46.handscape Construction1
46.handscape Construction1
46.handscape Construction1
Hardscape Construction to move heavy blocks and rock and for excavation and
The key elements of business and administrative needs backfilling. In addition, certain tools and supplies are
for landscape contracting have been described in the required for constructing any type of patio, walkway,
chapter on Landscape Contracting. The landscape driveway or retaining wall. Some of these tools are
Contractor must understand management of plant listed below.
selection, plant installation and plant maintenance, all
of which are described in several other chapters of this 1. Safety equipment including safety glasses, gloves
manual. All of these major segments of landscape and steel-toed shoes.
contracting are critical to the success of any landscape
contract. In addition to business, administrative and 2. Spades and flat shovels for excavation and
plant management activity by the Landscape backfilling pavers or walls.
Contractor, knowledge of the management and
installation of hardscapes and hardgoods is another 3. Marking paint or other tools and supplies to draw
major requirement of this profession. Hardscapes now the shape of the wall or walkway on the ground.
play a major role in landscape projects nation wide.
Difficult to use or non-functional areas can become 4. String with stakes for setting straight lines.
functional parts of a landscape with the addition of
hardscape elements. This includes, but it not limited to, 5. A plate tamper or vibrator and tamper bar.
the construction of patios, walkways, driveways,
fountains, water gardens, and retaining walls. 6. Survey equipment and levels.
However, hardscape elements are highly regulated for 7. Chisel and one-pound hammer.
proper installation and for their impact on the
landscape. Most local government building codes 8. Rubber mallet for leveling stones and blocks.
require approved engineered drawings for most forms
of hardscaping. In addition, many local governments 9. Stone cutter or splitter; chain saw or circular saw.
allow only a certain percentage of the landscape to be
covered by hardscaping. Before starting any Walkways, Driveways and Patios
hardscaping project, always check the local government Several attractive and durable surfaces are available for
building code requirements for all engineering patios, walkways and driveways. Segmental pavers,
regulations and restrictions, and for the percent of hard natural stone, wood rounds and timbers are all
cover allowed on each specific landscape. alternatives to poured concrete and asphalt paving.
Also prior to commencing excavation for hardscaping Pavers and flat stone are often used to create long-
installation, it is essential to make the Gopher State One lasting paths, walks, patios and driveways. They
Call. A least forty-eight hours before any excavation, provide a rustic and elegant look to landscapes and
make the Gopher State One Call to have all incorporate a texture that compliments plant
underground utilities marked. Refer to the Gopher materials of all kinds. In addition to the aesthetics of
State One Call Bulletin enclosed with this manual. pavers and flat stone, these materials are relatively
easy to maintain and, when installed correctly, can
Hardscape Construction requires professional and add significant value to a property. It is important to
technical skills to accomplish the wide diversity of follow recommended guidelines when installing
tasks required in this profession. It also requires pavers and flat stone in order to create safe and long-
specific tools and equipment. A skid steer loader, lasting areas within a landscape. Types of pavers are
backhoe or forklift may be critical assets on some sites described in Table 1.
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Table 1. Descriptions of types of pavers. From: SULIS: www.sustland.umn.edu .
Types of
Pavers Appearance Maintenance Winter / Durability
Concrete Wide range of textures and Low; broken pavers can Small, high density pavers
Pavers colors; can be positioned in a be removed and replaced resist cracking; smooth surface
variety of patterns, symmetrical easily; however, color of allows for easy snow removal.
or asymmetrical. new pavers may not
match due to exposure.
Flat Stone Irregular shapes; various Low; broken stones can Rough surface makes snow
textures and colors; typically be removed and replaced removal difficult.
creates a rustic and organic easily; however,
look. achieving the same
shape and spacing may
require cutting.
Clay Pavers Limited range of colors Irregularities in surface Salt can cause damage; rough
available; limited number of are prone to chipping surface on some pavers makes
shapes available. and breaking. snow removal difficult.
The number of pavers needed for a job depends on edged, geometric shape and used in building stone
the size of the paver and the square footage to be walls. Typical ashlar stones are limestone, granite
covered. Generally, four to five pavers are required and sandstone.
for each square foot to be covered. Always use high
quality pavers that will not crack under the intended Rubble Stone – Rubble Stone is any uncut stone that
use. When determining the finished size of the paved is used for building stone walls. They are also used
area, choose a size and pattern that will require as as stepping stones. Rubble stone is usually a hard
little cutting or splitting of pavers as possible. stone such as basalt, gneiss or granite.
Using non-mortared flat stone can create an informal, Fieldstone – Fieldstone can be any uncut stone that is
irregular walk or patio that is reminiscent of old-
indigenous to the area. For example, basalt and
world paths. Properly designed and installed, flat granite are typical field stones of Minnesota and
stone can provide an excellent surface that is Wisconsin.
functional and maintainable. Deciding on the type of
flat stone to be used in a walk or a patio will depend
on the existing colors and materials available, the Belgian Blocks – Belgian Blocks are paving units
landscape design and style desired, and the budget for with similar dimensions to brick. Belgian blocks are
the project. The following is a description of shapes typically cut from granite or other durable stone.
and uses, and they are further defined in Table 2.
In addition to the pavers and stone described above,
Flagstone – Flagstone is a stone cut to form a several other products are required for the
shallow, flat slab. Flagstones are often used as an construction and installation for a walkway, driveway
alternative to pavers for patios and paths. They are or patio. Class 5 (¾ inch minus) or Class 2 (3/8 inch
available in several different thicknesses and can minus) crushed rock with fines is required as a solid
have either a straight edge or a random cut or split underlying base for the area to be paved. Patios,
edge. Flagstone is commonly cut from stones that walks and driveways each have different base
are easily split such as limestone, granite, and requirements: walking paths require four inches of
sandstone. base; paths with heavier traffic such as a garden
tractor, require six inches of base; and driveways
Ashlar – Ashlar is stone that is cut into a straight- require twelve inches of base (Figure 1).
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Table 2. Characteristics of Flat Stone. From: SULIS: www.sustland.umn.edu . Adapted from Stonescaping by
J.K. Whitner.
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uniformly nor maintain an even profile over time. cleanest appearance. Gaps less than 3/8-inch wide
This is due to the elongated shape of the particles and should be filled with sand. Spacing between the
the presence of water-soluble minerals. Concrete pavers or flat stone can be used to create different
sand should be spread and screeded to a minimum effects. Tight spacing is more formal; it creates a
thickness of one inch or to a maximum thickness of continuous surface and attracts attention to the area.
1.5 inches. Frozen or water saturated sand should not Tight spacing is the best application for driveways.
be installed. Sand should not be used to compensate Loose spacing is more informal. It is used for
for uneven elevations or an improper compacted walkways, paths, and stepping stones. Sometimes flat
gravel base. These irregularities in elevation will stones are laid directly on quality top soil with the
reflect through to the surface over time, creating a area between the stones planted with sun or shade
washboard appearance. Low or high areas of base tolerant groundcovers.
material must be brought to a smooth consistent
elevation. Sand is typically screeded with a straight, In considering a paving pattern, ninety degree or
true screed bar. The board is pulled across pipe laid forty-five degree herring bone patterns should be
directly on the base prior to spreading the sand. Once used in all street applications, as these patterns resist
the sand is screeded it should not be disturbed. horizontal creep from braking and accelerating
vehicles. Herringbone patterns interlock, thereby
Joint filler is required between the pavers or stones. offering greater resistance to deformation. Patterns
Pea gravel or colored aggregates can be used for flat with straight seams can be maintained by snapping a
stone. Concrete sand is used to fill the space between chalk line directly on the sand or pulling a string line
individual pavers after they are laid in place. If just above the surface of the pavers. Sides of
pavers or flat stones are not installed against an buildings or opening in the pavement, such as
immovable surface, some type of edging should be concrete collars or inlets, should not be used as a
used for lateral support. A commercial poly paver basis for establishing lines. They generally are not
edging or a product such as Snap Edge is straight. Natural stones do not interlock with one
recommended for this purpose, however two inch by another and they do not have the strength to
six inch lumber or six inch by six inch timbers can withstand higher weight loads. Therefore, natural
also be used. Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the use of a stones should not be used for driveway surfaces or
commercial poly paver edging and the Snap Edge surfaces that bear greater weight loads that typical
edging respectively. foot traffic.
Prior to excavation, the area to be excavated should Joints between pavers should be approximately 1/16
be staked and grade elevations must be established to inch to 1/8 inch wide. Some pavers are made with
ensure proper elevation of the paved surface. The spacer bars to create a minimum joint width. These
minimum recommended slope should be at least 1.5 will automatically provide the minimum joint
percent for adequate drainage. Grade elevation necessary for sand to enter.
markers should be checked periodically throughout
the job to be sure they have not been inadvertently The actual step by step construction process for
disturbed. Avoid areas where tree roots might cause installing a walkway, driveway or patio is delineated
damage to the paved area. Recently disturbed soils, below and is shown graphically in Figure l, 2 and 3.
loose soils or soils high in organic matter should be
removed and replaced with compacted base. Any 1. Use marking paint, flags, string or garden hose to
saturated soil must be drained of all standing water. mark the area to be paved.
Low wet areas can be stabilized with crushed stone
after the excess water has been removed. The sub- 2. For flat stones, lay out the stones on the soil in
grade soil should be properly compacted with a plate the exact path and pattern where they will be
compactor. installed to determine exact placement prior to
excavation. Place stones so that their edges
Manipulating the finished size and shape of the paved mirror the adjacent stones. Shape the stones to
area and choosing as appropriate paver size and fit the spot with a chisel and hammer. Stepping
pattern will reduce the amount of paver cutting and stones can be placed 24 to 26 inches center-to-
splitting. Gaps at edges should be filled with cut center or with ½ inch to one inch spacing
pavers. They can be cut with a double bladed paver between stones.
splitter or a masonry saw. A masonry saw gives the
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Figure 2. Cross section of a paved area using poly edging. From: SULIS: www.sustland.umn.edu.
Figure 3. Cross section of a paved area using Snap Edge and a description of Snap Edge.
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3. Before removing the stones for excavation, Pavers should be set tightly against one another.
number the stones on the underside with a grease Cut pavers to a desired size by using a brick
pencil to make it easy to place them after chopsaw or split them with a hammer and chisel.
10. When all pavers or flat stones have been set,
4. Excavate the area to be paved and level the area spread the selected joint filler over the entire area
insuring that it is free or any mounds or and sweep it into sand crevices between the
depressions. If construction fabric is needed, it pavers or flat stone. Repeat as necessary until
should be laid to stabilize the existing soil before cracks remain filled.
the base material is added.
11. Once pavers are installed, vibrate the pavers into
5. Fill the excavated area with base material. Begin the sand with a plate vibrator. This equipment
by spreading an even layer of rock should be capable of providing 3,000 to 5,000
approximately two to three inches deep. Use a pounds of centrifugal force, and operate at a
power plate tamper to compact the rock. frequency of 80-90 hertz. For clay pavers, use a
Continue the layering process until the desired smaller plate compactor or use plywood
depth of base is in place and fully compacted. protection over the pavers. At least two passes
Moistening the base with water will reduce air with the vibrator should be made across the
spaces, settle the base material, and make it surface. Sweep dry sand into the joints and
easier to compact. vibrate again until they are full. This may again
take two or three passes with the plate vibrator.
6. When using pavers, poly paver edging is If the sand is moist, it can be spread on the
frequently installed around the perimeter of the pavers to dry before being swept and vibrated
area to be paved. Secure the edging to the into the joints. Do not vibrate within three feet
installed base material with 3/8 inch galvanized of an unrestrained edge. All work within three
spikes eight to ten inches long. Add enough feet of the laying face must be fully compacted
spikes to the curved areas in order to maintain with sand-filled joints at the completion of each
the integrity of the curve and prevent the pavers day. At the end of the day cover the remaining
from rolling away from the path or driveway. compacted edge of the laying face and sand with
Check measurements for accuracy, so pavers will a waterproof covering. Sweep off excess sand
fit properly. when the job is complete.
7. Add one inch of concrete sand over the crushed Pavers and non-mortared flat stone enable a
rock base. The sand covers the small rocks landscape designer to create areas that feature
found in the base material and makes leveling interesting patterns, shapes, textures and color. By
easier. Using a screed bar and rails, smooth the combining these hardscapes with plant materials, the
surface of the sand so that the entire area is level. effect enhances a landscape and creates spaces that
The finished height of the sand surface should provide areas of movement, recreation and leisure.
allow for the pavers or flat stone to initially sit The versatility of pavers and flat stone, as well as
approximately ¼ inch above the finished their maintainability and durability, provide the
elevation. designer with infinite design options, and add value
and beauty to a landscape.
8. Set the pavers or flat stone on the sand in the
desired pattern. Set flat stones as described in Building Retaining Walls
Step two. When installing natural stones, A retaining wall is a grading structure used to prevent
because they do not interlock, it is important to soil erosion where the gradient or slope is steep
arrange bedding sand around and under each enough to succumb to wind and water erosion. It is
individual piece to compensate for varying also used to create a flat surface where a steep hill
thickness and irregular shapes. Sawn stones still once existed. The decision to use a retaining wall
have a very large surface area and are difficult to depends on the angle of repose. The angle of repose
level even through the thickness of each stone is is the angle or slope at which a soil mound or wall
consistent. will start to crumble due to gravity. If the soil is very
sandy, it has a low angle of repose, meaning that it is
9. When laying pavers in larger areas, criss-cross an appropriate situation in which to build a retaining
string to assist in aligning the pavers correctly. wall.
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For walls more than four feet high, most building wall, and stay connected to the reinforced soil mass,
codes require a final wall design prepared by a stay interlocked between geosynthetic layers, and not
licensed Civil Engineer (P.E.) registered by the state. overturn at the top of the wall.
Actually in all instances, leave the Engineering to
the Engineers. It is important to recognize when Loading on segmental walls is dependent on soil
walls need engineering. Those that do require conditions, surcharges, slopes, water conditions, and
engineering should be designed by a qualified wall heights. Accurate knowledge of each of these
engineer, whose plans should then be closely properties is needed for a proper design. Soil
followed. Wall failure is a genuine threat! properties required for segmental retaining wall
Whoever engineers or re-engineers the wall is liable design include the internal friction angle (Ф) and soil
if there is a problem. unit weight (γ). Generally, the cohesion (c) of any
fine-grained soil is conservatively ignored to simplify
Standard walls are designed as traditional gravity the design.
walls. For non-reinforced walls, the stabilizing
weight of the battered wall units is compared to the Geo-grid is often used in a terraced wall or in an
loading on the walls to ensure stability against application where there is an excessive amount of
overturning and sliding. When the loading exceeds force behind the wall. When using geo-grid,
the stability of the units alone, a larger gravity mass extensive excavation of soil is required to properly
is created from reinforced soil. install the grid mat. Drain tile is most often used in
tall walls or where there is a concern for excessive
To ensure stability of a reinforced retaining wall, the water run-off in the wall area. The drain tile will
wall engineer must design the reinforced soil mass help alleviate water pressure against the retaining
large enough to resist loads from outside the wall wall, thereby keeping it from blowing out.
system, which is known as external stability, and
with enough layers of proper strength geosynthetic For tiered walls that are independent from each other,
material to keep the reinforced soil mass together, the upper wall must be back of the wall twice the
this is known as internal stability. In addition, the distance of the height of the lower wall (Figure 4).
design must have sufficient geosynthetic layers to The walls can be closer if they are reinforced. This is
keep standard units stable and properly connected to important because slopes at the top and bottom of a
the reinforced soil mass; this is known as facial wall change the wall’s stability. Also, a wall places a
stability. load on a slope below. A steep slope below a wall
may not be stable under the new load the wall adds to
For internal stability, the geosynthetic layers must the site. This is called global instability. The
resist loads that could pull apart the reinforced soil engineer must add geogrid to make these slopes more
mass. The wall design engineer must ensure the stable.
geosynthetic layers have enough anchorage length to
resist pullout from the stable soils and enough
strength to resist overstress or breakage. The
geosynthetic layers must also be long enough to resist
sliding along the lowest layer.
3. What is the layout of the wall(s) in relation 3. Is the final grade forward of the wall
to other structures, slopes, roads, etc.? base level or sloped? What is the angle and
length of the slope?
4. Will grading for a wall require excavation
or fill, or both? 4. Is the final grade behind the top of the
wall level or sloped? What is the angle and
B. Soil Conditions length of the slope? What is the surcharge
1. Is a soil investigation report available behind wall, including permanent or dead
with boring logs? loads such as structures or stored
materials, and temporary or live loads
2. What is the soil type at the site: Gravel, such as traffic, parked cars,
Sand, Silt or Clay? construction or paving equipment?
3. Is the existing soil suitable for 5. If walls are tiered, what will the horizontal
foundation soil? spacing be between each tier?
The size of concrete block walls depends on the site. to the lines and grades shown on construction
It is usually better to build two shorter, terraced walls drawings. Care should be taken not to disturb
rather than one tall wall. The size of the wall additional foundation material. The foundation
determines the size of the blocks. Short walls, under should be adequately compacted. Placing wall
three feet, can be built with smaller blocks, often units on non-compacted soil will result in wall
called half-unit blocks. These half-unit blocks settlement.
measure approximately 6 inches by 8 inches by 12
inches, and weigh 40 pounds. Taller walls need 2. Leveling Pad Construction – Install and compact
larger, heavier blocks, which usually measure a leveling pad accurately to a smooth, level
approximately 6 inches by 18 inches by 12 inches, surface. It should consist of gravel or crushed
and weigh 80 to 90 pounds. Cap units, pin stone. Leveling pads should be at least six
connectors and tapered blocks are also required. inches thick and 24 inches wide. To quickly
Larger walls require a soil retention grid mat or geo- construct long pads, screeding techniques similar
grid to hold the wall in place. A four-inch drainage to forming a sidewalk may be used.
tile with a filter fabric sock is often specified behind
the wall to separate drainage gravel from soil. 3. Base Course Installation – Starting at the lowest
point of the wall, place base course units side by
Construction of a prefabricated concrete block side on the completed leveling pad. Level units
retaining wall includes the following procedures. front to rear, side to side, and with adjacent units.
Make sure there is complete contact between the
1. Excavation – The project site should be excavated bottom of all units and the leveling pad. After
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base course units have been properly positioned, horizontally on top of the block units
place and compact soil backfill behind and in approximately one inch back from the front edge
front of the units to prevent shifting. Install and onto properly compacted backfill at the same
entire length of base course before starting level. Geogrids are usually stronger in one
succeeding courses. direction than the other, so it is very important to
place them in the correct direction. The
4. Place Succeeding Courses – Succeeding courses strongest direction of the grid must be
will be set back from lower courses ¾-inch. perpendicular to the wall face. Follow the grid
Two pins will be inserted through front holes of manufacturer’s directions to orient the grid
upper course units into receiving slots in lower correctly.
course units. The hole and slot arrangement
allows for a variable bond. The vertical joints Place and pin succeeding courses of blocks.
should be tight-fitting and can “wander” in Place granular drainage fill against the back of
relation to the units above and below. Place and the units and on top of the grid. Pull geogrid
compact backfill after every two courses. taut, anchor it, and place and compact backfill
5. Compaction – Proper compaction of backfill is
critical to the stability of a modular wall. Poorly 8. Capping – Two cap unit types may be used to
compacted soil puts extra pressure on the wall, finish installed walls. Cap units may be set back,
especially when loose backfill gets wet. Geogrid flush, or set out as much as one inch from the
reinforcing does not work if the soil around it is face of the wall. Alternate Type A and Type B
not compacted. Do not use heavy, self-propelled caps on straight wall sections (Figure 7). Use
compaction equipment within three feet of the only Type A caps on convex walls and Type B
wall face as it will push the wall units out of caps for concave walls. Secure caps using a
alignment. Once units and backfill are pushed concrete adhesive.
out, it is difficult to realign them. If backfill is
placed in layers no thicker than the 9. Completed Wall Illustrations – Figure 8 and
recommended six-inch lifts, the smaller, hand- Figure 9 illustrate the proper components and
pushed equipment can easily provide the construction of non-reinforced and reinforced
required compaction near the wall face. retaining walls respectively.
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Modular Freestanding Walls and Pillars – 12-inch high vertical units are placed next to six-
Freestanding walls bring definition and elegance to a inch-high units in the base course, it is helpful to
landscape. They can create beautiful borders along temporarily set additional six-inch-high units for
patios and walkways. The height and sturdy the next course so it can be leveled across the
construction of these freestanding walls also make vertical unit. After the first course of units is
them ideal for perimeter seating. installed, backfill the open trench areas with
desired soil and compact. Take care not to
Freestanding units are simply stacked on a compacted displace units during compaction.
granular base and secured using flexible concrete
adhesive and/or pins. No mortar or frost footings are 5. Place and Glue or Pin Succeeding Courses –
required. Solid concrete characteristics make units Prior to pinning and before applying adhesive,
extremely durable, long lasting and virtually test position the next course. Align units to
maintenance free. Units are integrally colored so create a vertical wall and stagger unit joints from
color cannot chip off or peel. These walls are built course to course for improved wall strength.
without mortar, therefore, they remain flexible to When satisfied with unit arrangement, set aside
tolerate freezing and thawing earth movement. temporarily placed units in an ordered fashion.
Sweep off any debris on the installed units.
Construction of freestanding walls and pillars Spread a ¼-inch bead of concrete adhesive in a
includes the following procedures. wavy pattern on the top surface of installed units.
Replace the previously selected units on the
1. Determine Wall Layout – Prior to excavating, lay adhesive. Pins may now be used to further
the first course of units in the desired secure each course to the course below it.
configuration to help determine the path of the Repeat this process with remaining courses.
wall. Mark an area six inches out from all sides Remember, the exposed height of a
of the wall which is approximately a 20-inch freestanding wall, including the height of cap
width. This is the area that will be excavated. units should not exceed 24 inches.
2. Excavate Trench – Excavate the marked area to a 6. Place and Glue Cap Units – Cap units may be
depth of seven inches. This depth will allow used to finish the top of the wall. To create the
room for a four-inch high compacted granular proper ten-inch depth, split the rear two inches
leveling pad and a three-inch embedment of the off using a masonry chisel and heavy mallet or
first course. If necessary, over excavate soft rented mechanical splitter. Caps are tapered on
foundation soil and replace it with properly both sides. Caps may be arranged to create
compacted backfill. Use a hand tamper or straight and curved configurations. Glue cap
vibratory plate compactor to compact the base of units to the wall using a concrete adhesive.
the trench.
Natural Stone Retaining Walls – Natural stone is a
3. Build Leveling Pad – Place granular leveling pad generic term for any quarried and cut stone that is
material in the trench and compact it to a used for construction purposes. The actual types of
smooth, level surface approximately four inches stone include granite and various kinds of limestone
deep. Place and compact no more than a two- which all have slightly different aesthetic differences.
inch thicknesses at one time if using a hand Granite is heavier, splits more evenly, and is stronger
tamper or four-inch thicknesses if using a for use in larger walls. Limestone is less expensive
vibratory plate compactor. Leveling pad than granite and comes in a variety of types. Natural
material should consist of coarse-grained sand, stone walls are constructed without the use of mortar
gravel, crushed stone or Class 5 road base. or other adhesives to hold the wall in place. Instead,
Spread a thin ½ to 1 inch layer of sand on top of the wall is held together by friction and the weight of
the leveling pad material to help with block the stacked stones and setback. Natural stone can be
leveling. packaged and delivered in a specific range of sizes.
Common heights of the stones would be two to three
4. Place, Level and Backfill First Course – Place inches, three to four inches or four to six inches. The
the first course of units on the leveling pad. width of the stone, from the face to the back, is sold
Level each unit front to back, side to side, and at eight-inch, 12-inch, 18-inch and random sizes.
with adjacent units. Adjust the sand layer or use Larger stones should be used for taller walls. Walls
a rubber mallet to help with unit leveling. Where that are under 18 or 20 inches could be constructed
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with stone as small as two inches by eight inches. inches deep.
For walls over 20 inches, stones four inches by eight
inches or larger are required The number of square 3. Place four to six inches of Class 5 rock in the
feet of wall space obtained per ton of specific stone trench. Roughly level it and compact it
relative to width is shown in Table 3. thoroughly in two-inch layers with a plate
Table 3. Square feet of wall face per ton of stone, 4. Begin leveling the base course of stone by
relative to stone width. From: Buechel placing a stone on the coarse rock. Check for
Stone Corp. 1998. level front to back and side to side and adjust
SULIS: www.sustland.umn.edu . accordingly with a large mallet. Due to the
nature of the material, the stone will not be
perfectly level, but it is possible to be very close
Stone Width Square Feet of Wall per Ton using shims if necessary (Figure 10). Once the
first stone is level, continue along the trench and
8 Inches 20 Square Feet make sure each new stone is level with the
12 Inches 15 Square Feet preceding stone. Use the string line again to
18 Inches 8 Square Feet make sure that the straight sections are straight.
Random Sizes 15 Square Feet
8. Continue to alternate the rock seams in each 3. Tiebacks, headers and deadmen are portions of
course, and after every two or three courses timbers placed into the soil behind the wall to
backfill with aggregate. Repeat this process until strengthen the wall. Excavate for headers and
the wall is complete. deadmen into the hill. The size, length and
location of headers and deadmen will be design
Landscape Timber Retaining Walls – Pressure- specific (Figure 11). Headers can extend 1½ to
treated timbers are recommended for timber retaining two inches past the wall face to add strength and
walls. They usually come in five-inch by six-inch by to prevent splitting (Figure 12). In some cases
eight-foot sections or six-inch by six-inch by eight- this is also considered a decorative feature
foot sections. Untreated wood will not hold up when
exposed to constant moisture and weather and should 4. Place and level the first course of timbers on the
not be used for retaining walls. The specific sand in the trench. This first course must be
construction detail is dependent on the size of the perfectly level and must be completely buried in
wall and existing site conditions. Timber walls the ground. When timber ends fit together
should be professionally designed because of the poorly, use a chain saw or large circular saw and
complexity of their construction. Approximately 25 run down the seam between the timbers. This
percent of the timbers required will be hidden behind will make the timbers match up better and will
the wall to tie back or hold the wall in place. A avoid gaps, however, this does remove some of
minimum of four 3/8 inch galvanized spikes per the treated lumber.
eight-foot timber is recommended to tie the timbers
together. Two spikes at each tieback connection 5. Lay the second course of timbers over the base
points are required. Holes for all spikes should be course, staggering the seams. This staggering
pre-drilled. The size of the wall will depend on the should continue throughout the wall so the seams
site. It is usually better to build two shorter, terraced of two adjoining courses are never in the same
walls than one tall wall. The tiebacks are composed place. Each course should also be set back
of timbers called headers and deadmen. The number approximately ½ inch from the course below.
of headers and deadmen needed for the wall are This is called battering. Leaning the wall into
determined by the size of the wall, soil conditions, the slope in this way adds strength to the wall.
drainage, topography and anticipated loads or
surcharge, above the wall. If soil is not well drained, 6. As each course is added, drive 3/8-inch
a drainage aggregate such as pea gravel, sand or an galvanized spikes through to the course below.
angular clear stone, should be placed directly behind Spikes should be placed six to twelve inches
the wall to reduce water pressure on the wall. A from each end with one to two additional spikes
four-inch perforated drain tile should be installed in in the center of the timber. Pre-drilling the spike
the aggregate to move water away from the base of holes prevents the timbers from splitting.
the wall. Also install a geo-fabric between the
aggregate and the soil. 7. Soil should be backfilled behind each course and
tamped thoroughly. If the soil is not well
Timber retaining wall construction includes the drained, or the wall is over three feet tall, place
following procedures. drainage aggregate eight to twelve inches wide
against the wall to collect surface water and
1. Measure and lay out the area where the timber reduce water pressure on the wall. Install a four-
wall is to be built. Use stakes and string to inch perforated tile at the bottom of the wall to
create a perfectly straight line, and to determine disperse water as it moves through the aggregate.
the elevation for the base course of timbers. Place fabric between the aggregate and the soil.
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Figure 11. Examples of header placement and configuration. From: SULIS: www.sustland.umn.edu .
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9. Backfill soil after each course of timbers is
secured and tamp thoroughly.
Figure 14. Location and relative lengths of headers and deadmen in a retaining wall using different size timbers.
From: SULIS: www.sustland.umn.edu.
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