This document discusses the use of relative pronouns such as who, whom, which, whose, and that in English grammar. It explains when to use each pronoun as the subject, object, or possessive and provides examples of their use in restrictive and non-restrictive clauses. The document also covers reduced relative clauses and conjunctions like while, when, after, and before.
This document discusses the use of relative pronouns such as who, whom, which, whose, and that in English grammar. It explains when to use each pronoun as the subject, object, or possessive and provides examples of their use in restrictive and non-restrictive clauses. The document also covers reduced relative clauses and conjunctions like while, when, after, and before.
This document discusses the use of relative pronouns such as who, whom, which, whose, and that in English grammar. It explains when to use each pronoun as the subject, object, or possessive and provides examples of their use in restrictive and non-restrictive clauses. The document also covers reduced relative clauses and conjunctions like while, when, after, and before.
This document discusses the use of relative pronouns such as who, whom, which, whose, and that in English grammar. It explains when to use each pronoun as the subject, object, or possessive and provides examples of their use in restrictive and non-restrictive clauses. The document also covers reduced relative clauses and conjunctions like while, when, after, and before.
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HEÄ ADJECTIVE CLAUSE - Meänh ñeà tính ngöõ HAY RELATIVE PRONOUNS - Ñaïi töø quan heä CAÙCH DUØNG CAÙC RELATIVE PRONOUNS SUBJECT OBJECT POSSESSION (Chuû töø) (Tuùc töø) (Sôû höõu) FOR PERSONS WHO WHOM WHOSE (Ngöôøi) THINGS, WHICH WHICH WHOSE ANIMALS (OF WHICH) (Vaät, con vaät) 1. WHO: The man WHOSE daughter is a good student is my teacher. Thay theá cho danh töø hoaëc cuïm danh töø chæ ngöôøi vaø laøm chuû töø trong caâu phía (Ngöôøi ñaøn oâng maø con gaùi cuûa oâng aáy laø 1 hoïc sinh toát laø thaày cuûa sau: toâi) Ví duï 1: (Ñaây laø ngöôøi ñaøn oâng . Ngöôøi ñaøn oâng laø thaày cuûa toâi) Ví duï 2: This is a man. The man is my teacher. The man is a teacher . I like his daughter very much. This is the man WHO is my teacher. The man WHOSE daughter I like very much is a teacher. Ví duï 2: (Ngöôøi ñaøn oâng maø ñeán ñaây hoâm qua laø thaày cuûa toâi.) Ví duï 3: The man WHO came here yesterday is my teacher. The table will be repaired. The legs of the table are broken. 2. WHOM: The table the legs of which are broken will be repaired. Thay theá cho danh töø hoaëc cuïm töø chæ cgöôøi vaø laøm tuùc töø trong caâu phía sau: 5. THAT Ví duï 1: (Ñaây laø ngöôøi ñaøn oâng . Baïn gaëp oâng aáy hoâm qua) A. Nhìn chung ta coù theå duøng THAT ñeå thay theá cho WHO, WHOM, WHICH This is a man. You met him yesterday. B. Khoâng ñöôïc duøng THAT trong caùc tröôøng hôïp sau: This is the man WHOM you met yesterday. 1. Sau 1 giôùi töø: Ví duï 2: Ex: The dog is very big and angry . I gave a bone to it. The man is my father. You saw the man yesterday. The dog to which I gave a bone is a very big and angry. The man WHOM you saw yesterday is my father. Chuù yù: 3. WHICH: Neáu muoán duøng "THAT" thì ta ñem giôùi töø ra phía sau Thay theá cho danh töø chæ thuù vaät , söï vieäc, vaät vaø laøm chuû töø laãn tuùc töø trong 2. Trong meänh ñeà khoâng giôùi haïn: caâu phía sau. NON-RESTRICTIVE CLAUSE Ví duï 1: C. Baét buoäc duøng THAT: This is a dog. The dog is very big. Sau 1 tieàn töø hoãn hôïp : (ngöôøi vaät laãn loän) This is the dog WHICH is very big. (MIXED ANTECEDENT) Ví duï 2: Ex: The old man and two dogs made much noise . They passed my house yesterday. The dog is very big. The dog stands at the front gate. The old man and two dogs that I passed my house yesterday made much noise. The dog WHICH stands at the front gate is very big. Sau 1 tính töø cöïc caáp (so saùnh baäc nhaát = SUPERLATIVE) Ví duï 3: Trong caâu thöôøng coù THE BEST vaø THE MOST. This is a book . You gave me the book yesterday. Ex: This is the most beautiful dress that I have. This is the book WHICH you gave me yesterday. -Sau caùc töø sau: 4. WHOSE: ALL, EVERY, VERY, ONLY, FIRST, LAST, MUCH, LITTLE, SOME, ANY, NO … Thay theá cho Tính Töø Sôû Höõu. (MY, YOUR, HER, HIS, OUR, THEIR) maø ñöùng tröôùc Ex1: He reads every book that he can borrow. danh töø chæ ngöôøi , vaät, söï vieäc Ex 2 : You are only person that can help me. Whose luoân luoân ñi keøm vôùi 1 Danh Töø Sau "IT + BE + …THAT = chính laø" Chuù yù: WHOSE VAØ OF WHICH: Ex: It is my friend that wrote this sentence. Theo vaên phaïm coå, thì WHOSE chæ söï sôû höõu duøng cho ngöôøi coøn OF WHICH Sau Ñaïi Töø Nghi Vaán (INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS) thay cho thuù vaät, vaät, söï vieäc. WHO vaø WHAT? Ví duï 1: (Ngöôøi ñaøn oâng laø thaày cuûa toâi. Con gaùi cuûa oâng aáy laø 1 hoïc sinh Ex 1: Who is she that you say hello? toát) Ex 2 : What is it that makes you sad? The man is my teacher. His daughter is a good student. RESTRICTIVE CLAUSE = DEFINING CLAUSE The book which I bought yesterday was interesting. (Meänh ñeà giôùi haïn) NON-RESTRICTIVE CLAUSE Moät meänh ñeà tính ngöõ goïi laø giôùi haïn khi naøo noù caàn thieát cho yù nghóa cuûa = NON - DEFINING CLAUSE caû caâu. . Neáu boû noù ñi thì caâu seõ khoâng ñaày ñuû yù nghóa. (Meänh ñeà khoâng giôùi haïn) Chuù yù trong tröôøng hôïp naøy giöõa meänh ñeà chính vaø meänh ñeà tính ngöõ khoâng Meänh ñeà tínhngöõ khoâng giôùi haïn laø meänh ñeà khoâng caàn thieát cho caâu . Neáu coù daáu phaåy (,) boû noù ñi thì meänh ñeà chính vaãn coøn ñuû yù nghóa . Noù chæ theâm vaøo meänh ñeà Ex: The book waas interesting . I bought it yesterday. chính 1 ít chi tieát maø thoâi. Chuù yù: Giöõa meänh ñeà chính vaø meänh ñeà khoâng giôùi haïn coù daáu phaåy (,) Ex 1: Ñan Tröôøng is a famous singer. I admire him very much . Ñan Tröôøng, who I admire him very much, is a famous singer. Ex2: His sister lives in Paris . She speaks French. His sister, who lives in Paris, speaksFrench. Chuù yù: Thöôøng ta duøng daáu phaåy (,) sau: Danh töø rieâng. Tính töø sôû höõu : my, your, his, her, our, their Khoâng duøng THAT trong meänh ñeà khoâng giôùi haïn. Reduced forms ( Hình thöùc ruùt goïn ) 1. Caâu coù caùc ñaïi töø quan heä : - Caâu chuû ñoäng : Boû ñaïi töø quan heä, ñoäng töø chính trong caâu ñöa veà nguyeân maãu vaø theâm – Ing Ex : The man who is standing overthere is my father. The man standing overthere is my father.( nếu dùng STOOD- V3?)-0Đ-SAI - Caâu bò ñoäng : Boû ñaïi töø quan heä, ñoäng töø chính trong caâu ñöa veà V3,ed Ex : The chair which is made in Japan is expensive.( BỊ ĐỘNG : BE+V3---nếu dùng -VING :Od The chair made in Japan is expensive. Nhö vaäy trong caâu chæ coù 01 ñoäng töø chính ñöôïc chia, doäng töø coøn laïi ôû daïng V – ing ( chuû ñoäng hoaëc V3,ed ( Bò ñoäng ) 2.Hai caâu coù cuøng chuû töø : Töông töï nhö treân Ex : He met his old friends. He felt very happy. Meeting his old friends, he felt very happy. 3.Töø chæ thôøi gian : While / when / after / before ….. Ex : When I met him, I told him that story. WHEN………. Meeting him, I told him that story. Laáy ñoäng töø caâu cuõ ñoåi thaønh nguyeân maãu khoâng "to" roài ñaët sau taân ngöõ cuûa caâu môùi.