Boiler & TG, Bar Chart
Boiler & TG, Bar Chart
Boiler & TG, Bar Chart
Batch No: 01
Boiler No: 02
Engineers Names: Mr.Anil I Mathapati (AE), Mr.Avinash M Ambi (A E), Mr.S K Pujari (Foreman) ,
Second class Boiler attendents and Helpers Names: Mr. B A Narayanakar, Mr.G D Nidasoshi, Mr.C S Patil,
Mr.M M Odeyer, Mr.M H Hudhar, Mr.B B Tonashayal
Batch No: 02
Engineers Names: Mr.Anil I Mathapati (AE), Mr.Avinash M Ambi (A E), Mr.K S Jarali, (1 st class Boiler att) ,
Second class Boiler attendents and Helpers Names: Mr.M B Hiremath, Mr.D S Athani, Mr.A K Arali,
Mr.M B Kolkar, Mr.V H Kenchangoud
Sl Work Description Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18
1W 2W 3W 4W 1W 2W 3W 4W 1W 2W 3W 4W
1 Boiler:01-Valve overhauling work is
under progress and will be
2 H.P & l.P dosing pumps overhauling
will be completed.
3 Reservoir related pumps, overhauling
and alignment work will be
4 R O Plant related pumps inspection
and overhauling & assembling work
will be completed.
5 Make-up water pump & transfer
pump of boiler No:01 & 02 work to
be done.
6 IJT Boiler feed pump No:02 & 03
Minor overhauling, Strainer cleaning,
bearing inspection & alignment
work to be done.
7 SSE Boiler feed pump spares of
Boiler feed pump No.01 & 03
assembly work to be done.
Batch No: 03
Second class Boiler attendents and Helpers Names: Mr.R S Ambi, Mr.P S Roogi, Mr.Y S Kori,
Mr.P S Hiremath, Mr.I R Mathapati, Mr.M B Hadapad, Mr.S A Nandagaon
Sl Work Description Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18
1W 2W 3W 4W 1W 2W 3W 4W 1W 2W 3W 4W
1 Boiler No:02 ESP shell plate
fabrication work by contractor.
2 Boiler No:01 ESP cleaning, Checking
& alignment work.
3 Boiler No:01 & 02 APH tube cleaning
and inspection.
4 All ash conveyor maintenance work
such as gear box, carrying & return
idlers overhauling work and trough
repair work.
5 A1, A2, A3 ash conveyer
maintenance work such as gear box,
carrying & return idlers overhauling
work after receipt idler already
6 Wet bagasse by pass conveyor after
receipt of return idlers and belt.
Batch No: 05
Second class Boiler attendents and Helpers Names: Mr.Anand Huddar, Mr.Shri R B Singh, Mr.R S Bardol,
Mr.S G Ganachari, Mr.D N Mathapathi, Mr.M R Mudaigol, Mr.S M Utagi, Mr.M B Shastri
Sl Work Description Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18
1W 2W 3W 4W 1W 2W 3W 4W 1W 2W 3W 4W
1) Overhauling of complete EL-01
a. Carrier Chain
b. Gearbox
c. Drive and Non-Drive end bearing
d. Welding of sprocket teeths, checking
of Runner flat, trough, Hood and
Slats with painting works.
Batch No: 01
Engineers Names: Mr.Anand M Mathapati (AE)
Mr.V K Arakeri ( T G Supervisor)
T G Operator and Helpers Names: Mr.B H Nyamagoud, Mr.Belagali, Mr.D S Mathapati, Mr.Gurav
Sl Work Description Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18
No 1W 2W 3W 4W 1W 2W 3W 4W 1W 2W 3W 4W
1 Overhauling & maintanance of AOP &
EOP pumps & motors of TG-2 & 4, 5.
2 Inspection & Tube cleaning of T G Oil
cooler of TG-2 & 4, 5.
3 Overhauling of plummer blocks,
cleaning of impellar & condencer
tube of GSC TG-2 & 4, 5.
4 Overhauling of water & oil line valves
of TG-4, 5.
5 Overhauling of oil vapour exhaust
fans of TG-2 & 4.
6 TG5 cooling tower pumps, strainers
inspection,cleaning and Fans
checking and its overhauling.
7 Overhauling of Main header valves of
all T.G2,4 &T.G5.sets.
8 Overhauling of Hp,LP drain valves
and extraction concerned valves of
TG2 and TG4.
9 Inspection and tube cleaning of
radiator of TG2 generator.
10 Cleaning of condenser of TG-5
Batch No: 02
Engineers Names: Mr.Anand M Mathapati (AE)
Batch No: 03
Engineers Names: Mr.Anand M Mathapati (AE)
T G Operator and Helpers Names: Mr.M.A.Patil, Mr.S.S.Channapannavar, Mr.Khichidi Basu, Mr.Siddu konur