going through a revision process based on expert advice, the lesson
plansand student worksheets were disseminated limited to two junior high schools and received good responses
from science teachers.
Many thanks Yuniar Maida, M. Pd., Uli, S. Pd dan Tiarmi Saragih as a teacher who has responded to the lesson
plans and student worksheets.
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