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bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.02.28.530502; this version posted March 1, 2023.

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Brain Organoid Computing for Artificial Intelligence

Hongwei Cai,1 Zheng Ao,1 Chunhui Tian,1 Zhuhao Wu,1 Hongcheng Liu,2
Jason Tchieu,3,4 Mingxia Gu,3,4 Ken Mackie,5 and Feng Guo,1,*
1. Department of Intelligent Systems Engineering, Indiana University Bloomington, IN, 47405,
United States
2. Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Florida, Florida, 32611,
Gainesville, United States
10 Center for Stem Cell and Organoid Medicine (CuSTOM), Division of Pulmonary Biology, Di-
vision of Developmental Biology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, OH, 45229,
Cincinnati, United States
4. University of Cincinnati School of Medicine, OH, 45229, Cincinnati, United States
5. Gill Center for Biomolecular Science, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences,
15 Indiana University Bloomington, IN, 47405, United States
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: fengguo@iu.edu

Brain-inspired hardware emulates the structure and working principles of a biological brain and
20 may address the hardware bottleneck for fast-growing artificial intelligence (AI). Current brain-
inspired silicon chips are promising but still limit their power to fully mimic brain function for AI
computing. Here, we develop Brainoware, living AI hardware that harnesses the computation
power of 3D biological neural networks in a brain organoid. Brain-like 3D in vitro cultures compute
by receiving and sending information via a multielectrode array. Applying spatiotemporal electrical
25 stimulation, this approach not only exhibits nonlinear dynamics and fading memory properties but
also learns from training data. Further experiments demonstrate real-world applications in solving
non-linear equations. This approach may provide new insights into AI hardware.

30 Artificial Intelligence (AI); Brain-inspired Hardware; Neuromorphic Computing; Biological Neural
Networks; Brain Organoids;

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.02.28.530502; this version posted March 1, 2023. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the future of human life across various real-world fields such
as industry, medicine, society, and education1. The remarkable success of AI has been largely
driven by the rise of artificial neural networks (ANNs), which process vast numbers of real-world
5 datasets (big data) using silicon computing chips 2, 3. However, current AI hardware keeps AI from
reaching its full potential since training ANNs on current computing hardware produces massive
heat and is heavily time-consuming and energy-consuming 4-6, significantly limiting the scale,
speed, and efficiency of ANNs. Moreover, current AI hardware is approaching its theoretical limit
and dramatically decreasing its development no longer following ‘Moore’s law’7, 8, and facing
10 challenges stemming from the physical separation of data from data-processing units known as
the 'von Neumann bottleneck'9, 10. Thus, AI needs a hardware revolution 8, 11.

A breakthrough in AI hardware may be inspired by the structure and function of a human brain,
which has a remarkably efficient ability, known as natural intelligence (NI), to process and learn
15 from spatiotemporal information. For example, a human brain forms a 3D living complex biological
network of about 200 billion cells linked to one another via hundreds of trillions of nanometer-
sized synapses12, 13. Their high efficiency renders a human brain to be ideal hardware for AI.
Indeed, a typical human brain expands a power of about 20 watts, while current AI hardware
consumes about 8 million watts to drive a comparative ANN6. Moreover, the human brain could
20 effectively process and learn information from noisy data with minimal training cost by neuronal
plasticity and neurogenesis,14, 15 avoiding the huge energy consumption in doing the same job by
current high precision computing approaches12, 13. The human brain fuses data storage and
processes within biological neural networks (BNNs),16-18 naturally avoiding any ‘von Neumann
bottleneck’ issues. Learning from BNNs, pioneering attempts have been made to develop high-
25 efficiency and low-cost neuromorphic chips (e.g., memristor)11, 19, 20 that store previously
experienced current or/and voltage in internal states and enable short-term memory 21-23. So far,
neuromorphic chips have been used for various applications in computer vision,24-26 speech
recognition,27, 28 and others 29, 30. However, current neuromorphic chips can only mimic partial
features of brain functions, and there are tremendous needs to improve their processing capability
30 for real-life uncertainty and energy efficiency.

Brain organoids are in vitro 3D aggregates derived through the self-organization and
differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells that become brain-like tissues with a remarkable
ability to recapitulate aspects of a developing brain’s structure and function31-34. Herein, we
35 develop Brainoware, living AI hardware that harnesses the computation and on-chip learning of
3D biological neural networks in a brain organoid (Fig. 1a). Brainoware processes and learns
from spatiotemporal information through the neuroplasticity of the brain organoid. Compared to
current 2D in vitro neuronal cultures and neuromorphic chips, Brainoware may provide new
insights for AI computing, because brain organoids can provide 3D BNNs with remarkable
40 advances in complexity, connectivity, neuroplasticity, and neurogenesis, all accomplished with
low energy consumption and fast learning.

Brainoware with on-chip learning for AI computing. We constructed Brainoware by mounting
45 a functional brain organoid onto a multielectrode array (MEA) (Fig. 1b). The mature human brain

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.02.28.530502; this version posted March 1, 2023. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

organoid for Brainoware was characterized by various brain cell identities (e.g., early-stage and
mature neurons, astrocytes, neuron progenitor cells), and early development brain-like structures
(e.g., including ventricular zones and subventricular zones) for the formation, function, and
maintenance of complex 3D neuronal networks (Fig. 1c), as well as network electrical activity.
5 The mature organoid neural networks (ONNs) could receive inputs via external electrical
stimulation and send outputs via evoked neural activity, offering a functional basis for AI
computing. As a proof-of-concept application, we implemented Brainoware as an AI hardware to
solve real-world problems. In a conventional AI computing hardware, input signals can be mapped
into higher dimensional computational spaces through the dynamics of a hardware. Given input
10 signals, the output of hardware is used as features for a simple “readout function” to perform a
computational task, e.g., time-series analysis. While the conventional computing chips are fixed,
the readout function is trained to map the feature values generated by the hardware to the desired
labels of the data. Different from conventional AI computing hardware with fixed physical
reservoirs, Brainoware uses mature human brain organoids as dynamic, living network to conduct
15 “unsupervised learning” to adapt to the signals and perform “feature engineering”. Via these living
reservoirs, the time-dependent inputs can be converted to spatiotemporal sequences of electric
stimulation and then projected into computational spaces as ONNs. The output signals, as neural
activities, can be effectively utilized via the pre-trained readout function for various tasks (Fig. 1a).
Moreover, through training using spatiotemporal sequences of electrical stimulation, Brainoware
20 can improve its computing performance and demonstrate on-chip learning ability by synaptic
plasticity. This is possible because Brainoware responds to the electric stimulations with changes
in neuronal connections, and neuroplasticity of the organoids, enabling dynamic reshaping of
ONNs. If synaptic plasticity is blocked, computing performance is maintained by Brainoware (but
on-chip learning halts) (Fig. 1d, Fig. 3d). In the next experiments, Brainoware was demonstrated
25 to exhibit unique properties of a physical reservoir and successfully conduct some real-world tasks
with limited training data at low energy and computing cost.

Characterization of hardware property. Before applying Brainoware to AI computing tasks, we

characterized and demonstrated its basic implementation as a AI hardware. We tested the
30 physical reservoir properties of Brainoware such as nonlinear dynamics, fading memory (or short-
term memory), and spatial information processing by checking the response of ONNs to bipolar
voltage pulse stimulations with different pulse time (tp) and voltage (vp). For example, while
applying electrical stimulation pulses to Brainoware, the evoked neuronal activity (raster plot) was
recorded, and the post-stimulation histogram was calculated and plotted (Fig. 2b). We
35 demonstrated that Brainoware exhibited a representative nonlinear response to the pulse voltage
(Fig. 2b). After applying a single voltage pulse stimulation (tp >= 200 μs), the evoked mean
normalized firing rate of Brainoware (over 200 ms post-stimulation) to the pulse voltage can be
fitted with a sigmoid function, in accordance with the nonlinear activation function of ANNs. While
applying a single voltage pulse stimulation with short pulse times (tp < 200 μs), the evoked
40 normalized firing of Brainoware with the same organoid was only around the baseline of its
spontaneous activity. Next, we tested the fading memory of Brainoware by applying pulses with
different pulse times and voltages. The evoked normalized firing of Brainoware before and after
100 ms or 300 ms from the end of single pulse stimulation was obtained (Fig. 2c). Pulses with
longer duration and higher voltage were responsible for stronger evoked response and slower
45 relaxation dynamics. Importantly, the nonlinear response and fading dynamics of ONNs can be

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.02.28.530502; this version posted March 1, 2023. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

well controlled by precisely adjusting the stimulation parameters. Moreover, we also

demonstrated the combination of these two properties within Brainoware. After the application of
four individual trains of pulses (vp = 200mV, tp = 300 μs), Brainoware showed both the
accumulation and decay dynamic responses (Fig. 2d). Multiple pulses at short intervals (50 ms)
5 within a pulse train were responsible for the gradual increase of evoked responses and the delay
of relaxation dynamics, in accordance with the dynamic response of a memristor, a typical
reservoir computing hardware. Furthermore, we demonstrated the capability of Brainoware to
process spatial information. The spatial information was converted into spatial patterns of
simulation pulses (vp = 500mV, tp = 500 μs) such as two 4 x 4 spatial patterns (P1 and P2). The
10 distinct raster plots of Brainoware with the same organoid were evoked by these two
complementary patterns and showed the active storage and gradual loss of different spatial
information over time (Fig. 2e), indicating spatial information processing rather than stimulation

15 Solving a non-linear chaotic equation. We further applied Brainoware to predict a Hénon map,
which is a typical non-linear dynamic system with chaotic behavior. This time-series task was
implemented into Brainoware using a brief workflow as shown in Fig.3a. A 2D Hénon map was
first converted into a 1D decomposition, converted into the spatiotemporal sequences of bipolar
voltage pulses, and then sent to the MEA electrodes for stimulating Brainoware. Using a read-out
20 algorithm for decoding the ONN activity, Brainoware harnessed its reservoir computation and on-
chip learning to learn from the input spatiotemporal pulses and predict the Hénon map.
Experiments were conducted to predict the Hénon map (Xn+1 value) by feeding Brainoware with
spatiotemporal pulses encoded with Xn value. 1D decomposition (Fig.3b) and 2D displacement
(Fig.3c) of predicted Hénon maps were experimentally obtained from Brainoware with the same
25 organoid before and after four training epochs (one epoch per day, and each epoch encoded with
a Hénon map dataset of 200 data points). Compared with the theoretical output (ground truth,
black), the after-training condition (red) showed better-predicted results than the before-training
condition (blue). Next, the learning curves of Brainoware to solve this non-linear chaotic equation
were measured over epochs (Fig.3d). The regression score of Brainoware in predicting Xn+1 value
30 was used to evaluate its learning ability to solve the Hénon map. Interestingly, Brainoware
increased the regression score (detailed calculation in SI) from 0.356  0.071 (with the naïve
organoids on Day 1) to 0.812  0.043 (the same organoids after four training epochs). While
treated with a calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) blocker, K252a, to block
activity-dependent synaptic plasticity,35 the negative control group only slightly improved their
35 regression score from 0.31  0.072 to 0.385  0.063 over the same training procedures. The
results indicated that the learning activity of Brainoware was dependent on neural plasticity.
Furthermore, experiments were performed to measure the on-chip learning activities of
Brainoware under different conditions (Fig. 3e). Only an MEA chip and culture medium (blank)
was tested to have a regression score of 0, emphasizing that Brainoware cannot compute without
40 the living organoids. We further compared Brainoware with representative machine learning
algorithms such as ANN on solving the Hénon map of the same data size (Fig. 3f). Linear
regression (decoding algorithm of Brainoware) could barely solve this problem, showing a
regression score close to 0. Brainoware significantly outperformed ANN without a long short-term
memory (LSTM) unit. Brainoware (with 4 training epochs) showed slightly lower accuracy than
45 ANN with LSTM (each with 50 training epochs), decreasing training times by >90%.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.02.28.530502; this version posted March 1, 2023. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

We have demonstrated a new class of living hardware for AI computing that harnesses the
computational power of living neural networks of human brain organoids. Human brain organoids
5 have unique characteristics and the ability to self-organize and form functional BNNs for
developing brain-inspired AI hardware. Moreover, ONNs may have the necessary complexity and
diversity to mimic a human brain, inspiring more sophisticated and human-like AI systems.
Furthermore, due to the high plasticity and adaptability of organoids, Brainoware has the flexibility
to change and reorganize in response to electrical stimulation, highlighting its ability to learn and
10 adapt over training, necessary for developing AI systems. As living brain-like AI hardware, this
approach may naturally address the time-consuming, energy-consuming, and heat production
challenges of current AI hardware. We further demonstrated that this approach exhibits physical
reservoir properties such as nonlinear dynamics, fading memory, and spatial information
processing. We also implemented it in real-world applications such as solving non-linear
15 equations. We found that this approach learns from training data by reshaping the neuronal
connections of ONNs.

There are several limitations and challenges for the current Brainoware approach. One technical
challenge is the generation and maintenance of organoids. Despite the successful establishment
20 of various protocols, current organoids are still suffering from high heterogeneity, low generation
throughput, and various viabilities. Moreover, it is critical to properly maintain and support
organoids for harvesting their computational power. Recent engineering efforts on optimizing
organoid differentiation and growth conditions and manipulating their microenvironments may
provide approaches for the high-throughput generation and maintenance of standardized
25 organoids36. Brainoware uses flat and rigid MEA electrodes for interfacing with organoids, which
are only able to stimulate/record a small number of neurons on the organoid surface. There is a
tremendous need to develop methods such as brain-machine interfaces, soft electrodes, and
other neural implants for interfacing the whole organoid with AI hardware and software 37, 38,
allowing for the exchange of information and the manipulation of their activity from a greater
30 number of neurons. Another technical challenge is the management and analysis of data. The
encoding and decoding of temporospatial information to and from Brainoware still need
optimization by improving data interpretation, extraction, and processing from multiple sources
and modalities. Moreover, large amounts of data may be generated by this new AI hardware,
requiring the development of new algorithms and methods for analyzing and visualizing the data.
In sum, we developed a prototype of brain-inspired living AI hardware with on-chip learning ability.
We also demonstrated their real-world applications to speech recognition and solving non-linear
equations. This approach may provide new insights into AI hardware.

40 Methods
Generation and characterization of organoids. Cortical organoids were generated from human
pluripotent stem cells following a protocol that we adapted from the reported protocols 39. All the
handling and culture of stem cells and organoids followed the guidelines of the WiCell Institute
and Indiana University Biosafety Committee. Detailed protocols for the development and
45 characterization of organoids are included in the supplementary materials.

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.02.28.530502; this version posted March 1, 2023. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

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bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.02.28.530502; this version posted March 1, 2023. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

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This work was funded with support from the National Institute of Health Awards (DP2AI160242,
R01DK133864., and U01DA056242). We also acknowledge Indiana University Imaging Center
25 (NIH1S10OD024988-01).

Author contributions
F.G. and H.C. conceived the study and designed experiments. H.C., Z.A., C.T., and Z.W.
performed the experiment. H.C., H.L., J.T., M.G., and K.M. analyzed the data. All authors read
30 and provided feedback on the manuscript.

Competing interests
Authors declare that they have no competing interests.

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.02.28.530502; this version posted March 1, 2023. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Figures and legends

Fig. 1. Brainoware with on-chip learning for AI computing. a, Schematics of reservoir
computation with on-chip learning using Brainoware. b, A schematic paradigm of Brainoware
setup that mounts a brain organoid onto a multielectrode array for receiving inputs and sending
outputs. c, Whole-mount immunostaining of cortical organoids showing complex 3D neuronal
10 networks with various brain cell identities (e.g., mature neuron, MAP2; astrocyte GFAP; neurons
of early differentiation stage, TuJ1; and neural progenitor cells, SOX2). d, Schematic diagram
demonstrating on-chip learning of Brainoware via reshaping of the biological neural network
during training, and the inhibition of on-chip learning after synaptic plasticity is blocked. (Scale bar
= 100 μm)

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.02.28.530502; this version posted March 1, 2023. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Fig. 2. Characterization of hardware property. a, Evoked response (raster plot and post-
stimulation histogram) upon single bipolar voltage pulse stimulation. b, Evoked normalized firing
5 upon pulses with different pulse times (t p) and pulse voltage (vp) (mean ± s.e.m., n = 6,
independent experiments). The red fitting curve (a sigmoid function) indicates the nonlinear
activity, while the black dashed line marks the spontaneous activity. c, Evoked normalized firing
before and after, 100 ms or 300 ms, from the end of single pulse stimulation (mean ± s.e.m., n
= 4, independent experiments). d, Representative memristor-liked responses to a stream of
10 pulses (vp = 200mV, tp = 300 μs). e, Distinct raster plots evoked by two complementary spatial
patterns (P1 and P2) of stimulation pulses (vp = 500 mV, tp = 500 μs).

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.02.28.530502; this version posted March 1, 2023. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Fig. 3. Solving a non-linear chaotic equation. a, Workflow of predicting an Hénon map. b,

Predicted X values using Brainoware before (blue) and after training (red) vs ground true X value.
c, Predicted 2D maps using Brainoware before (blue) and after (red) training vs ground true 2D
5 map. d, Learning curves of Brainoware over training epochs, where the red or blue curves show
Brainoware with naïve organoids or organoids treated with a CaMKII blocker K252a (to block
synaptic plasticity) before training (mean ± s.e.m., n = 4, independent experiments). e, Learning
activity of Brainoware under different conditions with the naïve organoids (before training), the
organoids after training (after training), the organoids treated with K252a during training (K252a
10 + training), and without organoids (Blank) (mean ± s.e.m., n = 5 for each group, independent
experiments). f, Performance comparison of Brainoware with linear regression, artificial neural
network (ANN) with or without long short-term memory (LSTM) unit. The number denotes the
training epochs of each group (mean ± s.e.m., n = 5 for each group, independent experiments).



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