Factory Layout Planner
Factory Layout Planner
Factory Layout Planner
The Manufuture strategic research agenda identifies two fronts of intense and growing competitive pressure for
European manufacturing: in the high-tech sector, we face other developed countries and, on the other hand, in more
traditional sectors, low-wage countries pose a serious threat. One of the response envisioned and strongly promoted
is the development of ground-breaking Information and Communication Technologies meant to support new
approaches to industrial engineering. Clearly drawing inspiration from this vision, the tool presented in this paper, the
Factory Layout Planning, aims to be such kind of technology, enabling the multi-site, multi-level distributed design
of factory layout and performance simulation. This paper gives an overview on the main features, in terms of
concrete software characteristics of this tool, that can be considered one of the cornerstones for the Next Generation
Digital factory, layout planning, distributed, simulation
1 Introduction
Seek To Reform The Environment, Not Man [Full82].
This famous sentence clearly mirrors the objective of our research: we hold out to innovate the
environment in which a factory designer perform his activity, without constraining his creativity
(the man). The availability of innovative technologies, such as distributed applications or multi-
touch technologies, is enhancing the possibility to support collaboration in software applications,
and offers the opportunity to create innovative environments.
The tool, described in this paper, wedge technologies to become a real new environment
supporting the design lifecycle of a factory layout. The Factory Layout Planner (FLP) allows the
multi-user, network-based visual creation and management of a factory layout: the design team
can co-operate on the same layout both acting on a common multi-touch device, or collaborating
from different part of the world.
[Bat07][Boe06] have envisioned and presented the rise of a new generation of planning tools,
such as the FLP, as concrete solutions towards the cost-effective and rapid creation, management
and use of the Next Generation Factory. Moreover, a key element in this revolution, is the
capability to provide an “adherent to reality” representation of manufacturing process, as gain
highlighted in the “Manufuture Strategic Research Agenda” [EC04].
Based on this preliminary considerations, hereinafter the reader can find a complete overview of
the main features of this software solution: functionalities available, interaction modes, standards
adopted and hints on design choices, so to provide a comprehensive picture of the FLP.
• local: FLP moves the 3D simulation on multi touch table devices (also studying the new
locations to work at the same time on the same layout simulation;
gestures related with planning), then many individuals of the same team can actively
cooperate on the same layout using the same device.
Moreover, FLP aims at being an integrated solution providing both DES and 3D simulation as
built-in distributed functionalities.
The user connects to a server using the dialog show in Figure 1 and can choose to create a new
document or edit an existing one. The documents are stored on the central server and the
application maintains an updated local copy. Once the connection to the server is established, the
application also synchronizes its local copy of the catalogue of available equipments (templates)
that are presented in the catalogue browser (left of the working area in Figure 2). This update is
done in background, without blocking the usage of the application while the entire catalogue is
downloaded. On the contrary, if some template is required to open an existing document, the
download of such element is prioritized to ensure that the latest version of the resource is
Beside the catalogue, an inventory of factory elements represented as a hierarchical tree list is
available with a list of all the users currently connected to the same server. The catalogue is
managed with drag & drop support: new objects can be added to the virtual scene simply
dragging the icon from the catalogue to the 3D view. Properties of any element, its position and
orientation, are all available by double clicking on the element itself.
Most of the application window is occupied by the 3D view of the layout. The user can interact
with it using the mouse and the desired interaction mode:
• Camera: in this mode, the mouse is used to explore the layout: pan, zoom and rotate
function are available for natural navigation in the 3D scene.
Edit: this is the main mode used to modify the layout. The objects can be selected,
grouped, moved, rotated and their properties viewed and edited. A snap grid can
optionally be enabled to assist the positioning of the objects.
Connection: when this mode is enabled, the user can connect objects to create logical
relationship useful for the DES simulation. The available ports are shown and the user
can connect then tracing lines from one port to the other.
3.1 Data storage
The catalogue is a collection of different type components (machines, resources, operators…)
used for the layout, described by a set of files. For each component the FLP stores:
Image file (JPEG) used to visualize the component in the catalogue browser
XML file defining objects relationships with frames1 and joints and referring to
• VRML file to define the 3D appearance of the objects (such file format is usually easy
geometrical aspect (3D XML)
Positioning reference: represents a reference system in terms of location and orientation
Once again, data binding between files is done by an unique name: data contained in the
catalogue are referred thanks to the template name, that is unique in the layout XML file. Thus,
for a complete description of the system, both the layout and the catalogue information are
getFactoryElementIds: Returns the list of the identifiers of the factory elements that
populate this model. Either the element at root level only or all the elements.
getFactoryElement: Accesses the stub of the factory object on the server through the
object ID.
addFactoryObject: Adds a new factory object defined by the corresponding template
name to the model in the specified position.
removeFactoryElements: Removes the specified elements from the model.
modifyFactoryObject: Changes some properties for the specified factory object.
moveFactoryElements: Moves the specified factory objects inside the model.
group/ungroup: Group a list of elements together.
onMotionFactoryElements Gives the temporary position of a list of objects on motion.
connectFactoryObjects: Connects two factory objects by defining a from and a to port. It
also check if the ports can be connected (i.e. if the ports are of a compatible type and they
are not already used).
disconnectFactoryObjects: Disconnects two factory objects. If the objects are not
connected, no notification will be sent nor an exception will be arisen.
lockFactoryElement/unlockFactoryElement: Requires or release a lock on the specified
factory object. Needed to perform operations that change the state of an object.
Undo/Redo: Requires a undo/redo of the last operation done by the client. Cannot
undo/redo an action done by others. Can be called more than once. Undo/redo will fail if
there is no more actions that can be undone/redone or if another client changed the model
in a way that an undo/redo would result in an inconsistent state. In a collaborative
environment it is not usual that different clients operate on the same resource. Redo will
application (master) can control the model and the camera and the other clients (slaves)
• moveCommonCamera: Moves the camera common to all clients, when the demo mode is
replicates all the actions performed of the master.
• updateServerCatalog: Notifies the server that there is a change in the catalogue, i.e. you
modify the model that is simulated.
Figure 4 : A running DE
ES simulationn
• Java Web Start [JWS]: this is a mechanism for program delivery through a standard web
can be invoked from other Java virtual machines, possibly on different hosts.
server. Using Java Web Start (JWS) technology we can distribute our client side
application with a hyperlink, with the only requirement of the presence of the Java
Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on the PC. All the other required resources are
downloaded automatically by the JWS framework. Once deployed, the program do not
need to be downloaded again, and it can automatically download updates on start-up
• File Transfer Protocol (FTP) [RFC959]: this is a standard network protocol used to
without requiring the user to go through the whole installation process again.
exchange and manipulate files over a TCP/IP-based network, such as the Internet.
As said before, our architecture is a centralized one: the server is the point where other clients
can connect. The presence of this server is exploited to provide an universal access point even for
user without an FLP client: in fact any user can point their Java enabled internet browser to the
server address and, thanks to Java Web Start technology, the required libraries and resources are
automatically downloaded. This actually happens only at the first connection to the server: from
now on, each time the user connect to the same address, the application is launched immediately
because all the required files are cached on the user PC.
The trustworthiness of the origin of the application is ensured by digital code signing [JPSA].
Moreover, applications launched with Java Web Start are, by default, run in a restricted
environment where they have limited access to local computing resources, such as storage
devices and the local network. In this sandbox environment, Java Web Start can guarantee that a
downloaded and potentially untrusted application cannot compromise the security of the local
files or the network.
Concerning the DES simulation engine, in our prototype system we have chosen to use SimJava
[How98] because the approach adopted to this simulating systems is similar to the one we
adopted for the modelling in the FLP.
7 Usage scenario
In this section we will describe a sample usage scenario of a reconfiguration of a shoe factory
plant: we can assume that two teams, one at the headquarters and one at the plant location, must
cooperate to evaluate the performance of a new layout. They can use their browser to open the
page of FLP from the company intranet and start the application clicking on the appropriate link.
If necessary, the application is downloaded and installed or update to ensure that both team use
the same version. The headquarter team has worked on different layout proposal and saved them
on the FLP server and now they can discuss with the remote team. They enable the Demo mode -
to gain control of the camera - and show to the remote team the changes they want to implement.
When finished they exit the Demo mode and the remote team can propose, for example, a
different number of working station because they know they have more workers that are able to
do a certain task: they can modify it on their PC and the changes appears immediately on the
other PC. Lastly, it is possible to activate the DES mode to evaluate the throughput of the new
layout using the DES simulation.
8 Conclusions
This paper has presented an innovative tool for the factory layout planning. The capability to
support a collaborative editing of the layout (possibly distributed) in a 3D environment, and the
integrated DES possibilities, makes FLP to be an high value adding tool for cost-effective and
rapid creation, management and use of the Next Generation Factory.
This paper highlights how all the efforts in the design and development of this tool went in the
direction of creating a comfortable environment for the layout designer and his team.
The possibility to interact with the FLP from different part of the world, for person belonging to
different department of a company, allow to state that this tool allow multi-site multi-user multi-
level collaborative and distributed management of a factory layout.
This work has been partly funded by the European Commission through NMP Project DOROTHY: Design Of
customeR dRiven shOes and multi-siTe factorY (No. FP7-NMP-2007-SMALL-1). The authors wish to acknowledge
the Commission for their support. We also wish to acknowledge our gratitude and appreciation to all the DOROTHY
project partners for their contribution during the development of various ideas and concepts presented in this paper.
[Full82] Fuller, R.B. (1982): Synergetics: Explorations in the geometry of thinking. EJ Applewhite, Macmillan Pub
Co (Ed.)
[EC04] European Commission, MANUFUTURE – a vision for 2020, November 2004
[Bat07] Bathelt, J., Boër, C.R., Chryssolouris, G., Constantinescu, C., Dépincé, P., Pappas, M., Pedrazzoli, P.,
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[Boe06] Boër, C.R, Jönsson, A., Pedrazzoli, P., Sacco, M., (2006): Virtual Factory Framework: key enabler for
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Springer, 1
[How98] F. Howell, R. Mcnab, “simjava: A Discrete Event Simulation Library For Java”, In International
Conference on Web-Based Modeling and Simulation, 1998, pp 51—56.
[XSD04] XML Schema, W3C Recommendation 28 October 2004, http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema
[RMI] Java Remote Method Invocation, http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/core/basic/rmi/index.jsp
[JWS] Java Web Start Technology, http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/desktop/javawebstart/index.jsp
[JPSA] Java Platform Security Architecture,
[RFC959] J. Postel, J. Reynolds, File Transfer Protocol, Request for Comments number 959, Internet
Engineering Task Force, October 1985, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc959.txt
[DEL] DELMIA Digital Manufacturing & Production, http://www.3ds.com/products/delmia/
[TEC] Siemens Tecnomatix 9, http://www.plm.automation.siemens.com/en_us/products/tecnomatix/
[VIS] Visual Components, http://www.visualcomponents.com/
[ARE] Rockwell Automation Arena, http://www.arenasimulation.com/
[SIM] Simio Simulation, http://www.simio.com/