Envelopes - Computational Theory and Applications: Contour of The Surface With Respect To The Given
Envelopes - Computational Theory and Applications: Contour of The Surface With Respect To The Given
Envelopes - Computational Theory and Applications: Contour of The Surface With Respect To The Given
Category: survey
1 Introduction
∂f ∂f ∂f f (x1 , . . . , xd , λ1 , . . . , λk ) = 0, (5)
∇f = ( , , ).
∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3 is the solution of the system
velope, viewed as silhouette of a surface in R3 . It also shows cusps at the curve of regression. They
is well known in classical constructive geometry are additionally satisfying
[6] that the silhouette of a surface possesses a cusp
if the projection ray is an osculating tangent at the ∂3 f
(x1 , x2 , x3 , v) = 0.
corresponding point of the contour. Therefore, the ∂v3
condition for cusps follows by expressing that the The transition to higher dimensions is straightfor-
x3 -parallel projection ray has contact of order two ward: A one-parameter family of hypersurfaces in
with the surface. Rd , written as
Let us work out this condition in case that the
curve family (surface in R3 ) is given in implicit f (x1 , . . . , xd , v) = 0,
form f (x1 , x2 , v) = 0. We pick a point (x10 , x20 , v0 )
on the surface and express that the projection ray has an envelope hypersurface which also satisfies
(x10 , x20 , v0 + t), t ∈ R, has contact of order two ∂f
at this point. We use the Taylor expansion at (x1 , . . . , xd , v) = 0.
(x10 , x20 , v0 ),
On this envelope, we have a (d − 2)-dimensional
f (x1 , x2 , v) = (7) surface of singular points characterized by
∂f ∂ f ∂ f
(x1 − x10 ) + (x2 − x20 ) + (v − v0 ) + ∂2 f
∂x1 ∂x2 ∂v (x1 , . . . , xd , v) = 0.
1 ∂2 f ∂ 2f
0 2 0 2
(x1 − x1 ) + . . . + 2 (v − v ) + (∗).
2 ∂x12 ∂v The singularities of this surface possess vanishing
third derivative of f , and so on. Clearly, the enve-
Here, all partial derivatives are evaluated at lope and the singular sets need not be real.
(x10 , x20 , v0 ) and (*) denotes terms of order ≥ 3. In- For a reliable approximation of envelope
serting v0 + t for v, we must get a threefold zero at curves/surfaces, the computation of singularities
t = 0 in order to have second order contact. Using is an important subtask. More generally, we can
the fact that (x10 , x20 , v0 ) is a point on the contour, use results of constructive differential geometry to
this requires in addition compute curvatures. These results concern curva-
ture constructions for silhouettes [6]. An example
∂2 f 0 0 0 of an application of such a formula to envelope
(x , x , v ) = 0. (8)
∂v2 1 2 curves has recently been given by Pottmann et al
[50]. We will briefly address it in section 7.
Analogously, we can investigate singular points There is still a lot of room for future research
on the envelope surface of a one-parameter family in this area. Reliable approximation of envelopes
of surfaces in R3 . These points, if they exist at all, is one of our current research topics. It involves
form in general a curve, which is called an edge a segmentation according to special points of the
of regression. Planar intersections of the envelope envelope, curvature computations and approxima-
surface possess (in general) a cusp at points of the tion schemes based on derivative information up to
edge of regression. Points of the edge of regression second order at discrete points.
solve the system
time t shall be c(u,t). Any point c(u0 ) of the curve Thus, we search on the curves a(t) and c(u) for
generates a path c(u0 ,t) in the fixed plane Σ0 . By points a(t0 ), c(u0 ) with parallel tangents and per-
equation (1) we get an envelope point, if the tan- form the addition a(t0 )+c(u0 ). Since the curvature
gent vector ∂c/∂t to the path (velocity vector) is computation depends just on derivatives up to sec-
tangent to the curve position (linearly dependent to ond order, we can replace the curve a by its osculat-
∂c/∂u (see Fig. 2). The construction is simplified ing circle at a(t0 ), and analogously we compute the
by looking at the velocity distribution at a time in- osculating circle of c at c(u0 ). If we translate two
stant t. We either have the same velocity vector circles along each other, the envelope is formed of
at all points (instantaneous translation) or we have two circles. Taking orientations into account and
an instantaneous rotation, where the velocity vec- respecting signs of the curvature radii ρ0a and ρ0c
tor of a point x is normal to the connection with the (defined as the sign of the curvature), we see that
instantaneous rotation center p (pole) and its length the envelope has curvature radius
is proportional to kp − xk (Fig. 2). With two veloc-
ρ = ρ0a + ρ0c . (10)
ity vectors the pole can be constructed and then the
envelope points are the footpoints of the normals This is illustrated in Fig.3. Recall that the envelope
from the pole to the curve position. For derivations is the silhouette of a surface, which is in the present
and further studies of this approach we refer to the special case a translational surface. In case that the
literature [5, 24]. There, one also finds a variety of two given curves are the boundaries of convex do-
applications, in particular the construction of gears. mains A and C, the outer part of the envelope is
convex. It is the boundary of the Minkowski sum
A + B of the two domains A, B. The Minkowski
sum is defined as locus of all points x + y with
Σ dx x ∈ A and y ∈ B. For the computational treatment
x of Minkowski sums, we refer to Kaul and Farouki
c(u) [27]. In the non convex case, the extraction of those
parts of the envelope, which lie on the boundary
∂c/∂u = ∂c/∂t
of the sum A + B, is a subtle task (see Lee et al.
[30]). Farouki et al. [12] transformed another en-
velope problem occurring at so-called Minkowski
products to the present one.
Figure 2: Envelope construction for a motion in the a(t)
Example: Let us consider the special case of a
translatory motion in the plane. It is completely
defined by prescribing the trajectory of one point,
say the path a(t) of the origin of the moving sys- Figure 3: Envelope construction for a translatory
tem. A curve c(u) in the moving system then has motion in the plane
at time t the position
For an instant of a one-parameter motion in 3-
c(u,t) = a(t) + c(u). space, the velocity distribution is also quite simple
[5, 24]. The velocity vector v(x) of a point x can be
At any instant t, we have an instantaneous transla-
expressed with two vectors c, c̄ in the form
tion parallel to the derivative vector da/dt. Enve-
lope points are characterized by parallelity of the v(x) = c̄ + c × x. (11)
d d This is in general the velocity field of a helical
a(t), c(u). motion, whose axis is parallel to the vector c. In
dt du
special cases we have an instantaneous rotation or
translation. In order to construct the envelope sur-
face of a surface in the moving system, one has
to find on the positions Φ(t) of the moving sur-
face those points, where the velocity vector touches Σ
The computation of the envelope of a moving c
surface occurs for example in NC machining simu-
lation and verification [35]. The cutting tool gener-
ates under its fast spinning motion around its axis
a rotational surface (surface of revolution), which
is the ’cutter’ from the geometric viewpoint. Un-
der the milling operation, the cutter removes ma-
terial from the workpiece. The thereby generated Φ(t)
surfaces are (parts of the) envelopes of the moving
surface of revolution (see Fig. 4).
All these families have the same envelope surface.
Figure 6: Tangent surface of a curve on an ellipsoid
It is obtained via equation (4),
∂f ∂f ∂f
det( , , ) = 0. (13) characteristic curve c(t) along which the surface
∂u ∂v ∂t
Φ(t) touches the envelope. By Bezout’s theorem,
Inserting representation (12) and using the linear- the characteristic curve is in general an algebraic
ity of a determinant in each of its variables, we curve of order 2m.
see: The preimage of the envelope in the (u, v,t)- In the following sections we will discuss a vari-
parameter space is an algebraic surface Ω of or- ety of interesting examples for envelopes computed
der 3(l + m + n − 1). Of course, the algebraic order from Bézier type representations.
may reduce in special cases. It might be convenient
to write the surface Ω as zero set of a TP Bézier
polynomial of degrees (3l, 3m, 3n) and then apply 5 Envelopes of planes
a subdivision based approach of finding the solu-
tion [10, 25]. The simplest case of a one-parameter family of al-
It has to be pointed out that part of the envelope gebraic surfaces is that of a family of planes U(t),
can appear at the boundary of the corresponding written in the form
TP Bézier solid (parameterized over [0, 1]3 ), see
[25]. U(t) : u0 (t) + u1 (t)x + u2 (t)y + u3 (t)z = 0. (16)
There are other trivariate Bézier representations
Its envelope is found by intersecting planes U(t)
as well [21]. For our purposes, a one-parameter
with the first derivative planes
family of surfaces in triangular Bézier form is in-
teresting, U̇(t) : u̇0 (t) + u̇1 (t)x + u̇2 (t)y + u̇3 (t)z = 0. (17)
f (u, v, w,t) = ∑ Bm n
i jk (u, v, w)Bl (t)bi jkl . (14)
For each t, this yields a straight line r(t). Hence,
i, j,k,l
the envelope surface Φ is a ruled surface which
Here, u, v, w, (u + v + w = 1) are barycentric coor- is tangent along each ruling r(t) to a single plane
dinates for the triangular surface representations, (namely U(t)). It is well-known in differential ge-
and t is the set parameter. Again, we do not ometry [9] that this characterizes the surface as de-
just have a one-parameter family of surfaces (set velopable surface. It can be mapped isometrically
parameter t), but also a two-parameter family of into the Euclidean plane. Because of this property,
curves (curve parameter t), which have the same developable surfaces possess a variety of applica-
envelope. The envelope computation is performed tions, for example in sheet metal based industries.
as above. Restricting the evaluation to (u, v, w) in Continuing the general concepts from section 2,
the domain triangle (u, v, w ≥ 0) and to t ∈ [0, 1], we compute the curve of regression. With the sec-
equation (14) parameterizes a ‘deformed pentahe- ond derivative plane
dron’, which is called a pentahedral Bézier solid of
degree (m, n) [21]. Part of the envelope can appear Ü(t) : ü0 (t) + ü1 (t)x + ü2 (t)y + ü3 (t)z = 0, (18)
at the boundary of this solid.
its points are the intersection points c(t) = U(t) ∩
In case we are working with implicit represen-
U̇(t) ∩ Ü(t). In special cases c(t) can be fixed (Φ
tations, a Bézier form may be present in the co-
is a general cone) or the system does not have a so-
efficients of the surface equations. For example,
lution (c(t) is a fixed ideal point and Φ is a general
we can discuss a one-parameter family of algebraic
cylinder surface). In the general case, the tangents
surfaces Φ(t) of order m,
of c(t) are the rulings r(t) and thus Φ is the tan-
f (x, y, z,t) = ∑ ai jk xi y j zk = 0, i + j + k ≤ m, gent surface of the regression curve c(t) (cf. the
i, j,k example in Fig. 6).
ai jk = ∑ Bnl (t)bi jkl . (15) 5.1 Dual representation of curves
and surfaces
We then have to form the partial derivative with
respect to t, which is in general again an algebraic The coefficients (u0 , . . . , u3 ) in the plane equation
surface Φ̇(t) of order m, and intersect with the orig- (16) are the so-called homogeneous plane coordi-
inal surface Φ(t). This results (for each t) in the nates of the plane U(t). Here and in the sequel,
we will also denote the vector (u0 , . . . , u3 ) ∈ R4 by
Figure 7: Dual Bézier curve
Within projective geometry, we can view planes
as points of dual projective space. Thus, in dual curve segment we are interested in, is the envelope
space a one-parameter family of planes is seen as a of the lines U(t), t ∈ [0, 1].
curve and we can apply curve algorithms to com- As an example for dualization, let us first discuss
pute with them. This point of view has been very the dual control structure (see Fig.7). It consists of
fruitful for computing with developable surfaces in the Bézier lines Ui , i = 0, . . . , m, and the frame lines
NURBS form [3, 4, 22, 48, 52]. Fi , whose line coordinate vectors are
A planar curve, represented as envelope of its
tangents, is said to be given in dual representa- Fi = Ui +Ui+1 , i = 0, . . . , m − 1. (21)
tion (curve in the dual projective plane). Analo-
gously, a surface in 3-space, viewed as envelope of From (21) we see that the frame line Fi is concur-
its tangent planes, is said to be in dual representa- rent with the Bézier lines Ui and Ui+1 . This is dual
tion. If the set of tangent planes is one-dimensional to the collinearity of a frame point with the adja-
(curve in dual projective space), the surface is a cent two Bézier points. We use frame lines – dual
developable surface. Otherwise, we have a two- to the frame points – instead of weights, since the
dimensional set of tangent planes and thus also a latter are not projectively invariant. A projective
surface in dual space. formulation is important for application of projec-
Dual representations in the context of NURBS tive duality.
curves and surfaces, have been first used by The complete geometric input of a dual Bézier
J. Hoschek [20]. To illustrate some essential ideas, curve consists of the m + 1 Bézier lines and m
we briefly discuss the dual representation of planar frame lines. Given these lines, each of it has a one-
rational Bézier curves. dimensional subspace of homogeneous coordinate
A rational Bézier curve possesses a polyno- vectors with respect to a given coordinate system.
mial parameterization in homogeneous coordinates It is possible to choose the Bézier line coordinate
C(t) = (c0 (t), c1 (t), c2 (t)), which is expressed in vectors Ui such that (21) holds. This choice is
terms of the Bernstein polynomials, unique up to an unimportant common factor of the
vectors U0 , . . . ,Um . Now (20) uniquely defines the
C(t) = ∑ Bni (t)Pi . (19) corresponding curve segment.
i=0 For a Bézier curve, the control point P0 is an end
point of the curve segment and the line P0 ∨ P1 is
The coefficients Pi are the homogeneous coordi- the tangent there. Dual to this property, the end
nate vectors of the control points. The tangents tangents of a dual Bézier curve are U0 and Um ,
U(t) of the curve connect the curve points C(t) and the end points are the intersections U0 ∩U1 and
with the derivate points Ċ(t). This shows that Um−1 ∩Um , respectively.
the set of tangents U(t) also possesses a polyno- To evaluate the polynomial (20), one can use the
mial parameterization in line coordinates, i.e., a well-known recursive de Casteljau algorithm. It
dual polynomial parameterization. It can be ex- starts with the control lines Ui = Ui0 and constructs
pressed in the Bernstein basis, which leads to the recursively lines Uik (t) via
dual Bézier representation,
Uik (t) = (1 − t)Uik−1 (t) + tUi+1
(t). (22)
U(t) = ∑ Bm
i (t)Ui . (20)
i=0 At the end of the resulting triangular array, we get
the line U(t). However, usually one would like to
We may interpret this set of lines as a curve in get the curve point C(t). It is also delivered by the
the dual projective plane. Thus, by duality we ob- de Casteljau algorithm, if we note one of its prop-
tain properties of dual Bézier curves, i.e. rational erties in case of the standard representation: in step
curves in the dual Bézier representation. m − 1, we get two points C0m−1 (t),C1m−1 (t), which
When speaking of a Bézier curve we usually lie on the tangent at C(t). Dual to that, the lines
mean a curve segment. In the form we have writ- U0m−1 (t) and U1m−1 (t) intersect in the curve point
ten the Bernstein polynomials, the curve segment C(t). Hence, we have
is parameterized over the interval [0,1]. For any
t ∈ [0, 1], equation (20) yields a line U(t). The C(t) = U0m−1 (t) ×U1m−1 (t).
Note that the curve point computation based on the
dual form has the same efficiency as the computa-
tion based on the standard form.
The above procedure leads via
U2 U3
U0m−1 (t) = ∑ Bim−1 (t)Ui ,
m−1 U0 U1
U1m−1 (t) = Bm−1
j (t)U j+1 ,
rational Bézier curve C(t). The control lines and B2
frame lines of C(t) are the intersections of the con- A2
trol planes and frame planes of U(t) with P.
Figure 9: Control net of the surface patch in Fig. 8 B(t)
This property is very useful for converting the B1
dual representation into a standard tensor product C(t)
form (see Fig. 9 and [48]). For other algorithms
in connection with developable NURBS surfaces B0
(interpolation, approximation (see Fig. 10), con-
trolling the curve of regression, etc.) we refer the A0 C0
reader to the literature [3, 4, 22, 48, 52].
particular we focus on rational families. The enve- their radius function r(t) will not be a square root
lope of a one-parameter family of spheres is called of a rational function.
canal surface. If the family consists of congru-
Corollary 6.1 The envelope Φ of a rational fam-
ent spheres (constant radius), the envelope is called
ily of spheres is rationally parametrizable. If the
pipe surface.
family has rational radius function then all offset
surfaces Φd of Φ are rational, too.
6.1 One-parameter families of
spheres Φ S Ṡ
First we start discussing one parameter families of D
spheres. Let S(t) and Ṡ(t) denote the spheres and D c M Ṁ v
its derivatives,
S(t) : ∑ (xi − mi (t))2 − r(t)2 = 0, (30)
3 Figure 12: Geometric properties of a canal surface
Ṡ(t) : ∑ (xi − mi (t))ṁi (t) − r(t)ṙ(t) = 0,
i=1 Figure 12 shows also that the envelope Φ is tangent
where M(t) = (m1 , m2 , m3 )(t) and r(t) denote cen- to a cone of revolution D(t) at the characteristic
ters and radii of S(t). The envelope Φ is tan- circle c(t). Thus, Φ is also part of the envelope of
gent to S(t) in points of the characteristic curves the one-parameter family of cones D(t).
c(t) = S(t) ∩ Ṡ(t). Since Ṡ are planes, c(t) consists
of circles. Φ consists of real points if and only if
kṀ(t)k2 − ṙ(t)2 ≥ 0 M Φ
holds. The envelope possesses singular points if
S̈(t) ∩ c(t) consists of real points. S̈(t) is again a
plane, such that each circle c(t) can possess at most
two singular points.
If M(t) is a rational center curve and r(t) is ratio-
nal, S(t) shall be called rational family of spheres
with rational radius function. It is proved in [38] Figure 13: Rational canal surface
that the envelope Φ possesses rational parametriza-
tions. Thus it is representable as a NURBS surface.
Additionally, all offset surfaces Φd at distance d 6.2 One-parameter families of
are rational, since they are also canal surfaces with cylinders and cones of revolu-
rational center curve and rational radius function.
Let Q(t) be a one-parameter family of spheres
represented in the form (15). Equivalently, we have Next we will study envelopes of a one-parameter
family of cylinders or cones of revolution. In the
Q(t) : a(x12 + x22 + x32 ) + bx1 + cx2 + dx3 + e = 0, following it is not necessary to distinguish between
(31) cones and cylinders and we speak simply of cones
where the coefficients a, . . . , e are rational func- of revolution. Let D(t) be such a family. Its deriva-
tions or polynomials in t. Q(t) shall be called ra- tive Ḋ(t) defines in general a family of regular
tional family of spheres. One can verify that the quadrics. It can be proved that each surface Ḋ(t)
centers M(t) of spheres Q(t) form a rational curve contains the vertex v(t) of D(t). The characteris-
but its radius r(t) is just the square root of a ra- tic curves c(t) = D(t) ∩ Ḋ(t) are in general rational
tional function. But also in this case it is proved curves of order four with v(t) as singular point. Let
([38]) that the envelope Φ of the family Q(t) pos- D(t) be given by an implicit quadratic equation in
sesses rational parametrizations. This implies that the coordinates xi ,
the general cyclides (see [37]), which are algebraic
3 3
surfaces of order four, are rational. By the way,
the offset surfaces are in general not rational since
D(t) : ∑ ai j (t)xi x j + ∑ bi (t)xi + c(t) = 0. (32)
i, j=1 i=1
The coefficients ai j , bi , c are functions of the pa- Theorem 6.1 The envelope Φ of a rational one-
rameter t. Additionally we always can assume that parameter family of natural quadrics D(t) pos-
A = (ai j ) is a symmetric 3×3-matrix. D(t) is a sesses rational parametrizations. If additionally,
cone of revolution if the matrix ai j possesses a D(t) has rational radius function then all off-
twofold eigenvalue and the extended matrix sets Φd of Φ at distance d are also rationally
c b1 b2 b3
b1 a11 a12 a13
A one-parameter family of cones of revolution
b2 a12 a22 a23 D(t) enveloping a canal surface is a special case,
b3 a13 a23 a33 since the characteristic curve c(t) of order four de-
composes into a circle and a not necessarily real
has rank 3. D(t) defines cylinders of revolution if pair of lines.
additionally A has rank 2. D(t) is called a ratio- Since the property of possessing rational
nal family, if the coefficients in (32) are rational parametrizations is invariant under projective
functions of t. In particular, its vertices v(t) form a transformations, first part of theorem 6.1 holds for
rational curve. one-parameter families of general quadratic cones
In view of rational parametrizations of offset (we drop the double eigenvalue condition). The
surfaces, special rational families of cones of rev- property of having rational offsets is not preserved
olution are of interest. Let v(t) be a rational curve by projective transformations but by similarities
and S(t) be a rational family of spheres with ra- and more generally by sphere-preserving geomet-
tional radius function, as discussed in section 6.1. ric transformations, see [38].
The unique family of cones of revolution D(t) join- In section 5 we introduced the dual representa-
ing v(t) and S(t) shall be called rational family tion of curves in the plane and surfaces in space.
with rational radius function. By the way, there Since a natural quadric D is a developable surface,
is a one-parameter family of spheres (with ratio- it is enveloped by a one parameter family of planes
nal radius function) being inscribed in each cone.
Note that the general rational family (32) has ratio- U(s) : u0 (s) + u1 (s)x1 + u2 (s)x2 + u3 (s)x3 = 0,
nal vertices v(t) but no further spheres S(t) with (33)
rational radii. If a surface Φ is enveloped by a where we can assume that ui (s) are quadratic poly-
nomials. Thus, the problem of constructing ratio-
nal parametrization of a family D(t) is equivalent
m(t) to the problem of finding a representation of the
S(t) U(s,t) : u0 + u1 x1 + u2 x2 + u3 x3 = 0 (34)
∂U ∂U
p(s,t) = U(s,t) ∩ (s,t) ∩ (s,t). (35)
∂s ∂t
Theorem 6.2 The offset surfaces of all regular regression c. The reason is that the characteristic
quadrics in space can be rationally parametrized. curve c(t) of order four decomposes into a circle
and two lines. The circle is located in the normal
The reason is that any regular quadric can be repre- plane to the curve of regression c. Thus, it gener-
sented as envelope of a rational family of cones of ates the pipe surface. The lines generate the offset
revolution with rational radius function. Details on surface Rd of R which is again a developable sur-
the parametrization and low degree representations face.
of the offsets can be found in [38]. Let D(t) be a rational one-parameter family of
congruent cylinders. Theorem 6.1 says that their
envelope Φ is rational and possesses rationally
parametrizable offsets. More precisely, if the axes
surface R is a rational non-developable ruled sur-
face then Φ and its offsets are rational. If R is a ra-
tional developable surface, its offsets Rd need not
to be rational, but the pipe surface, centered at the
line of regression c of R, and its offset pipes are ra-
tional. Details on the computation can be found in
the survey [55] and in [26]).
Figure 15: Quadric of revolution and outer offset Corollary 6.2 The envelope Φ of a one-parameter
surface family of congruent cylinders of revolution is an
offset surface of the axes surface R. If R is ra-
tional and non-developable then Φ admits rational
6.4 Envelope of congruent cylin- parametrizations.
ders of revolution
A special example of a surface enveloped by a one-
parameter family of natural quadrics is the enve-
lope of a moving cylinder of revolution. These sur- Φ
faces appear in applications as results of a (five- D(t)
axis) milling procedure with a cylindrical cutter.
The axes of the one-parameter family of cylinders
(cutting tool) generate a ruled surface R, the axes
surface. In general, R is a non-developable ruled
surface which says that the tangent planes at points
of a fixed generating line of R vary. In particu- R
lar, the relation between contact points and tan-
gent planes of a fixed generator is linearly. A de-
velopable ruled surface possesses a fixed tangent
plane along a generating line. Figure 16: Envelope of a one-parameter family of
A cylinder of revolution D can be considered as congruent cylinders of revolution
envelope of a one-parameter family of congruent
spheres, centered at the axis of D. Then it is ob-
vious that the envelope Φ of a moving cylinder of 6.5 Two-parameter families of
revolution D(t) is an offset surface of R. The dis- spheres
tance between R and Φ = Rd equals the radius of
the cylinders D(t). In general, the characteristic One-parameter families of spheres can envelop a
curve where D(t) and Φ are in contact, are rational canal surface, but also two-parameter families of
curves of order four, as mentioned in section 6.2. spheres may have an envelope. Let S(u, v) be such
If the axis surface R is developable such that the a family and let Su (u, v) and Sv (u, v) be its partial
axes are tangent lines of the curve of regression c of derivatives with respect to u, v. Thus, we have
R, the envelope Φ of the family D(t) decomposes
into the offset surface Rd of R and into the pipe sur-
face, interpreted as offset surface of the curve of
S(u, v) : ∑ (xi − mi (u, v))2 − r(u, v)2 = 0,
Given a point p ∈ R3 , the circle ζ−1 (p) is the
Su (u, v) : ∑ (xi − mi )miu − rru = 0, intersection of the cone of revolution γ(p) with R2 ,
where γ(p) has p as vertex and its inclination angle
Sv (u, v) : ∑ (xi − mi )miv − rrv = 0. (36) with R2 is π/4 = 45◦ . Thus, all tangent planes of
i=1 γ(p) enclose an angle of π/4 with R2 .
Points p of the envelope Φ have to satisfy all equa- Applying ζ−1 to a curve p(t) ∈ R3 , one ob-
tions. Since Su and Sv are planes, p has to lie on tains a one-parameter family of circles ζ−1 (p(t)).
the line of intersection g = Su ∩ Sv . There might be The envelope of the one-parameter family of cones
two, one or no intersection point. If the number of γ(p(t)) is a developable surface Γ(p(t)). Thus, the
intersection points is two or zero, then Φ consists envelope of the family of circles ζ−1 (p(t)) is the
locally of two or no components. The case of g intersection of Γ(p(t)) with R2 .
being tangent to S can hold for isolated points or a Given a two-parametric family of circles c(u, v),
two dimensional set of points; usually it is satisfied it may have an envelope. Its cyclographic image
for a one-parametric family of points. ζ(c(u, v)) is a surface in R3 . If this surface pos-
We want to address a special case. If the ra- sesses tangent planes τ enclosing an angle of π/4
dius function r(u, v) is constant, then the envelope with R2 , then c(u, v) will possess an envelope.
of S(u, v) is the offset surface of the surface M Let us assume that c(u, v) has an envelope. Then
traced out by the centers (m1 , m2 , m3 ) at distance there exists a curve p(t) ⊂ ζ(c(u, v)) whose tan-
r. If mi (u, v) are rational functions, then M is a ra- gent planes τ(p(t)) have slope π/4. These planes
tional surface. In general, its offset surfaces will τ(p(t)) envelope a developable surface Γ(c). Thus,
not be rational. Of course, there are several sur- we finally obtain the envelope of c(u, v) by inter-
faces possessing rational offsets; see section 6.2. secting Γ(c) with R2 .
Since a cone or cylinder of revolution can be en- We will discuss some examples. At first, let
veloped by a one-parameter family of spheres, one- p(u, v) ∈ R3 be the parametrization of a plane g,
parametric families of cones are special cases of enclosing an angle of π/4 with R2 . The envelope
two-parametric families of spheres. A sphere ge- of the family of circles ζ−1 (p(u, v)) is simply the
ometric approach to rational offsets and envelopes intersection g ∩ R2 .
of special two-parameter families of spheres can be At second, let p(u, v) ∈ R3 be a sphere. The set
found in [38] and [41]. of points q(t) possessing tangent planes with slope
π/4 are two circles. These tangent planes envelope
two cones of revolution, being tangent to the sphere
6.6 Two-parameter families of cir-
in points of these circles. Finally, the envelope of
cles in the plane ζ−1 (p(u, v)) consists of two circles if p(u, v) is not
A one-parameter family of circles in the plane can centered in R2 . Otherwise it is one circle.
possess an envelope. In particular, congruent cir-
cles will envelope the offset curve of its centers. 6.7 Families of spheres in space
But also a two-parametric family of circles c(u, v)
can have an envelope. Let its centers and radii be Analogously to two-parametric families of cir-
m(u, v) = (m1 , m2 )(u, v) and r(u, v), respectively. cles in the plane are three-parametric families of
To enlighten this geometrically, we will use a spheres in space. Since a sphere is determined by
mapping ζ which associates a point ζ(c) ∈ R3 to its center M = (m1 , m2 , m3 ) and its radius r, we will
each circle in the following way, define a cyclographic mapping ζ,
c 7→ ζ(c) = (m1 , m2 , r) ∈ R3 . (37) S 7→ ζ(S) = (m1 , m2 , m3 , r) ∈ R4 , (38)
We will assume r(u, v) being a signed radius.
The transformation ζ is called cyclographic map- which maps the spheres in R3 onto points of R4 .
ping. The inverse mapping ζ−1 maps points p = We will again assume that r is a signed radius. A
(p1 , p2 , p3 ) ∈ R3 to circles in R2 , three-parametric family of spheres in R3 is mapped
to a hypersurface in R4 . If we apply an analogous
ζ−1 (p) : (x1 − p1 )2 + (x2 − p2 )2 = p23 .
construction as done in section 6.6 we arrive at a
We identify points in R2 with circles with zero geometric interpretation of the computation of the
radii. The cyclographic image ζ(c) of one or two- envelope of a three-parametric family of spheres.
parametric families of circles are curves or surfaces Let their image hypersurface in R4 be denoted by
in R3 . p(u, v, w). If this hypersurface possesses tangent
hyperplanes (3-spaces) enclosing an angle of π/4 ∂M ∂E
Nv = ( ×E +w × E).
with R3 , then there exists an envelope of the family ∂v ∂v
of spheres ζ−1 (p). We will not go into details here. The tangent planes of the surfaces Ru and Rv co-
The cyclographic mapping is also helpful for incide if and only if the normals Nu , Nv (which are
constructing envelopes of two-parameter families assumed to be not zero) are linearly dependent,
of spheres. Details about these constructions with
an emphasis on rational families of spheres and Nu × Nv = (0, 0, 0).
surfaces possessing rational offset surfaces can be
found in [41, 51]. In connection with tolerance Elaborating this one obtains the following
analysis, the cyclographic mapping was fruitfully quadratic equation
applied in [50].
∂E ∂E ∂E ∂M
w2 det( , E, ) + w[det( , E, )+
∂u ∂v ∂u ∂v
6.8 Two-parameter families of ∂M ∂E ∂M ∂M
lines and cylinders det( , E, )] + ( , E, ) = 0. (40)
∂u ∂v ∂u ∂v
We have discussed in section 6.4 that the axes of Depending on the number 2, 1 or 0 of real solu-
a one-parameter family of congruent cylinders of tions, the line L is called hyperbolic, parabolic or
revolution form a ruled surface and the envelope elliptic. If L is hyperbolic or elliptic this property
of the cylinders itself is an offset surface of this holds for lines in the congruence C being close to
ruled axis-surface. In case that we have a two- L. So we might say that the congruence C itself
parameter family of congruent cylinders of revolu- is hyperbolic or elliptic. There might be isolated
tion, the situation is much more involved. First of parabolic lines as well as one or two-dimensional
all we will study two-parameter families of lines domains of parabolic lines of the congruence. In
(axes), since this will partially answer the question the following we will focus at the hyperbolic case.
how to compute the envelope of a two-parameter We want to note that if the congruence C consists
family of cylinders D(u, v). of normals of a smooth surface (different from a
A two-parameter family of straight lines C plane or a sphere), then C is always hyperbolic.
is called line congruence. It shall be defined If (40) has two real solutions w1 , w2 , they cor-
by the following parametrization. Let M = respond to points with coinciding tangent planes.
(m1 , m2 , m3 )(u, v) a smooth surface in 3-space and These points generate the so called focal surfaces
E = (e1 , e2 , e3 )(u, v) a vector field. We may assume
that kEk = 1 for all (u, v) ⊂ U. Then, Fi = M(u, v) + wi E(u, v), i = 1, 2.
M(u, v) + wE(u, v), w ∈ R (39) We return to the previous problem of computing
parametrizes a two-parameter family of lines. The the envelope of a two-parameter family of congru-
points of a fixed line are parametrized by w ∈ ent cylinders of revolution D(u, v). These cylinders
R. Since the direction vectors E(u, v) are nor- have axes A(u, v) which form a line congruence.
malized, E(u, v) parametrizes a domain in the unit If the congruence is hyperbolic, the axes envelop
sphere. We will assume that this domain is two- the focal surfaces F1 , F2 . Thus, the envelope of the
dimensional and does not degenerate to a single cylinders itself contains the offset surfaces G1 , G2
curve or a single point. Mathematically this is of F1 , F2 at distance d, which equals the radii of
guaranteed by linearly independence of the partial the cylinders D(u, v). The offset surfaces admit the
derivatives ∂E/∂u and ∂E/∂v. following representation
Let L = M(u0 , v0 ) + wE(u0 , v0 ) be a fixed line in
the congruence and let Ru : M(u, v0 ) + wE(u, v0 ) be Gi = Fi (u, v) ± dNi0 (u, v)
a ruled u-surface passing through the fixed chosen with Ni0 (u, v) = Nu0 (u, v, wi ) = Nv0 (u, v, wi ) as unit
line L. Analogously, let Rv : M(u0 , v) + wE(u0 , v) normal of the corresponding focal surface Fi . If the
be the ruled v-surface passing through L. We want congruence is parabolic, the envelope contains just
to study the distribution of the tangent planes of Ru one surface G being the offset of the single focal
and Rv along L. It is an elementary computation surface F. In case of an elliptic congruence there
that the surface normals Nu and Nv of the ruled sur- exists no real envelope.
faces Ru , Rv are
∂M ∂E Theorem 6.3 The envelope of a two-parameter
Nu = ( ×E +w × E), family of congruent cylinders of revolution, whose
∂u ∂u
Malus-Dupin is of great interest which states the
A φ2
E p2 N
p1 n1
φ1 s
Φ2 φ2
r2 Φ2
Figure 17: Focal surfaces of the line congruence Φ1 L2 r1
formed by the normals of a surface
which is linear in the parameter w. Evaluating There are several methods to prove this theorem.
P at w = 0 gives the surface M, evaluation at We will give a sphere-geometric proof, since it is
w = 1 gives M + E, which are both (m, n)-tensor closely related to envelopes. Actually, the proof is
product surfaces. Bézier representations of a two- done by a careful study of figure 18. Let L1 be a
parametric family of congruent cylinders can be line which intersects Φ1 perpendicularly in a point
found in [61]. p1 . This line shall be refracted at s ∈ S according
Remark: Since parameter values wi are com- to Snellius law. It says that the sin-values of the
puted as solutions of a quadratic equation, the fo- angles φ1 , φ2 of incoming and refracted rays L1 , L2
cal surfaces are in general not rational. It seems formed with the normal N at s ∈ S are proportional,
to be quite difficult to study rational line congru-
sin φ1 = k sin φ2 , k = const.
ences with rationally parametrizeable focal sur-
faces, whose offset surfaces are also rationally
Let S1 be a sphere, centered at s and tangent to
Φ1 at p1 . Its radius is r1 . The tangent planes
T1 , Ts of Φ1 and S intersect in a line A. The angle
6.9 Geometrical optics φ1 = ∠(L1 , N) equals the angle ∠(T1 , Ts ). We cen-
tre a second sphere at s whose radius is r2 = r1 /k.
Geometrical optics has a close relation to line con-
Further, let T2 be a plane which is tangent to S2 and
gruences and sphere geometry. The geometric
passes through A. The angles φi between Li and
properties of light rays are found by studying ge-
N also occur between the tangent planes Ti and Ts .
ometric properties of two-parametric families of
Thus it follows that
lines (line congruences). In particular, those fam-
ilies are important which intersect a given surface sin φ1 r1
Φ1 orthogonally. In this context, the theorem of = = k.
sin φ2 r2
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Envelopes – Computational Theory and
Category: survey
Format: print
Estimated # of pages: 20
Keywords: envelope, duality, sphere geometry, NURBS surface, developable surface, canal surface,
geometric tolerancing