Remi Incubator Repair 2
Remi Incubator Repair 2
Remi Incubator Repair 2
:~s/s, ~,,
G-· 1._~ .,._:, Kolkata - 70001 •
I, o· ... · Office : Bando House, 4th Floor, 29, Ganesh Chandra Avenue,
..~I-. l;l 3 II GROUP Service Center·: .153A, Acharya Praf~lla Chandra Roa~. (Sahitya Pari~had), Kolkata-700006
Office: (033) 2211 6367; Service Helpline No. : +91 84200 05736 (10 am. to 6 pm.)
E"'mi'il: [email protected] Website: •
• ' HQ : K6lkata Mobile No. COMPLAINT. NO. COMPLAINT ~ATE :
Se~ice V-isit Re~ort of Mr. :R Gill $..o,.. Ct " 'Divisfo.n : -sJrvfce
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I~ I DATE: ·:- ::..;;,10/c~l!LtJ • Complaint Regist_ration Form enclosed. :8 9/81 sr;;~ SCI_ fee /N/$i 1lj} 18 ~,!,,b s
( Staring From : Home/Offic:e(Goclown/Customer/H¥ei :. J Left Time :O<]: 4c Arrival time at Customer:/() .'Stl Left. time from Cus~omer '() '-, .' l Q Arriyal time at Home/Office/Ho tel/Customer :
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Any Critical Ol,wrvattoiit~}'i,i;rjJ,,~LJ Yes;;;i[,~~'i;;;LJN~:~-r~ • , -- • .-~;~·;1~~;~1(;~-~~fj:\~ •·~? ~-~·
M (f i.J ti~• JJ IAJ . --~......._ , ..
Customer -Remarks : f 1___ (}J, 1' ~- --~ Designation : ..
Service Ertgtneer"'s Sfgnature : - • --
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