Problem Statement Does concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution affect the time taken for mark ‘X’ to disappear?
Variable Manipulated: Concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution
Responding: Time taken for mark ‘X’ to disappear
Constant: Temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution
Hypothesis The higher the higher of concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution, the shorter the time taken for
mark ‘X’ to disappear
Material 0.2mol dm-3 of sodium thiosulphate solution, 1.0mol dm-3 of sulphuric acid and distilled water. white
paper with a mark 'X' at the centre.
Apparatus Conical flask, measuring cylinder, thermometer, stopwatch, white paper with mark ‘X’, wire gauze, tripod
stand, Bunsen burner
Procedure 1) 45 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm-3 sodium thiosulphate solution is measured using a measuring cylinder and
poured into a conical flask.
2) The conical flask is placed on top of a piece of white paper with a mark 'X' at the centre.
3) 5 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid is measured using a 10 cm3 measuring cylinder.
4) The sulphuric acid is then poured quickly and carefully into the conical flask and a stopwatch is
started immediately.
5) The stopwatch is stopped immediately once the mark 'X' disappears from sight.
6) The time required for the mark 'X' to disappear from sight is recorded.
7) The experiment is repeated four more times using different volumes of 0.2 mol dm-3 sodium
thiosulphate solution diluted with different volumes of distilled water
Tabulation data Experiment I II III IV V
Volume of 0.2 mol dm-3 Na2S2O3(cm3) 45 40 30 20 10
Volume of distilled water (cm3) 0 5 15 25 35
Volume of 1.0 mol dm-3 H2SO4 (cm3) 5 5 5 5 5
Total volume of mixture, V2 (cm3) 50 50 50 50 50
Concentration of Na2S2O3, solution in the 0.2(45) 0.2(40) 0.2(30) 0.2(20) 0.2(10)
reacting mixture 50 50 50 50 50
= 0.18 = 0.16 = 0.12 = 0.08 = 0.04
Diagram and Graph
I. Based on Diagrams 1.1,1.2 and 1.3, state one observation in this experiment. (3M)
yellow precipitate is formed.
II. Based on the observation in (a)(i), state the inference (3M)
Sulphur is formed
d) State the operational definition for the rate of reaction in this experiment (3M)
rate of reaction is the time taken for the cross mark to disappear from sight (observation) when hydrochloric acid is
added to sodium thiosulphate solution (procedure)
I. Based on Diagrams 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3, complete Table 1.1. (3M)
Concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution (mol dm- 0.20 0.16 1.12 0.08
Time (s) 20 25 33 50
𝟏 -1 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02
(s )
II. Based on Table 1.1, plot a graph of concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution against 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 (3M)
II. Predict the time taken for the mark “ X ” to disappear from sight if the experiment is carried out using
0.22 mol dm-3 of sodium thiosulphate solution. Show on the graph how you determine the time taken
= 18.18s
g) The experiment for Set I is repeated by replacing the 250 cm3 conical flask with a smaller conical flask. The time
taken for the mark “ X ” to disappear from sight is less than 20 seconds. Explain why. (3M)
The smaller conical flask has a smaller base area. Thus, the thickness of the sulphur is increased.
The experiment is repeated by using the same volume of sodium thiosulphate solution but with different temperature.
I. Based on Diagram 1.1, state one observation.
Yellow precipitate is formed and cover the ‘X’ mark
II. State the inference for your answer in (c)(i).
Sulphur is formed
d) For this experiment, state the
Variables Action to be taken
(i) Manipulated variable: (a) The way to manipulate variable
Temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution Repeat the experiment by heating the sodium
thiosulphate solution to 35 ˚C,40 ˚C,45 ˚C,50 ˚C
(ii) Responding variable: (b) What to observe in the responding variable:
The time taken for ‘X’ mark to disappear from sight Measure the time taken for ‘X’ mark to disappear from
sight using stopwatch
(iii) Controlled variable: (c) The way to maintain the controlled variable:
Volume and concentration of sodium thiosulphate Use the same Volume and concentration of sodium
solution thiosulphate solution throughout the experiment
II. Predict the time taken for the mark ‘X’ to disappear from sight when the temperature is 55 °C.
= 0.033s-1
𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 = 30.3𝑠
g) Experiment at the temperature of 30 °C is repeated by replacing the 150 cm3 conical flask with a bigger conical
flask. The time taken for the mark ‘X’ to disappear from sight is more than 55 seconds. Explain why.
More sulphur precipitate is required to cover the ‘X’ mark because it has a larger surface area (bottom of conical
flask). This is because the base area of the bigger conical flask is bigger and the depth of the 100 cm3 solution
becomes shallower. Hence, a bigger amount of sulphur precipitate is required to cause the mark 'X' to disappear
from sight.
h) State the operational definition of the rate of reaction based on this experiment.
rate of reaction is the time taken for ‘X’ mark to disappear from sight when sodium thiosulphate solution in a conical
flask is added sulphuric acid and put one a piece of white paper with ‘X’ mark.
j) In this experiment, the volume of mixture are the same. Why the same volume must be used?
So that the ‘X’ mark can be observe from the same height of mixture.
k) Can sulphuric acid, H2SO4 be replaced with hydrochloric acid, HCl? Explain.
Yes. Thiosulphate ions, S2O32– react with hydrogen ions, H+ present in all acid solutions
l) The' X ’ mark disappears from view when the solution in the conical flask reaches a certain level of cloudiness.
What are the steps required in this experiment so that the same level of cloudiness is achieved in all the five
The total volume of the solution is maintained.
The height of the solution in the conical flask is maintained (use the same conical flask).
Use a white paper with the same ‘X’ mark
m) What are the changes being measured in the experiment to determine the rate of reaction?
The time taken for a fixed mass of sulphur to be formed.
o) In this experiment, if hydrochloric acid of the same concentration is used to replace sulphuric acid, what is the
effect on rate of reaction? Why?
The rate of reaction will become lower. This is because hydrochloric acid is a strong monoprotic acid, whereas
sulphuric acid is a strong diprotic acid. Hence, the concentration of hydrogen ions in hydrochloric acid is only half the
concentration of hydrogen ions in sulphuric acid
p) Total volume of the reacting mixture in all the five sets of the experiments are the same, that is, 100 cm 3.
This is to ensure that the quantity of sulphur required for the mark 'X' to disappear from sight is the same for all the
five sets of the experiments