ARC 409 - Lighting - Class Notes
ARC 409 - Lighting - Class Notes
ARC 409 - Lighting - Class Notes
An environmental factor that affects every human is Light. One of the most important
considerations when designing lighting for spaces is the people that will use and move through
these spaces bearing in mind that individual differences vary here as they do for all other
environmental elements. These inclinations can be set more credence where human activities are
more diverse and less concentrated, as with places of abode. The elderly, for instance, prefer and
oftentimes have need of more light than the younger age bracket.
Inadequate lighting will make the most sophisticatedly designed space become dreary and
uninspiring. The subject of lighting is not often considered as a contributory feature in the
achievement or failure of a room due to limited understanding of its application. The application
of light sources in interiors requires the designer to have adequate understanding of different
forms and arrangement of light and how it affects the surroundings.
The Dictionary of Architecture and Construction (2006) defines lighting as the various
processes, systems, forms, and/or equipment used to provide light and illumination. A rather
technical definition is put forward by Addington & Schodek (2005) as ‘visually evaluated radiant
energy’. Radiant energy, or electromagnetic radiation, is energy movement through space in the
form of oscillating or fluctuating electric and magnetic disturbances. Light is thus the physical
phenomenon most responsible for humans’ perception of the world. Baiche and Walliman (2000)
informs that the visible spectrum is between 380 and 780nm that is between ultraviolet and
infrared radiation (See fig 1).
Electromagnetic radiation as discussed by Addington & Schodek (2005) and Okeke, Okeke &
Akande (2008) can be characterized by its energy (E), wavelength (λ – distance from wave crest
to wave crest, in simple terms the distance covered by the wave after one complete cycle) and
frequency (v – the number of cycles the wave completes in one second) all of which are
interrelated in the following two equations:
…Equation 1
…Equation 2
These are basically two:
1. Natural Lighting
2. Artificial Lighting
Natural Lighting: this is also referred to daylight, and is the visible radiant energy of the sun. It
varies widely in colour and intensity and as such has a psychological effect, basically that of well
- being. Daylight use has distinct physical and psychological benefits. Influx of light to interior
spaces could be through the introduction of high - level windows at any level in a wall, by
opening an entire wall or through skylights. Natural light gives objects warm flattering tones that
have soothing feels.
Architects have long recognised the function of light in their designs; F.L. Wright made daylight
an integral part of his with use of heavy overhangs and cantilevered construction that created
dramatic shadows at low levels while A.H. Aalto did wonders with his use of skylights in many
an institutional building design. Uniform day lighting was also achieved through the use of
multilateral day lighting in which light comes from more than one level.
Habitable rooms and rooms for ancillary services are provided with adequate lighting especially
in residential designs where the spaces could be used at any time. The appearance of a room in
natural light should be considered and where possible, transparent or approved translucent
glazing materials should be applied.
Artificial Lighting: this can be controlled and can stimulate activity, inventiveness or relaxation,
change the scenery of space, direct human movement, make available an apt atmosphere,
produce and silhouette forms, and augment the opulence of texture of interiors. Light and colour
can be used to set a backdrop in interior spaces as their combination could create entirely
attractive effects.
Lighting should be considered from the inception of any plan for the interior of any
building; as generally agreed, addition of lighting at the plan stage helps accomplish the
originality that comes with the effects of the architectural space and the interior design. For the
application of any kind of artificial lighting, a lighting engineer is the authority to be consulted
but as with all other phases of designing interiors, some understanding of systems and methods
on the part of the designer will aid in making the right selection.
Terms used to designate the elements that have been isolated from the total effect of
natural light and utilised in lighting design include ambience, beam, focus, glitter, silhouette, and
r+t+a=1 ….equation 3
3. If light is reflected, it will reflect from a surface at the same angle as it arrived but in the
other direction. This is also known as the law of reflection, where the angle of incidence
of radiation is equal to the angle of reflection:
……equation 4
4. If light is transmitted, it will refract at an angle related to the ratio of the refractive indices
of the two media. This is also known as the law of refraction: When light passes from one
medium to another, its path is deflected. The degree of deflection is dependent upon a
material property known as the index of refraction (n). The value of n is measured with
respect to the passage of light through a vacuum, and, as a result, all transparent
media, from air to diamond, have indices of refraction greater than one. The amount of
deflection is determined from the following relationship:
Some architectural lighting associations responsible for the development of lighting studies in
some countries include International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD), the Professional
Lighting Designers Association in Europe, Schweizerische Licht Gesellschaft (SLG) in
Switzerland, the Association des Concepteurs Lumière et Éclairagistes (ACE) in France,
Hellenic Illumination Committee (HIC) in Greece, the Associazione Professionisti
dell'Illuminazione (APIL) in Italy. In Nigeria, most architectural lighting designs are by
electrical engineers.
Architectural lighting design focuses on three fundamental aspects of the illumination of
buildings or spaces. The first is the aesthetic appeal of a building, an aspect particularly
important in the illumination of retail environments. Secondly, the ergonomic aspect: the
measure of how much of a function the lighting plays. Thirdly is the energy efficiency issue to
assure that light is not wasted by over-illumination, either by illuminating vacant spaces
unnecessarily or by providing more light than needed for the aesthetics or the task, (Steffy, 2002)
There is a natural variation between lighting levels in the interiors. This reduces with the distance
on a horizontal plane as exemplified in the figure 2 below:
Figure 2: Daylight ratio with side lighting, showing the reference plane and the variation in
daylight in the internal area.
Source: Baiche & Walliman (2000).
Light level or illuminance is the total luminous flux incident on a surface, per unit area.
(Engineering toolbox, 2011).
The metric unit of illuminance is lux (in the metric SI system) which is the number of lumens per
square meter (IESNA, op cit). Another unit is the footcandle (ftcd, fc, fcd), which is the number
of lumens per square foot.
Thus; 1 lux = 1 lumen / sq meter = 0.0001 phot = 0.0929 foot candle (ftcd, fcd) ..eqtn
The outdoor light level is approximately 10,000 lux on a clear day (see table 1). In the building,
in the area closest to windows, the light level may be reduced to approximately 1,000 lux. In the
middle area it may be as low as 25 - 50 lux. Additional lighting equipment is often necessary to
compensate the low levels. (engineering, 2011). The recommended office lighting
levels in the 1930s were around 269 lux, the 1960 recommended practice for office lighting
guidelines advised illuminance levels of between 1076 – 1615 lux (Oldfield, Trabucco, & Wood,
2009). Today the light level is more common in the range 500 - 1000 lux - depending on activity.
For precision and detailed works, the light level may even approach 1500 - 2000 lux (See table
Table 1: Common light levels outdoor at day and night.
Condition Illumination
(ftcd) (lux)
Sunlight 10,000 107, 527
Full daylight 1,000 10, 752
Overcast day 100 1,075
Very dark day 10 107
Twilight 1 10.8
Deep twilight .1 1.08
Full moon .01 .108
Quarter moon .001 .0108
Star light .0001 .0011
Overcast light .00001 .0001
Source: (, 2011).